SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. TIIIRTY-FIRST CONdRrsS-Sfconil Session. Washington, Jan, 14- llorjR. The House, on assembling, went into Committee of the whole on the state of the Union, am! took up the bill to reduce and modify the rates of postage. The question pending wan a motion of Mr. Fowler to strike out five and insert two cents prepaid on letters, instead of the amendment of Mr. Carter to make a uniform rule of five cenls prepaid. Mr. Williams would not vote for less than five cenls prepaid. This, he said, would ob viate the necessity of so large a clerical force to attend to mails received and sent. Mr. Fowler's amendment was rejected Yens 67. nnvs 8!. Mr. Sockett proposed an amendment on let ters not more than live hundred miles, two cents ; not more than one thousand mile-, threo cents ; not over two thousand miles, five cenls ; all over, ten cents. Rejected Mr. Vinton offered an amendment, with a view of establishing a uniform rale of three cents, if prepaid, and expressed himself in favor of the abolition of the franking privi Jejje. Mr. Mcl.ane, of Kentucky, was utterly op posed to the prepayment, fur theieby tin; stmount of letters would be curtailed. Ml. Vinton's amendment whs lejecteil. Mr. Duer offered an amendment, which as lejected, to make the rale two and a half cents alter the 1st of .Inly, 1850, and is sue n coin lo lliat amount. Mr Crowed began In apprehend llinl if any bill be passed, it will be the one repor ted by the I'ost Office Committee ; and there fore he proposed lo amend il by dunging double the rates on letters transported be tween Atlantic and Pacific ports. Rejected Mr. Caldwell's of Ky., amendment was adopted that no pnst-uHioe now existing hall be discontinued, nor any mail service be discontinued or diminished, in eonse- ,(,,uence of any diminution in tin' revenues that ntay result from ihis act. and it .-hull be Iho dut.v of I'he Postmasler Uenoral to eslab- : lisli new ,poi.l-otMees, and place the mail ser- vice on ne.w mail routes established, or that may l.e established and provided t the i.siiiuor. corn VURut ion of Postinas'eis shall not be di- j Shaiuokin tnv. nship, Jan. 1 I. IS.11. I.I. mintshed in couseipience of the passage of , M , , r , JTaSVORTOW HOUSJB, Mr. (.erry proposed to c har-e for half j - Tr,,,VM!TOv p.v ounce letters under live hundred miles two ihui.uui-, .v. c.'nls : less ill. in h th eisaiid, live ci'iu.-. : all . . ,, . . ., . ... . . ii i , ,r ', i , ri'ti'li: siihii-r hiT ri'si.eetfu v intonus l(ic pnl.lic carried beyond, ten ceutu. Alter inellec.lual r 5 i . , , I JE that ho ins opened a rulaie llonsi-, in ua" ' i-llorts to amend, It v; reiecled . ' ., i i.. i 1 i ' .. ,J. ,.. , I new UiHii o 1 revoitiiu. Norlhunil'crlaiul coiuiiy. i 1 he anient ineiit ol Air. SIcKissnu. eli.irmti2 , , , . ii! ' .... . ... I., .' and that he is veil piuparrd lo aci-oiiiiiunlate Ills printed circulais an pain!) h ets Willi lei ler ; . . ' ' , , , i,!,,,.,,,,! 1 . , 1 uuests in the lu-st r..:'iiiu.r. Ills liuiisc is nu.iu u ( pos aiiC; w as mlopleil. , ,. r , I ticariv oi.iMB.ile the .'onipai:v More. He is also All A'iit.mi im.i'u.i f. intl Iho Insl i .11 .... i . . . - "' - section of the bill ami iiw.-t the uuilorni rate of two. cents, prepaid, proviso similar to that adopted this ninnini!. on lh'J luotioiiol Mr. Caldwell, of Keulyrkv. Rejecied yeas tili, nays 9i Mr. Erown of Indiana, moved lo nmeiul by sulisiiiutliiLr a uniform late of Ji..e cents. Mr Snunu's uioi'iuiilient to Mi. Jiimvn's. nrovidimr a iiiiifurni late ot tnroo ctils, was lul'ipted-- veas Ks. na s -1. , Mr. fcsliinun inopiised lo nnienii ti;is by! chai'uiug live cents on lelteis not prepaid. j An accidi.'.ital i!rl. lie ol inlvocicy ol Ilie, propositton louowed. when Mr. A!iiiuio'h 1 Hmeiidiiienl was adopti'd yeas R.I. nays t'.!'. : The (pie.slion was then suited on an-eiuir to the : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 nl Mi. bioivn ns aini'iul- ; ed by Messi.s. in.,iig and i.-l'.innir (..nt with- , out lakiuo lit-- vet.'. tLe C.iii.uiillei: u;.e un.l : tho Hotist' adjouroed llKM tlN IIV .Jl l. lilt tj.S. Ilia speech in t be S -mile, tl;e i;iherday. Mi-. I! ..IM'U held I lie liinow jic hllignaae III reuard lo i rjlurem duties. It will be le liieiiiliiTi'.l t Ii 1 1 the ii i.iu.-i in piioeipie ol levyitrj duties is the ilisiimrui.-ljitio I. aline ol t he. present lailll 'i ii'iien.l lii.- i tiiat ks lo Iho attention of our Lee trade ti:eiids: I coucnr with the his premises in tutu, lecommi'iidatious 1 Secretary (Coiwin) in i : . i . . . e : . . an. I w iin a p.i;i oi ins i .mi, -or ,i il-ii him in Ins .Hpiniou that iinpnitations will diminish, car- (j.iiig with it a iliiniuutu I levenue Iroir. rn.-ioms : lliat ihe tvl rnlm'nn systetu is th" i;reiit of fiauds and niiyht to be nbanihuied ;;t,tl ii-couise aain bad to spocilic dulini- in all cases in which they me applicit On this point 1 have iiothiiiu to confess us gainr-H from experience. H need ni evperii-ui-.e lo JliforiU mo thai nnr.-eiial an valorems were j (,r ,,,,,,.,1 , r,,Ui limvl. ,,r,,,,..,-tv. pay chart-he most iineiioal d" iluties. and .the inn! . tf,.K uud lake it awa , i,r else it w ill lit disposed iiyilful of frauds, j know t' always, and said it always. 'I condemned the same ili;tm.i when it was introduced in the laiill of lt4H.: and now, nf iter a brief experiment of fnur years' epori euce condemns it. I voted for act ; but Mtlly-lo L'et rid of Ihe act of IK-I'-'. nud w ith 4lu deulaci'd belief thai evporience vo,ild oon pioiluee a conilemnaiion of the imiver al V1 t l'tK iu doniini, and Inrce a return lo :le od system .; and filch Ls now about I In; Liu), , o tiii; 1IAVI.. ji v;ti;jsi:t tti (Counterfeit s.Vs of the Mtitj ' le-ixsm . of tl:e Harris'imrg Bank, have just bei-u discovered. They diifer fiom the gel. nine iu the fact that jn the pace between l-re-i.sne'' the line above il is only imi.v as wipk as the oeiuiine. Jn the hitler thero is an upon upace tietween j ,the bonis of the cow on the back ground. I wliieh is not in the counterfeit . The words J Lehind the milk iu;iid aie rouuh in the ci. in- I Ii.rfii! lins mtdnliiori IhuuU on thu rilit ate i . . ... . I ... .1. ...... .... ,1... l..ft ..r.. I'-- JIIIIIMIUCl, U... I,....