Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 29, 1851, Image 4

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Thk United Servioa Gazelle report the
strength, of the British army to be 173,578
tnen of nil nrm, besides 55,000 pensioners)
yeomanry, &o.
Ths rural police in England numbers about
8,000, nml costs 200,000 per annum, or
nearly X70 per man to the counties that have
To Catch Cockroaches. Put some beer,
sweetened with molasses, in the bottom of n
bowl, nnd l;iy up thin splints of wood for the
roaches to travel up, after which they plump
down into the bowl nnd cannot get up again.
Nr.AW Taxts The city of Buffalo last
year paid a tax of over 84000,000 being
about ten dollais for every ninn, woman and
child in the city.
Ax Iron Boat, of a large size, but pecu
liar shape, intended to convey passengers
nnd goods upon the Nile, is being built at
A Woman fl8 years old, who is deaf and
dumb, was married for the fourth time at
Jorduslown Church, Pembrokeshire, England
on the 21st nil., her bridegroom being a young
man of 21.
Wool. The Western Ohio papers say that
speculators are already in the field contract-
ilia for the next clip of wool. Wool has ad
vanced 6 to 10 els, a pound, and ranges from
45 to 54 cents.
Tin: Emperor of Russia has ordered
that manufacture and tradesmen who in
tend to visit the (iirat Exhibition nt London
shall be exempted from payment of the pass
bort tax.
I'ivs IX has accepted the proposals of n
company of iiritish capitalists for the con
struction of n railroad between Ancona and
Iiolotrtin, to join the pl'at Trieste and Leg
horn line, touching nl Hologna.
Miss Dix is preparing to visit the prisons
in Virginia, Ninth Carolina nnd Georgia, to
busy herself, indeed, during the summer, in
the abode of misery, vice, destitution and
Dihty City. An inquest was held in St.
Louis lust woe Is on the dead body of Cas
per Asly, which was found in one of the
streets nf that city. The Coroner rendered the
following verdict ;- "Died by su dotation in
the mud."
AiiciiDisiioF Ilri;nns. mixed congrega
tion in the church of St. Andrea delle
Fratie, increases in number on each suc
ceeding Sunday, as many Protestants are
induced by curiosity to listen to bis argu
ments. Mi:?sr.s. Thomas Tuckkii & Co , Liverpool
ship-builders, have offered to accept the
American challenge, to construct a sailing!
ship uf any size, to compete with one of ban
kets build, nnd the owners of the winning
ship to gain the lousing one.
Slave Stuauni.. A man named Glory
has been committed to prison in Nasrvifle
on a charge of having endeavored to entice
several negroes In llee in his company to
Canada. The people talk of giving him gfori
after the Virk.-burg fashion.
I t!!, how poor
Seems tli" rich -jnr of p-eiiins. vti"li It lief,
l.iket'ie iiUveiimroiii' bint, lllut hntll entll ova
ll:s nii ii','!li iijvii the Hen, atnliilinn-wrecki-il,
A Hung tht- tuisli nii;:!il pity, aw siie sits
Uiooihne- ill illiet, on lier lowly nest,
A Linn: fririii St. Petersburg, of the fith,
pays : '-The quantity of gold produced in
1847, wa 1741 pounds or about 05 millions!
of fiancs ; in 1848, 1720 pounds ; and in j
1849, 15S7 pounds. The amount for 1S50 is i
not yet known.
Gov. Johnson is generally spoken of
for re-election. The Whig State' Convention
is called to meet at Lancaster, June, 24, for
the nomination of a governor, Canal Commis
sioner and Judges of the Supreme Court.
A Lt:TTi:a postmarked Philadelphia, was
received here yesterday, bearing the follow
direction :
This letter lake. l'ncls Sum,
.Vitliin your fuiiiiitm open palm,
Tn Ijouinville, Kentucky,
1'in.l Park .1. Asli, win imikcH the (.lane,
111 llm hifr fuel ry, Thinl ileal Muin,
And il will he iusl lucky.
Louisville Courier.
A New Way to Defeat a Bin.. A bill
fo amend the chaiter of Iho Buffalo and Mis
sissippi Kailrond Cuinpnny passed the House
of Representatives of the Indiana Legislature,
nnd went to the Senate, where it was stolen
to prevent its final passage.
It appeals from a return just issued, that
the amount paid by iho English Post Office
to the railway companies for the conveyance
of mails during tha year 1840, was.31S, 54
and during 1S49, .1253,535, and for other
services, .182 for each year.
Tub Humor that 72 Americans had been
murdered by Indians on Rattlesnake Creek,
California, is now said
to bo an e.vaggera
' MiLF.AriE. Or. Gwin's constructive inilo
nge for Iho extra session of the Senate arnoul
to 11,200. Wright and Gilbert, for their
journeys lo and from California, is 85600
DisritcssiNo. The wife of thu Chief F.n.
gineer of ihe Atlantic, has been taken to
an insane asylum, having lost her reason in
eonseiuience of her belief that her husband
was lost,
Gsiack Greenwood thinks that Gen. Hons
Ion would fill the Presidential chair prettv
well only let him be put under bonds not to
whittle the arms oil.
As English Cikkijvman advertises in "The
Times," thai being "obliged lo break up his
establishment, ho w ishes to recommend his
Groom and VVifu. To any person kesping
horses and cows they would be most valuable
Have the courage lo prefer ease to ele
gance, lo get out of bed when you ought to,
, lo acknowledge your altered opiuion upon
a conviction ; and to confess your fear of
11 O O K K L L li R ,
T!tAS recently received, among other nrticlcs,
great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain
ing publications such as
Coopers novels, complete or separate. -
Horbiirts . . . llooVeuV
Dumas do Trollope,
Sue do . Halliburton,
Rcyndol do Marryatt,
Cock ton do ' Grey,
Maxwell do , . v. Marsh, '
Jerrold do Ainsworth,
. . Morri do
At the low price of fnitn S" to 50 cts per volume.
Sunbury, Sept. 28, 1S50. tf.
No. 95 lluce Street. ,
Secotui di)or below Third,
TyitERE nit kinds nf l.isU, eve, of the latest
style and best material, uru manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptly ami punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Adv.' !l, ksot) ly."
ci-ias. zsimmiG,
No. 207 Clicsnnt Street, front Arcade,
Pill I. 111. I. I'll A.
"IMPORTER nnd Manufacturer of nil kinds of
Musical lust ruiiients, Fancy Articles ami Toy.
His prices are I ower than those of any other store
in Philadelphia. All kinds Instru
ments repaired in the best workmanship, an J also
taken in trade.
Philadelphia, May 55, 1850. ly.
Mannfartnrnl liy Mianrtls & Co.
543 Chestnut St., Vhila.
WARRANTED to wash clean in hard, soft,
or suit writer, cold or hot, in one third the
time of any other Snap ever manufactured ; thus
dispeiisui! with hniliivr, lilearhin'j, .Vc.
washed with this Soap will never shrink or have
any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in thei."
original soft and pliant slate: which is in itself a
sufficient recommendation to guarantee ila use iu
all families.
may be washed thoroughly with it, without the
least injury; giving them a lustre ciiual to newly
imported Roods. t
of anv tlricrirition, can be readily removed bv the
use of it, without injury to Ihe article, whether it
be the finet dress or onlinarv carpet.
In Ihe use of shounls A: ds Soap, the must
delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap
the hands, tmt cm the contrary act as an cinolli
cut, unit is not onlv the vmiv washing
soap ever offered to the public, but us a TOILET
SOAP cannot be excelled.
herever It has been used it has trivon perfect
satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca
ses where n fair trial will be (riven it.
