Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 23, 1850, Image 4

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From ths Public
' ' A wrirer in your paper, a few days since,
expressed wish that physicians vroul.l write
Iheir 'prescriptions in English, instead of
Latin, t hope that may never happen, , at
least in this enlightened country, ft is well
known to you, and if not to you, to all the
apothecaries who put up prescriptions, that
among the many prescriptions sent tliem ilai
ly by physicians, the following are by no
means unfrequent, and if they were express
ed in English, w ho, pray, would send to an
apothecary at all ! Would not every mothert
think you, know enough of the mysteries of
pharmacy to attend to this branch herself?
Why should the apothecary or his apprentice
(for now-a-days most of these dignified gen
, tleman entrust nearly all their business to ap
prentices) be troubled with the following
specimen of mixed cabalistics :
R, Pulveris I'iperi Rubri.
Hydro. Chloridi
Aridi Acetici.
Meltit (tcipumiiti.
Aqua Fluvialis.
Miaie Fiat Garprrisms.
Sigrie SumsuUir, pru-re-nala.
This prescription, which is so much used
here in cases of scarlatina and in most of the
ordinary sore throast, and which has effected
60 many cures in these diseases, as attested
by Dr. Stephens in the West Indies in 1787,
also by Dr. Fuller and Dr. Perkins in Con
necticut, about half a century since, would
be entirely deprived of all its virtues, if every
housekeeper could walk into her kitchen, in
stead of the chemist, and direct Betsy, the
cook, to put it up. Betsy would doubtless be
thunderstruck at such a request ; but if the
physician would remain to read it to her, or
write (as your correspondent wants) it in
English, what would the cook sny then? See
it in plain language.
Recipe Red Pepper.
Mix Make into a gargle.
Directions Use when necessary.
Now could a physician maintain his dignity
and write such a prescription in English? I,
for one, think not ; rather would I leave- the
profession than thus submit to be perhaps
laughed at. Or, supposing a physician should
prescribe the following for a patient, whose
case was one of simple nervous excitement,
,'. and the following recipe is often used in such
R. Ssponis Venelii, 1 02.
Mien pnnii q. a.
Ut ftant pilnlaj xxx.
who among the patients would not leave their
physician, and he lose his fee, if it was known
that the ingredients were.
Bread C'ruuih, sufficient quantity to make
iiw, uuivy puis. t
I hope yonr innovator, or whoever he may
be, wiil not thus urge his plan any longer, to
the detriment and injury of the medical pro
VND alt diseases srisiug from disordered liver or sin
inaeh, such us constipation, inward Piles, Fullness,!.
Moist hi tho head, Acidify of the Hiotiiach, Nsuson,
HenrlUiru, distrust for Food, fullness or weiirht in the
Stomach, sour nidations, sinking or fluttering at the fit
of the Stomach, swimming of tlie'hesd. hurried and dlnVsIt
Dreaming, nattering at Ilia heart, choking or suffocating
sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision,
dots or webs hrfore the sight, Fever and dull pain In the
neau, aenciency 01 perspiration, yellowness 01 1110 ssmaiiu
eyes, pain in Ihe aide , back, chest, limbs, Ac., sudden
flushes 01 heat burning in th flesh, constant imaginings
vi evil, and great depression of spirits, ,
tlt.C. M. JACKSON, .
1 ' AT THE '
ISii. 1U0 Arch SI., Fhllntlrlplila. ,
Tlieir power over the alwva dincancs In not excelled if
mi.uII.1 unv Mihor nretviriiiirti. in tin' ITi.ittil Niiitavj.
oi Uie cure! fttlcst, hi many ewes at tor kiuiul phytioiuiii
hut) failed.
Then Bittert ore worthy they Attention of Inviilidn,
ronaewinff (Treat virtue m the reriificatLon of ilisMist of
the Liver and leaser glands, exercittit-ir the must aetirchiiiir
powert in wonknew und aitbctiena of the digestive org.ii.s,
they are, withul, tvii'e, eerutin and pteasunt.
From the Huston llee.j
run, ucc. yju-
Tho Editor snii!
the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic
or IServous Debility, is deservodly one of the most nonu
lur medicines of t lie liny. These llltteis liave been used
by thousands, find a friend nt our elbow aaya he hns him
aell received an enectnul and permanent cure of Liver
Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced
that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constiiiitly
gain, strength and vigor a fnct worthy of great conside
ration. They are pleusnnt in taste and smell, and ean be
used by persons Wllh the most delicate stomachs Willi sale
ty, under nnv circumstances. M'e are speaking from ex-
neriente. nndtn Ihe ntfiicled we nilvise tluir use'
Juilne M. M. Noah, a srciltlemnn with great scientific
and literary attninnients, suid In his "ew York Weekly
Mnssi'nffer." Jtinniirv 11. IS.'ifl
"Dr. llnoflnnd's Herman Hitters Here Is a prepe"1'!
whioh the leading presses in the Union appear to lie uimni
inous in recommending, and the reaaou ia obvious, it is
mnile niter a nrcscrint'ion rushed bv one of Ihe most, cele
brated: physicians of modern time., the kite Dr. f'hr att pher
iinetm unonnntt, rruiess ir to me university -oi ..enu,
nrlvatc I'hvsiuinii to the Kins- of Prussin. and one of the
greatest mcdieiil wrilcrs tiennany has ever produced. He
was emphatically Ihe enemy 01 numnng, nna tneieiora n
medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser may
be confidently relied on. He specially reeoiiiuieiiili'a it in
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsiu, Debility, Vertieo, Acidity of
the stomach. Consliitation. and all complaint, arising I'rom
a disordered erudition of the stomach, the liver and the
intestines. IN me rhilndeuihia pnpers express their jonvie
tion of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of
its effects from their own individual experience. Under
these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling
the ntleutlon of our readers to the present present proprie
tor's (Dr. ?. AT. Jackson's) preparation, but in recommend
ing me niucie to a 1 ntmciuu " M. I
Mors Evidence.
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette , the best family
newspaper puhlisiied in the United States, the eflitor sujs
Of ;
Dr. Hooftand s German Bittern.
"It is seldom that we recommend what lire termed Pa
tent Medicines, to the confidence nnd rmtrnnn're cf our
readers; mid, theielorc, when we recommend ill. ilonf
land's German Hitters, we wis it to be distinctly uiiilct
slortd Ihnt we are not speaking of the indiums of the
day, Unit are noised aliout f r n biief period rrnd then for-
but 01 a ntediciue long established, universally prized, nnd
which hns met the hearty npprovul of the Kucnlty itself."
That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint nud Dys-.
peMfia, HOoiie eamloubt, .fter ui:iiw it as dtrccled. It nets
specifically upon the stimuch ami liver it. is inv'craole
to calomel 111 nil billions ilisenses Ihe ctlVct is immediate. .
They can he udmiuiptercd to Female or Iiifnnt with safety'
and reliable bcnelil, at uuy lime.
This medicine hns nt.nined that hiffh ehaincter which ia
necessary lor nil meiliciues to at lain to induce ewunteifeitera
to put I'.'rlh n spurious uriiele at the risk of the live, of
those are innocently cliMeiveit.
