ATRING OF ITEMS. Hs, who has not bread to spare, should not keep a dog. Alabama. The census of this Slate shows a population exceeding 800,000. Advantage is a much better soldier than rashness. Conceit, in weakest bodies, strongest works. Tiie best thoughts are evor swiftest wing ed the duller lag behind. Avarice starves its keeper, to surfeit those who wish him dead. A letter is advertised in Buffalo, direc ted to Dr. Vanderketburgedundertromp. Somk run head long into danger, be. cause they have not courage to wait for it. Thc progress of some men, is so rapid that they keep ahead of common sense. It is not best to be angry : and best in the next place, to bo quickly reconciled. The library of the British Museum num. bers 4fi0,000 volumes, which are ranged on twelve miles of shelves. The lcarian community, at Nauvoo, has been chartered by the Illinois Legis lature. Ttpes made of gutia percha havo been used in England, and pronounced superior to metal. Is not water the safest and best of all kinds of drinks ? Nature and Reason answer yes. 'Tis with our judgments as our watcher, none are just alike, yet each believes his own. Thompson, the English Abolitionist, and Frederick Douglass, the emancipated slave, are lecturing in Canada, in company. There is a girl in Halifax, X. S., four years and seven months old, who is four feet and seven inches hiiih, and weighs 94 pounds. We clip the following from an Illinois pa per : 'For salo at tho Red Siore, 200 lbs. of honey. Like the qnaliiy of mercy, it is not trained.' l ine Groceries and Teas ! DAVID PEASE, S. W, Corner 6th iy Arch Street, Philadelphia. QFFER8 for sale all kinds of choice Family Groceries and selected articles in his line of business ; Green and Black Teas of all qualities and prices; Real Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of Coffee, 8ugnrs, Corn Starch for pud dings, Farina, Fi(r. in small drums, Layer Rai sins, Erem-h Clarified Isinglass for tellies i Extra White Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia Fa mily Flour in Whole and Half Barrels ; "Lntour Olive Oil; assorted kinds of Snores snd Ketch ups, Tickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, etc., A c. Goods packed for tho country and sent to Kail Road Depot or elsewhere without chnrge. ' DAVID PEASE, 8. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sits. Philadelphia. Feb. 1, 1851. ly. ch. M. A. '50. r 4 SUNBUllY AMEMCAN AND S1IAMOK1N JOUllNAL. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS LARD ot CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for enle liy J. PALMER & Co., Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. J March 8 111, '51 -3m. T. S. BOBST'S S31 OO! C3LLaCI33IXi AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsjjrove, Pa. Clocks, Wnttlics and Jewelry, I5EPAIRED in the best manner and warranted tn nerfurni well. All work intrusted to his care will he strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1850. tf. Valuable IJooUs, I" IFE of Christ, handsomely bound, hiunk's History or the D'Ai; REFORMATIO, Blank Dat-hooks anii Lkiicehs, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by n. is. AiASj:.ii. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF TIIK I'E.ICE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public school House. V& Monies eollectcil snd ail business mniiiptly an1 care fully attended lo. April 20, 1850 SH0T7RDS & CO S L ABOARD FUEL SATING Hnnmnrtd by Slionrils & Co- Chestnut St., rhila. FOR S; BY ALL GROCERS. WARRANT , wa,t, dpan j hard, soft, or salt wv( ro)j or U(t) in one, third the time or any othcBj, ev,,r manufactured ', thus disponslmr with f blcuchinir, &c. f LA.NiSs CLOTHES. &o. washed with this L w;u llcvcr shrink or have any harsh or guintr,,, i,ut leave them '.n their original soft and ph, gllltc , which is in itself a sufficient recomineii011 (0 gUnruiitco iu use in all families. ' THE FIVt FABRICS ' may he washed thorny witl, it, without the jeast injury! Riving th lustro equal to newly imported Roods. PAINT, & DIRT of any description, ran Von,liv removed by the use of It, without injurvthc article, whether it be the finest dress or orilly carpet. In the use of Shourd ?', isonp, the most delicate need not fear, as not injure or chap the hands, but on the eon.v nct , 0n emolli ent, and is not only the V, hkht washimi soap ever ofTcrcd to the pub, hut as a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. ' Wherever it has been useohas given perfect satisfaction, and is warrantee to do, in all ea ses where a fair trial will be pn jt. SHOL-RDS St CO., .Xufacturcrs, No. 513 Chesiiut St(hiUdclphia. For Sale by Grocers generv, November 10, 1850. " Ym. H. ROrKEFEl, Attorney at Law Itllnorivlllt.'. S liuj lliln 0 pa. T VS1NESS will be promptly att0j jn t)e comities of Schuylkill, ''Vimbcrlund, Union, Columbia and Montour' Refer to: A. Jordan. H Bellas. iV H H Ma' Esqrs' Sunbury Win. De Haven, Edward hes, Si Solomon Shindel, Mincrsvillc C. Miu( M Mortimer, Pottsville Oct. 5. 1 SCO lv. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware Itnom of SE1VN ITOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street It the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every brunch and variety. The public are therefore invited to tho attcntiun of the present stock of CAM NET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tho establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lfryc Spring Sent Rocking Chairs t Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Henrso and mode tho neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for l.'ndertnking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistress', mid hiisluuius too, . Here's furniture of every stK Ic anil hue, From side boiinls down to kitchen tables, From rocking clmira to inckiuir cradles Plinuld yn not Imvn thc ready John to puy, We'll wait awhile for a brighter liettcr day, Or take w'tiilof. nats, corn, wheat and rye ; Hark, hoop poles, slaves, or luinlter wet nnd dry, Or tiny thing hut yokes and threshing Anils, From pics and turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep trade a moving, so ''goes on the l.ilt." Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1N30 tf PFWHYI.VAMA. riTT or en ii.adklpmi a U. S. Hnnk notes lSdia1 All solvent tmnks par COISTST. ftnnk of rhntnhersbnrg 1 ilia Hank of Chester Co. par Hnnk of Del. Co. Chester sir' IliiuKoi (fcuniiulowit Hank of Oettyshurg Hsnk of Lewisiowa Hnnk of Middlelown 1 din Montgoincrv Co H.uik par' Hnnk of Norihnmlierl'iid. pni Helvidcre Hnnk ! Hnnkof Pitttdiurg 1 dis Commercial Hank ctia Hnnk of Danville pari Fnr. Hnnk Mtiut Holly P"r Carlisle llank 1 (lis Columbia li'k ft H'geCo par MAWACAl'SETW. All solvent Innks dia HHODK ISLAND. All solvent Innks Oil COIS N KC 1 1 CUT. i All solvent baaks dis NKW YOUR. rmrlAII solvent bnuks I 1 disit? Uk attes under 93 j dis I COCffTBT. i! All solvents tmnks 1 dia KKV JKUSF.Y Helvidere Hnnk i lb" Doyelsiown Hank run IMision nank par F.rie Hank S (lis F.xehunge IVk I'ittshurg 1 dis F.Teliiiinre H'k. ltmueli 1 dil Fnrniers' H'k, llueksCo wirl P. . .11., Mnld'etnwn Pt. par Mii-hanies' IJk. Newark wr iMeeh. Hk of Hiirtinitton par Meeh. ft Man. Uk 'front par Morris Co Itank 2 dis Newark Hk'g Inf. Co i dis Ornlige Hnnk nnge ..pFe- s Hk Pnltersiai Flintier lik, lineaster pariFriueelon Hank Farmers Hk, Heading pariSnlein Hanking Co, Farm. Hk PV-huylkill Co ir?einerret Co Hank F ft 13. Jin w avnesli g l.'tlis rliile h:uik m (. aninen Friinklin Hk. Wash'n 1 JdislSinte Hk F.lijilielhtoii llarrisburir Itank I dis Stnte Hank Newark HoneMtnle Hnnk 1 ilis Slate Ilk. X. Hrunswiek par Lnnciixler Hank par, Sussex Hank. Newton j dis dis ilia par liir J dis par dis dis LelBtuou Hank n' Mereh. ft Man. Hank 1 di Miners H'k. Pottsville per Mouonirnheln Hank 1 di Tavlorsv'e Del H'g Co 15 dis! "iVest Hraneli Hank nnrTtaiik of D. laware wyomine ilk, ilkesli'e par ManK ri rinyrna l ork Hank, 1 di tU"llelief notes 1 di MAINF. Hank of Whctlnetc s di Mercantile Ilk. Hailgor 111. In All solvent bank J di NF.V HAMI'SIIlltK All solvent banks j di V f.H.UllA i , Hank of Si Albans a di All solvent banks J dia Trenton Hanking Co par l uion hank. Dover dis Yardlevv'le ft Del Dr Co l.rdis "JjrJlk notes under .) dis DI.I.AWAKIi. par pnr Delaware l.'ily Hank ar H'K ilmg'nft Hmudvw. Iml Farmer Hk Si Delaware iir 1 'ninn Hank. 'WiluiiuBttai par L inter Ws ilia (illto. All solveiU liauks 1 dis t f-Hk notes under 5' 4 dia NOHTH CAKOUNA Alt solvent Uuiks i di IVH'nder.y, 2J dia MAHOGANY AND MAM1LE. STEA1C SAV 1ILL, AI)TIR-I(- FBIUI Corner of Eleventh ami Ridge Road. CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, Mow Dock St., PlIILADK.I.I'ltU. r"PHE subscribers would call the special atten- L lion of Cabinet Mukcrs and others, to their very extensivo nssortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mnhoirany Veneers, Hoards nnd Plank, Hair Cloth, Cu-led Hair, Glue, Varnish.' Iiookintr (lass 1'lntes, Mahogany Knobs, Ucd Posts, Murblc Tops, and every description of ll.i rl ware TooIa, &lc. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such liintcri.iU as they want, connected with their Imsuiens. Alt our goods nrc WAIMl ANTKH, I of the best ijiiality, and at very reduced prices. Uur lerms are Cabh, (no trade.) c Biiarantec to cive every m.m 1'ie wort.i of his money. T. & I.. I liO.Mr.-stlA. N.13. Mahoiruny, Walnut and Hand Hail Plunk, nnd Stair ltjllustcrs for litiilders. also Mullik' Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1830 ly "DEATH'S DOOll" - -t i rr. -r-ceZZ. LIVER COXttFLAttT, JAUNDICE, DYSPKPSIA, CHUNt OK NEllVOl'S DKItir.lTY, DISAS: OK THE KIDNEYS, 'f AND nil dismnsnriing from a diirdereii it Itn niaeh,sueliHsrousliintioii, inwnrit Pile aess,or bl.KHl b. Ihn hend, Acidity of the Slonii Onuses, Heartburn, disirnst for Fl, fullne or v4i tn tha Stianaeh. sour F.ruetntiona, sinking or Duller J'l the pit of the Slomseli, swimming of the head. hurridVl difficult brealhiuir. Ilnllerins at the heart, choking CkfToeatiug aelisali'nia when in a lying poslure, Diuineit yisiisi, d ilHor webs beforelhe aiirtit. Fever nnd dull tl ill Uie liend. detieieuey of perspiration, yellowuesso I skin nnd eves, pain iu the side , twiek, eliest, blubs, 1 sudden Hnslo-v of hint burning in tli fleh. e iulnii.mginiiiga of evil, nnd great depression of pirits, I CAN Hi; F.FFKCIXAI.I.Y Ct ItF.JlY ti;i.KBtiATi:i bkrmaji HiKts, W I MI i n S A 4 T J-B V S 1 iaT I c I7 1 .1 X I II is, with the utmost confidence, offered to the j iMi.ilie:ll Fucultv anil the pnblie lortbeenreof Dysiieo- aiu or Indigestion, and all disease arising from it, aueh Xtff YORK &. I'1III,A.L.L1'IIIA JOURNEYMEN Ilattci-N ANNoclntlon, of 6th and Chestnut Srcct, Philadelphia. Cor. Mirabeau said of a man who was exceed' ingly fat, that God had created him only to how to what point the human tkin could stretch without breaking. q Eliza Cook, says truly in her Journal that, "Those who are honest, fccrait.'c if ts the best policy, are half way, to bein; rogues." Potatoes. Large quantities of potatoes, described as of excellent quallily, have been brought to different American porls, by recent arrivals liom France. Also new potatoes from Bermuda. "Did you ever see Niagara Falls 1" said a lady passenger lo her fiiend. "No, 1 never met them, but I've heard them highly spoken of .'" A Quaker said to a gunner, " Friend I counsel no bloodshed ; but, if it be thy tie ign to hit the little man in the blue jacket, point thine eii'Mue, three inches lower." A Boy who full aslnep it; the Taberna cle, at St. Louis, ruse iu his sleep, walked to tho pulpit, and shook hands with ihe preacher. Wm, Smith O'Hkien, at Ihe entreaty of a body of his countrymen in Van Dieman's Land, has consented lo accept the ticket of leave offered him by the British Government, for a period of six montlis. The orthodox length o! a sermon at the Royal upapel of liueen Victoria, is twen ty minutes. Gcorgo 11 fired this, us he could not stand a longer discourse without going to sleep. A Young Lady, whose