SUNBUlt Y AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. tttocrl!urott0 watttr. Saint Pcter'i Eve, "The oun is high, my fliamii, hj So late n-beil Host 'bide ? Thv line or net the meal should Ct We share nt cvenliile." Fine Groceries and Teas ! DAVID PEASE, S. XV. Corner 6(4 If Arch S(reet, Philadelphia. OFFERS tot eale all kinds of choice Family Groceries and selected articles in his line of business ; Green and Black Teas of all qualities and prices Heal Mocha, Old Java and otner kinds of Coffee. Susan. Com ritsroh for pud- I flinra Farina Vlirm in amnll t.avnf- Rai- t'Xajr, mother, prce! Tliy ceaaei -; Eltrg White Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia Fa mily Flour in Whole and Half Barrels ; "Latour' Olive Oil: assorted kinds of Ssuces and Ketcli- ups, Tickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, &c, Ac. . . ... . . - i Uoods packed lor the country and sent 10 nau Road Depot or elsewhere without charge. 1JAY1U rt-ASli, S. W. Cor. Cth & ArcU Sta. Philadelphia. Feb. 1, I851.-ly. cli. M. A. '5(K f novnr iillu nlnvf-'.l Nor pride nor sloth could make me loath To ply my father's trade. "But Grangers roam from diVanl horn To scour the winding hay i . They ply amain thpir mighty eine, And sweep the iish away. "Nor net of mine, nor hook anil linfr, Our scanty meal can win ; Yet toil 1 long past evensonp, And with the day begin." "Luck comes at last- go, make cast, In pood St. Peter's name ! For in the sea good fish there ba As ever from it came." Voting Gianni strove young Gianni Love The loaded net with might, And to his wish, the silvery fish Came up to land and light. His lurk had changed. Nobcalman tinged The bay to make him grieve ; Their fishing ceased, with 6on and feist They kept St. Peter's eve. Again he strove, his net lie hove, Asnin the deep tu spoil ; Amlj lo ! a maid her" steps hath stayed, To watch the fisher's toil. Her garments were both tich and rate, But hung in disarray J Her face was fair , but carle and care Had chased the bloom away. "Madonna, why that tearful eye, That lovely cheek ro pale? Those tresses rare of golden hair, Why float they in the gale ?" "My peace is fled my love is dead, In fatal tourney slain ! Twere bliss to die, for nevpr I Shall see his like again !" "Madonna, dry that tearful rye, In good St. Peter's name ! For in the sea good lisli there be As ever from it came." The lady smiled; of woe beguiled, Her loss she better brooked : For well the knew the proverb true, On Gianni when she looked. And Gianni sued, and Gianni woood, And knelt upon the sand ; Away she turned her face that burned ; Hut not her lily nana. That lily hand, her love, and land, lie won belore 'twas dark ; At noon, the tish came to his wish At eventide, the clerk. And well he thiiveswho hopes and strives, ' With courage still the same : For in the sea good fish there ba As ever from it came. MACKERF.I., "I SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON. HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES. SHOULDERS LARD & CHEESTI, Constantly on hand and far snle bv J. PALMER & Co.. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. J March Sfh.'Sl -"in. T, S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrovc, Fx Clocks, WalclicH and Jewelry, I 13 EPAIRED in the bert manner and warranted --- to -nerlnrm well. All work intrusted to his care will he strictly attended to. Selin.jjrovc, Nov. 30. 1(350. If. Valuable Hooks. I IFE or CnmsT, handsomely bound, D'Ar-1 I XJ hiukk's Himtout or thk Kkfuii xatiox, I Blass. Dit-books ini! Lr.iiG fhs, full bounded. For sala at the publishers prices by 11. 15. IUAMfc.K. Smibury, July 14, 1849. SKOUKDS & CO S LA10R AND FUEL SAVING : -TT-AGHIITO SOAP. Eanofictnrrd by Shonrds k Co- 543 Chestnut Sr., rhila. Foil SALE BY ALL GROCERS. WARRANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of sny other Soap ever manufactured ; thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching. &c. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, Sic. wash 1 with this Soap will never shrink or hart any narsn or gummy leei, uui icsve uiein in uwu onsrinal soR and pliant state : wtncli ta in itaelt a sufficient recommendation to guarantee ita us in II fimiliis. THE FINEST FABRICS may be westied thoroughly with it, without lh least injury; (riving tbem a lustre equal to newly imported poods. PAINT, GREASE k DIRT of any description, fan be resdily removed by ike use or it, without injury ti Hie article, wlietlier it be the finest dnss or ordinary carjiet. In flie use of ishourds & Co s ort, the most delicate need uot fear, as it will n-1 ir.'ure or chap the liar is, but on the contrary act an e .nolli ent, and is not only the vkht was-iiko soap ever oftenM to the public, but as a TOILET 80 A P cannot lie. excelled. Wherever it has l.ceii used it h-.s given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will 1 piven it. BHOL'RDN cV CO., MuiitifacforeTs, No. 543 Ohesmit St., Phiiadelj-'-la. For Rele by Grocers generally. Novemlicr 10, 1650 ia. a. RcEFniEi Attorney ct Law. Mt!acrv.I!o. r-c'.iisyl'.illl Co., Va. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At (ho Cabinet Ware Room of SEKN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also 01 the corner of Fairn street If the Railroad BANK NOTE TABLE. BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the counties of f.chuvlkill. Norlhuinlicrlaiid. J. II. ZIKHEnilAII, JISTICE OF THE IT. ICE. Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public N'h.iol House. ' Monies eollected and ail liuiinew niomptli' anil caie- fully mt-mUil to. April SO, 1S50 SEW YORK ti. I'II3ItADKS.riIIA J0URNEYHE2I Hattcrx AssorlAtlon, Cor. of 6!h and Chestnut Sreet, Philnlclphia. I OONTINt'E to innke snd sell a finer and more durable Hat for the money thun any other establishment in the I'nilcd States standard nrire of Hat. $3 00. Ocnt and TWs Cloth end filazed Caps. Vnibrcllas, Carpet Dsks, Calafj Panama and Mraw llats at equully low prices. May 25, 1800 Iy 8b0 LAE0SEES STXdT" "IMMEDIATELY on the Trovorton Kail Road to whom liberal waces will lie liaid. IJf.IEER CLEAVER, Engineer. Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1S51 tl. Unkn, Coluia'. ia sud Montonr Eefcr to: A. Jordan. II- Hellas, If II Ti Masse, Esqrs. Snnbury Win-He Haven, Edward, A' Solomon Shiniicl. Mincrsille C. M. Hill, M Mortimer, Pnttsvil'p. Oct. 5, 18.10 Iv. Thankful for tbe patronaEP of hi friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public aeon tinuanre of their favors. During tins period he bss endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the dav, and tins accordingly extended Ins hurt' lies in every branch and variety. The public are therefore Smiled to the attention of the present stock of CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, MANfFSCTfRm HT EE2iSIL2I nOTJPT & CO, At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock f the evtalibahmeut they now manufacture Kahcffauy, Walnut & Caas-Ccat Choirs, Larze Spmix Sent Rorking Cmirs, J)i?s.-ini( liunavs, Centre Tub!at .Mirbh Top Wash Standi, and a variety of other new style and ?RI.iORnIiIc Furniture. Heving secured a Hearse and nude the. nee a ssrv srrancements for the purporie, tbev are now prepared for I'ndertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids anil misrret;fl. aiMl liastiar.ds too, Here's ftiTniture of every style and hue, Fftim sij U tard:t d tvn to kitelien tables, From rockinir clinirs to mcUinKcr.-flli'S liouM you not have, the rernty Jolm lo pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter Iwtter itay, tlr lake potatoes, oats, c rii, w-lieat aiul re Bjtrk, hoop p le, s.aves, or lun.hrr wi-i aiitl dry, Or any Ihie.j; l-ut yokes and Ihrestiing fljlls, Pioia purs sod turkies down to little quails. Cime c.n then friends, come rue nnd all, Keep tnnle a moving. i "goes oa ths ImiII. t if Orders from a dintnnce promptly attended to and work nf all kinds delivered with dispatch. c t t I. n , . i -,e cunu'jry, .uuic-ii , itwu.' CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITY OF 1'niT.APKLPHIA. U. H. Hnok Holes l.t dis All solvent linnks pn cocTtTsr. Bsnk of Chainlwrsborg 1 dis Hunk of Chester To. par Bank of Del. Co. Chester pur Bank of IJermnntovrii Bunk of Hettysl'urn Hank of l.evlnovn Bank of Midtlletouii 1 dis Miailuomerv Co Bank pa' Bank of Nortlnnnlierriul. jwit Bank of rillslinrir Bank of Danville MAPSACArSKTTff. ' All solvent hunks j uis ItllODI'. 1II,AMJ. All Solvent lniks dis CONNKl'TICUT. All Solvent luniks I dis NKW YORK. C1TV. nar'AII solvent litinks ) dis 1 distlT Hk mttes under ! ) dis eoriTRY. All solvents luniks ldis NI'.W JKUSKY. Belvidero Bank J dis I dis Commercial Bunk i wis par, I ut. Bank Mont Holly pur dis dis uir lar J lbs par ihs 3 dis Carlisle Bank 1 dts'K. A M., Mitldlctown I'l. par Columbia H'k A- B g Co pnr leehauies' Ilk. Newark pur Doyelstowu Bank par Meeh. Ilk of Burliiiettin par !-.a.1oii Hank part.Meeli. ;Man. Ilk 1 rent nr Krie Bank litorris Co Bank i dis 1'ielMiire B'k rittshnrc 1 dis Newark HkVi Ins. Co I dis lOxehsuer B'k. Branch 1 dis'Ornnce Bank I'armers' B'k. ItneksCo par't'e-.pie's Bk P.iltcrstin Farmers' Bk. Itsnrusler parlPriueeloti Rink Farmers' Bk. Kradhur panHaletn Bankiui: Co, Fsrni. Bk S'hiivlkill Co par'.femerret t:o Bank F t I Bk Wavnesli'g 1 Jdis P'ate Bank at Cmnden Franklin Bk. Wah"n Ijdis State Bk I'.litibethMn Itartitlmrr Bank 1 dis Stale Bank Newark Hin.efd ile Bank I iti St lie Ilk. N. Brunswiek par Ijmeaner B ink ivir.Snwx 1; ink. Newton dis l.ehinw B ink par Trent ai Hankiiur Co par Merr'a. & Man. Bink 1 dis I'nion Bank. Dover J dis .Miners' B'k. Potrtviile per YanMew Ie k D-'l Dr Co l.xlis Mononcnhel.i Bank 1 dis WKkivSrs under si J dis Tlviomv e Del ll'ff Co 15 dis W A K ri Veat Brhiieh 'Jaek par'nink of Delawnr par Wvominst l.'i, Witkn'i'e pari Bank of Simtna par Ynrli B ink, 1 die IV! ii ware Ciiv Bank par r"Kllef in tes dis !K WiIiih: n IHaielyw. pai M A1NF.. Farmers' B rt Delaware pnr Bank of Wlietlnek 5 dir l ot, u Hank. Vilintm.".o:i par Meresntile Bk. Bingor 111 d.slty tinier f.Vs j dis Al' solvent banVs J d:s (HIU). NF.W H AMfSIIIItF.. All s -lvrnl Iwnks 9 lbs All solvent banks I dis t Uk u -'tea nnder fl' 4 dis VI' It M INT. NfiltTH CAItOI.INA. Bank of St Albnnt S disl AII s 'Iveut liauks It di All sol'.eut banks 1 ilisltT'l'iidrru'a, 21 di .1X111 is. with lb u'.ui wl cuifidenee, rlTeredto the M-dieal 1 aeultv and the imbue l',r the curt i if Dvmpc'iv cm or liiilifiiiioi, mid all djwuKc uruuiy ironi it, in-li MAHOGANY AND MAHBLE. 1 STZAV: SA77 MILL, AMITIIIMU fIIor, Corner of Eleventh ami Ridge Road. CABINET MAKERS GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., PHILSm-.LI'BU. FTMIE subscribers would call the special atlen X tion of Cabinet Milkers nnd others, to their very extensive assortment of mnte rials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, nrnis'i, Looking Clnss Plates, Muhorruny Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Hardware Tool, &c. Cabinet Makers residinrf out of the City, would find it grcnlly to their advantage to cull at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our goods arc WARRANTED, of the best quality, and nt very reduced prices. Our I erms arc I. ash, (no trade.) c guarantee tj give evcrv man the worth of his uionrv. T. & T.. THOMPMOX. X'. 1). MahoMnv, Walnut and Hand l!.iil Plank, nnd Stair Uuilutttf r for Uuileiers. also Maihlu Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June n, 1850 ly "DEATH'S DOOR:' LIVEH C032PLASNT, OR E': Evil thoughts are the yery worst of ene rnies, for they win their way everywhere, The being who has ihe courage to mock God, will be a coward when ho contends with man. The most difficult pooplo in thn world lo be pleased are those who know exprnmen tally that they want talents to please. AccrnATE knowledge is the basis of cor rect opinions. Th want of it makes most people's opinions of little value. The steamer Pacific has 400 passengers already secured for her passage to Liverpool in May next. TiiousANns have become rich by minding their own business so also, thousands have become poor by minding other peoplo's. Ladies, when you wish lo read a true, simple nnd unsophisticated love story, just read over the twenty-fourth chapter of Gene sis. The most intangible, nnd therefore the worst kind