Thev have the WTitten signature of C. M. JACKSON
upon the wrapper, nnd the name blown in the bottle, with
our which they are spin ious.
For Kile, wholesale ami retail, the
(.rerman Medicine Nore,
No. tSO ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (lale of
78 Race street,) Phiiiidelnhiu. and by respectable deulcra
generally throughout the country.
Also: For sale by II, Masseb, Sunbury, and M. A.
M'Cay, Northumberland.
August 17,1H60 ly
Rev. Dr. Hawks id Rector of Calvary
Church New York, and parish have made
to their minister a present of S 1.5 000. In
addition, they have rented und furnished for
him a personage house, and insured his life
to the amount of S 10,000. His stated salary
is 93uuu per annum, besides. &o we sea it
The only capital punishment the ladies are
in favor of, is hanging around their necks.
Capital enough.
The editor of a Southern pitper calculates
that he is bitten by two millions of mosqui
toes every night. He's u Millionarc not to
be envied.
Thb Recent London Medical Periodical
makes the following declaration : '-There
never lived that conqueror who, with sword
or lance, slew one quarter of the myriads that
nave died of lancet and leach."
Mrs. Gen. Tavlor, accompanied by Mrs,
lsiiss, Dr. Wood and lady, passed through
Savannah on the 13lh ult., on their way to
t-AitLi, a ijving iroui was iuuna swim
ming in tho "new milk" supplied by a con
tractor to the Killarney Workhouse.
Fot'R Statues are to bo erected in front of
the Rritish Museum. They will represent
Newton, Ishakspeare, Milton nnd Bacon.
Morb than 2,000 members of the Metho.
dist Society have been expelled at Bristol,
Jitiglana, because they are reformers.
Thb Greek Slave, it has been ascertained,
is not a lugitive.
A Correspondent of the New Eno-land-
er ay that Professor Lonzfullow ha
Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Jload.
AND ....
No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St.,
FIHE subscribers would call the sprriul atten-
X tion ot Cabinet Milkers ami otnere, id tlieir
very extensive assortment of materials m their
line, consisting; of MnhoRnnv Veneers, Boards and
Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish,
I.ookintr (ilass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed
Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of
Hardware Tools, &.c.
Cabinet Makers residing out of tho City, would
find it greatly to their advantage to rail at our
store to purchase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
Allour goods ate WARRANTED,
of the best quality, and at very reduced prices.
Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) '
V 0 guarantee to givo ovorv man tho worth of
his money. i
N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Kail
Plank, and Stair Ballusters for Builders, also
Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de
scription of turned work.
June 8, 1850. ly
0. 140, corner of Fifth Chesnut sts., Phila-
detphm,and 303 Iiroailwaxj corner of
Franklin Street, New York.
'a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and
receive the 111 beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk
velvet, Papier Mache, or other fancy styles, or sets
in Medallions, Lockets, &c., in a few minutes. '
Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings,
cfc. uopiea.
Out door' Views, and Miniatures of deceased
persons, taken at snort notice.
for t ortruits ot Adults by our process, and In
: For th Cnr mt
This truly valtiabe Xrrhcily , for' all diseases of
the Lungs and Throat, has bncotrto the cniei rei
anee f the ifllictdd as it is die most certain cure
known for the sbovo complaints. , Whilo
powerful remedial agents in the most desperate
and almost hopeless cases of Consumption,, )t la
also, in diminished doses one of the ! mildest, ami
mnst agiccablo family medicines lor common,,
common coughs and colds. Road below the opin
ion of men who arrf known lo tho world, and tho
world respect their opinions. 1
"James C. Aver Sir! Ihavensed yrtur"Cni!n
fcr PacToxAL,' in my own case of deep-seated
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an adinirrthlf) compound for
the relief of Inryngiol and bronchial difficulties.
If my opinion as to its superior character can lie
of any service you are at liberty to use it as you
think proper. 1 1
. i! PresttletA of Amherst College,
i ' " '" From the "London Lancet."
the most valuable preparations that has fallen un
der ouri. notice. Alter a careful examination, vie
do not hesitaUi to say d have a large apprecia
tion of its merits and the fullest confidence in its
usefulness for coughs and Jung complaints."
Br. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends
us the following testimony.- '
, Dr. J. O. lAyer Dear Sir : I enclose yon a
certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cndy, a highly
respectable lndy of this village, wifo of Mr. Setli
Cady, Deputy Shcrili; Windham Co., Connecti
cut. The cvra in her caso was vol v tirompt, and
has attracted geicrnl attention, , ' I
' West KitiiNnLT, Ct.,Scpt. 28 1849. 1
This may certify that I was afflicted with avery .
severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which thrcat
tencd to terminate in Consumption. I bad tried
many medicines in vain, and was cured by the
use of ''Aycr's Chcrrv Pectoral."
From Dr. Bryant; Druggist and Postmaster,
Cbicopec Falls, Mass:
Dr. J. Cv Aver Dear .Sir: Enclosed please
find remittance "for all the CHERRY PECTORAL
last sent me. I can unhesitatingly say, that no
medicine we sell cives such satisfaction as youi's
does.;. . nrg have.. I. ever sir-en, a medicine ) .which
cured so fnany cases of tjoogl) and Lung Com
plaints. .Jur Phisicions arc using it extensively
in their practice, and with tho happiest etlcrts.
Truly youts, D. M. BRYANT.
rnspAiiwi at j.r. ateu, chemist, lowkll, mass.
Sold by Henry Masser, Stinbury; Mary
A. McCay, Northumberland Dr. Gearhart, Se
linsgrovc ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists
July 0, 1850.- Iyce3m
At the Cabinet Ware Hoom f
: ; Market Square,
Also at the corner of Favn street If the Railroad
"i:.icouirtf;e XoUfOwn! ;
fasiiionahle: MAKE OP !
nHi uhseribtWrespedrVilly 'caW the sttftfitlAn
of the pubie tf ths;triiatKe snii splendid sssort
lit of every qunhty and price of , , j
which cannot latl to recommend itself toerery one
who tr 'PTSTrtine it-on arcountof its durablo
woiknintjslnp am splendid finish, madn up of the
best tlnck to be ' had irl the cljy. No effort is
spared In the manufacture of tlieir ware, and. the
subscribers are dcter'nlllrcd to keep up with the
many liniirWm'entaWsirdeh' r tonstantly being
rnade Their stock consists of Mahogany '
" Soran, Olvnnsi nnd IAiintrett,
Jjnrwtts; sccr ctavfts, smcbonms,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila'
.'.int delphia manufiteturoi . -BEDSTEADS,
or every . pattern and price,
'n short, every article In this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
i OTIATltS, :
f n presanting'td f iiblle wllh remtdy dit the trsatmewt
JL Sua cure nf KSVKS
nn arsiliiry i nwMinl
who siilMf
Citr i'nii.Abiu,Mtu,
U. 8. Hank IM dig
All S01VBTR IMIllgl !
linnk of fchattiljeraiitiro; 1 dl
voi ' 1 par
Bank of Del, Co. Cheater uar
1.11'ijv wi .mnmiiiiiwil
Bunk of Uettvsliurg;
Bsnk of Itftvislowii
Bniik of Mlddlchiwii ldls1
Hiontuwrtfry 1,0 HiinK par
Bank nf NorUiilnlbarl'mt. nai
Jtiilik of plltitulrg , ldis;
All Solvent Lniiko dis
HI(().UK Irtl.AMU.
