Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 27, 1850, Image 4

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2UtJicrUaHtoM lntttr.
ToCouiuPine to Imitats Black Walnvt
Every kind of wood is easier coloreJ than
pine, because there is so much rosin in it,
which prevents the dye from entering; but
tho Scientific-American gives the following
directions for doing it, which may be new
to some of our readers: The pine should be
perfectly free of knots, (nsthoy will not color)
and a strong solution of hot logwood, boiled
in a vessel for throe hours, rubbed carefully
all over it, nnd then allowed to dry. It would
ba bettor to have a large vessel of strong log
wood. liquor, in which to steep tho pine for a
few days, such as an old niolnsses cask. Af
ter the logwood is dried, a solution of copper
as should bo applied in the same way as the
logwood, which will make the color quite
black. By using a strong solution of sumac
in place of the logwood, the wood will be
come quite dark when it gets tho copperas
put on it, but it will not have the rich appear
ance of the logwood color. By using alum
in place of copperas, a purplo kind of color
will be made upon the wood.
Highway Kobbery ash Horrible Mur
der. The Camden Democrat, of Saturday,
says that a person engaged in the oyster
trade between that city and V.-'g Harbor,
was most brutally murdered on his return
home, on Thursday night. It appears that
tho unfortunate man, driving his wagon along
the road, a few miles below tho Blue Anchor
Tavern, in Camden comity, (the night being
very dark,) his horses were stopped, and
himself taken from the wagon, nnd in the
struggle that ensued in the attempt to take
his money, his throat was cut from car to
ear. The body was then thrown into tho
wagon, and the horses driven into a thicket,
where they were discovered lied ttie next
Central Railroad. Tho Piltsbnrff Ga
zette has a letter from Philadelphia, in which
the railroad now in progress between the two
cities is thus spoken of: "lam informed by
the President of tho Central Road that the
Board of Directors havo ordered the whole
of the heavy work of the line (including the
mountain portion of it) to be immediately
put under contract. The President informs
me that the whole line with the exception of
some twenty-five miles, will be entirely com
pletely by the fall of 1551.
"Rhyming. A New York paper, some time
B20. published a rcpovt of a police case in
the following humorous style :
"Ono Christopher Twist ordered Hannah
M'Grist to stand still and be kissed. But
Hannah gave such a deuce of a shout, at
what Twist was about, that a watchman
named Top, came up with a hop, and march
ed Twist to a shop. But M'Grist not being
there, to the kissing to swear, Twist was
cleared by the chair, and madu tracks like a
Various pendants to this nppoared in vari
ous papers, but none more amusing I lia.11 the
following :
"Pray what's to be said on such a stiange
head, as belonged to this Hannah, whose
boisterous manner, so frightened poor Kit out
of his wit, that he gave up tho job soon as
knock'd on tho mob?
"Why tho instant sho inUs'J him she
wished sho had kiss'd him."
Sheathing Smrs with Zinc. It appears
that no less than 1400 French vessels are
ehetthed with zinc, and 101 English, and
since the first of January, forty American
vessels have been sheathed, and the orders
are increasing. The zinc, it is stated, will
last six years, and sometimes nine, while
copper is asserted to last only four, and yel
low metal threo years. Zinc is 6 i cents per
lb., copper 22, and yellow metal 17 4. There
is abundance of rich zinc ore in Lehigh coun
ty, and preparations are being made to turn
it to account. Miners' Journal.
The Nicaragua Route to tub Pacific.
A contract has been made with a celebrated
builder for a light draft steamboat for the
river navigation on tho Atlantic side of this
new route. Sho will carry ubout 250 passen
gers, and an elegant barge is to be built to
be towed by the steamboat, to carry as many
more. Postcoachos will be put on the other
end of the route so to fonn a comfortable and
rapid means of communication between tho
Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
Good advice to every body
If wisdom's ways ynu wisely seek,
Five tilings observe with cure ;
Of whom yon speak, to whom you speak,
And how mud when, mid where.
Bran for Manure. Wheat bran is said
(o be a good fertilize for corn. Funnels arw
using it in the State of Deluaware w illi great
success. A handful is put in a hill. The
bran is first put in and covered w ith a thin
lajer of soil, after which the corn is dropped
on top of it. Fermentation of the bran taken
place, which produces tho result refeired to.
It also operates well on wheat St. Mary's
Paste that is Paste. Dissolve nn ounce
of alum in a qtiait ot warm water; when cold
add as much flour as will make it tho con
sistence of cream; then strew into it as much
powdered rosin as will ttutid on a shilling,
and two or three cloves; boil it to a consis
tence, stirring all the time. It will keep for
twelve mouths, and when diy may bo soften
ed with water.
Something to think about The eutire
sum ul money raised by the churches of Ureat
Biilain for inissiunaiy purpose is about SI,.
750,000, by those of Auieiica f 750,000: nia
ing together, $2,50000; und yet this sum
scarcely equals the uuiiuul gilts at Kalee's
Temple, Calcutta.
. Salt Mink Discovkby. A sail mine has
been discovered near Woodstock, Lower
Canada. It is said ihe mine will yield suffi
cient to supply the w hole of Western Canada.
