' " SUNBURY IAMEMCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. " ' CHERRY PECTORAL: For llie Cnro T COUGHS, COLDS. ' HOARSENESS, BROW. -OHITIS, GROUP, ABTH MA, WHOOPING-OOtfOtt AND OONSUIMPTION. The uniform su.-i-c" which lias attended tho tine of tliis ivrp;irntin it salutary cfl'ect it jmwor to relieve nnd cure nlVoctions of tlic Lunp", have gained fur it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. W e oiler it to the aHlicled with rnliro ronlidcnro in it virtues, and the full belief that it will milidnc nnd remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, n they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men mid jihilaiitmnsts everywhere. hat is their opinion ol'CTiEIIA'Y l'KC'TOA'AI. may lc seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Xrd. Ctl! rr, JVt York, says : "It gives me ili asuie to certify the value and efficacy of Ayei's CIIEKUY l'Et'TOA'AL, which I consider neculiarly udapled to cure tlinca- i-cs ot tlie 1 hnmt and 1, 11113s. j XUE UT. KEY. LOUD UI.SHOP FIELD. wii'.es in a letter la his fiiend, who was sinking tmder an utTccli.ni of the lames: "Try the CIIEA'KY i'KC 1 OKAI. ond if anv medieinc can crive you relief, with the blessing of God that will." chief .lrsTiei: ecstis. of Louisiana, writes "That u vouna datichter of his was cun d of several severe attacks of Croup by the CIIEA'A'Y I'ECTOAWL." ASTHMA AM) HIvONCHITIS. 'Thr VnHiitiimi J;i', nt.'l vf Xcdieat Science states, "T'.iat Aahnia and liroiiehitis so prevalent in this inclement eiiinate. has Yielded with surpri is'mtt rapidity to Ayei's rllEKKY PECTORAL, and we cannot loo strongly reeoininend this skill ful preparation to t'.iO 1'roi'cpsioli and public gen erally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:- IIaiiiiouii, Jan. 20, 1847. Tr. .1. C Aver -llrnr Sir : Having been res cued fr.'iu a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts ine to send you Ibis acknowledgment, not only ill justice to you, but for the information of others in like aillio tioii. A sliiilit cold upon the lungs, neijlected at first, became to severe that spittinir of blood, a violent eouKh and profuse nit-lit sweats followed and fas tened upon me. 1 became emaciated, could not (deep, was distressed by my courIi, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm nig symtoins of ipiick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach my ease, until I provi dentially tried your (TIEWA'Y PECTOKAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. V,. A. .STEWART A i.n iNv, X. Y. April 17, 1848. Dr. Aver. Lowell Hear Sir. I have for years been adiicled villi Asthma ill the worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a I.irir. r part ol t;.e imuc being unable to breathe on my I t 1. 1 had i i! a ureal many medicines, to no pur; o.-.-, ui. il inv J'hvsician prescrils'd, as uu cvpcrinieui. yoi r I'ilEliilY PECTORAL. At lie.-.; it seemed to make me worse, but in less than a week I bccraii to experience the most Kralifvii,:; relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the diseasn is entirely removed. I can sleep mi my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state i f health which 1 had never expected to eniov. (ir.OlJfiE S FARRAXT. l'Krp.Mtr.n lit j.e. a vi.i:, en km 1st, lowklu, mass. old ' lie Masser, Sunbury j Mary A. MoC'ay, .NorMiiimhcrland- Dr. Gearhart, Se linsrove; lJi. Hit-kiy, Uauville, and Druggists (zenerally. Feb. 'l.'j, lt'.'l. lycertin AISBRESAN HOUSE, POIXEVILLE, PA. IliS. MARY WKAVKK respectfully informs -L'-ltlie public and travelling coiiiinunity general ly, that she has openeil this larire and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her Ion:; experience in the business ofa first rate Jlotel, uud well known reputation to aceommo ilale, her customers may depend on being supplied with teiy liiimr conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. lo. Idol tf la v!u:xci: "house. sui:buiiy, pa. Mini; siibs.Tib.-r re-neetfnlly informs her friends, -X and ihe public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand ncarlv opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins, t he trurs that her experience in business, mid her c t. :-.:s i make her guests comfortable, will uhc emu,, s i'i!acti,m to those who may fa vor her v iiii ilicir custom. ANN C. MORRIS March -tf. TRSVGilTON r HOUSE, , PA. 'j'iii-:vo:;Tt.v. T K sill ?en!-ei- re elfullv intornis the pubK that he ha (.j.eiidl l ublie House, in H e new town cl'Trcvort.ui, .Vortliumberland count , , and that he is well prepaid trt accommodate his guests in the Lcsi iioumer. His house is located ncariy opposite the Company's Htore. Ho is also provided with ir I stabling sutKcient for St) hor ses. He trusts bv prompt oil careful attention to business to m. cl u share .f the public patron. HKNKV 1) V EATER. 1'revortoii, Jan- 11, ls.'ul tf liOS .VJ I b71 AND PKNKIOX AGENCY The allentioii of llie jtublic is called to the ad vert Ucniunl of Mr Charlea C Tucker, Attorney and A nt at ashijt. u City Person liav. ini cl i.ins for bounty Laud or Pension re in. loiiiRil ili.it im .mbfci ibcr has made arrangumeiits lor the Ripiujic loiiu.-, and claimant railing at bis cilice, eau have their pater prepared and l.nwardid tj Mr. Tucker ul Wasliinn.ii, and by him be properly attended to ln-foro the De partment llilio. H. U. MASSER. uiihuiy, J. in. 1-1, 1 is r, 1 . ESSENCE OF 31 A I ( ' A (i I X (i i : u . J M ,I.ui.:i;.' i (iijn:-r, nil ihe aluublt nu ll ii w iif lc luuud to po- . -lift lltffttt ft T I IJ . Mi ill' nam; Unit' Imtlllliwif, 1(1 lit I )r -i hun li, nii'l will lie nnil", vrv Itli-ilk-iu.ii pi : l fcti'-i Hi u i:'livi.i'.:tt li. i I It 1 1 n iii.rI t iii'-.t iii uu.: fctiiiiwi.-iliii,- ! -it ic j- tjM.- i I .iii.i Lit uii'1 tlir:treiuii)g lc.-lin utr.ikitni'il by i;,v iiiii ;iiril ui iii'ii ( this linpf irtuut uruitn, i 'iy :i4-( iijd , n.i.c if-a-;t.A'iiliu lukeu in m Wine-gla-ful fi -ewVct '.'in i v i; r v ill iiiiiiiitli-iicly n-iuuvc the ttatu t-iic, uini t-.i.-riufctrni r-'Miltiiiu' In-iu iiKliKttniu, mul if taken tV" .,r tl ui fni.t-h xUi . us n .juuttl, will lc luund highly im'-iul ii.vmiMi tun iHiM-iiii'lt jiiHt m nt; if inking ol thctftom wti uu-, tt tut' ii y t tu iawitiurul itctiou ttoouiiuiitxl by the i.i u.ti ui- ft OI III..' Miiilir.tT iH-HlHy Ot I' 'UtVUtg UtlOf 1U- ..." 'u,, 011 fv-fll-Ht ri.fl.t iiie f.ir tho. uhohuvetiw (1 . t" ii, i,j (U i- irhtiy tuiMiiuiiiiK eiie!t up-ni h.