SUNliUliY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. JJoctnj. '... ri.i Biekiss' l..rfaM Ww. ' J Sorrow and Joy t burj ihf orrow, nd lliejr shall rise At iwnU to the immorlnl skies, And then look down like mother's eyes. Jut Iff thy joys be fresh as flowers, ha I inck the honey of the showers, And bloom alike on hols and lowers. So shall thy days be sweet and bright Solemn and sweet thy starry niphl Conscious of lore each change of light. The stars will watch the flowers asleep, "The flowers will feel the soft stars weep, And both will mix sensations deep. With those below, With those abovC) Sits erermore the brooding DoVe, Uniting both in bonds of love. Children nf forth are these ; and thore "The spirits of intense repose Death radiant o'er all human woes. For both by tmttire nrnnkin ; Borrow, the ashen fruit of sin. And joy, the juice of life within. O, make thy sorrows holy vise--So shall thpir buried memories rispj Celestial, e'en in mortal skies. O, think what then had been their doom, If all unshiiven without a tomb They had been left to hnnnt the gloom-. O, think mraiti what they will bo Jtenealh God's bright serenity, When thou art in eternity ! Kr they, in their salvation, know Nn veeai;e of their former woe, WhS'io through thorn all tho Heavens, flow. Thus art thou wedded to the skies And watehed by ever loving eyes, And warned by yearning sympathies. do A Blqomkr party is about to be given in rottsville. Tl-tu new co.-tunitt is popular there. Is Lancaster county there are fifty four Anti-masonic candidates for eight county totTices. Speak with calmness and deliberation on all occasions, especially in circumstances which tend to irritate. "Woman, with all thy faults, t love thee si'l," as tho Quaker observed when he muzzled tho scold. The Mexican Indkmnitv. The balance tf the fourth instalment of the indemnity to Mexico, under the treaty of 'GnaJaloupo Hi dalgo was paid at the Treasury on Satur day, amounting to 51,815,400. Trvk OJheatskss. It is easy in world to live after tho world's opinion ; easv in solitudo to live after our own. the it is the great man is he who, in the midst of the ciowd, keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of his character. Em erson. An old maid was heard to exclaim, while sitting at her toilet the other day '1 can bear adversity, 1 Can encounter hardship, and withstand the changes of fickle fortune, but O, to live, and droop, and wilt, and die like a single iink, t can't endure it, and xvhal'd more, I wrm'l !:' Eloif.mi-.nt. -Mr. A. (. Woodward, of New London, N. 11., ageil twenty years, sloped with his niece, aged sixteen, on Wednesday last, to Norwich, Vt., where the "twain were made one llesh." If the con sanguinity of the parlies is correcily stated euch marriage 5s contrary both to Divine and human laws. Ax Usji'st Sentence. A mar. named John Perry, who had been sentenced to 'imprisonment for life in the lassachusctls Penitentiary on a conviction of housebreak ing at Dartmouth; has been pardoned, on it Wing confessed by two thieves, wbo were incatcerated at different limes subsequently, that they committed the robbery, and that l'erry was innocent, lie had been in prison on the charge for four years past. 'Califohnia Lki rr.ns. in Washing ton city, on Monday morning, about one hundred 'thousand dead letters were received at the' (Joneral Tost Office from San Fran cisco. They have beeii there accumulating ever since that office was established. The Postmaster General endeavored to get t.'oii Kress so to modify the law as to authorise their being opened at San Francisco. The modification, however, was not reached so jail the dead letters are thus transmitted to bead-quarters. As Oil) PniNTtR. A. W. Scowell, a printer, 0 yeais of age the oldest in the United . States commenced his apprentice ship of 7 years in the King's Printing Odice. London, 1784, sixly-eight yeaia ago. Ho was a soldier ut.der Sir John Moore at Cor inua, in Spain, in IHOil, where he received a ball in his right nrm. lie was present at the burial of Sir John, and remembers the min utest particulars of the scene. Hi was also witti the Duke of Wellington through his whole campaign, and lost an ankle bone by a grape shot in the battle of Waterloo. He is now "woiking at raw" in ISoston. A Peiulocs Position. Joseph Siegfried, vhf) had contracted to paint the spire of the Presbyterian church in Chilicothe, Ohio, as- cenueu to wntiin some six feel of the top, by ingeniously attaching a block ana tackle to a hook, and fastening the lower and to a large basket. Ho look passage in that frail Lark ana reached an elevation of 152 feel from the ground. Having been drawn up us high as the apparatus would admit, and wishing to fastea a wire to the topmost inire he climbed up the rope and stood upon the tackle Mock, holding Willi one hand to some projecting pieces of tin, while he arranged tuo wue with the other. While in this perilous position, he felt himself growing faint and hu giasp iclaxuig. He irnmedi aloly slipped down into, bis basket, where be lay nearly exhausted, some ten minutes with his head piojectiun over one aide of the receptacle, and his feet over the opposite It was almost enough to sickeu a laud:unan to view the feat. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS i At the Cabinet Ware llooni of SEB'N IIOIJPT & CO. Market Square, Also ol the earner of Fawn street i) the Railroad subitum, l'A. Thankful for the ratronairo of his friends anil customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness In this plnrr, he solicits from the public a cow tinuinre of their furors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up witli the improvements of the day, ami has arrordincly extended his busi ness in twry brnnrh and variety. The public are therefore invited to tho attention ot the prineni stock of CABINET WAIIK AM) CJIAIHS, M AsurAcTi'Rrn by SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the. Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now inanufucturo Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. iMrsre Spnwf Seat Hocking Chairs, Dressing llureuus, Centre Tables, Mtrlde Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having, secured a Hearse nn I miide the neces sary Arrangements fur the purpose., thev are now prejmred lor L mlertakiiig in ull its Iiraiiches, in tins vieinily or nt any ronvvmviit diKtaucc. Ye mulct nn.l mintr,.-, an.) hiislniiilf t., Iti-r-" furniture of every style ami hire, from side Ikhit'If down to k i I'-li.-n tnlil., r"roni rocking clinim to lo-kinp i-rn.ll.-ii Slionlil you not have the rreidy Jnux to pay. We'll vvuit awhile for a liripliter hetter .lay, Or take potato.