Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 18, 1850, Image 3

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The Missouri (Independent) Common,
wealth notices the return of Mr. Hatchet
from California, who had acted as guide for
the party of Col. Collier from Santa Fa. He
returned by the way of the Gila river, and
passed emigrants along the entire route. He
witnessed among them an amount and a de
gree Of suffering such as it ncrer was his lot
to see before, though he has spent the most
of his life in the midst of the dangers and
hardships of the Rocky Mountains. One in-
stance of suffering, related by the Common.
wealth, of the many witnessed by Mr. Hat
cher, was particularly heart-rending :
Two young ladies were accidentally dis
covered in the thaparel, where they had wan
dered in search of tuc-aimf fruit or food.
They were in tattered dresses, without bon
nuts or shoes, and lost. They vveto about
the ages of ten and sixteen. Mr H. con
ducted them to their parents some miles dis
tant. There were eight children in the fam
ily in a state ol almost utter destitution.
They seemed scarcely to know their position,
or where to go. They asked the distance to
San Diego, and on being told it was 240
miles, burst into tears, and wept long und
bitterly. Although nearly out of provisions,
and having only a few animals in wietelicil
condition, they had stuck to their carriage
and wagon with a foolish and almost laial
tenacity. When they had grown calm, Mr.
H. shared his small supply of provisions wilh
abandon the
lljcriii, uiu in.-... --
carriage and wagon, to puck their food and
children upon the animals, and make for San
Diego with all possible speed. He tout mem
by adopting this plan, and by making food
of tho poorest of their mules as they gave
out on the way, from tune to lime, tliey
might get through ; otherwise, they could
not reasonably expect to do so.
California as it is. The New York Eve
nine Post has an interesting letter from Sail
Francisco, of a recent date, which foreshad
ows the statu of things at the pit-sent time
The writer says:
Within a period of sixty days, (March 3 1st )
there will bo the deuce to pay, for there is
no real business doing here worth speaking
of; indeed, the town is about as noisy, and
about as busy, as a New England village
would be on a hot afternoon in August. The
result of this cKhn wiil soon be felt. Men
and business, nay the very atmosphere, with
every animate and inanimate thing, seem at
a stand stiil, wailing fur some great even!)
like the calm in summer befoio tin; thunder
storm ! 77ic truth ir, the hurry is over. The
town is built there ar houses enough
stores enough merchandise, machinery and
mechanics enough, indeed plenty of every
thing. The town is tilled w ith all soits of
shops, gambling houses, &c, and those w ill
be closed, that is, three quaitcis of tin; own
ers will fail within sixty days, and must re
tire to tho mines. Then down will go the
rents, and down tho price of leal estate, and
following these, many of the merchants will
Seconie bankrupts, and finally men and things
vill find their own level.
Case Two Larc.c Snam-.s Cur rr.ovi the
Bodv or a Live Woman. Wo have to re
cord a most extraordinary case of il.S-'as ,
and an operation fur iu relief, attended with
the most extraordinary results. It has just
occurred in this city.
A Mrs. Kennedy; a woman of about foity,
tho wifo of an l.i.-h laborer, living at 115
Uioad street, has for scvcial years sifi'ero.l
ruHtly ftoin i'il-lieai'.h. Her svntUoius and j
complaints were u:".ular. ne was ulllieteu
with almost constant pains, eo thai she could
seldom or never rest in the uiltt. She sta
ted that she feit sjtnelhiug ruuninii up and
down in the tibd imen, Unit frequuully
expeiieuced tho creepin'; sensation which is
called formation. These fm lit gs vvc re pai
tieulaily distinct at the bottom nf the abdom
inal cavity, c;i oc asion of the daily defec
tions. i-he had been in the Hospital, and had
been treated successively for cancer of the
womb, worms, contracted hydialiJs, and
other complaints, bill found no relief.
A Iter uneasiness and pains continued, so
were the attempts to relievo her, but uuva
liably without snc.ctss. Not letuj since, Pr
Wight, whose e 111 co nnd drug store is at the
corner of Purchase and iiuod streets, being
in attendance i.pou her, introduced a tube
j nlo the bowels, with a twine loop attached;
with a view to satisfy her fancy, and pet
chance lo reach and remove the cause o! her
trouble. Some worms were brought down ;
but her uneasiness nnd pains received but
only a very partial alleviation.
About a week ago, she became subject to
ineoutrollable uneasiness, and begged Pr.
Wight to perform an operation for her telief
This he was reluctant to do, thinking it
would hazard her life, without a snflicieuily
jertain prospect of bringing relief to Iter to
tompensate for tha hazard She duclarcd
.hat life was a burden, that she must die as
iho was and speedily, that sho was willing
.o die; death would be a relief; and she
might as well die in an ellort for relief as in
any way. At last, Pr. Wight yielded to her
impoitunities, and having lirs! been solemnly
exonerated from blame by the woman, and
her husband, whatever might be the reulr,
he consented to perform the operation.
On Ftidiy afternoon 'as , as-ided by T. R
Ivvens and Surgeon J. J. M'Shoehy, he pto
;eaded to perform the operation. Ho fir-1
made an incision nboul seven inches long
ilong the medical line of tho abdomen. He
ourid a tumor piojscting largely, about six
nches in diameter and of irregular form.
'le opened it ami f jund tin rein two snakes,
mo eights -n, the other li(t"en inches in
tngth. They were of a bluish green color,
iriped, tho upper part being darker than the
Tha tumor bing removed, ihe woman
cas instantly relieved, and is now doing
ell. The Poctor calls ihe snakes cdulra
.irdis. They may be seen preserved in
spirits at his office. Boston Mail, May 9.
lis who thinks every man is a rogus, is
rery certain to see one vvhsn he shares him
df, and he ought, in mercy to his neinh
, 't surrender the. r.i'Cal lo j sue
Destruction or tub Ghkat Cathedral
of Saraoossa, Spain. Private loiters give
startling account of the total destruction
the beautiful cathedral of Sarngossa by light
ning. On the 7lh of Apiil, according to the
custom of the townspeople, the whole popn-
lalion, gaily attired, had assembled in the
cathedral to follow the procession of the
Holy Sacrament, The crowd was immense,
and the procession was proceeded by a band
of music and a guard of honor. Scarcely had
the procession issued from the massive por
tals of the cathedral, ero the heavens became
clothed with darkness, a huge black cloud
hung liko a pall over ihe town, and suddenly
the floodpatesof the Skies were opened, and
tho rain descended in such torrents that the
whole procession was forced to take shelter
within the cathedral. The people lold their
beads, and were overwhelmed with terror at
the Cimmerian daikness which enveloped
i!, . i .i;r:.. i',., ,hra ..-..
heard a terrific crash accompanied by a noise
i,l . ,i ,, r.,:n... t. ...... r.i
that tho lightning had struck tho spires of
the cathedral, and entering thiongh one of
Ihe numerous interstices ol llio light and
graceiui arcnneciure, struck Head tile bell-
ringer, and penetrated lo the timber roofing,
which immediately blazed forth with a fury
aummingoi no control, nllhougn the heavens
continued to pour down their waters upon the
1 . . r. n.i . f
turning rauers. J lie crowu, preierring even
water to lire, rushed forth into the streets.
through which the water was pouring in tor-
rents, and left the nniiuenched llamea to do
their tiery work. The roof fell in towards
the afternoon, and then the ptiests incited
the peoplo to attempt the preservation of the
itorior, and the course of the flames was at
longlh arrested. Tims has porifluul the no
blest speciinau of ecclesiastical architecture
in all Arragon, perhaps in all Spain.
The Medical Convention silting at
Washington in tho early part of this week,.
appointed a committee wilh authority to re
vise the Pharmacopira, and publish the woik
after revision. The connriilteo is to sit in
Philadelphia, and is composed us follows :
,:Dr. Franklin Bache, Dr. Joseph Carscm,
and Mr. William Pioctor, Jr., of Philadelphia;
Dr. Joseph Mauran, of Providence, Rhode
Island; Mr John Milli.m, of the city of New
York; Dr. J. W. Thompson, of Wiliminglon,
Delaware; Dr. Jushua Riley, of the District
of Columbia; and Dr. G.N. Fitch, of Loyans-
port, Indiana; Dr. David Stewart, of Haiti-
more; Dr. G. B. Wood, Pennsylvania. Prusi-
Manorial Si its The people ast. Win. P.
Van Rensselaer and others, and the People a"t.
Stephens Van Rensselaer. The Attorney Gen
eral pul in demurrers to tho answers ol the
defendants in these actions, which were ar
ZtieJ before Justice Il.uid in October last-
The Judge took time to deliberate upon the
questions laised by the demurrers before de
ciding them; and after due deliberation, ha
given judgment fur ihe peop'e in both actions
with leave, however, to tho defendants to
amend, on payment of costs.