Mr. Calhocm married, in 1S1I, Miss Flo
rida Calhoun daughter of John Ewing Cal
houn, for many yeas IT. S. Senator from South
Carolina. By her he had seven children--five
out and two daughter.
"I'.ncoiirnfte Your Own!" 1
it a as &iu:xx.
'T'HE subscriber respectfully cnll tho attention
of the public to their large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which rnnnot fnil to recommend itself tocvery one
who will ciamine It, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be had in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscrilieri are determined to keep up with the
mnny improvements winch nrn constantly Doing
made. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Sofas, Olvnn nnd I.ouneoi,
jjurrmts, Sccrrtarfrs, Sfiicbonvis,
and also VENETIAN DUN 1)3, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
nrluding varieties never before to be had in
Suubury, such ns Maiiodaxt, Dlaik Walnit
axd Maflc (irki'IA ; ami W unison
CHAIRS axi rAxrr Pi ami Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to le excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
he no excuse for persons ti purchase furniture in
the cilics. as every confidence can lie entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will bo disposed of on ns good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Couiv
trv Produce taken in payment for work.
't$K LNDERTAK1NU attended to on reason,
uble terms.
IV The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite. J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weavers Tavern.
Stinburv, April 28, IP10 tf
No. 30 North Second street, opposite the
Madison Ilwtsc.
rrlIE subscribers would call the attention of
JL Country Merchants ami Milliners to their ex
tensive assortment of fashionable Scrino ami
SomtK UoxMiTS ami H vts of the newest styles.
Also, a large and general assortment of French
and American Artillcial Flowers, Kibbous, Crown
Linings, Oil Silk, Wire, Cjuillinirs, Buckram, &c,
which thev offer lit prices that defy competition.
N. 13. Palm Leaf Hats bv the case or dozen.
W. M. & J.E. MA I'LL,
Bonnet and Hat Manufacturers,
30 North Sd street.
Philadelphia June 3, 1849
FTMIE subscrilier would most respectfully in
JL form iiis friends and a generous public, that
he is manufacturing the best quality of
in nil its varieties, nnd is prepared to sell a little
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union.
He is also importing und dealing most extensively
which he oilers on the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries ore on Uond street north of Fay
ette, and China store nnd dwelling at No. 8, E.
Baltimore street.
No. 8, E. Daltimore street,
Uai.timp.iii:, Maryland.
February 2, 1830. ly
Xo. l.'l i ln'siml street,
(Opposite the Arcade)
1 ANTFACTl'RERS of their improved style
Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and
Solid Riveted
which took the only first premium, awarded by
the Fianklin Institute at their last exhibition.
H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, thai they have now on hand, a beau
tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va
lice Trunks, llonnet Uoxes, Cup Cases, Curpet
Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Patent Lcathor lings, with every articla
in their line of business.
IV Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.-
BEINtia progressive and Comprehensive Sys
tem of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including
a variety of definitions, udaptcd to the use of
Schools in the American Republic, by Alinon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's expert
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, &c.
The attention of Teachers, School Dtrectors,
parents, &c., is invited to this new Spelling liook,
which conforms to the modem spelling und usages
in Orthography as being one of the iicutest, cheapest
best arranged, and belter adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the I mini
Slats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Hook and not a Reading Liook, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the I'nited States. Just published, and
for sale by 111: Mir Masskii, Kunbury.
W here Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1849.
MI NN & Co, publishers of the "SCIENTI
FIC AMERICAN," have favoured us with
a Phamphlet containing the Patent Laws of the
I lilted States, touelher with ull the tonus uecessa.
ry for applying for a Patent, information in regnrd
to tiling cuveuts, W illi remarks on its uses, etc., a
mount of fee required ut the Patent Ollice, and
eerv other information thnl is necessary to instruct
a person in making his own applications.
Price 1-4 cents single, or lv copies fur one Jo
lars sent by mail to any part of the I'nited States. MINN & CO., New-ork.
March 10, 1319.
Win. ii. Cochran & Co.,
V liolrsule and It null,
No. 72 Huiiiuf Street, Philadelphia.
AVE always on hand a very Urge stock of
ines, Liquors and begurs, ol their own
iuiurtation. More keepers, Hotel Keepers, and
private gentlemen, will be supplied on the must
liuerui terms.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.
STONE milk Put., stone Ju-a and 1'itrhera.
lid uther article of aluno wnre jutt receive J
and fur sale by JOII. W. Mil LI. Mi
uulury, June St, 1849.
1 lot on hand and fur aale hy
funbury, April 6, 1650,
TJAISINS, currant, citron, chew, ppnr
anuc, &c. for aula !y J. W, rKlLlMi
8unlu7, Dec. 2, 1848,
HESrnCTFL'LLY informs the citisens of
Danville nnd the public at large, that he has
located In Danville, Slid is now prepared to prac
tiee Medicine and Surgery in nil its various bran
ches. He will operate on all the various forms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palato, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprises
all instruments in mmlem Surgery, of the latest
improvement and finest finish. He flatters him
self that mnny years' practice nnd experience will
tie a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel
disposed to employ him.