SHOI'RDN cV CO., Manufacturers,
No. 51:) Ohesimt St., Philadelphia.
For Sale by Grocers generally.
November Hi, 1S50
HOOT,!irA' artist,
A'o. 1-10. comer of Fifth Chesnut sts., Pli ila
dilphiu. mill iti'.i ISroail trttij comer of
Frimldiii Street, New Yurie.
a 1J1.1.A ..M) M liA.MilJliN ean Have
a Mi 1 1 i 1 1 .f for Portraits nr Minialurcs, and
receive them beautifully cased, iu morocco. Silk
velvet, Papier Maehc, or oilier fancy styles, or set
in .Medallions, Lockets, vxc, lit a low minutes,
Daguerreotypes. Paintings, Drawings,
o:c. Lopieu.
Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased
persons, taken at siiort notice.
For Portraits of Adults bv our process, and Im
proved Instruments, u clnmlij day is quite us fa
vorable as clear weather.
For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2)
is preferable. T In Dress avoid white, blue
or li','h! pink.
Ourliallery with its Six Prize Medals and
Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free.
Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we
shall at all times l,c happy to see them.
June 22, 1S50.
Ornamental and French
80J Walnvl r.t , between 'Ml unit ith street.
I F.SPKC'ITI J,y directs the attention of the
A-public to his superior styles of Plain and
Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most
beautiful designs.
As a handsome Frame at a LOW FKICE,
has been much desired, hn was induced some
months since to couimetii e the. manufacture of
these Frames. In a short time the dvmand has
been so irreat, that lie has been obliged to increass
his lacililies, and new olier at
i.i i.i:i)i.N(ii,v i.iiw iitiri:s,
SiiiRly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitable for Paintii,as, priliu Dayuerrcotynes,
Curds, &e., &c. " 1
For D trahilih) Cmm-passrtl.
lintels, Public liuildinss, SteumboaU, Stores Ca
binet Furniture, &e., decorated iu imitation uf
carved Rose-Wood.
IV Please call and see specimens.
May 5, la.riO ly
I1TE! IlTi:! I1T
IndeBtructible and Indellible
No. I South Third street.
TEKC1JANTS and the ' liiinir commuiiitv
'- are reqiiesli d lo call ami examine this INK,
which is wirmutnl nut Iu cunuilt "Mrlallie iVu.y,
or ehuHe it.-i CVW.
tVholi siile and Retail,
No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A liberal discount made to Merchants and the
For sale hi' II. H. Musser, sgcut for Sunbury
noveinners, lUJU.- ly.
Muimfactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street,
MEDAL, nwunli'.l l.v the FKANKMX 1.
KTlTU'i'E of 1'liil.uli'liiliia in I li-tobcr,
H'l'ITl Til, at llallimi.ri", Nov. 118 and 184!.
l'hilatlihihia, Octobtt .'BvA, 1848
I liave usril J. rll;ir' I'uteut Japan I.imiid
ml Paxte bl-rkiiiir for wmiiit nine month, and
in liapuy to s.iy tlmt it aurpHsJuia any lilai ViiiK
Iliut 1 have uwil lUcso twenty odJ years, hi id
it lmUU the ,,)ih and irrMirvi'ii the Iralln'r Let
thr Uiau any blacking that I have i-vrr tried.
AllilIW R. ('HlVUKHi.
No. B7 Chestnut (Street,
Wul, CtTRREY, Manufacturer.
biici't'iwor to J. WELL A R,
No. 50 eUetnut Ktrwt, ybove (Second.
November, 9, lo50. ly.
At Hie Cublrtct Ware ltoom of
Market Square,
Also at the corner nf Fmrn street It the Railroad
Thankful for the patronage of his friends and
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public, a con
tinuance of their favors. Dniinir this period he
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
ol me Hay, anil lias accorihimlv extended Ins busi.
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
stock of
At the. Old fttiind.
Where in mloiiion to their former slock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Lnrsre Spring Sent Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
SIurlile Top Hash Stands,
and a variety of other '
new style and
Va h i o n hi e Fn r n i t u re.
ITavtntr secured n Ifearsp and made the neces
sary arianements for the purpose, they are now
prepared for rndertakiiiff in ull its branches, in
this vicinity or at anv convenient distance.
Ye anJ inipirtsc. and tnisliiiiHl- too,
Here's riirnhiire of every style nml line.
From side ! mrls down tn kiti'lim tallies,
From rockintr etiairs to loekinc: rrrulles
Pliniiid yon not have the vemly .Ion to pay, '
We'll wait awliilii for it tiriicliter better day,
Or tul,"i! potatoi, oals, eorn, wlient nnd rye ;
Itiirk, Hoop pi-l -s, stiiyes, or lumber wet suit dry,
Or any tliini but y,,;cs unit tbresliiiiR (tails,
I'roiu (liits nnd inrkies down to little quails.
Come on tlii-n frienils, conic one and all,
Keep ionic a moving, so '-goes oa the ball."
t.T" Orders from a distance romptly attended
to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunburv, .March 9, 1H30. tf
Attorney at Law.
I5Jiiwi vllc. Si iKiylkiil Co., ta.
I I SINES8 t ill be promptly attended to in Ihe
- counties of Schuvlkill, Northuuihcrlaud.
Union, Columbia and Montour-
Refer to:
A. Jordan, H- Hellas, or II. II- Masscr, Esiirs
Sunbury Win. De Haven, Kdwurd Hughes, Jk
Soloinim Sliindel, Minersville C. M- Hall, M
Mortimer, 1'ottsville
Oct. fl, 1S.10 lv-
A'nt- Yoil, .nv. 2.r)M, 1850.
Mr. II. B. Mvsscn. Sunbury Pa. Dear Sir:
In some portions of the country where we had
adverfised our Sarsaparilla, iu 1 S I 8, the Editors
of some of the papers have seen fit to take upon
themselves the responsibility of continuing the
same after the airrecuieiil expired, and in some
cases have had the presumption to send us a bill
lor the amount. Now we h ive no objection to
have nil the papers in the United States advertise
for us for years, if they are pleased to do so nt
their own expense, but we cannot all'ord lo pay
them unless they have our authority for the work.
We write to yon for the purpose of itit'oriiiitiit the
Editors, throii','li you, thit they tire at liberty to
advertise as liitur as they please, hut we must t;ot
be held responsible without nur ritten nuthorilv.
No. 110, Nassau street, New York.
December 4, ltSSl). tf.
A'o. 2 16 Market St., between 7 5' Slh st.,
(South side,)
rPHE Subscriber has opened a liew hat store
and oll'-rs to traders and others who visit the
city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve
ry variety, made up uf the best material, and in
the latest and het style, and on terms as reasonn- 1
hie as can be had in any establishment in Phila
delphia, viz: Fine sill; hats at ; Good do
do at 'riltill. IVrsons from the country who pur
chase of him, can rely, at all times, .in netting a
(rood article that will please them, and one that is
fully worth the money paid.
Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1 ly.
l'ott'iillc, k'il.
Will promptly attend lo collections and all busi
I less i iiu usted lo his care.
June Hi, lf-l'.l,
rP!IE subscriber has just received a new supply
- of the best liquors that ever cama to .Sunbury,
consislimr 1.1 part ot
Superior old pale Uraedy.
Fine t'ouiae Uraiidy.
