Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 31, 1850, Image 4

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''.'"..," , BY MARTIN P. TCITER. , .
Struck down at noon amid the startled throng,
An eagle shot while soaring to the aun
A wounded gladiator dying, strong, .
'As loth to leave the gloriea he had won ;
A life-long patriot with hla work half done
Of thee, great statesman, ahall my morning aong,
.'Arise In dread calamity ! of thee,
Whom the wide world, o lately and long
.Thine acolyte, would crowd to hear and sec,
Their Intellectual Athlete, their high name
' For eloquenco, and prudence, gifts and pow-
. . crs t
Butlo that Btnrry mind, a heavenly flame,
Is well enfranchised from this earth of ours,
Translated in the zenith of its fame 1
We were yesterday shown a few heads of
wheat, from a field of twelve acres on the
farm Of Mr. J. E. Coad. in St. Mary's conn
ty, (not far from Piney Point,) in Maryland,
of so remarkable a quality ns to deserve a
special notice. The grain is a bearded white
wheat, with large head and grains, the ave.
rage height through tho whole field being,
at this time, full six feet, of a most vigorous
growth. Besides the produce of this field
it is remarkable that the field From which
those stalks were taken is the only field in
the neighbouhood in which rust is not visible
The seed of this wheat was obtained by dis
tribution from the Patent Office, the descrip
tion of it being a bearded White Wheat, pro
ducing forty bushels to the acre; a product
which, or very nearly which, is expected,
from its present appearance, to be realized
from the field of Mr. Coad. 'Sat. Intelligen
cer. M. Rothschild is gone to Holland to bid
for tho painting of tho Royal Gallery. His
great competitor will be the Emperor of Rus
sia, who has forced this sale as the only
means of being reim'bnrsed the sums due to
him from the late king; but it is understood
that he has appointed agents to bid liberally
for the chefs dyocuvres.
, There is said to be a woman in Pittsburgh
who takes in children to wash. She gives
them a good scrubbing with soap and sand,
and then sets them in the sun to dry. She
washes at four shillings per dozen. Pitts
burgh is such a smoky town, that the chil
dren have to be washed all over every day.
We love to hear the truth spoken at all
times, and in all places. A reporter for a
Western paper, heads a paragraph, "He who
steals my" locals, "steals trash."
The English journals contain glowing ac
count of several swimming matches that have
recently taken place. One gentleman swam
300 yards in two minutes and fifty seconds.
It having been stated at a social gather
ing in New York, that it was impossible to
make a rhyme for month, a grave gentle
man in the company produed the following
. stanza :
'.'Thr-v seized the soldier in Btnadway,
(December was the month,)
He saw his pistols thrown away,
A hd also was his gun th-
; Rown away."
Fever and ague prevail to an alarming
extent in Minersville, Schuylkill county, Pa.
Who says Minersville is "no great shake?"
An umbrella, waiih may bo carried in
one's pocket, has been invented in Taunton,
! A SchooI mistress advertised lately for an
assistant accustomed to confinement. She
received an answer from the mother of
twelve children.
Beside the stream that gently flows,
'.. Ai morning dawn I saw a rose
In modest beauty blushing ;
More fair than all on earth beside,
It bent above the crystal tide,
And listened to its gushing.
Beside the stream that gently (lows,
A t eventide I saw the rose,
B nt all its leaves wore faded ; .
( Such is thy fate, oh man ! an hour
Thou liv'st in home, but like the flower,
Thy hope and joys are shaded.
Raspberries. Nathaniel Ilallock of Mil
ton, Ulster Co., N. Y., has sent to New
York, the present season, ten thousand bas
kets of Antwerp Raspberries, each basket
holding one pint. He gathered seven
thousand baskets irom one acre, and three
thousand from a lot of two acres, which
had just bega.i to bear. 1 he prices obtain
ed were fror.i eighteen pence to two shil
lings a baske ..
Youno Dascers. Sing lowly, foot slowly
oh, why should we chase
The hour that gives heaven to this earthly em.
, . . 1
To-morrow, to morrow is dreary and lonely j '
Then love as they love who would live to love
, on'y '
Closer yet, eyes of jet -breast fair and sweet t
No eyes flash like those eyes that flash as they
meet !
Weave brightly, wear lightly the warm woven
Love ou for to-night, if wo ne'er love again.
Fond youths ! happy maidens ! .we are his alone !
Bright steps and sweet voices keep pace with our
own, ,
Love-lorn Lusignuolo, the soft-sighing breeze,
The rose wilh the zephyr, the wind with the trees,
While heaven blushing pleasure is full of love
r 1 1
Soft down the sweet measure the fairy world floats,
"Lines" by the editor of the Freeport,
111., paper : "
Cent back, ye sinners, mean and greedy
Rich or ragged, lean or fat
Come pay the sums ycu owe us speedy
,3.1 ftg the Praierie Democrat.
Don't "be lurking round the bushes ;
Perhaps you'll find t hemp cravat I
.We know that conscience often pushes
el. Those who cheat the Democrat ! . ' ,-
S -l i. i '. .1
The Pope has ordered a universal jubilee,
in- commemoration of his restoration. It is
ti 1adt fifteen days, and to carry plenary
iDduJgqnca. pf on hundred yean to those
who observe it. ; , . . T .
Ornamental And French Style Frame
; n .. Manufacturer,
801 Walnut st , between 3d and Mh street.
T) ESPECTFULLY directs the attention of the
public to his superior styles of Plain and
Fancy Frames, which aro of the latest and most
beautiful designs. , i
As a handsome Frame at a LOW ' PRICE,
has been much desired, he! was induced some
months since to Commence the manufacture of
these Frames. In a short time the demand has
been so great, that he has been obliged to increase
his facilities, and tlcW otTcr at ,'
Bingly,-OTin thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes,
Cards, &o., eVc. .
