SUiNUUliY AMEIUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. THE CRYSTAL PALACE BEATEN. Dr. Duff", in his speech nt the universary meeting of the Wesleyan Melliodist Mis sionary Soeioty in London, thus described one of the Heathen Temples of India : "In Seringham yon have the himest hea then temple that can probably bo found from the North to the South pole. It is a square, each side being a milo in length, so that it is four miles round. Talk of your Crystal Palace 1 Why, as a man would put a penny in his pocket, you might put your Crystal Palace into the pocket of this huge pagoda. The walls aro 25 feet high and 4 or 5 feet thick, and in the centre of each wall rises a lofty tower. Entering the first square you come to another with a wall ns 'high, and four more towers. Within that square there is another nnd within that again another crowded by (lionrands of Brahmins. The great hall for pilgrims is supported by a thousand pillars, each cut out of a single block of stone :" Authentic information from Chihuahua to the 10th of March, states that upward of twenty millions of dollars aro claimed for damages done to Mexican property by the Indians from this side of the Rio Grande. The claims have been filed with the Mexi can authorities for presentation to onr gov ernment .tinder the treaty, which provides that we shall prevent the Indians from com mitting depredations. No doubt, many of the claims are fraudulent, or for damages done by their own Indian?, with whom they are on bad terms. Mind Yorn Hi-sini-.s. To tell a man to his face, to mind his own birlne?", would be considered about equal to knock ins him down, or, as the Frenchman said, 'horizon "talizing his perpendicular.'' And yet it is one of the simplest rules of ri'ht conduct; and one of the most useful that mankind onn adopt in their intercourse with er.uli -other. There is a bote! in SnrinziieM tluil only charges half price for loveis : and yet the proprietor says he makes more money out of this class of bnardeis than any other people hbotit the house. 'I,et a youth.' ho says; "sit up with a yellow spencer and bine eyes on Sunday niulit. and he will feel so heaven ly that he won't get down to pork and beans again till the latter pa it of tin; week.' Tur. Cat Timor is California. The "San Francisco correspondent of the Journal of Commerce Ohio, on her last trip fioin San Diego, brought into port an importation of cats, 'JO in number. They cost at the place of embarkation about 4 cents a head, and sell here from leu to twenty dollais ach, according to size, sex, nnd general condition. A few passengers on board the tcame: told me that they h.ui a very imisi al lime of it. "Dhatii of, or Cii-iroriciiiM;. "News has been received at San Antonio of tho death of the notorious Seminole thief, TVildeat. ft is said liu was murdered by a band cf -Camaiiches. ANOTUF.ll SCIENTIFIC WONDER! 5'EPSIN, ll". True Digestive Fluid, or (Infill ic Juice! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Beiinet, or the foui ill Stomaeh ol the Ox, .after iliiei-tioiis of Baron l.iebi. the meat Physiidccjt.-al Chemist, by .1. S Houghton. M.'D., Nj. U Noith F.iuhili Street. Philadel phia, Pa. This is a truly wnmli'rlul lemeily Tor IiidiifOHtiuti, Dysjo'psia, Jauudiee, l.iver Complaint, OitstijMluin.nnd Debility, eiiiiu after Nature's own method, by Nature's own nffent, the Gastric .lii'e.e. S.-o advertisement in -Another column. M a ik it i r. i. Ill Lewisbnri;. on the 27th ult., bv Rev. M. J. Alleman. Mr. Cinw. Mausii, of Mil. ton, to Miss CiTinnisr. Durvv, of Muntuur c.o. In Mnney, on tho 51st nit., by Rev. S. S. Shcddeti, Mr. Ciutu.r.s Di sxixn, of New York, to Mii MtiijUET, d.tutder uf (Jen. Petriken. i i i: i. In Bull'aloe township, Ciiion counlv, on the 27th ult., Mr. JOHN STEANS, aged 78 jrars. In Orland, Indiana, at an advanced aye. P. WM. JOVCE, formerly of LewiburR. In Limestone, on Ilia 20th ult., Mrs ELI ZABETH UPDEGPiAFF, wifo of lhomas Updegratr. lit Danville, on the 2!d n't., JONA THAN GASKINS, ul an advanced age, itljc iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Juno 4, 1851. Fi.ofn aso Meal. Tho maikel for Flour is dull. Standard brands .are held at $4 23. Sales extra at sM.25; u $4 41. Fancy brands are held at SlJaSiJ. Rye Flour. Is (irm at 3.50. Corn Meal. Petma. is held nt SiJ- Wheat Salon of Penna. red at f5 a 97 cents, and of prime while tl SI a tl,02. Rye. Is in demand, sales at 7(1 cts. Corn. The supply about eijual the de mand ; yellow commands 60 els. Oats. Are in demand at 44 cts. for Pa. Hnd Southern. WmsKKY. Sales of bbls. at 22 cents. Hogsheads are held at 2le. Baltimore Market. June 2, TS5T. GRAIN. Sales of eood to strictly prime feds were made on Saturday at Ut a 95 cents. Sale of Corn at 60 a 61 cents for bite, 59 cti., for yellow. We quote Oat a al 38 a 43 cts. WHISKEY. Sale of 1'enna. It.U. at SS etc, and of hhds. 22 eta. Sales of Haiti more bbls. et 23 cts. SUNBURY l'UICH CURRENT. Whiat. - - lo0 Kis. - .SB Comr. .60 Oats. . . U7 Bottis. .14 Lw ut. .... 8 Tusk. .... 7 Fuiitu, .... 125 Tiliow. .10 Buiwii . 25 JIecklkd Kti. ... 10 Dm to ArrLts. - -75 Do. t'EifHtH. 