This decision, ahhoegh not reaching the
vilal pouit in controversy, will be regarded
as in the lushest degree encouraging to the
tftiants of Ihe Manor of Reusselearu irk.
Judge Hand lives comparatively remote from
lie localities affected, ami hence his decision
will be received with coi fi.lrnce even in
prejudiced (juailets Troy, A'. 1". Budget,
Fr.HE-r in TuNN-essEi:. Nashville papers
to the 2.1 inst. furnish details of damnge tu
propei ty and loss of life by the rise of the
Cumberland river and its trihntaties. The
water at "Nashville was wilh 52 inches of
the great freshet of December, 1S47. A
latge number ol houses on bolh sides of Ihe
river vnete so far submerged as to bo unten
antable. The East Foik of Stone river, one of the
tributaries of the Cumberland; was higher
than it had been for fifty years. The vvater
had swept away nine mills, foot bridges, cot
ton gins, &c. Tho farms had sulTeied greaU
ly, and nearly all the fences had been car
ried off. The Telegraph estimates the loss
at S 10(1 000 lo 150,000. Tuo brothers
named Brewer were diowned.
Not a single mill was left standingon Monu
tain cieek, and Lut one on Charlie's creek.
Among tho mills carried away were those of
Messrs. U'arnack, Waldens, Koiliim, Keel.
L. P. Mercer and A Falknrr.
T;il Mo.tTESQi. turs, at St. Louis hav e boon
liberated on bail Gonzales in "540,000, JO,
000 on the indictment for killing Hamum,
and the same sum for killing Jones. Key.
mond is admitted for -80,000, on two indict
tnents. at S1O.0O0 each. Mail was promptly
furnished by their friends, and the prisoners
are confined in the St. Louis Hospital, under
the careof the Sisters of Chaiity, where they
will remain until another trial is had. The
Court granted a commission to take deposi
tions in Illinois, New Voik and Canada,
which depositions ate lobe made evidence
in the fuilher trial.
Tnr. Missionary Society of the Metiio
hist F.imscopai Ciii bc li The General Com
mittee met last week in New York, and ftum
the report of their ineetinj;, given by l)i.
Ouibin, the newly appointed secretary, we
learn the receipts during the year has been
$107,835 73. behin; an excess over the ex
penditures, of iii 840 10
A Boston Notion. The imjuisilivo spirit
of the Yankees knows no bounds. The llus
tuiiians vvi.h to look into the interior of a
mummy which has been wrapped up for
neaily 4000 years, and Gliddou intends to
ratify them. It is lo be unwrapped on ihe
1st of Juno licit.
The Mayor of Tittsburg, Mr. Barker, has
been bound over, by a magistiate, lo keep
tho peace, for threatening a Mr. Patterson,
who was ejecting a tenant that he wished lo
get rid of.
Aiabama. Tho first popular election of
Judges of Alabama look place on Monday,
the 6ih inst. No returns yet received.
Judge Wm. Johnson, of Cincinnati, has
been nominated by tho Whig Convention ol
nhio as truth Caiiiti'ljt for Governor
Heath op Mrs. Osgood. The denth of
a tho gifted Mis. Francis Sargent Osgood, the
of authoress, is announced in tho Tribune.
- She died on Sunday evening, in the prime of
life, the light and joy of a loving household.
Mrs. Osgood was the daughter of Mr. Locke,
a merchant of Boston, and w ife of Samuel S.
Osgood, tho artist. Her age was 37, and she
was the mother of several children, two of
w hom, both daughters, survive The disease
of Inch sho died was consumption.
The Empress Dowaiser or China is dead.
nlul a11 ,he officers, civil and military, are,
-iipon, enjoined to array themselves in
" llito 811,1 Perform ceiemonies proper for
S1,cn occasions They ore also to affix a blue
8,""ip to all public documents, and are not In
permit (Hums to beat or files to play in front
OI "'" u-iiiuns.
J,lr- Peruvian Minister. Senor Don
Jo,e M 1 Tilai!e. Minister from Peru
"n" ouieiany presented lo llio rresulent on
The only cure for timidity is knowledge
ignorant men are always superstitious am
cowardly. To cure children of being "afraid
of ,he (.llV, ,-, , lli(.kor.. on lhir h.u,kll
i ..,.. ,,., ,h , , R ,., r.
misli v wi ilfus0 moro r(,;I ri,me t.01irn2,.
illl0 a luv's ,;. thnt a! , ra,. f
I - '
0M" WlNE The Horticultural Society of
Cincinnati aie about to issue certificates or
P'eniiums upon samples of supoiiur wine
produced in lhat State.
Hard Cash. A key to everything in life,
exeept health and happiness.
n a it it 1 1: i,
fu i-lniru, on I2ih inst , by Rev. J
Allenian, Mr. Isaac 'l'nol t ami Miss Malin-
DA Daniels, all of I'uioii county.
(Ti)C ithukcio.
Philadelphia Market.
May 13, 1S30.
Floi'R. Flour is nuiel and the in ice stea
dy ; shipping brands are selling at t5 12 brl.
htra Mum at sj 2o bil. live Moor is held
at S3 S7a$3. Colli Meal is uuith 52 SI pel bil.
Wiikat. There is a limited demand lur
red Wheat at S-l 1 2c. pi hue While at f 1 lSe.
I i V K. l eniM live is held at (He per bush.
Cons. Corn is in dmnaiid at (il els for )el-
low ; lute is worth oi cents.
Oats. Southern are wotlh 37c, and Penua
Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 23i
i iii. ... ...
aim iinus ur j cenis.
.SlTN M.'RY I'RKT, (Tl!in:.'
Ci.rncted tcfiAh Iii A.i;n Masser.
Wheat. ....
Kit:. . .
I'i i li v . ....
Oats. - . .
lSlTTKll. ....
I'MitiS. ....
1'llllK. ....
Pl.AXSEKIl. ...
Hklswat. . . -
I'l. AY. ....
Dm Ki.r.ii Fux.
l.)n ll: n Ai'i'i is. ...
Po. Plai mi.s.
1Y virtue of .1 power in the Will of Hi nrv !
-1 ' Shutter, L-'., formerly of Siinlmrv, I'.ee'd., j
vill he expoed lo sale, at the preniisi,s, on Satin- 1
day the 2.1th day of .May next, al 10 o'cloi k A. M.
ol'said dav, j
A Hot-ftr :tu-l Lot ii ;rt)ti-u! i
on the cot ner ul'Kivcr nnd Market sin els. at pre" j
sent occupied hy Mrs. Wharton, as a putiiie house' i
'J'he locution i- good one lor husine-s llie house '
is a large two story In i, k Intililiiiu', frame tiiiiiiiir
Kooiii and Kilt In ii lar-;e and eonvenieiit stahle.
inc. The terms of sic ill he uiude known on .
the dav of sale liv ;
Trustee to sell. I
Suiilnny, May 1. 1 in. -t'l ,
Market Street, Sur.bury, Pn.,
MAS juM reieive.l and opened a l.irjte o.ort. ;
iiient of siiprii.,r and ehoit e l'aney and
Staple Dry I londs. well adapted to the coinuii; sen. j
son, which he will sell al liie lowct pK,-, s. Hjs j
k eonn-ls ol general assortment ol almost all
articles of use in the Dry liooils line, consistitt"
in part ol
Clut.'is, Ciis.simcnit, Summei:Slul' for
Clolhinir ami l'v&Hmr.
I'llIlt'N rCMH 4.1 O Oil K.
.. . i
moves, iioiery, l.aees, Sliuwls, il u.-Iuis, Mieet
iiioS, Tickings, l ine Muslins, Ciinirliaiun,
Linens, c.
ALSO: A treneral ussorttnent nf
nnd cery variety of article.
17' l.'ouut'y produce of all kinds taken in vx
ehanije ul liic highest markil price.
Snnl'ury, April Vi, 1830.
'PIIL Moekhohlrrs ore ln rel y iiolil'.ed t' im
eleetiou will he held at the house of J A M US
LI'.L, in ihe horouuh of ortliuinhi rlainl, on
Monday the tid day of June next, lutween the
hours of 10 oMock A. M. mid I o'clock P. L, lor
the purpose ol choosing ollieers l, serve for Ihe
ensneinii vcar. J. K. 1'KI 1'.TLL V, I'rcs'l.
A Til lotl. ll
'!' till IV hum il may oii -ni.
