Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 19, 1851, Image 2

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The United States Mail Steamship Frank
lin, arrived at New Vork on Monday morn
ing, about 2 o'clock, from Havre and Cuwes,
being twelve days from the latter place.
She left Havre on the morning of the 2d
inst., and Cowcs nt midnight of the sane
day. She bring more than a hundred pas
nongora, and between six and seven hundred
tons of valuable French, Swiss, and Belgian
goods, said to be worth from seven to nine
million francs. The lalest'l.oiidon papers
are of the 2d inst.
With reference to the World's Fair, we
learn that a considerable falling off In the
number of visitors was perceptible, occasion
ed by the intense heat or the weather, and
by the insufficient ventilation in tha Crystal
Palace. The Commissioners had set about
the task of remedying this defect, and there
was no doubt their cfTorts would be attended
with success, as largo spaces, for the admis
sion of fresh air, were to be opened both on
the ground floor and in the galleries. By
these means it was hoped that the tempera
ture of the interior would be kept below that
of the outside of the building. On Saturday,
the 28th ult., 1,500 sterling was taken from
the five shilling visitors, and the number of
persons who entered the doois was 11,501.
On Monday, the JOl'n, the one shilling visi
tors contributed 2,469, and 52.87!) people
entered the building. 'On the following day
the attendance was 51,069, and the amount
"talce-fi at the doors 2.429 10s Od.
The Lord jilayor gave a magnificent enter
tainment on Saturday, the 28th ultimo, to
the Royal Commissioners of the Exhibition.
Lord John Russell, Earl Granville, and many
other notabilities, were present, together
with many foreign guests of distinction-, but
we do not observe the names of any Ameri
cans amongst the list of guests furnished by
ine London Times.
A terrific military riot broke out in Liver
pool on rhe 1st inst., the 91st regiment hav
ing attacked the police. The riot was sup
pressed after a time by-tho energy of the
authorities, but not before several men had
been killed and ma'n'y dangerously wounded-
The Earl of Derby died on the 30th ult.,
and his eldest son, Lord Stanley, (the cele
brated leader nf the protectionist party in the
tipper house,) succeeds to the title as the
fenrtcenlh Earl of Derby.
VnncK of the Emigrant Smr Halcyon.
Wo regret having to record tho loss ef the
American emigrant ship Halcyon, which
sailed hence on the 17th tilt., with upwards
of 300 passengers, principally Irish and Ger
man emigrants, for New Voi k. The whole
of the passengers and crew, with the excep
tion, of One woman and a child, were provi
dentially rescued from a Watery grave, hav
ing boon humanely taken on boaid, almost
in the last extremity, of the New Voik ships,
Connecticut, Captain Latham, and the Wil
liam H. Wharton, Capt. Gates, laden with
cotton, on their passage to Livoipool. Tlio
Halcyon encountered a heavy gale on the
Rlh inst., longitude being about 57 i and lati
tude 42. within five ot six days' sail of New
York. The ship, from a succession of dis
asters, became totally disabled ; and, not
withstanding the exertions and skill of Cap
tain Wade and his officers; to which the
whole of tho passengers we have conversed
with bear willing and eager testimony, those
on board would most inevitably have per"
ished, had not the vessels alluded to have
rendered timely assistance.
Our accounts from the French capita! ex
tend to the 1st instant inclusive. The trade
of Paris had considerably improved during
the previous week, in consequence of the
arrival of great numbeis of foreigners from
LonJon. The accounts received from the
manufacturing towns, were equally favora
ble, all the manufacturers being in full work.
There is said to bo a decided improvement
in tho public taste, resulting from the. Lon
don exhibition.
By telegraph, from Paris to London, we
carn that the President of tho Republic left
Paris on the morning of the 1st of July, to
be present at the inauguration of Ihe rail
way from Tours to Poitiers. The Ministers
of War. Public Worksj nnd lnteriur, together
with numerous other functionaries, accom
panied him. He was extremely well re
ceived by the population on lib arrival-
The President of the Republic reached
Tours shortly after 12 o'clock, and was re
ceived with loud acclamations by the popu
lation, the National Guards, ami troops of
the garrison. The Prince breakfasted ut
Tours and was to arrive ut Poitiers at 4
o'clock. P. M.
On Sunday, the 29th June, M. Poitevin,
accompanied by his wife, made hid promi
sed ascension fiom tha Champ da Mars, at
Paris, in a carriage ami two horses, suspen
ded from his gigantic balloon the Glube
An immense assemblage witnessed the
spectacle, tha President of the Republic be
ni'4 present. Madame Poitevin displayed
the most perfect serenity. On entering the
carriage she kissed her child, with a smile
The balloon, on rising, took the direction of
th river towards Versailles.
M. M. Ledru Rollin, Muz.ini, Ruge nnd
VViiasx on behalf oj the Central European
.Democratic Committee, have issued a mani
festo, addressed "Au.v, populations Ron
maiues," exhorting them U unite for the
overthrow of the Czar and the Emperor of
Austria, tho former ci whom is described as
a living lie, and the latter nverywhere a de
ceiver, everywhere a tyrant. This docu
ment appears in most of the Paris pnpets.