name was Maydcn, having married a gentleman called Mudtl, gave rise lo the following : Lnts wife, His aaid, in fhiya of old, For one rebellious halt, Yos turned, ns we were plainly told, Into a lump of sail. The auine propensity to change, Still ruua in woiiiun's blood, For here ws sec a ense as strange, Mmmm turned to Muun. An Irishman's Will. I will and be queath to my beloved wife Cridjiet all my iiroperty without reserve, to my oldest son 'altick one half of the remainder, and to Dennis, my youngest son, the rest. If any thing is left it may go to Terrenes O'Carty, in sweet Ireland. OONTINl'K to make and sell a finer and more durable Hut for the money than any other establishment in the United Stales standard price of Hats $3 00. Gents and Boy's Cloth and (il.ized Caps. Umbrellas, Carpet 11,15s, Calaly Panama and Straw Hats at equally low prices. May 25, 1S50 ly 800 LABORERS WANTED I'M MEDIATELY on thc Trovorton Rail Road to whom liberal waijcs will be paid. KIMBIiR CLEAVER. Engineer. Trovorton, Jan. 4, 1S51 tf. FASHIONABLE HifcS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market ft., between 7 If Rth (South side,) rmLADEZ.PKr.iA. 'T'lIE Subscriber bus opened a new hat s0 and oilers to traders and others who visit e city, a handsome nssortment of huts, caps, of e. ry variety, inudo up of the best material, and ( t lie latest and best stvle, and on terms as reason l.lo nsf.'in lin h:i:1 111 imv estaldislinioiit in IMiitfJ .1..I..1,;,. xi,. .ill- si S11 . .li secret di do at JfsiOO. IVisons.from the country who pur-"1' U"" k, r.v- lhe i -r.-.-w rip t iens contained in j.,.,, n,:, , ,1,. , i ,;,.,. ..,',,...,,: - this hooiv imv one may cure liiuiscll, without hind- ron 25 c i:Tsin IjT MKANROFTHK PofKT.T EnrrLAi'irs, or, Evrry one bU own PlivMciuu ! thirti- cthoditiotu with upwuriln of a hiiiidrcd riirnviiigit, show ing jioouliar ilisrascH in rvo rv Kliiipc and l'orin, ami mal runnalioiiH uf tho generative Y vm. vorxG, m. n. 'I'lic time lius now tirrivod tliat pritiiiiif BiiHorinj; from liPtHi in nntrc lu'cuine ilie virtim Nnnn'?!, Ili'ndiichf, Vtriiir-f, l)iniiiirfiiif ficlit, lftlit di the it;rvHi8 t4) tent. IIypKh'iiilrin, .fnuntli-rr. I Ill llpju'lUt!, Wiiitnig ( tht utreiiKtli. Flutiilt'iice, witli ircijtJi'iit Itt'lrhiim of wind, 11 until UlSt Ititinim Voniitiiii', Hiirninu ff'iiKiiin at the pit hi nit- m - nitirii, l.ivcr ('(Hiipl.Miil, Onpri-Knnii niter eiitinir, 1' ilnit:iti"ii ot tin Ilt'iiit, 1'hih in tlif pit "( tliu aliii:icli (r (iiwurtlK tlic rifht khIl lS:tll'Wln-M iil'roinntfXinii, llrprrwv'n o' tltn tHt ifs mid iiriUtl ility el" Irniper, f mi rRKI'AKKtl nv C . M . JACKSON, at Tin: S'.' GliUMA.N JIliDlCiNK pun, froixl nrtii lu tliut will please them, and one that is fully worth thc money paid. C.J. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1S50. ly. WM. M'CAllTY, BOOKS K Ll.lill, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. tTAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, comnlete or separate. Herberts Do Kodwell, Dumas do Trolloiic, tSuo do Halliburton, Rcyndols do llarryutl, Cockton do Cirev, Maxwell do Alarah, Jcrrold do . Aiusworth, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume. Sunbury, Sept. 2S, ISioO tf. H KG IN S, AT LAV", BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, yiIEKE ull kinds of lusts, &c, of the latest ' " stvle and liest material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov! 9, ISoO ly.' MUSICAL 1NSTJIUM ENTS. CIIAS. DUEIIMIG, No. 207 Chcsnut Street, front Arcaile, PlULAlir.U'lII a. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of ull kinds of Musical lust riuiients, r uucv Articles and 1 ovs. His prices are I ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia' All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1850. ly. liOOT, I)AGlXItKJ:i ARTIST, No. 140, eornrr of Fifth tf Chesnut sis., Phila delphia, ami 363 liroadieay earner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND fcTRANCERS ran have a kitting for PortraiU or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully rased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier .Macho, or other fancy ttylcs, or sets in .Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Drawings, CHARLES W ATTCPJLTE'J t'ottxtlllr, k'n. Will promptly attend lo collections and all busi Hess entrusted to his care. June 10, 1SJ0, LIQUOHS, WINESi &C. rPIII'j RuWrilu'r linn jut rei'civrtl a new Kiipply of tlu hvA liipiors lIiatoviT cams to 6'unlmry. coiisistin-j: in part uf .Superior oU palo Uraiuly. Fine Cot.iao Urandv. ISupcrior DM Jamaica iSpiiits. Now 1'iilam. Uuiu. Fine Hollatid (tin. Suprrior Old Wlii.-ki-y Cumin 111 ' do. StiK'rior MuiWia Wino. ,is!ioii tlt. (io, .Vupcrior Port Wnit. Turt ilo. Sweet'a Witir. Superior (.'la ret W ww in liottlm. Champagne do. do. HENKV MAS.SER. .Snnlmrv, May 20 181:1. jiiALAii:LpiiiA wim: rim uk sroiu: KITTING & WATKIIMAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, Ao. 220 MuLd strict, iViiateiu, ""FFKK fur tsale, thc clit au L and best uHiiort- ment of l.'htmr.s in Philadelphia, aueh a a Chuinpaf;ne, Sherries Fort, Steek, Claret, Hut gundit's. Santiirn, Uarsue, Matleria, iibhon, 'J'eiierille und Sicily Wined. Brandies of the choicest hranJs, viz: Martina, Otard, Fonet, Uciinesy, Aic, Ac. Fine Hullund (iin, Mononahela, Scotch and Irish WhUkcy, &e.t Ac. Hotels nnd the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the niOft liberal teritu. Julv 13, isrio. anec tt luisincss, or the knowledge of any one. ud v.itli tine tentli the usual cxpenrc. In aldi- m lo the general routine of private disease, it 'ly explains the cause of luanhood'ft early decline, Wi oiiseratioiis on marriage besides many otr derange menls which it would not be pro po enumerate. tAnv persMi sending twkntv-fi vk rr.NT enckpd in a h-tler, will receive one copy of this book))V mail, or five copies will be Heut for one dollV Address, -l)K. W. VUCAU, No. 154 SPKCH Street. P1I II, ADELPHIA." Post-paid. i f)lt. VOUNG can Ik; consulted on any of llio Uujiach oescril)eil in Ins dillerent nubhcutioiiH, at his Mhe, IS 4 SPUUCE Street, every day be-twei-n ftj ml : o'clock. (SuudavsVxceptt'd.) lJhilaiohia, Nov. U, Ifijt). ly. I PESI K 1 B i: LEMII A, fV HAUM.ESS iV SONS, have just received y their Mpply of SPKI.NU AN O SUM. M Eli (JOOl)S uf Viendly und other styles, to which they imitc atnti,tu. SliAU I. S.A 11 descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DKEsS.sms flrode Khines, Chameleons, and neat und uw fancy styles India Silks und Sutins. DKESS COOiS Lawns. Darees, Mousse lins, (iinhains, lpaeas. Mohairs, and ull tho new fabrics. FrUMsHINOviOODS Elankets.Shectinffs Quilts, Damask, ShUinSK, and ull other furnish illff COtids. 