iiL,g'.,."g",i-"W." UNBUHY - AMEBIC AN AND SMAMOK1N JOUKNAL. m 1 u . " v ' tNF.ASttf JOB- Joe Butrtstend wm one of thoe uneasy, festlew lyings, who mo never quiet a min ute,.. Wilier awaku or naleon. Ho alv way twwtinff ami turning, always ncom Tor'.able, and ha was universally, known among hi companion. as ITuenfy Jne. Some times we used to play oil practical jokes Ujwn him for thevfun of the thing, but generally speaking, if we lot him have his own way, he tnadenfniTth enough by "setting himself." Amoig his numerous dislike's, Joo despised rats and mice. Indeed, he said they seemed born into existence only to tease and annoy him. When child he was bitten by a mouse,, and severely, too, for which reason he always dreaded them. If Je had occa sion to visit any new house, or to sleep in a strange, room, he nover failed to give tho premises a careful inspection to insure liim ull that there were no mouse-holos about. We roomed together one night, in New York, and I laughed at Joe for his watchfulness and clo examination before rtireing. "If it all right, Joe !" we asked, after he had peeped behind the furniture, and in eve ry comer of the room. "Yes, there can be no mice here, that's sure," he said, at last. "Well, blow out that light, and go to bed then, will you, Joel" "Yes, here goes," and Joe suited tho action to the word, and lenped into bed. It must have been nearly morning when Joe awoke us with : "Hist! hist! don't you hear that noise there?" "Not a bit of it, Joe. You are dreaming," we replied, turning over to get a fresh nap. "There it is again." "What?" "Why, the noise." "You are making all the noise. You unea sy thing you, can't you let a fellow sleep quietly V "Look here," it is all well for you who don't care a farthing for mice or rats, but you know I have a natural horror of the varmin, therefore there, didn't you hear that 1" "Joe, lie down, and be quiet ; you took that punch too strong last night, and haven't more'n time enough to sleep it off before morning." "Fonrh ! You haven't any feeling fot my nerves." "Nor yon for mine, to wake me out of such a sound sleep for nothins." Joe slipped noiselessly out of bed and seiz. ed one of his patent leather boots, which he felt for some time upon the floor before he got. "What are yon up to now ?" said we. "Be quiet ; it's on ihe table don't you hear it? pit pat, pit pnt." "Well, it does sound like a mouse." Joe balanced the boot in his hand so as to bring the heel to bear as the weapon, and felt his way to the table by the head of the bed, where the noise was heard. "Hist! the little rascal is nibbling some thing he has found here." "Let him have it Joe, and then keep quiet) for heaven's sake." Following the sound. Joe soon got within striking distance, and poising his weapon, he brought down the heel with unerring aim and precision upon his victim. Sure enough, the little pit pat was stopped, and after congratulating himself, lie crept to bed Benin. Next morning, Uneasy Joe' found that he had smashed his valuable gold repeater in lo the shape of a pancake ! Yon cloud is britrlit. and beautiful it floats Alnn in find's horizon ; on its edge The stars seem hung like pearls ; it looks na re As 'twere an angel's shroud, the white cy- mar . .... Of purity, just peeping through its folds To give a pityinar look on this snd world, fin visit it. and find that all is false Its glories nre but foe, and its white form N nliirhted to some coininu thiindergust ; The rain, the wind, the lightening have ihf ir source Tn such briuhl meetinas. Gaze not at the clouds, TInw Wntiful. Go coze at the skv, Tho clear, blue, traiutuil, fixed and gloii- ous sky. Fight with a Ukar The Batesvil 6Ark Eaeie srives an account of an attack, ht a bear which had been domesticated, and became enraged from hunger, on two men- one of them the owner. The bear had got Joose, and while the men' were to confine him, he turned upon his master, named Giblig and tore one side of his head with an ear off. The other man came to Gibb's assist ance and struck the bear witn an axe when the animal seized him and threw him on the ground, apparently lifeless. Gibbs, though ceriously wounded', then managed to kill the bear with an axe. Ploprs are entertained of the recovery of both the the wounded men. Switzerland will send three hundred and fourteen exhibitors to the great In dustry Fair in London next spring, and the town of DusseUlorf, on the Rhine will alone send two hundred and filly. Heavy Verdict The jury in case of William Wescott vs. Auburn and Kotlies- tvr Rail roarl, brought in a verdict of six thousand dollar damages for the pluntilf, who wan injured by the cara on the road A singular petrification was discovered in Minnesota, some month since a iiumati body changed to stone. The object was a woman, aged seventy, who died five years ago of apoplexy. . Somebody says : "The Devil never trou bles a busy man." This we know to be false. Show us a busier man than the edi tor, and yet he is fortunate it he has no more than one "devil" to trouble him es pecially when "copy" is short. The following advertisement recently appeared ia the Saundes fifiwt Letter, pub lished in Dublin, Ireland : "Wanted A young woman to act as Housemaid in a small private lamily ; ah a milch cow must be of the established aWcA." LIVER COftXPLAIftT, JANNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY DISEASE OF THEtKlDNEYS, , AN P nil diseases srisitur from disordered liver or sto mach, such its constipation, inward Files, Fullness, or hlnod tn tho head, Acidify of Hie tHomnch, Nouses, licnrthtirit, disgust fur Font, fullness nr weight in tha r4loiniii'h,Hurl',rurtnlioi, sinking or fluttering at the pit of Hie Htotnnrh, swimniitur or the hrnil, hurried mid difficult breathing, Haltering nt the heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in 11 lying ponturr, Dimness of vision, doutor wel heforethe light, Fever mid dull pnin In the hem!, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the nkin mid mr, pntu in the side, hnr-k, rhest, limlsi, Ac., sudden flushes of hint hunting in tins flesh, constant imagining! of evil, mid rreut depression of spirits, . CAN BK EFFECTUALLY CURED JtY .. CP.. E00FLA1TD3 CLBRATL.I GERMAN BITTERS, rHKPAKJtD lV DR.C. AI. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ko. 140 Arch St., rhllttdrlphla. Their power over the above disennea li lint excelled, if eqiiHlkfl, Uy nny wilier pre in ml inn in the United HUitw, tin the cures attest, in many cum alter ekilllul physieimis hud ittileil. TIimus Uitten nre worthy they intention of invnluln. Poir"ins ((rent virtue in the reeiificntioii of d itenneft f the Liver tuul kwr ffltuuls, exerr.Hh'g the most seurrhhig powers tn wenknrwi nnd ntfectieus oi the digestive organs, they Hre, willnil, wile, rerlnin nnd plensnnt. t-'roiii the Hon ton Uee.J The Kditor wiid, lire, frid uDn. JIhklam Cklkbkatkd Gkbma Rittehu for the cure of Liver Cmiiplaiiit, Jiuindiee, J)ypepiH, Chronic or Nervonn Debility, is dtwrvndiy one of the nuwl popti liir iinxlirinrs of ttie day. These Hitlers hnve Iteeii nnvt by thouniiulft, mid n friend nt our ellmw twiys he htm him self ref-eivt-d hii ert-veUml nnd pernmnent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of tins remedy. We nre convinced that, in the line of thenc Hitters, the patient constantly piling streiifrtli nnd v.jfor n fact worthy of great conside ratinu. They ore pleiigunt in ttisle nnd smell, and can he used hy perstins with the mostdeliente st'muirtis with snfe ty, under nny cirrumsluuces. We nro SMmkiuft from ex perience, nnd to the alllicted we at I vine their use." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with (treat seicntific nnd literary nthihimeni, snid in his "New York Weekly RlesMcnH'er," .lanimry 0, lfcviO : "Ur. H'xiflaud's (iernmn Hitters. Here is n preparation whioh the lejiding prrwscs in the Union appear to he unani mous in recommending, and the reason is ohvious. H is marie altera presenpiinn rushed hy one of the nwwt cele hrnted physicinns of motlt-rn times, the late l)r. Chr stcpln-r AVilhetm Jlotdlniul, Professor to the t'niversity of Jena, private Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest mcdicnl writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphalieuliy the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor ami iimlorscr may he cnnll'deutly relied mi. He specially recommended it in Fiiver Coinnlaiut. Dyspepsia, Dehility, Vertiiro, Acidity nf the stoinncft, Conslipati'-n, nnd nil complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philudeldhin tinners express their convic tion of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of iiseucc-iH inun tncir own inmvinmu experience, i nner these circumstances, we feel wnrrnnted, not only in calling the attention of our renders to the present nnwent nronrie- r's (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) pre nitration, hut in recommend ing Iheniticle to a I nlliicted " More Evidence, The "Philatlctpliia Paturtlnv Gazette' the best family newspaper pulWislied in the United titles, the editor says Dr, lloojland's German Bitters. It is scldm that we recommend what are termed Pn lent medicines, tn the commence and patronage ot our readers; mid, thciclore. wlien we recommend Dr'. Hoof- land's (icrnian Hitters, wo wis it lo lie distinctly undci stood that we nre not speaking of the nostrnms of the tiny, that are ii' Mtied ohont for a' hi ief period nnd then for- goucn auei nicy navetione ineir gmny race ol miscniei, t n medicine Inuir established, universnllv nrietl. nut which hns met the hearty approval ttf the Faculty itself." That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dvs- pepsin, no one enn doubt, nftcr using it as directed. It acts spmncuiiy upon the stomach nnd liver it is prcHernMe to caiomci in an niiiious diseases ihe cltuct is inimcdmte. They can be administered to Female or Jnfunt with safety nuu reuuuic ijeneut, ut nny time. HF.WAKE OF COUNTKRFKITS. This metlicine has nt.aiued that high chatneter which is necessnrvfor nil mtilicines to attain to induce countcifeiters to put forth a spurious article nt tho risk of the lives of those nre innocently deceived. LOOK WKLLTO TIIK MARKS OF TIIK GFATINF. They have the written sitninture of C. M. JACKSON muni the wninner, nnd the n:une blown in the buttle, with- our whit-li thev Hre spurious. I'or sale, wholesale mid retnil, the German Medicine Store, No. V20 ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, flat oi 278 Hncc street.) Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally .nrougnout ine country. Alo: For srde by H. Masser, Punbury, and M. A M'Cav, Northumberland. August 17, IKiO. ly MAHOGANY AND MARBLE STEAM SAW MILL, ami Ti Rxnr, SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., Philadelphia. PTWE subscribers would call tho special atten JL tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, coiiMritinir of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and I lank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, varnish Looking Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Hardware Tool, Ac. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our poods arc WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Uiir J enns are Cash, (no trade.) e guarantee to give every man tho worth o his money. T. & L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Ra Plank, and Stair Bullusters for Builders, also Aluible Mantles, always on hand, and every dc scription ot turned work. June 8, 1850 ly HOOT, IMGlLUItEAN ARTIST, No. 140, corner of Fifth If Chesnut its., Phila delplua,und 3l3 liroailwuy corner of Franklin Street, New York. ITIZENS AND STRANfiERS ran have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, rapier iilucho, or other fancy styles, or seta in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes; Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, ccc. copiea. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken ut short notice. for 1 ort raits ot Adults by our process, and tin proved Instruments, a cloudy day is quits as fu vonihlo as clear weather. , For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. DC'!" Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. Our Gallery with its Six Prize Medals and works ot Art, is open at all hours, and Free, bother visitors wish pictures taken or not, wo shall at all tunes lie happy to see them. June 22, 1850. W. F. FEDDRICK'S (LATK PAKTNKR OF C. SCttHACIC). Varulsli Manufactory and I'nint More, No- 78 North Fourth Street, A FEWDOOItS AUOVE CHEHHY, WEST SIDE, rillLADElFfllA. Constantly on hand and for sale,, at reduced' prices, and of svptrior quality, the fol lowing articles, viz : Couch, Cabinet, Jujianncrs' and Oil Ckith Varnishes j Urylng Jnjiali; ivhx uno iiurucM viiruisa ; nrowu, hit audited Spirit do ; Transfer iki i Annus', House and Uoueli I'ulnteri' ana variusncnr aiaierutni; ri'M Y l.i OtiANTlTIKS, PAIN' I'S, DllY, IN Oil., ANU PKK- t'AKED Full 1M.MF.DIATK I'SK ; Milliners' Varnish, Glue and Ac nls; llku-k Junuu for Irou ; Adhesive do. for Vmtry Work: Picture una Window ulnssj Artists' Co lour Dry uisl in 'I'ubfs ; Ntut't FKt Oil : (iold, Silver, and (ierinaii leaf ; (jold, Silver, and Copper Hrouxe ; Glu- zier s uuimnuds. Also, very superior ?nos xsuckiiiix and ruing Ink. June M, ln&). EE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fee 11 ills haudsomely printed oncaiM paper, for sale at thiftoliice. DURE WHITE BRANDY FOR' PRESER. Y LMH just received and for sale) by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 28, 1850. CATS. An assortment' just received. Also silk HATS at $m, for aale by H. MASSER. kfmibury, Dee. 2, 18'.. CHERRY PECTORAL: far Iha Cro f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR OCT CHITIS, GROUP. ASTH MA, WHOOPINO-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This tiutv vnltmlilo Jtcmeily for all dinoiups of the IjUnfrM anil I hroat, has become the chiej reli ance of the afflicted ai it i the moat certain euro nown for the alrove complaints. W hile it is a powerful remedial amenta in the moat desperate and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is also, in diminished doses one of the mildest and most airreeahlo family medicines for common eommon eouqhs and colds. Kcad below the opin ion of men who are known lo the world, anu tlie world respect their opinions. FROM TltOFESSOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Aver Sin I have used vour"CHFn nt pMrmKAi..' in niv own case of deep-scaled Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an admirable compound for the, relief of laryngial and bronchial dimcuHiea. If my opinion as to its superior character can lie of any service you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L L D., President of Amherst College, From tho "London Lancet." "AYEU'rt CHERRY PECTORAL is one of tho most valuable preparations that has fallen un der our notice. After a careful examination, wo do not hesitate, to snv we have a lariie apprecia' tion of its mcriis and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for couch and lunir complaints. Dr. IJrewster. of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir : I enclose you certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a liiffhly respectable lady of this villaee, wife of Mr. Beth Cady, Deputy Shenll. Windham Co., Connecti cut. The cvr in her case was very prompt, and has attracted general attention, W. A. liKKWHi tili, I". V. Wkst KiLLiMil.T, Ct.ScpL 28 1848. This may certify that I was afflicted with avery severe coiirIi ill the winter ot '47-8, wlucn inrcai tencd to terminate in Consumption. I had tried many medicines in vain, and was cured by tho use of "Aycr a Cherry Pectoral. CATHERINE K.CAUK. From Dr. Brvant, Druirinst and Postmaster, Chicopee Falls, Mass : Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear 5ir: Enclosed please find rcinittance'for all the CHERRY PECTOK A L last sent inc. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell give such satisfaction as yoin's Hoes ; nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so many cases of Cough and Lunff Com plaints. Our Phisicians are using it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest elTccts. Truly yours, D. M. UK AKT. mEPATlF.!) MT J.C. ATElt, CH KM1ST, LO WKLL, M ASS. W Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunburv; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland' Dr. Gcarhart, Se- linsgrove ; Dr. Eeekly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 0, 1850- lyccSm A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware llwom of SEWN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the putronane of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During tins period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the dav, and has accordingly extended his bust ness in every branch and variety, J lie public are therefore invited to tho attention of the present stock of CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. At the Old Wand, Where in audition to their former stock ef the estahlishnic.it they now manufacture Mahogp-iiy, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lure Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other nen style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and huslKmrts too, Here's furniture of every style una hue, From side hoards dnwii to kitchen tallies, From rocking etmiri tn locking cradles Should you not have the ready Jons to nay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter lietter day, Or take potatoes, outs, com, wheut ami rye ; l:irk, hoop poles, stuves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing Inn yokes and threshing fiuils, Flom pigs and turkies down to little quuils. Come on then friends, come one nnd ail, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on thelm!!." fl?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, 1850. tf 1IIALAUELP1IIA WINE Sc LKILOR. STORE BITTING & W AT K 11 MAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 2J0 Market street, Philadclpha, FFER for sale, the rlicaest and best assort- mcnt of I.iiiiors in Pliiladelihia, audi as Cliainpagne, Sherries, Port, Stock, Claret, Bur gundies, Sauturn, linrsnc, Maderia, Lisbon, 'J'eiierill'a and Sicily YVinca. Brandies of the choicest lirands, viz; Muglina, Oturd, I'onctj Kenncsy, &c, &c. Fine Holland (iin, Monongahcla, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, &c- Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the most liberal torma. July 13, J850. 