7 SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. In the Livei or the Member of tha Legis lature of Tbrinsylvania, published in 1848, vra find this notice of Mr. Morison, tha Dem ocratic nominee for the office of Canal Com missioner : "William t. Morison, whoso parents re mored from Petersburg, Virginia, and loca ted in Abington township, Montgomery coun Ijrj irt the year J801, was born and now t-esides, on the farm where his father first Waled. lie received a liberal education, 4hd at the age of 21 he engaged in agricul ture, which pursuit ho has continued to fol low up to the present time.' Ho has fre quently been called, by his fellow citizens, to fill various places of trust and honor. Ho lhas officiated as Justice of the Poace, Diroc ot of the Public Schools, Comity Commission tsr, and in 1818 he was elected to the State Legislature, in which he performed the part 'of a faithful and able representative, and Svon the good opinion of his fellow members y his correct deportment and gentlemanly manners. ' Mr.M. was re-elected to the Honso in 1849, and held a seat during the last session. Al ways at his post, he never shrunk from res ponsibility, but met every question as it came. His votes weio Democratic." Mr. Morison, we should suppose to be about 45 years of age is nearly six feet high, slightly but compactly built, and erect as nn arrow. Ho is active and punctual in the dis charge of business ; and in the very prime of life, bodily and mental. LATER FROII HAVANA. We learn from Capt. Ward, of barque Rapid, which left Havana on tho 13th instant, and arrived at New York on Sunday, that tho trial of the prisoners taken at Woman's Island was s'ill going on, on board of the Spanish seventy-four lying in the port. A largo num ber of gun-boats wero kept rowing around her, to prevent any unauthorized persons from-communieating with her. Tho U. S. Consul, Mr. Campbell, and com mander Randolph, asked permission to see the persons confined on board, but the authorities refused to -allow them to hold any communi cation, stating that they would be tried by the laws of maritime nations, and if found guilty, would be dealt with accordingly. There have been several deaths among the persons confined on board of the seventy-four gun-ship. The captains wore kept in con finement on board of tho same vessel with those taken from Woman's Island. Several persons have been arrested, put in prison, and their property confiscated, on suspicion of being concerned in the invasion by General Lopez. The IT. S. sloops of war Albany and Ger mantowu were lying off and on in the har bor, awaiting orders. It was the opinion of the American Consul that should the United States government demand the release of the 'persons taken from Woman's Island, they 'would bo given up without further trouble. Spirit of the Times. The Cabinet at Bai.timoiif.. The rabid 'dolphin correspondent of the New York Tri !blitie, writing from Baltimore, says: "It is rriuiih to be regretted, but it is nevertheless thb'fact, that the present Administration, so far as a portion of the Cabinet is concerned, has rendered itself peculiarly obnoxious and unpopular with many of the Whigs of this city, who were tho first to support honest old Zack Taylor. The injury done the Whig ( party cannot easily be remedied." Appointment ok Ma. Lawrkncg Con firmed. Mr. Lawrence, our Minister to England, was confirmed, on Tuesday last, by the Senate. Mr. Webster moved tho con firmation, spoke earnestly in favor of it, mid voted aye. A large number of other diplo matic appointments wore confirmed at the same time. TftECoSSihiicY against California. On Wednesday, Mr. Beirien, of tho'Senate, gavo notice of an amendment to tha Omnibus Bill providing that California shall have one Representative only, and two Senators the latter to be chosen by the Legislature after the passago of the act This is Nullification in its worst aspect tho dictation of the Federal authority to the States. The principle upon which California claims admission to the Union has been recognized in the tises of ttie Michigan, Arkansas and Texas. She ban a population, present and prospec I've, which justifies her In her claim to two Representative. Yet the proposition to rae her down to the lowest rate of representation is deliberately coupled with provisions for creating rotten-borough slave States, Without actual popalation) out of Teras and New Me , xico. "llow much unhnppiness, discontent and 'all uncharitablenesa' might be avoided, if men would dailv school themselves to contemplate and realize the truth, not only of their own mortality, but ot tlie transient aiui perishable character of all human fame. the applause of the multitude is sweet, but it is the thing of a day tho flower that is fresh and fracrant in the mornincr, but dioops in the hot noontide, and dies after a brief season. The cultivation of tne ncart alter all produces a more desirable result, is unaffected by the heat or cold of iiuman vi cissitudes. and vlelds us choicest satisfac tion in that dying hour when man most needs consolation and support' makuIed, On the 21it inst., by the Ilev. J. P. Phindel, Mr. Solomon Wbiskr of Augusta, to Mis Mary Miller, of Jackson township. By the tame, a fow weeks ago, Mr. SAm bKL Oyster, to Miss Sarah ConhaiJ, of Au gusta. I)C ittarkcts. Philadelphia Market June 25, 1850. , Flour. Flour ia quiet and the price stea dy J shipping brands are telling at 85 25o brl. Extra Flour at S6 75 brl. Bye Flour is held t 3 00. Com Meal is worth 3 00 pur brl. Wheat. There is an active demand for red Wheat at $1 20c. prime Wliitu ul$l 30o. R. I'mim. Bye m held at je ) I'U.-li. Corn. Corn is in demand at 63 c. for yel low ; White is worth CO cents. Oats. Southern are worth 43o, and Tenna 435c. , ' , Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey inbbls nt 235 and hhds at 23 cents. Baltimore Market June 24, 1850. Wheat. Small Rales of rood to nrime reds weie made to-day at 120 els., andl'cnn white at 128 cts. Corn. White at CO a fil cents, and of yel low nt 63 cents. Oats. Prices range from 42 to 43 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls wero mado at 25 cents, and of hhds nl 24 cents. SUNRUKY I'WCE CUUltE Corrected weekly by Henry Master Wheat. NT. ins 50 00 37 . 