of a lie, is a hall truth. This is the peculiar device of a conscientious de. tractor. Elder Brigham Youno pledgesjiis honor that he has 011(4 twenty six wives ! He is the aaint upon whom fell the mantle of Joe Smith. A Physician of Boston is now on tiial in the Municipal Court, charged with causing the death of two small ehi ldren, by admin istering excessive and improper doses of opium, camphor, tartaric antimony, &o The editor of an exchange says he never saw but one ghost, and that was the ghost of a sinner who died without paying for his pa ner. " 'Twas terrible lo look upon : the . - ghost of Hamlet was no circumstance," Fruit Trees. Which lack vigor of growth, should be stimulated with a good coaling of old manure, spaded in as soon as tbe frost leaves the ground. Soapsuds is good fur any tree, and especially for the peach. How late is it Bill V "Look at the 'boss' and see if he's drunk yet ; if he ia'nt, it can't be much after ele ven 1" 'Does he keep such good time 1" "Splendid ! Ihey set the town clock by bisi nose '." AVM. M'CAKTY. BOOKS I". L I, I; K , Broadway, SUKITOT, FA. TTAS recently received, nmnnjr other nrtieles. a -- great varirty ot ftrvr, dicap ttiiieriain inft publication: such ai Coopers nevcle, complete or rcparate. Herlieits Do Dumas do Sue do rteyndoU do Coekton do Maxwell do Jerrold do Morris At the low price of from 23 to SO tts per volume. SJunbury, Sept. 28, lust) tl. HATS. C. J. UALTOU, No. 246 MjrLrt St., hetvern 7 If i'h st., (South i,lr,") rir:i..3r.LPHiA. '1 HI. Sulwnlicr lias r.prnei! a new hat store and offers to traders slid others who visit the city, a handsome aFctrtu:rnt of huts, raps, of eve rv v.rietv. made up ot tl-.e licit material, and in the l.ite-t mid best ftvle, sr.d 1111 terms ss reasons blc ascs.ii I bid in any estaMinlimpiit in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hat at $.3,50; Good do do at ijJliUl. Persons from the country who pur cIumi of him, can relv, ut all times on Renins 1 eood urticic that w ill p'.rae them, and one tli-t is fully worth the inunev paid. C. .1. V. A1.TOX. Philadelphia, Xov. 9, 130 ly. CHARhE S XV. II EG I X ATTO?.lTSIr AT t.(ivi:io, I'a. Will promptly attend to roi'ccliotis and all busi nesK entrusted to his care. June 16, 1H10, N:ul--a. tlosrt.-K'lic, Vl-rtlitO, lllllllS,,f SlG'lt, UHiiLty of tlje Nervous )S' tf in. Ilyt"t'li"!!lrin, Jimiyli"'', I ., vjiii itpiK'i nr. V:is!inr of thr strength. Jlilious Vtitaitinir, Hariiititc sioisati, in ut Ilia pit 01 itii si -iirirn, l.tverroiiijil.iinl. ip;.r-si ,11 uftir etitinfr, 1'oliiitiitiori of tliv Hriiit, I'uin 111 tliff it 'it ttn shiiiiar -tf Ev HUNS Of THK PorKKT . . .x 1 .. . . . ....... r VtVv '-,,LLtni ni, liirrr one t. W his own Phvsieiau ! thirti -: Vv eth edition, -:ith upwards of . . - - '!R1 It In do Itodwell, Trollope, Halliburton, Marrvatt, (irey", Marsh, AitHWorth, BOOT-TEE 2 1IAKEE, No. '.5 Rate Strevt. Second door below TliirJ, "niF.RFt nil kinds of lats, Are., of the latest stvle and liet mati rial, ore mamifictiired on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually utlcndcd to. Philadelphia, Xov. 9, ly. MUSICAL INSTRUM ENTS. ciiAfj. Durvsrriza, No. 07 Chcsnvt Sired, front Arcade, PuiLAnnLriiiA. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Init runients, Fancy Articles andToys. IHk prices sre I ow er than lliohe of any other store in Philadelphia,- All kinds of Municnl Iiixtru menls repaired in the. best workmanship, 0 11 J also taken in Philadelphia, May 55, 1850 ly. LTQUOliS, WINES, kC. ryill ru'wrnlKT bis just rrreivr.l a new utipply ot" ttir Wa liutirs that crr ciii:o ti Sui.bury, roiisisiiu in t nf Stii.. rinr I'M iftlp Drnmly. Vine ('o?,'ii:o IJniiKlv. Hnivii ir ()M Jiiiiaic Spiti's. Now I.:i;l.ih'l .imii. I'ir.r li.ill.tii-i SiyoTinr UiJ Wlii-Kry r'tiinm )n t'o. Siip'rior M;i(!rti Vin'. l,ilon ito. SupM!..r Vttrt Winr. Swrt't MjI:.;:j iitr. Siijrrinr (.'i irrt Wino in l'Mr, Chunii.-a jUP Jo HENKV MASfiEH. F unniry,;:.iy 'Jf, 18 IX HIT i'KNG & WATKUMAX, IvpOiUrs EcaVn iu L;qnor, A'o. 220 MtnUt 5'Ttf, Philmfrli'kn, OFFKIi f ir sa!t, t!ir c1tf;ifrt nnd Ut u. orl-mi-nl uf I.i jf.or in I'liil.i.U!j)!iiri, such as ClwiniuK.iO, Mimic.-1. ort. fru-. k, Clarrt, Bur guiulu"1. S.ui'nrn, Kiir-ar, M.uiMia, L'iwn, 'iViiTiilL' u:ii i"iiily W'iiwr.''irs of tin r!'nirr.t !.r,inls, viz : M: ;Iinn, iH utl, 1'iMHt, i; nrnY, &r. 1'tnf n.!l.iitl (iin, Munungrtlu'lu. yrotcU and I."i.-aU liiCrv. A c HoMs iA tl.r C'Miiii v imde stipj!ir1 a I'nila iltlph: i I'lU o titr mot liU rn! tcr:n July lit, bW a hundred cncraviiifrfi. hIiow- ;'.! mf? (Kvuliar diwases in rvc- !,v 'ni r.v wlifUrfaud ftirm.ttnd mut- ; ' j formation of the senprativc . Tin liitin hnu A.,i....l --". that iterant. aunennz from ferret di.'rafw, nerd no more Iterome the vielim of Quarkery, iy lire rrcst riptin contained in this bO"k nnv one may cure Inmm'it, without hind ran'c to hntinrss. or the knowledo of any one, and w in. one tenth the usual cv pence. In adili tion to tii rjonrriil routino of private disease, it fully PxpUinx lite causa of nihilhood's early decline, with oliservatioiip? on marriage Usu!e mnny other tkr:inenieiits vlin ii it would not tc pro per to enumervte, CZAny ier.nn .sending Tvr.TT-nvE cexts puclowd in a letter, will receive one copy of this Look, hy mail, or copies will t e sent for our dollar. Address U. OI,Ali. INo. 152 SHU CE Street, I'l! ILADE EPMIA' Tost-paid. fVUH. VOI'Nti Ciin In co'iKulted on anv of t!;r I)ie ten dewrilvd in hin dll.erciit puidieationn, at his (Kiice, I.V.; SINU'Cli Mreel. every day he twpeii 'J ami .Joelo.k. (undavsecepfrd.) rhiladelphi, Nov. '., 18.J0. "ly. I V 11 5 ff, A n K S- V t! I A, fV MlAHri.EsS A SONS, luvr mt received their MippJyof SKI.(S AA D STMMEIv (iO(Ir- ef Krtendly and other ft) lea, to v.hich tin v in tfe atlenti mi. MIAVv!, of Silk, vroolien and wirti'd. liKGS Mlilv- firo de Khtnea. Chanirlenns, and neat and new fai.ev styles India Silk and S;ttin-.. DR!X (-OODS Lawns llrrrca, Mouwe- liti, (inhams. Alpacas Mohairs nnd all the new i'sii iii K. Kl KM-illNO fJOODS EhmVetsSheetin-n CuiltS Imiim-!;, r:!i!itinps, and u!l other furnish- Mi.N'.s WEATJ Ch;th, Car.snierea. Cushnta- retls. )i ill-., 'e-':ii-j.