SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Correspondence. M. Mawer Sin It is not my purpose 14 Wfit oponA the hackneyed subject, the Tat iff, but-merely to reply (if deserving of its' toorri in your paper) "to sn article that up feirlil i if the Trenton Trne American' (red Trade) Which it as follow :.,,.'. ; "There may b question between the foreign Ant nrtrM'taluatiort, hot tottur mind it in ques tion of no (treat importance. The value of whc iWtakaft here tor in Europe,' must flnctnste With the demand and snpply. 1 a duty, ia aawsscd upon the foreign falue of iron, when the Kurop fet rhirket it glutted, it 'must afford hut little -protection. If upon tlie home value, when our tntrket il overstocked, it mint produce the samo result, and vice versa." ''Vhe"n we come io reflect upon the. fact ittit the European market npon the proifuc tiaa of tle sjule article, liou; exercises a ry controllinj; influence upon our market, wt see at once a material difference between tba'4 wo valuation; and the necessity for a home Valuation, obiou. For the power rem with them alone lo reduce the value to her minimum rate, by withholding the sup ply; then as a matter of consequence, n past experience baa proven, the .demand nt our market will fexceed the supply, and llwy wil be enabled to bip their Jirou .ai a low foreign valuation, and mceive a very proiiia 'ble price here ' For the nuke of perspicuity we will suppose that in a healthful and active markAi." fmi'iirn iion U worth 380 tier Ion, a - - ... .duly, any of 40 percent, wunhl mnko it cost here 8113, '(excluding freight and commis sion,! wheri aajn thu sauja irou iniht be shipped with aotaign valuation of 40 per ory wilh-a. corresponding duty, would make it cost otrly $50, excluding freight and coni jmiesiott ,)' which hypothesis is not unrea sonable., when we take into consideration t.hi fluctuation of demand urn! supply. Thu w e Jreroeiv; thai from Ibat very cessation of business they enji a handsome reward, by ihe salutary tsflee-Hfor them) il has upon cur market. W,cau have limited xoiiccnlioii of Unit .advantage, by the extravnunt price of iron uiiJr ihe specific duties of the !42 larifl, wh'ich was occasioned by Ihe comparative prohibition of the importation of that article. When, if it had been entirely excluded from our port, by a refusal on Ihe part of the ship pers to import, we wouli', only bo surprised, in our amazement at ihe exorbitant price, by Ihe-magnitude of the speculation made by the importers, when they would folloi up he advantage of a raised and excited market muted by themselves. ' ..It may be argued. hy thoo wiio can see no difference between a-hoine and foreign valuation, that lb,e act of withholding a sup ply,' .would so pl-ul their ow n market, u lo destroy the business, it wuuhi to some de. jree, have undoubtedly this elTcsct, did they lack the sagacity tu anticipate such a result, and fail lo meet Ihe present demand before overstocking llu-if Tiarkel. Which is nllo fether probable, when thu inducement arc uilit-iciillv real, to invite their every iMl'ort to' ill accomuliishmcnl of this 'nick of trad,-. And thus : when they have so wisely and Tei'tually provided ajiaiiist this eriirrgewy thu will rests with them to icduce it, to Ihe lowest tiomi'nnl value, reua'Uessof ihe telling price, in order lo avail themselves wf Ihe low 'July. And another very considerable pain accru ing from this mode of hipmeut is the surpri sing and almost maairal etlect, the reaction that this vast and sudjeu sliipment has on their own iTuikol, by Ic-iving the supply thert insufficient for the dematid. ,.' If upon a.hume valuation they wish to avail themselves of llio low duty, Ihey do it nt their own expense, because there must be an actual depresiou in Hade, by ihe over stocking of our market, which, seldom, if ever i xiccurs, and never by the pioduclious of our own manufacturers. ' . Then it follows, that the dcpiession is at tributable to the im portal ions only, and the manufacturers of both parlies are losing by 'jt4 consequently the parly causing it will cur tail it sufficiently, to allow a reasonable price and a living protil. A Pennsylvania., afler which a debate takes place upon some question selected for the purpose. The house is well attended by the fair portion of the eommoniiy, as well as by many of i la most intelligent citizens. A paper hat lately been commenced in thi place, edited by a worthy and enterpri sins younfr gentleman, Geo. Wynkoop. , Trains' of coal cars are seen passing through this borontfh , numbering 120 cars, almost hourly on their way to the Qnaker City Marketing is plenty; the streets are literally "crowded" 'with teams, and In short a city like appearance is presented in point of noise and business habile in this flourishing place; : -ft.' ; PALACE OF CtAMASD IKOK. '. The immense palace now in process of construction for the VVorld'i Industrial Fair, in June next, and which ialo be com posed almost exclusively of Glass and Iron, will be an immense structure, and is thui described : It's length is to be 1848 feet, width 308 feet, height 66 feet. The tran sept is 108 feet high ; except the timber for floors and joists, it consists entirely of glass and iron. There will be 3239 iron columns, 2'21 iron girders, 1128 iron bear ers, and 358 iron roof supporters; 3-t miles of slitters, 202 miles ol sash bars,' and 900, 000 feet of prlass. The gutters will be 21 feet wide. ' The site covers eighteen acres. if a man expects lo meet wilh any sym pathy now-a-days, he must become a reform ed nronkaril or a fuaitive slave. A decent man mi-:ht linger nut a miserable "jxistence and die of starvation, before he could meet with half thu sympathy exhibited for either. The