Superior !d .l.niiaieu Spirits.
New England Kiiin.
Fine Holland din.
Superior Oid 'bisl.ey
Ciimm Hi do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
Superior Port Wine.
U lirp ii : 1 1 i v Port do.
Sweet Malana Wine.
Snpeiior Claret i ine ill hollies.
Champagne do. do.
.Sunbury, May 2C 11!.
liiAl.Aii:ia'iiiA him: 4. I. Hit Oil STOIIU
Importers nnd Dealers in Liquor,
Ao. S'.'O Market street, Phdmleliha,
OFFEK for sale, tho cheapest and best assort
ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as
Chainpaiiue, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, Bur
gundies, Sauturn, barsac, .Madeua, Lisbon,
Teneiill'e and Sicily Wines,
lirandies of the choicest brands, viz:
Malina, Ot ud, Ponet, Heiinesy, Ac, &c.
Fine Holland Gin, Munongahela, Scotch and
Irish Whiskey, &e., ccc.
Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila
delphia prices on the most liberal terms.
July 13, IS.'jO.
liER, tin exeelient artirle.
lUiiWAt'a Medieated .Soap fur fun hurn, tan,
tetter, Ve.
Railway a t iri assian Uuhn, kir flie hair dand
ruff iSve.
Raihvav'a Ready Relief for Cramp, Cholie,
Cholera .Morbus, .Vc. For sale l.y
H. 11. MASSER.
Sunbury, Au. !i, ISSO.-
CJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisina, Al
tnoiidsi, I' unes nnd Cream .Nuts.
I'laues of all kinds.
- .Salt mid Piaster. Just reeeived and f.iraale
funburv, llee. 23, 184'J.
BOOKS and Cold Pena. On hand aeireral eop.
ies of tho life uf Christ, and also a numlier of
gold pens whieh we will sell at Hie Philadelphia
priees. For sale at this ollirc.
TEM.MjS.' A cheap and excellent arli
cle tor fastening tuah for sale hy
Sunbury, July 7, 1849
ROSB OINTMENT A fresh auppty of thii
, excellent article for Tetter, Ire, jus received
and for aale by HENRY MASSER.
Suubury, July 28, 1849 ,
V. 8. Honk notes lfi ill"
All olveiit linnki pat
Ml solvent bnnks i ill!
All iolyent Imnks 1 lti
Hank rf Oliinnbersbnrg 1 llis
All solvent Imnks lli)
"null ol Chester vn. par
Bank of I let. Uo. Cbe-ter par
All solvent Units 5 itil
" iiikoi lii'rniantowii
Bank of (letlvslinrif
1 ills
ly jtk notes under 55 J ilis
Hank of I.i'wistewn
Bank of.Mlflillrtown
All solvents banks 1 (.lis
m:v ji:kmi:y.
Helviilen; Hank I ili
1 llis
IMontpomery Co Hank pur
Mnnkot .Nnrllnllllbeirtlil. (wil
uankot rtllsbniK
1 iliSitJonnntTeinl Bank i itis
nnnk m tltnivillu
(nir l-'nr. U uik Mont Holly pat
Carlisle Bank 1 (lis !'. .V M., Middletown Ft. par
Columbia B'k K B'gcCo jjir'Mi-hnoirs Ilk. Newark (ir
lloyelstowa Bank nirlMis-h. Ilk of ljnrlinirton par
l-.n-toii Hank ir Mech. A .Man. Ilk Treat par
Frie Bank 2 ills Morris Co Bank Jibs
F.xchanse ll'krittsbnrir I ilis Newark Hk't i tin. Co ; d'n
F.xebnnjfe B'k, llmaeli 1 (lis Orilner Bank jdis
tarniers' B'k, BncksCo sirt'eoiles Hk I'allcraoa
Fanners' Ilk, Lancaster parjl'riiieetoa Bank
Fanners' Bk. Rcniliiur par'Salelli Banking Co,
Fllnn. Bk Selniylkill Cn purlSenierret Co Hank
F A 1). Ilk Wnviirsb'g l.ldisjStali: Bank at Camden
Franklin Ilk. Wash'ii 1 JdirSlnte Ilk i:iizabelbtou
tlarrisbnrir Bank I dis'Pt'ite Bank Newnrk
J tlis
' ilis
1 ills
lloltesdale Bank 1 disttale Ilk, N. Hranswiek par
Ijtineiister Bank irSassex Bank. Newton (lis
l.eltanoii Maitlt ar
Mereli. A- Man. Bank t ilis
Miners' B'k, I'nlisi-illa per
Mononeabcla Bank 1 (lis
'I riMiton Hiiiikinir Co par
I'nion Brink. Dover J (lis
Ynrillevv'le & I'1'' r r" I-'"1'"
r'Bk Holes under I ths
Tavlorsv'e llclll'irCo lo din
West Branch tboik (,ar llnnk of Iti-tnwiire.
VYyotnnitf Bk, villiesli'e par
York Hank, 1 ilis
iy Relief notes 1 djs
Bank nf Smyrnn par
llelawnre t;ity Hank par
Ilk Wilnnr'n.V Hnimlyw. ial
l-'artners' Ilk St Pclawarp par
loiion Bunk. Wiliiiinirton par
Bank of W'hetioek Silt
MereaatiUi Bk, linncor In di
t'r fuller SV.'s 1 jdis
All s .Iccnt banks 'j ,hs OKU)
N'F.VV HAMI'PtlIRr:. All s,.lven.t banks 2 dis
All solvent hanks , tlis IV Bk notes under 5's 4 (lis
Bank nf St .Ml.nns 9 ilia All solvent banks ti ilis
All solvent banks 3 ilialryTiulcri's, 'JJ ilis
1! V M H A S UP Tit K Pni'KKT
Eset i.'a el t s, or, Every one
his own l'hvsician ! thirti
eth edition, with upwards of
a hundred cjicravinjrs, show
iii( iceuliar diseases ill eve
ry shape and form, nnd tniil
lormatioiis of the irencrativc
II Y WM. YOfXfJ. M. D.
'i'he time has now arrived persons suH'crim; from
no more become the victim
secret diseases, need
of Ijuackcry, as by the pri'scriplions contained in
this book any one may cure himself, without hind
rance to liusiness, or the knowledge of any one,
and with one tenth the usual evpence. Iu addi
tion to the (Tcncral routine of private disease, it
fully ex. plains the cause of manhood's early decline,
with observations 011 marriage besides many
other derangements which it would not be pro
per to enumerate.
IIVAny person sending twknty-i'ivb ci.nts
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
bonk, bv mail, or live copies w ill be sent for one
dollar. " Address, -1)1!. W. YOf.Nd. No.
SPKl'CE Street, Pi HEAD El. I'll I A." Post-paid.
IV'"" Hit. VOI 'Nli can be consulted on any of
the Diseases described in llis ilillcrcnt publications,
at his Office, 152 Sl'ElCE Street, every day be
tween 1) and o o'clock. (SnndaysVxceptcil.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 0, lRoi) ly.
a iMiii, ir.i pii i t.
SUA lU'l.ESS ,V- SONS, have just received
their supply of SlMilNO AN D SE.MM EK
(iOltlJS of Friendly and other styles, to which
they invite attention.
SUA WI.s All descriptions of Silk, woollen
and worsted.
DKESS SILKS tiro de Khines, Chameleons,
and neat and new fancy stylos India Silks and
UK ESS COOES I,awn, llarcires, Mousse
litis, Oinnhanis, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the
new fabrics.