-!. .TiU!t;':,,t',v,,, lUv -f-f WmiulHiitii, uhileit lik- Vi'iV'V-tii d'-1 !,',",, 'fh ttlw-uys follow the ueof i i:i:i'Ai.i:ii only By A MI2I.UKK SMITH, l'l l i.l.l. I' AND tilKMIrVr-. V. i i.,,cr f lik ,! Chestnut Strati v l .illj .I,.ji-i, A ul 1 I- .1 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Hie C'nhlnet Unt c Itoom of sEiw iiourx & co. Market Square, Also at the cor Art nf Faun street If the Railroad MJAUUUY, I'A. Thankful for the patronage of his friend aria customers during the 17 Years he has been In bui nc in tliis place, he solicits from the public eon tinuance of their favors. Luring this period b lias endeavored to keep up with the improvement ot the day, and ha aeeordmolv extended ni tui ne in every branch and variety. Toe public are therefore Invited to the attention of the presem stock of CABINET WAKE AND CHAIRS, MANOrACTt'KFD BY SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Where in addition to their former itock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, VTalnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, Litrqe Spring Sent Rocking; Chairs, Dressing Burer.us, Centre 'Tables, .Marble Top YVatk Stands, and a variety of ether new style ami Fashionable I'lirnifure. Havinrr secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, thf V rc now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distn'MVe-. Yc maids nail mistresses, nnd husbands toO', Here's ftiri.ilarc of every style and hue, From tide bmrds down to kitchen tattles, From rocking chairs to fockiiin cmdlc phoidd yon not lmve the ri-nity John tit pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter belter day, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheal nnd rye ; Hark, hoop poles, slaves, or lumber wet nnd dry, Or any thing but yokes nnd threshing Units, From piir. and tnrkies down to Utile quails. Come on then friends, eoine one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the ball." CP" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1830. If T, S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Clocks, Walrlicm ami Jewelry, "OEPAIRED in the best manner and warranted to perform well. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Sclinsgrove, Xov. 30. 1S.10 tf. I1TZ ! I1TK ! I1TZ! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third rtrret. "XTERCHAXTS and the W riting eommnnity arc requested to call and examine this INK, which is irarrautft not to corrode Xetatlte Pens, nor change its Color. Wholesale nnil Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale by H. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury Xovomber U, ltSol). ly. PHILA. AND READING" RAILROAD. SUM VI UK AKRANGKMKVr FROM r-iin.ADF.i.r-niA and potts vii.le. Fares Reduced. Office of the Phila. ' Reading Rnilroud Co, Philadelphia, Match Ufi, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 151 two train will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. xoixrxa t.ixk. Leaves Philadelphia at 7i A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 'i J A. M. daily except Pun davs. AFTKHXOOX LIXJ:. Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundavs. FAllEft, Uetwecn Philadcldiia and Pottsville, $2.75 1st class cars and S'i.'J'i 2d class cars. between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 -d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Rroad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will he al lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines ; and pa. seugers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baguage but their wearing apparel, which I will be at the risk of its owner. l)y ordor ol the Hoard of Managers. S. liRADKORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. Vnlunltlv PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHK Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, A oilers for sale the following properly ill Mil ton, Xorthiiiiiberlajid county, vi. : The large BRICK BUILDING -- in tipper Milton, formerly occupied tir M ssrs 1 altvrsoiis as a Carriage Maker Shop.. The building is fit) feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and i two ktoi'it- high. Also a two story lililCiv BLACKSMITH SHOP, 10 by 25 feet, on the same premise. The lot ia on the comer of upper Market and Front streets, and is 00 feet fro I, I, and 150 feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and uccoiiimoUating term by ap plying either to JACOU CAI.'KUSAN, Philadelphia. J. t . Ol.r lMiKK, Esq., .Milton or M. II. MANSE It, Ei , Sunbury. I'lflailtlphia, Jan 'J5, lt.)l if. Valuable IIooKm, r ifk or ('hiiist, haiitUi.iucly bound, D'Ar J air.Mt'a ilis roii v or tiik Ki.ioitMirioN, 1Uaiw I)tt-iiiK A . ii I.i.iii.i k, lull bounded. Foi sale at the publisher prices by H. H. MASSKR. Sunbury, July 14, 1819. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JI.SlltE Ol' TIIK l'IMCE, Suubury, Pa. Oll'u-e in lteer Slrcct, iiiinic.lial. lv opposite th l'uhlic SiIhmiI House. 17" Monies collected and ml limitless pinmptly and car, fully attended to. April SO, 185(1 NOTICE. A 3 the ulwribcr iutciitU making new arrange menu in Ui buKiiie on the first of Janua ry J&M, all porutis knowing thoui wives indebted to bun. are requested to call and make settlement up to that time, by payment or giving their notes fur the amount due1 JOHN W.rRIUNG. Sunhury, Pee. 28, 180 tf, 171 EE UIXLS, Jutiticoi and Con ..tables Fee Bills lianjaiumtly priuto oneurd paper, for Kale at thisotUce, I,ANK NO'I'ES, waiving tho exemption MM law of HOOOifur Mle by April 26, H. B. MA 98KB. YintlTING II. I ll) ami aelf sealing Env. Irtpea, jimt recti (4 ttU'l (" ! by AprU 19, 1651 . U. MASSSP. A.S-OTIIEH. KCIKJVTiFIC UWWtH, PEPSIN! TKETIttlE DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! AQtTBA.Ti DYSPEPSIA OTTREfi, Vapored fromHF.NNET, of the fourth Slomsoh of th Ox, after Ulicettuii ol BARON l.lf'.UIH, th reat Physiological Cheinitt, by J. S. IIOUOHTON, M. P., Nor II, North F.lhth !mt, Philadelphia, Pa. Thi it a truly wonderful remedy for INDI0EST1ON, DYSPEPSIA, Mt'NDICK, UVER COMPUAINT, CONSTIPATION and DKDII.ITV, CurliiB after N. ture' own method, by Nature' own agent, the 0rtrlc Juice OT Half a tenspoonl'ul of tins Fluid, tnfuied in water will digest or dissolve, Five PoulMi of Heatt Uecf in kout two hours, out of the rtomarh DIGESTION. T inESTION is ehieflv oerfonned in the stomach by the 1 nid ofa fluid which freely exudes from U.e inner it tl th:il ...u.-iii. when in etjitf of health, colled the Gustric Juice. This fluid is the Ureal Solvent of Uie Food, the Pnril'yinir, Preserving, ond Slnnuliiling Agent of Uie lunch and intestines. Williout it there will be no iligcu. tien. no conversion of food into blood, ond no nutrition of the IsMlyj but richer a foul, torpidfimini'ul, anddt-Mruc-live condition of the wltole dleestive antwrutns. A weuk holf dead, of injure stouiueh priHiuccB no g.std Liosttic Juice, and heueethe diKnfe, dittres ond debility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PK!S.N ii the rhief element, i ret l.Mtin Pr:iioi pie oi the titivtrir .1uie, it in found in great atumdnnce in thr tiil porta .f the human it-miac-h otter dtlli, out) Mnc tiiiien cnnim the rtonmrh t iligest iltt:lf. or cat itsrjf up. it ia mm rmim in the M'tmm ii ii niiiiniua, ua ine ux, run, c. It in the matciml idkmI hy for mem in makinir rltefn i:Uti1 Iti-tnict, the fflw-t tt which hn IfiiH Urn tin atMTia1 w tinier of t heiJairv. 