Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 26, 1851, Image 3

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iwommest to r.ovF.nson shcnk
Tha Monument lo tho memory of our late
worthy Unvcrnnr ha. been oommenetnl at
Harcmvti's Rlaiblo Yard, Kiilse Kuan, rniln
ilelphia. It is 10 cmiii o'n base livo mill a
half feel ivpiurt;, on whirh rest I ho d ie lor
inn itucnp ion. A nuem-asm inn uepaneii
will bfl I'lirved on the fiont of a block next
fining; c n tlm riuhl, t'.u! coat of unrm
of the United Suites ; on llu left, the coat of
mm of Pennsylvania; mid on the reverse,
the private seal of Governor Sliniik. An
obelisk of iil'i'ul 12 le t in h'-isht, simiomit
il by tin pay'"' will complete t lie rrrinnmc-iit
the vh"ln b ii fl 24 feet in heiulit, eon
irncle.l nl a cos! nf $1600. It will be erect
cJ on lilts 4th of July Reading Gazette.
Pim.snr.i.r-niA and Boi-iino Railroad
The esiimnleil n eeipis of thi road for the
current ye;.r, are sol down as follows:
Toll upon 1J millions tons of Coal, 2.2:5.000
Passenger mid F.eiht receipts, HIO ODD
Transpo.t .tion of U. H. .Vails, 000
Miscellaneous, 8,li0d
Tot il nm't of cstim iled vcceijits, $2 053 ( 0:)
Total ain't climated expenditures, 1.221,150 a e'eir profit, S1,-U;S,S50
v From I'.iis tjui, ufior cK"i!'.icliii2 for inter
at, dividends, J.e., there will remain in the
Treasury the h amhuimo tmlnnco of $194,753
The 83,l'.!(i flnrmof Hock which cousli
tnte tho em por.ilinn, weio held, on ibc 1st
sf March List, ns follows :
Id Entrl-itul. Sl.OflO shires.
" Fhi..-dc'phi.'.. in p hands, K.11'0 "
Lo. in hat.tlivl b.ckeis, 17SW(I "
" Boston ii p i. le ha nils 9 '.SO "
Mo. i.i I-.,!,.:-.-.n, "
New York, hi p.i lc ii in-:-'. "
Mo. to h-r.n is ot' brokers 1 1,010 "
Tii u A m-iiv Sm:!;ci:. It If Mulct! in the
Lomloii (.1,1.1 lin: Aln.ii.ilily Lav re-
solved to b-'i.iI a pa .-. en ful simmer into
Barrow's f-n. i'.s this r. nii-T, in order to
onimn:iie;!te v. i'k C apt. At.-rix, and brins
back inleliiyeiic-i nf llm opern'.ioiis of ihu
squadron i.i f of Hit John Faamklin
It Usiil !h-'t !'.- w-ifvif the? Crystal Pal
ace, piovcs t-.i 1) ': Ni!:y in ftivoial plaees, and
that ii i. dor.b'i''.! wh fiher t!i' tuiilJinp; can
lie mad.' p;-: ;"-'c.ily v.-nier liiht. t;!Ki!ild thin
fear jirove line, the Great Exhibition will
cornu out b.ully.
Mil. Jjiis Yan Bikkn has acldrefsed
xn el.ilioiiitiily u'littiMi letter lo the aboli
tion uouveniioi!, joist held in Boston, over
which II in. U'lracu Mann piPhidod, ar
guiii uj;aius: tho I'oi.s'itulionally of ihe
fugitive k!;ivj law, u;;d fid visi iij disobedi
nice to it.
. Tun fi.'l.ii.. i.:,'.r w-i eriitt lo an editor, with
the uudiris!.,.;.! -r; ll. il it was a specimen of
what could ho do.iu by the author, and that
if oth.-r pr.i.liie ioiis wivi warned they cuuld
"be had lor llu I'.iu.iey."
lis W . .ti-.ivt:ej
nil liie S o i l,
Ali.t I. is ! - wni-'cl f uiul
' ' f..rll I . :y-W, cn .!;!. ;
'J'lic-n l.e r F-.,
An I l.! t ?,
All ! U j tlv I :,;. it n.
Vcrc ii "vt.j-l Lin; u(.ll Uic lmc ;
axotiie: sur.NTiFie v.'ondeh!
PEl'tN. tit; Trve Dissistt Vimd, or Oastrie
Juice! A t i .-vT-i.i t"-'r: !'lvP-lU'11
Iioni iv'ini' t, or ill l- 'in I ii i'liiiii.ii'h of the O.M.
nfler iliie.-tii.i.s i.l ll.UDii L.ebiL', Ihu treat
Phsii-:.L'i.': I Ciii'ini-.t. by J. S II mwIiioii,
M.'D, No. 11 N-.ith r.i-lith Sliei t. l'inlaih'l
hhia. Pa. Tliis ii a truly wonderful remedy
lor liidiies'iaii. !V-ji -ji-ia, .l.iundiee, l.iver
ConipVii; I, Cnn.-li;-:iii.iii,iii:.l D-'liility, curing
after ial..r.'s own in -llio I. by Nidnrn's own
agent, 'h-' G.i trie Juice. Ceo advcriiicnient
in aiiu'hvr ci-l.i.nn.
In iM . I ;-!i. o.i th- 1 ! h ins' , by the Rev.
Davi-I L i.ii'.-iioiV. .Mr Ja:;s K, of
I'oiiit tow uvh.ji. io '.1..-JJ .'.l.'.nv Wci.'uKr, for
merly of place.
On lh" 1! h inM , by J. J. Crnne, Ef: ,
Tilrt Juhv GiMKi.-.. of Noilhumbeiliind en.,
to Mrs. Jaxe Wikk, of I'uit l'er.n. Lycoming
0,1 l!u 27: Ii n't., by tin P.ev. P. Y. U.'is
ler, Mr Ai-iiU i ;."s l.r.icMim', to Mi Loi ija
ItoEin.-', lu h of l'oii.l township,. Noilhum
Ihnd co.
s."1 s i; ?.
in 13 i ip , t'.-.i'i'i no., on :Ji" lith it.t..,
of e.ii!.i -ma, Al.l '! I) at 2. A .M., and ED.
WIN t-.i 51. twin-was ol Cl Jacob and
IsnbclU I). ;r.
nearly r.u.;
Tl.cir :i"o Mtis 'i veara and
. . I . i ' .
April C3, IS 50.
Fl.r'Va ami Mr. i.. Tim nuiikel for Flour
is firm, wi l . :-.iii c i t . I n . . i 1 1 cat, e. Good
brands me r. r.i. -j a- : . t,lt a 4 oti. Salt
eir.t i t i I. . i -. ; T 10. Fa.icy biuuds uro
held hi :;!,'.. ;;.
Uvu i M. It sc.iieo nl $3.60.
Colts Is v.irce, lVoim. U h"!d
at SJ
;Vnr.AT Sales (if lVnna. red at 81,00
tr.i.v.-.l 1,0.1, an I J'i i:;io '. hito at 1,05 and
live. U in d.?inai".l, sr.l.-s a! 70 cts.
Cor.N. Tim r.bniii ecpiaU the de
mand ; ji liosv ci.i:(:n:tnU (iti cl.
O.XTa. Am iii iltmiiud ut 47 i cts. for Pa.
and -1 0 :-. f.i r Souih in.
Vv'miiXEV. :.:.:lcs of bbla. tt 24 cents.
Hogshuads aie held at 23c.
April 2!, 1S1.
GRAIN. The very limited lots of Wheat
that reach the markd still at J0..95 els. for
good to prima re-.l-t, and ordinary lo piod ut
00 a 9S. A sale of a lot of Penna. whilo In
day at 107 cl., and another of Penna. red
at 103 els.
Sales of corri at 61 a 62 cts., for while
ami G- slillr-it., for yellow.
Wrt ipiote Om iii 37 n 42 ct.
WHISKEY. Sales of Penna. bids, on Sat
urday and to-day, at 24ii:t., nnd of hhtls.,
to 23 i u 24 cts. bdles of Baltimore bbls.
244 cli.
sun nun y i'iiice current.
- BuTTkB. '
. Boos.
POBK. ' .
Piiid A runs.
. Do. Psscaas.
; 9
TAKES tliis method of returning her thanks
to her friends and the public generally, for
their patrnuprre. And begs a rontinuilion of the
same. Hhc n'so ofTers n new assortment of choice
millinery; and fancy dry goods,
nt the very cash prices. Bonnets whiten
ed and colored, In the best manner, nt the old
stand, lUiibct street, opposite the l!ed l.ion Ho
tel. Sunhtiry, April 1!), 1 51. 3t.
"V OI arc commanded to meet in
Mnrhcl tenure, h'unbury, on
MONDAY, 5,h of May,
nt 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped
fur drill.
By order of the Captain,
find ury. 10, I51. lit.
fvTIOI'O.-'AI..'-? will I e received nt the IIoiiso of
Y-. in. i encf, in foil lowiifhiii, N'oitluim-
le.hii'd c -unity, ei: Il.e -( t!i d.iy ef .May next, for
l lie I iiii'iim; i f a h ii' re Over i.'oal I'un in said
town-Inp, en me roi-.i jencin.T i:o?n r-lnmokin to
Cent e tnrnpi!:e. !'; . -. ir.c -.tijii wi'l Lo exhi
bited cil Ike d.,y of lolling.
-':AP..i:n V.'KA VKl!,
vni.fJA'.r Y,-!i.:--n:,-,
l.'..I-:'i IN 'AijiJilKT,
c::0. MAM'i'l.V, I. Ik. (.ca.mUIoacr.