00 Km h New Advertisements. ORPHANS1 COURT ADJOURNED SALE- T)Y virtue of nil order of the Orphiins' Court of Northumberland county, Joseph Johnson, Administrator lour nnn of llio (roods, &c, of James Johnson, lato of Northumberland dee'd., will expose to sale by public vendue, nt the pub' lie. house of Henry Unas, in the borough of Nor thumberland, on W at, the 1 1th day of June next, nt S o'clock, 1'. M., those four rertuiu Lots of (i round, situated ill tho Uoroush of Northumberland, in an i J County, containing about Twenty Acres more or loss, adjoining lands of tho heirs of Jas- Kay, deed., Joseph Wnllis nnd Amos j.. Kupp, on which is erected a Rood Two Story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE oud BARN, and oilier improvement. JOSEPH "JOHNSON. Ailm'r tie bonis von of JAMES JOHNSON, dee'd. Uv order of the Court, ) Jno." P. I'ursel, Clk. O. C J Siinbiiry, June 7th 1HM. ts. Estate of EDWARD GOBIN, Dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters Tcs tanicnt.n'V have been granted to tho sub- scriWr on the cstato of Edward Gobin, dee'd., late of Sunbury, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims nihilist tho same, arc requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. CHARLES GOHIN, Ex'r. Sunburv, May at, 1 8." 1 (it. NEW G0CD3, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, "VtIIO respectfully informs his friends nnd " customers he has returned fioin Philadelphia, with an excellent tissniiincnl of New Spiiiitj Goods, which he oilers for sale at his old stand in Mar ket Mrect. 'Cliche goods will be sold nt the low. st prices. His slock consists of every variety viz : Dry (J oik!., Such a Cloths. Cussiiiierrs, Mi'siins. Calicoes G(i!:AiiHi. Liwus. Chintzes und. Lit riles Dress iiiid I'lmnj floods cr ncrrliii. Also an assortment of Falm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, aUEEKSWARE. Hardware Iron suitl Steel, Nails, if., Al.SH: A general asortmetit of Groceries, Sugar, Cihee, lea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Sjiicos. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the. hic;lii st market prices. Suiibury, .May SI, 1S01. NOTICE To the Heirs of Fred'k Raker, Dee'd. "jV"OTICE is hereby civen to I.avina Raker, ' iutermiiiricd witii Kobcrt V. lleachcl, since deceased, nnd Conrad linker, heirs niul legal rep resentatives of the said Frederick linker, dee'd., Ihnt by virtue of n certain writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Crphaim' Court of Northumberland county, to me directed, nn In (position will be hold id 10 o'clock, A. M., on Tl.KsDAV, the l.'ilhday of July next, upon the jiremises of the list ale of said deceased, situate in Little Mabonoy township. Northum berland county, at winch time und place you are hereby warned to be and appear if you think proper, JAMI'S COVr.KT, Sheriff. .Sin 'lis Oihcc, Suuliui , May tit. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N jmrsuiinrr ofnn nr;Vr of tin ( Irpliaiia' Court of NoithuMlttvI;inii romitv, will ho- ex nosed I t ) lmMir sale on S A TT U I ).V V, the 1 1 tlx thiv of June icxt, at tho luhlii: Ilniise uf Henry Haas,) in the liortm;;li ol .North umherhMn, viz: A CERTAIN LOG HOUSE JLm- and Lot of Ground situate in the Hor ouli of Nortliuiubcr'aud, ul'oresaid, tiumbcred in the Town plan of the same, and contain fntr sixty feet in front, and two hundred nnd fort) ieet in depth. Late (lie Kstate of Andrew Crao thers of Northiimberlaiid, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms (if bale will be made known by ALEXANDER COLT, Adm'r. Uv order of the Court, ) JOli.V P. l'CKiSEL, Clk. J May 10, 18.rl ts. ATTENTION, FARMERS' AND III FX II AM CS' AU'l'ILl.KKISTS!! "70IJ ore commanded to meet in 1 Market Square, Sunbury, on SATI KDAY, 7th of June, nt 7 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped lor drill. Uy order of the Captain, SOLOMON STKOH, O. 8. Sunbury, May 31, 1H51. 2. PURIFYING EXTRACT The ;r-:ilest BLOOD PURIFIER In ti: wnot.r. U'oKt.n' fV rritt irr U'tlh, or Sir JMlt r fj. !t In nw T"'t up in t)l'AUT ttOTTI.F.M, or ih l-trit puwr mtihi -il tjfiuicy b u tit'il Hi hiihIi lMt)rt. K.H.:h l..n,,t tn.ti:.) XTY-l'Ont iosi-:k, ml iLm iMfilirutimm ar o ti-ftimlv i oitrrinnilea tint i oi ly One Ti-Wfjwn'W i rfj..rt-.l hi 1Iom Ihrr Umti a dy U.iu ouo hot'V I'lnlfi TlV(lllyllne I:ivhv winch it much l-n.'er luurt i-'itlr i.I i,Hv oiWr Kit-Uiotn Ix'chu.o tl.tro i rcf.uirvtl uf thm Ivmm auHDtll ftt lii'MV Tin- Hi vnt Sr.eririty uf Una Hlootl Purifier over ill oilier Uii'iliciin-l, i'niti in h tit-Hi uifhsiiru in II rwts-onnitij- us) H pint of its t-oniii.iin), the nwetui Mtdlvnl Vlrlut'M uf aoniu St'urcu fit Kurti Indian Roots and Barks, which no nt'.iT niedir-ne rHKiti. Tht anftlii. mft '..., I'iti'tliri'4 of Uk, ltld mil w, r vwr kimwii m fiilv-r ,..!., ur vltite liu-..- b-ius tomifniuudei Witb Uift IUvujl-c'iu-cutr,iUd y.llnutt i,f Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, cnnkii thlt VrirptnlilA Kxlmrf, not only lli grmUtt lllol lni'ill,-r, liut ,, a rbrHr wWkim uy Hl-rnc oiliN U"ui tti-.y Kl,r. II l cluuper, hoctuH Um ov '-f a ili ay I tKijvhl fnt Our llullnr will l niHi-h luiiKPr, ui'l w ill fuia Tew Tu m Blou4 diwaM,. tl.,1, l-ite ti.)!.:r'l wurlll of any DrtrdietM. IV fur pruof of Ilia C urn ol Scrofula, Fever-Sores, KrywipHnt, Sll llhnm. Kamai'iriia, fyrHn, iuai, l-imna w ttit Pm, I.lvrr-Couiplnlnla, hilM, I.Matb.,.. Crlnwrw, 11mm, 'oatl vr Draa, Kara i-V. lvaprtalRf P-tmt m Ma Siaa, h'utt bornM, m4 Jiiwtt, una ai l oiiua iMrcat-BLouu Dieaik, r oal P.iMPM.KT Mat fuudbiUa-cvgry AkaM aa Ibam ta giva away. Fen Bv 1. W. Frilinu, Piitiburyj: Mary A. Mo ray, Noiihuiiilierlaiiilj Jnlm H Kuaci, Miilouj Uuyca Mi-I'orinu k. Mcl-AVt-'itavilla. Miiy a, rnjl, TM.ANK raiclimcnt Paper llceda and blank Mortgages, Uouils, Kiecutiunt, bummona, Ac, for aale by H. 11. MA&SEU. Sunburv, April 2(5, 1851 yUKSI.OBOrrLES BaoMt pump., nnd L nipple tuln-i- A supply of tlieae uaoful uj. clra juat received and fur aule by JOHN W FRII.ING Run'"iry, J.lii IS")! 