Account from Hesse t Cassel slate that a
dieraa had been promulgated by the Elec
tors cancelling the oath taken by the olli.
cers of tha army to the constitution, their
iilnrn"Hli'"j nf which, pf'er ill publication
decree contains the grant of an amnesty to
both civil and .nilitnry o lice is who refused
compliance to those decrees.
X 'telegraphic despatch from Mail rill, of
the 28th of June, received via Paris, announ
ce that a vote of confidence in tho cabinet
had passed the Chamber of Deputies by a
majority of 184 to 31.
The French Government is nt present en
gaged in negotiations with the Governments
of Greece and Turkey foj the m'tifvtai 'extra
dition .of criminals. For itome time past
French criminals, especially in the southern
departments, have been accustomed to seek
refuge in those countries.
A letter from Rome of tho ?4lh ultimo,
stares that Girolametto, Curbonaretto, and
several Other persons, accused of having a
hand in the assassination of Count Rossi,
have been ret at fiberty. Two men, named
Morgatit anft Tanza, accused of having at
tempted the life of tho French corporal
Lassat, ht La linngfirft, have been ncrpiilted
f6r want of evidence.
SATrnn.iY, jri.y i, i.n.
II. II. MASSEK, Editor nnd Proprietor.
V. II. l'Al.MI-'It is our nathori7.ed nuriit to r-eeiv suti
ncription and mlvrliing ut Ins office, in IMiiluflt-lptiin, New
York, Uoxtnnaml Hultimore.
TO Am-rRTisKiis. The circulation of the Snnlmry
Amcrii-uuuraoug the different towns on Itio Siouniehaniia
l not exceeded If emialltd by any paper puMulieil in Ninth
em TVnniwleainii.
of Goai field County.
of Clarion Count .
For Judges of the Supreme Court.
JOHN 13. GIBSON, of Cumberland.
WALTER II. THVRIB, of Allegheny.
JEREMIAH S. FLACK, of Somerset.
ELLTS LEWIS, of Lancaster.
JAMF.3 CAMPBELL, of rWadelpMa.
Business Notice.
Goiikt's Linr's Book, Augnul No. is on our
table. The embellishments of this number arc
superb, an J the Book may well defv competition.
Mignon ind her Father," and "Minna and
B rendu," aside from their classical character, are
the finest line engravings we have ever seen in a
perblicnl. "The last visit" also a line engra
ving from a paiiiliiiij by Hotlm-nu 1 expressly for
the Book, is a spirited atfl beautiful picture1.
The matter is of the usual high character.
Wc ask attention lo the advertisement of Jehu
Krider. He lias had live silver medals awarded
him by the Franklin Institute.
(CP" To oblige our Trevorlon friends we
have devoted a large portion of our out
side to their 4-th of July proceedings, for
which we a&k the indulgence of our read
ers who-ib not reside hi the vieini&j.
tin: siTiu-aii: ot ut
Commenced the July Term for Ihe Nor
thern Di.slrict, at this place on Monday.
Chief Justice Gibson, and Justices Rogers,
Bell, Coulter and Chambers are present.
The nrjr,rlmeht list doe not contain the usu
al number of cases, so that their labors
here will not be as heavy as usual.
D1F The Kjstern mails failed again on
Thursday night. If we are to have a mail
but tri-weekly, we would like to be advi
sed of the change and not be hambujrpTd
with tho pretence of a daily mail. There
are some post offices between Potlsville
and here that should be abolished, or the
postmasters dismissed.
CP Tai.i. Gkass. Some ol our cotem
poiaries are boasting about tall timothy.
Our neighbor Jacob Painter, gave us a
hanJf'jl yesterday in which the length ol
the stalks varied (rom fix feet to tlx fed
six inches, and the heads measure one foot.
This Sir. 1. sas is A fair rpeiiiiien ol his
Gave another of their delightful concerts
of vocal and instrumental music on Mon
day. The crowded stale of the house
evinced the high opinion- of their skill
which their former efforts establkbed.
Their selections from the operas were per
formed In an arfistfc and flnijhed style, and
their singing as far superior to the chaunt-
ing of the Jialter family and others of that
class, as the notes of the nightingale to
those of the crow. Miss Marian drew
charming tones from the violin, and man
ages her bow with a skill which i. ost
young ladies might be proud to acquire in
the management of their beaux1. Little
William displayed a precocious talent in
his performances on the violincello.
We take pleasure in recommending
them, mid can assure the public "there is
no humbug about" the Dvrworts.
Wt. Pevoe, a notorious bank labber, was
arrested at Woodstock, Vermont, on Salur
day. fl'e was passing money at the D.r
Columbia llousie.'CAPt Island, )
Cape May, July 14, 1851. f
The tide of visitors fb this celebrated wa
tering) or rather bathing'placc, is now nearly
at it height, end in a few weeks the hotels
will all be well filled. Visitor are pouring
in every day by hundred, and there are
probably 3000 -persons here. On Saturday
no less than three steamers left Philadelphia,
bringing down probably not less than five or
wx hundred passengers. The Columbia
House, which is considered the most fash
ionable and best kept, is always trie first to
fill up, but Mr. ltarwo6d generally manages
lo accommodate the most who call. The
Susquehanna valley is pretty fully represent
ed, Ihe number is increasing every year.