Suul.-nry, Ap.ii li", lidl 51.
Voit tuc rcsjadfiiH'i i,if:inicJ, that
jcncrc! Ai?cr.: .i-; Xcxipspcr Agent
has Tiir: aci:c y
For cil pi'pin :y. ;';.-."; in Hie U. Shifts.
MYi.iw'I. T.rl.S cr.n nlr.r.ys see their i dvcr-f-'A
tocinei.ts v.!k ii imlili-hcd, as he wihe3 lo
k'c:i a it l ir IVj of a'! ivvr s he ndvcrt!e ill.
l''.i m M i e pi--ieuce wi'.li Meve.-p ve:s in sder-
tnm in c'l :,i,l rcu:.! y, nd-eri-;e wounl httd
it i-i tln lr iute.cut la eoiwu'.l'i him the
su' ti- t. c. i'ii,::t i-;.
f.V.i. .Wrrffiitj .:!., Vrlhtn UuiUUns.
I'liii-i-Vphii. Ap.i! i:. ly.
i.'-..-,.:.-j r: -nz Liiiii" (jicriiizTa.
"fT Villi YS OijY I'lttu't! this opport::
ulty In leiy CI.O.'lIl.svl lor idea, Youth
m l ).-v. c.t pucIi pricru e I' " e never vet Iven
kiuvn'i'.i r.;.; ( i'v. .t c :n;:f:i:'n
c.uoi'iiiNt; K.-'i'A;. !; :?.' t:ouiii-i:ast
I'o-ner el' .V.a-I.ct and i'-ecun.l f treets. l'liil :tl.-l-phi.i,
eiidvracinj a ehoi.-e of ll.e Let, nio.-t desira
b'.c, nnd faKiiioiiali'c
Habit do,, I.ini'ii li.lliiii- do,, 'i'weeds,
tc, Ac, toucher v.ilh a aiicly of
CoivL-'.iniT of Srcl; Co its, Polka Jackets, Mon
key J.e'i:e!-:, YrMs ev.d Cnuiid J o kctH made of
Tweed, Linen M.i liii, (.lulb, Alpacca, Keisa-mie-,
Docfkiii. Ac, Ac.
I'.Ktiru'.a. c.i -e h is ken t-iken to procure the
new s'.y'e-i for den and Hoys' ,Viuniner Co.its,
Punt iloonn, 'e-:t., ic,, to which he would invite
special ntlcniiou.
Furnishing (Jocil.
Coni'Sithi-; of chilli. Fin lis:, Handkerchief, &e.;
all of are o i'-rcd ut the h.irr. t t'lisi-iblt
ruth l'.-icn, nnd as the; p as any ether Clothing
Mo c in the l.'nion.
l'.ne it.: v.l'.j ik -.iic iioni' Clotuixo are car
iii'slly invited to the l-'tock.
Cotiiit y Mo.ei,ee;iti can lie accommodated nt
very !v,w r.-tc..
g::o:;ci: ci
S. E. Crnrr nf Second .V J.'url.ct Sis Pu.'a.
April 10, l:-."jl. tf.
k; M'i.-:ti A:i::A:v;:.v.!:r rucM
riiit.Aii::!.r;ii.ANi puv i .a'h.i.i-.
Tares Us disced.
cf the V'ul'n. I- Kilrwl Co. i
Pi.iI..d-.-!:.hi.i, March ISol. )
Two Pr,-ei:rer Tr-ins Dailv, (except Sunday.) I
r N and uficr A,ril l,t, iwi two trains will
J - l-e run each v.av, daily, between Pl.iladil-
phia and iu!i!, "
T.p.ves Pkil.t'el '..ia at "J A. M., dailv excep.t
c, .. .. ' J
l.ea-.ei, Pelts. :i!e at ' A.M.dailv except Pun-
da' r,.
T, eaves Philjih lpliia at o'clock, daily, except
Sinai tea.
l.favi.s Pott.sviltL' nt "J o'clock, daily, except!
Petween Pl.i'a' lpiiia and Po'tsville, 52.73
1st cl i.-a cam nod 62.25 2 1 clascars.
Between PhibnMihia and Beadinir, S1.75 1st
clan cars and .'rlMo id class can.
Meput i:i Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vine .' trects.
IV -i n"-rs cuter the cars unless provi
ded with Ticket,.
XOTICE. Fifty pounds of hane will lie al
low ct I t jcr, li pa -.. 'ie.;r bi thee lines; nnd pn.s-
'.i-.e.-i; nr. cia; le jtr.-'.i! i!e:l I'rom t.iiii'i any-t.u:.-:
! '- ia -e but Iheir weaiiug apparel, which
will be at the r-k of ii-owner.
11 V onlar ol Toe Board of .Mri'if".
i-. u:;.;i;ro!;n,
April 10, 19.'!. Kccrelary.
. -.1
T"m:;: b-
:a hae lived upon
iya far hcarinir apprals at the
.c, i.i rial, bury, lo wil :
nx.-p, 2 lib April 1151.
Co::"::i --1 ai.ira' I;
Chili:--mi. "ie t
..'!! .li llo'roo-:''ut town. .hi. i,
l';!;lv;,:( '"
Lewis '
Low. .'dahour.y '
J'-h-i'i "
Co. Malrniry "
1 it : lit " "
Co .1 tavrnship,
'i.ailiol.lil 41
Low. Augusta "
I'itir-r " "
sr. th
2(1 :!i
bo.iborv Boro-.iiib, " '.' "
Bush t-.'wn- ht-t, " "
Nurlbuuibcrl'd B-..reu;h, " ' "
Point towuahii), " " "
fuiibury, April 13, 1 PS 1 . St.
FiiLLow Citizi:ns: At the solicitation of
my fricnJs, I oflcr uiyaelf as a candiduto for the
ollice of
at the rusuimr ckclion. Hiould I bo elected, 1
promise lo the duties of said ollice with
lull lily tint iiiipai tiahty.
(llOKiifj BRIGHT
unbury, April 12, 1851
TVJOllLl. is hereby mven that letters of Ad
k1 ministration have been granted to the sub
scriber on the estate of Conrad Kershuer, dee'd.,
Into of tSuubury, Nurt'iumlrland county. All
jtcrsons indebted to said estate, or having claims
agaiual the same, are requested to call nit the
subscriber for settlement
fcunbury, April 12, 1851. Ct
If Par butites tor sate uy
S anbury, April IS, 1801.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court so
Norl'.uiiiiliCilniid county, Joseph Jolinson,
Administrator i!e !oni unit of Ilie nonds, Ac., of
Jnnies jolinson, l:le of ISorihtiini -erhind. deed.,
will cxpesn lo sale Ly pnMic vendue on the pre
mises, on Yv'r.iixi BiuT ilie ;ili d.iv of May next,
at - o'clock, P. M., llioiic four certain
Lots o( C round,
situated ill the Hnrotif;h ef Noithuml ciland, ill
said County, eonlaiiiinij aliout
Twenty Acres
more or le-, ndjuInirrT lands of l!:e hfin ef Jas'
Kay, dee'd., J jhi j Ii YVa'.lls mid Anns V.. Knpp'
on which it creeled a jr w.l Two f't.iry
rr.rri; liVTrr-j-nra tcitce
and UAKX, snd nthc-r improvement.
joMjrn JOiiNso.N.
At'm'r :e lr.i HON of
J AM US JOHNoON, dee'd
Dv order of l!ie Court )
JOHN i'. PI K- r.U, Clk. 5
April 12, 8151. H.
AO. lv J l;cr, (,'rus jira;.; Bircct,
6or Third, rppofitt the I'.'MeSxa.i Hotel.
TsHo'-v f.hrtiidlt-rs su l Jdanuficturcm can La
Rlipplicd wlllia l;rtru!e Arli. !- of Culidle Moulds,
cf -upcii'-r CMi'Ilence ai;J !i;:;-!i,
T. B. The f.loul.U aie ma-ls ef the Iirst McUl
and p-'lllicl l y a I'.cr-; I'jicnt Ma- iiine, v.hitli
frivet them an c, Ira fnidi. They nre niter Uic
Eugiiih ttyle Iii? lips Iti prrew on tlie pipe, and
tiie pi'.'e to i-c-e.v tij'hl in the licin-h.
Lt-' Y!rHA:Ti-r to La far superior to any
ether now in u :e... - 3
lie mair..:.c lines Cv.r ji.-r.l Pumps and
f? Iti: -en.
April li, IS'l.
1T )Ai removed fiun hijjjld fk-ud, I.'o. 118
iJ il Mne itrcct, to
No. 52 Vil'.xjn St., 1-cCn Cil'uill If li'Mow,)
where he has cannV.n'.iy on hail ',
V - ? " "T "T C n ,' r:i 13 (1 Tl
Xt-L-j J . I LiMUi, i J i. - il J. )
Afr f 'kV
....,1. VlsvA
ro:i ii')":: ct.:;- :.:v:iQ:; on snirnsa.
X. Ik (Mori'";. P.i::'l:i, AVire and Eotf!r.,
A'int-;.-ar, t". a, Pur mla in ali-ave.
Pkiliuk Ipkin, April 12, 1 i; " 1 ly.
or the ta:eoi-' i-i:n-.-' r.-r. :-; op
nrHE o'.tlc.-t Mi c'.iiiniea! Peri.nlical extant in
AiKciioi, is pt;l.!;. .ir.l on the bri! ol ciuu
mouth in the City of i'hila
.ia. Il k is been
regularly inauo.l lor upwards ci iwcnty-livc years,
ami is earefully elit.'.l by a c j'.n.iillce of bc-ientioc
pcntlemcn eppooiUd far Ike purpose, by the
Franklin Iiii-Mcit.'.