Hon. Daniel F. Milieu, Whig mem ber ol Congress from Iowa, is lying at Ihe point of death in Pittsburg, In Louisville, five slaughter houses kill ed 8,090 ho.s in one day, and hung them tip. One set of hands at Madison, la., kill ed andcle&ned 1,427 hogs in one day. Tm: marriage of Mo. Cooper to Miss Staves is announced. The result will pro- fc.iblv be barrels. XKW AnVF.RTISEMKM-S. NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. New 1'oti, JW. B.VA, 1850. Mr. H. B. Massed, Sunluiry Pa. Dear Sir: In some portions of the country where we had advertised nur ISarsnparilla, in ltMS, the Editors of some of the papers have sen fit lo take upon themselves the responsibility of continuing the aine alter the agreement expired, and in some eases har had the presumption to send us a bill for the amount. Now we have no objection to have all the papers in tltc United Htnles advertise for us for veurs, if they are pleased to do so at their own expense, hut we cannot afford to pay them unless they have euv authority for the work. We wrilo to you for the purpose of informing the Editurs, through you, tf at they ure lit liherty to advertise ns long as they please, but we must not be lu-hl responsible without our written guthoritv. THOMPSON, HKII.LM AN A: CO., N o. 11(1, Nassau street, New York. Tlevemher 14, 1S50. it SHERIFF'S SALE. By vktut of eertufn writ of "Fieri Facias, U m dl rtcted, will t a-td by public vendue (if outcry, t 1 o'clock ft, m., ob Soturdar, Dmber W, IH50, at tha Cmirlliouae u the bur nigh ol Sunbury, tlia fulluwiiig ml ealate U' wit: The Danville jncJ PultMown (PuMftville) Rtiil Road wilh the nppurlennncpf, AUtmta In thymntifof Nfirthntnliflrrnnd and ?Vny!l:il1' tnartrrw with tha orjnrale righia attd priviki of the aid Dnnvilla Pottrtowii (Potiville) llmlrotd c.ioiaiiy mtd the re) ntate nf th aatd Corporation, aHuaie Mi rtchaylfcrll waiy,J fullrwt, vis: , A cerlHiii Lot of Land. , ' I luate fa Mount CniHui, fVhny.kMl pimty, bef inninfr al a Ket, a r-n-ner of tand anld t- Henry White, in the line of tbrMt fc Lawrence Lewie' land, thence fxlendinir br the id tt ald to llmry hite, ai ulh 85 Ht f revs, enrt alMut 175 feet nrn or lets, eroaajiur the Centre turnpike road to fe river ftrhuylkin, thenee exteMrnff d'wn the wid river TO feet ft the rnnirr of a lit ld to Rcnjttmin Uerker, now of Francis H. Nichols, the nee nnrth 85 rteftrees, west nbont WQ feet, rnoreoT teas, emssiiifr the said Centre tnmpike tnnd to the line nf Ruhert lawriee Iwi' land, tlienee alont the aame, north 11J degress west to the plaee of be finning. AT.flO : A certain Lot of Land, situate on lr4h sides a tha Centra turnpike, In Manheim township, in the County of Pchuylkitl, befinniirf at a point in the north anaterljr side if the Turnpike niM) aforesnid, thence extendinf by land of the Schuylkill Nvi(ratii Com pnnv north 83 (leg 5 min., east 167 feet, thence hy the same north dca;. 10 miu., wet 30 feet, thence north Wl def . ft 5 min., enst 30 feet, thence hy the as me nrth St of . and 10 min., west 1X1 feet inches, thence by tha aama anth 64 dej . awl A min., west 310 feet and thenee by the aame south 84 dee;, ft M min , east 16P feet 9 inches to the place of betinniitg. Wheremi ia erected a twv story stmia dwelling Houaa or Tavern Htemt. AIM: A certain other Tract of Land, situate at the distance of 936 feet a?d In a course of north Kl dee:. 5 min. rust from the aforesaid point in the north easterly side of the said Centre turnpike, thence extending from the Hridtre hy tit her land of the nid Company north M dejr . west H6 feet 6 inch. M a stake, thenee north 29 dep. 6 miu west tfth teet to a corner near the Watte Weir, and thence north ftti tier. .15 mm. enst 60 feet to the !w Water mirk of the Sehuylkill river, thence rl-nvn amd river along the line wt low water to the plnce of thinning. Which desrnivd lots heing part of a larger piece of land, contnm- niff ntTtn stnrt monsnre, no ttie smite more it rvs, which l)imi"l Oroffft M annuel his wife, and Oe trire SluM'taaker and Mary his wife, --f Schuylkill cmnty al'oiemid. hv deed tinted the Oth dny M Mny, A. I. H10, niiveyeri to the snul S4ahinlkill Nnvig.iti.m Company and their snccess'irs and nssigner-s in fee simple. V licrcni is erected a two story stone Ware House. ALSO: All that certain piece of Ground, situate in the township nnd e nutty lat aforesnid. Iiegin ning at a st 'in? corner tn the western line of Innd lteI ntr ina to the Schuylkill Nnviiruii n Company and the north western corner of eil Croshv's lot, thenee snth K cleg., enst 400 fret tn a stnke in the line of lot sold to Neil Cms hy, thenee north !i deg west 113 feet f Innd of the Sehuyl kill Nnvieation Company thence north H tleg., west to the wes'ern line of tin mid Company lind. and thence nlottg the mine south eartwnrdly alxtut 100 feet tii the place uf hegiuiug. AI1; All that o? rin in piece of Ground, situate in Mount Curbon, in Manheim township, in the county L'ist nfreatd, Uvoiuiug at a pst on the tuurgin of the cairn I nt the dmtuiu of urmt 100 feet helw the south east corner of the t'pper It:min. thence along the margin nf the canal north HH drg. wrt feet to a point 1n the ha sin, thenee Ihrough the midule of wtiil hiiRin, dividing it e-nu-illy Wy n direct hue, hearing almt suih G'2 ih-g. west feet or there ah utt to n post in the weitern line of the nun I pieee of ground, nitininc south 33 dee;, east along the tadid of Unttrrt M I win thenee on the Inst mentioned line south ,1:1 dg. east nlmut ( feet to a stone coriifr, thenee smith 9tJ deg. east 4tf feet to a jvist, thence n rth 6i deg. fttst tSA6 feet to the place ot beginning. ALSO: All that certain lot or piece of Ground. situate at Mount Carlton, in the towimhip and eouuty