1 SU N BU 11 Y AMK1UC A N AND SllAMOKlN J OU AlT Sl.kqt EII.tM A RAILROAD COMTAMY. The enterprise covered by Iho charter of he "Siinquclmnna Railroad Company," re oently enucleil by the Peiinsylvanin Legisla ture, is iindotib'.edly one of lending impor tance to the numerous Interest whoso well fare ia to be promoted by it. It contem plates the construction of a railroatl com mencing nt ami connecting with the north ern end of the York and Cumberland Rail road, thenre running lip ihe west bank ol the Susquehanna river and crossing and con necting with Ihe Pennsylvania Railroad ; thence continuing up the west bank to a point opposite Dauphin, where it will pus te the east sido cf tha river by a suitable bridge, connecting at Dauphin with ihn railroad It-ruling- to tll9 semi-bituminous coal fields ; passing up the east bank of the Sus quehanna river from Dauphin to fjunbury, and in its course intersecting and connect ing with the L ken's Valley Railroad, the Mahonoy Railroad, and the Shamokin Rail road, each of which penetrates its corres ponding anthracite cnal reuinn. This first great division cf the enterprise, which wn hope to see promptly undertaken and com pleted, holds out the assurance of direct unci great advantage to the city of Baltimore, to Ihe Baltimore and Snsrjnrhanna Uailroad, to the York and Cumberland Railroad, to the "whole agricultural reaion above Ilarrisbnrg. and to Ihe four coal coinpanies'wliicli will thus have a direct and rapid communication with the B.iliimore market. The route from the west end of thu Ilarrishurg bridge 10 Sunbury, nlthuugh comparatively a short one, possesses advantages of tho highest importance. Within lire fir-t six miles of its progress nonlnvaidly it will consummate a direct cnunexi'ia wi'h tlio IViiiis) vania Uailroad on Hi w.-st sidii of tiro Suiji:i:li.i:i- 11 a river, and llius s.ivn limp, evpense ami (distance in the intercoiumuiiicaliona of IS.d. .I.imore an.l Piitbnrg Within the second iw miles the ro.id will piss to the east bank and the coal tin le of tiro Dauphin and Porjna Company rendered directly available. So, in like manner, as the work advances up Ihe river to Suubnry will it command at each successive step new and impoatanl ae eesions of trade. Ma. Wie staled iii Iho course of his perch, in ih Virninia Convention, un Mon day laet, that a wngle (inn in B.illi.iiurti had amassed during the last ten years a fortune of S250.0U0, by simply transporting oysters ta the Western States all of which were obtained at the oyster banks of the E iMern 5fcre of Virginia, and transported over the; ilallimoio and Ohio Railroad to Cumberland, and ibence to the Oi.io river in stays. This firm paid to thu Ilai'noad Compmy in one year for lram;vrting c-ystci iil-mtj 825,000. This single iiiust ration shiuM p'-ak trumpet tBogoed in favor of East and West lines of Railioail.v Tac Muiucay Uiilkoad Coxspiiiacy j Cxsc. Tlia j;rifriJti-et in llii cnsi', 46 in jiuniber, were bionht lun cdui'1 nn the 29;h ult., wiiun DiviJ Sti.riit, J-N'j , .'icis'HDiin Attorney for vTavn, ro.in live joint u s of J 1 i indictment bv Uti Uniml Jury. u':ttnst carl: arttl all of them, to w!;;rJ. lhy severally dead (innt puiiiy " K nvition w.i tnritlo to nash iho indictment on the ground that the Grand Jury were not U':tTy Ftnmnonrd, but It ovrr-rnle-J. Tuiday, May 13, was fixed ft the rlay of trial, at:ii the pUHOf.er were rrcoiivd to jail by a ntfong body cf officer. ANOTHER. SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the Tim IMxttirt Fluid, or tiastrk Jutcc! A ''iv.it l)wu')si:i Ciner. nrepiired from Rennet, oriln-lir.iiinStoiniirhof iiieC. afUT ilir.-.-linr. ol H.iron Lr.-ld-. t. u,ti,t Physjolo iiv.l 'iii'mi-i. Iv J. S lloirch'on. M. D , N.. 1 1 Noitli Eulnh Slrret, l'lnl.uli-1- pliia. Pi. This is u truly wonderful remedy fur Indices; ion, Dyspi-psia, Jairmlicv, t.iver Cnmp'aint, Contij)alii)ir,;urd Doliility, eiirinj; ul'tfr Nature's own method. Ivy Nature's own ajjoirt, Ih-; Ciaslne. Jniie. See advurtincmeiit in anotbT column. Tti in iii i: o. On thi 3 1 ins!., hv J. H. Zimmerman, Esq., Mr. William KiRPL'R, tj Ass Vakzamt, both of this place. isteaaskisaE c i i: i. In I.'iwer M.ili Kioy tp on tin 'Sih nil Mr. IAI ilAhl.N c, wilo ol U in. Mi.itftT, nml daughter ol Ij'corn Iti-nsl. of Little iUlunioy Ip., acit uuuul Ju yeuis. (lIjc iilav'iets. Philadelphia Harket. May 7, 1S50. Ftob'ti and Mkai.. Tlirt tnatkel fur 1'iour i tirinor. Sutiiilaiil In. 111. U are sollini; al $t3ti. S.iics fxn-.i at S-4.-U a ii 75. Ean cy liianiU uie; hel I ut 1 5 i . i "S-1 . lift: 1'l .)'.-i. U si'.ui-e- ut 3 SO. C. UN Men,. ! .cuice, IV-nua. is heUI at i'S Wheat S.ili of Pmina. red at 0c BD'I nl prittio wliile al l 0J. Jlt'C 1 III ile-in.liul, Mile lit 70 Colts.--Tiio siip!y abuul "qu.iU Ilia ilc maml ; ji'll'.i.v cuuitnaiuls t4 i el. Oat.i. Arn in ili-iaanil ut 45 cts. for Pa. , nnil A lo. far bouthi'i-ii. Whiskhy Sales of bills, ot 23, cents. HogUe,ul aie holu al 3t. Xaltiinore Jlarket. May 5, 1S51. GRAIN. Sales of (joocl to all icily prime) red weiu niailoou Saluiday al 1)3 cent. We also note a salu of two loads of l'a. white al lOJ 1-riiI.s. Sale of corn at 61 pent for white!, nnd CO e.;., lor yellivv. We qiiriit- Oais nt 38 a 42 cts. WHISK KV. Sales of IV-nna. IIU. on Sat nrday and to-day, nt 23lils., and of hlula-i to2Ji a 23 ct. t-ale of liultimoie bbl. 24 cti. SUXnUKY I'lUCE CUUR13NT. WudT. . ICO Ric. .56 Cub. . .50 Oats. . . y7 DcTTia. .11 Lou. 1 1'UK.K. 7 r-.4istEn. 125 Tallow. 10 D'tt.wAt 25 IIimLEii Flat. . 10 liaicr ArriKS. 75 D-l. 1':a ilk- - tn'l Jux s New Advertisements- L. "AV. ir. GIKSE, (A $cnt for Henry Varr ,) LIMBER COMMISSION 11 E R C n A NT , rails Ooch, IltiKlmore. ITT LIBERAL ADVANCES made on Con- Lsipiimcnt. i.kttfiis ami t oxsmMKNTs stioulil be no- dressed to L. W. II. GIESE, Agent. May 10, 1851 4 ruo. Notice to the Heirs of LEONARD PFOUTZ, Deo'd. JV"OTICE is hereby piven to Benjamin Pfout7., -L'1 J ihn Pl'out7., Robert Pfoutx, Merry, inter married with Joseph K. Darns, Mary Ann, wid ow of WnirlloMRcl, Isabella, intermarried with IX nicl I.ntsha, Daniel Layrock, Kcbecc. Pfoutx, .taciib Pursrl. Nancy Jane, Merry K., Kobert P. Leonard, William and Anna Pursel, all of whom except the said Jacob, rc minor children of Sa rah, dee'd., who was iutrrmnrrird with Jnnuthun 1'urscl, nod J. C Ilort.in, (juanlinn of Kuchnel Lrmnns, heirs of the snid Leonard 1'foutz, dee'd., that by virtue of a Crrtnin Writ of Partition ond Viitiialiiin issued out of the Orphans' Court to mc direct. I, nn Iii'itiition will be held upon the pre inisrs of the. Henl Folate of the said ilcc'd., situ nte in Point township, in the County nforesaid, mi Thursday tho l'Jtli day Of Jour, 1831, lit I which time and place the heirs nforesaid, are , heiehv warned to bo and appear if by them deemed expedient. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. FheriiTs Oilier, Sunliury, 1 May 3, 1851 Gt. ' "Notice to tho Heirs of SUSANNAH HALL, Dcc'd." jV"OTI(.-r; is herebv nivcn to Chns. Hal!. I'd- ward Hall, Jeremiah Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Harriet Hull, intermarried with ('has. Cook, Su sannah llucy, intermarried with Win. Conrad, .1. II. Zimmerman, (.in irdian of James Huey, jr., Pidiy Hall, intermarried with Ceo. Zimmerman, and Chris. Cosmic, heirs and legal representatives of the paid dee'd., tbnt by virtue of a Certain Writ of Pnrtiiion and Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, to me directed, an Inquisition will be he'd tit 10 o' c'oiU, A. M., on Monday the 0th day of June next upon the premises of the Real estate of the said dee'd., situate in Lower Augusta township, and County aforesaid, at which time nnd place you arc be-eby w arned to be and appear if by you deemed expedient. JAMES lOtEKT, Slicrill. S'lenir s Ofirce. Punbory, 1 May 3d. 1851 li. Estate of ISAAC FAItNS WORTH, Dee'd. NVJOTIOE is hereby piven that letters of ad-J- ' ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Isaac W. Farnsworth, late of Lower Augusta townsl ip, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or haviiiL chums against the same, arc requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. WM. V. SII.VERWOOD, Adm'r. Lower Augusta tp., May 3, 1851. Ct. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL EC0K- COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal History, together with n Biojrrophy of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is appended mi epi tome of Heathen Mytho'ov. Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy and I'livsinlo-ry. Adopted nnd used in the Public Schools of riitUuK'Irliia. K. S. JONKS fc Co.. Publisher, . Corner FOUUTH nml RACE f?tsM Fhila. Tenchfrs nnd School Committers (nldressint; lettiMS to us post paid, will be .'urni&htd with copies for oxiiminalioii. twVAi-w 1 w nw t- r w 1 . .1 COOKS nnd MAT O.NAKi, for Sale at the Lotrcst Pi ires May :i, ISol. ly. L O O K n iuiKVA rjlHE Su!rrihrr respectfully inlnrius hid friends nnd the generally, that he alill I'lJIHMIlll'S lilt" SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Siand in Harket Street, Suiibury, tivo doors above Market Siniarc, where he con- st.intly keeps on hand, a large assortment of P..w1- M,l II.iiiwc:a 11.11 HISS, (Double A Sinirlc.) with f-ilver, Ilrass and Japan i uej mountini;. Also Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, iilices, Whips, Collar. All kinds of work in his line made to order, in as nent a style as can be cot up in this country. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. X. ft. Tho submrilier lias just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such an Silver, llrass and Japanned mounting, Patent .S'clf.Adjui-tiii!i Trees, Patent Holler Bits. Kiding Itridle Hits, Trunk and Valiee Locks, Trunk Board. Trunk Nails, ll.imes. Traces, Trim It,in! La vs. Tul'ts, Sad dle Web, tine'e and Double, bite Enameled Leather, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, j R,y;t.ti. Tassels, Fancy Urow-Bands, ! Tiees, Deer's llnir, Puddle PATENT FLY NETS uf all k'niils. All of which will lie sold as cheap il imt cheaper titan they can bo (jot elsewhere, fur c.iih or apprtivud credit. A.M)li:V J. f-TKOII. Snnhury, April 20, lh5l Gin. Dissolution, of l'u ituers Iiip. 'V'OTIC'K is herel.y r-i-en. that William D. - Mart., one cf the firm of William 1). .Marti ,t Co.. has this flay, viithihavtii .y consent of tl.e other mcinhcis, from the firm. The linn will hereafter eniii-.t of Wiliiani K. Mart, anil I.a T. t'lciucnt, under the naino of Iia T. I'lc mcnt & Co. I H A T. CI.r.MKNT, WM. I. .MA 1!T, WM. K. MAUl'Z. Hunhury, April 2fi, ltd::. Jt. CFNTRE TUENPIKE" ROAD! rilll U slorkholders are hereby notified that an -- I'.leition fur officer lo serve for the ensuing year, will he held ut the limine of J une Lee, in "Soilhuinlierland, on M outlay the 2d day of June neit, between the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., mid 4 o'clock, 1". M. JOSEPH R. PRIESTLEY. President. Northun herland, April 26, 1851. U. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. "VfOTICE is hereby given that the partnership -i- heretofore enisling, under the Crm of A. J. V. fi. W. Nlroh, Saddler and Harness Maker, in Suiibury, was dissolved by mutual consent on the hill of June li(l. The book are placed in Ihe hands of J. II. Zimmerman, Esq., who alone is authorized to collect the same. (i. W. HTROII. Simbury, April 19, 1851. 51. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received at the House of Win. Weaver, in Coal townshiii, rv'oriliuin bcrland county, on the 20llt day of May next, for the building of a bridge over Coal l!un in said township, on the road leatlinr from h-haiuokiii to tho Centre turnpike, r-pectticatiou will be exlti biled on tho day of lettin-r. CIIAKLKS WKAVKK, WILLIAM VMLKO.V. ClIIllsTIAN ALULKT, CEO. MARTIN, C!k. Conimiwioner. H..f b::ry, ApiU 19. !)M. Journal of Hie FRANKLIN" INSTITUTE. or tub tat or nfNTLVA-i, rna Tim rno-soTi'-i" or Till: MM IIAMC AllTX. THE oldest Mechanical Periodical cjlniit in Amcticn, is published on the first of each month in the City of Philadelphia. It liss hceti rcjrulurly issued for upwnrds of twenty-five years, nnd is carefully edited by a committee of scientific (rrntlrrticn appointed for the purpose, by the franklin Institute. The deservedly high reputstion, both at homo and nbroad, which this Journal has acquired and sustained, has qiven it a circulation nnd exchange list of tho best character, which enables the Com mittee on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, and to give circulation to orininul communications on mechanical nd sci entific subjects, and notices of new inventions) notices of all tho Patenta issued at the Patent Of fice, Washington City, are published in the Jour nal, torether with a large amount of information on Mechanic, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering, derived from the latest and brat authorities. Tliia Journal is published on the first of each month, each number containing at least seventy Iwo pages, and forms two volumes rinnually of about 41)2 pages each, illustrated with engravings on copper nnd on wood of those subjects which require thcin. The subscription price is Five Dollars per an num, rtnyiiMc on the completion of the sixth num ber; nnd it will be forwarded free of postage ' . , e . . ' Vr..:-.u ... Bu.u.iw ... - tion. Communications and letters on business must be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postage ' '"' ' WILLIAM HAMILTON. Actuary, F. I. April IS, 18 SI. limo. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN OK 11. nTAPK fr -m iit b Junuiim Gin?T, nil (ho vuImiM? I ill iik'iIhiii tl jir.'-rty f winch it ill tc louml top. ! .: in n c 'MViM-ir'iit initl ("iir'ruiuti"! I'rm. It ih ti in -t eiiiri'-nt uml alili uu:e timt- hrimilrw, gently ftiii.Hl uiiiff t nic i'r tlir rtmiuifls ond will l it-uurt vrry l'Ufii.-i:t in rr-li'-vitiK ilit itiuiiiiil tint! iliin wmg Irfliugs o(Miiuiirt1 hy thn ini.uirM nuri"ii t ih'm impt "riant oip.m, !' r h ilf'loa whole trji-np-HHiftil lakcn in a wiur-plaM- ful ni fvvfctfiicfi wilier will inmiwliately rem-tvc the Jiatn Ifiicy uml it,tpr jit-ii rri-Miliutp t'roin iiwlipffili-'ii, : n1 it taken tV"nr limo tiiiK-mluily, on re4uira.lt will 1b hiuul hiphly tinrlul :i;tjiHt ihe l.iKPit titlt aii'l nvuw of inkiiifT rth-Btftnt-uch ami (wlnn-v t it rii -trdered fiction iK-rafinnl hy the "it-?ii 1111; rilevt i the iiiiiiiiitr liit or f 'li 'Winff nfrer in t!jK,Mi;ir.M, tiuJ tor corrt-cunp the incipient tui!-s ol diaro hi-a. Vr. It iin!!"i nn rxrelltini mert.rine f"r trire who hnve in jnrnl tlie t nti their Httuiuu'lm hy tli iiniiuxli'rntc lire of iiitoxi -atiiiK lit)ii)m, hy its phphily utininluting cfftci upon the ei.tnuu'li rciii"V'iup llir eravinp fi utimnlants, while il h iii injnri'iiiA ut'li-ii nn ih hritin. mA in not MierefiM hy f(.-tlinN ( ih'pn mnu, whicli aivvuji follow the wt of Ulch"lif itiiniilanif. A few itnpn itdthfl tn m:tprtfsiaf rhnhurb or thcr orp live ninliriiM . will rnrtr litem ni-re oerrptuMe to the rt- in.uh nti'1 prt cut the griping winch il apt to mcv tmpany the 11 action. rUKTAUKD ONLY HY AMDIIOS H SMITH, Ii;JGJST AND CHFMIPT. V. K. comer of Hh and Chestnut Streets. rhilatlrlphin. April 12. Ir.il ly. PHIL A. AND READING RAILROAD. m n m 1:11 ai'.uan(.i:.mi..t irtn.il imiii.aui:i.1'Hi. and i'o rrsvii.1.1;. Tare it Reduced. OJJice of the Vhila. S' lleadinc llvitrnml Co Philadelphia, March tili, lS.il. Two Pasenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after April 1st, 1S51 two trains will be run each way, dailv, between Philadel phia and PottHvilb .voK.xixG i.ryi:. Leaves Philadelphia ul 7 J A.M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvilleat 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. Ai-Tr:i:.xoox i.ixi:. Leaves Philadelphia at UJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville nt 3 o'clock, daily, except ! Sundays. FAKES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $5.73 1st class cars mid ?2.5 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Heading, $1.75 1st class cms and tfilM.r 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets, Passengers cannot enter the car unless provi ded wilh 'Picket. KOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will heal low ed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any thing as bagiragc but their wearing apparel, which will heat the risk of its owner. Bv order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 19. 1851. Secretary. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COL' NT Y, Fri-uiw Cinzi.ss; At the solicitation of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate fur the office of CO U NT Y COM MISSION ER, at the ensuing election. Should I le elected, I promise to discharge the duties of said office with liJehiy and impaitialilv. CiEORUE BRIGHT. Suubnry, April IS, 1851. Estate of MARY GRAY, Dee'd. V'OTICK is hereby jiiven that letter of ad- liiiliistration have liccn (rraitteil in tltc untu sciilu r, on the estate of Mary tiray, dee'd., lute of the U'lmuoh of Siliiliurv. All persons indebt ed to said estate, or havine; claims Htiainst the same, arc requested to call on the subsciilier for sclilcmciit. M A R V DIU NEH, Administratrix. Sunbury, April 2fi, ls5l. tit. Estate cf CONRAD KERSHNER, Dee d. jV"OTICl'' is hereby irien that letters of Ad iniiiistratinu have been Rr.inletl to the sub seiiber on the estate of Conrad Kershner, dccM., late of Sunbury, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, arc requested to call nn the subscriber for settlement J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. f-uubury, April 12, 1831. -(it. I I a I 10 r G 1 1 KO . 31 A It li LE, U c c' tl IOTICE is henby (riven that letters of Ad XN ministration have been granted to the (lib. scjtU'r on the eslnte of Gideon Markle, dee'd., late of Sunbury, Northumberland county. All person indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the sub scrilter for settlement. MAKY MARKLE, Adtn'trii. Punoury, April 12, 1851. flt. J A TENT BRITTAMA SIOPI'EIW for par oouies lor sale by H. B. MANSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1H51. 4 KNOLU S WKITINO KLl'II) .ml Adhe ive a lid legal envelopes, for sale bv II. U. MAKSER. Snnhury, April 26, 18.il.- I.A.K NOT Em, waivim,' Ihe exemption law of tttUUU, for sale by April 2li, 1S51. II. IL MAfsSEH. Yl LANK Parchment Paper iJeed and blank - Mortj;agcs, lioiids, Execution, tstiuimon, iVc., fur sale by H. li. MAr-bEH. Sunbury, April 2d, ltj."il. WIKVEK W A'i X ilEb.