'I'he runlliiiit of milk if llie first nr- reaa cf diirentinn. Itemtet ptwdepfiea rit niliiiir itwcr. The itomurh f a call' will runHe iHNirlyon- llMMinaiul time it rtxvn weiirlit ! milk. Huron I,iditr fialee Uiut, "One tmrt ot IVitniu iliwlved in mxtv thotiwiml iirt of wntei will ilig'OM iiie;it it nd other I'imhI.'' )iftiiired iiiomneha pnt (Inrv ifil titutiir Juice, Keiuiet or IVpfin. To atiw that tlib Wan, rnny W pt-ifet'tly mipplud, we 411 tc llie fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BATION MKlJin, ti hti reMirated work on Animal l.hemitiy, RiyS: "An Aitifieiiil Pigcative 1'lnid uimltttia to the iitiFlric .Iniee, mny br ien(fily prnpnred from the 11111 eoiia nicinlirune of the ftoiHiii ho'f thecnlf, in which vttrioirt nrticlea ot tot, na ment nnd rc will 1 aotienpii. clinnp- ett, ruid difrcnted, just in the aiiuic mniiner as they would I in the hnninu atomnr)i.M Dr. VKUKIUA. in ldti fain" tin Uwttrfe on "F'd and lirt." published y FoWlers Ac Well. V-W Yitrk, pnire 35, atatea the anmc crwit fnel, nnd drarrlWa tlie tnethtKJ of itrepnruU There aic few higher uutlntrftiea thun Di li.CtMHK, In hit v:dtViMe writlnirson the "lV.aiology H Dipetttn." dtiaervetlthcit diiniimtioiiof thedrtc qnnn tit v of the (.uatric Jitiee ia a nrouiiuent and oli-Drevailiiir eanae of pvapepsm;" and he aiiilea that "a diatinguiahed profenaor of ntedieine in 1oiidon, who was aeverely afflict ed with Ihia compltiint, lindinr eerv thintr elie to full, had rvrniirae U the t:il ric .iuieu. obtninett l ruin the atomarh of livinjr uniimda, whieh proved completely aneceaaful Dr. (IHAHAM, author of the futnona wrka on "Vege table Diet' anya : "it ia n remarkable tact 111 pliM"gv that the Mmaeha ot aiiiumlii, macerated in water, imi to the tlnid Ihe niptiiv f disaolvim; vurina article fM, and of eileetiiiif a kind of nrtifieiul dieaiion of them in no wiae iiift'Tml troin the iiiitund dilative prwrw." Ir. SIMON'S rn-sit work, the "Cliemiairv of Man. (Ia'u& lllanelmrd. I'hila. 1MU, in. 33l.i) Kiva: The dia. everv tf l'KlflN forinaa new ent in the nhemieal hiatory ol Ditieatnm. Kroin reeeut tXieiimeiit we know that food ia ilifiKoleed na nuiidtv in an nrliheinl iliireative fluid. preptiu-d from l'tpfiu, ua it is in the nuturul Gustric Juice Itaell.,' Vi.tfeaa.tr nrC;MSO of tha JetTeia-.n Collere. Phila tlvlphtn. in his prent work on Human lMiyaiology, devotei more than htty pacea tn nn examination nt tha anbjecl. Ilia experiment with Dr. llennmont, on the finatrie Juiee, obtaiiuil fpan the living himiun at'nnaeh and Irooi nmnuila are well ktKvn. li all eneea," he aaya, "dieatioa iHeiir red aa perfectly in the artificial ua in the uiituraldigratioua.'i AS A DYSPEPSIA CUKEK, Dr. lin!HTONS preparation of PKI'SlX hna pr-whi-ced the mt inarvelloiia etfecta, curing cnaca of Debility, Kmncintion, Ncrvnitu Decline, and Dyapcptie Couauniptiiai, aupp'Bcdta be on the very verge ol the (irave. It ia iiu piwible t. give the detaila of cuaea in the limitaof tlna ad vertitement but nuthenticnted certificatca hHveherti riven of more than TWO HL MHtKD R KM A li K A B hK CI'HI.S, in rhilad.'tphia, New York, aud H-nt.-u oktiie. Theae were nearly all deaperate coaea, and the curea were not only rapid mat wndrrfu1, but perm.nicut. It iaa great NKU VOL'S ANTIDOTE, and particularly useful for tentleuey to b.lini dinrder, Liver ConiplDi,.t, Fever and Ague, or lindly t ranted Fever nnd Ague, and the evil effect f (uitiiue, Alcreury, and other drug upon the Digestive orgima, ai'lei a long aickneaa. Alw.', for exeeaa in eating, nnd Ihe to free lute of anient ipirita. It Qliuuat rccuticit. a Heidth with lutemperuuce. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There in no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it di 11 t aeem to iea h and remove at once. No matter how ld They imty he. it 1VKS INSTANT HK I.1KF ! A aiink'd iae remove all the unplcuaaiit yiiit toiua. ami it only neeila to le repeated, for a hrt time, to in.tk.' theNe gotHtriTreta eruiaiieiil. PCKITVOF ltI.OD and VH.OR OF IJODV, follow at onre. It in jMirtieulnrly eieetlent in enaea of Nauseii, Vomitintr. Crumpa. Sucnea of the pit of the Stomach diatreaa nfter utiling. low, cold, state i'f the I'I'mn), lleavincfla, lAtwueaaot Spirit. Di sp"ii deney, F.maetatioii, Weaknesa, tendency to IiiHanily, Sui cide,' Jtc. Price. ONK DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often effect a laalins cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS. ty SUNT uv MA1I, KKKK OP POSTAGK. Fir conveincuce of siaulicg to all trt of the eouultv, Ihe IHfiKSTI VK M AT't'Elt OF THE PEPSIN ispnliii. in the form of IViwd'-rs, with directi.ius to be dms.ilvt.il u water or yrtlp, hy llie patient. These powders contain just the snine mutter as llie Ifittlt-H, but twice the quant ity for the snme price, and w ill lie scut by mail, Fit EE OF POSTAHK for OXE 1HH.I.AK sent (wt-iiuid) to Dr. J. S. iiOUHUTON', No. It North Eighth street, I'liiladclphia. Pa. Sij packages for five dollars Everv laiekaKe and bottle lienrs the ivntteu signature ol' J. S. UuL'tillTON, M. 1)., sole Proprietor. S..d by agent tn everv tow n in th lTnited Stales, and by lespectable dealer in Medicines geueoilly. FOIISAEK BY John W SunlHiry. Pa. Friliu, mild George Bright, .Northundieralud. Milton, Mi-Ewensville, Selinttrove, t'pier Mahauunyo Mary A. McCay John II. Baser lluvea te McCoruuck, S. J. Crouse, John It. Bean, Wtlliatn Dcppiit, Sitnliurv, S-t. 14th, 1650 litioia. A II VU IIT1SE.U E A'T Boiuity land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. THI. ui.tl.TfinnJ Attorury and (ienerul Agrut at the City ul Wuahtnton. lifters his serviort, iu incurutt Uoiutty I -i nt 1 1 and IVusioim Inr Uue entitled. Itciu ier uiJint iilly toratrt. at llie Mt-at oi' Govtrmiicni, willi u Uior uuph uud I ;i miliar uaiiuiiiitimre with the int-fnry lornm. and i (U ine of himiiifHa, and hiiving uccita Ui Kfnteri ajit Kotls liltil in the L'. is. war DiUce, he puMowacN luciluiea lur llie ipmly and mtialact'Ty mljUMUneiit ul' Govofiimc.it cUiimit ul fytTV kind. Hy u late Act oi L'(Hirtfl, limn it y lvtnd i trunlcd te Ihr . itHer umt avildini o the wur oi leltt. hint oi the vari ri'His J tiJ Wiir., uuce l.'JU. To lliust wh wrved nine rifHiiha Itrti u'Tt's; to th-i? who atrvrd l'"ur months 80 ucrcs; and to thac who m:rved one month 40 sert-s, Arrununirittii have lKtn imido with ct nikiiien of the I I ir'fiii in ditttTint ntt-tioji4 ( ihu I'ttuntry, lor , thf .'K-ulin o' wtirruntM, uud the tle ot the wlnilti, whm ipiiiimI, on the mojit udvunliieoiis term; ir the uvincnt ol' tn&ed, redemption o Ittiidc, ild for tuxfn; rolh-cliou ot dchiK , tmd lor tlie tranwu'tion ol n-uerul lavv buineHt is th- diilW.