FI'IIXIflMNO COODS Elaiikc's.Shoelin;
IJuills, Damask, Sliirtimjs, and all other furnish
ing poods.
MEN'S WEAK Cloth, Cassimerr, Caslnna
retls. Drills. Vcstintrs of all kinds, and Dovs wear.
SHOE. MAKE lis COODS and Carriage Ma
kers articles. T. SHAKl'I.EssA SONS,
No. lii S. Second Street, Philadelphia
Mnv 3.i, 1,'I.jII. ly
Foil Til k Ct'tti: or Vy.vkh and Am a:. Was-
11 A NT K I).
T-it IS niiri.ullril nifilii-iTii- t;i:iy he relie-t on when near,
lv nil ""lliei r'HiH-tfit'B I'uil. ll i-iinii- t not iiijjli.-iciiily
know1!; lln'rel.ire, tlie pioprl. ilrsiri'S I,, i-nliirtc the
fit-lll nt' l' IISi.Mii nrss liv IllllUillir klhiW ii i!8 I il hlf-K I e!ii-
cney to llioiintnds nt" wili'ereri. wlinnre n t aiare lint tliey
t-iiii be ij.cidi:y uiul niilu-ally i-iirtil ot
ri:vi:u and ahi i:,
with'int tlie 111.0 ol" "is ininm ili'ns, mniHei'iis potions or
the ileletorn.ns eir'-eli. ot' iiuinine. It isoItVr. il to llie pul.-il-
al a low riro I i i1tm-i- it Wltloil tile r. llell of 111!. IIK.,;iru,l
Siial llio.e ho nwe it lire .riling to .lire.-ttons will liml it a
al'e au,l sp.-eily cue lor
l-'KyHK and It,;.'?:.
It in not n i!iM'.'reeflile nan-aliiiir eoinnoini'l lintan :i,rree-ul;l-tonic
iMk-niat.-.l iu reinovellie ,lis.-i,iioimil iivo li.iallliy
anion to tl.e si.inneli nml lto' !li.
l'n'priri-ft onlv liy Marshall ,V l'o., ini'l sold v)it,lftsitcs
Mini re'Mil liy ttowiind .V Son, No. i oilh fl-li Slr,-,-t,
rjiilailelphm. Priee 5?1 per single b itlle, and ! jut J,...
Jaai-S.l, l!- ly
ready y.m
C H1! 'Ti r- Tf r -TY Cfi'X.
E take 1 1 1 is nietlifiil to inform tlie readers of
' the Siinliury Anioriran, that, bliuuld they
viiiil, l'hilaili'liihia, in uitest of
Good and Cheap ClotMnj,
and favor us with a cull, they nil ill not he disap
pointed ill obtaining the hest of ariiientii t the
lowest euh prii es. W c have now on hand the
lai'civt assortment ever ullered in i'liiladelpllia,
tinionjwhii-h-uru lilUls.S and FROCK COATS
from ! to (jilt?. I'A.N TS and VEjITS from 75
its. to ."jts, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, IM'iSl.
whirh shall he sold at atii-h pi tees as to make it
an olijeet for the people of Suiilnnv and the stu
roiindinj eouiiti v to extend to us their palrona'u.
l'EliliY R. M'NEILLE & CO.
South East eortier of tilh and .Market.
July 13, 18..0
VIINEKAI. WATER, from the O.ik Orehard
x - Aeid Spring, highly valualile in ehronie di
seases, und tonic reiueiiies. for sale I v
Sunhury, June 29, 1850 tf
nml other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale hv JOHN W. FRILINO.
.S'unliury, June 2.1, 1M0
fi'lsSCE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
tl covering glasses, Sic, for sale al the ollicc ol
the American.
AY RUM. An eneellent article for sale
Sunbur Jan. 27th. 1S49 tf.
"JJLAN'K DEEDS printed' on the best quality
cf parchiueiit paper, aolo at the lowest prices
at Ihiit office, hy wholesale and retail.
1Al-SlNS, currants, citron,- cheese, pepper
V aauce, &c Fur sale l.y i. W. FRILINti
Sunbury, Dec. S, IS 18.
f"EE DILLS. Justices and Constable Fee
ilills handsomely primed on caad paper, for
aale at tliia otlice.
f lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aale
at this ollice
LATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison'
writiiiE and iudelliblo ink, Cotton yaru and
luiw, just received and for sale by
Sunbury, Dec. S,1818.
DAUD'H celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi
cine for ale by HENRY MASSER
buubury Jan. 37th, ISO
w a - im
sum i i; ii ARHANi)iiMi:T ihoji
Office of the Phila. tf Reading Railroad Ce. )
Philadelphia, March !9, 18."i0. )
Two Passcnrrer Trains Daily, (except? utnlay.
ON and after April 1st, 18.10 two trains will
be run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pollsville
Morninz Line, (Accommodation.)
Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun
days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.)
Leaves Philadelphia at 3 .J o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except
Passencers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
J be alternoon, or fust trains, do not stop at An-
burn, Altnouses, ltirdslmro , Koccr s Ford, Val
ley Force, Port Kennedy, Sprint Mill or Falls.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed toearh passenger in these lines; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baggage but their w caring apparel, which
will Ileal the risk of its owner.
liy order of the lioard of Managers.
April 13, 18.10. Secretary.
U II, i . I A it I S A 3 i TI - V .i V I : V T c
"IjM.IXIIt is, willi thu ntinoM confidenee. nffcrvritn the
XJ -''-''le.ti r;M'ltllVllli(l III.' public loriliectireol UVSpep-
eiu or iiuli
,efiti'iiT nml all ill sense unsitig fioinit, biich
NlltlSen. Tleinlnetie,
Verliiro, Dimiit nf S;i;lit,
Dehilny uf the .Nerv ut- :vs
tem. Ilyp 'Hnmilm. Juumliee,
Hili'tns Vnmitiniri
Murniut; setiKitiuii tit the pit
( f tho slt'inneli;
I .it er e ini,';iint,
( ipprcKsion ntifi i-mintr,
rmpiiNti'iii fi th-f llemt,
I'am in I he pit of the ft nuneh
Wiir-tiiiU of Hie Mfrt-imlh,
1- latnleitee, witU trinucnt1 r.r towurds the rn-hl.
lu lrhliiir of wind, 'S illmvn-'fj of enuiple.xioH,
Vitinletl mete, lJeprrt-n n if tfn- Hpirisntuid
CotiHiitiition nml ijne:niiie:si irrituiiiliiv nf lumper, Jte.
ol'ltte h iwels, I
If u rntte of (IvspepMin sl-imiliMie neIt-rteil, most wirinis
eflcrrc mnv ensue, for it t;iys tin: 1 iiiiivint in for, is the in
cipeiit e:mne o. ;uid vi y 'Veipieiil ly tei iniiinrcs in r-its'i 11 n
ti '11. 1 would iii;res' upon tle:'tiiiml UiaL to ttilie Willi
this disense uny Ik- 1 sp .rl wilh the ixms jii wliiclieonsti
tiittM tiiui Kitpr-r.-i u iti' ii' ninitnjf an i ion I deinifs, or to ein
hitter uxisfenee hy nd.ling a e in-jeiousneMj m folly lo the
peiKilty cf p:iin.
Tltta inedieiiip is nenOy put up in h'Mtles, with ample
direet ioj(H fi if use, mid j so!J in Snuhnrv hv .Ioiin
FiKLiNC. JA.Wi;S U't'lJ.lAMS.