-..-!.. , i-'oocl. " SlN(ilJ.ll Twi llM-rei a curious Wilcal ill, v.hit.-ll show tho acunt ol tVai up- .on the salivary t' It ; u-ior,- H roiiiiiul- teil. tho euspKCtml pi-rsuiis art' pit loyi'tlifi, 3ii(l each is ti'quHfil Ul keep a iiantily i,' fiee in ii month for a L-erlam time, mi. I'l tlll'll pnjt it out ayiiin; ami, with the jr'ealesU-er-taiiity, lie luan who lnul (lono iho ileeil put ! it out alifiost dry, in ro!isi'(iiei:fe cif the leaf of his mind keeping back the saliva. ,: Has; lish paper, Jkssv Linu. Kxtiacl from a nurralive in verse ; While tiie leniel n ra-.'u.g nu I Hie sra ruaniiiK liijili, Tiie viiir. of lair Jt-aiiy was heunt in a mgli ; As she th uislil to II (lliongli culm and lesigneil) ".My voice is pou-iuiul in saisixo Hie wiml. tul, ah ! llwi il ii.iw. with lire poivcr was ts-rt, To rv il u-ikl nil) an.! line it t" rest." Charlcttutt Mcrcunj. A PlSTlMil'lslU'P l'AftTJiKKSllll'.-A. law fifm, the Albany Journal, a shoit lime iiice, enistedat Bnllaloe, ay, (' Fillmore, Hal), nnt tiaven." One pf these gentleman is now Preside of the 1'niled fclatel, another Post master (Jenptal, and a third is just elected to Congress! What W Ji'STirel A pair of scales in which theactionsof mankind areoften weight ed ; the true weight bein; brought up by jmwer and wealth, whilsl other tiul a: in, cocent are .ubstitulcd. Woij,d'nt Do It. We saw a drunken man last evening, tryinff to got n watchman to arrest his own shadow. His complnint was that an ill-looking scronni'.rel kept following him. Boston Bee. HEW AnVF.RTISEMKMT. iot of fetters. HliMAISIMi IM THE POST )KHI E AT hLMIl KY, Dec. HI, 1N50. J S Bright Louisa Bowersncks Solomon Bender 2 Daniel Hnrb Samuel Hint) John W Hopper Fred Kline Andrew K.iuderman Joseph Kieiibaum Jas F I-eret. David VV Malick Isiah Morgan V B Mans Henry C Martin Beuj 'Robins, 'a pi John Ray 'John Suvder J A Snyder M II Siiafler Benj I! Seinl'iied tieo Searfoss .l.ihu STavlor .Inlin Weiidl Leonard Wagner Susannah Yainall Benj Hrosions Samuel P Blight John Uowen James Cannon Saiali Culp John Caul John Christ .1 I) Kichelberger Win Furmaii Joseph Folk Samuel Fill-man I lenry Funstuu Henry (lass A .1 (iully Wm llenson Thus Hastings D.iuiel llamiubuch Hill Ilnusoweiirt Geo. Harrison R 1) Parker. P M Estate of MARY 1,1. EISELY, Deed. IV OTICE is hore'.iy given llmt letters ti'stainen- J ' " tnrV have been manti'd lo the suhsciiher on j the Kstatc of Mary M. KiKtly, late of Siiiilmry. j dee'd. All iH-rsmiH iudehted lo sado Kstate or i liavint: chiinis nisnint the same lire requested to ,.u ,iH, s,,s,.i!,(r and settle the sinne. lor ,js prpnse he will attend at the late residence of ,.e ,!,.e'd. 'J'ursdav and Wednesday the llli and j Sth of February next. ' FHAXKldX A. Cl.ARK. j Kxceulor. I Shaniekin tnv.-nsliip, Jan. II. I'.t. ... .i.. i c.'iii. ....... wt..'i in. i siiii.i.ii i:! lor o nor- ses. He trusts hv prompt uiid caielul atteiitinn : to hiiiiiiie.; to meet a shan: of the puolie palrnu age. JIENia B WEAVER- Trrvorloi,, Jan- 11, 1S50 If A VALTJASIE FARM AT il HLIC SALE. f Jill E l-'tihsmhcr otli rs at jmlilii- m'h , on 'J'lmrs X day the 13lh of Pchruary, ISM. on the pre niises, if not previously sold at private sale, the VALUABLE FARM n'l which he now resides, situated on the Sham okiu creek, in Shamokin township, Northuinber l ind county, about one mile above Suvdertown, on the road leading from Sunhurv to Petersburg, adjoining lands of John Smith, John Houver and others. The properly contain. 2li3 ACRES, acres i about NO acres of which is ele.ired, tbnly bei.ig iu,-ailov.. The inipruvenirnts are a TO STORY ERAIilE HOUSE AND KITCHEN. IHjii? Kramo Stal.limr and a cnod Stone v,,,ii.,r Hilllse. uith a Levi r failiin: pritig spring of water. Also u small i I ORCHARD. Tu. lnville and Potlsville Rail Road pusses! .i , .i i .. i- ....! . iurom:n inc sain propeny. j m- n-uns in I WHICH Will tic reasouaoic. will lie inane known on . the dav of sale. Comniunications m.iv be ad- (1,'.,,ssi,'lj ,,; Ht'1l,S(.ri.r ri.sidiuii in Snyijertovvn IRA JONES. Snydeilown, .Lai. 1 1, ts. rAS eaimht adrift on the gftlh of Decemhcr A FERRY FIAT i of according to 1a I BENJ. K. DJEWL, ! Sunhiiry Kcriy. Union county, Jan. 11, 1S31. t. ! PUBLIC NOTICE. J'.it.iH- n 'lit-f is lirft-hv tiiv.i!. tli tt tin- r!;jTtItis Ifrfs l.r,,n-.-MH!ini.- !n'itni 'fit il-.l.l. .V Jl I VV, r i-Mitri;i,,i. 1 "r tin- "hMim-t H tin- I M. il;(tl'lilti i nitl V lllvi-LnT.- 'I't l. r:iii I. " mt.l Hi'- ui -.;i;.'tiiiMit; iiivrt hik N-MJIi ritui W t ai I Imiu. U 'l'''lfi! I ..u--. is Diin '- ii-v .!v.-.t !-v upi ! t ii:i I i. iiiM'Mt . All pt rs'iic li.i HiiiwultHii in-! ;nl nr .-im'k in "'I'lu l'jni:iii' l.lii;i inni WilAsU'irn- r-.f i'iti -it-t- -' 1 1- ;iiu.v :ut' rri-i'Uinlv n-un?..i-il I pi".'tit ''li it ru-fiitt i n.cli luixiiinitKio KI.1 j. S l ;i;l'lt. I "t AH-:st'iwn. I Lclui-li itnmt . I'a., 1'nMili-iil i ' Uf' mhI t'"inMin . mill 1 hi'! rti-fi ilii'ir riTiihiMh pr-ii-crlv miMn'u!n-u';' tii.-rc-t I ii-: all persons Inviii' "i si'ri!'ii ; i t -:tiit t i ,l"ik in Tin' Stiwiirli:iinui IliVfi Mint Mllianil - il i'.r.tni li Trie . ur.ifiN I 'tuiinM .'' mi ais rt-f-nvnuih r.-.ju.-f 'i ri t Inn rf'i.ipt f T HtU'Ji p.i n.'"ii 1 A. (iOill,!,, nl tho . A'hi-!'it.aii 1l"t'l. ll'MlM tU.:l, nppofciir llic S;n(c II -tit"-. ! '.tl':i.l'-l.h:i. rifsult lil mi km.. C tiii'aii). t. i 'J'. t VA- 1 Al.l.KN. TrfaMinT' Dtuni1:. . .l id n.r u imi', I't , uw H',,n'f l':i''ir rtTHii:itr in tint- fun tii'-ri-i r. Ami AM pern ttf hnviiL' i'l JiniHaiiiiiirl riic'5-ini I'ar! m'il.ip. t I I I. SHAH . I'-I'i'iiiu: 1 tin- r 'MVi-'K'H 'li sii'l !ini ivl-rl li ef iin pp'tn.fs ! iiMtc. ilr'l'i. I '"kfi itinn. .r . iii i wim-. nrr lV"ji rlinl'v rC'iiirftiil ti) pft n'Mit ri'-'t atcii.-'iiK oi' h' Kiiiif Willi 'ill tiilav. i i Ti T I S, -t. I-J MiTr.mtilf I.ilary. ('i'll'i'li li'l ia vh i? nui'i-'fiZ'-d to r cm aii' I niTiiimi I ' m-iiI- uh-hi ii tin- hp;- II. 1m. 4A.M1 1.. iAS TO CAPITALISTS. WW ( p:r1ie. onrot wli in ,vns an interest ya B n m'-iiiv .jii.uuu iici'i". ni j nni'vr i.un: on mr I. mi. nn tlic usi,.