-iit Siiiteit and 'IV'rritoriei.. Jle temlerii hi vu-t to ini-nitwri 4 the profeuion at a itirt'inre, and when r1;iint: iiiriitnst the (iovf rninent, are pre utrwl ty u I'H'ul Apnit, will a I -ate inie halt Im imiud fee. J'he nrtMHiary lonus und iiutuioiiont. ami iutncnuitioti on II milviet'ts apwrluiMiiR t u fdveeiwiul proaM'eution ti thu bitsineita, will be lurinihcd to regular Correirtondenta with out f ha i ire. Prra (im dffiriiu: inlorninti 'ii of lnenda in the army or itiivy, will foi ward to hnn nil the uirtieiiuira Ukhvii of their ab'.vire, (ofrethrr with a lee of one dollar, and 1 heir enqni rifa will Ik: replied to by return of mail. All coinmumca Uous to be (pukpaid,) and uddremu d to cnKLi:s C. Tl t KKR. (B"i 107. P. tl.) Vu.4imgtm, l. Dcvcinber 2", lrio. DliOKKKLI, l: It , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. I I AS rccfiitly n-ri-iveil, among otlirr artiilt-, prrut varirlv ol' .New, t'heaj) and Entertain ing iiihliiiiliiiis tui-li aa (onii-rii miivi'Is. l uniplt-te or wjinratr. HcrUrU Do Kixlwrll, Itiiina tlti 'I'rulUtiM, Sue Hi) llullilinrton, Koyiidol (to Marryatt, Cock Ion ilo 'ry. Maxwell do Marah, JerroKl iln Ailiawortli, Murris (In At tlie low price ot from 'ii to 50 it jer volume. Sunbury, Kent, 'ii, 1850. tf. BOOT. TREE MAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, HERE all kind of Wsla, &cM of the lateat atylo and Uwl material, ai manufactured on reasonable term. All order promptly and punctually attended to. rbiladclphia, Nov. , 1850 ly. 1? AZOKS A (iiperior articla for aala at lh -.lorof HENRY MA&SEK. Sutiburv, Fb. JO, I8&0, . "a SHOURDS & CO'S1 LABOR AND FUEL SITING ;;; Kannfnttnrfd hj Sboardi k Co. B43 Chestnut St., Phila. ' FOR SALE BY ALT. GROCERS. WARRANTED to wnnh clpn in lmrd," oft, or salt water, col J or hot, in one third the time of any other Sonp ever manufactured; tliu dispennlne; with boiling, hlcochinit &e. , , FLANNELS. CLOTHES, ic. whfit with thi Soap will never hrink or have an? harah or gummy frel, but leave them in their oriitinal aoft and pliant atato i which i in itself a ulliciont reconimrndation to guarantre ita tine in all lamme. THE FINEST FABRICS majr be wanned thoroughly with it, without the lot Injury; Riving them a lintre equal to newly imported good. PAlNTj GREASE k DIRT of any dewrtption, can lie roadilv removed hv the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest drewi or ordinary rariiet. In the tine of Klioum rV Co Boap, tho inoiit delimttj need not fear, a it will not injure or chap the hand, but on the contrary act a an emolli ent, and i lint only the vkht hi.st winn oe ever oflered to the public, but aa a TOIl.t y SOAP eannot l excelled. M'herever it ha been ued it ha jriven perfect dutifnction, ond in warrmitcd no tn do, in ull ca c where a f;ilr trial will be (riven it. SIIOIIRDS fV CO., Manufacturer, No. 543 Clirsnut SL, rUilailrlphia. For fale by (Jrooer generally. Novemlier 10, 1850i VS. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. nilncrNvlllc. 9cluj IKIU Co., I'd. BUSINESS will he promptly attcnilcd to in the comities of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia, uud Muhtutir- " A.Jordan. H ilelliix, 4 H H- .Maer, Eqr. Sunbury Win- l)c Haven, Edward Hughe, eV Solomon Shindel. Minersville C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, PottKville-. Oct. R, 18.r;0 lv. FASHIONABLE ThATS. C. J. WALTON, S't. 246 Mnrkrl at., Iirlireeil 7 & 6th St., (Mouth aiih",) FHXLADEX.PHXA. 'THF. Ri:bcril-r haa opened a new hat "tore ami ult'ers td trader and other who visit the city, a huiulrioiiie asxortment othatM, rap, of eve ry variety, mailt' up of the lieat material, and in the Idlest mitl best tylc, and on term a reasona ble a van be had in anv establishment in I'hila- dclphia. viz: l'ilil' xilk hat at $12,50 i (iood do do at $1110. l'ersons from the country who pur chase of him. can rely, tit all times, on getting a good article that will please Iheni, and one that is fully worth the nioncv paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, ls50 ly. C II A R I. E S V IIKG IN s" .AsTTOPalTEY AT LA77", I'olltvillc, I'll. Will promptly attend to rollcilions and atl husi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 184U, LIQUOiiS, WINES, &"C. THK aubseriber has jusf received a new supply of the Ik's! liipior that eer came to i'uiiliury , consisting in part of Superior old pale Drandy. Kine Cotrniae Ilrandy. Superior ('Id Jamaica S)irits. New England Ktiiti. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Coinnioii do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. iSujicrior l'ort Wine. lturKunilv l'ort do. Sweet Mu I ma Wine. Superior C'lutt-t Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. . 1IENKV MASSEIJ. .V'uuliury, May 20 1S1. lllALAIILXrill.t WIXK . Lltll.OK STOHK KITTING & WAT HUMAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 220 Market street, Philatlclplui, rKi for iilc, the cheapest and beat auorU " ment of I.iiimri in Pluladulphia, tuch a ('hainpaftnc, Sherrirx, Port, Steck, Claret, l)ur- gundif, Sauturu, liar sac, Maderia, I.ibon, Tenerille and Sicily Winea. I) randies of the choicest brand, vizi Maglina, Otard, l'onet, IK-niiesv, Ac, See.. Vine Hollud liin, M oiiongahela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, Ac. Hotel and the country trade aiipplied a Phila delphia price on the moat liberal turuia. July 13, 18A0 PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, M K 1) A I-, awarded bv the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE of Philadelphia in Octoler, AND THE FIRST PUK-MIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at llallimoie, Nov. ISIS and IU4D. 1'liiUJelyhia, Uetoter SGrA, 1H48. I have usrd J. Wellar'a Patent Japan Liquid and Paste UlackiiiK for aome nine months, and am happy to any Unit it surpasses any MackiiiK that I have ued lliese twenty odd years. I find it holJa tho polish and preserve the leather last thr than any blackin;; that I have ever tried. A.MIUtW H. I'lltMBKHS. . No. 67 Chestnut Street, Win. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WELL All, No. 50 Chestnut Street, aliove Second. Novemlier, 9, 1850. ly. TJROWN'S ESSENCE Of JAMAICA GIN OEK, an evcelient article. IUdwii'i Medicated Soap fur uil burn, tan, letter, Vc. Railway's Circassian Dalin, fur the liair dand rull &c. Railway' Ready Relief for Cramp, Cliulic, t liolcra .Morbus, eVc. roraalcny 11. B. MAS3ER. tSunbury, Aug. 3, 1850. TnNE Ware, Eartlien Ware, Raiaina, Al- iiioiuU, 1 lines and Cream Nut, riane nf all kinds. Salt and I'later. Juxt received and for sale by JOHN W. KRILINU. .Vuubury, Dee j S9, 184H. ' BOOKS and Cold Pen. On hand several cop ies of tlie life of Christ, and alao a number of gold pen which we will sell at the I'liiUJclpbia price. 