55T SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Correspondence of ihe American. PortsmoH, Va, Nov. 11, 1850. '; My Dea AMme: The elections of the different states with few exception being over, and the public mind having had time to feast on the different results, a few lines from an old acquaintance, may be of some interest to your numeront readers. ' This section of onr country, although within less than 30 hoars' travel from Sunbury, is almost unknown to the people of that vicinity. 1 say almost unknown, because, to myself, it ws so much so as to you, until quite recently. We are here on the very margin of the Allan tic Ocean, with but Ihe Hampton Roads be. 'tween us. Norfolk with a population of 17,. O00 is situated on Ihe east bank of the Eliza tie tiver, but seven miles from Hampton Roads. Portsmouth, which is only separated fcy the rrver, has a population of over 9000, and with lU last three years has been itrv proving anrl increasing very rapidly. The harbor of this place and between here and the Ocean, n said to be equal to any in the world, and of capacity equal to half the com meicial operations of the world. But with all these natural advantages, aided too, by a (ine back country for agricultural purposes, 1 regret to say, the people here are but the cus tomers of other more enterprising sections of the country. This stale of things however, will not last long if Ihe present feeling is kept up between Ihe North ami the South. Peo ple here, although reared in luxurious idle ness, are already beginning to Utile seriously if "rolling up their sleeves, aiJ going to work." If lliey do so, and of which I have nit little doubt, the time is not fur distant vhen this place will rank among ike most important points of this country. All that is necessiiry to make Norfolk and Portsmouth every thing that can be desired, a a concentration of capital in the hands of nen of business. This will be effected, if ,iotby Ihe "old inhabitants,'' others seeing he advantages of location will settle here, vho huve both the will and the means to do business. In politics, I presume Pennsylvania is dis rated to lake a rest of some mouths before ntering on the grent race lhat is to come off n '51, anil 92. Such too, is the cnse here, .itlle is said,' 'but from that little, it is pretty ay to siipM!e who are the most prominent mong the great men of the country. Both ienernl Cass and 'Mr. Buchanan,' have many rnrm friends iii Virginia, bull nm inclined 3 think the choice of Pennsylvania will have insiderable influence with the democracy of his state. It is believed here that Ponrnyl. auia will asain be the battle ground, and hould Mr. Buchanan loose the delegate vole f his own state it wouM'be mndnes to brine is name before a National Convention. But rhile Virginia will make no pretensions, at his lime, for Ihe Presidency, she hasafavor .e who is well known to the country s an miuer.t statesman, thai may be brought for. raril for the second orlice. Thill 'man is on Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navyunder tie immortal Polk. Few men are .better :iiwii than Judge Mason ; nu man has more r warmer friends, and his name would be a iiwer of ot remit 1) to whoever may bo nomi lated for the Presidency. No place at this time offais greater induce neuts to farmers of either small or great neans than this. Lauds equal to your fine iver bottoms, can be bottaht for from five to iftecn dollars per acre, wiiliin iwo or three niles from town ! These lands are capable rith proper cultivation, of producing abund int crops of every description, and with a narket of each town, every day could not ail to be profitable. This may seem strange o the industrious farmers of Northumberland ;ounty, yet it i so. To explain this, it is inly necessary to give yon a single fact. Al- , hough there is no finer grass country to be "ound than 'this, yet nearly every pound of hay used here is shipped from Philadelphia New York, or some other northern seaport ! For the pucpose of testing this 'act, I last year induced a gentleman to put out 15 acres if timothy and clover. It produced 2J tons per acre of m line hay as I ever saw. May is always woilh from 75 cents to one dollar ,per hundred neat weight, with a demand for any reasonable amount. How easy would it .be then 4rany of your farmer with small means, te ibeeome tbe owners of fine farms in this pleasant and delightful country 1 Five years good management would place them in possession ef fine farms. I hope ytm will nll the attention of your ieigbbor to tais subject ; those who do not like to work can live by catching fish and oysters 1 The Fowl Caucus, or World's Convert tion of Poultry class of feathered citizens was fairly represented, from the proud bird of the mountain to tbe creeper that scratch' cs for waifs in the dunghilL The Chrono- type says: A large portion of the birds shown were of foreign breeds. Of turkeys there were two specimens of the "Vermont Wild," and many ol the "Thanksgiving Tame," , that made us sigh to think that on the 28th ' we shall be engaged in getting out a paper. Resides, there were specimens of Swans, Pizeons, Little Bantams, no bigger than a man's fist. Ducks, in the quaintest liveries of crimson and blue, Pheasants, Mackaws, Canaries. A nest of Turkish Partridges, beautiful little birds imported from Con stantinople by Francis Blake, of Newton. A superb Eagle, with eyes like stars, sat upon a rail, rejoicing himself in the sound of "those hundred guns." And in another corner, drooping, draggled and woe-begone, we observed the Whig Eagle of Massachu setts ticketed for tale at $3, hii part j bav. ing do further use for him. Connecticut has voted for two amend ments to tht Constitution, the first provid- inr for tht election of Probata Judges, and ' the aecAnd vrovidins for the Wi inn nt Justice! of the Peace, both by tbe people. Majority for first amendment, 10,71 ; for 1 second do., 10,666. Only about 13,000 votes were polled upon trie occasion. . Tub Old