'f NOTICE. Susquehanna Rail Road Company. Notice is hereby given that in pursu. ance of the provisions of an Act of Assem bly, passed the 14th day or April 1851, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Sus quehanna Railroad Company," books will ba opened for thu purpose of receiving siiuscripuons io ino capital stocK 01 sata ComnanV. at the iVilsliintrlnn ItnnaM. Mm. Wharton's, in the boroiijrli of Sunbury, Pa., on THURSDAY tho filth day or June next j to be kept open at least six hours in every day, for three successive days, un less the whole number of shares authorized by said Act shall be sooner subscribed ; at which time and place the undersigned Commissioners appointed by said Act, or the requisite number directed by law, will attend and furnish to all persons duly qualified, who shall offer to subscribe, an opportunity of so doing. .1. R. Priesllev. Fimon Cameron, Jacob S llaldeman, William F Packer, Bertram II Howell, William Cameron, Peter Haldy, John H Duval. It M Maura-. Zeuas Barnum John Biune, John B Packer, James II Carter, II A Ltimberlon, Philip Dougherty, P H Sullivan, William Swain, AS A bell, William Kase, Thomas C Perkins, William Jones, George Christ, Geurjio M Lauman, Isiael Carpenter, Benjamin Deford, Josiah I, en, Jacob Spat, Geo!fi If Weiser, Adam, Win t. Dewart, G M Voiks, Win Forsyth, William T ravers, Georire F Miller. Henry TWony, Edward Gratz, Henry fJatrel, H B iMnsser. Geo B Voungmaii, (tcnrjro Cassard, Columbus O'Dornell Amos K. Kapp. David p Williains. Walter Fernandez, Enoch Pratt, Win P Ponder, Win Hamilton, Eli Slifi-r. A I! Warlord. Hubert M Flick. Charles W Heuins, Alexander Jordan, Ed Y liriirht. Saffuiel linuier, ami oilieis, Coniniissioners. Sunbury, May tn; 1 K.1 1 . ni. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rill K subscriber respectfully informs his friends M. nnd fellow citiens of .or'.huioterlaiid coun ty, that he oilers hiim-clf us a candidate for County Commissioner, nt the rnsninir election. He solicits from his lriends and tellow cili'.'.cns a support, and promi ses should he I e eleclcd to discharge tho duties of the olii'e with fidelity. if AKLF.S WFAVF.R. Sunbury, .May 21, Is.")!. GEEAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THE STORK OF rilllilNG & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., rjMin subscribers hereby inform their old cus--- toiiicrs and Hie. niblic cent-rally, that they have just receive! a lurne mid extensive assort ment of all kinds of Mcrcbndize, which they oiler to purchasers at such lates, that they can not retrain from buying. Their assortment uf Dry (looris. is large, embracinif all kinds of Ciolhf, Citssimcm, Sullinclls, o'e. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINEN, WOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, of ult kinds, such ns Calicoes, Mous. dc Luincs, Law ns, 1 1 1 1 trim i ii f, Ac. (i ROGER IKS and QT'EENSWARE. Also :tii exeellnit assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Iilil't;. ami Mi::rtt:s. Fish, Gait and Flatter. rp" Country iroiloce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market oiice. Sunbury, May 10, 1S.11. 7ILLIAM IIOOVKK respectfully infoims his iru-nit nnd ciilonii-rs that tic has just returned from l'liiladclpliia, with an excellent iisaortment of NEW SHIING GOODS, whidi ho olli r for sale nt his new store at Man ser's Mill, Hollowing lion. These goodx will le sold ut the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF KVF.IIY VARIETY, Viz: Dry Hoods, 6$c, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Catlkots, Uinuhctms, Lawns, Chiotzes and Ladfs Diess floods neutrally. ALSO : J An assortment or Falm Leaf Hats, Caps, &., QUEENS WARE, HAKDWAIiE, I110N mid STKKL, NAtLR, tee A general assortment of Cirociries, such as Sitojar, CofTei-j Tea, Molas ses, Sjiices, &c. Also an assort incut of Liquors, such as Brandy, Hum, Whiskey, Wints, .yc. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the lushest market prices. Hollowing Kim, May 10, 1S51 lv; Teas! fheniici- than Kvcr.!! 100 ITalf Clients Eose flavor Black Tea, 15 " " Olonq; 15 " " K"inff Yonj " rsiJIi'.Sl Teas me l tter tor the price Ihnn A weie ever oll'c icd before in I'liilmlelphm, es pecially the Uose I'luvor, which is of the very best quality soil lincft liavor, und families that Want a Half Client or less by sendiin; soon will tct a 11 1' -it rate tntrclc ut u very low price. They will be well picl-'d up and sent lo Depot or cars free ct il,rse. HASH) PKASK, Tea Jjt-aler and (irocer, S. V. Cor. f,ih & Arch Sts. l'liiladclpliia. May 10, 1M51. 3,no. Lrrut ltiiprovfiiifiits nj muking Fivncli JJurr Mill Stones. 1)Y tin uao nf I Keukxilus iiipi.,v,.( (uat iitiii Kv H'lri.