-hanna ; . aU,rrtl,fu. ,.r;l,., , ,,. 1 t;i.. oilier oi;l' a lioiinie -o am .avviiiiii on t.v . ;ma,n i:,v.-r l.,ow .NortnuinheiluiiLi. 1 par- I 1 Insure uilun- tojoin their properly loLeih.-r as 11 ',,u sl.s k. piovul. n ll.ey euo ol.tuui the .,..1 , tini'lner. under tl ic Swj ( ,,,,,...,;,, ,il(v r ,.,,.r tUl t....,r..l ',,,,,,,,,; , i.a-o-i-.l ut ilu- wion i' Ikjiij , umler tins HiraiiL.. tin- i w-v riiniir.-.l ran sil.illi u n I'm: oi lllillli. .iiiii ..ilu i null! I.u- iM-st iiiaiiia r, is iit'any new, anil is rujiaini' of lurnin.' out "I li .i-.t (i.tlllll l. rl of liiiiilu r vt rv "4 liiMiif. i.nd lu iiiir on 111!' l'riinsvKaiii.i Canal; tlio luiiiln'r i-oiilil liu soul to'llli4 s last - in UHil ii-luri'il. It is tin. iiiti'iilioii ot' tiie lirs to liuilil two oilier unit larier .Mills on ujli-r powuru t-iiiiiit-ctt-d with tin propt-rlv so us to liually liriii'4 the uinotiiit ifjaniifa.-lun-il to ten million feet per milium. There are other parties liavin;; an interest in the l.iu.l who are williin; to sell on reasonahli: uud uia-oiniiunlaiiui; terms. Twi;'rr mot s Mi noLnas will Is reijuireil to act the hiisinesd fairly admit ttnil ilie prol'ils of the Imp lies will il.i the livt. The parlies u.lviirlisiin; would lie willing to asi.i'11 their iiileii st in the profits of the ronerni to the party initkinpt the advunees, for as iniu-li as their share of the ad. vane niiyht lie beyond their interest in the pro perty. The person or persons making the ad- van. -en lo have ut his ojiiion cither one third or one half of the property acquired or to he acquir ed. There is no such other opportunity for an in vestment in Thither lauds in this state. Pur par ticulars apply to A. JORDAN, A ttoiuey al Law, Siiiilmry. N. H. Something mure than one half Ihe uluive stated suut would he required lielween this time and .March next to cut, haul and flout tim her to the Mill. The Pennsylvania Enquirer and North American, Philadelphia I and the lialtiuiore American, are requested to (five the aliove a.lvec. tiscnienl ti inserliuns, tutm uthn dut, ami seid thei( papers containiuj tho ailvr,i,s. incul, and. their lulls as ahtivp, biiuliiirv, Jan, 4, ISM, fit, GREAT ARRIVAL OF "WHK7H.MAM HOOVER restiectfully informs V V his friends and customers that lie lins just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW GOODS, which he offers for sale nt his new store at Mi ner's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods were selected with great rare, and will he sold at the lowest prices. I11S STOCK CONSWTS OF KVI'.RY VARIETY, Vi Dry (loo (1st, Suck as Cloths, Cttssimeres, Sattincls, Muslin Calliioes, Mmtsseltnc lie. Laities, At jiaceas. Merinos, Flannels, Che.c k s, G t ti g linms. cVc. ALSO: An assortment of II. ITS, CAPS, (ilM AM) l.KATIIKR SSIOKfl, ftUEENSWARE, HAKMVAKE, IKON amlSiTKF.L, NAILS, Ac, A general nssurtmeiit of (Jroeerirs, such n Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas- S pice A Iso all nssorliiieut of Liquors, such as lirnmlij. Rum, Whiskey, Winrs, $c lir' Produce of all kinds taken in exchange nt the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, Nov. 23, 1S.10, ly. 800 LABORERS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY on the Trovorl.ui Rail Road to whom lilieral wnircs will he paid. KI.MBP.R C LEAVER. Engineer. Trevorton, Jan. 4, I SSI. if. A "Fsirm lor Unit on Shares. "ONTAININtr 130 acres, !ll acres cleared,; llli an Orchard, None Hani, two story i rriimc Dwelling Moose, Ac., and u SAW MILL ., p,,f.r ,.! ,ji,,i., Prims Creek, i n;(lll r,n,ntv, (I miles est of New Berlin Imiuirc of'CiiAiiLKs Plus vi , Ese , or of III'liH BELLAS. Su,ihu' , Jan. I. IK30 Ml. 'VflTTl"'' iHUAAO-i. .... , s the su scn her lutein s inakiut; new arrange- j ? . . i i ineuts in his husiness on the lirst ol .lanua- n i . , - i . rv, all persons knowing thimsilves indehlcd ,- , . 1 ... ,, , , ... linn, are requested to call and make settieinent ,, (), tl,t f,,,,,., ,v paviii.-nt or iiiug their notes . . 1 ,i. a.,.. JOHN V. KRILlNti. Siiiilmry, Dec. St. 18.10, tl'. Kstiile ofJU'dli sVI)i:tt. Dcc'tl. kTOTK'E is hrrfliy nivrni that letters of ad ministration have hem granted to the suh- hrrs on the eslnte of Jacob Hnvder. dee'd., I ite of Lower Mahouov township, Nfliumlierlaud roun ty, All persons iiidehted to said estate, nrhavitic; nanus a.;auist toe same, are reipicste.i lo call on the subscribers for settlement. WILLIAM K ERACCII. ) JOHN A. SNYDEK. i Adin'rs. ; Lower Malicmoy Isbp., Jan. t, InSI fit. A Great National Pictm-e. WASHINGTON ! -rniii Stuart's imit.1 elrliriiK-.l i'aiutitij;. rnllls EARliE AMI MAtiNll'ICENT poRTRMT OK WASlll.M.TON, from tho Inn in of an American artist is, considered by "" w'"' have seen it to be one of tiie most hc-auli- i.,i cic. iiit.iii'i I h i 'il.i I im I. il, .inn .i . . ii ii r., I l.i K i.v kss of V vs. ii M-riiN . 'i'he hi.c ofthe jilati. is liu'hleeii by twcnty-ei-,'!it inches, which will make a handsome Picture for the Parlor, and should he in the hands of k khv Amkiiic as i rri- Il is n correct copy fnmi .vluarl's celebrated original l'aiiitiiiir, now ul the Slate House, ll irt- -(jr, Conii. l, : . c. ..i ! i .. ...... i : ... . ,:. - . ' ! 1.1. 1. I r.ll . 11,11 L ILI.I! Ml "Olllll 111!' lll .IIIM ! of all, the publisher has reduced the price to Ovk 1 Doi.i.ia j All persons ri.mitting the amount may rely j upon receiving a perfect Cupy by return of mail to any part of the United Slates, carfully put up on rollers made for ihe purpose, tree ol" postage. Address all orders, pa-t paid to the publisher. JOHN TAYLOR, l!,..,kseller i and puhlUdu-r, New Vuik. Decenibcr 2, 11 . -:;i. NOTICE TO EDITORS AM) OTHERS. A" "!., Xor, tJ.V, lS'ul. Mr. H. H. M sr.n, Suuluiry I'a. Di ;ir Sir In -imu inr'ioitt ot' the I'oithliy whrrr wp had Pi'ti-c,l our Sais.amt ill.i, in ISIS, llu' IMilois u!" stum ol' tin" pitjitTK hnvt H'ou Ol 1 tiiKc upon tliiMiificlvpH tlic rrsp!ui!ilii ol i-onti titling tlic mimh utter tin- nn-criM'itt rxpirril, and in onir :iM-s Imvo lunl thf ptv.'