VOTK'E is hcrehy jjiven that the I'ollowinr;
cerlil'tcales of Shares of Stock, ill the Centre
Turnpike Company, have heen lost or mislaid, viz.:
one shure in llie iiuiuc of Samuel L". liricr, dee'd.,
one share in the name of Henry I'lsher, ilec'd., one
share in Ihe name of Jos. lloeeiidolili r.dec'd., one
share in the name of Jacuh underslice, dee'd.,
ml one share ill Ihe name of William Devvart,
deceased. A'plicalion will he made hv Ihe suh
scrils'r, to vv'.ioin the alnive chares have hi en le.
gaily transti rred, fur new certificates of stock lo
he issued to him. WM. L. DLW'AKT.
i-unhury. May 11, 3t
AY Ilt'.M An excellent article for sal
Sunburv Jan. tilth. 1119 - at
uammorc ianca. : u im and I'ottM le " ui.taiy.
Wheat. Small solos of pool lo juinu: rt'ds Leaves 1-hil.idi-lp'iin ut 7J A.M., daily except i t "T Vfi 'F 9 'fj?
vvi'tu Hindu to-day at 1 10 cts., andPi-uu v hitu , f-untlays. A iff tV rft O
at US cts. " l.-av,. Pott-ville at -, J A. M. daily except Sun- i . MjfZZ!''13 J B
Corn. While at ,56 a 57 ci-nts, nnd ur ycl- , lv. ; U, ' T.v-X.';-;rt tHH.t Vr
low ut 53 cents. I Jftcrnoun Line. ( Tu...' 77;,n.) wf.Sl gT
O.vrs Piicis ranno from 3S to -10 cuts. ' Leaves I'lii!.-. Id; !.ia at "J, d.til ., except ' f ? jk ?TV2.-. !
ViusK.-.V.-:i..:-S ol or uiado at --Mi ' --,.:..laVs. ' V . jl 1 - fr? k 1 4 '
cents, and ol lilt. at a 4 ccnli. j Leaves IVtt-vi:ie nt V, t.V..-k. da:l-. rvect 1 .--i.-:.a.. &i&Z'j2i .2 :
A WW stock, or moods,
At the Store formerly occupied by John Bogar,
In Market Street, Sunbury,
riHK mttisr-ribrrs respectfully Inform the pub
I lie that they have just received, and arc now
Consisting in port of
Cloth, Cassimcn s, Salknetls, Vtr-line, Panta
loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginchams, Lairns,
Vesting, Flannels. Cambrics, Linens,
Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs,
GluVes, vVc ,
ISnrdiTnrr, fJiiRcnstvaic,
1'liK.S .(50 M KlilCINI.S.
A :ifr)C assortment of
Grocerie?, Tv;h, Enlt r.nd Plastrr.
Ladies Shoes ami Gaiters, 1'lniJ nnd 1'luiJ Lamp
All of which will he snhl oil the inont reafona
hie tfrniH,
i v outitrv tiroilucf ef all kinds Liucn in cx
chungo ut the lent price-.
jtux n i; vi;k:; , co.
Suiiluiry, April 1SVJ. ly
$KVI;KAI, Tlious;iiid cm Ii Iri-ei, oliout 50 vn-
riclit's nf the vcrv bi-M fclcrti"ii, rincniiiK in
sucecsion from Hie carlieil tu Ihe latest ; Also,
verv clioier lut nf
(illlll.'Ct Ulllt (ill'. C 'ilH,l (
Also, n hir qtuuitily of
Persons wanliua 'Preen, will nleine forward
1 1 it ir ohIlib to too
Fair Xtric Surserir
Mnri iMnwn, BntliiiL'toii eountv. New Jrrsov, or lo
1'. II. MI;l.E. eorior fr,,l ,! M.,1.,. Vi
... , . ' ;'
1 li!lailelito;i. UnliTs Ironi in. known conesji.inil-
cuts must lo ueeoniimiiecl with the cash or satis-
tae.orv reference Trees WiU he earelnUv grufted
when require tl ior n'.son:hlo ehnrge. lMirrip-
live catalogue wilh jnlf s altiu'lietl, will be fur-
nislied grutis lo ost-puid applicants.
M orri'town, N. J,
H. IS. Missr.n, Sunlurv, Agent.
April SO, ISM.
JfSlIt'K tiV TS!l) i'lltii:,
EiinLrrj', Ta.
Otl'iec in Deer Street, ini' opposite the
l'u'.i'ie S .1: n'l II one.
C""? M "i:i'- fOliLftuil i,n.! nil t,:ish;'..i:S pe nipllv fin.1 i.'t re
ditu lltt-l "l.'ll to.
April VTO. 151.VJ.
SI IMt.lS A!tKAV't.vll:Vr I HUM
I'iiii.APri.i'niA am) ri..ririvii.i,i,.
Office of the Plain. S' Readme R ltd road Co.
1 uiiu. e" h'titlini: Uudroail to.)
I'liiliiuelphi-t, .Match SH. ISoO.
I .....
i 1 1
asenizer 1 rait:-
fi and after Apiillst, l-oO Iv.o Iraii.s .
s ft he ntn each way, daily, I ctweeu Philj,
"UUilaV s.
I'a.-s.'iim is e.n-.n - t r t',,e ca
tied itli Ti. I.-. !-.
Uvs provi-
j "1'he after. i ,.r !. - it.;!.:'. ' i,. 1 v.t u- '
lunii, .Vi' :.-.;. Vf '- ,i,.', 1!.. .-...- Ford. Val- !
ley Korue. Port Keiiiii Jy. tsprim. Mill or ( oils. 1
.l 11 It I) I- illy poiimJs ol I a jiraae will 1-cal- '
lowed toeaeii pawiui-r in t!ie-e hue.-; Kiel pas- I
s.-nu'ers are expressly ,v,,lii!.i:e, iioui t tkuii; anv- :
lliintr as I'aeja.te Imt their nciriu-; npp.uel, ivhieh i
will he at tlie ri-sk nf its owner.
l!y order of dm 1 ..... tat ol' Vnn.iao.
S. liKAlii'dKH, i
A li it 13. 1.-0. svrrct.nv.
Ai:il 11 itcs fi iiss f f.
,i'.oii;;tJiniu:a Ji.i.;t.-:3 n:: ircigm i.uic !
i Now I'lii.i'.'.tui lo r,,r..vAr.n
(niiioiN :itt(S i'acKtt gen,
Dally liiwn l'lii' idi-lpliia to
Si !ins j rn "e, . v (i7 In, ni ' i l l m il, S'i;lbt:n,
D nirilh-, Fl-iniiis'i'ir", .MiIon, Lncits.
lur; .Muiicy, IIV.',.vy;;7, iN'c'.
llv Km. K ii v ii ami I'vi'inss t'uu, Boats
SEW EXPRESS Oi'-.e 3s S'l.nh Third St.
FreiJtt Otfc oi CRAIG .V I! E l.L.IS C unci
(; llrirtd illid Cinrr:) s'.lt .'', PlltlildJj.llia.
Apiil ll, 1 -50.--it'
111 l .lltlllllV AMI MIA fll' IMVIVKv.
f !,'11I
sni'si-ri! cr oilers, nt the lowest rates, in
any .pi. unity I i uit iniii liascrs,
tii:.MiM; i'i:!;LVi . t; t.'ANo,
and every variety of
j'j-4 .'. i.i..'r i.j,.ji,
Minnjui 'r t i s. Tonnrr: 1'annrrs. IK-nlers mid
Consumers, are nnit d to call.
Ci:0. W. UIDliW'.W,
No. Si Nerlh Wharves, tlie first
Oil, stoki:
l'c'nw Lace sticct, l'liil j.lo' j. hia.
Apiil fi, ISoO Sm
i:srri! up rr.iLa, ii-tm.
V. -Dl'lCl: i, '
Itiven that Idlers of A.l-
inini'tratioii i. h.,n nou have lu eti irran-
i led to the suli-cri'icr, on tlie estate of l'eler aud
j limr, late of I pper Aiieiist:i lounshin, Nortliuui
i hciland county, ilec'd. All person indebted to
j said e.late or having dein in. Is airainsl llio same,
. are re.piesleil to call on Ihe Mii.scuiier for settle.
' "unl. 11,1,1 M i;i:i:d,
I Aihiunisiratoi . hums nun.
I'pper Augusta tlip., April 1H, Is in. ut
! KU3T I.. SP. l'll Tuns' P U. SLTII
srni & who i ih:!;.
n 'uoujsjl i: grocers
no. co rriATr sntrar,
(N'evk liiiwi.y's WiiAiir,)
Wiil pay parli'.iil to llie sale oflj CAIN
i,nd all other products of llie farm,
llaltiniore, Jant.ary ti, 1 3.t) lv
" JH'NKliUT,
Xo. 40 S.o;itt Fuut'i St red,
l'lll L.V HI 1. I'll! A,
1 IlLKL every variety of French Calf Skin
Morocco, Patent leather, Cuimoefs und tiai
ter lioots, of the Lest style und uorkinuu-hip, ure
constantly kepi on hand or liiaiiul.iclined to order.