'IVsttn'iiiny of Wr. Aimer V.lnt. s, Inio-r. ,l;!rk- t ttree
nlxne Sixth, C"rr ih'rutive of the (.-lu'-uey of Williams
Anti-Dyrfpepuc Jlixii.
rmLADKi.niiA, Oclolier 3, 14!) I
Mil. J Mfv AVtM.lAMS : i Sit : It ijiv'eN mi trrent plefi?nre to know thnt yo
are iieain preparing you iiit dieine tor ihe rure of iJvtpep
sia, tor mriiiy of my iicowainlMiicts Inv: repeatedly usked (
me where ii could lj prorinH, ktiowiuir that. I had hix-n i
cured hv it. A 1 think I a nufuie neknowledLrnient of i
j tltc ureal l.ejielit I have feei-ivnl from the use of yonr ined- I
iv mr is iF't only line to you, hnt may In- nxclul tiolherF. I i
ii v nakf it. 1'or several y ais I 'villWed from liyspep-
sin. which increased to sued mi extent that my healih and 1
eoiiMitution wi re rapi'My sinkini: Hauler it. 1 v;ts com. ;
pelted to rext-1-ier tnvf fit t o ( :e m -st simple food, m-d even
Ih.ti I rotild no? di-is'. I felt n los i Ktrt-ai-ili. di.naeli
linlloii to exercin.-. nnd, iis yon liuve it i?i Votir advert r- l
llienl.ji jfeneral lectin:; il "deprevse'ii and indi senliahle i
wcnruiens. In tin- year Kl. Intiimir IP in othi rs re- ! of your An' i-Div;.iie Klixir, I procured t
nuil iiseil tt with the m 'M ei(.-cl ; tintier it mttiieneo 1
languor nml -arine. u:iaiiiia!!y p:i..fd nwjy. and my apnt- i
tite rttnrued wiiieh I couiii jj'raiiiy with impiiniiy, 'IVn
y-"iri have n .w cl ii '-ed. nnd my Mifid'-nt e in the enrntivc
powers of your rnedicitn h-s of ctmrsc increiiPi-ji, for it
conn-let i'ly cured me when I failed tool-tain reiief fr. sin any
othei source. Very rcspecti'nllv V'urs,
Testimony ofl'dward If. !!ow!ey. 'ho,.s;ile .Merchunt
ofll.e firm of liowley, Asiilmniier A- Co., o . S 'tttli I
Wharves, in proof ,,f utl eiiicaey ,.f Wi!li,uusT Anti-Uvs- j
peptic Klixir.
.Mr. Jamf-; Wii.r.WM : j
Dear Sir : I :'.iv p'easnre in reeoini;iendiii! vour Anti- '.
Dyspej t .e i:iiir for the cure of .-pepsin. " have Liken !
it tnysrif for the diMiae. :,ii I haw In i-n entirely ruled.
"oars r--Mpe-lfiir!v I
i:h'v'ai:I) ir. t!nv,M;y
Acrvt. .inriV V nill.X(i., I'a.
Man il 2, y
T KAi) thu foltowim: eettirieate I'miii ('apt. l.'evoe. th
I t known and i. oputar Sliam J.
L'.ipiaia (of the
Vilil-Atn-:! fniA. (let ili.-rlH. llrt.
irs sinee I w.-is nllnek, il wilh a lir.sikin.; nat
Several v
on iny ller.v in III- loini ol I rtlrr. wlllr
.11 v 1 1 11-.
was e ,ilr:ie'e,l nt Hi,- l,:irhrr ;:.".,!, n. It rrtni.di.iilv
eil over iny 1 lee nitiu it reNeh,.-,i tile u .prr iwirt ,f iin.
elle.-sS. During t1',- s,- rr:i! ni nliis ii rotil inn,.;
spieuiiiin.', I i ir,l .liil.-r, nt ..pplienlions. h .ni, ,,f v, 1,.,-h hn,
tin: ell.-el. i.pjtt. i.U ii: l,-:,s',.,f iiirieiisiii.r tht' liisense. hnt
from none , ,1 ih.-in i'i, I pn-i-rive !he Inist I,,.,,, t;, nihil I
applied tin- Ito.l: O:-, r:v ; Ily thr of one i,.r ,.( it.
I Was peneetly cureil iiirI ,:ive reiiiaine.l tree of the'.-c-tiull.
1 have sine" use 1 the I Iin! iiirnl. lirihlv noplieil for roll-'li-llesn
of thefnee. hlitr.irs. ,,.,l -,r,s. X-e. Wild per-
feel mieeess. I li:;v,' ir, i,vi!:i'i r.-e iiniuen.lint; it in
tlieblroliLiLsttiuiljii.-i to llle pnhhe.
.i amks i.i: nt:.
A'.ren Itv-Miv 1ass::r, Siui'r'ry.
July 'J. IMS'.
5?5S32TJS & CO.,
I.MPtirtTr.HS Ol-' K(U; i:n;
Boa':3, Prmts, rafeTaviKg?, Etationaiy
tf-i 1 1 I n nines ;tixl riiissical IiiNti'ic-
No. TS North Sod St., between Arch ec Race,
I'll I I. AIM. 1. l'o I A.
M PORT to order and hnve constantly on leind
nalneil lines nt wholesale an-l retail. iViiu-inallv :
0i vO CO L. '3
In (ierinaii, l.a'ln, liieel;, llebreiv, French, Italian
Spanish ami utiier lauu jlh-s ; (.'lassies, Diction
aries, (iraMiii'.e.s. Voeatnilaeies, School, Juvenile,
Picture, I'raw'uii! and .Model Hooks for Architects
Cabinet, Cirriai.'e and oliier niaiiiifaciurcrs.
MAPS.tJLDliLS anJ Ulan!: l;,.,,ks of every
deseiiption. Spiemlnl Li!!in:.;rap!iic and oiiur
Aecordeoiis, llanj is, U.nvs for .ill striny; instru
ments, Lii,!!'.' ami Tnilpeci-.;, Clarionets, Fifes,
Flageolets. Flutes, (iiiii.its, Ortavo Flutes, Paieut
Heads for (niitais ami Violinccllos. Tainhouriiii'S,
'i'liliiiij; Forks nml Hummers, i.ilins. Violin a, id
(iuitar Pee-i, "N'ioliiici'llos and Strings for all kinds
of lnstriiiiieiils Wholesitlo and Retail. Accor
dt.'Oiis repairi'.l.
Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail,
a liuije assortment of the very best
Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leal . Metal
Thermometers, llairpeucils.-Falier und other
Leailpencils, Ked, While und Ulack Chalk Cray
ons. Mathematical Instruments, Scaiiieat.irs,
SpiiiiH Liincets Pocket Piesciij.tiou and CiolJ
Scales and Weiitlils Letter, Fancy colored and
gilt Paper Playiiii? Cards and other French and
(ierman Fancy Arlielei, for the sale of w hich
they tire the St AN L'FACTl.'RERS AfiENTS.
July 8, lflSO
(ireen's Oxygenated Litter, prico reduced. I
(Md Jacob Tuwiisond's Sarsaparilla. j
Di.koi's Samiparillu. i
Swayi.e's Syrup of Wild Cherr
Swayue's L'nnil'u"fe.