Tlie dcr.ervc.liy hi :' rcpi.l.iti an, both nt home
and abroad, v. l.i. h this Jo-am. 1 I....- ac piiicl uud
suslaiued, Las i icn it a,n nnd eckiin,;e
list of the best elnraelcr, which cmdned tlie Cum
luitlce on Puidicall j-ii tj i.i.iko Ilie !h-.v. s-'leelion.s
Irani Foreign Jouriiuls, and lo pic t ireiilalion to
original eoi,iioi:ui. 'alio.. i on lr.erhaoie.'il a.i I aci rahjecls, au.l i.jtiecs of n.-.v inventions;
notieis nl' nil the I uleii'.s i-i ::rJ at l!:e i'alent Of
fice, Yaaking;:,!! City, aie piii ll.ha.l ia the Jour
nal, lore'her ivl'.h a lanm aoi'innt of iu'oruiiition
on Merhaiiira, 'liruil -iry, i:mi Civil Bniuccriny,
derived fiom ll.e I itcjl uud l-.'t astli-irities.
'J'i. is Ji.i r:ud ia pul on ll.e llrsl of each
mouth, each li'iii-.h'.'r c ulaii-iii-; ut leaa! nevenly
two I'a-'t" , ;:i. ! i a:;ii t'..o v ii::,i. s annually of
about i'Ji p.i :e. C....I;, ill,!..', i.e. I .,;h cn;:rivioi;.s
on eeioer ui;d on v.'coj if ti:-a KuLlecU which
j ro'p.i.c tl.c.,1.
I 'J'ha tiu'-s.-i ip'-oTi j rice ii rive P-d'nrs per an
nul. i, puya! ia en ti.: c- oii-k d-.n v f the sj:.t!i nuin-la-ri
uud it will La l'ir.,ar.l. .1 bee of pa.-taire
when live doli .rs eie renuttc.l I lite Actuary
I (posUjj-a pai .) in lid'. anec far ciu J ear's suhscrip-
I tion.
1 omnifiiiealions ami letters on business iniw
'l.!';. , V':i" A:'1"r' V' ii'
U'.J 1 1, i e.,.. ,.v-..a, l..o poae
r J' '
April 12, l:!.il. Cw.n.
Coinnu'iii-'ailouri and letters on business mint
VVTO'i'i;:", i herd v i-.-u tl.l Iclters of Ad-
X' raiiiiatr.iiioii h.ue lieeu eriiib-d l-j the suh-
Kjjilu-r tin the
of (.
-n :-.!.ir::!e, ocv, J.,
late ef r'ia:t,i'rv,
iri.'. d county. All
persons indebted to k.iid cMale, or havinu; claims
against tho snie, are re juried lo il.l oulhuku'i
seriucr 1'e.r telilaiaei.l.
M A UY MAIlllI.", Adm'trix.
f-.-unoury, Aj;il li, If-ol. tit
(. .. C.,r I',- .),) iarr,)
Tho ti-
t I iik I to!.?-; tl.i i nielli-).! of
in his !'i!c:''i u;-..l ii'Mhi.ii u: iLi.ns generally,
that v.'iili a vlr.v to l:..ii::r p-'r:.-t Control of I be
Li, -iii"i, r.:i 1 tl.a ht'.r to I',:..!; r i.iiertMs of
his iVieiul:-, la- 1. :s lh. .ii l.i Ij. i t to dl.fotilini'.e tlie
nrrain t in--::: had villi .'.i..-tr. ii.wn, Jones A.
Co., and be i.i i.nv: ui ilo ; a.i :!.-:;t ci" II i: ar
C i l'.a, I'- ;., a::.! i ; p: . are 1 to r.-i eive eonsi-.m-nieuta
of i.i m aioi, to .ki- h lie d--v.i'.i s his winds
i-tlei.lio!', ai. 1 hu; by el'i . "...a in ol.: lining the
l.i ;i.e. I uiarl.e! ; ri -. a i..:.! nial.l.::; prompt returns,
lo merit a li! er 1 il.ara i f j; -.iron i e.
Atlviintes loa.h: on c '.. I.-!,! ici.t.s, af.J sales
cashed and re;.;liiaii:ea made uJ kom a talcs arc
Letters r.ud caiiE-.'.iua: n! ; i.!kiii!,1 be addressed
ta L. W. II. Clllll, Agent.
X. B. Tho tebs il'. i-r will cive every infor
liuitiou it: ;"..'c'.iu a; pu'i'. 1 1 ilia! iib.o v.ilh regard tu
the prope,- h'i'.s lo which the coiiliout kiuJs of
Luu.ber i-'.iCiiM ie i.iv.ed.
Ballimore, Mareh 22, lff.1 51.
ADM ft. mi lha U.-.l J oa .i 1 ll.aj- r, i ll the valnal !e
inc. ..dial I r.,; i.-:.y .a v.i,:.-n li ...... ac luund tu l.ea-
li. III a e n , .ii- .i'. at. i i- ia-, .a:. .it .1 I ml.
li is ii ii,. .r. i t ill -i. nl and nt u.c- aii...- l:arti:'--(ts. if-i.tly
ma.iie....i y I no- I r il. - t: ui.-.-ii, 111..1 will l-c I vr.y urn..! i.i r-.a --.t,ra li.e io..tia ui:-l ti....n-ati,iii iceiinri
uc-i'.Mi.i'tui I.J ti.t-ll'i .eri-l 1 :-.! ll ta lien imp. iL.uit iu(i..n,
l'r -nl it nf u. a . noia K t-.i i finl'i I lai t .1 in a VI ino-irlati-ful
1. 1 siv. i. ti ne. I wall r t iti'i-ly rL-.u -vc llio i.alu
K-ni-y aatlo,', it ki:.ii resaloi-a it- in i,, -ii.unil if mUeii
twitir l!ii-;c toa-1 -loi.t, ca ie ,uiu-l, v.-.ll l.e lomul bi-Lly
ii -!Lit leiiiiiCii liif la"':.nil i-l paal.iiinl llit-til-.m.
arli iin.l lea i.-il.-y t .1- iii-. 'i.t-inl ufiion iH-t.aii.iicd tie liie
ei.ei v.iil:.'? ii!'i-.-l ui liie kitami-r h. -a'.-, or f -ll in w.allt m
tlii oai.t i.i, uinl lor c.'nuciii.g Ihe iiu-i: ieia slatfca ui diarr-
lia-a, .ve.
it i. nisi mi cier'.t.m ineil.eina for lln te win liove in-itir.-ii
lUe t im- of liiclr .!iiiu;'i-I. l.y llio ni.iiii,.lcriilo itu- of
nil ixii-i.liii.1 li-pi I'V c itiml.iii.iir .0Vi-i up. n
Ino a! ai. Lira re. n vi t luo era. In r f -r loniiiiiiats, wllilo il
lina n i ii.jtui iiisneu n i n l'r; tu ia, mi l ia n I aneeee.leil
by leutii.aa -a ttej reaiiiou, wiiieb ulways follow lbs use of
uie,-li .1.-: kliinuianis. ,
A 1,-ie m i: a iij-i si to-iie'Cif f!a. rlir.!irli or other Mirira-
tivo llte.!ieii:e, V ill reinb-r tli-:..l III lit ntri-pnuVe I' lue
eiaiii ii-li una promti! liie ijri,.iijf wiiitu n apl lo uce. iiipuny
tlieil acllna.
rntrARuu only ev
PIlL'CClf -T AND f'lir.MlST.
N. E. comer of lh oiiJ Chestnut Streets.
I'liilaJclpliia, A nl li, !.:i -ly.
(jajMLVEK WATCiiES A few double cases
EunUab bilker V.'ulehcs, for salo at very low
prices by II. B.,
Buabury, April 12, 1551,
Crrnt lmprorrmcnli la making
French IJuit Mill Stones.
TlY tlie use of
1 1 hrinFsniMt
iin roveil c-it ifii
I'.vo vlik-:i is I'tull
iiitn I!m- f! miner.
nn la oiti.w r the
wt'-ir ol th Hl"ll:
.ml tins n in tveulilr-
I nlanrs - ryne su I
ilrii s t " to ke
ltic lialnnco of lh
'..n Willi niittnnn
lll'SR linlil u
w'lii on t. "
...i, ..r 111 ,r,L-s im
flt-rtM In rr.inri", nnil Ihf ,nt mistily i-nlv uwit.
p li t liurr bl siis it m ii t i a itM in tlitawter with th
i '" ' i i lit' l.i inn, . i n 1 i ri-vnt liiti ruiinrr rlioKlng
V, . 7 ' .'",! ' .' "!M ' 1 nana jm, clifiii inr can
... -. ui.iv .tih u a, it-runrs 1 11 , t: :nifil la tinlt-i'.
I'lin.lH -m-t .,l n. rlcl iuiijble lot O.illlltry Mcr-
chuus, imji-'rlcruli I for ,lo hy
j. r.. j:i rciir.i.i.,
" "' ' Voili It "i l, lii-nr Uiii Indian l'c lo.
I ,"t.a.-lpl,,n. A,ri jj. jVjJ . One..
rffHIJ suh-vriK'r return their sincere thanks to
their eutnmers. for rncourai;riiieiit
for the last year, snd hope by strict attention in
iiinr.3 oroers to meet with tin- sanic lihcrul natron
KC. Aieluveon hand the Greatest vatielv of
pjiicrns ci any oilier i oundrv ill the I uited
(Males, and dill adding to tl.cir number. Give
us a call before imrt lia-ainr elsewhere. Our slock
cuihracesa gri variety ol Cookinj slaves, of Ihe
uioul ej'provej kinds, j'jrlar tt oves for wood or
coal, common stoves, cylinders of nil kinda, and
odd piali s of nil kindu 1 1 repair stoves.