1 or sale al tins ollice. J TE.MNliH A cheap and excellent arti clc ior tasteuinj: saah for sale by ' J. W. FRIUNO Sunbury,. July 7, 1849. ' " ROSE OINTM ENT. A fre.h upply of thi excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, just received and for sale by ; - ' u ! I HENRY MAeSEK. Bunbury, July 28, )849 w ILEY'4 COVGU CNDV. in excel- lent remedy for toughs, colds. For sale at this oifice ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for M. coverins classes, &c, for aule at the ollioc ol the American. Srm.ADD'S celrhrated Horse end Cattle Medt WW -a im for sale by - HENRY MASSER Buubury, Jan. .7tU, 1817 HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PKNNSYIiVANI A. CTTT or Mlri.AtiELnii MASSAC Al'BETTS. All anlvcnt lirniV on V. n. Hunk not l.i riia UHOllK Ifl.AiXD. All aulveut bank mi All anlveiit Ivinka uu COI.'HTMV. LON.NKt: I'lCli i . Itftnh of ChninlicrHbiirg 1 rtln Bank of Chcutcr Co. mr flunk of I)t:l. Co. Chester prir All aolvciit bunk ui Ni:W YORK. CITY. IfanKOI liermHiilown Hank of Ovttyslnlrij Bnnk of lwint.vil Itank of Mutillclown pnrlAII ni.lvcnt bniik 1 Jn I f III If 'leu umUT C-i ) ul" cot;iTt. All ..Ivmln link lili 1 diV Montgomery to Uuiik piir .BW JKU9EY. ' ilia llank ol iHorthuinix;rriKl. rat Helvidcre Bniik Cniinnercinl Hank Bankof Pittihurg 1 dm Bank of llnnville pnrlFnr. Hunk Menu Holly pi" Cnrlisle Bunk 1 ilifl Columlii B'k k BgeCu pnr Poyelslowil lliuik wir l-iton Bnnk pnr Erie Bank a dii r . AM., Mtddletown I't. pnr Mechimiin' Ilk, Newark pr Meoh. Ilk of Itiirlinrton (r Mcch. tc Mini. lik Trent imr Morrii Co Rank 1 flu Klchnnge RkPittnhurg t dil Ni'wnrkBk'gkliu.CoIii e.xcnanffe if K, Hrnticn l u Orange Rank di di Farmers' B'k, RnckaCn par! l'enpTr' Bk Pnttercoli Farmer' Hk, lAiiciRter pnr Princeton Bank farmer' Mk, Heading pnr Farm. Bk Schuylkill Co pnr iSalein Banking Co, I Kir dm pnr emrrret Co Hank Slate Bank at Camden F & I). Bk WnvneiuVg llilia Franklin Bk. YViuui'ii lldin Unrrinliiirg Itank t'di IlimcMjole Rnnk 1 dis Slate Bk Kliznhcthton State Bank Newark .lis dis State Bk, N . Brntuwlik par Idncnrtcr Bank pnr.Misiiex ijiuik. piewion nis Lelmnon Hunk pur Trenton iianxing iu par I'nion Bank. Hover J dis Yurdlivv'leADelDrCol.vlis Merrh. A Man. Honk 1 dir Miner' B'k, Pottaville p-r Monongniielfi Mniik 1 din C?"Bk notes tinder i!5 J di Taylorv'e Del II' Co l.i di Wnt Branch Bank (wir Wyoming Bk, Wiikcrt.'e u York Bunk, 1 dip ty Belief note 1 dm MAINE. Bank of Wh.-t.K-k .', dir IIKIjAWAKK. Bank of Ililnwnrc p1" Bank of Smyrna r Delaware City flank par Hk Wilniff'n.V Binmlyw. inn Kannern ' Ilk St Delaware pur I m. n Hank, wilnnnitton iwir M'-reanlilr Hk. Bangor tllilm All l'i-ut linnkn l dii. f' I'lnler S.V ' .lit OHIO NEW IIAMI'HIIIHE. All Mr-cut luniks 2 ilis All flolvi-iit liank 1 din VI'.HMONT. it Ilk ii"ii.. nnd.-r r'p 4 .lift MIIITIl CAIiOI.INA Bank of st AlUinn 2 din All n-ilvciit b-inks It di IV t.'mler A's, (lis All solvent K-inks I di ZEITS & CO., i mp on thus ti- v oh ei UN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Frames mill Miisslcnl iiiNlrii mt'iilM. No. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch cfc Kacc, I'lIILAIIKl.t'lllA. TM PORT to order nnd have constantly on hand a verv large assortment ol gooos m the above named lines at wholcsule and retail. Principally : 113 QD CE L S3 In German, Latin. Orcck, Hebrew, French. Italian Spanish and other laiiKiiapes; Classics, Hiclinu ariea, (irammcrs, Voi abularics, School, Juvenile, Picture, Diaviiit;uiid M.slel Hook for An-hitccta Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturer. MAPS, (JLOI5ES and lllauk Hooka of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. Ml'SH'AL, ISSTItOlKNTS. Aecordeons, liaii jos. How for all string instru nient. Hriilee and Tailpieces. Clarionets, Fife, Fliifrcolets, l-'lutes, Guitars, ftetavo Flutes. Palent Heads for tiililars and Violiucellos, Tainbotiriues, Tiiiiiuir I'orksaml Hainnii rs, Violins, Violin nnd (iuilar Peg, Violineellos ami Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor denns reiiaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a larc assortment of the very best GEIUVTAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leal .Metal Thermometers, Hairpeneils.-Falicr and other Lcudpcncils, lied, White and lilaek Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scnrl'icators, .s'prim; Lancets Pocket Prescription and fiold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and (ierman Fancy .A nicies, for the sale of which they are the MANUFACTURER ACiEN'J'S. July tl, 1H50 DCSTCR TOTJPwSEL? ! I'Olt 2.' CKA'TSH! Hv MKixsorTiii: Pin-kit Esci Lti'ira, or. Every one his own Physician ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing lK'culiar diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, HV VM. VOt Mi, M. I. The time has now arrived that persons sull'cring from secret diseases, need no more become the victim of Quackery, ns by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cnu- himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledge of anv one, and willi one tenth the usual c v. octree. Iu addi tion to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause ol'iiiHiiliood'senrly decline, Willi observations on inarnu-'c licsules many other derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. lC7"Any person sending -rwtsrj-iivi; i kith enclosed iu a letter, will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies n ill be sent for one dollar. ' Address, '-DR. W. YOUNG, No. 1.VJ JSPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. rS"DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases descrila-d in his different publications, at his Ollice, 152 SPRUCE Street, every day be tween 9 and 3 o'clock. (Sunday'e.ceuted.V Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1850 ly. TONIC MIXTURE, Foil Till Cl IlKOK FtVKtt ANU Aui'K. WaR- KANTK1). rT,'"s iniriAnlW imilieiiie may be rt-liet on when near- J. ly nit oilit-i reiiie-li.'umil Us y.ilne is n-'t Ellirnrielitly ktiowi'v thert iurc, thtr iinmrictnr ili-slres lo enlarge Hie ficltl uf Hi u luluc)! hv iiMkiuu kiitwii Uu virtucM :thl cili- cacjr to lluiu&iiiutit f auiftTt-'fa wlioure nl mvare that th y ran lr ajwrMiny uiki nmunay cnrcil oi fi:vi:u ANn m.x i:, without tltt! n of poinma ilrn-ix, umi-ffna ivitiona r th.- ri'-lelcriium t-th clsi'l tiiiaiHf. It If "tit ftnl I the Mih-Ih- uta low )nci to !.: a within the rKw of all, ;f nrcl thfil thoHc w..o iixe it accfiliiif! to dirvciioiia wilt lintt it u aittc uud fcpcJ t-uie for rtvER AXP Ih.t v.. it ia not a itianrcenhle iiunavitiinu oMii"iuiii hut an tirrcr a hit tonic mlctilutful to tciuovc the itinr-.tnftunilgivc hen! thy acli'tli t the atoinarh it it I hiwt-lln. 