1 MEN'S, Cassimeres, Cashina retts. Drills Vestins tf tl kinds, and Uoys wear. SIIOEMAKEUS ti)()DS a ml CarriaKe .Ma kers articles. T. SliUPEEss & SON'S, No. :J4 S. SecqiJ Street, Philadelphia May 'Jo, lv ' Ctii!ittiiitiii iiud tiueasiiR-onl of t lie liiw'-ts I II niiiM!il tlvsiu-psiii Bhitnltllip nct'liTfi'tl, imRt ri(Mis ell'Tts niiiy rnwi', t-T it hys tin l tiiitl;it i n l'r, is Uih rinent c;ni8:I, and very Ti'tiiifiillv hTiinnntft ineMifuiii;i ti 'ii. I W''iilil iiiijirifs tPMiu tire miml ttcil to tiitlu Willi this dist'ttsu tmiy he tit si) rt wilh tin: rfufnu whieliciiiMti (tifct'S niitri flutHTfinini'iil jiiii 'in,' uniiu:il bruit. ir tn tin- liiltcr ex i ulr i iff by iitklinir a eoime htiifiirns o' ivWv to t tie jR-imlly of p;tin. linn MiiiiHiiif m iieiillv nut tip in iHMtirM. Willi nuipic ilirc'ti'iii( i"ur Ue5t, und is solil in Inn!itiry lr John V. HH'iioiivot Mr. Ahncr Klini'8, hnttcr, M:irk-t street ult'tv; Sixlli. v trrnli t.hjvu oi tiiu ellifacy o( Williuiiis' Anti-jUyspeptic J'.lixn. 1'uii.ADKLpiiiA, Ofltiber 3, 1PIS) Mr, Javf: AVii.mamh : Ueju' Sii : li jjives tiie crent jilt'tipure to know that you mm niritin r.-n:iriiitf via nieiliciiH' f- rthu cure of Dvnitep- cin. li-r t j i;tt i y ot' my nctiiniiiPiiii'f liave rejK-atiitly imUetl me uli re il foiilt! br it'"ctiHl, kimwinn lint I Imtl been eure.l by it. As think tlmt it piiblie ii'-Mi'twIetiineiit of tlui reat benelil I tuivc refeiv((i iVolit tin Ufv of your Hied icine is n 't t'luy Hue t i you, bul nuiy li" aseiul ltMthcrs, 1 ti iw tn-k' it. I'or si-veml years I Mlb-ml froni lyipcv ttia. wliieli iiierenNfit to surti an extent that inv health and ronittilutioii wi-re rapuliy siiikiin; under it. I win miii pelU'tl to rr-:itiici in i. telt totl.t iiiotjt minnle I'imhI, und pvcii thai 1 enttl.lin't t tic I felt a l.uot Ktreui'tli, Iikim1i iiuMoii to exffipf, ihhI, iin yon have it in your advertise ment, a Ritifral tefliny of ipreFiitii mill iutleseriliutile wearin'.-. In the year l-:t", Iti-aruitf t'c m ntliere bijrli ri ci nit mi -filiation of vmir Anti-lieptie Khxir. I nr eared nnd titwil it with the in "ft haey rift-ft ; under it intlueuee languor and warim-fs grmlnaby pasfd away, and my appe titi relumed which 1 (mii'. I iatiry with -impunity. Ten yt-rtrs liave now flapped, and tnv v nfideuer iu I In enrntiv! pwertc of your inedieint; hai r turne inereas'il. tor it coniplrtety eared in when I la i ted tonhtnin rebel trout any olhel oitfeti. Vcty iTiireifullv vonru, ai;m:k tiaiks. Teftinio'iyoflMward II. Ilowtey, A"lc iltti;il .Merehailt of Ihe III ill "of Ituwley. Afiibllliner V Co., NtiSSiltlll Wharven. in iriof of the tifieaey of Willinms Ahti-Djai-pqtie I'.lixir. PhilahklI'IIU, October 2!t, 1810. Mr. Jamu WiLt.isMi: IVtirSii : I ('die pleasure in n'roiiuiienitiii!? your Ami Dyspeptic Klixir for the eare of tJynprpiiiii. h'avA takea it myself for the diffcaw, and have been entirely cured. Your rfpi'tfiillv, l-DWAltl) IT. liOWIJiV Agent JOHN W riULINU, Sanburv, l'a. March 'J, l-.j0. ly How frefpiently do we hear this exprctMtm. which is meant to ronvey In tin i-iuid tl:f M- ot RiekneHg that a patirnt can le reihiet d I , .mil live. Mrn. Harri son, a iiieniPiT o the 1 ruuly I iiuini, wan. hIic expies sei herwlf, hroiulil down to Ueath's ilo'r,M by It lieu- matisui nnd Nervoin He.tdaelie, when, like an ane( of ineiey, Kitdway'n Heady Itelief relieved her of herw-veie paint nnd retttored her t her fiiend.i iu pe rt'eet health. Tin? very instant llmhvay's Heady Hi lief m npplied, its beiietieiul elt'eets lire I'Xpeneitced. it B toihefj, ieai4, elemi ses uud pur i tie ; it inMaiitly nllafi in ttjit ion, reduces in. flaintnatJ'aiB and fwellinui. n-lieven the iii-wt severe .eii raluie pain!, jrives eine to ilnrnfl, N-iildf. Sires. J'rnpti ns cures HheuniatiFin. I,innlat". (i tit, l'atidvMtt. Sprniim, St ruins, Spnsiii(. Mill' Neck, Wenkuei in tin Sal-i tuid Hmk, Sorea of all kinds, (ial'., ltruiin. Chafes, S ae Throat, liitliinnzJi. H-virseiie h.h, Coinxhs. Colt In, tooth achk clhi;d in om:si:conu. This torturitiir ll'eliou can be cured in an iusfuit, for the ui'Hinat tie (e!,ei touches tae nerve, the pi mi is mi tigated. S with Tie l) 'Ineiix nnd I lemif rauia, Nenrat jlia Hllil Si'k lleadaeiie bat lit the pal t n wliei e Ihe jkOH is must severe, and iu a few tiuhutes yon will he entirely rt lti'Vett. Taken internally il wnl arrest the iu si vi Spanius and Ciainps. nt' 'p vnti'lin; nr to niucli pui iutx, in nil onsen it will i!ive ftreinrtli for waknesi, imsh f t pain, health fr ficH'ie, .n n.-aiiv lieiiet is genuine un less fciyued hy liAKH'A i'M., Kult n Mreet. i;M:iAiT tii-i:t imti;s. TO KMUEU.IMI AND KMI.WCfci TJIK CIIAI5MS OK IIHAI'TV. RAtlWAYN At KUlt ATKII SiAP. Had way's Aledieated S iap, so favonibly known throu;h o it the tiiffhiniinble worlil for il cxtreuielv bland, purity iiur untl SiHithiut; ett'ects on the skin ; while by its action , nit lite p ires und the minute sccre(,ry vessel it cxpclc nil ( impnriiiis trout Ihe surface, nllan every tendency to in- i llauuuiliou, nnd elieeitiutiy dti-iapatts nil lediicsf, tan, : pttnplef, hp"i, frccklt-s, diw-oloiul ions und ulltr-r ciitanc i-is i eriiptiouN 'Vhr radiant 1 I 1 1 1 it i;ail t i tiie ehcciv. the ! soiiues.' nnd ik heaey which il induces of th'. hands und 1 units, lis e;i tidal it y of SM.itiiiiii in itai i"ii and re m i nn; eu tane.iis detect, render it intl:pe;is idle t every toilet. (ti'iiileineii uficr shaving will lir.d it id!as all iintation j ami leinleriwss of the skin, and rtuders it soft, ma milt ami ; pletisant. ' I'urtuir tnr neat nun hum ' i suunn'T, or irosi anu ineaK 1 winds ol winter ; it nil in eases if sun1 mm. stings ol iusecli chilblains, chapped hamU. or ineita-nlat iiiliauiiuatiou, us virtues have lnz and extensively liecii acu -wledged. Its purifying and retresliiua properties have ulitnuied iis selec lion i'f.