'KOWN,8Eb:sENCE OF ULCiEK. fl A new supply of this excellout article just received and for sale hy H. U. MASSEli. Sunbury, March 1U, 1850. Yuluable ltuukM, I" IFE or Christ, handsomely hound, D'Ap n i one's llisroiir ur thi Rkhobm4tiox, Blanr Dav-hooks ami tuiio chs, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices hy 11. It. MASSER. Stinlmry, July 14, 1849. Ootton Vani, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lapa and Wadding, Cotton Outline, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porccluin lined preserving kettles; just received lorsuie tiy XI. MASSEK. esunhury, Dec. ?, 1818. "CROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN XJ GER, an excellent' article. Rauwai's Medicated Soap fop sub burns, Un, tetterf Ac. Radway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand ruff Ac. Radway's Ready h'elief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, &c For sale by H. B. MA8SER. Sunbury, 4ug. 8, 1850. TJAISIN8, currants, citron, cheese, pepper aauoe, &c. For aale by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. RNOLD'8 WRITING FtLTD AND SON. k CRESS INK for tale at this oftic. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &TIENN. FASHIONABLE M A k E OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rP HE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of r RIi: I-WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the liest stock to lie had in the city. No eHort is spared in the manufacture of their Waro, and the subscrilwrs are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. 1 Iicir stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Divan) nnd I.oun&rcs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business, They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIATltS, ncluding varieties never belore to le had in Sunliury, such as M ahooast, Dlaik Walisut Axn Crm.Kn Mapib Gbbcian j ash WiJtnsoii CHAIRS, ax n fanct Puxo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriliers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. UT UNDERTAKING attended to on reason uble terms. tW The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Y oung s store, and nearly opposite weaver a tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunburv, April 28, 1849 tf J. IS. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 i Walnut st , between 3d and 4lh street. PHILADELPHIA. T ESPECTPULLY directs the attention of the public lo his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frnme nt a LOW TRIC E, has been much desired, he was induced sonic months since to commence tho manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the. demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to iucreass his facilities, and new offer at KXCKKD1XR1.Y LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c, &c. For Durability Unsurpassed, Hotels, Public Buildincs, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture., &c., decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. f 5r" Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly GEORGE J. IIEXKELS, CITY f A H I -" E T 1VAREROOMS, NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, (nrrosiTK thk statb house,) ruix.ADsx.niiA. VFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city ' paper, a lurce and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. Tho assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prisins suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely caned. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (uckiu w ledged to he the best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber r uruitnre. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Matlrasscs, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish mcnt are warranted of tho best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to curry safely to any part ot the country. May 25, 1850. ly SPP.I1TC- GCCEG i iiiii.aii:liiiii A. rjl SHAnPI.ESS & SOXS, have just received 1 their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS Alldcscriiitiona of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grode Rhinos, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and tv'tus. jjttr.. t.uuiJ J.awns, tiareges, Mousse. linn, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish' iuc goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimercs, Cashma- retts, Drills, Vestings of all kinds, and Boys weur, SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriago Ma- kcrs articles. T. SHARPI.ESS ct SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelpliia May 25, 1850 ly ECCTOP. YOTJP.SELF! roil 25 CIC.TSI!1 Br m kan s of tiir Pocket Esitlafii's, or, Every one his own 1 hvsician ! tlurti elli edition, with upwards o a hundred engravings, show, ing peculiur diseases in ee ry shape and form, and mul formations of the generative system, BY WM. VOl'Nfl, M. D, Tlie time has now arrived that persons sullering from secret diseases, need no more; become tho victim ot Quackery, ai by the proscriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledgo of any one, and with one tenth the usual x pence. In addi tion to the general routine of private disease, it tully ex plains the cause ot manhood s early decline, with, observations on marriaEO besides muny nthcT'derangcincnla which it would not be' pro per to enumerate. ICAny person' studincrTWEMTt-Fiv cfstts enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this hook, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, DR. W. YOUNG, No. 15i SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid "DH. YOUNG can be consulted on any of Ihe Diseases described in his ililtcrent publications, at his Office; 152 SPRUCE Street, every day be. twoen U and 3 o clocki- (Suiulaysxcepted.) ; Philadelnhio, Nov. 9, 1851) ly. STONE WARE, C TONE milk Pans, stone Juga and Pitchers, O and other articles of stone ware jost