'rturril only hy .Miirahr-ll A- t'1., and a-'M v!il-rilii airi retail hy KowuimI Ai. S.ii, J1 N itli 6tli Strc--, rhiiatlclpliui. I ricr ?1 cr Uifk bitlet uu1 ci i. JiweVUV icon iy ROSE OINTMENT, TOR TETTER 1) EAU tht follow ma; ecitUiiMie from Capt. Drvor, the V well kti'iwuuud iiulur Sliaui Ikmi Captain (!' th Traveller.) ruu.nKi.piiu, October 31, 1846. Several yeara aince 1 wua uttackrd with break inn H)t on my nock iu ttic form of Tetter, which 1 am convinced wua uatructcii at the UarU-r'ahhtin. It grauduully extcm! ed over my lure mull it rwchej the upier part ol" the check, luiring the acvcrnl maitlia that it eoiitiiuie1 aicudinir, 1 um.J dit1crnt upplicutioiu, me of which had the effect, appreiitly at leuat, of iiHrt3(uiiia; the diacuae, hat front none ol tluni tin) 1 H-rccive the h-uat hcin tit uniil I appliul th ItotK Ointmkmt. By the nac of out: jar of it, 1 wua pertuctly rurcU uud have rci named free of the affix tion. I hav aiii iifcil the Ointment, lightly applied for rouh iieaa of the lace, bM hin, chaHi handa, A c. With wr fect aacccaa. 1 have no in-cii4Jt n n in rccomiueathiig H in the tlrongeat maimer ti the nuUic. JAM Kr DKVCK. Apt-tit IlrRT .MiaKKR, Sunhury. July f, IMU. JVllNEUAI. WATKR, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs highly valunhle in ehronic Ji aeaMo, and tonic reineoicK, for Kale IIK.NKV MASSKH. buuhury, June 29, 1H50 tf STONE TwaRe7 STONK milk Pan, stone Jug snd rilchrrs, and utlirr arliclt-8 uf stivne ure just received and for sale br JOHN V. FKILIXCi. Sunliury, June 23, 18-19 PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and imlelliMe ink, Cotton yarn and Una, just received and for sale by . i... 4 .: J. W. rRILINQ. . , Bunbury, Dee. 3, 1848. 1AY RUM An excellent article for aale HEN HYM A8ER. bunbury Ja. 870, 184fc Ml tAK DEEDS printed ou the best quality cf parchment paper, told tit the lowest pricf at this oHier, by wholesale end retail. rj AISINS, enrranta, citron, cheese, prppfr V Mure, Ac. Kor sale hy J. W. MULI.NU Sunbury, Dec. t( l4i?, "JKncoiir.igc Your Own!" HAAS & RENN. FASHIONARLK MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'THE ubCTiber respectfully fall the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality nnd price of ( AIIIM- I -AVAItFi. which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery one who will examine H, on account of it durable workmanship and uplendid finish, made up of the best rtock to lie had in the city. No effort i pared in the manufacture of their ware, and the Riibserlner are determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. Their stock consist of Mahogany Sofa, IHvnn nrnl I,otintr.cM, Jjurraus, secretaries, SftcbOcuHs, SflFl, BREAKFAST AND UlMXfl TABLES, and also VENETIAN HLINUS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. IJKDSTEADS, of everv pattern nnd price, CUPHOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TAUlvES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every nvlicle in this line of their busines. They also maiuil'ai ture ull kinds and qualities CITAIKS. Ineluiting varieties never before to be had In Sunbiiiy, such as M jinn; nt, lit-Aca Wri!T IMI Cl HI.IMI M ll-I.K (illll IAN ; ASH WlXIISOH CHAIRS. am 1 am r I'i imi Si-oni.s, which nre of llie latest styles, nnd warranted to be excelled by none manutactiireil m the twines or elsewhere. The subscribers ure determineil that there shall be no excuse lor persons to purchase furniture in the cilice, ns every conliilcncc can be entertained aboui the quality and finish of their ware aiul Chair. Their articles will be disposed of on ns good terms ns Ihev cnu be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken inpayment for work. UNDERTAKING. . Having provided themselves with n handsome II r. tnsK, they lire now prepnred lor Undertaking, nnd nttemling fu ncruls, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. VJT The Ware Room is in Marke Street, opposite J. Voting's store, and nearl opposite Wemer's Tavern. DANIEL HAAs, GEORGE RENN. Siinbnrv, Dec. 11, ISTid. tf. AVA'ITS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE A N I 1MIYSICAL KCSTOW ATIVE. thu medical woitdbi: of the X-wiUi. TTII.T. po.-iiielv cine nil slntres of Neuralgia, Tie Dolorous, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, II iilinphobia convulsion; will restore manhood lo lis prestum viuor, even uller years of prostration, nud ihe only Known nnd cer tain cure for low spirits or meiil.il debilty. Extract from the New York Nun, Oct! 11, 149. The rrliimtril Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Walts Nervous Antidote, the question was put It) him, ,Why such a valun ble remedy for all nervous nllcetions was not in troduccd bv the niedicul laeiillv!" replied, "'J'bat if it were, there would no longer lie any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated Ironi a disorgan r.cd strle ol the nerves ; the nerves are toe main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the in t n tl and body iniisi be.' Four ouncii phial, I'i doses, enouyh for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. SOLD HY Win. Met' ARTY, Ilroaihvny, Sunbury. .S'cpteiulH-r, iM, tf. HOOT, E M.I I KLUK W .4HTIST, A'o. 140. corner nf Fifth A Chstvt $-.., Phila I dclphin. and ;i6.1 Ii road way corner of i Fratiklin Street. Ai ir York t , ..... ..... . i H I.l'iAP1 AiU M i.AiMil'iUS call liiivt- I a Kitting for l'urtr.HU or Miniatures, nud rocfivc tlifiii l-cnilMulIy cumM, in nitrovo, lUK olvct, liiicr Mucin, or idhcr fancy MvttM, or .-i'ts ia .Mi'datlioins, l.ucki'U, tc.t ma few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Painting's, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out ilior Views, mill .Miniatures uf deceased pi1 noma, taken at slmrt ut. Kor l'nrtraits of Adulln hv our process. ami I proved Instruments, a cltniifti day it quite as fa vorable na clear weather. For Children, a clear Jay (between 11 nnd J) is preterahle. Z7 la 1'tes avoid white, hlue or Uiiht nink. Our Ciallerv witli iu Six Yx.v Medal and Work of Art, is open ut till hottm, and Free nether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we tihall ut all times he happy to nee them. June 22, 1830. ?T!t'l.(ir,V Till. I'Kl.r.HUATKD 1U. . W KOliATK. rri'tcfiftr of AMr-'lt'c Aati"ivinv, lhre uIv,uihI lif.,'ia.tn. v, combined with CoN J I It VTU .N , lii.ni Sweden, . ih. v ... 71 .iu I ' n-rt. I'JsiUh-li.hia, tMUtT hie ii-rvn cw intttt'riti.-ns I N irthninberijiKl couatv, He hurf U un t'oiisultt'tl nil tlie t-r 'Wiuil hfti'i. l-.urm ami rnjovan lusher rtuiuti n ati AMroIuutT th:ni any one hviiiK. N.itiitii c.iii-uluiril utj' 'nitiif! Kiiifnii-iiRy lai dua :t. lientl' livin i lN-m-iiia nt ;i litMnc.- t-an have their uutivui.