-, mis, corn, wheat unit rye; Ikirk, hoop pol-i stavep, or InrtiWr w-t ami .try, Or 8My thing tnrt yokrs anil thrrnliinR flnilff, t-'mni pis anil ttirkren itnvvn to little quails. Come on then friemli. come one Ami nil, Keep trade a moving, so "gut- on th: twin." ry Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. SMii'.Airy, March 9, ISoO tt' T S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. C'loc Us, Watches and Jewelry, 1 El'.MKKD in the best iiiaiiuer and warranted to pi-rlorin well. Ail work intrusted to his care will be strictly uttriiiled to. fVlinsgnive, Nov. 311. 18."0. tf. I1TK! I1TK! I1TK! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. TVtERCHANTS and the Writing community '- are reiueati'd to oall ami examine thin l.K, which U warr'iutfd not to enrroth- Metallic Vt u, vnr change its t'ofor Wholesale ami Kctall, No. 1 South Third street, l'liilaitelpliia. A lilioral ditcouut inadu to Mrrchauta ami the Trade For mile hy H. B. Musacr, atrent for Sunbury Novoinla-r '., I8.)(l. ly. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. "Sl'MMER AIlRAMiKMKNT 1'HOM riiit.Am:i.piii.v and porrsviLLE. Fares Reduced. Ofliccof the 1'hita. Heading Railroad Co. 1 liilitUcllii.i, .M.ircli t, imji. ) Two Passenger Trains Uaily, (i-xci-pt .Sunday.) ON and after April 1st. ts."l two traina will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottaville. MOKXIXH T.rxic. Leaves I'hiludcli.hia ut 75 A. M., daily except Sunday. Leaves P&rtKxille at 7 J A. M. daily except Pun days. AFTIiliXOOX T.IXh'. Leiics Philadelphia at UJ o'clock, daily, except Stllida) 9. Leaves PottRvillo ut IH o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FA HUH, tlrtwecn Philadelphia mid Pottsville, $3.75 Ik! -clans ears and &'i.'iH "d " lass cars. Itrtw.t-ii Phihiili lpliia and Heading, 51.75 1st claxa ears and 1.45 "-M class e.iiN. Depot in 1'hiladelphia, corner of I! load and Virre Vtrccti.. I'aiwiisin 'entnio't Cirter the cars unless provi- d-d with Ticket a. NOTIt-'E. Fifty prmnds of biiKUase will !cal- lowi-d to iwh pasdengi-r in these lines ; and pan-M-ngern are expressly prohihiteil from taking any thing as l.i'",'ai;e but their weariii; ajiparel, which w ill lie at the risk of its owner. fly order of the Board of Manager. !. mtAUKUKD, A pril 1 'J, 1 S3 1. Secretary. Valu;illc PROPERTY FOR SALE. T MI K SubaiTilier who resides in Philaileloliia. ton, Northiiinlii-rlaiid county, vii: The larye r-V BRICK BUILDING fn upiier Milton, forinerlv occupied hy MesHm l'attersons us a ('arriaie Makers Miop. 1 he biirlilmx la 'at T.-ct trout on upir .Market street, and 4ll t.-i-t on r rout street, and is two stories hii;li. Also a two sturv HKICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by "5 fi-t-t, on the same premises. The lot is on tire comvT of upper Market and Front streets, ami is (ili feet front, and 150 feel deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other inuniit'ictiiiinn purposes, and will be sold oil rcasomiMe and aeeoinmiHlntiiiir term by up. piMiiU rimer m jaiuij uakkiuaa, I'hiladelphia. J. F. WOI.FIXGEK, E... Milton or II. U. M ASSEK, Es.! , Siiubury. Plalailelphiu, Jan Vt, la5t tf Valuable lloolin. Ciiinsr, huiidsomelv bound. Ij'Ai-. r ife llls-rollY lr Tm: 1." . .-.tit w . tiiiu i : -- iiuikvii-iwiinii l.Ei.i.Kiis, lull Isniiided. For sale at the publishers prices by c , H- II. MASSKIt. Sunbury, July I t, 1810. J. H. . ZIMMERMAN, ' Jl STICK OF THE I'E.lfE. Sunbury, Pa. Office in Derr Street, immediately opposite the Public School House, rV" M.wls nslt-eled ami ail busiat-M piniiiil,- utH ne. fully sttfiiot-tl ti. April '.'0, laud. NOTICE. A s the subscriber intends making new arrange. inents in his business on the lirst of Janua ry 1851, si) persons knowing thoiusulves indcliU d to him, are requested to call and make settlement up to that time, by payment or giving their note for tlie amount due JOJIN W. FRIMNfl. Sunbury, De. 28, lB&O-tf. IEE BILL8. Justices and Constables Fe ltills liandsonM-ly uriutt) on rsrd paper, for ssla at thisottica. BLANK NOTES, waiving tlie exemption law of auO.'.for sale by AprU 6, 1831- i. q. MA.SSER. V KITING FLL'ID and arlf sealing Erne- lopes, just receded und for sale bv AprU iu, lboi. il. li. MAssER. Jl.yitTiIKH SCIENTIFIC WHPA'lHUt. pepsin. THKTRtiK DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! AORBa DYSPEPSIA CtTREB, Prepared from RENNET, or ttin fourth Woinaeh of Ilia Ox, llr illin-tions of n.AKON MKItHI, the (rr.nt rhyiolo,.icnl :li.-iiii.l, by J. . lliililtTON, M. II., No. II, Norlh r.ilnh flrect, I'liilwt.-lnliiii, Vn. This is a truly wonderful remedy for INMKEimnN, DVtrnpsi.v, jviMiK p., complaint, CONSTIPATION aiidDI.tlll.ITY, Cnriiig after Na ture's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Caftrie Juiea. tf Half a tenroni"ii I of thin Fluid, iiiIiiimiI in water will digest or (limit.-,, Five Poumls of Hons! Uet-f in ImuI two bouts, out of the stontm-h. DIGESTION. TiniCTlo in rtttffly pTi'oni.l in tln mniiH-h by the .1 aid nf m MtiHl whirh irely rxin i'n the iniHT tit of thru oiR!iut wht-n 111 n ntntu of hcnlth, vnf the lirutric Juice. Thm llnitl in the Gnuit SMwnt nf the Kuml, the l'urif'yiiij;, I'rcn.Tvutg, ntid Stinmlntinp Afiit of 1 1 1 - t -mnrh nnt iutiFtinR. Wilh'tiit it then? will l' n 'liu'-tin,-mi cuvcrHinn of fNr1 intn liiNi1. mw no iniuiiiit nf tht; IwmIv j hut ritihcr n iiil. torpid, ptiinim, niulh.-itiHv tive condition of tin whott? diBi-mivp n pfvtrtii it. A m hii If dciid, or ininrti ftointtf-h prinliif.- tio irod ditru Juice, mi't linii'iMliu dif'fif'v, ili.ns uinl dcl.ility wlm li ensue. rKIIX AND 1JKNNKT. ri'.l'SIV 1 Hit i-hirM VU'mtMtt, or trMl Ih'i'Stimt rrtm-i tf of the Oritur .luir. it in found itt urt-nl ntmirlfiti,-g. hi the ftohd iirijt of the hntmti Ftonnrh niti-r dMih, mid tun-liiiit- f-tuMt the tUoi'inch to ihn-wt itself. (r 'tit itnlf up It ik found in thu (toumrh t,( iniimuls, u th ox. vMi. A: i. It in tin; uniii ml usil tiv fitrui'TH in iii:iktn lwmt vm H um't, the tiV-t iH wltirh tmi" lone I . tin Fpiiil wni'irr or i titsinirv. hi fiirillum ot milk m the hrnt pro. nt t ili-'cFtion. Kriiiirt n(twMii mttotiifhiiiir ihim-it. I'lio Moiicifh of i cnlf will cnrdti' ii'tnU one liioii;iiiitliittr Itjiown w-i'.'ttt mi iniik. 1l;troii Lii-hii: t:it-n tlmt. -t hie port ttf tVpiM iholrtd in ntty tlHnin:ttnt irtt of tnifT. will Av'i'ft mint nnd otln-r fitiajl'." Dufucfd toin:iri pro du' no tiitrtiit' .In in, Hi tinvt or ri jMiMi. To vvv IIimI thin wiint may In? Tl"wtl supplii-d, we itl-t! tliu fol- IOU ins SCI EXT I l"IC E V I DEXC'E ! H.M.n l.lKlllii. in Inn rHflmilti! w.trk ti Aiiimnl Ohiitiiitr, Ktyn; "An Artili'inl Digt-Mttvi: ritml itnaliir"iiR l' tht Uiiitirif .Tiller, mny lm rt'julil v jiroiMircil I'nun the uni hm: lii'-iiitiniiit' ) tlia Ptomm'lnf tliTnlf. in whirh vnriu nrftclrv i't i'inmI, nn ment imkI tirn, will lw rIlcnttt. f I in ti ti ed, mid iliiii'Klfd. just in I he wtiue iimitnrr nn they w"iitil be in th1 hmii.'iii 1'lnr.,' Dr. I'l'.llClli A, in I. in fmii MiP tnntinu on "F'hhI hikI Pit.' itiiliiixlu tt bv K.wl rt .V W'i-IIf, N v Yrk, vasn 3.5, fflaT'H lhr witnt; grent ft int. tnl )rTilR the mttnHl tf prf tfirnii-Mi. liieieaie ltv litgin-r imiiitiniits in:ui in. f.rirn. IM.COMiiK. in In f viilmlile writinuftnn the"rhvRM.Miy of I)irt'li"ii. ' itwr n( -n itiiitihnliniil I li--ltr tii;il tity "f lh (t:iFtnc Juit is u rmiin nt anl ttll-prcvi.iliiii ciiikoI' DyKK.psiii hihI he attiim licit "h lisminirttetl jtr 'fi r iMi ijrciiw in l"ir1Mi. wlin win nrvro'iy nuiivi M with thm rnnipl:iint, hLntiii rvery fhin-i ilwr to full. vu fe'Mim t-i the (i.tsti ii Jim?., iI.Niiiitnl from th stomach t.f livinp aiiiiiiiiirt, whirh trn'eij iMiii.lrlJ) gin-t. r't:riil.n nr. ti M. nuinri't tium Iihikhi wntk n "ww- t:i!if Pit t.'' fciyu : -it if a rriinirknlih' hirt in jhyiil.iiy. thnt the utoiinchu tf atntnaln. iniinnth.