-i dI'i'I! Vinds flnd liiivs wear, MiOliMAiUiii.-t !(h)V.;5 nnd I'urriajp Ma kers articles T. fc-'il A1TI.I cv sors, io. J1. Second Street, liii!aJ Ipliia M.iy S, !S.iO. ly KNtut'-tire. with Heoufntl or ttwar.ti tde ntit ti-.Jc, lu'lrliiitff nf winJ. ,S;iltt'W)H, nt winlrximi,, 'D'rrm-i"n ( the ipiriM :inl Uuhftttiuiiou una uiieaiiics:-i lrnui'iiity i imi.icr. 4,c. vi tne ii wis i It a cite m" (tv:viii kV.-iiM k tv.'''1 ted, tnnst lori.mi cftcctn may enane, it it tuvn I lit f uul itt n lor. in the iu ciient ('iim of', sunt very 'fvijwiitly tt riiiiii:tt- in e-tisaiii-tin. I w mid iniMrttw ui-ti ilie'nnnj to tnrtt with (lit i1isinw in iy u to -rt wiiii tin ri'Hi wl.u h t tuuti 1'ttfii uiiti niyrt-nintrut am 'it); utinu il l-ins, cr to fin latter -MiTiire Uy uJiliiig a cuniiciuusuisii lolly to the I r'n int'iiiriitr w nfliiv m up in i'Hiim, wnn ntnpie tirwti-'nii f-r ufiv, airJ ii old in Sun 'urn 1r John W. Kktmm. JAMKS Wil.l.lA.MS. T'.tmi"iivi.f Mr. A'i"r Klines h itit-r. M.tikt l ittrr-et hT'vc Suth. r rr l 'Uttive I lie eitioaty ol" Williuiu' A ut (-! itj:tttr J, lull. PiiiLftPKumiA. Uetj1ir 3, I?.? Ma Javei AVim.iax : lr ir n It eivin n wt nffire to kivnv tliut t'ui are mi.iiii pr-jwrtnc y u nn'.!ti-iii' 1 t ilie cure ot DS'V' m i. I r in i ty of iiiy :ir'i-'i'it:iiff hn re;rf:i1rtliy nflkfU m? wIht it ronhl 1 pr-mt-J. knowmn that I hml bwn riirnt I iv it. A" I tliink pnlilir- it -mi 'w'lMtniriit of the errnt len-til I have fti-iv-i1 I fin tlic ut- tt v. ur men- ictue is ii t only d.if t't V"ti. hut iii.iy ImmiwiuI toittiifr. I ' now nivkr it. Kor iw-Vf rnl yr.-irs I putfiTftl from Iiytpe;- ' ft' i, wltii'h iiiiTi'ain tl to such nti fxtiit tint t my ti'4ilth aid ' roiitslitnii ni wt-ro r.i -ntl fuiknifi niultr it. I wan mii- pfiirn to re!tnt't mrtit t'itif ni-.M iiiip! in-ii, una rvon that I etiutst n t iti-t i. I ft-1 1 a I'.hsoI itrnictli, ttismrli-iintl-n to ej( rri-t. ttufl, tm yn have it in onr ml vert in iftfiit, n iffM'Titi tfvliiij; of ti' nml iiitU-MTilml'lc Wrttruitdx. fii tin' vi-ar l-'t?-. In-iiiiii tr tn oiiifru hmti rf- eomiiM n l iti on t-t your Aiiti-l)i"j,tir I'.hxir, I profund mid umM it with ihr ni"t h:ippy vttrt ; ihIt it inthwnc liingiittT ftiitl -ariiiiv tfr;id(iiili p;istf1 away, itnd tny nnpe tne r tm ifit w hn h I c tuitl tritiily with iniptinny. Jen vKim hav now et.mtiMt. mid mv c xifidciife in the curative nowrm of v nr iiinhrine hm v vmrnt iiicrtUHfr1, for it (NHiiplftely eui'ed ue when I failed t '.tain rt-ltel froinuny Htiei source. vrry rt-spwiiuiiv vrtnrx, AltMlK KI.MKr. Ttini nrnf IMwird H. R"vlcv, U li -K fialr tMerclunt of the tirtu i.f It.n !, Ashiiiuiwr Co, oSStith Wh-irvm. hi proof of the tiTiracy of Willimns' Auti-lhi!- ruiT.APSLruiA, a jtqw. Mr. JJMTat 'VVU.!SM: pifir s-r I l: hi- plenum i:i rp niKiirntlinp your Anli Dvh" ,. ii I '.! sir f t t!r' curt' "I lit s'trpMa. I li.t e (nki.ii it'll., telt" lot ilv iiu,'.'t'i nti.t have u-. li futireiv cured. You.f r' xjti.'iniilv. riVA;;t u. novu;Y An;:NT IIMIN XV VllAii, hunl'ury, la. .Mart n i, l.'ji' 1 y Rosa oirjii'irNT, rca te-ttlti I IAI) ll e f 'l'. -wiit' e'itin. :ite fr "ii Papt. V o''. t!ie ii w ii kii'sw u an p Y,,jr 'J"1 'at Cip:u'u ( f liie '1 ravi-ikT.) r.m.uu:i.riuA, t ctoiT ui, ltn. Several vnr aluc" I w.ii alt I'-ked Willi n hrc.'ir.iiiir mil on hiy ii' i'i in t:ir i uiii "t J itf. v!i;t 11 1 am (''iiunml e n.r.'ftt-.. nt M.t i r.ii i A't.p. i ifratiiiti iiiv cxtiaui . vcf piV f-'fo until it r- u h'-'i tin up; t. pirt of the ein'fr... jSnriiti tl' ucVfril in :i:l. lliil it eoniii:nd n tfii-l itc. I ut' ! ilii!irt-nt iipplltvitinn. tai- of wh.Wi h id i if 111, apr(!i'!v a !.-!. of iurr Hie ilift-un., i-t from tf-it of thi-iu -till 1 p- rrrivi t:. ; lt-!it ti:t fit mini i I'c! tf" lto-f: o t m' r. ii i ti-- u- ( '-ir of it. I w . ifii-rtlj i jit-.l aiitl t ave rciiMined n-: of tlie air'-v-ti-'ii. I ftVr .!'!'' lltn-l tl't" (Ifi'lTl'-Mt. ll'jil'Iy !Tp 'l.'t! fir roi'ch- er o," ;lo (!(. l. m. r!. : -j-f-t 'i ,ini. Ac With i-ir- f't't lt,H'-". 1 ll.'Vf- ll'' If .sH.-.'t i! r : HllILMIl'.illtf it in ll.e ulr-'iitt-m iiiataii-r tv il.e pti!'.:f. Aunit ?Tvm;v MF"t. l-.iiil'iiry. July 'ii. How frwpicntly da we licit thifi i-nprrnfion, which Is meant t convey M the mind the la"i eUige "I si'-knt-M that a paticnl can he rt'dnct d t . and live. Mr?. Harri son, a iiu-mlKT of the 'rniiiiy Church, n "lir! csitffiii t'sn herself, hroierht d nvn to Ueitli's d tor, hy Itlien mitiMii mid N'erv.ttin lfe;'tie1ip, when, like nit litttrel of nietcy, itudwav Ke,uly Helief n iteved In r of her wveiu pain and tet' fet her to her fi it :i'1 in prn'ret health. The vry inI utt ilndway's Ke-uly Kedei' is npphed, tls I bciii'tieial elfeets ure rApfricKv t. it n ai''t. Iit-at, clean sen umt pun lies: it inMiuly nl!:i irril-iti n, rei-ueis in. U'lliunatiejis Oinl sweihll;"". n-lieve the rn V sever .eil-ral;u- p-uii, civea e;ise to Jiunis, fed 1. r nen, Krupti ns I'Urei H if-lll. lailillripo. ti 'll', PaialM. Aor;iinP. tSirnin. 'p:lstll, Siifl" Neck, Weiknms in the Si Ir uml Hack, t ret of uli kinds, fi.ilis, ltniiwr'. Chaie, Sm Tiir.i t, Intlut'iiza, H -ariiie?s. C aiiiln. I'. lils, TOOTH A CI IK (Til KD IN OM: iKCONO. This torturtttii n(Tt'i-ii"n can he eurrd in tin iuslunt, for tlie hi 'lueiit the Het.ef t -uehes the nerve, tl pim in im tic ited. S i wiiti Tie D .Wvhx mut M'imer.inn. .Neural Kia a:(tl Siek 4jd.iehe h ilhe this pins when; tta- pain is nit t fH vrr, ai'd in n few inHia'ir. you will he entirely relieved. T:tWfU nil r ll'ti. ' ll will trr-t Hie III 'M VI 'lent r,i mit and Cianii a. nt p viinitini or to inut-h j urttiiit in h'.I (MRes it will give slren-r'h fir we:kncii. trine I r ivun,'h f"t siekteii. o it Mil v KeHei is rfeuums un Icsm si!ii. d hy IIADWAY V CO., Ili'i Kutt-ai Mreet. H.lliWT TtULKT HDOt lSlIKH. TO I'MUKlti.lsU AMI I NIIANCIi TIIK CHARM? ' ok ni;.i tv. I ft ADWA V ' Mf.mtATFD St. J Rati w:iv' Mi-tlieated s vip, fav r iMy kinwn throueh- 0 it lh f:!htiiHl'le worltl f r Ms extremely hiaiid, puuty uttf wild o oi'iltm i llet lP' ll the km j wi.lle hy lis netiai 1 n the pores and the nnniil secret, .ry vr-! it enprlM 'til impurilieii from the snrfiif". ulla'.s every tendency t in llaniniati'n, anil etfti.'tua.iy diin-iites all r-liie-, toil, pimples sp tn, freckles. di.M- 'I 'rail nnan.l -iher riiiaut us crnpll'UiS Til" hi rolii it iin.iii: l to the eheek. ttlr s ltne nud th !tt-aey which it in hl r of the Ir'iisls mid nrnis. nt e:ioatiiiity i ) ' iriii-iii n uu l rem viti-j en tane mis d-ieet., reader it ind9;vnH.i!;le t ever, t . t. (tentleii.eii nfter sh ivinjr will foi l 11 idh.t ml irrit tti Ml andteailerikess of the akin, and renders it s lt, s.ii 'oth r.ud pl-.