Cmmunicatton. M. Editor: Your paper being devoted to the advocacy of sound morals as wll nt politic, 1 have expected before this to see oma notice in it of the action taken by the legislature of Illinois on the subject of Tem perance. But presuming that it has escaped your eye in the selection of news for the pub" lie, 1 take pleasure in furnishing the main principles of the bill as it passed in that body : 1. It repeals all present License laws. 2. Prohibits the sale of inVoxicalii drinks in less quantity than one qnart under n pen alty of $25. 3. If sold In minors incren.vs the fine to from $30 to $100. 4. Provides for a pennlty of not less llmr. $25, nor $100, for selling more than a (juait, and permitting the same to bo drunk on the premises of the selleiN 5. Giving away liquor,, to come within the provision of tho law. While we regard this action ns ;j. grent ad-, -vance in the public sentiment of that state mi this subject, nnd ns indicative of n spirit which should (ill nil of our legislative bodies ; we must still consider the bill faulty in seve ral particulars, though admirable in others The first clause is right and just, for we have ever been unnblo to appreciate the argu ments why there should be n privileged class jn a community licensed to retail misery nnd pauper taxes on the iriilnsUHiiis. If a bless ing, why should not all enjny the privilege? The second will have a tendency to prevent drunkard-making, for a man lias gone far down the hill when lie will turn into a piog hop and pure hasp a quart of whiskey for lii own drinking. Perhaps the reason why they did not make the quantity greater than n quart was. they ititetnlpil to kill oil" nil the ihl drunkards as fast a possible, which if re garded in a pecuniary point of view alone, is certainly desirable. We think that 5 or 10 gallons would have been better. fi',e, third, in relation to minora is highly commendable, Ihnt the penalty should be more severe, for it is from the young that nnr unity of ilniiikarils js recruited The fourth is good in come of its speeilicntinns but defective in others. . The amount to be sold iimi do ; but why not compel the bnyr to drink it on the premises instead of carrying it away and dislinbing J liis peaceful and sober neighbors, and hold ihe seller responsible for hi conduct while j liinler its inllnence ? The (ifth clause of llie bill most bear with great weight on the iner-. s'liauls of Illinois, especially if they bait heir customers with e liiskey as their breth aen do in this pnrliiui of the Union. I for one should have been pleased ill see-, iiug a feature in this bill similar In what has Ivrnine a law in the state of Wisconsin. There the retailer of liquor is held vespon Sile for I If good conduct of his eiistouiers. iiiul is required In give heavy bond lor that put pif The only testimony needed fur his f oovv.iclion,' is of the wife, or a single foinpetenl individual in the cnniniitnily who yvjll fWfifr that Ihe peismi pioseeuled lias pijlol Ijquor to ihe tresspasser on the public jjeace within three day. If that is proven, Ijlje seller is held responsible for all damages; iid l iv,f llie privilege of instituting n suit agjijnsl iis brethren in 4he amn hoi.oiahle falling. fir l4ieir propoition id the line. Tl uractkal ii-oiiii.'r ,,f H.i law aiuoncr ihe lYn. ! fpfuiiy is bmia amusing and inslriic.ive; and ' I cannot conjure it to any thing on land ; M'lil int-lt-llllt- Wl'lv it I IHIIJ'ili ISIMI III MIC I, wIitp tt,e larger sharks devour Ihe Jinnller. When id we so far ndvancn jn morality ami hnry as (u itnact similar laws f (ie Keysinne. State t foreign c iu o. r aci ri o. The llrilixh -Ministry's Resirniitinn Sap pqael Ycws of Sir John Franklin The mail bring ns mid il innal details of the inteligeuce fiom E'irope by lh Pacilie, The British Pre i discussing resignations (if the Ministry nnd the imprisonment in the I'nited fetale of llrilish subject. In Paris there seem to be n determinalion lo get up n'Riihscriptioii for the President, in ;pjl nf Ijis wish tq ihe contrary, and seveial listj Ipiye been opened in Pali. Tl;i! Prpsi ,lenl' hprjea liavu in part been sold, ami he .hreateustq gjye no Rtore halU or festivals. The Queen qf Portugal vave birth lu a priu :eu on Iho qd ull. l died jqmedia!cly ufler jig birth. It isautiutiuped that Qaribaldi has ma;lo his appearance near (Jeieva, w hich is rather stir, vising, considering that only a day or two dupe he was, the 'ew Yqtk Tribune says, in ,ood health on Sluleti Islflml. Jhe law for destroying the currency cf alj oreign gold, except sovereigns and half sover jgnf, is being cariied iutu effect in' Portugal, X t fai us relates lu the changing of all gold ay illegal for that which U legal nt the Mint ; ut the matter proceeds b,'H slowly. The speech of the Marquis d'A.pglio, in pening the businessof the Chambers at Turin 'as well received. It is said that Siccardi i t ihe point of death. ENGLAND. The London Times, of the 21st ult., says. Lord J. Russell has tendered his resignation i Her Majesty, and only holds oflice uutij lother government can be formed. StfposEo Nkws of Sia J. Franklin n extra, published by the Colombo Observer mtains, under d,ate Siujjaporej January l!, the Rowing . Nw from, e. utmost etuU of the. earth alwa atviejiiable, more especially when e subject mUtt; the relief of the distres. d, w ho have riskei and it may be feared1 st their lives in a search after knowledge, have it in my power this, mouth to give you ter information of Ihe search which is being osecuted for the recovery of Sir John Frak i and hie party, than even the Admirality .elf is yet potsessed of. Hex Majesty's surr jing ship Herald arrived, here from the clio regions, ia the Sandwich Island and n Kong, duriijg hft ltifiX week, and, e illie latest adirjcvs fi oral ha far North. Ne I fitrerue station ol tQ8 itussian rur uom pany, they learned from the natives that a party of white men had been encamped 300 or 400. miles inland that the Hussiana had made an attempt to supply them with provis ions