received and for sale by JOHN VY. FRILING. Sunbury, June 23,' 1849. f INERAL WATER, from thef Oak Orchard A'-- Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di. senses, and tonic remedies, for aale l"y HENRY- MASSER1 Sunbury, June 26, 1850 tf OLD PENS IN SILVER OASES. A small lot on hand and for sale by II. B.MASSKR. ' fuubury, April 8, 1850. l',CL-W ' . ' In presenting the public With a rcmsdy for the treatment Bad cure of FkvkB ako Anns and cither hilinua riisnises, no apolnf y is needed. Vast uumliers in the United States, Who suffer from these nft'eetinns in their varied forms, ore compelled to seek relief from otlisr source thnn the Imme diate, prescriptions of the regular physieinn. It lieeiunes therefore nil object of humanity, ns well hs of public inter est, to bring Itel'ote them a remedy prepared from much ex perience, snd which mnv always lie relied upon as 4ap. KFPKCTUAI., AND HARM1.K7 TO THK CONSTITUTION. Ttmt such is the true ehurueler of Ihe INDIA CIK It.AIIOnt'K, is amply attested by the universal success with which it has been employed. ry Fijttrnet from a eorrnminiention of the TTnn. Wir,. Mam VoouBatboK, of the U. 8. Senate, Isle Governor of Michigan. Dktboit, Oct. St, 1NI0. Doctor Chaw.fs O.ooon, llear Hir, I huve rend with much interest, your little tsaratir upon the "eioism, treatment Slid cure'' of the febrile discuses which have so extensively prevailed in onr Country ilnrinir Ihe lust few months sn interest increased no doubt, by the fuel that I hnve individually suffered so much from them. Though I feel myself very' incnnipelent lo judtre safely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your conelit sinus just, nnd I think withal, thnt yonr pamphlet is cnleu lated In produce much practical g'lorl. Speaking of the medieine he says : It fully Justified your flntterinr expectations, nnd us s snfe, convenient, nnd popu Inr remedy, my own experience, so fnr, induces me to be lieve that it will prove n greut public licucht. 1 mn pleased to learn bn! you have recently established several nceneies for its disposition tlnnich I regret thut. with a view lo a more genernl dissemination of it, yon should hnve found it ueeesRiiry to remove from your present residence nmoug as. With much respect 1 have the honor to le, sir, Yonr nhlitred servant, tVll 1.1AM WOODIIIIlnCK. From Hon. Ptkphr.i V. H. TuownninGK, of Michi gan Slate Seimte, to the Agent nt Del roit. lllR.MINGUAM. OaKLAMI Co., T)CC. 13, 1fttt. Sir you wish me to inform you what I know of Dr. Osgood's liiilin Chnl-igogue, or nutidiilions medicine. 1 do believe lliat if the virtue and efficacy of this medieine were genernlly known, the ffvkr and agck would disappear m Michigan. 1 procured a bottle in tlie spring of lmi, and huve goon reason to believe that myself anil family escaped the ngue Inst season in consequence of its use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine peninsula, has the fever nnd ague tieen so prevalent as the 'isr. i nave reet'ouueniieu mis niemciue m niiin-run m- inees. ami when the disease had become fixed and Immed the skill of phvsieians ; and 1 have never known il fail. 1- is universally ppnlueed the m'ist happy ellects. and 1 bet ve it has never been exceeded by auv metlicine in remo- iug the bilious diseases .if Ihe ctininle. l ours, respeeniiMv. ptf.I'hf.n v. rt. TRownnmc.K. Aseiit for Sunburv H. It. MASSF.lt; Northiiniberlmid, WITIllNfVroM Ar'Oi.j Milton, J. H. IlASF.Hj Sclias gn.ve, MAY ft KI.OSF.. May , ItlS tl 2ZEDZCAXi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY mi. KINK KMX. Ar. IF. Comer of Thml and Union Strcctst BKTWKKN' ftPKUCK AND l'INK STBEKTS, PKILADELrillA IH'Tr.KX KAUS of extciiiive nnd uninterruptrd pnictire -nt in thin city have remierpd Dr. K. iii'int cxiTt nun Fiicivnniiii pracimoiiiT inr nnii near, 11 tht! tri'iitnitriit (trail iliufnHfs ul a nrivntu niiturt'. J'tTs nis nlllictttl with ulem niwni tlieliody. t hroat . or Irps, paint in he iii'ddor Ikhicii, iiifrrurial rlieimiutmin. Blrirtun-s, snivel, liBrMKti iirisuia I'roiti yoiiilit'ull cxceKWri or inipuritict of the hliiod. when-bv tin? roiistilution hus become euieebled, are all treated with micrciw. le who nltiecft liiniH?lf under the care of )r. K., mav re- liixit MiHty contiile in Ins honor aft a gentleman, nnd confident ly rely upon hi pkill an a phymcian. 1AM. l'AIUIl I ls.Il AW I 11. Tj. Vonne who have injured ihemwlves tiy n certain ninetiee indnliitft in a habit frenui'iitly bairned from evil '(MtliUioiirt or in tvMi.rin uic I'lK'iB ii wnicu are mnny lelt, even when anteep. nnd d'9iroy iwnh mind and IhhIv, niioiild apply initnediatfly. W'enknetw and eotiRiitntioiiid lebilitv I ot museniar euerpy, pnvHicin inr8itii(ie and irt'n- enil proftnili'n. irrilaliility and all ii-tvohh ntleetioiid, null ution, HiiiiiiriBhness o me uvet, nun every thacn&ein any wnv etinneetoil Willi the rnnorner oi tne proercativc itine- tiona cured, and full vit;or rentored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a prt'iiiiilniB death. KINKELIN on si If l'rt servtilioii. ONLY 25 CENTS. This U vnkjunt published is filled with useful information on the infiruiiiien and diticitn. s nf the (-icnerative Oreant. It nddivtwf its- It alike to Yul'TH, MAMIOOU und OLD AiK. und niioiild be re.td by all. J lie valuable advice and iinnrepstve war mm; it Kivea. will prevent years :" . vi;ry imdHiufering und save annual Iv I'lions.-inilH ., LiveH. l'arenis by reading il will learn how to prevent the des truction "i their children. "A reuil'taiiee o! ti t eentn. cneloficd in n letter, nd Irewed to Dlt. KI.NKKI.IN. . W. corner of THI HI) A I'.NION Streets, between Spruce k Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a h mk. under euveliipc, er return ot mail. I'tTwine at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, (post iid.) and be cured at h -nie. iAiK.(it:s ok .MKDinrr.s, piiikctions. a-c, f'.rwnnled by nendiin; a remitlauce, and put up secure from DAMAtiK or Cl'KUJSTY. Hook-sellern, Nt'W ALent,PedlarB. ("mvn users, nnd all others supplied witli the ubove work at very low rules. 