There are seven or eight individuals here
from Sunbury. Some from WilliamfpOrl,
Milton, and other place?. "Competition for
travellers has brought down the fare t6 a
very low figme. There are now five boats
running between Philadelphia and Cape May.
The opposition boats, the "Thomas Powell"
and the "Uoger Williams," carry passengers
at one dollar, carriage hire included The
Powell is tho largest as well as the fastest
boat on the line, and is commanded by able
nnd obliging oflicern. The new road from
the landing, in the bay, to Ihe sea shore is a
great improvement on the old sand road. It
is about two miles and a half long, and as
straight as an arrow. Cape May, or rather
Cape Island, as the town is called, owes its
"rifte 'aits' progress-' altogether to its grenj
celebirty rib k bathing plaeo, and its cool and
refreshing 'breezes. As you approach Ihe
place yon dan smell, and almost feel Ihe salt
and moislnepS of the atmosphere, which is
deemed so healthy and invigorating to inva
lids anil those 6f impaired health. The surf
here is said to be finer, than any other plaeo
known, and nothing can be better than the
broad and level beach cf pure white sand.
This beach over whieh the "suVf rolls at high
tide, forms an excellent rdad the next twelve
hours for pleasure carriage's and promena
ding. There is something awfully sublime
to look upon ami contemplate the broad ex
panse of the majestic, ocean, a liackless
waste of three thousand miles. There are
few indeed that would not view with admi
ration and with awe, the never ceasing and
ever rolling waves, only breaking their crests
at the. culminating point, near the shore.
Cape May is unlike any town I ever saw.
It is in fact a town made up of hotels and
boarding houses. Thu hotels are generally
huge white frame buildings, with high porti
coes running along lite front and sides. The
hotels are generally well kept. Boarding, ut
the first class houses, amounts to about SI I
per week, though good accommodations can
be had as low as from So lo $7. The Ixiurs
of bathing are from 4i lo S-i in the morning
for gentlemen with or without dress. At
about II A. M., the great scene of bathing
lakes place, when sometimes a thousand per
sons can be seen in the water. 1 had an op
portunity last evening of seeing thu full
moon rising, as it were, out bf 'he sea. It is
a beautiful sighl and only equalled by the
risii.g sun.
Skiuous AcctrKN-r on the Foirtii. A
shocking accident occurred at Fuedensbuig
Oley lovvnsiiip, early on the morning of the
4th, while several young men were engaged
with a large camion in firing a salute in
honor of the day. Several rouiuls had been
fired in rapid succession, when, as two of
the party, Henry Dengier and hnnon I'eiter,
each about twenty years of age, were about
reloading, ihe charge prematurely exploded,
before the rammer had been withdrawn,
and wounded both of them very seriously.
The ri utit hand of young Dengler was so
.Ireadfiilly shattered, that it had lo be am
putated nbcvB Ihe wrist ; ami his face and
breast were also severely burned. Ueiter
lost two lingers from his If ft hand ; the two
other fing ers of the same hand were broken,
and tho arm was badly burned and wouu-
led. Timely surgical assistance was ob
tained, and hopes were indulged that the in
juries would not prove fatal ; although at
last accounts Dengler was still m a preca
rious state; Rec.din" Guf.fltc.
Ixri:iu.snNi. fhom Mexico. The New
Orleans papers of the Mb, bring some addi.
tioual items of interest from .Mexico, re
ceived by the ship Konita, at New Orleans,
from Vera Cruz The B. brought $9000 in
specie, and a mimbor of passengers, among
whom was Capt. Levey, bearer of des
patches lo the Government at Washiugtou.
Four hundred troops had b'ocii despatched
by the Mexican government to enforce the
depaituid of the Americans from Ihe Isth
mus of Tehaunlepec. The Trait d'Uuion
says that Congiess is responsible for the
aibitrary proceedings, and not President
Arista' or the foieign Diplomatists, who are
secretly opposed lo them.
There continues t be much talk of a
revolution, and thai h is war at hand is ex
tremely probable.
In tte "Correio Mercantil," oil the 19lh
April last, we have a compendious glance at
ihe external policy of Brazil, tfhl from its
truth, moderation and dignity, may well
sadden tin) heart of tlie Urazillian patriot.
The incapacity of ihe administration, nays
the article! referred to, has reducetf Brazil,
in the Congress of Nations, to a level with
Ilueiuia Aj res is provoked lo war; direct
agarcisioiiH aie committed, and above alt,
the complications willi England' are multi
plied. Distrustful of their own resources, at
tempts are made to recruit mercenaries in
different States of Europe ; and the projects
of Brazil aro t rented w ith merited contempt
by tho authorities of Altoua ! Nor do mat
ters proceed more smoothly with tha French
Death hiom Todacco. The other day,
at Roxbury, Mass., an hish woman by the
name ol Tnnms-v ir'mii'islRrr- i P. qnaniitv
iVogrtu ot lli KhKir War.