-iu the th'-us-imls of other c 'sinetie, hoth of Ktir pean und domestic inaiinf.ieiure, by the b hi t at ot' ull parts ot the faslii ntable world. In -nt the barning iropies to the froeit reahilK of the lee King. The public will pletiKi hear iu mind llmt lladwo .Medicated S;ip. is the oji'.y snfe prepjita'i 'n f r the skin now iu use; this lias been cerliitc'l t" by our in- st piouuuent eleiuiti.i, Uadwn;. i ai i" free fi-an poison ais. iirilaling and pernieiou in. predieuts, it can be used on ihe tender ktu of the infant with the KMlie happy res. 1 Its in ll;i"ii Ite iitlV III iis prime. See that each cuke is envel j'ed iu a Kpieiidtd labi-l of steel engraving und farther fee I hat t!:e sigiiiuure of It. If. IIAUWAV is upon each eaku. l'ric -i cents, largo cakes. Tlietr power over the alsivc dtscitses is iiUcc-Ilcd, tf etpialled, by any other preparation 111 the I "let I Siuten, at-the enie's mtest, m iiiuuy cases utter skitlihysu'uuis had laded. These Bilifr nre worthy they nttentioif invalids, russessini: gieui virtues 111 the recnfieaiion iiiseitses nt the l.ivcr mid leaser rhuds. exereisii-i the nt senrrhint; liowem in weakness und nifeeticns ot the digtc urgaus. tin y are, withal, saiei eerttnn and plensatil. I'lointhe lit'SLoii Uef.J The Ivlttor Rial. Dee. Ail I)H. Uoori.AXll's 1'KLltBKMKD f iBRMAN ItTEBS fof the cure of (aver CoilipUint..l:iiiiitlicr, Uvfj'-Ja, ChriHito or NcrviHts Debility, is h servislly one of Ihlnost popu lar inedictui'S of the" day, These'llitters hat been nseii hy thou-vindsj nnd 11 fi a nd at our elbow saMe has him self receive I an ell eel ua I and permanent de of I.tver Complaint from the use (f this remedy. We I convinced that, in the use of thce Hitters, Hie pnliJ constantly puius strength mill vigor 11 fact worthy of kat consitle ration. They ure pteaHaut iu tusle sun nd can hs used by pers-us with Ihe most delicate stomal wit It sute ty, under liny circumstances. We are speeig troiutJi ppi ieuec. ami to the nlilieled we udvise their p.' Judge M. M. Nuaii. ti (tent leu with tit set en ti fie mid literary iittiiiuinenis, said in)ns"Nt w Vk Weekly iMesseimer," .laituarv 6, lf.V : Dr. II ionud tJerman Hitters. Here iirepnnil i"U wllioh the leatltnir presses ill the I nion uppe.'lo he munii- ui' 'tis in recommending, nnd the re.isnit is ifious. It IS iitude utter a prescription rushed hy one of lit in out cele brated physicians of modern timcs.'thc lute iK'lir slepher Wilheiui'tloollantl. rrofesrur ti tin riurely of Jcim, private rhysieaiu to the King of lussin, iiiione ol th real cut medical writers (iernmiiy has ever ishiceil. He wis ninhatiej!lv tin eneiuv of huinlmg. itl theietore a nieilieine of which he was the iuvent 'r :md d tiser may he eontldenilv rein-don. He s,ieei:iUy ree- iieudeil il in l.iver Complaint. Dyspepsm. Deinliiy. Verttj. Aeidiiy of the stomach, it-nif-'iip-iti n. and ail c."iinpl:nii;irism tnau n d;sord red i-'ti.iih 'ii of the Siomaeh. the -er and Ilis iat:iii'-. Nine Pbiladeld,i:t papers expreheir .'onvie tion .tf it ex'-elleiiee, and fevenil of the t spenk of is-ireis ir.ita their tiwti iudiviihtal cxpeice. I nd-i thv cireuiitfiMMCcs, we feel warrante-l, u l tl in cnlhttff Sent timiine. IIIIUICIMI- het family t nlilur says vr.i. i s pi ied. and riiiv iiM-if." iilnn'i iukI )ys- ROSE OINTI1KKT, 1 KA U w. ron tiik ;itoviNn oitNii:r ok hi;itv ISA WXl'lilANT rill)OK iil.Ot-.SY if All!. j Warftintcd the h'tt Hair Tonic in ttsc7 ! Vor liressiny uud Heiuliiying theh-iir. 1 It eleutisets I he S'alp tV" in Dandi nil', keeps it ele.ui. cures j S'tirvey, lialdnc-Ti. and Snei u the Head stops t !o: it 1 r , from falling tail. I ndcrs il strong, line, sui.xuh. s ft and ; flossy. Tersons who have lost ihtar hair hy sic kuess wdl 1 liatl 11 i'iuii, let'- ai indole m Hadwa CiriMs-aau Halm. It . TCTTril also r-'ivc! it ii dark .ml Im yiitiful col f. und wiil prevent it ; iro:n ttnong a rev. r r-au its exou!si;e iiurhv. P is ailiut- . the 9 "r " ' "1 1,1 v " ruhSv i. l ...led ll i. j.onint., .nu vnjua... r. It .SB' Id inl.o-e In .tl l l". T ee,.ts ner b ,t t b-. and h.iir ot children of lh.iu'st lende Tniveller.) 1 is wariauietl tl:e heL h:or prfpaiatinu in 1 t til I ne h.i! . imm. in I lie In .est 1. 1 line ! t Several years since 1 wa a tacked with a breaking out I mre nt' ll.VDW.VV & CO.. is niton each t- Pl11L.tlF;i.rilTA. October , 1"- 10. 011 my necti m trie form of Tetter, Inch I am cat; meed wnn fontractcil at Hie t;irber Minp. h grundually extend ed over tny face uniil it readied the upper part of tin checks. During the several in -nibs that it o-Miliutied Bpiesnlnig, I used dillerent applicattous. a ine of xvhieh hail th eil'ect, apprcntly at least, of ineivasing the ilisease, hut from iti'iie 01 then 1 ilid I peieeive Ihe leabt lienetit until 1 oppltnl the Itosi: Oi tmi:xt. Hy tin-use i.ft)uiar nf il, 1 was perfectly cured ami have remained free of the .ilTwc tiou. I have since used the Ointment . lightly applied for rough ness of the face, blotches, chapped l.aniN, Ac. With per fect sneeess. 1 have ii-i he.otat i;t iu 1 econiiueutliai it in the KtroiigeFt inatiner to the piiblie. JAMHS UKVOR. Aiycttt ITknhv .Massuh, Sunhary. Julv 4-. cafsiau Ualm is yuiuis A; i:t-H. 11. Masser. : Au'. in, -.;u ei-Jtulv without the s.gnataru vi iiihurv. il wdl n a nt (tie sign. i tile n ' -Cir- uUv.ty the atteiiil n oi our readers to the present p1 tr's (Dr. C. M. Jacks ns) prepunititin. hut (rec nip the iitiicie to a I nmicled ' Ahtre Eridrntc. Tiie Philadelphia Saturday tia.ette,' imwspjiper putilished in lite Tutted Male of Dr. IhmfiamVs (icrman li "It is seldom that we ree-titnm-iid w'nat k- tennrd Pa tent .Mi da-iiies. I t'ue ouPidi'in'e and palamge of our readers; uud, I lu-i ei'ore, when we rec'iiiinlil IU. lloof tmu's ticiniiu Hitters, we wis it to he dlnictly uinlei stood that we are n-'t speaking of the mirnnis of tba day, t hat ate 11 t.