Per f'unuiier u;.e, a small .Stove, called Sum
mer l aker, uo-.v niid Kiipeiiar l uriiai'es for burn
in;r c'i ir, oal or clone coal, Guj ovens of I'cvpral
liiitlir.-ut Jiareriis, lial.e ovens, s-vcral pst'.erns,
Litckiii;: p -.-ts, f'piut irons, and a variety of arti
cles in c.n:i;:tr. t.i.i uuir.rroiis lo nier.tiju. The
Hardware ti i.'f can he supplied with common 4,
I , , an-l 0 ipiHit 1 ea kitilo'i, at very low pri
ce for c nil r.r ci'y ucreptance.
A lew of Btii'crior Gcnuiu black lsad on
vr au nick & idnuANCT.
si. r, hnif, Delaware, Philadelphia.
Ai-v.l !::, 1H.H. Cmo.
s i. -a.i a i l' Ii :i; nn.l eltiris, nru rt-t;eeira!lr
-.1 i, t'.., ex- ilk . m tm. i v-.-i-a K..I-.-I.-.I .r
1 i.
1i l-...l.0 .Villi ami Ji-.u.. n.iw itfta-tUt-y
ll.e s t':t. a,: ,-r c us..ii.s ii. .ri um l' ia.v.
A.ia.,1.-.,., i i. hi J-, 'i I.-- i..s. ir-ri-.a'. w.ili niUt w-'r.
flst-'-l '
r l,i..H, l j: iiii.a ., oi p..rt ii:,.ii, uil e--i rs.
i i I'i- nl l or L e...i. i.aritlit, ntiin, wilh
niRiit vr-.l,
i-laieU t r t-rass ruri.i.iiit', or i-oicc'l-hi nil
c. I. .is.
Am -.-t
ll - r -a-
7 r ail 11 :-,r I. t-rt.s anil St re D-Mr. II ifuou-
. i-.-.-f;.!' h:,i;ui e, -a' jei.v--eii all ti..lom.
ti.ii Iaa- i. :,ii kor.-, t-.iiv.ow. Uiis or
e. -.1 .-.,., itiuu.i e -1 ia.
-. .i.-i. 1. at. u'i k.r..-k. v. iltt i.LiItiJ. vtrlala or
A. a
i...,,- lu-.-ii.-.ii,-. r a, ,,a c -i ii
Ain-rii-:.ii .M rli.v l,i; ,,-s, ull s!z-s, wi'.li plalnl Wlitts
or l-ffits ;.:..i.:.ire. . i I .,-.-!-,i ull e .lew.
A .: i.r.ia '.1 i:..- . 1 i-:.i.i c. -k-.i L'-tlu, taltnl tn bruti
c-al. !... i.. .-r ! in,!! ,.. ..,ts. i-1..;, Slop, 'il.ui.i'o, Ca'.f, nnJ S'.oro Door!.i-s.
-. 1-ieia:' .1 1.. -a.j im-,!';s. f cvt-iv il-m.-riptiml.
II a ,a ;a'-. Aaicriean ltalt il;a6-.n. in' nil kiiif.s, 1'ukt
ol I i. .'o j- i. !.
c-. r. I, ale, Sir .;, 'i'., r,n-l lla.-'art-iji IloeTrn. nil UiinW.
tlaall:-!-, l.ij;,-. 11 ,. r, I I:;. li. an,, 1'-, iia ll.-lt, ' i' wroinlit
or e ,;.'. n .a ar.eai, ry i: -ft-ri; li u.
Irk-w.', S, ,-i-.'n. liiia'. M ai.l I'j.var ol l:-e 1-rnt e.iinii'.y.
Aai'i.icai AaIu A.ul Miiu.i Axto I'uiie-s, ol' vveiy
vai i . i .,
Ana.-i'.'.ni llutt. ais, pi tin tr on ptd'.es, brass, iron, or
Am ii-aa N.,l,i, n! lt'-l. wiii'.e, u il. or v,l, !l kiu-ts.
r .-lu-C ill. I- -..o: n ili.,1 L.a'.Cli., Vi'.il olili-r :tl i;t-li.S Ic-O
Mli. niul MAHlI.'.ViUliirrri ut l-'ACTWR V
At! It i ill -1. livcrtr.l t f Charge la uny linrt of
lll't t'i.r nail llis-rirt'i.
A' t-.ia e-: il.lls!,.i . nt -;in b" f ntiiil rue of Itic linrnst and
l."E'. c " . liiitit s i' W . , ui-.U l-'a-i-v ..1. I'.-r tec-ii. ie..
ii i! - v'ii . , s a,,, j u.i-.i. i, el' w-e-ii, ciinot uti kctfii, tir
.Iiii.iii-l. m ia,;- i ll i r t- te. 'I'.iHi.S
l-i-i-ji iv J n-ui mi'h H,.'-L, I'.na !. Ii .il, ini'l Hipp Saws,
av -i..-1 n .v i' r Uela.l all si-lt-rK'l welieaie.
S ! 1 I ll.e i .1 I Ull.s. instl I'J K. V.'. l.'nr.
I'att-r, i-l' I.nii'-'.l -r. I'a.. li.-i; r nil in i-tf nl' Salit wooil.
iin.l li.a iit:sKf-'ie.:l im.l trii.l. ll-iiiv'n -V Wiilisuw' uiaLs
ol t' ;;s- !i, Ax.rf, .Iai. l,:, ii.iiv.-i.i hai-.rM, t, nil uar
raao 1 .r
I'a ill's ai.-J !J:-.iU's inat.c of Anccrs and An-jer Kilts, ill
cia. n
A ac-ri.-nn K ptarvs an I It.tvit t m'evcvr i!,-,'ripiion.
Aia.-ri'-aa liulrn. ri.i-a.-. Iiao'delli. i'tiioiamiiiii,. Screw-
Jrivton, Ac.
Aiei rii :ta IS. I! i..,nir:, Cbw ma! llivetin, sit SUrt,
.'.no:, ia: I 'i.-l s, i.'.f s..i-it.
t-'l"f. ir:,n, lint WoooVa i;i-.ic?j, with C. 3. Ililts, in
Sr.- " ti i- ;y.
Y. l.i.-..fs ii S i-.'s. Ilnii-iicr's ini'l it'.le.'r cilelirileJ
111 lie f i.- I'!:-- :. l':.-.-,--;i,i::r. ,'.i-,,U.
A ' l.s's - '. ' 1 l r". ie-- 'l' . '!., all -saa , t-.i. : no i I ii e Iv.k! ;..:.! in hi i x'e-..-iv u.ft irtlneii'.i
of i : l- ii -ooe-.a e aaJ 'l'o -.Is in liis Male.
A' Hi.- ,i .' 1 -1 ;.,-: ii i- t. n i.i, a,:. I n .:.-.:sci re to show
ill- 11 . , a ar.- . :; J t 1 1- .a ri-., liicatii ,rt-l'.i-.,t,
nn I l.:;r ll. r i-.!-.-,s i.kici;,!, L-u'.,j purt'liasairf lue.
vrliire. I'vi i..-i'
Y.aai, rev,elfa.:t -
vT. :.f. Mii i.rsi:,
N't. OT M rl !., l.t-tw-'fii 7llt iiiitl sill, iiautir iiJe.
aa, At,.i I J, 1:01. ly.
Y7'ILI. er.iti:r.:'y keep on bauJ a general as-
so:', uieiil of
ii.l'v keep on ban.
bf "
at the lately occupied by Jacob Painter, as
a b a I ;i..:r.;!a.L'.iHj, in .'.lurkc-l ti.iuare, Uunhury,
ion:,i:iii ; i f
J.'miii.s, r.ill:tis. Lawns, D'Laiitei,
JJaracs, Chintzes, tyc.
An n.sortir.ciit of Gcutieiueu's fancy gooils, ss
Niiciii.iu iiiri s, Coi.i.Ain, lioistiiy, kc.
April C, l'-ol If.
a.'o. 10-1 MitrLet Street,
HT'f A VINO deii.le.l lo quit the business, I pio-
'1 ij poe Ij sell the stoek at very low prices
ft eaihr.i.-rs tlm newest and most ilcirahie styles.
Yuu arc invited to call and examine.
April .ri, ISol. 2uio.
.' O'i'K.'i: is hereby uivi u that letters teslainen
' Inry laive 1 pen evunti-.l to Ihe sulneriliers on
Ihe Tlsialo of Juiiu Porh-r, dee'd., kite of the hor
oa j'i of Ntarthkiid i .kind. All persons indebted
tj .ai.l Pi.lalc or lu.iiif; claims s:;.iiut the same,
tro re poctcd lo call uu ll.e sukticri iters and nettle
the t ine'.
WILLIAM 11. V.'APl.Ki'U Lwcu,or
'.'oiti.i.i.ii.ehiiid, .March 2'J, I'o.'.l. Ct.