For Durability Unsurpassed.
Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca
binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of
carved Rose-Wood.
fV Please call and sec specimens.
May 25, 1850 ly
(nrrosiTS Tire state norsa.)
FFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city
paper, a largo and well assorted stock of
UAIHjNET FURMTURE, of the latest pattern.
and of the best workmanship. The assortment
embraces every article, URcful or ornamental, com
prising suits of Drawing Room r urmture in Rose
wood and Walnut, exquisitely caned. Rosewood
Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture j Pa
tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to
be the best now in use); Library Book Cases,
end a great variety of plnin Parlor and Chamber
Curtains made and put up in tho latest Paris
Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea
ther Beds, made to order,
N. B. All articles purchased at this establish
ment arc warranted of the best materials and
workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely
to any pnrt oi the country.
May 25, 1850. ly
TSIIARPLESS & RONS, have just received
their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which
they invite attention.
SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen
and worsted.
DRESS SILKS Gro de Rhines, Chameleons,
and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and
DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse-
li us. Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the
new fabrics.
FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings
Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish
ing goods.
MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma-
rctts, Drills, Vcsttngs of all kinds, and Boys wear.
oHUEMAKEKS GOODS and Carriago Ma
kers articles. T. SHARPLESS & SONS,
No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia.
May 25, 1850. ly
Sunbury, Pa.
Oflicc in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
Public Bcliool House.
Itr Monies collected and nil business nioinntlv and care
fully nttcniM to.
April 20, 1850
Come ye, with garments bnre and seedy,
Yc IjuchMors, wido'ers and Inisliands too,
If, in the outward man you'r needy,
We swin can make yuu as g'HHl as new.
THE subscrilier respectfully informs his friends
and the pulilie, that he will commence in this
place, on the Pth of April next, tho
in all its branches. He will he careful to see that
his work is made up in the best manner, and he
llntters himself, that he will be able to cive entire.
satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as well
as in price. He therclore respectfully Bohcitshis
friends and the public generally to call and give
him a trial.
His shop is a new building in Fawn street be
ow Weaver's Hotel.
Sunbury, March 30, 1S50 Cm
Iottville, In.
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
ness entrusted to his care.
June 16, 1849,
(Late of the Fium or Watkisbok & Hill,)
vYo. 24 South Second Street,
L ESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and
-- customers, as well as the public generally,
that he has opened an entire new stock of eleirant
styles of
Spring & Summer Dress Goods.
His assortment consists of the latest and most desi
rable styles of English, Clerman, French & Ame
rican Cioods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Bera
ges, Silks, Lawns, M uslins, Shawls, Hdkfls, Gloves,
and every variety of Dress and Fancy Goods,
l'hilad. March 16, 1850. ly
Jo. 40 South Fourth Street,
HERE every variety of French Calf Skin
Morocco, Putcnt leather, Coinrrcss and Gui-
iui iiuuu, ui hid uksi siyie ana workmatislup, are
constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order.
March 16, 1850 6ni
JAIEIST Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
B writing and mdellible ink, Cotton yarn and
"i-ijuouciuivcu aim lor sale by
', ' J. W. FRILING.
ciunbury, Dec. 8, 1818.
VJiu.r, miiKl-ans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
u other articles of stone ware just received
ana lor Baie iy . JUllA W. FKILING
Sunbury, June S3, 1849.
r lem remeuy jor cougbs, colds. V ...i.
.1.:- . - . mam
ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi-
cine ur saic oy Jir.iKy. A1AS1SF.H
ouiiDury jan. zin, 1S4'J ffcixs ly SILVER CA8E8. A small
ioi on nana ana tor sale by
funbury, April 6, J 850.
JAISIN8, currants, . citron, cheese, pepper
Uvo, Dtx. ror saio uy j. ry . r illlilwU
ounbury, Dec. 8, 1848.
XV superior article for sale at the
. r. ..
..u,ui 11EIK MA88EK.
DUUuury, feb. 16, 1850,
lEE BILL8Justice. and Constables Pea
M. Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for
ale at tliis office. r -
7MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard
x' Acid bprings, highly valuable iu chronic di
eases, aud tonic remeuics, for sale by
Sunbury, June S9, 1850 tf t- .
At the Cabinet Ware Hoom of
' ' Market Square,
Also at the comer of Farm street It the Railroad
. Thankful fur the patronage of his friends and
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public aro
therefore invited to the attention of tho present
stock of
Manufactured by
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Large Spring Scat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Jlurble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fashionable Furniture.
Having secured a Ilearso and made the neces
sary arrangements for the purpose, they aro now
prepared for undertaking in all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye muids and mistresses, and husbands too,
Here's furniture of every style and hue,
From side boards down to kitchen tables,
From rocking chairs to rocking crndles
Should ynn not linvc tlie ready Jons to pay,
We'll wait awhile for a brighter better day,
Or take potatoes, oats, com, wheat and rye j
Bark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry,
Or nay thing but yokes and threshing flnils,
From pigs and turkies down to little quails.
Come on then friends, come one and all,
Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the bnll.M
VW Orders from a distance promptly attended
to am! work ol all kinds delivered with dispatch,
Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf
ROUT. L. 8KTII . TI109. P. B. BKTH
Commfostoii iHcvcJtautfii,
(Near Bowly's Wharf,)
Will pay particubir attention to Hie sale ofGRAIN
and all other products of the farm.