1- ebruary u, lboU. ly Vquitable B-Hc Inssiraiico, Annuity and Ti-UMt Company. OFFICK71 WATATT STRKI'.T, VIIH.AUKI.nilA. Capital !-2 VLIKHK Ciuktkr Fercetual. 1 1IIK Comtwmv are now prepared to trauwu't hnsinens upon the most liberal and advantageous terms. 1 hey are authorized by their clmrter (feet. l) '-to make all and rv msunuii'e upiiertannna to uie rus oi waaiever Kinn or nature, and to receive and execute trunts, make end'iw- inents. and to uraut and purchase annuities." I he ( m pjinv neM annuities and endowments, and act aa Trustees lor minors and heirs. Tahle of Premiums required for the Assurance of SUM) for the u'hole term of Lile. Arc I Prcm. I Age. I Prem. Ape. l'rem. id I so :ti i wi 40 1 :i :i 17 lit 3-i I! l 47 !i 49 is lM : a -ju 4s ae.i 111 I 15!) :ll 2 37 4'J 3 77 jit i (iii :ii a : su :i ui i i m m a -in si 4 in 2J 1 IKI .'17 a 47 52 4 M 2:) 1 ll :IM 2 .11 S3 4 51 21 172 .111 2111 51 4 71 2 1 76 411 a 711 &j 4 HI M 41 2 81 511 5 12 27 I t-9 42 2 112 57 .13 2S 1 )rt 43 3111 5rt 5 54 211 1 IW 44 3 12 511 5 7rt mi am 45 323 uo a u.1 The prciniurus ure leu tliun any other eoniuiuy, and Uie polieii ulffud (ireuter udviiiitiim'S. '1'iililrs of ludl'-yetirly uml quurterly preiuiuuis, nun cretin niree ni preiiiiuin, snori U'rms, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; also, Orill Ol AppiUUH".' l" Wlin il lii' io we lii.uis. biiois niv U lie hail on upplicnti. ill lit the olftee, or by letter to Uie Agent, J. 11. l'l'liUY, Huiibury. IIates roa iNsuai.NG 9KK) on a sinfrlo Life Ave. For 1 yeur. I For 7 years. For Life. 20 81 1 ol l.Sii 311 no I 1: 2.04 411 1,2.) I 1.81 2,70 SO 1.1-8 I 2.117 3,4 SO 3,18 I 3,u7 6,113 Examci.s A periuaged 311 yire next birth tiny, by pitying: the t:oinHiny w cents would secure to his family or heirs still!) should ho tlie in one yettr : or for ti.0 he se. cures i.i them 11100; or lor 13 niiiiiiully for seven yeurs he secures tit them Pined snottiu ne tile ill seven years; of for $20.40 paid itnnuully during life he Kvun s IIJ to lm ratid when lie dies. The insurer seeming his own t).iuus, hy the dilftTunec in ninount of ore iiiitiins fr-nn those eliiirjled hy other offices. For eli),;il tlie heirs would receive $:M) should he tile in one year. Forms olupplicutiiia and all pur! ieitlnrs mnv lie Itittt itt the office. I'l yrt'.K C V LLK.N' , President. Vice President, Wm. M. Haiud. Francis W. Rawls, Secretary nnd Trettsnrer. CeNsuLTlNO Physician Dr. J. H. Musaer, HnnlMtry. J'. II. Pusuy, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland coun ty r5sal4iry, July 3S, 1849. STONE WARE. TIE subscriber would moat respectfully in form his friends and a generous public, that He is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARD, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSlVARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. ; His Potteries are on llond street north of Fay ette, and China store end dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street) DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Buminore street, Baltimobi, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly STONE Ware, Earthen Ware; Raisins, Al monds, P unes snd Cream Nuts. ' "Planes of all kinds. by Salt and Plaster. Just received snd for sale JOH.N W.FRILRSCi. Sunbury, Dee. 29, 164'J. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITT OS l-nilAnsbFIIIA: MASSACAt'SETTS. All solvent banks dlt IT. 8. Hnnk notes 1(1 His HHODK ISI.ANO. All solvent linnhs pgr Cocstrt: All solvent Imnks dis CONNF.CT1CUT. Bnnk of Clmmliershttrg 1 dis All solvent banks I dis linns m inemer -.u. pnr Hank of Del. Co. Chester nor NKVV YORK. CITT. HitiiKol l.erniantowti mrl Hnnk of (lettysburg 1 dis All lolvent Innkll ! dis l57"Uk notes under &3 dis Hank of l.ewltowil COUNTRY. All sotrents banks ldil Hnnk of Middletoivn ! dis1 Montgomery Co Hnnk pnr Hnnk a" Northumberl'nd. pat NKW JKH8KY Delvulere Hnnk I b Connnereinl Hnnk I dis Hnnk of l'ittsbnrg 1 dis Hnnk of DsnviHe pa Fnr. Hnnk Mont Itollv nnr Cnrlisle Unnk 1 disF. ft M.,MiddletiiWa Pi. par Columbia H k A B'geCo par Doyelslnxvn Hank par Fjistoll Ilalik pur, F.rie Hnnk . S dis F.xehnnirc ft'k Pillsbnrj t dis F.velinmre ll'lt. Ilrnneh 1 dis Meehunies' Hk. Newark pnr Mcch. Hk of Hurliinrtini pnr Mwh. ft Man. Ilk Trent put iiiorns uo iiuiiK J nn Newark Hk'g ft Ins, Co ili Onuiffe Htmk ? di S dis Fanners' H k. Bucks Co roir' ipic'n Hk Pntterson J dis par pur 1 dis par I ,lis rarmers' Hk. Lancaster nnr i-rineeioa unnk Fanners' Hk, Kendintr parlfalein llankiue Co, Farm. Ilk S'huvlkill Co par Senierret Co Hnnk F D. Hk Wn'vnesb'g 11disState Hnnk nt Cnmden Franklin Ilk. Wush'n IJilis'State Hk F.limliethlon lliirrisburir Hunk 1 dis State Hnnk Newark dis llouesdale llnuk 1 dis rotate Ilk, In . Hrunswick pnr Ijiueuster lliiiik pHr.Sussex Hunk. Newton I dis l'lvinon lliuik pnr Trenton Iianklun Co nnr Merrb. A Man. Hnnk 1 dis Millers' H!k, Pottsville per! Mononffahetn Hnnk 1 dis Tnylorsv'e Del H'e Co 13 dis Union Bauk.llover J dis Ynrdlcw'leftDel DrCol.'nlis tyUk'noles under .5 j dis DKI.AWARK. vv est Hrnneti llmik Vvomiui Bk,Vilkesl York Hnnk, Relief notes MAINK. pur'natiKot iieinware pnr iinrlHnnk of Smyrnn imr 1 dis lelnvarff t'itv Hank par 1 dis Hk Wilmn'nA Hrnndyw. ml Formers' Ilk St Delnvfnre jinr l'ninn Hnnk. WilmingUin pur ty I'niler SM's J dis Hnnk of AVhetloek S dis Mercantile Hk, Biuifrnr lodis All 'ilceut IHIUKS 4 a NKW HAMCSIIinF,. OHIO. All s ilvent Imnks 2 rtis IV Hk notes under fi's 4 dis NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks a din iyindcr5's, ajdi. All solvent banks j dis V KH.lll l.t ', Hnnk of St Albans 9 dis All solvent banks dis COLUMBIAN SERIES OF Slr(tltmtt(rs. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'PHE COM MBIAN CALCULATOR. This work is alrrnily introdurcil into soino of tho l'fst Aeadniiiies ami a lnrs;c immlirr of Schools, where its use has given tlcrideil and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful drrimal vtrm ofcurrenru. It contains more, the arrangements nre better, nnd it is the easiest and rhenpest work of the kind now in use; aim li is so considered hy Jiunclreds of the most competent teachers nnd men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, piiriiculnrlv anil expressly prepared for our Ame rican Scholar : Hy Almon Tick nor. I UK orTii s Coi.r.MiiiAN CAic.i'LATon This volume contains 01 puces, with about 000 exam ples for solution on the slate. It ' embraces tho Fundamental Kules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, i roportion, 4c. Ticknou's AniriiMKTicAL T.m.Ks,is destined for the use of younger clnsses in tha Schools of the United (States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There nre Keys to both Arithmetics IkuiiuI sin r!c or double, for be convenience- of teachers, in which the solutions of die questions arc iriven with much extra matter for tho black board. These Keys nre the most complete works oi'lhe kind ever published, and contain, in addition, aliout two hundred examples in Mensuration, itc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they hnve already been introduced into tho Niedit TuMie Schools of New York City in nil the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Roadini?. Also, in about twenty Acndainies in the Stale of Pennsylvania in a l:irse portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, und in the lioromjhs of lluriisluirir, ! York, Chainlier.sbiir, Lebanon, Doylestown.I'otts ville, Orwiirshiirir, cc, Are. Porsalcby Hkxiit Masskii, Sunburv, Aaent ; for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. N. S. LAWKENCS, Agent for the salt of Southworth Manufactu ring Co's. If 'riling Paprs. Ware House, Xo. a, Minor street PHILADELPHIA. 100 9 "f 'ie a'mvc superior Papers now in store, and for sale to triule ut the lowest market prices, consisting jn pur f rmc thick Plat Caps, 12, 14, 13 and 10 lbs. blue and white. riupcrfmo Medium and Demi Writing, blue and white. Extrastiper nnd superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Caininericul Posts, blue and whito plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and pilt. Superfine ami find Dill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue anil whito. Extra suH'r Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra buikt Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Siipertined blue Dafh Posts, blue and white, plain ami ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Hnef Papers. Superfine and fine Cups und Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Ilouuet liourda, whito and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted ami blue Me diuuis, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMl'HISl.NG A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE 11ECIPES, Li the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Curious Experiments in CllKMlSTftY : T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry - Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 cts., lor sule by 11ENKV MAswsEK. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. PATE1TT 1DICX1TE3. Green's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced Old Jacob Tuwnsend's Sarsaparilla. Daker's Sarsaparilla. Sway ne's iyrup of Wild Cherr, Swaync's Vermifuge-. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoolland's German Bitters' Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cuttle Medicines For sale by HENRY' MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. BOOKS and Gold Pens. Oil Hand several cop ies of the lifo of Christ, and also a numls-r of gold pens which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia prices. For sale at thisoHice. trri UML TENINGS A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fustemng sash lor sale by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, July 7, 1849. PATENT Trusses of alfkii.dsr Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. WILEY'S COUGi CMNDY. An excel lent remedy tor coughs, colds. For sale st this office lADD'R celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi- aunbury Jau. S7lh, 1843 PHILA. AND READING 'BAILR0 Alt SUMMER ARRANGEMENT . FROM PIIILADKI.PIIIA AND POTTS VILLE. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroad Co. ! Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. Two Passenger Traim Daily, (except Sunday.)' . ON and after Aprillst, 1850 two traina will bo run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. Morning Line, Accommodation.) -Leaves Philadelphia at 7i A. M., daily except Sundays. Lcavel Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Ban days. Afternoon Line, Fast JVaiH'.y Leaves Philadelphia atSJ o'clock, dally, Accept Sundays. Leaves Pdttsvilld at SJ o'clock, dally, except Sunday. , Passengers cannot cntet the carif unless proi' ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, drrftlf iifoV) at Ari" burn, Althousc's, IJirdsboro', Roger' FoVd, Van" Icy Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE Fifty pounds' or baggage ll be K lowed to e;tch pas'iTiiger these lines ; and pa" sengcrs arc expressly rWohibited from taking any thing as bdggn'ge but their wearing apparel, which will beat the risl, of its owner. Hy ordcir of tho Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, - April 13, 1850. Secretary.' VII J- J. UPDEGRAFF, 1 RESPECTFULLY Informs the citfen. of ' - Danville and the public, at large, that he has" located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine nnd Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various forma4 of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dial eases. His collection of instruments comprise-' all instruments in modern Snrgcrv, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will1 he. a sufficient guarnntcc to those who mar feel disposed to employ hilti. His resilience is nearly opposite the Montpomc' ry Ihiililiugt, and next door to Isaac Rosen-' bu urn's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 184'J. Iv. TICIENOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. TJEING a progressive and Comprehensive 8ye--tcm ofOrtlioirrnpy and Orthoepy, includinff . a variety of definitions, adapted to "the use of Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, a Tenclicr of twejitv-nve year's experi ence, and nuthor