UV. Kuhrcriber re-pretfiil'.y infurms bis friends
and fellow clli.ous of No.lhuinborlaud eoun
ly, that bo w ill be a candiatc f.,r
County Coniniissionep,
at llio insuiiiLs; eleeti-an. He Oiorefore solicits
frain his uud fello.v citizens a liberal sun-
imit, and l.roniines bliaidd be lie tleete.l to dis-'
i-harB'j I'm duties of Ihe ofiico with fidelity and
tllunbury, March 15, 1S51.
rSHE subsrri'oer will reeclvt orders for sll kinds
A of Fruit Trees, such as,
Apple Trees, Plum Trees,
Peach Trees', Cherry Trees,
PearTree3, Apricots,
Quince Tier:),' Ornamental Trees, ttc.
TOiTrther with all kinds cf t'.hruhhery, Bulbous
Boots, Blunts, t.rnpe uns, cie. All of which
will be solJ ut tho lowest rules hv
H. B. MASf-BR, Aeent.
IT Orders for Tie ca. ii c., should be sent in ss
early as pu?i'..c to secure them in time.
bulibury March 15, lEol
-, a ueali supply just received, and for
aie ny . is. B. MASSER.
April 12. 1E51.
tLVBITINQ FLCIB and self sealing Eava-
lan iiiMt rAnivtil an.1 f. . 1 Ik
April 19, 1851 JC. . MA9SJ5P,
rjHR SitliscriliPT who resides in Philadelphia
JL nhers for naln the following property in Mil
i"n, ioriuuiiilierlanil eounly, viz: 1 lie large
1 M- upper Millon, formerly occupied by
mcssis i inrersons ns n Carriage linkers ."iiop.
Tiie liuildin-T is CO feet front on miner Market
street, and 40 feet en Front street, and is two
sioncs ini-ii. Aho a two slorv
40 by 25 fret on the immn tiremises. The lot i.
i..i.i-tt-an-oi upper i.iniK.t ami r rout streets,
unci is i,t, e,.t Iroul, and l.K) n,.t deep.
l no premises worn d he valnnl.lp fur . rnnr,,lr
or otlier mniiul'acliiiinR purposes, nntl will ht sold
on n' nnd an 'nnmeda'.in terms try ep-
rv"'ti viuici oi j.iuju u.kkiu.-a.
J. r. YYoi.n.t;r.R, iq.. MiUou or
JI. B. MAs.MCH, u. ,;., Manhury.
Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 151 If.
TZlT.T.?Xtl27, IIODGXS &. CO.,
IMPOIMJilJS AM) jonnEns,
O'J Likri-I Mpi-pi, Tirw YorU.
(Hi'lwern Ureiulnny nml Nasam t
A " n 've reeelvinjr n rieh nm hr-mtli'al sM irlmrut of
puitit-i.l-uiy im lit 11 o u-.i,..,., , , ,;nM, l.,,".,.;,,.,;.,, Hlu(
Will lll.,V,. il u,t ,.t. ,,.r , , ... ,.,
. .in , nan m.ii .,iaiinp-v lit,, i -e in ... . .... i
deoir,,,,,, ! , . .:, f ,.,,.,., t.ath; jower'tlZ
tvr, r. il in i!i t n .iri..i.
.Vllt!int-,.'l t !.u-i 'i- ...:.,. ....... .
, . . i - ' '" ' ' ' - ".i fti-iy nriirc III
lhlrll.i". SI 1.1 . ail iii , i , ,. i .:
. .Watty of tnr s-i.,!, a v n, ilea -,' ,.!
prH-'s"'" m" 'l '' "fl-'W ' r bi-ai'.ly or' low
Hi'-h, I c..u Kleins.. Ui-gsvaiitly.
', ir, i .aie l.-.-s. 1 ... i-,..,-., ,?al lllasi'in tsees
1 niliai'ii- s I rll.i i-., iii.
I'-iiiy l.i...i l ies. I'.alv'i.ui u,
... Mi.. i:,:-u-j i -aa.s. i i. if.. r. );,.,.
I-.... a -u. -.-a l..iv,-a a.,j ,tl;,vl. sw-iM -lial .".i'l-iliii.
I ,.)!' ' : i;' a!'e, aaJ l.islo Tiirt-jJ
Hialin a:,-r..,l. l!.Vtw ae I l.iu-n Camhrie Ilkfj.
Jooves aa.l Mit:.-., iii 1, Vi. W, I.isio i'i.iVad MrU-ii:(
S-ii'f". Crn-.-in na.l ln
Sivics. .1 ,.- .i.-e. rj.... ,j, ;:,:,-.., I.awnt.
Y'V. rl.:' "''''' k ''' I'li-n'i-'i a friti-e tflmrti.
A I'1'-1 ri :,.'. il il 'l.:-.w i, ,
fri-iiel! m,, Aieri ,.-! Aiioi.-.-il 11 c-s.
uh n I ...rf v.i.n.1, u., i:.c.,n ,i ai,, c.
Ail ' to a-.-oi,i t an: 'i l.liecs will uidL.t inansy
uy i-jlla. aail .vn.l .i. x i.....,:,...t.
New Y nl., J oi. a;, ii;i
e ---a r -v --i ,4
ul'iUt.,.!, IA.
nMT, VA:-i MTITSEI.'S respectfully inform
A. the Puhlio that they still cmiiuup to enter
tiu tr...le:s and offers at their old esubltshed
stand in .Market alreet, we t el the Court ilou e.
Their lo:nr experience in the Inniuess, and ll.e
well estsl llshe.1 rfi ut .f an of their Home, will,
they trust, be a valf. .-.nt irusrantee; that their
customers will l-e v.-. ll neconnnudale J.
.March 8, '.Sol u'.
TO ?.HY2:iCIAN:3 A!s'3 CTIIEP.3.
rgillB subseril er-i oiV.T tj physi.-lins and drug-
. ;is:.'i, a ea.-euilly seiPeleJ kto-.k ot diui'S and
me.liciui's, which they will nuaraulee lobe of tho
best quality, pure and im.idulierated in all cases.
I liiur lor nnporuiiz foreign diU'rs end
Ciieiuieals are m:c!u t' i.iey sro ena'cled to sell
them upon ti.e let Icrms, and at tlie tame time
lo assure their customer.! of their i,;euuiiieuess.
They have also re ei.lly prepared uud now of-
ier lor saio u iiierior arlu le ol
Keaei.iLihi.'t Henry's Magnesia, f.ea fioui caibon
ic aeitl and ioiihneisor i;riltii.r is, almost entirely
tastehicj, combining in an equal bulk from three
to four times lha si.eiiilli of liu common kind,
and sold ut about one hii the price if Henry's
They have also prepared the
Fluid luj-'nesin,
Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity
of the stainach, he..i lanrn, nau ie.i, Ivc, at leas
than h ill' tlie ur.-.-e of ll.e 1'o.rl -n article.
Th av ..Is,, l .a. h..n I .,.' i
tum uu u
IH'.ll VI
s in PoYiclop.
Neatly .tit up in 1. J nnd f pound bot.les, such
as AI lliil-ii-h, .V.iiut, Meueua, Biinluny, Ki
no, Gum Aral ie, Scru-nUria, Hit. Glvevrrii, Lie.
i, . .. - .. 1 .
t: . 'rri,.Jf.x,ir
I va l.'r.t.i, i.V
..... , , , v. j
Great care l.n ben taken . liava tb.eia jtre
pared fiom the be.-l k-rhclej dr.i-.-s uud ill such a
way as to preserve ;he eluraelcriilies of each ar
ticle without injury.
'1'hey have. ni..-j a variety cf
Criiilcil il-. k'JiiirJurscCsiJii'KS
Prcp-jrallona of tin ir own n-.auulaet'are, and add
to the li-:t. all the valuable new remedies as they
become Kit )wn. Auuug ll.ein may be iniutioiicd
the f-rllovri.i:; ;
II;. ilrocyma-.- A-.-al.
riep.i,-:..iiNia e.' I l!,-.r, -
. f r.,c;.-na,
I.i:;n-'r An.iiv-iaa,
A. ill. rl .
I li s, Iiatr, ii . ant-wre-
III. -'ir lor Hllt-ll'llali:.:.!.
Vrii-arnliaiis kf Mercury,
" Iron,
" Vaim.
rxlmi-t of S-'ima. rhltd. a
p.ii.k.-ni l-.iiii 1 1 aUiniiiuiar
lo eni.ii.'i'n.
Kii.ael of i?."La Ceirn.,
flail. .
" fipnrrtia, "
' 1-at .aiilljC'ym- lianl.
llxlraei v-l lleiaian,
" 'I'.ran-.-eni,
" i-.l.Ti'in, ItaiJ, s
new ami uscial icmialy.
ilo. ii i. a-liS, .
41 no aaupltt ilJ.
' Cot s-i n;ii I'oinp.
" oj aoapie.
tps. .Elhrr Xil.'us, L'. S. P., Oils of Copaiva,
Cul cbc, Br,;.it, 'J'ol.accc, iVc. Citrate of Iron
and IJuiniue, r-'esq ii-tlxiile of lien, en stilidole '
lor ars'T.ii', Oilrale 1 1 .'liai'i.csia, a new and pleas
ant caller. 1c iiK'.lieiiie, put up in 1 2 oz. Lotties, I
'. per iloz. t,.4,,ijion, or l.i.pnJ Adbesive Piss- j
ter; a eon' clie nt apphe-ili tu in many surgical
operations, put up in siniitl vitls. Also ..
TElilN'i; LMnil,
A convenirnt preparutiou of cauthnri des in manv
cases whcio there is a dhiieuliy of upplyiug the
onliuary L-li-terl., ; planter. A cuatiu: of it appli
ed w ilh a l uiin l's hair bru-h and covered with oil
silk or soma tdtnilar substance, will produce s
blister in three bourn' time ; or when exposed,
in toe usual lime ol st out hours.