-ti in watT, inmri the tin nl I he ni-'p'-ltv t.' iIism, iK in-J nrli'-h:'' i'f fitmt, tii;t i if i-lli'i'tiitc n kind nf nrtifii-tnl ili-jcFMmt nf thi-m in tin wiw iIiiTti-hI fmtii the imtnml ilitfrtativ lr!'.,, Or. SIM("S jrr.nit wrk. Hie rhi'iniMi v M-in." (Isini -V ItUitifliriid, n.ila. 110, iWl-'J) unvv: Tlt- Ii en very nf lKISt forum n iii-with in the fhini'-al liijt"r nf Oiiri'Mlmn. I'r-iii rei-nii rxnt-i iim-ntB vf kii.'.rii finHl in ilis'!.-d nn rniiiiUv in an arlifu-ial ili-'tiiv. t as rnpi.tlv ill tin nrtilici:il ili-."-slicr llniit, It?- It inf,-ns.r TrI.I.ISO nf lit.. .I.-nV-in 'ii CnMrife, Pltila lU'lphia. in Iitk rMt wrk nn llinimn lMiyfinlnjjy. il.vnirrt nt'tri: ilian liny jmt'.-i t uin rxaniinatinn i iliin emliji-et. II 19 ex-rinit'iitn with Dr. Ilr)iumlit, "ii tin- iatrii .lniek, uUain"l frnm the living hnnnm nt-nitirh an-t tnini unnicilH are will knnwii. ln all iMSr-jt," lit- tuyn "iliirentinn cenr red av penVctly in thr artitii-ial an in the naliiruldii-stinmu'' AS A UV.SI'EI'SIA (TliKK, Pr. IlfHTnilTON'S prcration nf PKPSIX lias tlie nr-st iaarvell,iiis eths'ls, eiinniz ms-ii i( ll. tii.ity. KnlacititiMii, Nervous Decline, and LlKM ptic, supis'Scd to Is on tliH very verue ol tile crave. It is iia SSM.- t pive Hie delllils -f cai-i-F ill Itie limits .tf Itli ltd- vertist-meiit luit tnitlicnticaleit cerliticates linvetHeii (.'iven ..f m..r.. than TWO lU'.NIIHI-'.l) ltK.MAUKAHI.I-: l l'ltl'.S. in l'lnladelplna. New Y'.-rk, and ll -sl -n nl-me Thus- wuie n.-arlv nil cases, und Hie cares were ll'rt nnly mpid and waiderfnl, lint permanent. It is n preal .N Kit VOL'S ANTIIIIlTK, mid parlicltlarlj nschil for tendency t'Mis disr.lei. I.iver 1 'i.tnplai..!, Fever unit Avne, ..r tiadly treated l'ev.-r nn-l Airac, and the evil cll'-cls of If limine, Mcu-iuy, and .tliur drills upon the Ditfeslivc nrnns, ril'tel a long si.-km-KK. Atwi, I'.-i- vxtvfB in cntiii!. mid lite free use of anient spirits, tt rcconcili-s llisiltli will) Intctiiperunt-e. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no f-rtn nf OI.1J TOAlAI'lt COMPLAINTS wlni-li it d.M-s n'l seem In icaeh nnd remove at once. No inalU-r lfw they may l, Ul.lVliS INSTANT UK-l.ll-'.F! A sni-.'lc d -sc removes all the unpleasant symi. loins, and it onlv ncils t. Is rrH-:ih.l. for n sh-'il lime, to lllake these tf. at , g. e s H.rniMliciil . PI KI'I'VOl-' HI.OOU nnd VHiOH ol-" 111 iV. follow ul Il is i-i rj i.-..l:ii ly excellent m cni-e is" Nausea, Votnitiite, Cramps, Sx.-tn iis of the pit of Ihe Stoi;ieti distress niter cnlinv. I"W, i:oit, Stilt C Of till" e;n-jesS. IWIICKS ,l Spit itS. 1.-Sn-II- dem.-y. l-'.niaciatron, Weaklier, tendene) In lnsanlly, Sui cide, Ac. Price. I INK DOLLAR p. rl.itllc. Oiicls'tlt will ! ten eif's't u lasltni.' etn e. l'KI'SIN IN POWDKP.S. IV SI'.NT IIV .MAII , l-'lit:i: OF 1'OSTAI.F.. For convenience of Sendi ' to ntl iKirls of ihe eonntiv, II1C llll.l.M I VI-. .H.X I 11,11 Ol- Tllli IT.I'MN IS pal ll. in the form nl Powd.-rs. with due lions ti tic dissolved u water oi rilp, tiy Ihe iatient. Tli.-se powders contain just Ihe same matter as the I., tiles, hut tu-lee Die ipcnitltv for Ihe Fame pi ice, anil will In.- sent ley limit, IKKK OF POS'l'.Mit: .. ONI-: DOI.LAIt seal (,s .l-,iid) V Dr. J. tlOUlili TON. No. II Norlh Kmhih.irdct. l'l.iladeli.hin. I' Six ivickaees for five dollars, ts-ars tin- vi-nu.-H signature of J sole Proprietor. ver Kiekie.e and tsiltlc . Il()l lilt l'o., M D., Sold hyie.'eiils in every town in the I 'all' l.y tcspeclahle deal, asm Al.-diclncs (.. n.-r.ill) FOllSAl.t: IIV John W. l-rilni-, and l Siinliiiry, I'll. .1 Slates, iiikI l'c lluilht Mary Mcfny John It. Knsrr Hayes ,V .Mcl.'..rniick, H. J. I 'rouse, John li. Kenn. William I .-ppni, Sanl.iiry. S. j.t. 1 llh, ljo. Norllnnals.nitiHl. M.ltoii. Mei:ensvillc, Selinjii..ri.Ve, 1TpHr Mah.iiilang.l Mail. n . AiivimTii;iii::vr Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON. D. C. fnilK iliitl.rciL,'.ii.'.i .tt..rnij,- nn.l linii-ritl A tie X i.ity i K iltiiit!i. n. 'ili-r Ittt m-rvtc-s m ut I Ik If' umy l-ni'ln i, in ir M'uninr HUH 1 i-liKinitu T tlmtsf .lltlllill. Ji" 111'' u r- iiKJii.-niiy 1-f.itf.lui l!tcw-;tr ' ti-.Y.riiiinui, willi ullii.t- uliumf uniilmi luviUiuiilitiM-r wnli tin latCA.ry it.rin. i .mil luuiiMf M nt. MM- H IV 11 li; jii.'i t In JCrmnIt-r-i Und Kill III. .1 111 I lit' I ' . S V;.r m.-.-. In- :ii-iittlf '.if III mill Kiiir:n-..ry mljuhttutrul uc i 'vnttii. nl t:l.ilKiii i rv.-i v klit'l Hy u ii.ii- A t nl' i'.'iiifiM. IiHinty Km.) i ti Ihe i'tlii-i ami j..lili. r i tin- wur 1 , und n iIr- viiri rt 'iu Iti'li.m vvur, iiu-i- IT'.m. T-t tlm- wli.i crv.Hl iiiih; umitllin Kin lien-; Ui lli wtm jtciI i r iih-uihs cii Uit-i; iin.1 li lit"-: who ci Vti n iu.iili 4i uiTt-n. Atmii'j.-m-uiti ha,- Ihi ii nt:if Willi j. ml-lin n n the IsTlplI ir;'l.-l -tl III .llllf ill .-. l.i i. iu L".4llitr, !.f llit kM-ution l'l' wainiiiU, liml ihf -Lii- !' lltt- p;ilLitt, vh n iwuwl, mi ilu-iim-it uiii untune .un ti-nii-; ir itn Mi.-ut nl l:i.-l. .-.I.-iiimIiiU .." hit h In, M ..r la it-; (. di-lu; uit lr tlie InitiNin-ti.Mi i Ki-iu-rul Imw Iiikiik-i, u tin iltlTW.-nl SiutcniiiiU TiTrii'irit-M. Ilu tciklt-r. hiii Mri'eti l. iiK'uilM-m ( the proi't iMimi ut a ilislitiKH, imkI wIkh i-LthuM iituiiit ilu li-'Vi-riiiuciit, ure prr mr.-d l.y a I t-iI .i,'.-nt. will almli- mv hull Inn iimiiiI ".-4. The iit-tt--uiiry Iihiiui mill tiutruftioii-i, iiikI hiiiiriuutHMi on nil Mili.i.i-H aptiUiiin ti u ui,'.miUil nitwiicniU'ti ol thin bnaiiiL-u-i, will bu Itiruulicil to regular Cirr.njKiHtiiu wilU i nit rtiuiu'i. lVrun il.-mhittf inronnatioii ul' rru-iiil iu itit unuy or mu-y, will l''iv.trilt' him ull Ihe luiriu'iiliim kmswii l tm'ir MMvitx-, U-yclli.-i with a tVi iM i nn- imliur, uml Ihuir euqtu nt i will t- i. .lt .l ! hy return .