Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 09, 1851, Image 3

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Tor lite AtnfTlcnti.
ot n kt.xt nii-Miim.
II. B. Masskr, Esq. It i concedc-il that
the candidate tor Assembly, nt llio coming
election, is lo bo taken from tlio Folks. A
dumber of persons liiivo bocn pnken of ns
candidate. Among tliom is COL. WIL
LIAM FOLLMEU, of Lewis township, who
is known to many ns one of llio late County
Commissioners. Col. Fullmer is n prnclical
farmer, of pood sound senso nml tiiinssiimino,
manners, and would, wo think, make nn ex
cellent member. It has been nseiled that
Col. Folltner would favor n division of the
County, becansn ho is u resilient of tlio up
per end. Col. Fullmer is in favor of leltina
lh Comity remain as it is, and is opposm! lo
any division. TOINT.
Knr thu American.
Mr. Editor : A? it is or-nc::illy conceded
that one of the Associate Judges, should re
sido in the County town, permit us lo name
UEOWJK WEISF.K, Ks., or Suiibury, as a
person in every way qualified to discharge
the duties of that post. Mr. Weiser has al
ways been a consistent nnd unwavering
dsmoerat, speaks both tho F.nirlis'i and (Jer
nisn languages llnentlv, and if nominated
and elected, would givo entire satisfaction in
the discharge of his duties to all parties
I-'-T hc Ainrii"in.
Si-Nin nv. An:;. 4th, 151.
II. 15. Mskii, My n.'tinf, I obwuvp,
. ... I f tt 1
lias biH'tl TiltMilKHicil III Pi'Vcrnl nl IMi- pliPCIP t
is 11 candidate lur th" ndU-e (if Asncinle
Jwde in this ('.unity. For thi." I am indebt
ed to the i!t.5i)Iirile I Kindness nf (lotne of mv
friends, tn hum I return my cincere liiaiits.
I must, hmvever, fur the present respectfully
docline beinir a cainlidate for this cillice. At
nfiin future peiind I may call iipmi them for
tha snport iinw so freely nll'ered.
ansdi 1 11: .u nci:. I Mt; i:DO HI. I'.i:, of Milte.11, n-
r ,, 1 r 11 '.- f l
peetfully anniiiiiice In Ins fellnw citizens ..I j
Nortliimililiiiii! eiiiinty, lie will lie n I
J , ,
otindiilate fur the otlire ol Asot'iate;
. ... u I . . .1 1 . I
t the eiisuin el.'iMn.ii. nlij.Tl Iii the tie- J
i.iuu uf the Jeleyates at lheCunnt) Ciiiiveu
Milton, Am,'. e, 151.
Ki r Cotton A ratent has been taken
" 1
'ilit Ht Washington lor the j. reparation of:
. f , '
I hiii mnl e rial in tins country, liom I lax, soiiir i
w ...I l,,,.r mweliased lliu iiivuiition !
fi 1 1 t
Iroin Chevalier C'laiissen.
J'F.I'MN, the True Uiamtirc Ftnul. nr (liiftrie
Juice ' A "real Hvspep-ua I urer. pri'pareit i
I! ,,.7 or the' foul lh Stomach ofliieO.V; 1
iritlll III lliu I. M 111.
fter directions of liaiou l.n'luil, the meat .
I'hvsiiilo.'ii'al Chetnisl. bv J. S ll'iltullinn, 1
M. I).. N.. II Noith F.ijli'h Street; rhllail. I
jihia. I'a. This is a truly wonderful remedy
lor liidiL'i'sli'Hi. Ihspop-d.i. .lantidiee, Liver
Complaint, (i:islipali:i!i,uii'l P l-iliiy, curing
fter Nature's own nu t Imd. I'V Nature's own
ent, the Casino .luiee. Sou advc'ili-semenl
in anolhi'r I'utinuii;
7.2 a it u i s: t.
Ill this place, nil Sunday las!, by J- IL
T.iiiimeiinan Fsip, I'r. Josi-.imi Haiuoson, lo
Mm-i Sak aii Cr.isoN.
- ;.",CTH'i:J-fc.'-
ii i i: tf .
Iii this Hoioiiyh, on S.iliiid.iy last; KLIZA
W. ililaul ilaiiylucr of Juiiu K. and Angelina
HELL, of Cpper An-usta, a-ud lilly-ei.x
jears and fix days.
Cpper Augusta tp, on the 2nd inM ,
mi. MAN (J . inlaiit sou of IVItorah and Sl-
t Wuolverlon, iied HI moot lis and Wdays. I
1M lri"k- lliuM- litlh- Ii h K.U ho,
Ami U lh'iU tv. n
I'r.Mii-'.i'Hi ih.-y nli ill tai l in nif,
In iia- h-' i I ! t.
Sniil'inv, A ut: '
Ainonii! ef red I'iniiuhl to uiilitir r, over
Hie D.iuvili" an I I'ollsvillo llailluad, Iruin
llio Mi.iiiiokiu Mines :
For I he last week;
IVr lasl icjmil,
ILLla;!tlpliia 14'arket.
Au-iit, ft is.r)i.
Fl.oi n Mi:m.. The mailict for Flour
it liioie aclne. Slaii.l.ud biamlx, old stock,
lire hel l at Js-LlH pcrbaircl, for export.
Sal.- for i-l! v imo ul C'1.25. F.Mra Hour is
beld at 1 .'..
i!vn Fi.m ii. Is very d.iill. Pcnn. is held
at 3:a7 t.
Cons Mkal. IVnuii. i rn (Jcmand at
Wiikat Sales of lVtiuu. red at !'2o ;
nrinm while at 61,01.
jVK. Is in ilcuiand, sah'8 at 'it rls.
Cus. 'I'Uo mipply about fipialu tho de
mand ; jellow coiniiiaiids 1)4 els.
Dat. Aro very dull ; a alu I'enti. at
Wiiiskkv. Sah'S of bbl.s. ut 2'i cents,
llo.'sheads aiu held at 23 lo.
Baltimore Market
Auoust 4, 1X5 f.
(;UIN. Wi mile sales of Maryland and
Vr-iiim Wheats to-day at 70 n IX i-l. for
good to jtriinH reds and at R5 els. lor (.mod
white. Two load of Penti.-) NauU red
were sold to day at 9.r !I7 els
Salea of Corn ul 00 u 62 cents for while
59 eta., for yellow.
Wh ipiofe Oata at ?5 a 3i clu.
WHISKF.Y. Salon of IViina. bids, at 2i
cti., ami of Mul. 23 ct. Sales of VJalli
moco LbU. at il cts.
suxNnurtY nuci: cuiuicnt.
Ill TTF.U.
lira aim fi.A
liaiae A1111..
r T5
v k is n prujoi'l o i fool in Chirnpo, III.)
I tuiiurl tho rivor lo obviniu llio nnnnyniicc
of dmwbi Mr-fl. Tho tunnels nro intcmlocl
exclusively far pedestrians
New Advertisements.
rn eia ii kt r.Y
No. 1S7 North Third Street. Philadelphia.
t Pill! p iwtlcr i cntillnl bv llie miilnl tmtiitviiy 'f tt
1 wli-i lt:iv! ntr-il it tn tlit liit r:mk nl' till um t'AT
'11.1'. ,H:i'H'lM;s. wlin-li him iH-rii lli-ttla pr.iire
-ortl'V I'.ir M inn y yl iiin. nl rliiill-viiM' nil)' rr'ii
to itinki-it mii'rii'.r, ii nnv p.nvit.T 1lmt m-fx in tin win
inuiiiirr. It the imiilinl '(iLit.i:ilv liiUliy it will ri'hT
itHTtMfi' tin tw 'inii vi inns it (iitii umi hniur j or thi
minimi will iinprtvc nihility iti ft. It will llicrt'loi in
lime In i hkmiI'ti'iI wt Imve in Hi'itlit t'tK'tif itm xlnplc nrli
cli' nl t'Vnry I'mintT, vlt krrps a tli.iry ; mul if rvtry
pi-rs n nwiiiii;' n ti. !?. It is ii t c:u' o tlnw? kiwi nl
.Mi strum iii -r.'ly fw U I'll up Ur n sh irt
liinr-, ('in ii ill , ihtt'i-1 it y vlii'li il Ins !" r vti ling
liMMTlvlt A'fi (with Ii i :mi it'rli.- utsitlri ) into Lac
nr Arm nr ( : runm n jjctvitiT iiiii'iuiit f milriii'tui
nmltiT In In- i'h:icti'il ir in lit' winir iniii'iint nf fnml, Upin
piiitdiltly it iiiM hf, wrrc Hi tictiv! 'i inripli's (if mil riiiuri
h piisj-'.mt nl' ihf . mU-mi in llir l-Tiii ni llirn itK- Avm.