Ills residence is nearly opposite the Mmiteome.
ry Untitling, and next door to Isaac Rosen
bnnm's store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly.
VK. J. N. KEELER & I5ro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh stock of Hup-
lish, l'renci, German pnd Amciean Drug, Med
icines, Chemicals, I'miils, Oils, Dyo S lulls, Glass
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having
opened a new store No. 294 Market r't. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stock InMore purchasing elsewhere, promising one
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patrunngc, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, un as liberal terms as any other house in the
City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to us promptly nnd with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular phvsician.
affords ninplc guarantee of the genuine quality of
all articles sold at tlicir establishment.
We especially invite druggists nnd country
merchants, w ho may wish to become ngents for
Jlr. Ivrtlcr s Leibraled J amil i Medicine, (stall
dard nnd popular remedies,) to forward their ad
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wo respect-
lullv remain,
J. N. KEELEU & BRO., Wholesab Druogists,
No. 29 1 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 13, 1819 ly.
riHE Subscribers have on hand the largest as
1 sortinent of Wall Patths in the city of Phi
ladelphia, Wholesale and Krlail, consisting of
every variety suitable lor l'arlors, Lntncs, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, &c, which for quality and
st lc cannot be surpassed. Doing n cash business
we are enubled to sell a better article at a much
lower rate than any store doing a
On hand, n large assortment of Winn Pait.ii,
for Curtains. Fire Prints, liorders, eve, which w ill
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. 11, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 1 12 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 26, 1919. ly
A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LEKV.uf sulcby
No. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8i North
Till IID Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers A Sons,
Wostcnhohn's Greavc's W. If S. butcher's und
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, (inns, Pistols, and Howie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Cum Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
J'hilailelphia, June 9, 1819 ly
Conmif rated SarsniniriUa
For the cure ofTctlrr.Srrofuln. ErvsipaKis, Pilrn,
C hrome Kluuiniitisiu nnd ull tliHorcVra of the
Illoml, Morruml Disease, Arc.
T in reromitu-iiiU-d to lh ifiiui8 ami others, as
the KtroncreKt preparation now in use, and en
tirely dillereitt from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle ot the Nirsa
parilla, hut iulended to deceive the public. Fur
aale by M. A. McCAV, Northumberland.
cure Sprains, Uruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
all complaints requiring an external remedy, I
is highly usclul in spavin, I urh, hmgboue, still
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &e.
It has also Itoen used with great success hv per
sons alllicted with Khcumatisni, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by V. Marshall, Philadel
phia, und for sale by M. A. McCay, Northuiulwr-
Philadelphia, May 0, IS 19. ly
'PUG sulisorilicr hua just rrceivrd a new supply
of the best liquors tlmt ever came to .Vuiiliury,
coiisihtiiu; in part of
Superior oul mti Dranily.
riue t'oRiiiiio Dninclv.
Superior Did Jninaica Spirit.
M. I)m;lainl Hum.
l'iur llolluiul (iin.
Superior Old Whiskey
L'uiiiui.iti do.
Suierior .Madcria Wiuc.
' Liil.oii do. do.
Superior Tort W ine,
liurguudy I'ort do.
Sweet Malaga Viue.
Superior Claret Wine in Lottie.
( .liuiapi.gno do. do.
.Sunl.ury, May 2G 184'J.
lirocciies ! Groceries ! !
t:orro. & Co.
S. II'. Cuni- r Arch Gtk Street Philadelphia,
I FI'KK for sale to the inli ihitniitH of Sunl.ury
v und vii iniiy, l'uinily (iroeerien of the very
fir.est ouality eoiiHisliut of
Extia Kine, Superior und Couuinm Green and
Li lurk lean.
( 'oll'eea of ull kinds and pi ices.
Suirars of every kind.
ltiee, 1'ariua, Sao, llominy.
All kinds of choiee l'r kleo, Saneea, Ketehiii,
Olive l)il, Preserves, e., warranteil to lie of the
very finest urles in the market and at the
cheapest rates possible.
AW oods carefully packed and promptly for
warded. COLTON ci ft).
8. W. Cor. Arch & 6th tit.
Pliila. Oct. 58, 1SI9 rheSin ly my 2(1,
L A U 1) LA M 1 S.
No. 1U Urauut Bit ,
EsriCCTKl'LLY unnounce that they have
just finished Ihe mott extensive assailuient
ihey have ever ofl'ered for sale, comprising
liUAL.Iv MIS, I'fcMIA.MSS, ilAN 1 KL.
In great rarielv, and of
OKICilNAL UEslti.N.S'.
Much atleniiou haa Ueii paid to ECONOMY',
in the construction of these Lamps, and lueh are
inadu aa will produce the greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of Lard.
liecent improvement in the manufactory, wilh
the inlroductiun of new and perfected machinery,
enai.lca tliem to acll at every tiltKA 1 IvrJUl U.
T1UN from former prices, and all article before
leaving the muiiufactory, are carefully inspected.
and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis.
Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly
f t - ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering glasses, for sale at the erliee ot
the American.