Thirteen. The fizures extim aiogibt member of these United States, have at last changed,-the old ,"13" is turned round tnto al. Jenny Limd in Cuba. The TaconThea-j Ire in Havanna hits been secured by Mr. Barnum'i agents ten flights for Jenny Lind'a Concerts, commencing early in January It it said that in Greenville, Miss,, there is not a person over 18 years of age that does not belong to a Temperance Soci ety, and that there ii not a grog shop in the town. 1 , ; ; ; Fourteen storekeepers in Bridgeport have entered complaints against a. respec table married woman of that city, for shop lifting. . ',:,! , The Boston Courier says that Horace Mann was elected by Democratic votes. The Democratic candidate for Congress in the District received 1306 votes less than the candidate of the same party for Gover nor. A deputation of ministers ol the Presby terian Church of Canada, is now in Pitts burs, Pa., soliciting contributions for the religious improvement of the colored popu lation of those provinces. ANOTHER SCIKNTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, tht True Digestive Fluid, or Gastrit Juice- A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadel nhia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indicesllon, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juico. See advertisement in another column. Ill ARK1GD, On Tuesday the 12th iust., at I'.each Ha ven, Liizerno county, by the Rev. Mr. Reese, of Berwick. Mr. John E. Smick, to Miss An gelina Weiser, all of this place. At Milton, on the 12th inst., by Ihe Rev. Mr. Ruthranir, Mr. Wm. Maxwell to Mis Maria Middle-ton, both of that place. ' At Selinsgrove, on the 13th inst., by Rev. Mr. Derr. Mr. William F. EcKBEaT, of Mil lion-, to Miss Anne E. Davis, of Selinsgrove. n i k n. In fhis place, on the 13th inst., MARIA, in fant daughter ol Henry Houpt. Sl)c iHarlicts. Philadelphia Market. Nov. 20, 1850. Fl"Cft. There is a fuir supply of,. Flntir, but little inquiry. Quotations for export i-l ;ti So. Sales to the home trade of lair Rupcrline at $5 Extra Flour S5i a 64 Ryk Flour Last sole ut $3 50. Corn Msal--Is still held at S2. WHSATPrices nre steady ; sales of prime Southern and Penna. red it I $1 02 a SI 05 ; prime while at SI 12 a $1 124. Corn is in lair request at 65 67 for old yellow ; new 54c; white 'is worth 62 cts. liver The last sale was at 82 cts. Oats. Oats are now steady : sale of prime Penna. from 41 to 42 Cts; Southern sells at 33 a 37 cts. Whissxy. Sales of Whiskey in hhds at 28 a 29 cts. and bbls at 30 cts. Baltimore Market Nov. 18, 1850 WiirAT. The supply of Wheal at market to-day was fair. Sale of good to prnn red were made at 100 n 105 cts. and of ordinary to good al 80al00 cts. Sales also of white Whml at 105al08 cents, and of family Moor white at 110a 115 cts. A cnico of Penn. ted was sold on'Siittirday al 107 cts. CotiN Is in dcmiiml lor shipment. raies of old white at 61 a 62 cts., and of old yel- vv at 63h64 cts. New Cum is selling at 53 a57 cts. for while, and 58u59 cts. for yellow, according to condition. Oats. Sales of Oats at 37a3N cts. Whiskf.v. Sales of bbls. at 29cts., and of hhds. at 28cts. SUNBURY I'RICE CURRENT. Corrfd tcseWy by Henry Masstr, Wheat. 100 5C 60 37 14 10 7 155 10 S5 8 10 62 Rri. Cob. Oats. BwTTm. Eoss. Pubk. FxAYssxn. Tallow. UsttWAX Flax HscvLin Flax. Dunn ArpLM. 1)0. Pk aches. S00 NEW ADVt'RTISKMtNTS. NOTICE. D. 8. Hammond vs The heirs of Gen. R. H. Hammond. In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county Writ of Partition and Valuation. Notice is hereby given to the heirs aud leual re presentatives of the said R. H. Hammond, dee'd, to appear at an Orphans' Court to be held in Sunbury, for the county of Northumberland, oil the first Monday of January next, and accept or refuse the real estate of the ssid deceased, at the valuation fixed upon the same by an inquest duly awarded and held upon said real estate. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Oliice, Sunbury, I Nov. 16th, 1850 Ot. . (.,.. - , NOTICE. Wm. G. Moore vs , . Charles G. Moore, John W, Moore, Isnae li. Moore and Frances Moore. Ill the Court of Com mon Pleas of Northum berluud county. 'Writ de Partition! Fa- f . i . . Notice u heretiy gtv- en to the aforesaid Par ties that they be and appear at a Court of Common Pleas o be held in Sunbury for the County of Northumberland on tbe llrsl Monday of January next, and then and there accept or re fuse the Heal Estate mentioned in the aforesaid writ at the valuation fixed upon it by an Iuquisi- Uou duly awarded and held upon ths said prerui- iAMCt) CUVfcKi burlf Shr'fTs Office, Sunbury, .. Nov. 10, 18-M) ot. ) "IITK fllTZniTEi BOTBEATJ'8 IndestmctibU and ladellibU WEITINO IHK FACT0EY. Jfo.X Soutk Tkird ttrttt: MERCHANTS an4 tbe Wnung eommunlty re rsooesfrl to call and examine this INK. which ie smtuusI ksS se mmdt AUtaitu fms, mr tkang iti Coin. yrbleal and Beta It, No, I South Thiri street, PhUadelphia. A Hbersl Aisoonut asade U Merchants snd the Trade For sale by H. V. Master, sfrat for Sunbury Novrmbsr. lSja tT. TO rHYSlCIAJTS AND OTHERS. ; THE subscribers offer to physicians and drop Rials, a csrelully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to be of the best quality, pure and unadulterated in all cascsv Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and themtcals are such, tbat they ere snsbled to sell them upon the lst terms, apd at the ssroe time to assure their customers of their genuineness. j They have also recently prepared and now .of fer for sale a superior article of' ' ; i ' CALCI3F.D MAGSESIA, &c., 1 Resembling Henry's Mssnesia, free from carbon ic acid and roughness or gritliness, almost entirely tasteless, combining in an equsl bulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half Hie prite of Henry s Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluid Magnesia, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &., at less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Kliatany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpcntaria, Ext Glycyrrh, Ipe ce. Potnssa Suluh.. I'otassa Nitras, Borax, Spi- gelia, Buchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canclla Albs, Uva Ursa, &c. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve llie characteristics oi eacu ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Chemical Sc Pharmaceutical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following t Hydrorynnic Acid, Wepnrulioni ot' Imlint, uf PoUimh, Isi(tinr Amui'tniu, Aiiin, '. I'lionphnte, uo. new r raetly tor Ulicuniatmm. , nine Ahisn, Kxlmct ol Gentinu. , , (Juusfiiu, , lunixicum. ' , Vnleriun, fluid, n hcw unci useful rmil) . Preparations f Mercury, iron, " Zinc. Infract of 8emiu, flam, a pleuNiiit loimU ttuiiiimstsr to children. Kxiisct si Bnclis Comp., ttuiii, ' Nitigrtla, ' Htu-mjisrittaCom' uottilioit fluid. " do. v.lid, 11 do ttllinli; uo, " Cotorynlh Cmp. dj simple. t?p. Ether Nitros, U. 8. P., Oils of Copaiva, Culiebs, Ergot, Tobaccc, &c. Citnito of Iran and Quinine, esqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 ox. bottles, $2 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive flas. ter i a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BLIS TEUING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of cuntharides in manv cases where tlicie is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistcnng plaster; A coating ol it appli ed with a camel's lmir bruith aud covered with oil silk or some similur substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their order at as low rates as the best quality of medicines can be purchased. CHARLE.S ELLIS & CC. 50 C'hcsnut street, I'hilsda. Lalmrntory, 6th and Morris !St. Soulhwark. November 10, 1650. tf. SH0URDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL SAVING WASHIITG r0.?. Munufatlnrtd by Slrenrtls & Co. 513 CAesnn Si., Pliila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS VyARUANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, ' or salt water, cold hot, in one third the time of any other foap ever manufactured; thus dispensing with builJiij?, bleaching, dec. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Houp will never shrink or have any bursli or gummy feel, but leuvc them in their original soft and phunt state : which is in itself a sutKcicnt recommendation to guuranlee its use iu all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may he washed thoroughly with it, without the least injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported goods. PAINT, GREASE Si DIRT of any description, can be readily removed by tht use ot it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of Bhuurds & Co s bosp. the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, but on the contrary act as an emolli ent, and is not only the vebt best 'Washiks sr ever oflered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. Wherever it has been used it has given perfect satisfaction, aud is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given iu fsHOL'RDS & CO., Manufacturers, .No. 543 Chcsnut St, Philadelphia. For Sale by Grocers generally. November 16, 1S50. MORE NEW GOODS At the New lore of JOHN BUYERS & CO., Market Street, Sunbury. WHO has just received and opened a large as sortment of new and fashionable goods, of everv variety, suitable fur the full and winter sea- .. , . i - , i. . . ii .i son, for all persons; aim to wnicu necuus me at tention of friends and customers. His stock con sists In part of DRY GOODS. StCH AS Clolh, Cusimere, Sattmettt,- Merinos, I)t Liiints, Calicoes, SUatcls, Hand' kerchiefs, and all kinds of wear' , i"g apparel. ALSO: Hardware, Queemware, Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster, And all article that may be Wanted by the com munity. " Tho Ladies Will find, by calling st his store, that he has not been unmindful of their- wants, and respectfully invites them to examine his selection. t7 Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change for goods at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. GREAT ARRIVAL NEW GOODS! - lllarket Street, Bunbury, Fa OHN W. FKILINO respectfully informs his 9 friends and customers that he has just re ceived a large and handsome assortment of , Dry Goods, , Consisting of Cloths, Csssimeres, Battinetts, De I.aines, Calicoes, Fancy and Staple Goods. ' ' ALSO: ' ' r '' GROCERIES of every description, DR108 AND NFJJICINFA ' QTOENSWARE AND HARDWARE. Fish, ftslt, Plaster and general assortment of all auth goods as win suit all rlseses; the far mer. Mechanic, Laborer aud Gentlemen of all professions. . -' . ' The, Tsadict Will find a' variety of all such articles as they will need for tbe present season. . . XSf Country produce ef all kinds taken In si ebsofe al tbe highest market pries. eunbiiry, Nv. 9, HS0, ORPHANS' COURT ' ivSALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public said, on FRIDAY Ike 13th day of De cember next, on the premises to, wit i A certain Trnct of Land, situate in Upper Malionoy towoship, containing one hundred and forty acres more or less, whereon is erected a two story I0O HOUSE AND BARN, A ' Stone Spring House, &c, about ninety acres being cleared. There are also on the premises two LARGE ORCHARDS, and shout ten acres meadow, adjoining lands of Michael Kelts, Daniel Kelts, and others: -Also, his right and title to fourteen acres unimproved land on the Line Mountain Late the Estate of Leonard Kaqfman, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will be made known by FREDERICK KEHLEIt, Exc'r, By order of the court, ) Jno. P. Pursel, clerk. ) November 6, 1850. t, s. ORPHANS' COURT SALE T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of a Northumberland county, will bo exposed to pub lic sale on SATLRUAY the 14tli day of Ucccm ber next, on the premises to wit: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper Angusta township, adjoining lands of Isaac Kline, Henry Kline, and James Forrester, whejeon are erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, A