Wr h;tV"' if' tvi-il :i 1'in!' t'.u- l rVii'tnrL' to pruve wlut
Wf lri i- wi il nli -Vi-. Siiiliif t" :iy :
Y h.ivr Mii.xi-.l tin :niir nyi'iii. Willi a pirat iititntfr
f K'iKrM r.K pl'nil' nii'l hftl'?. wlii'-h Imim; mul insr Ii:i
pMvi'il l- In imi'iiil, nn;ir ihir tin nppi'Iilf nnii prtnntiiij
iliii'-sl i in o! I In' tn il ; I liMf Hfi'tn iiiy ti I't'Mllliy r iinlitKui u
I he liln. :il. Inn 1 1 wimi-Ii tin- .Milk mul Fat mutt he riin-tl.
It tuny I' itsnl i'.r 1 lni:4i:i. t'mvj niul lions I r the l'"lkir-
llllf (.'"lllplnlllU Illftl lilMtl.'f!.
YKIJ.OW WA'I'llIt. il:iniT.mi icVncn. wliit h ile
tr is mntty valn-ilih- rvcry ye;ir. it vrry rltru
t-iit n i-l; cini il l-y III-- ri'-i.' u-f "I lliis p"WilT, in nil cuaei
II 1 1 pP'Vi'Mt 111' ihs-i-riM' !i'iH (Milling I'll.
Tli in ilist-iM' in I'wniii I i :t lml nnl i in; vrr i?l?"f ilntf
ut ihf liloinl wiiicli hi-LMhM-f thin, w.ittrv ami oi nil cllnv
v ! M .
Thi.t p wt!T I'V i:iiruhip the st nni-h ntnl L'Kiup to
Ihrl tciil :i j.'ic it'r tjii-m;' m ri-l p.nlK U-s. f 1 1 T- I m L r t
Ui'M mul oak p i-.-iiSif rh ini' nl ii'i'" fiy. IT llie Imrnt
is i r $ 'in-, uiv in .nii.i" timl lu.jlit i tnhl'-.-jn 'nui nl in wttt
(fill, n in th.- irf;iit!iiT - niii i- a iy nl ii .o.i. ii niiiy l i j ri-
Vri't llir il, - , n-f :i rc .
M.A lilii II I.M i. 'I if? tUr ii'iii iii.;n of nr.niy rnlnfi
litt II 'is.M Ii, ix'rntsi i ii ; liv ii r 'nsiiint ilis;-l:irf' h" ftli
VI whi'-h ih'hl t i n ' tin- 'in m-!. I i nsjiii-l
1 1 l" :l " ' ' " r.!!!''1'! ''Il II T,,'.'lll liVI'.''! I O
f:,..m Kri,vviiii; in Hi- i. inif ur .un.f A 'I'iM.-M ...omul
Him linn's n will n-nifiiilv tnn'M tlir il iw. ii n
lliliU't 1 1 I '11 11 1 I'll Iht' 'llll( ('it 11! tin: u'li!. llil'liT ich
nr'NtmV-ni'-' ar'in- ! in'i?t I k-( t ii llip f.: .
I' KM i'l ".K . -1 i ti.f p twil'T i v.ti ly ami in-cly tiftl.
t?irr r - n-. I he iir -l. it l;:i". rnr-il linn
ilt'r Is ' I I !!: sl:-- ui (his I r -n ; 1.-- i it .li;ir.- I ilhe aurpn)
iI Ihi'je- (i t in, it. It n t tifil :!! lv. hrl'-nr ini'tlM" hni
I -rni -d in ihf nei'k it ('.in, i l rr5ti'H' tin.' pfNn'lly
llntit tin- liitlliT IM il': cli-iip. 1 1 . lii it r;ir!y tnnl (.irvi-iit
H u h a I. A Ji i I. i-! t ' ) ? 1 1 1 i I ni'i'c u twire a ilav IB
Ctl 'I'll.
t.l. Whl'rtS Thij ilisre In- l.:.lil-.l nl! rrrt!iirH.
l!ii h-m'-l- anil l.illtt'il i h.'-nr il !.' nril :.!y It lh Jincij I
t'l iln- ;fl:imlf r it ',.,t ;1mI K'-'t tl) lllljir -Ivci Illlll iliiHI.
in i c p i n Ta'ihiiouiiliil rvr il iy iwic t"i" a in;niih
nr iw . iii r i:.--:ai:t MT(t. ::sif .11, will iii inn' vnm out of a
i' '. m iviri't 11 i-tif.- 11 hi- lif.11 r.iirly ti tcl.
l'-i'--;lis :w li'Htr "l" !n:tli itt-pt ;l'!llH,' I'll wenk
I't:i;". a T.t!.Vs mul IM-TV lliul Itilil! ; it il itUllr otic
OI iwir'i: a V'ff.
,,,, )VV siMlitTr.l) lln;:si:s. ,.r w-'.-re ihrrn i.
"' '' r iiiin.-M h' n. ;i u.ul tl..
II ti. vill t'"t litttcti, i r wln-n lit-- li:nr is r null ntul
nt.iii'! st.h-j'ii , di.- i nl -ititt t . .I-, .m ,'.).'..i. tii
!'""! r 'i -I'l. is fiiin .vl In:,,,.-'!!:!!,, nirr ''. . lilrnl t'l' tli.
;,,. l(. (. .,, ., ,.,-,. , , j, uSI lM(. ,.u..
.'.nllli.'il il.ij'r;iifl. lift,- lining hvi'lr Hiul
kjMrilLiI, en '! lite !i:ir tici
'lit mul rtiti'li.
1' r Minra Com-., wr nrr I'n'U- r .itviai'nl l!il it net im;T iv. tin' i(.i:lit-, I'lil Unit it in'TiMf!-'.. tin- :iin..tint
fl .lll, Ci'-:iiit I'.iilu-i' ; . t'.ir wli i l-n e Ir.t tl llie ei-
i"'ini' " " l'.'.m.i n W .-. I,, ..iii- ,y i n pnuml
u luKr -'in- .'-r. in iii-ii-it Mji .ii il Mint li-inii'li' two i.t.iin.U
ni'ivn w-',k frutn i-n-iir twi. W iliink ii will ! i.'iiml
l IM t-rri' ir nil :i Irill I t : ii'tlii(l pi-r wi'rk en r;i.'ll I'.ht.
tilr c,,.K .L.,iv i. ,inn. Tliinii.liiiti.mai .nn.'uni
'" ''. 'i'u ' I'l"'' ll'IT""'' A--..I int..
tr' - ii in' iui'! 1. iii) i'miii;iiiiiiiis : ius 1 r.y siipi tvn-.t: iln oxt-
1 '.-ii takiP hi 1 y Iln.' Ina-s. nil III' i-i.-iut iilM nl' rv it'timi ;
W 1 t T i .1.' fi' :; ii'tv .'t' tlur N itr-t '. .1 hij" p uli -n n" the irrj.
MulJ.nw fl(i: if Wtll.V; in KM-' I'lSl'.ASI". '
nn I nil 'liht-T i!i -an-s in' iit-.'it f.i't!.' tli'Txviilini; itji-m n Icul I
M ui- n:' ih ; ll.u.U, n -n vl s-ni-f.lilv mul nli-.-! nallv. I
I ' 'V. 5. W!l ?:.' li'iHi
11 iiixl witfty aa.t whic it I
n .t i n i, , i. ,,r v. n ( .u s ;-n i.: iv
' :''' '".' "B' " ,' "I;'1"1 '"'"'".' 'f -M i'.-iimI
tin :i .;i isl iia ilii'lr fill'J Iv. I nil' I 'V'.lili III' .''MI'ImI-ill nl
,:. i,.,. -i :u,, ,-r,-, ,,' ; i.. -.iii.j ,iv.-!i n : a y-p;, ..
l'u! !. '-r c.c'j oih-r .l-.y as it m. ti iteenwrr.
Vi'jJi in t,", ftniiaii-r nfxu nvrtfai ii m-T
I-- ! iiiv'.s. c u'ivis in t!'. l.-Miizs atitl l,ii
v ins 'li-;n t ill" r I !-:i!y, fins imjiv hu
:-::i--!v I'i n a p. nail u a km ml i :i !:irr
if J it V!.l ;.: l.i-j 5j:nr l.nto r hihi h-ir.l.! h ihli-.i
el K'.rtl
'. whirl!
"i awiii : 1
ic t.iiu-n-
in? pr'rc.-i.
N. U.-.-lnuu imiin it 'ii'li ii piviaj; mi!!; ua1 ym pre
I1,-. ;r, . i.i!- ri :il l!n- - inf liiai', it .s'i n -t a t j - v
in .re Ikin a i-it'Ii-p i 'iil'iil I'ltt-f a nivb. i t it w ill retaul Lli
I'lrinii. n r." i'i! l. iMi'ii-: -i'i: th. at.i -mmI i t' .Mi!.