All soltMHt snnks dis
.. CtiNMiCTlCUT.
All Solvent banks I dis
t, ; NKW YORK. .
imrlAII Solfrtl banks ' y I iis
1 dis L7"Bk noti-s under SS 1 dis
All solvents banks 1 dis
Rvlvidura Bank ,. . I dis
Cimirnttrcinl Hank ' 1 dis
tictudinj; varieties never before to bo liad -in
Sunbury, such as Maiiooajit, Black Waisut
ami Ci'itLin Mam.k(Ukcu:J ami Wistnsott
CHA1KS, Atti rAJtct Piaso Stohls, which arc of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excflled by
none manufactured In the Cities or elsewhere. '.
The subscribers arc determined that there shall
be no oicuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be 'entertained
about the quality and finish of their warn' and
Chairs. .. i , , ; '! ... U
Their articles will be disposed of on , as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.'
Vg UNDERTAKING attended to nn reason
able terms. 1 '" ' "'
ViT' The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
VV eavcr s Tavern.
't . '1 GEORGE: RENN,
Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf ....
Crnamental and . French Style Frame
. , .. Manufacturer, ; :.
,i 804 U'alnttt st , between 3d and ith street.
pESPECTPULLY directs the attention of the
V miblir. In hia Kiinerinv stvltf.a tC Plnill and
Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most
beautiful designs.
As a handsome Frame nt a LOV PRICE,
lias been mucUT desired, lio .was induced some
months since to commence the manufacture of
these Frames. In "a short timo the demand has
been no great, that he, has been obliged to incrcass
his facilllies, and new o'lter at
Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes,
Cards, &c., &c , '
For Durability Unsurpassed.
Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca
binet Furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of
carved Rose-Wood. J . -t- '-
1.? Please call and see specimens. , , -
May 25, 1850 ly , , "
am) Anns and other hlllmia diseases,
Vast mimtiers in the United States.
from thete sffcctimis in their varied forms, are
compelled to aeek relief from other sources than the imme
diate prescript Ions of the teuulnf physician. It hecoineS
therefore an olrjedt nf humanity, s weH as of public Inter
est, to brlna; befoie Uiettl rtticly prpparBtl fiom much ex
perience! nnu winrn may always n renen upon na safs(
rm TttAt, aso baSMIJB! to tn rmssTttDimji. Tlmt
Stack is tin true character iif the IXDl A CllOLAHOnUE,
is nmnlv attested by llic uuiversal success With which It has
i..... ,..i,a.( .11
Rxtrtitrt (Vorh a pVirmrHinlrntion of the Hon. Wn,--t.tAM
ooubhicoi, of tlis V, S. Senate, late Governor of
Michigan. . .
, w" Dstboit, Oct. 31, 1SI0.
Doctor Osooob,
Unar Sir, I have rood With much Interest, yoitr itttie
-rtiAVATisx unon ilia onnises. trenmicnt and cure" of the
fel.rile diseases which hnve so extensively prevniled In our
country clurlntr the lust few months nn Interest Increased
no ilmibt, hv the fact that I Imve lndiviilnally so
much from tliem. Tliouuli 1 loci myself very Ine mipcteiit
to indite safely upon a suu.iect s.i entirely professional, vet
your theory seems to me Weil reus med, and Vonr coneiit
sinus Just, and I think wltlsilj that vnur painplilet is calca
laien to ptoutiee mncn praeticni frooa.
tpenkiiift of the medicine he says i tl fulh' Jitsu itlod yonr
fliitterhit' expeclnllims, and as a aiife. eniivenleiit, and p'nu
Inr femedv, mv own exnerienee, si far, indutns ma lo be
lieve that It will provea great public ln-neld, ,,1 niupleused
to learn ihnt von hnve reeently estnMislicd several aireneii
for its (lisnosltimt .thiMiirli I reuret Ihnt. 'Hitiv a vitAr lu a
more general ilisst'iiiinntlon of it, von shoidrl frnve 'fniinrl it
necessary to remove fnim rnnr present rendflme ainonglus.
. 1U1 inuca respect 1 Have uie honor ui he. sir, , . t
Your oliliireil siTvnnt, '
tlT Fiom Hon. Stkpiiks V. It. TnnwBsuiGKof Michi-
guu state tfenute, to the Agent (it iietroit.
liiRMixmiAM. Oarlami Co., Deri. 13, 1M1
Sir vou wish me to inform vou wlm? t know of Dr.
Osiroods llidin Ciiolngogue, or nuti.bilions medieiue. 1 do
believe Ihnt if the virtue nisi etficney of this medicine were
generally known, the ffvkh ad aquk would disappoar in
lUllUlgllll. ,
I procured s bottle in the spring of 141, nnd have good
reason to believe that myself nnd' family escaped the ague
lust sensou in consequence of its use.
Perhaps In no summer since the settlement of this fine
Ceiiinsuln, hns the fever and ague tieen so prevalent us the
ist. 1 h'tve recommended this medicine lu numerous in
stances, and when the disease hud become fixed and baffled
the skill of physh-inus; and I have never known it fnd. I
hna univcrsnlly produeed the most happy effects, and 1 let
lieve it tins never laien exceeded by any medicine in remo
ving the bilious distwses of the climate.
Yours, resneelfullv.
Agent for Pniibur)- H. B. MAASEIli Nortliumlierland,
WITHIXGTOM t Co.; Milton, J. II. HASKItj SellMS
grove, MAY k KLOSK.
MnyO, 1W8 tf i ...
iiausoi uanvius ju.ij 'paiiKor, nsuk Mont Hbllv par
Carlisle Bank . , 1 diF. M Middleiuwn Pt. par
Columbia H'k A B'ge Co pnriMcchunlrs1 Hk, Neu-nrk par
Doyelstown Hank pi'flMich. Hk of nurliimton nor
Ivastmt Hai , .., , , .vtrileeh. fc Mini. Hk 'iVast put niniK ins, morris io llnliK
KxchnngB U'k Pittlbllrg 1 dis NeWirk Hk'g ft Ins. Co
r.xciinngs li s, iiraiicn 1 nis (jriingu riniix
Farmers1 B'lr HucksCo piir'l'e.'ple's Hk Pnlterson ' 1
Farmers' Hk, l-anciistcf pnrll'riucetiiii-Ikndt
cnriners' iik, llivnnug ptirinniein ntilikiug t;o,
Fsfm, Hk rVhtivlkill Co onrifiemerret Co Bank
F I). Ilk WnyncsliV lldisifitntc Hank at Camden
Franklin Ilk. Wneh'ii IJdis'Miato Hk F.
llnrrisliiirg Hunk
Honesdnle Ilnilk
Lancaster Hiiiik
i,cimuou Bank par'
Merch. At Man. Hank 1 dis
MineiS' U'k. PombviIIs ner
Moiiongahela Bank 1 dis
Tuylorsv'e Del H'c Co IS dis
West Brunch Brink pr
Wyoming Hk, Wilkcsb'c pnr
ork llnik, 1 dis'
If ttciiei notes i di
Hnnkof Wlietloclc S dial
Merntutlle Hk, Hangur 1(1 dis
All Mlvcut lianlis j dis
All iovent batiks' , j dis
VKBMO.yr, .,!