stoiv? Nnrinr HntiM mrtrm framn Tlunlt ltnrn. troni! OrrliarH. mt Lime Kiln. Also said farm is in an excellent state of cultivation, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THREE ACRES, more or less, about eighty acres ot which are cleared ; late the estate of Jiinnthan Mcttlcr, dee'd. Sn!e to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of suid dsy when the. terms of snle w ill be made known by JOHN EUKMAN, Adm'r. By order of the Court John P. Pursell, Clk O. C. November 9, 1800. ts. NOTICE TO TEE HEIRS OF SAMUEL MORRISON, Deo'd. . NOTICE is hereby given to the aforesaid heirs, Hint bv Virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Yaluatiou issued by the Orphans' Court of Northumlierland county, to me directed, an inqm sition will he held upon the premises, in the bor ouch of Milton, Northumberland county, at 1 1 o' clock, A. M., on MONDAY, the 23d day of DECEMBER next, to inquire whether the Real Estate of the said Samuel Morrison, dee'd., cun be equally part ed and divided to, and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the suid dee'd., without prejudice thereto Or spoliation of the whole, at which tune and place the alorcsaid heirs nre re. quired to bo and appear, if by them deemed cxpC' dicnt. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ir. ShrfTs Office, Sunbury, ) Nov. 0, 1850. ti." ) ESTATE OF SOLOMON ZERN, Dee'd. TfikTOTICE is hereby eiven thnt letters of ad ministration have iieen crimlcd to the sub scriber on the estate of Solomon Zcrn, Into of Hhiiinokin township, Northuinbcrlimd county, dec d. All persons indebted to stud cstute, or luiv. ing cluims acainst the same, are requested to call on the subscriber at bhamoluutown, for settle ment. " JOSEPH ZERN, Adm'r, Coal township, Nov. 9, 1850. Ot. FASHIONABLE HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market st., bctvten 7 If 8th St., (South side,) PniI.ADEX.PHIA. rTHE Sutweriber has oiencd a new hat storei - and oilers to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of lints, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and in tho Ititcst and ben style, and on terms as reasona ble as can be had in any establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hats at $S,50 t Good do do at .$100. . Persons from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all times, nn getting a good article that will please them, and one that is fully worth the money paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. SAMTJEL DEWEES, . AND BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 iocs Street. Second door below Third, PH EX. AD KX.PII t A- TXniERK elf kinds of lusts cVc, of the latest ' style aud best material, ure manufactured en reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. V, IHM ly. I WELLAPs'3 PATENT . JAPAN BLACKING. Mamifactury, No. SO CHESTNUT Street, MB DAT., awarded bv the FRANKLIN IN fcTTTU'TE of Philadelphia in October, ASD THC ; FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Baltimore, Not. 1848 and I84. .. FhiluUlphia, OrtoAer CM, 148. I have used J. Wellar's Patent Japan Liquid aud Paste Blacking for some ntno mouths, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. 1 find it holds tlie polish aud preserves the leather bet- tlir than any blacking that 1 have ever tried. Aauasw R. Craxbsiis. No. 07 Chestnut Street, We CTTRREY, Manufaeturtr (Successor to J. WELLAK, No. 60 Chestnut Street, above Si-cond. November, 9, 1860 ly. VALUABLE FAXUIX AT PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, at 1 1 o'clock, on SATURDAY 30th DAY of NOVEMBER, A VALUABLE FARM containing 101 acres more or less, situated in Shaniokin township, Northumberland county, 8 miles above the Bear Gao. on tlie centre turnpike, adjoining lauds of David MarU, Esq., Mr John Reply and others. The improvements consist of a good DWELLING HOUSE and BARN. This farm will positively be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Any persons disposed to pur chase will be shown, the properly by calling on David Marts, Esq., at the Hulling Mill, adjoining said Farm, or Mr. Jno Kepiy, airecny oppesite. If required, part of the purchase money fan re main on the Farm, with interest from the 4ay of sale. Title indisputable. , HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, No, id, 1850.r-ta. . A CARRIAGE FOR SALE. 170R sale at a reasonable price, a veil built ear- A riage in good condition with tongue and shafts (ot either eue or two bones. Also, a double set of harness. Enquire at this onice. , ', . -Aug. 81, 1850 tf. TIAY RUM An excellent article far aale MM hy . HENRY MAPStR. (Snnburv J;m. STlh, IHt U I. a . m NEW TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, CANES, &c. , Just received, a large and hand mtm SaaArttnftrit ftf A ' Top, Fancy Goods, Canes, violin strings, dominoes, games, puzzles snd tricks, moving figures, acgar eases, work and fancy boxes, napkin rings, tattles, etc., of every description, at tho lowest prices, wholesal and re- GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10 North 6th at, Philadelphia, lata of 2d street. N. B. ' Canes neatlr mounted, and Fancv Turning done. ' 1 , Nov. 9, 1S50. 