- . tdioul ! r a In p 1 1 l i'lut thru for gotten aiiei Ihev hnved me ilcir guiltv r:"1 iif iniseliiei, but ( a tii'-.ti.'me i ng cst ibbshed, iviw which ha" in f iti- he.irtv approval t!t J'hal thi ini itirine will c ire Liver Co pepvia, 11 one e.ui inalit. afler itng it as eiMed. It nets spec 1 li 'idly Up'ii tin: SI nM-a uud HU'l I TH w pi'etleranle lo eal -ioi i 111 i.d bil l ms tbs'-tsi ihe eif. c(is itiuiii-diate. They tMn be tidniiuit tcrcjl to l-'eu,i,e or 1 1111 willi Kiicty uud rehaSle bt ncttt, at any tun -. j lii'.WAHi; ok corNr!:i:i iT-. 1 T'lis lit.'iliciue 111 lit .allied lh::l hlgli Ciiaifter whh-h IS iiees.'ry 1 trail iu-,aeiaes to ;ptai'i to indt'-f e inPa frilera to puttoiih a spurious iiiiieh: :a tin li.-k" the Uvts uf ; those are inn icentty (le.ieived. l.t.ttiv vi::, tiik m.mik: or nr. (ii:ciNt: ' Thev have the wrilieii KiiBttiire of C. . ,ICKS( upon the wrapper, and tire name blown inle Ut(i!et wilh oiir which tliev tire spin i 'tis. l-'oi" sale, wh dcsale nn' ret-td, tlte tifnanti M ifirinr Stot 1 No. l-M AHCI! Street. nit- do T beloW -ith. (lata f j "JT - Itace street.) I'hi adt lphia, and by irfer.nMe ittaler I gem-r.illy throughout the e.iun'rv. I At.-o : for sale by II. Sanltity. and M. A. I iM'Cav. .N'ofthuiuberl itnl. j August 17.1-itt ly vv J . j-v s-Uf (I.ATK PAHTNKlt OK C. sf'UHAt K) More, j So 7 Sorth r,,it Stmt, A KI'W IKIOUS A1IOVK CtlldliV. V KST f-IDK, CoHsfnufi tf on htimt unit fn sitlf, at mbtced jH'tufij ii'i'l of -."( rittr if.'Zty, the Jol- oirthx uiiivh Avf Co: "More trouble coming," said Mrs. Par ! 1I ciniJ a fll ; ro t tn nnnw ii u'ii i Daguerreotypes, Paintujss, r"r"AL:Sz,r. ; ' v" ; copied. Bpj.iyiiig lor u,m.v ... ., 0ut door y gnJ j,illiatirM of jfl.fawJ and the old Jauy resumeu utr uuum.g wun ,nkcn , llort nulice a look Of patriotic anxiety. for l'ortraitu of AdulU by our proMMM.nnd Im. ... .. proved 1 nut ru menu, a cluiulij Uay u quite u. U- A ..... nn..t .n limn l1 n ccn f. n 1 1 apt t a r . J j -i maim uuwii coai in .. v. . voralile 8. clear weather. it i. said, made so many pair of show in one day, that it took him two days to count 'em: He was a smart one, but not equal to one .up in New Hampshire, who built so many milei of stone wall in one day, that it took dun all night and the next day to get home Noble and Wittt Reply. In 1551, Philip I, sent tbe young Constable da Cualile to Home, to congratulate Sevtus tbe Fifth on Lis advancement. Tbe Pupe immediately said "Are there so few men iu Spain, that your king sends me one without a beard V "Sir." said the fierce Spaniard, "if his Ma jesty possessed tbe least idea that you iin. "ined merit lay in a beard be would have deputed a goat to you, not a genile. man." Hanuinu. A Scotch parson, in his prayer, aid "Lord bless, the great Council, ihe Parliament, and grant they may ull hang to. geiher." For Children, t clear day (lietween 1 1 and 2) i preferable. OCT!" Ure avoid white, blue or lilit pink. Our Gallery with lU nix I'rize Medals and Works of Art, is open at ull hourn, nnd Free. Whether visitors winli pictures taken or not. we hall at all times he happy to .cc tliein. June S3, 1850. IITS! X1TZ! I1TK! EOUEEAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. I South Third street T TERCHANTS and the Writing eommiiniiv are requested to rail and ei amine tliis l. K, which i wnnumrd not lo corroii Nelalht J'nu, nor cliaiigi it Luior, Wholesale and Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A littoral discount made to Merchants and Un Trade For sale hy H. I). Musscr, agent for Sunbury November'", 1850. ly. A . . fiirt.- tfi.j,ii;niT he. rpnlipit.v 1 " """""7 '"i'"- .-"."o i i rv.m r...... r i-t..i r..T.... "Yes, with all my heart, and the sooner the ,nd CoUon'0utUllfi; Kea,,v belter. I'm sure il is the prayer of all good Pantaloon., Keady mule VesU, Congress Knives, people." Porcelain lined preserving kettle., just received "But friends," said the parson, "1 don't mean as tuat lellow does, put pray PATENT JAPAN SLACKING. Manvfartory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Struct, M K 1) A I., awarded liv tiie FKAXKMX IX Kl'ITI'TK of J'hilndelphia in Urtolier, AM) Tim F1KST PUEMIUM hy tlio MAUVI.AM) hX. ST1TL"1'1), at Hulliiniire., Nov. lS4Haiid 1N40. VkilaJtljJiia, "Cult, 14S. I have used J.'s Patent Japan Liquid and Paste lilackini; tor some nine months, and am happy to say tliut it surpassi-s any Mucking that I hnvn used t'.iese twenty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet thr than any blacking that 1 have ever tried. Axuui w li. ('mini ns. No. liT Chestnut Street, Wm, CTJRREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WULI.AK, Xo. 50 Chestnut Stieet, ubove Second. Novemlier, 'J, 1850. ly. ssEXCK OF JAMAICA CIX- llent article. liinwAi s Medicated N.up for sun bums, tan, tetter, A.e. Kadwuy's Circassian liuhn, fur the hair dand rull' See. Hadway's Heady Kelief for Crumps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, &c. For sale by 11. 11. MASSEH. Sunbury, usf. 3, 1S50. BHOWX'S Ess (EH, an eveelt for sale by Bunburr, De. 1, A. H.MA&ER. they may all hang together, in accord and VL'BS.INM BTTLE8 Breast pumtw, aod ' , ,, ' nipple tubes- A supply of thus useful art. concuu1, eles just received and for sale hy "No matter what cord," replied lh other, JOHN W- FRIIJNO "so ti but a strong ont '." Sunbury, Ian. 18, 1851 tf TONE Ware, Earilien Ware, Kaisius, Al inoiids, P uues and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale hy JOHN W. FHIMXti. f.'unbiiry, IVe. S:t. 1S1!). 