Boston, July 14.
The English brig Flib'berty, from the
Cape of Ooort Hope, arrived yesterday,
bringing dales to the lSih frlay, which are
nearly two weeks later than our last previ
ous accounts via England.
The English steamer Vulcan had arrived
at the Cape, with 700 troops on board, and
several additional detachments from Eng
Innd were expected. The war still ronlin.
lied, but the English troops, notw ithstanding
they had Ven considerably reinforced, were
making "hut little headway. 'Capt. Tylden
had aWvere battle with a large Kaffir force,
in which the latter lost over 200 killed, be
sides many wounded. The loss of the
English was inconsiderable.
Several additional detachments of levies
had been raised, and some of these had
marched on I lie 28th April for Ihe interior,
which was infested by Kaffir nnd Hottentot
marauders. Several skirmishes had taken
place between these detachments and the
rebels, in one of which the English troops,
under Major Dotiovaiu defeated tiie rebels
with a loss of over 300 killed.
The Katlirs still continue obstinate, with
no disposition lo seek 'terms of peace, and
all kinds of business at Cape Town was at a
stand still.
The Washington correspondent of tTi'e
New York Express, under date of the 10th,
says ;
"I have Seen to day a foretaste of the
claims which the Government of Mexico is
preparing against the Government of the
United States, for not fulfilling the terms of
the treaty of San Luis Potosi. These claims
are coming here in shoals, nnd those 1 saw-
to day in the taints of a single individual
were lo the amount of SI 1.000. The gen
lleman who held them was a Mexican, and
in his opinions, the whole amount of new
claims will exceed sixteen atilliaas nf dol
lar ! )
"They grow out of a violation of the arti
cle of the Treaty, by whieh the United
Slates was pledged to protect the Mexicans
on tho frontiers from Indian depredation
and spoliations. They demand remunera
tions now for houses burnt, cattle driven off,
and a geneial waste of lliey say to thu
amount of millions.
''The Mexican Minister has already called
Ihe attention of our Government to these de
mands, and will push them home upon
this Government with earnestness and
delei initiation.
Tnnuhtct! fn-iD Ihr C-titiierile Il;ivr. .luiie'-'G.
letters from the Levant announce that a
question has been raised between France
and ihe Ottoman Porte in relation to the
possession of the Holy Sepulchre. The
French Ambassador claims it for the Ro
man Catholics, while the Porto replies that
the Sultans have always attributed its own
ership to the Greeks, and that it is therefore
Impossible to take it from I hem.
Here is something more than a mere reli
gious fact. A political question of the fust
importance is invo'ved. ihe possession of
the Holy Sepulchre yiehted to the Greeks, is
the abandonment of the protectorate of the
Cliristains in the East, exercised by France
from time immemorial ; it is, at the same
time the intrusion of Russian influence in
the affairs, not of Turkey, but of the Chris-
tain East, which is a very dillrirent ihin.
It is known that the Emperor of Russia con
siders himself, and is considered by the
schismatic Greeks, as the spiiitual chief of
the Greek Church Catholic; , but not Ro4
man. Whatever is done hi Turkey by the
Greek schismatics against the temporal au
thority of the Sultan, and against the French
protectorate of the Christians, results to the
advantage of tho It is lo be hoped
llkal the French Government will open its
eyes to the jflots which am in operation lo
deprive it of one of i!s most precious prero
gatives in the East.
SixocLAK Pkath. Another painful oc
currence has taken place in Alexandria, Va.
U. P. Andrews, Esq., an eminent lawyer,
two ot three evenings since, slapped with
thu back of his hand his seivnut boy on the
mouth ; one of ihe teeth wounded the hand
between two of his knuckles, and strange to
say, from tha effects of the wound, Mr.
Andrews d'ed last night.
A Railroad Convention was held on
Saturday lart at Lock Haven, !a Clinton
County, for the purpose of adopting mea
sures lo seturc a subscription to the stock,
and aid in lire completion, of the Sunbury
and Erie Uaihuad; A Committee was a p.
pointed lo coufe: with and attend a meeting
of the Hoard of Munageis of that Company,
to be held in this city on Wednesday next,
the J 6th inst.
Is Nkw York, last week, a mmi seventy
four years old, and worth half a million, says
a cotemp'orary, was so severely bitten by a
mad dog, that he died within fi?e hours af
ter Ihe attack. The whole of h'is vast pro
perty is bequeathed to a wild young
ncphev, vfho, for several years' has been,
and still is, employed as a common sailor in
one of the Liverpool emigrant ships.
Post Oitice Ak'skst. An arrest was
made on the ih inst. of a young man con
nected w ith' the ScottsviHe Post Office, Al
berinarle county, Virginia, charged with the
impioper detention of letter 4 sent through
that otlioe.