.March 10, lisiiO. Cm
I JLU-S ol Aihninisiratioii upon Ihe estate
Inle ol' 1 1 nil. C .Kin II Iv l!,., rW'.l !, I.i.
late of lion. Calvin Hlvtiie, dee'd., have hi
day hceti gianled to the suliseriher, 111 persona
having el, dun against said e , late Bre nolilled to
preaent ihetn vviilmul I'clav.
i:n'viin. April 57, 5iv..flt
l.'.uty, (evia'pl Sunilay.)
.May 14, 1S30. j Mori.i.tsr Line. ( .tceonimodaliun.) i
n. n. n.
A nrw find 1'rilJinnt ilit Ins Inlolvni iwn mid ivw il finds
higli in (h? Ihtiz iti, ulirddnifz it n p-.Meu lilit of It pf upon
the dark dfiviirinp mind if ll twd-iiddf-n find nlMicicd
wilh pnin, likr the tmrftiiitw forth of the cngeniMl rn s nf
ine fltm up' n the rultl, th final u-giniia nr the iripid z me.
Thp three letters which licad this paragraph ii tlie niginfi-
An limt.nitnn'tui Antidote fr Pniim of alt kinds, th
vrry intiiMt H'ufwnv's liniiy lielif f t iipplied, iti pnin
rrlH-ving qii;itiin.'8 air rcnltrd, it will rrlit-ve the iiimbI
veTcpnins t.f Klnniinntisiti, lannliitR j, O ut, IMralysi, Tic
lli'l'tri-nx, A ., in a l':v mintiit-fi.
IVHmx.M t(-m Iih L ititm s. Trealin'Mit ond Cure.
u iva s i;i:.nv xki.ii;!'.
nti'-ntiinti-,in;iric.i ir m diilrn-nt' . i'ut in t pnw
rnllv Ti -iNcit-: li.tiu ( '..hlfj. cxp. i;irri .) r ld diUilp W::ithfrt
nnd filr c j i nc in d imp tip;it imt nl5. Tl.m rninpluiitt i divi
ded int i t IV i rl-i'si m ; tli,- (nsl li.llitni-.f it v. n,i cril!rd Miitn
j tlir awHijiiK nnd iiit!"ii tlutt .-ittciids the p:iim in 1 he
J pin's h;j.--..l; pv ii I. clin.tHi- ltlteimiMiir, s rolled tV"in
illitj:'!!'..- i -I Jif f ise,;". l IMIiO Kll'tWllll!
T iv. iii iii (), l.:u I; ; . i;itii i:i. t r pitiiis in t tp
hip itlt'ih: Ai.:hr ni iiia, it pain i in the jihiW. 'I'lie
Aonie llltci.tMM'ifiii f-.'i'.-rii! t' riijim-tfs into "itr ul" lliec
UJUl hit' 'lll-M ti I 111 i !! M f-'lllpf.tillt.
Apply's l!.-(dv ll.-liof, .m n w .inn tljnm I c!.li.
lit i n-'v L lilii'li' lit,- uln-U will, u t. ,l,.r nl.tlnWo
- I :f0 r Hdt'si the ;L-!i i .iitemh ni k .me iiiilaKfrs
j iwlvv "r ,,!"''' time n d ; Wi-.i wi', $ir warmlh p Hie
It i s:..-e.u- j-h.i v.w-m ii .. h . i ti... ...rM
I "f dinv-j M'i.M:. titi II IN Tin: ii.u u, i.a.MK-
1 ... i if l I I r . .1 1 1 i I . f;n. ;n -s. till' I
"nil ill IIlL' hi.t'.', V 'Ut 11
lii.-lie. '!'. ll.-tvreux lin'l
1" '111 i-iii', S-isn
ihik.s in llin Nolimeh.
I 'l. v. S r-.. Hi, r:i--. SV.-.H. Ilrn.i'i i.s ( I
St iiiim-lt. lU-.e lie in. II -ur'. ii;v.--.;,n.l s ,ro 'I'tir Tt.
iter, n .u lee, e nn.'i rt u.i- l , Lr ii.imI Ii-.I ith utV-r
.'I liici.'vc ills; : . s .n.j t-.nij.l onie. ,., iIiiimI,iiI Il.-tt mi
nii'nl Ii- i t v ur I'Iiiiik is :0 Imikl in liAllVVAVS ItKA
l)V lil.l.ll.l-.
It is sun' t i eive V"ilr iiifirit c ': Hint Id ywu j .y will
i uimiii.. , ll ll s -I'l-ilV til.n pilLi'l C lli...
' Sv-, Mi lt ,-. h I..',lli.. 1 O ,L.-..T:..r .I'
ltai!'.;iy ('.', up i ,-n.-h I il.t:! m.-.ih- ,.i!i,t is gi-miin,..
a m: i Tin I. i i 1 1 iti:.
a .m.w i.m:i, sri;i:i, r.xnttAvixc.
To pr -te.-T 'lit.- j uMic :i:.:iiiist purrliiiin.. c uiu,Tt'..itH ni
II:l.lliy- 1 ill.e s.. .Me.lleale.'l . It. 11 KuiKttlV. Ill"
erl.-l. .:!'., ,1 C!M.n,i.i , ;m.v ,ii;. Ji .s ;il n Lleit c A j K'l is f
r'Mt.i j-.-.l tin-s,iA i," ! . i.e ,-l ln-liisi intisis ..I" .-ii-
"""l! is III AUI.TI.MH. V. I,! ., lln fir ,, hill,
l.-sn,' hn.iuia "s -,:; :,:,. S lip i:, 1's i.. w i K I I. It IS H
I i;:ill:!lll! it' ,..! liI'.i.'Iiv. II I j I , I' - I ,V t - ". I '!.' ti'
"f lll;." mi. I Nv'ily. r - ' I j 1 1 c -J ,1 ll l;il t.'t Mifl t.rr.'H w.irs.
"liwiilrli Itn- ,.rilH 'liiciu :iv's .M . S nip" In
1 .uli.liia!.-.! I.-.I,-,.. Ulllt.e .'Pp-'MO- ki.le "I tlie UlUel is
i Uic l.-ir sum:,- HL", "ure . I ll. (i. Ui..h..v. Ti.c iIimjii
i i. neat. elm-:... finKiie.iui. etix-mtiy cmuVi.
I VlliT'l.'i:r i-r TIIHMil
j " V V,'' vV.Ill' Uj" r'
! Wi, Hv,-uv,. im.. m.-ivhu,' puivlsru. Ims imp-ilct uk i-.
' "n r i 'Vl-' "P '." Ils '"-'' "l; hI'-ji l ci rtui- at.
'.-nil i j,s illf.'llV L I HI ' 1 1 li 1 1 1 LIS. I" II Iff II V lllUTC(l
ImI i arpitii-jt rii' tili in- t'c- ii:.i ri i'i ti fiuvt In-m "ir v t
r;(Miiiili:ii!K i'i ' 'iiLiuitin i ;. in TurK-y. an ) t'aiif n in
t Iiiiih. r i -ur s..- i-iai i-iiH. :tiin.s. li, ami I'l'r.icla
rare ni-'iltci;:,!! viniirs, 'i wnisr m ihe iiiriimhic'ti'c
el Ha-lwity's S t-.. lii'-ff.-l l' r"' ilh;; l!-'-!il 11 1 in li:ii,l
pJirth. ft t ' i . 1 1 1 1 ' VV 'i i I i.i t't tlit ::ill-::'f! u nf kl1''Wii.t
t'llltf-i- h' ImvtM-:'! tli:J .:tN.ili,iC J 'pt'lUUH HUI
S Kii :iri- us. 1 hm !" t-r-.T --.i.
a.- i.r.At ricii;jt r tiij: skiv
It Kin-;-.s fvt r:h ,ii tl"- kiti'i i.i tlif w mM, i! re
lil'.vcs;-. 'ill(,,!i Ji: .h-In-i. I i i s' 1 1 ' THd-rn Kiwlt.
It ctnt'5 Kh.-.i.ii Ki.' W.MMi. S 4 .r,--. ,fu
til. ii" la t.i 'i us lL ip.:.;t!ii I.e.. ,ti I tlw Vniii :inil ln-.m't
t tlif r i .-i. A ,i !i'it-:v-T Jiifl T. ;!! r? -a;., it in he".