-h la Unit into Ilia HiMiiiar. ai u U, u tW . r ll,K wear of the Hu i, n I luii a avil,;a ijiLuura rvn ui,U driver no abi kfvt the Uilaiiee ni lh aioile wilhiaitWaiiK iiitu(r aiitil ii ,( worn uut. Our iUiCk of lllorka la K-lerlrl in Fnuice, and the beat (jualliy only uned. lliirr 8tonea irom u 3 Ieet in diameter with the lowci tiU'ue to rim, au aa l prevent tlie runner chokiiig in the eye. cMt.ue: Ct-ftlia nf ull immlM-ra, rticun fur cuati. Mill Innia anil feiuiut Mui-limea turaianed i, orrWr. Ornulat.aiea ol uaa rteU aixoa, autuiUc lor Country MoT rhauta, iniiioricd and lur aala by J. R. MITCHEM,. No. 14 old Yoik Kraal, near llic lialiaa l"ola. l'hiludi Ipliiu, April Itl, leOl Dual. Ootton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps ' and Waddinir, Cotton Outlines, Ready made PauUtUjOiUi, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Pbraelui U(w4 preserving kettles, just rxivej foraaleby 1L MAER. Hunbury, t're. ISIS. MAHBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. rilHR sulwerilwr informs his friends and the puldic, that he continues to csrry on the Mnrble Biuincss in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepareiL,to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the heat material", anil moat finished woik mnnsbip, and at the lowest price. Letter (Jutting, EnKlish and German in the moat modern and ctennt style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stohrs, Ar., always on hand. N. It. Orders for tho Knat aide of the river promptly executed by leaving the samo at the office of tho "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, Mav 10, 1851. L. W. 1L GIESE, .'Ifrnt for lirnry Carr,) LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT, tuns I'urii, iisiiiiniore. W LIBEKAL ADVANCES made on Con iipnnienU. Li'ttehs and Consiowmemts should he ad dressed to L. W. II. (HESE, Agent. May 10, 1851. 4ino. Notice to the Heirs of LEONARD PF0UTZ, Dee'd. "JV'OTICE is hereby given to Uenjnmin Pfoutz, John Pfont.. Kobert Pfoutz, Mercy, inter married with Joseph K. Barns, Mary Ann, wid ow of Win. Housel, Isabella, intermarried with Daniel Latsha, Daniel Laeoek, Hebeee.-i I'foutz, Jacob Pursi-I, Niiney Jane, Mercy K., Kobcrt P. Leonard, illiam and Anna Pumcl, all of whom exeej't the said Jacob, arc minor children of Ma rah, dee'd., who wsi intermarried with Jonathan Pursel, and J. C. Horton, Guardian of Rachae! Lemons, heirs of the said Leonard Pfoutz, dee'd., that by virtue of a Certain Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court to mc directed, nn Inquisition will be held upon the pre mises of the Heal Estate of the said dee'd., situ ate in Point township, in the County aforesaid, on Thursday the lith day of June, 1S51, at which time and place (he heira aforesaid, are hereby warned to bo and appear if by them deemed expedient. JAMES COVKKT, ShorilL Shi'iiir Oli'u-e, Sunbury, May 3, 1851. (it. ' "Notice to the Heirs of SUSANNAH HALL, Dee'd." VOTICE is hereby uiven to Chan. Hall. F.d ward Hall, Jeremiah Hall. Elizabeth Hull, Harriet Hull, intermarried with ('has. Cook, Soi sunnah Huey, intermarried with Win., J. H. 'iniiueruian. Guardian of James llney, jr., Polly Hull, intermarried with Geo. Zimmerman, and ('has. Gossler, heirs and lenal representatives of the said dee'd., that by virtue of a Cerium Writ of Partition nnd Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, lo mc directed, an Inquisition will be held at Id o' clock, A. M., on Monday the 9th day of June next upon the premises of the Heal estate of the said dee'd., situate in Lower Augusta township, and County aforesaid, at which time and place you are hereby warned to Iks and uppear if by you deemed expedient. JAMES COVEHT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunburv, ) May 3d, 1851.- li. " S Estate of ISAAC FARNSWORTH, Dee'd. TV'OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ' ministration have been Granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Isaac V. 1'iirnsworth, late of Lower Augusta townsl ip, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims airninst the same, arc requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. WM. V. MLVEUWOOl), Adm'r. Lower AiiHUsta tp., May tl, 1851. Ct j NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. JOMPliEHEXSIVE suniniary of Cnhersal History, tojetlier with n lliography of Dis-i timriiished Persons, to w hich is appended an cpi- tome of j Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy, Gen- ' eral Aslronouiv and Plisioloy. j Adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. K. JON Eel & Co., Publishers, f. W. Corner FtU:IlTH and RACE Ms., Phila. Teachers and .School Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. A Full and Comp'rtc Assortment of HOI HvS und fcTATIONAHY, for e-'ale ul the 1 jure st Prirr.. May :i, 1851. ly. LOOK 'fniirKTM-""" JIIl. Su!s4'rilKT rosj'frtfi.Hy Ini'urms his tViomta und tho rrsv:$-3k ul.lic pciit-rally, that lie (till coiitinur. trie S ADDLEHY BUSINESS, At Ilia old Maud in llaiket Street, Sunbury, two doors nliovo Murket Square, where h" con- Ktaiitly kerps on hnnil, a liire HSMoriiiient u Ueadv 3I'.ule Harness, (I)oulilc & riingle.) with Silver, Brass nnd J.ipnn ned iiiouiitiiit!. A Is. i Muddle. Bridles, Trunks, Vulicti Whips, Collars. All kinds rf work in his line made to order, in ss iicat a style ns can he got up in this country. Persons wishing to purelinHe will please rail and examine his stock before ptirrhusiii); elsewhere. N. B. The substribcr has just opened a new and splendid Assortment cf Saddlery, 9urh ns Silver, Irats nnd Japanned mounting, Patent fc-elf-Adjustiiifs Trees, I'striit Holler Bits, Killing Bridle Bits, Trunk and Vulii-e I.ocLs, 'i'ruiik Board, Trunk iSailK, Haiues, Trai ts, Trim mini? I.aees, TulU, t-'ad-(lle Weh, Single nnd Double, Whim Enameled Leather, JVtent leather, Oil Cloth, Kositts. TaisrU, I'iiiu'V Brow-Bands, Saddle '1'iees, Deer's Hair, PATENT ELY NETS of !I kind. .Ml of wliieh will he hjM n rlipi if iit't t he.iiier tlitui they rail he f;"1 el&i wueiv, for cash or approved ereiht. A.NUKVAV J. STKOH Hunlnuy, April "ft, IS.'il. Cm. TO THE ELECTORS OF NOUTlllW.BEl!