I..-I r;if!. pfi.T try it: i-!r-"1? It 'im-;r a-i.t will
H'lHii !" y.I if Ii 'il "I i: - f vclkai ipia'.ili.-p. tut I tiial li-i Tur
lll-T P-Ii-l il l ! till il! i! .
Iir ' I'm liter 'Mi' 'iH fiirlVr h.-w fir our
jii-iiiv i-i-i -iii.-iif.! i 1 rn.i; iMWiniii. i. rn'iiif.1 1) th
i"tiiii.!i wr .' an ial !iiL:it po"ir-; n ki .1 aiithi-Mf l (
I 'T '.: t" ;i'I p it s ! !!. i n::-! fti-. wii-t- "iir l'tv-il.-i
his h' .-ii iiM'1. wr Hie r j. i I - n w Ir- ai tlir rvi !i-ia
l.:i hn-ir.'iii U inn- n., ti a;-rif i'ry 1 vnr. Daitr
linti nful i( u-..- iiriii. f.a; il li.t t..ti tar c:y laitrii .X-ri-
li'.l our III NillvrilMlt r. ; 'it ; i ns.
Wli'i l In- rtilnMi ' konwlcil-ri- has I'ar nfifaaifl. W'K
lli'fK vi wi'I ! Minhl. 1 li ai.'iin' II.- lnl lili.l hi ft nr
I i't I 'a n i ' - M r"n 'ink i'i! r y.- tf-T'- I a ilifrrain
i !. Ii ; i ns a i iMr (h'mih tr fl ili-(fcli"ii. im
rnrn Ih' ;u ih:v i li e l-l il ami llam iui-ri-nvn the
aamaiit ( iMa i I'a;. i:A iiMi'ut-iilly nf ltuilT
lit -n in tin' hi-ii'lh Aaini 'l
Hi-wan nl" ('i.i:ni"i:i i's as tin r.xh'iis-ivi mie nf cur
"-ir- tia. Ill ill ii'l'in I" link' :ill H'lilMli 'll ol il.
I ..-ii-h ijir! h ts nnr wt iihn Siu'iir-t arc "ii tin- r ml.
tt!ti:ivi;. ruui;i'ii.i.i) a, ro.
l'h.l...l.! t.i:t. J,!:. v. 1.
j,.,,,,,,,,.,! h..vl, ,.,,,l into Co.'r.;irl
nership tiinler tin' lnni of
iM.'diiY v , v vm::ci'm
t.) c.Mtnv on Tiir:
rp.p:r & Ba-f Business,
At .'. fi, MtiVtr Strrrtj Phiitvfrfphfa.
Ti TiT" 1 1 1' Ii K lliev intend kerpin:; a lare assort-
un lit of paper.-., Ae r.iiisiMiug in pari at
W'riiius paj.c iv ; wove am! laid, American and
l!alh I'.-ti's and Note papers; vev ami laid,
fill mil plain.
I'olin I'o-ls, I'lat C.ipn. l'ltniin I'.iiicrs, (ill
Hardware pape-s. f .u l!l hv 21 l i Id by 4.
Colored mul white 1isuc papers, A.iueriraii
nnd KitelMi. l!o!:i:i.-.;voitU'.i I'.ttcnt Manilla
Col ire I a. id win'.' r-'i.ip pip. Ciimnioii nuil
extra si.-e-. I '. t si" 1 1 1 I . i i- pipeis.
Ct.hire t i'tin:in nod t.'o-. er pipers.
Manilla pi.per.i, all siA's. (.' luiynl, nil co
lors. 1 )ri: 1. Vw- ''e'iaai ai d Fi'teriutr papers.
'IV a, lel an! I'iil.nv',1 lapirsf'-r roiilr. (ion- i
1 CIS.
b:r.r, Mam. a aiiit f-travv vr.i'i'i'i? jiapers.
l-itiiiel, I'-hider Ii.k. Cap aic! Truiik hoai'di.
hile and liua' Ihi'.ea.peii ; I.cyal, belter,
.Note and Card .-l.-s.
..('.ii;.i . r .'(..., i- A- Cos
in (c!i ami -!"!. vvl.'le nnd colored old ti
its. eel t. order. Al-, tlicir (i'.t, I"i;;arc,) nnd
I'laiu cl.-.e.l papei '.
.lOf'I'.rM UlVliV. late of 8-i . 'i'liird St.
.N. M. ,.VI!E.l'i:, kite of An. 'J Minor t.
T, 11. fttK) Tons of Kail wanted in rtdinngn
lor ea-!i.
I'hihiilelphia, July So, ldM-Cmo.
"IriIU lespevtriiUy inforins bis friemfa arid
' culouicra that be baa returiird from
I'hila.lclphia, wilh uu rcr1lcnt assorlinenl of
New Spring Goods,
which he llr for aale at his eld stand in Mar
ket slrct t. These j;ouiU will he sold al lit low- j
esl p'.'u-es. His tWU comsols uf vcij Haiicly,
Dry (Jouilsi,
Such ns Clnlhs, Ciissimcres, Muslins, Culicoes
IJiiiyuiMis, y.dirns, Clitutzis hh4 La
dies Dress wid h'uiirij (Juuds
Also an assortment uf
Talm Lenf Hat, Ccps, &c-,
Hardware, lrou mul Steel,. Naili, ic,
A "ciiera! nssortinciil of tiroceries, Sugar,
ColTee, Tea, Cheese, Mo
lasses, Sjiices.
I'iT rroducii ef all kind Uken in exchaug
I at lliu hii;ftel niaiaul prc,
I Kuubiuy, Alay ill. ls.11.
-RprPrM's:' ti take tie rTrlniv
fcj pi Aenrv (for n Counlv nr l.'oiintirs) for
tin- si oftiie(;i:i;MAN v Asm.Nt! Ki.rin.
heina nn n rticle mm h chi'tiper nnd ettsicr to Hc
thnn foil)), mul is wnrrante I tr perfectly rlrnnre
nil kinds of elptliiucTf conliiiidim no I'ntasli. Ho-da-n;
li, Spirits of 'I'lirpeutiuc, Autni.min, A rids,
or nny nrtirle whatever llnil will in nny mnnncr
injure the fiii'-t yii.'.cc or the Jlrsh. It isnn nrti
rle tvhii'h, when onco intro.Iiii i-i!, mtisintil stiles
rnn he innde with larue pinl'iin to the Aprnt.
For full partiruhiis rrx.irtliinf prices, terms, Ac,
ntlih'L'ss (pust ai.l) la
I. 1. HOYT .V Co..
jVo. Cfi Ftiiitk j'iiii -l Piiinl':
July 2fi, 1Hfll.?iTio.
M A.N I l-.M'Tfll KISS M-'
Colli mul Silver IV 11 nntl IVnril Cusr,
No. 2, Muhun Lank,
Due door limn corner nf llroadway,
New York.
lOvery pen will he wnrrnuli'il for one year.
X. 11. Thr t'lrm wvrr (iold mul
Silver M cilals, for live ron.-tviitivc ycits, nt Iln
l'uir of the A tiii riciil Institute, lor the In'st Uold
July '-'ii, 1 SSI. ."1110.
".ij:rl.Ni!is:i Taliff etl'.
North H11.1I cr. H'alii"! iV Smmd Streets.
TEAS l. l! i. just ir.ciM.I. n complete
-fi At. .orttiiritl of Shot tin 111. P.iwdiT Flasks.
(a:ti. I'itL:-. nii.l ul! otli'T poiliin Atjianitos ol
the l.est ami most approved patterns,
lie has roiisUntiy on h:inil Hpttrliti powder of
all lU'sriiplions, l'eri' t.':ips, Shot, Uiiiiel
.Mould.-, I'.il! ait'l I'i iiiK I '111 Iri.lii.'s, and n gen
eral a:-sttrtinent of torit-rials 1'nr (iiiit M".il.4'i-.s, Vr.
AI'io Fri'i'u io'i I'ri-; of n stoierior ipmlily,
drsi:Tiied evpn-lv for C. S. JJillrs.
An As-orLineiit of 1'ihiiiL; 'i'ael.lo alvvayti on
All llio iihove. nod any other nvti.les in his
line, liie ;SiiIt--,ri!vr will h -II as low as any ttttmr
e.-t'il'li-"hi ient in I'm I niietl States.
In U'sliiimnv cl'his t.Kill as a tuamif.irtijn'r, tlis
Frntikliu lii-'.iluU', in the yea is tt'llland lSli,
awanli'd lo two cerliliealcs -mid in tho
years Is I, IS Hi, IS17, ISM and s.-,u, live sil
ver lne.laN. ad of w!,i'.!i may he teen at his
plan' of l.ll.iiliC:!.
.ii)i Ki!ini;i:.
Fhiladelphii. .Inly l'.. Is.H. limn,
Now .Musit: Jusl raiilisiliiMl.