-ii . ui.- ri'M-u i i nva rv. -ui t r -'.-iv m- i-nrii - 11 is
11.' tu . HI t's.'. I I;,.. (. n , . (
til. ill t'Tr.. nil-. I llie I. inn- .e ... any .-.Inr S ,i in
" " 1 ' i urn h,i i" .
ill'"! IfH '" I'll'"!!1''.. I niiil I" n' i.i In l!n e t'.!
' eii.iii CTiuu-et Wl i ! 'e, s. and t he
(,' . : K. ti. i::..!-.iy 11 1 11, , h ..r.i'.r
X 'W f 1
V." ; ' '1'
Tn .'.'' . -I
' II I'. Mil r.
r.-! 'ra Hi'
' eh ill''.- li:.' ,...! "M .r." :,'!', -ret
M I'M!, i:.;. !.., "I .i j ,,..) V(.
to Ditiiss am) i;::.m 'nrv -111 1 : 11 vi it.
i's ( ' I r. -n i :,!) 1 !: !.n IS. he" tinii.L' O'llte ptplll'ir.
urfci-nl tieie i will leers. - e nil ..iher u
in ih.
n Use. i enre, I ..' :. 1 1 o'sv. ! ".',.'ni Innr. . radl.-iiles
It. i. 1 m . I -j , r s ,i,.i.. mid "I S-". Itv Us. ne
(tie hi, I'll as p.i d.ii-' 1'. is 1 1 will iiiik- 1' ("ir; 1 '...nit .: n' I v.
I'-s-m' ! e ; n i'i; i . IV .e .-.-... a, arj , l- ;:. Sre t(,jt
H i.!-v:i .VI . . .f. , i' i"'i .'lie.
A il NT II I M .. I.;,.! .,IV,
April 0. I' ".ii et-.'.aly
For liie t'lire of
The l. tut .nil ftneees nmeit lias ultemled tliC
Use of thin pri paratio.i ils salutary etleet its
pu i r t i ifln-.e ami i tire aii'.'.-lio.-.s ol llie l.nns, :'.'.::o .1 t ... ii a e. Y' e.'i.a
I hv ii... nii.,r I
111. .ii. I
N' i::-r ;t t- t' e .illheted v' entire '
li-e in its M.tiu al. il the lull I i -liel'lh it it I
1 i:l siil'.ine lui.l r ir tlie vewiivt alt u ks ol
,:i-';iM. upon llie throat an i I. mi .s. 'l iu'-e refills,
'a-ti.ty .ri'..:i.e pi.oli-iy known, verv n itoraliv
' at; rai l tlie alien!:, in f i.i. iheal men an 1 ilii!,,ii-
i Ihrooisis i'erv!iere. What is tlnir oninion ol 1
iu.i;i ha iohiai, may i.e s.-m in the i
lollovviter :
j ALLN TIM. MoT T, M. D.,
: '.'.. S,.rr nj M.,1 r,.i7-'?c. Su- York satis
I "It r;iv,'s inn iilemnre to certify tli
tie and
. ciTi.'iiey i f Avcr's CIILUKV
r ern'ii.irly a I.. nted to cine di-
vvhieli I consi
; siu.-rs nt' Ine Tli r. . it an 1 Lull
c!i!i:i'' ji'.-tk j: i;ltis,
of L.ini-i.iiia, vv rili s "'1'liat a youniT daughter of i
!ns was i-i ie.l of m , era! n'vur allail.s ol' I'roini . P.
i.y the (. m;i;!:v i i:t.'inu.i"
; AM'ii.MA AND I'h'l H'i! I'l lS.
! T!f Ca-:it tut Journal if Mcdual .Vci'ei.cs.
s ates, "Tiiat'itiia and iJr.iiieliitis so prcvilert .
it. th'.s i.."!ei':.....!iinate. h.svielde.l wit!, siirpri- ,
.ma la-iiily U Av er's (.' I i K K I! V l'i;( "J'( 1
i and we cti.tot ti.ostroi.ily rcconimrnJ this skilful :
pret,:ii.n,nilo;!i, I'i ,!, -ion ami on!, !i,.--..i:e,i.!lv'' '
I Let the relieved rer.sp. ,ik for hims.-li': '.
lr. J. C. Aver l ear Mr: Having 1 ei n res. !
!ci:.:,l r,o,n a painful an 1 .!.,n2.,,o..s disease hy ;
; I.y your medicine, u-iatitnde prompts tne t i send
v,'U this a -know lednieiit. not i.tilv in ji.sti.-c to!
J vo'.t. Imt f,- the inlormatiou of oil-rs'in like ..f.
A eii ?llt ce ,1 nii.Kl l!ie liaiis iir-'i,.!,.! .i i
he,.,,,.,' so severe ,.,. spittin, ofliUod, a .liU-nl
..'i,:.,i ..on inim,-- oi-.u ..-llia-.j leliortcil Otltt las-
t. iied ii;,..;i me. I lavame emaciated, could
! s!e,,,. uas diMees-ed ., my eou.h, and a pain my che-t, and in sJiorl had all the alarm- ;
inn svmptoiiis of nuick consumption. No nieili- i
! cine se. mod at all to reach my ease, untl I nrovi- i
lei.iiaii;. iiieo , our Vll.llliv fill h lie i
soon relieve, i an.t now lias etireit me.
Yours with respect. L. A. S'i'L'YV AIIT.
I' II' A It til 11 r J.C. 111.11,1 III. V 1ST, LOWM.L, MASS.
I"- Sold hv Ileinv Masser. Sun'oury; Mary
A. Mct'ay, Noitlniiiilerland- Dr. (ieariiart, Se".
linsrovc; Dr. liecklv, Danville, und Drue "ists
Anil 0, Is' .",!).- Ivteljiti
'I m: i:mi;i sTiiRK.
I llf. VP
Yo. S
. i vv ,v Sic.ivii iumi Hook Siokk.
Su:U Si. ! : ,;.. Ma, -, i-.lich.
Law ru.d;, l li'-o'.'i'ieal und Classical Books,
MJ-iiJinA-C 13 0OIIS
l!Hn;UAI'tllCM.A HIsfoincAL flOO.Vf
SctHM trie AMI V a I It I' ,V A I If A I. PnvRi.
Jt yen i!u Hunks, iii ui-t r nitty.
Ilyniu Hooks and I'r.tyei I'.ooki, liihlei, all sizes
ei d pries
VA,r.k Do ,!.s, Wi itlm: Pa,fr. and Stationery,
II ,. ne uii'l ll.lail,
I'f Ocn prices are inai-lil ovver 1'iaa the neoei.Aii prices
Tt'iam a an.l small iineels ,i Ii i .hs pin eliasej,
t f- l 'ks i'M,. U-.I t nl ti r 11 HI, I.'.'llJ.lll.
I' telplua, Jane I,, I- piy
i :u i ' is. 5i .m;. T.ia 'I'fsri.s'
LHSONs in want of any Fruit or Oruaincu
tal tret s can he supplied every few dav a from
tV.r nurseries ol vir. leisins m .New Jiiscy, hv
..,,,-, to 11. V. i.lser, lu. aent for this nlacc,
'i. , . :,.! w-... '
Suulniry, April 0, lf-jO.
Jj) A new su p'y of tins excellent article jut
received and lor tale by H- B. .MAS6j;ii
iir.lvinv, M.r.-!i 1H. 1SS!.
.lei- i lt!.''v:iy A I .. ,1. ",, u e i"li '..'lie.
II4ltni0& IIOLL'J
WTHOI.KSAl.E Commission PAPER sod
Ptrett, PhilR,lciliin Whore a general sMort
rncnt of all kimla of Paper is kept, and for sale St
the lowest eaBh prices.
C'H, Letter and Printing Paperi.
&c. on liund.
Plnin snd ruled white. Caps.
" Hue
Pint Clips.
Plain nml ruled white Letter.
" " Mtio
Illue and while Folios.
White and colored Printing Piper
'Piasuo Papers.
Shoe "
W:rHipiii5 "
I'nvelojie "
llnrilwrirc nnd Slcathing Taper.
Tnr Hoards.
Straw lioanU,
Punnet Hoards.
All orders from toe Country will be attended
lo nt the shortest notice.
All iroods sold will he carefully Hacked, and de
livered nt any place in the city.
The hieliest cash priro iraid for Ilatrs. or ex-
chunked for Paper, as low ds can be bouijlit else-
l'lcnse call nnd examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, Id Id
UII.I.Iils ..Tl-IVSI'i;i'TIC
"M.IXIK is. willi the iitui'.sl eonfliWe, i.Acreil to tlie
j .M ' I'uriilty nn,t tlie (ml'lii-Iwr ttit! ciir,?i'f Dyspep
sia ur liuliirestMn, uiul nil Uisiiase arming Irom it', such
Xi.iison. Ili'inlnc'lif, lllili'sis Viiniiiiiif.
trtii:.". liiiiiii.ssi.f Stotit. Itiimiii ,.i..i a, ,.