8mo. State Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF IIARRISBUim, 1A. rpHIS COMPANY, chartered by the Leglsla JL ture during the last session, Is now prepored to take applications for Insurance against loss by nre upon Dunuings, otc, upon terms more advan tageous to the insured than any other Coinnanv doing business iu the .tntc. J his Company, m accordance with tho provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate classes, viz 1 Farmers' Property, called the "Formers' Company," and the other property, in rinding properly iu towns and' villages, called "Merchants' Class" t the funds of ench being kept entirely separate; consequently each class pavs its own losses snd no other- It will bo the en deavor of the Company to arrange their business that no assessment will he necessary on their premium notes- The rates of Insurance will be very reasonable- C. V. LITTLE, Agent, Northumberland. N- B. Persons wishing to make application for Insurance will be attended to by dropping a line through the Post Otllce, to c. F- Little Northumberland, Oct. IV, 1850. READY MALM'. TV7E take this method to inform the readers of ' the Munhury American, that, should thoy visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not be disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. Wc have now on hand the largest assortment ever offered in Philadelphia, among which are DUES-S and FitOCK COATS from $5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to $3, OVER COATS. CLOAKS. BUSI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall be sold at such prices as to make it an object for the people of Sunbury and tho sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO. South East corner of 6th and Market July 13, 1B50. family" scceries. davjd pkasi:, S. IF. Comer 0th if Arch Street' Philadelphia. TTAS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groce rtcs at tho very lowest prices, viz; Extra Fine, superior and common Black and Green Teas ; old Gov. J iva and other kinds of Coll'ec, ull qualities of Crushed Liijht Brown and Drown Sugars j best Sjicrm Oil and Sperm and Amniitiuo Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma; Farina, Tapioca, Sago and Whcaten (rits ; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces. Maccnroni, Vermicelli, English Split I'eus, &o They will pack up all goods fur the country neatly and securely uud deliver them promptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. ' DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1830 lyMuy LINN, SMITH & CO., Aro. 2134 Jhrfc Srreer.uliovr' 5th Si. Pilll.SUEI.lMiI , Wliolenale Druggleitg, AND DEAI.f.RS IN TdKUGS, Mumcixi:, Paints, Otts, Wisnow .1 & Glass, Varxisuks. Dm ,S-ri:rr, Patent MmiciXEs, Mf.uicixk Chests, SritouiL In sthi'ments, &c, &.C.; ami nianul'acturers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish it of all sixes, neatly packed in boxes from one to three dozen each. I,. S. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at the lowest possible rates. Particular attention is also paid to the manner of putting up and packing their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perfect salety All orders liy letter or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Philadelphia, June 15, 1850. 6m WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE PHYSICAL HESTOItATIVB. TUB MEDICAL. WONDER OF THS TS7ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Dolorous, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestinc vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only know n and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from the New YurkSttn, Oct. 3, 1849, Tlie eehbuileJ Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of " atts Nervous Antidote, the question was put to htm, ', Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous all'eetions was not in troduced by the inedicnl faculty t" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strtr of the nerves ; tho nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both tlie mind and body must be. Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, UAb DOLLAR. fOLD BY Wm. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury .September, '.'8, 1850 l NAItSII AI.1YS TONIC MIXTURE, For the Cvnr. ov Fkvkii and Acur. War RANTKU. THIS unriAslled medicine umy he relied on whi-n near ly sll oiliri reinnilieii tail. Its value is not iitriciciitll known- therefore, Ills pioprietor ilenires to enlarge tlis field ol II usei'uluetii bv naikiiie kivnvu its virtues and efli- vacy to IhouHuuis i' sutl'erers wlmare wt swsrs that tltvy can be speeauy snu raoifauycurea ol . KEVKRAND AGL'K, witlKmt tHs os of poisonous drug, nsuseetis prsisis sr tlie delsterusis effects S' quinine. It is ottered to the pub lic sts low price to rsace it withm tlie rears wi,swreg that those wlio uee II seeofduig W uirecuons wis aaa n siifs sihI specriy cats foe Fivsb sxa Hoes. li t not ilimereftulile nniiseulfinr esnivsiiirf hut an srree shle tisiic eeleiibileu lo remove the disuses and give kesllhy Hj.iii,a I.. iIia KOMiiark nnd howelle. I'lepsw" only uy Marahsii st lo., sim sow wnoiessies and reisil by Hownmt 4 Son, No. l Nortli Sih 8treil, Plnlilelihis rrli-e l ier sinjw wnoc, nu a per uoa, Jane till, l.'ie-.y BLANKS. LAXK4 of svofy Jriitiau ran he bad liy a'l)'ing at ineomca w tu. Auiencait, 'I'ISSl'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, &C-, for sale al the olliec ot the Ameru-au. ENVELOPES. -The suhscriW woulj rcpect fully announce to his friends and a genereue public, that he is manufacturing Envelopes of the best quality and of all kinds. For asi y CEO. W. COBCE, Sunbury, Oct 19, 1850. tl ( , mEAS, from the New York Cantos) and Pekin X Tea Company. For sale by f untury, Pec. :, l4 ZEXTZ & CO., - IMPORTKI1S OF FOUEION ' Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Framm nnd Musical itiHtru mentis. No. 78 North Snd 8t., between Arch cV Kace, PaiMnKLSHIA. TMPORTto order and have constantly on hand a verv large assortment of goods in' the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally i In German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other languages j Classics, Diction aries, Grommers, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Hooks fur Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers. MAP8.GLOI1ES and Blank Books of every description. Hplcndid Lithographic and other Prints. ' MUSICAL IKftTRtMEXTS). Accordeons, Banjos, Bows for all string instru ments, Bridge and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octnvo Flutes, Pnicnt Heads fur Guitars and Yiolincellos, Tambourines, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violinccllos and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor deons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, I a large assortment ot the very best OERIYIAtT ERONZE POWCE5?. Dutch Metal, French ond l'h irence I.ctif Mctnl Thermometers. Hnirpencils.