Phvsieinna an 1 others m.-.y d. neu:l upon the
faithful and prompt exeet;:; in cf their orders at as
low rates us ll.e bct quality of iiieiiieiues can Le
5'i Che . ml Mreel, Pltilada.
Laboratory, G:h ai d Morris Ms. tfuuihwark.
Novciubcr 1U, if.
i sTiitu.or.Y th:: c'li.r.i n atiii) r.n r. w.
UtillAfn, I'l-I'ii-s i :!' A. r. I--iv, A-:: on- inv, I'.'.re.
nol-ii.-y, inn! Oo laiin -y, c-'ni..ii.-'il wn.'i 11 A'l'ltl.v,
li -i.i Se i . a - il. - III e i- N ... VI l Si' ulr.-c', IMiilnilrip.Uja,
i -Iii -i a li.s n-ivi.-ia l..ti.f i-i' i-f ,. a lluo-il.-iiai-il citinly.
Ill' l:.ts l.'-ra t,::fiilml l,v mi tlu er.'Wi,:-.! I.eailS'.l' llliroin'.
anil e..oy:ln la ilier r.-;.u-.e. i at a- nn AMn it v--i iiiu.-l any t-ii.
I.vii.'i. "..ilii t.i, 5 riil-iii:,i.- I ai-.- to liaui.uirie)- 1 A.
iln-a i-J. ticnli. nriii t . l'ei. a:a ai s ilisaaii-is i-nil l-m-s
Itit-ir na'.li I' i'i- a, n,!:aK ita'.ci'l l' e ilav ol tiii-tr
l.inli. Ail l--il.-i.-i co.ti i!ii!n,i t!..- ui, .ta, f.-c i ill rtr-.-ive im
lile.tiiilc l.'l-.-nli"ii, anil .Naliliiua lo unv purl of lt:a
w.irt.l w.itO'a . ,ii ilaiiilili' paper ; anil la- if prepure-t to uiniia
ue of li!a t-v c '.-',' ill-'it oil nnv t'l llio fo'tuwill-' l.iw
p.ik i I' a-iVli e't a I 1' li.r kii.-ef&a.iil tit'Conlplis.
iit-i it t.i a wt- t.-liy uiatll '-r.c ; In I- is Ilie (t-iwuf lu rf.luem
sat-it its n.e nive.i t tlie fiee ne of liie InUUe; uinl ltr ull
en.-es is' Imr-iiS, null for the rt-e -very ot Mok-ll or kvt
erly, an.1 pnretn..,itr u;' li tiery liekiiia. 'I'li-utunils inf the
above nam,-.! c.ti- lime hen it l.e in tliia t-itetitiit ua viem
ety. an.i in tli I rnie.l rtuitisi lu Ilie full anllaluetiiSl nf alt
10,'liiu N.aiviii.-a or lloii-w :: hitvo heeii cast Uuring th.
list f ur yuirs while hero. I.rl.eta vvtll wnut-r every pur
l -tf, tinil will tl-i ns well ss bi cull in H;rannb,.aniJ lha
la n )W an rife tl.-it (wra nis l.-il it t four to trust tnoney
thr ov'ti Ihe l'o.-t lliliee. In. It-u-k rrritivr. from Son to
liifiil Irllt-.s in tiit'ily, nml hits never iiiised un.. e par.
lii'nliir to i.vne l. si liilii-i', la.u.ity ami Suite. All leuer.
will im r.'lisi si.iy I ', if tirrpai.!. l-'()f iUor. ,r.
llenl-iis call al Ihe t.nieeol Una paper auj gel au Ajlroljgi.
cal Atuunu-.i's sral is. ,
71 iXM street sbovB 1-aiili'h, Philsrlelnhia
C. V . JiOJiAck.
riulfclelpbis, Feb. 8, li-jl.-Sin.
TNK Boureau's celcbraled itik, and also Con
gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
11. B. MASTER.
December 2S, 1850.
O.OLU PENrJ wilh and without adver cast
just received, and (of sale by
tunbury, Afid 12, 185
uvea j;&'lo?p'-i'li&r JOsW f
the I'nra ef
Tho uniform success which has attended the
ue of this preparation its snlutary efl'ecl its
poxvrr to relieve and cure a flection of the
Lungs, have rraincd for it a celebrity ciualleJ by
no oilier medicine. Yi'c olfer it to tho alBir ted
with entire confidence in ils virtues, end tho full
belief that it w ill snb lue and remove the severest
Hacks of disease upon the thro.-.t nml Lungs.
These results, as they lav-onie publicly known,
very naturally attract the attention of medica'
men snd phihmtropists even-where. What is
their opinion of CI IB UK Y Plic'TOf AL may be
seen in the following :
rnf. Surge,-,, 2Tfl. ClUpe, Xrw Yorl.
"it eives ino plensuie to rerlil'v ibn vl,i' ,
iiicacy ol ajch CilBIMJY PBCTOA'AL,
I'lut li I enm-.iier i,e, ,i'i.,-.-i,- ,"i,,.i , . .1;.....
scs of the Throat and Lum-s."
writes i i a 1-tter lo his irh-n 1 ,. ..,;,.!.!
nmler rn alleeliin of tho Ltinfr.s : TrV thn
CilLVBY PKC'iO.VAL end if nv medieiua
can Rive you relief, wilh lh? ble-sinq of God that
will. '
CHIEF JL'fs'rifl' tfT:S'H
of Louisian-i, writes '-'l-hat a voumr iLinBhter of
us was cur-d of ccvernl sivere attacks of Vnup
by tho Cil a i; a - I-BC'TOA'AL."
Th' Caxmliau Juuntel cf AT, .Heal ,SY,r,
stale.i, o'i'l.'U Asthma and Bronrliitis so prevalent
in tins meloment ( liuiHte. vlel.le-.l wifi surori
snist Mji.dity to Aycr's Cil EX BY PECTOKAL,
nnd wo too strongly rceom.nrml this skill- j
i:.i pivparalioii U tho l'role sioit and pul ik: Keii
crnlly. Let the relieved nut" rr-r apeak for himself:
, H .in . ei.n, Jan. Si;, 1S17.
Dr. J. C.Ayer -De-ir .Sir : Havinit been res
cued Irani a ,,.,inf,. nud ,! . rerous .' hv
your rncheine, Kriitilu: proic.pta mo to send you
tins kcKiio.vledi;iiient, not in justice t- you,
Lut ior theij.lunnalion of olliera in like aiilic
tion. A slight cold upen tlie bitis, nr-lcvled nt first,
besame i.! severe that spin',,, r of bho.l, a violent
coun.i and proline ui:ht swcita followed and fas
tcimj upon me. I became emaciated, could not
sleep, was distressed by my eon,;h, M1l n pain
Ihrouvli my cocat, ami i shrt i,aj ull t;iC &'drm
hit fcyiutoais of quid; consumption. Xo medi
cine seemeJ at all to reach my ease, until I provi.
dentmhy tried your CUl'ttkY PECTORAL,
Wlncli soon nlicvcdand now h is cured me.
lours wilh respect. E. A. STEWAKT
Amtxr, X. Y, April 17, 1S43,
A?" ''owcll llaar.Sir I have for vears
n a.... -t.-il wi:h Ak'.hma in the worst form ; So
t I bavj been o! 1':. in i,.r-i, ;,. .,. .a,..:, c.
, ... 1 " '".' 1 -.-in .or
a lsrmr purl ol the lime. Iciinr unable to hrealho
on my bc-J. I haj uicj a ureal many medicines,
to no pui poae, until my Plivnieian prcaeril ed, as
an experiment, your ClIEBBY i'EC'i'O it A L.
At it seemed to make me worse, but in
lens ihiiu a week I Uni, i., ex'iieuee the most
Kratdyiuir rebef Jiom ils use ; and now, in four
we4s, tho diseaso is entirely removed. I can
s,e-.p on my bed v. l-li c inifort, and enjov a state
ol beaba which I bud u-.-vc- expected to 'eiijov.
GllOicfIB s. FAlif ANT.
rin.rn-.Lii r.r j.e. 4s,c:tajT,toviri:ti,ssss
I l ir t olJ by Henry M.i-wnr,
cjunl urvj Mary
-ct.ay, Aor.-.uir.UMui
Dr. (li'irbnrl si...
rove; Dr. Blekl,-. ilanv ill.-. ,,.! l.-nlo,.
generally. '
l eb. 15, IS5I
B0OKSi:u.::.s. Ct)U N'i'IlY
- ITcrchr.nij Tericiicn.
. iu re'iiee'.iiilly rc-;neit the attention of ail
i-.-' cnwu moei.lanf
s 1. 1 or i , ( in-i:.-
I!.'-. KTAl'inviJOV
. ... .... nun t i.ij(j, .-ii.m;s, to our supe
rior l.u .hiiu fur stipj !yin nt unuauallv low rales,
lor i-iisii or sp! roved credit, every nrtic-Io pertain
ing to our biuiuesM.
A Ian:: and active evpirieuce warrants us in
sawa;; that we can oli'er inducements to purcha
sers, F'jf.i.i.i:n r.T rr.'.v n.'.cm.i.rn bv none.
V.'c earnestly n-k an rxaminatian of our mcdo
ol con.hlelili-; b-.i.:ines.i. I:,i'!..vii.-r If..,. .......:
is mad
it will l,a fa;i 1 fur tilC jim-rest of those
Goods in our li,:-. to continue operating
with us.
. Our stuck is ot all seasons larrre, and selected
wilh particular reference lo ihe wauls of Penn
sylvania, Ohio and tlie near trade penerallv,
OrUr: j, iy Mu-.i ur vl.'.c u-hc ttcpalrhed prompt,
ly a .:: ihr l;vc t rules .town i,t ttmj mjrlct.