The President bus oflicially reeognied
Joaquin Marcos Sutrustegui as Consul of
Spain for San Francisco, and Friedtich H
Steil 03 Consul of Nassu for the state of
Texas, to reside at Iralvcstott.
PisMissicn from the N'a'vv. It is stated
that Capt. Frazier, of the revenue service,
now stationed in California, has been dis
missed by the President for tyrannical con
duct and violation of the aet of Congress
Tiiinf) Street, Pint AtEi.ruiA,
Je 21"') 851- )
H. B. Masser, Esq..,
Dear Sib ; It having been erroneously
nssoited in a public print, that most of the
persons who were signers of the Protest
against the nomination of James Campbell
as Judge of the Supremo Court, have recant
ed their p-rotest and subscribed to a paper
agreeing to support h'13 nomination, I feel
it to be my duty, that I may not be mis
understood, to make it public through you,
that I still adhere to the opinions nnd prin
ciples expressed in that Protest. I signed
that paper from a sense of duty and princi
ple. I therein asserted that James Camp
bell was incompetent, nod 1 can not see that
his nomination has 'renrternd him competent
or made him fit for a high place which should
be filled by a man of learning, worth nnd
talent, and which he has sought and obtain
ed by such indirect and crooked means.
I still oppose him. I opposo him because,
ho is incompetent. I oppose him berauso
he has dragged into the contest a religious
tost, and sought to shelter his incompetence
under the protecting shadow of an ancient
and sacred church, w hose hallowed purity
he would soil with the contaminating touch
nf partisan politics.
For my own pari no one will dare accuse
me of bigotry or "superstitions opposition to
the Catholic Church. Within two years
past, one who is dear to me with my consent
and approval, under a sensi? of conscientious
duty, adopted that faith, arid has become ri
rigid member of that Church It would he
the same to me if il were Methodism, Pres
byterinnism, or any otk)er sect. I would op.
pose its intrusion into politics.
The Judicial question riser, far-, Tar above,
party politics, nnd while I will give my
adhesion to my party nominations upon all
other Subjects', I will openly oppose incom
petent aspirants for Judgships nnd hold that
man lo be prima facia, unworthy wlio sepks
to force himself upon tho Bench by the
powetof party discipline. The Bench should
be sacred and above all mean influence.
Men should be placed there, who by pure
lives, solid attainments, and clear minds,
could command Ihe place, not seek it.
.lames Campbell is unfit. His nomination
was obtained by contrivance and 1 believe
such iniquity can not piosper.
I am, with sinceiity, your friend.
i non
A letter in the Journal of Commerce, from
Havana, dated the 7lh inst., savs ;
Poli'ical matters continue without change.
It is curious to observe that whilst a month
ago tlu daily papers where almost prohibi
ted from discussing matters connected will,
the Unitud Slates, here is now scarcely an
issuo of the "Diario" t!it does not contain
more or less matter iu relation thereon.
The New Vork correspondent of that p.-ipen
as well as the editors, use busily discussing
the subject of your next Presidential elec
tion : the one having communicated, and
. I. . 1. . I I . I .
ie inner luieiy cummemeu upon, ino
delails of tho recent Whig Convention iu
Pennsylvania, lit a former letter, I intima
ted that the subject seems to have assumed
here a leading interest, from the vxistiny 1 nuLiirv, ulv J'.t, isr.l.
belief that the transfer of executive pow- j ,. .. , , .
er to the opposing paily in the States,
would gically iulluence the fate of this Is
land, We have been deluged with rain for some
days past ; it has stopped thu grinding of the
cane and some nf it must stand till next sea.
son ; the ell'ect upon the health of thu city
has been beneficial iu checking the influen
za. The yellow fever has not yet made its
A few duvsago, a doctor and his wife in
the Calle Amistail were found at day break,
lo have been muruered in their bed, but lie
fore 2 o'clock the assassin, their own servant
was arrested by the police in a distant ward
and the process (er trial) was immediately
commenced. I!er fate is certain ami that
in a few days'
The fish monopoly has entirety ceased ; a
recent deciee of the fJovemor permits the
sale of lirh in any of the public markets or
in the streets by any person who requires
any other license than those issued to any
other traders. Certain (ish known to be
unwholesome are prescribed. I'ltimately
the new order must greatly relievo the
poorer classes for the quality and variety of
lish here is incredible !
A Nativk Ambiucax Si atk. Convention
will assemble in Harrisbf.rg on t5te inst.,
for the purpose of nominating uf full State
ticket. The Natives of Dauphin county
elect their delegates to-day, and hold a
County Convention oh tho 24th, to nominate
a county ticket.
TliK Drxisios in General Talcotl's case
was dilTerent from what the correspondent
by Telegraph slated. He was found guilty,
and sentenced to be cashiered. The
President, it is said, has approved Ihe de
cision. Cot'NTKF'Kint th'reo cent pieces are in
ciiculutiou iu Louisville, Ky. .
For tlie AiuiK-tiii.
Is not required lo be learned iii the law.
