Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 19, 1851, Image 3

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For the American.
A. correspondent of the Daily News, who
Higns hirmelf "Northumberland," allege lliat
"Judge Lewis, while President Judge in the
8th Judicial District, purchased a largo judg
ment In his own court against an unfoi Innate
debtor ; and bargained for another larger
.judgment, and undertook to rolled them."
This is denounced as a "wicked speculation."
The charge is false; and the more it is in
restigated the worse it will be for all con
ftpiritors to defraud creditors, all defaulting
bank oilicers, and all fraudulent bankrupts
who may bo concerned in bringing it before
the people.
tl is true that a certain wealthy President
( a Hank, (in which Judge Lewis, in an
oil hour, had invested the earnings uf his
whole life.) formed a mysterious connection
with a man named John G ftoyd, and this
Bank President, in addition to overdrawing
his own account to a very large amount, al
lowed about $15,000 to be taken out of the
Bank upon the joint judgment note of him
self and tho said Ilnyd. That instead of
taking care of the interests of the Hank of
which ho was President, anil entering up the
judgment, as an honest otlicer should, ho
caused his property to be incumbered by
other large claims in furor of other banks.
The stockholders and diiectors becoming
justly alarmed ut this unfaithfulness to their
Interests, this defaulting President, in order
to save himself from being dismissed from
liisofliee, consented that the directors should
place tho claim (against himself and his co
debtor Boyd) in the hands of Judge Lewis,
because the Judge was the. largest stock
holder of the Hank, and "would feel it his
interest to devote his individual attention to
tho collection." This same defaulting Hank
President also voluntarily transferred to Judge
Lewis, as security for the debt, all his inter
est in a large assortment of si nek and notes of
the Tnuuinda Hank, subject to the claims of
a respectable Hank in Philadelphia, which
held them as collateral security for a debt of
$45,000, also contracted by the same default
ing President and his co-debtor Hnyil. This
Bank in Philadelphia, held also a mortgage,
far the same ihbl, on all lire property of the
debtor in Lycoming county. This inorlgago
was recorded before the entry ' the judgment
transferred In .lady Lewis. The Judge, be
ing thus interested in the notes and stork Ifld
as collaterals, by the Hank in Pinhole1"';;.., it
was his obvious duty as well as interest to
rndeavor to havgfthe tnoilganed real estate
t)f the defaulting Bank Otlicer applied to the
payment of the mnrtgage) in onler that the
collaterals might be applied to the judgment
transferred to him. For this reason, and for
this purpose, an arrangement was mad.; be.
tween 1 lie Judge and the Hank in Philadel
phia, by w hich it was agreed that the .lodge
was to take charge of the last mentioned
'debt, and after the latter bank obtained ono
half of its debt, the claims of Judge Lewis
were to be admitted to a participation in the
balance, A litigation of many years ensued,
in the course of which the defaulting Presi
dent used every means in his power to de
feat the collection of l'ie claims which he
had pievionsly consented should be tiansfer
rcd to Judge Lewis. And when an attempt
Was mnde lo realise something from the
notes and sfortof tile 'i'tit&tnda Hank, deposit
ed as collateral secniity, it was found that
Uie latter bank was ruined, and had large
idaims against the same defaulting President
und his friend Boyd ; and tli""e claims were
presented as the ground for refusing pay.
hient of the unlet or a tinnsl'er of the ntutk.
The judgment held by Judge Lewis, was
Hectssanh) euteied in the court of which he
was President, for it could be euteied no
where idse, as there was but one comt In the
homily, but he was deeply interested in h ana
large stockholder of the Hank before the trans
fer, and never could have acted as a judge
in an- matter connected with it, had vo
transfer been made. It was his right and his
duty to protect his interest, h is scarcely
necessary to ray that Judge Lewis never did
act as a judge) in any matter connected with
ihpu rlairns. and that thev were tried in
i'nion county, oat of judge Lewis' district
hntma .'ud-M! Wilst ii. under u special act of
Assembly, which judge Lewis himself ap
blied for, in order that all parties might have
a fair trial. ,
This is an outline of the facts. 5 may Jill
it ' hereafter to tin) amazement of all
swindling bank oilicers, who delight in plun
dering a confiding community and abusing
every honest man wh'J Utlempts to oppose
their fraudulent ?clemcs. It is sullicieut at
present, lb ciate I fiat one of these "t.'NKOlT
TUNATE" debtors in the judgment, had a
wife in Tioga county, where he passed ny
the name of John O. Boyd, ami had, ut the
same lime, another in Philadelphia, whore
he passed by the name .f Henry Seymore,
but upon bis detection anil irrro&t, ut his
house in Philadelphia, in the midst of his
Jm'merise swindling operations, he gracefully
retired from Ihe scene of his financial ihlti
etillies by committing sulfide ! ! The name
of the other K'NiortTCSATS'' debtor ii not
giTenrontof regard lo his friends, whs' will
ba quite gratified to learn that he passed
gracefully through the Bankrupt Couit; and
in.tteail t.f being "VS FOIJTL'NATE," now
enjoys tho usual r;uon ioritkk of maguili
cent debtors, lie lives m easy i in nmsiunrts
vithout paying his di bis.
Thk Siii Kk.' . The ceremony
of Mtct'n the nionunient over th n'mains
of the lalu (.'ov. Siiuuk, at Trappe, Mont
gotnery county, Tu., on tho 4th, was atteu
ded by from eitjlit to ten thousand persons,
of both sexes. Two troops of horse, a com
pan) of artillery and ciyht companies of in
e I . ., .,
junu ami iinumen, witn mice liurmun
musical Bocieties from Philadelphia, were
present. Hon. Geoige W. Woodwau! de
li.vered a beatiful address, it is slated, in re-
:cw ol the ;ile Gt the lamented deceased
he i!c::!h !.-: !:.!, ;,A 'e meniorv hu ha
i-.. ; .. .'; ..... . n .i ,.
PEPSIN, Ihe True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric
Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared
from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox,
after directions of Duron Liebig, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S Houghton,
M.'D., No. 11 Noith Eighth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy
for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, nnd Debility, curing
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agent, the Gastric Juice. See advertisement
in another column.
ni a it it i i: i ,
In Lewisbut!!, on tho 1st inst., by the Rev.
P. R. Marr, Maj. I. L. Bahiiktt. of Clear
field, to Miss Rkiikcca Ri.Atit, of Lewisburg.
I I 10 l.
In SelinsL'rove. Union county, on the 7lh
inst., Mr. SAMUEL DEUR, forineily of Coal
township, Northumberland county, ngcil 24
y ems, 3 months and days.
Oal vtvaiic.
Sunbury. July 16, 1851.
Amount of coal brought to Sunbury. over
the Danville and Pottnville Railroad, from
lite Shaiuukiu Mines: Tons.
For Ihe last week, (ill
Per last report, 9,452
10 I1ti5
l)c iUavlicts.
Philadelphia Market.
July 17, 1851.