-mciut. During the hent nnd dnt of summer, or fr'-st nnd hteak wmd nl winter: nnd iMfi-eef f "uulmrn, stiii ol 'iiieei cliilhlains. chapped hainl. iM inilami'rth at, its virtues have I inran.l cite:nivelv l-ni nt'-, ii' wh ileil. Its put if iiiii tint! reircUms prejwrties have oh'Mued us iv-Iec tion fr m theth iumu.Is of other c piiiettf--. In.t!i -t Knro. perm mid d .ni- t ie mateifaetiire, hy the Un t ii f nil Virts ol the f:istiioii;dle world, fr -m the ti'irnntr tropi-n t the frueii reitl'iin of the Ie Knar. The ail.'te will plenco in mind that Kadway' I"dic.ited S;np. is the only ssife (M-eptuation for the Bkm now in use; thin lias betm eertihed lo hy our in -st pn'iiioienT eleanisin. Itudwny'i H.Kin is free fiotn toisonoiis. irrit;iliint ninl itermeious ni- arettieiil., it ran he used on the tender kni oi the inf tut with the same happy result ns upou l.euty in its pi tme. S'ethat each enke in t nvel -pt'd '" n V'''!i,!d lalfl ol steel emrr:ivii)'-r and further see that the i:'u:iiure of H. (i. RAlJWAV is upon each ta!.. I'riee J") eeuis. large cakes. THE fiROWn'G OJtAMEXT OF BtUTY IS A Ll'XriMANT HI'.Al) lF iM-OSSY JIA1K hadway's I I1U iSUS thlM, Warranted lii' b'ft Iftur Toitic in v$ct F ir lJr'-shintr aad lieaiinf ii.!! the hnir. ll el.-iii. n the f-VaV fr an ( i i-lnilf, !,'(!' it cirri. cure!? tiui'vc, H-ilihiessj. mi-! S iret u 'e Head stops the hair li-'iu tailiMir out. te-nti-rs it sr mi-.'. Ii'ie. s.n min, s-'i lo-?-,y. Vr 'lis w't h nv f - their hnr i.y ri.-Uieu! will lint! u e tiu. li te :mid it in ll'-iiwav's t ire;i.-n:ni H i!ni. It alo !i't p it e it irk nrd bi-mM', I e 'I ir. will ""e vet it it ir no tnniii''' crev. Cr-'in i'.f t xo-iisiir isatlnii- r iblv at'. .iteil oi the h.iir of el..! !r t of liii i.: t tn-.d- tisji. It is s -I I in l-ir-'.! ho':!fn f x -j; cents per h -::le. tutd It. v:-rri.-.l the I. .--. L..r prep-n. !; mi ii- It Will lto( s al tin le t. c :o. o the h .test lu'iric S- e fnar the si ;mi tllienl M AliW.W A CO., is l';-M i-:i-i h-n:-iio I ir ci'm in ll.iliti i i!-ii.;me without t!ic s.aititre ut Katuvay A t o. A.'.knt 11. IV M"-t.-r. S iid arv. Ac-- I't, It .11 ee.'iuly JAUNDICK, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC NERVOUS DEBIUTY. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND Mil diensrBriinff frmn n difc rdereit liver or Mi niaeh, such its eotislipati mi, inward I'des. Vulhicss.or MikmI t tho he-id, Aridity of the St Mltarh, Nnuseri, FTenrllrurii, ditjiint for 1'oodj fu'lntss r weight iu th t'tm teh. s iurKriictnti'Mis. siiikim; or flnlterintr nt the pit oi me mom-icli, swnnintnir "f the hc:id. hurrieilnndditnetilt hrenthtnf. tlutteriut it the heart, ch kiur nr Puir-teiting senstui tij when in i vx p -sltirf. 1 Vim mess of visi -mi. cl tsor we! m hef.irethe ii.-l.t, l ev." nml d-itl pain iu Ihe hend. d Tiei-ti"y if p -T-(n-,M ,. wm-us of I lie fkmaurl ryes, piin in the S!1-. hre k. e!ie.i. tiin! s. Ac., fmlilru (lushes it heat li.irnm in the !!'. e tnsiunt im i(j;iiiiii-,-s ot evil. And tzrent depn ui n of iri's, CAN P.K Kri'IXTCAI.LY CI'RKD BY i tLtiitt ai i;i t.i.nii a-s. iiiriLiis, l-RrPAIIKU hi P II . C . M . JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE .STOItE, Nn. Iin Arrh (., I'hitndrlplilu. Their poer over the nlNve diseases is ivt exc-lted, if eiiiulletl, hy iiny other preparation in the I'minl Jtni(s, na the euies nttest. in inuii eases nlit-r skilhul physicintis i hud tailed The; IlitieTf nre worlhv they nttnt hm r.f invnlids. .sieriii jri-:it virtues lu tue lei utie" "i at of f1iKt-i.-s i. the l.iver mid ler-t r c!'i;nl-, cM-feif ; (iic ill si s -itehin p .wer m we-ikneM (.;;! :4trc:i i . .( eirasiive orjjji.s, ihey lire, c rum m.. p''--.i-tt. fir in t tl st n The I'. lnor said. Jt- .; i lis.. llooKt.Mi' t,r: TistiA rr.t t r k m a s fliTTHKs fir the fiiii! t4 ,iv r C(Ui,t...iit. J.iii -..iier , I n pej siu. Chroma M NervoiM li !f ;!y. m tit m rvi-..i mie . I the m 'l p pu lar iniil'-iu.--j .if the diy. Tin se iiitteis Imve heeii uert hv tlious.Hii',-, uittt -i f, ii-'::1 ;,t ut eih v su s he h:;s him self rifeivil nil eflV'-tii it :o,d i eti'i.tiieut "cure of l.iver C unpliiiilt fr in the lire ni t'.is i vuu ly. We ine eoiivineed llmt, in tht i bp t thoe i;,i,ers, tut' p-iiicnt e-Miftttntly cnnis stoMi.,'!h and vior a I n t wt-ithy of cut eoiinidf'ou. Tuey nre ; Ictij m1 i-i i--. .in 1 -nn- il. mid e:m tte. iiscJ hy pet'H 'ii w.Hi the iii.n-t n'i ti -tf air el B with safe ty, timler utiv ciretptisi uu- s. W e :-re rp.- ti.iuv' I'l'-m ex perience, find lo the tiftti.'ted e.-e adi i-;.-- then use.-' slud-re M. M. wi, a '-iif i'-i-".m wit'a trreut sei'-iilifie u'rlliierary uttfiimie it's, tiitil in 1.ih "Nlw Yak N eikly iMefsi nucr, ' Jntiu try ft, ).- i- Dr. fi i. .rl an l's fteritian Hiltrrs Here in ti preparation win h the le uiincr pn ses iu l!e t ni n appear to he imani-rn-'iiB in recommei 'iiiif. and Me; reas n is ohvious. It is made af'er ;v preseripti in rusheii i-y "-iic of the iu st rele. hratcd phvsieiaus of m n!ern Mtir'S. tlte lau- )r. Chr ntcpher Vi!heirn Jfo i'iutl. I'r. Vus r to t!ie I uiveisity ot Jeini. private I'hvsiei, oi to it:e Kin j of Pni'a end one f the ijr''uteit ire Jn- 't vnttav t-erriiany It-s ever prohteed lie Wus eiMphjiti illv th1 eu'-ntv ef h'.iti!iii;r. n t 1 Ihetefiren meili.'ine f wh:-di lie w s 'lie Pive-u r inal ami irs'-r rimy he e mtf.h n'l rein '' on. m-i-'-irtlly re - n in I.IVer Co'tlpI lint. lV-l;.e;iM-. iVi'Iiiy. V ert tiro, Aeiilitv of the st anneh. C .n -'ipati r.. airl dl c;Tip!"i;its unsiiis lron ti -Si, -rtti t "d c aioiii 'ti of th V'-rri h, the liver nml ih lutes' i.ies. r,'ul.i.,-M:.:a p'M.ers exoT'-stheir "tiivie tion-'f lti ex- l!e.ti e, nn:l e". :. I of tne ettit rj Seik of itg erte!i t'r mi tltir own i:u1u t.l.i d experienee. 