-Kala'r and otlirr I.cadpcncils, Red, White ami Black Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scnrlicaton'. S'pring I.aneets Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French ami German Fancv Articles, for the sale of which they are the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July 6, 1850. GREAT REMrjVAL Clocks, Watched, Jewelry liver & PLATED WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fPHE SUBSCRIBER has removed his tnr, ol from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment, jVo. 103 ClienHitt street, above 3rf, l ittler the Franklin IIosisc, PHILADELPHIA, Where he offers fur sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELERY, SILVER and PLATED WAKE, &c., ut such prices ss cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which ho invites the attention of perchasers, os stiring them that EVERY ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists iu part of a full assortment of GOLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'El'INE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of everv description. MANTEL ORNAMENTO, FANCY GOODS, rc.. LEWIS LADOMUS. Watches, Jewelry, and Gold Pens sent to all parts of tho United Slates, by mail, with perfect safety, Vr' I am determined to sell at less prices than Uie same n nicies are sold in this citv. P. S. 1'retvrve this advertisement, and call and examine the stock. Sept. 8, 1S30. :iiuo. MACKEREL, SHAD. CODFISH. 1 SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, Couslnntiv on 1 ud and for s;ile bv - J. PALMER .c Co.. HAMS AND SIDES, Market Street WW.uX PHILADELPHIA. IScpU ll,'5(l oin. SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEEsE. THE GLOBE: Congressional, Agricultural, and Liter ary Newspaper. The undcrsisncp submits to the dublie Lis pro posals lor the Glolic and its reports lor the next anion ol l.ougress. Congress has now solihcr- 1 1 V patronized the undertaking that it will he es tablished as a standard work worthy oi'iu oliicial mprimutur. unless thu unbersicned tills in his tity. 1 his will not be the case if earnest eliort can avail. The Globe is the only paper that will furnish full reports of the debates of the two Hou ses of Congress; and having recicved their sane- iuii as such, mo uesi neporicrs v lit lie vugageu to write out the debates of each day, will undergo the revision ot the JMembcrs. The work, alter assing through the Dailv Uutasand receiving correction, will be presented, as finished, in the CuxeuKssioxAL Gloiix and Ai'i iMm. The debates will probably increase iu interest uriug tho next session. The one subject wlli.'ll ess give wav toothers ot great variety, .which, in this progressive couie trv, the conlliete of party and tlie ambition for plare and distinction, neeessar.ly proiltico. ast interests will be at stake upon tin) derisions of the next Congress ) and there is prent talent in both branches, which will be evoked in their dis cussion. All the honors nf thu A'epiiblic, depend ent on the succession to tho President') , as well as all the great and permanent tnleresU which go to tho advancement nf the power of the country, will give impulse to tho actum ol the next session ot Coimruss. i The Daily Glnhe will be published dailv during ; the session of Congress, and weekly tlie remainder i of the year. It will contain full and f.iiihltil re- ! ports ot the proeei dittos of both Houses ot t'ott- grcss; and iniseellaneous articles un those gener al subjects to which it is devote I. 1 he lirn e of the wivk.lv tiloue is redueed to one dollar, with a view to obtain a moio general ciieti- latiou. The Congressional Glofie will embodv, as it has done for the lust aetcnteen years, C'onj;tx. sional proeeedin-rs and debates rscjusivcly. Tho Appendix will riubruec the rctised siiepeli- es separately and the messastes of the 1'rcsioYiit ot tlie L nitej States and tlie reports at tlie Heads of tbe Executive Departments. 1 he Congressional lilobc and .tppeiulix will lie published as fast as the proceedings uf Con gress will make a numlier. Subseritmrs inav ex pect one iiuinla-r ol eaeh a week durinir iw lir.it four weeks of a session, and two or three nuinliers of each a week afWrwards, until the end of the session. I'omplcte indexes to the " ongressional (jlolie anu ApiK'iKiix w tu ne sent to suuscrioers soon ni ter I'oncress adjourns. Kothing of a political party aspect w ill appear in the liLuus save that which will be found iu the Congressional reports. A paper assuming to lie an iuipsrtial vehicle, for nil sides, cannot maintain its character if the editorial column reibcl u par ty hue. TF.R1IS, For one eotiy nf Hit Put. T 'r.Loint (-laity .hiring Ihe uriuinn S' Cnur-s, anil weekly durintf tlie nvee.) a year, 3,00 For lUe Dailx Ulouk t'or leae llania eur, at tlir rule Oie4 esnls s ni-Hith. Fic one couy cs tlie U'msi.t liuiss lor me v.-er. I OA For one c.s,y oi' Ilia C'oS(kkmhj&ai. tiLosa during the sesessi, I -W For nne eofiy M tlie AsrsNnix (luring llie sesfioii, t .V For rnnreoiiers'tlie l'i'M.VkintL lii.onr. or Armut, or lart nf s-Hh, My two ui saeb, or three ul vs, autl nf the .Slier. t 00 The wnis rate fisr a greater iianiher of eopies. The prices for these papers arc so low, thai ad vance iwymenta are indispensable to carry tlsein on, and no order will be attended to unless the uioney accompanies it. Subscriptions may be romittod by msil, at our risk; in money at par iu 'he section of the coun try where kuhseribvra reside. Tho money should be here by the M (Member to insure all the iiunihenu The CoxtaKssiossi Oloss and Arreting, at lb DaiLt CJi.os, as tbx-y may eleot, wilt be Mill so all editora who way publish this Prospec tus a often as three times before the first Monday in Decsmihmr, and send us otie copy of tlieir picr eoauining it distinetry marked around with a pea to diwx t aHantio to il. .. :i JOHXC. RIVES. . Wssaiaeran Ci tt, Oefbr 15, 