-! LA NO COUNTY, Fklia-w Citixkxa : At tho mliritation of i my fiie ml I oiler rnyself an a Ciunlidotu for the olfue of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, t the tfUAiins eieelioih houltl 1 he lrttt, I prurauw U di lutre the (.uiie of g.titl otiiec with tMrtUiy and rmeuitUlityc IKmbuTV, April 12, I51- SILVER WATt'TlESA few doable rtMi Kifllwb fciltfer Wotrhci, for alo t very fow price Iry H. B. MASfci'R, eanlmry, April U, "I N K--Roureau's celebrated ink, and also Con grei ink for sale, wholesale and retail by H. 11. MASSER. December 28. IS 50. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN- GEH, a fresh aupply just received, and for aula by U. B. MAS8ER. April U, 18M. h JOLD PENS with nd without ailvor cusai just received, and for le bv H.'D.MASsKn. fimhury, A;iril V!, 1851 .lournnl of flie ' FRANKLIN" INSTITUTE, nr Tim STaTitpr'jiA vr Tint paoMotton of Till: MM II IMC AIMS. HE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is published on the first of each month in Iho City uf Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five years, and is carefully edited by a committee of scientific, (reiillenien appointed for the purpose, by the Franklin Institute. The deservedly hi eh reputation, both at home and abroad, which this Journal has acquired and sustained, has (riven it a circulation and pxchntiRn list of the best character, which enables the Com mittee on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, and to jrivc circulation to original communications on mechanical utid sci entific subjects, and notices of new inventions; notices of all tho Patents issued nt the Patent Of fice, Washington City, arc published in the Jour nal, toirether with a lurire amount of information oil Mechanics. Chemistry, and Civil Eiiiiiueeriuij, derived from the latest and best authorities. This Journal is published on the first of each month, each number coiitainmj nt least seventy two paces, nnd forms two volumes annually nf about 432 paees each, illustrated with engravings on copper nnd on wood uf those subjects which require them. The subscription price is Five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth num ber; and it will he forwarded free of pitne;e when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for one ) ear's subscrip tion. Communications and letters on hiisines'S must he directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," Iho postage paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, . April li, ISril, (iino. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. T' Ill", fdtt nii .a ni' It'iiM.-ra tmJ iIi-ts, mix i'sp'rti'n!Iv mVltrit I'l 111'' tXU MKIVI- Itml W KL-.'CI-Itii St.N-K -r lit II. DIM; ll.litVA,il-: ami TOOLS. n..w il. r.ill, tllC mtlisriilifr, i; 'HfitSt Nil! lit (tiil'l uw l'.il'nws: AitH-iniiH l-' i,o-r L 'cI.k, upriulil, wnli nij-iit vvcrk, plntfii i)T linn. liiHiitiit i t p rt-''':tin '- urt. AtlKTIr.Mt - f 'lit ). nr I, i ft. iltTI-jlit, plr.tii. Willi flight work 1'l.ilnl it lir.f-a t'.iriuhiH', or p"i(K-l.iiii u'A rr-'iii ) ..r l,-i lid nr npriirhr, ir:t I'm-nitnr. KlMI , n'l,.J. : bruss hunittirf, ",r -v !in Aniericiin .M-.tiiti-e IicI.m. briiKK luriiiiur'', .ir I'Mtcrl iin Ann li'viii .M iii , IiIlIi- i or l-ipj fnriiirttir. 01 (.-n'- l'i AiiM'iir:ni M.irfii'r nnd Ha L'Sfitii-liroiitf, nr r-' Inin nil Aint-ri'-itii 'j i r.iii! St -ire H ht, 11,-f itwn- , nr p rr.-1.tin nM i .( -rr. i .! iiipl .ti:lnu-fl. iit; i'T I" vi'!i i'!:it' i), wliiltf r 1 I-TH. io'It'Im ilii p!:itot wliiJe t. pliittil i l-r;iss j , :ind S!-t- U'HT , 0:ti' Ijllti'Illf!. tlir0r l( r ,.'! i4 riilil T.rtU'MfS i Itjiklw ni'. iind Aui' iicail !int li.i:: or j- int. Shuit.T, L.ilc, S'ri, T., :m1 I! n-k l! SlmM':rf Oatr, llrft, l'in.-!i. S; ; nr f:it ir"ii :.n I .r.i.-. . v.-ry si 1 1, u c rt ivf, Si i ''. ' iitt-"-, Stt; ! ':i; it ! AiiifiifiM Avlf mid Su;n,i A!t; Viirict v. rvi't v ill .s, (ll ,til .- ri-tt n. J. i'.'l h'llr'V. t" WMHhl it- li. - he ;iin!if v r.t il .-v.:ty , l'li(:s, 1 1' Ml, VT vi'm, :i!t kiti'Ts. ('t....r ui tn:l-.i i 'f bfniZi.-d. Aiii.-i ii-rni Nit'iw, p!:!tf1, vh'tr. ir n. Sysh-C.H'I. c iliin., ii mid l ;t1i-iil, V I nuni'T.M!!" i ni-'ii; i.-:i ! ?V N AILS niH SASfiW ;;r,M'l'S iit !AC'IV!Y . ruin: 11? AIMi'f U d'-Iivi'ii d In ul" i'!i;r t- wy purt (-1" ' thu t'iiy mid linn :. At 1 1 1 4 tT:il'iit.!rM'ii! r f mod .'?u "I'Th" liltfTft nml , IhS1 sy 'itinciif.' !' U'liil.- ;ui'I l-';ii 'V .Ni !.s i" r !.'', &t: in tlicCity; m-ihh! viMi-ni!, wl.o-Ii. cin;i't lc m t-ii, r ol.trinuvl. ill any olhi-r M r.v 'U( H,S. ! Spreit fz. A'.tr'wa :'f ' tni rn l. Il td. nnd Hipp S:iv, i iinp Hteil esprifK" C r h'M;itl :tf. :i!i rV-tfd u'iIkmi.'. TyU- if-":ie i't.i tlie " i' t i ;it-t 1'l.ui- s, m:t.l- l.y I'.. V. ;ir p'lltT, "f I tiir:iKr. r, ':., Ii.-in-r ;t:i lu.v'r ul' Hp! ll V I, and iSc liiMfi cri,""d a:id lii d. Jti;tll ' Willi. im' nuiUc ( ol Chi m1'., A irK, ll.-iti'lM.-ti, liKiwini; Kn.v , c, ull war- ' ruiih-.l r..(1. j It ' and Slavk'ii iii:ikil" Aii''i'r tmd Aiv.'or Uilts, nil - en Amcriran Ptii'.:ir nnd 1 ds 'f , pry llrriiTlptiftll. MW'siCt!, C'Ull.iilh.-'l.! Srcv- AiiVTimn ilnii-s. itti;i r ilriviTs, c. Aiitic:hi O. S. irnmr-'s, L'lnv nnd I' iv -tiirj, u!I size?, AnviiK iti id V icrs. u' I Sum !, Ir"i, und WimmJci. Ur:u'c, willi C. S Uillfl, in j great varii'tv. V. (ii'M-r- .V S .hh. 1!i;lf !mt' nnd i.!)ht coli''rai':d in!i.-R..I I'.:-:-. Im!'".. l';.-..;.-li.-A .. c Add'.-' ri 'L-i:iii d '.. r v .i i; T it!! shapts. I M:kit-ir iiii' ' i tl'f !'.-.-t r.M.j ni i-v ;t"ivt- as 'r'nic:1'.' ' nf it-uMii'K II:Mhvai' und T.-!n i-: 'S- :,i:t At tin r-t,'Hi. i'tli- tl It Ih f hi I :inl i pj,..i'irr to Oi'v , th- I.K'tifi Vim art iiuit'-'tt r:d! nnd cxinniiM.