afore said, beginning nt a point in the middle of the ujer hat in in thf murgin of the Schuylkill Canst' thenee along the innr gin of the canal uoith 'in deg. west OH feet to a post at the corner of the Uunrd Wall of the Uiek at thedistauee of '20 feet from the centre of the tiate Post, thence southt 67 deg west .W feet t a post, thence north tfn dtg. west 31 ft, to h pout at the tliitauce of 3 feet from Sans om RiHgtrway and Whites' S mtheru line, thenre pnrnllel with said line Sfnith 67 deg. west 310 fct to a in the line of Robert M. ft Irfiwrenee lewis thenee alone said line south 33 drg. eaict mil il it meets Frederick jnidrrttrtins allotment, ihsuee hy a riireet line, a as to strike the middle of the aforesaid tmsin, dtvitling it equrlly le:iriug about north fl'J drc. east to the place of beg in nine ; containing one acre and twnty f Mir perches, meie or less. zeti. taken in execution and to tie S'lrt ns the property na rousunvn (rouiviiuj itsti uoau JAMKS COVKRT, PhrO. PROCLAMATION. NOTICE ia hereby given Uiat the aeteral f onrtt of Common Plraa, General Quarter Hreaiom of the peace, and Orphana' ("ourt, I'ourt f Oyer and 'rermitirr ami Grnorat Jnil Dfli'ery, in and for the county of Norllititnbertantl, rontrnenr at the) Court ilimee, rn tho bortMigb ot Munbuiy, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Momlnt,. the Ht ol Jan uary next, Witt continue TWO WEEKS. The romner, Justice of live Peeca and fenata tilea in and for the county f Northamberlirtid, arc requested to he then and there in their proper per. ona, wilh their rvlU, rcconla, iiwiuiMtinna, and other rriucmbrancra, to do thoae tiling to their aevrral otlicca apprrtaiiiinK to he done. And all witnefHfe proKecuting in Itehnlf of the Common wraith aainat any prironer art alao requcated and commanded to lie then and there attending in their prof cr pcrBoua to prosecute against hint, a ahull tc mat and not to depart without leav at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in tlieir attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notice. Given under ray haude at .Sunbury, tha 30th day of Nov. in the year of our Lord one lluMiaand sight hundred and fifty and the Independence of the United State of America the 75th. JAMES COVERT.Sk'jr. ' God aave tha Commonwealth. f Tim Danville I. nmpaiiy fthfriir OtrV -imtmry, Ovv SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Certain Writ of lv. Farimt to me directed will he cold by public vendue or outcry, at 1 o'clock, P. M. on Tuesday the 31st day of December, 1850, at tha Mount Carntel House, kept by Felix Lerch in Coal tvwuahip, the following iieal Estate to wit: All that certain tract or body of COAL LAND, embracing tho I.ocuat Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin, now Coal towuahip, in the County of Northumberland, hounded and described as fol low to wit : adjoining on the north by lot No. 6, thence hy land aurveyed in the name nf George Cnlerain, now Alesar. Hoyd & Company, and land formerly of Wm. Tomlinaon, now Meaara. Unvd &. Co.; thence by allotment No. 8; thence by the Mahonoy .Mountain. Containing eighteen hundred and seventy four acre and seventy jer clip strict measure, being sundry tracts and parta of tracts of land surveyed on warrants, licaring date the 15th of Marrh'l7!3, granted to Edmund IIulT, Juines (irier. Thomas Grier, James Perkins, Richard fuhnon, Kichanl Manning and .U'homas Foster. and also pnrts of two tracts surveyed on warrants benring date the 30th of Nov. 1830, granted to Daniel Drautiiram. and J auieu Hep burn, and allotted to Valentine Urobst a No. 7, according to a certain partition of twenty live tracts of land, commonly culled "The Grant Lands," and being the same premises which Ja cob llofl'iiian and Mury (. his wile, granted and confirmed to George Gordon. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Gordon. JAMES COVEfT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, fSuiibury, J Dec. 7lh, 1850. ( THE VERY LATEST A1UUVA1. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF X3UL T. CLEMEITT, fVTHO take this methsd of informing his ' " friemU and eostomers, that ha ha )ut rt ceived and opened a splendid assortment of i NEW GOODS, which Ik oCer to tha public at tha Iwwtrt asice Hi stork consists of every tsriety and quality, nertsaarr for tit farmer, mechanic, and laborer, a well a th professional man, via all Liudeof Mens Apparel, K pi A9 CLOTHS, CAStlMERCS, 9ATTINETT81 VE8T1NUS, c. AL80: a large assortment of C alitor, Mousstlmt Dt Loimt, Alpatcat, Ahrinoi, Shawls. Ilandkerthitjt, Glorti, Iloistry, Chtckt, Canbritt, G'mg hums, Ire. Alsa a larg aasortmant of Boott anil Shots, Hat and Caps, Gum over Shoes, Also ax Assortment or READY MADE CLOTHING. A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, toller, I ea, Cheest-, Mo lasses, Spices. An assortment of Hardware, Kails, Steel end Iron. Liquors, Such as Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, S"c. PF" Prodnre of all kinds will be tsken in ex change, and the highest market price paid for th imr. i'unbiiry, Nov. 30, 1850. ly. T iee. ) . T, 1M0. 'orphans court sale'. Correspondence of the ruhury American. '.' ' ilnttrsrillr, Vee. 3,1, 1850. II B. Masssr, F.t. Df!r Sir: Permit rr to give lo llm readers of t lie '-First 1'iiper'' fold Northumberland, u brief outline of the xilaira of her siler AiuUr.icile county. Tliis county (Schuylkill) is now in a moat tloniifh- Ing condition. The movt prominent staple ts rtow bringing the highest pi ice the market er afforded. Our npeiators are in good spirit. The laborer finds employment, and that too at good wages. The storekeeper takes in the dimes; the surgeon i kept busy at setlius limbs and dreeing wounds; the j Lawytr sits in his office wutching every op portunity to catch a client ; our machine shops resound with the busy stroke of tho workman's hammer; the locomotive pufl's and whistles through our wild and romantic tralley, and ill short every thing bepe;ik a most llutteijug futuiity.f Although rough and inoutitajiiOMB as this county is, there is still a life, so cheerful and animating to its inhubi-tants,-;tlKtl even all this is to them beauty and pleasure, in fuct a cheerful smile, a lighted pountetiiiiipe, and a mirthful air is obseived pn every individual. 