1,'nder ttitse eir-umsi-.i-ei. . we te -l win tuied. not oulv iu ealliti(t the tit tent I it of our n-v1 f t'i present present pr.)prp! lor's Mr. t. M. Jueks . pr; piration. Iul oi m- 'iiinieiid ing tiie aiticle c n I :ii.; :cd M The llliil;iilel:-Iaa !inm!.r ueWHp.iper p'Ui osiied in ire L I Dr. H-.iojJaud s (trman Hitters. A rr.!.i.ow, driving a liorftt troubled vrilh the lieavcs. coming to a viand, and re marking to tome one that lie believed that he bad rather loo much load tin for a lick horse, was advised to put his horse on be hind the wagon, as he would find do diifi culty in heaving it ahead. A GENTLEMAN, who U(H1 o OBr ftCl'lV, stirring men, had a man at work in his gar den who was quite the reverse. "Mr. Jones," aid he lo him ens morning, "did you ever see a snail t" Certainly," said Jones. (iThen you must have met with him, for you could never overtake him." An AwruL .Tunishmet. .A Chinese merchant having killed his wife, wae sen tenced lo div last June, by a total depriva tion of steep. Three persons, whe-relieved themselves every alternate hour, prevented him fiom taking any sleep night or day. He lived thus for nineteen tUys without having slept for a single minute. On the ighib day his sufferings wete so great that he begged to bo strangled. KOOT, BVlGVEItilEirV ARTIST, No. 1 4 r, earner of Fifih tf Chrsnut sts., I'lula dclphia,und 363 Jiruahray corner of fianklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STHANGKliS ran h.ive sitting fur PortrniU or MiniHlurcs, antl rcct ive them lautifully cast-d, in lnurnrro, (Silk volvct. P.uucr .Maclie, or other l.inrv ntvli-i, or arts in Medallions, l.o(kctt, &c, in a f. w iiunutis. Da(juerreotypes. Taiiitinrjs, Dawins, Out door Views, n-l Miiiiatuir. of drcc-ised lrsons. takt-n at hlinrt notu-e. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a tlmtly day is quite a. fit voralile a clear weather. For Children, a clear dny (between 11 nnd 2) is preferable. In Drt.a atroid white, blue or liilit pink. Our Gallery with ita Six Frize Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wc shall at all times be happy to sea them. June il, 1850. rATH-iT JAPATf BLACTTIIfO. Mu.ifnr.t:irti, No. 50 CIIKSTNL'T Street, MEDAL,'rd bv tho l'KAN.'CI.IN . Tl l'l. l li ol J'hiUid. lpIiij in Mctub-r, and mi: nnr rnir.iii M iv iii mauvmnd in- hTI l L'l i:, nt Valtimoie, Nov. uiid lVii'. td.lyhin, Ortolei 8GV, 1E-18. I hmc ed J. Vr!ljr' l'atrnt Jupan Li-piid and Paste I'larkintf fur s.isne nine months, uiul am happy tj nay that it eurpar. on;,' l lackin that I have usc.l tlic.e twenty xbl yens. I find it t!ie p..lisli and pres.-ves the leather bet thr lhan uny l lj.-l.i:i0' that I have ever tried. Amiki.w K. Chi(ih. t;7 I'hentnut btrett, 7n. CLTiEEY, Manufacturer. SnRTMjr t.j J. Wiil.LAR, "No. .10 Chestnut Ktreet, above Second. November, U, 1K50. ly. UHOvV Xi i toxic iIXL'l, Fon Tin Cl-:;i. of Fi:vi:k and Acrr. Var- n.Nr:i. Tii;s n . ly i ll , 'r.z-l'c.' tlic brt Tsmity urk Stwi. s. tl.e c-lit r Hii)S "in.Kll.t -'r-t in-; lertnH I's-.-i..! i-t.r. :: '.nc -t" our lii we rn-ir.1iirtt'l nr. II-. wts ii i.i he -.'i..: niflly uii.lci. ,:ini r i'l I., slltllll-. .'t' tlis r : !u in rrri .1 mil tlir n f-r- r i:;'. tv n. n misj-li.ff. ; I. i illv ..fiz.-il. nmf v I -! l' . K .i: '':y its.-:f." I .a i . f it.:, I Mill :til llyi-J- ri .'. .'l.f it..l. It arts '. ,;." II i.s .i-trcr;ili;e li e .,;F-'-r iMi.n?:li-.te. .1-. 'T 1 iil.n t .vitl. s.tlcly "H is slil -in tti .: we t:- Mi-lIii m s. l ) rr.nt-rt ; Mu'l. 1 hc-;.'rt V: l.ii't's l.rtiiM. u '.1 t!i:.t vc n.e j i 1 ! f -". :t .y. tint .i.-t- ii ;r.t ;i.. .IT I ir-.rii-li llu.y it:.w;t li--t lilll-'l tid-uiMii h-it. rl..:.i Wllicl. t.:.s in- t It:-' li.: ,it . :i - 'i'ii.ll Ihi. i:ir li'-nif v. j . 1 pe.S' 1. .. ...- c -i 1 1 l- -11 -1 I'M ;-.tviri-'aiiy tip ti r .- s. ir.-.: I CJll lir i 'il .-'l ' Vl 'l: III I'h. V c::il In- l't:l..Mi 'V ',! : i ami rcltiililc !wi. I.I. lit ;in. t.iii- . Ti!:ui;r. f r ru; n r; Tlilw t.-,--l.r:Mr I,.'. !it.:ii::-il til ii -.i'.il y I .1 il l incili'-i.i: ,J I i 'in i 1 1 i i put I: fill !i :1!.. ;t:-i t i.t Iin: r th 'So in (. Inn T'rutlv i! -.n r. - tl l.tif'Iv WI'.lil.Td Till". M.VUKt Of Till". (.r.M'INE Thev ti.ivc th'.- vri:i-ii ;i;iniiire .if C. M. JAfKOM tiv.ii tlie wrai-p.-r, m il l: t- i. iti e Umvn in l lie !i"-.ll-, w ilti- Hir w liii ft t:.i-y tin: i-piii: -i:. Fur v!i ili-K ili' :m 1 rr i'!. tiiC (hinnn .'l'i'iii-ie Store j i. I'J'I A i' l 1 1 r.-et. i An Sir t!-H- -lh, (lu'.s el 27 It:i--- K'ncl.) l'hi! i.l.'lphi -i. .mi, I l:y r.:s; I.ilik- ili'tiltrr irc!irn:'iy llii' 'iii' nit tli-- r ui-ifsy. At.-,!': t ill -:,1 I.T 1 1 . .H A-.1IC-T , llllt.t.ry, S.Hl M. A. M'l', N T-h't'-.s-ri ii, :i Aii-in r 17. ! Ii rr.iT. 'i:'t:u'ii r w'licli is nf-- i'iunt-.-ilVasrs ; nf liie livrs al ji'- (I, A IT". t'AJt CS-.-'M Of C A-i IIHAlK) Vir;-s3! ;i:.iit f :i ;t:ry and faint vt-.r-:-, .Vo 78 .Vi.'.'i r.i.' Street. a v:v iij.ii.s Aiinvr. ciif.Ku wtr lDt: Cnnslanlli) r,,i !,:,,. :l .,.f f ,) s,:h. ut reduced purrs, ami i J s- y. . r (ni'inr. the Jot- lis, nz : J- in 1 1 in vt.:.-l li .'.'ii'ii;' in: i v- l c re-! fiiMvh--ii n.-nr- th.'l ll :!'.l ,111 M.lll. ill l '.lit! IS 11 -1 l-ll.f..'11'M'ly alinWII. ":'-t. :''. t!: j,l ;t'.lir ilrsir.-s H dilnrve li lii-lil '! I'll Ii lii !'. 1 il. A'l v ,i lis I, t i.'t- i:i:l I ril'V t'l III li:-.-: -i i.i t-:-TI-Ti'rs h 'iirr l, I uiv.irc lli'tl l'K'' i ait lie set-iiiiy u.i.i iihi t- n.y muit ! l i;v::t ami i. r., wllhitl ll'C i' nl r !iii'n: ur:if:s. ii'ii,--is p.'ll:.i's or !!,! il'-!i ih'i-iis I'ti rt .1 iiiiniiiii. It is i ; r - rt . ! t tlii pii! llf t A luM pi . -r I ' !! n't il Wttl.iu tl'r ri- i-'h in' li'1. ss'irwit lli:t tit i- v.,.y ii1-- ll urt'i.niii'.i: t i tl.ttrliuns is lit liml ii'e nt.U : j ecily cjH' I t I'r.-.ER Ann li is nut a il s-r.r.'r-ii!,.f' iirn-.s.-.-ii i-iitiin-'ini.l 1'iiinn i.irrr. m!.Ii- I i ,t lie- C.iii'ill.ilr.t l-i rt lii,:,.-i' l!.- (iil r:,- lilnl fii v e l.-jlil)-B-ti'iii t'l t!.i- s-'ii.'.-i h a. i,l li 'W, i'i. rri-t'tir.Nt utily ti, M n:-!'