Fi.oi it and Mr.Ai.. The inaiket for Flour
is more active, with sales ol lNiKt bins lor
xpoil. Standard brands are held at S4.?5.
Sales for eifV use at S I. 23 a $1,371. Fancy
brands are held at S l'l a 651.
I'vt: Fi.oi u. Peuii. is in fair demand at
Coiin Mkai,. Peuiia. is in demand at
Wheat Sales' of Peuna. red at !Uc :
prime while at SI ft 1.01.
Uvk. Is in demand, sales at .2 els.
Coitx. The supply abonl equals the de
mand : ellow commands til cts.
Oats. Are in demand al 4 '1 lets, for
Wiiiski:v. Sales of bids, at 23 cents.
Hogsheads aie held at S3Jc.
Baltimore Market.
July 15, 1851.
fill A IN.- We note sales of Maryland and
Virginia Wheals to-day at 85 a 05 cts. for
good lo prime reus unit al !.' cts. lor good
while. Two loads of Pennsylvania red
wre sold to day at !t a cts !
Sales ot ('urn al tiJ a fi.'t cents for w hile i
7 els., or yellow. I
We quote Oais al 40 a -tl cts.
U'mi. in'i' f . I . . i" II II. 1 - ...
xx 1 1 1.MX r. l . rMios to lenna. upis. i
cts., and ol hlnl.H. 23 J cts. Sales ot Balti
more bids, at 2 I1, cts
Win: at. I UO
livi:. - - - 50
t'onv. ... 5ll
Oirs. - :i7
Hi ttkii. - - - -It
Foots. .... 8
I'oltK. .... 7
Ft. 1 X !. l. .... lV..r,
'i'Al.l.MW. . 10
II :: ax - 25
I I I r ki.kii l'i. i . . . I II
l)u 1 1: ii Ai'i'i.i.. - - . -75
Ho. l'urttu. . . '.'(II)
Flak - - . - -h
New Advertisements-
F Northumberland Comitv for August
'J'erm, A, 1). 1S.11.
ni';uid Jurors.
Si Niii iiy. K Iward W. lirieht.
Luwkh AnasTA. John Kbright. John
Wynn. Samuel tehriniei.
Uri'Kii Aiiiisi A. Juuas Fry.
Shamokin. Isaiah Morgan, John Roadar
lilt: I, George K.'ller, II 'iijaniiii Tonialsuu.
J Ai: K sox. Con i ad 1! a book .
Rush. Malon llufl, Fliilip Weaver, finis
foph Ciimpbell, Chailes Carr.
I'lMi.isyiAi K. Henry S heats.
li:i.wni:. James Everet. John P. Heard,
Isaac Vincent.
Tl iihut. C'eoiye Koous.
Lkw is. William Li.vauy, Wilson lluse,
Jacob (iiltner. Gideon Reevcr.
Liiwkii M.Mioynv. Adam Ringemau.
Travt'i'Nc .Jtirorw.
SiMii'iiv. Cyrus (.'. Rachman. Samuel
Low r.u Ai'i;i sr . f.iu'el Conrad, H.iniel
Ziiuliiei uiaii.
' I'rrKii Aii;isTA. Samuel Riland, SiiTion
Lowi:u M iitoMiv. F.lias Weasl, Charles
Rrosious, John Seiler. Rruiamin ftcflncr,
Daniel France.
Uiti;k Muionov. John Snyder, Daniel
Risu. Lewis Yatine, Abraham I loll
nran, James Kckiuuu, Abel Dicus, John lloli
man, Win. II. Kase.
C.VMMiioN. John (lutsliall.
Coal. John F.veiit!.
N' John Cake.
Poixi. J.'cob lontler. John F.ilston.
Ciitl.ts.irAni'K. Cornelius McGinley, Solo
mon Wallers, Win Freest.
PKt.AWMi r.. Jacob mown, Kuocli Bennil,
Ileurv J. Reader, Charles IV-ir.
Lewis. .lames WatiR, James Roan, Mi-
chaid llrobst, Michael Reader. John M. Iliy.
ou. l.en lilae.
Ti l: a i'T. Philip I'illrnire. -Xmio! Pulliner,
Vn'.o. flood, Oavid L. Iflainl. Win. Kul..
Mii.tos. John Resh, John Honis.
Siiamokis. Pavid Reed.
Jackson. Paul Ilollenbach, ?oloriion
Drcsalcr, Jacob floflmail.
V1 OTU'l". it hereby given that the several courts
oft'oniinon ricas, t ienerM l2untr fSrKions
of the peace, ami Orphans (,ourt, t .ourt ot ttycr
and 'J'enmner utnl tioneral Jail Delivery, 111 urn
lor the county of Northumberland, to eoitnneiica
at the Court j'loiise, in t4i b.)rou;:t ot .Suuburv,
at 1(1 o'clock, A. M. on .Monday, ihe 4ih day el
Almost next, nud ill continue (. h xvhr.K.
The coroner, .liir-tiecs oflliel'eaie and triinslii
hies in and for tin! county nl'iWlhumlierl'.md', are
requested lo be ihen and there in their projier per
sons, wilh their rolls', records, inquisitions, and
oilier remembrances, to d'o I'uomi things to their
several olliccs nniiertainini; to l doiU1. And ull
w ilnescs pruM'i'utiug ill behalf of the Common
wealth against any jirUouiT nre also requested uud
command! ll to be then and there attending in their
proper jter.-,ns to prosecute airaitist hint, as slull
i,e iimt uud not to depart xvithout leave ut their
peril. Jurors are requested to bf punctual in their
attendance, at the time uppoiuUj aim'table 10
their notices.
(.ivt'ii under my hands ut Suubury, the 2 1st day
id June, in the year ol our 1-onl one Hum
Estate of PETER McANDEEW, Deo d.
TOTICE is hereby Riven that letters nf nil
ministration hnvc been prn'ntcd to the dub
seriher on the estate nf Peter McAnch-cw, dee'd.,
lute of Coal towns! ip, Northumberland ronnly.
All persons indehlcil to said estate or having
rlninis against the sumo, nre rsqnentcd to call on
the subscriber for seltleinenf.
MICHAEL It A LEY, A.ltn'r.
Trevorton, June H,- fHfil. f.r.
Estate of PETER SHR0NTZ, Dec'd.
NOTICE is hereliy Riven tlmt letters Testa
ineutury have lin u granted to the subscii
lier on the cMute of Peter Sliront., dec'd.. late
nf Lower Anv'iwtn township, Norttimnlierliuid
comity. All penoni indeliled to siiid estate or
having ehiiins nsaiust the Kline, are requested to
call on the subscriber for settlement.
Lower Anitrstn tp., June 28. tit.
Estate of ABRAHAM KERLIN, Deo'd.
TVTttTICE ts hervby given that tellers of A,l
iiiHiistr.ilhw have been pnniled to the suit
soriber on tho estate of Abraham Kerlin, dee'd.,
late of Rush township, Northumlierhiiid eouiitv.
All per.itms indebted to said estate, or having
rlainu ngninst the winie, are leipiesled to cull on
the subseriber for settlement.