Baltimore, Jununry 26, 1850. ly
In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few
Simple nnd Curious Experiments In
INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc.. Price 61 cts., for
sale by HENRI" MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849.
TC-SmiOLESALE Commission PAPER and
Street, Philadelphia Where a general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at
tne lowest cash prices.
Cap, Letter and Printing Papers,
fee on hand.
Plain and ruled while Caps.
' " blue "
Flat Caps.
Plain and ruled while Letter.
" bluo "
Blue and white Folios.
White nnd colored Printing Taper
Tissue Papers.
Shoe "
Wrapping "
Envelope "
Hardware and Sheathing Paper.
Tar Boards.
Straw Boards,
Bonnet lloards.
AH orders from the Country will be attended
to at the shortest notice.
All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de
livered at any place in the city.
1 lie highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex
changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, lS l'J
ISrowii'N Esisenfc of Jamaica Gin
Prepared only hit Frederick Brown, at his
Drug and Lhcmical Store, !orth East
Corner of Fifth, and Chestnut
streets, Philadelphia.
FT1HE Essence is a preparation of unusual cx
JL cellence and of varied nronerties. Inallcasei
where a powerful and safe stimulant is reouircd
it is unrivalled for ell'icacy as well as immediate
action. To the traveller and to the family circle
it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and
water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the
invauu wno requires lmmeiliate relief, as well
to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle
tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa
tion of the system so generally induces thirst for
stimulants, it will always be found an excellent
substitute tor those tempting beverages which de
Inmate the stomach and cause a morbid condition
of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the
bowels, in naussea and sea-sickuess, it is an active
and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re
medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of
the medical faculty.
A supply of the alrave received and for sale by
II. B. Masscr, Sunbury.
April 0, 1850. (iai
A New AMsoi tineiit ol FmmIi Good.
T ESPECTFULLY informs his
tonicrsand others, that he hasju
friends, ens-
ust rcccivtul n
handsome assortment of
at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such a
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
ware, Hardware, &c.
Sunbury, June 83, 1849.
Win. . loch ran fc Co.,
Wliulesule aud Hrlull,
No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
HAVE always on hand a very large slock of
Wines, Liquors and Segars, of their own
importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and
private gentlemen, will be supplied on tlie most
liberal terms.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849
Valuable Hooks!.
Chbist, handsomely bound. T)'A...
T IFE oy
" mciisi tlisToar or
BUNR DaT-MOOKS IXD I.r.Ilf. KH lull hnim.l.,1
For sale at the publishers prices by
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
rjotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Heady made Vesta, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lmed preserving kettles, just received
for sale by H. MASSER.
Bdnbury, Dec S, 1848.
CAP,8'.tA'L """"tueiit just received. Also
silk HAT8 at 5, for sale by
u u t. H. MASSER.
Wunbury, Die 2, 1848,
BLANKS of every description can U had by
applying at theoftce of the American.
No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and
llace, and 83 JJnck street,
Patent Soap-SDono Lined and Key
Hole lover
Wnrrantpri tn ttnnit more Hrait
limn Any Chesta in this Country,
AIpo Fatfiit Air-Chumbcr Iron
Cherts. 1(M0 now in ue. They
niBii rniuiuue u mnkc iiik on urn.
b ry r ire rrontu, nt very nv prices
Hiciii rtniininntion inrki. With
imifpKi'ys, whirh enn be chnnnrd
r- nevRrul thounnnd times chmiKcii
Me in fact evcrv time the lunik in
lined if druirnlilo. Thpws fjnckn are proof mrninnt the moat
expert Thieve, beitiff supplied with the Patent Key-hole
Cnvr, nnd mnde vrrv stronir, they ennnot lie blown open
bv Onnp-tWiter. These Locks are intended for BANKS,
Benland lettei copying presses, fire proof doors for Banks
and Sti Tes.
Vntent Slate Lined Refrieerntors. wnrrnntcrt superior tn
nil others. Water Filters, Shower Bnths of the best qual
IV Persons wishing to purchase any of the above ar
ticles, will plense (tivn them ft mil, as they sell cheaper
than any other in the United States.
Philadelphia, November 10, lt-it ly
THE subscriber would most respectfully in
form his friends and a generous public, that
he is manufacturing the best quality of
in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a littlo
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union.
lie is also importing and dealing most extensively
which he oilers on the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries arc on Bond street north of Fav-
ettc, and Chinn store and dwelling at No. 8, E.
lialtimore street.
No. 8, E. Baltimore street,
Baltimore, Maryland.
February 8, 1S50. ly
Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity
and Trut Company.
capital sr-Trtyioo. Charter 1 krtetijal.
rPIIK Conipnny nre now prepitreil to tniiisar-t luifinraR
I iirH.n 1 tie must lilxTiil nml mlvnutnucMiii terms. Tlicv
nre nmhorizctl liy their rlmrter (pert. :i) "to nmke nil nml
every inminuiee npierttmiinf? to lil'e rinks of whatever kind
or niiture, iiik! to receive, ami execute trums. inuke endow
ments, nittl to ffniut nnd nnrehnse annuities. n Tlie Com
pany sell ttiiumtie mid endowments, slid act as Trustees
lor minors unu ueirs.
Table of Premiums required for tlie Assurance of gtuu for
the whole term ol Ltle.
Age. I Prem. Arc. I I'rcm. Age. l'rem.
