SUNBUllY AMEIUCAN AND SHAMOKlfl JOUKiNAL 1)1 N.MR TO CAPT. K. M. MATHEWS. The dinner, July announced, given by the municipal authorities nnd citiz-n! of Phila delphia, lo Capt. R. B. Malhcws. of ihe Liver pool iteam propeller Cily of Glngow, in lion or of the arrival of that vessel nt o"f P0'', took place at the Chinese Museum on Sal nr. day evening. This hull is, we believe, the largest in America, being upwards of 230 feet lonir; and wide table with ample elbow room and passasea were laid in it lor ihe ac commodation of moro than ciyht hundred pueals. Great pains hud been taken by Ihe Coinmilleo of Arrangemenls Id secure lo eve ry one a proper seat, giving of course lo dis tinguished slrangera places nearest the table, at which the President of iho dinner, Major Gilpin officiated as the immediate host of ! Captain Malhews. Grace having been said by Hishnp Poller Ihe company sat down to partake of I ho ful- ' lowing bill of fare ; First Course Fish: linked Hook, a la j Chambord ; Coiled Cod, Oyslpr Sauce. Second Course Moiled: Turkeys, with, Celery and Oyster Sauce; Chickens, with Oyster Sauce : Sirloin of Huef, Pickle Sauce: ' Beef Ton,rues ; Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce ; 1 n...i: rv. 1 11,.,'f i ol,l llishes: Rf'u 1 Gamie do (ielee ; (ialan- ' 'ines des Dinde, a la (ielee; Janibou !Vco ree, Galantine des Poulels, a la Gelee: gues de Bouef, a la (Jelec; Pate do Gibic F.dem de Pigeons, Mayonunisu do Volaille. a la Parisienne; Salade de Volaille, a la Mode Arglaise. Entrees ; Vol an venl, nux luii tres ; Pelits Pales, uiirnie, a la Becliarnello ; Croquettes de Volaille, llis i!e Venn, sauce lomate : Boudins, n la Kiclielien : Filet do Boeuf, sauce ftla.lere : npreme ile olailio, nux champignons; Canards' B raise, iin.v olives, Frican deuu de Vcau, pica, mix Kpi-; nards; Pigeons, braise, a la Fiuanciere ; j Fricassee do Poulets. a la Chevalier : Colel- i etles do Mouton, sauce piipiante ; Au-ade do laille, game a la Jardiniere: Perdriv, 1111 i trufl, a la Periaodre ; Coleloltes do Veau, a la Bellevne : Salm do Canard, snavaae : I apereaux, a la Hauphine: Faisau, pica, sauce j nu champagne : Kpagrauimn il Agnean, a la Macedonie; Poulels a la llouiaine. Roast, Kibs of Beef, Saddles of Mutton, with cur rant Jolly, Loin of Veal, Legs of Million, Hams, wilh Champagne, Sauce : Turkeys with Cranberry sauce ; Geese, wilh Apph. Sauce ; Pigs, Capons, Chickens. Pucks. Pie- I M.,.,t.i.a tnnmor Pitv Ml ChlS'.flW. ! v . m ri t ,!,!., s.mnot.., .'iuiiicl, v...!...,.,.. , , - - . . .. . rr. . l ii 1 1 I". ofJust.ce, icoteu l lusiie, v oiormo Lui- merce, Statuette of Liberty, Statuette of Com merce, Arbour Kraneaise, Swiss Basket. Chi nese Pyramid. Moorish Fountain, Statuette of Britannia. Pavilion d', Froreuce Baskel, Fancy Pyramid, Fru;t (ilaeee, Indian Tem ple, Pyramid, a la Pari-iemie, Highland Lad die, Pyramid Napolilaine. Vegetables : Round Potatoes, llorso Rad:.-li, Parsnips, Hommony, Celery, Bice, Mashed Potatoes) Beets, Turnips. TMrd Course Game. Canvass Back Decks, Saddles of Seliuylkill county Venison. Red Neck Ducks. Wild Geese, Pheasants Bluo Wing Duck. Wild' Pigeons, Partridges. (Browned Potatoes. (Baked Potatoes.) Fiied Oysters, Terrapins Fourth Course Pastry. Apr le Pie. Peach Pie, Minco Pie, Cranberry Tails. Calvs Foot Jolly, (lavoied with Madeira, Vanilla and Strawberry Ice Cream. Lemon and Pine Apple Ices. t lJlU i- UHISC. l-run. . p iles, inan-es. ( Figs, Raisins, Grapes. Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts. Shsllbarks, Pecan Units. H'iiirs. Slill Hock and Moselh Rhenish, Haltenheim, 18JI: Moselle, Bianberger, 1841. Sparkling Wines Moi l, extra Cham pagne, vintage IS-Iti; Moselle, e.t in Seliaitz berg, vintage 1846, ain! a hosi of other excel lent wines too iiunierou lo niuiiliuii. j , . r ,.: ,. .,... Numerous devices in confectiouar, suita- hl to ihe occasion, decorated tho tables, and 1 S,k' that at which Capt. Mathews sat had a sugar 1 model of tho ''City of Glasgow,'' made to a ecale and in every part complete. Before Ihe final courses had been laul. many ut the ubscriber at a distance from iho president's table became impatient lo obtain a conveni cut position for hearing Ihe toasts and speak ing. Various efforts were made lo induce them to return lo their places, but lhe feast of reason was moro inviting lo ihem than the good things ol Mr. Parkinson. Thu-theio was nn unpleasant broach in tin; arrange ments, which, wo aie compelled lo say was not creditable to any concerned in it, uud which greatly inteifeicd wilh the icpmlers of (hi) press in Ihe discharge el their duties, by Iho confusion attending lhe crowding ui.d iulking in lhe vicinity of tho speakeis. Mr. Gilpin, about 7 o'clock, arose to oiler the first toast, prefacing il by a short speech, a iw hit in i riii iinntiriai iizvs u nu u r 111 ri' t .i ! . i .1 i braled'n furthering .ho commercial pros- ' i,erilv of our city. Ho coulially welcomed . Captain Mathews, and us a toast gave liie : hea'th of Caplain Mathews. May his voy. ; age through life be ns prosperous as the lirst voyage of tha City of Glasgow to the Cily of Brotherly Love." This was hailed with great applause', in the midst of which Caplain Mathews arose, and said that this was thu proudest day of his life. From his entrance into Iho Dela ware, he had been met moie like a pi nice Khan the humble commander of u steamer. fie had innumerable friends in this country, ritad when away he almost fell as if he had ltfl,bis heart behind. Ho had been employ pud on the ocean since 1812, and this was his iiflkillj voyage across tho Atlantic. Ho found mono nf the difficulties ho apprehended in en Henitre a.e Capes; and but fur lhe desiio of reactuug (be city in lhe daytime, ho could tiave xcice up during iho night. Ile was gre4;nUy l!is;poinled al lhe ease w ith which he navigaUea ol the bay and liver could be (Tuclv, fitv t a a mailer of surprise lo iiro'tha a tleaei communication w ith liuiope ibad not been.eJ.laWi4iiid long iuce. ,e wu niivineedt that lhe merchants of Philadelphia had flood in their own light, but hoped 'nat by the energy with which lft,t enterprise would be carried out, that ithey would nrke up for lat lime. Tho en tire (eommnniofcitioii along nho British ccuh WBi IHAV carried JII by flexru propellers, and bad al exlended lo Iho Medilen.uieaii ; for himself Le wu twiiiviuco! lhat .ii'pidlun weio niore economical and safe than side wheel steamers, and the performance of tho Cily of Glasgow had convinced him of Ihe fact, lie concluded hy piving, as ft toast, 'Prospoiity lo the Commerce of Philadelphia. The health of Gov. YVm. F. Johnson being proposed, he nnswered in an eloquent speech, which embraced valuable statistics of the domestic commerce of Philadelphia, which he promised to furnish lo Ihe Press hereafter. J'hila. Ledger. THE .IEP.ICAIT. SUNHURY. SAT1HHAY. JAM AIIY l", 1-'I. II. H. MASMlIt, 1'illlor nnil Proprietor. I. lWI.MKt' if our niith iri.fil niti'til to rcerive mli ei ipii l mlu-ninni! nt lii ntlii-e. in rinUuldpliin. .-- """" ". Am 1 " r,re..l.mou n the Mul.ry ; Ann iK'iui min'iitr 111'- (ItlitTritt lowitft on I In SuittjuHiuiiiiit lit ii'if i'XWiIihI h Yii;ilk-i ly liny vijt hiIIhIkiI in Nnrtli em l't"niis h'niitii. I DITOK S TAIILLI. ltiiiilPAS 'ollrn. By refrreiirr to our nilvrrlising columns it will be (iron that .Mrs. Fnlliurr oilers to ilisnnsp of hrr ' slock of Miliinerv inl Knnrv CondM at vrrv re- ,itll.rii Iiril.IWi f-H a t.illimT for tho ladies Uivi- Iut a rail. 0173" Blank Lenses for sule at this oHice. rr Pii.ti.u Ink. A few kegs for sale for cash at this oirice. y Oi n Noirriit:Mi!Ei:i.AMJ Pai.-kkt. Qr package of 1.1st week': jiapers or or- , l.,, ,i I , .. .. a i r . i ihtiniberland, was sent lo one of the Hotel in this place, early last Friday evening at the request of one of our subscribers from Northumberland who wished to take it with him. To our surprise we found it on Tuesday last lying in the Hotel. We re- : rrr.,1 llta iii.rnn,.linf,j cfp.iiirlintl,, nn II... ! .. , ,. . . papers contained iwo vaiuaote documents, tj)e (;overnors M,. an,l Mr. Websler's letter to the Austrian Minister. We shall ho careful to avo'd such an occurrence hereafter. dr" The weather of the present month, thus far, has been unusually mild. For some days the Sun beamed forth hisrays with as much warmth as in some ol the palmiest days of April. As for snow, we have had sjaicely any during the winter, the whole stock not exceeding six inches. XT .Military. The Dewait Guards commanded by Capt. Zimmerman, and the Funnels and Mechanics Artillerists, com manded by Lieut. Martz, were out on par ade, on Saturday last. This was the first appearance of the Artillerists in I 'inform. ! Iluth Companies looked extremely well and . made a liatuLome and soldier like appear ance, "" Co.umi-sionu:. We un derstand that (Jen. Win. A. Pcttikin of Money has been appointed Revenue Com missioner for this district, Lr-Sai.i: or the Daxvii.i.i: and Putts- VH.I.B Kaii. Roaii. Oil Thursday lastSherill Covert presented to the Court fur coiilirina- tion, the deed for said Road, lhe deed yas made to Munciire Robinson, Ksq., and Ceo. 11. Thompson, in trust for the bond holders. The road has not, as has been .stated, sold to the Trevorton Company. .Motituie Robitisun, under whose aus pices, as principal Engineer, (he road had been located, was in town, and manifested a lively interest in its completion, B'J" Pt:i -iiiknt Jrni.n or tiii Distiju t. Gov, Jnliiison appointed on Wednesday last the IIoli. Jus. Pollock, President Judge of this District, in place of Hon. J. 11. An- ' thony, deceased. The appointment was ' . i.. ..c.. .a 'vi . ... uiitwiiiiiijuM i cuiiiii nil. u. a ui? uppuinirueui . is an excellent one, and will be well re . , ... , , . ,!;,. , , ! j n r vi., , . . . .... ' ... ,ons ' UK Mt' 1 OCk wbltl- ' l'r l,e vvlU BCC,'l'' appintment. ; FX" Luc K Havi-v. A. J. (Jrier has re- tired from the Clinton Tribune and is suc ceeded by W. liolhrock of'Kellelbnto. The Clinton Democrat has put on a new drew. Mr, Crawford lhe editor has taken a part ner, but not a fair one, for in that respect, the Tribune says he "appears rather liaw- itHf iibel." Well there is some hope, so long as he is not incorrigible. A new saw mill is gningup at Lock Ha ven with a ganof CS saws. The Susque hanna valley is bound to go ahead. n A correspondent of the Lycoming (Jazette, from Trout Hun Hotel, says the biggest hog ol the season stopped at that Hotel some time since with a splendid horse and bug'y, called for water lor his horse and filed a tumbler, wilh something stronger fur himself, for all at which he threw down a short fip and left. IT" The Philadelphia Weekly gun, a double sheet, has made its appearance. It is a handsome heet well filled and well printed, aiid of course, with Col. Walla.ce at its head, it mu-t be well edited. Tke Weekly Sun has commenced the xibbca lion ol Marshal's l.if of WaahingtuH in its niui.bcr.-', a tnoat valuable Uiography. 1X1X1 IO OF V. HKSJATOR. i We congratulate our readers and Ihe pul lic upon the result of the election of Hon. Richard I3roadhear, as U. S. Senator, in place of Mr. Sturgeon. Our first choice, it is true, was Gen. Cameron, hut next to him, none of the distinguished candidates before the Conventions could have proved more acceptable than Mr. Broadhead. We have known Mr. II road head since his debut into political life, which was ns a member of the Legislature from Northampton coun ty, during the memorable Buckshot war, and afterwards as n member of Congress. Mr. Broadhead has always been a consist ent, aiid has always been, in ; Congress and out of it, in favor of protect j ing the great interests of Pennsylvania. I We therefore look upon the election ol Mr. I Broadhead as a preat triumph over free- tradeism, fjclionisiu and cliqueism. Asa .triumph in favor of the policy of the tarifl democrats, a triumph in favor of Gen Cass, ; and what will prove as gall and wormwood to the revilers and opponents of (Jen. Cam eron, a triumph in favor of that gentleman, vvhose Warrn personal and political lrielid he always has been. If the Chinese Mu seum was properly designated by the friends of Henry Clay, as a great National Slaugh ter House, when the friends of that great man mcrificod him in the National Conven tion ol May 1 SIS, what term should we .,.,;. (() tu. ,,blttoir nt Harrishlirg, i i i , i r H r...., which immolated, in one fell swoop, James ... . . ... . . r , ... , lsucnanan, junge nooowaiu, judge uiacK and a host of others of that genus, who have been Huts suddenly checkmated and overthrown. We are credibly informed that the pecu liar friends of these gentlemen Were per fectly willing to bring about in caucus, a 're-consideration and defeat of Mr. Broitd- head's nomination, but the firm and deter- ' 'I ' I II MUI II lUkCII OV 1111- llll'lllIS Ul urn. . , " , .. . . ., , Cameron, in nivor 01 ;ir. uroaoiiean, imicu all their efforts. The true ftiends of De mocracy and the great interests of Penn sylvania, have reason to congratulate them selves. The Hunkers and Free traders who would sell the Slate for a mess of pot- j tagc have been most signally rebuked, and suddenly swallowed up in a vortex formed by their own machinations. THE PUST.KiE ItllLI.. The following remarks by the editor of the Village Record, are to the point, and must satisfy any one that Mr. Chandler's, in regard to the Country Press, was m,t only selrUi and illiberal, but that a views he was enlirely incorrect. nut Government legislation has always ,een So exclusively controlled for the . benefit of city interests, that some members : seem to think that the country has no i rights, except the right of taxation, for the benefit of (he Government. The object of cheap postage, and tho only object, at present should be, to give the people full ami cumpieh'Tisive views uf whatever is interesting in their several counties. This is best done, and only done, lluough the couih try papers. (!o tins, ami inueli will be done attempt lo do more, and all may be, will ic lost. All the local allaiis, thu local politics, the candidate to liil the county ollices the local taxes, &.;., are discussed in lhe local pa pel s, and in Ihem only. The proceed ings of Courts, Commissioners, County meet, ings, are found in connliy pa pets, and are not found in lhe city papers. Tin scare thegreaj points of iiilercsl to Iho farmer and lax-payer of lhe county, ami he can obtain a correct nf them only in the county papers. It is a benefit lo himself, to thu stale ami to the county, to enlighten him. Tor all these ihings he is ilependeiil on lhe local papeis lhe local paper, is thmufore, an article J' lie' tensity to him ami tho question is wether Congress will allow him lo obtain il without a i tax, or whether the w hole system must be bro ken down, by connecting oi'iigii luxuries w ith it. A man's county is a minaiurr of his ciiuiiliy. Every man has a voice in its nliairs ! every man has a potent iulliience. To re gulate and govern il well, il must be well uu deialonj. Let i veiy cily, county and district attend well to its own allaiis, and our country wiU b" prosperous and happy ! But domestic I1i,Pp'i 111111 ""' "" 'r'" "i f.'.rmr papers throw light about Iho people's honu srVad. In cuiineclioii with lhe policy fostering the 1,u'l l"1'- "m' !-!:"" 11,1,1 P''"P'" "' ill! ... ;iii,I thnsM ol lht Ciiiiiiti v iin mil - - i ' ftal privileges under the present system From the conipaclnessof the city populalion tho oc:il papers are lieliveied vitliuitt postage ; this in not ami never has been lhe case in lhe country. The subset ibors to the country pa. per )ii pay postage. And yet Mr. Chandler would have riiuiil Our country subscri bei pay 1 1 1) i n h ft 1 s of dollars postages annually lo lhe C S. ; w hereas the Ledger's, w ith ten liiiifi the ciicnlalinii pay not one ceul ! This is equably with a vengeance ! Wn ask Ihe I country press lo siaud to their arms! T7? The Lycomiii'i; (Jazette in copying our notice of the prize wedding; in Trevor ton thinks "the enterprising gentlemen who have charge of Trevorton aftuirs would do wv" t0 t)lf','r a pfmium for the first baby." We are glad to int'oriil thf (Jazette, lhat, bachelors as most of these gentlemen are, Ihey have not even deemed this loo sinal) an "aflaii" to be attended to, and that the premium for the first baby, has been award ed long since, comparatively speaking. A ki:w days ago, a very imposing and costly tombstone, designed, for the remains of tha lamented President Hatrison, was landed at North Bend, Ohio. Tha family have not the slightest knowledge of Ihe parties from whom it came. Tu kb e is but one guideboard in the whole Slate of Rhode Island, and that points the wrong way and if a man asks directions) they set dog on him. HEATH OF 1103. JOSEPH B. ANT1IOMY. It is with deep regret that we are called upon to announce the death of the Hon. Jos. B. Anthony, President Judge of this (eighth). Judicial District, on Friday the 10th of January, inst. It was painfully evident to the ftiends of the Judge, for more than a year past, that he was in a rapid declin'.1. Disease of the heart, a dis ease which is annually making the most fearful ravages, and which seems to be con fined almost exclusively to our most dis. tinguished men, and men of professional mill spiliinf nl-tl tint'llu 111. I n.nnmlttl rltiritit ' ..,,,., ,,,,, ,.s the last six months, made fearful inroads' upon his system. Judge Anthony has long been known in this communitv. and has al- I wavs been esteemed (or his many virtues, & ' his'frank and generous qualities: Like his ! , , . 1 i lamented predecessor, lie IievI a host of! j Iriellds, wilh few if any enemies. As a i Judge he was upright and honorable, while j the integrity of his conduct has never been questioned. As a parent, and in all the relations ol private life, he was manly gen erous and aflectionate. We make room r.. it, . r n... . .iii i . lor the following extract Irom an obituary ..... . notice in the Lycoming Gazette : I departed this life, at his residence, in the ! borough ol VV.Iliamsport, on K.iday, 10th of January, inst.. ol disease of lhe heart, JM. : SF.PH It. ANTHONY, President Judge of lhe J Fighth Judicial Disliiclof Pennsylvania, aged ' 55 yearn, fi months, uud 22 days. ' j Joski'ii U. Anthony was born inlhecity of I Philadelphia, upon the lillh day of Jui.p, wja. r rom iiience tie removeil with Ins pa-i , .. , . , . , . f ,, rents al an early period of his life lo Merce, I W 1,1 "Pn 1,1,1 "" 1,,H of ,h" county, in the stale of New Jersey, where hi; i dying Panther sent him back a howling wilh received his early education. Whilst young, j pain, when springing to his leet the fern he journeyed lii the valley of ihe Wt-sl f.,,,,, animal run surne 20 nxi -tt.l f.;M il.-ail. Branch, and for a time, taught school in Mil. ! . ,. . .. , , H ton, Northumberland county, al which place! Mr. P, lo make sure, put Iwo addihonal balls he .studied law under the insiiuetion of thai : into him and then ventured to appmach him. very win thy m;i in, !Sami r:i. IIki-iii un. F.mi. , I... I .1... .....I.. ..f .1... I I... Having complete the slinly of the law, he i f llllii. .....I nl'lu. l. ! ,...i,,f ... i ... .t..i.. ... ill.: i ....... i I senco of about ono vear returned to Peunsvl- vauia. In the year 1813 ho was admitted "lo ! tho bar of Lycoming county, and located ' I himself at Wiilianrsporl, where he continued . ! lo reside until his dentil. j In tho year is;i(l, ho was elected by the . ! demncnilie party to Ihe Senate of Peniisvlva- , ... in uf me rmiu oi uou liner an ait- t ma, to fill Iho vacancy occasioned by the: death of Ihe lamented Col. Roukkt M'C'i.i hk. In the year 1834 he wj.s elected lo Congress ami Iwo yeais Ihereafler was re-elected to i Ihe same post bv an unprecedented majority. During ihe early part of the administration of Gov. Porter, the subject of our notice was' , nppoiuUM juuge ol t,u i Mchols.m com' of, i iniiiMiiiiiiiii, .nur iii .uaicn 1144. was np pointed by the same Governor. President i judge of ihe eighth Judicial District, in the riinin of Judge Donnki., then deceased ; and 'like his upright predecessor, continued to; ; di-charge the duties of that olliee faithfully ! unlil lhe day of his lamenteil death. It is ; proper lo state, :hat he held these various ! iieporlant stations, either by election as the j Deinocratie. candidate, or by appointment I under a democratic. Governor, and performed Ihe duties of those seveial olfices, honestly. ; foai lessly and impartially. ' ', l nr.ITU OF IIO.V J II. AV11IOYV. I At the meeting of the Court, held by the ' lion, the Associate Jadger. of Northumberland j county, in Sin. bury, on tho lfi:h inst., lhe ; j less than SOdOO, (not so much us she could Comt was addressed by Hugh Bellas, K-ij.; , make at a single concert,) and she is fully ia appropriate observations upon the sad ami 'determined never to increase it, for every ! solemn dispensation of Providence, in the: faithing of her income and earnings above sudden death of the late President Judge of what she expends for her own peisonal wanl" ! the Eighth Judiciary District of Pennsylvania, is devoted to ch.uiiy. Tho w hole of lhe funds I II was therelore moved that in testimony received liom her Aineiiean engagement, aie of regard for the memory of the deceased, set aside for the establishment of Common llie Court ilo now adjourn, ami being adjourn- ed accordingly. j The Judges and lhe members of tho Bar I convened, appointed tin; lion. Geoige C. I Welker Chairman, and Wm. J. Gieeuough , Secretary. On motion tho Chairman np- ; pointed II. Bellas, A. Jordan and John Por- . tor, fcsijs., a committee to prepare and rcpoit . appropriate resolutions. 'du that event" sho replied, "one sixth, of ! The following resolutions accordingly were my present income would suppoit me well in ! submitted by 11. Bellas, Chairman of lhe , Sweden, and at all events, it is as much a j committee lo thu meeting, nod nu motion of , ml v ,,,.1'son with proper feelings ought to ex j Alexander Jordan, Esip, unanimously adopted. ! pej j a year. So 1 am Mill ,lelt SjOllO per j .YsofW, That the members of lhe Couils . , 0r chaiiiablo puipose.;' A woman am! of Iho Bar, of Norlhumbei land county, wilh gm,, a mirti woli, jmleed he wealthy are deeply and sorrowfully peneliated by the ; jf K,R rs.scscd not a dollar in this world. 'deprivation suslainod by iho suitor, tho bar y u aml the community at large, in lhe sudden I death of thu Hon. Joseph B. Anthony, lhe President Judge of this Judiciary District. AV.nieii, That by this eventful visitation I of "tho Judge of all iho living," wo los. a i Picsidcnt Judge of unimpeachable iutegiity , and impartiality, possessed of uncommon ex- ; cellence ot heart, and of temper, prompt in decision, honest in purpose, of much experi. enco in practice, ol industiious habits, of ex- tensive legal know ledge, and in the dischaige of liis olhcial duties, -moie free from arro. gance. prejudices and predilections than is .,,.ir, ,!r vl. often experienced in Iho udniiiiislratiou of A,''.V.'. "r '"" 1 , a. w. 1. nn... Justice. II rsi. ni, That Ihe members ol iho Court. and of tho Bar of Ibis county, sj mpnlhie sincerely and profoundly with iho laniily and otiier lelations of our late President' Judgo in Ibis severe and atllictiug dispeusa- tiuii; and lhat Iho usual badge of mourning1 I be worn for 30 days in lelimouv of our re, ! gard for his memory, and for liis private and ; ( public , , .. . -,. . i .' i tut t-f. I Iml n sniiimi pn tin n iirumila, 1 vii lues. I . .' ... '. , , u i by lhe ( hainnaii to transmit lo llie bereaved ., ,. ., f.. ii , I ,, . i widow and tainily of the Hon. Joseph B. An - : , ., i- . ' thony a copy ol ihese piocecdnigs; with an . , .. ,- ii i i ir r nnnriiiirl:! n lt-!triit Clltlilole ICO fill ttelili f nl , I this uieeliug. llcM, That .he Kdilor. uf .he Pres. in I this judicial district bo re.pies.edto publish: tlieso proceedings. uu motion oi uenry uonuei, r.sq., ine ineei- r, n , , , , . ing udjouiued. GKO. C. WEI.KER, C'haUtnan Wm. J. Cbkknocoii, Secrelaiy. Tun Stamfoiui (England) Mti-rmv mentioaa a Mr, Harris, poulterer, of Spald ing, who lias at this moment bUOU geese (ceding in liis yard for the London Christ market. They consume twenty-five sacks of oats every day, and -P buckets of water. The tremendous cackling caused hy this leathered, congregation together with that of turkeys, guinea fowls, and other fowls innumerable, is indescribable. D.wui. YensTi:a died in Baltimore on Monday aged 5 moiithi. IATlllll shot. The well known hunter Mr. Charles Par- meter, o! this town, who has been out in Ihe woods the last two months decr-hunling, kill ed, a few days since in ihe town of Belmont, in Franklin County, a largo panther or cata mount, measuring nine feet in extreme length, and weighing 2-17 pounds Mr. Parmeter came upon Ihe Irack while hunting, and the next day, with a dog, started wilh Ihe deter mination to hunt him up. After a short dis tance he struck the trail and soon came to where, with a single bound, he had killed and I split enlirely open n huge buck, apparently earned Ihe same about twenty rods mid partly . ... 0llr, tnR carcase. Following iin in pursuit, Mr. P. soon came to a mountain ridge with hone shelving recks, in a chasm under one of which he f,,u"a P;""'''' "" llo- w' h'ur j cr,"c' nm! cx,'itbi,i"s5 ,,x,.rcme fear "'f"7 '" i vuU'T, when Mr. P.. 1)inif n ropo monntl Hip oc.s'.H neck, entered himself dragging Ins, ,Iot after him. The panther fled bv number entrance and look lo a very lall siMiioe tree near by. Mr. P. now climbed the ledge of; rocks overhead and thus found himself on a level with the tree lop and dis'aut about lifty j feet from the same. The panther was almost : hid in In; dense lop, but catching a glimpse ... . - , ,, of Inm lie died in iinick siiccesMou Iwo halls . ,. , , into his body, The Panther had now placed himself wilh pV(. Mf p j,, lhe altitude of spring- . - , . ., , . , "'ri when Mr P., having ijinckly reloaded both barrels of his gun. tiied( one into the i,; nf ,is pt.i) nnd tho other through his bodv, lhe fourth shot brought T,e dog having now r, him to the gained coin - Mr, p. intends lo bring him down in a lew . . ;ve nur oil i.ens a chance lo see ' , . , r , i . i. ""9 nlrHy l""nu w,"?u , agility, ferocity and tenacity of lite render; him monarch of the forest, and the dreaded j (,,,, f ,, nl0st intrepid hunter. Poftsilam ' v ' ' ' Ua'"r!l- Ji:nny l.isns wkm.tii. a conospomien, 0f j1L. Home Journal, has written a short aiti- : , whicll is 0j.r ,lc rounds of the papers ... , ,. s,al1"-' ,n:U J,',ln.v I'lml w"a"1' " 81.000,0(10. Now we have the following facts from a reverend gentleman, who knew hprR. j Sweden, and to whom boll, in Europe and Amerie;. she has imparled with the most childlike eoiilidence every partieu' lar in ivlalion to her pecuniary allairs, as ; well as to her future prospects ami intentions. ' Jenny Liud luis neither a sister or brolher - living. She lost a sister some years ago, but never ha. I a brother, notwithstanding lhe numberless stories to the contrary whicl, have been circulated Her parents are both living in quiet and lelirement al her native cily. Stockholm, being supported by ail adeipiale sum, put aside for that specific purpose by affectionate daughter. Jenny Lind's annual income liom y which she has laid by Schools in Sweden, and it is her intention ,to devote her personal services to Iho supei vis ion ar.d inspection of these schools. Her i overend uud veneiable friend once said lo her. "Miss I.ind, ( think that you should have a huge annual income secured to yon, that you might be prepaid! in case NUi, should lose vonr voice." EM'.t TION OF 1MTI I) M ATI S SF.N ATOIt llAltuislii itii, Jan. 11. The members of both biam hes of lhe Leg islature assembled at noon lo-day, in lhe Hall of tho llouso of Repiesentativti ti- the pur. nose of electing a Euited Stales Senalur, in ide. place of Daniel Sturgeon, whose teim ex- pjreS on the 4th of March next. j The Convention having organized, Speaker j Matthias, of the Senate, in thechair, prone 1 ed to balloting wilh Iho following result: Tii Tivtii'mt l!.iim M lr. Win ll.ii uii in 'I'll. Wliil,., ' :t' .1. .) ii !tn !,..v, 4'.. Slt-wnn. J Din I.I, I IV W. I'lllllilll, 4 J.'li,i A!!is,.i, 4 U. M Siios.t, limit!!' I'lminlcrs, ' "jun'U 17.' !o! . j, Vi'k',,'''' ': ""' ' "' Necessary lo a choice, Cli. Mr. Broadhead was then duly ehvted 1' Whiles Senator from the -till of Maivh next when Ihe Convention adjourned. F.iuToiifAL Hookbimiim; The Southern I w. proposed lo bind up certain newspapeis ' ( l II ! in characteristic, style, and encases the Wash- 1 ' ' ' , . , . j ington I moil in '-brass," and the c moa sug- ' . ,. , ,, ,, . "esls that the editors should add a cony o , , - , .. . . , ! llieir own paper, done up lieallv III hall-bind- n'1' "III I ina of sArrii ami calf. There is an eternal fit- " . . . . ,, . , , ,Mf- '" lhl" uml "'""y "' lht'u , Tamaii.a , , 11-1 committee annointed bv the late ltailroad 1 I I J . Convention to solicit stock to the proposer route alonz the rivet Lehigh and Tumaqua! have met with very pood success the Le - hi"h Register says. The amount of stock subscribed in Lehigh county will reach at least $30,000. The road will certainly be built, and that part of the same will be put under before May next. Novti, Case, In Gloucester, Mass., on Tuesday, John Davis obtained a judgement of 9 and costs against David Chandler and wife, the damage being that the latter had made certain dresses belonging to the plain tiff's wife and daughters in an unworkman like manner. The evidence was clear ; the dresses would not fit, ami some parts of them were put together w rong side out. AHorsb Storv-TIio Nashua Telegraph toll, , S0ry r a nur!,e belonging to Jose- pun Hiildwiti. who ono slippery day last week, had much difficulty in maintaining his standing in society, owing to tho smoothness f his shoes, and came lo some litllo bodily harm in consilience. When he was unhar nessed, Ihe teamster lefl him lo his head, not doubling that ho would go directly lo the sta ble, us ho always did. lustend of doing so, however, ho passed by tho slable, and went directly lo the blacksmith shop of Vincent & Woodward, were he Im.l K.... .1....I ,., months before. He was found there patiently "wail ins his tour' lo bo '-shnrpeiu.'dM with seveial horses. Cul.Kt;Nti:nrox Smith, a icspeciabln mem ber of the Philadelphia Bar, died nt his resi- iI.mii-c near the K.-ingSun Village, ,, ,i10 , ,. , """'' in ",0 fi0!h "w,r ol llis "e- t.l Ji KM An inU-n i"-nl fanner in tho town ol I.ewiston, related some time since a remarkable account of ihe cure of a fiuo hoise which, in tin: act of ploughing, caught his loot in a mot, and tore it paitly oil', lie immediately cleaned out the dirt, and applied G. V. Merchant's celebiated Gargling Oil, replaced the hoot, bandaged it up tight, soaked it occasionally villi the Oil, and in two weeks ho was able to use the horse, A pamphlet of description may be had gra tis, of the agent. j a. i j " Nild by II. .Massor and other Dm .'.gist tho Coiled Slates. ANOTIIKIJ SCIK.NTiriC WONDCI5 ! , PKPSIN, k True Miirstive Fhml, or (iuflrie June! A greal Dvspepia Cmer. piepaieii' from liennet, or lhe fouiih Stomach of IheOv. ; after directions of liaion Liebig, the gieat 1 Phvsiologieal Chemis'. bv J. S llongluon. I M.'D.. No. II Ninth Kiglilh St reel. Pliiladeb phia. Pa. This i a liuly wonderful remedy lor Indigestion. Dvtioi'ia, .laundiee, l.ier' Complaint, Couilinatinu. nod Debilitv. etiring i .... V . . .1 I after Nature's own method, bv Nairn .1... ' I .1 ... V ' .. I . agent, the Gastric. Juice. ISi-e advertisement ! in another column. O.i t!ie 5th ins!., by the Ib-v. R. Duenger. Mr. l!r.l'iu:s W. Zah i man. of Jackson I p. to .Miss IIkmuktta FiiKYMllti:, of I'oltsville. On the 12th in-l., by tin; same. Mr Moses Br.issm., lo Miss Maodui.i'N.i Si iir.KWi:ii.i:n, bolli of 1'pper Mahouoy. On lhe 9th inst., by J. II. M.-rtz. V. Poi'.rit, to Miss Hannah Baldwin, both of Lewi-burg. In Milton, on tin; "lb ins!., by I'ev. Rev. Mr. Gere, Rev. John Moki.hkaii, lo Mi-n I'.i iutii'.Tii Swkni:y. In llie saon; nlaee. on lhe same dav. bv uuv. Mr. Loua. Jacob Bicmiuuiinf.k. lo'.Mi-s Catiiaiiink Mti.l.s. both of Noilhumbcituiul county. i,x -,t .i . t . t ; . . i... .t . i ' liaiivii.e. on me io.u ui.-i., ine i.i'i. ,lo-:-p!l 1. l'.lM'gootl. .Ml. AMII'.I. .M I' II Click 10 ?diis l.i. i n r.TiA liKNUii:, bolh of llm iibove place. In Mihon on 'i'uesday la-l. by the Rev. Mr. Gear, Rev .loll.'. Mooki.1,! i:. n to Miss I'l.lA nr.iii Swi:v:m:v la Norlhuinberland. on Tuesilay, the l l:h by the Rev. J. G. Oyighoad, Mr. W.m. I ; l.ouii K.. ol ille, to Mi-s M ',l(.AIil.l' Van ih.i.m;, of the !oii;u'i place. e i i: i, In Roai ingerei k Ip., I'tiicn cu., on the J i L inst., (ATI 1 A iii Nl., widow cl' Ihe late A lam .Meusch. In Derrv, Moniour co , on lhe fith int.. DAVID P.'. in hii'th year, ton cf Vim;mi De. In M Kwensville, on the 3d (nst., HAN NAH, d.iuglller of I'etcr k'olchner, iiyed 4 yeais In Kint'stoii. on l';n 4th iusl.. at ihe resi dence ol Madivon 1'. Myeis, M.RTl' A MV I'.liS. in her ilOlh yi'ar. Mis. M. was a sui viver ol lliu Battle of Wyuiing, and is sup posed lo have been lln; last pei.inn livm; jtes.,ed the hoi rois ol thai bloody day and ' night. Li Lower Angiisia, on the 5th iusl., Mr JOHN KBRIGI1 1', aged h5 years. tn Cattawi-si, on the 1st inst., JACOB YV'.TTKR, aged about JO .U'iin, as one ol lhe Coniniissioneis of Columbia county, and a, member ot the M. E. camcli. In W'ashingtoiiville, Montour coiinlv. oalhe C,lh iusl , Mr. DAVID DYfc, aged gU years. In Danville, on 1'rnlav lhe 1 III ti inst., Mrs HilLK.N MAitlll.N. wile'nt Henneville Rhodes. L,p, and daugliler ol the late Dr. D.ivid l'e tiuiu, agyd 2S yeais. 2 inoiilhs and le.ilays. OBITUARY, Died at lhe r.esideiice ol Mrs. R. . Paekei, ill this place, nil Sumlay inoiiiing last, ii . JAM'. BLACK, aged about o-' m iiis. The deceased was a native of tiiis place, ami in which she has always lesided. She had long been a member of the Presbylei ian Chinch and was always highly eslecuii d for her exemplary conduct, high lone of meral character, .ii. I lu.r it, It'll, . -1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 , 1 1 . i i 1 1 , i . 1 1 1 ller disease (Consumption) gave her warning j mine than 20 years since, by sluw but coriaiu sli ps, that her earthly career w as draw ing lo ! u close. She lived, however, to see a nu, merous family, (ihe children of a beloved I sister.) to whom she was devotedly attached, grow up around her, who now sincerely mount her Iii -F.n. Amkkic.vs. 1)C iUavkcto. fhiladelphia Market. Jan. i:, is;i. Fi.ovu. TIkmo i- a fair supply ot Flimr, but litllo iim i n 1 1 v . Uuot.Jim.K Itu t'.viMiii H-'i; iiMiiil sa'l.-s sue at frl a SI 87 F-Mirt Hour 5t5 -a tii- liVK Fl.oi'K Is K.'IIin- ut tHN Mkai.--U still hull at -A 0). WllKAT-l'iiees aie oteadv : sales uf prima I Southern and l'enna red al (l.iclsiil ('- ', ! prime while nt SI 01 u!l 11. Cukn. is : worth fit a (iii for new yellow. ' I!.-.. '11... 1..., ...I.. ..-.. .. Til (f l ,l1 f. . I lie niri "inn .is. li 1 I v ' .1. : ....... , ... ...... i... r I'A.-TrlMI, ail imw ln:tli,n . - 'i prilll0 Pl,nml fl0m 44 l0 43 Souihein ells at 43 cts i Whinkcy. Sales of Whiskey in bbs. at 26c j and hhds. at 25 cis. SUXnURY l'RICE CUKRHNT. Whut, . Km. . I'uax, . Otrs. , BiTTta, . twin, . a. Tallow, lli:twx Flu IUi klku Km. UmiD Arriks. Do. I'tituts. ll'O 56 51) y7 16 10 7 1S5 10 S5 8 10 :ti New Advertisements. KOCJiVFY AM) PMNSlUN AOKNCY. The Blti ution of the public is csllrd lo the ad oitinpriiriit of Mr- Chrps C Tucker, Attorney unit Aent nt Wnshigton CitV' Persons hav hH clniins fur liounty Lands or Pcnsioni arc in I'uruii'd thnl the sulmrrihrr has mmle arrangements for the rrijuisile forms, nntl cluiiuaiits culling at his oll'iic, cun have tln-ir papers prepared and forwiinlril to Mr Tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before tho De partment there. II. B. MASSER. Smibiiry, Jan. 1, lf51 Mirllinmlitrliintl County, ss. In the Orphinis' Court nt Jimuury Term, A.D. Is.'il, uu the 1'rtition uf JJniiii l liring ami Catha rinr his wife, lute Cnthiirine MorriKon, one of llio heirs of Saniiii l Morrinon, lute of the llurough of M iltnn, lire il, lhe Court grunt a Rule upon u,,,;,,, Vrrisn... i !"!', J'."'!'V 'Mo.r'i' nl (.nnir, Aunty Mo intermarried witlijolin W or ison, iiili rinarried wilh Dnu- Morrisou, internnrrieil with io- h!i Pri'iilii'p, SiiiHiiel Morrison, Mure ileccusrd : leuvinir A wiiluw Marinli Morrison (anil no issue,), now of lhe Mule of Illinois. Sarah Morrison, interinioriiil wilh M'illinin Kennrtlay, Charles. Muni-im, nnil 1 1 i-n rv .Mi rrison, Margaret, Mary and i'mnkliu Morrison, heirs nnd representatives, ol said iliv'tl. n niiinir.' tliriu la aiineur nt Ihe sta- lid Orphans' Court in April next, then und ihero 10 accept or refuse the snul cst.ilc ut the vnluutioii Ihen ol. nnil in r ise all the lieirs and represrnla Hm s, refuse so to do, or lo lake the same, then to slio.v cause if any ti.ev Uave wliv the said premi ses siioulil not l;c snlil Mi'i'uidiii',' lo the act of A- leiohly lo sunt eae m.uli', c. t.'erliliiil from Ihe reenrils of our s;i'nl Court at Sninlnuy, the Iflh iia of J,intiar , A. D, 1851. l!v order of the Court ) John 1. fur-ell. Clk (I. ('. j January, IK, l!s.")l. (it. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'TjUK iniilersigiieil Auditor nppninled liv the ( Irpli. i:is' Cmnt ol .Norlhiiiiil'erlaittl eoiiulv to make i'.;Mri!iitf.iu lo nnd iiinon the heirs of Leoiiiinl I'louis, iIit'iI., hereby nolil'ns all er s.nis nili'i-ested, that he will ntlenil lo the duties of his appointment on Ihe ,"ili day J'YIu'Unry, A. 1). ISol, al Ui oYlock, .. M., r.t liis ollire iii ihe Bur-, ouuh of .uii!iur . ( JIAS. J. JI:i;.:K. Auditor. Suiibnrv, .Inn. IS, l.'il, rCCKET BOCK LOST, no Ki:VA 111)- T ST ;Hin!:.y tlic ! 1 ill iml., nn the Tul llA I'Hii" lirn r.Mt!, I.'u (uvtr-p ('ourail'f larniiiinl tltis ,liM, a .'lu'( hoi'k CDiiliiinin a ylO iititf nj' the .M liters' I!, ink ot t'ottsvilli. uinl a -y.i uric mi the 'im niii'4' I'ahk. AUun bolditTK ilischiirt' uf .Ichn lritiiit, und uiher t;ijitrN. A it ward will i-e n'v tut hc roenxerv of the Porlu't ant! foiili'itN h li;tin',' it ut this t'liice, (r viih the suh.M-ritu r. JOUX I.A'i'tSHA. J;m !;on t;., Jan. H, 1 S." 1 . '.'A. NOTICE "tSi:in !. Liven t !. n t lefers 'iVIaini'iilarv liavo in-ee iraiilt il lo the sulnrriiiers on the cstuir of the Iv'ei. ,h:s. Knv, late ol the l!orou:;ll of .'or 1 1 1 , s u 1 1 i i land, ilee'd. All persons inih'hled to said eUile or h.i iii: rl.tiiris a jaiust the same ve re- ilie:i'il le i'a.I on liie si,liiTi.n is lor setticillelit vit!ioi:t i.elay tainuS.'Listltl. Jt the re-l.itfiii'e ill (.'. 11., Nor- ,'AMr.s KAY. ) (. 11. KAV. s Kxeeiitij Norll.i A'i erlitial. .I .e. is. Isjl. (il. Ui;i-i ( i'i;iv i'.s. l-ci;'.nr iL's'n iii.u ii!' di -i oIii-r uf licr iHK ek of MIL VSjUV! -I.VKRV AND l' N( V !UV GOODS. Ii'iiily in. riu.s th.- i;!.i:e ih ., she w ill sell line si.-ek Ti"v.' i. u hand. ei'v reiluecd ller sio.'!v is iii-iii.. 1'iiul'iiu a.sso;tiiirut ot I'alile lliiliiiim Alsi 11 lot of fusil. In r e: lu.-hii' inii.d'ie Fancy D v t'n.uls, eonsi.-iin in j.-jrt, of Eitbcits, Gloves, il'c-vlery, Handkerchiefs, and h. in. 1i nne, el -.lions kinds, tor la i.ii s iliesi s. i:i i'.!.:"i'i F(ili.mi:r. S'll'tirv . J.m. 1 s.', I. -)'. "V (I'l'ICl'. is heie 'V i i v i i i ilia! i red heiler with- out inn ii-. ami aiiout leu neji'lis old eaine to the iei.!eni e of lhe sul.seriticr al lOlvslnir, Slium el, in io usliii, in li tolu r last. The owner will please coiiie larwaril irne property, pay charges ami take it at:iv. W II.LIAM (J. K.?13. !,ur s .1 in. 1 ', Is.",:. it. NOTICE. eli-rlien of oliiir r .'I'The Treioitou, Ma hoiio inal sius,i:ehiiiiii:i Rail Rend ( 'oin piin, . ill he held on nlnesihiv, .liiiiuarv '.'th Hist, at i I'.'v. u o'l l ii k, A V at tiie olliee of the Company, -'o. 1 "i Seudi Thini St, . I'liil.nlelp'nij. i li.l.i 1 TA Vi.di;, Sc. n lory .Ian I.;, is:. .- s i: -c 'h-a b-: ii t I'ouiity land and Itiision Agency, WAjiZIIiGTOW. I. C. .M".'!... All "il' lll'l I .' ' I H'l'.l i .i;rtlt Ut tilt. .1-' .i ;' . l. ti! . M-i ii-i n iii .ri.'iiriiiii I- .U.'l I'. I.'.' I'.. I I l' . rull'l. .1. Ili'llii.' IH-I- I.U, i.h I . Willi II lll.'I- f ."Mi t. ir ills. . K....M,:.'n. iin,! , S I :,.'l I IT 1.. I'.I I 1lVoriJ'llllll I .1 "t llliTll II III I'll- I .',!) I.,.. - l IHU !,. I , S ..! H ilt .'11 ol l' '. Ilr a tit..- A. 'I ol' I', 'ur. ...... U n : I T V l.ullit III p.'llllltll to u:ir ,.i Wej. unit ol r li- vnn T . t.'iei.'' wl' i i-r i ii nun; a -V, rii',1 l - 1 1 r in .iillm so .1 i-iii- m. iilll In nrre. i n imiun WM. miii ,. 1 1,1 ii""' l,.tl ui-lis: In Hi M' I I III nllis Ui'Iim; hi t Hi WU'- M.M V'l i- !. n ii. .!. iOi ruti' lll' ll 'l 111 ,ii I i! i.'.-i. .i..s i lii,- I'.-iiiitrv. ..r j tl ti;...l II II I I V:IIT ;.l ' ;il.- "I Uu ;i:ilfli:ii. w'lfll li'llllli ; l' ,r Hi,- ;;, ll,-t I ! I:i.t-s; r.-ll.-i'll. II nl :i inr:ii Law lnihldisii, in in.ui, I. ill I fit III ut UilMiiili' . i,.l,.ti;,,l.ili ,1 lalnl.' ili'lilii ; iiikI l.T I n t'ui'.. ;i"l u '! '' On' iiiii.-i-i-iit s-.ius ui.ii r,.t'iii..iti. II,- It-nil, is !iik s.-r, li'i I ' lli 'il:li''l lillltlll-l". Mill II '!'-l I.'l 1 1' I S IIJ'IM..' 11' liiir"! f ii I ' il l" ii'. wiil-'il'i l" tin- pri'icw-i 'ii nt a t'M'Tiniiii'. ri re rc lijli Iut in'cil tv. unia'';.!;,,! r:'n'.,i'-' nl in.''' iii-: : i . in!.iilii:tll'it ci I :i filici ,! u! nrv!t Tilfit nl lliix 1 U- luiliisiM 'l li rt-jiiwi l'.ut'-fc'"lKlrntti Wllh- fin cliuir llliV , ll M l li i, I' (siim irl 'I'ifiMmi mi" l"ri"iiU in thrnnnv r II ll ' Ii 1 li I ill! t!if iihIm'hI:iis Utl 'W'll tfifir .'jctlirt wait :i 1 I mil-iin, lur. uml lliuiv t-iicjin- i ii will If r. jili'-iM" 1' ri-iurn ol in:iil. Ail c 'Uinmima- li n Ut ic (I kEi'AUK,' u ii I fhl'ln-ufefd l" 11 lil.l i. TlCKKIl, i it;:, v.i i w-jxiimijt.'u, u. c. p..-Ui!i.-r Estate of JOHN IIAMOIt, Deo'd. V'-'U'i: U lu-rrl.x kIumi tlul Uivr oi u X itr;ni.m l-.avc Won K.antr.l to the i I ' t,f J,h l''or- tl,ML; lu-rehv tiieu thai letli rs of uihnin- iiihsrri- Inle of I'oiiit l.nMiliiii, .Norlliuiulierl.inil eiiumv. All imli hteil In Kii eslnin. or having elunm rmiiiioit Ihe mine, ore reipu sleil to cull oil the uh-r scrihers lor H'ltliuiiniil. ABKAIIAM 1IAMOR.1 tVMI r:i. M VMOK, Ailin'rs. JOUX IIAMOK. ) Point township, Jan. 11, ls3t (it. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. VVVni'l! i licrel y given to the Collector of 11 .1trtl11nnU rl.inJ louuty, that tliocewbo do not set lie and pay oil' llie amount of Uut placrd in their Imnds tor collection 011 the ITlh of Feb ruurv, (on which day tho CoinniUhUXirrs wil ineei to muke any exonerutiou that my Iw nr cessarv,) thev will l ileult with x corduie to law. ' ( HARI.F.K UKAVEK, ) WILLIAM AV11.SOX, IWn. CHKlsTIAN A1.11KKT. Kiuihury, Jan. II, IS51 fit. VTHMXU IlD t'TliESUi-asI punipa, anU ' nipple tnlie A auiplv of them vwrlul aril-i-lea iusl received and tir sale bv JOHN W FKIMXti isiuihc", Jan Is'. ISM if