Rush tshp.. June 11, 1H51. fit.
jVo'nCE is hereby given to all Legatees
' Creilitors and other persons interested in the
Instates of the follmviui; iiiiuied persons, that the
Kxeeutors. Admiuistralors, and ( lUiirdiuus of said
Kstntes liave tiled their lo eoniils w ith the Hegister
nf .Nortliiimberliitid enmity, and Unit the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court uf said
County, on Tuesday the 5th day of August
uet for continuation and iillowiiuec.
IB.) I
Jesse Ununel. dee'd., setlleil by his Exees-
tor, Samuel l!eit7..
Joseph Irwin, dee'd., prilled b his Achn'r
Andrew tiully.
John 'J'?,diopr, dee'd., sellled by his AdmV
M irhael 'I'ti hof p.
John lhimnr, dee'd.. sellled' by one of his
Adui'rs, Abrnham llainor.
!s.wah II listed, dee'd., st illed Viy Iter Execu
tor, A Jordan, I'sij.
Hubert W. Jleehil. iK-e'cf., settled by his
Adn'r, Daniel llolslvoc,
Marlit Irwin, iWil., sftlU'tf by liis AJiu'r,
Murks 1'. tSftiphnHr.
Henry iShaller, dre.'d'., settled by hip AAiv'r,
ttf ttoii.s uitn John 1'iiTiisworth.
(Silas, Anne, Iwnily, and ('ornelia Feaster,
minor ehildron of John Piaster, dee'd.,
sellled by their ti'iiaidiaii. Win. Cornell.
Aibiin Critz. Hee'd.. settlrd lv his f'xeeutors
James Me.Mahan anil I'manu'et Ilerk.
Jacob (iioesiiicer. dee'd., M'tllud by his
Adin'r, John ( ireeriner.
JOHN r. lM'RSRL. Register.
Kcyi-ter's fri!"i.-e. )
Sunbnr)', July 5. at. J
si 'imYk'm i', coritT
TJovthein Ti:itrir.
JttTfCI'' in l;.cn'h yifti lhal the Suprme
' Coin! for life .Norlliem Dislriet of Pennsyl
vania, will eoov'ienee its annual session on rhe
second Mo'jdav t'Jul) nxt. a lb I 'mirt IIoum'
'ii tsunburv,
l'roth'y .-Sup. Court, N. 1).
Prothouotarv's Oli'uv,
Muntiiirv, June I, l ol. j
ARGUMENT LIST--July Term, 1S51.
1 Co veil
'2 Case
'.i Andics
4 Keen
5 Loom is
6 Gup;
7 Cash
8 Pi ice
0 R.illaid
10 llnslon
U Talluiau
1 i Shippeu tp.
13 Raibu
14 Same
15 Samo
Hi Same
17 Same
IS N Y Krie
R R Co.
19 Smith
vs .Uillit,
vs fuhnsou.
vs l''vans-,
vs Walker,
vs Kell-iii.
vs Powell,'
vs Tose.
vs Lewis,
vs Thomas,
vs H.irston, "
vs Reaford, "
vs Gaines tshp, Tioaa.
vs Williston, Riadluid.
vs Chandler, "
vs Piaird. "
vs Chandler. l;
vs F.lwell, ' "
vs Skinner, Sus('hanua.
vs Little, Luzeine.
1 Reeds iidiii'rb vs Reed, .orlhnnib I'd.
2 F.i-ely i Co vs Hellas, " .
3 Waliis vs Saydi'r. t'liion,
4 Weimer vs ( li iiii nls, ,oi liiumli'h! .
5 Rors ys Plea.antrf, 11
Ii rieacsauU vs Ross , ."
N F.lliotts'r.s vs t udvkunst. 1'nimi.
'J Wilhelm; vs Caul, " North d. .
10 Caldweli vs Pieunel. eli'd, Lycomiun
11 Oysters adurs vs Wris& Fisher,. "
12 Frederick vs Wood, v .
13 Shaffer vs Kessler North'd.
14 Miller vs Sweeney, ,;
15 Dickinsons Kx'rs vs Callahans
Hi Road, Auirusta tshp,
17 Fiees vs Shiiner,
K jMenas' appeal
lit Louver vs Wall,
20 Aarinan vs St
2 1 Schuei lets appeal
Oi Hellas vs Pew-art,
?a Wilt, vs Snvder.
S4 Metiinlevn adm'rs vs Metiinley Noith'd
25 ti ('rant's adiirrs v.s Heirs ol T (Jrant "
.'5 Fisher vs Furley, I'nion.
2? .MiCarfy vs IliiHinan, l.yeoniinii.
Xt'w Music .lust I'uMislifd.
Kl" A WAT.Kl'.IJ, No. ltlii Chesnut t
A are eona.mtlv pn'.ilisliins nud reeeivinir.
w mid beaili.Sil music liom IN- hinst distill-
'rliiished eoui poser."'.
The follow inf lit-f ccntains som'- of their choi
cest and mosl popular s"iTm;, W"alVs, I'olkus,
Now, thc'i nrt d'onc, ti b. !int'"fiil soil", words
by Thomas S. Dichl. music bv Ilamhndi'e.
Mv .New I. upland Hon, i. wnnl., alio iiiusic Pv
Mrs I,.
(irobe's Omnibus; by C (rol, a colleclion
of Duelts.
Soiiudj from Hotne, piino and vrofin, by Jos.
l'reitv l.itil- H an for l'vety Lititc Tecjilc,
bv J. l.imr.
All tho Winds uj Sleiirrr', by A. W: Worn-
liuardian AnsrH, by the atuhor of "I. me Not."
Household Words, written by Chan'.
'1'he Adieus, words bv Thornis . DiJtiV, inu-
sie by Horr.
l.KK x. WAl.KI'.IJ liuvn eoiistantly on hand
suMr:'or Hiamvt, and a supply of Martin's t.'ele.
bratcil (inil irs. which together xxiih n tin a
sortmciil of Musical lustruiiieuts und Merchan
dise, in Bcnrral, comprise a stock not to be sur
passed by that of any other establishment in the
country. l.KK WAI.KKR,
Hi "4 CUcs'iut street. -Swaim'c Hllilding.
Philadelphia, June t!S, ISil. K.
bar liotlles for sale bv
II. B. MAts.En.
runliury, April 12, 1SS1-.
AKNOI,l'.S WKITlNt; FI.l'II) and Adhe
bixe and leal iHxclopcs, lor sale by
II. 1). MASEK.
tiitibury, April 2d, lsSol.
I- ' J'.nplisli Silver Wulchca, for side at very low
nricen bv ' H. 11. MAStSfU'.
, -
rv. Anril 12.
NOTICE is hereby siven thn letters of nd
ministration hav'n been (rrsntfd1 to the nh
serilers on the estate of Henry Rockefeller, dec'd.,
late of Point township, Northumberland county.
All persons indebted to said estate or ImviiiR
claims against the same, sre requested to call on
the subscribers for settlement.