Ay re's Cherry Pectoral j
Dr. Drake's Panacea. j
Dr. Culleii's do j
Tibbit's Pain Killer. '
Dr. lloolland's (ierimn Cittern: I
llldiuil Vl'.'l't',;!,e Pills I
Horse mi. 1 Cattle Medicine j
For sale by , HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 14, IS -J'J,
Tim rT:c2i.Es vaus-imecttm
CtlMfltlsINl! A COI.1.KCTION OF OVER 200
In the Fscful and Interesting Arts with a few
Simple unit ( url, u KrrluiruU Iu
I NCLL'DINO Medicine. Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price b); cu., for
ule by , HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, Doc 8, 1849.
1" AZORS. A uperior article for ale at the
Suubury, Kch. 16, 18fl0,
lot oo hand ud for ale bv
f unbury, April 6, 1850.
, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road.
No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St.,
riIIE subscribers would call the special nttcn
JL tion of (.'abinet Makers and others, to their
very extensive assortment of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards and
Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Clue, Varnish,
Looking Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed
Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of
ESnrtUvni'c Tools &.c.
Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would
find it greatly lo their advantage to call at our
store lo purchase such materials as tliey want,
connected wilh their business.
All our frnods are W'AU!lANTi;i),
of the best quality, and at. very reduced prices.
Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.)
We guarantee to give every mail Iho worth of
his money.
V. B. Mtilingniiv, AVnltmt nnd Hund Itail '
Plank, nml Stnir Hiillustrrs lor Uuil'lcrs, also
Miulilc M.iiitlc.", nlwnvH oa li.uul, unci cltv iK-
scription nl" turiicd work.
June 8, Irt.jU. lv
U"v I'reipientl) '
lo wc hear this expression, which is
the Uinitl tin: last slaue. of si":aie.'f)
that h pal lent ean Ui reduceil tt. and live. Mrs. Harri
son, u liM intu r of the Trimly ( tmreli. was. m she expies
I less hcrsell, liroiiiludown to lcii jiN (ionr,-: l-yCheu-i
inatisiu ami rvniis I lead-ieln-. wicn. h'o an an-el ol"
! nii'icy, Uadwity's It.ily liehef n .iew.l le-r of her sey vi w
pains and r.---ioi-ed hr t her friends jM j,,.) y-vt In-'dth.
'i i... - i,... w ..a..... i i.. i. t....i .t,.
.il i j Mi-im.i ...... ,t ii, , ,lt i n
bcnnfiTi! clients nrr cxpiTieneed, it s it In p, hea.s. clean
ses imd purities ; it instantly nllio n irntoi i-n. redners in.
Haiiimatieuti ihhI swt hiiiys. rclieveH thj in vi severe eii-nil-jic
ptiins. fiei ease to Iturn:.. Sciid-. Son-.-, JOrupii ins
cim-a Kiieumrtlisin l.umhao. (.; u;. CamK-sis. Sprains.
Strains, Spasms. St id" .c-k. Ve:iiiMi"-y in Ine S.d.- and
linel;, S ren of nil kiudi. t'in'.W-, Mrui-e-. t hifes, Sac
Tliroat, Inlniena. 1 on rsei Coiiti-', llolds,
todtii Acnr. t:(".;i;ii i. u.;: si;c(;i).
This lorturiier mrfetion can In- 'vin V in an hi.- f .-1 1 1 , f -r
the in auent Hie Het.ef (oucih.b Hie t rv.-. the pain is ici
tl'ajcd. S.i Wi'h Tie I) -le.-eiix tii'il Uemit-raiu i. .Neural
gia and Sick I iead:e-he lutta iin- jv-r's Wi1"!" ti:c pain
is IlloSt Seven-, llltii in n few niiaiec you v.-nl he entirely
relieved. Tak'-n mt' il wdi nriv-! the iu. St violent
Spasms unit t'lamn-t, s( ip vomtiim or t t runcli pnr':'ii',
in nil c im it wiil nive siieii'h I r v'-.d in-..-:, . is'-i i,
pain, Invl: ii f r siekie's. o 'v iJi li. i' is j n one an
lesH siiim d hy II AbWA V A i'KK. : I'n!' m Mw!.
i:i,.(;vr i'tiM;r it i;u .imtj.s.
Tor.MJti-;uLu ami i..iiN(i; 'I'm; ciiaums
(!' UliAL'i"! .
H w.w'-- M Kim a ri;n So w.
Utidwa'. '!- Motuc-it- ii s i;ip, s i lav ira'-fv known thromjh-
n it the fashion:,!,,, v-ot !,I l',.r l
int.' uiul h i 'lliiiii: i If.-.-l s tji lli
Wide le.
oil llle i -ri-N mill Mi:- litu,,i:e ., ,,rt':,,rv vi
illlllll it l'l"olll tllf Mil 1 i, r. :,,:, S IV:'!1
tliilillillilion; null .-!l"i-. 1 1:. 1 ;- ,;i--ii,Tit,-N
pilllili-s, sp, -ls. 1 r.'f-l, ! .-. (tix- ! ', -I' I 1 1 - r . . t
eruptions Ti,,' rotlrilll hi I' ini,,:.rls
soilness anil ,, -In ;i,-y whicli I L III, In, , s o
anus, its e,ip:r,i;ity "," s , ,;lii,,.- n , :" , i n ;
lane -lis (lelrels. r.-u,! . - it 1,1 .Mr t
I M'lilleiiien ul'l'T t,h.: :'iw ll! Ini'l il
an-lt,,;,.-ii:..'ss of Iho si. in, :,lnl i"cii,lers II
Ilnrinir lit - I'-'.-il :in,! .Inst ,f sinii-ner. or
whirls oi wpii, r: am! iih-hmmi s'lnhnrn
1.1 p
l l.leak
l-inlhliiln.s. el,:ii,p,-il l. tii.i-. or lie-
tn:l:iiurri:'ti n.
virllM-s 11 'V I i::.',,i;,l f.Molisii ,-! !, n ;l,-ii
pin ifv inu ;.n l rei :-.--- s i i -r p,-opi-ii!,--i I, iv- ,,;,;:u
1 1. hi if- in the (ii ns:nr's ,,f oih.-r .- -mi, I
penn an.i .! ,111, she n la nuf:..-' .u -, ;," !',, ,', n I"
ol the t'.ishi .n.ihl,, w ,0,1. 1"" .in thr h'unii,,.' I
frozen resiilW ot" thr lrr Kh,. 'I'hr pMlih,
ln-;0' in lnln'l tlu.t tt:iil'-;iy's Mr!irrn-,l
sale pirpamion la" the sln n v in ii-,-:
eerllfif-.l l" ly ,ir 111 1 . ,m;i i :il r, 1,11;, sis
Soup is fr,".- t l'Mli poi ; 111 ins. i r :' 1 1 ; 1 ! i , , e ;i i:i 1
rrcllentK. it e;,n ! lis. .1 on t'i- t---:,!, r , iii
Willi llle sinne li:n,-,v r .ihs :is 1,;, 'n h - u '"
See eii.-h e:,;..- , I ,p, .1 in n s
Steel en-.'r.'.viiet I f, 1 ! 1 - ti..; l1,,-,,.,
II. ItAllWAs is 11. ,11 , -l, .... ... l'rir,- -.;
Titi: (a:()viii oisna-ii nt or
ISA 1,1 sniiAM' m:.i; ur (ii.i,:-
s :ie , ,,lv
, I: If 1,,-en
'lir il'f.tlt
sr.: u rv
v 11 aii;.