.iiinntioti to tMit! m a 1 for tin uinouul. .Now we Ium no olijrrlion to i l;ai' all the papers in l!i- I'liitnl Status mivnUr j t'of lis lor years, il' t'tcv ure pleased to do so nt I ilieir own expeiit. but we cannot allrd to p" j tlirtu uiilrw tliev h:ie our iinthoiitv tor tin work. : Wo write to Mm for tiie purpose ol inlonniu the Kdilors. thi'ini:'! Viiu. tl ul thev are yt lihertv udvi'itie I . uir us tliev ph iii-e, l.ut wt inilM ni he held repoii.-il.!e witlwul :i:r writt n kiihoriiy TJItnil'soX, SKIM-MA.N A CO., .o. 1 Hi, Aa.-s.iii sti'rtet, .New Yoik. I''ett;!u.r -I, 150. tf. T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABVSHKENT In Seliiisgrove, Pa. ( lod.t, tV:iUli-N and Jevtlry, I :i'.inj;i) i,i t!u- best manner ami warnnteil , ..,., n .. a. i.,,,,,.,..,! .,, ..., .. ;'!!. Kiri.-ilv. ,., leil to, lil.-Brove. Nov. 30. 1S.K) tf. i.otiiim. isiiiMi!, So,.t!,u-est Corner of Fifth and Murlut Streets, Pltll.ADKl vitiA, WHO hand a larKo stock of every v.iicty of elo.hi.n, made up of od ma.criahi. and in the latest anil let styles, lie would also iufortn the plililic, that he pays eousi- ilsral.le attenlioii iu m-t!iii( up Military l.'lothiitf, in tiood si vie and on rtasonahlu terms, June l.'. J.wtl.- ly y rsit." Ii 1 X ST It IT M KXT8. CHAS. DUBXMIG, So, -.,U7 Chesnut Strict, front Areaile, t. IMPOHTEH nnd Jliinulacliirer of all kinds of Musical Inst runients. Fancy Articles uud Toys, Hi juices ure I owcr than those til any other store in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical mrtgts repaired in the liest workmanship, and also taken in trade, Philadelphia, May o, 1850. ly. Hour. i.. firm . tuos h. b siith. SKTJI & liltOTIIKR. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission iUcrrliiTuts. NO. 89 PRATT STHEJ3T, (Nktu bowi.v's WllAlit-- ) BALTIMORE, Will par partiruliii ntl.:nii to the s.ilc oKili A1X nod !'. oilier products el' Ihe faun. Dsllimoic, Januaiy SO, IS.'iO.- ly W.1I- R. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at law. IMInrrM lllr. sicluiylKIII C o., Pa. KCSIXE.SS will he promptlv nltcmlcil lo in tlie counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, t'ninn, Columbia nd Montour- Refer to : A. Jordan. II- Bellas, iV II. B. Master, Rsrrs., Sunhurv Win- l)c llavrn. Kdwiird Hushes, t: Hnluntnn tShindel, Miuersville C. M- Hall, iM, Mortimer, Piittsville Oct. 8, IBM tv. rASHIONABLIS HATS. C. J. WALTON, A'o. 246 Market ft., between 7 If Sli st., (Eolith side,) FRXX.ADBX.PHZA. Til K Subscriber has opened a new lint store, and oilers to traders and others who visit Iho rity, a handsome assortment of hats, runs, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and in tiic latrsl and best style, and on terms as rcamina. hie as ran he had in nny establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Pine silk hats nt .fi2.S0 ; (iood do do at $100. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, ran rely, at all times, on irettiiiK a pond article that will please thrill, and one that is fullv uoilli the money paid. C.J. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. il, lN.'nl. ly. CHARLES W. 11 EG INS, iTTC?.lTE7 AT LAV", I'nttMttllc. Iil. Will promptly attend to collections nnrl nil busi ness entrusted to his care. Julia 10, 1S4U. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, .IB S l n OB' TBI I) PIMCE. Sunbury, Pa. Otiico in Deer Street, iinniedialelv opposite the t,.ia;.. km I 1 1 .... u A ,, ., . , fii, atumlecl m. April lK.jU. BOOT-TREE MAKER, JVo. ilo Uwc Sln-it. Second door below Third, rHTLAD73I.FHl'A. ATH I ERE all kinds of last--, &c, of the latest " style and licit liiatevial, are nialiufactured on reasouahle terms. All orders promptly an I punctually atleinled tn. Philad.-lphia, Nov." !l, lSoO ly.' voisk x I' JOURNEYMEN 1 1 Ht I VsMXlalloti. Co?-, of C'i tvid Chestnut Sveet, l'hilwlelphiu. fONTINl I' to make and sell a finer and more durahle Hut for the money than any oilier establishment in the l iiited .Mates standard mice of Hats S:i Oil. Cents arid llov's Cloth and ca.,Si r.,r,.ia8. Carpet Hues. I'alafv Panama and Straw Hals at c l.nv price Mav 2f, lS.'.ll. ly l.MPOK TKItS Of vVatclies, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Al i'A I'. .CirES, 1 1 i Clirsmit St.. Iiettreen 3d .V -1V Slrecls. rHILAD.EX.PKI A. A LW A Yf kecji on hand an excellent asort ' uicnl f the above articles, which they will sell on lenns as low as any in the city. June l.'i. M.'jO, Inn l; Do k s r. i, l v. it , intilirn;, SUNEURY, PA. HAS rrventlv rrrrivoi, utnuiii; artii'2vj. f rt'-.ii n-tniv nt" Ww. Ciii iiii Hint Kntrrtuin- i ... s- xu I'lU'hcations micu as t'oApers uuveis. rointib'tr or separate. ilrbcrts Do Rodwe'J, Dumas do Trollope, Sue t!o, Reyndols do Marryat, Ceektou di drey, Ma well do Marsh, Jerrold d mswuith, Morris do At the low price of from '-.' tool' els per volume, $iiuhury, Sept. V, 1 '. if. (I.ATt ei- -i-ur Kihai of V.iii.isoN A Hall.) ,'o. Snail) Swontl Streel, Philn(1plnhii A .)Kspi:(T1'i:j.i,v i I eiistomt'i-ii, as vvi-l inform hi l,l l,icn,ls ami the imlilic ti-ncra'.lv tlmt he hiiK oj.enciI 1111 entire new ntoi-1; of eleiint 1 ,'.) li s of Spring & Summer Dress Goods. Uisiihsoilmei.i consUl. of tin-1. itri anil most ilri- j rahle styles of l-'.uulUli. tierman. 1'ieurlj iV Ame- I rieau (iouils. rni-!i a I !e!ahn-.', 'fisiinos. Hera- i Bts. iill.s. I.av. ns. Mnliu. Shaw 1. 1 liil.lls. t Hum s, a 1 1 , 1 every vnricly of l.'ros ami l'anev tiooils. I l'hila.'l. Mi.r.-ii Hi, ls.Kl.--lv ' I ,n!'l uicrnc lour itx II A AS iliEXX. FASHION A 1! L V. J.I A M C OF ri'RXfTiuu: jxn chairs, , ' PlIE siilw-riU'ii; rcicetl'u!ly call the nttentiini I oflli? puhlii- tn tlicii -lurnc inni uplciuliil assurt tnciit of every ijunUiy and m ice of vv hirh ftunot fail to recoiiiiiH-uil itself toeerv our uluiwill txauiiuc il, on lu-eount of its iluralili woikmaiishiji m.J spleni'.iil linisli, m.i.l.- u( ,t" the ' la-st stock to lie hail ill the cilv. Noelfolt is .........1 ;.. ...i 1 ,1... i.l,s,il,erH are ileu.riuiue.l to keep up with the mnv iniprmenieuts which are eoiistantlv U-itig ui.i.le.