U. l.ll.ty i.l the .crv..usSv- "t Die St 'innr Ii.'
tl'lll. I.i,.prr..innl I
Hyp .i li 'iiilrin. .Imiliitics, ( ippr.'ssimi suit enliiiir.
J """ "I'l" -I'te, iri.lpit.itinn ol'tlic ll. ait,
listing ol Hi.' otrenctli. jl'ani in tlie pit "I tin- nl.'i'iiirli
MlllllleiirK, Willi Irt.'llcllt or t.'Wiirits llie rivlil sirlr
lii.lclniie ol" win-l, 1
Sniiowiifss .! r'.iiiiilrjti. n.
rimsiiluii'in nml utieusiiir'
HI tlie Ii -wels,
.Ih'i'trvsi .ii ni the ipiriM, ami
iirilul'ility of lnipirr. itc.
ll' n ease nf ityspepsin sh.ouM l.c nreln'leil, m ist ,.riniis
ell-r-ls may eiiMie, l'.r il In; I tu-1' t i.lnt i. ti for, is tlie in-
ipcnt cause "I, an. I Very rcnltlt tert'iiiritt ine .ii jiii,,
n 'il. I w-'iilil impress up. mi ihe muni thai to tntl with
llns disease may he t., sp.nt nh le reus' m wlilelieomti.
Int.-s man Mlperenimi'ii! nni 'in.' uiiiuint LeiiiL'n. it lo lin
Intler exisienee hy milling u eoiueiulisness ol lullv U Ihe
penally of pmn.
'I'ins nn-.heii.e is neatlv pat up in battles, with nntpl
itire'-ti iis use, uml is so..! iii Sii'ihiiry t.y .I..HN v
l-'nn.ivi. JAMI-.S Wl I.I.I wis
Testimony of Mr. A!.nr Ktinrs, h ot.-r, Market street
nh'.ve SiMh. e rr h.rntive of ihu trti-aey of Wiliiaan
Anti-Uwp' pile Jilixir
1'lllLAUEi.i iiia, Ocloher 3, 1H9.
Mr. .Iamps 'i:.i.i vv :
llear Ni : It em s me prent pleasure tn kn nv that yni
lire :..'mi,i pr.-piriiiL' . ll lie- li. ine f T tin' eure .'I Its;'ep.
i't, .r ni-niy of my neeiininiint es )i t e repeatr.llv n.l:e,l
ill- w ln-re ll ; nil.l I.e pioeuie.l, kiiowme thai I ha.l been
eiirnl t.y it. As I think that a pahne nekn .wleil.' nt nf
thi- i-rent heni-al I have received fp an the use nf ) .air med.
lentr is n. it i.m'v il,... t . ,-. ... 1... I... . ..I ..., I
! n .v ur'ke it. I..r several u-ars I sntfeie.! ir"m lip. p
1 sin. .!iieh ineri'iis.-.t to Slleh' an er., nt liint Inv henflli .-Mid
i i m ii ii in in were nn. ii v Mink nv. iiii.i.t tl I ii'n. ...u...
J peii..,l to reslriet mvsell in the simple fond, anil even
I e.l I p. in 1. 1 i, ., . I .i 1 .. .1 1:
! nail Ml to exereie. nnd. ns v. .11 hn 11 1 1, v.uir ii.lii'n .....
I In.-nt. a f. 111 -rat leelui.. "I''il"iir 11 ,.! h..l, .-ril, .11.
.i-ii.ii'--. in . ' v.vir I-. -, inn . i'i. irntn min-rs li;ej re-
men Inn n ni v..iir Ai.n-ll p. ' lie I'.liMr. I r . are. I
S id llaid It Willi the ,n ist tmnpy etleet ; under j ieiee
l enin.'i nii't wanness arailn.-illy preseil :iv.iy. nnd my ap: ,-
y.-.r hoe i. .wlans-d. and ,v i.lenee oi t he enram e ,
li'il-n 't i- ur iiir,l!,.,. I;-,, ni,.,,,,,,. ,,,,.,,! font'
e inpiet.-:v eau-d me ,vh-n I lulled to 'titan, rdtel Irnuanv 1
n.he, s,ree. V.-iy respeeiinHv v. nri ' j
lliM-n I'Mie
iii. ii iii'inii v n:i a i e III I liiilitiv Mini iiupllnllv.
iti tt n.Mi'
Teiim-iivof IMvvnnl II. Hovvlev. Wlm. sale Alereliaa!
nt'ltie firm .1' li"U-!'-y. .V-'i'.naiKa ,V To. 'o :, Sailli '
Wh-rvi i. in l r .'l" oi' t iio rilicaey- of W'liiiainV Aati-Dvn- i
peptic r.lixir. ' I
Pllinr FLritiA, Oetolier O'.l. s4!. 1
Mr. J Mrs AV'li.I.TsM :
i It.-ir o I take .lt :istire ia ri'e.iinint.nilinc vnir A'iti- '
I IVH',,.'"tii. lllixir f iniie riir- nl' iH-siii.imia I l.'iiv. ,,.l,-
it in still' l'..r tlie itise is.-, nail liave t.i-,.a entirely cared.
Volr r. nM,..-i:.iMi-.
I'HU AItl) !. nnwi.KV.
.Aor.Nt JOHN W 1'Iili.lM.i. Sunl'urv, Pa.
.Mured a, I -.ill. ly
sfccr.ssnn to jami:' m. boi.tov, pkcp.
CO.VMl-SPJX (, Jill! li'.l li I) IX a mi:n.
I'll ASF,
Fcr llie srili- of Grain. I'lmir, Stctis, Iron, Liim
I" r i:
Su. v.; Srth H'iiiin-es,
I'llll. M.l: I.l'lll v.
d'onili- foi warded v.itii care. I.i all point on ip, I'nii ii, sin-- t'.chamia and Jnnijta
tVSalt. PLtster, Grindstones. &e., for silo at
the lowest prices.
Philadelphia, June 2, l'ilfl. !y
I'll AliLKS W
' " " ' " ru lt
AT Twlr.lTS'!? J- T T, "JT
l 4n ,.. 5 ':
Wid prouiptly altcnd lo eolle.-tions nnd all hn-i"
lie 'uti'iistt-il to li..- care.
June li. Istli,
J A Mils it n it'l li
liltl A f'AMIlilll.V
IMI INI 1 1. B.C.
Srimjiliill loi:itly, Ia.,
rILL collect monies, attend to litianal easns.
' and act as agents in Ihe uiain.'.'.'iuetil of
i i.s.aies, ivc. i ,-rsons di n in.' their service
1 rcler to tne iollou
eenlo men : - f
1 III I. UUll.t IIIA.
S ttivwa. Kiat- It. tl , ,t. I ...',., .,. r: v. c... ,i .
I'eaiy H li.i.-, 1'n , Hue!;. Win. It Id,. I ,,'
1 11... ... I. . t's.,. .(,., : i-,k, Ii,,,., li Il.ire'.tei,l-.-..
c. i iiuiii.-a .l,,.e s, Ili-j. 1
Ilnii M''dl tiriimell. II .a n..... it it.,,,,,
H at. J-aaer .iu,.i-. II .a 1'iun.'
'V'A" ,MW'-'- " 'V Join,, LoivtLL i
Ju!" I
,,,, . . ' " '
" Ill
) If j V I,' I I V
v if r ' i i , ,
' -C " ""' "' lh'"1 ;", L "'' N'-"'.'
HrwtLN SI'iil. l: .tsu I'lMl sTKLI.lS,
1. 1 It-I.A V I. A l.s ei , xt,.a,ve ini.t iinnilt-rninlcl l ..
'tltL 'Lr.
'!: 1 '"-."'aein ! all tlls.i-es .,1 a plilale iianire. P. rs ..'Is
"!'''', " ''i " 'V "'' "' ""' '' "u :" '" -' l,,,l:"
.hV u.
' iff r tl,e isiitmi.n l,a ,,viii emeel.lwl. urc
"".'i"'.1,1.',''' " K'''''s-- , , . ,
I,. '.o.V'.: "n.;8, ' h'.?. "'.."r' K. '. "VV 'T
ill as a till) iieian.
taki: p.vitTii i i.vt: MiTtcv:
Yniin .Mi, w li , liave lil.ilire.l tlifiitselvi-s t.y a ecilaia
I'lat'llei' l.i.t:,l-e,l ni ;l 1 1 e,lle:u 1 v tearnct 1 r- ttl evil
e . r al si lio .1 the ,-i.., i,.f w In. , ,,. Mlc,, t
le.t. even wl, eii asleep, unit d. s'rny ti ah inin.l an.t li'.
sli altt :!',,: Iv . VV e isiitss a:;.l e iihl linn, .,,a!
tl.-: in' v I s.. .. i in. is.- ilar euei-v . pnvsi.-al lassila-le aii'l u- ii
eral pr. 'SI i all ai. n i itali.htv a:l nl, 'i,. i e. ns u,l, , i i,.,-, i;,.h.