and necessaries, but that the natives) who. are at enmity with the Russians, had frustrated all attempts. No communication could be opened with the spot where they were said to be, as a hosjile tribe intervened) From Ihe Esquimaux they had this vague story very satisfactorily confirmed, with the addition that "the whites and natives having quarrelled, the former had been murdered r As to Ihe possibility of these iinfoi tunnies be. iuf; Sir John Franklin's pnrly, I Ichvo yon and your readers, who have paid nttention lo Iho case in all its bearings, to judge. Whe ther thesa men spoken of were or were nut Sir John's company, little hopes can now be enteitaiuedof finding them alive, as their pro visions must have been expended one Jicr, and their fuel, which is as necessary, innst have ull been burned out nearly two years since. If every man had a window in his breast blinds would be in great demand. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the Trite Digestive Fluid, or Uastric Juice! A great Dyspepsia direr, prepared lioiii llenuel, or Ihe fourth Stomach of theOx after directions of Baron Licbig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S Houghton, M.'IX. No. 11 Ninth Eighth Street, Philadel phia. Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia,. Jaundice, Liver Cinip!.;mt, Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method. l.y Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See nd'vetlif.crriem in another column. HI A tl 14 I K !. On the 0th inst., by the Rev. A. J, Collins, Mr. Isac Miles, of Rush, to Mis Eliza ret i l Vkagkr, of Slyirnokiii, ull of Norlhuin berland county. , On Ihe !Hh inst . by the same, Mr. Wm. Conrad, to Miss Sarah Wvnn, ull of Nor thumberland county. On the 20jrt nit., by the Rev. Thomas Bn,w, man, liev. J. U. C Dnsit, of the Baltimore Conference, nml Mis Hannah B.. ilatighles of Jeiemiah Talhnaii, of Lycoming county. In the M. E. Church. Williamspnrl, uji the 2nd inst., by Rev. II. G. Dill, Rev. Charles Maci at, Missionary In California, and Miss Kate P. daughter of Thomas W. Lloyd, of Williamspnrl. On the 251 li ult., by Rev. A. Chrixtmam Lyons Mr ssina. of Ihe Lock Haven Demo crnt. and Miss Mary Ann Cocts, of Iliuik M ll 1 1 l I . In Milton, on the -1 1 It ull., by Hip Rev. Dtivid Longmore, Mr. Si.mon Moi hieIo Miss Axoki.ine Rf.iter, both of the boioiij-h of Northumberlaud. In Whiledeer township, on the 27th nit., by Ruhcii (.'andor. Esq., Ms. Alexander Fisher, lo Mi. Angelina Huff. At Mmicy on Thursday, the 4th inst., by Rev. George Parsons, Rev. Peter Ihirn, to MissSarah A Hill, ofjlughesburg, Lycom ing county Pa. 5 i: u. On Wednesday, 1 Hi inst., SA RA H GR.CE4 the youngest daiighieruf Peter Lazarus, c, ot thi,.i place, aged about 13 veais. lis, Ihi plaep, on Thursday las.!, LOUlSAj daughter of Francis and Mary Ann Bucher, aged about 7 year. Iji this place, on Thursdav, the 13th inst. MARY, ilaiighler of .luliu Barllow, ugeil i,'l(,ul 13 L'"r4- L '1, ,h" X LANCHION SHINDKL, son of Peter H. and , Iny Moure, aged 4 muullts md 6, day.. !)C iltarlicts. Philadelphia Market. March 12, 1851. Fi.ocr. The market for Flour continues nuict, with very little iniuiry lor export. Standard brand are held at S4.50 ; ami hnldeis firm. Sabs for city use limited nt M SO a $4 62 Fancy blends are held nt SS J a til II VE Flour is without i,..,niry at 3 44. Corn Meal-Is held at 3 87 i. U .lEAT-Priees are steady ; sales of prime fioulhern and Pemia red all 01 els ) prime while at Sri II. Cons. I worth 5!l a 59ic lor new yellow. Rvb. The last sale was at 65 cts. Oats. Oats nre now steady: sales of prime Pen tin. from 43 lo 44 cts; Southern sell at 43i cts. WntsKEV. Sales of Whiskey iii IJis. ut 23i and hhds. at 21 J els, Wnr.AT. Kv:. Coav, Oats, DlTTtH, . Eli US. I'llllK. Flaxskkii, 1 , llKr.SWAX' Hki kli :n Flax, Diiikii Apci.ks. Do, PtAlllhS. Flax ' Mi 5(1 14 125 10 25 10 75 soo 8 LIST OF JUEOES. F Northumberland County for, Apr'd Tcviu, A, D. 183L U ran (I .luroi'si. Svkbi'rv. .j, II. Zimmerman, "Thomas Uotutis, Andrew Duist, l. '. Suupsuii. MlLTo.Vj. Joltu E, (jelpij;. CiitmstjUAiiCK. Fleming Nesbii, William Fordsiuan, Elijah (lill, Jacob Woliver. Delaware. John Leiser, (Jeo. W. Dixon. Tciiui T. rWilliam Fullmer. Sit amok IN . Casper Adams. Lower Ai gcsta. Jeremiah Wetzel, Caleb Ely, James. Header, Pler lleit.. Lower Mahonov. Joseph 8patz, Adam Leuker. I'ei'Ea M ahonov Jonathan Smith. Point. Henry Moiau. Coal. Peter Weikel. Little Mahonov. John Hensyl. Jackson. Michael Wolf. Traverse Jurors, S.pBVHV. S. Thompson. NoRTUUMfiERHiiD. Peter Hanselnian, Ja cob. Eckecl, Charles Maus. M u.tom. Samuel Blair, Moses Chamber lin, James Buoy. Ciiilik4uajue. Daniel Zeller, Joseph Frederick, Win. Maehimer, John Kinkaid. Delswarb. William lieard, William Mc Williams', E.. Y- Uorrickson, John M. Smith, John C. Heiny, John Woik. Point. Ttjomas Yank'nk, Daniel Leaher, J. W. Slamm, William Leihow. Lewis. Isaao Dunkel, Daniel Derr Lower Augusta William Kreighhaum, Thomas Snyder, Wm. Bloom, Hemy Con,rad, John Savide, Peter 8nydje.(t sraul Thuridpn, David Hjo'ck, Leyi Thomas. Uiisu. Alexander Campbell, Joseph Bear. S UNBUUY AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. Littlb M Honor. William Rotharmel, Jacob D. Hoffman.. Uppea Mahonov. Henry Mallick. Lowea Mahonov. John Dockey, Michael Riiille, John Messner, jr., George Enierick, John Bone. Shamohm. Ghnrles Leisenring, Asa John, Jackson. Daniel Groh, Wm. Siarlman,. Peter Treon. Coaj,, Alexander Caldwell. relit .Jurors. Sunhcrv. George Diehl. Northu MBKRI.ANU Jumes Shriner, Daniel Vtiris Mjlton. Simon Randolph, Wm. Wilson, Peter Irwin. Point,. ,1ihii Spccce, Jesse C. Morion, J. C. Roadeubach. Lewis. Andrew Laflcrty, Teter, Slrouse, James Call, Atnos KIhzh Tt'Hturr .James Blair, Kylian D.nnklo. I)Ri.Aw.Ajif.,-.