Oooil sense, sound judgment, tirisness, in
tegrity and Ironesty, ought to be f.-is qttalili
cations. Mr. Francis Ki-cukk in a man in
whom are combined all these qualities. He
is well and favorably kticwii lo omit of tho
people of this County, and all who do know
him will bear witness lo this statement. He
is an indusrrions mechanic, and in the inter
vals of relaxation from his daily toil, has not
failed in acquiring a large fund of general
knowledge. In locat politics he has rarely
engaged, but his sympathies as well'ps his
votes have always been with the democracy.
Among the candidates for this responsible
nfu-. Ml' H'Tiirn nr-oorvo"! 1 r-roroi'iont
I3n iltrtgnctic JEclcgvajilj.
For the Sunbury American.
Muncv, July 15, 12 o'clock.
A destructive fire broke out in Williams
port, this morning about on o'clock. It was
first discovered in Updegraf's store, from
which it ispidly communicated to the ad
joining buildings. '
Updegraf's store nnd goods, Winegardner's
confectionary, King & Allen's store and mer
chandise, and Mr. Faries' three story brick
building were destroyed.
The loss is estimated nt 520,000; of which
about S7000 is insured in the Lycoming
County Mutual.
New Ohi.eans, July 14.
The parties engaged in the lata duel.
whereby Mr. J. W, Frost, editor of the
descent, was killed, have been indicted for
murder. Tin: duel aroso out ol' a political
Thoie is much excitement here among
the Whigs relative to their Congressional
Bw.TivniRE, July IS.
The burthen train from York, on the Sus
quehanna H lit Roads this morning, ran off
the track, killing the firemen, named Clarke,
and dangerously injuring Mr Meredith, the
The Sonnllien; mail to-night brings New
Oilcans datet to the Slh. Tin; papets con
tain not an item of important news.
Ri:v. It. W. Hr-.i-.c-itrn says that old hat-tie-lors
are riko- poplar trees, dead at the lop,
in rugs and tatters all the way down his
New Advertisements.
KniEMis imi I'rri .v.Ns : At the
solicitation of inv fricmVi, Ietli " n'- si If ns ran-
I dhliite lor tin? oflico ot'
I IVotlioimtiirv
ill the nf t r-ivuitiq election, slinulil I lie so ..iiie
1 1-es.sful as to lie elected, I pledge myself to fulfil
I tlie duties of said oltiet" wivk (Mi-li'v. , ,
1 Lower Augusta. July 1'J, is.'il.
hue riff Hale.
IV virtue of a Certain Writ of IV.
- me directed will l-o s-ild In- pul-lic
. ICj p. to
.-endue oj
otery, ut one o clock, 1. M , on . Mvtidnv Auaust
4, 1H51, at the Court House, in the Heron-.;!! nf
Sunbun:, ittc following Ileal Kst.itc to wit: a
Tnu't of ih.
; situate in Chilisiuiue townshi
land county, hounded north bv lands of I.ud.viir
rrtVcr, Widow riliL'cr. south by binds of I!. It.
Ciiliiiuiuss. nd vve.-t by other lands of Deft.
Containing tti acres more or less. Whercim is
erected a one and a half slory new frame- Dwel
ling llousi.-.
A I .SO :
A certain other tract or piece ef land situate in
the township aforesaid, adjomiiu; lauds ol' the
Widow Plliger, on the north, on the east l v
what is known as the Scuddi-r tract, south and
i - - .' -......,-, , -)
I l.V ..I' II II I ..,,!.;, Ml, .
1:, ,. , ,re or oss. .sjezed. taken
111 cvecu-
lion and to he
the property
of Thomas
slicritl" ( lllic.
ist of i'cttevs
iti.n Ai.i; i Tin: ro
M .l!l ItV, Jiiiiio
Ut, is.'il.
Hnwen Catharine
tfostian Weslley
Hiowu Cha i les
Cassiirl Win
("a tie John
Cliambciliu Joseph
Kisely C K
Kppuly Mariarel
Kvster Isaiah
Folk Joseph
Fov Jacob
Famswoith Isaac W
(Jiuiserd Samuel
Hufl Henry
Hoover Joseph
Haas Vat.liiiien
Hoboit C A
lluber Sarah
Kniss Michael
Kemmerer Christian
Kesslcr I'.lias
Knoijb Win A
Lock John
l.audon John
Mef'urty (Jeo
Mauee Itetsv
Moore Miuth;i
Maier Ijiuisa
Mitseliei P Audiew
Myers Stephen
Poor Directors of I'p-
por Augusta
Poor Directors of Coal
Ifowen Phelm
Shatter Wm
Sell wander Louisa
Si hlapp Christian
Waters Jonathan
Walker Norris
Weiser Mrs Catharine
Wagner Leonard
Yurnall Susanna
Zimmerman John
B. PACK Kit, P. M.
i i: i ai M.(i in run post on i :
At Northunibeiland, June 30, 1851.