Point tp., June It, IS5L 0t.
"11THO respectfully informs his friends mid
eiistomers tlnit he has returned from
Philadelphia, wittt an exrelb nt ussnrtment of
New Spring Goods,
which he olli-rs for sale it Ws-t4d stsiul in Mar
ket street. These (lends will lie sold ut the low
est prices. His sleek consists o every variety,
viz. :
Dry (iootl.Sy
.S'(7i us Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins. Culicnes
(ifij.'im. Lawns. Chintzes and La
dies hress and Faueij (lowl
Also an assortment of
Talm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c,
llnnhvarr. Iron nntl Steel, Nails, &r.
A general assortment of (Jrocrrirs, Sugar,
Cofi'ee, Tea, Cheese, Mo
lasses, Spices.
IT?" Produce of all kinds taken in fxclianire
at Ihe highest market prices.
SuiiUHty, Mny 4, 1851.
LOOK II V, K ! ! !
f FI1HK Subscriber respeelfnfty
ivl A iiffomtf hie frrePltrt and the
iP"M'I fd'lie ireuerutlj, tlit he still
s'Ci" continues the
At his old Stand in
Market Street, Sunbury,
(wo iFoors above Market Square, where he con
stantly keeps on hand, n larce assortment of
KciKiy Miule Harness,
(Double .V Sinste.') with Silver. Ilrass and Japan
ned mountini;. Also .Saddles, llridles. Trunks,
Yaliees, Whips, Collars.
All kinds of work in bis line made to order, in as
neat a style as can lie pit up in this country.
Persons wishing to purchase will please call and
examine his slock ls'l'ore purchasim; elsewhere. '
K. 11. The suhstrihrr has just opened a new
and splendid
Assortment of Saddlery,
Soch ns Silver. Hnss ami J.ipanned looiinting,
Piitent Sell'-Adjustina Trees, Patent Roller
Hits, Riding Bridle Itits, Trunk and
';iliee Locks, Trunk Roard. Trii'ik
Nads. Hone-. Tr ii v-. Trim
mini; Laces. Tolls, Sad
die Well. fim;le and
Double. bile
Rnamctcd Leather. Patent Leather, (tit Cloth.
Kosetls. Tassels. Fancy Rrow-Uands, Saddle
Trees, Deer's Hair.
of all kinds. All of which will be sold us elieup
if not cheaper than they can be not elscwhrtc,
for cash or approved credit.
Soubnry, April 20, ls5t. Ion.
I l'.Sl'Kt "ITTLLY orl'crs himself to Ihe peo-
pie of NrVtlnnolTlaud county as a candi
dal,, for iIm el'tkie of
II brfh'-vf s bis experienee in the business ol
that otlice xvill enable him to fulfil ils duties
KuiibrVrv, JuK 5. f"."l.
riII I! suoseriber respectfully informs his friends
l and tcllow citizens of .Norihumlicrlaiiil coun
ty, that he oilers himself as a candidate for
Con ill v ( 'ounnisisionor.
at the eusuina electioi.'. He solicits from his
! ' I ... I . ii' :.: - , I 1
menus noo icinox!, iinon, .u, j-
ses slioold he I e elected to liisch'nrrje the duties
of the orl'iie with lidelitv.
t iiAi;i.i:s wk.w i:u.
inbiirv, May 21. isiil.
TO THE KI.ll'JTOlis tr.' .NOKTlil'MUlCK-
: I" i: I. t-ii xv l.'rri.Ks : At the eat nest solieila
tion of of my fi lends, I hi reKy aiiuounee
myself as a eairdidate for tt.'e etlTee of
Cmiiifv (viii missioHci
at the lippronchiiKi cleeli.Hi. Should I be elected
I piomisc to diseliartrc the d'u fix's of said oliice
with tito'lity antl in farli;dlt I solicit the sup
port of my fxllovr eiti.ei;s.
Lower Augusta. June 1 1, foal.
TO THE KI.KCToi'.S OF N'Ort'Tlir.MliKI!
rpHK subscriber respectfully informs his friends
A nud fellow citi.ens of Norlniiinberland eoiin
tx, that he will be a iiindiate fur
Con nt v Coin in issionM
at the running election He therefore si.Vtcits
from liis friends and fellow cilizmis c liberal sup
port, and promises should he be elected to dis
charge the duties of the ollice with fidelity ami
fsuubiirv, March 15, ISA I
Kti t-oxv CiTiXKNfi : At fhe Kolicltatioii of
my friend.'', 1 oiler iiivm"I1v us a candidate for Ihe
ollice of
nt the ensitins electimi. Munil.l I h elected, I
irotiis" to dischnrue the duties of .aid office xVilti
fidelity and imparliuhlv. , .
Clvoiji;?: iruKiMT.
Suiihiirv, April 1'.', l.sol.
rjiy ( ui.irif Va v i"
HagHes' Fever and Ague Pills!!
4 PEIfKKCT and speedy cure for the. I'Yver
urul A(!U it (ruiiranteeil lo any out' who'
niav use the' Fills; They Kix U-fn nutil Air the
..if ., i f 11 year ami have never Iweit rTiioV.1!! to
fail 111 a siorIo msl.iiicf tYe 111 eae. loo.
xvUere person ha'.' had the disease for several
years, without intermission'. fe jin Jr:i'tor
''liaftettet the v'fif.t to produce 1A1 article that
xvill cure In as short a tint,1, without' Ie:n'iii2 mix
deleterious cll'ccls from the use of it. If il.'iS Fills' 1
do not 'rfotill 11 spued y mtd perfect cure, the
proprietor will return the uloney. For safe hy
Jacob. S. Lawrence, Minirtixille ; li. 1 lei ten.
stein, Tn xoitoii ; 8. li, Uixoti, Mcliuylkill lit
veh ;' John V. Kriliu, tSunbury ; Mary A. Mc
Coy, Nofthuiiilierlaiiil ; Dr. Het kly, Panvillr ;
Johiiexharprcss, Cattawissa ; Dr. JudJ, Williams
port ; John Hater, Milton, uud by respectable
Druggists thtouhnnl the State.
J. l'l: Iff IS C. IIFfillliS, I'roprietor.
Fotlsville, June -JS, letOl. ly.
1 AZOKS A supvnor ariu In fi ale al the
utix-vof trvvoy MA'-Sr.R.
V. i . v. I' ' . in. i -'I'. -
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
rpiIE subscribers hereby inform their old ens.
turners and the publTc Benerully, that they
have just leceiveil Mite and extensive assort
ment of nil kinds of lerehimdie, which they
oiler lo pun hasers nt such fates, Unit they can
not refrain from Inning. Their assortment of
Dry (loods.
is lari;c, enibraeinir all kinds of
Chillis, Cassiintrs, Satteits. iVe.
A ireneral itSsorlment of Summer wear, of
I.tNRN", WOOL anrr CfrTTON,
Staple, and Fanny Coods for Ladies,
of all khnls, si-di ifs Calicoes, Moos, de Raines,
Lnwns, (iiimbaiiis, eve.