-ritlrmvu ly m-iiilin the tlitcot the ilny of their birth. All h-ttt-iH c-'iitiiininji thf ! '! will n'cfivc un inetliata iitteniicu, tint I Nativitu-H M-nt to nny wirt of the Wirltl writ! en .mi (inr.tl.If M t ; ami he r. (mmj to uinke Uficol lua pi'M'i'f bv n iirm n oil fine "I t lit- l ill-'WIilir I' oica : Ci'iirtfchui. :k1 lei ;iiv i-it i f itn- su- ct m.nil ricconinliali- iiirut of u v it h v in n retire ; In h-ia tic ixuv.t to rctein uch ut un uiccii t flit- tire us? ot the 1 itle ; and for nil caff f ImuhI. hih) for tin- ricvrv"l M"lni.r lot iiroi, citv, un-1 iMin-hhsiriff tl I'-iterv tiiMie!-. i h 'iis ni'M t me uIh.vc uatiK-tl i-a- t. Ii.o r I -t-it l iie in 1 Im.- riH antt viclu- rty. and in the I'mied Si:iti-a lo the lull NiMhiacUoii of ull. ln.omi N ttivitice or Hrrirtp-s have liecu c.it nnniijr the la il fmr yr.-un while h i. I.tltein will ttiiMVef every pur- antt will do ax W'-ll nv U milt in lit iSMiiJt, uud th inml m ii"W no Kale that l-T tn li. u t Ictr li tiuil IliourV tiir-'U'.'h (lie Post u".-r. Itotmck reecivca from .0Hlo Iihkj ietti rn m-in'liU . autl li a never inifacd one lit iKir- il:ti to uame P.wi iidice. f'oiuitv und Stale. Allleiiera will Im- rf In.' jointly aitniiltl to. if prrpitiil. I "or more jr. Oculars cail III the t'll.cuoi iu jviper Ulid :l Ull .tBlruK-gl' eul iniamii-acruna. 71 IstH'tisl red above l.iphth. Philarielplne. i:. V. lUltACK Pliiladclphia, Feb. F, IkII.- flin. PATE1TT IEDICIITEO. (Irecn's Uxygvunted Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tow lisend'i, arbajianlla. Uukt r's S;irs;ipari!hl. Swa) lie ' Sv nip of Wild ( lii rr , Svvvayne' Veriuiluirc. Ayre' Clierry IVrtor il l)r. Dr.iki-'H 1'unuce.i. Dr. (.'iillcu's iln Til.l'it' Tain Kill.T. 1 Ir. Hoollaud' (t-rmail Hitler: Illilillll 'fL'l-;li- I'lIU lliirae mill Cat lie .Mt-diciiii- I-r ule by 1IKNKY MASSKH. hunluiry, July I I, ISHI. TIIB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM roMI'KISl.Nt; A l-ol.l.KCTION OFOVKR -J00 VAI.UAIU.K UECI PKS, In the I'stful and Interesting Arts with a few SiiULil aud t urii'U Kiriiueul In IHK.MISTltV ! I XCI.I'IMM! Mcilicines, lVrfumcrv, Chemistry Ciikerv, r arru-rv, I'yniK, onu-ctioiuiry, l)o- luestic Uconomv, etc. etc. etc. Price fit ct., lor salts hy HENRY MASSER. tHuiihury.Drr. 8, 1S49. uoitv Ai;V.oois Just ctived at tha store of HENRY MAS SER, a lot tif Can, Ouin IShot-s, Alnianars, Uuccnswarc, I,iqur cite. All ut' wliicli will be sold at tliu lowest oricu. Dec. 1 . l50. "lAI'S. An luisortmcnt just reot-ivrj. Also J silk HATS at -i5, lor sale hy - II. MASSER. Sunlniry, Hcc. 8 18. T EAS, from the New Vork Canton ail I't-kin J. V. I KlUNU. Sunbur)-, Dec. !, IHi LIVER COMPLAINT, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil r,irtniwfirfwfinf from n diflnrrfrrw. liver nr ilo ninph,urh HAconfttiiwitmn. inmrrt Tile, FullnfMi,or lilmul to tho IictmI. Aritlify of (ho Hl'mim li. Namm, TIflnrttnm, diKeurt for Food, futlnew or wofirnt in th Sloniacli, Mtir Kruf1niiin. niiikinir or lluttrrintf nt the pit of the 5tnnmcl). witnmitift nf thr hrnd, liurrii dmift difficult Irreiitliiiift, (luttcrinu at the heart, choking or milTorttting ftiftttioiM vIipm inn lyin( p-wture, Dim it cm ol" vimon, d"ttr weht Itcforethe i(rht, KfTrr and dull puiri in the evrp, rtnin in the niile bnek, rfinvt, linilm, Ac, iiidflnH ffitf.Hi n iient lnri)iii(f in the flrfth, oonitant hnagiiiiny of eril. and frrmf tlpreOTion of spirit f, CAN BE LFFKCTIj'AMjY CURM HY DP.. ZOOFLAlTDS ii:i,i:niiATi;i German uittebs, " rKPAHEn Y DR.C.M. JACKSON, AT THE ' ' GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, IN". Kn Arch St., riillndelphla. Their power over tlie nhove di(nn ii not eieelled, f eqicillrd, dy ttny oiln-r picpmaUim in tlie L'nitrd btai- . im me fitreii attuHt. in niiiuy ciinua uilur feKiiuui pn n.i.tii' nan inn to. Theao HiHera ir worthy they nttentiim'of invalidv P'WROMiiiii ffri-nt virtiitu in tlie reriilintion of dincniea of thtr liv'r nint lenwr pliniili. t'xercinit'H the ni"nt tcaruiiinff imvem in wnikni'KK tun) nflV-rtir-nii oi the di(reBlive vrAmf Uicy tiri!, withul, Kiln, ecrlain mill pUnniit. I l-'ii mi the litiflt'tii lice The l-Mitor ml, Dec, 'Ok. Unitn,M . i:i:uHBinTKn Herman Bittkbs for the run; nf livtr 'impl.ittit, .l:mutife, Dyspcpaia, th route "r .i-rviMw li. Inlitj , if ilcHiTvodty nieot th mont popn lnr iintliriiiff" .tl ih'' tiny. Tlicnf Hitl:is Imvu Ikcii ned ly th-.uwiii.ls, nnd h fnt' nil nt Kin cIImw wi! he Ins him revived mi i-fl.-rui:il :ml p'(ni:incn( rurv of 1-ivtr C"tiiplaini from the iiRooi'thittrnnitty. We nrt cnnrincrij tliut, in ihe use oi" ili' ! IliiUTtv. the patient constuntly Biihig inrt-nrlh mid viirr o tmi worthy f irrciit r'umide riih"ii. 'j'tn-y tire I'l'-i riiiiit in initl sim-ll. and eun bj tiseil hv pt-rs-md with thr timsl iMi'-ntr ttinrirhti with Kif--ty, imclrr imy rirrnniffiHHM s. Wr nre ttpeiikinir fnm prrit'licr. nnd t' lllf riltiirtrtl wr mlvibf thrir llC." .Iiulift M. M. NoAit.n prnthniJiii willi irreHt srirntifie .nut litrr.iry iMtnitniK'iit!, kihI in his "New York Wevkiy M'-rnjrrr." J oumry G, I Vtd : -r. lI xt.:in-t'K tirntin HmeiJt. Here ma preparntimi whirh thr Ict.liit prrM'i in tlie rniinppiir l' le unnnu in-his in iti:tmiut iiliinr, mid Ihr rinia"ii m olvions. It ia made niter u prt-jirrittitin riish'd Uy one of the niKt rele-hnili-d phyntei;tii of miHl- rii timra, the tide 1 r. Chr Btrphct WilhfUn Hitl:iiKl, lVufeos r lo the University ofJeJia, priiitr phycieiiin t the Kinr of I'raMio, anil one of thu reativt nitiiu-iil writ era Oermnny haa ever priHhieed. II was riii)htitie;dly th ninny of humUig. und ihcieforea incdieine of which he wna the inventor und nndirKt r may Ik: eonii.l.-nily rrlM-tl on. He apeially TeeiminrWrd it in l.ivrr C"iiin!;iiiit. Ilvnrnsia. Dt-hililv. Vertiffo. Acidity of the M"tuaeh. C iotipiiti iu und alt complaint?, arising from ltfonit nil co,itlili-n thr ttomtiei, tlie liver and iitn iiiti'Ptnii'H. Nine I'hilo'li-hthiii prtprra expreaatheir jonvie tion of it rxfclli-nrr. nnd prvral of the wliUnt apenkof itaetl'w-ta from llieir own indiviilual experience, l.nder thene cir'iiniK(:iiiei-fi, we lot I wtirruntt-J, not only in ending the Httrnllon of our reader to the prment preaent proprie tor' (Dr. CM. .TurkfonV) prepurution, but m rcoomiucild- iiiu; ttie aitu-ic to u I niitirltil :I More Evidmcc. The Phil:i.1r1ilna Saturday fiuzrMf," tlie lieat famdy uewapuii-! j uliliclird in the t mlcu &uiea, the vditor aus ttn)iauv$ German Bitters. It is Kt-ldom 1.. we rreotninend what ure termed Pa tent -Molii'iinf. to t;i- -ronlilL-iit-e and putroiiae ot otf rwMli:ri; und. theiefore. hi n wc ircoiiiiucinl Dr. Hoof liiml'F (riiu:oi IMl'Tt. wc w in tl lo t'C liT iuel ly undci aloud Hint wo are n"t ifrtkiii'i of the li stniini of tha lav, th.it arc noit tl ahut lorn hi iff period und then for- (rotten nftri thry ha cd 'lie tli'-ir utiiitv rare of iniachirf. hut oi a nieilit'ine I 'ii: ctuit!ihri), univerwilly prizl, and which Inn mrt tlie hr;rtv nnpinvnl the l-'aeuliy llcelf." 