-Thoir stoi k isists of .Mahouunv ' : iJurfJtus.Srri-f tartcs.SrtfOoaris, SDR. BUE1KFAST AM) IX.G TAULKS, i and also YUNKTIAX l;l.I.Ms, ,nU to l'hila- .UphU iiMiiuU inre. L I- I M -I I .-scry ,sHler and p,,ce, 1 - U BtlAUlK W I :lv A N O AN hLl,. STaXOS. TOII.KT TAKI.KSAM) KNTEN'SIOX TAIILKS, iu short, every article iu line of their liusinesf. They ulso iu.ii;ului Uuv all kimis and qualitiui I of CHAINS, eluding varii tics never Ih-I'hiv to lu had iii Stinlitiry, stii-h rs Miuiii.ivi, IIiii k Walmh' AMI ('iHLCII M AI'IK (ill III A ', A V II W'lMifcll CIIAIKS, AxniiM v I'l i mi i rums, which are of . Ute latest styles, ami warranted to I veiled l.y i none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The sijhscrihcis are determined tout tlieic ahajl he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie eutiiitaiiiiiil tihout the quality and finish pf their ware and Chairs. Their articles will he disputed uf ou as good terms as they cat) he purchased elsewhere. Coun try i'roduce taken In puv incut for work. 'l'tf' LMJKKTAKIXt;. Having provided lluiwsclves with a handsome iltiusK, they are mow prepart-d for l iidertakiiui, and nttendinz ''a. nerals, iu this vicinity, tu at any couv;.n',on( is- Uince from this place ( V The W.lC Koo.:, is J Market Street, npiKSiile . Vouiik's fore, and nearly opposite eaver's Tavern. DAXlrl.HWS. tii'ot;i.i: ia;xx. ,cunfun-, Pre. 11 I'-.'.P. if. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. PllIE. subscribers offer to physicians and drug JL gistu, carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to be of the best quality, purr and unadulterated in all cases. Their fiicilitirs for importing foreign drugs and rlicmirals are such, that they aro ouahled to aril them upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. They have alq recently prepared and, now of fer for sale a superior article of Resembling Henry's Mngnmia, free from enrbnn ic acid and roiejhnrssnr griltiness, almost entirely tasteless, combining in an ripial hulk from three lo four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one hulf the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared Iho Fluid Munesln, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at less than half Iho price of the foreign article. They also have on baud of their un prepara tion an assortment of I'll re '.Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, nud pound bottles, such' as Aloes, Rhubarb, Kcmia, Senega, Rlintiiny, Ki no, Otim Arabic, Ncrprntariii, Et. (ilyeyrrh, Ipe cac. Pntassa tsiilph., Pntassa Nilras, Borax, Npi-gi-lia, Biichu, Orris, Casearilla, Canclla Alba, t vii l"ria, Ac, (ireat care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected driiL's nud ill such a way us lo preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have also u variety of O'hctsiical & riiuniniceiilical Preparations of their own ii.anuf.iclnre, and ad. I to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among thrni may be mentioned Ihe lollowiug : In-ilr.M-yiiiiic Aei.l. Pn-par nt- an mi" Mtrrtiry, lr.ui. inc. Kxlmct of Senna, fitiMl. n I ic.:irulii.iin nt I.Mhiir. 'l 1'fitiiss.i Atiiin .i. Aiinn, it i. I I'll, infinite, il.i. nnrwru-' iihhIv t'.ir Itlitriininiikiii. Illiii- M is-. j.l.'iis'iiit liiiniln u.liiiiiiittsr In xtiiicl nl Itni-lia Cuinp., fl ' sl.lil'-llil. " S.irv:iiuritln L'oia- ,. .HIT lull tllllil, ' i... it... it-lid, ' il'j ilil'Ie tin. Ciiliirvatti I '.imp. " tlu Ixlrm-t iii' Oi'iitina, IIIHSKI'I, ' 'I'lllnxiriiiii, " Vat. rii-n, tiui.l. n new anil iisci'ii! rLiucu, . Sps. .Ether Nitres. U. S. P., Cllhehs, Ergot, 'i'obacee, cvr. ( tils of Cupaiva, t Urate ot Inni mid (juiuine, Scipu-0ide of Iron, an antidote lor arsenic, t Urate nl .Viannesia. a new nud pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up ill l'-i nz, boltlcs, per doz. (.'oliodion. or Liipiid Adlu.sive Plas ter : a coiiM-nicut ip.licatii.n in many surgical operations, put up iu small vials. Also CANTHAR1DAL COLLODION OR BLIS. TEKlN'ti I.IUU1D, A convenient preparation of eanlharidrs iu many eases whem there in a diliiculty of applying tho ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair bruh and covered w ith oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, iu the usual time of aboul twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt eveciilion of tiieir orders at ns low rates us the btist epjality of medicines can he Purchased. CHARLES ELLIs A CC. ."() ( 'besiiut street, I'llilada. Laboratory. Oth and Morris Sis. .S'uuthwark. November IC, 1 ."(! tf. UTS! I1TS! IITS! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. Ao. I Sviitk Third slral. " T ER(.'tI ANTS and the Writing coiiuinuiiiy are rripi,.ti, d to rail and exuiuinr this INK, which is i irnmU't nut tn rnrritc Altttilin. J'cns, llnr eluttmr its Culm, Wholi'Niilc iiiid Rilall, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A discount made to Merchants and the rade Tor sale by II. B. Masser, agent for Sunhiirv Noveinher !. IS.'iO. tv. 7T3 FATENT JAPAN BLACKING, M.i.irJmloi iJ, No. .ri() Clir.STM'T Street, MED A ! iiwunlcil l,v t'uc FKA.KI.1. J.N s'J'JTUTK of 1'liiUdrliilu.i in U.-IoIht, AMI Till! niT Pl.'r.MJI .M l.y the MAHYI.AM) IV M'l l'l TH, ill Ijiiltiuiorc, -Nov. IMS unil lisllt. I lia'c usid J. Wrlhirn I'uli iil .la).ill 1.14111. 1 . .i iustl. liUii-kinp- for borne nine months, aitl , nut lu'l'O '' Iit it eurim- any 1. lurking I tl'"' ' lav'' Ulil'J thi-c tvvrjitv oihl years. I tiiul V :. 