18 1 511 .11 a 09 4(1 ' .1 M
17 1 53 33 9 15 47 .140
IS 158 33 a 20 4N 3 62
1 I 1 50 34 a7 40 377
20 1 (10 35 2 33 fill 3 4
21 1 A3 ,'ftt 2 40 61 4 13
22 ldtl 37 8 47 52 4 32
23 l!l 38 a 54 53 4 51
21 1 72 3 8G3 54 4 71
25 1 7lt 40 2 71) 55 4 01
SI 1 ftS 41 4 W 5(1 6 12
27 1 S9 42 2 02 57 6 33
23 1 nt 43 3 (11 59 S 54
20 1 08 41 3 12 50 5 7H
30 2111 45 3 23 00 6(13
The premiums are less tluin any other company, nml the
Tables of hall'-vearlv
and quarterly premiums, half credit mtes of premium, short
terms, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; ulso,
form of Application (for which there arc blank sheets') ure
to be had on npplif:iti"n at the office, or by letter to the
a . r ti unnw '
Rats ob insitrino SKiO on a single Life
Ajie. For 1 year. For 7 vears. For Life
20 61 fl'l 1.(1(1
30 (i9 1.30 2.(4
40 1,2 1,64 2,70
50 1.1-0 2,07 3.i)l
6(1 3,1S 3.fl7 6,01
Kxamplk A ners tnnired 30 vears next birth ibtv. bv
paying the Company p) cents would secure to his family
or nt'irs miki should iltl on in one year: or lor Efji.un he
cures to them l(HIO; or f'T I3 niinually for seven yea
be secures to tlii'in HIOIKi should he die in seven vears; i
for $20,40 uud annually during life he secures rKHHl to be
paid when he dies. The insurer sfui ing his own b ums,
by the difference in niii'tunl ot' premiums from those ebartred
by olher oinccs. For fig. 30 the heirs would receive ijation
Biioimi lie die in one yeur,
l-'oruiii of application and all particulars mav be had ut
the office. l'l'.TKIt CL'l.I.UN, President.
Vice rresiilenl. W'j. M. H.uun.
Franxis W. Hawlk, Secretary and Treasurer.
CoNsn.TiNG FiivlciAN Ur. J. It. Mnsser. Sunbury.
J. II. Iijbdv, tiuubiirv, Agent for Northumberland eoun
' Sunbury, July SS, 1SI0.
"I.iicoiras;c Your Own!"
rTIIE subscribers respectfully call the attention
of the public to.their lar;rc and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
(:ai:ii; t-wake.
which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be hud in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
uiaue. 1 neir siock consists ot Maliogany
Solan, Olvaiisi nnd Lounge,
Uurcaus, Secm.trfcs, sracboariis,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
iJr.urs 1 hAUr, ot every pattern and price.
n short, every article in this line of their business,
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
hk luoing vuneiies never IHIoro to be Hail in
Sunbury, such as Maiioham, Black Walni-t
CHAIRS, axu rAxct Pi a xo Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
Tho subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained
about tlie quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
inr UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf
rPHE subscrilier has just received a new supply
of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in part of
Superior old pale Brandy.
Fine Coguiao Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirit.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
-Superior Tort Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottle.
Champagne do. do.
Sunbury, May 86 1819.
A new supply of this excellent article just
received and for sale by H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Match 18, U50.
T) EING a progressive and Comprehensive Syg
J tern of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including
I variety of definitions, adapted to the use of
Schools in the American Republic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year s experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calcujators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, tec
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, etc., is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest
best arranged, and better adapted to the wants Of
children, than any other published in tho united
Stats. It is what it purports to bo, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sale by Hr.Nnr MassEb, Sunbury.
v hero 1 cachers and Directors can procure
copies tor examination.
August 4, 1849.
I? F. ZCTFULLY informs the citizens of
1 Danville and the liublic at larire, that he has
located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac
tice .Medicine and Burcery in all its various bran
ches. He will operate on all tho various forms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, and nil other surt?ical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprises
nil instruments in modern Siiriierv, of the latest
improvement and finest finish. He flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a sufficient truarantee to those who may feel
disposed to employ him.
Ills residence is nearly opposite the Mniitsromf
ry Mmldins, and next door to Isaac Hosen
baum's stove, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 1819. ly.
I ." CiieNiiut street,
(Opposite the Arcade)
! I ANLTACTUKEKiS of their improved stylo
Elastic i-Stcol fSnrins, Solid Solo Leather, nnd
Solid Kivcted
which took the only first premium, awarded by
the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. ,
H. fc T. take pleasure in informing the travel-
Iintr public, that they have now on hand, a beau
tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va
lico Trunks, Donnct Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet
lings, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Putcnt Leatbor Dugs, with every article
in their line of business.
lif Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.-
Office of the Phila. Reading Uuitrowl Co,
nuladclplua, March 2U, 1850. )
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
ON and after AprilUt, 1850 two trains will
be run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pottsville.
Morning Line, (Accommodation .)
Leaves Philadelphia at 7$ A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7j A. M. daily except Sim
days. Jftrrnoon Line, (Fast Train.)
Leaves Philadelphia ut2i oYInck, daily, except
Leases Pottsville at 2j o'clock, daily, except
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
Tho al'lernoon, or fnpt .rains, do not stop nt Au
burn, Altliouse's, BirdnbortV, Roger's Ford, Val
ley Forue, lort Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls.
.NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baijsane will be al
lowed to each pasieni;er in three lines; nnd pas
sengers ave expressly prohibited from t;ikins auy
thiiu? as bairairo but their wearing apparel, which
will be at the risk of its owner.
liy order of the Board of Managers.
S. 13 K Alt FOND,
April 13, 1830. Secretary.