-A lew douhlc catcs 5 HiiglisU biker Welches, for twle at very low price, by H. B. MAHSVR. flnnburv, April Jl, HM. Hrcal lmprovrnicnts in mnkiiig French llurr 31 ill Htoacs. IV Itie mm nf impr'tvt'H fimt ir n I've wltirh bitiir iniu ttie Htimicr, wi nn lo nt.v l"f Itie wniT of rim SfcHiB, unit Inia m-vwilte hiiluurv ryire nml dri rr u lo keep tti lxl!Mipe of tho iiww Hli.m tnrni niinir until it i wrn ot. O it r t,K.k of llt'wk. ia elected In Frnncc, unit the hrf nnollly only U""1- . . S .Hit tlnrr aio inn 3Uitt irn in dmniftM Willi trie l'ivrr 8l n; t rim, in . . pri-vrni Ilia runner ck'Hinf in the ryo. H..ttiiiR r'liHlif rf all liimibcm, rhenu ft "W"1 Mill IruiM and fmut Mm-tiiiif1 fnmistiril U order. r;iiml.iiim of aw .rtrd aizm, niiluule fur Cmiutry Mer rhania. iniLHirtrd and for ante l.y J. K. MITOtEl.t Nn. U oM Vmk rinut, near the Indian Pole, riiiliiitetphiii, April W, ll-Sl. mo. TOVES! STOVES! THE aulmcribfr rrttirn their iiincrra tltanka to tlirir ctiKlomrra, for libera) f ncouriisemrtit for the lact year, and hope hy ftrirt attention in filling orders to meet with the mime lilieral patron n(te. Mc have on hniiJ tlie preatrht vnrii'ty of jintlerna of any other Konrnliv in the Unitnl .sinlea, nml Mill aililin to their nntnl'er. Give ua a rixll lufore purchiixiin clwwhere. Our aloik eiiihracra a emit variety of Cooking Ktovea. of the most npprovcil kinds, j'nrtnr sloxi s fur wood or eoul, eomntoit Ktovcs, rvliinlers of all kind", nnd odd plates of nil kinds to repnir alnvea. For Scmincr uhc, a small Stove, eallirl Stun tner buker, new nnd atipi iinr rurnacea for burn ing chureoul or stone coal, taa ovena of several tlillbrent paltorns, Hake ovens, several patterns, hitfhitijr posts, Sporlt irons, and a variety of arti elcs in casting, too numerous to mention. 'l ire Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4, 5, 6, 7, and H quart Te kettles, at very low pri ces for cash or city acceptance. A few casks of superior Herman black lead on hand. " WARWICK & MUKANDT. i'oMc st. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. April ItCil. (inio. VIE STUDY TO riEASE. 'I 'lit-! ntti-nti n "f lt'iiMt-T end olher.., nre rcsp'rtru'ly 1 umicil 1. 1 IS.' i-Muiim.- Mini wt-ll ..Uctcil K.k -I In'll.lll.M; IIAIillW'AKK .vniiTOUI.H, luw lUcrfl hy the sulmrriK-r. c nsi.-'lin in l an as rl!nvs: Ainuiiruii t'r nit l)u"r fhP, ucriiilir, witli iiit;ht wrk, lilutcJ or lrusi tin niiar or piTi.-i'hiin nil '"l rs. Aini-ricaii fr.inl li.'or L tUk. iiirilil, pltiia. with iiiflit woik, I'lalcU or bniNs lariiilurL', vt puiccUia all C-'I'r. Amcricnn Front I nr l"cl;s and St.rc Poor. H"rizoil tul ur ui'riplit, bnia t'uruiuiri. or porrclain ull C'i"is. Anifiicaii linn 1,'ickH. ull mi.t snd qunlitivs. White ur br:iw lurniturc, or porrrlain nil cOurs. American .Myrtiix-.-L. all sizes, witli itattit, while or bruu liirnilait.', u- pnrc-luiii all clnrs. Anierican MT,ice t.atcla:M, till sizi-s, wilh plated white or brufs Inriiiiurc, r n,'rut'l:iin nil cjt.ns. A'liiMictin Moruce anil Itini closet locsr, plated ol brass esciilclicns, or rct'luin ull c.4irs. Ainrrican Drop, Kt.-p, Tliuaib, Gate, and Store Door Lnlrhei. Al-, Iinpoited IxieVa and (.atchea of evclT tf-rirticn. Ilol'twin's, aisl Aliierluui Uull llinffs, ol all aizes, fust or l.xte j.'iitt. Shutter, Gate, Stra)., T., and Ttacltflap Minora, all kinds. Shutter, O.ile, lK.r, Klusli, and rtyiiwf Ikill, . f wrought or cast msi and hniss. evry description. Screws, Sprite, Glaa, Sand l'ier ol Ihe ticst qwitity. Amertftui Axle and Shi.m Axle 1'ulleys, of every variety. American Rations, plain or on pbtcs, braw, iron, or tirtnizeit. Aincniiii Nol'S, plated, whire, mm. or vf1, nil kin.ls. Suvli.i;-.iril. e nini.ni and patuit, with other articius too liiinieri.'tD l ntjiiti..ii. Vf Mll mid SASII-WUICJITS at FACTORV ruiiKs. I?' All ri.H.lsd.'lii-i rid fire cf Churge to any part of Itie l.'ilv mid th-li ii-li. Al lliit ,-Mt ir.nli'ii..il e-m h. f.nnit cne of the Imreft nnd l.e.l iimi TlinrnU of liiic iiii'l I' fin.!,- .ol.f f.-r 1vki. , iii llie (.'Hy : S.IUH- pad. run. of uliirli. eaiui..'t itt. sctn, or ut'tnlil'd, ill n:iv "I liT M.'if, TOOLS Spiai .V Jneks mV li n k. Panel. Iljil. ami ftifp Sows, i ,. H..W...U . r.i...i .i ,..U i,v v w dr. prniir, of I .-in. vim. -r, Ph.. li. in- in: in-iile ui split w.kkI, nml llie Kins er.iun-1 :in.i li i. l. Ucaitv's At illtims "a f I'hiiel., Axi s. ilutHiela, Uinvvlni; linivt-s, Ace., ull war- rtnitcil u Kid. I'iiuIi's nnd Shek'n make i'f Anjrers and Aueer Hills, nil sii-s I Ainericrm S(ii;iri a rin.l Ttevils "f every deseriplion. j drivers. A e. Aiiiirierm r.S lt:imnieri, Clflw and Kivetiug, all sizes, Anvil.i.,,.1 Vices .all .-. ' ftei'l, Ir.'n, nml Wissleu llriees. with C. S. Dins, in greit r.iriei). V. lir.Mv. s fc S n s. ttiitelier s :nvl oilier r-let.rat..i n,:,k,....l i (,.. l I'll I,,,. A e . A e. A-Mir'nci l.ilmiliil l ';.rriiii; Tvl.-. all sh.ipes. M lk in one I Ihe lie' rout ul 'HI eXIeilMVe ft.-S TtinenlS o( Ituil'lmv; II -.1, twin i- ui: I 'I' ! in llie Sli,le. Al tltis '. iMi-1 nl il -He..!! i.i.red ii pleasure lo h"v the l ... 'o'l :ire i!i' i ' 1 1 i 'it nn I i-x.nnine theaiui-'rt. nie.it , nml lia:tr ll.e !,ie,.s iii-ke'l, Umoic iirch:i.iii; c'.se Wherc Cuiiii' nml n-e lis. Yoiiis, rtspeelfuilv. ' vm. m. '.tect.t rtr.. i. tnrkrt .1 . be ween 71 li nml lh, upper side, rhitadelp! in, Apul V! Is.'.l ly. JOHN CALA'KRLEY, .tlaiiul'.u lnr.T ul' CA1TDLE 1EOTJLDO, No. lO'.l Race, (Sassafras,) street, .lbot'f Third, opfwite Ihe White Swna off. PHIL ADELPHIA Tallow Chandler and Mantifaettirer. can be supplied wilh a first rale Article of Candle Moulds, of SuH'nor excellence and finish. N. 1). The Mould are made of the best Metal and poiisitcd ny a new l ateni niacmur, wnirn nite. ,l... mit ilm itniti. Thsv re aftnr tbc hiitrllMi Hiyla llie tip to wrew on the pne, ami the tune to screw ni'iil in the bench. V Waiiii an ri:n to be far iierior to any other now in use.. lie also iiiauutactiircs Puricul rumps and Hv riimcs. April 12, 1S.1I Cino. UMIlllF.I.T.AS vt r.VI.ASOLS, SELLING OFF CHEAP l So. 104 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. .v i.m. nc. iuc.i to qnu nit- misincss. t pro- litiM- it, sen uie muck ui very mi, iirices. It einbraees the newi'it ainl most desirable styles. Vou are invited to call ami rvamine. WM. II. RICHARDSON. April 5, ISol. "inn. Estate of JOHN r0RTirDe?i VOTirf. if licrcl'v ?'wcn tlmt le Iters trtainrn A tiiry Imve luvit txraiitrtl to t!io Kiilt-crtilMTu on tlie Kstate of Julin JoitiT, dor.M., I.itr of lUv. lior oti'h of Noriliuuititr!atn!. All t rniiK iiiili'bU'J are rc,i.e,ted to call on tltc subscribes and act tie the same. DANII'L TiRArTKiAM, ) - WILLIAM II. WAPLLS, E".a. v.,.,1 i..i.,.i i.....i. ..n ic-.i c. !J 1 ' TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rTpiIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citirens of Northumberland coun ty, that he w ill be a randiate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing election. He therefore aolicita Iroin hi friend and fellow cilitena a lilwral sup port, and promises should he he elected to dis charge the dutica of tha cilice with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS BROSIOUH. f-unbury, March 1 5, 1851. FRUIT TREES, SIIIU'CCEBY. kt. rilllE subwriUr will receive orders for all kinds JL of Fruit Tree, such as, Apple Trees, Plum Trees, Peach Tree, Cherry Tree, Pear Trees, Apricot, Quinrc Trees, OruaiHcnial Tree, etc. To-i Iher w ilh all kind of Mirubbcrv, Bulbous Routs, Plants, (ir.tte ints, Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest rates bv H. U. MAHrER, AcenL VW Oulrr for Trees, ic, should be sent in aa early as possible to secure them in time Kunhury March 15, 1831 C-MITH 8 ESSENCE OK JAMAICA filN OhR, a fietb supply jut rfceivod, anil for U. il. M.fSEK. April Zt 1551. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHR Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, 1. oilers for snle the following properiy in Mil Ion, Northumberland county, yin 'I ho larga M BRICK BUILDING in tipper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Patterson as a Cnrriasr Makers Shop. The bttihliiijt is GO feet froiit on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories Inch. Also a two story BRICK 1!LACKSMITII SHOP, 40 by S5 feet, on the same premises. Tho lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front vticets, and is Gli fret front, and 1 fiO feet deep. The premises would be valuable for Foundry or other immtifirtiiihiK purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and HccomniiHlarini; terms by ap plying eillur to JACOB CAIUIICAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOI.FTNGEK, T.., Milton or II. 11. MANSER. i:q , Sirnhiiry. Philadelphia, Jan-S5, 1851 tf. rnEEMAN, HODGES &.-CO-, IMroiM'KltS AM) JORUCHS, 6 lAbrrly Rlrrrt. Ww York. (ltt:tv.-en ltmuihvay mid Niininu ) VIIH n iw rT'iviii(f n ru h ond hwintilul tiwtrtmcnt of I'tH'.cy Silk uii-1 AlilliiH-iy G-xt, lo which we v-iil(J inrlinil;irly invite t i- uttr-ntMn T ull CiihIi 'urt!i:ifi:i-p, anl will uuikt it im nlnrct lor thi-ni Vj give n n call, an wo nrt detfjrinuicii i t volt ui un rtntunt, jur Cu.-li, luwcr limn CVT lioiure r-t r-1 in tins innrk' I. MfliitM-ri cjm M'jily tiirmM-!vr wifh rvi-ry nrtiHe in tli' ir In ip, nl uh nt tltc cut n inirxTinti n t.r Aurtn-it fri-ct-i. M.ttty u ntir tfjtJ." atf iii.-Miuorttmil txpiCM'Iy fr utir cwn Bali ?, uml l jkii l be Rurj uw'xl I.-r bciutty vt luw trirtn. Kicli Itnf ti ik I fip IliMvtn?, o Lirgc vuricly. Silka unit S.iiniii i"i lt,'iiit :. rr:itr", t.'ift(e I.itsc, T;ii l.-inp nnj ! !uiion laecs' Trminutiirs i r H:t Cn :nnl DrfH.-t-r. Jrnny l.iitj ;ipM. lurl ntirt OprKi Hmrl IrcMrf l'ninrnftlficl t';iit, l'i.l;n?i, Cml?. iin-l 1'hrtiiflt". -'in'riii!r r tl lyinr nn! iiiitirvp1, rwii,!i und .Muslin. Thrrjil, Hi tisst'I, Wtluikit-nt:, !S:ik utul l.hle Tluead llniiiri'id'Tffj. n;-rttf nn I riai'i I.inn f';irnri'- Ilk!-. Glove uml Miltf, Kid, Si-U, Lmle Tliruid mid Scwinjf Wilt. S-nrfs, CrnvtiM niid lr'r Swim, Jiic.'Uf'i, ft --U .Mut-hm, vnA Wivhp Itwiin. Mm' in i.Jfjf!. Iiiin:i.ik mii l'l:-itt l.'-Mil-n Crapr liuw!. A I'utl .v.riineiii )" ST'W ti . rrctich nii-1 Anit-riPaii Aititiciyl I'! wpj. With u lar'i- v:ruat n t m ini-'iml iil. All wisliin t'fivnnl p:iitti; I nr (ntctswill main: iiKncy lw cvtlhnu Ini'l Kitim") iity liii'niM-lvci. Maw Yoili. Jim. WjI, :iin. UNION 1IOTKL, SUKIURY, PA. fHF. MISS WKITZKT.'S respectfully inform JL tlic Public thai they Klill continue, to enter tain travelb rs aird others at their old established stand in Market sircet, west of the Court House. Their Inns experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a suliirieut guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, If 51 tf. TO PHYSICIANS AKD OTHERS. fBlin suhii-ribcrs offer to physicians and ilrug .L gists, a enrcfiilly selected stock of drills and medicines, which ihey will sjnarantce to be of Ihe best quality, pure and unadulterated in al! cases. Their furilitii's for iiopvrtiirr fjrcigu drills and chemicals are such, that they are enabled lo Sfll them upon the I c-l trnns. nml at the same time to assure llicir cuj-tinncrs of their cuimieucss. They have a'so recently prepared mid now of fer fir sale a superior article of Resembling ITcnrv's Mancia, free from carbon ic acid am 1 roughness or giitliness, almost entirely tasteless, romliimii'' ill an equal bulk troiu Uiree i to four limes the slrrogiii of tho r.imnion kind, nd snid at about one half the lirita of llem v's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluitl Muii'sip!:!. ! Yhich is a new mid valuable remedy ill acidity e . . . . of the stunub. hcartimrn. nausea. r., at less ' than hall the plice ot ihe foreign article. : 'J'bcv als have ..n hand of their own prepara- f 11 11011 no ass.irillicul Ol I'liru 1)fii;s in l'owdcp, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottles, such as Al.es, Rliubarb. Seima, Senega, Khstany, Ki nn (nin Ar.ttue Seriie'il.irirt ll 1. I vev rrli. llie. eac, Potassa sSuli.. Pota-sa Nitru. ilo"ra, Spi- gclia, liiicliu, Onis, CasrarillSk, Cauilla APj PJt I'va I rsa, Ac. Ureal can- has been taken to have these pre j pared from the bct selected drug and in such il j r'"r tacililies tor supiilying at tniusiially low rates, i way as to preserve the ch.ira. te.-Hlii s of each ur- 1 u" ''"" "r '-Pprovcd credit, every article pcrlain licfe wilhoul injury. ' 1 1 "'r hnsiuess. 'Phev have aiso a variety of ! '"" a,'(' active experience warrant tl ill I " , , ... " . . , ' saving ll.at we can offer inducements to purcha- Cl.i'itiscal it rSiarmacciilifal wri ' j Preparations of their own manufacture, and add ; mi AI.I.En BV FEW EXCK1.LED BY NOSE, t to 'he list all the valuable new remedies as they I w. , p.,,,,,.,,!,. .sk i... sv.mlm.iln rr j l'come known. Among them may be mentioned 11 v1r 'y;Mti Acitl, iPri'parau.'ii sf Mercury, 1 INitXtKlt ' i.i.pinr Aiinn .nM ; Anna. d . ;r"t nl N-nii.l. fluid, ti I ii!f;iMiit hiiiu li Uttiiiiiiirlvr ltl,;iv 1r i;iiuiauii.u. i. Hnrhu Cump , I Mine .Mass. Iimi, 1 K-uraci ,.1 Oeiiu-iii, 1. 'i''n'i"ieiim, " VMl.rmii, li'id, n ' llrv' un iisefal reiae-ly. j S.ieeli.i, " Strs.iiri!ln l..'in. iH Sttion fluitl, ri 1. tl-. s-li.l. tl-i sinlole tit. I Col -e n'.li 1 'iimp. t it ainiiie. j OiUs of Cnpaiva, i Citrate of Iron I sp. V. titer N'itr. 1. I' Cubelis, Ernt, 'i'tiliaccc, iV aiul Quinine, Se-i)iii-' Kiile of Iron, an aiititli.le for arsenic, (titrate of .M.itrncsia, 11 new ami pleas ant calharlic mcil'ciiie, put 1111 in 1'.' o.. btillics, St', iter ito. t 'ollnilittli. 01 l.itluitl Atllicsive 1'l.is. ss- I L'al u.r . u ,.,,.! ,,,ii, alioii in many suri;ic ; ,,-.-, .,. ,,l to, it. oi. I! 1 vii. laiitiiin, oiii lit, it, eiio.ii .i.ii. .tini. CANTII AliID L CON.oni()N OR 151. IS- ti:i;in; i.Kii'ii), ................ ... , - rases where I here is a diOicultv of iipplvini; titu nr.linarv bl.tcriu.' pl.it.tcr. A 'co.iliiuj of it ui.i.li. i .i' , i , .,' ., eil wilh a camel i bair bt u-h anil covered with oil Mlk ur some similar f uitsriucc. will iiriiiluce a ltli-ler in three hours' lime: or when cvii.ixe.1. in the uu.it tune of about twi lc hours. Physician and other in iv depend upon the f1'"'1'"1 "'''',i"n f ,i",ir ""Ur al " '"w ratos. " toe best ijuality ol uicilicines can 1 I pi'f'1''1"'1 ... , r. CIIAULLS ELLIs & CC ' - hesiiut slreei, Philada. i LalHiratorv, fith and iMurri f ts. outlinark. rioeniltT 10, IbJO. tf. ki'H(i.oi;y,-tiii; ckt-kkratki) iu. c. w. li tUACK, IV -ivm t ft A Mt. ! '(., Ahtriui. my, l'hr ik'lpy. iiinMic in:iii. cm.-imMi Willi tU.NJl ri., '(fit in ,m n'ivifftt io tii nl ui f' .N'lrlltitiultrrl-ni'J t'.-uuty. tic tilth Itt'tll f 'hMiltcil I'V uii l he T'wihmI Itcaifn l-.tir -i-f. uml ciijnvi .i lupm-r roj muii u ;i an Ar-troli-vcr ilcni smy 'Jit: iivtntr iii i.ifiiki,'(I iit't'iiilui-i tn oMinnfv ia- Ihcir hjh iv il itxliiiwn by :ilnt)i tlit iLitrul llit Ju) el Iticir birth. All 1 il ri r iil;iiniitm' ttir- ul t c let- will rvei-ivr ini mrh-tc uttfiiii ii, oiil Nauviiun 'iit t' '! p-nt uf llie w if Ul writicn on hirui'I-v pii'M-r ; ml lie i ritiirMi to inuke uro lua miwci liy iMiijiiriittKii n nn -l llie V H wink tn-liii-n ; CMirlkliiMiilvH':nivrn l'r t lie ttiMifpaiiiil tit'CvHii'lifli. im iit ol u w-.ittliy m-iiri. i ! Im tli' Avr M ftlirtii nli u ;tri- tiv t I" i In tii' u "'I I'' U-ttlt ; mi' I lor ull i'jiim'i ui Im.inl. Hint f r lu rtv. i y nl t;t tt or l"iM prof eitt ntt titfr'liiiMii'-' ol t-'H-'-'V licki:. I it'-uwunU of I ho itboVc ii-im-i) i:it-t'K li;ii ' 1m rti tl ur in tlii t il mul il it-iii-rty, uixt in idr I iiii Sl.tl lo Iii lull MJiMnlut'lioii H nil IM.uiii Ajin, uitK or irt-M:--" imvc i:t'ii rani tuiriii me kiHl Iniu Vi-.irp hilt lit-it. l.i iifii ill uiiwt vtTy pur iiik) will tlo ua u t II n io imII in p;iaoui, mul ttie nu.il iv ll w r MM' that per ua intt n-t limr U Inikt moiir-y tltr -ujli tin ToM Oiho-. Di li -Uti k rctviVi a lu-m 5fio to KHNt li'tUTi iiMiitliK, :' nvr iin.a. ii out! Uc pur. liriitur lo iKiim: l'"i Oiti' i, outiiy uml tut. Allleitira will lie r.ti-j-ui'? y iiiiftitlr t lo, ii prcpdi.l, -or more pur. tirulioa t-.ill nl ih- oila-vol tin paper ami gt mu Aalrukn; tal Aluuiiun'rt ui ji. 71 Um'uX trcci amvc Fighth, riiilntlc1i.li- L W. UUU.tK IMnloiUlphui, Feb. f, lKil.flia. 1 NK Bourrau'a celcbraletl ink, ar.fl a)wo Con groa ink lor mlc, w holt-sale reiil hv U li- MANSER. lVrembi-r 1850, 'OLD I'LNS witl. and without ailver catwa v-- j iat rcoeived, anj for sale hy H B.MAfrSKR. 'ATBS9& i km CHERRY PECTORAL: For the mr of OOTJOHS, COLDS, HOAHSEMES3, BROKT OHXTZS, CROUP, ASTH 1YIA, WHOOPIKro.OOUOJI AMD COJMSU1VIPTION. The uniform success which lias attended the use of this preparation il salutary effect it power to relieve and cure affection of the Lung, lmvc gained for it a celebrity equalled hy no other medicine. M'e offer il to the afllicted with entire, confidence in its virtue, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attack of diseose upon the throat and Lung. These results, a they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medlea' men ond philantropists everywhere. What i their opinion ol C'HERA'Y PEC'TOflAL may lie seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Snrgery MoT. Collect. AVie Yorl, .?ij ; "It gives mc pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY PECTOA'AL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea ses of the Throat and Lungs." the i;r. rev. lord bishop field. writes in a letter to bis friend, who was sinking under an affection uf the Lungs : "Try the CHKi RY PF.CTO AL and if any medicine can give vou relief, with ihe blessing of God that will." cuiEr justice la-sm of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the CHEAT J Y l'ECTOA' AL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. T.'ic Ctuiiiiiitn Journal of Medical fri-iince slate, "Thit Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CIIEXRY PECTORAL, ami we cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to the Profession and pubilc gen erally." , Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: II MiTioan, Jan. 2C, 1S17. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued trout a painful and dangerous disease bv your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to yon, but for the informaticn of others in like alllic lion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected tit first, bcii ime so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cougn ami prolu.se niglit sweats lollowcd and las tciicd upon mc. I beanie emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, nnd a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm mg symloms of quick consumption. r.'o medi cine seemed at all to ri h inv case, until I provi dentially tried your CHEK7Y PECTORAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me, Youm wilh respect. E. A. STEWART AL!Mr, N. Y. Apiil 17," ISIS. Dr. Ayer. Lowell L'ear Sir I have for years been alliieted wilh A si him in the worst form ; so thai I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a hircer part of Ihe time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I bad hied a great many medicines, to no numose. until mv Plivsicinn nrcscrilicd. s a exi.ciimei.t. your CHERRY PECTORAL. At lirst it Keemedtomakc me worse, but tn less than a week I la'gaii to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I had nevrr expected to enjoy. taioRia: .s. fa Ri'A.vi'. I' ai r i urn li V j.c. i v i n, em. m i r, low .ll, mass. tv?" Sold by Henry Masscr, Stmburv ; Mary j A. McCity, .Norttiuniberlaiid' L)r. tiearhirt, .Se- i iiiisiovcj l"r. liickly, Danville, and Drilgij J generally. I Feb. 15, 1501. lycc3m n o t ) k s i ; i . l i i ; s . c o i j x 1 1 1 y Merchants ar.d Teachors. ! WK r. sir.-tflil:v request the attention of all i ueiiieis in ov-llioil., .11 lol I.lil.a A I 1)1 ..S or lll.A.NK 1JOOKS, STATIONERY, : .! " MIAUl.eJ, to our supr- f .......Uictiug business. Micving if an experiment is made, it will be found for the interest of those i desiring goods in our line to continue operating Mir Utifk. IS Hi ull bcjhoiib wze, nU MCCtfii , wild ivi rt ifiilnr rpfirnnr tn tUm wm.t. rtf 1'nti. ; "vlvnum. Ulna und the nonr trade pnrrnlly ( 'tifers niiiii or othrrwhr dftpatchtj prompt' ly vittl at the rttee.if rate 1 inoifn in any marlet. W The highest price uiven for RAliS in cash. PECK c 111.ISS. SVortk-J'iiti Corner of Third tV Arth Ft) PUUiADEU'IIIA. March rt, 1S51. lm. Ar.2ERXCAN HOUSE, rOTTSVILLE, PA. I r- vi i r- vi-r- v-l-i ,t n t A 1 1.. MAR) W h.W Kit respectfully informs 1 .1 1 ,1... ,,,! t r-. t .,1 1 i .. r ...in . 