-I nmil. All oiiiiiitiiucu li.'Uj U Ik- (risKr.viu,) ami U'Mr-t.i to i ll.lil.i:s o. Tr:KKK, (Hox n:, v. t.) WttniiiiijtUHi. u. e. IWriiriVr -.tii. IIHOKIM. I.Kit , I! road mi i, SUNBURY, PA. TTAS receiill reeeiveil, ainoin; ollur articles, s urvul turit-ty of Mew, I'lieaii ami Kntrrlnin- ing inililit alions sueli as Coopers novels, eoinplete or sejiarnte. Herlierls Ilo Korlwrll, Dllinus ilo Trolloie, Hue ilu Halliliurtoii, ltevnlol. ilo .Marryalt, Coekton ili lrey, Maxwell ilo Marsli, Jerrolil ilo Ainsviorlli, Morris ilo Atllielow jiriee oft'rom to 50 els jx-r volume. Ituiiliury, tkiiL '.'S, 1810 if. 5lTJEL CETEES, BOOT-TREE MAKER, A'o. !i5 Race Street. Sfcoml door bclaw Third, H.ADKt.PHXA. Ay HEItE all kinds of lui,U, iSic, of tlio latost style urn Iwa muteriul, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders .roinitly nj punctually stlended to. riilladeli)lilu, Nov. tl, I860 ly. "I?AZ0RS A superior article for sulc at the lv store of HEKUV MASJiEK. Suul'ury, I'rb. lo, lsliU, SHOURDS & COS rTtVt S3 HLP II LABOR AND FUEL SAVING V-AGHI1TG aOAP. Slonnrnetnrcii ly Shonrds It Co. 843 Chestnut St., Mila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCErvS. yirARrt..?TEl) t0 .,,,,1, clean i hard, soft, or aalt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Soap ever manufactured ; thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, Ac. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Soap will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy feet, but leave them in their oil -ji mil soil and pliant state : w hirh is in itself a suflirient recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FARUICS may he wnshrd thoroughly with it, without the lenst Injury; Riving them a lustre eiuul to newly imported Roods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, can lie readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it Ik; the tinest dress or ordinary csrpcU In the use of HtoimlH & t'o'a .Soap, the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, but on the contrary act as an emolli ent, and is not only tho vknt nr.s-r weniiin soArever otli-n-d to the public, but as a TOILET fSOAP cannot lie excelled. Wherever it has Is-en used it has jix-en M-rfect satisfaction, nnd is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given it. SHOI'KDS it t't).. Manufacturers. No. MH f 'hesnut St., I'hiladelphia. For Pale by Grocers generally. November Hi, 1S50 - M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. Mlnrmvlllc. Schuylkill Co., Vn. I:SINESS will be promptly attended to in the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, I uion, Columbia and Montour- Refer to: A. Jordan. H- Hellas, A H- IV Masser, Esors- funbnrv Win. l)e Haen, Edward Hughes, ec Solomon Shiiulel, Miiicrsville C. M. Hall, M Mortimer, Potrsxille. Oct. 5, 1(50 Iv. FASHIONABLE HATS C. J. WALTON, .Vo. 216 Marhrt it., hclirrca 7 .V Hth ft., voutll side,) I PHILADELPHIA. ! rPHE Subscriber has opened a ne w hat store I- and oilers to tfailers and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, ofee j ry variety, iiiaile up of tho best material, and ill i the Latest and hc.-,t stvle. and on terms as ri-asona- I 1,1.. i . .....i.i:..! , :.. iii.:i.. delphia. viz; Kino silk huts nt rVi0 ; (iood do do nt !in(t. 1'ersotis from the eountrv xvlio pur ehnse o him. eau rely, at all limes, on getting u Ifnod article thai will please them, and otic that is fully worth the money paid. ('.. I. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, I SoO ly. CHAni.KS HKGINS, -"TCP.1TST AT Li.7rj l'otHvillo, la. Will promptly attend lo eolleetious and all husi in-ss enti listed to his rare. June 1(5, ISly, LlQU()lxS,AVINKS,C. rPHK Hiilist'iiiMT It uii just rcci'iwil a new supply tf the lit'tft liijimin that t'wr cmnt' U mlmry, coiisiritiiii- it part of Superior nlil p;ili' 11r:uily. Kiii Cie'iiiai Brum I v. StijM'rinr OM Jaiiiairu ! SjiritM. New Kulnml Kuiii. Fine llntlaiitl iiu. SuHrinr OM Wliiskev Coiihmoii ll. luiM'rinr Mai'.eiiu Wim. . islam tin. Jo. Superior Tort W ine. I.iiruiitlv lort ln. Swei't Mahma W'tne. tSuierinr ('lart't Wine in 1 Kittles. hail iim I if do. ilo. IIKNKV siihburv. Mnv ")) lllALAUI-XI'IIIA WINK V LHI lilt SIOUK HITTING iV WAT Ell. MAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, So. 220 .Uinvrct street, Philadel,ha, FKKI for sale, tlir elieapest and Iwst assprt- inent of l,iiiiors in I'luladelpliia, such as ('liaiupairnc, Minnies, 1'orl, Sleek, Claret, Ilur gumlies, tSaiiturii, Oarsnc., Mail.-iia, l.islion, Tenerille and Sicily Wines, ltramlies of the elioicesl liraiuls, viz: Malina, Utard, l'onet, Hcnnesy, A-c, Ac. Finn Holland tiiu, Mononaliela, Scotch and Irisli Whiskey, & eVc. lintels ami tin- coiiutr trade supplii-d a 1'liila delphia prices on the most Icnns. July IS.10 'WELLAPk'S TATENT JAPAN BLACKING. 31a,ifai:tory, No. 50 CIIEST.M'T Stroiil, MKII.M,, nwauled l,y ilie I-K.Mvl.l MTITl'TH ol l'liiladeliiia in October, AM) TIIK KIKST rKKMH .M l.y tlie MAKYI.A Nl) l. STI'n'TK, at llaltimore, Nov. l1isml l-'l!l. Vli,l,id,!,,hia. OrtoUr'USth, 118. I have used J. liar's I'uleul Japan I.iipiid and l'asle lilai-Lint; for some nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. I tiiui it holds the poli.-li and irei-res the leather ln-l thr than any lilaekiui; that 1 havo ever tried. Asdukw It. ClllMUtBS. No. (17 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor lo J. WKI.LAIt, No. oil Chestnut Street, above fecund. November, U, ltjjO. ly. TJIiOWN S KSSKXCK OK JAMAICA tilN OEH, an excellent article. Kuiv, vi's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, letter, rVc. Hudway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dam). rull'.Ve. liadwuy's I!endy lull. I' for Cramps Cholie, Cholera .Morbus, Ac. Kor sale bv Jl. li. MASiSEK. Sunbury, .lujr. B, ld.lll. S'1 TONK Ware, Kartheu Ware, KaUins, Al- mninls, I lines anil cream ,uts, 1 lanes ol nil Kinds. .all Slid I'lasler. Just received and for sale JOHN' W. KKII.INti. .unliury. Dee. SO, 18 l!. BOOK and tiold Tens. On hand several cn ii s of the li to of Christ, and also a nuiulier ol' iold pens which we will soil ut the I'hiladelphia prices, Kor sale st this ollice. KK.NNEDV.S KATLNT AMI VS TKNI.NUS. A cheap slid excellent urli cle lor la.u-iiiuy susli for sale by J. W. KUII.INO Sunbury, July 7, 1819. OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article tor 1 elU-r, 4 e., just received and lor sale by liL.NHY MASSKK. Kuiihuo', 'uy 28 1849- WII.EV'.SCttl OW C1NUV. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. Kor sale at this ollice flllSSCE PAI'Ell. Yellow Tissue paper for JL coverint qIusm-s, At., for sale at the ollice ot Ihe American. rAUU'H celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi-J- ne for sale by HENUY M Arts Kit SuiibuO , Jail. illl, 1819 1JANK XOTK TAIJLK. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PF.X.!VI.VAM.. I MAWACAt:fKTT!. CITV OF I'll II.A llKT.en i , a Solreul InilkS lll t". H. Hunk ihiIs 1.1 ilis KMOtlK ISI.AXI). All aolvcnl Irnnks nai All solvi-iit loinks 1 dis CMCNTHT. ' Itrnik nf rtiiunlicrslvirg 1 .lis Htlllk Ol" t'll.