Ei.ixia i
with tlie utinu8t couruN;ncc, oflWrd to tlie
! Kuculty ami the nutilic for th cure nf lv5nfi-
8ja or liidicsti hi, unit ull Uibtuse uriHiiii; froinit, uiu'h
Nausea, IIi'iulnflKi,
Vi-rtitru. Dimiu'ns of Sitfht,
Debility ol' the N ervous Sys
tem. II v K'hondria, Juumlice,
1 jtdSnCllpnetite,
Hiliotis Voniitin,
liuniinir sensiitinu at th pit
it" the st'iinai'ti,
Liver cnmpbiiiit,
Oppri'Hsinii ul'ter entitijr,
fulpitntiii ot' the fleail,
Inin in the pit nf ttie stnumcli
Wnstiiifi tf the strenpth.
Flntuleiiee, with Iruquentl or tWiirjs the riifht sidi
lieldiiht; of wind, 'Sahnwneos oi'eniiiplt'Xi'ii,
Vitiated ti.sle, jDeprrsHinn nf the spirits and
Constitution mid uiirasinessl irntululity ol tamper, im.
uf the lxweli, l
If a caw of dyspepniu Sould be neglected, m int serious
efleeti may eimue, tor it ia tlie fnmulatii-u for, in the in
cident cuuaenl', and very frequently terminates in enuimmp
tion. I woitlij iuipresa upon the ruind that to ti ille with
this disease may tw to pport with the retiaon which eonnii
tutes man superennnent Hinonp onimnl heins, nr to em
bitter existence by Sliding a consciousness ui'iVl!y to the
penalty of pain.
This met fie i no is neatly put up in bottles, with ample
directions for use, and is sold in Huuhiirv bv John V.
Fbilino. JAMIIS Vlia.iA.tS.
Tejilimonyof Mr. Aimer Ktmes, hatter, Market Ktreet
nhove Sixth, corrolrutive of tho eiticuey of Williams
Auti-Dytpeptie lilixir.
Puilauklpiha, Oclobur 3, 1B49.
Mh. James William : f
Dear ii : It gives me great pleasure to know that you
nre ajraiii prepnnufr medieiue f"r the cure of l)yiep
siu, for many ot' my aeiuuintances have repeat wily nuked
me where it could be tmn'uieil, knowing that 1 had been
cured by it. As I think that a public acknowledgment nf
the frreat benefit I have received from the use of your med
icine is not only due to you, but may lie uset'ul to others, 1
now make it. For several years I suffered t'roin Dyspep
sia, which increased to such an extent that my health and
constitution were rapidly sinking under it. I was com
pelled to restrict inyttelf to the most simple (VhhI, nnd even
that I could not digest. I felt a loss of strength, disincli
nation to exercise, and, us you have it iu vour advertise
ment, a geuerul feeling of depression and imteseriltahle
weariness, tn the year liW. hearing from others WifU rv
commenilatiou nt your Anti-Dyspeptic Khxir, 1 pr-H-tired
and used it with the most happy efT'-ct ; under it mriuenee
languor and wurinejtfi gnuhinlly p-inned uwny. nnd my uprwv
tite returned which I could gratify with impunity. Ten
years luive now elapsed, und my confidence ui the curative
powers of your medicine has of course merenftfd, for it
completely cured roe when I failed to obtain relief from any
othei source. Very respeclfullv vours,
A i Kit KI.MF.S.
Testimony of FA ward H. Rowley, Whnlt-sale Mereluint
of the firm of Itowley, Ashbunner A Co., No 5 South
Wliurve. m proof of the etticacy of Wiliuims' Auti-D s
peptic Elixir.
Philadklphia, Oetolei 29, 1B49.
Mr. Jamrs Wilmsms:
Dear Sir : 1 lake pleasure in recommeiidinfr your Anti
Dyspeptic Klixir for the cure of Dyspepsia, J hum taken
it myself for the diseuse, and have been entirely cured.
Yuuri respectfully,
Aoext JOHN W FI11UNG, Sunbury, Va,
March A, IK). ly
"EAD the ftdlowuuf coitificate from Capt. Devoe, the
J V well known ami popuiur Sham Boat Cuptuut (of the
Philadelphia, October 31, 1B16.
Several years since I was attacked with a breaking out
on my neck ia the form of Tetter, which 1 am convinced
win comrueted at the Barber's iShon. It gnutdually extend
ed over my fHe until it reached the upper pa" f the
cheeks. Durinjr the aeveraJ nun n lis iltat it eoiitiuued
pleading, I uscl di lie rent appliivtious. some uf which had
the eilect, apprenlly at least, of increMsuur the disease, but
from none of them did 1 perceive (be least benefit umil 1
applied (lie liosx Ointhknt. liy the use of oue jar ol' it,
1 was perfectly cured and have remained free of Uie afloo
1 have since uaad the Ointment, lightly applied forroufih
nesa of the face, blotche. chapped hands, Scc. With per
fect success. I have no hesitation in rocotiuueuding it in
the strtaigust maimer to the public.
Apent H-et Massbb, Suiibary
July .to, le4U.
ROSE OINTMEN T A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tettor, iVc, just received
ajidiorisaU by UENKV MAbtiKK. ,
Sunbury, July 28,1849-, : .
CUES. A n excellent article, for eala at
hall the usual price by J. W, FRILING.
Sunbury, July 7, 1749.
Agent for the sale of Sonthworlh ilamtfaclu-
rt'nir Co'. Writina Papm. '
H'nre , lionise. Ko. 3. Minor street
100 9A8Es of the above superior Papers now
in store, and for sale to trado at the lowost
market prices, consisting in part of
line thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 1 5 and 16 lbs.