- Ihoa?.' -it- ' im-ni. and h-ar tfir pr-i. c ay'ru-'l, liciury pui i liar-intf Im- j wlli'lt: .'i.if ninf Nf va. j ViMirf, ri-intvti'i:i;v. ! WM V N .. 2T Mark, t r . t-tu.- n rii:Iailtdplin. Apid I,', W.I v. V'CI.I'ltl'.. ESSENCE 01? J A 31 A I C A i LXdKH DK ft"in tht; Us .r-.!n;:i'M iin-.-r, nil tlm v'iiabl iiicilu'inal r-'j-rriy f wln- d i: ..' i-u i-'Uint U ft r!f in u t'"'nV'li"'tU r 'in'. iilr;ilf! t int. ll It) it Iltiihl i-lllfit-ut ;ui, id lite fl'llf ll.M' h-inulfwh. cnlly BtiiiMihitiMj; I- 'liu. I ""( tli'- n -in u'li. itii'-! will lifl-miivl viy lifin-lHMil in it'lici'iii ti'.t I'iniiiti! rni-1 if:r;'niii'j irfliiH ci-i-:;Mi Ult-il l-y Um I inj:-il'i. ! r; i ii "I I'lM imp-JCuit tl'-';tii, I'r"Itl let II In l VltMlf t-:l-- 'tn"':I l:i'.i tl JTi U H j : ftll ! mv t in J uh r w.'A ii:H!hmi;i'-!v m:i - tin lt;ttu It ik'V ni.t i ij-pr- n. in r 'i..if i r '"i ti. -' :- u. uai .H;imii tV"'ir tint--tittt'-n . it i j ; 1 1 rV' 1 , v. li U-f-'iiti i tii-1.! iwiul iitiiiiji tiir liir-Miii'lfyit.l MiiS'- sniKi;t;:ii lh"ttri lit' ti an. I tt-iilfiu-y its ili- tuiciril ;u-M--ii ti'f..M -lit f y Ult' piu-i vatini: t lifi-t o! llir h mnm-i Ih.-jiIs. it t' ll viiiti iii'icr in (liNiiMitiiji, und for e mtclii.;' t).. nn 1,'k-iU im;--s tI ii.m Uu .i. .te. It ihiiW' :i tl t-x-'illi.-nt n"!."ii:n f- T th c who linvt in jnrnl I'lii' ol" thi-ii .-.tiii;:ti,l:is l y Of niini.,i!.-ni'r life f itil'ixiC'iliii; I ti j ti irB. liy et r . y l: : ftuuiihitinff tilr-cl tip.n liie lnn:ieii H'i:iivitiT Uv vf, in : i t ki i:uu!untK. it Ikix ll i in.UHl 'li ut tt tl t'.'l Ul'1 tT.iiti, itml IR H"t tiiTcc-rtii J ly l'Liinj; ttf tlei', which uU ;t fallow thu utC"t" uld'li'ilii rM imul;iiit. A frv rtn'-'K utW"il to iii:i?iv rluitwrh (r fth'-r urra tivu in-itifiii-n. Will rtuttltT lli-ni m rf iuvr'!;ililc tn tin ff -nvich tui'l i(vv-ul the gn;ung vvlnuh ii ti:u'c -ijit':ui then nction. t'KKI'AKI-.D ONLY l:T AMUitoisi; smith, DUCOUIST AND CHEMIST. N. E. tonu r of Itlt ami Ciustnvt Strcctr. rnibdrtphin; April 12, 11 ly. PHILA. AND READING EATLE0AD. S:MMl:il AUtl.VMiKMKNT VROI i'uiLADi i.'mii.v an'u rorrsviuji P a r r s R c d n c f il . Office of the PhiUt. Ic llnvluiz Kuilroad Co. Philadelphia, Munli -ii, loot. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except S'uuday.) N and after April 1st, l."il two trains will W run each way, dailv, between Philadi l- pliu and Pottsvills Mul!Xl.n l.IM'. Leaves Philadelphia at ' J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsi i!'o at Vj A. M. daily except f'un davs. jrri:: y-n v i.txk. Lean Philadelphia al ,. o'cloek, daily, cx.-.'pt Sunilav s. Leaves Putisi!lu Ht"J o'clock, daily, 5iindaj r. y.i.'.5, Ilntwren Pliiladeh hia ui.d I'.-ilwiole except i.j 1st class cars al'nl .;'i.'-.' Vd class cars. liclweeli I'liiladelphi.t and licailiiur, $1.7") class cors and l.'l." -,'i class cars. DqN! in J'hi'.iuKlphU, corner of Broad und Vine Streets. Pas-enc .- cannot enter (tie can unless provi ded with I ickds. NO'l'K K. r'llly pounds i f bamao will be al lowed to each passenger in tlo-si- lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any lliniir an iMicaire but Iheir wearing apparel, which (vi'l Ix nt the risk ol'its owner. By order of tho Hoard uf .Muoosers. H. liRADr'OTID, April 19, 1851. SeereUry. gATENT liKriTANIA KiTOPPEKS for Dar follies lor sine uy II. B. MAS8ER. Banbury, April l'i, 1851. A RNOLD'S WRITING FLITD and Adhc aive und legal (uvelopes, for aule by H. B. MAe-SER. gunbnry, April S6, 1851. IS LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of 300, fur sale by Apul Sfi, 131.-- H. B. M sSBF.n. 10 PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. P'lR subscribers olfer to physicinns and dru?-- Bists, a carefully selected stock of druffs and medicines, w hich they will nunrnntrc lo lie of the best quiility, nml ,dultcialed in all cases. 1 heir facilities for importing foreifrn drues and ctiemieals are such, they aro enabled to sell tliein upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure toeir customers of their Reniiinem ss. 1 bey have also recently prepared and now of Icr lor sale n superior article of t il II MAIJXiSU, &r., Kcsemblinq: Hemy's Mnc-ncsia, free from carbon ic ncid and roughness or itritliness. almost entirely tasteless, rouibiiiinir in an equal boll, fr, ,i,P, to four times the streiiRth of the connnon kind, and sold ut about one half tho price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the 1'Iuid M'.ig'iK'si.i, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, cVe., al less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion un assortment of I'iu'o Drugs in Powder, Neatly put np in 1, and pound bottles, such as Aloes, Khubarb, Senna, Seueipi, Khatany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpentarin, Ext. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., Potavsa A'itras, ilo'rax, Spi (jelia, liuchu, Orris, Cascurilla. Canella. Alba. Cva Crsa, &c. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drmrs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have aiso'a variety of Clii-uiicaUVIMini'iiinciutitnl Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as thev become known. Among then, may be mentioned the foMowinir : Uv.1 l'i", .iliinijt oi I wliit'. 1 r . . " 'in.v Ki'nH't 'f li-iun. flm.1. n Anm -iii;!, i na, tl l-iflliRi.nt tnllll til atluillllrtUT Tip plirtfp, i!n, onfwri:-' t rhll'lr'il t'T liueunuiiifiu. 'KMi.