Tn prrsftiitiiiff Hie pulilir with n rrmwty for the trwittnetit
X mid cure n i- kw.k and aottk nun other bilious itinrnur.
no nnolnirv iieeflfH. Vnst mimlier in the rnit'tl States
who Piiflcr from tlicP nfTrrtinim in their vnried forms, lire
cotnnelk'il to m-ek re.lirf from other sources 1hmi the imine-
dinte. pro?H'riitiimH of the retrtilur phynieirm. It lieeornei
therefore nn nhjeet of humanity, nn well ns of public inter
est, to hrinir before them n ri-nirdy prepared fiom much ex
perience, nnd which niny always Ite relied upon ns afk,
such is the true character of the INDIA CIIOI.AttOni'K.
in amply Attested hy the universal sacccss with which it hns
Deen empioyen.
tW T'xtrnet from n eomnnmicnti'ii of the Hon. Wtr
lu WoooBBiDGK, of tlie U. 8. Senate, Inte Governor of
Detroit, Oct. 31, lf-40.
Doctor CriAlu.F 0nofrt,
Dear Sir. I have reail with much interest, your little
Trakatik upon the ''cmisrs. trcntnirnt nml cure' of the
febrile tlwuM-s which have s.t extensively prevmM in our
country durinc the last lew months nn interest incrciincd
in d mU, hv the fur t 1 hat I hnve iiidividtmllv mittVred t
much from them. Thrmieh I feel myself very inconipetent
M jiidire stilt ly U)mi a subject si cntirelv professional, yet
your llie:wy seems to me well rens tned. nml your ciu lu
sions iut, nnd I think withnl, lhat your (Uimplilet is calcu
laird to produce much practical eooil.
Sn)kmfr of tlie medicine he says : It fully justificclyoar
iiiiuei ihe rspreun n'lis. iinu its r isnr, coiivt-iiiriii. nun p"pii
Inr remlv, mv own rtpfrience, so fur, induecs mc to he-
licvethnt it will proven preat public tw-nefit. I inn nlcnsed
to Uwni ilmt vou hnve recently estiiblishctl several nuencies
fir its dis)wsitioii though I regret that, with a view to n
ni'r ceneral diseiniuation of it, you should have found it
necrswtry to remove from your present residence among us.
i mi nnicn rtspei'i i nave tne n m r to im, sir,
Vonr obliged servmit,
Wll 1,1AM lKHltUll)OF..
Fro'n Tfon. Ptcphf V. R. Trowbruige, of Mkhi
pan SUite Senate, to ihe Agent nt lJeiroit.
llRMINiIlAM, AhT,A?(n t-'c)., Dec. 1.1. 1 f 1 1 .
Sir yon wish me to inform von what I know of Dr.
(blood's India Choi itrwie, or nnti-hilious medicine. I do
believe thnl if the virtue and effienry of this medicine were
ceiisruiiy known, the ffvkr a.nd auie would disappear in
I piocured s Ivittle in the sprine of 1eU, nnd have fffod
raistai to believe, lhat unseh iind fiiniily escaped the ague
insi seitson in couseniicncc ot its use.
Perhaps in no siunm 'i since the settlement nf this fine
peninsula, has the fever nnd ague lien so prevalent us the
last. I have recommended tins medicine in numerous in
Blnnees, and when the disease had heroine fixed find liallled
the skill of phvtuHans: nnd I have never known it (ml. I
has universally pnx lured the most happy ctfreis, mid I bet
if vr it lm never In-en c.rccthd by any luciiu uit' ill reim
Vinit the bilious dife;if.-s of the climate.
Yours, rcsiie'-lt'iUv.
sti'imii'a v. it. Titrm'Twifinn.
Atrent for Siinhury II. II. MASSI'.K; ori!iMni!.ertrnid
WiTIMXC.TM.M - IV; Mi,l m, J. II. ItASLK; Sclias-
ffroVr, .MAi V IU,1SK.
.May ilt IMHtl'
ldgratlliiilc is Ihe basest l line of
W n ore not nnimicf tlial rna of Kilitnn who
for a few iliilhr will, (nt tlio cvllCllfl ofl rutli
nml honosty) "crack ii" an nrtii lo ami lirinn it
into rujMil snip ; hpiiIut are we tvillini; tn remain
fulfill, nllor IniMiii; tisti'd tho utility of nn iin
lirovniHMit or ihsrovi ry in wiriicc or art. Our
rcuuVrs ill recollect vc toUl lliein wc wore un
well with a ore throat imj violent cold some few
weeks aeo. cl, wc jiurchased I wo hotlles of
and no midden was the cure, that we furiiot we
ever hint a cold. Tho?c w ho aro ulllirled, may
try it upon our rccoiiiiuendation. Leui'sloit Tdt
giuph. A fresh snjiplv of the nhove vtiltiaMe medicine
just received, mid for pule in Siiiilnuy, liy John
W. Frilinij, Mary A. MeCny nt Nortliiiiiiherliind'
and ut wholesale hy Krederick Klett, & Co., cor
nor of 2d and ( 'nllnwhill Blrects, l'liiladclphia.
l'hilaileliliia, fciit. S3il, 18I'J. H mo.
rv Hide (Ml anil Leather Store.