-J)avid Gold, Win. JPGuire, John Frymire Lower Mahonov. Michael Grimm, John Winner, Jacob Kiiigptrinn, Samuel Young. Little Mahonov. John Hensyl. Upper Aihjcsta. Moideeai Lawrence. Lower Auui'sta. John Shine. John Hen deishol, Wm. De Win. John H. Fisher. Siiamokin. John Reed, sr., Jesse Camp bell. Elida John, Samuel Moore. Krsii. William Gcarhart, Joseph Shaijv. less. Coal. John Heim, Wm. Fegely. Jew Advcrtisemcuts-. UXIOX HOTEL, SUNBTJRY, PA. rpiIR MISS WUITZEL'S respPctfully inforu 1- the Public that they still continue to enter, tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market Rtreet, west of the Court llousr. Thrir lonif experience in the business, nml th$ well established reiutnlioii of their House, will, they triiKt, be a mifiicieiit pimrautre, that thci eustumi rs will be well accommodated. March S, ISM tf. LAURENCE HOUSE. DU2TBUEY, PA. IIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends, 3 nnd the public generally, that she has taken flic nboe well known stand nearly opposite the. Court HjOnsc, lately occupied by Mr. j. C. Per kins. Mie trusts that her experience in business, and ber ellbrls to make her guests eoinl'ortablc, will irivc entire 8;iti.-liictiou lo those who muy fa voV her uith their custom. ANN V. MORRIS. MareV 8, 1S31 tf. Estate of SAEAH NEWBEEEY, Eeo'd. " OTICK is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the subscri Imt oji the estate of Sarah Newberry, ilce'd., late of l'uiut township, Northumberland eountv. All iiersons ie.lcbled to said estate, or bavins claims j against the s i me, are reipjesled to call ou the siib- scritK-r tur scttlviuent. DAVID TAGUART, Adm'r. Norllniiubfrninil, March 8, ISol. (it. PUBLIC SALE of HOUSEHOLD FTJENITTTEE. 'P1IK subscriber vill expose to public sale on Friday the SSin day of March 1S51. at his resilience in Sunhuiv, his household and other pcri-iiniil property, consisting in part of Carpets, Stores, lUiuirewis, Ttthlcs, Qhairs,, finis, lvtiltlyig, i'c. nnd a variciv of kttiben vteusils. Also a COW, and many other articles, to. Ivdiotis to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'c(, A. M., on said iav, when the terms will be niiidc known bv i. It. V-l'KUV. Punbury, March 8, 1831 ts. Ji()OKSKM,KHS. COUN'TIiY Merchants and Teachers. respeitfuilv request the attention of nit dealers in KCIIOOL, MISCKLLAN K OI.S or llLA.Mv UOOKs, sTATIONEHV, PATKR and WINDOW SHADES, to. our supe rior facilities fur supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or Approved credit, every article pertain ing to uir business. A long and active experience warrants us in ta vini; (bat we ran oiler inducements to purcha sers, Elit'ALLRD HV FEW EXCELLED T,V NUN E. W o earnestly ask an examination of our mode nf conducting business, believing- if all experiment is mime, it will tic 1 on nil tur the interest ol those ni our one to comuiue opcratmg . U"V , . . , , , seasons larRO, and selected , WI.,h ' '''"" the wauls of I'enn- ' ',"", ,lm' ","J "'V"'" ,rde Bel',,r''".V' , ( , ,M. it( lwlrH ;,;,. lr Tk ui Um riven for KAU8 in cash, , l'KCK & ULISS. I Xv,tl,-.i:a.. Carurr of Third A- Arrh Sis , PHILADELPHIA. : March 8, 1851 lm. ' - MACKEKEL. Ml AD. CODFISH, i SALMON, HEIiKINUS, Constantly on hand and tur sale bv J. PALM EH '& Co., POKK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOCLDElts. LAKD fc CHEESE, Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. March 8th, '31 -3m. REGISTER'S NOTICE, U OTICFr s hereby given to all Legatees, 7 ' Creditors und oilier M-rson interested in the the Estates of the following named persons, thut the Executors nnd Administrators of said Estates have filed their accounts with the UcgUtcr of Norlhuiu berbiud county, and that the same will l pre sented to. the Orphans' Court of said County, on 'J'ucsil.iy the day of April next far confir mation nnd u'lowauec issi, Sobiiiion Swank, ilec'd., settled by his Adm'r Jo.ithnn U. Deihler. Sruh M;ller, i!i!c.'d., settled by her Adm'r Frederick Weaver. Daniel Fiymirc, dee'd., scaled by his Executor William H. Fry mire. Peter Drosius, dee'd., settled by his Executors, Peter liro.sin ind tiodf'rey Key buck. John Keller, dee'd., 2nd account settled by bis Adm'r Saiaue Keller, (il'urgo Krebs, dee'd., settled by hi Ailm'rs do bonis con cum testameiito uuucxo, William Depie ri and Jacob Krebs. James licddcs, dee'd., settled by Ids. acting Executor Charles bale. Frederick 'i'schopp, dee'd.. settled by his Adin'rs Andrew Tsi bopp and Philip Tschopp. Peter llraucher, dee'd., settled by bin Executor W illiam Saeman. William Keeser, doe'd., Bupiilcmentary Ac'uL settled by his Executors, bamuc and David Eeescr. Abraham Dii'hl, dee'd., final account, settled by his Executors, John und Michael Diehl. Mary Lyon, dee'd,, settled by hor Executor. tieorj;? Lyon. WJIIium Imoii, dee'd,, Supplemeiitory Aee't tcftifj by his Executor, 11 ugh MeWilliums. JQHX P. PURSEL, Keguler. Keristrr's Ollica, ) Sunbury, March , ld5l 6U T, S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgroye, C'locUa. Wu(tiiH and Jeerr, r EPAIItED n the best manner and warranted V Iq perlurui well. AH work intrusted to his cars will be strictly attended to. 8cUngrove, Nov. 30. 1850 If. X'KOCLAMATIQN. . TV OT1CE is hereby given that the several courts of Common Pleas, General (Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery., in and for the county of Northumlierland, to. comment s st the Court House, In the. borough, of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on, Monday, the 7lh day of April next, and will continue TWO, WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Pescfl and csnsts. hies in and for. thq county of Northumberland, are requested lo le then and there in thoir proper per. sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, Ui do those. t!i;)gs to their several olliccs appertaining to bo done. And all witnesses prosecuting in Iwhalf nf the Common, wealth airninst tyiy prisoner arc also rnpicsled and commanded then and there attending in their proper nersmis. lo prosecute rejaiust him, ss shall bajitst amj not to depart without l.yave at their j peril. Jurors are requester! to lie punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Givon under my hands at Sunbury, the 1st day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred ami fifty-one and the In dependence of the I'nited States of America the T.'Hh. JAMES COVERT, Sh'fT. God savo llie Commonweit,hh. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. rTjHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, . nllcr for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDING 1 in upper Milton, formerly occupied by j Messrs Pattersons as a Carricge Makers yl jip. The building is 60 fret front on upper i,arket , street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two ; stories hih. Also a two story IJIUCIC BLACKSMITH SHOP, j 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is ; on the corner nf upper Market ami Front streets, i and is CO feet front, and ISO feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry j or other mumifaetui'ing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating, tcrmq by ap plying cither to J-ACOU CAUIUGAN, PhiliidcJphia. I. F. WOI.FINGEU, Esq.. Milton or II. 13. MAMSUR, Esq., Sunbury. Phihulclphia, .la.rj' 23, lSSl.r-tf. ALSEniCAN HOUSZ, POTTSVILLE, PA. YIRS.MAItV WEAVER respectfully informs the public and triivclling community general ly, thi.t sjie has opeued this large and coiiunoilious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and wejl. known reputation to accommo date, hex customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to, iheir coieort and convenience. Feb. 13, 18M. tf rilEEMflN, IIODGSS &. CO., nU'Oil'I'KI AM) JOIMURS, 5 LUmty Slrrrt, IVrw York. (Hclweuii Itnmilwuy a nil Nnwiiu A UK n nv nTciviiip n rih iini hmiiul nMiriment ff . Kuncy Silk iiml MilliiiLTy trotwlii, tn wtiicli r would tiirticiilnrly invitr iUc tiitriiinHi ) nil Ci I'dicJiiiBfr. and will ni tkc it uit iIkhM lur tin-in t f:ivc u n c.iil, un wr ure ilftrrniint'd t ni'll our titui uluinil, tr Cnsli, (owrr llmu ever h'Mtiro oil't rrd in tlnt nmi krt. .1 illiiMTH cun iiittply tlH'iiiW'lvi- with ev;ry nrtirln in their Inn', nt it bunt tlm t mi fit ititjittrtniHi or Aurtion pri ce. Al:uiy nt tnir gthKU are in iimiiii iij,rrf( t-xprwifly Inr our I'Wii Kitt-'H, und I'ltmi'it be mrjuffxtnl I'm beauty ir Km liirh lint niul Cup iliiilniH. n largo variety, ilkri und S.iliHK inr Hh'mii.!. t'niicK, L'nijiH l.iriHi'ii, 'I'jiflfMnn nnd lllufci-iii Jjicot TrimiuiitiiM i r llix, ('iipHimil Llrc-st Jniiiy I, md (Ui, I'urty mid ()pnm UtVit! DrcsfMi. Kiiihritidfit'd i-'iipcit, t'nllaiH, l nwl. C'h'iiiiriti. llinbroiiltTi'd IvknigM nnd 1 tiffj t i iu . Swinsnnd .Miinlin Thread, HriiMul, VuleiH-iciie, Silk und i.isli Tlircud J jnliroidfrttl. Ki-viri mid 1'Liin r.inni rmiihrir Hki. (tlovrs und .Milts', Kut. SilL, l.ttde Thrcud nnd St-winl Silk. S-nri, f'nivnK ond Dri'M 1 1 U t. Swikk. Jji'Jiiett, 11 Kk Moflinf, inui ijlifih p Tjiwiii. in')riidfrftl. lXinmk and IM.iin Cmiloii Cuki hliav-i. A Full ANM-trimeut ol" S'rnw ;.imI$. l-'rctich fintl Auirrirnn ArtitiiJnl Kl With a large variety irt mentioiittl nlx e. Alt winhiua titnvtiid navinu I n-j mice will make uttitey liy falling nnd "atisiyini: thiMuM'ivcf. New Vurk. Jiiu. lijl 'lm. VPTitohor.v run cr.i.KititATKn im. c. v. ItOHACK. l'ri'iir ft" A-tri. py. A!tr n'iity, l'hre tJtrv. und lie Hiiaiiey. rtiuluitd wiih CO.NJI KATION li ut Swollen, i like n. 71 lAH'. SV Hnr, I'litknU lihi,il nili'-.h Iiim MTMtt'H lutlieeiti.i-nn nf .nrtliimi!tri!i.i(n1 county, Iiiik liecii I'liitMiiti'd l nli Ihe rrwni-tl lieuiW ol' Ktirupe, and enjoy a IiiIht repuiiri- lin an Artioltfr than uiiy one .alivnir cilriiUitrd ue.' triiin Ut tieiiiuaiH'y I dt'ji (f;), treiilli-in.iil .i iVryiif1 nt ti liitaiu--ai run have tlteir nati iiir-ititiuVM hy 'ndinjr thedati-m the day n' thrir Imlh. All Irtli'M I'lmtantiuij tin- iitnve t'ft: rveeivr iin llitsiiate uttfiiti 'll. mid .allillra ncnt In tiny juitt uf Ihe w r!tl writU'n iu durahle ikiixt : und he is nr- iiarttl to nuike iimi of hiA piwei ly cititjiiniiMn un uny ti the t11 wiiit; tn puji : (iirtliip,aivu-eptV('ii tur the u'fefinil m-f-Mnpliiili-ny i,! ni n wealthy mairiaire ; he hui llie t r ti redeem fi.i-ji i tat arc ui'eu t llie Tree iite il the Imttlr ; und Itif ull, i;iii'M ol" hax:inl, anil for the rec ivery tit ftdrii "T l't proft eily, and piii'ch:is,inu of lottery ticket. Th-'UH-indx of the iiUive nauit'il t'liK H have been d ne irt this eity and il virm ety. ai'H t,n the t'liitt-d SihU h to the lull KititutUioii of all . KMKMi Nulivities or llorescoperi have heeu eant during the lat tour yi'ii while here. Li'lteift will nnnver v wry pur: psi, and yvill do as well flu to cill in persons, and the inai ih now o Kite that per iih hkiI int fwir to trust money through me lo OdVe. l)i. Itolviek reeeivi irim .So0 ti HHit letter monthly, und haw never inis-d one He par ticular If mine W Difiee, County nnd Slate. All letterg will 1m relie;i iy attended to, if prep:iiil. For more pur, tieulars eall nl the oilit-e of that paper and pet an Astrologi cal AhlUaJUlC'S LfiiliS. VI iii K-ut street ahve I'.ighth. Vhtlrtdclpkiit. C. W. KUU.VC'K. riiiladeiplih Feb. P, 1p.-1. Om. CALL AND SETTLE, MVIE. strt'eserilKT hereby informs nil those that I. are indebted to him, on Hook account or otherwise, tr, call and settle the same on or before tl. first day of April nevt. I'ersous neglrcling this notice u.ay find their accounts in the hands of a .Magistuttc for collection. i;i:oi:(;n roiiubach, dimbury, ,Iarch 1, 1S51 -ft. Bl.TY I,AB AM) PENSION AGRXCY. The ntti ntion nf the luililio is rallod to the ad vertisemeiit of Mr- Clnirlcs Tuvker, Attorney and Airnt at AVashistoii City- Person hav ing chums lur. homily I. amis iu; I'ensions are in fnrinrd that tlmsuhscrilier lins it,sde iirraiiiiPiucnts for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at his oll'ieu, run have their imuers irrpi(td and lorwiirilril V Mr- 'J'urkcr st WasliinRton, and hy him Iv pruperly attended to before vhe Lie partiueut there, II- p. MASSE I!, fiiinfcury, Jan. IS, 1851- TUHVORTON HOUSE. TPiEVORTOX, A. f jIIE auuseriliar rasjicctfully intorms the puitlic L thut he has 0MineU fulilir. House, 111 the new town of Trevorton, Norihunilerlaiid count;. and thut he is well iri nirt'J to arcainmodale his Riiesti in the hest insnnur. His house is, tai'ated neariv oposito the Company' fctura. lie (salso provided with good startling suflicient fur V0 hor ses, lie trusts hy prompt and careful attention to business to meet share of the puldic patron? Se. 1IE.NKV 11 WEAYE1V Trvortan, J.n- 11, 1850 tf- PAY UP!! THE undersigned hereby politics U persons iudebUid to her, on Uoqk aeiount, Ac, that they are requested o call and settle their account without delay, t lunger indulgence cannot b gjven o.n sceaupts already over due. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Bunhury, Feb. 2, 1851. tf. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lp and Wadding, Cotton Outline, Kendy md Pantaloons, Keady made Vests, Oongras Knive, Porcelain lined preserving k.fll inst received for sale by 1,1,. MAER. Buukury, Vh- t, 1141, .'. . GREAT AHMVAL QF, " 5r21y CCJDCp.s3S3a WlgII.UAM HOOVER rwctfully informs ff hjs. friends and custQipe rs that he has just rrturnqd from Pbilajijlpbif, with anxcellent assort iiionl of N5W GOODS, which hp oilers for salp at his new Mas scr's Millt Hollowliiq Kun. These goods were scloctcd wib great, care, and will bo sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK. CONSISTS OF EVERY VARIETY, Via J)ry Goods, .S,c ns Cloths. Ciissimeres, Snttinets, Muslins, Cifllii.oes, MiH'tscline I)e Lniuts, Al, paccus. Merinos, Flannels, Q hecks, (ring haw, Ifc. An assortment of HATH, CAPS. MUM AND LEATHER SIIOV.S. aUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IjRO.N ami STEEL, NAILS, tic A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Ten, Molijs seSn Spices, ttc. Also an sssortment of Liquors, such as Bmndy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, ivc. I'y" Produce of all kinds taken in txehange at the Inchest market prices. llulluvving Kun, Nov. 23, lRSO, ly., TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. rIIE subscribers ol'pr to physicians, and drug Ml Rists, a earidully sedectyd stock of; drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to be of tin best qunlity, pure and unadulterated, in ull rases, Their facilities for inijiorting foreign ilruijs and ehemicals arc such, that Uipy arc. viublyd lo sell them upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure their customers o( their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and uo.w of fer for sale a superior article of l ll.(lKl) U4;KSIi, &C. Resembliiifr Henry's Mjairtiesia, free from carbon ic acid and roiiKiuiess or frrittiuess. almost entirely tasteless, coin,binitu. in an equal bulk from three to four times tho strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half tho price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluid Magnesia, Which is a new and valuable remedy in aridity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, Ac, at h?M than half the price of the. forifijji, article. They ulso have on liaid of tlieir q;;ii prepara tion an arjpprtiuee.t ui' 1'uve Drugs in Powder, Neatly pet up in 1, J and -t pound, bo',i!ys, such as Abies, Ubulmrb, ien i in, Scneii, Khataiy, Ki no, Hum A riibic, Mcrpentaria. Ext. (Jlycyrrh, Ipe cac, l'ot:',ssa .Sulpb., l'otassa Nitras, llora., rSi. trelia, li.urhu, Orris, C'uscarilla, C'anella, Albu, I'va I"ra. Ac. (ircn,t care has been tijicn to have these pre pared from the best selected drills and in such a way as, to preserve the characturistics of cact ar ticle without injury, Tlcy have also a variety of Clei:iical A: E'bnriii.iceutical 1'repa.rations of their own manufacture, and add to Hie list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned tho following: Hydnteyiiuic ArH, t-jUiriititMM ii' I tliiif. l.iqii'ir Aimn-'tna, A(pm, il rk'iBjihiitr. do," iimv rc- uit-dy t' r K Itmiint iatii. Jttne .Much. Kxtniui oi" (ifiymii, Ijtl.'lHrli'l. ' Ttinixipum, " Yidi-rum, ilnid i new und uv-'lnl rumttly. PrquiRitintis m( Mercury, ' I; hi, u inc. Utrat't f f'';,iii Hind, t pleusitit i'oini lii udiminattr t' rhildrfn. find, ( 14 tYwelia, , ,; jiitturi!l('oui: pufitUui fluid, " d.. d. .hd, ' do iini l d, Cid'H-ynlh rmnp. dJ flimplc. Sps. .Ether Nitros, V. S. V. Cubebs, Ergot, Tobacce, &e Oil. of Copaiva, Citmte oi' Iron and Quinine. Scsqui-Ovidc uf Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas-, ant cathartic n.vediciuc, put up in 12 oz. bottles, $2 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive. Plas ter ; a convenient application iu muuy surgical operations, put up in small Also CAXTiiAiin,T, coLi.nnjn or blis tkiuxg Lim in, A convenient preparation of cantharides in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair brush and covered wiijioil silk or sunn) similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, ill the usual time of about twelve hours. I'livHirinu., mid others may depend upon the faitbfql and prompt execution of their orders u,t as low nites us t,hc best quality of medicine ca,t; b purchased. OIIART.F.iS! EI.I.IS& CC. Sii Chesuut slroel, I'hilada. Tialwratory, Cth and Morris, ISta. iiouthwak. Moveinber 10, tf. EmVJX 1I.VLL, (I.ATK II F TUr Kl n M OF WlTKINSOV & IALI.,) ,A'o. Q-l S.wti SecoMil Street, Philadelphia, l 1,S1 t.(. 