Fl". it AVAl.l-'I'.lt. No. ICS Chesntit st.,
are conslniilly piihli-hin' and reerivintj,
lli-hed eollljiosers.
'flat fi'lli'U invr list contains nf their choi
cest and most popular Miners, Waltzes, I'olkua,
No"', thou nrt (!one, n heanlifid suite:, words
by Thomas . I. Dielil, iniiie hy ll:iiultride;e.
.Mv New Knttland Home, wards ami music lv
Mrs' I,. Wade.
(in, he's Oiuiiiiiiis ; by C. (ir ihc a collection
of I'uctts.
Somali) from Home, piano and violin, by Jos.
lVetty Little IV'lkas for I'lflty Little People,
by .1. I.iinr.
All the Winds Meepinr, by A. S. Worn
sev, 'Cu.idian Ate;.'!, by tla- an!': of "Love Not."
I!.n. !io! I Wo.-.U. vv ritieti hv ( "ti n. Voiiin;, do.
The Alliens, words 1 v Thomas J. Dielil, mu
sic hv li.ii-r.
1 . 1 : !-: A WALK Kit have c..:.-.! mtly on hand,
supcri'ir Pi .tin, and a supply "1 .Miirttn Cele
brated 1 1 it'.t.i i-i. whie'l I ."'tli'.',- with u line as-
'rtiMr:tt ul'
led ltitroi".e:it.r nii.l Merchan
dize in '!! ipri-e a st.iek uoi tn he sur
passed hy that of ; ti; ctli'r iliiii-lituout in llie
comiliv. fill: i' WALKKU,
ll'c Che-omt street, .swaini'e liuililliig.
l'liiladelpllia, June ':s. 1 I . -Iy.
10;) I.AL0?.i:Ti3 V ANTED
fl V.MKitlATKLY ou the T.vv..rt.Hi Kail K ind ,
-S Seetlons .".I vV .V: ; at t',e Mou'll of the Ma
ipiiiov Creek, Ut whom h'u i'.d v;:v;es will he paid.
T. CLK.V.F..NT .V Co.
r-'i.iibnry, .July S, Ip.'iL If.
pRorjjirrv for sale.
rB'l 1 1' Snl v. ha resides in I'hiladelphia,
1. el!'er- for sale lit.-'i pr..p"ny in Mil
ton, A'crtliuuii ei I.imi county, vi.: 'I he lare
X1.-2. in upper .Milton, fntiieilv oceup?ed ht
j Mcirs l':'tters"i's :is n I t.rn.isc .Makers jslmp,
The is li:l feet Iroiil on I'pprr Market
Flit el, and 111 tret oil fl'itit Uri-'t, and is two
stories hi.rh. Also a ttv.t story
4(1 by 2a f, ct, on il.e : :iioe pn iiiises. The lot i
on the cof.icr of tipjK'l' aiarkcl no. I 1'roul titrcets,
and is tjii It i t front, and i ."nl lie! deep.
The prci.ii.-cs v.-nul t he vabuit.le for a l'ouiulry
or other inaiuif .e!t'rin ptjrp-'-es. and will be sold
on le.iooaiih and uc'.iin; lerms hv ap
ply it.;; t::lM tj JAL'Oii I'A IIKKiA .,
.i. f. vo'.:';'(;:'.;:, Ks.p. Miiiou or
II. li. MAi-viiit. l'..Mp, .siaibiiry.
I'hil.uli !).;. ia. .Ian. I51 ti'.
mmm mm,
Tlio tiii-at C'Ol ;U Ilt.MKDY
lUnv v.-m . I'i'ti T'"i'f". tiil-l nun" ti'"" 11 llllilrail
Titiiit-viimi cure- .H (,.. ,,iv,. i-iiinp.,';;;
,',,,v,"l I.. l!i i.'i .n'. .K-l. 'M ! I I""' '"'
' ,.,. ,., ,I:'U li". n-m-lrrful r.,i.t.. th.l II
. Ir - I a . o-.-l.H-. 7'"''
t . ': '. : f ,iiunti i f U'S
I.HIlu.i. ti a i y "r ''' i"' '-1
li", . n r. II ' "! 'I ' ' "
I,, , :.r...l. II" lml I ' "
liml ill-iii.l I" ' w""
uit l '
Mii'H'tioti rnn li.
v :t lli r,-w, wr
lit:, n c will imf,
I in I
mul 'l"a"'lis n
nf r m4. liiAl I i
i in' I. cm' It'll eiircil l'i'"t ii'l ';
- !!:, rm e. vyi tc . Oeelr-tl. air retll
- ' " . T . ii ..- ...'.. i'i at ini'liiiiii
Unit irtf
. ' ', I K 4-4 .'U 1 I- l...
1:1 tl Ulli i t
w I mis-. mini""- '' !. ru.ea
n;;;r .' ",' '"''t,-i-
lli-ii.i. ".!'. "' I ra.-lliilleuli a llirnililna -
" 1 V , lire . vvcrk I.....'". .Tii. Ml.riij. kw
r,.ij vvl, wr:-.,, I ,V,,'"rJ
I ui, I y lu- uv ul I..' o.i.-say, I"-" now - '"J"'
tnt'ttlli fiwp.i'.A II 1.
pVimaul lo I
I ,.nr .I.'.'. I...' o 111 " "
r muliT n-iy
inM. w on.lcrfuf
..,.1 aim il iniiM.-i.luli. I lire I'V l'llfUTI"B ""-
,i.,i.,. u.ul iiivivjui-.iiinv "''"" tu, '' ,Z.
in.u tl.t enrmal, wi.l ..,,"li-Mi- lu ll) .rorvn-Uiiil
ui,l7 IUlll 'l.o- IA ! "'l "
l.,.;hl;lh,j I xl'CCIUI'.lliull. 11 I m lulluwl"
etiivi, vii. ;
O oiisump tion,
I'lll'f Ills' a'l I i'". 'rtir.i. .mii(, sr""H "' rvnom'
t'rrdi'.l l t1" "'"I'. 'O". ti'ttiit. Wf. . '"'
JS'i ''ijiic A"AI Sim!', J''i'llitf,.' V tht Utatt, a
KHH l.H VH;AKMs; U CumtutuU rUio
lhi-r.-fi.nii, Cluilera I ulaal 11111, kf.
. ltl. .'i,ol' s.i'l I'Ailn ulsii ra Curti, M oaf
Piunpklcl sua iu.ii.l4-arl uuruu aat IU.
I,v awuy.
l-'ea .i E si J '-V. 1'ciliiiir, tailuiv; Mury A. Mc-r-iy,
N ii 1 l.oiiii--. liu'i : -l- ltii ii. It.i.-ti, ."iliilinii ft-jyrsA.
Mi'1'..riiiiek. M.-Cvv -lao ll!e.
.May II, hil, ctw iy.
7i)i sale at Uiis cilii.c, sinperior Black Ink,
ilile Mcilieiiie al '-.'5 ela, Pure lisicuee of
(.linger, S5 1 cut.
bar hutllcs for hale by
11. li. .MAKSKK.
Sunbury, April 12, 1H51.
K.NOLlViS W l;H'IMi 11. 1 ID and Adho
aive 11 lid legtil envelopes, for sale hv
11. U. MASSKR.
Punbury, April 20, 1S..1.
S" II.VLU WATCHLS. A f.w douhl rasea
Lunlivh bilvur WuVlws, fat il al vry low
plu'l's Is
bunhury, April 12, 18.'il.
II. I). MAsst'll.
Teachers Wnateil.
7v"OT'Orc In hcTeby given that uraled tfiropnstilii
' ill lie leceivcd by the l)irrclor of the Com
mon fMiiiols of the Unronnh ofKiinbury for '1 ea
rhem for tile ensuiiiB year, until 1 o'clock P. M.(
on Fridny. Anirust lath 1851, nt which time
meetinn of said Ilireclnrs will be held in Iloom
No. 4, of the Public School HoiiKe, to csiminc
trnclii-ri Mid allot raid Helmuts.
Uy DnVroftltB Tlonrd,
I.'. M. YOHKS, Sec'y.
Siinbury, July li, 1851. fit.
IHK Subscrilier resieclfullY
- fiiforms his frirnds ami the
pllhlie priiernlly, Unit ha itill
roiitiniies the
I V. r.r - r.v
At his old (Stand in
Market Street, Suiibury,
t'Trt doors above Market Sijunrp, where lie ron
lutitly keep on h.-iinUa kii'tte usiortmrnt of
JJeiiiV Msiili; llitrness,
(I)ouhle . Single.) with Silver, llriisn and Japan
ned inomitiiur. Also Saddles, llridles, Trunki,
Valiccfi, liipsi, Collars.
All kinds of work ill his line made tn order, in as
neat a style as can be (jot up in this country.