No. Ill North 3,7 St. 3 thvirs Mow HacrSt.
J hilinlclvhia.
HE tnilwcriliem oiler to the tanners on the
most f.ivoraMc Icrni.i their fresh iiiinorlaliuu
of Hides, ronislit.; of Dueiioa Avrea, l.ail ila,
CnraccaK, I.iijiuira, llium-Urv, Chili, Salted l'er
ainhuco and ull kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
Halted. Aluo, Oreen Slaughter. L)rv Salted", and
Dlack l)rv Katiia Kiiw,
AUo, Straiihts, and Hank oil and a cenerul os-
sorlinent of Currier' Tools.
They will wll or trade for Snanish or Slauuhter
I.ealhcr, the ahove Hides Kips, Oil ami Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
L ash paid lor Leather of ull kinds.
Philadelphia, May SB, 1819 ly
A cv ANNoi lmcnlol rn-Nli ;ooW.
TE.TECTFLLLV infonns hi frirmln, run
ttutiprs hiuI olborH, thut he Iihh just roceivoJ a
hmulsumc assortmrtit of
at hU btore in Market .Square in Suuluiry, But-li as
Dry Ciuods, Groceries, Queens
ware, Hardware, &c,
.Vuniiury, June 23,
fill KAT
1 OHN V. Fl.ILIXO lias jiit rcccivcJ at his
store in Sunliury an rxlrnsive assortinciit
NHW (.;)( )L1S, cfrvcrv variety which he is now
rcaJy lo sell or cxehitnge for jiroilui c ; unJ cuusist
ing in part of
Linen and Coton drilling, and sttmmn
wear of all kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, (Jixoham, Lawns, &.C
Muslins blrachei. nnd unlilcacheil.
Quccnsware and Hardware of all
Drugs Paints, and Dyrsti i-fs.
And a creat xaripty of other articles all of which
will he sold at the lowest terms.
ISuuliury, .May titi, 1819
(Late lie I lor K firopinnigli.)
IVhnIiIiikIoii, !.'.
DTiAWlNCIS ami jiuners for the Palcni.
Ollii'i', jiii'iaieil ami nil ihe necessary Im
siness, in relation to seeuriiio patentu, trans
acted, anu pi onin 1 y inieimeii to, at their ol
lien opposite ihe Patent Ollice.
October 28, 1818.
Kollcoto lellniioiiti.
VI.L ersons indebted lo the miWrilx'r, longer
tlmn six months, 011 nolo or book account, are
requested lo call and make settlement, or else their
accounts will be left with a iiiumxtrato for collcc
Kunbury, July 7, 1819, -
ilk HATS at $25, for sule by
Kunbury, Dec, S, 1848.
lent rcmeily tor couulis, colds, r or sals
at this olfics
1 AZOIIS A superior article for sale at the
store of HENHV MAlsSEH.
Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1850,
1 of every deseriptioa 0
ftLANKS of every deseriptioa can Is) bail by
mJ9 ;
spplyiag at the office ef tlie Aiuerieen.
THIfl F.straet Is put up in qnsrt hottles. It It six llmei
c hen per, plensnnter, and vnrrsntl superior lo nny
sold. It eurep diseases without vomitinir, purpinff, sick
ness, or debilitating the pntient, and is pnrticulurly sdapted
Ths grmt lenuty and superiority of this Anrsnpnrllla
other remedies is, whilst it erndicatesdiseute,
tt invifrnrntes ne body.
Consumption eired.
Clennse and Strengthen.
Consnmntion ran m rurro.
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Oomplnint, Colds, Conghs,
vaifirrii, Asinmn.puiiiigoi moon, oorenesn mine
Cheel, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Diffi
cult and Profuse Kxpertorntiun,
and Puiu In the Side,
At., Ac.,
hnve nnd enn le cured.
Prolnbly there never was tt remedy (list hns hecn so suc
cessful in desperate enses of eonsnmption ss this I it demi
ses nnd strenirlliena the system, nnd nnpcnis to neni the ul
cers on the Imifrs. and patients gnidimlly riguin their usual
neuun rum siruuifin.