-Sl IT '.. ,;,r. i:u.4s l-.v l 11.1 i . All tlvcnl Innks ills SKW VURK. CITV. iiTum ..I i-i. ivo. , nr-sier par oaiiKoi .M-rin:iniiiM- Ilnnk of (ji-Uysliitrft llsuk of l'wistnu-a inrlAllanlveiit leniKs 3 ills I ti,l? Ilk imtca ninl.-r g.i ) lis nnnk of Miil.ll.'t.nvn I dis rot'NTHY. All Snlv-nts temks 1 dls ni:v jkiiskv. MitnlpnmTy Co Hank par uaiiK nl .S-lllllllllj.-rrilil. V1I llelviilre llnnk 3 'lis llsnkof I'lllslmrir I dis 'lnm.-rrinl Hank f ins nana "I H.-iiiville unriFnr. Ilnnk Unite imr lsrlislc llank t ilia K. A. M., Miildtt-lnwii I't. pur INilanilim H'k A H'jrt Cn pnf iM.s-ti.un.-' Ilk, Newark 'r ll'.y. l.l.iwn Hunk pur .M.s-h. Ilk nf lliirlii.-jt. ii ir f.ii"t"ii Hank pirj.Mis.h.A Man. Ilk Trent par K.rif Hunk 9 dis M..irin ('.. H.n.l. ) ilis KxrlKiiiai- Il k INllslsinr 1 dis Newark Hk'u ,V Ins. C j dis l-.xchiiiiuc 11 k. Kniin-h 1 ilis'f nw lliink Farmers" Il k, Hacks Co n ',-'s Ilk PnlK rica Karini-r' Hk. Ijuti-iistcr par'Trhierlon Hank I'ann.-is' 111.-. Itcji.liiiiT panilcm Il.-mk in r-, Karin Ilk S-Inn Ikill Tn p ir!S.-ini-rn-l C. I!:iiik !' A I). Ilk IVavii.-.--l- I '.lis 'State Hank nl I'mnilcn i ttr imr .lis I nnikliti Hk W.-isIi'ii I (.li;. Stnte Ilk t-'.li7.:it-tlil-.l l. It.inl, l ih.'State Hunk N.-wntk ; .ii.. Iltnifwlnlf Itiink 1 tits Stale Ilk. V Hriiiiswick par slttH'rirllT It tllk r,S"lfSeH l.nnK. XCWMil 'illS It.lH-'H tri( i rcnton i.iiitsini: i par 't ,lis ! j.-.tis . J .lis , Mt roh. A M.-.n. .MPIHTtt' U'lt, I'.iMM'llIt t 1 .lis l'ni"H li-itik. ltn vr VarHU'vv'IrA l)rr('n Miitl'Mlitllt'lil M:ittk 1 tint r-TDk n.t.n nml. r .'i .'avInrnvY I hi U'-- Co l.i . I 1 '.t. V W" A It li. W'vM llraneh Ilnnk imr IVnik nf D.-lawar- l,: " viinnnrj in, HK''ti jvr; V.'tk Hrnik. hi r$'liHi' f not. i (tis M-ink nt nivtna llelnware I'llv Itni'k 1 Ik Wihrty'iiA- lliiimlvw M A I It Kanm-iV I!-, St lh-!:iw;if juiv I'tiii'M Itnnk. Wiliinutt'iii irr P:mk nf WhHl.-k ."nil M'T.-ruitil- Ilk. Hitiijf ir n.ln All 'lv-nt l-atikv tm. M'AV ii Tisnii:K AH HMlV'-Mt f.n vi:i:MMr Nturni i:im.. 4 ditcjtt I'liilerVs, i ,ti Hank nf H AlltatM All j"'lvfiil IkiiiIx- ZBITS & CO I M PO I! T t; It S OF FOItF.HiN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary (.111 I'lanuvH nml .Miistlial lusliii. mollis. No. V.S Nnrtli 2nd St.. hohveen Ai.-li .- i;--i.. Piiii.tin'.t.piii . nMPOHTto order nnd linvu eonstaiitlv on hand ' n vnrv tnron C ...... .1- :..' tl I mimed lines at nholi'sulu and retail. IViueipallv : ' 33 qd cd rxs ' ! In (iermatt, Latin, t.'reek, llehrew. l-'ren.-li. Italiuu Spanish and other IniinutiL'os ; I 'lassies. Diction- ; aries. IJratiimers. S'oraluilarics, S hool, .liiM-uile, ; rielure. Drnvviiitt and Model 1'ooUs for An hilects : t'lihinet. t 'arriaoe and other maiiiifni-lurcrs. M AI'S. (;.t)l;i:.S mid lllank liooks of every leseriptioii. Splendid l.itho-r.ipliii- nud other Prints. ! IH MI Al, INSTHL.MI'M'S. j Accorileoiis, lianjos, Unws lor nil string iutni. inents. Ki M.-i d Tnilpieees. t 'l.i I ioticls, Ki li s, i Klaaeolels. I'liitcs, tiilitars, ( letavo l-'lulcs. Patent I I leads lor titulars and Violitn-ellus, Tatiilioiirines, ! Tllllini; l-'urks and 1 1 .1 miners. Violins. iolm and ' (luitar I'es, Violiiieellos and Sliin-;s lor nil kin, Is if liislriiuirnls 'holc.ile all' I ili t.u cor- de.ins tepaircil. Also cnnstantlv on liainl, vvlnih-ali' nn-l retail, a la rite assort inent of the vei y boi GEIirrl ATI BHONZt: POWIJEIl Dlltcli Metal, - Trench ami Florence la al Metal Tlicriuoitietci-.. I luirp. iicils.-l'.i'ncr uinl other l.eai'..ciii ils, Keil, While ami ISiac's: I 'lnik Cray ons, Matliematical lustruiiii-uts. Sc.ulicators", .s.liiiL; Lancets l'nckcl J'lesc.'ipti.iii innl to, 1,1 Scales ami Weights Letter, Fancy colored and irilt Paper li ;t inn ( 'arils ami ot!n r French nud tieriuaii Ki.ucv Articles, for the sale of which they are the M AN!.' K ACT I 'iit'-li.s AtiENTS, j uly tl, ls:(). p T1 " 15 "T''T1"; r-flT 1 I nm -i.-i i;!!! vnr. I'lii kn r. Kerv one l i, t l'l i s. 1 his nw u I 'In si.-iii n ! tliii li- lU clhediti with upwards of 'Wl a hundred cii:;r.n in;.s. slnnv. .3? ill eve. nl in.,!-i-i.ilive iliape ami form. inn. Ill, 'lis ot tin- vstein, ! .1 s- - . je- I!V W VI. IIIMI, VI I) ' I'iie 1 i u it- has now nrihcd ! that persons Millcrim' from ! secret diseases, need no luoi-e Iconic tlu-ii-tiiil 1 ot qiiaekery. as by ilie prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, w it'i nit biiul riuiee to business, or Ilie know !e,l:;i. of nnv one, and with one tenth the usual evpeuee. In addi- ilon lo tin- i-encral routtin- nl private ilisiasc, it I tullv r plains the cause of tniiiihood'.s early decline, with observations on inarriaoc bcsitles ntauv ollier ileran,'eineiits which it would not In iier In euuuii'r.ite. l'1 irT'Any person neinliii; t-ktv-mvk ci:t enclosed in a letter, will receive one copv nf this hook, Icy in, nl. or live copies w ill .e sent lor one dollar. ' Address, '-1)1:. W. YtH'Nt;, No I.TJ MMirCF. street. 1MIII.A I M'.I.IMII A." Post-paid, 'twill!. (ll'.Nti 1. 1 n be fousulli d on nnv of the Diseases described in his diHi rcnt publications, at his Ollice, I.V: SI'UCCi: Stmt, every day be tween !l and M o'clock. (Suinl.n s'c. epli ,1.)' Philadelphia, Nov. il, lo(i.-'lv.'fi " TOXIC MIXTl'UK, rou tih. i i m: vy 1- i: r.u ai A. a i:. Wail li ANT Kit. r pIMS nun vill.-t iii. .,1,. ,;)V t. r, I "ii wlifii in- ir " ii -t mi in-i.-ntiv i" .".in-.' il,.- VMlH.r.ii....'Lli. ktiiwil. tlnr.-tt.r'. tin- pi. ..i m-i. r .Irtin,-.- t.i (it-l.l nl' Hi ur-. ii ilni-.-si l.v iii.ikltiu kti.'Wii l!-i vnl rncv l.i llnni-:iiitf.: "t mil. ff win i nr. n -t :t;i i'iiii -;'.-tlll) ntn I utiliiMlly i-iiu-.l , ( r i) Aiii i:. Wit ll llt tltl . l'l" J.H .i-t MH 1 1 1" I -J f . II ,.' h il l:,.-v I" III.- lU'l' IC.H'lIS .H' .'l'J t'l .JUUIlll.. 11 I.S'l-IV.l (.. tht- tli. Iir nl ;i Vw itrtff ,'l.nv il ivitiiin l!n- r. :iil. ;.isiir,-, tli:.t lli i.-f v.,.Mie- ll a.v.T.lui;; l.nliu-ct..i,-i u HI ,.nl ll u itic umi ,n-'iv cut- ii.r I'kvhh i II. U K. It in IH '! II I '--- i I tit M.tiiK.Mt iii-j (- in; 'tlio! !.nt in .'.jr...-. at-!c ti'iit.' ..! -utnf It. r.-ili-.cllu- iliacint' ii'itl l'f lH-ritlliy arti'.ii I', ttif Kl.dii i. li ;ttnt l."U'.'!ln. I'lrthirttl Lilly l" .M:nhlill .V ('.. :ntil 8 -l'l wIimN-igiU- ttii.t r-l . it I'V i" ;tinl S.-ii. ... -,'1 litli S'r.tjt. 'il:..l. lphl.i I'lK-i' f 'l ill;k U.-. ;iu. T .1-. June A', i.-itiiv ROSS OINTMENT, FOIl TETTER ipl. 11.-VIH'. Ull ':il;iill (t' Um 1 KAl) tliu followinu critilii Jttt tV.'iti J V w'l Ktn 'wu ami l. '..Lilar tuilll Ik i iivcik-r.i rilll.VUKMMIH. tlft-ltir ill, Ip- HI. Vv-ni! !irn ttiin'' I W ulta.-Wi'il with a l.riMWnic out nil III) ittfk in tli' l-'lia i't Tt-Mi r, Wliu-li I :ni uviiiritl Wiin is-tilrai lril nl tin ll:irti r:hi.ii. ll iniinluulU' i'I.-Ih. ml vvr iny f-ii until it r.nirlint tlie u,ht nrt t I lit chcvkM. liinu: tin m-v trul ui-'UtL tluti it imihiiiuH Mliiuitlilitf, 1 liM-U .lillt-ri-nt iiiliralii.ii. .riit ' v!ii.