1 JOOKM hii.l (Job! Pens. On hand severul coii. J- ies of the life of Christ, and also a numlier of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sule at this utlice. KF.XXEDVS PATENT .SA.II FAS TEXI.NCS. A cheap and excellent aiti cle lor fusU niuy sash for sale by J. W. FKIMNO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. OJSE OIN TMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, frc., just received and lor aale hy 11 EN It Y MASSE It. Sunbury, July 28, 1849. WTmLEY'S C'OUGi C4NDY. excel. V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at tlu. office flISSl!iE PAPER. Yellow TUsue paper for A covering glass, eVc, lor wle at uie oliiee of the American. rt-AUP'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medt- W cine for ule hy JIENKY Sunbury Jan. 27th, 184a iTI.lUMfilAlsIK TONIC Sl'xTL'UE, I'or the Ci'Ki: ok Fi:vm axu Auue. War- IlA.Mlli. OIIIS tmri Antl.-cl ninlirine uay I reliwl onwli.-n near. I 1. ly illl nihi l i.mi.',Iii'1;iiI. (a vntue IS M ilinrill IV j kii'w'.. tiiereinru. Ine ii.iiru iloires lii enbr.'e llio he!, I ill US llS'.rM.nrsa liy mukiliz known it. virtues mill elli eney In llii.iiKiuil ..I'snlleriT. u lnarc Jul unaic tliat liny can lie .pel-tin; nun i.iuicaliy rmul nl i i:vi:h and Am i:, witliiint the use ol' i.iiijiiiia rtrui;s, uausp'iiia pntiMiia r lh llelrtertMlls eireet.iil tuiniiie. ' Il i. ulfi rt'it ti the pull he ill a Imv price M place il vi ilhiu the reach m' iill.iis.ursi that thi w wim line il wconliiift to ihiecliniia will liml it a sal'e iinttiu'L-eily cine fii FartB a NU linen,. It is lint a (lifl:urrrenhle nuiseuliiiti e.iiiiiintiiiil liiilnu niirre. uhtetiinie eali'til.ileil In reiituvelhe disease uud uiv. liealtliy aelina t.i thc sliillKH'h anil Ihiwells. I'repurtit nnlv liv Mursliull Cn.. nut a ilil v)l ilcsalea unit relail liy Hnwaiut .V Sm, No. 21 North Sth Street, t'liiliiiletptua. t'ni-u VI per kllle bottle, uud s jujf dnz. June ly KHADY M A I J I W1 E take this method to inform the readers of ' the Sunbury American, tliat, should they visit, Philadelphia, in ruest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a rail, they shall not he disap pointed ia obtaining the best of garments at the lowest rash prices. We havo now on hand the largest assortment ever uttered in Philadelphia, anions which are UltESS and FHOCK COATS from !j5 to ijilH, PANTS and VESTS from 73 w. to ', OVER COATS, CLOAKS, UUSI. M'.tsS SACK COATS and COATTEES. all of w hich shall be sold ut such prices as to make it uu object for the people ot Sunlitiry uud tho sur- rounding country torxtemi to ns tnetr patronage. 1 EHK l li. Al AriU.l.ej ct CO. houlli East corner ol titli and .Market. July 13, lSiO. MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Siiriuys, highly vuluable iu chronic di seases, and tonic remedies, for sale 1 j llENItY MASSEH. Sunbury, June 59, 1850 tf GTONB WARS, STONE milk. Pans, stone Jug. and Pitcher., uud other articles of stone wure just received ,nd lor sale by JHN W, FKIL1NU. Sunbury, June 23, 18-19 Tl ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's H writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and lain, iust received and tor sale by 3 i. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1818. SESTS fi GO,, iMiumTi'.ns or i-oni:i(; Books, Prints, Engraving's, Stationary ;ilt I'l-umt.' itu! Musical iHMtric- IllClllr.. Nj. 7S North 2nd St., between Arch it Hare, ' I'll l la :n.l. iu n. IMPORT tn order and have constantly on hand 1 a verv l.irtre assortment of gooils in the above named lines at wholesale stud retail. Principally : In (If rtnan, Latin, (Ireek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other laii-iiau'es ; Classics, Diction nries, (Iramincrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Hooks i'jr Architects Cubinet, Carriage und other manufacturers. MAPs.tlLOUES and Hhuil; liooks of every descrilitiou. Splendid Lithographic uud other Prints. Illl S If A L I ST IU. 33 I;MS. Arcordeons, ISanjos, Hows for all string instru incuts, llrnlgi) und luilpieces, I lanniiets, riles Flageolets, Flutes, liuiturs. Octavo Flutes, Paient Heads for Cuitars and Violum llos, Taiiiliouriucs, Pulling Forks mid Hammers, Violins. Violin and (iuitar Pegs, Violiuccllos and Strings for ull kinds of Instruments Wholesale und Retail. Accur deons repaired. Also constantly on band, wholesale ami retail, a large assortment of the very best CEHMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and l'l.irenco Leal Mctul I uermometers, Jiiirpeucils,-r hIkt unJ otlier Lca(lK-in ils, Red, Into und Hlack Chalk Cray nils. .latliematical lnstruiiieiiis, rtcailicaturs, Spring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Cold Scales and Weights Letter, l'uney colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards uud other French and (ierman Fancy Articles, the sale of which they are the MAN L'FACTl'HEItS AOENTS, July C, 1850. PAT3XTT 2C3SDICI1TS3. (ireeu's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Towuseud's Sai'sapurilla. HuUer's Saisuparilla. Sway lie's Syrup of Wild Chcrr, Sway ne'e Veruiil'nge. Ayrc's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Ciillen's do Tibbil's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoollund's (ieriuaii Hitters: Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cuttlo Medicines For wle hy HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 184". AY RUM. An excellent article for wle by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jun. 21 th, 184S tf. DLANK DEEDS painted on the beat quality st cf parchment paH-r, sold at the lowest prices at tlus oliice, by wnolcsaie ana retail. 1)AISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, See. For sale by J. W. Flu LIN U 8uiOury,Dec.8. 1818. F: EE UlLLS Justices and ConsUbles Fe Dills handsomely printed on card pir, for sU at this oliire. "Kttfoia'asc Yotir Otvri!'' FASHION A HLC MARK OF FURNITURE AXD CHAIRS. 