Persons wishing to purchase will please call and
itiaiuiiic his stock before pun-hatim; elsewhere.
A. 15. The Miilisirilier Ii:ih just opened a new
and s.lciidid
Assortment, of Saddlery,
Such ns Silver, lira "a nnd Japanned mounting,
Patent Self-Ailjuvtitii; Trees, Patent Kollcr
Hits, biding llr'nllc I'ils, Trunk and
Valice Locks, Trunk Hoard, Trunk
Aails. llantcH, Traces, Trim
mine Laces, Tufts, Sad
dle Wch, Single mill
Double, W hite
Knanieled Leather. Patent Leather, l)il Cloth,
Ko.-clU. Taisel.t, I'ancy Urow-liauds, SadJIa
Trees, Deer's Hair,
of all kinds. All of which will be sold us vlicjp
if not cheaper than tin y can bu not elsewhere,
for cash or approved credit.
Sunhury, April 211, I an . (Ini.
I'tunw I'rrr.tss : I'neouraned by my nu
ntcron, friemlB, I berchy oiler myself lis a Candi
ilatu for the oiliee of
of Xorthuinhci land ctuinty. at the ciisuimt elec
tion. Should 1 he elected, I promise to discharge
thu duties thereof, 'with 1'nlriity and impartiality.
i;i;oi;i:k conkad.
I Jiper A itiiusla tp., An;;. 2, isfil.
Fiiikmih ahii Pr.i.T.nw Citizisi: At the
olicitatioti of 1 1 1 v friends, 1 oiler my self as a can
didate for t'no office of
I'pol hoiioliiry
at the next ensuing clcetion, shouhl I be so suc
cessful as to br cleeled, I pledge mysdt' to fulfil
the duties of said oiliee wilh ft.b.'lils,
Lower Augusta, July 111, ISol.
l r,.--Pi:CTlTLLY t.ll'crs himself to the peo
olc ol .Northumberland counlv as
rttdc for the oliiec of
Ho believes his cNjieiicncr in the business of
licit ollice wiil enable linn I ) fulfil iu duties
Sttn'oury, July ?, Ib.!-
rjl 1 1'. snVserihev resnrctfnlly informs bis friends
I and tellow ciiit us of Aitriliumhcrljiid coun
ty, thai he oilers himself as a candidate for
Count Y CiMiimiMsiuneT,
at the ensuiiia chv'i oo. Me solicits from his
friends anil fellow citi'd's a support, and promi
ses should lie be elected to discharge the duties'
uf the ollice wilh fidelity.
Suiibury, May 2-1, IKS I.
Filuii-.v Cri i.Kss: A l the earnest solicita
tion of many of my friends, I hereby announce
myself as a
for the ollice of
('mi lily Conunissioiicr
nt the aepr.vM'hine, cleetimi. Should I be elected
I Tintise to alisctvar-p t!ie duties of fa'hl ollice
with fidelity and inipaiiiality; I solicit thu sup
port of my fellow citiiii ns.
I.owcr AiiRiista, Juno I I, IS.'il.
TMIIK suhsi-riiipr icsH i Holly informs bis friends
and fellow citizens of Northumberland coun
ty, tat he will be a randiate for
Counlv CoinmissioiH'i',
at the ensiling 1 lection He tltrclre solicit
from his friends anil fl.i"f 1 iliens a liberal sup
port, and promises should be be elected to dis
charge the duties of liie oilieo with fidelity and
Punbury, Marrh l-'i, IS.'il.
I'D TIIK LI.KCTOUS ol-' N'olirilL'.MBF.U
Kia.tfiv Ci i i'.r.NS : At iho solicitation of
my litenthi, I oiler inyM lf as a cuinh.Ulu lor the
otlice of
at the ctiMii'u; elc tioii. Sbutild I be elected, I
promise, lo diseba. :" the duties of said otlice w ith
fidrlily and iniiuitioli v.
f.l.oKCi: in;jr:HT.
SunhurT. April 12. 1K.1L
Ml t l HK NO I'AV I
Hughes' Fever and Ague Pill ! !
A pi:i;rr.c
mid Atie
in'l hi.r.ilv nn? fir liir Kcht
is lu iranli cil lo iimv oik who
mnv use ihe Pills. Thcv have Ih'cii used for llie
last sfi-fir jjfir nnd have never been known to
fail in a sumle instance- and in cases, foil,
where persons have had the disease for several
years, willmut iiilcrnns.-aoti. lie proprietor
elitll'itze the icoV. to produce an nrta-lc that
will cure in as sho t a time, without leaviuu; any
deleterious e!V-els Iron.' the use of if. If the Pills
do mil. perform a speedy nil. I perfect cure, Ihe
proprietor will return Ihe money. Por sale by
J.icoll f. 'iiwretifc. M i-ttrrmille ; 1.. Iletrcn-
alcin, '1'revorlnii ; S. R, l)i,ou, Schnylkill Ha
en ; John W. Kiiliiit.', Kuiihury ; Mary A. Mc
Coy, .Norlliiiiivbrrland ; Dr. Ilcckly, Danville ;
JuhliiSbarplesH, I 'atlawissti ; Dr. Judd, illiama
port; John llaser, Mill. 111, and by respectable
Druggists Ihrouhout Ihe Slate.
J. CI HT1M V. IM (illi;S Proprietor.
. Poltsville, June 28, IS.'il. ly.
EXTRACT CP (ilNCEIt. A tupply
just rereKed and for alo at thi oflive.
Price 2.' cent.
(Sunbury, July 12, 1SSI.
"lyKITI-N'O FLl'ID and self aealiii EhT7.
' lope, instt rn-eived and for aale by
April I a, ism II. 11. MAmmER.
TNK llimreau, eetcbrateJ ink, and also Con-
Urn ink for aale, vholefrfl Uild rf lull by
Deceiuher SS, lsiu. II. 11- MASSUK.
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
-jl!l! siihserilirrs berchy inform their obi eua---
tomeis and the public Reneratly, that they
have jie-t iceeived a lare tnnl extensive aasort
1 1 11-1 1 1 uf nil kinds of Merchandize, hich they
oiler lo pun hasi rs nt such rales, that llicy can
not refrain from huyint;. Their assortment of
Dry (Jooils,
i large, cinliraein all ltiuds nf
CiVm, Cti.tsi'mii j, Stiltinetts, 4'ir.
A Rcneral iissorlment of Suniuier wear, of
Staple, nnd Fancy Gocds for Ladies,
of nil kinds, such ns Calicoes, Mous.dc Lainca,
Ltuvtis, tiinuhams. A:c.
Alio n cAcHlrnt atssortmrnt of
llltl IIS AMI MniU'INK.H.
EiMi, Salt ami Tlastcr.
Ct" Cnunlty produce of all kinds taken in ex.
ebiiiirje nl the highest market price.
Suiibury, May II), lM.'il.
'T57'II.L!AM IIOOVKi: respectfully inform"
V V lus friends and customers that he has
just retur I from Philadelphia, with all excellent
assortment of
XYliicli lie olli-r.s liir nt liis imt xtnrv nt Mfl
Hfi'.s TM ill, J Itl!'n riitr linn. 'J'lirsc gtxnl will
lu: sl-t ul tlir lir-.l iricr-i.
Dry (.outls. i'.
StiiD rrs Chillis, Citjsnii'm, MtirhiM, Culluors,
( I'liiemm.s'. I.tunm. Chiutxen and
l.uji's 'less '.'niiii.s ae nr rutl i).
A n ti-iKortnicnt uf
Palm Leaf Hat', Caps, &c,
1 1 A I! 1 1 V A 1! I i, I UO.N a ml ST K C L, N AI LS, eke:
A general assort iiirnt of I iroeeries, such aa
Su;. r, Cdlii'e, Tea, Molus
(it's, Spices, vS.c.
Also hii ii-.i nlineiil of Liquors, such aa
Jmiiii, Rum, Vhikrj, Wines, tfc.
S.1" I'rodiiee of all kinds taken in exchange at
the hit;lic-it lti'.irket prices.
llolhiwiiu! Kim, May 10, IS.M ly.
Jlifl! anbseriber inl'orms his friends and the
public, that he conliutics l,i e.nrry on tho
Marble lltisiuess in all ils hranches, at hia old
stuud ill Milton, I'a., ami is prepared to manu
facture HonMmcnl?, Tor-iLs, Cravestone3, &c
of the best inatTial-:, ittnl most liiiithed work-
J iiiauship, and at the lowest prices.
l.i li.':- Cuttimr, lbiiis',1 and l.'ermaii ill tlie
imost modern and elcuit style.
l)esii;ns for .Miitniiiii'iils, (irave httones, Ac.,
always on hand.
;'. 11. O dors for the Ibist side of the rircr
proiii'tiv exerntnl by leaving the ailnie at the
oli'u-e ol" tie: 'r.'tinfc-.rv A tnerieait."