Thrre ia tturrely a dnv nnnws lint there nre a number f
i'iukh i ronnnnipuon rrwinei im rnreii ny uic use n ur
iowiwii i mrma!itiu. i tie luiiownig wits rccenuy re-
ceivea :
Dr. Tmv?ficn Tenr Pir: Fit the bint tlir venrs
hnve been nlllieted with irpiirml ilchilitv, nml nervous pun-
vuinntinn of the Inst sinire. nnd did not expert t ever ruin
my hen 1th ol all. After going ttirotigh n etui rue of mediHnn
under the rare of some of the m mt diftinenihti rcpnlnr
Mhyniriniii nnd mein'eni of thr Hinl "I llenlih in .New
York nnd elsewhere, nnd upending the m"1 ol ni earnings
in nttempling to Ttviin my h.tlth. nnd uller rending in
some puper of ynu SurNtjNirillii I res tlv-d to try it. After
lining six l Hi I t'onnil it d"ne mc rc;it g'Hl. nnd eiUlel
U see yo nt ynur offiee ; with your ndviee I kept on, nml
do most heartily thmik ymi lor yonr ndviee. I pwvere in
Inking Ihe Snrsnpnrilln. nnd hnve iH-en Mile to nttend t my
iimiiiI bdnirs for the lust four mouths, mid 1 hope hy the
lilesnings of OoJ nnd your Kirsaptirilbi to e Hiiinne my
henlth. It helped me beyond the rjrpertntims of nil who
knew my ease. CIl AKI.l.S IjL IMBV
ranu', Kmcx m. N. J., Aug. H,
Slnleof New Jersey. Kwcx eiliril y, ss. Charles Quitn
by lieiug duly rvirn neeonting to biw, on his onth snith,
tint the foregniniT stiitenient is true nrfonlmg to the best of
his kiKiwInlLTt? mid belief. I'll Alt U-.S qt'lMBV.
Hworn nnd subscrilK-J to heforu me nt Orange, the 2d
August, 1.-47. CVKI S HAI-hWlM.
Jnstiee of tlie IVaee.
Rnd tltr f 'tlnviiig, nml sny thai CMiHuiupliou is in ineu
ruble if you can :
New York, April -23, 1I7.
Dr. Townskxd : I verilv believe that your Sars.ipi.riHn
lias lHen the means, throiurli I'mvideiiee, of Kiving my life
I hnve lor severnl yfiirs had it Uid e aigli. It beenme wree
and worse. At Inst I raised large iiianlilies of hl'xl, hnd
in;;lit sweats tuid was greatly dehilitated nnd reduced, nnd
did not expect tn live. I have only nwl your S tis'ip-iriiln
hut n short time, nnd there hns n wttnderiui elian-;ti been
wrought in me. I mil now nttlu to walk all over ttiei'iiy.
1 ruie no blotHf, und my rough has left ine. Vou tvtn well
iui'mine that 1 mil thankful tor thee results. Ynur o!ei.
cut servimt. V.I. Ii I SSi:i,Jf 03 CuUiarine st.
i.osT ni:n siT.i'cir.
The annexed certificate tt !s a simple and truthful story
of suffering and relief. There are th imriiids of similar ca
ses in this eiiy and Ilro klyn. and y t there nrr th
of parent let their children die fT '(vjt (f being humbuggt'd
or to twc a few sliiilmiiH.
Ilnrnklyn. fept. X 1-17.
Tr. Tovxkvp: t take plensure in slating, for tin tiene
fit of i how whom it may concern, thnl my (humbler, two
yeirs and mx ni"ir)is old. was inllieleil wilh general de
bility und loss of speech. She. wan given up n p ae-c-ivery
ty our family phymeian ; Ivit foilmiately I was re
("nnueinlel hy a friend to try your Sars.ii(in!i;i. lief ire
having iiM'd one hoi lie she recovered her speech and was
emMed to w-ik aloiif. to the itsi ' uishincui of ail win were
uivpiainted with the eircunistauees. Sin is now quit well,
nnd in much l-Mer ln-i h Ii than she has been f-r l" mou'hs
part. Jlsi;ill TAYHHt. l ork st.. HnHiklyn.
T( cmi.hHr.x s vvi:i.
Very few families in-leed in f-u-t we h.H e n -t lie.inl of
one that uwl Dr. T -wnsend's S irrfip:irilia fu time. I M
n:iy einiihcn lit. past Siuiuuer, wlole tli that Md n t,
s'ckeiietl nnd dinl. Tlie cercificate we puh.ia h- I iv ii
conciiiwvc eviilence of its value, ami is oul v aii"ther instance
of its srivtiiir t)i' live of childrni :
JJr. TowNr.l Dear Sir : I had two children cured by
your Sartupariiii of the ruuiiui r eonit'l.titit nnd d sentar ;
one was only 1 month old tin I III., otln r :i cars. They
were very tnucn reuuceti, nun we expeete-i i in y Woinu d;c ; ;
they were uiven up hy lw respeclalile p!inn iaus. When !
the d octor iuforiiiett us that we iniift I w them, wc re! '
Ved lo try your S-itHiiparill:t we bad heird s. min-h of. but '
had little onliilenee. tiiere Im-micki much stutr advert iscd 1
that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it
Uiidoulitedly Knvcd ihe lives of b th. I write thirt that ol li
en may be induced to ue it. Yours. rexpcctfuHv,
Myrtle-nvcnue, Bnv.klyn. Sept. L, 1-17.
GRKAT KK.MA1.I-: Mi:incii:. 1
Ph. Towxsknd's is n sovereign nnd speedy
cure for ineipu-nt consumption, and for the general pr"n;ia
liou of t ite system no mutter whelhej the it-Kali of inhe
renteause or causes, pnsluccd by irrey:iiliuily, ilhicts or ac
cident. Nothn g cm be mm surprising than i! i n v if.- umI iiir ef
fects rji the human frame. Persons nil wcaUuei'M ami la
siludc. from takntaf it at o-we Im'omic nliiift nndiu'l of
etit'tfy under if s intl'ieinv. h iiumedi itily couuier.ic'ti the
1ier i ier-Mie.jh of Uc ft male liann, Whkh is the yicat c vi-i
biirn niiesa.