-n't ti F flni C"inp. il'n i. I'.Mrri'-l i'l Itt-iitinn, " firsfo:i. T--r:i Mi'iini, " V.t!. riini, Ihiid. I1CW HI!; tl: -"I'lll T' lll'V. " Si'jrvin, " 4 S ir-i'ian!':! f m- i-"-iti ii Until, " do. d-.. f-lid, ' iM 'nipli' d-t. Cut. -yiilh Cninp. tin niinpl'. 1., Oils of (.'opuiva, vc Citinto oi" Iron utid Quiuinc, .osipii-C xido nf Iron, an antidnlr fur arsonir, nf Mauuc-i;!, a new and plraM niit (Wtliartic i:iniiviu(. jmt up in 'i or. hotlli-s, - prr (!,:. (.'td!i)vli!ii, or LiijuiJ Adiicsivr IMuk trr ; :i cnnvfiioid npplicati.m in many Hiit'gioul iprr;it;t'tio, jmt np in Hina!l vialr Also CANTHAKIDAl, CU.(IHn OR BMP TKKI.(; Lit ;!!), A comcnicnt preparation of ranlhaTtdofl in many rami's wlino llinr is u ditiicnlly nf upplyin-; the ordinary l-li?it'iiiic; pln-drr. A fviiinn uf ft appli ed with ;i c-anud's hair hruidi ami cttvoroil with nil pill; tr i?o:ni t-iiaiiiar sui't.mro, will produce a ldi.-drr in tlin r- liuuvV linn ; or when exposed, in the iwuul tiiif! nf nhout twelve hntirn. J'hyieians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their order at ns low rates ns thu bust quality ut medicine can be pnp-'liased. CIIAIJT.ES KT.LI& CC. 50 t'hesnut Rlri'Pt, Thilada. 1-Mlioratory, fith und .Morris Ms. s'uu tlnvurk, Novemhcr 10, 1850. tf. " union" IIO'IEL SUNBURY, PA. rpiIK MIPS WKITKIS rrappr-t fully inform fi. tl.c I'ulilic. that tin y till roiitinuc lo rnti r t.iin triiM-'ilrM fiiiil otlit rs nt tlmir nltl i-ataMUlicil 'taiul in Marki't Klrort, vest ul'tlic Court llousp. 'J'lirir liintr i:rif rii-iu-o in llir Imsini-ss and tlio '('!l i-:,t.i!.li-:!K-(l uf tlirir House, vill. tlicy inist, It a Miiiirii'nt i;uui Jiitor, that th'.-ir ClHIrMlM'I'S will 1,0 V,1I UlCOllI 111 k!.ltt'l. - Maivli S, lS.'il. tf. STOVES! STOVES! nHHK stilA-ri!:r-r rrt-.ini tti.-ir siuccrv tluinks tn tlit-ir fu.-tmiii-ri', fir riii-oiiraiioiiiiiit I'.r tin- I -.lit ; i'iir, and luiju' l.y Mr'u-t utirntioii in lilliiu; iti'its to Min t willi tin-;. Iil i' in! ri-u-nsr. 'mil! u li.nul tlie " nrii ly ul' ji.i'.lrrns dl' ii 1 1 y niln r I'miiiuiv in tar 1'uitrcl li;li"T, nml Mill milling tu lln-ir nunii-iT. I!ic ns q rail Iti'l'urt iuri.,.i;i'.iii!; t'l.'.:" lu'ir. Ilnr i-.toi'k c'lul'r.iivs u gri'at. urii tv uf I'u .lvinq st.ivt-s, of llio 1110-.I j ij ,r.i kinds, J'urloi- Uit.i lur Wiiod or ciul, C'liiiiiiun .-!iivrs, t-y i i 1 1 il i is nf nil kinds, apj odd jil.ilrs i'i" all kinds to repair til, ivrs. l'or Snninier nsp, a small Stovo, calli'd Snm i:n.r liaki'r, iu'iv and sniu-iior rnrnai,-.s lor luirn in chuToal in btoiit1, Iim3 ovinia of svcrul -.lit on nt i-alti ins, liaku ov. np, s; v,-ra! patli-rns, liiu liini; i-osts, Spout iri-ns, and a varii-ty of arli-i-l.-s in i-ustiiiir, t u niimrrons In iiitntion. Tlie Hardware trade cm lie suppla-d willi cniiiiion 4, 5, ('-, 7, nd H ijtiart 'J'ra ki llli s, at vi-ry lusv jiri i i's f.-r cash or rity aci-ciitaiu i'. A li'iv casks of mij.-i-riur lii-iniaii Irad on Land. WAK.XICK fc UlirfAXllf. Wol'le st. w liurf, Di-Uwar.'', l'liiliulrli'lii. Aiiril 1, lSjl. Ohio. JOHN CALVK1.LKY laiiur.u or No. HIS Race, (faiiniifrns.) street, Above Third, opposite the White Siran llctil. riilLADELPIIIA. Tallow ("handlers and Manufacturer can be supplied w illi a first rate Article of Candle Moulds, i-f .Superior excellence Slid finish. N. II. The Mmilds are made of the best Metal and polished by a new Patent Machine, which uives them an extra finish. They tre efter the English style the tips to ecrrw on the pijie, and the pipe to screw tiu'it in the bench. IV Wa um vrtu to be far superior M any other now in ose..;3 J He also niauuUclurc iimicsl I'umps and fvrines. April 12, 1S.11.-Gmo. I'M J.lil'.liLAS 6c TAIIASOLS, SELLIMG OFF CHEAP! ' So. 104 Market Street, j rinAirHiA. ; "ffTTAVING decided to ipnt t!:e business, I pro j Ci t' 1'' '" st '' ''IC s'"' k at very low prices. ! ll ciol'i.i' cs the in west and most desirable st les. i You ai'e incited to call and examine, WM. II. RICHARDSON. Aj ill is.11. Smo. I TO TII KLi:t'l!S()KNiTuTlll'niKK LAND COrXTY. 'tHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citi.i'iiu of Northumberland coun ty, that he will be a candiate for County Commissioner, at Ihe rnsuhiT ib-ction. He therefore solicits from his friends and fallow citieus a liberal sop. port, and promU-cs should he bo elected to dis churifu tho duties of the ollice with fidelity und impartially. Ll.IAS l5KOSI(.H"9v Simbary, March 15, 11-I- FRUIT TREES, SuTlBBERY. it. ritllE subscriber will receive orders for all kinds JL of Kruit Trees, such as. Apple Trees, Plum Trees, Peach Trees, Cherry Treua, Pear Trees, Apricots, Quince Tree, Ornamental Trees, cVc. Together with all kinds of Shrubbory, Dulbous Roots, Plants, Grape Vines, die. All of which will be sold at the lowest rate by 11. H. MASTER, Aiienl. flT Orders for Trees, Ac, should be sent in early ai possible to ceute them In lime iili'.'ur .' March 11, 1S.1I H.1K r ' T ' .-fa 1 W. V 14 W-U CHERRY PECTORAL: COUGHS, A A Vf w Tlie uniform success which lias atlcmleil tlia uw of this preparation Its military effect it power lo relieve unJ cure a iVei-tions of the l.miirs, Imvc gained for it n rrlcbrity rqunllml liy no other iiirdii-ino. Wc oiler it to the nlllicterl with cntlri! rnnlidenre in its virtues, slid llio full belief that it w ill .lue nn,l rcmosc the severest attacks of disease upon throat and Lungs. These results, as they heeoinc iiuhlicly ktiuvni, very naturally altrset the attention of mcdica' men ami iliilniitropits everywhere. What is Iheir opinion ofCIIEKfY PECTOKAL may he seen in the followinij ; VALENTIN K MOTT, M. P., Prn, Sirrgrrff Mai, Celri;c, Yeri, tays : 'It gives me pleasure In certify the value, and efficacy of Ayer's C'HF.UKY PECTOflAL, which I couoidcr peculiarly a'laptcd to cure disea ses of tho Throat and Lungs." THE KT. liEV. LOUD MHOl" FIELD, writes in a letter to his friend, w ho w as sinkiiu; under nn iillection of tho I.unirM : "Try the CHEKKY Pl-X'TOKAL nnd if any medieino can cive ou relief, with tho hlensing of Ciod that will." t'lIIEE JUSTttT. I'.rSTlX. of Lnnislana, writes "That a ymui ihlnsliler of his was cured nf several severe iittacks of Croup liy the t'UKA'.'Y i'l'-CTOA'AL." asthma and r.unxriirns. t'---'.V Jii,-iivl nf Zlittietil fcttnee states, "Tint Asthma and 1'ionr.liiiis so prevalfint in this inclement liimale. has ielded with surpri sing rapidity to Axer's ( H KIKV 1T. 