of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Directors,' parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book,' which conforms to the modern spelling and usages' in Orthography asbcingoneofthe neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than nny other published in the United Stuts. H is what it purports to be, a Spelling Hook and not a Reading Hook, and only requires an examination on the part c.flnstructors of youth to secure for il a universal introduction into the' Schools of the United States.' Just published, end lor sale by Hknbv M.tssKa, Sunbury. . Where Teachers and Directors can procure' copies for ex am i un tion . ' August, 1S49. W 1 Ll.I fc M S A . TI -DYS PEPTIC El I X t It i: Miilica! i, with the etniost ronfideiiee, oflcrrd to tbs l-'tlcultv tlllil the oiihlic I'nrlhr (.ur.if llu siuorlmhQMti.m, and all ilisnise arising front it, such' as .Nausea. TIeutlnehe, Veriiirn, lliinness of Siuht, Debility of the Nervous fys tern. Hypochondria, .ramulice, l."risoi'iiipeti)e, WaMi!" o( tlie slreitulli. llilious Yoniitiiip, Ituminir srusntioii at th pit ol' thu Rtoumrli, l.ivi!rcoiiiilHitit, Unni tssii.ii mltr catiuir, I'ilVil.llioii m thi- Hrjilt, l'uiu in ihe pit ol' the stomach ! latillr'iice, with bclehiuir of wind Vilinifi! lasle, ircnucnt r towunls the riglit side, lKill-)wiiss ol' complexion. Dt-'iirrssini ol' the spiriss sua Const itiitioti and uiieti.stuess ol'the bowels, I irritability of temper, As.' ll a ense ol dyspepsia should lie neglected, most serious elleels may ensue, for il lit s the foundation for, is the ik-ei;-nt cause of. and very i'r.-iii.-nlly terminates iueonsump-'. tion. 1 would iiiiprt -M upon ihe mind that to tiiHe with this iliseuse lu iy be to sport with Ihe reason which uonsti lutes man siiperemiiient ainona uiiiinal liciuga. or to em-' tuner exmniK-e py u.l.ltng it couictotlsiiess of folly to the. 1 j-e-nu hy ol iidn. I This medicine is iienily put up j, Isittlea, with ample' . direelioi.s i",t use, unit ;s sold ill rittbnrr by Joms V. f fuu.imi. ja.mks Williams. I -ki tin. ny ol Mr. Aluier t ,lme, hatter. Market street above Sixth, corr -b native uf the cllk-acy of Williams Aiili-J)sH'ptic l;iixir. Piu.VAMLrms, October 3, 1849. Mn. A mks Williams : Dear Sii : ll gives ice great pleanite to know that toV I re aitani pr.'lianng you ni,n!i( fne f -r the cure of Dvsim-s-, sia. I T ui oiy of my ucniiaiiilnticea huve repeatedly asked me where il could lie pnicttted, knowing Mwt I tuid tteen cured by it. As I think that a pcMie acknowledgment f the great benefit 1 have received from the n-ire of ymir meS" ieiue is not only due to yon, hut inny he nffi4 Ut others, 1 ii"W ke it. For several yenrs I st;nreil from Dyspep-i sia. which increased to such an erleut thai my health and consliliilton were rapidly sinking miller if. 1 wuacom-' pelled to restrict myself to the most simple fisid, ami even lhat I could not digest. I felt a loss ol strength, disincli nation to exercise, nnii, us you have it in vistr advertise-' llleiit. a general feeling of tlepreiou und iudcscrilMble weariness. In the year 1KI. hearing Iroia others high rs , . oniiiieudiitiou ol your Anti-Dyspeptic Klixlr, I procured:, und itswl It with the most happy effect j nuiler it lll1llellre, languor uiitl wariness gradually passed nway, nnd my appe-' tile returned which I could grulil'y with impunity. Ten yetrs hat e uiv elapsed, and my caifidence in the ciirstive' jtowers of your llieilii'ine has of course incrensetl, for it. completely cured me wht'ii 1 failed toohutiu relief fnmi stir otliei source. Very resjtectl'tlllv yuics, ABXF.R El.MKf. Teslimoiiyof Fdwird I. Howiey( AVholesule Merrhant ol'the firm of Itowley, Ashbiiuiier ; Co., No i sViuth' Wharves, in pr.Kif of the eiricncy of Williams' Anti-Dv-' peptic Klixir. PuiLAnariiiA, fictolwr 49, 1S49. Mr. .Tawks AVillisms : lTtr Sir :--l lake pleasure ia recotnmemting yonr Anti-' Dyspeptic Klixir for the cure, of DyspcpsUt. 1 havs Ukea' il luwlf tor the disease, nnd have lieen entirely cured. Vours respiTifullv, - KDW.UID II. ROWLEY Aok-iT JOHN W FllllJ.VOJKui'iburr, Fa. .Mutch S, Hjl).ly ROSE OINTMENT,' FOR TJBTTMt 1)F.AD Ihe following ceilifieatc fro,n Capt. Devoe, the 1 welt known anil popular Tiutn Bout Captain (of the' Truveller.) PnitAtrBi.'raiA, Octolier 31, 1046. 8eveml years since I was attacked with a tweaking out',' on my neck in the form of Tclter, whuji I are convinced' was contracted ut the Hnrher'sShon, i gronduslly extend-' ed over my face until it rem-hed the upper part nf the' cheeks. During the; several irMuths thnt it oontinned, spreading, I usett different upplicattous, some tf which hadr the efli'1,'Hpprently at leust. of im-reusing the diseaso, hilt froin none ol them ilitl I terc'eive the least benefit until l' applied the Boss lIlSTTiTKxT'. By the use of one jar of it,' 1 was perfectly cured unit have remuimx free of the aftec- tion. , , 1 lutve since used the Oiiifrhent, tightly applied for rough,-' ness of the luce, hhsclies. chapped bands, Ac With Pier-' feet success. 1 huve uo hesiiiiuou, ia reeontnieudiiis; it in' the strongest liutlliler to the public. , . JAMK.SH DEVtlE." Agent rtttar Msru, Sunbury. July , IftlO. LIQUORS, AVINES, &C. r 1 " 1 1 E Kvibm-rilicr has just received s new supply , of the lest litiuors that evdi rtttne to Sunbury,. consistiiirr in part of ' Superior old pale Bratidy.' Fine CoRiiiac Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits;' New England RiYui. Fine Holland Gin. Sujierior Old Whiskey Coinmnn do.' Superior Maderia Wine.' Lisbon1 do. do.'- .Superior Tort Wine.- ', ' liurfrnndy Port do.' Sweet Malasra Wine.' ' Superior Claret Wine'in b6(tles.'' Chalrtpagne do.' tlo.' HENKY MASSER ' Sunbury, May 86 18 I9i OifE OINTMEN'i'e' A fresh supply of thm excellent arUcle lot Tetter, J-e. lust received' and lor sale by HENRY MA88ER. Sunbury, July 28, 189 KNOB AND BPRINU MOHTI8E LAT-' i CUES An excellent artichv for eale t half the usual price by . ' J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1749, lAZOUS.- -A superior article ' for sale t the ' ' HENRY MAblSER. Sunbury, Fste 16, 1850, 4- -