-i lj;i, die til.rt. jijipi. tiilv in Ititui, ft iiK'rttiiiiir tht itii-.ikf, lint IriMll III nit il llti-lll itll I pt-ri-l'IVt llit li-:il U-iit-tit tn 1 1 PleJiiii ilu H'jk tliNTiiKjir. li y I hi- ut i' )nr i it, 1 wm jici'i i-i'ii) u ti i .".! i4i 1. 1 tiavt-rriiuituct-l Iku i- lixii. I liiiw mi i-- u-ttil ili'' ( liiiiiiit'ut. tilii l ,,r r. ii--i iH-Ml l'l llif lai'.;, hi. ilrln K. i ll i.M il IijiihIi. A e. W'tlti (mt-Ui-I -nif-i'st. 1 i;.v ii Iii-rfit.iii"i iu r.x-"niiut.-inlini it in lllf HM"'IIJJi t llUIUii. r ll lilt Ul.)h JA.MLls ii;vni:. Airi-nt-llvRY M.!KRt S'.tnt.urv. July r-ll. AIIM.KAI, WATKIt, from the Oak I Ai iil Siiriiius, hililv alunlilc in i-lir Orrltar.l tmir ili- M'aws, uiul tunic ri iiieuirn. fur wile Huiihury, Juno !2i), IK"1 if STONE WARE. STOXK milk Pain, Htoiio Jin,'i uml ritrlii-rs, uiul ntlii'r iirtii lt-s nf sI'inK wuri- just ii'i-i-ivi-J uml fur halo l.y .IOII.N V. i-'KILI.MJ. uubury, June 83, 119. PATENT Trusi of ull kiinl-s HurriiMjn's writing ami iiuli'llililn inW, L'utton jam unJ liiiw. iut ruci'ivrd und lor sal." I'J j. w. ri;ii.i.G. Sunlmry, IVc. 2, 1HH, An rxi'i-ll.'iit urtielc fur Kale IlKXliV MASKEK. fuiil.ury J .n. 27tb. 1 I'J tf. 1LA.K 1KI'.DS )irinliil on tliu Usl iiuilily I' if urolii.iriil )! l-r-r. solil ut ilu- lovt Juki's t tins ullirs, hy vwli'ilesalu ""J r.-tuil. IlAlslXS, riirrniits, riti.m, .-lirtw. 'iMr sum-.-. Ac. Kor sulv hy J. V. I'Kll.l.Mi Buiiuury, llcx i, I"1H. "lUicouraftc Your Own!" HAAS & KENN. FASHlOXAnLK MAKK OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE suhscrilwriircsiirrtrully rail tlin nttcntinn of Iho puhlir. to their InrRo ami splendid nssort incnt ul' every iualily mid price of A HI M, 7 -AVA UK. which rnnuot Tail to reenininend itself to every ono who will exiitniiio it, nn account of its duruMn workmanship nnd splendid finish, iniule up of the liesf stock lo he in the eitv. An ellort is spared in the inaniifaetiire of tlieir ware, nud the suhscriliers arc determined to keep up xvith the ninny improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Maluijnuiy ,oiasi, iiivnii.i hiki l.ouiiri". 2JuiTi.u.'3,srrictir(cs,Silicl)Ottvi5s, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) 1)1X1X0 TABLES, and also VKNKTIAN 1J1.INDS, r.pial to Phila- deljihia nianufaefiiiT. UKllsTKAltS. of even- pattern nnd price, CHMIOAKDS. WOUK AND CANIH.K. STAN I IS. Tdll-KI" TAHI'.KS AND KXTKNSION TAUI.KS, in short, i-M-iy article iu tl;is line of ttieir hnsiness They also inauiifai'liiie all kinds and i uiilitii. nf CIIAIUS, iiiclniViio. xarieties never In-fore to he had iu SiuilmryT such lis M win.. ,V, lit. h k W'ii.m t MI t'l llt.l.ll M O l.l. (Iiiki nx ; AMI AVlMIISOII I'll A I IIS, i vn ri.vrr l'l .o Si ooi.s, which arc of the latest sryles. and uarranteil lo Is- excelled l.y none lnaniil'actiueil in the Cities or elsewhere. The sii'.im -rihers are determined that there shall I he no excuse for persons to purch.i-e furniture in Ihe cities, ns en-ry col, li.leiice can he eiiti-rtailied ' ahoiii the ipialily ami linish of their ware and Chairs, Their articles will l,e disposed of on as i;oo,l terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Cmui- trv I roiluce taken m pavnu-nt lor w-oi-U. I'.'" 1 M)l-:KTAKIXti. Havins provided themselves with a haiiiUouie Hhhm:. thev arc now prepare. I for 1 "ncl.-rtnUitiif. and atli inlin-,' In nerals. in . 1 1 i ii-init , or at any convenient dis tance from thi place. I t,J The W are llooni is in MatUe Strcci, opposite ,L onus's stoic, ami ncarl opposite Weaver's T:ieni. DANIEL HAAS. oki!u;e i;i;... Sunbury, Dee. I I. ls.-.t) tf. 1 WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE ' A l I 1MIYSICAL llKSTOHATIVH. j TII23 MEDICAL. WOlTIJSR OP THE j JLGE. i ILL porilively cure nil st.T.'cs of .Neuralgia, i Tie lloloroiiv, Nerioiis I le.ulache, I Mm-' Icra. I.o.-Kjaw, 1 1 : iliopiioliia ,-on -n.-ioiis ; will rest, nc maiihooil to its proline liuor, een altcr ycars ol prostration, i.mi tin- only known r.iul cer tain cttrc lor low SJ.111U i,r ir.nital ili-Iii It v. l.'strii.-t from the .New York ."-'nn. Oct. :l, Islll. Th r.l, ),.!,,! I ir W ats uhcii talkiin; ,, the : luiraculoiis power ol'- atts' Nervous A ntulote.' j the ipicsiiim was put to him. -.Why su. h a valua- , b!c remedy for all nervous .-tlli-ctious was not iu- ; trniUiccd by the meiiicat laculiv !'' replied, -Thai if it were, there would no longer be imv use for a facultv, as all disrascs origin. ite.l from ailisorau- izcil stite of the nerves ; the spi-ini: nf the whole system ami both the mind and bnilv in-rx cs nr Keep Ih must be. Lie i iu 111, lilt aider, Four ounce phial. I iloses. eninuh for a! ilinarv eases. I.K HOLLA.'. MILD IIY Will. Met 'A I.TY, llroailwa , , Simblli ."-'cpleiuber, S-i, l -'ill. tl'. ' ROOT, tn.t EtTi.sT, j .Vn. 1 Id. en hi f if Fifth ,V Ch-sinl fis , I'hiUi- ' ! del fihitt. nm iiliit iit'oivhrttif corner i'f I Ei uii.i''i Xtntl, .cie 1'orit-. 1ITIF.NS AND Sl l.ANtJF.KS call have ittiiii for Portraits or Miniatures, ami receive llieui l-calll il'ully cased, ill linu-occo. Silk t velvet. Papier .M iclie, or oilier f.inej stv les, or sets ' iu .Medallions, LocLcts. iVc, in a lew minutes. ; Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawing's, , ccc. topiea. Out iloor Virws,! .Minialurrs ul' i!ivr;it'.l i jn'istnis. tjiKi'ii ;il .-li.H't U'ttici'. j l''or r.ilr,iii ul" Adult. Ii ur prtM-i s, ;i n.! Im- , (ivovnl Inslniiiii'lit-i, n vt'ittJ.f il y il;i is ijuiti' as la- as wcailict. I'.r 1'liiltln ti. ii i-lcar il;i (ii. tvvi.n 11 : is trrt-cntMc. f In l).v.-s avuiJ wliiu- . I'llIC nr lilil jiink. I hir iallrry willi u Six Vvv.r M.-,!; Is ainl Works u Art. is i. ii at all lnmrs. ami -'rv. Wlirtlicr visitors ui-!i j iclmcs laki n ..r n.l, w kIi.iII at all tiiiirs r U to si t' (licni. Jinn' 2 , t S.'iil, 4 sti:iii.iiiV Tin: rr.i.r.iii: n:i i-ii. r. v. l A!i -t."j , A.-i i ii v . I'lir.'. . V u i; i'i.m.-m if 1-v. innl I li ! Willi t iiN.ll li Mu, If 'I Jl .Svmlf .ilii-ri- Ins m i t II.- It:. Ih ,i. . ;i 1.4 11-rsi' , l',iN.I.-l(.l,ia. rrl;i!i.l ii'iml i. IH "I l..l'..,.r. r tSiiii iiuy i iu t 'i!i;iii v I i ii'i K -:in li:i t il i. 'ttf .-1 .V i'IImiiii! i !c- i-p nviir.l Ii.' .i m;.s;.ii -l u- i in' -. -Ti ;n, ii. 1 1 1. Tn-tiis nt .i tli.-': '.I ' lljl. i Im, Ii in. tii iii s . .In- fr-U i. ml. jM .ii (li-'ii n.iir ci. ..'..w.ii. t : i.i-': i .it.-. Im III. All .l.-i f. -tit.iii 1 n. , ,- . i ni.-iliatt- i.iicitll 'ii. iin.l ;iti M i. s f. til ! .1 "I I .iii' I th. w ilit wiilii-n .ii iliiia!.!-' tlx- l llif jNtWi'l In ( u i, I'.i't : C"iir(;l:iji.fil'h '-!' ; ;nnl In i 'ii "ii an i l-tr t!i.-.-ii : if t if it.-.1 I tin I l liiitk-.- i'"U- 'Wiiiu I"- Itll at-.'"lll;l.Mll in.'iil i. a H U iM.ii 1 1 '.- ; it.'h a ari an-t ii tin- ! i '-c.-i.-t s ft' lia,ir.l. .inl rr lli-- r )-.' T t.. I tl; innl inr till r .'i itpi'-n --r (t-wt ' t-ity, iiikI nti t-li tiiitr "I I-almVi- I l.i I In tl --f.c li:i'i I .! , lliltl III tllf I !l;i lii.iitti ali lit.' T I l-T. liml i.t.rn ln!.