1'otisville '.he new '.metropolis" uf cuunty, may well be palled the most lively and promising town in Pennsylvania, fur its sij-.e and aiitiquityi its literaiy department cannot be excelled, Young men mingle only in instructive and edifying associations, which is manifested by visiting the literary society at Foster's Hulls every Wednesday eveuinjr, some of whom give promise of rivalling a Clay, a Webster or a Cass. The ladies too manifest their wistjom. ftud refinement by attending these rnost beneficial and improving entertainments. Next cornea Miaersviile, although not equa to Pottsvillo in point of size, yet there is sociability, and reciprocal habits' existing in her society, that cannot but prove atlraotive nd grateful to the feelings ot her sojourn era, and add to their comfort and enjoyment, 1 We have literary society, called the 'Key tone Literary Intiiute," of which I have lit pleasure of being a member. It gives to the rublic a tcrv intere&ttiie lecture once a week i;iV(-US! JviMt received at the store of II UNI! Y MAS SKK, a lot of Gaps, Gum Shoes, Almanac. rjiieL-nsware, Liquor &.c All of wliich will be sold at the luwest price. Dec. 14, 1850. ??CPCSALS TTtril.I. be received until the 20th day of Dc ' " cemlwr 1650, for delivering Sills aceordine to the following ipecilication, along the line of the TEVOy."M). MAIIANOV M) SLSQI E H.4.N UAlLKOAU- Sills to be deposited at such places, and in such qusnlities as shall be di rected by the Engineer, and after being inspected, the person delivering the Kills, to lay up those im proved in cross piles. .' - SPECIFICATION. illk tn be nf t-njud whito-n&k, or c)ieimt-oak timiier evi-n leet au1 ail knit 1'iig, cut or hi wed square nt the cuds anJ in size at the sum II end o( the stick, as follows : 1st Class. Beqttiriu? the log to be 23 iuehes in diauittr at tk small ud to luake 4 sills. 2d Clam. Riquiriiijr the hp to be 3 inches in diameter at the smae end to make 4 sills. 3d Class. Requiring the In to be 10J Iuehes lu diameter at the ainal' cud to make one sil!. ' Kills to lie delivered vn or before the ftud day of May The timber to beeut down before the fi"w of $mp--my by the lu ot Murch Ib6l. KIM nr.R CLEAV..R, Eufiaeer. Trevorton.Oeeemher T, l50 -li. OEPHAJTS' COURT SALE. 1 P"ur,r" an rdc? of th Orphans Court Of Northumherlnti.l nial. will ha in.l ' PUUJ1C le, th followiog real estate, at th Court House, In Sunbury, on MONDAY, tl CUi day of J AN LA HV, 18&1, a cerlaiu Tract of Land, situate In Upper Augusta township, containing 519 ACRES, wore or less, adjoining lands of John Farnsworth on the east, Adam Suissler on th west, Jacob Fry and others on th south, and Jacob Snyder on th north, on which ar erected two largo M DWELLING HOUSES, ft A Frsme Earn, a Wagon House, a Lime-Kiln and Spring House. There is also a fine Orchard on the premise. About 150 acres sro cleared, all of which is in a fin state of cultivation. Ueing the Mansion Farm of Henry Voxtlieimer, dee'd. ALSO: A SMALL PIECE OF GROUND, In th Town of Hhsmokin, containing on eighth of an Acre, more or less, adjoining Dr. Phillips' piece Shamokin creek a branch of Shamokin creek, and a triangular Lot, No. 440. Late th estate of Henry Yextheimer, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when the conditions of sole will be made known by . FREDERICK LAZARUS, Administrator. By order of the Court, ) Jno. P. Purscl, Clk. O. C. I ounuury, iov. 23, 1850. -ts. ESTATE OF SOLOMON ZEB.N, Deo'd. TBVTOTl.CE liCtcby cjven letter of ad. ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on ne estate of Solomon Zcrn, bite of Shamokin township, Northumberland rountv, dee'd. At' persons indebted to estate, or hav ing claims against the same, are requested to call on th aubscriber at Shaiuokintown, for settle ment. JOSEPH ZER.N", Adin'r. Coal townahip, Nov. 9, 1850 Ut. TO PHYSICIANS ANI QXEX18. rpHE subscribers ofTsr to phycicWis aatd irog. A gists, a csrsfully selecud stock, of dxug and insdiinss, which they will guarantee ts b of lb liest quality, pur and unadulterated In all c. Their facilities for Importing foreign drags aa chemical ar uch, tbat tliey are enabled, to U thorn upon th best terms, and at th sm tloae ""in tlistr cactoDiers of their genulnass. They have also, recently prepared and A fer for sale a superior article of C4LtIFD JlC, Resembling Henry' Msguesia, free from cart so ic acid and roughness or grittiuess, almost utirly taatolcss, tombiuiug iu au eual bulk from tbiee to four times the strength of th common kind, and sold at about ot half th pric of Hsury'a Magnesia. 'i hey hav also prepared tU Fluid Mngnesia, Which is a new and valuable remedy U acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, dee, at Us than half th pric of tho foreign article. They also have on hand of Uieir own prsua. ra tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhatany, Ki no, (iuin Arabic, Serpcntaria, ExUGlycyrrh, Ip. cac, Potassa Sulph., Potnssa Nitras, Borai, Spi getia, Buchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canells Alba, L'va Ursa. etc. Great care hu been taken to hav these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to prcservo the characteristics of aeh ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Chemical X, rharmaceiitical Preparationa of their own manufacture, and ad d to the list all the valuable new remedie a they become known. Among them may b mentioned the following s "aEiicoui'age Your Own!'' HAAS &REXX. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE aubscrihera respectfully call the attention of the public to their'.'e and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of (AKl.Vli - WAStlJ. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on ncrouiit of its durable orkinuimhiu and splendid liuUh, nude up of the IickI stock to bo hail in the citv. No cll'ort is Hired in the manufacture of their waru, and the siiliHcriluT are determined to keep up with the inanv Improvements which are constantly lieing made, -Their stock consists of Mahoiiny, imiiM ami Loungon, Uurrnus, Stf ictnifrs, SfDcbonvIis, SllFA, BREAKFAST AND lllMNG TABLES, Slid also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia mautilueture. . BKIrSTEADN, of evcrv puttern and price, CUPBOAKDS. WOKK AM) CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their huainess. 1 hry also manutuctur all kind and qualities of CIIAIlsS. ncluding varieties never before to h had in Sunbury, such as Mtiioosat, Blsck Wiuit ahu I caiiii Msris tiskcus i 40 Wiwnsoa CHAIK8, isn mil Pi mo Stools, which areof tlie latest sty Us, and warranted to be eicelled by none tnanuiaciureu in the CiUes or elsewliere. flie suliacritiers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the rilira, as every conodeuca can be entertained about th quality and finish of their war and Chairs, Their article will be disposed of on as eood terms as they can b purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in paymwit for work. 11T UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves wilh a handsome Htsast, they ar now prepared tor I nOcrtuking, ana attending lu. nerala, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from tins place. (V Th Ware Room ia in Market Street, opposite J. 'Young's store, and nearly opposit neavct'a lavcrn. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN Sunhury, Dee. li, 1800 tf. 11 pursuance: of nn order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland rnuntv. will be puM.'d to public sail-, om THURSDAY the 2nd day ol JANUAUY, 1S51, at the public Housi? of William Weaver, in the town of Shiniiokin. the following described property to wit : a small Ti'iict of Coal Land, eontainini' about 13 ncres surveyed in the name of Thomas tjambert, adjoining lauds surveyed in Ihe name ol Luke Fidler, and others, a No, a small TRACT OF COAL LAND, containing ubout 35 ncres surveyed in the. name ul Thomas Morgan, adjoining land sin vcy til in the name ul George Colrain and others, laiiil. Also one hall are of land ud iiiiiiiiiL' the Shamokin Furnace tract, all t-ilu- ate in Shumokiii township (now Coal.) Al.-u the Collosviii lots situate in the town ol Shdinokiu, in Norihuinbeihtiid cuuu'.y, viz: No. 173, 174, 175, 170. 177, 178, 17U, 1811, 181. 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 19ti, 197, Al so the undivided hull part tif lots, No 11, 12, 13, 84, Ha, 8t, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 9b, 100, 101, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 126, 14G, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151. 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189. Also the undivided moi ety, or half part of three squaies in said town, situate between Commerce s'.ieet nn the north, Spurzheim street on the south. Rock street 011 Ihe east, and Washington street on Ihe west, also the Undivided Half Part of One Square, situate between Commerce and Washington streets, and Independence and Liberty street in said town. Also the WHOLE SQUARE between Liberty, Independence, Orange and Commerce streets. Also the WHOLE SQUARE between Orange and Independence streets, and Ihe western boundery ol said town. Also lots Nos. 5d, 51, 52, 53, 54. all of which have dwelling houses erected upon them. AUo lot No. 69, 011 which is erected an oliice. Also lots No. 70 and 3, on which is eteeted a Frame Dwellimj House, lot No. 15, with a Frame Dwelling House thereon, Nos. 16, 74 anil 75, oil which is a Slone llutise. Also the interest ol the said John C. liuyd, IccM., 111 the Kl NDli at Miamokm, uisu the interest ol saut lutestutit III unit lu TWO LOTS OF LAND in said town, now owned by Kev. Mr. Ham- Hon. l.ale the estate ut John L. Howl, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by PAUL L.E1D 1 , Adm'tor. By order of the Court, 1 John P. Purse), Clk. O. C. t Dec. 7, 1850. is VALUABLE rARIYI FOR SALES. HE subscribers will olfer for sale, on th 31st day of Deremlier instant, on the premises, a Tract of Land, containing 267 acres more or less, situated in Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county. About "00 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation The improvements are THRO: TWO STOHY LOG DWELLING HOUSES, Three Barns, one of them a large Bank Barn, There are two large APPLE OfCHARDN i-ss 011 the land, and other good improvements ;f The land is situated near tho Mnhautango creek, and he river Susquehanna. The public road, leading from the Susquehanna to Mineravilie, passes over the land. The above farm will lie sold together, or divi ded into two or three parts, lo suit purchasers. If nut sold on that day, the property will be rented for the term of one year. The conditions of sale will l made known on the day of sale- The property will be sold as the property of Jacob Snvdcr, br WILLIAM KEHAUCII, JOHN .4. SNYDEA', Lower Mahonoy, Dec- 7- 1850. ts GREAT ARRIVAL OF TTHTJILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informs Ww his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment or NEW GOODS, which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas- ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. Thes goods were selected with great rare, and will lie sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF KVKRY VARIETY, Via: Dry Goods, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Muslins, Caltiioes, Muussfline De Laities, AI paccas. Merinos, Flannels, Checks, Ging hams, lec. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAPS, GUM AND LEATHER SHOrS. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, &c. A general assortment of Groceries, such is Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, A'c. t7 Produce of all kind taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, Nov. S3, 1850, ly. Adm'rs. SHERIFFS SALES. BY Virtue nf a certain writ of Is a, Jirp. to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or out cry, at 2 o'clock, P. M. on Monday the 2Hd day of December, 1S50. at tho house of James Brass, in the Borouqh of Miitnn, the following Real Es tate, to wit i A certain Lot of Iand, situate in the Borough of Milton, bounded north bv Loner Market street, east liy lot owned ly Mrs. EI en he cliner, souili ut au auey, ana m by lot of C. Goodlander, containing one-eighth of an acre, more or less, whereon are erected a two tatory Log and frame Dwelling Jtouae, fulastcred.'i and a Frame citable. Seised taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Reuben Overpsck. All that certain new Frame Building, situate in the borough of Milton, North'd county, fronting on Front street; two stories high in front, nd on story high iu the rear thereof, and CO ft. long bv 25 ft! wide, erected on a Lot of Land, in said borough, bounded north by an alley, east by lot of the Miss Waldruns, seuth by Market street, slid west by Front street aforesaid. Being the same Lot of Laud known in the general plan of said Borough as lot No. and whereon are also erected a Blacksmith Shop, Coppersmith eihop, a Lead pipe and Window Hush Manufactory, which said new frame building, John M. Patton was and is the owner or reputed owner, and Aimer Leland was and is the contractor, architect and builder thereof. .Since taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joint M. Patton and Abuer Leland. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) funburv, Nov. 27, 1850 ts. ) HKCISTEU'! NOTICE. TOTICE ia hereby given to all Legatees, Creditor and other persons interested in the Estate ot Martin Kelfer, dee'd., settled by his Executor John F. Wolliinrer. That the Execu tor nf said Estate has filed bis account with the RegRter of Northumlicrland countv, and that the same was presented at August term, and con linn, ed ; and at the san e term to wit : August 8, 1850, on motion of John F. VVolfmger, Esq., tho Court grant' leave to the Executors tc till up the bluuks in the within account, and also to add therein ad ditional items of charges and credit. Eo die Court direct aix weeks notice of the filing said ac count, prior to the first day of next term, to be given in the .Suiibury American, as to the heirs living out of the eouiilv. Bv order of the Court, ) JOHN P. PURSE!., Clk. ( November 23, 1850 6t- T. S. BOBST'S 2. AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Sclinsgrove, Pa. C'IocKh. WutclieM and Jewelry, REPAIRED in the best manner and warranted to erforni well. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Peliusgrove, Nov. 30. 1850 tf. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AMD PHYSICAL KES TOR ATI VIC. THU MEDICAL. WONDER or THE AGS. "X7H.L positively cure all stapes of Neuralgia, ' " Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will rcstoro manhood to its prestiue vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only known und cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilly. Extract from the New York Sun, Oct 3, 1849, Tht eelebialeil Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty 1" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer lie any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized slrte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. KtLD BY Wm. MeCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 28, 1S50 tf. LINN, SMITH & CO., 'o. 213 Market Street, above 5th St. PlIILAUtlrlllt, WliolrNale Irii2;Klt!i, AND DKAI.KIIS IX 3RUGS, Mi:mcis, Psists, Oils, Wixnow V ULlll, AIINlSIIFS. UtE .TlTf, 1'ITHT MtimiNLs, Mr.iiuiNX Chksts, ScRniciL Is sTBfMx.tTS, Arc, &c; and manufacturers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is unsurpassed, nud we are now prepared to furnish it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from on to three dozen each. L. S. or Co., endeavor to have always on hand a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at the lowest possible rates. Particular attention is also paid to the milliner of putting up and packing their goods', so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perfect safety. All ordera by letter or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Philadelphia, June 15, 1850. 6m BOOT-TREE MAKER, So. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, ' rHIX.AD73X.PUIA. HERE all kinds of lasts, &c, of the latest Hydrocyanic Aesl, Prcparulfcsis 01' Incline, ' of PotSktM, Liquor Amnfiius, Ainu. do, F)nItKttr, di. a new re medy Tor lUieuiuaiisra. Illne .Mum. Kxttuit ol' Gi.'iilian, " OllUSBiu, ' 'I iimxieuin, l( Valerian, Huid, iisw sial umiuI rsuitsl)'. Hrspsrstious f Mercery, iroa, Zinc. Extract of Ssuita, flaid, a pleuaunt ibfiu to admiaistsc to cliiklrau. Exuuct Bncha Coai.. fluiS, Spisells, " SarauiarillaCoa- positMii fluid, " do. d. slid, " ds simple do, 14 Colocymh Corap. 