Also an exeellcnl nssortmeiit of
lilt I liS AM) MI'.Dlrl.M'.S.
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
tV I'n'mifrt pi'odiice Mull kimh f irk on in ex-chniif-r
al the highest markef priW'.
Sunbury, May HI, 151.
"KVLLfAM IM)Ov'F.'R'iespretfiilly niforms
his frrets mid customers that he has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas
scr's Mill, Mollowinu linn. These goods will
lie sold at the lowest prices.
Dry (itttids. S'c.
Suck as Cloths. Cassimeres, Jlnslms, Calhmes,
(iinulinms. Loii-ns, Chintzes mill
.Ue.f iress ftonils genendty.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c.,
A general assortment of (irocerii'S, such us
Suijnr, Coll'ee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, Jcc.
Also an assortment of Lhpiors, such as
Brantty, Rum, Whiskey, Wintx, S'C.
tT" I'roduee of all kinds taken in exchange ut
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, May 1(1, lsol. ly.
( ' 1 1 ha im; ij a a h s ton i:s.
rfHI Mib.Mrilicr informs his friends and the
- public, lhal he continue, to carry on the
Marble Rni-inoM- in all it brjuchis-. at his old
land in Millnn, P.i.. and . pr. pirrd to'. J.
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c.,
of the be.t materials, and most linihcd work
manship, und at the lowest prices.
Letter ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 t . Knudish iindCermau in the
mot mod, '.-ii anil elegant stle.
Designs for Moiiumeiils, (irie'e Stones, &c:,
always on hand'.
N. II. tlrders for rhe Fast side of tlW river
promptly executed by leavint; the same at thf
ollice of llu: "Sunhiirv American."
Milton, Nl.iv HI, Is.M
.-xt ni i'r ex-i i i-t . s i
tlMriJI, K iinlir.rv i t ( n.xersal
j j,-.,,., . ,,, . ,i ie , f ,, .
tiiKTiiished J'erifts, to- .vhv,'h i.rnppcndeil an epi
tome ol
Heathen Myllnbvy, I'niiosojiby, tien
eral A strolnm iiuu' l'lix siolouy.
Adopted und used in the I'ublic Schools of
K. S. .MMIS ,V Co.. rublishers,
S. W, Corner FOITITH and RACE Ms., Vhilai
Teachers and' School f Vmiuiittrf r; rlddressins
letters lo us po paid, x"! I' 'furnished with
copies for examination.
n?" A Full and Complete Assortment of
HOOKS and S'l'ATlO.XA IJ V; for Sale at tho
Loire. t Vriri.t.
May !l, lil. ly.
llrrat Improtruwiiis in liuHnj
French Uurr MiH Soucs;
1 V fe
I ) Krsw.
II. -t: ti- ,
tmpr" iil cast inVn I
l-,vt! which in Unit ,
int-t llu Kuiiimt. i ;
I i jtfl w ..r tln ,
vr tr ol lltf Stti. '
mti )nt a ni'ivciiMe ;
ii:ilinuo ryl; bMd '
ilri r n t u? to L"t'p
tlv ImIiih c ol tin
I i mo without tff'iM '
ni'iijj until it i j
w-Tii ii t. t' ii r
tt-H'k ft' mxk is
M'lrH'tH in I'nuiL'f, nud the lKf tinali'.y mi'-y urd.
S.M n,T St ....,tM,.,v i..:i i....t i -luMiftn with tin-
l"Wfl Slouc Ui run, no to, t i prevent lite r 'ttiier etioKuiu'
in ihe eve. Holinic l'l f all uumli.-rf. el:,p i,.i msli.
Mill jrons uii.l Sunn .Xliielaiu " niii'sli.-." : or.ler.
i.i,,Woeoi ,s..r,.-,i; ..,, sioial.1.: I ir i .Hiniry.MM.
sioial.1: I ir I'ouiitrv Mer
I'tiunts, iaiiioru-,1 utnl lor r:Y l.y
.1. I". MITfHKIJu.
No. It o'A Itorel, near t;i luuii Pole.
I'lliUI. I.tilli A.,l" l-.'.l e"ii.i.
tTaiiil'.t Infer ftr
No lll tHee, i.-'assafras.) street,
bot e Third, Djinonle lh.: W hile Hinm Hole!.
Tallow Chaiidteis and Manut'icturers can tA
supplieil with u iii.'ti.iti' Aitlclco;Cwdle Mould.-,
of iSupeiior exrer.t'co and efnieo.'
.. 11. 1 lie Mouhls arc inaile ol tlie tvsl .Metal
and p'llislied c a ni xv l'a'tciit M icliine. xvhicli
linen them an cxlta linish. J I icy are art'r fne slxle the tips lo ti cw on the pipe, and
the pipe r.i screw tie'ht in the bench.'
i i' iiiiUNTi.ii fo be tar s'itWror' f any
oilier now in nse.
He also iiHiiuluetiir fnririeat Funfm o"ni
Ajiril 1'.', IS.'il. liiuo.
I . AV. II. (ilKSH,
(.i 'n- Henry I'arr,)
Falls lli, llaMlmore
t"5" I.IUFKM' ADV .vci:s ui
siiiiiiiV'iir '.
I.v.ttkii and Coii.N:i:vf Sootild' be ad
i!tsii! to-
r w. n. (n.:i', .ent.
Max Id, lAol -4u-xk
;u. 104 Muikct Street,
A VINO decided to UAiit tlm biisnieiji, I pro
pos' lo sell the sl.iek nf vry low prices.,
Il embrace llie newest and most desirable style.
You arc iiivilcJ to call und exiuiiine.
April 6; ISM Snio.
CH h's. An exvcVcnl rrtclr, for sale at
hutt rtie usual price by J W. KYl.,
S'l'i' !- , t ,! - l- i
'PI IE ntteii
1 liivit.'d
attention of Hailderi nd otlierr, rc rcircftl'illy
it'l to the extriimvl, k,,a wt 11 SHlni'lfd HttK1!! -t
l)lD II AHnvVAMI.' Xliril M mlihilliv
,iinium,.lln;rrti)liiiPhMg in pari Oli follows:
Aimumi iiii I'mm i)(HJt iiprinlit, witli night w.rk,
plnUit r limit, llirilillin,, ,,r poreelnlli Hit nxrs.
American Krnt rKir Ijocks. nenplit, pkiin, Willi
mulii xv.irk, ilai ut ,ran, in,iinre, or iHiiwIiMu nil
AiniTlenn Frnnt Door Icl(s ami PMrc l).,or, ll.irlz.m
tul or iiiri(ili(, liniMriirniinre, r i,or.-. lain nil cl'Tc
Aincricim II tin l k, all rixva nml iinalllin Whiln or
brnss fiirnlliire, or .,,rr hnu nil
Anicricmi Murtiee lneks, nil mz, . Hh ptaled, wliite or
brns titrnitiir.-. t pMri'i-ltiin nil c ...r.