X3f The highest piiee siven for BAGS in
PECK a BLI.-s.S. .
Xorlh-12,r Corner vf Tlii,.l - Arch Sis
March 8, ISol lm.
.-'i r : y .--j ijTMrra
i - c-m a iaSk O hJj
MARY V.'l'AYI'IJ re-ipeetfully informs
tuc pui ue an I traveiiini community Keneral-
ly, thai .she has opened this lar a;e and commodious
HOTEL furni htd in a s-apeiior ilvle. From
her lone; . sperieir. e in Ihe lu-iucis of a first late
Hotel, and well known rej.ii: '.lion lo ac-coninio-dale,
her customert may depend on bt in;; supplied
w ilh every thing conducive to their comfe-t and
Feb. 13. 1S.M tf
CreEtElY, 15A.
fiTII II nubteri! rr respect fully informs Iter friends,
1 and the public penerally, ihjt she hns taken
the above well known Bland nearly opposite the
Court House, lai. ly occupied by Mr. J. C. Prr
kins. Mie tru't that her experience in business,
uinl her efforts In im.U b .r uesits comfortable,
will one entire r-atl iaciiou lo lho.,0 wiio may fa
vor her w ith their cu. loin.
Mareh S. 151 tf.
The alten'.ion of Ihe public is called to the ad
vertisement of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney
and A sent ut V.'ushiatan City- Persons bav
ins claims for bounty Lands or Pi-nions are in
loimcd that Ihe snbscrihir bns inude arrangements
for the icipiiaile forms, and claimants calling at
his office, can ha-e their pupers prepared and
forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and
by him pe property attended to liefer tiie l)c
pattuii'iit there.
cunbury, Jan. 13,1851
f0"HE sulsiciiber re-spcelfully inform, the public
A. that he has epencJ a Public. House, m tlis
new town of Trev.irtou, jWorlhuudieilaiid eoiuvtv,
uud that he is well prepared to accommodate La
guests in the bant manner. His house is located
nearly ppimsite the Company's t-ito.-e. He is also
provided with g.Hid stabling aulileicut fur 20 hor
ses. Ho trusts by prompt and careful attention
to business to nieet a shine of the public patron
Trsvorton, Jan 11, 1850 tf
X.VUTHKlt ttStW'TlilC U'O.WEif
a cnEA EvarnrcrA cuees,
l'reparurl from It l:. ;'', r ,;, ,-,., S.,..,.cl. of thi
, alter diitt-Hous ol HAIJUN I.IKWO, n gr-l
I li.vmstoai.-sl a.i-inist, by -I. S. II' H i.iirj'ON, M. li ,
N". It, .Norlh Hi,,),,., f:rr, .. ,
J Sis is truly w.i.. ri r. ra-vlv f..r l vri'CKSTIOf
CO'rlri-V, fAt'X,,,n:' ',VI-,t COMP1.AI.N;
CO.-VSHHATIO.N nii-IJiCHII.ITV, cTing ,-, j.
lm, l UU " "":lh by X"tn":'' mv" Osstrie
Or llnir a
!'atp-ini,ri r da, ni,i, i,,,,,,, ,n w
..... or u.-to,,, Fw lYalals of lios.t Iitsf m
bum lw !,, enlof ihe.p.n,,,.,,.
D'iiri'a. .i,".c',:"H" Pi'Tin-M m lie st-wsch Ut lh
. ai ., . . . .
Ol ll.ul r.,;-,,,, ' ' '' l7""ej li. lti Ilie inner c.t
'"iee. Tins Um Mi" '-M, etiti-il lh,,
I'nrilVi-,;., ),-.,. rv, -' .,. '-V.S"lv-"'' ol Ike F.NMI. Ihe
swell ami j " ,;', A!,etUt.l ll,a.
lien. no c .m-,,r,i of . , , '.'"';. "'"', L" " d'r'
"I tlia li,,-; Imt rii i-r . r iii "" i'"""ioa
"v. roiKliti',,, f ,Vv1"1- :. :'' nnlse.lruo-
ensue. d,,l"-s eiwlily winch
ptionaUain;: ir,;l,;,r::;,:;r('-1 ''
it., s.ii-1 ,r.; , ., ; 'H 1 ; . ;:, ''-.. ia
limes e:u'a, ... . ,: ' 1 " ' r '' -
' " Hill!
c ll LiLe, ,..,t.. ' , . . "'Uie-tx. clf,'-!l . I' limit,:,!
cVii-,1 r ., .. ... . ' P" " naikan: rliei
: '" l l vi -j r
".miititi cneeM,
1 - tn li.r nifcisl
w.-ii..--! ta I l-t-tmr; . 'l l.f. run
e- - I n,:r s-:: ii. 1
, i iiii.k is ll.e lint pro.
1 st-i, i, .-f ar,(if iv-iii i
u own i.m.-i.: ,.r j ,..'. , ,
s.ri..i !',,.,,):,,!, r.l a,,.,,'.,
Will nt;.l I:;,-.,- . i(, ..
iiii-liiiij: pt-wrr.
- ai.- ni!U!.-iiiii,meB
': "i!i "ln.
nii'l istrls is' wain,
- i-1 il iaii-tt-lif pro.
a I', mi. To ilii.w
.1, H u qn alt ilia iu.
' f n i I' i -.1 l;-.,:... .
Hull lino Man', ii. iv .
pi ili-cli.
III bit .-,,' t ...... 1 .,.T. Auim,
Aria, IM..-..,V1. l':a,,i o,.,!,,,.,,.
I'lii-tal'-'iy. nt -. ; .. .,
I" Ihe lj'..-slri..-'Jm 1.
ay I..- re-i.;'., .rc,wi- il i n an tlie'ina-
H. I.-1 . . I -- i I..-I
coin 1, ira
nilirl... 1 l' l,,l.r., ;.,,,,,.,' ;t
HI IP .1111, ,-l : , ,, " " Um
in I no -.,.. c 11
II- HI. I-
' -iiae-li."
n:,.i , , , ,, :... , . - ,ti. .inn rs pn -i m an
A. ia liis ftm 11. n lif,-it--
I"" -i?. I i'i' r.-v.-!-r- V. . , "
fci.,l:-3 t!li,"-.'.-J.-i:,-.:.a ,j , . .'.
pre.-irieioii. T'l-te ars few i,: a-.-i-'-a;;
. .. . in h. ).ua
s llio n.i.-tlioil i,f
mi, j limn In.
1 t-i 'hi
ui. cuaiiit:, pi : ;
nf J''l'sii -.!.". -Ii3-r,-,-:
it t!.-Tliysiolagy
Illy l 1 lie! Iia.l.,ae Jt;-,-
ui .-,
. ...i n - i r.omie rinmi.
lut I .-iH-prcviilllii
1 :.' -'.i .l.n niyutahea
i.t ,, ,-,- t!y nfllirt-
i: o ii !:;;: to iuil, ha4
i! I. -.a '!., it-.iiKieli ef
iy Si-.-ri.-iilal "
"ia w i. lis on "Ve;'e-
C1I1IS" -if U .-I--1 ..,;' -., ,., ,t,.
pr..f,v-K in i p, .. . ri v.
i'i ii.ui tepiai.e. b .'n.u -i .
ire-.sii-e I a il. i..,m.. ,,,.
Iiviau until, k'i.:, ,-.-!:i,-i j,r,.-.L..i e. ..,',
lir. i.tiAl.AM. ."i,,;. ,r,.,- ,- .
;;!. I..,-Vr,i,..:'..
I.,: I,,-,. .',.,..., ...
I i tllP (.ant ll.e pi. p. . ;v ,.f ,,,
I'l ll. nil. I nf i-;l-. t,.,i j , , .M'
iti piiyia-il. 'cy,
t Wilier, imjurt
.'.Van'. -its arliclea of
; i tl. :- siion of tlicia
iii-.-'lieo proi-eiw."
ii.'iiiit uy nl' .Man,'!
!- 1 Sins: "Tlierlis
ii. cliuinie.-il history
-.'is a. ,. loii.w that
inn-, w,i-ei'ii:..',.:it I.,,,,, ij-c -Lir.
. Mii.'v s . .. a ... .
:,! .
(l.i.-:i& Hi i .i.p Vr
: .a l'i;:'.M.; ,, ,,t
ol i'."-i n. l-r-.a r---ni ,x c
1-JO.l IH lj-S I , li.- i , ,
p.-en-u.-tl iron I'.
Ilsej". '
lineIive fluid.
ui it is in ti," ilaaiiie Juic.
't':r-,r 151' Vrif.lir.v . r .1 . t ,-r ,. n. -. '
. , , - , - - "i 1 11- : : 'II l oa-.-rp, I'luuj.
lllilelnsnhily Vr ; i . a.. Cy ,.,al! 10 .',,' ,I:S k'llijeol.
1 " 1,i;; r ' e't Ur- JJ--..I n-.I 1, .he 11 .Bine Juiee.
7 -3 er e 'K ' '')" "' '?'";'" he -iy "iaen oecnr
r.a aj pciie. ,lj ia Ihe nr:,,.. iVj, u, tu. n iliiraldisialinn "
Pr. HOlICHTdN-y,
ccllhem - .1-..'. ''., " ' '-'' na'pronu-
m i'. : e 111.-IU1- , , .
eavs of Debility.