1 1 mforiiisliis obi rnends and l etistoiners, as well as the public generally, that he has opened un entire new slock of elegant ESl'ECTrn.J.Y informs his old frienJs and styles of Eprinj & Summer Eress Goods. II is assoitment consists of the hicl and iostdeKi ruble styles of Euqlish, (iermaii, Freueh &. Aine ricaii (iooils. Such as Delaiue', Tissue. Dera- ges.Silks, Lawns, .Muslim, ShawltllilUtl'tiloves, ' anil every vanelv ol Dress and rcy liuous. Philad. Mitrcii 10, 1850. ly G1SLLIITG CF7 AT ItKDUt'KI) IMMCF.S. rilHE suhscrilier desirous of diMposin of her .1 stock of MILI.1XKUY AND FA.NCY TillY qCiDS, respectfully informs the public, that she ni.ll sell l,cr entire stock now on hand, it very reduced prices, Hej stnek is made up of an assortment of lashimiabln iillinerv goods. Alsi a lot nf fash ionable Fancy Dry lioods, consisting in part, of Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and handsome materia.!, of various kinds, (uf lu dies' dresses. ELIZABETH FQLLMER. Sunhuty. Jan. If, 1S31. tf. MAY YOItli & eilll.iDKLI'SllA JOURNEYMEN Ilatlersi sorlnHni, Cor. of 6!h and Cheint Srtet, Phil (vltl phia. ""ONTINl'E to muke and aril a finer and more durable Hut for jho money haii any other establishment in the United Stu,lc,s standard price of llata 3 00. Genu and II oy s tlulli and Caps. I jiilircllis, C'arpet Bsgs, Calefy ruimuia and Straw Hats t equally low price. May 25, 1850. y J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JlSlltU Of THE TEACC Sunbury, Fa. Oflita in Deer Street, immediately oppwAte l'4o Public scliool ttouse, T" Mnuira eolleotsd and u buaiii woir,,iv maA failjr Attainted to. April 0, llo,- NOTICE. At the ulerlbr intond rraking new arrange, ment in hi business on the Meat of Janua ry 851. all parsana knowing thoutcve indebted to tiitu, are requested to call and make settlement up la that time, by payment or gixiiuj their nob (or th amount due. - i j ' JOHN W.rMLING ' Suuhury, Dye, 08, 1850e if. " A POST OFFICE STAMPS. ! TO POSTMASTERS. The advertise r, Post Master ot l'leasalit (Jrovo, Alieirhany Co., Mil., ii the first person in the United stales who conceived umipn,, extensively to publish the idea of furnishing all post ollicos in the coun try with cheap stamps. All stamps made by him are warranted equal 'or superior to any others than can be procured for the same price, and nhencvtr any are sent out in any manner detec tive or unsatisfactory, duplicates will be forward ed, on notice, without any extra charge. All who order a set of stamps, with a full act of Vhangrt for dates, at only V, lur :lu pieces, shall bo kept in stamps ad lilitum. Full set one change, SI. These stamps arc neatly made with turned handles and screw same style as the regular government P. O. Htujnps durable, ellicieut and warranted. Price one to two dollars only, ami, special authority to send by mail lio. Address "I'. M.. l'leasalit tir(oyc, Allegheny county, Maryla'jd." IW Any editor publishing; the above (with this note) 3 times, and sending a copy of the pa per, shall rccoive, credit for S3 on woo;, letter or $.10 proof press or if preferred, a wood engraving or ah engraved newspaper head, of the above valu;, will be forwarded. March I, 1351. 'M. 'AT38E' CHERRY PECTORALr For h Cure sf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BHOM OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH- ma, wHoopiuo-cough; aits consurrPTiou. Tl e uniform success which has attended the use of this prci aratii n its salutary effect its power to relieve and cure affections of tile T.ungs, have pa'ned for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Vc offer it to the alllirtcd with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the, severest attacks of disease upon the Ihru.'.t and ly.ungs. These results, as they bpeoaio publicly known, very nuliirajlv uttract t,!ie attention of medical men and jihilantroiistn rvrrywl.rr What is I their op'mwu of CIIEUi V PECTO-aAL :ii?j seen if Uie following : VA1.E.T1.E MOTT, M. D., J'rnf. firtreru il.W. t-'ulirc, Je- Toil, rays: : "It gives mc piensure In reriny llie v.iiuu nml effiracy of Ayei a C1IEKKV PEri'DA'Al,, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea ses i' the 1 hroat ami l.uns. THE KT. KEV. l.OUl) 13I.SIIOP FIELD. wrrVes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking liinler an affection of the I.uiiirs : "Trv the CHEA'HV PECTOKAI. ni.d if ntiA' meilirine cun irivc von relief with the lilesiiij of tiod that wiU." CHIEF JTSTICE EFS'm of Louisiana, write "'I'luit a youni; (loiiRhter of his whs cured of several severe attacks of Croup hy the CHEKKY l'ECTO.'AL." ASTHMA A.D DUn.XCHITIS. TVie (.'riHiidiurt Journal of Medical 're;ce states, "That Asthma and Urouchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, lins vielded with surpri siut; rapidity to Aver's C11EXKY PECTOKAI., and we cannot too stroimly recoinmenil this ski'J fill preparation to the Profession and puhilc gui erally." Let the relieved siillerer speak for himself: UtH lrllHll, Jiin. S6, 1 S17. Pr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a aiuft! ai,.l dawrous disease your medii'inc, ralitude prompts me to send you tliis, ai'Uiiowiediiinujit, not only in justice to you, luit tor the inloriuution ot ollicrs iu lic utllic tiou. A slight cold upon the luni;sf ncslcctd at first iei.amc so severe that spittim; of hlood. u violi-nl, coim'.l biuI profuse niiht sweats folloed and fas tened upon me. 1 became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my couh, uod a pain through my chest, and in short hud nil the ulurni 1 n syintoms of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at ull to reai-h inv case, iirtii I provi dentially tried your CHErt.'Y PEt-'TOA'AL, w hich soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with,vl. )'. A. MTIW'AKT Alh.vnt, N. Y. April 17, lbl?. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir. I have for years been ulllii'tt d with Asllinia iu the worst form ; so that I have been obliged to Bleep in ir.v chair for a liirirer part of thf time, being uuablc to bruithe j ou my bed. I had Vrb'd u ureal many medicines, to no purpose, until niv Plivsivian pri-sri as I an experiment, your CJIEKKY i'ECTOKAL. At first it seemed to iiuiko mo worse, but in; lc'js than n week I lieirun to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; und now, n four ' weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can ! sleep on inv hc.V'with comfort, and eniov a r,tute ! I ol health wlucu I had nf-vcr evpected lo e-p;ov. liEOKtiE S. FAUKA.Vi'. eiir.r.AHKii ut i.e. ui k, i ,ii:xisT,i.owk:LL, mass fir" Sold by Henrv Mas-er, Sunbury; Marv I A. iIcl ay, iXorttiiiinlicrlaiHl' l!r. liearliart, Se- linsp-ove i Dr. Uh'kly, Danville, and Druggists ! generally. j Feb. IS, lt?51. 1 yct'tlia 1'ine fat'occrfN al Teas! DAVID PKASK, W Comer 6th if Arch Street, Philadelphia. "OFFERS for sale ull kinds of choice Family l iroccrics and selected artielcs in his line ol business; tireeii and Black Teas of ull qualities and prices; Kiuil Mocha, Old Java and other kinds' of Coffee, Sugars, Corn Starch for pud dings. Farina, Figs in small drums. Layer Kui sius, Ereucll Claritied lsintlas-i for jellies; Extra W'liilo Wheat Knchester and Philadelphia Fa. in i ly Flour in Whole and Half Barrels ; l.utoiir" Ulive Oil; ussorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch ups, Pickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, &C., Ac. Goods packed for llie country and sent to Kail Roual Depot of elsewhere without charge. DAVID, PEASE, S. V. Cor. tilli cf Arch Sts. 1 Philadelphia. Feb. 1,18.'.. ly ch. M. A. 'oil. AM) boot-tree tiakee, A'o. 95 liac Street. Second door rvlow. Third, WPHILAErLfHIA. HERE all kinds r i lasts, &e of ths latest tvle and lie-it material, uie mauul'aiiurcd ou reasonable term a, T All order vrr.nptly and punotuall)' attended ta. Philadelphia, IVov.' U, 18511,-ly. M rrjl C A iV IN STli UM 1 CHAS, DUKMIG, I Jiu. 807 Clusnut . fffeet, Jroul Anatle, PlIILAIIKLelllA. IMPORTER and Muuufacturer of all kind uf Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. Hi price are 1 ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia- All kind uf Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and aluo taken iu trade. ' Philadelphia, May Si, ISoO ly. 800 IJU20RERSV ANTED. " IMMEDIATELY on the Trov'ortou Rail Bead rb whuin liberal wagea will he paid. Y KIMBER CLEAVER, 'Enslaiet. Tteyo,1on, Jan. 4, IS51 tf ' .1 A.WTHEIl hClK.YTIFtC VOA-VeU; T II i: Tl V E DIGESTIVE TLUID QASTRW IULCE ! A OBCAT TJV3?KPSIA CUBE II, Prniwri-it.ioiRt.NM'.T, or, tht.fmulli Stumoch of tfcs, 'x, titter i.liu'ili 'iis i.flur.ON l,ll'.l!l, ths prem Pliysiol-iplml riminisi. I.jr'j. !. IKit'llHTON, M. I) , No. II. ViriH KiKliih siri'ct, Pliilarlelphin, Ps. Tru is M truly wmilerful reineily lor IMllGKSTIflN, DVMI'K.pnlA. J,viM)llT., I.IVlin COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION hikI DDIIll.l 1'V, Curing after Ns tnre's own iiitlliiHl, by Nature's own 113ml, tlic Gaitni; Juice t3T Hull leaspnonful nf this Kluiil, iiifiisid in wstw will direst "r ilisnilve. hir I'uimls 01' lloast Heel la If MU Iwu liLrs, nut i.f the Hi non-li. DKi'l'IO-V. DtHF.fiTION I. eluntly pi.Tlnnno.l m l-e stniimch liv tlm nut nl 11 Hunt ivliirli ni'rly eiuilct Inm ilie inui-r eiiut "t lliMt rt'm. when in u Huie nl hinllh, eullril tin; tuistrii: Jiii.'i'.. llilsltiiiil 1MI1.1 Criiit Sili'ei,! , il. FinsI. til Hnrilyniu. k'rin.'rvuic, tm,l !UiiulnliiiK A;piiI ol' llie H i- innsli nml ihh-mum .. Wuh mi it tlturv will l (lines. In 11. is mm.i. nol'1,1 imI.iI.i .kI. 1,11.1 no nutriMi if the liinty ; Iml rnllier 11 i',.ii. ,,r,,i,. pinnuil, unit ileslrm tive e uhliii.iii ,.1 t lie, whole ilicfivr Spirnins. . wenk, lioll' ileml. 1 1 niinrei! t.iiiineh prmhiivs no ij,k1 liiiMne Juice, ami lienerth disentr, llimrtMi nml dehililv wllith cjisue. AND REXN'KT. ri'VSIV in (h-rliin c'ciii'Mit. irt" prpnt ?)ij''8tiiiit Jrinci pe oi tlir li.iitiiip Juicf. it iff imiiul mi rrr:ti ulniiKliiitr in ttte aV'liit iirta nt thf IniMiitn st'imnrli niH-r tl'iilli, und s niir tiiiirn rniM't ttir rtiumnrh n tUpm itf.-lf. or pal Itwif It in ulw I- "Mil in llit: fit tnin'!i ot" aiiiiiint, ut i h- x. cttlt', JVo. It ii thf m tlrit tl usrit tty r;iriiit-rfi 111 niiikiiii; rlit'fiti', nllcV Kej.itir, the rllvt i wliiHi inF Imiir Ih.tii Ui- P; w.'iitlT t 1 t li-Jjjiry. 'I'tir riinlliiitf lTink is tin. iirsl pr. rvnn of i!ir''t1i.iii. ' i!nm.-t p .wi-w tiiiliiiiff pnwr. Thn ft'ttniK h f ti rni -yill runlle ncurlvtiur t liMH.tiiit (uiu-s its own wk'lit u intik. Mur m l.irl ip utvm tlmi. On pari nt 1V.?!mi -tiwt .p.l jii Fi.t V ItvMiwiiul vr nl wafi, v:li tliirfxi inr it mvl (ithc'r I i mI." Dur-im-il ntumnclift .r-rtm-e 11 ft Hi (jusirip Jt .' It rimet of I'l-psih. To ili'iv tlwt rii.i wunt muy itf- pertVcllv mipiilicd, we quote the t'uN liming SCIENTIFIC EVIDEN'CE ! n.Rf. I.IKI!!',;. 111 Ins. rcl'.'rinttwl wrk nil Anhnn nifiiiif'ry, mvm "An Aniti-il mi'iti'i Klunl ttiuilujtuis In llie (i.istrH- Juii-c. niiiy lit- rt-inlilv ri'nnsl Tniin ihv inn-t-'Min tiicniltraiii i tltf Mt'iiiin ii.if tiiccnlt'. in which vurintiv articlrs tn itMHl, im iiiM.-it ;ni. I tvyrj'!, will tw 8 fVnol. t innp l, nml ilifR'Htnl, jiiHi in Uiu suiiic mmiutr tm liicy W-.-uld be hi llie tmnmi t.tniiicli. v. Dt. I'l'.U I )l It A in Ijq fit in mis tTmtis rn '-pund, nnd. Diet.'.' pnniii!i.-( In- rnw'fis 'yt mv York, pii-jo' kUiIi-h thu Kiiiii trrtuii fin, niul cl-r-ri(-it the'iiic'Eitnl v'' im'(Mirnti,m. TiiPiti ure icw In-linr uullioriiji ll.un Lv. I't'icint. ' pi. C(Mni-:, in hiri vii!u.'ihlft wrhiiipnon the 'I'liysinl f;y (t DififHti-.ii." iilstMvni tlmi iiiiiii:iiiinii'r ihriiiic mi tity of lla iMStno .liiie i n pr .niinvfit nml nlt-provniliii eiiitW'Mt' DypL'psm ji; und li mntr tlmt -i iliMiiipiii!lti pri't'c r nl iiii-im-iiu- in Itndnn, wfin wim m-vrrdy iilllii-i-l -iili thiF c tii)liinif, titiiliiir s-vrry tliinp clai to i;il, liatl ircMirsi 1 1 llie If tlri' tun-?, T.!-i!t!iii:il rn-iii the si tii ici nf living itiiiin.ilH, whirh prnvt'it miplrtflv siifTifsrul." lilt All l nmh k- ..I tl. .,.,..,- ,rL. .... i.V.MFr.. tahie Uirt' rivh: -u is n rrin:irk:il!e in-t in physi -i ir,' i umi ni" si 'in u't-n nt ninmaift, nmn'ruttxl m v:it:r, nnpiiit to llie Hnir lln pmprily ( tlis l iinj vriridiia nrlielfit i-f t"'HJ. mid of WtrrtMii: u kind ol tirtiiicinl iliifetjllt'il of llirlll in n. wire (litli'ti-iil troin t)u intunil diirt-irtivc prwrM.TJ Dr. SIMON S prv:it v.r!;. the M'hemirtrv n" Man," ! (,v.tX HI-nirlfiTfi. I'hiln. 1:rt. pp. :mi-2) iiys: "Thedis- rtU iTy m IM.I'SIN fornitt a ni'W en in thechcniiral hiftnrv oi Diuesinin. n eXtH" imriita vp kmuv thnt : ii"ii m f i i v'tf H( nipi'tiy in an nrtiliccii ihf-ntive ilimt, I nre;KHf. iioiii IVpJn, n-it ia t!e natural Gaonie Juice li.iiew'.r ll'f;i,ISO of uc j lrem-Mi Cnllcjrr, INiiln delphia, in Inn nvit witk on Uutnan lliy.i ! , ilevoten iiMre Uian liily pjnres l itn f xtuninaiioii oi thin 'mil.ji-Tt . lltf t'X;iiTiimn1x with r. It- -um-MiU oil ih 'iaMric .litire, ih!ann. from the fivinir hurnn t-iiiteh mid fnnn tiiiiuials oryrll kn -In all i-.if.ti,"' ht- KlJ'Bt ".lict-si ion ik-ciu-red uf cnrct!v in the mtificrd ;is in the natural digest ioiib.' AS A DVSPEI'MA CUKEK, Pr. 