Aincrieini IM'trlicc l.otchi'!, ull ty.-r. witli pli'tiV wlivt
or hniKs nirniuirc. ,r p-'rcclnin all p.i.,m,
American .M'trticc anil Ititn C.w:t l.'.Uf jilali-.l 'l l.r.'os
e5,'ntcli'''.ii!,, ..r poio-hiin ull o.l.irii.
Aincriina He.p, St. p, 'I'loioil., fiatc, nn.l Store llo.
.11.. Iinpi'llivl lvk Hint Lnti liusof ev.'iv ,lcnri,ti"ll
lla.lwin, and Amrrivall Halt Ilili. f, ol all nixes, Inst
or ln,.s, join.
SlintliT. tinlp, Sirup, 'f . nod K'li-Vll.'ip IlinS'-s. nil kinils.
Winner, Hale, l)...i, flinli Spring It'll, "I wixmijlil
,,r cast iron toi'l t,rnss. pvitV IfS.-riplii'S.
Screws. Sjirifs. tillle, Saiiil Paper ol tin: l'st ili:ibty.
Ainerieioi Axle unit Sham Axle PiiHes, of every
Aineriran IliillonS, plain or on platen, brass, iron, or
Anierirnii Nobs, plntcd, white, iron, or xvoori. nil khwts.
Sash-Conl, c. mill . ii anil patenl, w ilh oile r arlicks lisi
nlinierons lo inenij .n.
ie- nails nnii s.xsii.wnutrrs m i.-actiiiy
t'rT" All (livoViMivered free of riinrpn to tiny part nf
Ihe City unit l)i'trict.
At tins cslal'liHiini nt can he found one of lie tnrpest nn,1
Ih'SI nss. rliiients of Wliite unit' l-'ii..v Not.sfi.r Isieks, ,Ve.,
in ttiel'iiv; some iiiiU.tiis. of M-toeli. cannot he seen, or
iil.laiinil, in any ortier More. TOOLS.
Spent A. .taekson's IV'k, Panel. llaii'S anil lti' SaWf,
tlliport,1 expresslv for Itetnil s:i!es. lilt St leelelt with care.
S,e njrent loi the cilehrnteil l'lanes. iiimle hy F.. V. Cm
penler, of linenster, Pn., le in fit! inaile o' Split W'snt.
anil Ihe Hills proiniil mwl trie,!. Ilentlv's ,V XX'illinnis' iiiiil.,
ol t huels, Axes, llnlctiels, lli.-iu-ini: K.h'c, Ac., ull lir
I'iIi . uinl ?Inek" ninkeol' Anders unit Anfi r llitts, nil
American S.pniri:s (mil Il.-vils of every il.-siTiptinn.
Ameriean Knle.t, tiuiies. rtmV'rTs, i.'oiap.svtT, Serrw
ilrivers, Ac.
, American t S. M.-n-Mirs, Cln- unit II ll'ettnjj, nil .izes,
Anvils nnii X'iees. ull sizes.
Sleet, Iron, mill W'.MMleii Unices, wilh C. S. llitts, in
prent variety.
V. Ilreaves ft S 'ii's, Ilnti'lier's :, io I oth.-r ceh hrati il
makes ,.f Chisels. Files, Plane-lions. Ac.. Ae.
Aitilis's cetelirnOsI r.-irvih T'S.l... till shapes
Mttkiter one of Ihe Ik-sI tinit most extensive ass atineiits
of HnililitiL' llanlwtire unit 'I'.n.Is in Iti. Sute.
Al tins estal.tihment il is con t.lereil ti pleasure to show
tlie lesls, Yo'l'Mfe mvileil to call anit exrilllil,'..' the tosort
lent. nml hear Ihe prises; nskeil, :lor: pnr.Miasinjr !-vi'll.-rc.
t'otiie anil see its.
Voitts, respei-n'aih'.
vm. m. Mecl,ri:v..
No. 'T Market st . between ;th tin,! slli. tipper fhle.
rhllu.lelphia, Apnl I J, Is.ll. lj.
riHK subscribers oiler to plivsiciniis iitid drui;:
JL liisln, a earelullv felecled slock of'drnes and
medieines, wliich they xvill unaianlrc lobe of Ifte
best ipiality, pure and nnailiillernlcif in nil eases.
Their facilities for itrttiortimz foreitrn tfruus and
ehemicalH are such, tlmt lliv :i-h eo.,l,le,l I,, sell
them upon the Is-st terms, and ut the wane time
to assure their eiistomers of their eenolniMies-".
They have also recently prepared and t!ow of-
fer for sale a sunerior article of
V ll t lM l) .ll.Ka.VKKI 1, &c;,
it:... tt 1 i- i- i
nctii-mmiiig uriiry s i.i'firsi,i, uvv innii r;irntu-
ie acid and roughness or grittiuc.-s. ulniost eutin ly
tasteless, i ombinimr in an eptal bulk from three
to four times the strength of the common kind,
and sold at about one hjlf the price of Heurx'a
They have al- o p-'rpTeu the
Fluid riiiit'isiii.
Which is 'i new and valuable remedy in acidify
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea. Ao., nt less
than half Ihe price of the fureittn article.
They also have on hand of their own prepara
tion an assortment of
l'ore I)ni''-s ill Powder.
Neatly 'UX ip l'i' 1. ai d I pomiA bVtly, snrh
as Aloes, Uhiihu-h, Sew, S-im--, UltaUniv, .Ki
ii (itlii A rale, s:pi ntarl.t, Kxt. ( iIvlvi ti, Ipe
eac, l'ot;isa Siuiph;, To'tassa JVitras, lioax, -pi-
orlia, litichn, (Irns, I'ascarilla, t'anella Allia, :
I'xa I'rsa, vVe.
ureal care has ncen lasc n io nave i ncse pre- ,
I . . .,,..,, , i
i pared ti ,uti Ihe best sclented druus und in such a
, ..... ... , .. .
1 tide without injurv. I
'J'hcy huxe also u variety of
I Clifiiiicn! A: lMiaritiai t'tit kal
j l'i, paratinns of their oxyo luanufaetiire, uud add
I to the list all iiu va'unbi'.' new remedies as thev
become k Tn en-n, Aii.otts; f!'ieiii ;;iav be rientiuneil
Ihe folli.xving :
' Hyilr,'yani ,, i,1
ii'ri.i':ir;ih -us "f Mrcnrv,
1rn, '
j '.im.
r.xlrrn't 'r Si-mr.i. ft
rrrtiir:itiiii.t t I-h1mi.
" t'l l'ititfm,
1.iiM'r Auiiii 'ii in,
A't'i:i. (.
rh";li;itt fi ii' v r:-
imtlv- Ur U lit'iiitnlisiii.
r.l'H' Mitt:',
I'.XtriH-t t.l'firill'M
1 1 n;iei:i,
' i'n:i.U'mil,
" VjI.tkhi, r, ut, :i
in m Hsclill rriic.'dv.
KxhiM't 'i liuclta I'.Hrp.,
'""'V . -
Sirtttpiinlb " '-'ni-
p..i.ii.ii tliiid,
c..-Mvnth Cimp.