1850. IIROWN'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA CIX. - CER, for sale by 11. b.ma5i:k. ept. 2S, 14". i.0ri!EUel'lEM'lFir,V9iUB. PEPSIN! Till! T H t I! DIGESTIVE FLUID. n D ' GASTRIC JUICE t A GREAT DTSPEPSIA CTTBEK, Preparer! ("Mm ItrNNHT. of llie fonrlli Stomach of lbs Ok, slier ilircetlon of BARON l.lKHWj the (Test fhysioloKinal Ch-mit, Ity J. . HOUGHTON, M. 1)., No. II, .North Uiglitli Street, riiihrMphis, Ps. Tills in a truly wonderful remedy f. INDIGESTION, DYfIKPIA, JAUNDICi:, I.IVKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, snd DKlUtJTV, Coring after Ns tore's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gostrls Juice. IV Hnlf s teaspooiiful of this fluid, Infilled in wster, will digert or dinnolve, Ptvs Pounds uf llosst tltrsf iu about two hours, out of tli ttomneh. DIGESTION. "I IGr.STlON is chiefly performed m the stomach by the J aid of ii uiiid which freely nudes lrn Ihe inner eout 01 that organ, when in a state of health, railed the Gastric -luire. Tin fluid is the lnal Molvent of the Food, Ilia Purifying. Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of lie stu inneli and intestines. Without it there will be no digea tin. no c inversion of fid into blood, mid no nutrition ot tiie h-id, ; Imt rather a foul, torpid, wiulttl, and destruc tive eoii'tiliou of tin- whole dijjeirtive apiKii-ntup. A weak, lull!' di-jil. or tiiilircd fftouiaeh nrodne-ji no cm! Ca.trif J'nce, unit In nee the disease, distress and debility which ! PF.PSIN AND RENNET. j Pri'S'lN i f'.e i liii-l'e'cnienl, or jfreut l)ii;i.tinir Priaei pie ol tin.- (ii'IiK- .liii,-.', it ioilnil in preut nl'lliiiluitcn iu tde s !i,l ,:irl.i ol' the iniiiiiili fit-ttliiieli alter tieilth, mid Ktiine , tiiiu-N i-:iiiji The i-luliiiirli to cliucm itm-it'. or eat itself up. ! ll im tils , t'-ipiiit in llii-n! iii'Mcli ot iiniiii;ils, uh llie ox. cull, I tit-. II in the mull-rial us-o' liy tanners in milking cheese, j cilli il It' i-nrt, III,- oileet ot wl.i'-li Ii'ik I -hir tieeu thu hpweial ' -on:ii-r oi' the ilaire. Tlie eni-illtin; of milk in the first prt j ecsH f il'iit-fiiuii. ittv.iij'-t pi-MK-MM.-s nt,iiiHliiiir (tower. I 'fin- ft"tn:'.eli if II en If will eunlli; iiraily one thonwiiHt limes j iIhowii u-,-ii;ht oi mil',. U.iri'ii l.n:li Mates tleit, itne - pirt "f Pt-pfin el!K---'iivi'l in I'i.-Je lii'iilHiuirt (larte of watel, j u ili iliein meat .'iiel olh,T I'ik-iI." l)teniiefl lotrMeht pro , "lure n i jj.mhI (lur'iie Jul-", lii-nnet or P.-ppiii. To show I Hint tai.i vyiutt nny l,e perfeetly supplied, we qaote ths fol ! lowil. ' SCIKNTIFIC EVIOENXE! ! HATJON MKIIIO. in hi crleltnit'il work on Animal i Chcmifiiy, Buys: "An Arliliciul IHiftitire Klnid aunlajrom to the (jfiAtnr Juice, nnty In rrnilily prtpari. Innii Ihe inn fiiUK llflill'rHU nf tile- -Mnmirtti nf tiltiCiilf, ill which VOfioil iZSXlZS in tim linnum i..m;i-h." iirtu-lv ! I'whI, un mwtt ami "zsi will iw nuMenetl. cliuiitf- uuuiiiur ui llicy would b Or, l'lOUCIKA. in hilt rini'nM treittint mi "Ftnid and Iiet,'' liibliiln-d by FhwIit .V Velln, Now York, pupa Ktati'd lh h'imii' jjreut fniM, nurl iliforilnjii tlie nit'thutl of irt-p:injtkn. 'Jh:rc are fw hijliur luithorhitu thuii Dr. I'lTcira. I)t. COMIlV. in hi vnhmlilc writtHcmm ihr "VhvBtnlniry ol" Difirsti'in, tilis'rctitlint nlMiiiniMiiiMMf tlietlue quim ' tily f t!ic i !:.' fir Juico is u jirniiiiin nl niid ull-irvaitiiifr : r:ut;-i nt Jly;u:p.;it ;:' inul hr Biuleii ttmt (Jitl nigutiiheti i pn ("(! ir ui iiti dti-iiif in Ismilini. who wtm wvcrvly ulilict j vtl wt'.li tliiri c 'innlnint. tiiidins i-vfry lliitm c!wj In iuil. hnil iiritiirpf i ' i nt tinctrii: .uticn. innauiiMi innii irn? iiiuicu ui Ii inir miiiirtls. which provt d oniph-telj miootuwlul.' Dr. (iKAUA.tf, nu'iior ol the f:nn u wrkinn Vege l.ifilc lJii-t." N.iy : "it ist a roumrknhlc Tuct in phyfi ilony, that tiin ?it'Mn:ifh ornntnmls, macrmlod in water, iinpurt t tu the llmil tliR pmpcrly oJ' tlisMvinp vnri-Hi nrtirtig of l 'tod. mi'l ol iMtcclimr h kmn ol nriincitil i!ip'Bti'in ut them in no wiw tliflcri-iii iroin tlie natural ditremivi: proct." Dr. SIMON'S jin-nt work, the (MioniuLry of Man," (LeaJ: Hlmu hnrfl, Thila. pp. 321 -?) myii: Thc ilia covrry nf I'KIISIV fornni a new era iu thucheiuicnl history of Diirestioii. From ri.cni xpTiint!iilH we know that feMl ik tUsnolvoil tm rapidly in uu nrtifioinl dilutive fluid, prfparnt irotn I'epsiu, n it is iu the natural litislric Juie itwii.,' 1 PiofeMur Pl'VGUSON nf the JcfleiKin Cnllege. Philn delphin, in hii ifront work on li'innn IMiyHioloy, devotea more than hity impcn to nn fxiuuinntion nf thin unbjfot. IIim cxpi-rinirnU with Dr. HcautiHiut, on the ('nitric Juice, obtained from the living huumn st 'tuach nnd from ftuinml ore wrll known. in nil phi'h," Iip hhii, "ditri'inioii occur rul us piTiectly in the urtiliciul us in the uuturumiyeiitiojif." AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER. ; Dr. IKH UII'rttN S prcp.irati u of J'K1SIN has prnilu I coil tl.- in si ;nurwll'tiR i ifit-t.. eniiuit nipoit nf l)ehi!itv. i!ii;:eiiihon, NervniM Decline, a:id DRjM:ptie Omtumpiton, bupui I 1-e on iit; vi -ry w-:i',a i I the frr:ivc. It l iiu p w-jiliio to "ivu the detail ot vn ! i-i tiie iiuiiti (f this ad VtTlt! !lMMt: ut Jl,t,tl"t:t.v.- tt rt.-fll'iC lv hrive Ik'!! ffiveil of M.f th-"i TWO li';i)HKl) KKMAltKAtiLLi crni.. in riii'atJflrHiu Nnv i'r!c, and H st'Mi alone. '1 arse cie iit-.tny ul: 3 -:-.;j:.-j ; fvtf, and the eures wvr liol ui!y laiiii! in.i woc UtiuI. b p nu.nteiil. It i -n-at NCItMH S A N TIiJU'I K, null jurtir ularly i-i!1 li-thitiiey t !li at- (i'iihi. I. iver CnniplHUt. Fever and Airue. r hatily tr.iaTi d Fevcf nnd A-rue, uud thu evil rti tn I Jituihi". Silfiii j . aiul i titer druK uk(I the Dij-ft'iveor','.'!!". iifti i n I -nn .-irl.n '!. AUo, for oxoom it) t I'ini;, Linl li.o t n uee u-e "I ardejit spiilts. It ulillwlL retViu-'i'! U':t'!!i with Illit n.wllJitee. (LL) S'ro.MAC H COMPLAl.NTS. T::er. is a . i'cmi i (U.D STUM WH COMi'laAINTr wliicii ii u. u -i S'M'Mi to ie r-'i and r'.no t? mire. Nu matur i.ov,- I fid ili.