It will ti"t be exneeted of nn. in cases nf to delicate a un
tftre, to exhibit ceriitientes oi enren pen'orui'-'l. hnt wc enn
lifuc'e the niiiietcd that hundred of rjrs: liave been ieptii
ted to n.
1H. Townjsfni.: My wife bein i'r-ti ly dir'treyed by
wc-ikiiess ui'd gmernl de'nlity, hiuI. .:iri 1 1 u c ut:ima i by
pa i a and with other iiiiie'iil' h-s, and havit:ir Lii.twn c;: s
wln'ir y. tir nulie:i has ttle:ed gnat cures; an ! also
hetirinc It recf.mmeiidcd for Mich cases nn I h:ive deseided.
1 untamed a t ft lie of your Kxlrnet ,.' Sars.ipinl!;i un.l f. -I-L'Wrtl
the (breeti 'i8 yiu gave inc. In a short period it
removed her -ompLinits and n-sioretl J,.-r to liesilih. Jfciug
gieat ful for the bene Ii IB she rcct-ivid. I take pleasure in
tliuaackuowttnlgiiig it, mid recommending it to the puhhe.
AlUmy, Aug. 17, ML for. Grand Sc Lydia sta.
No fluid r mcdiciiiit has ever Is-en disewcre,! which so
nearly rc-n-niblc the gastric juice or saliva in (h"onitoiiug
ftMKl and streimthciunt: the organs of diesti m :n iiu pre
paration of Sarwapnnllu. It pot it i ely cures every vab of
dyspepsia, however severe or chrome.
linuk I'cpmtiuent, Aiinuiy, my in, ihij.
Pr. Towiisend sir: 1 have lecn atllictcd for several
yesirs with d sepsia in its worst form, attended with ur-
liem ol nl tiuieh, I- appetite, extreme heart hum. nnd a
great avnuiou to nil kinds of fool, for wet ks. (what 1
could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a sntill portion
(Hi my stomach. 1 tiled the usual rentetlies. hut they had
but little or no etfect in removing the complaint. I was in
duced. nUiut two iiionilm Btuee. to try yo ir llxlraet of Sir
apiirillii. and 1 must say with little c iiifideuce ; but after
using nc;trly two ltlleii. I found my appetite rcMored and
tha heart bin n entirely removal; and 1 would earnestly re
coiumend the use of it to those who have been iillileh-d ax 1
hnve been. Yours, Ac, W. W. VAN ZAMT.
Agent for Sunl.ury JOHN W. 1 ' H 1 1 J ; Nor
thumberland, MAUV A. -McCAY: DuuvjIIc. W.M. A.
Aptil Xi, lMH ly
Agent for the sale of Southu-orlh Manufactu
ring Co't. Writing Pap rs.
Ware House, o. :i, .Minor Mi-rcl
100 --'! of the above superior Papers now
in store, and for sale tn trade at tin) lowest
market prices, consisting in part of
Fine thick Flat (,'ups, IS, 11, 15 and 10 lbs.
blue and w hite.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and white.
F.xtrasuiier anil Miner fine Folio Posts, blue.
(Superfine I'animericul Posts, blue and white
plain and ruled
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt.
Superfine and find Dill luM-rs, Inn and broad.
Superfine and fine Counliiig-1 louse Caps and
Posts, blue and w hite.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Cups and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Fus r lined blue llulll Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes,
"Lawyer's" Ur if Paieri.
Superfine and line Caps and Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, various quulitiea and prices.
Also, 1001) reams white end asserted Shoe Pa
pers, llonnet Hoards, whito and assorted tissue,
Ten, Y rapping, Envelope, assorted and bluo Me.
diuins, Cup Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c.
Philadelphia, .Nov. SI, 184U.
faOM & Willi:.
No. fill Chesnut-st, at the sign of the fluid
Thimble, between '2d. If 3d. sis., South side
I'lllLADI Ll'llIA.
AXrFACTL'HES and keeps constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fob
low nig articles, of a siiierior quality, at reduced
prices : (.old and Silver Pencils, do Thiinlilcs, do
Fiiurcr Shields, Silver Table, Zcscrt, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, rioup and Oyster
Ladles, do Comlis, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Priltannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &r.; liold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior
Everpoilited Leads, &r, Ar.
PhUadclphia, May 86, 1849
CHES An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual price by J. W. Fh'II.lNG.