1...1.1.. .1 K.l. .....I .i... 1 1 1. .. ". " 1 . .,' . , I tlir than ouv l.l.u-liiii that I have ever tru-il, Amiiikvv 1. ('11 1 h urns. No. 07 L'hosini..l street, Wm. CUKEEY, .Voi.oc(i-c;-. Successor tu J. Wiai.Ali, .No. .'HI Chestnut Mreet, uhovc "v-eoinl. "N'oveuher, tl, 1M.K). ly. SE0URDS & COS L A li II K A X JJ F I L SAVING TASSI1TG- CAP. Miiiiufiii'tiirril hy Mionrds & Co. ;4a Chstnut St., Phtla. FDK SALi; BY AI.I. CHtiCKIlS. "STAlii:AXTI'U l wa.!i clean iu hard, soft, or salt vvaler, cold or Jiut, in one third the time of any other Soap ever manufactured; thus di-ijji-iisiii j: with li lilim;, IiIi i'IuiilI. Ovi. l'l.ANM'.I.S, CI.OTI1F.S, lVc. vahe,l with this Soap will .lever shrink ,ft hav.i any harsh or guimgy feel, hut leave llieni in their ordinal suit and pliant state : which is ii; itself a siillicicul re commendation to guarantee iz use iu ull fauiijics. THE I'iXRST FA BlUCS in. iv Ik' w:ishcd tln.roUihlv with it, without the least injury ; uiviug tl;cni u lvilrc equal tu newly j imported uoo.ts. I'AIVT, f;i!KSF. & 0II1T of iinv description, can he readily removed hv the use of it, without injury to the article, wltstlicr il he t Iu? finest .Iress or ordinary oiriw t. In the use of Minimis Sc ( u'sSnsp, the most itelicale need not fear, as it w ill not injure or chap the hands, hnt on the contrary ucl us ail emolli- I cut, uii. I is not only Ihe vkiiv iikst wamiim, Kiuityci oH'cred Iu the picMic, fcut as S TOIl.JCT SOAP he excelled. lu rcvcr it has lu-eu u'il it hi given perfect satisfaction, and U warranted si In do, iu all ca ses where a fair trial will U given it. KlIOrKUS & CO., Manufacturers, Xo. .Vl:i Chesnut St., riiiiiidclptiis. For Sale hy (Jro.-ers (jciteru.'lv. Xoveiuher (i, IS.'iO r NEW TOYS. FANCY ARTICLES, f "VWUs, Ae. Just received, a larjc und hind- some assortment of Toy?, Fancy (loods, Canes, violin strings, dominoes, game, puzrdes and tricks, niovinq tisures, segar eases, wrk and fKiicy boxes, napkin rinirs, rattles, ric., of every description, at tho lowest prices, whnirsale and. rs- tail. Call nnd -iee fl EORflK DOLL'S NEW STOR, 10i North (1th st., rhiladelphia, lain of , N, II, Canes neatly moun', J'stl'y Tn mill;,' done, Nuv. 9, 1S50 3im. BKOWN'S FSSfvj" pK , M,rA f;N. fiEK, for sale ry . j; j, MAfcK. Srpt. l8t). ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDEl PEPSIN! T II 13 Till) K DIGESTIVE FLUID CASTIIIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA OURER, nlfnim ItKNNMT. or ilin r.,rt, fM,nnrh of His , tl.-t iri-etiniii of HAIION l.lf.HIH. tho pu-nt 'siiitnilleul Chi nii.t, by J. fl. IIDI'IIIITON, M. 1)., No. II, .nrlli liiiflilh final. Hliilnilali.tiin, . Tim is a truly v-mi.I.-hmI remnlv f..r IN DliiKSTluN'. ! DVsnq'SIA, J.l M)U: I-:, I.ivkii ch.mi'i.aint, ; CONSTIPATION, mnl ):llll.r('V, furinii nllvr N. j ture'f own inctliotl, l.y Nature". ova ieut, tlic Uimtni. . Jliiin. I ty Half a tBiimniliil of tlits Fliiiil, inl'.ii-il in wnli r. will ilijest nr ilimmlve, Kiv I'ouihU of Itouii ll.i 111 j about two hnuri, out ol' the It'iinaeli. : DIGESTION. j D1GKSTION ip chiefly Hrt'orinet. m hr wlniiuicli by tlm i n it I n' n limit which irecly t-xmle trem it miiht emit ! 01 llmt iirirnn, wln-n lit u Ktiiie o hiilih. t'ijllfil (.;itnp , Jincn, Tins rtiii'l if the lfrr:it S-ilvnil ni' tlm I'ikmI. the lu r i 1 y ii iu, PreqiTviiir, iintl hiiim.l:itini Airi-tit n tin "f" llllirh anil illlrlltiii.. it Itielt' wilt In- lo ill.: li'ii, 11.1 C'.iivi'rsi'.n of I'.i nI into Iii-iMit, unit 11. 1 iinttiii 'ii 01 tiie IiihIv ; lint nitlwr 11 lout, inrpul. paiiiiiii. iiail.l.-i.iriii- live r.uiiliiii.ii nf tlir whole iliLfiislii r iiMii;iniiii Vw.-ik. hull ikuil, nr liiinr.-il stomiH-h n.lui-.s no (......I linstn.; j raisar' 'l'"'u'"'' ,l'"lr"h ul"' le"iity "im-li I I'F.l'SIX AND KFANT.T. I PKI'sin i ttiiMliii.i oiiiim ni.i r pn n iici tii;i: Prsn'-i- le ..I llu.-(liistru: Jiiiih.. it l I1111111I in jrn al iiSniiitaiii .. 111 1 tli .tut ik.i-ih uf itMiiniiiiaii si in 1:1.-h miir ii.-aiii. and I times cmirct the stoniiili IiiiIiui M ils.-lf. or nil iu..' ini. j Itisnls.lnimil l,!,l,.Tai-h of nniiimli.. nslheiiy ,.r,l-. I An. II la Hi.: miiirial ns.-. liv liininrs 111 iimkitu: i-lii.-f, nilli'il 1 i n-l . tho eaeet ,if whieh has l-.i.u l-ei Ihe yii.-.a il W.HI.I.T nl tin. dairy. -I'll., i-iinllliid i,- u.i;k in th,. hrM i.r. i-oss nf itcniii t p iss..M.s ni,t. .iiishiiiLt p.iv, . 'I'll"" H-'iniii-li of a culf will anil,- mailv : ll I iiii. s j itstiwn witirht nf milh. Itar-.n l,ii.tV la.-s thai, "line pari nl 'Pepsin ili.nlvi-il ill sixty llnmsnii.l pans of mun. Wlli lllL.'!-st III. Ml an.t nlhi-r limit.'1 )i,-.s..-tl ...Uiiiia.-iis pr.i tlilee 11 1 t, hsI dastiiii .line.-. K.-nn.-l i.r I'. pin. '-.i sh-iw Ititi, this want may lit- piTlia-tly silJ,illi.. t- ipriiLi lim !..! . lowiliit SCIK.NTIFIC KVIDKNCU ! HAItON l.ll'.llli;. in lii- e- l.-lfiitc! vrk in Aniuc.I I'hcniimiy. i " : " An l;t-K!tvi- I'iiml luciliit tun o thi i.idwtrir .luiei. limy br rmUW pr;.ui'il ir-im t mn. eMJS lilriiiUrHlir nl' tli' nfoi!i:' h of lii. mm!"', in which :ti l him ' nrticlcK n ihnI, iik iii--i( Mini 'xm. wilt 1i 8ti't'inil. cluiiiti- ; eil, tui'l tliiri'Mted. .iut in ihe wmie iiuniit-r us tltcy mi.U he in (lit: hiitnun utmiim-h." Ur. I'ICItKlKA, in Infl fin 11 ti tn-itine imi "I''"m1 iiikI 0ii;l,M i.iililishftl hv r.iwkrn .V. Wi lis. .'-w Y.'rk i-.vr Htuti' the S.MMI' tfreiit I'.ici, :tnil iliNcrit..-K the uu'liii-il i t prrp;iriiti"ii. 'I'l.ere mi: h.-w Liiiln.r itiilli'Tjlit tn;m lr. I'l riini. DM.nMlli:. in his v:iln:ili!i vriti'i:Knii iIi."Mim -I-uy nf DtL'i-iiii'ii.' oImtv 11I il inn tit n ion ili.-iltu- lity of tin (J.-iHtric Juice if u pr 'iniie-iil hhI iti--rf ;hImc' cntifi-! of 1 iiciiiii " nmt itr mini'-s tliiit ''ii ihs! iti'jiii"h' il , priiVsnitr ni tiM'tlieiiu in l"inlim. wii' -. K.-v-n-iy mfiict ei with v. itiipt.-unl, iindiii); every lliinvr I" h ut I iti' inn.' l-t the t i-ift ric Inicc. ol.!:iii il lr i,i l lit- ft - 'iinch nf ! living unhurt!, which provi'd r'iii'i!r..!v ncfssiul. r. I.UAH.V'M. th fiinj .i w ' s mi -"-jjf- . tfihif Diet." mi ; ' it in 11 riMii:irk;ii'l l;u i m pliyMl . ' timt tin ftt'HimrhB of imiiHiCH, lnnecnitcti in i :t'-r, nu;,uiL t 1 the limit tin ppipttnv "i thss l hit v:tn mm nrli'-l. of ; I':mh. uikI nf liitcctiiM-' u kind ot nrliticrtt dtLrctiii ol liictii . 111 ii" wi"" diif'-rmt 1V0111 tht u;itur;il ilm.'livi pini.e. " lr. SIM" yr-'-it w Mk. t!n "t'li.-ini-trv i Mi'ii." (1,1-UiV IHiim Imrd. 1'hilii. I"ii. pp. ;tJI-!i) n-iy.: "TiH'dis v -very nl i'lil'ftl totiiin 11 u-;Wi.'lii in the eheniic;il hiil'ry t nf ili-redtion. Kroni rceein fXpnimtiiH we know thnl ; fitnil it ilulvrd n rnpldly iu ;in nrtiticml di-rtive tUtiil, pretwned frnni IVpni, nn ii in in the imtiinil Uustue Jun e t It.telt f l'infeeir 1 1I" N f -I' N nf the .It-ir.-if n College, Vh'.V.x- ilelphi.'t. in lin irrent wrk mi llu'it in I'ir. ."i A-'tiy . il-vott-s i nr re th.ui lilty prtuext'iiut exiintiui.ti in ol tins snti-et , llm rxiiirii'ieiils with Dr. lit-. mumi!, on die ii;ntnc Juice, ol.iiiin'-d jroiu ti;r ivn;tf liejifin ft -irru'ii nn I v -'ti itii' 111:1 In 1 nr1 well kll" ll. "Ill :ill eifs,' hefiivs. ",!cres'i -n m-etir-red iiK perl eel K iu the iirtiln-i-il dp in t lie Kit m:ilih tii'ui.": AS; A DYSPHASIA ( TIlKIi. Dr. HOI'fill TON'S prepnnitimi m I'MI'SIN i-. pr 'ihi rnl the in Ht in.'irvi'll'iud fiftTt.o, i tirtna i,;im ni lrli tt . l'.ui;iei;itioii. .Nt rvtiii. Decline, tuid D,.t pin- C' Mi-niupl i u, upp 'Kcd t. he on the vry vera, of the ivi". Il iin jxiskiMe t the Helailn nf case. in the liuutK nf this nd verlldeiueiil hill ;uithe,ilic:iti I e:rt i tie lies hnvt h.-en tl t !l nf ninre thnii TWO IHNDliKD I ! V li K A It I ,K ; rriil'.S, iu l'iuliidclphiii. New 'nrk, :u id it '! mi al.'iic. The;"' were nearly nil i1cier:i,e cim's. nud 'in c.irr weir lint (ul-ranid Mn l w nder!ul. hut pei in un-ui. Ii id ii LT'-it NI'.KVnm A.N Tl IM t'l'l . nnd -artu .il n !y . ildriul (or tendency tn h.Ii'MiH thd nh i, ., .-r I i 1 1 j d: i . .t. Fevci uud Aaue. i't haiHv irjated I'ev.-r and Asn vud t h w evil elf-eth nt' Juinine. .eieury. nnd other dmjs ttpi-u the Die-tive nrjiuiis. tit t ft ti l-im; MCuiii je:. AN, i 'ri fiM in e:iiiuvr. ned the t'u tree u.o of nrd'-nt iriis. Il iiinii"; . rei,o;iciJi-s Health villi Intemperance. OLD STOaMACII COMPLAINTS. There ih no firm nf OI(l. JT i.M t II COM IM.AINTS Which it itnef: II -t fce ij. (o leiieh lltid icai-tve nl oii'- . ,u Matter h w IsJitlthey liny he. il lilVKS I.NST..T tii'. l.ll'U" ! A tingle 0 t'ciifoves a!l tin- uiin'e iuit nynip- -Ioiiik, rin J a only needs t Ij" rpcuU-d. for a sh'Tt time, tn make thes.- . i.Hleli'eclfi pertllJiirnt . 1 ' I ' K IT Y iK lil.OOD and VltiOH Ol' ItODV. toh..v ut nn.-e. It ( pmiienl uly excellent in i.ases ol NanHi. Vouiatinj. Cramps. Smeui-si nf the pit nf lie- St-.m telj di,l al ter enl iiil. low. e ld, ftatenfthe lit n I, l!e'iviue.i. I , ; iicis ot St iril. Ilt-spon-tlenev, KtU k liitioii. ':;tnncs'. it'itth ncv I i I iiMauit v , Sui cide.' Scv. I'l ice. llNi; IX M.I. IE per h llle. Our h t!h: will mien , eflett ti l:ttttiu:r cure, pkpsix iv pi)vnKi:s. IV si:t nr .m aii., i'iii;i;oi" rt s r n . i. I'm e iiivem-nee of --iiihe tn idl pai ls oi .r cnuitrv, the i)n;i.sri i: i tti:k or thi: rr.rsiN itpm up ill the f irm of 'oderd. with rUre-'Jions t.i l edicled in Wnti;r ni nyrilp. hy ihe piilnnl Tle'se pilt-r;. e 'ut'lltl Jilf! ihe Sitine matter ii Uie h'.tlleN. l-m. t wi-e t !if (plant i ' V for ihe tiaine prne. and will he n-nt hv m ii!. 1" Ii 1 ,1 1 Ol ' 1 I'OS TAliK I'-M ON i: 1)1 il.LAK m-i1 (p I Dr. .1. S. HOh'i.ili'ro.N, n. 11 .North lihth Hi reel, I'u.ii.oelpiu t. Sis ruieknuen for fix e d Il.trfi. llvrv p;ie!;'e.'e unri h i'?!e lieiirn tin; wmteu ii:ii;uurc of J. S. Iiol dliTf iN. .M. D.. de I'r.ipricmr. S ild h iiceiitu in eyei v town ill the l iiiled blJle, nnd hy leHpeetahle (e;nerK in NlcdicineK yeuenilly . I'OltSAl.i: HV John W. VtWiu, end Uee Hrmlit. Sfunluirv. Fit. .Murv A. .MeCiiy John' II. Hnsei Hayes A- McCnriiih f. j. Crmide. ,l"iu i. illiam D.-ppm, Stui'mrv. I till. Nnrthuuiheralud. Milion. MeKweiiiVllh.', S-illH'.T if, I pptT M.ih:uitillp. Mah'tiiMV WATTS" NERVOUS ANTIL0T2 AMI PHYSICAL KKSTOIi.VTIVH. TKS MEDICAla WONDZn OF TIIS "Cni.I ji'vilivclv cure all slku.'s of Xtinaltriii, ' Tu Doloioux, Xervuus i leail.u -he, t'li.i lera, l.ockjav.-, 1 1 wlrophohia ci.pv uision-; will restiire maiihooil to its pi'esiine i.or, even fll'.cr years of prostration, and the only Utuni n ;i ti. 1 cer tain eyre for low spirits in il.-hii'. v. Extract from t'.ie Xew York un, (lct.;j, l"l:i. The ,-rt c'.n at i ii r Watsyn, when t i!'.,in:; of the mirai ulous power ut "Watts' .Nervous . u'liloie," the question was put to him, Vhy such a v.iaut hie r.'iijtily for all nervous atVcctions was ik.I in troduced hy tlir iitcdicahf.iciilty !'' rejilitd. '-'!'!ut if it wcrti, then: would no louuer h.. any use I .r u faculty, us till diseases originated ;',-,,,,, ;l , --i-ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves arc tlic l.i iiu sprint; wf the )iole syst.i.i Kceji t!" .s in order, and holl. the mind and hody inul tie.' Four otiiice phiai, I'Z it ises, lu.iuuii for ail or dinary eases, OXU DOlJ.Ai;. Mll.l) 1Y AYin. VeCAISTY, a . Sunhiiry. .''epleinher, -t, UjH. tf. jflIIjr 0"jrCCir3-,.IZ d a v i n I'I'.A s i : . .N IF Corner tit ,S- Anh Street, Pud". I lhtn. HAS for sale all kinds of choice l'uniilv (,(,,. ries lit the very lowest prices, vi: KxUa Fine, superior mid comntoi: "til.ii k and Creeu 'i'j-as; old tiov. Java and otlicr Uiiuls of Codec, all qualities of Crushed ,,'iht ISrowu und Iirowu Sugars ; hest Siierm ', )i and Sperm and AiUWtine Candles j liu' jr's Choc.dale, Cocoa u'l'J liromii ; r anna, 1 in; tarnia, J .,ica,-Sa'o and Whca'cn incoi poratetl till ISiO. I ewi.dun , formerly no Oil, Is'.e .,l,,.s. Krlchuito and Sauces , (irits; Oli Maccroiti. YerinH,, Eiilisb s,.ht IVas. Act They will y lfk up all oods for the country neatly, and sturdy and deliver lhcui promptly ul i-k or Hotel as desmnl IS. V. I'ur. tith A Arch sis. Philadelphia. Aus. 17. If"'0 lyMay fit St II I' VI' W C:r!S(H ' . . , ., , ,..,,.. ... , Just received at the siore ot 11EXU .MAS- SKK, a lot of Cups, (iu.n Mines, Alunmacs, ijuecnsware, l.iquqrs Ac. All of which will he sold at the low-es) price. Dee. 14, l.'iU, Valuable Itookx. I" IFK of Cubist, luuiilsomely lioc.nd, ll'.Vi 1i.'s Hisrour uf tmf. K; ioniiii, lll.k Dlt-HOOkS MI l.l.lit. tllH, full IsiillcWi. For tale at the pu'olislieii prices hy II P: .MASi-FU. Suiuiy, July 11, IPO. lllaoljtngton Kcws. Ciirrwpniiilnir of tln I'liils. Lritgcr J I'ftOM UAMIINflTON. Frtwils on the KtrenveA Fete Hundred of Tlirm Sufficient to Illustrate a Principle' Appnintmrnt of Grneyil Appraiser) Re. fstnhlishmeiU uf the tre List Other Re form, to the Turitf of 18-lfi AeMem of the Cxmmithe of If,,,, and Meant The Defi. item,,. M,tm;, A(,tlem. Invalid Xovijleim ldl.iPt-()ff,et Bill i. comphtc Fortification Hill under Consider, turn Appropriation to Cherokee, and Fitendti, Crccks-Fatttfication UiUftiyer and Harbor Hilt Appointment of a Minih ter Plen,pol,nlmi, lo St. Petersburg Gov. Browns Karl,, ictur-Governor BriM lic-el dio,, to the C. S. Scnntc. Wamiinoton, J,m. 2. Tho Scprotary of tho Treasury ,as fo.,r ui.ins.imi well liuliientiivitoil cases of fruinl .. 