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Doml Writings, bluo
and white.
Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue.
Superfine Cammcrical Posts, blue and white
plain and ruled
and white, pluin and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt
Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-IIouse Caps and
Posts, bluo and white
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and LettcrB, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Tosts.
Superfined blue Dath Posts, bluo and white,
plum and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes,
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and fiuo Caps and Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices.
Also, 100(1 reams white end asserted oboe Ta
pers, Donnct Boards, whito and assorted tissuo.
Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me.
dtums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c.
Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1819.
In prcxentinc the public with n remedv for the treatment
anil cure of Fkvku axtj Aoce nnd other bilious disease.
no apology i needed. Vast numbers in the Tinted Staten,
whosutfer from these affections iu their varied fornix, ore
compi-Hfdto peck relief from other s Mirces tlian the imme
diate prescriprtons of the restuhr physician. It becomes
theref-re nn obji'ct of humanity, as well aim of public inter
est, to bring before them a remedy prepared fmm much ex
pCTienee, and which may always ho relief upon ns nrn,
such is the true character of tlie INDIA CITOI-A'iOfil.'K,
is amply ntteftd by the uuiversul success with which it has
been employed.
H?6" Kx tract from a conimunicatioii of the Tfoii. Wil
liam Woodbkipgs, of the l f. Senate, late Governor of
M ich igun.
Detroit, Oct. 21, 1 SJ 0,
DocTon Citahleb Ounoon.
Dear Sir. 1 have rend with much interest, your little
TRAHATisR upon the 'cuiises, trciiiment uml enre1' of the
febrile diseases which have so extensively prevniled in our
country during the last few mouths an interest im-rensvd
no doubt, by the fact that I have individually suffered so
much trnm them. 1 houtrh i teel myself very incompetent
to judce safely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet
your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your conclu
sinus jnst, and I think witbnl. that your pamphlet is cilcu
latcil to proiluce much practical trtod.
SpKikinp of the - Jtcine he save : It fully justified your
flatterinsr expectations, and as a safe, convenient, nnd popu
lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces mc to lie
lieve that it will prove n re-jt public benefit. I nrn pleased
to learn lhat you have recently eHtahlishrd several agencies
for its disposition thouch I regret t'nut, with a view to a
more general ditsseniinat inn of it, you should huve found it
necessary to remove from your present residence among us.
With much respect I have the honor to l, sir,
Your obliged servant,
W From Hon. Bthpiifn V. It. Tbowciiidge, of .Michi
gan State Senate, to the Agi-nt at Detroit.
Biumlxc.ham. Oakland Co., Dec. .1, JM1.
fir you wish me to inform von what I know of Dr.
Osmd's India Choliipnguf, or anti-bilious medicine. 1 do
lu'lieve that if the virtue and eificary of this medicine were
generally known, the vt'VER and Aiit'K would disappear in
I procured a bottle in the spriiiir of 1MI, aud have cmx
reason to believe that myself ami family eseuped the ague,
last season in consequence of its use.
IVrhups in nd summer since the settlement of this fine
peninsula, has the fever and ngne been so prevalent ns the
last. I have recommended this medicine m numerous in
stances, nnd when the disease had become fixed ami baiiletl
the skill of; and I have never known it fad. 1
hns universally produced the nest happy eifents. and I bet
lieve it has nevt r been exeeed-sl by any' medicine in remo
ving the hili ma die:i.e-i ot' ih chiuute.
Vours, resiieclfiillv.
S J'l'l'lli: V V. R. TROWliRlDGK.
Agent fn Piciburv II. 11. M'ASSKH ; Vor'lnunherlaiid,
WlTnii;Tt)M .MilLun, J. H.HASlUt; ScUhs
izrnve. MAY Ac KLUSK.
May (i, IMS tf
TR. J. N. KEELEU & liro. most rosportfiilly
-'' (iolic-its attrtitiim to tln-ir fresh stork of l'.ng
hull. I'renrli, German nnd Amrirau Dmes, Mod
irinrd, CliomiciiU, Paints, (lils, Dye Stulls, Class
wiiri-, lVrfniiH'iy, l'litcnt McUciii03 &c. Hiivina;
ojicnril ii now Htora No. 2'J1 .Murket St. witli a
full siii)y of Fresli Uruc;s nml Mcilicincs, we re
sportfully solicit Country uValcrs to examine our
stock before puri hasiui; elsewhere, promising one
anil all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, on ns liberal terms as any other house in the
City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to ns promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular physician,
affords ample guarantee of the genuine, quality of
all articles sold at their establishment.
Wo especially invite druggists and coun'ry
merchants, who may w ish to become agents for
Dr. Kfelrr's Vrhbrntrd I'utnity Medicines, (stall
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. Soliciting tho
fully remain.
patronugo of dealers, we respect-
J. X. KEKI.ER& BliO., Wholesale Druggists,
Ko. 2U1 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 181'J. ly.
I'lIll- ASM-.ri'EI I A
Dlt. K1NKEL1N,
N. IV. Corner oj Third and Union Strcets
FIFTKRX VKAHS of extensive nnd uninterrupted
practice spent iu this city have rendered Dr. K. the
ni 'st expert anil nieeesMul practitioner far an.l near,
iu the treatment of ull diseases of u private u-uure. Persons
ntliii'tiil with ulcers up-'U the body, thronf, r Irus, pains iu
the head or hours, mercurial rheuinaliwn.striiaureH. jimvel,
diwami urisiin; t'rniu youi lifnll excoses or impurtiies of the
bl km I. whereby the u-'iisiitutiuii lnut bccotiie eiiieebled, ure
ull treated with succrss.
ile who places himself nnder the care of Dr. K., mav
liioiihly eonlide in his lion r us h geutlenutn3uud contideiit
ly rely uivon bissUill as a phvsici:m.