12 8 5 12.p) - 10 25 . 8 Krt:. Ctmx, Oats. UlTTKH. ' Kims. PlIUK. Flaxsckiu Tallow. Bkkswax. Flax Hki-klkii Flax. Damn AiTLr.s. Do. Pf.achks. 10 . 62 00 SHERIFF SALES. BY virion of certain Writs of Vrn. Jiirjmiia, to me direr-led, will lip sold by public Vendue or Outcry nt 1 o'clock P. M., tin Monday the 8th lnv of July next nt the Court House in the borough (if Stuihury tho following real estate to wit : A Certain Tract of land. sittntr in Point township, in the County of Nor thumberland, bounded on the north In" binds of Tlios. Mi'Mnlian, on the east by lands of Joseph W allis, on the south by land ot ylins, Aloriran and on the west by lauds of Charles Cay.eonlaiii ing Ifil acres more or less, whereon are erected n Iwo story Stone Dwelling House, one other 1 J story Frame Dwelling House, a Frame Darn, n Log J3nrn,nn Apple Orchard nnd other fruit trees. ALSO: A "rtain lot of Land situate in tho Borough of Northumberland, in said cornty, bounded by lot No. 18 on the cast, the eanrd on the soulh, King street on tho west nnd fronting on north way, be ing 00 feet in front and l;)0 feet in depth and I nown in the general plan of said Dorough ns lot No. 17, whereon is erected a one story stone dwel ling house and none story frame building. ALSO: A certain other lot of land situate in said Bo rough, bounded on tho east by lot No. 10, south by the canal, nnd fronting on Xorlhwny, being 00 lect in lront and leet 111 depth and known in the goneral plan of said Dorough ns lot No. 18, whereon is creeled one nnd a half story frame lwelling house. ALSO : A certain other lot of land situate in said Tio- rough, bounded on the enst by lot No. 20 on the soul li by the canal on the west by lot No. 18, and fronting on north way, being 00 fed in front and feet in depth, and known in lhe general plan of said Borough ns lot No. 10, w hereon ore erected n two story brick dwelling house and kitchen, also a frame barn and frame steble. ALSO: Four other certain contiguous lots of land situ ate, in said Dorough, hounded on the north west by 4th street, on the north-east by an lllev, on the south cast by nn Alley mid on the south-west by Orange street, and known in the general plan of said Dorough as lots No. 209, 270, 271 and 272, containing each one-fourth of nn acre more or less, whereon is erected n frame stable. ALSO: Four other certain contiguous lots of land in said llorongh, bounded on the north-west by 4th street, oil the north-east by Hanover street, on the south-west bv nn Alley, nud on the south-east bv Alley, and known in the general plan of said Do- rough as lots No. 2H.'), 100, 207 ami 208, contain ing each one-fourth of nn acre more or less. ALSO: Siv other certain lots of land in said Borough (cullpd out-Iols) bounded on the north west by 5th street, north cast by street, on the south east by Washington street, and on south west by Sus- (luehannn street, each containing five acres more or less, and known in the general plan of said Dorough ns lots INo. 20, 37, 32, 33, 38 and 30, whereen is erected on lot No. 20, a frame Stable. Seized taken in execution and to be sold us tho properly of John Shrincr. JAMES COVERT. ShrlV, Sltcrill s olhce, hunburv, burv, ) -is" ) June 22, 1850.. TO THE VOTERS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. tTELLOW CITIZENS: Fncouragcd by n largo number of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the oll'ice of. COUNTY COMMISSIONER nt the next election, (subject to tho decision of the Democratic County Convention.) Should I lie nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said ollicc faithfully and to the best of inv ability. PETEH HOUJHAWOUT. Push township, June 22, 1S50. HOOT, ClGl i:mtr,A AltTST, No. 1 10, corner of Fifth if Clusnut sts., Phila delphia, and 363 Broadway comer of Franklin direct, New York. CITIZENS AND STKAXUKKS can have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mnche, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Dockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our proecss.and lilt proved Instruments, a ctuiutij day is iiuile us fa vorable ns clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. uC'In Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. - Our Gallery with its Six J'lizo Medals and Works of Art, is open ut nil ltuurs, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times bo happy to sue them. June 22,' 1850. LINN,. SMITH & CO., No. 213i Market Street, above blh St.' PlilUllKI.PIII V, I Vr Iiolcttiile Iru;;slNH, AM) IiiCAl.KltS IN 'RUCiS, Mkiucink, Paints, Oiis, Wisnow a v litis, V a n m .in s, i)i t: jtirr, l'ATevr MEDifiM:s, Mkihi'im: Ciii:st, Si-hiiicaL In stiu mbsts, Ac, ctc.j and niaiiufacl urers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black Blue and Red. Tho quality of this Ink is unsurpassed, ami we are now prepared to furnish it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from one to three dozen euch. li. 8. & Co., endeavor to have always on hund a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at tho lowest pxissihlo rates. Particular attention ia also paid to the manner of putting up and packing their goods, eo that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perfect sufcly. All ordoU by letter or otherwiso will receive prompt attention. Philadelphia, Juno 15, 1850. Cm gJTONE Ware, Earlhen Ware, KuUins, Al- monds, I'runcs uud Cieniii Nut. , Plane uf ull kind j. full wul I'ladtrr. Ju.-4 iwtivt-J and for al by .IllHN W. l KIUNU. 