'IL S'.IJ'-'isanesS n ttit! tlv.-l, niiil t-VelV itiseiisein anv
vi-iv e..,i,ie,-!e,t ivi'li the ilis .i,.-r o Hie . n's real IV a llliie
luaa flliett lout in, I v ii;or reslme t.
A vii-orous life or a 'irciuatuie (tenth.
K1.KELIN cii si' If Pi'tscrviition.
T't is H " iiiM vl is ti..- J wtl)i list-Mi I m' i t!i n 'ii
on lite mm I'.irit J" inn! ili.-,is- x i i" (i. in r-jl l c 1 u:i:ti
It a i irf-hk-a I'.kt-h u'.ikv l.t Ol Ml. Al AMioi uinl Oj.)
A' .K. itu.i sii'iulil I..- ic.i(l 1 ii!L
'VUv V'lUn'oie inlvict' ami iiiiirtnivc warning it j.'ic.
will prcvfiit vi:n "i imsct y uiuibinui inc unit j.i c anutuil-
l- 'I'll UI tlu'S i'l' Live.
l'aa-uih hv k n il will It'.irn how t prevent leOen
trtnii"'.i "i titii i'l:i;.!icn
' A ri tn!M;i,n "I rl "i ccntf, int! ,sf.l m n l.w-r. ml
dr.' .1 t.) IMC . KIKi;i.lN, . W v .t ikt 1-1" Till li li tl
l'H. Mitcts, U'twccn Sjuu.'e V 1'nn', l'liiiadi-l-iliia.
willcttMirc h b L, iiiuIl'I env r-. (.;, ikt it-turn --I iw;nl.
IV rt mi nt l ittc-. liuy uliticft ii li. L It'tUi . (jKW-t-
.-i i , I , iintl litciit'd ut Ii niu".
iu a.i: oi-' irr.s. ihiiim tions. a.- .
t' .rw'.n.l. .1 b hfiulinp h n-t im tu tict, uuJ jut up st-cmc tr ni
UAM A ( 1 : n C I KU'STV.
11 ik-sHltTS. -w Afiit.IViijr. Cunvn-.fM'ri, anil all
ii'Ihtk t.iiili-d nh llie nlunc won, at veiy low
VrLruury t, ISA'. ly
ITO.NE Ware, Eart'u-a Ware, IUii AI
imnidti, I'uiiu'a ttii'l i'roum Nuts.
IMaues of nil kind.
.Vail ana IHastir. j.t irrohrd ami for sale
ly John w. rrtiUMs.
.iiuhtirv, IKc. S'l, 164'J,
i LAS, I'roin the New York Canton auJ Pekin
X. In t'om-jtmy. for (ale by
fitn trv. Per J, 1541
Ill nil Chiiittfliilteil snd eirii'i.,,! enmitrie. list esu-su a
Isiirer piiiiiirtl.iii of ileslln thsn any u'b"l ui.l.ily lbi
tnteu llie humsti liimiiy ; HIM. U"L! w ii I, in s lew fr
there hits not tieen sny ci. .am r.irj tu step uu dwrH-a-tii.D
of the Il.u nuiv
PMAPJ ii.ll.VtM
Cum ri-jr nana nf tlie n t e ,.),, l m.l derij.
iilis.l esHi. nt iU'lnonani I Vi5ii'ner'i heal, vnjftuhxd
esirs ol uhtraltd slid ill it a ll I.LXii -in.-li ),.. . rs
si n were never lielniaj tme.1 t.y sue n-hsr msdmiiis.
8.i utterly htptltti were otiiini i f tit- s'lhrleil pe'-runa, mj
Xu have l..-i, pi-i.i,uni-etl ia -'.V"'. ie ' tn..l lo lis
ACTUAI.I.T uiriNo. Snme. 'ntii. h ul the r I ai ' elotlisi
tnsile. hT,! he..,, ,.r..,l si .1 v.t 1, , il, , .. ,u j, WM
itnl am i,ve Bl,,ni,,r . lu ;! tui
nlnrly n ti'ey rr.r
It I ii i !:, ,- .,. , ur'.'.iii l.fiiA
neea l"" ,,u''',r-'' u- ' I'i'n-'tin whtciJ
Ttds'ir-rs ri.,i,i I,,.',-. ,M, , sae, ttl,atm
Vs r!u' 'ie t, ,. e peculia, .; a..,.; i.j to. .tl art utm-
liaiy nr.c.'n' ;:. .- , m o
Cous,ba tivA C''cns,
SI. I ..I' ,! , f s l.:il--l .'le y ,.l 'ir.. K., ih,etM a
I'' '','' ''' u-'sie. 't:.t.a; l esaiieiil, wlm
th.y e,t' -a tl'-j
13 rt list. 'IJii' iitl, l.imrs, niiil I!c,irt.
Tl.:-' H4 ..-. M'.r.iL n.-J u,:-. I i ,,, Lung, ,j 1 ilTHi .'. a- c-rui.h ".. ! ,., lit fr.
rriNO Kxiiiai r cu' m.l ...'. i.l. ei . nunioUf 1 hi
eiires A. i. on. ,'s j .,, i , munition mil
ol 7Vi. slier nil ulh. i isii.L'.li r .u,,. .in',j to ilj Cuod.
ThsuDanclg cf Gon-iumptions
sr. I C'.roi, r ,!,'!. i,'.na..i'iv j,t",i.7i ,.
i n y in .in a ri .-. ...... i,i..i : . i.n ;,.'.U. ,1 , ri '
met . . !. it -. I,' pit. p. :t.s. ,., I),,' .,i0Wl,, rum.
ph.uits Hint d ......... v,:: : , .".:.c ,.f Ho-,,1, l:l,i,linr 1
the Lurr,. 'ii i i thr Ih-uH ; l .s: .. s,eht Smut vr.
VOUS (-..;.,, .!.. ,',' .!. ... I r f Ur tri. CMmt
tun. in r.iit-ij m.l .s-.m ner (.W.'iui id in ChiUrn ni
ii.iiilis. A thian, ALL,
N" Iv tl' .1 l:.l- I een ( ter.'.l In the puhlie till trtr
-"rii l,nh' a rfrtni't mil ..'ent in rnrrrai'iir ALL tht in
l i.h iilHl ir knr..-f.i anil ivrrimhiri'hi , tl,,.. ieunilu tel
i:ii.4 vy.s' rri.M.iAttr n n..i v. it mskei no a,f.
fei, nee win tii'-r .i.-i.n eiu: nt t.e ticntrttnen. tzcttt,
or o!h-r i-i-i-ltuutl xc.aknr-it It l'.( ill.Al Ils
Mreiwhiniig tu- m. e(".i.'i:if tit cir,-i:fo!wn, tnj
mnthi'w nnd (in.iWiuf NLHVOl'S IhlilTAiilUTi. St
our 1'itmyhh's Inr p.- i. i'.
A Dyh-3 W onian Cured f
We st.ite ties cure to prove the neiivr to tnri Hit lhsa
this I1AI.SAM is ii . .1. , , ,i .tl.r Iti. person tin$Utnd
ly p'.vn. uu nnd h.i i ,i- lo he In t!,e ;u-l Utifn ,, dinsM
seti: , 1 y ilviw i.i.d 'his i s e j , gmt 1, ,h.
r.n,J en.l ', ,.,: , ,' ..,., ,., y, ... parlic.
I-ir.. ..I t, nie. m,. ... iv -i: .; t!.:f uiu HniaUHd proof
nf n i'i.- i i: i iiia,: iK-e. i.uj ia-.t,, we leler lo oar
This euro wss efl-r' d ra, Mrs. 7.V.K DVKL'.MAM. of
Pit.lriin Si. S.trutfta r, . .V ' We ran prove, hesond
a ihei'.l. -ae'iv nil:, v. ao'i.ii.' f,n.'!. n hnpel-ss rrni .sum-nrr.-i.Ve;,.,
. i.l t.'.iHch -niil ...fnM(mif rfltliD,nhitk
were i ii'inti.n.'e.l inrur. 'e l y ;i.iriti;ni,.
Set Ihe cuie of I t. ll iihurd, nfr'tamtorJ. (.'(., aiitl others.
Dyspepsia !