A Keperhind John M
Atwater William L
Adams James Lloyd John A
B Luiiwip Joseph
Billmver o; Uiothersl.iulon Joseph
Kussler (leorae
Lowe Dr H
Ih'llleyon l'erlram
Barto Mary
Curry Kobe 1 1
Curry Mary ,
Chadwiek F- L
C hrist ueotse
Marcher W
Marie V'm
Merls (leo I t
MeSmiley Clunles
Meek Dr J M
JWcAllister Arthur
Common Pleas Clerk Mover Daniel
Cilds Jacob Capt
Morr Joseph
D,urst Mary
Donaldson 'W Ksq
Ditty A
twing James M
Faux Win
I' rvinire Sarah
Fisher Sarah
(ui mble Coorge
Go, ilk John
fleckarf John
llaynn Huolt
Hicstand Johu
v K
Kidder John
Karshner John T
Kneass Charles
Kanflnian ) U
Kilt Wm,
Kulzner Chailes A
Nivon John
Norlhunibei land Divi
sion No f fs S of T
Peters Maiy
. K ..
Lobius James M
Need E II
Tlapnard James
Kicliarl V K
Ii.eu7.or Jacob M
Koat Thomas
Snyder Daniel
Spencer Wm
Smith I!
Stowart Windsor
Thompson Sarah
Wallis J B
Watson Margaret
"Sloi tmiiini TrtUe IVOIUc."
joiin Knmr-n,
North Eatl tor, Wahwt (f Second Strtcts
PHILADELPHIA. TAS ON HAND, just received, romplrtn
Assortment of Shot Guns, Powder Flasks,
Comu Bags, and all other Sporting Apparatus of
tho best and most approved patterns.
Ho has constantly on hand sporting powder of
all descriptions, I'erruseiou Caps, Shot, Bullet
Moulds, Hall nnd Blank Cnrlridges, and a gen
eral assortment of materials for (Jun Makers, dec.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quality,
designed expressly for U. S. Rifles.
An Assortment of Fishing Tackle always on
All the nliove, nnd any other articles in his
line, the Subscriber will sell ns low as any other
establishment in the United States.
In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, tlie
Franklin Institute, in the years 1840 mid 1st-.',
uvvnrdcd to him two certificates -and in the
years 1844, 1840, 1847, I84H and 185(1, live sil
ver medals, nil of which may be seen at his
place of business.
Philadelphia, July 19, lSol. tJmo.
IXTKACT CF CINUEK. A fresh supply
just received and for sale ut this office.
Pi ire 35 cents.
Sunbury, July 12, 1851.
IMMEDIATELY on the Trcvorlnn Knil Uwid,
Sections f, A 52 ; at the Month of the Ma
honoy Creek, to whom liberal waces will be paid.
Simbury, July 5, 1KM. tf.
Teachers Wsinlrd.
JOTIOK is hereby t;ivtiii that sealed proposals
will lie received by the Directors ol the ( '(mi
llion Schools uf the llort.iu'.h of Sunbury for 'I ea
tliers for the eusiiinj; yenr, until 1 o'clock P. M.,
on Friday, August 12th 185t, at which time a
meeting of said Directors rrill be held in Ifooin
No. 4, of tho Public. School House, to cxamiuo
teachers and allot said Schools.
Hy Onrerofthc Hoard,
(i. M. YOKKS, Sec'y.
Sunbury, July 5, 1.851- Si.
T)Y Virtue of ncertuin writ of Vm. J'.'p. tome
' directed will hi sold by public Vendue, or
outcry i at one o'clock, P. M., on FIJI DAY, the
2"tli day of July 18-Ii, at the Court House in
the borough .if Sunbuiv. he following lieal Ks--tate
to -A'it J. Tht1 umHvL'-d half part of a certain
Tract uf Land.
situate iu Coal township. Northumberland cnun
tv. odjoiuiii lands of John liovd. Vm. Wilnon.
Peter Mauler. Michael Kroll and 1'iedcrick Krs
incr, enntainin- oti7 acres and HO perches nnd
allowance; beio-j a tritet .f ;vn, surveyed thn
2:td day "I 'October. A. !.. li!U. on a Warrant
to Mattlii i, dated the Villi day of
Aii'inst A. I'. 17f:. Seized taken in execution,
and to be s'lld :vs the j-ropcrtv "f Calvin I'lythe,
dee'd.. in the hriiuls ef his Adin'r with nolle to.
Jacob Loose tcrretenanf.
JA M KS C'0V BRT, fKr'tr.
SlirH's (lloce. tir.i'e.iry, p
June f, lsil. :?t. ' J
list or
f7OI! triil i', the (Vint of Common Picas
vi Northiimhfil.uul County, ut August
Term. A. I).. Is,' I.