'unbury, I.'i c. ls l'i. It. XI. R. RADWAVS fll'.AIiY KI-.UKc- lor pin is truly l.lus nine to Kiillciinc humanity. Tho I.ninc urn rejoiced lit its curative proportion, for they can dmptaise with their clin ches nnd walk. The Weak bless it ns nn iii.trniueiit ia the lunula of Providence, for hy Ha henlinjr ami slrensthenilig qualities they become stiong. Tho lled-Kiddeii weleome it ns a bltiwnR from high heaven, for it relieves them of their pnin nnd naaery, cilren their ilinonsen whether it ml llheimiiitisin, Lnmlwigo, Goat, l'nrnlysia. Htrnins, Unras, fVnlds, Sc-s, Sprains, nnd nlteetioim of thoHpine, or con tracted ToihIoiib, for liyitsuse they are ciitihlett to aripo from llieir hed nl flick'unm, and cn'jny the plensnres and lilesainitanf hi-nllh. Tin) ,lnitrrar nf Nearnlii and Tic Doloreax, welcomes it ns their only remedy in relieving Ihoin ot lhe cruel pnilis, nhooliug like electric li"cn through the face, hem), nnd syalem, pnmlyaing in nil inatmit their caenriea ami brightest h"pes, for the Hendy Helief is a powerful nnlidole for nil JServoiHi ami Hheumnlic Aflec tloiai, mid will care this powerful dicenao when lilt ol her ramt'dien hnve failed to give lulicl. The aiillerer of Tooth Ache ia n few aeeotula. ri quick, powerful, nnd cfleetiuil ia rtnihvny'a Unary Relief ill all enaea where, pnin ia emiaed by external inhuies or internnl dertillircmeut. that it hns relieved lhe lil'ial se vere pniua of Chronic Klicumnliain daring one application of tho ltelief. ITS SUPERIOR STRENGTH. HAIVWAY'ja KKAUY HIXIKF ia nlao the most wono. mieal medicine in tiae, ll can be uaed with the in-iat liap pv rvsalta, Imth iutcriinlly nnd externally. t:rniupa ill the f ioinneh, Colic, or Cholera Morbus, nru relieved ill ten miimtea, nud cured entirely ill lifteen or twenty. Alao if your wish to ninl;e an oinlineiil of it, for the cure ol Src l.ipa, Ohepied Fleah, Pustular l',rilpli"lia. take a tea-spoon-fill of the ltelief, nnd a tillile-apoiiiilul of Ptvevt Hit, or 1 oz. of Lard, nnd you have n better ointment or talvt-a lhai. unv oilier article now in nac. In fact, tliia medicine, when reduced to two thirds its own nri'iigih by adding na much spirits of wine, will give you tietlrr l.moni'iit Ihan nny now ia use. Hen Mint ciieli laittlo benra the fnc.-aiinilo signature of of Kadway Hi. Co., n;me other is genuine price Uo ceula, large bnlllea. THE UKOWISG ORISAME T OF BEAl'TV IH A BEAUTIFUL. 1IHA1) OF l.UXl ltlANT HAIR. BAPWAY'S ClHCAHrAN BALM. The Imly or crnt !.ni;in who ilrnrcn a beautiful ait trie t-i ill-fun lii't ir lljur, nre mlviHL-il tn nmku 110 nf Hurl way's t'tTC.-IHSUIll l'llllll ; i! pOrtSt'KfM'H 1IIMI1V IlilvMlltiigi'B HVIT nil ftthi-r hnir luiucn nnd prqKtnttinus. First, elvruwcB the iwiilp t'roiu ilmiilriirT, ijivt's t'iu-s nut! vijrr to the tvvft tu tin; roots nnd tuilha, hiviornlns to licilltiy net ion th genu ni'lit't:, which iiT to llip hnir n liculihy rtMl, tnnl forced thfliiurtotfrrow.it. run-H lt;ililiu'. slops thu linir from fiilliivz nut, iniikcJ it fine, Btrouir, t t niul cI.fv. kwps it t'itui turniini urty, or liei'wtniiu; itiwonrtti. It in truly fl luxury totirt'Sr the liiiir with tins ilclicimir prtpuiatitiu. II I III HAIil WAS Al.I. I i ON 12. KADWAY'S CIIICASSIAX 1SALM tr iiivi-.'ortitinfr Imir, cli iiuptiifi the pr'ilp.rcijinviim (kimlnill. ntitl cuiiiii huhhiesH, Ik truly n vnluniik' prcpanitioii. A Iruly who lunl been mck for some time lunl lost t-vevy particle 01' her linir previotisto her sickness, her hair wonli! fall wttt ; she whs recouiiLienuY(l to try the Cirt-asniau Italia, ns n hair rrntor er, she used nix bottle with the most happy results, her hair ia now tine, soft, glossy, tout;, ami luxuriant. Thin preparntion nt-dirs the hair in tift, line, soft, and silky, and predisjvwes it to curl ; ye, with biililhetitls, weak hair, hnd tiair, try n b 'tlle of the" Cirenssiim Halm, prepareil by liail way A Co., and you will stum have n luxuriant bend of haii'. Sld f rJ.1 cents in larjie bottles. Auk frUudway's Circassian IVdni, Mil Fult"u Street. New York. HKACK SPOTS ON TIIK SKIN. Diirinfr the simnnnr season we frejuenlly meet villi pei.)hs win ares "lelynimoyed with black SS)ls, aliuut lhe iize of a pms liead, jiut under the liuiici of the f-uriaee Ihe-se iipets are lndy mmoyin nnd repulsive in uitpearanee; tlieynru iiothuit: ni 'ie or Krcs than tlusi, the kin being warm and the individual purjiit i nir I rejly. t)i''diui cl.'ntjtiiK up tlie duets of lhe iebaceons glaudi11, tiitir oily necreiinns :11c not given dtf, and e iiiseipteiitly a cheesy deposit is lhe results ; this bee'ii runcid and turns hlock. dislittrei the complexion, nud otten intltniM-it and wippuiat''. Iet Hail way's Soap be free y usinl, ubs rplinn wil! take place, and the spolS speedily disiipjiear. Also, if Iladway's Soap was made use of as a Toilet Swip through the day, these- spotH, midolheraiuioyiniTi exerenseneey, would not troubln y n . The extraoniiiiiiry eil'eets if Railway's Stnp in removing: Tan. Sun (turns. I'imples, ltlot'bes, l'listnlcs. Tetter, Hash. Scurvy. iMnrpliew. at id lhe Nites nnd Stingy of insects is truly astonishing; besides, it is certain of trai'sformiiiix a dark, discolored and repulsive visaut, to u c can and beaut it'ul complexion, lu nil cases ik f'r Kud way's. Sap ami take none other. N. H. Ilarlway's MciliratMSoup in steel engravings are J- eenls. nil others ure counterfeit. Ijisk foi the sieuleu grdving. AripNT TJ. II. Masscf. Sunbiiry. June J-J, IsV). Ci-Jmly JACOB REED'S ci.oTiii; ituo.ti.s, Southwest Corner p Fifth and Market Strectsy ritir.AnKi.rniA, w THO always kcein on hand n lartje stock of everv vnnetv ol clothinsr mudc up of bool inatcriiils, nnil u tlie latest and liest nlyles. He would nlso inform tho puMie, flint lie jnivs eonsi demlile attention in (.'ettins up Military Clothing) in rood style nnd nn reasonable terms. June 15, 1S.KI.- Jy MAIIOGANY AND ' 51 AUllLE. SJLV" l.CILL, AM)T( it!I. SMHOP, Corner uf Eleventh and Itidze lload. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 131 South Second Street, below Dock St.; PllII.ADBI.l'IIIA. THE stiliseriliers would call tho special ntleni tion of Caliiuet Makers anil others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, eoiiKistiiu; of Mahogany Veneers, lionrds nnd l'lank, Haif Cloth, Curled Hair, (ilue, Vnrnish, I.ookiinr (ilass Plates, Mahogany Knolx, Did I'osti, Marine 1 ops, and every desi iiption uf C lard iv a re Tools, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of lhe City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call ut our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their liusiuess. All our ponds arc WARRANTED, of tho best quality, nnd nt very reduced prices, Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) W'c guarantee to give every man the worth of his money. T. & T.. TJIOMTiSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Kail Plunk, and Stair liallusters for lluilders, nlso Maihle. Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. Juno 8, 1S50. ly THE ASSAM TEA COMPANY, No. 136 Greenwich Street, New York. '"PHIS proprietors beg to cull the nltenlion of connoisseurs in Tea, nnd the hi nds of families to the choice and rare selection of Trad imported by them, and hitherto unknown in this cuuutiy, which, by their fragrance und delicacy, combined with virgin purity nnd strength, produce nil infu sion of surpassing richness uud llnvor. THE TEAS OFFERED, ARE THE FOE J.OYVlMi : The Joildo Bloom, a Black Tea, ut $1 00 jierlh. " Niphon, do 0 75 " " " Diari, do 0 50 " " " Osacca, a Ureen Tea, ' 1 00 " " " Ton-tsi.ia, do 0 75 " " ' Ticki-lsiau, do 0 50 " " ' I d-li M ixture, it compound of tho most rare and choico Teas grow n on the fertile and genial soil of Assam, 1 00 " With a view to encourage the introduction of these matchless Teas, it is the intention of the pro piictors to distribute by lot, among the purchasers, a quantity of 'Peas equal to The first years' profits on lhe sales cfl'ecled. Each purchaser will receive enclosed in tlui pack age, a numbered ccrtilieute, entitling him to One Chance in tho Distribution ! ! .' . C '7"fiR kvkiik inn CKNTS.yJ laid out. A on the receipts amounting to $20,000, the undermentioned parcels of Tea, to the value often per cent,, or Two Thousand Dollars, will be given nwiiy as bonuses, uccurding to the follow ing SCALE: S Prizes of SO llmof Tea euch nl l Ml ier IIi'J.'iOIIi or in 6 " " " son ' " sin OKI J.'SI son'-" am " &ill " " a.si 4U Prizes in nil. W.IHKill.s :,oiic, Those persons who prefer lower priced Teas, can receive their prizes in proportion, or they will be re-purchased for cash, at a reduction of io per cent. 1" Country Agents required. Applications to be addressed (post paid,) to the Company's Do pot, as alove. June 8, 1850. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that U tters of Ad ministration have been granted to tho sulwcrilier, on the estate of Sarah Newberry, late of Point township, N in Ihilliiberland county, dee'd. All person indebted to ujiil e ;lale or having de mands against I lie ii.uiu, aie ie,ii..,l, d lu call for etiilmuni. DAVID TAGGAIiT. NoilhiiinUiIjti'l, liiuc 1"), IS ill. Ut SOIJIOVS IN 1MUTITIOIV. Northumberland County, s. The Commonwealth of Pcnnnylvnnia to the Sheriff of Northumberland County, Greeting I If Willinm O. Moore make you gecurc of prosccn tinir hisclaim, then summon by ummoner,Chs. f. Moore, John V. Mooro, Isaac Moore and Francis Moore, into of snid County mt that lliey lie and appear before the Judges of our Court of Common l'Icns for tho county of Northumberland, at a Court of Common Pleas to lie held at Sun bury, on tho first Monday of August next, to answer Wm O. Moore of a plea wherefore, where as the said p!fl. and defis. do hold together, and undivided nil tbnt certain' Tract of Land, situate in Hush township, Northumberland county, de scribed ns follows to wit i Beginning at a pine a n comer of the lire of John tienrhai t, thence by the same south !.r deg. east 22 perches loan Oflk, thence south SO deg. enst 02 perches to a Post, thence by land of Jacob (Jc.nrhart, smith 4!l deg. east 23.J- perches to npost in the edge ofthc Turn pike Pond; south 29 deg. cast 9 pcrchesto a Post; south 30 deg. west 33 perches to a small Chestnut Oak, south 55 deg. west O.J perches to a while Oak, and south 35 j deg. twelve perches to post in a lino of land of Herman Cearhart, and by the same, south 51 deg., west 20J perches to a pine, south 42 deg, west 10 perches to a chesnut Oak, south 3 deg. cast 3(i perches to a white Oak, and south 17 deg. west 30 perches to a Birch, thence hy laud of Kiijijelli iJepue nnd Jacob (iearhart, south 70 deg. west 84 ocrehes to a post and thence by land of John Culie.';, north 8 deg. cast 209 perches to tho beginning, containing 87 acres nnd 18 perches more or lesn. with the appurtenances, they the said Defendant deny that Partition there of be made between them, according to tho Laws nnd customs of this Commonwealth, and the sta tutes in such case mode and provided, and the snnic to be done will not permit, unjustly, and contrary to the laws and customs and to tho sta tutes uforesnid, ns is said, eve, nnd have you then there the sunr.noners and this writ : Witness the Hon. Josepl B. Anthony, Esq., President of our said Court nt rSunbury, the Uth day of April, A. 1). 1S5II. JOHN FAllNSWOUTH, Proth'y "All of which the parties aforesaid ure hereby re quired to Uike notice." JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Micrill s ofliec, Muubury, June 1, 1850, JOHN C. FA 11 It & Co. I M P I) II T !: K S ( K "Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware,' AMI FANCY .0(HS, 112 Chesnut St., between 3d it 4lh Streets. PHILADELPHIA. A I'WA V.S keep on band nn excellent assort incut of the above articles, which they will sell on terms ns low ns uny in the citv. June 15, 1851). Om TIIEYERTON. ADORERS, Miners nnd others who wish to purchase lots in Trevorton nt private sale will find an agent on the premises or ut the town of tshamokin. Labor on the Bail Road will be taken in my mcnt of lots and hall the wages of the laborer ad vanced in rnsfi. D. MONTGOMERY BOYD, Agent. June 1st, 1850 If. NEW ARRANGEMENT And Prices Reduced. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, IS NOW i'RKPAIIF.D TO FORWARD Goods nnd Packages, Daily from Philadelphia to S din. strove, A'orliumbcrliml, Sunhiry, Dan uilr, Bloomiburr, .MiIon, Lcwis bitrir, Muncy, IViUiumsport, Sfc. 1) v R ill. UoAii ami Excitr.ss Canal Boats NEW EXPRESS Office 38 North Third St. Frcidit Office at CRAIG If BELLAS' Corner of Broad and Cherry streets, Philadelphia. April 0, 1850. tf GREAT ATTRACTION !! SEW AMI CIIKAP GOODS, JOHN W. TOILING, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., f WAS just received and opened a lnrge assort IJL S ment of superior and choice Fancy and Staple Drv (ioods, well adapted to the coining sea son, which be will sell nt the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use in the Dry Ooods line, consisting in pnrt of Cloths, Casmncrcs, Summcr-Sluff for Clothing und Vesting. Ladies 1 r c s k (ioodm. Cilovci, Hosiery, Laces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine MufUiIs, Cilnghnms, I linens, ccc. ALSO: A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, t i?" Country produce of ull kinds taken in ex change ut the highest market price. Sunbury, April 27, 1850. NW STOKE A M'.IV STOCK OV GOODS, At the Store formerly occupied by otil Jidgnr, In Market Street, Sunbury. TIHE subscribers respectfully Inform the pub I lie that they have jUst received, And arc now opening A HANDfOMi: AOBTMKXT Ot DRY tiOODS, Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimcrcs, Snttinctts, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginshanls, Lawns, Veslinps, Flannels, Cumbrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, ifc, Hardware, fneen8ival-e, Diii'us isn Mkdicixk. ALSO: A large assort incut of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. I, ailics Shoes und (jailers, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of w hich will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. I'lf' Country produce ef ull kinds taken in ex change ut the best prices. JOHN UUYEKS & CO. Suubur), April 13, 1850 ly UIXHIGC J. 1 1 CIV K ELS, CITV f A B I N K T tVAREHOUMl, NO. 173 CHESNUT STREEI) (OI'FO.lTK Till f TATE UOUIK.) PHILADELPHIA. VFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a largo und well assorted slock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and ot tho best workmanship. J he assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits uf Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Kosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chaiulier Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be I bo best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Purlor and Chuinlier 1 uriuture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Muttrnsses', Hair M.Utrasscs, uud Fca ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All atUclcs purchased t this eslnbli h- mi ni ure warranted of the bet inatert.ilb and v o i k 1 1 1 a 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 . and will be parked to carry Lately In any pa it nl tlie ruuiittv. ' M.i J"i, ISOO , ly DAVID TEASE, FAKILV GROCER & TEA DEALEB, S. If. Corner Glh t)' Arch Street Philadelphia, WHO was formerly In the firm tins now sue eecded Colton ft to., in the business and oilers for salo nt tho vrry lowest prices, all kinds of Familt CirtocERtKS or tho choicest kinds con sisting in pnrt of Fine, Superior nnd Common Green and Black Teas. Old O. Java CollVe and other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil nnd Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Parma, Bakers Chocolate, Cocoa and Bromn, and every thing in tho line, which lit) will pnek up careful ly and forward to order ns promptly as has lieen the habit of the old firm. tET Will the housekeepers of Ptuibury nnd vi ciiiity who -wish to have (iroceries ofthc choicest kinds please to try us once ! DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. Gtll Sc Arch Sts. Philadelphia. May 11, 1850. ly J. K. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Stylo Frame Manufacturer, S0j Walnut st , between 3d and Ath street. PHILADELPHIA. "RESPECTFULLY directs the ntlrntion of the public to his superior styles of Plain nnd Fancy Frames, which urc of thc hitest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame nt a LOW TRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In n short lime the ileinnnd has been so great, tbnt he has been obliged to incrcass his facilities, and new oiler at KXcKKDixoi.Y low mien, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &e., Ac. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steninboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of carved Kose-Wood. t V Please call and sec specimens. May 25, 1850 ly C. IWNKEUT, E00T MAKER, Ao. 40 Sml.lt Fourth Sired, Pltll.VIIKI.I'lllA, W HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 10, 1851). fim MUSICAL I X ST1. U Al ENTS. CHAS. UXJIvIMICr, No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcmle, Pill LA II V. 1. 11 11 1 A. JOTOttTEB nnd Manufacturer ofuM kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices are lower than those of any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and ulso taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1S50. ly CPPJITG GOODS' I IV PUILlDIILfllH, ril SHAKPLESS &. SONS, have just received 1 their supply of SPM.NU AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite ntlentioii. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS firode Rhinos, Chameleons, and neat und new fancy styles India Silks nnd Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawn-, Bareges, Mousse Una, Ciudiums, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURMSHLXG GOODS Blankets, Sheetings tiuilts, Daiiinsk, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cnssimeres, Cashmn retts, Drills, Vestiugs ol'ull kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS (iOODS and Cnrriago Ma kers urliclcs. . T. SHARPLESS & SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850 ly trowa's ENKcure of Jamaica Gin B'er. Prepared only by Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store. North Eyst Corner of Fifth and Cliestnut streets, Philiulclphia. THE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex cellence and of varied proiorlios. In nil cases where a powerful nud safe stimulant is required, it is uurivullcd for elin acy us well ns immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, us well us t the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a .Siuthern climate, where the relaxa tion ofthc system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always lie found an excellent sulistitutc for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of