Hnnlchf Pt AllmnS ll l'4 dis
!AII solvent banks ('
1 (I
I dis
1 dis ?nite Hank Newark
1 dis ftata Hk, N, ilrnnswlck pnr
pur.r-usscs unna, .levton. an
i reiuon utilising pnr
i nion cans. Mover I nn
Ynrillfvv'lei lln I l)r Co tali
tT"W noles under Hffl J dia
Kf DKLAWAltUii '
mm of Delaware pnr
Hnnk of simvrim
DHnwnre Citv Hunk' I.
UK n iiing aft Hreiiuv'
I'nnn.'rB' i it netriWirre pnr
I'ni. n lhnik. Wihnnia-uinuiir
WnWi M's ,m4 di
I '1 1 1'.
Alls.lvsnt banks V--"dii
IsnjIJk'iintea undnr S's 4 id
t dui.tirLivjBrS's, .i. t aj a
Offic of the Phila. tf Reading Railroad Co,
Philadelphia, Marcn m, lsao.
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
ONsndsftcr Aprillst, 1850 two trains will
be run esch way, daily between Philadel
phia and .Portsvrile.-!'- , ', 1 ,:. i
Momtng Line, (Accommodation.) .. ,
Leaves Philadetuhia it ? A. M.. dailv cxcenl
Sundays. ' " j i .
Leaves Potttrrille at TJ A. M. daily except Sun
days. 1 1 1- t- i ':', ' . ) ...i:i;
, , Ajternoon uine, (fast Train.) . ,
Leaves Philadelphia at 2$ o'clock, daily, except
Sundavs. ' ' ' ' " ' "
Leaves Pottsvills at 8J o'clock, dally, except
Sundays ,.. . ...
. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets. ' ' ' :
The afternoon, of fast trains, do not stop at All
burn, Althouse's, Birdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val
Icy rorire, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. ,
, Jl) HUE, Fitly pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to each passenger In these lines j and pas
sciigrrs are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baijnse but their woaring apparel, whicl
will be at the risk of its owner.
; By order of the Board of Managers. '
1 1 ' ' 6. BRADFORD,-
r ,April 13, 1850.. ., y;;-..j ;,r j u. tSecretsry.'
ItIEDICAIi house,
1)11. KINKE LIN,
proved Instruments, a thiidy day is quits as fa-
bousht a farm at Stockhrido-P. nnd tht vorable as clear weather.
Hawthorne has bought one at Lenox. . r" Chiidrenctear d.y (between 1 1 and 2)
! ijii-iviudiu. ii ill uriaa uvuiu Willie, Diuc
Triiit Rir ra hQo hpun fnnn.! ot WnrLH, or light pink,
,rt m J p n... t..:' "uruauery wmi us cix rnze jweuuis ana
buiiibw tuo (-auiaill auu HV" ui llic uri"T W-t-- nf A t :. .11 I 1 m
r, Ti. ... -, . . , w ia u& nil iiuuiB, nnu 1 ice.
wcciicui, tur ueintr cunccnieu ia tne Slave
nr. as ...
i he iiississippiAN says Mere is a ma
jority of fourty thousand in the state in fa
vour of immediate resistance to the Gener
al Government. Doubtful.
We learn fromZion's Hurald that the
Rev. Dr. Wardlaw, the celebrated Scotish
divine arrived at Boston by the last steamer.
' A resolution was offered in the Virginia
Convention, proposing to confer power on
the Legislature to refuse licence to sell in
that State goods manul'acured in non-slave-
holding States.
In the Sardinian Dominions, there are
D8XU monies ana -au nuns, mat is, one
monk for every 670 inhabitants, and one
nun for every lb45.
bliss is said to be engaged in pre
paring a history of the campaigns of Gen
eral Taylor, W hope he will settle the
question as to who wrote those despatches,
Jenny Lind's next Concert in Phila'
delphia. The Musicial Fund Hall has been
tngaged by Barnum for Monday evening
me win inn., wnen Miss Und'i next con
cert in tbn city will take place. ,
The Present Number op poslmiirtrfsses
id tne united Mates n eighty-one.
Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not. wo
shall at all times be happy to see them. ' -
June .J, twau. .
Varulsjli Mauulactory and l'alnt
No T8 North Fourth Street,
Constantly on hand and for sale, at reduced
prices, and oj superior quality, the fol
lowing articles, viz:
Coach, CaUnct, Jnnaiincrs' nnd Oil Cloth Varnishes:
PryiiinJapun; BiH and llurncss Varnish llrown, Wbils
and Hed Bpirit i; Tranat'cr dn; Artists', Hiwh and
L'icb Painters' and Vurmsliers' MaUji uila; PL T l Y I N
QfAXTITIKtt, PAINTS, I'ltY, 1 oil., AND PrtK
PAKEU Ftllt lM.MKDIATU I'ffK: Milliners1' Vaniuli.
tilue and Acids ; likuk Jupun fur Iruu ; Adhusiv do. lur
l ancy Work; l'iciura anil Window Olu.s: Arum.' iu
lours. Dry and in Tulics j Neat's root Oil: (inld, Silver,
and German Leaf: iiold, Silver, and Copper Hmnze ; Glu
xier's liiainouds. Also, veiy auiienur olios Ulaekinf and
ritins inn.
Juna IK), IHoO.
Thankful for tho patronage of his friends and
cUKtotnors 8uring the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, be solicits from tho public a con
tinuance of their favors. Durinir this period be
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of tho day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public arc
therefore invited to tho attention of tho present
stock ol
' .' MAN'JFACTl'BKn l)Y '
At the Old Stand,
M'here in addition to their former stock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Large Spring Seat Hocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables' i
Marble Top Wash Stands, ' '
' " and a variety of other ' ' '." ': .
new style und
v. ". FasliiounbIc. I'liriiiturcs !
Ilavine; secured a Hearse and made tho noces
sary nrianiremcnts for tho purpose, they arc now
prepared for Undertaking in all its brunches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye mahis and mistresses, and husbands too,
Here's furniture of every style and hue,
From side liourds down to kitchen taUuv , ( .
1 From rockiinr chairs to lockintrcrailles1 ' 1
7 flrmlil you uot hava the ready Jouii lis pay,
We'll wuit awhile for u brighter hetter day,
Or take potutoes, outs, corn, wheat unit rys ; .
Hark, hooji poles, slaves, or luiuhr wet and dry,
Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails,
.' Flora piirs und turkies down to little (juuils.
Come on then friends, e-.mie one and nil,
'' Keep trade a movinp, so "goes on the luill."
13" Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and work of all ki.'ids delivered with dispatch.
' Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf
; Importers and Dealers in Liquors,
No. 2ld Market street, Philadtlpha, :
OFFER for sale, the cheapest and U'st assort
ment of Iujuors iu 'hiladclphia, such as
Champagne, Sherries, Port, Slock, Claret, Bur
gundies, Sauturu, tiarsac, Mudona, Lisbon,
Tenerillb and Sicily Wines. .