! e e:
' . . S. Y..
S li i.' or iiiercl.imr. of Attics, VVys
n:.n. mi'.e. in our 1'Hinphieti.
Dysentery Si Summer Complaint
In ri,,;.';,.., 1 A ,! ,,. o.v.,.,, ,.,., . (-MI.;V chOdr
, . I?'' ,""J Ritov rapiills,
J ? x A- . , ,
' :' "" :r" ' l''v''' rf h'r ehiM li
V"Ur ,!.V-'r ';";'.'? w" '' "'' ;1,'"V 1 1RAV'
I IV, 1. .il.) s., ,.,:,t, ,. h slluutd bav
Itr i.- o.-a, g i ia r tiii'ii tne iiniiiiniy dotea.
, I '" ' " a i '' I.: J ".i.'ltrian bar
.''- -a- i-: iniAN : .- vntnci.Miu :
I'i. '1 IP :;,;.M: ii., (
Dr. J. S- s'l! 1,1. V. Hi.-i I. ,S. V.
Pi. !.. l- 'MSN, l.t.' ll-mv v.reet. I;muK!tb. K. T.
in. r m in-:, p. ,,.,,,., s y
Ur lill'l. H! M j l'-;., n. Coua.
Ur. Clin niiiti.n.a. l; N v.
I':- s. will fi; i r .1 s y.
t'r. l. It. (iVI.i r. l'.sn. l;..r., v. Y
IV. J I). Mill".! IN. 1 .in itrvill,.. V. V
ill.'.'! VN. Co:-.: ,ii.l. N. Y. '
I'i 'II fVI.r. Hi' J ha W. l'i..ia;
Marv V Mi "'l)
J h i II P',' a
ua'airy P
N riUiiaibsraui4.
Miil, a.
it i
P aisr.-ire.
M.-l'.w CIIHVI.1.
Nt v llerlin,
l..!v.uil A k'-i:;,.ir
Ail tin (. "in !i I
1 t-f. - .V. Ma- ra.itk,
V )' I p., I
j p y. .'i'i -1 , .
r'.-lw.r.t i. n.
I'a r:..a ,V It ,.-,
S J I r M".
W. II 11 ;!.. v.
i:. i. i.eitz j i. i n. t v-
Jll ."inlnirr
A ii !.!'.'. .i .Ti l nr.l. ri m:. a be aiUrrsxal lo VVallM A
Co . p4l llrnaiKv:,-.-, ..-v York.
!', July -JI. l-t-1 IV.
Kqiiitaiilc Life Iimiraiice, Annuity
and Ti-uit Company.
nri !: !. 71 AI.Ni I STUKI'.T. nill.ADI'.I.PHU.
i'ai'it vi. si-,.1 enn. I ha a rF.a lVheK riAL.
"1111'. f.
;, :,: ;.-:ti li n ivv irc;ari'il to trnilHar-t buiinew
in i lili' :il lout lelv nii'ae i:. mi terms. Thar
e-evc, i..: .1 l-,-I,, ,r .-liiu'er (s.-t-i. Mi -l make all ar.4
' f. ,-. i, ,.ra : .. ., rei.i.i, l , n.i- i:.,s .i vvlulever kin4
.1 ii t:i,''-. -ii"! ' , r. ... -vi- mi l -V"-ii! !rn-.v inal, eatlow
I i. "-.-.:, t i . ur:.,,; ,'i,l .ti:i'ii,ti-aina.ii i.-s.' 'i'!i Coia
: ..i.v - ' :in.ii:::.w l.i '. ,-.'.-ii,..ii-a. aaj ai:t as TruilaM
, 1 'T lin:r T'l ll'i.t lit i.v
'' l': "
L le 'l 1 1-
ni - I ii Hi'c ol" S10U for
i 1.- l-llll nl l.i:c.
jV- i P ' I I A-'. I Pr.ui. I f l'rein.
In I I '' ' ill I J I'll 49 ' 3 3
i- I t ' i i:.' -' i 'i -it run
Is I I .'.:i I I a-j'i .(! 3 6i
l' i I .v I al I -j-jr ti 3:7
; 1 '' i i 'J it-t 'ti 3 m
I i' i ! a.i -' in 51 4 13
: I " in I a -it 5-j 4au
'-' I I I '.' ' I 'J at 6.1 4 SI
'-'I i 1 3-.I t'l S4 4 71
- I 4o TO M 4 Bl
- ! 1 - . 41 2 -I 5ri i 13
-' , 1 ' 43 -Jtej 67 iXt
V 't'l 11 act M i!4
v.' ll" 41 at'.' ill S 7t
"J I V i'l . 3 v:t CO 03
Ti..' ; :'L-i',i.iii. r,ir 1, s Iii .a any ia!' r inijknuy, and Iks
,i .;.,.. a : ni :.,.'., J; : , ::.., s. 'i'..i:!ra . liuli-yearlf
.nuns. Ii.ta er. ,!;! r;-!i-s nl preinunn. ahort
! ir . .- i.i; s an I i 'i li.vviueals ; alao,
n (' r ve, ii 11,. ie aie luank shet'la') ar
I ..-; ' I ,
a, ni n a' I ,u i .iliee, ..r Uv letter to US
.1 II i'l 1 ; 1 1 V . r-ni:!.i;i--.-
I.' . r - r.-.i !v.i-nNu i o-i ea a iai;ld I.ifa
j r,,r 1 v,
I "I
r , v fju.
I. :.l
Kcr Iafa.
5. D4
6, tli
. : :
- i.
"! 1 v.m.s inst l.irth dtr, If
. wviiM -iir-f ii lui mini if
t"ner;ii ; .r t-r js,u0 tie
Ol I" l'f -1
i !;.
It 1
. -.ii
; "f I r 11 ;! I T Srvt-il VMrs
i:i slH(:ti (.' 'tti.t t..- t..t? nt H'-vm yam; or
lii.i :i':.- t! tt.;'- !ih- In- nviirefc IttUO to b
.' T.i' i., r ' . Mitiiy in' own U.nui,
hi .ti. i :.!: ,'i ( :imim iioui thnecluirpea
I'.-t f ty it) the Ik lis would receive $3L09
iw -;u .
-ti i 'ii ;n,l nil i nr' f''ti!.tr nuiv ( hod at
I.V .i
Hit -i
the !
ri'.TI-.K i.M Li.i:.N. l'rc.idem.
IN ! WM M liv !;-..
I'i, in. - . K wvi.i:. S 'r - n m: I Troasnrrr.
Oi- M,t i .vi I'i". -n i I r. J II. M-tn'-cr, Smilmry .
J. 11 I'i i.i v. Si. ,ii ur , A.'iit i ;r .N TUunuuvrlaJid coma
ritlli!,.irv, .In
Lt uvv ;Cs c:s! ii ol' Jamaica Gin
Prepared lit I rid. ml; Brown, at his
Drill and Clf-iniial Store, Sorth East
Cornrr of Ft Oh and Chestnut
streets, I'mladi Iphia.
1111". I'.i-enee is a i ii iiaratioii ol' unuaual an
eiieiue'viirieil propel lie-i. In all rase
where a p iwerfiil ami site .s'.itniilant U rei'uired,
it i uiiiivalie.l Inr i iiieaey nswi llas llniueJiate
,u 'linn. To I'le tr.ivelle; anil to tlie family circle
it is invalualile, a-a lew ilroj s ililnieil in augar and
water piesetit u i-ai'e an. I aereealile remedy to th
invaiitl who ivijt;iie iiuiueiiiaU. relief, a well
to tlie ei iivale-eiin; patient who neeita grnlla
loiiif. In a '.ii.iliern eliniale, where the relaxa
tion nl' the s .-lei,i generally inilueea thirst aur
sliinnlant i. it will nlvv.ivsl.e lonnj an excellent
siilisiitute llim-e lempltn '.leverages wiiek, Je.
I ililate tiie sti.nnii-ii an, I cause u iin;;ln t.0Jition
of lis , ,. ers. In dy. if. ,vUxMiom o
lion, K ,n iu;sea auJ - .,.M,,,llf it , lctjv.
and sale as v e l nsa ,,1,.,,,, allJ .fre,,'llg re.
II"''") , and is pres, ril.ed hv the most eminent of
aie il.e.lii-al l.u ulty.
A supply i,f the uhovo reccivej and fir tale by
11. li. Masser. Sunl urv.
April il, Isjii, t;.,,
f 1 VSU TO i: CN I- The piciutsea on M"a7.
Let ureet, lately occupied hy pinnon Marl.
.sunri.iiy, April 0, 1S00.
YVIinr. CKANDY for Pra.rinf bruadj
Jjeachea ol eu excellent quelity, for aala