tho bowels, in naussea undsca-siokncss, it is au active und safe ns well as a pleasant und refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent ol the medical lncultv. A supply of the above received uud for sale by 11. B. Masser, Sunburv. April 0, 1850. (im jA.xir.s cooit.ii. liitr.v ca.mkko.n coopEir&CAimioN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, po'rrsviLi.K, SthiiyiniU ouiity, Pa., T7ILL colled monies, attend tu litigated cases, ' nud ncL us uifeiils in the innuuireinent of Estates, &c. Persons desiring their services, muy refer lo iho following geiilleiuen: rim.ADKi.ruiA. PuviilS. Ilrowu, 1ki.ii' It. IIiivIj, (liilcoii 1). Winlcolt lirurv While, Kiiiiiris.N. Iliick, Wm. II. KiiciI. l-;st., rliim.'DililKiini. I'.f , J''l Conk, I'tq., U. II. tlictv.ti'r, Kaq. C I !IOIlip.OII JlllU'S, r.K. NKW Yd UK. lUin.MiiHrs II. lirjiiiifll, Itoii. ( lu.lcn llorTiiMn, llmi. .li s .Monroe. II in. l-iitwuril 1'iiitin. Hull. AM. ill l.uwrt'111-e, Uoto. Joim Aike., Km, Iatweix J uii IMU TUB ClIBir BOOK 8T0EB. C A1TIEL3 & SlITS'S 'ii'.p New It Si:i:nnii iiaKD I'oos Siokk. Aro. 30 N. Sixth St. bcrwien Market Arch, M-niiaat tiiiiti. Law Books, Theological and Classical Rooks, MEDICAL BOOKS ' BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, hCHOOI. IJOUKS. BeiKNTiKin and Matiikmayical Books. Juvenile Books, in great varidu. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, ll sizes and prires. lildnk Jiooks, Writing Paper, and SUdioiutry, WViol, title untl Hit nil. IV Oca prices nre uiui lit ower llinti tlie aiu.cLa prices l.ilsuiirs nnil .unit i.-iii'r!s ol lMk piiit-Jiaiicil. C H'Hiks uiikiiriil to niilrr Iron) lluloil. rllllncK lpliu, Juiiu II, IM'.l y NOV 1UP.K & riill.iiUELPlllA, J0URNEYMZN llattein AuMoiiatlun, Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Srect, Philadelphia. C'O.NTINI F to make and sell a finer und more ' durable 11 ul for tho money than ally oilier establishment in the United Stutc. standard price of Hals $11 00. (ieiits and Boy's Cloth and (iluzed Caps. Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, CaJafy Paiiuuia and Straw Huts at rijuutly low piiccg. May 86, 150, ly . . ,. . , UOUsE TO RE.YP.-The pienu .ea on Mar l.rl itit.-l, l.ilt-lv iHi upicd by tMiiton Malt,. Apply to ' m:Gt MAl-,E. j .Suubiiiy, Aj id 0, l ,-,(). (' . , .. iiiitimx) & iioliv T1I01.ESALE Commission PAPER and kao Warehouse. No. 19 minor Street, Philiulchihiu. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at iiib lowest casn prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Paperi, . &c. on hand. Plain anil ruled white Caps. " ' blue Flat Caps. k Plain and ruled1 white, Letter. " blue Blue anil white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissuo Pa pet Shoo Wrapping " Envclopo " Hard warn and Slcalhiiig rVpci'. Tnr Bounls. Straw Boards, Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Coulilry will lid aUendfctl to nt tho shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered nt any place in the city; The highest cash price paid for Rag, or ex changed for Paper, as low as cart he bdilght elSe where. Please cnll and examine for yourselves. I'litliulelplua, Jov. 17, 1840, CHERRY PECTORAL: For iho Cure of COUGHS, COLDS) HOARSENESS, BROtf. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH. XaA, "WHOOPIITO-COUQH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary cll'eet its power to rcliovc and cure nlfections of the Lungs, hnvc gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We olferit to the nlllieted with entire confidence in its virtues, nnd the full belief that it will subdue nnd remove the severest uttacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, us they become publicly known, very naturally attract tho attention of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERRV PECTORIAL may be seen in the liillowinc : VALENTINE MOTT, M. I)., Prof. Surgery Med College, New York says : 'It gives me pleasure to certify the value ami ellieaey of Ayer's CHERRY PECTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly udapted to euro di seases ofthc Throat and Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EirsTIS, of Louisiana, writes 'That a young daughter of his wus cured of neveral severe attacks of Croup by the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession nnd public generally." Let the relieved sull'erer speak for himself: Haii'itoiiii, .Inn. -Ct, 1847. Dr. J. C.Aver Dear Sir: Having been res- cued from n painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, gtntittido prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like nf- llictiou. i slight cold upon. the lungs, neglected nt first, became so severe that spitting of blond, n violent cough nud profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. 1 became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed liy my coiigh, and n pnin through my chest, and ill short had ull the alarm ing symptoms of quick consuniptioh. Jto medi cine seemed nt nil to reach my case:; untl I provi dentially tried your CiiF.iiur Pkctoiial, which soon relieved and now has citred mi. . Yours with respect. Ei A. STEWART. ' t'llKfAUKII II V J.C. AY tit, Cll I'.MtSTj LOWKLL, M ASS. C t?" Sold by Henry Masscf, Sunburv; Mary A. MeCav, Northumberland' Dr; (.iearhart, Sc- llusgrovc; Dr. Beckly, Daiuillo, and Druggists generally. April 0, 1850.- Iycc3m CI I A RLE STV . I i E O I N S , JLTTOP.ITE? AT LAW, ruini iiiv, a et. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to Ilia care. June 10, ISi'J, J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Sunbury, Pa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. tV Monies collected ami uil business ploillplly anil care- I'llltl' Utli'llili'il In. April SO, 1S50 to r.vu.'Mi:its axu mi:s ok in sixess). OILS, CAXDLKS AN I) (2UANO, flIIR subseriicr oilers, nt the lowest rates, In A nny ti.tnlity to suit purchaser-, CENULVE PERUVIAN CUANO, nnd every varii ty of (SPERM," WHALE, LARD, AXD TANNER'S OIL. miiiwfnttnrrrs, 'l'unucr. Farmer, Dealers und Lunsumers, are invited to call. CEO. W. RIDO WAY, No. 37 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE helow Race Street, Philadelphia; April G, 1850. 