Brandies of the choicest brands, vizs
Maglina, Otard, I'onet, llcuiirsy, &c, fee.
Fine Holland C!in, Monougahcla, Scotch and
Irish Whiskey, &c, &.c. , , . ,
Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila
delphia prices on .the most liberal terms.
July 13, 1850.
. (OI'PUSITB T11S STATS HOftB.) '' '
FFKR3 for sale, low for cash or approved city
' paper, a larcc and well assorted stock of
CABINET FURMTfRE, of the latest patterns
nnrl of fjie licst . workinaiuihip,'. The assortment
embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com
prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose
wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood
v alnut, nnd Mahnsany t-hamberr tirniture; Pa
tent Extonsion Dining Tables, (acknowledged to
be tho best now in use); Library Book Cases,
and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber
' Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris
fashions. ' ' "
Spring Mattrassrs, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea
ther Beds, made t order, '" 1 ;
j N. B. All articles purchased at this establish
ment are warranted of the best materials and
workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely
to any part of tho country. ' '' -.May.85,
1650. ly
c u. j nr. pihlad iii ii t a .
rp Si! A RPl.EPS & SOfS, have just received
1 their supply ofSPRIXO A.ND.SL'MMF.R
ClOODH ofjFricndly and other styles, (o which
they invite attention.
SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen
and worsted.
DRESS tflLKS Orode Rhines, Chameleons,
and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and
EWtlllM. - i f .. .1..
DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse-
lias, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the
new fabrics, . '
FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings
Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish
ing gouds. , : .:
MEN'S WEAR-Cloth, Cassimres, Cashma-
retts, Drills, Vcstingsof all kinds, and Boys wear.
cii U IS .1 A K 1. KS UIJUDS and Carriago J la
kers articles. T. SHAKI'LESS& SO-NS,
No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia
(,Vay ?5, JijoO. ly , ,. .... . ... .
TTjN.EE BILLS Juatices and Constable Fee
M. Hills handsomely printed on card paper, for
sale at this office.
VI.NU.just received and for sale by ,
. . ' H. B. MASSER.
Sept. 88, 1850. 1 1 . t . , , ... .. ( j ','
received.! I Also
"I APS. An assortment lust
N silk HATS at S25, for sals by ;Jv)
' 11. M ASSEK.
Suubury, Dec. 2, 1848. -
A new supply of this excellent article, just
received and for sala by II. B. MASSER.
fcuubury, March 16, 1850.
Valuable IiuokM.
XIFE or Chuist, handsomely hound, D'Au
J uions's His run r or tiis RuronMiTioy,
Blank Dat-books ami 'Lziiokhs, full bounded.
For solo at the publishers prices by , , -
, ., ..... 11. U. fllASSER.; '
unbury, July 14, 1840. ...... , ,,
potuiii Yarn. Cotton Ccrpe Chain, (Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Readv made
Pantaloons, Ju-ady umde VosU, Congress knives.
i orceluin lined preserving kettles, just received
for sale by II. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec 2,1 848. ;
GER, an excellent article. ' , -' i
; RWA'i Medicated Soap for sun burns, tsn,
tetter,, Ac. ., ., ,.f
Radway'a Circassian Balm, for thshairdand
ruli&e. Kadway's Ready Relief for Cramps, Coolie,
Cholera Morbus, tc. For sale by
i': -'""J " j: V. MASSER, '
Sunbury, Aug. 8, 1850. '" '" ' ' ''
fi U . !..
t . ictvu . . r
iAioi:o, currants, i cltror J ckewsy -pepper
hwk, ote. ror sale oy J. W. rttlLLNU
i Suiitiurv-. Dec . IB4H- uwil ,'.-lr.
r T1rT r 1 Vlli,' tl lllllllST' III I a a . n m.
A A jyjL,u a w till Iu r i.L iU U'Ui.-
rV CiKt l.N K lur Mle t thu oftc. -
N. W.Corwof Thrrd and Union Streets
IIFtnr.N YKAHS nf cxtciuive find
1 pructUw fpcut in this cily hnve feiulftwl l)r. K. the
innt exjtcrt ciul kih-ccmIuI pracUth-Mt litr ntKl nenr,
in trie treulnient ol alli(liBtiiBt.'ii ui u private nature. l'ertHitis
nlflirted with ulcers upnu thelKKly, tlinmt, or U-irs, ;thi(i in
the lit'iidor tMitiftt, mereuriiil rhvunmtiBitJ, utriclitrfs. eritvd,
ill senile urisin in hi. ynuilit'iill exrrs&rs or impui it icw vi llic
MiKd. wlit-reliv the ciiistiluUiu luts liccoiue eatecblcil, are
all treiihil witti micct'ss.
He wbuplitce hiniwlf mulr Ihe rare of Dr. K., mny re
ligiuusly coutitla in his honor na h etUleuuiii.ttiitl con tulei il
ly rely upon Itiit iikill tin n physician.
Ymiiijr Men who have injured tliemselvps by n certain
ptartice indtilsetl in huiiit freqnn.lly learned from cvii
C'impittnoiis or at sehonl the erTccl nf which are wihtly
felt, oven when asleep, ond destroy (Mtlintiiul and )Hly,
should apply immediately. Weakness and eontftitulionai
debility Uiwrnf muscular enerev, phvsiral nssitttdj tual arn-
er;d prnntration. irritability und all ncrvoiw ulleetioinv indi-jj
frestiou, luiieishneM of the: livei. "arid every disenvein any !
way eoiinrclefl with Ihe riifrnrler of the proercntivc I'unc
tiotis cured, ami lull wgor resiored. v
A vigorous !ifu or a premature death.
, K1NREL1N on self Prtscrvatiou. ,
This I'Xkjust published is filled with useful lufonnati-m
on tlie infirmiiics und disejses of the Oeneraiivc trp'in.
It nddrcsm-s tist-lt nlike to YOVTH, MANlI(K)t) and OLD
AliK, iuuI wlitniltl bti lead by all.
The valuable tulviee and impressive wariiimr it pives,
will prevent years of miser)' and sultt:riii' and suvtt unuiial-
ly 1 ilOllKillUS Ot JilVCM. .
l'ureuls by readi'itf it will learu how to prevent the des
truetion of tlieir children.
A rein It on ice of '25 et tits, enclosed in a leMrr, nd
drewtcdtoUli.KlNKKt.IN, N. AV. cmet ofTUIKDfc
IIM() IS t reels, bclwi:it Sjiruce tV Pine, Philidelphiu,
will ensure n lnwk, uml r envelope, per return of mail.