Sps. A'.llier Nitres, 1 '. J
( llU ol Unpaiviif
CuVI". Vr3.1l, Tohaecc, Ac. titrate of Iron
iih1 (Jiini'K. Srs.iei-O.xWc of Ir, ,, eir eniid.'l-
for arsx'ni'', Citrate of Ma.ncsii. : new and lca
ant cathartic, medicine, put up in l'. oz. bottles,
i per do.. Collodion, or l.iipiid Adhesive l'las-
tcr ; n convenient !ipilniiiiou tn many
operations, pin up 111 snnin xi
CANTIlARinAt. COl.I.oniON ('t !T.!S-
TKuiNCr i.tunn,
; e .
ooti vnu"iit rirtiaralioti n! ranlliantu in manv
s t asis w In n' then is a ililncultv ut" av l!in
ordinarv Mistrin-i.lasWi. Aalinu L It a,'vU-
, r ,. 1 . -l , ,
ed Willi r. camel s h;.ir hriis.i and einc.vd Willi oil
silk or soiiH. s"in,"Li- snli.siance, xxill produce u
; :.. ..,',. f.llllrK . . ,. l. . vooscd.
in r,
'sua I lime of uliont twi tve hour;.
l'hvsicians and others niav depend upon the
tail 'oil and prompt exccnlioo of llieir onicrs al as
! low rates as tlu1 best ip:..Iity of medicines e.iu he
.'iti I'hesnilt sheet, l'liiiaila.
I,al'ora'to;'y, bi'.x and Morris fts. 'oiitlnV:ii'k.
November Hi, 1H50. tf.
1HK MISS WUITKI.'S restieeli'ulix inform
llie I'nlilic thai' thev still continue to iiilcr-
t-iin travellers and others t ill. ir ohi csiahli.-hed
stiniif in Market trVt. wis! of tlie f'onit Ifonse.
Their lone experience in the btisines... and ihe
well estahhslied reputation of Iht-if House, vill,
they trust, bf a snlliciciit irnaraiite. ; that hi ir
customers xviil be well aceoin:V,vvd.ited.
March S, tf.
fPHK isiiliHfkiheifc return thiV nnroic iinks to
' wx I'listniiiiT, tVir liU'ral ruciiiirai'iMiii'nt
i tir lh hst yet, and hope by strict attention in
1 tilling ordi is to nii-ei wi'h the same liberal patron-
i:-. V'e have on hand the urcatest xaiicty of
paltcrus of anV other Fouiidrv in llie l ulled
Stales, iiliu still aikimij t.x their liuniher. luxe
ns a call before pun-basing elsew here. Our stock
embraces a ereaf xuritMv of Cookini! sloxcs, ol the
n.'ost O'ntv'lj red kinds. Parlor stoves for xvood
coal, common sloxcs, cylinder of all kinds, and
51 p'litefl' of all kinds lo repair stoves.
l or Summer use, a small Stove, callcil ."vim
mer baker, new ami superior Furnaces for burn - -
let; charcoal or Hone coal, lias ovens of several1
llllorelil nattellis. Hake OCUS, fcexeral UaUiTlls,
I.n. loo,, luwfu Sooul irons, and a XiHiclv of arti
I r ' i ti-i
Clcs 111 easlllni, too liuinciouo -
Hardware Ifade tan Is- suppln -u wnu eouiiiioii
5, 6, 7, and S miart Ted kvtU. s, ul very low pri
ces for cash or city acceptance.
A few casks ui aupevtor ticrmaii black lead on
WAKNK'lx' r.lliUANDT.
Nahle st. vli.rf, JJeUwaie, I'hilailclphia.
Aytil 1'-. 1S.M. (iuio.
5 UKK, a trcli supply ju.-t leccixed, .md loi
sale bv M
A pill I', isf'l.
For ihe flr f
The uniform success whit li has attended t'l.i
use of this prcpaialion ,ts .--ilulary ell'c. l - is
power to relieve mid cure nliiitioiH of lbs,
l.uniis, hiiie irninetl for il n eelebrrty eipvalled l,v
no other medicine We oiler it In fbe nlllii tcd
witli rutin! roiilidence in iu viitncj, nml tho foil
belief that it w ill xubdne ant! remove lire severest,
attacks of disease tijom the throi.t and lamas.
These results, as they hemme pnMic!-: :?..xwo,
very naturally allract t'.ic aitcnlion of mtdn-al
men nud phihiutropists exerywhere. What is
r-heir epinion of (1 1 K IJ I'. V I'l'.l 'Tt IV M, may be
:ven in the" foHov. i:i- .-
VAI.KN'J'I.Ni; NliTi "J', M. 1)..
I'm, fi'-in, ;i,. r;,;,, A,,.- ',. ,r,.-
'It rrives iiir pleasure to i crtilv the valtn: ami
cllieaey of Ami's CIIKKIJV' l'K( "J'l 1,'A I.,
which I consider peculiarly ad.iplcd fo cure disea
ses of the Throat and l.ini'.:-.."
TfTE ut. ui:v. i.diji) iiiiiiii' i ii:i,n.
.Siiles in a letter fo his friend, who :ts sinkiiiL;
under an nla-clion of the l.nnos : --"Tr the
flir.i'UV rr:f'T('r,'Ar, and if any nicdieitrr
enn nive on relief, wii! th Mcvii'"; of Ood
t'liiK.' .iivncK i-.rsTis.
,' T ... : . . ..o'l. .. : t.. t
jot i.oiiii,ioa. iios i inn a X oi 1 1 i ii.i ii ii let oi
: his xvas enred ot scm-iaI sexerc allael.-s of f'i'Wi
i by Ihe CHi:,','V I'liCI'l l.'A I.."
ASTHMA AM) UKll.N'Clirn--:
Til' V.i,t;.t,i ',,,.?,, 11, ,,:, re
states. "That Asthma and Hi one'iiiis so" prex ali-ni
in this inclement climate, has iehlcd w ith sur.'fi
Sinu' rapidity t.l Ayer's f 1 1 V. A I! V I'l lt "l'l H! A I.,
tiud we cannot Sm slront-tv rxcot-jimi'inl this skill
ful preparation, t't the I'roleet i mi and nubile ;p.'ii
Aral'ly.", f.ct llie rctievi'd faill' rer speak for tiiiuseif :
1 1 Iffiolt n, Jan. -Ii. 1 s IV.
Dr. .1. ('. Aver -Dear Sir :- l 1 a inr; been res--
cited Irotn a paiid'ul and daie'croos iIwih' 1
, vnnr medicine, uraillnde pr-.nipl.- me lo send xon
! hiit nckii.iw ledejnieiil. not only in justice to vow
I !'.'" ,l,r the iiformniou of oiltcs in like tilllic
; tion.