Frederick Re, ner
Loch .-strorvkor
Win. Ayres
s ,laco! Unll'man
is Jiihu Sliis-tlcr
s Samuel I! Wood
Wm. A- K. !', -, h ,V r... v:
Pontius .) Thompson vs
Com. fir Saird I'unu n vs
S D .Ionian. S Hiintef
A lev .lorilin
Jacob Philips
F O'llomicll for Wi
Charles 11 Prick
Tiles ( ' tun lilitlL's ct
Christian llolhnt-.-r
Chas. A . A Intro
Daniel Uauuabaca
M iisr; I! iovc-r
Samuel Sc.iin.ill
s one
S. A. Jordan ct al
v (i. cr-e L. Wciincr
F Najlevs Jolni Divers
I vs J Parke & D lhhr
vs I ' llal b 1 1 ousel
vs F. Matthews
vs ,
vs Kich.ird (ioedinau
vs Philip Spayil
vs (tco Powiiui'i
vs John A mold
1' Howard vs Henry Lant.
vs Montgomery .v.- Mastcllci
v Samuel I. Heck
v- (ieo A Dixon
( irccu & It io. t"
U D C inoiiii ie.!-i
Jacob Sliltt
1! I! Kase
(i P Tyson for Job T
Jacob Niltraucr
Oco Apslev
son vs Daniel L. Schneck
v s Samuel .larret
vs N iitbumberland county
v- Fame
James Dictl'cnh:?.-!.
F Frver ci Win Mover
Win'.M Ao'co:
Wm McCluv:
Daniel P Cu'ii.
Aaron lteppai'
Hcnrv Cobef
PlutlA- Plait
P K HolVinan iV wife vs
J,ir.cph 'nvilcr
Hu-.-h M.u'liu
Jnliii McCi-fiuii
Marian Irwius' ailin'r
Mutt V Shober
Fullmer for Cmi1
vs lvii -s (junnaii
vs I'h-omjs Kaser
v-. lv U I 'uinmincs
s Di iitl.-r - Mouta-i;
vs Ira T t 'Iciiient
vs Wm MeCarty
vs lfi no Massrr ,
H Kuhnts, MeCarty et !
vs Joseph Diiumi-4
v: Kcubcu 'J'rovel
ys I-'-iac Shatter
vs 11 ovtheiuier adin'i
vs Daub I Dn-isbach
vs II SteinsncU. ex'r.
s Henry Yovthciiner
s (icnrce Polirbach
Henry Kciser
Ira 'P. ( 'leuienf
Coinail licedv
Heats. Kepler tV Stoii'hton
Win Cross for Sand (filbert vs J. .1. I'pdeuratT
J. Ibiwioait Indorsi-e iVc vs J (' Perkins
F.iij.ih llano
Thomas J Addis
Lower - Hairo'i
Jacob Kline
William Welch
Thomas Sutton
Ca -par lle..-k:tr(
Nicholas 1 fewer ,
(icorjjc I-a-kerts' aiiai r
vs ( 'harlcs Sailor
vs llaltar Ciariihitit
'. s Ira T. Cleme nt
vs Joseph Klines' adm'r
ys J; U K Trcu'o
s 11 ri i j F .V J W Sin in in
.s Frederick Hcckart
Ta'-oli H mver
v.; John Kohr
Daniel II Dri.-sbach
John 1. l'oss
Ira T C'U-iiient
John W Pcid
(ico C McKce
vs A II lltmall
vs T.conartl Koatlariucl et a
vs J H Pur.ily
vs (ieo U Voiiiigiiuin
vs Joseph Loii
V" Samuel S Sheddon
vs Jacob
Tiuhroofc f;T Appl-iton vs James llruss
I! D Cummins vs Thos S Mackey
llickok .N: Cuntine v Ceo V Armstrong ,
lieuls'ii Fanely vs Kersluier & ('lenient
Nivnev llousci vs David Housed' adm'r ,
Jacob Xcll -r , Uank of NiirthundK'iliiiid,
Raker cc Co fir Jacob Bloom v Henry Cour.uI
.., r Jacob Zartman's
Henry hlusc cV ,w wife vs BlmitlUlraIor
lonatban lLirmoii vs David Miller
Thoie Alitn vs Peter Kaup
Same vs Same
fieorce E. CiMirie eV al vs Vi it-t Worry
William MeCarty vs Samuel Hunter
Mary Jane Drum-ret al s V illam Wilson
Decker Wciller vs li D Cumminns.
(ieort;n Shirley vs Aii'm DuiikeUie'i;er's sJn'ir'x
Marv Mn
vs ui II Sprutt
vs John Cttiiiphcll &. wife
v M Seydel's adm'r
s 'olin OvHter w-iii'n c'i
Isiutc '1'vh v
John ltrow n
Slialt'uer iV. ZeiaVt rfal vs Thos K Mackey
Jno Xnorf for 11. Ivnurr vs F.noch Howeis' adm'i
James 'P Suti.Mi iV Co vs Samuel Kyle
Elizabeth Wrioe vs AS Lawrence
Ciwatl Wolf va (ieoio Heckail
Catharine SnyJers' er's vs Samui-1 It Wood
Daniel (I. inset v Henry Hohner
Uiink of Norllnunlierlanil vs JnoC 13 oyds' adm'r
Same ys Sunie
Miiry Patterson vs (u-orcjc Ileckert
Hoiu parte Thompson et al vs Caser St Cl'uit
m McDanwl tor A
W (tondy
vs John Jackson et al
(ico Kvster for Mar-