ANTiioNV mrr.
M.ltoti. .May III, lol.
i ')M i'lMi !l K ftiPttivirT of I'niversil
iii.-tory, lo'eiher with a llior.iphy of Di
tiu'uished 1'ersous, to which is appended an epi
tome of
lleith.-ti Mvtlio'oj;v. Natural l'hilosopliy, (len-
rral A -.troio'iov and IVivsiol
Adopted and i; .' d in the 1'uldic ISchooIs of I
I'.. S. .IUi;y. f: Co., Publisher,
S. V. (Viner I'dl'I'ITII and l!T.Sts., Phila. j
,i. , 1 1 1 . . :., .n,, i
1 ca, hers and . liool I oinmitlres addressme : ,
letters lo us post paid, will la: liiriiislied willf
copies for examination.
1 I
IV" A I'ull and ( oinp'ete Assortment of :
P.lltlb'S and y TATlllN AKV, for Sale at the I
.owe ,7 '.v...
May H,
(in nl liiiproviiiiriils in niiikin
I'reiicli Hurr Mill Si ones..
ii. ..f ii.a
l"!!1 VvillU'llUrHIU
Itl'UC Mlllll It II j
worn oul Our
f mock i
ieleetot i'i I'mi.-i. iiii-l llie 1h- q.tslily only UM-.I
S.hl 1 1 1 r r St ii tr nn J t. :l I.--I in iliuinrii-r wilh Ibit
' o" ' "M "r""', ',- 'T''"', "" ry
111 iii"-eve. It '' IT'tlii. ..I ull itiiii).(-rA, cli-itp for rtitU.
.Mai Ir 'iinaii'1 Sunn M... Inn. iiitin.lir.t 1 ..irder.
i.riiiiift 'iii' 01 ;i- n, j ..ii'f, niiiuMr for Couutrr Mor-
cliiiim. iiii:".rtt-.l anil lor aiiIi- l.v
.1. i:. MITI flKl.t..
.. 1 1 o'.f Y'nk Ito-ft. 11, -,,r llie ImiiAn I'sl.
riiil-nl.'!iilii.i. A 1 . r 1 1 I', l-.'if Cm .
.'Eaiiul'.K'litror tf
.No. I'll) baco, (Sassafras,) street,
Jl'ui-e Third, ifjH.f.'te White Swan Hotel.
Tallow Cha'iolli is nod .'ilaiiufa.'lurer ear Iwt
Kiipplinl vvitha l'u.-t i.tlf A ft iele of Cniivlle Moulds,
of Supei'io.- e,n I'eu. e and finish.
-. li. Tl-.c M. n ils arc made of the lies! Metal
ni.d polish, . I by a new I'alenl bll'lline, which
(.-ives tb.em 1111 i'v(a I't.r-h. They arc after the
lhi'.'li.-h iiyle -il ' t'.ps lo n icw on the pijie, and
the pipe ' i seievv ti.'lit iu the bench.
I'i' W'a nn a n 1 ti to be far MiicriuT lo any
other now in r.e. s
He alsi
Itiies Sttrii 1 Pump Blld
Apul 12, b-'il
L. . )l. OIKSR
(I, tul liir Ili iiiv 1 art,)
L III D E B CO )l JU S S J 0 S Jl B K I! n i S T
l';tl!.i lnl;, ICiilUiiioio-
I.HSl'KAL AllfAM'lIS made on Con-
l.i. r':
mii Ci-Msissiir.sTS sl.rnild b ad-
tllC.'M'il lo
L. W. II. l.ri'.sSi;, Agenf.
May 111. Vsot lino.
U 7" NO II AN1 ." i III X i MOirrlsK' LAT-
(SV I'll lis An enccli.lit arliele, for sale al
hall the usual price bv i W. KA'ILIN'U,
(Suiibury, July 7. 1-1!-
11I.WK Parchincnl Paper Derda and blank
Mortancs, lloods, Lxei'Utioii, Humiiion,
&.C., fur sale by IL 11. MASSEK.
riunbury, April 2fi, lS'il.
11AZD15S. A superior article for ale at tho
atore of I1ENKV MASSER.
Sunbury, Feb. Hi, lSfitl,
H7L;E HILLS. Justieca and Constable Pee
fij Uiil 1'andi.oim ly piinla uicaid aijar, for
aule nl this oil's'".
. Bl.AXK NOTES, waiving ih- Exemption
gl? lav of Hi"', ;of liy
April 21;, iboi 11. u. MAsiKR.
PHH nlt-nti n of TliiMitrni nn-! MTirr. nre rrrpcrtrnMr
.. l'1 Hi" rui'-nsfve anU ui 11 nvf vU d nuwk -I
HI H.DlMi IIAKDWAIil'.AMn'i'Odl.S, n i tiVn-a ly
Ui' piiI.kciiUt. p.nuisliiip in i ti rL un I'lMmvf:
Aiiiciic:im l-'n.i l(t((r lirti, uprinM, wilh night wrk,
1'iuieil or lrn lurnimrM. nr p.NVcliiin ml ,M.
i.i ii'tt l' ' ''l l,,,,r Mprialil,, with
c.'.iW ' aU' ur lr'n'9 fiiturr, or'l:.iu nil
Ai7BTiMin Fro,4 IW Si rn IV w r, Urim-
tolor iipnirhl, l.n.f., r.uniinrn, f.f nnrrHuui nil n.ird
AiH-rifMi Kim lA.'kt,.,) mw,m,u ,,unlilU'. White W
bnixs luriiilurr, or pt.rrt l:imnlt ml. mi
AMirrici... Morlice l'kii, nil iz.-n.'wrtli iihu-iT, wl.ilu or
uru luriiititrt. or port'i-hin nil ritl'trit.
Amrrinm Mnrtiic l4iii-ttt, oil wjth ,,lllw wf,il
or (inii lurtiitnri', nr porivKiin ull c.. u.
Atmriciiii M riifp mi l Hun riirt lnA. ..lutnt ni l.rusi
0M'iitt'it' inn, or pnirt'liiin till "inrii.
Aiii- riciii llrup, Mop, Tliiiinli. fjiiVr, ami fitora l)(Mr
A' ', liiivitc-(l I.ofki nw i.nU-)wn nf rvciv "rriptiitt.
Ilnklwiu. aiiri Atutricaii Butt llmgi, vfrnW tu-tr,
or !''; 'int.
Shutti-r. (iritr. Prmp, T., nr.ti (hp TTintrfi. ul! Vm,
SliutliT, tiuiv, D Hir, Kluh. Hi i-l Spring Bolt, of Wmula
or (Mst irniriunl tini"s, i -frv (lcwripli'Hi.
SiTi-wx. Sj-ntrr-. ilnr, ,i'nl I'ltppf o( thf! hvA rprility.
Aniuiicyu Axla and SUm Alia l'iilU', of verjr
Viirffly. Ilutlmm, pltiin or on prnifn, hnte, Iron, or
A uti-rif-Hii ntid. pMrii, wliitn. ifii. or wcmti!, n'l lilii..
Suli-Ciiiit, rniiiiH ii mul p:ilul, v illi otlnf iirtirUn Imi
lllHniTunft tn iru iitl' it,
tv fui.s umi sasii-vi;h;iit?i ut KACTOltV
iff' AIIJil il ltrrtil fit-p nf (ninrfp Ij nny p:irt of
ttie Ctly liml lic-Hit-t.
At llni (-.vliililoiliinciil nn I fnuml nin nf );r t.nt!it nnl
hmt tm.i irlin nN i-i liitr Mini I'miry inm ir l.n kf, A ,
hi tin Cuv ; Mine pntlcim, ol Vk tm h. cvmiml m ncni, or
ol.tiiiiuij. n t nny oll.i r Mi-re. TtMH,S.
Sprni A .l:ifk'nV Ikirk, r:im l. Iljiut, nvul Itipp Suttl,
iiiipnrtnt I'tpri Mlv f-r lirinil ift-Jt, ull n-Irv-tnl villi cure.
SiltMnmit Int tin- reli'lmittxl YUmn, mml- l.y K. W. Cr-pi'iiii-r,
i f ut(-:riiiT, I'ji., In'ituj nW minlf nf split wont,
tnnl thf ItitlM r niul mul trinl. JjtMllv's V iHi miti' ninke
of chiwlr. Axt. I InTt tiot , Druivm Kuivi K. .Vc, "II wnr
rrt fl 'j.hhI.
HiiuIi'n umi Plai k's tnnkc of Atipern uiul Anprr Uitts, nil
Anii'rii-iin S'puri's nmt Itt-viN nf rvi-rv itrwn'ti"ii.
Ann-Mi'mi lliik( (tamr.-H, Sawm-ln, 1'ntiipnxKi', fVrcw-ilrn-tTJi,
Amrriiu f. J. IT iMmirr, Chw nml Itivctiup, nil izm,
An iln niul Vices, nil sizi-h.