14 do simple. Oil of Copsiva, Citrate of Iran 8ps. -Ether Nitros, U. 8. P., Cubebs, Ergot, Tobaccc, etc. and Quinine, Seaqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote for urscnic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleat ant cathartic medicine, put up in 1 8 ox- bottles, r2 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas ter ; a convenient application in many surgical opcrutioiiB, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BLIS TERING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of cantharides in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying th ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with ail silk or some similar substance, will produc a blister in three hours' time; or when ei posed, in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon th faithful and prompt execution of tlieir orders at low rates as the best quality of medicines can be purchased. CHARLES ELLIS & CC. 56 Chesuut street, Philada. Laboratory, Cth and Morris Sis, outhwark. November 10, 1830. tf. iitk! iitz! xrrzl BOTJREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. ATERCHANTS and the Writing community ' are requested to call and examine this INK, which is warranted nut to eorrotls Mtalhi Jtus9 nor ehuHge its Color. WlioletsUle and Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made io Merchants snd the Trade For sale by H. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November 0, 1830 ly. ESTATE OF GEORGE CLARK, Dee'd. ' OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin- istration hav been granted to the subscri ber 011 th estate of George Clark, dee'd., late of etuubiiry, Northumberland county. AH persons indebted te said estate, or having claims against the same, ar requested to cull on tlie subscriber, hi etunburv. fur seltlsineut Creditor sre requested to present their claims immediately, as meeting of the creditors will be held to take into consideration a proposition for th paymeut of their claims. EEUUEN K. FAtiELY, Adm'r, Sunbury, Nov. Sil), 1850. -Ot. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditor and other person interested iu tha Estate of John K. Maurer, dee'd., settled by his Admr. fieorge Hover, of Valentine Hummel, dee'd., settled by his A dm r, David Martz, of Gid deon bcheddel, dee'd., settled hy his Executors, Wm- H. snd Gideon Seheddel, of John Wllhclm, dee'd., settlrd by his Adm r. I homes 8. Maekcy, of Robert M. fteydcl, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r. John F. Wolflngor, or W una in rolliner, dec d., settled by his surviving Executor, Jonathan Foil mer, of Joseph Kline, doe'd., settled hy oue of hi Adm rs. John 1'fouts, of George orant, dee d., settled by his Adm'r- Peter Hileman ; of Peter Brown, dee'd., settled by hi Adm'r- Jeremiah Wetzel. The art of Jacob Trautman Guardian of Sarah Bihnert ol Aoliert Grant, dee'd-, settled by his Adra r. William Jteed) of Henry ctioada, dee'd.: settled by hi Adm'r- William Ammsrman. That tlia Executor snd Adininisirators of said Estates have filed their accounts wilh th Ke cister of Northumberland county, and that th am will be presented to th Orphsns' Court of aid County, on J ueaday th 7tb day of January uexl tor eonnrmalion and allowance. JOHN P. PLR8EL, Register. Register' Office. ) I funbu?, Nv. 0, 1S50 6t. GREAT ARRIVAL NEW GOODS! Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Tf OHN W. FRILINU respectfully informs hi tjP friends and customers that he has just re ceived a lurge and handsome assortment of J)rv Goods, Consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, D Laincs, Calicoes, Faucy and staple Goods. ALSO: GROCERIES of every description, DIUT.S AND MEUICINK. QUEENSWARE AND HARDWARE. Fish, rialt. Plaster and a general assortment of all suth goods as will suit sll r la sues I th Far mer, Mechanic, Laborer and Gentlemeu of all profusions. 1 11 e iiuuits Will find a great variety of all such srtiel as thev will need for th present season. tV Country produc of all kinds taken in i- change at th highest market pric. (Sunbury, Nov. a, lHaU. MORE NEW GOODS At I lie iew More of JOHN BUYERS & CO., Market Street, Sunbury. WHO haa just leccivcd and opened a large as sort incut of new and fashionable goods, of evcrv variety, suitable for the f.dl and winter sea sou. fur all persons ; and to which he calls the at tention of Icleinls snd customers. Jlis stork con isl in part of 11HY GOODS. Kl'CIl AS Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, De Lames. Calicoes, Shawls, Hand kerchiefs, und all kiwis of wear ing apjiarel. ALSO 1 .Hardware, Queemiwiire, Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster, And all articles that may be wanted by th com. numty. 1 lie Ladies Will find, bv calling at his store, that he has not been uiimindlul of their wauls, and respecllully invites them to examine his selection. IIT Country produce el all kluds taken in ex cbang for goods st tlie Highest market price. Sunbury-, Nov. B, 18ju. Iy. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rrHE undersigned sppoiuted auditor to exam X in and make distribution of th balance re maining In the hand of David MarU, Esq., ad ministrator of Valentine Hummel, dee'd , on the final setrlement of hi administration account, will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at hi oftic in Hunbury, on Thursday th 36th insl , at 10 o'clock, A. M, at which tim and puvo loo interested art hereby notified to attend. II. B M ASSER, Auditor Dcmer T, 1850. NOTICE. Wm. O. Moor v Charles G. Moor, John W. Moor. Isaae G. Moor and France Moor. WELLAPs'S PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. VuiitiiKori, No. 50 CHESTNUT Sirett, MEDAL, awarded bv the FRANKLIN" L aiTITUTK of Philadelphia in October, AND TUB FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN iSTITUTE, at Ualtimore. Nov. 1848 and 149. VhilaJelvhia, UcloUr 28A, 1F4S. I have used J. Wcllar's Patent Japan Liquid and Past lilackiug for some nine months, and style and liest material, are manufactured ! am hanuv to suy that it surpasses any blacking ou reasonable terms. that I have used these twenty odd vcars. I find All onlers promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. U, 18o0 ly. FASHIONABLE HATS. C. J. WALTON, , Vo. 246 Mullet st., bcticecn 7 If Sth st.t J (South side,) 1 PHILADELPHIA. , rPHE Subscrils'r has opened a new hat store, ; A and oilers to traders and others who visit the I city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve ry variety, made up ol the best material, and ill the latest and Ix-st style, and on terms as reasons- ', ble as can he had iu any establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hats at $3,50 ; Good do. do at !1UU. I'crsons lioni the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all times, nn getting s good article that will please them, and one that is ' fully worth the money paid. i it holds the polish and preserves the leather bt tbr than any blacking that I have ever tried. Asuutw II. Casaaras. No. 67 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURREY, 3antiucurer. Successor to J. WELLAK, No. 0 Chestnut Street, sliove Second. November, 9, 1850. ly. SH0URDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL SATING WASHIITG- SOAP. Blunufartit red by Miourtli k Co. 543 Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. 1VA R H A N T E D to wash clean in hard, soft, ' ... uilt w liter, cold or hot. in ona third th Philadelphia, Nov. 9. 1850 ly. 1 time of any other Soap ever manufactured; thu NOTICE TO THE HEIRS OF SAMUEL ! dispensing with ladling, bleaching, dec MORRISON, Deo'd. j FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. TV OTICE is herchv given lo the aforesaid heirs, j washed with this Soap will never shrink or hav L that bv Virtue of a certain Writ of Partition " arli or gummy feel, but leave tliem in their ....1 v.i, i,v the Orniiaiis' Court of ! original soft and uhant state 1 which ia in Itself a Northumberland county, lo 111c diructed.'an liupii sitiun will be held upon the premises, lu the bor ough of Milton, Northumberland county, at 11 o' clock, A. M., 011 MONDAY, the Slid day of DECEMBER next, to impure whether the Real Estate of the said Samuel Morrison, dee'd., can be equally part ed and divided to, und among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd,, without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole, at which time snd place the aforesaid heirs sre re quired to be and appear, if by them deemed expe dient. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tr. 8hrfTs Office, Sunbury, ) Nov. 9, 1850. ti." J NOTICE. D. 8. Hammond vs The heirs of Gen. R. H. Hammond. In ih Court of Com mou Plea of Northum berland county. "Writ de Partition! Ta- Vcienda. Notice is hereby gtv. en to th aforesaid Par ties thst they b snd appear at a Court of Common Pleas lo b held in Sunbury for th County of Northumberland on th first Monday of January oexl, and then aud ther accept or re fus th Real Eatal mentioned iu th aforesaid writ at th valuation fixed upon il by an Inquisi tion duly awarded and held upon lb said prenii. tes. JAMES COVERT Sh'rtr bhr'fTsOlTic, Punbury, Nov. 1, li&0 w J In the Orphans' Court of Norlhuiuls-rland county. Writ of Partition and ! Valuation. f Notice is hereby given Jto Ihe neirs anu leai ie preiieutalives of the aaid R. 'i. Hammond, dee'd, to appear at an Orphsnr' Court lo he held in Sunbury. for the county c Northumberland, on the first Monday of January next, and accept or refuse th real estate of the said deceased, at tha valuation fixed upon the sam by an inquest duly awarded and held upon said real estate. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Nov. 16th, 1850. 6u f MACKEREL, f HAD, CODFISH, 8ALMON. 1 HERRINGS, POKK, HAMS AND SIDES, SMOULDERS, LARD AND CHEEJE, Constantly 'on hand and for sal by . V J. PALMER & Co., Market 8lrret Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 14, '60 3m. sufficient recommendation to guarantee it us la all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thoroughly with it, without Ih least injury ; giving them a lustra equal to newly imported goods, PAINT, GREASE ti DIRT of any description, can be readily removed by th use of it, without injury to the article, whether il be the finest dres or ordinary carpet. Iu the use of Shourds cV t'o's Soap, th most delicate need not fear, as it will not injur or chap the hands, but on the contrary act as sn emolli ent, and is not only the vsai bist wsisis sox r ever offered to the public, but ss a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. hcrever it has been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and ia warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given it. SHOURDS 4 CO., Manufacturers. No. 543 Chesuut Su, Philadelphia. For Sale by Grocers generally. Novemlicr 16, 1850. NEW TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, OANES, eke. Just received, a larg and hand some assortment of Tovp, Fancy Goods, Cane, violin strings, dominoes, games, pussies nd tricks, moving figures, egar ease, work and fancy boxes, napkin rings, rattles, te., of vr description, at th lowest price, wholawl and re tail. Call and see GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10) North 6lh sL, Philadelphia, lata of S4 atrMt, N. B. Cane neatly mounted, and Taney Turning done. Nov. 0, IS 50 Smrs OROWN'H E88ENCE OP JAMAICA GJ.H. AJ GER, (bt Ml by II, t. MAaKIK, Sept. S8, U50. v -