I'erwMistit a distance disy address Dr. K. by letter, (post
paid.) and l-e cured ut I t : e .
fnrw inltil by sending a reiaittuuec, and nut upsecuie from
l)AM.VliKo CUIUTV - -
l)n),si'llers. New Airciits.Pedtnrs, Canvassers, and all
others Btippliect with the uUve work Ht very low rales.
t'elKUury B, lij&U. ly
Equitable Ufe Insurance, Annuity
ii ana 't rust company, ,
- Capital $i')0,tH0. Chaktiju I'EicriTUAL. .
rf IIR' Cimpany are now prejiaruU to truiisnct business
I luvm Ihe iniwt hherul und ailvoiiiaceous terms. They
are authorized by their charter (wet, 3) "to irtike all nnd
every tngtirunce appertatiiinfr to life rinks of wlmtever kind
ir nature, anu to roeeivn anil exot'iitu uusia, iiiuk emioWf
meuti. and to arant nud nurrtiuse annuities." Ihetom-
nmiv sell annuities nud endowments, and act as Trusieca
for minors aitU heirs.
Tuble of Premiums refiured for the Assurance of S100 for
the whole term ui l.iie.
The Pupil's friend and Tenchefs torn fort.
S- WOrll ifl fLlwa.l.r ii,t.-..l.i...1 n .1.-
- ... ,.u , I1I.U1UVLBU jllHW Blllllt- UI 1IIQ
best Acndamics and a luri'p number of. Schools,
wbere its usV bus givm decided ami uhtversat sa
tisfaction, lxith to tencber anil pupil. It is pnrrly
Amerienn in its character, based upon our own
beautiful decimal nystem of eiirrrncy. It contains
more, tho arranxcnients are better, and it is the.
easiest anil cheapest work of the kind now in Use ;
anil it is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent touchers and men of science in tho Uni
on, who have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for. our Ame
rican Scholars : Jii Almon Ticinor. '
The Youii'i CoLCMiiiA?iCt.ct:i.TOBTliis
volume contains 91 popes, with about 900 exam
pies for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Utiles, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single1 Kule of Three,
Proportion, &c. , .....,
Tn KMin's AaiTii.MKTiCAL Tables, is destined
for the use of vounjer classes hi tha Schools of the
United Stntos.' A "beautiful little book and pleas
iiiff to children, and the only one oftlie kind of any
value. '; i-V
There arc Keys to both Arithmetics douiuI sin
gle or' double, for he convenience of teachers, ia
which Hie solutions of the questions are jri veil with
1 much extra mutter tur the black board. These
Keys are the most Complete works of the kind ever
pulilisUed, and Contain, m addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac- for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to bav
the nbove books examined, and no teacher who
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesituto to pronounce tliem the best works tba
have ever been published lu this : or any other
country. .- .; -.;; ,
Although issiii d but a. few months. Usn have
already beon introduoyd into tho N-ilvt Public
Schools of IS'cw. . York ;City in all the Schools
public and private, except two,' m tlio City of
lloajiug. Also, in shout twenty Academies hi the
1)11- J- JUPDlxntAFF
T ESPECTFULLY ; inrorm8"rno fffiwns t
' Lantfille and the public at hvrg,' that he.fci
loculcd in Danville, and is now -prepared to prat
lice Medicine and Surgerv in all its various brat
cliesi He will operate on all the various form
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, ' etc
palate, and atlend to the extraction of tumor
amputation of limits, and all other surgical di
enes. His collection of instruments comprisi
all instruments in modern Surgery, of the late,
improvement and finest finish. He flatters bin
self that many years' practice and experience wi
be a sufficient iruaiantee to those who may fe
disposed to employ him.
His residence is nearly opposite the Moulsrom
ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Kosei
baum s store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 1319 ly.
, I OK 25 Ct.MSlII ,,! i
EscctArirs.'or, Every one
his own Physician'! thirti
eth edition, with upwards of
a hundred engravings, show,
ing peculiar diseases in eve
ry shape and form, and mal
iorrrjatiuii of thu generative
The time has uow arrived
that persons suffering from
secret diseases, need no more become the victim
of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
tins liook any onernsv euro iiiiiiscll, wituout liiiul-
rance to business, or the knowledge of Sny one,
and with one tomb thu usual expeuce , In addi
tion to the general routine, of private disease, it
fully explains the cause pf manhood's early decline,
Mittv utwervaticms 'on ' marriage besides many
other derangements which it would not be pro
per toi enumerate. :. I. 'i '.:. . . .
ILfAnv person sendinir twsstt-fivs cekts
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
book, bv mailt or live copies will be sent for one
dollar. ' Address, -DK. W. YOUKO, No. 158
SPK UCE Street, P1ULA J)ELP1HA." Post-paid.
ri)R, lOlftU can bo consulted u suv ot
the Diseases descnlied in his Uifloreiit publications,
at his Orlice, 152 SPRUCE Street, every day be
tween U and 3 o'clock. ($undavs'excopted.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1850 ly.
QTONE milk Pans, stone, Jugs and Pitchers,
7 and other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by . : JOHN W. FKIUNG.
Sunbury, June 33, 1849.
.--y ' i nii
MINERAL WATER, ftorh the Oak Orchard
Add Springs, highly valuable in ohroulc di-
seases. and tonic reraemos, tor sal fy
i.'ui b . .. A .! HtSiVUj iHAnexK.
Sunbury, June 39, 1850 tf i .wn ; i
VJ.loS onhsnd and for sale ly"i)i VAs
2'.'t- -t H. B. MASSER.
funbury, April 6, 1850. 1
Aje. Prcin. I Age. I'rcin. Age. I'rein.
Ill 1 60 81 2 Oil AO 3 3
17 1 SI Mi 2 15 47 3'J
W 1 fill ai 4 4S 3 o'J
111 . I 1 .'ill 81 K7 -411 3 77
a; 1I !B ft 81 ( .SO 3 1st
si io.i m a tii 'si 41:1
-3 t 6U 37 3 47. . . 5i 4 3J
23 1 U'J :1S a 54 . 6.1 4 St
8t 1 74 3 93 84 4 71
85 1 7 40 70 ; "' 55 ' '4 111
LK ttS . 41 9 HI 4 14
27 1 s 44 8114 ", ,, 57 5 33
28 1 (it 43 '3 01 1 Si 8M
) 1 1 - 44 3 14 ' . SU 1 . S 78
UU 4 04 4 5 3 43 . , IW. 9 03
The prcmiunis srs less than any ollior ruiiiiuiiiy, and tlis
Ae. For 1 year. For 7 years.
40 81 at
30 M , 99 . 13U
40-' M,49 -184 '
(0 , . . v i.07 , .
59 3,18 S.0T
nolii ies ufford rrcnter urlriintai!
aiut ruurlcrly premiuius, uall' crtxlit nues of prtrinuiin, sliorl
terms, joint lives, survivorships siul enilowuieiiu; ulso,
iiimi or Applicution (for which there ar lilnak sheets') me
tn In hail on application st the uiice, or bj latter to Uie
Agent, J. II- I'l-WUV, Sunlsiry.
Ritsjs ma SI 110 011 a single Lire
For Life. .
1 .00
. a.ot :
' 8,70
ExamplsA iMrsonased 30 yours next birth ilsy, by
paying; the Compuny 99 cenls woulil secure to his iiunily
or heirs siltsi should he die in one year : or lor he se
cures 1.1 llieul SI0UII; or fur 13 suuuuHy lur seven years
he secures to litem nssj snouiu ne uie 111 seven years; of
for $40.40 pnir) aiuiually iluriiif life he secures viouo to lie
paid when ha dirt. The insurer securing his own bisius,
by the dittereuus iu aumuntof nreuiiutus fruiuthosechartred
hy other oflieus. Fi 8t9,50llie heirs would; receive S5UUU
shinikt he die in one year. '
Forms sm aupucuuuu ami all particulars inav he had ut
the oirue. FHTKIl CUU.E.N, President.