Warranted ,'
1 I-'or llressin. un.l r., :n
Ti-ine i.i
It er:nisi" Ihe M.-.:!;,
Senrye , li,il,lnr.s:i. u.'ih
ll-MU l'.i',liii'r I, u.irr
l"Ssy. I'elS l;.l ivllo i
liml a e ilni !r!e iiiniil le
lll.-o rives ll it ,l;i:",v ;,I,I
from I'tiioe-' .Try. Ti
rah!;,' ;i,l:,pt.-.! 1 ,i '. ,r ,i:
nee. ll is ih nt ;,,i-;.-is
wnriu'll, ,1 trie ! l
It .il the h.'t. ,., .,.
tare of It . : " V ,v 1
i-iissiini !!:ihu is uoi iin.
.V ( o.
A'.iint it. n. Mus,.
AllC. I", I -"ll i-.-Ji:
I ir,-:,.
:", ini.i .
"ttl ,
ir ,,i
'HI HI '1
"Siiicosm-ase Yot
B8 tPvi'aa!''
FA S1I If) XA ll . C M A K !: (1 V
HE sitl.seHI,, -r.i respectfully
of the public to t'.ieii la Pre
11 the ii'.letitioti
1 si'lemlid assort-
j ment ol evc.iy ijurility and j.rici
I which cannot fail in rerottimcnd itu'lt" tocvr-r' one
who will cvainiii.' ii, mi account oi' iis durable
; wofkiiiatishio ntiil s;i'i-i,i;,l t'nisli. 1 : up of the
j lest slock to lie hail in the ci'y. N oli'irt is
j spared in the i.i.uiui.i' luie of their w aie. an, I llic
' sul;si-ri!ii'ts arc ileicrmio. -I to keep up ti ilh toe
; many i;iiir..eiiu'n:s wiiieh are i onstaiitiy lieing
' nude. 'J'h, ir slm'k con.sisi.s ni',o;.iny
SnSit!,. lli"t :ti!N ;:;nl H,oiiii:'.'s,
Jjurrnaic;, .ftrriTinviCS, zilc lioarts,
: SOFA, liliKAiil'.lST AM) H:i.G 'lUMX
; nud ulso VENETIAN LI.I.M.s, ,.,,:, to Phita-
ili'lpul l nuillliljetuiv.
UEI)S'I'',A DS. of every ,:ilte;n ami price,
in short, I'Tery iirtielo in ti. is line of tin ir bitsiness.
They also iiiuiiumi t'.ire all kinds nnd qualities
irichiiline; Mtrieiies never before to be had in
Smihiuv, such as M inn.; i(, Kl.u k Walvi't
Ml ( 'ill ".till M Al'tK (i !! I. CI I V ; AMI WlMISUU
Cll A I t.'s, a mi rivrr Pi u r-i doi.s, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to be e.eelied by
none manufactured in the Chics or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no cyciise for persons to purchase furniture in
the ritiesi, ns every coittitlenei. can lie entertained
about Ihe ejualitv and of tl it ir ware and
Tin ir articles w ill be di sposed of on as eond
terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Pr..-iuce taken in payment for work.
'i'J' I NDERTAlvlN'O. Having provided
themselves willi a handsome lltium:, they are
now prepared lor 1'iidc rtnkui;r, and attending fu
neials, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance lioiii this place.
tJ The Ware Room is in Mitrhd Street,
opposite .1. outi's sieve, a:nl nearly opposite
Weaver' Tavern.
Puubiiry, Dec. 1 I, lS.'O. tf.
Sovtinrcsl Caiucr of Fifth and Market Streets,
1TM10 always keeps on band a hnrc ft.K'k of
every Tariety of clothimr mmlo uji of good
rhfiterials, und in Ihe latest and best styles, lit
would also inform the public, that he pay coitsi
derahle attention in getting up Military Clothhn;,
in good style and on reasonable term.
June 15, 1 .')(). ly
SEOSIS: I I! V Croons !
Just received nt the store of HENRY MAS
SER, a lot nf Caps, (iunr Shoes, Almanac,
(juecusware, Liipaor &c. All of wlucii will be
old at the lowest price
Dec. 14, 185U.
lAPS. An assortment jut received.
(ilk HATS at $s!25, ler sal by
' Kvrahory, De. 849. .
AND nil fliwiwH oripiiiR from n dievinterrd livirorito.
rrmrh, uncliimooiif-lipntion, inwtirrt Piles, Fullness, nr
blood to tho liuwl, Acidity nf I he Htonmcli, Nausen,
Honrtttuni. ili"iriinT for FihwI. fullness or weight in lli
!toin:ich. smr KruHntions, siiikinir or fluttering at the pit
"f Hie SiMinnr-li, switnminir of th had, hurried mid difficult
WiKithimj, llnitiiriiip nt t lie heart, oliokiiif? or siiditrBting
wwtiiti'iiH wlteii in it h iiv-t poslnrr, Dimiioss of vision,
d itsor wftm lioforelhe sitrlit, Vvwr nml dull pfiin in thn
hcud, dftieiriify n) pfrspimlion, vellowniK of the skin nnd
.yt's. piiin in tli" ftitlf . hnrk. rlii-st. linthn. tVr.. sudden
llimlitfi ol hrnt. Imrninn in the lii'h, cunslnnt iiimgiuuigs
ol evil, tind (fn-iit deprcsiou of ipit iis,
I l.l tllt ATl ll UKIIMAM IH1T1:RS,
I'lir.rAHKii hy
No. wo Anli St., iWiiltMlHphin.
Tlic'rr power over the nlnvn dist-figi-n in not excelled, if
ffpKiileii, 1 1)' it 1 1 - i
'i ikt pri'j);tnu i' 'ii in the I niteil Matei
, in ninny ultt-r killml physiciaut
US the eur'-B title
hud lulled.
'J'liew Hitlers iin; vorihr Ihey nttemiini of invalids
Pof-srHMiis Runt virtnef m the veeiihe:itioii of diseimtno
the Liver mitt b-wr !nmlf, exereiMrj; the nmst mntichinj
i 'Wrr-i in ";ikiies.-. iniil Mifectiens of the digestive org.llif'
llicy iirt-, wiih.ii, wile, eeruiiti tin i nlenMitil,
, l't..i n-li It. e.J
The Kdtlor p aid, I)ec,
''JH. HootT.ANliV t'l-LCMIMTRI) filMIMAN HlTTKH fo
the etuf of l,iv r Complaint, .laundier-, DyscpsiH, Cfironi
or Nervous iietiiijtv. is des'Tvutllv one oft lie most pupii
lar im dieiin-s of ti..-' day. These ' Hn teis have hcen use
hy thousand, and n friend at our tilw savs he has him
relf rec.-ived an L-,leetu-;l nnd periuamiil 'cure of l.ivv
C miplamt ir 'in il;e use of rhis reuiedv. We are convince
thai, in tin ue o M.S,. inters, Tit" patient coustuntl
iaitw jt;r.-!n':!i nnd fact worthy..i' I'leut consid'
ru'i hi. 'I'iiey are pleasant iu tasie mid sniell, and twu b
tiseil hy pcrs -ns wtlii the most d' lieaie stouiaelm with stiff
tv. mi h r nay cncnmfftniie.-s. We me Swiikiuir from t
pcrieu'-e, and !o the ;m:ictei we advise tn.-ir ue.M
,Iudire .M . M Novn.a .'nti' tnau wnh irreat seicnttf
nml honary aitiiiu,i,-ir.N, mmI m his -.N( w York Week!