10 i, . . I ........r .1. i !v il,. t.-. rv... 1 .1,: t-,c.T.. .....1 ... v,i - ' 'f . ..... " . . IK I'l' !')!., Iiirnisheil in suis'iior style, prom t her lonst e.vperieui e in the business of a first rate ' Hotel, .iii.l well known ret,., tali..,. t neciniuiti- ; tii- i , : ll;,u'' '"'r customer may ilepcml on bcinij supplie.l i w'"1' v'r' thing conducive to their comloit ond I colivpiliei'i-i- j . , , V . .... ' " LAWPtENCE HOUSE. SUSBTOY, PA. tl MIT 8linsrrincrrc'Lximnj imurms urr ir:rni! . .. ( M . e 1 A ami tlic i.ulilic genrrullv, tint slit: litis tn.Von tlie olmvf- will known st.iml iirurly n'lp'v.'itu the Court Ilniisc, lately oi-ciiiiii-il by Mr. I. C". Per kins. Nit- trusts that licr expcrieni-c in business, iimi hrr otl'tirts to make l:t-r Rue.,t cnmlurtahle, will qive pntiro ikitisfaclioii to t',ioc who may Ci vor her wilh their custom. ANN C. MOKKI3. V&tcU (3. 1S51 If. AM) PKNSION AGKNCV. The alUntioii of tho public is railed to the ad vertisement of Mr. Charles Tucker, Attorney and Agent at NVaahi'-Um City- IVrxm hav ing claims lor bounty La mis or Tension arc in f.ii ini-tl that the iibanher ha matlc arrsnnoine ills lor the requisite f.tftns, ami claimant oullinft at hi oliiee, iun lts their iers trtiari'd an.l 1'irwtirJctl to Mr Tucker l V'asliinuu,ii, ami hy bun be iriH'ry attended tj bel'oic the IV I'.irtiiii'iit there II. B. MAUIU Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1831 tuevohton house, TllEVORTUN, PA. fltllK sultsorilier resji-tfully intorr.ts tha ut.!io L that h ha 0ued a fuhlic House, in the now town of Trevorlon, fi orilmmberlund county, ami that he i well prrpnrei! to accommodate In guests in tho best inunuor. Hi liatise is located itvariv 0ile the Company's f-turo. He is also prnn.lftl with good slaWnig tiilVn-ieiit for '10 1 1 or cs. He trust by prom-it and carclul ailcntion to business to nuet a shaio of the public patron, age. HENRY W TAVER- Trevortott, Jan- 11, 1S50 tf AUTitim HViiWTtwn wo.xvcu T It li T II U DIGBSTIVp VlAim, GASTRIC JUICE A GREAT DYSPETPIA CUBin, Pro.wred from RKNNKT, or llie f airlh fliomneli ef tl, fJ, alter diietio,ia uf UAHO.V I.IK.HHf, Hie rh) siolnlcnl rhenmii. by J. H IIOI. OIITO.N, M. 1) , No. tl, North liifihrh frenl. Pl.ilnilelphln, Pa. Tina is a truly wondsrl ul remedy f a INIIiriKnTION, 1YSPKI'SI, JAUNUH.-K, I .IV UK U.Ml'LAINT, CO.NSTIl'A'I'IrjN and Jir.UltJTV, Cnrim slier Ns ture's own method, by Nature's uwn i.giit. it. a Caatri Juie W Half lesspoenful el" tins Fluid, InOj-ed in wslue will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds ot lloaal tomi la bout two heura, out ot Ihe rtoniseh. DIGESTION. rtnFTtON Is rhicflv nerfonricrt in f! f ste.ms"h bv Hi j am i n f! i , ,H whieh irtcly eandea from tb inner dtt H Unit oifiai, when , ,,. ,,, ,,,nh fa ,), Oultiic aisanid lathe liient H-ilrcnt ol tho l'.t, tha I urnying, Preeervinrt, nnd !l iaiulaln If .Nfnil of lie- at maeh and int. Mm... w , j, ,,r ,, ,.., .. tiw. ib cenv. r.i in ef ..,l ,t ,l .n.l, ,,d no nulil'.i n M the t. l i but ralherii i .i.l i,.,..i .;., a ,i,..in,n. ire r iditi.i . the whole .lu.,.ijv.. Bpiwn.ius A wesk. hall deed. . injured rt .,,ii, pr-slne..i in. e.s-d Ciin-'.lla J'tiee, awl keiicclhc Uiseue, distress nml .tti.iuty whuh TKPSIN AND RENNET. pic tl till (lUettlir JtllPr. it IN l(IUll.r..l ,fi...t i.l' ... the rnru f tlin huiiiui ri.nr.-h n.u .ti. n..j Il if nl i fiiutiO ill the si li:ich I Uinnm!. i.k ih,. nv r : If it lUf! Ill llCH.'ll Uet.-tl IfV l lflin IS HI linii rMllfti! Kfiinct, the t-il'rrt i w;i"ii-h tW I t'S I t:. l C .s.lciM w 'it Wt ot t hcttfiiry. Tiie i-U!'!.in(r 1 1 miik is il:e !u;i i rj- rrdll (if (tlL'trStlt'lt. It (MlU'f p H-:!ff Usti lill.ii.i' in i-r The xloiiiuch of iiro'l' will cjnlh- urnK m. 1 1 j ' 11 -"i 1 1 I un itj (iwn w-ir;ht of lunk. H:tmii I, i. (.;.; ,-.it. s llTi', "(J,ic jmri ol IV(.'fii flivolfi in iaiv th'ts-ni'l prttc of vii'i, will iii!tt ititiit uml it her l i fl.'' i uh.- 'f- d ju-m.-.f'ta . t. -. tlii-e ti i tr h-h) tjDiin.. .I,,;,.... Pcniict - r Tcp-n. 'r w thai iin WMr.t ni:iy he pi-riceUy nup(ilKi1. w c,:i t .' 'I t. f..;- K'lENTIHC EVIDENCE! HAH N t.tKHln. in his .W,ri.t,..l v.irk tn At-.l Clteinisir. iy: "An Ariitieial iii;esiive Fi..t aMdt:..ii to the liiMirii .litiee iu;i ; re:nliu iirr;i:u "il 1 1 ti.ii ti,e ma- 5 ma nieiiil, rune ol tliesininneli ..f liieeaii. wlnehv.i' .ua urlicies i.siil, aa inenl a:ul wiii u .1 -tieuwl. c.r r. nl, and ilieested. insl in the M.n.ie i-i:ni 1; r as ih.-. c v.: I I-. in O'e liiiiicin vi maeh.'' Ul. I'KKKIItA, in hi fiitiiiK ir-il s-e . '-r..-,! 1 pnliiistied by Powlern .V U ..!', pue ;t-". slulen the n-inie irri-it I'r.e'. nn.t dr..! 1 '' fi V Hi i!i '. : '.f l.repaniiii.n. 'Pheic ;ne u- ln.'.,,:, ;.ul.i .1 .... .1 li.n Li. lenira. in. fOM Rl", in hi vnlnaMe writieis .n the !:P!.v.i-,! rv ol Uieeslinn." iilwrvnliii.,1 "nrllii.nmn'ii:..! theilnc jtl tily of llie tiastrie Juice is a pr 'iiniioiil and nil i.rwvi.i iri cruise of Uyspepjin ; nml le ,ir,.e .., ,;,5,,,1p,.sia profi.-vs .r nt iiwuieme 111 I,.ni1.,i,. -, ..Verciv niiiir' eil Willi t!in ivinir.!"'., linduiv rve.v i,i. , '.t. t,, , j; ircntrse t..the (i.-mtri.; lui.-e. '...lni..e.l Ir.n.i l ie n i.r.'cli r-f living anininls, whleli pruved e -ei; l.-t. ' . i. e. " Ur. tiKAIlAM, iinllir . Itie f.', . ,i w ,r,,: ' Viec. table Ulut," sjvs: "11 is a remark'.'.,.- lt in v!,vi I ev, tint tlie at irrtach of uiuuaiK 111:1. cr.ii. -.l m w.!, r. i,:t. art l.i the limit llie po.pellv of .K inv v.ei 'lif :e.li.i'i if "!. "f .tle.-tiint a kiiet of nrtinei I di-;e:i ...1 ,,f them in nn wise ililleient i'n.111 Ihe miiiiral ilivemive proet as." Dr. SIMON t) pnnii wn-k. la ''fiieiiiisrrv of .Mun," (l.i lil.iin h nd. I'liiln. l-lt. pp. IWI-J) s.iii: '.'Ilivd.s e ivery o PKI'SIN fiiniMn nevv em in iheeheniicit fist tv iI lli'.'i ilion. 1-r'Mn recein i ieTinienis we kanw t'l it fd is disolred as rapidly in nn irtllicial ihcrslive flu'it, preimed Irora rtpsin, as it is in the natural (Justric Juiis Itaelf , Piofes.r UUNOMSdN f t!,e .t, ilVisin C -Ile-e, Pliil.i. dclphi.'i, ui hii" irrerit tvor!.' on II11111.111 l'livvl uv. ih l'ote le .re linn liny pa;;.n o nn eNauiimilion .if l.'n-, Vnl jeel His rxaeriiut'iils with llr. ItiMtiinotil, oil llie linstrie Jniet, obtuntej fr 1111 the It v ntir Innmui t 'maeh nnd li nn minimis are well known. '-In all eases,' he savs. '-.!ie.'i .11 cenr. ml aa jienerily in the urlifn ial as in the natnmldle.a-i AS A DV.SI'EI'SIA CUllElt, Pr. liril'iiiiTON'S pr rati .n of PI'P ;v h-.s rrVu. ceil the ni 'M iiiurveli'ius cir.n't.