2m 1'HII.AOEI.rHI A MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 13 YEARS AGO, BY N, W Corner of Third aiul Union Street rHIZ.ADEX.FXHA I"MFTPK 'J:AKH of exleiniive unit U!iinierfiirteit inai'iici! sin-iit in litis f Hy iiiire reihiiTfii ur. n.. tne in wl exiH'it hiiiI Kiirei-Mliil nracuiioiuir I'ur uml utriir, in the tieiitliii-nl ol nil ili.i-.ist-s ol a private nttilru. lVrsont iillliclwl Willi ulcers up il the iK.ly, llirotit, or legs, pnuis ill lhe licutlor lioni'S, lilirctiriat rlii'iiiiiatiMin, strirlilres, snivel, ilisciiMJ iiriimi It-oiii yonlliltill exi-e.es or iinpaiilies of llic tili.Ml, wtiereliv tlie eiillMlltlllioii lia? bceoliltl titteetilud, are ull IrenU-il witli Biici-cfs. Ilii wlioptieca Iiiiiim Ii" iiiuler tlie cure of 1)1. K., nmy re- ligtoii.ly eoiiliile in hm hi'iiur us u (!eiiiieinati,aiui coimiiciii ly rely uisni bm skill us h plivsicimi. TAKf. I'AllTll.'L'I.AIl NOTlrK. Yoniti? It-ii wlu liilve iniuriHl llnnnsi-lvt-. bv a cerlsin pnu tice iiulnluiil in u liul.it, frciiuiitly Ininml I'nnn evil ciuiii:iiiii'ii in al u IiikiI Iho cllivls nl vvliieb are uilllilly IVII, even when usli-ep, mitt iti-slr.iy Imlll mind suit l.nly, limilil apply iiiiiiimliiiUly. AVuiliiiM niul eoinllluliiMlal iti'lslilv ksis of iiia&'iiUr energy. pliymcuJ liitsilutleaiKl sen eisl iriw(ruum. irritability and all nervous aeeuorf , usli aesliisi, sluuni'liiu'ss of tlm livii, uml every dixusrin any n-HVn.nilK-l.il with I lie insoiuer ol lac piiH-iuom. .um., limis cilred, unit lull vigor rcrtorul. , YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature iluath. R1XKEL1N on stlf PrixtrTation i ONLY 5 CENTS. This Hook ins pulilniheil is filM with useful infiirmolimi nn lhe iiihriniupk uml ilisesses of lhe (leiierulive ipin ll uikliews nseli nliko lo YOUTH, MANHOOD ami UU) AI1K, uml nhouM lie leud hy ! The valuable iiitvico nnd iiii.r.'Wive wsnnil ll aives, will prevent yen of iMiscry and snilering and turn snuuiil. I) 'rili.UNili.il. ol Lives. I 'nr. 'iiu I.y reailniB It will learn liow InpteWnt lhe oua triit ll.ili of llieir ehiklii ll. . reiiilii,iii,'e "1 cents, rn'liiit in a leiler. wt dnwij in lilt. KIXKKI.IN, N. W. i.iner nf THIHI) t MllN sine,'!., Iictwceu t.llli'e k I'llM', PhlleilclphlS, Will ensure s ri..'k, Ulster cm rl .ic. mt rrlurH llisil. Persisiriit a diMum'e mu u.l.lit'. 1 r h. I leller; (post io.l.) und Im-. uo .I al ln.iiie. I AI KAi.W or Mr:l)K'U'K.4. t'trir.fTIO, , I .rwardKl liv .smkIiut il re.iiiltiin. c, wn 'iit np .feme ir..ni UAilAi.l. nl I HJI1MY. biuk-wlliK. New A-eul: rNHiri,. am:if..(ti,. ana oil mi-.. :ii,pli. ,1 oh il-.. ,il, v.-,.ik m vn:--1 m'es. 1 tb.M-.-i I'- 11 1) . . cmsoh In til ChrlfrJsalned1 snil vtvltizM enuatrlni. hsi eswssd Isrrer priiportlnn of rissiht thin nny nther m.led thl .. Hlict. Iho buinnn ismllyi nnri, until wfthln few ymr therq hsi net heen any efftain fcntJy tu stup &t devMMa- Uon of the deitroyer. but now BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONAUV BALSAM Cure wry nirtnty of thfl mntt Btronglff niarkH ftml iltvel. oped cum of Pulmonary Con$u)ition nr. al. ndout4 cmm of vlcrrattd anri Hicti-id LUMM wh kopilm Mi m wrre ti?i!r llbr ctirurt hy mtf othjr nxidiafa. flo vtterlti hopeUni wont Biifnn of Tlio nfilietnl to hare been prmiounced hy physiciiH nnd MnmU to b attuallt tTi fto. South, who bA ihplr 1)firil eldtli marie. hte lwtn cured, mid yrt liv uilirri. it m aid wonlal not lire nothef jny, r now tki hrnrty (hy mwtr wre, A It imiienM ill tlm cleiiid'tff mtd purifytn'e tlFhitM ' npnny ai puwerl'ul ml cLir M Uii niinrtioW I we mil INDIAN PURlfflNQ t XTR at. j Tlil.diHr fj-ont tlmt. Itemttiir Dili jioAtti $nttmt mh4 Mfilicatidh whi. h ru ptmlMTlf adjU to, nnd mn tidily nrcHy, to cure Coughs and Consuitfpttoiis, -' nnd nil (ltrMHci uf ft imlinunnry nulurt imrh dlwM el uitiftlly prtiVrt go fntul under ordinary ireHtment, lheii Httwrk tlm , llrcnM, throat, Inncs, nnd itturt. Thla BAtJ.4 M hil ant curt Wrr in th tMnfi. ni rlttr-wlipr iAtrrnnUq. na ctrtninlv nnd taiily nt fUe feat- r.ViNO Kxtk('t r.vres nnd hmlt tilenra ezternallf. , Thjil HrtVuti rnroi Vif irimi-f of Couifh nnd Comumptton ol of 7Vn, utter ell other reihctUfa Uava ailed to do food. Thousands Of Consumptions ami Chronic Chufh, n1Shdntl' phte Iti anfattinj cay in ui-h (lisfaws, nnd tin don Mud curwtire power tiitj aonthinif, lirnltng pnijn!i!rs, in the followm rom: pluiiita litid diffijifa, viz, : Sptninjv of Wood, Blttaing at the I.ttflpb, t ttih in the Hrrntt and Sit'le. Nig ht SvttUt. liar rout Conplaintt I'alpiunhn of the If tart. Cholera ft. turn, Vyriter( nnd dimmer Conj'hiits in Children tod Adult, Asthma, Und ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No remedy thnt has brrn ottrrd to ilm ptibiie Laa afer Mrn half as certain nnd efectual in correcting ALL the loV rnlt'iitnl tcra!: nejfc nnd irregulnritiee of tbe tfipule eex. aa HltAXr.s VVLMOXAUY' BALSAM. It innkea ho dif fcrctu'o whether iho tlermig-'tnent he eitpprenivn. trecaa; or othr Incidental irm.-nf. it UKCil.'I.A'I'KS A I.I,, by etrrrtffthening tlm aytein. eaunliiing the ei'rcvlA(tt end toothing nnd allaying NKKVUUS iUni'l'AUILITt. Aal our J"fim;Ae( tor proof. COKfStTMPTION. A flying Woman Cured ! W atatn thiai ctiro to nt-orn thn wowtr ti tatst lift tliif HAl.tfAM ia rnn altfr tw peraon ia conndertd by physician nnd trirnria to ht? in the last ttagee of diteM4 nctnally dying-mid. in this earn, to far g?tt xhit the thrnud nnd burial clothrt wrro honjfht. Ym thn (tr-Ctrai inr ff thin cnar, nnd tlm resperiailt nnd vndouoted proof of n'l thr liicuinstHiicrs und iucta. we refer to our I'hia rnn'wna rflertpd on Mrs. ZIP A PYKKMaM, M " Balhton Spa, Saratoga Co., V. Y. We ran urove. berond ilmihr, t7m;iyotliii almost equally na houHra. end innu t arable ciiM-a of OwA-nnd Consumption CC HEDtn9)k were prononnceti inruraotc uy bkuiiii pnynciant. LIVER COMPLAINT. See tho clire of Vr. Ifubbard. of Slumlord, t-'t., and btkarA. Dyspepsia ! Sef the cure of T. S lYilcox, mprr riling Co , N. Y., nnil many more, iii our l'mriphlf ti. Dysentery & Summer Cioitiplainl in t'ftihtrctt nnd Adulit hre aUcayn cured. Weakly (?idrH will hrcntne flthv, health,, end hearty, nnd grow rapidly; by tlm ne nfthU'llAI.HA'M. N mother nerd eror mourn the rfpnth of her rblld b " Cliolrn Titfntitiint, wliili" tretliina, if BRASV9 I'l'.MO.AliY JiAI.SAM Ima.Iminintered. It ahou Id bM fer luch caaea, glfrdn in luvcer thnn the ordinary doiea. DOCTORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND 'Ph.