'TMlK subscribers respectfully call the attention I ol the puMir to their lar.'e nnd sptendiil assort- I incut of i very ipiality nnd price of which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will exumiiie il, on account of its durable workmanship mid splendid finish, mudiMip of the Inst stock to be had iu the eitv. No rlVnrt is spared in the manufacture nt' their ware, und the subscribers arc determined to keep up with tiie many improvements which ure constantly being ; made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Uarcnus, srerctarfrs, snicbcnris, ! SOFA, UKEAKFAST AND DIMXG TABLES, ; and ulso VENETIAN HLINDs, c.pial to Phila- j delphia iiiaiiul'acluie. j BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, j CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE- i STANDS. TOILKT TAHLUS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also iminufa.tnre ull kinds and qualities C1IATUS. including varieties never beliire lobe had iu Sunbury, such ns M, Ulack Walxtt AMI t'l IILI.II M AI'LK OlIKt'lAN ; AMI WlMlSilll CH Al KS, av ii lAxcr Pi ami S cools, which are of thc latest styles, and warranted to le excelled by none manufactured ill the Cities or elsewhere. The subseriliers are determined that there shall lie no excuse fir h'i' sons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence ran bo entertained alioui the quality uud tiuisli of their wure and Chairs. Their article w ill be disposed of on as good terms us they can lie purchased elsew here. Coun try Produce taken inpayment for work. IV LNDEHTAKINO. Having provided themselves with a handsome lltAUst, they are now prepared for I'nclcrtnking, and attending fu nerals, iu this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from this place. lr' The Wure Room is. in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL H AAS, CLOHOE RENN. Sunbury, Dec. 14, 1850 tf. ell. t'lthniet. J:;;' und Ilil I'lolli Vnrnishes : ' 1i im- .I:i.i;m : U nit iiii I llitrni.h Virnii-ti : llroHii, Whit . :nnl Hi d Spud do; Tr.ti!-I""r d i; Arin-u', IImiisr unit t'n-leli t' loiiers' :in,t ' :i i msie-rv' Milerii' s; I'l 'TTN 1 ! (! I'l l', I S. 1 MX IS. lt. IN (11 AMI I'RI'. , t'AKl II I Hit lUMI'.IUATi: tt; Milliners' Vuriiisli, I ( illle '.lei .ei,1n ; i Il iek ,lri( ,.i n l' ir I "I'll : Ailliesil'R il l. ior I I'linev V ir1, : I'ielir and W ind V lilasi.; Artists' Co. j lours. I'ry ami in 'I'lihes ; N.-il'n I'ioi ml: 'iold. Silver, . unit Ii.tiijimi l.e.-d'; li ild. Sil it. n-d t'oppiT llroni j (.1.. ' ...ier's I ii i:n .iids. Also, vei v ly.r Mi le ltlaeliiiitf ami I Writ in In:.. j June on. l-.-)(l. I ;!:;nti.t: .1. CITY f A II I K T w a it 1: it n i .ti a , THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COL1.KCTION OKOVKR 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Kiiuule eu Carious l:tprrluirut. la CIIK.MISTUY : 1NCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc, etc Price 6 j cts., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 8, 1849. RAZORS A superior article for sale at the store of HENRY MASSER. Buubury, Feb. 16, 1850, JACOB REED'S c i.utiii. noons, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, PlIlLADKLPIIM, V7JIO always keeps on hand a large stork of ' every vani ty of clothing made up of good materials, and iu the latest and best styles. He would also inform tho public, that he pays consi derable attention iu getting up Military Clothing, iu good style and on reasonable terms. June IS, 1850.- . ly 51 OK E Athvi-OOMS ! Just received at the store of HENRY MAS SER, a lot of Cas, Guru Shoes, Almanacs, Queensware, Liquor ic All of which will be sold at the lowest price. Dec 14, 1850. CAPSv An assortment just received. Also ilk HATS at 4.35, for aale by U. MASSER. , Vunliury, Dec 848. I NO. 173 CIIEXNCT STREET, (OITOSITK TIIK STATt Itor-K.) i rfxxz..&Dcz.riiiA. "FFERsfor sale, low for e:ish or approved city ! ' ' paper, a large and well assorted stm'k ; CAHINET FrRXr'TRE. f the latest pattern ' und of llie best workmanship. The assortment 1 enilir.ii'es exery nrlicle, useful or ornauieiital. com ' priinu' suits of Drawing K.ioin Furniture in Rose- wood ami Waliiiit, ev.iiisitely carve l. Rosewood I Wnlniit, nnd Muliogniiy Chamber Furniture; Pn ; lent Elensinii Dinintr Tubles, (acknowledged to i be tiie best now iu use); I library Hook Cuses, and tl ureal variety of plain Parlor uud Chuinber j Furniture. j Curtains made and put up in tho latest Paris Inshioiis. Spring Muttrnsses, Hair Mattrasscs, and Fea ther lleds, made in order, N. H. All articles purchased ut this establish ment are warranled of the best materials ami workmanship, and will be packe,,! lo carry safely lo any part ol the country. May 2.'i, 1850. ly WATTS' NEEVOUS ANTIDOTE AMI 1MIYSICAI. lUCSTOKATlVE. THE IIEDICAt. VVONDEH Or THB '17 ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, 'l ie Dolorouii, Nervous Headache, Ch lera. Lockjaw, Hydrophobia coitMilsiotis ; will restore manhood to ils prrstinc vicor, even after years of prostration, and the only know n und cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extruet trom Ihe New i ork Sun, Oct. 3, 1S49, Tht erlthtalid Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote." the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for ull nervous ulli rlioin was not in troduced by the incdicul faculty !" replied, 'That if it wi re, there would no longer bo uny use for a faculty, us all diseases originated from a disorgan ized sirte of the nerves ; the nerves are Ihe main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, uud both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, IS doses, enough for all or dinary rases, ONE DOLLAR. SOLD HY Win. MrCARTY, Uroadway, Sunbury. eptcmlier, 28, 1850. tf. BLANKS. LANKS of every description ran be had by up )iiig at the oliiee of the American. pUKE WHITE H RANDY FOR PRESEIt- VINO, just received and for sale by 11. U. MASSER. Sept. 28, 1850. 1EAS, from the New York Canton and Pckin J. W, FKILINQ, JL Tea Company. For sale by Sunbury. Dec t, 1841 KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- r CHES. An excellent article, for salens hall the usual price by J W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1849-