! SccV"""1" "'.T",'1"' !'
i premtH1 m. spwtf lint sinl
i".:ieeled ..t liisi,
blool. n vinli:til
I' twed and fas-
.a!e.. COlll.l Hot
and a pant
i ..I! ll.e aLul'l
oil. No ni-'dt--
onlii I y-ro'.i
rr.t "i'oi a i.,
rured inc.
.-!' I'V.'AKT
roiinh iiihIinp nt fit v
tcni'il upon i"
sleep, was i'i.-tre.
thron-rh Hi;, elio.-l,
ins s mtonis of o
..i b
Old I
cine sr tne l :: '!1 lo iej. ;t n,y ea
ilcntnillv tried yum '! IV; ,,' V
ivhirh soon relieved and no',- has i
Voin.', '.vi!!, re.'-pcct. i',. A.
A t.i. iv. ,. 'i". A i
I IT. Is I'.
Dr. Ax. V. Lowell - Heat Sir. I have for ve'ars
been ulTlit'led wilh Asthma i:t I lie worst firm ; so
that I have I ee;i oi'li-ed lo s'eeji in my chair for
a larger part of ihe time. lieiss una! h to bre.illie
mi my bed. T h-: I 'ri -d a :ti at mapv inedicine-'.
to no :up,,e, uu'il mv I'hv-aVitm presriihcd, ns
an e'.,'i:tuent. yon CHLUUV I' I'd "l'l ' I! A L.
Al liist it n.'iiii'.I .m:;..!,.. iiic worse, in! in
less than a week 1 Ne...:"i w epericner l!:e eiosr
iratityinu refie!' IV.: i ti iN t!-: ; at..1, now. in foor
weeks, tlie tliscasi' . etiiiteU n ::-'.' id 1 can
slcci on mv i i-ii x. i 1 ii co:n: v,i, ami en: ,v a .-un.-efh.'.i!!h
v.iiii ii 1 lew i.evi ciiiil to niiev.
(illoiJiii: s. 1'A IJi'ANT.
I'nr.n i: t tt i: v .i.i. i v i. a, i n i;m tsr, i.o V- ki.i., misi.
pff" K,.ld bv Ileurv M.i.-ser. S,n,!.iii : M:
A. W j.
; lm' "V
! ,.;, j
, N.irt:i;imW
Dr. h!r!-.-.
Dr. (b.uliii
llv. -I'.l 1r
XLVxmxia&w house,
AT lis. diAIJVWi- Wl'.ii vc T-tfuKv i-ilonn
r'lili'ii- mmiI 'r.ivoif'r ftiiinnu-Mtv lictitTii !-'
..t .i I. il - I.iri"
i- I i:i .i su:M'r
tl icninuitui?
s l'
il' a liist'rutn
a i i 1 1; ( ii - -
! i inu '"l!p liiM?
! i ( j'l' ) , iUi
!lbT llPf.
; JI'nil, a.iii
j d,,tr, 1,,-r ens,-
! comt'iiiriici-.
.1 U,
f):-1HI . 11
t.- ti:j
I I 4 ' t I V 1 1 I I I'lTTCl,''
! -'' it it h.'LTi i I. V U t 1 j
j fY1!!!. siiiiscriis-r re .-pi .-.tiill.. '.nl'orins her friends,
1 i ,.,UT ihe pnMic p-ner:.:iv. she has taken
1 th iihove vll Sun.'ii stand tuarlv opposite the
I onil Hons,-, l uelv e, , , 11, led l-v Mr. .1. C. T,
l.ins. Si,o irns's liui: In, ..xperieu.-e in hnsincss,
".'id r. r i .To.l 'to :'M.,!,, her L'iie-ts I'omfortalili ,
H1 five entire s.ili-l'.ii'i'on to lliose alto may fa'
xor tier will' ilieii ct'eie..
a.n.n c. moi;i:i
!f....s. . ;-'.:. ii'
till". mdwiiVr rest-vtl'iillv itit uma (he im!.!'. . he open",! a I'llMic llotlse, ill ...
new town of Treorlon, A ofihooii''i)and conntv
and lliat In i.- xxi-t I jaeparcd to uc.'ominodale hi.
iiiesis ill the lu'M manner. His house is located
in aYiv opposite llie I 'o:n p.iny's More. He isalso
proxided with :mhiI sl::lii:io sulVu ienl for VI) lior
scs. iletrn-is hy prompl and careful attention
to bnsnie s lo meet a sharr of tin- puMtc paiion-
ae. iiknky it t:avi:i:-
1 !. is:,0
lUli.VIV i..v.
The aitentiott ,,t llie pi
verliscinent ot' Mr I'lin 1
and Auclil at Wasln ;l.
ie i called to the :nii
( ' Turl.ii, Alloincv
;i. :i Olx l'i xsonr.- ha-
l.aii.'.s or l'unsions are in-
inti claims lor h I'lntv
lonned lhal t'u' 1 1 t il-i-v has tn. nlc arrangement an. I cl.iunauu iMtling M
l...x. their papers piepaicd and
tor Ihe ii .j.iisil
his olli.-i. e..n
forwarded to Mr
by him li- propci
parlmeiil lltere.
Tuekev al 'ash'un;ioii, and
V a'.icll.led to licl'ote the l'e.
If. 11. M . F.J..
Siinhtn i , J iu.
.1 A M A t C A (i IN(.KU.
or i
j J l','n'. I n ,'!"
J , ;1 r'm .. , ;' ,.
11 Will I'M I..UI,
n t,...
n , ,
i iti l'ie Kitiii-1
M"Ui.ii'i.. ;in
'.iMitiil u;v
.ii- lot mil .-)'. ifi'it'Iv
Wi;! l-t .. lino vi IV
n;-:' .-i.'j li-i'lli'f-i
no;" i i"ti..n,
x.-il in ;t ; i ! i."
!' n iii.'.- tin- Ilalu
..y i. ii, ami it' l.'ttbt n
A lli U- I'Mlli j t)ilt4V
-iiiri lny nt tlir hlmii
Hl i ht;h!i .mil !) tin!
II I ' 4'lllf Jl Tl '!' lit
I'll;i.l U'UH.
! !' i trill I i a wl..
1 w-tii-r wili iiiiiix 'Ii.
t I'-ttei aiiaojn.i,
1'lt .11 U l MllllliL If"
two or tlitee litn.-s ,l.,iu , , i
- i, i i. ,.
i Hi.-
lis ,1:.-
cli ;ih.1 li ml' 'i-v I
i mi Villi 1 1 i dii-i' nt
' il,Minit. uit.l jut
I...'., .X,
It i ..!. i i. ii m '
! on. .; . t ,i
IIIC .' t'l fl. Tt IO '.'I
' Ii.i- ii '.int.ii 'i' - ' i
i U ii-t-'ii' ! .
,,;.. .1, .1 .
'ii1 I" i t:t m- ,l O 'i;.v 'ji -U'-l"
- I ii.' lanu "W r;nt: um .-1
A I"
-!li! 't ti,
( ...ol.
i-., i , lit, t-ui'ii
rut i , I'-1 1
:'..V ir
If.,.. I
ll. tl ,
1 1
1 v
1" t