'lOtHJII'VON ,S pn nnnitioii nf PI-.PIX linn prodn esl iIip ni"K ntarvt'lI'Mi i thvif. cir ing casin of li-'hilily, Kimciiiiioii, NtTVt' Dei'lmr. and ,l;w'ptir Consumption, uppotfed ti Ik; on Hit- vtvy vi i-ji.' nl' Ou: prave. ll n iui-P"sil'li- to ptvi- th- d l:ii!'oi i asr in the liiiiitn of this ml Vnriirirm.-iil Iml jiiPhfiiiirMtc t r.TtuifHteR have Im-hi pivrn of tnoru than TWO III .iH'.U KKUAI.K AHLI. fM'Itl'.S. in IMiilmh-ii-lii-i. N v Vork, und II ikI mi u! ne. The.' we it- near I v u'. dfipi-ratc c,Hf-n, nnd llie curim wevo not milv rapid am! w h ri'id. h-it p.nn meiil. It maitreat MtNOI'h AN'tlUliTK, and -irtienl irly iiffiul for tendeney l l, lions iIik ad;-r. I.iver t.'ompli'i..l, Fever and Ayne, o liadiv tratfil Ffver find Ane, mid tlm evil rffi-ets of tfniiitiir, AU'ri tiry. mid other dnipn upon the OiircNiive nru'aii!, aiief a lunti sirkneiis. Ainu, f r exeenn in caliiijf. niul tlir t'to f.eii cse'of anient spuilfl. it ulmvbt recpneiien I (faith will liit.-iiipfianee. OLD STOMACII COMPLAINTS. Tla-rw is n f. trm of OU) ST()TACI! COMI'MINT which it dnen not c'cin to nnt:!i Had retiiiw nt ouee. umiirr how hal fh-y muy he. it t-lVI'.S i.NSI'A.NT! A miiuiii d ri-ni tv' all llie iinplcaKint lymp tomn. and it only n-inii In u repat'-d. for u hort tillif. t' , inirt.- thtfe irntwinir.-.mi pcrinnn.-nl. i'l IUTV lK HUOi ami M.tHi w l )i Y, I..11..W o oiiee. It m Hirlinilarly exerlh nt in fast-n ot .nnn-it. Voiutiinr. - Crump. S'tieiienn o lift pi' of tin Viivir!i (li.-lrt ns nftrr fating, low, cold, tide of lh lil tod Itr-aviiieM'. lfvia'sn of rSpirit. Desp tn denry. laiiai iatlni, Weaknesn, li-mtuiicy tu insanity, Sui eid, Jf.. INtre. tF, lOIsU!l per luttle. ().iebttlr will often eifect a Jasiinu en re, l'Kl'SIX IN POWDEKS. 1.7" sr. XT liV .MAIL, I'KKi: Of ru'ei,i,'ni'r ijf sen;Jii.r tr, n't virrs of i tie r.'ititry, iiiL' vti'iii; or tiii: i'i;rs; isimiujv in tin 1'irtii i.( .pwl-rs, witli itire'-tti.ns to lw til hi vilrr hi cvrnp. liv tin-, pnl i.'i-l . Til-!,., p.m-'tem inlsiti just the nine ; mnei ns'itie li ntles. hut twiee Ihe qiemlitv inr nie Kiime piiee. inui wiit tie sent tiv malt, ri,i-;r: Ol-' Pllri'l' M.K f.ii tli; 111 M. 1. All n.'iii '() el-piin) t llr. J. !. IliJL'iittUIX, .No. tl Xortli ::ililliiro,l'lntiilelnhia. l'j. tix pnekiiL'eg f,,r five, it Minis. iU-ere ji'iettnire nml liottln tMiirs the wiilleu kiuuture ol J. UOl'lill I'OX, Al. I) , sole I'r-iiri, li'r. S 'li! h in;eni tn every town ill Ihe I'nited Slates, ami !. lesei'tnhli! tteu'eiain .Nleitieini'S oi-uei'ully . PUR SA1.1-: t;v j,,lm V. Kriliiic, auJ lio-irpe Urnht. Siml'tlry,' Ihi. Mnry A. .Mol'ny N irlliiimtiLTilnil, J ihn K. Ilusel Mitton, Iluves At .Mi'C'Tiiiiek, M, Kwi'imville, Si. J. t'rr'ime. Selin.iinive, .lohnti. II mi. liipr'.M:iluwtuigo. Wilunin Deppiii, Mull noy. nnliiirv. uiit. I llli. 1S.',II . Eoxmty land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, V. C. Till untie miifii il A tt nu-- nn'J ltur:il Ajirnt ot Ihe t-'iiy i' W a!iiift hi, MitTs tiM (h-rvici-s tu i-r-viirnut j b umy iaMiitU :iihI JVi.nii b-r ili-nf ivuiilct. IkMiikt per t iii.iui'hily t n-stitti tit ihe p:ti 'i it -rn.iu'ii!, M'lth uior ; t'iii;li tu ul luiHiii.-il lie Ll:iiut;iin'j v tt, tl; - itevefstsry loriim, i umi i'tiliuu o( husinrK, niul h;i iiit'fe"fs K K:ittirii Hiirl UoV.h lilcl in I . S. wtir iw" -.- tie t-icililie hit ' tti BMe;y titi't Kiiii;u.-tAry iiiljiiUm.ut vi I t.'Vrmiieiit . cluiiiu i( 'rry kind. ' " - 1 lly ii late Ai"( i tt'ii!rew, )(u:ity I aim it ii puiletl to j tlm nilier Hint nnMiem m elte wiir ii I !:. tnul lln vnri- I inniiliK Hiit itrre ; t i th' Mi- xvh.i tr id li iir tn-tjuhw t0 I ut-tvii; unit t iti )t who skived .-ue in ni!i 4(1 utrca. ! Arriiit.-iini;i!i have (n i, uiuili with yt-ntlfiiiri, of the I IViril Miiiati-.ii ni il lli n itt tw-ctii'ii .,' tiio t'liuntrv, lr ; t'ie J x mi ii m' warvuniH, nnd the .ilt: ni' the uirom( when 1 iiH'.iel, m llie in u-it nth JHl;iL''(iin ttTiiu: t r lln ptiinc(it j i iiiK'.'K. ritteinpiioit of In i nit-, hdI-.) ,,.r iuen; e 'Iwu m i(" ' il"'!.! ; itn l i'.t tin truant tin nl yenetut lnv lunintss, in Ihi- dnr'Ti-nt Siiitc-K unl Terntri lie ifiiil'-m Inb ser . irm tit im-mlf-rfcf ,lio proii-snion at a ilUitinof, iimi wtiftii rl'uiiu: mj.iiii; if,e-i tveruiTicfii, nre rr ! i:iriti hy 11 l.N'j! Agi'iii. wiil ulaip nirt' luili Ink u .nl j'ee . j I'tir n. rrnnin f liiiri nii.1 itial HM't iitpn, und inrriii:ition nil i nil istiines'lr :iperiinitu I 1 u urteceHSl'nl pri'wciilin thi iiiiim m will lr '. regular Crrt-smiHn with- Oil! filPlpC. j Pei:Oii! tlt'iritia iit'niuri 'ii nt fn-inls tu thr Hrmy or w,, will ('uv intr i Inm Nil ihe nifiilaia kn wn nf thef,1' i C'lVlfc, t'-K'-ther illi i it ni' tine d'l!:ir, Und Ihatir eniUi ' ricf wit) Ut- d-mIikI l i hy ilnrn ni' tn;nl, Ail einnmuitca ) tioat U iie (fhbI'aio.) Qiitt ml drrfted 1 1 I Ol VKU'i O. Tl'CKr.n, (11 1G7, P. K ) WatJuintt-n, l- C. rrrcAirrvr " i ll O K s i: I, I. E u , liroiidwny, SUNBURY, TA. T.J AS rrcently received, amonu oiV"' articles, a great variety of New, Cheaji aud'Elitt'rljin- ing pubticutiona such as C'ooHrs novels, comiilcto or f-jiat. llerUerta Do iVudviell, Duma do Trullope, iSus do llalliburtsu, Reyndols du Marryatt, C'acktou da lirey, Maxwell do. Marsh. Jerrold du " Ainsworth, Morris dJ At the lovr pries of from 'ii to 50 cts per volume. untiiiv, !'tl't. 'iS, 1850. tf. Valuable llouk. a'5 or Chuiss, hiuidsomely hound, inn' Hiaroai uf ths KsroHtATi"s, Ul ik lA-aoos asii PuittHs, full boui.Jcd, ForUU at the publisher price hy V ? II. tt. MAK8EK. Siuihury, July 14, 1849. I'Rs'INd BOTTLES -Bresst pumps, and nipple tulies- A supply of these useful srti cli just recaivej and for aula hy JOHN Vi- FRUJXQ bunhury, Jn W, 1851 if '