.!1 A tni'l s-'l l vli..l. r-ilrs ini tri'i:it I.y i;'n'i li.l h S,-n. N-. '.'I N-irth till Nriet, 1' .'liii;:i l'ii e itr fcitiftls t.Hile, mui if ptr tl-'2. JllllC-.'.l. I - If I m t'oit Ti:r. s or rnrti:Mi:i Toc'.-s, Txiu'A, 7L Tt7i:)2, Slfitionnry CiH E'rnaiicn s-tt-l ."?i:i;tsl Ijifditj- titt'tiiS. No. 75 N'jrth 2nd :'(., betwern Arrh &, riiinmii-itA. I MPOTJT to nr.lrr nn.l l.ave eoustantly hi lian.l ' a very !nr;e a-mrltiictit .f ;roml iu l!,- h!i ne I1TZ! I17S! I1TK! EOUHEAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WEITINO INK PACT0HY. No. 1 South Third street. MERCHANTS and the "Writing community rn lednenUil to call and examine this INK. which is irarrauift not l torrottt Mr t all tc Pens, tier thaiigt itt Color. ltUoU-stale nnd Rcfair. No. 1 BoutU Third street, Philadelphia. A Moral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale hy II. D. Musser, agent for Bunbury Noveinlier 9, 18i0-ly. " S Fi-i:.Nt:K K JAMAICA GIN UV.W, an exrelleiit arti le. RtnwAi's Medicated Soap far sun burn, tan, tetter, &e. lia.lway s Circsssian Bairn, for the hair dinJ- rulTcVc. lladway s F.eaily Kclief for Cramps, Chulic, Cholera Morbus, &c For sale by il. 13. MASSER. Ktunhr.Ty, Ang. 3, 1850. STONF. Ware, F.arthen Ware, Kaisir.s, Al iiuhiiIk, P unes ami Cream Nuts. Planes of all kindsv ft-ill and Plaster. Jii't reneived and fir sale by JOHN W. FKIUNU. unbury, Dee. i 18 1. IIOOKS and CJohl Pens. On hand several cop. - ies of the life vf Christ, and alo a nuinlier ol gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this oJFu-e. HHADY SlADFs VE take t'.iis method to inform the rentiers oj the !r-'iiiibtiry American, that, should Ihey visit, l'hiia hlphia, in nuecl of Coo(l end Cheap Cloihiru, and favor us with a ra'l, tlu-y vh-i!l nut I disap puiutid in obtaining the br-t ol" garments at the lowest cash prii t h. We have now on liainl the larsei-t asmtnn-nt ever ollirej in Pliilailehihia, onions which. ire DKF.rtS mid FlitJCK COATS from $5 lo $18, PA NTH and KS'I'H from ',5 is. to j.5, OVFU COAT'S Cl.ttAKH, lH eH- NK.-iS SACK COAT.S and C0.VTTFi:8, all of which i-h ill lie si Id at such prtcc oj to muke it an object f-ir the penplo of Hunbury and the sur roundinjci.untrv to extend to us tiieir patronage. PERKY K. M NE1I.1.K & CU. HimiiIi Ea.t corner of bih and Market. July 1-1, ItioO WATER, from the Oak Orchard iiriiiiii, hii;hly valuable in chronic di seases, aim tonic remcuies. lor sale I ; HE A It I MAnsCK. Sunhury, Jure 2!, 1850 tf WT-FNNF.DV.S fe'X. TUNINGS A cheap and excllent arti Cotton Tarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and WudJuiR, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preaervuig kettles, just received for sale by U.MAS-sEJi. Banbury, Pee. , Ut. "aTI'RINO BOTTLES U reast pumjie, and J - ni)iple tut- A supply of these useful eni sles just received and for sale by JOHN W- rHILINO Cunbury, Jan. 18, 1831 IT J. W. FRILINO fATENT A.M FAS tie tor fiwtt-uiiij; sash fur sale by Sunbnry, July 7, 1649. Wt, OSE OINTMENT A fresh ewpply of this fbli excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, just received and for sale by HENRY MAriisEiv. Bunbury, July 88, 1849 TILEVS COVCnll Cj4NDV. An excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. Fur sale at this oll'ire . rriSSUE PAPER. Vellovr Tissue paper for J covering glosses, ic, tor aula at tlie oiliec ol the American. X ADD'tS celebrutcj Horse and Cattle Medi J7 cine for sale by HENRY MAKeiEK Bunbury Jan. trUi, 1R4.-J tiMued lines at wlmle.ale an 1 n Principally : 123 CO CO -TTJ In fi'i-r nan, Iiatln, (rcck, H. l rew, Freiicli. Italian ("punish uiid "t'n r l.ii".(tia .;- ; Classic.!, I.'iclion arita, (!r:iriiiner.., Viwabiil.uies, r"t lnnl. Juvenile, Picture, I 'raw inn anil MikVI EocUh fur Anhitects Cabin" 't, Ca-r;.i"e nnd other rrajiul'aclurerai MAI'S, ".Oi:i:.-i an.l lih.nk of every description. iSptendid Lithographic and other Print. Ml RICH. lASTItl MliVrS. Aecordeon, Eanjo.-i, Haws fur all utri::" instru inentis. liii-l:re and Tailpieces, Clarionets, l id s. Flageolets, Flutes, Ciuit us, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heails fur t.uitarrfand YinlitH't-II'is, 'I'ai-iliourincs, J uninis rorl.snnil Hammers, iniina, 1 iotin and uitar Pi-Rs, l-i uicell is ami StritiL's f,ir all ktntls of Iiistruiiiei'ta hulct-aie uud K. tail. Accor deons repaired. Also constantly on hrtnil, wholesale and retail, a larmi assortment of the very best osp.Mi.w nnorj-zs pcivDir-a Dutch Metal, Frcni liainl l inn nc.i Leaf Metal Thermometer, Hirpciicils,-Faher and other I.eailpeiu-iU, Keil, hue an-Ullac Chalk Cray- oun, Mathematical Instruments, Scariicutoru,- ."Mirirnj LniHfts Pccket Pre at ri t tion and Cold Scales and W'c'uhts Letter, Funrv colored at:d t;ilt Par Playing Cards and other Frcncli and tic nil.-, li Fancy Articles, fur the sale of which they are the M AN I'FACITRER AO ENTH. July fi, HS50. INERAI. A'A Acid Hi.ri STONE milk Pnnn, stone Ju;;3 and Pitchers, and other articles of stone w are just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRIL1NU. Sunbury, June S3, 18 111. E"ATENT Truases of nil kinds, Harrison's wrilin-4 and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and la us. just received and for sale by 1 J. W. FRILINO. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1848. fllAY irUM An ii by excellent article for sale HENRY MASSER Hunbunr Jn. 27th. 1849 tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on Ihe best quality ef Iimnt.t nauer. sold at the lowest prices at tltie olhce, by wholesale and retaiL 1JAISIN8, currants, citron, cheese, pepper xv eauee, &c. For sale by J. W. FRILINU Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1843. EE HII. 1,8. Justices and Constables Fee Kills handsomely printed on card paper, for ale at (his othcB. J". A mTSStss a. san (ire en's Ovyaenated Hitler, price reduced. (!ld Jacob '1'ownseud'sSariaparilla. Haker'sSamapat'illa. Swayne'a f'yiup of Wild Cherr Swayne's Yeriniliige. Ay re's CTierry Pectoral l)r. Drake's Panacea'.' Dr. Culten's do Tibhil's Pain Killer. Dr. Iloolland's (icTinan Bitters': Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. fcunhury, July 14, 1849. TUB mOIPLE'S VADE-MECTJItI CO.MI'UISINU A COLLECTION OfOVKR 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, Jit Me Useful and Interesting Arts with a feu Kliapla aad Curious F.saerimeals la CHKMlSTltY i I NCLl'DINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc. etc. Price 6J et., for sale by HENRY MASSER, Bunbury, Dec 8, 1849. 