- li-rf r iji-kc't Th"Ht:.i.lii .-" Ilu i l'i..' in iliix . it iu vhmh- i I., tin- lull -v.ilij'iat'ii..a i. alL i:ivh Urn rasi iltirini: fi.e l.t-M. in will uniwr vtrv f '9: illl'l Will l ilji W 11 Hf U IK IH'W ri -it- tli it '..'i iii; llir'H-li 111.- ' M I Iii . IIHUI It'tl.-l-i lt'.l'l . ilHt) LM im!I in ji. tiv. .i-t. ami ih.- until --'1 ii .t if.if M inifi i it. mi.. k i.-i-.-n . Ii'tin "it tn iii-v.-r ms.-.l ),- .ar mi nt y anil Stalf. All I tlfi-j . u u.-i;inl. -'.r iitor.- Kir. J lii-nlur Ii naiii.- I. .mi ih-f. ' ill l.t- ii lti -tly iifl. H.i,-,! ,(, ti.-illjlf .Mil :.l III, ".fn-i; t-l li ful Atiuanai'ti tfititiK. 71 Im-iim fctr ': .il Ai r :!til. INiitii.lflplna. V. lidltAl li'll.i;i: IM.. K. - l.-t!iil. PATE ITT IvCEDIGIIlTEa. tirri'ii'it 1 1 'K.tiijt. .1 liiiu-r, iriiv ri-ilin eil. Jai oli To nsi iiil'i. SarnajMi ill.i. ltaki r's S.iiiiiaiillii. Swayiic's nip ol Willi 1'li. rr , Svayn''i rriiiiru-rr. Ajr.'"s I'lii-rry l)r. l)r:.Ui-'ii l'aiiiii-t-1 Ir. t'lillen'i. il-i Til'liil'i. I'ain Killer. 1 Ir. IIooII.hhI'i ti'tTinaii l!iitt-rs- lll.lillll e-i tul'll- I'lMr- llnr.- uiul t'atlU' .Mt-iln-iiti-ri l-'.ir kiI.- Ly JIUMiV MASM'.K. t-linliury, July 1 I, IS-IU. THE PEOrLE'S VADE-MECUM I'.i.Mi' A i iil.i.Kc riuN or or Kit SHU VAl.l'AIILK liKCIPKS, Li the I'urfid anil Interest ian .i ti v illi a few uml I'tii-inutf l'eriinrnu in t'lll-:IISTUV : I Nt.'M'lUM. Mi'ili.-iii.'s, IVilunii'iv. 1 dmkpry, Kiirri.-ry, 1) iiiu, ( 'ouli-rtiuiiurv . 1 lo- iiicmu- l-.roiioinv, etc. clr. i'tr. 1'rn-o (i .-tn., sal.-hy llENUV MAxEl! Sunhiiry, Dev. 8, 119. lor iiioiti: ,o(is t Just ri'.viveil ut the More of HENKV .MAS. eSl-'U, S lot (if t'aiiri, tilllll l-i.H'kt AIiiiuiiiii-s, lili't'iiauuri', l.iiins AH of wliiili will li- solil ut tin' loui-xt j'l il l'. li-c. 14, lH.rnl. lAl'N. An uNM.rtiii.-nt just Alsti W .ilk HATS at 'J'J.r, tor sul. hv 11. M Assek. Kunhury. I'f.-. H IH. T M'.Aci, from llix Nrw York I 'union mul 1'ekin Tcs Ciiniaiiv. 1'or sale hv J. W. n.U.l.M.. hunl'ifv, Vex '-'. 11 LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUXHICK, DYSPI-.PSIA, CIIKONIC OR NEKVOIS DKItll.lTY. DISKASK OF THE KIDNEYS, VND nil ilissnscsnrisintr frnin n ilisnntcrfsl liver or itrs. miicti. sin-h as const tjinl ion, inwtir.1 IMUst. Fullness, or til.sst n, tho hunt, Aeiitily rf lha Oloinncli. Nsusrn llearll.iirn, ilijmi for Fsl, fullness nr weight in tliu toinneh. sour 1-jriielntions. sinkinir or flatteritnr nt tti pit of Hie Sloiuiieh. swinnniiiK of the limit, Inirrinliniilihlrienlt liicnlhiii... Anttctinir nt the heart, rliokiii-.r r siilT.K-etin-s.-nsaiious wlieaian Ivinir posiiirp, Iiimnssn of visinin dots or welis lieforeilie sielit, Fever anil ilnll pnin in tha licail. ileneie iry of perspinilion, vellowness of the skinsuJ eyes. (Kiin in Die Fi,e . hark, cfl'-st, lillllw, Ac. snijden fliirli.v of hent tiiirniin; in the flesli, constant iliripiiliiitl ol evil, suit ilepri Fsi'in of spirits, TAN III'. F.FI'Ll TI ALLV ITRKU HV D?x- C LAITD'S 1 1 i.i:im . i i d crini w I'HKI'AHRO BT UlTTEIts, l It . C . M JACKSON, AT TIIK CEKMAN MEDICINE STORE, Nn. 1-M1 Arvh St., 1'hlJtHii.j.jiii.., Th. ir K.vt r ' r iv nltuvt .liM-tisfn m not if.-H-i) 11 -ii:illi-it. Iiy iinv mhiT iri Hiniiiou if, tin Vnii..) ji-h'.-, hp lit.-i-nr.n mti-.-l, hi itiniij inim. utter Kkilliul i.Ujm.-i.uis '1'li'n- Isin.-m :if? wiuiliv th.-v -ti-im nf invnli.'j!. I 'psipmny tri,-;,i virtu, ,tl lt. r,.ii(i,-.,( j ( Hiwiium ul tin- it mill lt ;.M.-r ttl'uiHt. rfirinii !r tin iiit.nt ncfircliiiio- I'1 'h'i r til Wfi.liti. Sf :i in i :ilf.-tli'h I'l'tlti' litfi'fliva org AH, , w it t-.', fi-rtriin i in.) i.lcnsnttt.' I IM.i.. . W " 4'-i ri t ti... ii. ..i.... !.... i n.l. Use. -;, "lUt. H.H.I thr fttiv ol" l.i I.VMl's I'Kl.lllllMTXli 'K11V1N UlTrvllS for V, I I'..,,, ,l.,Ml I ......I ll. ,-l ,.r,. .... , - .'."i" e1-'"- -',,..,iiv , "r ' . in s'-rv.miv .nit -t III.' 1 1 nwt impit. lar iii, cI.,-im.- ,. i. ,1,,, - . Itltli lB Imivi Wvu ustd n ui-'llsin nls, nii.l ii I, .,! I'ltl rllhiV -ijiv-H III IlTlK llilll- sell r,-. , n-.-,l nn . li.s-lii.-, mill pi-muiiirtit cure nf l.ivt-r ', "ns . v,-nr.-(s.iiviiioV- liml. Ill tlic iu,- ol II,,.,,. .,, o ,: (r:iiiu .lifnuili mill Vl-'or li I'act worllo-... r ...-..J lllllxll. Tln-v nr." i,I.-Ij-,i i ........ ....a' ....ti ...a . iisc.l l,v i-tsoiis Willi Iheinostil- lnvilc nlomai l with sal- ; Iv. nisl.-r nnv circiiiieiii,,-, XV,. r.,iini! lioni .-X- H-i icl.-. anil lo Hi., nlllivt.,1 vce ailvnw lllcir Use." .lliile.. M. M oii. II , m ! ! . 1 1 , : . 1 1 K-jlll (.T.lll S.'iclliis innl lil.-mry ntlaii m. K;,i, , ins-Nvw- York Wi-. kly , M'.s-ii,j,t." ,l.-ni,i.-,r li, Is.'.n : 'Dr. I.i.,an.l's I, , Tin-in llin. rs. ll.-rr- i a .r.-,aration ! wlllcll Hie Irailllia ,l esses ill III.- I l,, ll.'li r to - ini'llli ; lllolis III leeo ie!ll,.,. ;m, , ..;,. , s o,VIOIIS. l ' ina.le tiller a, ,11 I nsl,.-.l l.v . -lie ,.' 1 1. Hl,, ,.,.,.. i.liv.icnuis of III, 1, in limes, the lale )r. Ihr Keplier "llliellilll liml. Professor to I lie Iniveisilv of .1 call, I'liville I'liysienni lo Hie Kim; of Prussia, unit ,mr of tliu vr.-at,l i lavil wrileis lieiiiiinn Ims ev.-r ,i,nliiei-,l a , was i.liali.-allv t r i-iienn of I I,n ,,,! il ...... I WMI'-li I,,. ,-e. (I.,, iiivetilor Hint i,i,il,,i..r ...u .lll'.leillll relle.l on. Me . ii.llv 1 1 1 l.'l , I. -.1 M jj, r I oii.tinn. Iljsi.esiu. U.-I.ilily.' Yeitiuo, Aciilily nf ol. e. , MO' . ,.-! r l. jinn ;il e,,Mi :,s ,,1-isii,,, ., ,1 i '''I I III- sloinacli. the liver i.i,.l ll.a N'll'- l'liii;n"i,!,,:i (,:i,eis e ires lieir ,n.ivic Wei!, nee, M SeVel'll of t!lC ulilorS Sielk "f lion .. ns . us . ii.-.-i ir.,.,1 n tl.e-e i-ireii,,,,,, -s. -.. i,, a. ra at-.t. not v in iiillmit III.- aM--i.ll.,,, ,,, ,,,r ,,,,,., . , . ,,,,.., lir..wn, ' 1 Jacks n) ,r. ivi.-ali.-n l,ul ui r.-conl,iien0- ,11: tin: aim le t. . a I slo,c Evidence. 'IV -ft .,it-lj,ltia S.cai.l:,.- i;:i tlie t.est falmlv ll'Wsj.: iiii,i.ii, ,1 iii l inieil : States, tliu ctlllor sios I), It is sel.l. lent .V.-,lici, r.-.-el'-rs; Ini.l I.M,r l,ei,, slu. l llt:il ,l:,"tin- I li.i'iiiitil' t Herman Hitters. I i. I.. We r. Iliiiirii.) wllllt tlie teriiw-,t S. lo l,- I le-lelore, liillers. m e ir ! lllilileiiee Illsl KltroiSl:e of oilf tall wefr llt,-;-ii-l IN. ll.s.I- e WIS it to lie ilislinetly liml, r ;n-akiiiLr ofil.e n. sit iim of (tin li -l-' l Nl,. ill loi n 1,1 , f ni l ,nl liml thru for. -.Het. .'Il!, II letl ol !i in.-,l,. : l,:. ,,.. ir yllillv r.-l, I Inlseliiet. Ille I, J es;ii,!-;, ,, m , j Vel'STI Ul" rize,. .,(j I Hie !,,;,,(, ; j,l.n., of ,e Plie"; its, -If." e.liein.- J eme J.tver I ', - i , U. I lit noi lS- . nil ill,:, .-if'. I- uslii-.- II ns It iiem ,,i li, .- m, -in:, eh anil ll.T it is ,r I.1 I'll I -IIS .!ls.-;i-cs III,- e!tee is ill llll'lliatr . to I'ellLl!