Vice President, . SI IIUBD.
Fasscis V. IUwls, Secretary slid Treasurer. (
Cos.cltito IHlYstctAN Uf. i . H. Musser, tvmhiiry. '
j. 11. I'ukdv, Suuliurj', AKeut for Norlhuiuuerland eouii.
jsunburjr, July 28, 1&I9. . , , . "
rplIE subscrilisr would most rsspeetfully in
JL form iiis friends and a geueroUs public, lliat
he is luaiiufacturiug Uie beat quality of
in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Vuion.
He is also importing and dealing most extensively
which be offers on the most reasonable terms.;
' Hie Potteries are on llonu street norm 01 ray
ette, and Citjna store and dwelling at No. 8, E,
Baltimore street. ' '
'in nc.ssa l ;'' - . DA IP PARK,;
No. 8 ti. liallunere stroet, ,j
1. i-, BaWuioks, MsryUiul
February ibou. jv
TONE Wsre'Earthen' Ware, Raisins, Al
rs mdnds, P unes and Uream IVutaV 1 1' "
PlHiiesof all kind , ' ' ' " v li
bvSall and I'UisUr-Just received and forsle
' ij.iim lt full Tvn '
, ' 1 JUilil V f W.'V.
Sunbury, Dee. 59. 1849. ,
lit: in
1,1 J
coLur-iBiArr rtPELLiua book.
T)EI?'.Cj a prorcamve and (Jomprehensivc Sy
torn of Ortlioiapy ant! Orthoepy, includir
a Variety of definitions, adiipted to the uso
Schools in the American Kepuhlic, by Almc
Tickiior, a Teissier of twenty -live year' xpci
rnrc, and anthoi of tlio Columbian Caluulatoi
I'mctieal Cwnrri-on IScljool Mensurntion, &c.
The altenrion of TeachcrH, School Dtrcoto
parenbsv &c.t ia invited to this new Spelling; Boi
which confirina to Uie modern sricllint; and usag
in Orthography ft-sbe'tnoneof the heutent, cheapi
btst arranged, and better adapted to the wants
'children, than any other published in the Unit
Stat. It in what it purports to be, a Spelli
Boot and not a Reading Book, and only requu
an examination on the part of Instructors of yoi
to won re lor it a universal introduction into I
School of the United Slates. Just published, a
for fmlo by llKNnr Mahskr, Sunbury. ' --. .
, AVhere, 7'eachcrs and Uirectors can proc
copies Tor cxaminatiun. .
August, 1810.
El.IXUt i, with tile ntnioit oulV-twe, offemtto
Mulicat Kucitlty uinl tit puJjii ivv Uie cure of lyp
tua or lurtigritiuu, DUfluU1 iUtn9s arittiii trum it, s
n .
imMnf TlrwWhe, RiliuKi otwtw.y,
VcrlitjiuUiiuiitaiHol iiM Jhiuriiftiif Kutrafti th
Di-lnlitj ol til XcrVt'U til iUc nt 'uvil'Ii,
t vnv ... jl .inwinluiiit,
tIj')i H?i'iiitlriii, JiiituUntj , niri-wtit'u uOtT t-atingfj
Uof uiiliU-, jpii iiiitiim (( thv Hr;utfc
Wiist iuj; ul' the fitrewfrth. jlv'tini hi th pit of Ihe bum
Vltitiitenct;, with lre)ueutl or tiwirttsthe nptit tu
Ixtlcliiirsiol' wind, . ; 'ivHltuwiirj" ol ctnn.lf.uii
Vitiiiti'iluitte. Unprpfsi. iji of Uie piriMs
CoiiHtitutmt and uoeamuesfl kriubility of tiunr(.
ot'the htiwelt r
It' a ie dysjiepjia nlmnlil ii('lctetlt mosi seri
rflucts iiuiy euvtu'.iiir tt lay tire ioi.ii(iHti:)ii for,-is the
ripriit t-ouu; il. aml very u-Lt;untly tt-rmiautt-tt inciinui
li n. 1 wtiuiil 1114 rt-sii 'hr iniml tlrrtl toti ilie
this disc; 1: luiy Itt: to sport with tlte rt-uson wttichciin
lutes iiisiu siVjieriMiiiiifiii. inin)n uninml bcin;st or to
krttier txistiiHx- by otktmj n ctitttiuusictw oi'i'olly to
nu Uf f tuiiiu
Tliin inctiitiiie ipntly pat up in hot t leu, with an
(Hrflfttoim I'ui ust'? und i Ld m Suntmry liv John
Frilin. JAMKrt V.'lMAM
TvtHiitayof .Mr. AbiMM lJmt, luttter, Murket itt
active SLxtli, ctn-b -mtwe of th etfimey of V ilim
Aut(-Lvjueptic Klixir.
PnuvtxjmA, October 3, 1S1C .
Mm. Jams Willhms r
Urar ii : It givoi lite prwit plefisur t know thut
nre aiim i-rt-jwrtnif ynti imftn-im' ft rlhi ir o( Dyip
snt, l"f nmy vi loy utfiuumtiwitt nuvo repeatcuiy an;
nit whrr itoniUt Im pmctvett, kmiwiii 1 had b
j eurJ hy it. Ai 1 ttiitik thut a pubhx:- U(HukJwlid;meni
the gn-ut iM'm-m l imv univtik triueHe ot your iu
iviuc is not only due to yno, hitf irviy ft uset'nl to other i
now nnke d. For m-vem! ymnt J niiiS'red in mi Dysp
flia, whieli iureiised to wit h im cxteiU dn4 sir health t
constitution wore ntpittly siukiMti niuhr t- 1 wun w
pelled to rt!triff iwyn'lp to the mnirt smTpfc lood, oiifl e
thot I could not di(t9t, I full u tonsol trtreiifth, rtianti
isithm to exercise, unlr us yon have it iu your advert i
meiit. a prneni. t'eeliny of cVpn'nw mid indeseribti
wrnrmttw. In the year l", hearinii I'rom others high
cimuitcudnt ton of your Anti-Dyprptic Elixir, 1 proem
niid usetl rt with the itv haopy eftwt under it inrtuei
i kuiyiior uikI wunia-vs jjranuully MiHiMi.t uwuy. unu my urn
!tita rttwriittl which I itaild rrntiiy with iinpuiitty. 1
yetirs have now elaptk'd, and my c-aifideiice in the ciimt
power vt your nitfnrine hnv of e-.nirne hicreasrt, to
romplftely cured uie rhi-u 1 lulled to obtain relief in-nn
uthet siHKce. Very renpecllullv vom,
jesiiinonyoi r.aufirn u. innviey, winHemue iiirrciii.
oftlie finm of llwlcv Anhhunnrr C'., No oi
Whiirws, in profit' ui the cilicucy of WUliunis' Auti-Dv
peptic Ulixir.
' pHiLAbCkniu, October S9, 1S49.