1AZ)ltS. A superior article for sale at the store of HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Feb. 18, I860, "fi' lur Own!"' 71 A AS &1.1-XN. FASIIH)AliLn MARK OF runs itu ru Axn chairs. rPHIi sii'.iscriiiersrcs).ci-tl';:l!y call lite nttetitinn ol the public to their !: re in:tl splendid assort ment ol every iiualtty f.ii'l juice ot ;a::3S': -ware. which e.innot fail to nvMuniciul itt-rlf l.evcry one who will evaiiiiiie it. on arc. mut of ita ilut.i- le U'.):kma:r-hii nnd sjw-m'.u! ni.-.-'.e njt of the best Hl'ii'i tile h il i:i tie city. N-i e;V.'rt is siiare .lu l ie inantiiactiire oi liitr v. are, titi i i;.e "i.lisciibcra ere ilc!cin:i:ii-tl l-i keeii up wi:h tit" many iiajnivi'mci-.'s wlii-'h an' c.ii. -tatitly being made. Tl-.eir -to.-k conris's of Mahogany fMiiTrM, uml li'.'.'i'rpti, :i:rcnu3, r? f cr r.?rr(r., Sin :U arXts, Mii A, i5-i.:v.;nKT ami Di:,ii! tii;li s. mid al'O V I'..M" 1'IAN r.I.!M;s. enl to Pluhr ilt-li'l.ii u.:iuif..i-tiire. Hf:i)S'rr.AJS. of v -,- p-.n.-m nil price, cri'ii'. v!;i)S. voi;iv and ('xhi.e. STAN PS. TOII.Kt' TAHI.ES AND EXTENSION TABLES, 111 sliorl, every ni wi'ie i:i nr.eoi ittc.r i-ii-iitr-s. They olsn iiianufacturc nil kinds and ijtiahties of incitiiiin!; varieties never t-cture to i e nan in unliivy, fuch us .il t iioti a v, Dlack w.lmt IMl I '.!.fl .IIULCI-lir.rKV A!!l VVIHIISOH CHAIR, Avi, rivti I'l ami .t"iii.s, which aie of the Itrtest styles, nnd warranted In be excelled by none uiRiiuiacturcd in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture ill the cities, as every cniliiiciice can be entertained about the i-mihly uud t:ui.-Ii of their ware uud Chairs. Their prticles w ill be disposed of on as good terms as they can te purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pay incut fur w ork. 1 1- I .U UK I A Iv i: Mi. Having proviaeil lUcniHclves with a haudsonie 11 t:ltse, ll-y are now lirepared for I'nilcrlaking, nnd utiendinfi fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. (V The viure Koom is in Alaikc. ctreet, oppomte J. Youngs store, and nearl 4ojipositc Weavers Javern. f DANIEL HftAP, tiKOKOE RENN. t?5unbury, Dec. 14, 1850 tf. .1 ,,, .1 im.i l:,',l r- (' li O i"' i(l'. I'iTi t A ii , . r'i .1 - ii; l.-n: -! V.l.-i nr. i; w.' ii. '. it Cl i:-li ; It'. I 1 1 V l ii I I !i I U!, v Ti, ; I I Ml S. il'V lilt I .1 ot.l li- t ..-.ti l.-it . :-r's in i.:.s. W'rilii-ff Ins Jitiif -J'1. t-jit fit : I '. .: .1 I V-tt'e l"" t Si.v-r. ;n: I I" r, 1 1 s i -i-i r M V:irti'l'.s ; -wit. While -is. Il''ii..r tmd ; Pt I'l V IN AM) HRK i., i!,''K,ii! il l. fr : An ims' C'. it : i;..lit. Silver,' wt Itpuizi- ; O's c I'.arking an fiv.ov.fir. j. fir.iit:i.s, C I T V 4' A It I !. F. T V A It K II M S ,' no. 173 rin:srr street, (nrri''Tit the tate if-r-v ) i MTTRsfor si!. Ws f.-r ppproinl cltv ''ITI.T, It " 1'"' 1 V.t'!1 .'iUli Klitpk VlMM-; r Y "il.Ni'f I Ki:. oi" thf l.itr.t patterns ami oi tl: 1 1 -t i ii;u;i ini!r.i 'f- fry . n- (triiii'x Mrts ivf i''i x I A .Ot. .;:l.l Vii!n:it, r:(:' i :,. i iir us.-vot'tmenl l! ur ' r !1 .!: : l:il, tOltl 'ii Kit toit K.v u I. . JACOB REED'S CI.UTIIlVf. ItOOtIS, Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, l UU Allt'l HIIIA, W'HO always kcejts on hand a larjre stock of every variety of clothing made up of good inatenula, and in tlie latest and best styles. He would also inform the public, tint he uuvs eouai derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style ana on reasonable terms. June 15, 1800.- ly IViOEIE NEW GOODS ! Just received at the store of HENRY MAS- SER, a lot of Cape, Gum phoes, Almanai-a, Queensware, Liquors Ac. AU of which will be aolrl at the lowest price. Dec 14, 1850. c APS An assortment fust received. ' Also Ik H ATS at fee sale by M. MASSER, Ifuoliv, Dec. aH8 Tie .! a I'll" ! ' new ; ;ri-,it vi.r-.cty 1.. ,.i;t P. i. r I" r . r iiu e in Rose 1. R'l-ew'ooil iruiiwre; Pa li, iwle l ed to lit.ik Ca-iss, nml Chamber Citn, l:ui.. !..:;r:-t-.i.i A.! arii ',.ri' IIS.'i MILS. Sj-ritii! ther ll.-.! N. V. A.! ar!!.-!es f- metil ht H,)i'i.i, i; ;:..: will lo any pfrt .t the ft ' May Vi-', l:i-iii. Iv . r..l ".it em in the latest Paris ttt. I'c.'r .!r.:trasses and Fea- 'r.; nt this establish." i!-.e '. c-t m itci i.ils ainl' f u k.d t. -.-airy safely W'A'i'TS' :kvuus aijiidoti: A Sit rilYSICAL I.KSTOKATIVI3: xii fl "EJiOjS.t. wo-rrna CP the ILL positively cure a'l t-tares of Neuraltiia, Tic I'liloriov. -'crvous He.nlache, Cho-" Icra, Lock i"iw rlyilrujjliohia coin ulsnuu ; n' re-tore in-iuii-i "! t it" jutiline vinr, even after enrs of r intra: i hi. and the only kiiown and cer tain cure t r l-nv spirits or mental uetiuiy.. F.itract from the New York.'un, Oct. 3, ffl49, Tht relt'i tlcJ )t Watson, w hen lafkinu of the miraculous power of 'Walts' Nervous Autiilote," tlie iiiestiiin was put to him. ',Vhv such a valua ble remedy for all iitlecti-ijis was not in troduced by Iho medical faculty?'' rejilied, "Thai, if it were, there would no Linger be any use for a. faculty, as ail diseases ori-rinatcd from a iliurga I7cd s'rte of the nerves ; the iiencs are tlm naaini sj.iinij of the whole system Keep this iat orderv and both the mind and body must be.!' Four ounce phial, li doses, enough for all ot dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. OLD UY Win. McCAR't'Y, Uroadway, SunbuiT. 5epteniber, '.'i, IsrtO. if. BLANKS. l.ANKS of evety dem'rij.lion can 1 had bjr aj Jj ing t the ollice oi the American. nrKE WHITE BRANDV FOR VLNU.just received and fcr sale by PRESER-bv II. 1). MASSER. Sept. 58, 1830, X Tea Couuiauy. For ul by Sunl.ury, Dec S. 184t sEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekiat le bv J. V. FRIUNO. TfT'NOH AND SPRIXU MORTI-K LAT jjtj CUES. An excellcut article, for sale al hall the sstuut price by J W. FA'll.LN'U, Bunbury. July T. 1813-