-: ol liinnil Wlt.l saletv l ll , III. 'I'! iiii.I r. ll.iWe I- III. Ill am time. m:v.i: I-: oi-' i mi n i i.i! i i:ns. l li'-ni.- lr,s tit ilia. il ttiat liiu-ti el,aii.--r wl-te?! is niei'ienies to allnth t- m,li,e, ,inl, i ,-h,-i s liriotlS tlttiele nt In risk of I llJ IlS of :,nl I ! I, lie s , in, i i,,:.. ,, l.i nil. Wl'.l.l.l'ii flit M.VItlC- i-jii.iiiirf naiii.- l.i i I'll i: ii:fi.M:. r. l. .1 TKSi iN II ill ill,: t',lle. w ita- I'll. V lia.e Ih, "I"'' n'-"l".' I lit. -n f. i. i.l tli. 1-',, . V il :- .lie I', I.l I, fll. ti. ( : inuui Muliriiie Store, it .-.n-eef. i i . s N-. I , (lilts: , .: ileal. i .-it, t.) ':.. i Ill" le.'li ,1,1 tlie i -I'.'l .-.ll- I.V .V'tlinunlc-rlniti. i i; . i-.-.n i, I I,, I' -S!','. I I I It ' mii, si V. A. .M l ' i A": "DEATH'S DOOR lo-'I'i. :i'l lo ,ve I'-" ir t,ns ,-.'ii'e..-,. e..-i,'ll. IS lii. h IS Lii.e ol .1,-kil.S. i- Mi- llarn- is. lis -lie epi t'ST,'1 t, 1,'lien like till iiin.-1-l i't Le ll..- I I 'I r-.l ,1 1... .ili.l ti TlUlill l lii'ieii. u Wll lo --1). Mill's II., .!".. wli.n. , I I.l. 1 .ili.l i:,, Iu., l r.-si.. s lii.n! llt li- r i lirvr.1 tier ni lit-r ma i-rt l ii -r t ln-f hi. n.lfi in ii.-ir.-i-t . :i!t!i. '1' r. . , v nist.. it i:.-ti!v.iv"i It t-;n ly lt. li.-l if Jit-jili-r), !f I" ll--!-.: 1 '! J ::f.- .-(..-fl...-.-.t. 11 It -.III. ll.Tll-r, I-(-!II14 ft e .,.,, it,.- ; it itii..!iil :ii;.t.s iniuiii.tii, rf.ltn n in- Il.iiiil.ilili- .ir: tuttt s t !liif'.-!, rt-tn-vi tin- liHtt HfV.'li- f-u-i:i!ji.- ,-:.ii.-. LtM-n .;i I.. linnis. S.mI.I,.. Sn'fi. Hi ili.ti,.n f in:', i l.'it. mil tiMir I .ii!u!.;-.'. 4i'.ih. ;n:iK m. Spt uiii-. r-"i Mii. S,titif. Mill N- .-k. UY;ih,rit tn '.,-- St.'-- nil.f It..!,. "-. -i.ji .." ;il I, III-Ii., (i:ll!.t Itmi.-,,, t'lKiitj!, S,io Tin I niliit ii.;i. Il 'rny.'ii. I'.-iij-Iim. i'.ij.N, TiMirn An ik i riii;i i. om-: sr.ruM. T'llK I- ill.- tll ','1. miit! ;iitt'it i.m imm ! r I'lirnl in mi int;ini. l.-r li"' 11. ... I t 'lirtlr s III.' M I'Vr. tilt' jh'ilii 1H1IU- wi'ii Tic l..i.-i. ux i.n.i ll.-nii.Ttui.ii. N.MiraJ- I. i: :i:m! -" IL .!:;,. .:.,.- ii. 1 1 ltt- lllr Mil! IS lit. -i .-. . - .-. :iti.t in ;t t',-w lulltulrs n will I'lltlfflv r-h-- i I J'.!.. ti nt'. iti:nl il will an. - tl,- nn ml vi 'lent '..M'l -' 'l!li I'l.-IM;.,;. V"IMl!lH-.' t" t III. it'll pill (J inj; , mi i"im - m wiii im I- -iK ii-." 'i fur A':iU!ii'S.-. ittur tn? nun, .i-.i' h t- t m-- m . . K.-.ntv if.-, i ,ii -j niumr uu ! h nn. .i i. i: nwv a cd.. Kiiit'-ii Stiit-i. i.i.i:t;Ni nii. i r u i:n initi . Tn rii;i.I.l.l-il AM- l.;ri; Till; i 11 All. Mn t'K lit. l TV. 1'ii'ivnV ,M i.I'U'a ii.hSmp, li:."U-;. "n M.-1.:i.-.l .;.n. 5- 'a i, kn-'Wli tlir.iUifh. -II tlx !..'li:il.;c W.Tl-1 t' !' UC .Mr.-ni. y l.;m.t, pitril - .i'iiii- .... tin Un : wliiti- Iiy lit a.'ti.'ii I ;ttt. tli. 1 1 . 1 1 til t- tt--i.-i,.ry i'!irI- it -r!ti a:i : i . in i ,i.- Mil i'i ir, a'!:i ri i t ry ti-ml.-rifV . in i. t.iii) .ihctinllv iti.-iiitt,.n M Tt Iu-m.. tan. . lit i !,.-. .!;(.. ! -uill --i;ii'1 ..tli.-r .lltriiir't'ii T'lf r;..latil l-i -.ill it !iil,:ir! 1 . !ir Hi--i. tli.- tilil :l H. Hfill-lllt illillll't'S .'I l!lr- I lilitn uni , :il h t .ilnn-,- .ri n.'i t 'ii ;i,n; ,-'Ti vrt(( ru- r. -i.l. r i! ii,.i,-;,.-nh.'.l.i.-d. rvrry Ifll-l. 't :.l. i' .liuu .Hi- will ll iiltiivit .-ill itnt:itinn i' t-.- l lUv l,iii. i.ii.l n ii leiji il -1..U, Km-k 'Hi Hint IMU :'. .I, tit.' ll.HI!tll "It i nn. i I I" Itiir.ii'j tl.-1 1 :m',I .In-1 ,. ' I..MIIHMT. .r ir-rt initl l-l.ttL mi.N . .'if . r ; :., nj .-.i.- . j' fittil.'irn. PI lit' i ul insert fiii;li,iiniii. i-! ;ijj VI 1 1 li.'S t:Wf I .t.i (in li inu ami i ". t;-'ii tr tn lit. tit I It.tii.'-s "i ni.-iili n'iil liillaiMiii.itlMti. Ill 'ml i-M'-'mv.-;, t..-ftt nt nn. .wlo( Ii sl.i; : ).r. 'i'-tii.-fi h-ivi ..(.lanit-il it --In-i.-iiii.'.-i t if i.ii'u-r n.tiiit-t i.-x, Luttii i'l Kiifi- iin.l il -iii. rif in ut".i.-tnr.-. l.y Iiu-Ihm t"N .tl n'ttwrtd I ili iiinliiti-iMf wtrM. irtin tlx-Lnrnin! iriifi to tlie tt tt-ilum "I ll .- l. i ii;. Tftc i.uMtc will ilein-t I mum. I tli;.t li; .M:-l, it Snr. i lit." "nlv ns-; Hi 1 1 ha tx-n ' wiif 'f."ifiiii..ii i.-rtii.- nknt n'W i r. ii rtili.-.l t-i '-t our m-'i ii"iiiiit-nt i-li.-inti. Hai1wH' )l l Iff liv'in n. it-suit, m riisitnit; ami M-inii'i.iiiii in J Hr' ll. i.iti. ll :ni ji.- tin thf tffl.lrr fktll ol ll.t' mljrit v itlt tin- KH'ir li.'ij'i.v riMi'fji km ii if hi tw :tin v in tti nrinif ilii.t ia.-!i . ;.k- in i'i i ' i' 1 .j i tt in a fi' k.U-l t i I t-iii;r: in-.- ami inrllTt-r i--f that tin niL-iKiuire ! It. ItAOWAV is uiioii lai d ra!v. I'f n ii fviHi. largfi nil,.- nn: I'Kiiuim; oiixiaicM' or itK.itTV ISA 1. 1X1 III T IIKAll OK Ill.nSSV IIAIIt. It It'VI '. !- l-lltl -..S 1! M.VI. Uarranted the lest Hair Tunic in vse, I'or DreH.IIIH liml Itedlltl! v ill-j Ille liilir. It eli-luine tlie Senlji l'r, nn 1 ml', l,ee'. l! el, -Jill, rnrf Seurvev. lliil.lii, . Mini Siren "ii die Heu,l pi. .4,9 tin? hair l"r. in Inline; I eiitterii 11 ulnilli . line. nin,ml U, R,,t ami it'.ni.. r.-i..,l. wlei ll.'ive l,.!.t liieir ll-nr liv mekllemi wiii bill a e.'lili-lete mil 1,1, e 111 U:ne;i-'. l'l reiiKi.lil lllillll. 1. Ht.v. l-i' II .1 i'.iii. ini.l lieiintiiiil e,l,,r. unit M ill iri-V-lll ll tr.'in t'liniii-.' iiey. t-'rein ilu eX'iiiimie j.nillv. It 1. iKlnu'l li,l.i,le,l l'.l Ilie Ii;iir el i-iiii.ti.-n .il' llie'll'M t.-li'l. r' :ii;e. ll :a ,,l in tiu:;e t-'lll,- l,, n nl. kt U-ltle. amt Ih .-iliiiil.-.i Ilie tiiKt lli'ir ir.-pnliili,,i in umi, 11 will ll"t ll til. lint, tili. r III." titiefl liil,rn-. Sec Il1.1l iIih in.t lure ..1 li M1W A V A l'l , 11 mvm eai ll l,llle ih, i u. 1 lliiliu 1. . 1r.-111.1t1v viiIh.ui llic miiaiuiv s Kmltvi.)' ' A re A , . K T Autf. Iii, Mnwer. inil.iiry. ct-Juil - W. T. PEDDRICK S (I. ATI; I'AUTXKH OF V. Ai K) 1 aiiiUU 31amila loiy and lalnt M !'', Ni Iii Xrtlt Fumth Street, A WW lHHlUS AluiVK rilKKUV, V tS'f rlllLADELrillA. Cvustt'ntlif on lut ml ami 'ui .vjtfj f rftfuced j-i'uo, iff.' of ' viipt rtor t;".i. fif i- f-.-. i 'tlltlllt-t Di inu J .i ii ; 1 1' i .l.iviimin' ami Oil i;.tli VurniHi; t ainl tliinii iMi Vurniuli; ltr..a, lin. ; d-: Aiiikia'. Itonu .n t .1 I!.. I rtnt tli I'.ni.-Ii I'i.inic-i an,) VitniuburM M:itTiaU : IM'TTV IN t(l AMI I IKS I'AIN IS. 1)11 Y, (ill., Al 1IS I : I'AKth rt'U I.MMKItlATK I SK ; Aiillnr- Vamn-h, (ilu- uii'l Ai kIm ; liLn t J.ijum ftHi ; Aiiln-ivt . i-tr Fancy Work ; I'k Iiui' uml Vimlvv (il.-i: Aiiii!' To. lours. Iiy ami in lulu.; Vinirf -o..( oKl. KilVfir, tiiitHicriiuiii l.-iit ; (ioUl, Silv-r. uti.i 1' i HftiiMi ; l" in iCI.-r tLiiirt'IKli. At Vl'l) i4t.-ill Mi 'O lll-uk I IIU Ulsvl Wriliitu Ink .hinc -,t. I -All IlliAXKS. AN K.S' of'rv iU' riiiiiiiii ran lw liml hy II': iii' KiiiH ut tliooUii-i' ol llio Aiiieriruii. Pl ltl' WHITE ltUA.N 1)Y It'll I'KEKEK VI.Nti, iii.l t.-cviv.-.l ami l"i iih- hy 11. 1J. ma.-i:i!. Si ,1. .'-'. K."n'