Mr. Jaxkb 'Wilmhms:
D'-ht iSir : I take ph-asurs in reeommeiidinff your Ant
IStute of IVnitsy tvania iu u lare portion of the
Scliools in tho City of Vitiniugtoii, iitc City of
Lanawtcr, and. iu.Hthe Uorouhs of II;wrisl)uig,
York, ChainheHHtrc;, Lebanon, DoyloatoMn.PoU
ville, Orwigsbur, &c, tVc.
, Forsalcby Hkmit Masslu. Sunbury, Agenl
fir rsorthuinlerIanJ County,
Sunbury, lice. 2, 1S18.
Agent for the sale of South worth Manufactu
ring Co's. U riling Paptrs. '
Ware Iloume, So. 3, minor street
1 00 9 ('le ttoove superior Phtx-sk now
in store, iwd lur snle to traile ut the lowest
inarkct prices, ronsistins in part ol'
fine thick Flat Cans. 12. 14. lo and 19 B.
bine and while.
,, Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, Mue
and while, '' , .1
F.xlrsuicr nnd surierrme Folio l'osts, blue.
iSuiR-rlinr! t'uuinrcrical Posts, blue and white
plain and rulnl ;
und white, pluin nnd ruled.
Extra suwr Linen Ante Papers, plain nnd giltl
tSupcrfino ami find Bill Pupers, louifand broad.
Superfine und line Couiiting-llouse Caps and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and. Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Conjrres Caps and Letters,. gilt.
Superfine Sermon Cups and Posts.
Supcrfincd blue llutli Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled. ,
Embroidered Note Pupers and Envelopes,
"Lawyer's" Brief Pnpers.
Suierfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled nnd
plain, blue and whitd, Various qualities mul prices.
AUi lllllll m.m. .I,;i a..,l ...,11 Kl..u 1Q-
I . . l;, i . t. ; Ilyriieptlr Klixir fur tJiii tiirijiil' Uysepsia. I havs tske
l'i, I.V.I..V. uuaKu, o..u it mysdl imtliedisensf.'and hnvs bot-iientin
invafHl I.M tlirt diSWiK. null hRVi. Hm.ii .in in. v fii,ii1
'1'eo, Vriip;inir, Envelope, assorted and blue Me? . ,i Yuurs ri smxittnlly,
,. : tt V n ! 1 ' T.'lll'AIHl IT llntvTT-v
, Aosiv JOHN W FRUJNG, Sunbury, la. 1 '
Muren 2, 1?:5U. ly
diuins, C'a'p'Wraiipidg, llan'.ware Pupe'
Pliihillpliia, Nov. SI, AS13.
:iers, &c.
' : t-t t n ri
Jit the Useful and Interesting Artt tcith a few
Simple and Curious Exprrhuruls in
CI1KMISTUY : . . -
T NCLUDJNG Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery,. Farriery, Dying, Confectionury, I)o
mestic Economy, etc etc. etc. Price 6 cts., for
sale by . HENKY MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1840,
Green's Oxygenated Uitter, price reduced.
Cld Jacob Towiisend'sSarsapiirilla. ,
Baker's Sarsu)iirilln.
Swayne's fyrup of Wild Chcrr jJ, , . ,
Swayne's VermiTugeJ ' ' , ' : ''
' ' Ayre's Cherry Pectorai '
Dr. Drake's Panacea. ' ' '
Dr. Cullen's do '' 1
' Tibbit's Pain Killer.
" Dr. Hoofland's (iennnn Bitters:
Indian Veu'etable Pills
Horse and t'uttlo Medicines'"1'. I i - i r- .
'For sale by' 'i'' HENRY MASSER.
ts'unbury, July 14, 1849. b .-n-.-i !.(, i.i .
' . .1 T-rrry -T"TT1t
Bt)OKS and Gold Pens. On hand several fop
ies of the life of Christ, and also a nuinlier of
gold pens which we wirt bell at the Philadelphia
For sule at thisollica.
TEN.LN(J,g,-rA tltcap nj ecllent arti
da lor fusteuiug sash for sale by
,''Jul ,:-184t).M' "t
i ii
u U J
PATENT trusses of all kinds, 'Hi
wrllins snd lndellibie Ink, Cotton y:
lsus,)ust receiTSsI and fas sale ly t'
1 Sunbury, Dsn U"
urnson s
am and
a ijl.'ilsr j 11
lent remedy tur coub'bs, Quids. For sale
at tins office' 1 .-" ' "
I,, .n. w sl''i .'' ; j. !' n
nADD'8 celebrated Horse and LutUa Medl.
cine fo, sal. by " SiKY MAZIER ;
iiuijbury Jan. Slth, 184r .
HEAD the following eeitiAmie from Onpt. Devoe, th
. well known und populur bhaui iliiut Cupluin (uf Hi
Traveller.) .
Phila DELniiA, Orlobrr 31, 1810.
Several yenrs sinee 1 was nitaeked with a breaking; out
nn my nerk iu the form ot' Tetter, wliieh I mi. convinced
wus contracted at the llirlier'sSliop. It grandiMilly extend
ed over my face until it reut-hed the upper iirt of the
ebreks Dunns; Ihe several m'sitlis that it roaxinueri
sjireniliiiff, I used dillerenl upplieutious, siuie tif wluch had
the effect, nppretirh st linst, of iuereiuiiiir Uie disense, hut
friN iiuiie ol' tlieis'diil I perceive the least benefit until I
spplied the Itoss (Iintmkst. hy the use ofouejur ol' it
I wis perlectly cured and bare remained free of the affec
tion. 1 have sinee used the Ointment, 1 1 rl i f I y applied for rough
inss of lliefuee, Uisvhes. ehuiiped liuutls, io. With per
feet sut-ress. I have no hesitntioii iu recoilnoeudius; It ii
the siruuirest manner to tlie public.
Afent IIkvbv Masses, Sunbury.
JulySs, lslll. ' I'i
rrHK suliscriber has just received a new supply)
-- of the best liquor that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in part of , , .
Superior old pale Brnndy. ' ' " ' 1 '
' ! Fine Cogniae Brandy. ' ' '
' Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. i .;-tti
New England Rum.. , ' , . . .'
, Fine Holland tun. , , ,
Superior Qld Whiskey ' . , , ,
'Commou'' ' do. '
11 '' Superior Maderia Wine.' t '
i: IsJmms f f ' do.' do. ' ' :
, Superior Port Wine. i
Burgundy Port do. ' , , t i ; ,
Sweot Malaga Wine. ... , , i
' Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne " do.' 'do.-"
i SunburyvMay 86 1849., v r: .'oJ
" ""i" ii"', I r "i si'il
0SE OINTMENT A fresh supply rf thu
,, excellent srticle for Tetter, oC., just rec eiyed
(or sale by.' ' " HENRY MASSER.
! Sttubury, July 88, 1849.--"' h ""''. ''
,CHES, An eclsnl article, tr,sals)
half Uie usual price by J. W. FRUJNG.''
Sunbury, july 7.1749., r , .Q .,lT .
I? AKOKiwA superior articU for ale, i tl
store of . HENRY MAttSEK.
Sunbury, Feb. 16, 185U, j. f. ,-,'
... to
i n j-ii
and li