.uinvi:i.i.-n, Al-.'V :!') Ha
Ml;r.y t-j m nt I'm- t-,
--- 1 -t ''ti4 .1 v. 1 i", ("iri.;j
I I'l -'..' l l.e I'-'lisnttiptiou,
ol lee rr:te-. It ia im.
pwHi to ive if,,. ,1. i:lt
" ia lit" limit, of Una ad.
" tui-iu Lul .Ui;..,-hLum:.- 1 ...!',.!... a.i.-...,
iTt'rs tl.ini Tun iirvi nm u i .n,; ,J
.V.! Ki"s' 114 l,.'tl.-i;l.i:..ifH. V-.rl- an ...,..
Ii ih a ucrM i;,'Vi. , vi Hi. '..' .. ' 1 lor.,i.,KV ...,,;. ',. ,.:.":., a "7
I i-Ycr un I ., .r 1 1 r 1 1 : i ' - - 1' ' . . 1 t ... 1 .... 1 . .. 1 ,V
e. 11 f.I Tt 1 1 i.uiu.iic. .frrcury, nut! ..ilikT Uni:: urxm tJi
m ..alley, .a.l Hi- t, , ,.,, . ,.,- iMl,c,u ' , ,
rsA.tti-ih-siic-iltli wuh liiteiii.ipraive.
UtH, Illi-I II I ..'.!, .1. r. A1,. .'.
rtiet. ii no f .nn of CiI.IJ S Tl l.VI rjl rii.MI'I.Al.N'TS
it-it ll 1!,.. s 11 ,t k,.,.-n i,, t ,,. ,. ,
iiwit-r iio-.v ii,,.,. ,,. ,,. , t.',vi ivsrivr'jr.
I.ll-.l- ! A sm.,1,- .1 ., reatove. ail ll ....,l.........t .,-,..!.'.
loins, s .1 1. only - i, '., ; . ,. ,, ,i hl, ,., ,', .J,
liaise ,;-,! r,! -,-:s ; ,-.. i a, a. I I illT'ni.' HU10U
a.lli..i.: in-- ii-,)i.-',,, ,;: Wil. ,.,.. j, i, imKto,r
i-.v-c,!,-iil n, ,-::,,..-, , .S;,., , ,. vi .iii. . Coiniiis. SmejiMS
if Ilie pit .a ti- fit. m i, 1, .'is;.-.-, ;
rale 01 l!..- til -I, 1!..U-,W,. t. ...... . a m, inls. Dcason-
tlem-y. I iL.t-iuti. , U.:la::-', tr.. io.ey la l.aimily, Sui-
I i n-,-. l"i: Illll.LAI! e-r ' flu.-l, .t,:. iv.ll sl'laa.
."lcel 11 la.-iii:a , aire.
P El'i' IN IN PiiY.'DF.r.S. ,
1ST PKN'T 1JY MA1I ... l'ili:!' fir WisTAGK.
F'T e-:iy:m,.,
Hie l)i'ii:.iivi:.'.;A ri
ui liie f.-rm .,1' l',,,v,:, rs.
a t . i.'t ia ef the comitir.
!1 i.i-' 'i'i ill , r.rsi.N iaputaji
11'.. .'iii'-,: 'as ta lie llissolecd is.
::!. '1 ..i- .- powii'-is contain
I li, I at tivi.-o lie- iniantiiv
wiili-r 1,1 r: rna, t.v ,
j.ol the
lor ln- sain-- 111,,-
lJiST.M,l' 1 r 1:
S. llULilii't'ii;.',
i'a. '
1-1 l-.ll,.- i-il l.v mail, 1-lll.H OF
: J'lU.t All .1 i; t:-: at-l) to Dr. 1.
'. II V'..a I. -.i.-.hairoe:, l'lnlitilcipbis.
Six i' toi-e- f ir I'.i c il l!.a: la.-, ry p-i -l.are anil bn(tl
be:n. l..t. tvtitk-a aij,nut, re, I J. S. JiOl'OjlTO.N, M. 1
Hie l'r pri.-i r.
S-il.l I.) 11 ,,(. ia ev'-v tou-n in lha l'n:li-J Plate., aiiat
l-y lenpeelaale ile.oci a 111 1vL-..aa,i.-a giiiea-uily. ...
KiMl is.'.I.i: MVJk-hn W. i--siij.iT, 1..11I Ooer;a Briglil,
feahtairy. Pn. . .
.Mary A. .MeCiiy N iruaunheralud.
J-'lni 11. I!.i- 1 M ,11 i,
Hayes & i'.liiCiTinick, M.-Kwensville,
. J . I'loa-e, r. liiMtrrovr, . ...
J-'.i'Hi. Lena. t pper .Mahantauf .1
W ilm-iii Deppin, M.ilienoy.
Saill-uiy, Sept. Mlh, liJO...
Ecaxty land tuncl Ter.ciou Agency;
wa'jii'ictTo::, d. o. ,
rrtlli: llliJeriieii"il All ...lev ami Oen.-rnl Apenl at th
X I av ot ;.-:.,i' ;:. a. i ii, ia 1 . i si a-ii i.-,.a ri ir,is,urinr
'l l-aa-tr ai'.l V n.ioi.s f. r li. .. entitled, lieiug ar
n.Maii, Iv I ,e.i:.-.l 1 1 ii- ,,f tl. i ci-.,,a, t, Willi a ihor-
Lliu sail l.iaiia.a u-.-,iiiaiiil-u:-i- won lint iiceecaury forms.
r.-:C r.--t -i,a i-i 1 ,., -, ,,, ., ,.,.,.s K, ur..,r,.aj
lll:s i.le.1 I" t
ters an4
. v ur a.
a. ai-.-. ne iiofs, t,y.: lii-tntiea far
ll.e S1--..1 i-i.-l :.i
el .i.tia t'l i- i-li' lili.ii.
lie n lit.- A. ! . '. I
lltC -I'li'l'I'M II. I , v
ri -ns la li -n ir.iiK, ::
l:l-ailhs pal a.-r.".; t-
...eli-iy in nt Oovoriikucnt
n"ir.-s. II -only I.ii'al is granted ta
lj - Car 1. 1" I-.'.', a .il of the vari
e IV- 0. 'IV ii .j. v. lio kerveil tuna
ll: n wli. i ai r,. . I lour nusilha SS
nei.-s; na, I la la- r: v. 1...
a-i-.eili an- in -ii-;-i p, ut-re..
A'i...:.-.-ni.-tils l.nv.- I .
l' il pr i 11 ia ,!.a'.-i
lie- I C II 11 '.I ll .in..::':-.
-.1 li.-.!.. wuh cea!!. im-n of th
--a -! i-a-s oi in,. Country, lor
n.'-li .t. ...i l!,n ii, 1 mli . a-
la . I.. i- .- a- ,.l ll:,. iviti-nta. wheat
a s 1,-rma; fur the
ol lav.-s. n ieai-.., at ,a' lam'., s i,i i.,i lax, a: e, .1I....I..,. A
it-'i." - : I: a i I r I lu i 1, . I ,-,-m ral l.av bucinea., ia,
li.e il.n.-r-.i.t Si-,, nu.-.l T. rut -ti s.
II- t.-ii-!...K l.i n n r -- si. 11,, r of ihe prefeuinn at a
iliS-.-:dee. Mail v. l:--ii eliiiliis a-.: ansl liii-liovi-riiiiieiiUnra pr..
p-iri-il It;.' n I -cal vr.,1 1 1 ..le , n:' hall h.a usual fe..
I lie I i-.-i-s.i ny f- ales m:,l In .0 -,ct i..i,s. nail iiil.triuuliesl
a. I i,ati .-c-'. a.-; 1 r;..,.'lii ; t . 1: ,- ,f. I pri s.'in uni of tlna.
baj-a-'f . v ol Le inraio n'.l lo r.-:,.ilar l.'..ire.p-:ii.teiie. with-,
ot.t eh 11 lit.
Pern ns ,1-airlae inf laroi.-n of fii-m'a in Ihe army r
ituvv. w ,.l 1 -r, at it 1 im,- i,.l ; :e p in:,-, ki,.,Wii..f
I--.-. i.e. w ,:li ,1 f,-.- ... .1.1 1! ,a ir, 1n.1l Unaii uiqui
ri.-s r.-phr.', a. I.-.- r.-'n-n i f ti, :,l. AU iMiioaaniga-.
li-iiis la In ;i-i.L.-.ii:-,! na.l -1 1 :. I t ,
I'M M.l.llS C TI'CKr.R,
(H -i M7, P. o ) Va.-.u.,.tn, D. C.
l).-5.B'..cr2', !"..
ViTTT" MAM HOOVER rcieetfully inform
V J bis friends and cu it-inu i-s thai bs hs
just ritii.-.icd from PbiladLlphiii, wilh an eteeU.iU
as oituient of
ur i -. m w, e.
'Jtka v.." itiiai
which he olli rs for sc.I-i at las new slot at Mas
ser's Miil, Uoli-miiu- Bin:, 'l'lless asiods war
selected wilh -jrcat care, and w ill b. sold at tha
lov.eot prices.
Dry Goods,
Such os Cloths. Costimeret, Sattinels, lHulit
Ctdltiocs, Dr Luines, Al'
j.vjccu.. Idtriiios, i'hiiinel.i,
Checks, f.'iiig
hums, l;c.
An assortment of
A general assortment of Groceries, such ss
Sugar, ColTi-i-,. Tea, Molas
ses, Sjitccs, &c.
ALso an assortment of Idquors, such aa
Brandy, Rum, ll'uiskey, Wines. Ve.
It" Produce of all kinds taken in exchang l
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Bus, Nov, S3, ISoO. ly.