Sift-!. In 'ii, anl Wnihlttii Itrncci, with C. H lHtf, in
((Tr-it v:iri'-ly.
W. (itruvi-s S ii. Ilutclicr't ir:iil nthpr fi.-kliriltil
NKikox , , Cliii la. I'ihr, r!in--l iyipj, Ar.. Ac.
A'Mi.-' ( :.-bl':ilt'tl C..rvnm 'rMIi. till ttmpex I
Mllkitiv I lln'lni nml innst I'Xtrimivu TlllR'tlt 1
il BniMiiij' II-uiKviin :nii TihiIb iii t Stutc
At Hii ri:iM,sltni-nt it it fun iilirnf n pfi-itnre t' tmw
tlit Cumin. Vni.i me iiivilfil to e;ill ;ni'l t-XLiinim lli nsinrt
in ul. nift Tifir I'm' priri'M n.kcil. btriure urclminij; rUe
whtrc Cnin niil P-r ii..
cur. rMpcetfiillv.
U'M. M. Al'.l'l.l lti:.
i. MnrVrt b(., iHuvtii Till uiul atli, upper mJe.
rinbilt-!pl.i:i, April li. S5C ly.
rilllK suhscrihers oll'cr to physiriansi nnd ilru
E. niits, n carefully selected slot li of drugs anil
medicines, wtiieh thi-y will mtarautec to lie of thu
bent tpiality, pnr" arid unadulterated in till cases.
Their facilities for itiiport'un; forciv-n drills and
ehcinicals are such, that they urn enabled lo sell
thcni upon the best terms, and at the same time
to assure their customers of their tienutncuess.
They have, also recently prepared umi now of
fer for sale a snperi ir article of
C:&r.aF,E M.iCiXESI, &.C.,
Ki'setnl'liiu; Henry's lUaencsia, free from carbon
ic acid and roughness or srittincss, almost entirely
tasteless, i oiiiliiiiinir in an eipial hulk from three
lo four limes the i.trenatli of tho cominoii kind,
and sold ut about ouu half the price of Henry's
They have also prepared th
Fluid Mnnosla,
Which is a new nnd valuable remedy in acidity
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, oVc, at less
than half the price of the foreign article.
They also have on baud of their own prepara
tion an assortment of
Pure Drills in Powder)
Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottle., aucti
as Aloes, Khiiharh, Senna, Seurtja, 1-lietaity, Ki
no, (iui.i Arabic, Kcrpcnfarin, Kxt. lilycyrrh, Ipe
cac, Potass.i rSulph., I'otassa Nitras, UoritT, Spi
'jclin, lluchti, Dnis, C'asearilla, Cauella Alha,
L'a I'rsa, e:
li'icat eare has I ced (akin to have these rc
parml from the best selected drugs and in such a
way ns to preserve the chaiactcriitiig of encb ar
ticle without injury.
They have uli..' n variety ir
Ciieliiiic'al A. t'i;irmnrMili-al
Preparations of their o-n mantrf.ictii'e, nml add
to the Urt .'ill the valuahle new rcnicdies as they
become known. Anions Ihi'M may I'n iiiNitioiii-d
,llu following :
llvilr.K'vaiiie A.-iil, iPrcnaraUotig of M'-reury.
y- .,-, , , ,,:,. 1 r
- ( t'ouwa, V.111C
Lienor Atiini .ma, I'.xtrnrt of Sniiu. (lui.l, a
A'.u. .lo. j.lryiuitil lollllto ulllfuniitr
l'lioS,li;iir, do. mirwro- lo elnl.lrrn.
-- f-r Ithi-uuuiiiiui. lUt.uri ui Uitrtva Comp.,
Hl ir Mar.,
lialru.-t of llfittatt,
' Tiiraxii'iun.
" t'ltlcrian, tiitid,
nevt and qsl-iuI rt-iiK-tly.
I fluid.
Sjiieetia, o
irciparilla CorH
"illoit Ituid,
i(. ,to.
iln ftiint'lu rfi.
Col.s-ytnh Cnnip.
UO .tlllplC.
tlli..F 'Vitro. 1. Si, V. Mitrf nf I'.tnniva.
1 rKKvTa,.l'?f ! I'uhclis, llrgot, 'rohaece, &e. lUtrat- of Iron
eiil'tovnl nn iron ) and Quinine, Isesipii-Oxid of Iron, nil iihlidolo
!'' hi.'li ii limit j -a ,r arF,enic, Citrate of .Muancnia, n m-w and pleas
""h.'a.i.w"!!"'!" n,lt r-"hartic medicine, put up in li o.. bottlea,
iM-ir el I lie Sl"iir, ; nr doz. C.'llinlioil, or l.i'piid Ailhcsivc l'las
111.I liana in j tl,r . a convenient application ill muiiy aurical
!fm " l ! "I" "li""s, !. ! i "mill vials. Also
1 r tii imnAi. mi.i.nnio on
I . ,.,.,,.,.:,,,....;,, nf .,tl,.,;l,. in m.nv
. i-r-. v ; ,
i ease wbere there is n dilnculty of applying the
otihnrv blislerina plaster. A eoatini; of it appli-
; ,-d with" u caincl's hair brush and covered with oil
1 .' . ., , .,, .
1 silk or some similar substance, will produce a
hli-rtcr in three main: tune; or when eiposeil,
ill the usual time of about twelve hours.
Physician and others may depend upon Ihe
faithful nnd prompt execution of tlicir order at a
low rates ns the best quality of medicine' fan be
flti I 'he uiul street, Phibda.
Lalnunlorr, filh nnd Moni ISts. ."'ouihwaik.
Aovemhcr' Hi, ISol). tf.
I fpf MI?S V1-:ITEI.'S respectfully inform
j 1P l'u,ic that they still continue lo cnter-
I tain travellers nml oilier at llteir old established
m.mtl in Market street, west of the Court House,
, 7,'hf-ir loier cvperieuec in the business, and the
j estabiisln d reputation of their House, will,
tht y 1 1 1 1 -t . b a urmcicnl triiiirantee, that their
custom, rs w ill be well accomniotlatrd.
j March S,-!.il. it
' -
"IIIIP, stiTiscribers return Iheir sinecro thanks lo
J- their customers, for liberal eucouraireincii'.
for the last year, uiul hope by strict nttention in
lilli'ii; orders lo meet with the same liberal patron
nee. We have 011 hand Ihe greatest v.fir-tj of
..... ..I' ...... W.......I. .- 0. . .. 1 !
I Lah.. and af,li adding to their , n.!1;.,. iive
us a call before imri hasin i clscwb ,-ro. I lur stock
embraces a ureal variety of CocVmg stoves, of llie
ttiott niairoved kinds, I arlor ttovea for wood or
coaf, common slovcs, ey 1'iideis of (ill kinds, and
odd plates of all kinds 1.0 repair stoves.
Por isuuimcr use. a small Stove, railed fmn
liter baker, new fjul iiiperior Kiirnacc fur lnirn
ins charcoal or atone coal, laa ovtua of eeral
ilillorciit pal'.-riis, Hake ovens, aevend pattern,
liitchiiiK pi.sls, Spoilt iron, bikI variety of arti
cles iu iMsiini?, too iiuincriuis to mention. The
Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4,
V , 7, and 8 quart Tea kettles, at very low pri
lea for cash or cily acceptance.
A few cask of airpcrhir fi'cTinaii I.fcict lead oa
lia"J" WARNCK tV I.mRA.fDT.
Noble at. whaTf, Delaware, PhituiWlphuu
April 12, lSM-Cmo.
lil'.K, a ficnli upplv just received, ami for
.ni, hv W. U. MASSEK.
April 12, 1851.
- - .
IOLD TENS with and witluiul ilver rt
just received, auu lorale bv
11 1 M ssKU
funbury, A mil 1 18-"i
aUaJt:' Itf -iVr t"&3..lg
Vor the Cure nf
hoaiiseijess, mow.
The uniform success which has attended tU
uo of this preparation ils Kria'..".ry eir.tct It
power tu relieve and cure nllectiona of the
I.nitBs, bnve frnincil fur it a celebrity equalled by
no other nirdieinc. W e offer it to the alllietrd
with entire confi.Viiee in its virtues, mid tho full
I olicr thai it will auhdue and remove the evfrtal
ntlaeki tH' tliwasn upon t!, t,ronl ,) I,,,nR
These results, as they leonie pnhliely known,
very naturally attract t!ic mtrnti,,,, vt medical
men nnd plii!.inlr,ipbt:t evervwhere. What ia
their opinion of Clll'.i;,' V Plit'TUi'Ah muy b
seen in the follow ina" :
VAI.liNTIM: V TT, M. I).,
Vief. fin-ri-.v Mr,. CJrpr, Are- ) W, xnyi !