Vouna; Men wlm have injured ihemw-lvei by a certain
pi net ire indulged iu u habit frequently learned from evil
conipjunons or at .-hiol the ell'ects o(' which are nightly
felt, even when asleep, and destroy Unit mind mid Uniy,
shniild apply immedintely. Weakness nnd constitutional
debility 1ks of mufvulur energy. ph sical tussitude and eeu
ernl pntration. initubilify nnd nil nervous alfec tiont, mdi.
eestion, slujiirisluiess of the livei, and every duetmin any,
way eonncctfd with the disorder of the pruereutiva func
tions cured, and lull vigor restored.
A vigorous life or a premature death.
E1NKEL1N ou self Preservation.
Tliii Bnok jintt pubhihedii filinl with uieful mf.irmati
on tlie tiitiriuilieB unit ttittcii8- of the (tfiicrutive Dririuii
li addremtt uwlmlikf to VOUTH.MANaooUand OU)
AtiK, und nhoulit tie aid by all.
The valuulila aitviea and impressive waniinv it Rivn
will prevent yeara.if miaery andiuuerlng and save auuuaj'
ly I'lioinuiinta ot Uvea.
Tamils by reading it will leuru ho w to prevent tlie des
tructum U their chtklraii.
A remlitnm-e uf i cents, enrtiised in a letter ad
drenrd to 1K. Kl.NKKUN, N. V. oirner of THIRD
UNION Wreels, between Spruce ft l'ie IM.itadclpiiu.,
will ensure a tnk, under euvekipe, per return of mail!
Feracisat a diauuce may address br. K. by letter, (port
paid,) and be cured at home.
f,.rwiirdd by aendjnjr a remitluooe, aud put up secure fmm
Biv.k-aellers, New Airenu.Pedhrs, Canrwsers, and all
others supplied wuh the above work at very low rates.
Februury 9, 1bou ly
rr ISSUE PATER. Yellow Tissue paper for
i. covering glatuea, Ac, for aule at tli otliec oi
tUo American, . .
CJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al
rC monds, 1J unee and Cream Nuta, .
Planea of all kinda.
' Salt and Plaster. Just received and for aule
Sunbuiy, Dec. S3, 1619.
i r t ii r, ri n a :, 1 1 i ii vi 1 1 in 1 1 1 i ,( r
C1TV n f m,..timf.0i . ' .
AH solvent bunks ; lilt
Hilnni- ut t-. J "
V. S. liunk notes IS rllft
All solvent ItankS ai'
Bank of Clmmbersburg i dis!
d. CONNEcTlCtf.
Ail solvent hnnks I dil
Hunk of Del. Co. Chester pnr!
... , C1IT- .
Attfnhrenl nnkl 1 r..
mm oi iiermRntnwn par
llimk of Uettyslmrg 1 dil!
ITUk notes nnder 185 dis
linns oi l.ewistown
Hunk of Mulilletnwa 1 dis
Montiromerv Co Hnnk nnr
All solvents hnnks 1 dls
Helvidere Bsnk dis
Commercinl Hank 1 dis
Hnnk nf Norttmmberl'iicl. pni
Hunk of Pittsburg 1 ilil
Hnnk of Danville ' pnr
Cnrlisle Himk 1 ili.
r miik mojit Hoiijr par
F. A. M., Middletown Pt. par
Meelinuies' Hk. Newark iUr
Columbia H'k ft U'geCo pnrl
Doyelstnwn Hank pnrl
Knstou Bnnk pnr
Krie Hunk C
Meeh. Hk of Biirliiiston psr
Meeh. ft Mini. Bk Trent par
Kxr jiunge H'k Pittsburg t disj.Newnrk Bk'g t Int. Co
..n..F,T , i.Miiiru i ins wrnufre Hfink
' uiers U K, IllieKSUO Dlir I'eOli e'S Ilk Pnll.,n
'nrmers' Hk. Ijnnenster nnr
Fsrmers,' Hk, Ileniling par'
Fiirm. Hk rV-hnylkill Co pnr:
F ft D. Hk WnvneshV l. filis
Franklis Ilk. Wmh'ii dibs
Iliirrishurg Hnnk 1 dis
Hnuesdnle Hnnk 1 dis
ljinruster Hunk pnr,
Lebniiori m,k J,nr
Mereh. ft Msn. Hnnk 1 dial
Miners' H'k, Fotlsville per
Mononiriiheln Hnnk 1 dis'
I'rinceton Hitnk-
Kilem Hnnkinir Co,
Hemerret Co Hnnk
Stnle Hank nt Cnmden
I dill
niste hk r-.iizanethton
Stnte Hnnk Newnrk
Pmte Bk, N. Brnnswlek nsr
t-ussex bsnk, Newton 1 dis
I renton liniikmg Co pin
lTnion Bsnk, Iliner din
Vnrrlleyv'le &Del Dr Co 15di
tSTlty notes under 3 I din
nei a .r . 4
Wost Hrntieh Hn,,k pnrlnnnk of De'lawsre
nylorsv'e Ilel H Co IS dis
Bnnk of eVnvrna
...M,iH iviiKesii'e pnr
S ork Hnnk, j
tPHelief notes j dls
ueniwTirc uity iisnk rii
Hk Wilmf'nft. Brandvw-. tt'i
Fnrmers' Bk St Delnwei e :.