- tulliiwinc-linmfit llrtrtorn srld t'AvWrtMf htr4 lii:li!r re.Miiiiiieii.lcl I! RANT'S M KUICt.NES l Ilr. N. Ilt'lll-CA Kt. Stninlolil. rwin. Dr. .1. N. SMITH, Wstertuvrn. N. V. Ilr. IIOM.1MAV. X IKMiry .Iret, l)r6ul, H. T. Dr. T M. HUNT. Aill.uill, N. Y. Ilr. (IKl). KltANCIS, Mi.l.llHuwn. CoHH. Ilr. (Il'.d. A. ft)(Ji:HH. Until. N. V. l)r. S. WIIITK. rrr.lnnis. N. V. Ilr. C. II. (!.U,i:NTINI:, Hrron. N. Y. Hr. J. (). HIIII'MAN, 1-Wtteville, N. Y. Ilr. J. SKINNIIH. Ilonrr .. Ilr.ioklyn, N. T lr. O. Silll'MAN. CiirtUini. N. Y. t-( ill SAI.i: HY J.ilm W. Frillnff, Pnnbnry Pn. iVinrv a. ii.'Uiy c.'riliuiiiiiMiiKV .1"!. II II. Hns.-I Mlll..i, ll.-nryJ.Wiai-fliT d.) M.lwi'iril A. Kutznvr (I.i Ait.-itiil'i.tii-li.t iNittFgrovt. Ilnvrs A Mi'l'.innirk, Mc-Kwensvillc, V.' I'. I. l'uiut.'r, Minicy, J. I. IMaini ,V Co., IJuplip'svitls, l-Mwar.l Wilii.ii, JUi'iy Herlin, 'I'lii.riit.iii Ac liukor, I.eivisbnriri S, .1. CronniN Hfliimirtiivui Y. IF. Hi.-kl.-i-. Danville, I'.. 1. I.eitz ft J..I111 U. M.ivit, Hli.im.b.irir, , All Ifti.'i-s nii.t i.nl.MS nniHt Im: adilrexsud to Wsltaot M Co.. HO llnmilwny, N.'W Yurk. uiti.iiry, .iiilyui, ly. PHIL A. AND READING RAILROAD SlMMfell AKRANkEMK.HT FROM ItlLADKU'IHA ASV i'OTTSYHiliB. Ojice of tlie Phila. Heading Rullrovd Co. ) l'hiladoliihia, March 29, 1830. J Tlvi) rnssptiKor Trains Dally, (except SunJey.) X anil after Atirilist, 1950 tvvd trnlni will , tic ruli eilcli way, daily, betweeit PhiladtW pUU and l'ottsvillo. . Morntris Ltne, Accommotlalton:) Iicaves Phila'deliiliia ot 1 A. M., daily ctcpt Sumldvs. Leaves rottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Hun- Ja)s: . . Afternoon Line, tasi l ram.) Iiettves i'liiladcliiltia at 91 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves ruttstlllo at 2J o'clock, tidily, except . Sundajs. 'assetiRers cannol Cuter the cars unless provU deil w ith Tickets. Tlifc itftrrndon, or fast trains, do not stop it Au burn, Althousc's, Birdsboro', Rcccr't Fonl, VU li'v I'orw, Port Kennedy, HpriiiR Mill or Falls. ' X OTI l.'E. Fifty pounds of Intirgiige will be al lowed to faith iiasscngcr in these; lines ; and p- " setmfCs urn expressly prohibited from tukingany thlii! ns bnir?itp but their wearing apparel, which will bli lit the risk of its owner. Uy order of lhe Board of Mnnnccrs. , Si BKAUFORD, April Vi, 18r.ll. Secretary; W1MMA31S' AIVTIiOYSPKPTlC E I.I XI It H with the ntiinwt confi.li.nne, efferedto tks .M:.li."il l'iK iiliyaii.l llic public i.ir the cure of L)yrp kui or lii.tiiit'iUuii, anil all discuia arising I'ruiu It, sucU Nntlin. It.-n.hit-lie, Vcrtiii'i. iiiniK'.-'i..f Pi-jilt, Urtiilily nt tlio Nervous Sys-li-nl. KK K'li'iinlriii, Jaumtire, l..li..llllll'tilC, Ilitions Yonlitinffi lliirnin scnwlt.ifi at the pit .il the stomurli, I.iverciiiiipltiintj I Inpn-ssi.si Hfler enlillK, rnlplliiti.qi iiinenui, 1'iiin in the pit i Iho sioinacU or tiiviml the riiht sids, fiiillowiH'.. m'entiipltixi.si, Wnsiiui; nl ilic sirc'iVta. t'lai'ilfii.'e, with luiiienl lifli'liini;.il tfiail, Yillati-.ttilli. Ueprrssliill nt the pirlssiJia C.niiititiitl..n nnd llncaines Irntulillliy Ol wuir, sic nt'llie tn.Wels. PXiij II n :.-iim ot iliepsin shniil.1 1 nrfrleotcH; rrtost seriouS .flit-is iisivrnsiiu. ii.r it liivmlief..uii.laH.iii f..r, is ttis in-eiiK-ill i-ause hi', ninl vrry frequently termiaatMi inosnumn-" li .ii. 1 wuiikl impress M,l,,, m""' "itle w".11 this itltcime limy lw t.i p..rt Willi the reason Whiuh con.ll l.itu iimn supcryinlnent among siiiiiial livings, or tn ein l.iller eilen e I')' u.l.llng a ciiusciousness uf folly to the pi-iMlly of iin. , , . , , ... ,' This iiiiilieiiie 1 neatlv put up in lmttles, witti ample itireetions lor U!c, uml is sold in ""l.nrv I.y John W. t-'mr.if J A.MI-S Wlt.IJA.MH. Teiini"ni' "f tilt. Almnr F.lmin, liutu-r, .Market street al.ive fivth, r.rolmmtlve of lhe eifiracy of Williams Ami-1) .peptic Khxir. A1 ! ' 1 riunDrtruu, October 3, 1S19. Mb. Jams Wim.um : Desi Al It Bi es me prent pleasure to ItiwiW that you are HKaiii preiuriii)r yon meilielne for the cure of lly.pep, urn. foi nunlv of my aeiiiniiuncea Iwvs repeatedly asked me where it Could be prociueit, kiuiwii tlmt I Bail been cured l.v it. A. 1 think Hint a pnMio acknowledgment of lhe (jrwit bellefil 1 luife reeeivl from the uo irf yoor Biedr leine is nut onlv due to you, lull Mi Iw ufeiul Hi olhers, I now liluke it. 'For Severn! years I .'flered Irolil Uyspefi a, which iiiiTOised to such an extent thnt my kealtk awl emisiiintiou were mpiillv sinking iinriVr. it. j relled tn restriet myself lo lhe most nn'pte nt. aiJ ;n Hint I i'.Hjkl is it digest. 1 fell a has of strenglh, di.lu.-ll-iniinni.i exercise, ami, as you hava it in ,'' ,v"'i melit. a ftum-ml Iceliiin of depr.A.1011 ajal Indeacrlhlole wenrmra. In Iho year IS; lieurins man ntlltrs klf k ra ooniin.liiiii.iiof vour Ami -Dymiej'tic tlixir, I ocuret and Hani it Willi the iisl happy eireei i ""der It lniiene lanaiior mat wariue ani.luaiiy poxacd away; anl my appe l.ie r. iuriR'.t winch 1 e .uld xmuiy w'lh iiiipunily. Tee venca have ii'.w ek.cd, aivtmy eonfidesce lu tWemtrv iu.wei. of vonr nuiticiiie lint ol comae InerensM, Im It c-iunlciclv ihiiiJ me whuu I fmW lo.tum relief Irom any TMBthnnnvnf Edward H. Rowley, Wh.deaale Metekas ofil.e Hrm of Koitlcy, AJihumier Co., No rVjittr Wharves, in pro.f ol' tlie etiicuey o( Williams' Auti-Dys-peptiv Klixic. funnMu.uu, 0,tolr M, tl9. Mr. Jmfs WitLiii: J'l I)enr Mr -I Hike i l.-umre in r.wnmiuen.lir.1 ynur An rvsi,r,,r l'-llx'' inr l!i'' r,lrc nl ; Dyspepsia. 1 hava eakaa it iiiy.cll foi til j dnvw. mid Imve been entirely cured. 'ntlr e.neellHlly, a. TUWAP U BOWliVf A;.f.a -lOHX W rUlldNO, Su.iti.icy, l . m Jtai.U i, a-lr . ' ' " if ' . . ....