'TOliAL, and we caun it tn.i slnv:'lv v.-'-oniniend lllis skill ful pr-p.iiaii.'ii lo ih- l'micssioii and puhile gen eral i v." L-.-l ie ivlirv.-d snlTci-er spea'v for himself! Ii Mir; una, Jan. t), H1. Pr. J. ('. Aver -hear 'ir : llaiiie-T hecn res cued from n painful 1 d'in:;eroim disease liy your in.Nlii'inc, i;ial!tin!e prompts me to send you this ni'l;i;.v.v!ci'!:nicnt, not only in justice to you, hut for li,.' iol "i-iiaii.'ii of others in like alMic-' tion. A s'uht cold upon the l'.ni -s, tiecleetcil at first, hecaine so severe that spilling of hlood, a violent couiili nnd profuse ni'jht siveats followed ami fas tened upon me. i lieenme emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed l.y my connli, ami a pain throoeh my ehe-t, ami in short had al! the alarm mo; kv ii 1 1 ins of ipiiek consumption. No medi cine seenieil nt all to reach my case, until I provi dentially tried your CHEK'Y I'ECTO.IAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWAKT A hunt, N V. April 17, 1813. Dr. Aver, Lmvi ll Dear Sir. I have for vettr ' been iililicted w ith Asthma in the worst form ; so Hint I have l een oMicd to sleep in my ehinr for a lamer part of the time., Wing uimhlc lo breathe on my bed. I had tried a -rent many inedicinos( to no purpose, until mv l'hvsieian prescribed, as an e,eriineiil. your CHl'I'KY PECTORAL. At first it seemed to make me worse, but ill less than a Week I began to experience the most gratih iiir relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a statu cf health which I hail nevcf expected to enjov. ! (.HOUiii; !; l-'AUA'ANT. J i-iirritiKii nt j.c. i i i.h. cut.uisT.LowLLL, mass. I I"?'"- Sold by ll.ury .Masser. funhury; Mary ! A. Met 'ay. Ni'iiliuinla'i land Dr. (icarhart, Se , linsrove; r. HL-kh-, l.'.i iiviilt-, and Drui;(rist 1 yeueia!!'. Kci. I"). I ".'!. lyce:lm Ar.7.2IiICA2I HOUSE, rCTISVILLE, PA. KS. M.i;V V. f.W l.i: re-pectfully Informs ' ' 1 the pnl'iie ae.i traw lii'.rr conimuuitv ceneral- i lv. that e!:c has . ; HOTEL, fur . ; her lou.; c :'.t i llol, 1. rind we! j date, her I'll'.!-: j with ecy tlii?; . coiiveuieni c. I i'Vh. 10. I- ' iie-l lli; 1 ir'e a llil COitlUlodioUS i I i.i a suieiior stylo. Krom e i.i i'.i- hi'iness of a tirst rate, kie'.-.i: n M:!aiioii to ticeommo' i's dejiend on heinf suppliej i-i.'iiib;eic tj lluir comfort ami LAWliKXCH HOUSE. SVNBUEY, PA. "J1 ll V, subscriber respectfully informs her friends, 1 and tie public gem-rally, that die has Uken lh.s aoiwe wel! known stand m arly opposite tho Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins, is'iie trusts that hr experience in business, and her efforts to make her guests comfortable. will give entire satisiaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS. March 6. 1-5 SI. tf. IS5.TV L.IM) AM) ri.NSION ACiKXCT. ' The attention of the public is called to the ad j verlisi incut of Mr- Charles C 'Pucker, A I tor nay j and Ai;cnt ut Washijton City- Persons hav I iurj claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for tiie requisite forms, and claimants calling at his nticc, can have their papers prepared and I forwarded to -Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and i by linn be properly attend,! to before tile De partment there II. L. MASSER. j Sunbury, Jan. IS, H.ll. ITIlBVOriTON HOUSE, j TREYOl'TOX', PA. , rilHE subscriber respei-tfidly inlorms Iho public L that he has opined a Public House, in the new I vvn .f Tre orton, N oi ihuuiberland county,, j and I.e is ill prepared to accommodate, hi iiiic-tr. in the bi'-t manner. His house is locuteil ! in-nri'.' op osi;e the l 'oinpatiy's Siors. Ho isalsik provided willi troiid stablum suJicient lor -0 hor I scs. He l.iisls by puuiipt und careful alteiitioia to business to meet u shine of the public patron. a-e. 11 EX U Y II WEAVER. Trevoiton, .1 in 11, 1 Still. tf- Va I tin hie PROPERTY FOR SALE. "ItHE iMihsciilcr who resides in Philadelphia. M. oilers tor sulo thu lollowiiur nronerlv in Mil. ton, NorlUu'iibei land county, viz : The large BRICX BUILD INO m ;jper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as n (.'arria;u Makers Shop. The building is fill feet front on up-r .Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, anJ is two, stories hi;h. Also a two story BUICK ULACKSMITII SUO?, 40 by . fe-t, en the same premises. Tho Id i on tlie comer of upper Market and KishI streets, and is t'.fj feet front, nnd ISO feet dej, 'Phe pieiuises would be valuable lor Foundry nr other uiaiiiilactuiiug purpowes, and will be aold un luiwmal'l and accumiiiotlatinfr Icrma by apv ply nig either lo JACOli fARRIUAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLITNGER, Esq., Milton oj II. U. MASSER, Eso... aunbury. PUiladelpUia, Jan- S3, 1651 tf WRITING FLUID and -lf sealine Li.Tl.. Iiukv, u received and fr ajle hv I I 'MM Apnl 13, IHM. II. P, M ,f .51: