ecth"s tr- VisoTniR sncsiwic www. ' IGSSTSVE ..risTJSD, j VoaaJA'o'S'SPBrsiA.ctrnsK, pirsrand from RENNET, or U.a fourth Stomaeh of tht 1 Ca. aftsr qiraotious 01 ai"' ........... Physio.ogic.1, by J. 9. HOUGHTON, M. b., No llNprtVEighUilret,PluMtlptua, Pa.. This' is a truly' wonderful remedy for IX0!r,KTlON, l)riPEP(IA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, T CONSTIPATION, snd DEBILITY, Curing after Na litre1! own method, by Nature's own ojsnt, tha UaMric Juice." ' ' ; t3" Half i traspnonful of this f mid, Infnted In wster, will discst or dissolve, Frv Pounds ff Koott Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. . , DIGESTION, ; TMGESTION id eliicfly performed m the Mnirarh hy the id of ii Hind wliich freely exudes from the inner rom I Unt ofrHju when in Hale of health, failed thu tiitstna Juice. Tin fluiil is tins Great Solvent of the hood, the Vurifvlntr, Preserving, mid tinnilntini? Atrent ni the st,i raaeli aiui intestines. Without it there will he no tnros li.a, no c mvern -n "f fo,l into hi sal. uml no nuiriiion of ihe hmly ; hut r.i'her n foul, torpid, painful, nuililcsiriic tive. e-wiiiluii oi lha whole digestive iipputntus. A wi-nk, huh', or injured stomach produc-a ii" Rocd iciMtic J'liee. uml hcuca the disease, distress nud deiilily winch tusue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. ' PKPSIN it the chief element, or great Pitrestin? Pr'-nel- j pie oi the Oustrii! Juice, it is lounil in grcil nnuiioancc ,u the ihd puna of the human stomach mi ilenih. and sniue Ynucs cuics the stoi,v,ch M itipcsi itself, or cut itf,cll up. It is nl found in Hie s'.-.nmeli "f minimi, us the ox. cull, ci 4t i Hie material used hv farmers in making cheese , f illed Hentic.i, the eiiect oi which has Ions been Hie apeciul vvoinicr , f llie dirv. Tun eur.i.iiic of milk is the hrt l 'o ecus ef t!im4ln. 'neivi-t P l 'nisliing P'vver Tlic M u.i .eh of n enf will ennlc-necilyniic thousand tunes its own vveiirht oi lui'.k. Baroi l-icl'iit Hutes Hint, "One. purl of I'eps'.n dissolved in MMy '1 - 1 P1"1" '"' wulei, Vrtii dii-eit moil ami other lo nl." Diseased stomichs pro- In, n it "1.1 !,. i i.- Jioe.-. Itennel or IVpli. lo ImW .thm tlim want nny he pHierlly mpplied, we quote ihe ml- "scientific EVIDENCE ! nXflOV in his i-lehnited Work nn Aiiimr.l riiciiiis'iy, iv: "An Utilh-ial DlK-Mive fluid iinul: !, to Ihe Hantiie'.lllti'e. limv he r.iiiillv ire:,areil I rom tne inu ! i,il,; r .i ii lie. iiiii h'-mthim. inr. - . ...i ... u -i nrlieh.s of fiHl. up nieit and a.m will I hi sofiene.l. elianij 'e l, and dhje-ted. tust in ihe s;utie inauner ns they would h. f4.. ,!,( (Si,i'.e t iteet, Pr. l'I'.lllllll A, in his famous tre-dis.- en "FoM and DIM." iwhlished bv Fowlers A Wells. New Y-irif. pane W states the saui" fuel, and doerihes the methoil I ol p'e,nratiou. Tneru lire few tiijj-lier mithoritles than lir. "Verelra. , . , Hl .CflMlllv. in his vilual.le writimrson Ihe'-I'.iysi olo-y , Of T)iiTes!ioil.: o'nservedtlint 4a dllitliuu ion of (tie due quan tity of the llastric .llliee is a prominent mid nll-pniiirtme , nl llvrtnense, V unit he s'a'.es I an a u.s i.ii.hi-h d .e..rvAr .,i' e,..,li..ii,f in l.'Mfloa. v!l , WHS sevei lillla .1 u...l. !.;, ,....nln,,,, Cna.,.., eeerv thin" else to I all. , had ' lecourse lo Hie (iustric Juiee. ..hlanied l"r, ill Hie Moniaoh of ' llWiie anim ds. which proved completely sneeesslul.' ' Dr. OK AH AM. author of the famous works nn Veire talile )liet,:' savs: "it is a remarknlile fuel in phyaiolouy. thai the st uuachsof aniulals. lu water. iniol t the fluid the propeiiv of dissolvimr vnri mis articl's ,, food, and of en'eetinir a kind oi nrtitieial ilip-siion oi them .in ll' wise dillereitl Irian the ntuur-Jl oiireslnr pna Dr. SIMU.Vr work, llie i.iiciin.-.r; it X llla,.,.,,-.l Phila IMll. nn SaVS .Ma 'Tliedis- cn-ery oi l'FJ'SIN forms a new era in Ihe elieniieal history of ni.'esiion. from rc-'-iii expciiin"nls we know that l'iHl is dissolved as rapidly in an nmfiend ilij"sme fluid. I prCi;ioiil irora 1'cpsin, ns ll is in the natural llasltic Juice , "i'lofe-sor nrNf.MSOV of th JefiVtsin Polle-e. Pliiln- i delphia. in hia prent work on Hiunan l'hysioh -. devntea ; in ie. tiian tiflv paies to an cxaiuiaiuioniol this snt'jeet. His experiments wilh Dr. nevuiiioni, on the teiMnc .luice. 1 Miraiiied from the iivins human stomach and from nuininls nro well known. '-In all cases."' he says, -diir-siion occur- red os pcrieciiy in tnc a.'tih -nil as in tlx natuijl digestions. ; AS A DYSPEPSIA C.TUEU, I t Dr. HOKGHTflN'M preinimi ion of PI'.PSIN has prorlu- ; ,eed uie iu-bi inarieil iti. eti'-eis, euiiim ciikcs ol bclauty. i Kinaciution, Neivous Dei hne. and Dvspeptie Consumption, I S Ippos-.l lo he (III the lei) verve ,1 Ihe eravc. It is im- ) possilde to (rive the ih lails ol'eas. in the limes of Hns ad- verlisanient hul uu' 'te.tlie ded cerlihe.des ha'-eheen aiviai 1 of nine than TWu III !i!i;i 1EI'..M AIIKAHI.IC 1 t'l'HKS. in Pliiladel, hei. New York, and Boston alone. : 'I'liese w,.-re in-aily ali d.-sperne eases, and the cures wiie not onlv rapid lllni wot,. I. a ial. ! til p-nn inenl. ; ll is ii sruid Nlili ULr AN'l'il)TK, and parlieultirly , useoil ot.lcisluiicy I i ii s iin, oici, Liver ioinpiai..i, itiplai..!, i I eiei una ,mi i f liao, tiw ttoi r ver ami o, evil ell'-ets ,,i l(.i;aili' Merruiy, uud . tiler dnt;s upon H e itiiiestlveoriiiits, aiii-i a I a., kick ness, .!- i, lor excess ill e.iltti-r, nnd Ihe t'" ir-n- ie of arileul spirits. It almost reivajleilrs Il-enlth with h;te!.t)w..i'i;-c. ' " t lf.I1 C'tl.! PLAINTS. Ttieru is no form of t H.D t -which it does not s,i'-m t i le.-i Blalier hoi.- Iwid Ihey rtaiy Is 'Lll-F! A Minii, ll I. -t ee -I'dMAfll CDMI'LAIM.i eh a,, 1 reiitove :r on.-e. N't, . it i,IVK! INSTANT rtj- ,e.s ail t!te mil ;,jt.-a,t: s; a - M nn;.-. and it oalyn -ils t i h. make I'i,-.,. i"Ni.l ett'-i-s p. o ta ami ML ,H UF Uuii'i , i .i! exeelletU in eases of .voisea. of the pit of the Sl-aiea'u di at.. I, lot I s'.t at 'Tie. to . I'I 1MTV OF HLni'U : auf. It is peril. aii.oly i.i. a:. Cramp.;. s.o,-t,ess alter cjituiy. loll', coi,!, a-ti-SS of Spil its. 1 Irsp Blfite ol the III , .'!. IJ--U lie1 ileis'V. Kinacmtioli. e.-,l.uess. I--I..I cut-.' Ac. Price, ONE DOI.I.AII per h ttle. .o InsaiuU, r-ui- Onc houle will ofieii i tTein a lastiuc cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS. XST PENT HY .MAIL, l liJ'.i; OF POST.u.r,. For c onviiieuce of sending to all parts of ihe eonirtry, the 0Hi-l;tTI K .MA TI'LIt OF TIIK I'HI'SIN is put l.p in the form of Powd-rs. with dirt u- t ' tie dissolved m waler or -.Tiin, hy the palicut Th-se powdeia C'lntruii jusl lite Siiuie uialti-r us Hie I, .tta s. I.ul Iwiee lie- qiitu.tite ( -for the same inter, and wit! he sent liv mail, lltl.hoi POSTAUK, fir ONE DOI.LAU seni p -si -paid) to Dr. J. t. HOL'lillTON, No. II N'.irlh Einhili street, Philadelphia. Ps. fclix packaget for five dollars. I-'.very mckieie nud bottle bcurs the writtea signature of J. !. lit il lillTON, M. 1 , aale Proprietor. S4d tiyaireiits in everv town in ihe l"nited States, and by leapeiiuihle dealers ill Medicines peuenilly. FOR SALE BY John W. Friling, and fieorge Jirighl. Puiitairy, fa. r Mury A. .MeCny ! . John' II, Unset . Havea A .MeCortniek, ' r. J. Cruise. J"hll fi. Iteiui. Willuun Depplli, ftunhurv, Supt. Mlh. lwn. NortluiiiiheraUid. Milton, MeKwensville, Seliusyrove. I'pper Mahanlans. Mahoitov. FAMILY" G?.'03ZP.IE!3. DAY 1 1) I'KA S K . ' W. Corner 6th iV Arch Sir'rt, Philadelphia. HAS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groce ries at the very lowest prices, viz.: Extra Fine, superior snd common lllack and firceu. Teas ; old tiov. J iva and oilier kinds of Collie, all .qualities ui Crushed l.i'.-ht Jlrown and Brown Sugars ; best Sperm Oil uud Sperm and Aniantine Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and ltroma; Farina, Tupioca, Sugound W'hciten Grits; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces Maccuroni, Vermicelli, English Split 1'cas, At They will pack up-nil Roods for Ihe country neatly and securely uud deliver them promptly at .any Depot or Hotel its debited. DAYH) PEASE, S. W. Cor. till! cc Arcli Sis. Philadelphia. Aug. IT. 1S30 lyMay t . ' TONIC MIXTIT.E, For tiif. Cimik of Fkvkh and Ai;ue. War- j ItANTtl). I i npillB nnri inediriue nuiy be reiied on when near . X i' ad olhei rciiii-dl,- mil. it vattiti is not mlticiently known therefore, llie proprietor desires to enliir-.'e l!. . Sen! iS' Its liseitilnrss by tuakini: known Its viltuesai.d elti cacy to i1h)UiiuJh ul' sulierers wliuare a It owure lliiil they j oau be Kii-dily und rudii-ully cured nf I . ' . FEVI'.n AND Alll'F,, j without the use nf poisonous tlrnirs, nauseous potion or I the deleterious efffetsof quinine. It is otl'ered o the puh . lie at a tow price u, place it within the reach of nit. assurwd tliat Ussus wuo use il iiccsribiiR, to direi'Uons will nud ll a ! aufc and sHrcly cute for p Fkvir asp Ibit'E, j . It is lu a diss'rreeatile niuiseaiiug pommil hut an nirree. ! able tome euleuluted lo remove Ihe disease and -ive healthy j action to llie sloiiuieh uiut Is.wella. i j . Pfs.rtil only by Mnrslull A Co., and s id wholesat'-s ! an. relail I, if llowund A Son. No. Ol ,,i,h rt-h Street. I riiilidetnlnn. Price SI per single bottle, and syj per do. Jnuuti's, IMio ly BLANK DEEDS printed on the bust quality ef parchment paper, sold at the lowum prices nt this ol'ica', by wholesale and retail. u i v BLANKS. LANK.S uf every description con be had by appiyiu"; at thcultice ot Hie Auiencau. PURE "WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESER VING, iust received and for sale bv -' . II. B. MASSER. r "S-pt. 28, 1850. V-s I '188LE PAPEIL Vcllow Tissue poner for covering glasses, &c, for aale at the ulhee ol lh Aniariean. . flEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin y JL T i-'otupany. Fur sale by J. W. FK1LLNO. ftinibury, Dec t, 1148 . r. FNOUm WRITING FLUID AND C0.N. J ORtHi IN for !kl at Out Itu. . ' - ! LZVIl COBIPLAINT, JAUNDICW' t)YSI'EP?IA," CIlUONfC OR ' NEHVUVS DEBILITY. DISEASE (IF THE KIDNEYS, AND fill ttWcpKCRnrtflinB from ft dlsnrrlf'TM livnf or Ito i'jh. iucIi naroiifllijRitinii, Inward VuHupm. or I'lud t" th(i head, Aculily K the yiomach, Mnuon( Hftiitl-nrti. difurn-'t for rwd, fulhitvs r w-iclit hi lite it"mnch, sttrKrnrriti'n. iukino"if liuttcrin et the pit r f the Sl mnu h. mvimming of the htjul. hurried find rlifllrult Lruihiim, tl I'N ring at tiioheai l, clinking or auflouating iwiiMtliiua whtM in it Ivmg p'-Plurc, Dituneu of vUi'm, dun or wehi heiVrcthe tifthl, Fever und dull pflin in the hend, rielicient y of perspiration, vellowneaitof the tkinnud tt&, ptitn m the side, back, cheat, limit, ic, middeii fl'ihliet of heut huminR in the fl-fli, cunnUnt iinagiiiiui of evil, and pmt drpiwiiHi of vpfHte, CAN HE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY ; ; EB.. EOOFL-AITD'S . tELCBRAl'ED GERMAN BIXXEKS, ' rRupAjuto sr . DR.C. AI. JACKSON, n AT T,HC GERMAN' MEDIC1NB STORE, Ko, 1-JO Arch St., rhllauelphlo. Their power over the ahove dieje ia not excelled, if eoitalleil. I,v anv other nreoaralion iti the Vmteil Utle, en the cures attest, in iiuiiiy cases after skiil.'ul physicuuis iie,l liiilrd. TliHe llillen ere wortliv Ihev attention of invalhla. I'osfieMiiu: irieat virtues In Ihe reciilication of of the Liver Mild It-user plan,!. excreifUca the most searcliie.Gt powers 111 weHklirea nwl lllteellctis OI the ingesuve orgam, they are, withal, sale, certain and pleasant. I From the liostou Uee.J , Tlie Rdilor sni.f. Dec. DAI ")H. IIooflakd's Cklhbhatkd Okbma rtiTTKm fTr the cure of laver tonipl.iuil, .lailndictr, llpc-sla. Chronic or Nervous Dehility, is ilefcerviHtiy one of the iiiom popu lar llleilieines ,,f Ihe' (liiv. These Blttci have heen used hv IhoiistiaMs. ti rid M friend at our elhow itivs he hns htnl self reeei ve,l nn etr,:elual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We ure convinct d that. In the ui'e rl these Hitlers Ihe Kiticut constantly cains alrenlh and viiror a fuct worthyof great niaisute raliou. Tiiey lire ple-i:int ill taste Hud smell, uud eju he useil hy pers ns with tiiem-isl ilelieate stomachs with safe ty, under any eirenmoinees We tire speaVtiuu: from a pet icnee. iinii to Hie ulllicled we advise their use.' .Indite M. -M. Nihil, ii irciilleniaii wilh ereiit selencP.c and liieniry atminnients, saul in Ins ''.New Voile Weekly Messenger, " .Iriuiiarv 0. S",0 : 'Dr. I'iooli-iini's Oeriirm Hitlers. Hero is a prep-iratl 'li win 'h the leailia i in the 1'nion appear lo h niranl m mis in recotniuentliiiiT. mid Ihe reason is ohvie'is. It rs uncle alter a pri sei ipii"ii riifhed hy otic of Ihe in et hraie.l plivsiejens of iniMlerii tunes, t he lute l)r. ("in fi'rV-r Wili.etin llodlaild. Profess r to Ihe Inivcriuly ol.leni.J . . . urii ' i Mi-no i ,., , he u, r oi i' seat. , ox, i'iir . n lircalisl tuedte.ll writers lierttiaity has e er ptoilia ii was inpltalieal!-. Ha: enemy of hiinilei". and llteiei ae . ineuieie.i. of M-l.ielt he was the inventor and and a o r may ,e , ti.letillv reherl on. lie sneeially rerumit, telftl ii j,i l.iver i'i int-r-tiiit. Dvspepia. De!i!in, Yerio. A'-ttOtyoi the stoinaiili. C.iiMtpati'.u. add all .'omplaiutMirisuej if. an a disordered e -ii'tuion of Hie stomach, lite liver nud Hie intestines. Nine philurlcMhia papers er.pres their .. aivie I ,,f its eveileit' e. and sevttral of the ctlilors speak of its elT"'l s from ti.etr own individual exp. rit te-e. t'ndor lliese en eainvtaiiees. we feel warranted, ll d onlv in caaii:? Hie aio-itllon of our i a,!ers to the prei-eni present pr-pile-lor's (Dr. M. .hieks at's) preparation, hut in recoinilicud iug lite article to u I iithic'ed ,! More Evidence. Th" "Pliilndelplnri S:lt nrilfiv Hnzette." Ihe hest fliniily tiewajNipr pahhslicd in ihe. I'uiiiil Slates, ihe editor says of Dr. IIoojIiuhVs German Bitters. ot is seid ail that we ree: .Tiiiiiend wlinl are termed Pa tent Medicines, lo ihe confidence and palrontnje of our render ; uml. thetelore, when we recommend 1)1. 1 1 J -laud'a ij, rural lluters, wc wis it lo he distinctly undei- si 1 that wc nre not spcnkiiia of the iv slruins of the day. that tire noised rthout f'rn hiiefpcrital :rud then for. llotlen nftel they ll lledolic tlleir cuilty race if lllisehlef. tall I a laet'ieii'ie I '11- cstahlishe.l, llliivi.a s illy p:i ed. and w l;icl; has met the It, artv upprovut "i the Fiaailly i:,-:f.M That Ih.s uieda-ne W'll core Liver Complaint anil Dvs. (lepsia, in one eaudoulil. tiller tibini: ll as dirci teo. It acts mccilieuhv anxoi ihe f 'iivich null liver it Is prilleraiil t to ettl itiie'l in all hiili 'lis diseitsi s the ltl'-et is ininietlatte. They can he administered to Female or Infant with wifely and reliuhle heuclil. Id uny tilll'i. - - IIKWAIil. OF "cTirNTF.UFKITS. This m.tlieiite lias at.nined that hivh chaiaeter whiel. is neeersmy lor id! medic hut to nt lain to iiidnce eoimiet 1,. iters to put fo'rlh a spurious article ul the risk of the lives ol those are iniioceully de.iei, ed. I.oiihl Wi:i.LTO THE MAIiKS OF TIIU OllNI.INIv Thev hnve the written sipuat lire of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, ami the name hiown ill the kittle, with- our wh'u ll tin y are s nil , us. For aid". w!iol,-s:de and relail, tho (jeimiin jM'ilicme Store, . No. I in AIli'll Siieet. one door below Sixth, (late of 07s linee stna't.) Vhitatlelphia. nntl hy reFpeetiiMe dealers generally 11 luii'ltoul liic eouiury'; For sale l y II. M.iss M'l'vv. NorHoiin'iMland. Aul-.isI'.ll Iv Ptmbury, nnd M. A . & CO.. nipoiiTFiis or roRKiN Hooks, Priiits, Ergravinrjr, Etationaxy Hill Z'ni'.:u.'is iitnl alutsical Iiihtiii imtitt s. No. Hi North Snd St., between Arch &. Race, Pill I.AIU.l.l'ltl.l. I M PORT to order and have constantly on hand ' a vcrv l ime iissoitincnt of go.nls in the above nnmed lines at liolesale and reltiil. Principally : 3 CX CO In German. Latin, Creek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other lanniiaires ; Classics, Diction aries. Grauimrrs, Vocabularies, ft'chool, Juveiiilci. Picture. Drawinu and Model Books for ArchitecN abinel, Cainane and other mauulacturers. MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books ot every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints, MISII AL INSTUt.MENTS. Accordcons, Banjos, Bows for all strini; instru ments, BriiUro and Tailideccs, Clarionets, Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Ocluvo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Violincellos, Tambourines, Tuninr; Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violincellos and Strings for all kiniU of Instruments Wholesale and Retail Accor dcons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail u large assortment ot tlia very liest C ETA MAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch .Metal, French uud Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Ilairpeiicils.-Faber and oilier Leailpencils, Red, While and Black Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarlicators, S'prino; Luncets Pocket l'rescription and Gold Scales and Wcishls Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paiicr Playing Cards and other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sale of which they are the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July C, 1S50. IlliADY MADB ' AX7E U.kc this method to inform the readers of ' the Sunbiiiy American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of j Good and Cheap Clothing, ' and favor us with a call, they shall not ho diap ; pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the I lowest cash prices. We have now oil. hau l ihe i largest assortment ever oil'crcd in Philadelphia. ; among vshii-li are 1J!:;:-'S and FROCK COATS j from 'jiJ to sjilH, PANTS and VE-S'I'S from 75 Ids. lo $5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, Bl:-I-' MS SACK COAT.Saud COATTEEs, all of I Tthicii shall be sold a! such price as to make it I on object for ihe people of Sunluiry and tho sur ' Toiiud'in; country to extend to us their patronage. I PERRY R. M'NEII.LE A CO. Soulh East corner of (ilh and Market. July 1.1, 1S5U rROWVS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN ' GER, an excellent article, liinw.iv'a Meiiu utcd boap for sun hums, tan, tetter, Ac. Railway's Circassian Balm, for the hair d.ind rull'&c. Railway 'a Reudy Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, cic. For sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1850. THJlAY RUM An excellent article; for sale jik by HENRY MASbER. bunbury Jan. STlli, IS4U tf. pOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small lot onhund and for sale bv 11 U. MASSER. Punbury, April 6, 1S50. IJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, Ac. For sale by J. W. FRILLVi Ruiibury.Dec.S, 148. ... ALE HI 1,1.1s, Justices and Conitaliles Feo Hills handsomely limited on card paler, for salo at this ollice. rotton Yarn, Cotton Carpi-t Chain, Cotton Lap! and Wuddiiir?, Cotton Outline!, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congross) Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received lor sale by JI.MAER. Sunbuw, Dec. 2, 1818. n t,:; mi irtla -to CHERRY PECTORAL: 1 " Vnr Ihn Cnr ut "" COTJGH3, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OUXTIS, CROUP, ASTH ZVXA, WUOOPINO.COUOH . AND CONSUIVIFTIONV Thi truly vlnr.lilc Xemcily fof all diaonaen of the.Lunp; uml Thront. haa ln-pomo tlie chirl reli- anro of tlie afflicted a it ia the moat rortnin cure known for the above compluints. htle it is a powerful remedial amenta i the moat desperate and almost hopeless, cnnem of Consumption, it ia also, in diininiahed doaea one of the inildcat nd most nuree.-ihle femilv medioinee for common eommon couulu and colda. Keud below the opin ion of men who are known to the world, and the world respect their opinions. . FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. .litmeaC. Aver (Sir : I have used your "Cum ttr Phctokal,' in nty own ense of dcei-aeuti'd Bronrhitis. nnd am Kiitisficd from it chemirul constitution tlmt it is an adiniriilde compound fur the relief of lnij-iiiiiti( and iljroncliial , diliicurUea. 1( my opinion as tq its superior iMiitracter cint lie of nnv tefvicc j ou nre at liberty to use it as J ovt think proper. . I , ,' ' EDWARD HITCHCOCK, I. L P.. J'rraidout of Ambrist College, prom llir oJ.oatloTi l.nnrei." "AEK'i C1IEURY PP-C rOR.M- is one of llie most valiialtlc propurnttons has fallen un der our notice. After a cnnd'nl examination, we do not hesiinie lo sny we have a Isrrjw apprecia tion of iin 1111 riisand the fullest cotilidciiee in ila ii 'iiiluciw far loimliis uud luntr rnuiiilaiuls." J ir. liiTtveli r, of Wiiiilliam Co., Conn., sends i us llie ioliowitr,- leslimony.- Dr. .1. ('. Ayr Duir ir: I enclose you a ceriiliviite from Mrn. Catii nine K. Cody, n liishly ii sprctaolc I nly id' litis ilS.i'.'f, wile of Mr. Seth Cudy, Depinv rhui-ii',',, Yi'iiulliiitu Co., Connccti- rut. J lie e.irc m Imr ciee was vory proinpl, anu liuHullnu'tcd Li'ticral ntli'iitioo, W. A. rl.i;VPTER, M. 1). Wi st Ki m i m. I.v. Ct.. Sept. US ISIS. This may rertily I was ulllicled with a very severe coiijili in tho wiiitcr of '11-b, which tlircal teued to tenniiiule in Consumption. I hud tried many meiliciiiM in vain, and was cured by tlic use of "Aver'a C herry I'cct.nal." CATHERINE- K. CADY. Prom llr. Rrvant, Jru'gist and Postmaster, Cliicojice Fallti, M,i-s: Dr. J. C. Aver Doar : -lancloed please fun) ri'iniliiinieforall tiic CHERRY PECTORAL last ariit me. I can iiiihi.'sitnlinirk' say, that no medicine e sell iivi-s such nitisl'ai lion as yoiu s does; nor have 1 nor seen a medicine, which cured so in,iiiv eases of Coutsh lind I.niii; Com plaints. Our 1'liisi. ore tisiiiir it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest effects. Truly youts, I). M. Ii lix A- 1 . pnr.PAni:ii iir j.c. iti:h, ciinMisT,uivrKit, mass. I'tT Sold hv Henry Mas-er, Sunbury, Mary A. McCuv, Northinnlierland- Dr. Gearhnrt. Se- linsntovet Dr. lieikly, Danville, and Druirgists generally. July ti, lf-,,0.- lycellin IM A HOli AN Y AND MAr.I.K. ST22AXC HAV XCILL. ' MTI Ka'IXR MIOI, Corner of Eleventh nnd Ridge Rnad.' AND CABINET MAKERS. r.Esr.iiAL FURSisms: store. A'f). 134 ,Syi?i Second Street, below Dock St., Pll II. ADKI.rill A . rgHE siib.-UTilieis would call the special atten tion of Cabinet Makers nud others; to their very extensive ii'oitnicnt ol materials in tneir lire, consisting of Mahoaimv Veneers, Boards and Plank. Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Giuo, Yarui-di. Luttkffig G!n?s l'lales, MahoL'iny Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble 'Pops, and every description of ES.'irtlirarc 'B'ool'., Ac. Cabincl Mikcis residing out of the City, would lind it ctenily to their advantage to call at our slnre to purchase such liialeiiuiK as they want, connected with their business. All Mir crnllli are WAUUANTEI), of the best quality, and at very reduced Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) prices. We guarantee to giva every man Ihe worth of his moiiev. ' . T. & L. THOMPSON. N". B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand . Rail Plank, and Stair Ballusters for Builders. aNo Mai blu Mantles, always uu hand, and every de scription of liirued work. June; fi, 1850. ly "DEATH'S DOOR:' H-nr rrc'inrufly do wc lirtir t!ii fxprwtim, whirh it nifiiiu ii r.ii ry tn tin iiiinii tu Ini si.t-xtt n' mwUnnm tli il u jiitiriii nn lw filiicctl u. .ucl live. .Mm. Hum .til, a mcinlipr of lltr Trinity Clnirclt. iilie pxpua Ki.-m lirs'ir. hrnuylit divit tn "Ufiitli's il'tor,' liy Uhcu iiiiAiitiiii nikt t' lifiuhtclic, vt licii, liKenn anpol of tiificy, latKav;n Knitly ltHii-f ri-licvctl hvt ti' lit-r severe piim ami floored iirr to her liifutln iu teriert huulttt. The very tnsfiiit liin(v:y Itfuily lltui i upiilir. its bcncliriiil rfftvis nf rxpiTh-urptl. it sn'tlitn. lie:if, cli-.ui--a nml .ui iuVi ; it iiifct.mtly nt!ity irributoii. rf,lurr in. lU.i.iinii iriiM uiul twvilu'o, reliVLK llir m t try etc Nwi pitiiis. pivfn caw i'i Hutiis. 'itiilt, S"rrn. K.tiiikiiiti ruvc Khftiiii:.titit !siiintmj. (i"iit. Pniiilyft. Spr.iiim. P ini m. SpioimH. Mill ik, WeiikniM in tiia tMle bikI Hurk, S in'M t nil kni'!s, iuiik, lit .iix, Chaluj, tun Tlirjul, liillucitzit, ll'niih. uffs, C'fngi.e. C'Mc, TiKvru acuk ci iu:i in twi; hi:t ond. TUi Uirttuiiiif iilT' cti u :m le curcl in nn im!;int, for rhu ui Miiciit tlm KfSift' ti'uolim t'lr ittTvc. the m in in mi tiritctl. Si villi Tic ) dt-inux. uiut IlfiiiK-rauiii, Nvwrul i',ia anil Jsi-k JlfatlucUt.' l.-llir. llie mln vvi t tlif piiiu is nit -Nt net "tif, nnd in a lVv tuih nt tr ymi will In- cniitoly ifli)-vt-tl.'ii iiitTH illy it vdl mrt-Ki t!tr ninut VtI-nl S;iriii mul i:iiiiitt, .iip Vfiiiiiiin; ir tn iiKicJi (.ur.ji, in nil c it will vii.u lri;..;!i i.( vvcuni'i.-. immt nr pun. Ii'-iiili for nkii(es. -.V U - udy Ktiiiui m i-u.uiie un-li-w tsijrii' d I-) Ka-UWAV V CU.; lu; l-u.t n Mw!, i i.u.ant TiUi.irr i.roriMTi:s. to tMiiKU-iSJi .vNi i;.vi.v:u; Tiii-; cijaums Ki!i:i i'V. liAlW.i " .tlM'it'st 1 U SilAP, riidu'riy'ii M. ii - I '-il S h I'.v.'i.iMy Un iwn ihrt'ii jli mit the t il.i:riiitiie 'A'in f- r iti -xirun iy . Iniid. put i nii; umt t K'tiiiiij; in. i'i ttji i!ic:.n; wi.UvltyiiH ni -u .ii t!ii p n-.- :nni tin- iiiinuic , cL'ii .y vi h rjMiM n.i iuipm ii i-'K Hum ih" Mirf'icr. ti t-vny i. niliwicy tii in it iuun ilioii. ii.i ili.-ii;KHi till letluuss, t Ji, pi.iiol-.-, hpvtls.trcfsi.t i-, ilit:.t,jiiiU 'Unitiul t'll'vr i LiIniie u i-i ii i 1 1 ii: 'i"w liitil iitt ii "in it iui.iits .i litu cli'-!., lltu ! ; nt sft im I id , iK-v wiiii U il iii'iiii-i'h nt' the I mini uml ui in?. -:iciii,.ity iI k t lining litiiii' l n nnd rein ivmu cu tnii'.Kiis u.-ic. ts. im l-r U iii'l-.-;tiMiifi!ili-1 r.rry liiili'l. i .i-nii' i nt-t i ui.t pIi ii'ii..' wm it jit';i uii u rl.ili.ii nnd u-.uL?ns" ul Lite ttaviii. und lu.dun tl nvt : , uu kjiU uud'Ull . iJnriii llie lifit and ilnut nt' .ininiirr. or i'r r. nud hlciik will's ..I vvJitit r; njtil in v,is-itM iiiiiliiiin. ti uis n iiiM't'LH f!,i!i.!.oi, tii i'j, ''il liamU, m inciiU-nl il ini..iin,n.itl.iiif ita virlncs It.ivt- Vm; and rxtrini ily Iwrn u'-'-c u vi ir-.l . I in pin 1! mul; hirI rt-iniima j)ri.ti1h s, lnvi- oljlit.iM'd i: kIi c l.i.n ir iu t tic to iiAUiub wi uil'ui i in ml if., U4U "I lir.i. penn nnd d iik Mk1 nutnnf ihn. ty I lie ij n t n of nil t.n li nl ihe it.pttii nmtr W 'titl, fr 'in tin- iminttitr tniica llie trZ'-n r nlnjjt of tJif Ice Kii.rt Tins pclilic w ill j.Ltuse hear in iihimI tlmt Ittnlwnv' AtcdicmtNi Sup, ie tlir tudy nifiuiialion firths tn ii" w in tiw ; lhi hue rl ilird M I')' onr in "t n .i 111 j i n aH'iiii'iif. Ka iwu r p I" lf lioin pii(.iiiDH. irrniiuii'i ami ptniici -uii m trri 'M'-itt. it run ! us'd im : iic t t-utii-r nvjii of ihe inf ,nt Willi the ninp linpiT pmi hi iM-.tiir y in im pi mir. rtc llml tiwh tuiku ia envloirtl in a bpictulid Uilwl of iti.v! rmtrivine-r-iind luviiin1 fcut ilmt tnt. hi .'iciuire oi Jl. ti. U AUU'Ai w upuu y.n h enke. IMcc vi cu.U, lirge rr.kf-. iiJKnovifl oiwa'wknt or iikaity IS A W Xt ltUNT liKAli OF Gls4tV HA1K. It HW'.il riitfristlAS Bt.M. Warrtinttii the fc"f Hair Tonic in usct For DreBtmitf nod ni-:ni, if ini: tlir Imtr. It tW'utmfn the Hctdp iVoiu liiindnilf. ktvta it clean, nirra ekurvey. HuiditaM, uiut boii-a on the Head "top the auir iioiu tunuiK uul, iciuk-r it ftr-Hin. tun. mikniUi. Bolt ajid locsy. k't-raium who huvn lout tnt-ir Kair hy sicRnciis fiB tmd a nnTt-tf nntidotf tn lUftway'e CircuMnm fiahu. ll ai tttvca it a titrt and benuiul n4r. ami wdl pfevcnl it from tin in m( ftrry. Kmiu in rx-pimili? ptnlty, it ! Htiiai mbly adnptfd for the hair of cluldrcn uf tlVm ut teiulef ne. It ia a M In Inrifu botttra for i-enta v botil-, and U warranted tlm tnsl liutr ieiiniiitiou ill use, it will not a ll Ilia but, etui, 01 the nncst fabric, tie llial the signa- tureof RAUWAY & CO., is UK,u eat b Isulle 110 lUr- eaMiaa uuia ts goinvui. wuamu itia sif uklisra w Ksswiiy as i.. - . Aoit H. B Musser, Sunbury. ' Aug. to, loao. cdHaty 1 l 1 , . 1 "AAI'S. An aasortincnt junl received., ,AIs w nm it a 1 Bat oxvd, ur sale by .. , ,1 . 1 - 1, H.MA8SER. , I ' ' hi 1 atuubury, Dec. 8, 8-18 , ,K . .' t , 1 . e I JlOOsl , r ' . tl4!itEimKAiv AivrisT, Ao. MO, corner of Fifth Chetnut ., Phila (ltlplua, nnti M i uroaitwmj corner oj . Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have sitting- for Portrait or Miniatures, apd receiva them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mache, or other fancy styles, or acts in Medallions, Lockets, &, in lew minuic Lagnemotypes, Fainting, Drawings, etc. .vuiiicu. Out door Views, and Miniaturea of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults bv our profess, and Im proved Instrument!,' a cloudg day is quite as fa vorable a! clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. UTIii Dress avoid white, blue or liejit pink. Our Unllery with Us Kit true menais anu Works of Art, is open at all houn, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times 1st happy to sea them. ' June S3, 1850. : ' u i , ..... ail " ' , J7 K. THOMAS, Ornamental nnd French Style , Frame Manufacturer, 80. i Walnut tt , between id and 4th street. " rtttLArJELPHXA. ESPECTI'in.LY directs the attention of the J-'-pnhncto hik superior styles of Plain ami Fane l'rnnies, which are of the latest and most beautiful desttjns. ' Asahnmb-nme Frame at a LOW TRICE, has been much desired, lie wns induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been si) ureal, that he has been obliged to iucrcass ' Ins iiicdities, and new oiler at I KXCHKLHNOLY LOW PRIC.i:?.. ; Sintrly, or in thousands, the most be nitiful Frames, I suilnb'.o for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, i Cards, oVc, Ac. For Dtirahility L'nfitrpassed. i Hotels, Public Buildings, Stcumboals, Stores, Ca i binet Piiriiilnrc, &c, decorulvd in imitation of curved Ruse-Wood. f "f" Please call and see specimens, iay 55, 1850 ly CITY V A II I N F. T V A H E R ( O M S , iYO. 173 CllESS'UT STREET, (OPSOslTK THL STATE MOUSR.) PHILADrpiIIA. ( jFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a lnrti-c nnd well assorted stock of CA BINET FI RNITFRE, of the latest patterns and nf the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Draw ing Room Furniture in Rose wood and M'aluiit, cxiiuisitelv carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Look Cases, and a great variety of ylain Parlor and Chamber Funutj;re.. . . . Auctuiiis made nnd put up in the latest Paris lasbuins. Spring Matlrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order. N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ; nient nre wiirrunted of the hest materials antl j workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ol tlie country. May S5, 1830 ly I GREAT REMOVAL. I t'!o!s, Watc hes, Jewelry silver &. I PLATED WAHIS, I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ,'JUIE SLUs-CKHiER has removed his atere i ll from N o. 4 1 3 M ot ket street, lo his splendid i establishment, So. lO'j Ckrtiivt 'rivet, rW Sri, 8 r tlt- I"r:9i9!ill:i ISuusc, PHILADELPHIA, ' Where he offers for sale a mint Cilciiive assort- : iinml of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELER V, Ml, l.ii anil M ARE, eve., at such rices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which he iuiites the attention of perchascrs, a suriii'.' them that E I'.RY ARTICLE IS WAR- RANTED As REPRESENTED. His stock ooiiKistfi in part of a full Ubortinpiit of (;oi,d a.xu siir.vER ij:vi:u watches. Do do IKIM.NK tl SILVER TA C EE, AND TEA SP00S. CLOCKS ofcvrrv ticHoriptttm. MANTEL OKNAME.NTy, FANCY 'GOODS, Ac, LEWIS LADOMCS. VatrTies, Jewelrv, nnd Gold Pcna sent to nil paru of the United State, by mail, with perfect nafrty, IV I am determined to sell at lexi pricea titan tite b.une artirlrit are sold in this city, P. s. Preserve this advertweincnt, and call and examine the. stock. Srpt. il8, 1850 3mo. Br MiaxsorTH. Pocket Escri-APH's, or, Every one his own Physiciun ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing peculiar diseases in eve ry shiiH and form, and mal formation! of the generative ayslem, BV yf. YOlSfi. M. D. 'Phe time has now arrived that iiersnns sullen 115 from secret diseases, neeil no more lu-coine the victim nl Ijitaekerv, ns bv the prescriplions contained in 1 this hjok any one may cure himself, without hind- rniice to business, or tho knowledue of any one, 'and with one tenlli the usual cpence. In addi I tion lo the 1rener.1l routine of private disease, it ! In 1 ! v explains the cause of manhood's curly decline, j wlih observations 011 marriage ls?siiies many I oilier derangement! which it would not be pro per tu enumerate. ""yAny person senilimr T'i:sTv-riTE ckvts j eiu-loeeii in 11 letter, will receive one copy of this j book, bv mail, or live topics will he scut for one dollar. ' Aildnvs, ' DR. U VOl NO. No. 15S M'EI'CK ffreit, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. E.V"DR. VOl'Nti can he cotisuhed on any of Ihe Disi ases ilc-ciij il in his ilillcrcut publications, it nis OMiee, l.VJ M'l; I I I. Street, every day be tween 'J uud 3 o eioik. (Sundays executed.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1650 ly. w. r. pjcdduick's (I.A I'i: t'Alv'C.NKIi OF C. SC'llltAl K) Viiruihii ."llinmil.M loiy una faint Mori, ' So 78 North Fourth Street, A FFAV DllOUS ABOVE CIIKItllV, WtST SIDE, riliLADELriHA. Constantly on hwd and for $nle, at reduced . pneet, and u mpinor qnulttt), tlujul- lotriiij articles, viz: C'laeh. Tulunet, Juiwiineri' unit Oil Clots: Varnisliss Pr itia Jumii ; Umiuiu lluruuiiM V'aruisii tirown, Waits Sail Keit cviril ui; irauslcr ttoi Aru.i.-, nousa ana l4icii I'liiiiteis' ami Viimlstirrs' .Vluleriuls 1 rl. 1 l l Ijl AMTI' l-AlNTsi, HUV, IX Oil., AMI FltK. r.VliSU IOS ISIVirsilAir. iroj mmuirr.- vaniisii, i.lue uml Aeuls: UUck Juisn for lom ; AiUiesiva do. lor Fancy Work: fklure anil Window tilas.) Artists' Co. I nns,' Dry unit lu i'ubns Neat a Fool Oil i llolu, Silver, anil Iterumu l.suf ( liolil, Silver, and Copper Hnuia , Ola. rier's tliaiivusls. Ausi, veijr suiieravr thoe Btackinf aisl Wrilina Ink. ' June l, lrOO , ROW N'S ESSENCE OF GANGER A new supply of this excellent article just ntceived awl for aale by . , H. JL MASEK-' , bunbury, March Hi, 1850. ii Vuluable Ilookk). JIFE er Chbist, handsomely bound, D'Ait- iissi'i Hisroir or tki Kiraisirios, llnaa l)Ar-aoos ash Liuuaaa, full bounded, For sal at Ui pubhslier prices by .. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July It, lkltf. I a presenting the public with a remedy for the treatment ami cure of Fxvxa axd Aorta and other billmis diseases, no anohwv is needed. Yast numbers in the United Stales. who intl-jr Irom tnese aiieeuoiii in tneir varied torms, are eompelleil to seek relief from other sources than the imme diate prescriptions of the regular physician. It becomes therefore an object of humanity, as well as of puhhe inter, est. to briii hefoie them a remedy prepared fiom moch es- nerienee. ana wniea may always ue reuen noon as savr. . ... . it-. KrrZCTVAL, ASD HARMLK.S TO THI CORSTITCTIOS. That such is the true chnrnnter of the INDIA CHOLAGOOl'K, is amply attested hy Ihe universal success wna wnicn it naa been employed. rv Kitmel from a eommnnlcalion of the Hon. Wn, mam WooDBSltiol, of th L'. S. tjeiwte, late Oovernor of Michigan. ' PlTaoiT, Oct. tl, 1910. TlorTna ft. a at.. Osrtnon. Dear fir. I have read with mack interest, ynnt Utile tsaiatisk upon the "causes, trenlment and cure" of the febrile diseases whieh hnve so extensively prevailed in mir eonmry dmin the last few monlhs an interest Increased no doubt, by Ihe fael thai I hnve individually sulTerefl so much from them. Thoueh I feel myself very incompetent lo judae safely upon a subject so entirely professioual, yet your theory seems to me well rensoned, and yimr com lu siona just, and I think withal, thai your pamphlet is ealea toted to prodiitHB much nraetleul (rood.. fpenkmn of the medicine he says : It fully justified your fhilteriuc exneclutioiiB, and as a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own exnerieiKie, so fur. iisluces m lo be lieve thut'it will prove a great pulitic lament. 1 am pleastHl to karn lluit yon have reeenlly established several agencies for its disp itiiinn ih,nirh I regret thai, wilh a view lo a more general diseeinintttioii ol it, you should have found it liecessnry to remove from your present reaideuee among us. With lunch respect 1 have Ihe honor to be, air, Yoiif obliged servntit, Wi: MAM WOODUKIDGF.. fV From Hon. Pt:piiss V. K. TaowaRioGt. of .Michi gan late Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. ina.Mi.NoiiAM, iimd uo.. ueo. ia, mi. ir von wish ine to inform vou what I know ol' Dr. Osgood's litilia t.'liolagouue, or anti-bilious medicine. 1 do liehcvr that if Hie viriue nud efficacy of this medicine were g-nerally known, the FrvERASDAOl'K would disnpptur ill .ilieliiiian. I pi.a-ureil a Kittle in the spring of and luive good reason to iK-heve Hint m self nud fmnily escaped llie ague lust season in consequence of its use. Perhans in no summer since Ihe settlement of this fine peniiiMila, has the fever und ague heen so prevnlent us the last. 1 have rccoimnf iidcd this medicine in numerous in stances, and when the disease had become fixed and tsillled Ihe skill of physicians: and I have never known it lull. I has universally produced Ihe m ,sl happy effects, and 1 tiet lieve ll has never been exceeih-d hv nuv medicine III remo ving the bilious diseases of the clituntc. Yours, respeell'llllv. SI'F.i'HEN V. rt. TROWBRIDOK. Ajent for Sunhiirv II. II. MAIslER i Nortliumlieilaiiil, WITHINGTOM A'Co.j .Milton, J. ll.IIASKIt; Selias grove, MAY A KI.OSE. Mai- 0, 11 II P II II. .4 1) EL, I II I A. BZEDICAX. HOUSE, ESTABLISHKD 15 YEARS AGO, BY DPv. KT NICE LIX, IV, Corner of Third and Union StrectSj BETVVKKN SI'KUCB AND 11 NK STREETS, 1FTKEX VEAH of rxtt-inive dimI uninterrupted pruchctj spent in tiiia city have remlered i)r. K. the nnfci i-xiiert nml miccowiul nructithHier far and near. in the meiit ol nil diaeniHs ol a private nature. IVrwati uillictctl with ulcem upou the iKHty.llmiut, lcg, pame in the lieudor Ihiiiub, nierciiri d rhcuuiatinin. atrirturea, cnivel, ttitteuse urminu from yoinht'nll exvwn or impuritie of tho IiIimmI. wlierehy the eoimtitulioti luta become enieebltd, nre 11 tri:atul tvitli iiicct'SM. lie who piiicua liiinself mder Ihe care of Dr. K., mnv re ligiously cot i tide in hia honor as a gentleman, and con latent ly rely upon bis xkill uif phymcian. TAKK PARTiri'lsAR NOTICE. Voungr Mni who have injured tltein selves by a certnin ptiictii-e imlulccd in n ludiit frcipicntlv (timed from evil t'iiiipamnii8 or at ucliool -the rffii'ii of whirh are uiahtly fi-lt. even when nidfep. and nVs'roy b th mind and inMly, tili.iuld npply iinmediiilcly. Wi-ukncss nnd c.vtiPlitutioiuil ttcl-iilly I w of mnsftilnr erterKy, phynienl la.iitudf und itch end pr 'fciriiiiiiii. irritahility and all nei vou aiiVcl). in, iinli gt'i'in. !ui;!i'ihiii" of tin? livct, mul every ilidt'M'iii any w:iy euiiu'.-t'ifd wi'h the die inl'-r of the procrentive fimc ti'Uis cured, and lull viiror retorel. VuUTll AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a prein.iiuro tleath. KINKIIIN oil siif PnsiTVution. ONLV 2') CENTS. This B .nk inist pul!inhnli filled with useful uiforinati in I on tin-inlnmiiici an! ilisciiKi-s of the tirnt'r t'ive (trtrrm. It itKrlfubketo t it TII, M ANIIOOD uud Ul-l) AUK, mid !i..ul'.l 1 hy all. The VidiiTiij''" iul iff mi l inij-rcrifive wtirnintr it (riven, will prevent yetro! misery uiul Miileriny ami Ktve aiuiu.iU ly TiioiiftrHidx of Liven. rreni liy'rividni": it will le.trn how to prevent the des truction of tin ir eiiiMrrii. remittance ot J' rent a, endowed in a letter, nd Hremnl to Pit. KINKKI.IX. N. V. e -rner of T1IIKD A I'MON Sireei. lelweeu rpruv k Pine. Plitladi'lplna, will eimure u h mk, under envH pe. jter return of mail. IVrajun nt u dmiauee may nddreisti lr. K. by letter, (poat iKild.) nttil Iweured nt h"ine. PACKA;i:s OF .MKDiriFKS. PIKISJTIONS. r., f irwnleit by arndinr n retuitumee, and put upeecme from UAAtiKor I t K(T1. Ho-itf-fteUerii. New Aenta.PeilInrs, Cnnvawtera, and all olheri mipplied with the uhove work ut very low ratea. February 9, IS.XI. ly A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At I lie Cabinet Ware Itoom or SE1VN IIOIIPT k CO. Market Square, Also nt the corner of Fawu street It the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con. tinunnce of their favors. During this period he hns endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the utloution of tho present stock of CAMXKT WARE AND CHAIRS, Manckactuukd bv SEBASTIAN HOUTT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a tvinVf i o f oilier new style and B-i iioiia tde ITci ni i t n re. Having secured a Hearse and mado the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared lor Uudc rtukiiif; ill all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Yu insiits anil mistresses, ami luigbnmla too, Here's furniture of every style anil hue, From sale Usir,ls il-iwu to kitchen tables, l-'mni rocking cluiirs to locking cruilles hliould yiu uu have the rcmly John to pay, We'll wait swliise for a brighterbetter day, Or take sitiil,u's, nuts, corn, wheat and ry I Hark, hoop p-iles, stuves, is- lumber wet and dry, i Or any thins; but yukea ami threshing flails, Klmll piits and lui'kiea down to litlle quails. Cine on tiisu frlimils, oinhs oaaud all, Kaep tniOc a nssyuur, so '( on ike ball." 117 Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work ot' all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March t), 1S50. tf IHALAUcILPIHA HIVE fc LIUVOH STORE BITTING & WATERMAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 220 Auric! trrcf, Phdadelpha, fVFFER fur aale, the cheapest and best assort. ment of Liipior in Philadelphia, ueh ai Chanvpagne, Sherrie, Port, Pteck, Claret, Biir- gundics, riauturn, xiarsac, nioxitaia, iyuon, Tenerilli and Sicily Wine. Brandies of th choicest brands, yi: Maglina. Otord, Ponet, Hcnneay, 4c, Ve. 'Fine Holland Cm, Monongaliela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, &c. , Hotels and the country trade mpplied a Phila delphia price on the most liberal terms. July 13, 1850-.. 1AZ0ltS. A luperior article for sale at tht I stor of . HENUY MASSER. Hunlmry, Feb. 16, UaO,-r BANK- NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA.; CITT US ,m,i.a nt ,. . MASSACAt'SETTS. AD anlreiit Irntiks dit RHODE 1KLAND. All solrent Innks dia 17. 8. Rank notes If! dn All solvent lanks pal cot-STav. CONNECT1CIT. Bank of Chamls-rslairg 1 dls All solvent tanks iis .nn. , ineairr in. par Hank of Dal. Co. Chester pari flBW YORK, at,. nansol ilermantowil par A tf Snlverft hnnkl I dis Hunk of Oetlvslmrg die Rank of IWistown IT-Bk note undef W f dis eosTt. Bank of Middleiown 1 dls Montft.nery Co Hank par AH solvents banks ldis NEW JFHlvET. . nans oi isonnamlierrnd. psi Belvidera Bank 1 dis Batik of Pituburg 1 die Hank nf Danville par Cannwreinl Hank ) Par n.nlr M.,( Hon Carlisle Bank 1 dis F. h M ., Middletown Pi. pf TeehanH!S' Bk. Newark pa' Meeh. Bk of Burlington paf Meeh. A Man. BUTrent par Morris Co Bank i dis Columbia H'k A B'gtCo par Doyelstown Bank par! Knston Bank par Erie Hunk t dis Exchange B'kPittsbarg I dis Newark Bk'g In. Co I dis Kxchange H'k, Hraisrh 1 dis'Orauge B i.rauge nana dia Farmers' H'k, Bucks Co par People's Bk Patterson dia rarmers' lis, i Clumsier parirnHeefon issiik Farmers' Uk, Rending psriWikm Banking Co, FnrmBk rVhnvlkill Co mrlemerret Co Bank par par dis F A D. Bk Wnvnesh'g tldia ftate Hank at Camden par Franklin Bk. Wash'n l.dtstriare si r.uznneTnton n nis Hnmslairg Bank Hnnesdule Rank Isinraster Bank 1 dis'Stnte Hank Newark dis 1 diaVtate Bk, N. Bmaswiek par par.!nssex naiig. rsewvai ma isinoa Dank par Mereh. A Man. Bank 1 1 dis Milieu' B'k, Pottevilhj per I reuuai nnnaing ka par 1 nion Hank, iswer nis Yardlevv'leADelDrCol.ldis Moitougnhela Rank 1 dis iy BU n,.ea under S dis rnylorsv'e Uel H'g Co 1,1 dis ur.i.A vv a nr.. Weal Hraiieh Hank par Bank of Delaware Par par ivyimmg ns, vv ilkeMi'e par1 Y,Tk Bank, dis Bank of SLfnvrna Delaware City Hank par iy Belief notes ldis Ilk Wilmc'nA HraiMlvw. pal IMAirUK, Farmers' Rk ft Delaware par 1tti,ai Bunk, Wihniugtoiimr 17 Under PVs dit Bank of Whetloek S dis iMereantile Bk, Bangor 10 dis All advent hanks J dis OHIO. All silvern Innks t dls NEW HAMPSHIRE. All aotvent Imnks dis I""Hk notes under S's 4 di: v.;h.viii.ii i. BaiikofSli Alleius S di NORTH CAROMNA All s tlveut-lsinks tldis All solvent banks ili, fil mier 5's, SJ dis COLUMRIAX SERIES OF niltlunrtlro. The Pvpil's friend and Teacher's comfort 'THE COLUMI1IAN CALCULATOR. This work is nlrcadv introduced into some of the best Acndaniies nnd a larje number of Schools, where its use has civen decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal tyxiem of rurmicy. It contains more, the orrninroinoiits nte better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of Ihe kind now in use; and it is so considere I by hundreds of tho most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, w ho have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Amf ricaii t?rliolars : y Almv Tielnor. Tur. Yoi th's hi as Cai.i i i.iTon. This volume contains 01 paces, with altout 900 exam ple! for solution on the alate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &e. TiiKSou's AniTHNi.TicsL Tabi.fs, is destined for the use of younger classes in tin Schools of the United States. A la'aiitiful litlle book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetic! bound sin p;le or double, for he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions arc given with much extra mutter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted ia to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work! tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Niqlit Public Schools of New Vork City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a larjie portion of the Schools in the City of Wilin'uiiton, in the City of Lancaster, ami in tho llaroui;hs of H.irrislmrt;, York, Chnmbershurs, Lebanon, Uoy lestow n, 1'otts villc, Orwigeburii, Scc, (Vc. Forsalcby llinr Missm, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818. THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM CO.MI'HISINi; A CIILI.KCTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the L'scfnl and Interesting Arts with a few Miopia and Curious (Experiments ta CIIK.MIS1KY : 1 NCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, living, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 61 cts., fur sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. P-TE1TT MEDISI1T3S. Green' Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne' Syrup of Wild Cherr t, Swayne'a Vermifuge. Ayrc'a Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake'a Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit'sPain Killer. Dr. Hoofland's German Bitterer Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. r-unbury, July 14, 1849. STONE WARE. fTjlllE aitbscriber would most respectfully in l form his friends and a generous public, that lie is manufacturing Ihe best q utility of STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSff'ARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimuiik, .Maryland. February S, 1850. ly VI'ONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al a inuuds, P lines and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds, by Sail and Plaster. Just received and for sale JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 59. 1849. r)OOKS and (.old Pens. On hand several cop--) iea of tha life of Christ, und also a number of gold pens which we will sell at (lie Philadelphia prices. For sale at thisorlie. KENNEDY' PATENT AH FA" 'PENLNGS-A cheap and excellent arti cle fur fastening susii for sale by W. FRILING Sunbury, Jury 7, 1849. PATENT Trusses of alf krads7Harriicvi writing and indellible ink, Cotton yam and laps, just received and for sale by . i. W. TRILI.NO. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848, WILEY'S COVCIl CAXDX. An excel lent remedy for cough, colds. For sul at this oftica DADD'8 celermted Horse and Cattle Medi. cine for sale by HENRY MASSER aunlmry Jan. S7th, 1849 ' TV T INERAL WATER, from th Oak Orchard A Acid Springs, highly valuabl ia chronic di- sesseSi and tonic rmeuiea, for sale l y - HENRV MAS8ER. Sunbury, JUnS9, 1850 f STONE WAXIE, STONE milk Pair, atoin Jug tvd Pitcher, and other articles vf stone war just received and tr sale by , JOH.N W. FRILING. sVunhury, Jun 29, 1849. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD HUMMER ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND P0TT9VIU.B. fa Offict of tht Phila. If Reading Rnilroai C: t Philadelphia, March St, U&0, i Two Passenger TrtllM Daily, (except Sanday.) UN and after April 11, 1850 twa train! will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. JWornmg Line, (ctrmrrirxWiim.) Leave Pbiladelnbia ml 71 A- M- AmiU Sunday.. r " 1eave! Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily lp1 Smh -. '. ,, AJtemoon Lnnc, (Fart Tfain.) . Lent! Philadelphia at 84 o'clock. dliV,ttaal Sunday. . ,,. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daffy, txtft Sundaya. Pasaencen cannot eliter the car (mlesa sravkr ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast train, donol stop at Aa burn, Althouse'f, Birdsboro', ttagtl't Ford, Yil' ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill Mr FaWs, NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will tal lowed to each passenger in these line j tnd pi lengeri are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage hut their wearing apparel, which, will be at the risk of ita owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13. 1850. Secretary. TICKNOR'S ' COLUMBIAN flFELLIHQ BOOS. T) EING a progressive and Comprehensive 8ya lem of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, Including a variety of definitions, adapted to tha us f Schools in the American Republic, hr Almaa Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year siDeri- ence, and author of the Columbian Calculator!, Practical Common School Mensuration, Ac. The attention of Teachers, School Dtreetsre, pnrcnls, A-e., is invited to this new Spelling Boek, which conforms to the modern spelling and usage! in Orthography ns being one of tlic neatest, cheapest best arranged, and belter adapted to the wants af children, than any other published in tha United Slots. It is what it purports to be, a Spallins; Rook and not a Reading Book, and only require an examination on the part of Instructors ef youth to secure for it a universal introduction into th Schools of the I n ited States. J ust published, and for sale by llKNnr MassEr, Sunbury. Whore Teacher! and Director! can pracar copies for examination. .. August 4, 1849 WI l-LI A JI 8' A M l-1) YSPEPTIC ELIXIR is, with tlie almost coiiWenre, offered ie U .Vledical Kneulty atal the public for lbs eura of DrB sia or Imlif estiun, and all disease arising from it. aask Nausea, Headache. Vcrtiiro, lliinuessof Siahl. riilious Vomiting, onriiiiif sensalioa !l Ik fit of the stomsrh, Debility of the .Nervous Sys tem. Ilyrsx-hondria, Jaundice, lissol'upiNftile. layer eoin,la nit, Oppression alter aatiur'.. jPslpiiatioii, W nslinn ol llie strength. l'ain in the pit of the stamseb 1- latuience, with Ircquentl or towards Ih right mit, Is-h-hiugof wind, 'Saltowness of eomplexiaa, Viiiateri lusle, (Depression of the spiriss aa Constitution snd uneasiness irritability of temper, k. If a ease of riysepsia should I neglected, most aariaa ellects may ensue, for it lavs Ihe foundation for, ia tha is eliilcause ol", nud veryrequnilly lerminalra Mitonaaina. ti m. I vv. mi l impress upon the miurl tliat to Hilts wilk tin,, ibsense may he to sprt with the reason whieh eeasti lutes man superemineia ansmg auiuial liemn, or la bitter existence by Bihliiu! a cooieiuuitiess of folly I Ik iiemtlty of siin. This nmlicine is neatly put up in bottles, witk am. la llir-li ins lur use, and is ,id in Sunlsiry hv ty. FH!1.IN. JA.MKS U il.l.lAM. Testimony of Mr. Ahuer Klines, hatter. Market alrssr abive Sixth, curobomtive of the emi-acy ef William Auli-Dyvprptic Khair. rml-AOELririA, October 3, IM. .wit Jams. Williams Dear Sii -lt gives ina great pleasure to know that ya arc M-aiu preparing y.,u mnlicme fur Ihe cure of l)spa sin. I t many of my ai"ti.ilntniK es have reneatedlr ..k ine where it eoohl lie pr.a uieil, knowing Uial I had keen cured by it. As 1 think Unit a public acknowledgment f llie grnu lauielii I hue leerived I nun the use of yunr uisd ieiue is inn only One to yon. Iml may l,e useful to others, I n uv mAe it. l- or several veins I aulfered from Ilvspey sia. which inc'euscd lo such an extent tlait nir lies Ilh and eoiis'illllloil were rapidly sinking under il. I was rara- pelleil to telnet lin -it r, ine most simple looo, aisf avea lluit I eotikt not ih leu a hiss ol Irejirtli. Sisnirll- uml. as you Ino-t it in voar advenis' ment. a ueneral leelii,r oi depression ami hulesrribakla weariness, lu the year fKW. heiiriug Iron, others high r. coiiiiucntlutiou of your Anli-Dvspeplic Klixir, I uroeur.4 and used il wilh Ihe man happy effect ; under it Unpiior atal ivunness Srutliiolly pnmert away, and my asps' tile returned whieh 1 could gratify wrth rmpanily. Tea years huve now elapsed, and my rmli.leijrr in Hi. euraliva powera of your nieiltein. ,a f course iis-reased, far it rompletely cured me when I failed toohtnAV refwf frosa aaf othel source. Very respectfully voea, All.NKn Testimony of Edward II. Itowlry, WrsilesaJs Mcrehaat nf the firm of Itmrlev. Ashhuuiief m No Saatk Wharyes. ia proof of ihe efficacy of Whlanvai' Aali-Drs-peptic l.lixir. rHiLAPr,rrrrOetoSt1 int. Mr. jAktas v illisms : ' Denr lii I lake pleasure in reecmHTSsndflrf toar Aaa Dysieptie Klixir for the euse of Dyspepna. rhava takaa il uiystlf foi ihe disease, and have been entirely cured Voursrespeetlully. ..v ... .. r:i,"'Aii a, KoVLT AtittT-JOHNW rrtllJXfi, Sanbory, Ft. Marco II, le.'sX ly ' BOSS OINTMENT, FOB TETTBB 1KAD the following ceitifteaie fnan Cayt. Devoa ikar I k well known and popular Sliaui Boat tiplain (of Ik Traveller.) r ' Philadelphia, October SI, 14. Several years since I was attacked with a breaking a! mi my neck lu the form of Teller, which am eiaiviiarasl was contracted at the Harder .shop, ll gnmdually esMnaV ed over my face until it reached the upper pari f tha cheeks. During the several months tlual it eoatiuaa s,ieii(liiie, used dirlereut applicntHiiia, anna of which had the elfeet, apareiiUy at lensr. oi Ktereiisiug the disease kvt fnmi none oi them did 1 pereeive the leust laaneril until I sprJiel the Hoik Oivtmin, Hv Ihe use of one lar nt il lio? perle''"y ru" m" ""suued, ee of Us, arse! Miave since useil the Oinlioent, lirjlillv applied forica.k. ness of tlie lace. lihiMiee. ehapiaal haials, 4e. Wilk per pr u ut , ... .wt,UUM. : llie slrotiL.esI ninn-r,a ....I.I... , ' 1 IU1VB ih, iiesiu,,,,,,. It, ru...........: . ..... JAMia DKTOE, Acmil Hisbt Massis, iuUiry. July , IslB. ' LIQUOIlSaAVINKS, &C. 'THE suhsenher has just received a new supply of the beat liquor that ever cam to Suabary, consisting in part of SiiH'rior old pnle Brandy. Fine Coprniae Brandy. " , SuKtrior Old Jamaica Spirit, New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Suerior Old Whiskey Com in ni do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do, Superior Tort Wine, Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine, Superior Claret Wine in Dottles. Champagne do. do. t , w HENRY MAS3ET6 .Sunbury, May 96 1849. SPiFLXlTG- G00L3 I. PHILADELPHIA. r 11 SHARPLESS & SONS, h.vejurtseeeivej 1 iheirsBiiply of SPRING AND 5UMMEK GOODS of Friendly and other alyle. to which they invite attention. SHAW LS A U description of Bilk, woofleaj and worsted. DRESS SILKS Gro-da Rhine, Cbarneleona, and neat and new fancy styles India Silk arte) 5atirsv DRESS GOOD U wns. Barege. Mausae lina, Gingham, Arpacsra, Mohair, arts) mU lit new fftlsric. FURNISH IG GOOD8 BUnkel!,SlMra'nn Quills, Datmna, SbirUngay and all otmt fcrnisB- lllggriorl, ' t MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Casaimerr. CshnM relt, Drills, Vestingsof all kuKla, and Boy! wear. SHOEMAKERS GOOIrfs and Carriag Ma kcr aruclev T. 8HARPLBS8 & SOWS, No, S3 9. Heauad tMrsajt, PbUaxkiplvi May 254 1830, ly , . R0.fB OIXTM ENTe A fr upary of tki , excellent article for 1'eHer, c., just recaivad and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 88. 1M KNCfB AND flltlNG MORTISE LAT CUES. An ecellenl article, for sU at half th usual prio. by J. W. FRIUNa Suitbury, July , 1 HI.-