"It eives me pleasure lo certify the vtilite auj
ellieaiy of Ayr's CIIIOUKV' PKCTOWAI,,
which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disaa
ses of the 'i'hrost mid luii--;s."
Tin-: i;t. kp.v. i.ouu lu.iiop nni.a
wii'.is in 11 letter, to his friend, who was sinking
ruidcr nn iiliivliou ,,f the l.untrs: "Ttv Ilia
Cllli.ltV PliCTD.'AI, nn.I il any inedii-in.
can isive vou relief, wilh the blessing of liod that
CHir.r jivnci; r.i stis.
of I.oui-iiiinii, wriics ' That n y.unn; daughter of
his watt cured of several severe attacks of Cm up
hy tho Clir.MA'V PKCTO,' A I.."
Tht I'aniuijii Jaiiruul "f .Vtitiraf Srieiir4
states, "That Asthma and Uroneltitis so prevalent
in this ineli'iat'iil rlimate, has viclded with stirpri
sins rapidity lo Ay .r's ( 1 1 V. k I! V I'KCTOIJAL.
and v.o cannot loo s'.rotr.;!v ree uiiuieii.l this skill
ful preparation lu the Proli i-iou and puhilc gen
crally." Let the relieved sufferer Fpealt for bimsidf f -
1 1 1 it'i tiui 11, .but. 20, 18-17.
Tlr. J. C Aver -Hear Sir : Having lieeu rea
cned from a painful and i'.iii o-rous disease by
your medii inc. 1: call! iiil,j pr.nnpU me lo scud yoaj
this iii'liitow ied.;ineiit, n! only in jut-lice to yonf
hut for the information of others in like afflic
tion. A slicht cold upon the hums, neclected at Ural,
heeaine t-o severe that spitting of blood, ft violent
couh and prf isc ii tht sweats follon-ed and fn
tcued upon inc. 1 became etnariated, could not
sleep, was distnsscd by m coicdi, and a pain
Ihrouuh my clu -t, aod in short h id ull the alarm
1111; syiiitoms of ipiick cousuuiptioiii ISa nicdi
eiite seemed at nil to rcaeh mv case, until I provi
dentially tried your C'llL.'.'V I'L'CTOA.' AL,
ivhieb soon relieved and liu'i' has cured me.
Yours with respect. h". A. s'TKWAHT
Ai.av, N. V. Aj ril 17, ISIS.
Dr. Ayer, t.ov.ctl Dear Sir. I have for year
been nlllii ted v.ith A-.tliina iu the ,vorst form ; o
that I have lieeu obliged to elcop ill my chair for
n lu riri:r part of the time, being unable to breath
fin my lied. I bail tried a trrert many medicines,,
to Iui purpose, mil il mv I'liv.-ii ian prescribed, a
nn experiment, your l ill'.IlitV PKCTOKAL.
At lirst it seemed to make me worse, but Ilk
!eas than a week I l eiati to experience the moat
gratify ino; relief from ilsdse; xi ml now, in four
weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can.
sleep on ny br d with comfoit, nnd enjoy n itata
cf hcal'.li which 1 bad never expected to enjov.
.i'.iK(;i-: S. I'A Ki AMT.
rn r.r-A r. 1:11 ut j.i . i r 1. 11. cu r. mist, inirrii, M a si..
ni Pu'd by Ilenry M-is-cr, S'unbury J Mary
A. Mcf'ay, .Norlliuiulit'il.ind' Dr. I .'eatliart, Sa
lins.:rovc ; Dr. lii. kly, Dauviilc, and Drusgial
1 i'n. ) 1, I sol . lyeC'iin
T IIS. WWW Vi;. Kit regretfully inform
x'- tin- public tiavfliin-.: (iutViiiuiiity Kcnorl'
ly, tli:it .-lit' v, itM-iM'l tliM li V.M' niul t'oiiuuoiUoav
JlO'l i:!,, iiiriiiiht'il i:i a t;:)i ri-.r Htylo. Krotu
I11T loin ('Xiiciiruiv 111 liu' uos-i of a llrnt xwXrn
Hottl, aihl wt-ll kiu'Wii rijul:iti(iii to acoomni--d,iU
lior PusltiniiTM may ilt'prinl tn Ikmiii; sup'li4'
with t-cry lliiny cocJiu-ic U tlirir fotiifort tntf
lVh. 15. 1M51. tf
I II K subsciiir respectfully informs 4rr frirndav
J nnd the public generally, that alie fms tal.c
the above well known stand nearly opposite thm
Court Ifoutr, lately o-eupicd by Sfr. j. CJ. Per
kins. She trusts that her experience iu tuisrn.
and he? rtlorts to make her !ufstsctnnSfftabl-
will trivc entire satisfaction to these wIhi may fa
vor her wilii their custom.
March S, tf.
rilir, anbseriber respectfully iutum the pnbPim
L thai hr has opened n Pl6lic House, ill li t
new town nf Trcvortou, .NorlUumlK-rlaiid eounly,
and that he is cell prepared to accoinuiodatn hi
K'.lrsts in the be.-t manner. His house is local)
ncariy oppuiie ihe Company' Store. He UalM.
provided with Rood stablim; sul'iicicnt for 20 hor
ses. lie trusts by prompt and careful attenlki
lo busine.-s U meet a share of the public patra
Trcvortou, Jan- 11, lSoO tf-
JiOt . TV l..Vl
and ri.-Nsiox .r.Kcr.
The alteiilioii ff lb- public is called to tho n
veitiscmcnt ol" Mr- 'hai!c C Tucker, Attornay
and Audit at v, rhi-toii l itv Person hat.
hit? claims linr bounty Lands or Pensions nr
'.lie subscriber has made, arramjciueiit..
for liie r q.iisil.' forms, and claimant calling all
his o''.,r. , can have their papers prepared an
fore. aided to Mr Tu. ker at Washington, an4
l' bun he property atlciuled to beforo tho Da
li.irtincut there.
1 If. 15. MAEIW
.Suiibury J..::- 1J, I'Til
fLi ...C t. .. i..-- s?
AIWI ftom die t"-sl Ja'inien (Int r, all III valnakl
111. -.a. 111.. 1 t.r.i; ,-iiv '-I wlii. ll It w ill liu i.iuuil lo pn-
m In u e 'iivvutrlil liml e Hi'-. a l.'l lil.
It i 11 lilol i-uu-i.'iil ;lli! al llie nun,- luili- liarinlrkf, SSlllt
tililiiil! tti'iit I 'li .- I T ill. At 'iaili It, nisi will 1 1.11111.1 VifV
iM'it.l.'-ul 111 i.-lii-vins Hit' piuitill nii'l ilitr,-tsins l'-iliiiS
is-.-.'ii 'tin! I'V tin- n.ii-aire.1 tu-lt n ol tins iiiim i uttil or-r-,
rriuii li'.ll ion vvlio).' lea-fcji-mnhil i;Aen in u viiie-pli-fill
ol "'l-i'i lolol water v ill llilill.-iliulrly relllova OlS nal
leuey an,l"ii r'-Miioii resiillinv! Iroin i,t. liu. -.1 1-o, uji.1 il aAaai
tvv it tin.-.' tliuts ilally. as rt", w ill Is- loiaiil !?
lti''till 'i jaiuiil llie LisMlii'li'iin.l ens.' ol Aiiikaifiol Uiesui--.
n.-h nml lisiilrili-y lo it tlin'Til.-reil a.Tio -uioni-J l ta
eniTV itlln- l it. .-I ol llie H.KH11U1 lluulk I 'II..Wlllgll l
,lmi.-iii 0,1, una for cnrtviiiijlue imii'iini ol 6m
lai-.i, Ac.
Il imils'i an rv-s-llrnl uu-d -cine I T Hi' nonaTIJi
jurd llio toneof Ihnr t.Miia. 'is ''V I1"5 ni'inoikrnle aa,. at.
Hit' vn-atiiii; li.iiois, by H Ii?'"'1)' l 1 mi' I"' UU! lilecmpN.
llir .1 nrirh feiuonni rli-i crnvioir fol liitiillliliu, w.hil 4
hat in iiijiuiomaiii..a .si l!i l"'"", anU l aot .u.a;v!a6
by I'. i "f ii'eiri-sii.'ii, wlueli uluayi lulkitv We Uka af
ale 'li'-lit- -ihluI'ihI"'
A ! vv .lr"l" ii'-1 '' '" inspiisiin, rh'iUrh nr nlhcr aarga
tlve 111. ilieiii.s, will rciulvr .',ent 111 ire aerrjital! Aa Ik
noun. Ii "n'l liicv-,i die Kripiiii; wlueh 11 apt toaxennipaaf
l'1-1", ti.'ii.ia.
N. K. enmer of Tth and Che it nut Streets,
l'hiUlcl'li-a, Anril'lS, IMI lv.