-y may he. it (rlVlvS INSTANT KK Idf.I' ! . siiul' d-.e rem iven v'A lite unplrarmt syinp t.m'x. :.nd ii uiiiv iM-ifds t h-i KpiatoiU for n Kliort time, lo nniK- li.-.- V' jienn;im-iit. IM H1TVOF DhOOU i'ud VI' ). OF 1 . fill v al i 'net. )i iH particularly ei't lh-iit in r:i.-e t i.nsa. Vonuiiiijr, Cramps, Soicneui iK the pit of I if tTiiiii-h distn hs m t r eaiinti. low. cold, it oi tne iSi.M"l, H'-.i u.e.w. LiwnesMiii Spirits. lepon- ' 'I'-nry. r.nuieiati .. WeakucMt. tetale ;e Ui lllNiiuty, ai Oi.clwtUc will ol'tsu rule. ft. LtlL j CiVccl tl fcl.-iiiur CiiTe. i H'.l'SIN' IX I )VDERS. j .- d'AT HV M ViU FKKK UF FOSTACiE. ,.. ,. ,. ,; , , n , ,,r ,,, ! tlie UliiKSTiVC.MAITKll ol' Tin; I'llPSlN ispst a'p ! 1,1 ll,c 1 ,r,1 i"'ii '-is. witu dKeetions to ue iiitsoiveu m 1 T."'t. 'L l'l I 'for Hi mune jmee. nn.t will bc--.-i'it hy mail, FHKK OF I 1'OSTAt.K, tor tM: uul.l.Alt s-nt (p t-,iict) to Dr. J. i p., .o. n .oru. i. ujati. ri, i-aismeiptus. Six (uekugs for five l illari". l'.verv e.vknre nnd bottlo ! oe-jri the vvnuru miniature oi J. M. IIOL ull lU-v, At. ii., S-'lil bv le-rillii in every town in tlia I'nited Blales, oud In i,-SHeiiiUe dealers til Sledieus-s freiicrally. I' tilt SA1.K UY John W. I'riluig, and Georgs Bright, SuniHiry. I.i. Marv A. Mefay Nnrthamlieralisl. John II. Hum Mill. hi, Hayes A McCoraiiek, MeKweneville, S. j. rr.iime, Seliuiarrove, J.ilui ti. It'-iin. I'lip1" Mahaalsnj.. W" ill un u lii-itin. Malionov. SniiUury, Se. 14th. leiO- "DEATH'S DOOR." How ii.iuently do we he;ir thii exprenion, which i j me.ui; t ' c )i ) to the uiliid Ihe Iumi t:ige of tekueM I thai a put imt can he reduced t i? niid In c. Mr. Harri ! son, a iiit'inhs-r the Trinity Church, wis. m ihe pfi I arM h'-jii', buituinil ivti u"Oailh' d-Mir,'1 by Kheu i m-i'isiu iMi.r Neri ''is Jt-:iil:iri.e, when, like an uiigei or : iu. i.-, jiu.lw.iy'it Ktsjtiy U ii!l n lieved vt n" bor msvtun I p.oi-s ;i i t i in .! her t her t i n n li ill pf rivet heultll. Viie -iy lit. nl U;iilw.y' tle.J'ly Itelicl Ut uppJietl. It! iii.-ii.'i il h nre -r ts.Tn-is.--ii. i' tothes, he,n. clean. I k.'h iniii luiniit-a i ii iii;-'irt' i-ii;iv.-i imuui n, niiuctw in. ) tl;riuii:iin-iifl inn! r e!Iiii J. rt ln' tin in i nrvere eu- i niijiie iiiii. aw lo tiuiiiM, f-ahh. ires. Kruptiout ' curt s Kiu'iiuittli.sni. Liiiili.:;;' (ini!, i'uuiU ait. SpiaiiiH, ! ii-.uiiM. Sj-iiMiis, i.l' Net-!,, Wusikufw, iu the iSnltt mut I H iek. S h'i'j l" nil kinds, (hilN, Itruifieit, (.'hales, Soi Throni. li!jlueu;;ii, ll'tum-invc, C ujin, t'oJiUt timtii ai in: mu:i) in o.ksi:cum). I Tltiii I'Ulmirur mit'etinn omt he rnreil in uu iimtuut, for ; thu ui 'iiti ul Hit' ld'lid tuurht u the uTve the pain if mi- ul':Ui1. Si with 'IV D 'i-ic'.n mut llfiniiTuuia, curat- i;iii noil !iek llt'fulaehe Uillli' tlio WUU W'heio thtt puiu j i m. .ul lieveie, unit in ti lew imliiltr.s- you will 1m- entire I jr I n-lieveil. Taks-u tnleru-iliy il wnl urreMi ihtj uiont violent jfipawmimid C'riun(tii. slop voniitiuff or tn uiueU pur((iif, i . it will jjive clreiiirih lor weiikiiejw, euarhir j te llU'tl ly Al a l-i'., r unoii ?occu i ri.i:.Avr ioili;t nivtiLiMiTts. TO KMHMLUMl AM) KMIAM'K TUli i HARMS l or HKAI TV. It.inwAv's AltsirtCAi-isii SAr. 1 I llmhra ' Miilii-uUilS -up, o UVorunly twiuwa Utftwpb t imt the i.tfhi innhle worht i"r iik extrruiely hlauA, purity UiC unit iotliiiii.r elleelst'ii lhekHJ White by ItM urUuH on the p ti n itn.i Ihi- liiinit'.s? heeieti ry VOreU it utpeia ail iinpuiiiieH iVoiu the .-miiuec, uilnyit every lentK-iey iu in tlujiuniiiion, nnil viieetiii'liy diMipiiti-n nil rtitnow, Uiu, piliiplev. fpoU. Uefrtiui, (.liitluuUous tUiJ (ttttesT fwUuieous riiiptioiiM Tne I'aitinnt hiooin it imparl,: to llie cheelv. th miitiietv mill ilLliiuiv wlueli U imku-ei tl" I tie ItaiMta and arum, its cip-tl uuj nt' X'thing iiriuiti ni mut removing eu taneoim ileteers!, render It iuttti.peii.vih'e t rmy tiiilri, liriitleiut-u niter alvtvtiif wni tiiktt il HHuyaali irrttatintt aiuUeudertwwiiit the kin. uud reuders m ii, nutiotb and plellRtllt. TtuniiB the limt uhk Tum of nimwr. f fniat aud bkuk tviiHsu 04 winter; ui.il mcum.! Muituni, aiiiu; t immccu chili'lHiim, rhuppeil huihU, ot iiiriilenlut iutLunuwlioii, ila virtuaa buve tiuuratal eitenmvly bten atksvo'ed. lis puiilyinu untl retreifliiiiK prisperhei luv olfluiuud it elec tion fT"Oi UieltruiHftiUi ot' iKber e inueUo, UbM h4trw pssnn unti ituitvU nuinnfrwinre, liy Ihe h tim ol" all jsufta 4 Ihe Uri.it. iimUe w.kM, iokm llie lniniuit tnHr lr(zeu rvuhua the leu Kuitf. The rmiilio bUI phmm hour in mi I thai Hmlwuy't MMirateti ttNip, ia tha nly vale preiMiutiiai 4r tu akui now im uae; ilustui b neritlird ti )ry our moat piomiueut rhiuiferi. Kml way's 8tip ia lrw from poiaotioiu. irrtfaiins d perairMisi tn trreiheuta, it ivu be sbinI nu the lemh-r akin M' ih infuut withlli atuusn UiMiy- reaulla ua Ut-ii fceauty im iu priim. Sectlmt ieh ita i envel opwl in S .lamM iabfl of alanl fcin iii-4infi inrilier te ibal -Ae aipfnulr rt" K. (i. KAiiWAV U utwii curb aakr. w.lSJS, ttikt-s. THE GHOVIa ORXAMEKT OP UCAVTV ISA I.L'XIKIANT I11UD OF GUKY UAIR. asiiiu'ATiuncAuaAsL)i. - ll'arruiihU the htt ilnr 'i onic in K$cf ptT Preasii.p RiM U'-nuiii)ina Uiehriii. Il f!miiae the )eIp fn mi Immlruit. kerspi it clean, raras &furey, 1UI m. aatl tNf ou tba Uaud aioi tba sair iimu t'lhff oji, rruth rk it pirone, Aim. 111101.111, ilt aiid plot-ay. ler-sH wbd h'tw Lt ilieir liair by aiekneaa wiH nd a eoinfttra(UHlsMe in Raslvvity1 4'irrJiMian balm. It alko gives it a tlutlt sntl beaultlui tnf, aut will praant it ironi iumin pivy. rrma ila Mnuuita nurltv. it 1 admi rably attopiad fuf lbs Koir ol ckisdren a Iha'moal lrnar nf e. It w W is Urv-hotUe tor 2 eciiU ief b.iiJ. aiai ia MPfsutuI ihm Israt hair pre palatini. In um, it will iit soil Ui hut, can, o tlw hm, lalsrin. Has that lbs tifiw tura ot' R Al)W AY A CO.. litiuearh Uutle no Cir ca Mia 11 bslni U genuine wubjout lh 1 mtyrc m. Ibduniy Co. Agtkt K. B Mtfc.'. i'i nr Auj 10, 1 j -,? .AU