'A'hut tlii! niclicine will circ hivrr rtiiiplnint and !) prpwia, ir i'iie r:un! 'itlil . altrr u--tti It a ilircctcil. It acta fpr-itie;illy up 'ii 1 1 - f I-'aim-h tmo nvn it nt prelttThla I cal 'lllel 111 alt hlllMUi tjlv-;tsi' ! lie i iT't t 10 iuilllfttlllt. I'ht-v cnu be administered t. I't-iuale i lnfani Willi aiiieir uml rt liablu Uii' tit, ut any tune. iikwahk or ('nrTi:nri;iT, Tlii" nu'dieiin; Ii:ij at.aiiutl that Imjli cicaactcr which m eK'irv f'T all lii'dtciilt'S 1 1 ) aft a i 1 1 to induce countcifeilrrl to put lTili a ttpuri'iim uiiicle at Ihu rik of tho livct ot i tllfe lire iiiti"i e1(1lv ib-.M-ivc't. LOOK WKLI.TO TliK MARKS OF Till. OFATINL. Tin y have th' vriittii awaatur of C, M. .Hf'KSOM upon tltt.- wrapper, and tin- name bl-'Wil llithc Imttlc. WHS our Whl'-ll Ila-V lire lpU1imt!t. i'or Hale, wit-dt wale mid retnil, thu f Iff man Mcdirinc Stort. o. I'Jd ARi.'M Street, oun d.t-T M"W Siath. (lata tf 7rs Itace flieet.) I'liilndelphia, and by rcttpccUihlc (laulars Keiiera My thr -mile n! the -i i ut ry . .-l-io : I'oi (tale hv 11. .MAAt:Ji, Auiihurv, and M. A. .M'i "a V, V'rihnml.rrlaiid. AuqimI IT.l-.M' ly "DEATH'S DOOR:' ll.'W fifueillly do wc hear Ihijt inn 'iMm, which IS meant to ivi'V t.i ihe iinnd Hit la.-t flaiiv of tucknt'M thai n pal i out can be rcthicrd t . and live. Mr. Ilnrri-K-tn. v member of ih.- Tnnry t'bnrch, wast, uk ht eApira-w-ms herself, hrou-rhl dnni to "Death's tl-Mir by Kite a -j uuitiMii :md ,-rvns lleadarhe. when, like nn aneel of l'adwav'n I'eadv Relief relieved her of her aevere pums and re.ttretl her to her friend iu M rft-ct health. I he erv instant J.aduav Reudv Ueliet i a nulled, it heinh'-iid ell. els are cxperieueed. it' k nhea, lienla, clrona and t-m i!i'-. ; u i;i:.iitlv atiaMi irritation, reduci a tu llaumritb n itiel Wi-IIihk. n b -ve.i il:e m-sl severe rii- pj.iin. yi es cane ! IJaru. Sea Ms. Sm-pk, llniptinn, R in-iiiu it im I .nuiS'a' I nl. Paial vaia. Sprama. Strain. S:vimiik. .t-ek, eakiiett Ul the Sldt; nn liaek, S Tt-s all kinds, tiidls, IJnus.-s, I 'IiuIl. Sola Throat. Inlbien.:i. 1 1 ni -sent'., t'oie.-'in. CuM roiiTii Ai iii: i?i i:i:i) i ti-: ski'ond. Tin loiiuriin; atfech n cnu be cre. iu an iudlant. for the in-ineiit the Rt'Lef toueln'H the nerve, the (uin ia mi tiatett. Si willi Tic lMrteuK nud Keiuicnium. Ncurut- eia 111 ul ii'k ueanieae tun fie llie juiriM Wlicil llie pUlft ia nicht and in it few luilnitt v u will he entirely elieveil. Taken iiiieruallv it will airct the ut"Bt violent Stiitima :inl I'latunij. st"p Vv'tnnimj or to imieti pareini. in nil east" it will tivc treucth lor w akneac, chit fir pain, he;tlih f r m. ku. i .o Rfinly Relii-f ia tjenume un- i J in niLrin-i nv a.M'o a . a nt.. juj t iitioi. eireei. rr.ro r timisFt icwh'imti-.. TO KMRKIJ.ISH AMI KMI A Ni.'K Tilli CHARMS ok ui:.i tv. IIahwavV Mkuica i ti) Soap. Railway's Med(e,iti d Swip, favorably known through i it tlie fafdiii'iiahle world for ilk trniiclv hlaiiil. ourilv im nnil aooihiuy i tfi t iKon the td.in ; while bv ita artim ai the pore ami ihe minute M-eretorv vcMU-la il expela all impnritiea from the Mirfuee, nllaxa every tciflency to in tl'iiiuuatioii. autl t fectuullv itsi.tiitca uli rednc, tan. puup!ef, fiot. freekl'rx. ihe. ! -laf i n and other eutiiueoiia t rnpiiiu I he raihani bl nu it iiiijiris t" the check, tha ft ft aeft- uud tlehi ji.-v wlileli it llidueea of the liaiula aiwi Liirnt. iij canabihtv oi mihiii-: imi.iii-n unl iciaovtutf cu- tnncoui tlclcela. icicler it iuiliNpeunlilc to every toilet. lieutlenifii afh-r shaving will liud it al!a all irritation iiitdinideriRM of titc skut, and li nden it aoft, aiiPuHh and pleaaant. imriinr Mie heat mni Musi ui unuiier. or troat and ttlealc wintlf ! winter; and iu cafe of Miiiburii, atmit' of inaecta L'hilblain. chappeil hand, or ni-ideiital intlaiinu.itiou. it a viriiit-K have lou and cxtenniv !y Iwn at knowh dcel. Ita puiifym and reireihins properliei have oblamed ita clec tioii i'r ui the th'Mifc.on! i" other e Hint. lien, Uth of Kara, pea u mul l-tueiie ii:aiiuOt-iure, by the Imn ton of all imrta 1 the taahloMt'ilf worlt, tfoiu the buriunif tronica to lb a froen realm, ol lite let; Kinv- The pitlJlc will deaaa hear 111 uitihl that Rad a ' M'-dieatcJ Sp. ii the only mile prcpjiiation f-Ttlti; niuii now in uae; this haa bean certihftl to by our ni'-st piouiiueiit eheinni. Radway'a Smi i tree fioiu p.n.'iitiu, Jrririiitmr and pernicu'iii m- Rn dienta.lt eau be U.ted oil tlie teutltT akin ol the lllfttllt w ua ine Ktnic rinnpv resuif hk uivu heautv in na nrintn. Sec lii.it each cake i t-uvclopetl m u aplemJul labe of atcel cncravinc nud further tee thai the miniature of R. (i. U.MJW ia u i" 1 1 each enkw. Price ccnta. hire cuken. THE (jROWIXfl OKXAMFNT OF DEAt'TY ISA LUXITMM' IlKAO fF fiLOS?V HAIR. lUliW.AV' nttC.Y&iilAN PALM. Warranted the hest loir Tonic in use. For Drcasuif! aiul lieautuyinfr the hair. It cleannea the cnlu irom iiuudruil. keena it clean, eurea- Scurvcy, lialdueiHi, inxt Sirca on the Iltanl atopa the hair from fulling out, reudcra it atrtnii. fine, ainooth, aoft and l(!oisy. Pcraona w ho have loxt their hair by aieknefc will Him a o'ni hctc uuii'ioic in ivatiwa a en ca)iun naun. ii alMi givea il a dirk autl beautiful color, autl will prevent it . trout tariiiutf pre v. f rom ita cxriimiite narltv. it ia admi rably tela pted oi the hair ot 'children of the moat tender ae. It ia a--It I in lurjit botth'ri for i cent cr bottle, and ia warianted the bt:t hinr prep.uatiou in uae, it will not il the hat. c:ip, or the ft neat labne. See that the na ture ol KAl)V.Y A I'O., i a if hi each I a tic no Cir. iiMtiaa Uaiia nt pcouinc wittuait the aignature ut Had war 4 t' . Ajknt II. If Muut-r, Sunbury. Any. 1, lf'0. ee2uily W. T. rEDDRICK S (I.ATi: I'AI! I'NKlt Ol' C. SC1IKACK) VaniUli 3luniUactoi-y uud 1'alat More, No 78 North Fourth Street, A FKW HOOK ABllVB CIIKHHV, WEST SIDE, rniLADjELrniA. Conxtnntli) on hand and for sale, at reduced prtccs, anrt oj superior quality, the Jol hiring articles, fit : Crh, Ciitviiiet, Jripanners' unit Oil ftoth Vamishf ; Drytii Jup.n ; ii-Mi ami ll.rni-M Vurnish ; Hrown, Wkus and Ili-il Spirit tin; TrHiiviVr t) ; Arustaf, llouw and Cork Painters' and Varuisher1 Mult-rials i PI'TTY IM QI'AXTITIKS. PAINTS, 1'HY, IS Oil., AND PRE PARFUFOK IMMKDIATK VSKj Millmers' Vsrurnk, (ilu and Aciikt ; liloclt Jupun for lrou ; Aiiliciv do. far KuiH-y Wiirk; 1'n'iur anil WhhIuvv Guvm; Artisu' to. , Inur. llr-and in TiilxMt ; Ntl' F't Oil: H-iM, Silver, and tlenrutii liuf j t.iutl, Silver, suit Copiwi Hrutii ; tils zicr'. l)iaiiiiils. Aii. vtiiy suiicnur Muhj liiacsmg am Writuif Ink June mi, It'jo 1JLANKS. of every ileaeription Wal.ANK.S of every description can be uau by W9 '1 n ij inil at tlieollka ol lUe American. ni'IJE W HITE BKAMV ron rutmn. L vivij :..-i rr.-riw.l ami lur sale bf " II. B. . MA8SEB- Scrt. SS, loiO,