Messem ''!'.-' J.uittiiry 0. !-.".(' ;
1 r. 1! nlmid s (oTiiviu Hitit-rs. Here i a prepnrnti'
whi"h i!ie lo-ol ii-j pie,j..s in tin- I in 'ii appt-ar lo be tumn
lii 'i!" in re. omiiieuiiinir, innl the i- is n is obvious. It
made after a pn -.en pi p n rushed t.y one of the most celt
hialo p!iysie;i;s of inofj.-ru liui. s. ;h- lafe Hr. f'hr steph
W i ill-.! in I liitiiiin t. I'rofi'-s r to the l'niersity of Jen
priva'e I'liysie; in o the iviu:: of Pru-'-hi, an.l one of il
(.Tentest mi 1 iff I 'enters (n-ruruiy Ins ever piodueed, I;
W;i,-' ncitta'it'aiiy Die etcn'v of hunn.'iFf. and thrieforp
ri'Miriiie of w'tich In- was -he itivn' r nnd atift n-n-r m:
!' e 'nildenlK' r ii'-i "ii. lo u en:. liy recommended il.
LiviT Complain:. K-ipcpsi:i. foMiiiy, Vecii-jo, Acidity
t!ie j .niarii. C arlioa'i n, and :ii' 'Mipl-uu' s urismi; fro
a dis .idered v u-a!i 'u ..!' the urich. liver and tl
Miles' iiH'.i. , in I Mil I id' -Id Itia n tn-TS iX pres t lit :y .-on VI
tion it c-e.;;!rtic,-1 atid sevc'r.ii of t'c c Iti-'is spe:ik
i's i-lh els fr Ma Me-'f o-. :i hmividaal rxpenenec. I nd
the.- ciiemtivlauee-.. we led v in' lilted, n A oiil' in ralli;
the n!i'ul . .n of on r re-n! -is to 1 he pi' .-lit pl'f-a'lit pr 'pl'J
t 'i 's (Dr. C. M. Jnetis -n'sl prrparaiion, but in recoiuuicu
iui, Ha- aitiele to a I a; iieh d "
e -'Phil-.-'h-t.-hia Sa:n-d.:y I iae'' e , the bfst faill
paper pui-h-hed ir. i to; t uiied r?uiL-s, the editor su
Selil ,
IrinfltnrPs (! nmtn Bitters.
a tin: w r, r, ,111:11, u I w hin t,u- termed J
Il 0
I 111. II, ,
, );i,
s.t.ietly inn!.
s'. ; IIIT1P i f 1
I flhl tlli-ll f,
, 1 tl
i. I Itllsrhl
:' i s ,:,y pi IZ .1. 1"
li ' l':i-n!l ilsrilV
r I 'oriipiiiint nml I)
il 1, ilil-eeteil. ll ;,
vri it i;.
ell -et is ilil,ll.',lill
"I llili.lll wltll s'll,
1 vr-nti'iiiTs.
11 h,j'. 1 h iiiieirr win, ,
I'.' e1-' eoiinteif.'i'J
'.it,- I'sk of tin: lives
i- Till' (il'.Nft
1 - "f r. M. .IACKS'
:. ,. 11 ,! thr 't .lile, w
i.rxn; wi.i.t.T.i '! ::r.
nil i.v
1 nl I,
A I..,
. nml m.
.-1'. 1
7. P. L33D33.XeirS
(!.a fi; r.iiTr:ti !! r. si j iua-.-k)
t i!i-:u
No 7S .',.,,', ,'
"irt.'i Street,
l i-'.v". titovr. en r.uii v. v i
r si.!:
1 '. itiind amt f ir sid1'. a1 r"d
i'.s'. cmr of v, . ci'm' tyialtin. t'.tf fi'.-
"iie (,,', . s. rtz :
l'":h. I',
ll. i. .1;:, ..
lol.i K"'i
f"''ll I' ' .
'jr an i ti.
I'Aitr !i l .
1 I :; i in.-' i,i" I l"'l lit VnriitV
; ""I H e i -" Vam..i. ; lir..w.i. U
, : I'l.ttisi ' : -I ; A"i-ts. II, ,!.-
i ' e n s i-i's els : I't Tr-
'U IV. IUIS . i Oil.. AMI I'"
Ml. ,H T.: I SI i ; ,.i ,, Vnr.
I. ,,'K ,1 I-.V..T I 'I ll ... : A.i'ir'..', .' ,1 ,
In - in, I Winu r liluss : Atlists'
foot iii! : i, '... S
', I i
i III' re:.- :
i t t is i i: t w v ii i: it o n n
.xo. t;:; ciir.x.Xi T street,
(tipp-iiK tin: ?t tk inni:.)
lur ;i'c, Itnc Uiv cusii ur ni'provcd
a lar,
T well as, ,rte,l slock
M ITKI". of ihe latest putt,
ii'Iiimilis'iip. The iissoi-ttii
iiele. tisei'ul or ornamental. ci
awim; 1!,, i.n Furniture in K.
.euuis.t,"iv ea--ed. ilosew
and nf t!,i- In s.
emi'i aei s e erv n;
j,"i-'ri: suits I i
wood ami Wn'u.i
Walnut, nil I Ma!
i!i ojnuy Cl,.iiu! er i'lirnilure ;
ili.iiii'.' 'fable.-, tiiekinievledire.
v in t.s.'j: I.i! arc liook Ca
tent lh -. teo: loll
be the I e-t 1,.
- ami '.,!'. it .,r..ty
j Cnl-i'is inni!;. :
j fashions.
I .fc-piii.o M a'trass,
1 1 p.aui i ai oir aim t.'liau
iin! ptft up i:i ;he latest I"
i s. Hair .Vatlnusscs , anJ
I tile,' I -i 'Is, It'll,,!' :,i ili'iii-r,
N. F.. All ai'iie'i s pureliaM il at this cslabl
' nu n! are wtirraiiii'd of the best material
I WiirUniaiisltiji. and w ill he packed lo .
' lo any pnl o! t'ic coiititrv.
1 .Mtiv .."), is. "HI. lv
V TI1,L posiiiM'ly cure nil sbces of Noura
'lie llolorouv, Nervous lleadaclje, (
lerti, Lockjaw, Hv
drophobia cunv iil.-ious ;
its prestine viiror. even :
restore mnnlio.,,1 to
years oi prostration, und the only known and
tain cure for low spirits or menial ilelully.
F.vira. t from the New York Nun, Oct. 3, 1'
T.'n i-rlt hiatrd Dr Watson, w hen tulkin? oi
miraculous power of "Watts' Nervou Antid.
ihe .piesiion was put to him, '.Why such a vu
fie remedy for ail nervous all'ectioiis was no
trodtiicd hy the medical faculty!" replied, "'J
if it were, there would no loiiyer lie any use I
faculty, us all diseases originated from a disor
ied stile of the nerves ; the nerve are tho t
spriitir of the w hole system Keep this in o.
and h,il!i the liiiu.l und body must he."
Four mince phial, 1 doses, enough for al
dinury cases, ONE DOLLAR.
i-OLl) 11 Y
Win. McCARTY, Uroadwiiy, 8unbur
.eptemlier, SS, ISfltl tf.
H 'BLANK.'' of every descrintion can he li-.i
hUt '"8 at tli uriice of tha Ainericajt
INli, just received and for sale by '
11. B. MASSE
Sept. S8, 1850. ,
f JEAs, from the New York Canton and I
JL Tea Company, For sale by
Banbury, Dee. t, 1841
gfk CUES An excellent article, for
it article, for a
half the usual price hv
Sunbury, July 7. 1849