Union Bonk. Wilmington mri
IT Under Si'i I Ji,
ill A I . K,
Hnilkof M hell,lr j:
Mercantile Hk, Hnngorlddis
All s-ilvent bunks l dis,
All solvent Inuks j di.
All solvent bnuks o .
rp"Hk intet under g's 4 dii
Hnnk of St Albnns
All solvent bunks
A .1 solvent bnuks 8 dis
,WUnder5'si 2'J dii
2 (lis
i dis
:iC?a33 .1TD CATTLS
Don't prrmit your Horsps or cattle to die, wfien
tlie mrans of cure are within therench of all!
Th? nmlorsiincd hat spent several years in tin
v J 0;,;,pt'rill,,r- practice in "Lcmdon and E.
(Iinl)oro . 1,p ha, ! nvnilr1 himself of thcrrsear-
........ j.eioifr, an.i otlior celebrated men, who have
cr.ntnl.utcd so much towards a judicious treatment
oliinima s; the principles of our practice cnnit.:
in tlie rejection of trcncral Mecding and the total
rejection of all medicines that experience has
shown to he of a dunircrous tendancv. These re
niedtcsuctiu harmony will, the vital prineipln, and
when triven nccor,!inff to the directions which ac
cotnpnnv each article they are capnl.le of excitinc
and iiiereasiusr the natural functions, without di
mmiOunq; or destroying their power, henc. art
satciii the hands of every one.
G. H. DADD, M. B.
A List of Horse nnd Cattle Medicines.
Physic halls, T.V. per hox.
Alterative bull, 7oc do.
" powders for had condition, 7.3c per pack
Heave pow,ler furdiseases of the hin-;s, 75e
I vine powder for kidneys, 75c
i onic powder for had condition inlanders, 75c
Cordial drink for inliamution of bowels, 75c
Liquid blister. 75r per bottle.
wiinnient tor proiii,.tms the growth of hair,
i" 1 ry
Hnalinrj balsam for wounds anil saddle calls 75c
per l.otlle.
Vash for inllamed eyes, SDc .cr bottle.
Ointment for inainru scratt hes, old sores, &c., 60t
per bottle.
: : mr immmi, i.ic per nollle.
iiooi iniiimcnt lor sum! crack, brittle
prr bottle.
hoof, &c, 50.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article knowi
iu nmriauii lor lameness oi rverv A
V per bottle.
ilescnption, 7S.
llis!ciiirrp.)m!cr for red water, .f!l perl
oiiii p nvu.Ts tor Ilic removal of worms
Ihc intestinal ninnl. 7.) per package.
For sale by STIMPSON & E D, 2S
chants ,,w. nl.m at OAliD'Si IICIKSE
A :
i i i.e. .vn;uici.E JjEPOT, N
llaymarket S piare. Uostnn.
1 a iiplhets describing the diseases for
these remedies are used can !. 1,:,..! e-r...;
Nnnierons Certificates are in possession of tin
Proprietors, of cures performed by the abovo .Medi
Sold I. v GREEN & FLETCHER,No.28.Soutl
IU tslrci-t. I'liiliidelpliia. and by his
An i:-rs ili:av M tssKa, Sunbury,
February :), 184!) tf
Pi'pil's friend and Tearhcr's comfort.
work is ahcaily introiluced into some of tin
best Acadaniies and a liiro iiiiinlK?r of Schools
when-its use has eivcn decided and universal sa
tishu tion, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our ow'r
beautiful tlcrimal system of currency. Iteontai,'
more, the arrangements nre better, nnd it is thi
easiest ami cheiiiest work of the kind now in use
aud it is so considered by hundreds of the moal
competent teachers and men of science in the Uni
on. who have recommended it, It is the book
particularly and expressly prepared for our Ane
rican Scholars : Uy Almon Tiehior.
TlIK Yin-Til's CllLL-MHIAMCAl.ri-I.ATna Thi.
volume contains ill pa ires, with about 900 exam
pics for solution on the slate. It embraces thi
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simpli
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three
Proportion, &e.
'I'll KMlli's AurrilMKTII'AL T wil l's, is destinn
! for the use of younu'er classes in thi Schools of tin
I luted States. A lieautitul little hook nnd plea
ing to children, aud the only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
pie or double, for the convenience of teachers, ii
which the solutions of the questions are given witl
much extra matter for the black board. These
Keys are the most complete works of the kind eve
published, and contain, in addition, about twe
hundred examples in Mensuration, ic., for th
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to han
the above books examined, nnd no teacher who in
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works thai
have ever been published in this or any other
. Although issued hut a few months, they have
already liecn introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City ol
Roudinir. Also, in about twenty Acadaniies in the
Slate of Pennsylvania in a large portion of tht
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harriaburg
York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts
ville, Orwigsburg, oV'c, &c.
Forsuleby Hkxrt Masskh, Sunbury, Agem
for Northumberland County.
Sunbury, Doc 8, 1848. (
Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townsend'sSarsuparilla.
Baker's Sarsaparilla.
Swayne's Hyrup of Wild Chen
Sway lie's Vermifuge.
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral .
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Ur. Cullen's do ,
Tibbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hooflund's German Bittera!
Indian Vegetable Pills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HENRY MASSER, ,
Suubury, July U, 1849.
T)OOK5 and Gold Pens. On hand seteral cop.
tea of the life of Christ, and also a number ei
gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia
prices. For sale at tiusoffice. fc
TEN1NGS A cheap and excellent aU
cle lor fastening sash for sale br
J. W. rKLlINw kW
Sunbury, July 7, IS 19.