11 iiuui) innusniiii well iiutiientiivitdl "I" " """ r,'v,'iiue; lint lie h;m not out lhcui nil p r j .. . r. i ) in a form In oulimit them to Con- H" h been calle.l upon to furnisl, thorn I but niter pnltiti" 11 few extra, ch-rln 1,, . , . ' " woiK nt them, only two ntiuilicil conlil thus. r. .. 1 , , ..... 1 .. "r . , 1 i- , ., . . ,lr r' "' ,l" public PXlllblliritl. A upon the revenue ; lint he laiL'i! fin ee, hnw-FVer. is nt woik lo furnish the ivirisiiuinrr ihu'L- ihniisnutl nnd eiirlit mn ilrctl ; Iwn hiniilifil wln'eh will jjo into tho llonsi! nf lit'pri-i.i'iil.iiivfi niiiy pt.uibly sertro ns nit ilhisdriiijiin of ihf jiriueiplu, l iainls .will he i-oin in i t tf.'i I uiiilnr every syslnri of revenue, but it is thu duty of ;hu aovermiii'iit to pft-viMil thesn to iho extent of it" abiliiy to tin so. The commitlt- of Way mid .Me.uis. whilo not disposed "Q Mibstilule speeilies r ttdndorems, or In sub dilute home valuations ,)r ,L. presfjit nys leni. are of npinion that a (jtmd many boner lieial rhamres may .Milt fnuri tho tip. poiiitiiu-nt tifappraisi-is at la roe. w hnsn duty it shall he toe.1unli.,.i,ppia..,.ti,.,1tSihtoul!li oiit the euiintry. This is really in conformity to iheConstiluljiii, which piescribes that uni I'onn diilies shall 1.;,; t-illecte.l jn ull tip, States. It i also proposed t,i re.eslablj.,1, ie frcrt list, so ns to discriminate between lh duties paid on the ran- mule rials used in niannf.-ic-tiues and ihe iii.iinil'aetiired artiole. This free list it was always the particular desire of Mr. II. . I. Walker lo maintain ; but hi) had to yield his preference iu this ripped lo Mr. Mck.iv, then chairman of the Committee of Ways ami .Menus, mid to Mr. Calhoun, who would never listen to any pinpoitinn prnpo sin' to inert r-peuial eveiioies not provided by a ifeneral rue'. .My opinion is thai n-fnrm will not stop then; ; but then; are s.) many wiseacres who have already mine tn tiie conclusion that wc have retched tj. i,i;i:,.nium, and that tin improvements can be m.nie in the adjust ment ,f n cncial principle to a parlielar ease ; but. for the pies, ,,;. ( refrain from all comment. A week ur leu days will show that wc have not yet j;i,t to tho cud of tho clia pter. The Commitle nl Ways aird Means have been pretty actively at work with Ihe vari ous Appropriation lliiis and a good, many of theni have already been reported. Among these an. the Deficiency Hill, the Appropria tion Hill for th- Military Academy, the Inva. lid Pension mid the Navy Pension Rill. The i-ii.t-nf!;..,, Hjii ,,,,, y,,t .,,, fj.pur,,., becituse the fsj,;1t,.s f the general post, otiiee are ut yet completed. Two items Ifive been stiuek from the defieiency bill. The first js T0O.Oiltl. vi,., to be paid to the Chernkees, liecn.ise obii'diun is made to pay that sum, imLvs t. Cherokcim pive to Ihe I'liited Stmes a disfhai-e in full of nil de mauds. The nppicipiiatioii of sno.OOO, for tiie flicndly Creeks has been struck put D1J lh" "loiind that it belu:. -s to the l,jls or) private claims. In the Fortification- Hill (tow under consideration, , npprnprjatioii for Creat Hrewslei's Island, in Hostun llarhor has pose leen I to 1 It out, because that jlem is sup-Ion- to the Kivcr and Harbor Bill. ihe Kivcr and llaibor Hill will come up niter in tin- wscsshmi ttian anticipated ; but it wm niter sun). Houses, li.iij, Inliin:; ion, pass both sections of cciimliv will bti eqi;;illy bene;ti-d by its appropria! intis. 1 have a.'ieadv appiiscil jnu that the Hon. Joseph !!. ln-er.i,!l v, j receive the appoint ment cd .Miui-ler l'leiiipntenliary lo Kussia, tLoii-h lli -ic is a jri.-od deal of arutnblilig a.'i.iut thetpiick return of (lev. liiown, of Tart ness , w ho .-eeiiii to have accepted the situ ation merely f,ir the sake of the emoluments. II" -" it sin.:'1 of Ms.Oini oi" I"nch) tkim's iiKrii.'V lather too ipueli Cm i'l: :.itsecitam re-election to tle V- St":iatn from the Slate l event received vt ith of ludi: (real nfa l,ei$ in Washington and lhrimuhtmt tin-. t;iunliy. Cov. II. was one of the sfiuuehcvt atlvtcates ol the old Compromise tneasriics, at n period when (Jen. Case, Mr. tixLicr-ui and himself Willi the only Senate,! who had thrown '! iseives into trie hieacli to say the C'on siituiitin and ihe 1 irjnii. His re-election will h i a Irittieph ot the Ciunpiomise over tho vpiut of faction ;:i bi:!i I'Mit'inc secliotis oC the ctni'.itiy. Onst-.Rviru. I ! Till. Al'X lit ' M Mil lllNV ! Siiuhiny was laiil out iu 1772 and ineorpn lated i:i 17!'7. Xorihciinbcilnn.i was l-.iid out 'iill77iand inetr, peraled ill 1S2'. i.tnvilhi was laid out about the year 17X0, and called Dan's ville, alter D.iuiel Moutunniery, after wards constructed into Danville, und was not . i 'wwn' wastatttoui uy mg rr0OM, 1 'h" same time, and was incoi porated in 1S13. Milton was laid nut in i7ai and incoi porated J in ls7. , a,d to have been originally j called Md-tow n, from its having a fc'risl mill 1 in it. alteiwar Is cousttuctcil into Milton. Wiliiani-poii was laid out in 1795 and iiiiHir. I pointed iu ISihi, and called William's port, after llei.buri). F-ip, one ff the lirr. . . . . -t ! Assoeinle Ju les ol;: county, rl?r- w aids chaniied . into Willi.i.i)S)urt. Jersey j si.,,,,., su oalled from its settlers bcji" .Tersey-' i r...,, 1, -,, i. h.i a.,iAt'il...Uri itluujj thu shoru ol Ihe . uv iieiniitna, was alsj. bellied ut a piclly eaily viiy Cat bon linno crat. JrvNV Fimv s Dot;, n Ne wlounJlauJ; is ad1 vetlued .A sale in l.undou. '