-, eiirinj! n-sgs .f Di.t.ilav, lan-ietnti'Mi, .Nervous Dtrline. .'imj lit -...( tie C 'li.-mn -it j:, atlt' ttttil i, Ihi on Ihe very verrt: of lite er'tv. Il (a ilfl piWKl'.li: tj Rive H.e detail. 01 ea. 9 in llie li-iil'3 tliitt ad verti.etijent l.tu . Hi.emi.Mir ! e.-.til-etl... ItaveJw.e't etven of liv.re than TU'll II IMil' KD AHIt A1IL.K r.'-!t:s. in lMiiladelphi;,. New York. 01-1 H 1- .11 til uic. These weie ncarlj all d. -.. rule eases, and tut tales were not oitlv t.ipid nnd w-iii'li'. f al. Imt t '' at nietc. Il isa-rreat NI'!;Vut s A.N niinTI. and -n ieala-'f u.-liil f .r tendeney I. .11- ih .1 ,.-i . I.i-.e . i.iphi.. I, pever and Asne, or ludly Iraan. i I. 1 nnC. -ne, ;.ad llio etal erf...a of I jiunui,-, S t-reitrv. and n'ller .int.- tt...i, t, Uicestive organs, nl'iet a 1 i kn.-s.. AN .' I r excess III taliiij:. end Ihe hi free ue--f on'.ent Sjin.LJ. It u.i;;oll reconciles lleallh wi'h li.ifiiir.er.inee. OLD STOMACU CO.Mn.AINT.S. There is in form of Ol.l) STUM XCII CC'irLAINTS Which II do. a II .1 seetll I . leach and 1.: note at .., .No mailer h -ii '.ad ihei may I,,;. UI.IVIIS I.NSTaNT HE-I.IIU-- I A single d -ae rem -vet, a: ia- nirl-t.Mi '. svn-.p. loins, and 11 oniy it" '"I- lo ... 1, j ,. f 11 -i Kit 'ni.V, '. make these L"s'lefl'ee-x p.;, . : ., J. Kl'l V Ol' lll.(,l.'!l nil 1 VII. 111! ill IJllIl , 1 .,'.. at if, . it 1, p.i-ini.: t:y eyllnll in er-M'S ol Nn a . Von.!' . e. Cain;.. 11 n.t of Ihe pit of ih.. S'.i.ni n it .iisirenv i.f;, j t--oUvl. lev, c '''I, alttte ol Ihe Id "id, 1 1 ivtne'-. I , iw. of S, 1: it-, L'e5- 1. tleney. p.tiia -ialii n, Wetikla NS. Icntltiiey tu lns.i.il . . Sui. e: le. A e. Price. ONI1 IIOl.I.Atl per b.tl'.e. Oaeb l-.Ic wiU ofwn ellect a laiinne eilre. I'KP.S!N IV POWDER'. r siST bv m.mi, rni:i: of pi sr.cr. For eom-etitenee of a.-itdii- to hi! pan of te e .II-, the 1)11, l J IV l ; .lit A I I I.l! I tl- 'I ill: 'i;l':...N is , ut up 111 the lortn o( I'liwd. ts. wdl, dire, ti sis U be ,!, s ,vt i a wal.-r 01 strap, tt thtt pa'tent. 'l'm-te pn n e- jtr.i'.,, jnat Ihe satin- tiiittt-tr u tlie !'U!'-, I'.tl twtee I' fpitticifv for the stiie. pi,,.,.. 1, nd v. ill he mail I.f ni'iil. I'!;:K Ul IMS I-Mal' 1 .1 1.1. K I'ul.l.Ali ,..i (1 kt.,,,; n t . Dr. J. S. IIOLl.il I'tlN.N.i. 11 N ja.l i:Vl.lhfce4,li..Ujt.al.u. Pa. Six ;mek'e.-s t'..r ihe .1 .I'.ir. Fverv pne'c.pe rtul l.'.tte lietira lite vutteui(.ii.,ti;re 'I J. S IJlJUUll ION, M. 1) , sole Prapiiclor. S. Itl hy aeetita 111 every t -wn in iV.e rutted Slates, and b) lea,ieetal.;e dealerriu .Slcdieuies. eeneriilly. KOItSAl.i: HVJ.ihii W. Frili.i", and Gcirce PnAU Snnhury, 1'it. .Mary A. Moray J'-hil li. Ittinei Haea Ic MeCormicV, H. J. crnse, John O. ttenil, Witnntn Uen(.m, Snnhury, Sept. It'.ll, 19 jO N'tr'tmrtljera-ml Mill ii, Mi F.wt iiAi ille, Sclijii'.-r-'vr, I'tr MiihiuiUPjy Nkv-i'y. AIYH!tTE S 17 J U K . T Bouiity land and Pension Acncvr WASlIIWaTON, D. C. 1 'pIIK Mivlrrl.i..,-tl AltiiTjiry nnl (ii-nrrui A:rr:it l lb 1 J. Lily i. ;hit;:i M. i'lwn l. it wrvn-L 1,1 pr.p.it.i t 'inuy Uuii'miij-l IVn.-ioas ! -r iii,.r him-h..!. ii-.jig , m:tMviitly I "vit'ii :it ihr p-it 0 fr-ii-n-nr, v. -t!i at'r. ouph aii'i l.iiiii uir af.-u tinutnci) wii.i 11- -1 w.,rj i.t , , uini i.'ti'ine '( liu-nit , Hud h.t 11.- ii. :c:!-.- ;a iU '.a'u rn ,. .1 K-fila iik-tl in ih- V . s. tiar t.th , t o . t (-. ; ,tir?- i tho. fpt i'tly unj tinuctt-Ty u'ijiit(iciit Ojv fiiinciit I i'i.iin:s ui t-vt i v km l. I a I He Aet ol Coneris. II nn'v latn I i. rrst.tr.l tv ! ,i. ,i.t.ra ,,.( .ui.i r t ,i. a, ,.t Isio. an.i..j v.vtu- ! rl .UN llifleiil U'am. Villi.- Itt-tl. '1' . te n ...l . .. . Uv :i 1 tt Art i Coiieri's. I(- nn'v fif U rrm.tf tx in hum .; u tn .-. u i j a.:r...,i i ., - !-..;' . arrt-p ; yi.il j .r,-!neniniis nave lxn nuui,, 'v.i'reia.'n.e'nf tV. 1 1. .... ua... ,.,1 ....... ... ...... . I li!l i 'U.-ton in lut.-rrltt vu..,s . i t; c ,., ;r. f, r ""' ' ".' 1 ",rr".'t "'' the .l : of ft.. ...t, w ...... , issmil, .HI uie ill N.I MVUitl.ll-ti.s, lennr; I r t'. II-mo I . , ux,.,, ,i, .,,,.. , telj,, , ,u , , ,.,N,H. ,, ,, ... j ',.. io,,l i.j ir.,,,,,,.,, .,, .., .-aetol l--nv timi.-ws, i - the ttitl'-reiil ii:,tetttii..l r. rri'.Mil. s lie lemlsrs iv.t -u riie. to ini nil ts . f t' e pr f -r. it i Ii.iiti-I, oil Itie IH jii il.ivanl.te,..u.. loin. t r tl.. . eiLntit e, itmi waea e:atin ,nrat:t!t -rr:-i it i'. nre rri- rit'ti Uv a local Ac-nl Wt.i nUilf uIil' I..'. I ..- iih'ili' lie - i'hc iif.Kii v I'Tin ainl iii.-ti i !-: i . a-.-l n .ttniti.. n M all fiit jt-rin tifi-K-rni'-it'!; I t i-iu-c- .1 ; t. -I 'i'uM i' lu.--,nrjj. u fl! U luriu.l.cJ t" r-'.' :l.ti" V '.rr;. y uj v .,. ' t'.l rharct-. i 1 " "r""'' IH" 'rm ii : il ' i i i ' ' 1 tr 't f Unvv, will f.iwar.lto hint nil the forf'iil'i.-t Wn vn.- ti- St V Iff, l'-.p.-i ll.T M till 0 Iff Ol ..it,: tl. t: tr, L' 1 trC:reri;il . rit-a will t r.-ilirtt l.t l.y rt ltini i l ntail. A. I c ii;:i:a.n.u littnf Ut be (ri.rAiD, and ii'Mrnn.-'r r ' cu.viiu:s c. T;TKi n. (II "I 1B7, r I.J Was 'iiac". n. IV C PreeniVr !!, "c "l'o t n fx cf MVholesale tfe ECclai!, At tin PHILADELPHIA V.rARDE0Il!, South Fust Corner, MttiLt w.d Hilt S s. Clothing Tasliiuniibly Cut aud w.ll Xnk. v. is. u i:ii.r:: & t0. WNVITK the uttention of Wholesale nnd Kcta Buyers, to their extensile and complete sto; k of Sprins and t-utiirr.rr Clothing: cotnprisui? every variety uf style that ran be produifd. Our aim is to picas and aceoiu:noJj:c nil; an.l in order do this, wc minuUclurc t'lowiuii a: almost eery prit c. Sellinn for eoslt only en ibles us " C"-r c!oli- ma; at very trilling advnu. e. f, ir Our multg is, F until Vn'Ji- t Quiil Ha 'ft. ' are confident thai u camin.tlion by you is all tlmt is necessary to conUio v, li.it we say. and Mei ure our cwtom. I', K. Mi Nr.ILl.r. & CO. riiik.Mphi. March 13, Ibjl.lei. NOTICE. AS iho uhsriher intei-.d. makinn new prrnine inent in his husiitet. nn the first of J-uiua-ry 1S1. all penrnns knniiina thomsclves iiuVUi .i to him, are reuestej to t4:i and i.i'm' st:i!ein,.. up to that linie, by payment or i,iiiuj tluir lioto fur tha amouut due- joiin .v. rpni.vc;. Sunbury, IW. 5, 18&0 tf. .wl.-