Sunbary, July 7, 1T49
H aAhU'S celcbratej Horse and Cattle Medi-
Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1549
Jlni nil diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach tn both .Male and
Female :
Such CVmrtipotinn. Invenrrt Pilen. nt Blixxl to
Ihe llend, Artilitjr of the Wtoinnrh, Nhumh, llcnrt-lnirn,
iiiiim lor, t ullnrm or wt-mlit in theHtmnnrh. ftoiir
Krilclnlinni, Hinkinsr or Plnttcrtu nt lh nil of Ihe Stomneh
fwinnniii of llir Hind, llurrinl nml Dillicult HrilhiHf,
riMiirruiKin uie nrairt, I Iwikiiil nr Mimralnir wnmtliinll
when in a lyinir p,tiire 1)iiiiih-hi of Vision. Doll or welu
before the HinM. Fever nnd dull pnin in Ihe Hem), llenVien
cy of rerrpinMioi,, Yellnn-iiem nf the Skin nml Kyeil, Pnin
in the Sule, Hni lc. Client, l.iiiibn, tic, Snil.len ffinheii of
Henl, llurniiur in Hie rii-h, Connlnnt linngiuiniiii of evil
and great ueprcMiun of Npiritu Cun lie efleetunlly curel by
Celchratcd German Uittcrs.
Their r"Wer over the almve diseases is tint excelWl if
equalled by nny other preparation in the Tinted Stntei I
hs the cures attest, hi many cases after skillful physiciaui I
hail failed.
Derangement nf the I.iver nnd Jtnmnrh nre sniree of
Insanity, nnd will nlso produce disease nf the Heart, Skin,
Lungs nnd Kidneys, nnd lays the Imdy open to nn attack of
the Cholera, Hili nis, nr Yellow Kevcr, nml is grueially ths
urst cause oi tnai most iKineim (iisease, ionjtunpti' n,
Opiniojis of the Philnthlphia Press,
Der-emlrci rtlst Rtvs:
AN IWALUAHLK Al KIHC1NK. We have fr.ueutly
heard the Olehnitcd lienufiii Hitters. maiiuiM-nind b lr
1 l'Mtf ImikI. spoken of 111 terms of commeiidn! i n, nnd we
know deservedly im. It isa tfwi con n n hi pr:.eti;-e. in cer
tain quartos, to pull' nil nianuei of useless inih, but in tha
nbovc Hitters, hundreil, ure living wi'in-pnes of iheir great
m trnl and physical worth. Asa medicine of the Liver
Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility and D spepnia, it
hns beti fonuil invaluable, t'lfectiiig e'nres and th -r 'tighlv
eradieatinir ilisiiseji, when nil other m-diciues have failcif.
We feel convinced. m i,t tf. ,,( (. (irrurm Hitters,
the patient d"erit bee ine debilitated, but conftamlvnaiiis
streuirth nml vigor to the frame a fact worthy ol great
and can he administered under unv circumstances, tn the
mofit delh-ue tomar h. Indeed, t lit y can Ite use I hvall per- I
s ms with the inoft per feet sjitety. It wn!d be well for
who nris much uilectiil in the nervous system, tn j
e iinmener with one tea sioni"til or hs. and gradually In
crease. vtespeaK trom experience, ami are ot course, n
proper jndire. The press f ir and ide, have united in re
coinineudiiig the fierman Hitters, and tn the utHieleu we
most cordially ndvise their use.
.Line J ! 1 1 1 mvs:
' DO Ol'R f:f lOU t'rnJ'NS who nre invnlhls. know
the in my ast.onishiui: cures that have been performed bv .
Dr. Ilnoilliiutrii IVIebratnl (ierinin Hitlers? If Ihey do j
u t, we reeoiuineud Iheui to t he "(iernian MctliciiiH Siore,''
all who ure atliieted with Liver Compl.iint. .laimdiec. Dy.-4- :
pepma, or Nervous Dciniity ; the Doctor has en red many of
our ei'iens after th hi . "ph sieians lnd tailed. We have 1
used tiieiii, and I hey l..i f proved to lie a medicine that every :
one sli Mild kuownf, uiid we cannot refrain givnur tmr tcs
tun Miy in their favor, mid that which giveji tie in greater j
cliiini up.'ii our hmuMe ilV'it, I hey are entirely Ve-ieUiblo.
'Vf .potk kiiMW-iMuly hi" H..Mn:.Mir., r.r.;ir:i!'il Cu r.
m:n. Hit:. -is, wlfti w c it-.v il is;. I'lrssii". ol' this i.u'c: ii!:tl
il. .li.:ucaof Hie,-.i-v. ,li..,-..i,-M n.i.l V..r,-o.tS..-l..,p. il I
htis.Mt we tiimk utl ci:t;il. It ii. II Yi.-t:il!.- i'ri-ti:ir.-r ion, !
Mll'l 111'..).' .t'i'li. ml I!... I., I n...l I- ......1.1 r. 1,,M.I itnawrlbv ir c .nli.,-cc. !
I'oT w!". vil !.-H-iV. :i;i I ri'lrWI. :t tile nrilir-ipal Hi';, it.
(il'.ltM .MKDIl l.NI-; S'RIIIi:, No. V.ti Arch bireet, ;
PIllillllllji'liT. ,
For s. .- I. v M. McCAV. orth'ini!,.-i' .i,. nut Sun-
Imry au.l r'-.pfct:iljlo tlcsilira gL-neriiliy tl.roiiglrjul tlm
Api.l 51, 1MI1. ly
The Pupil's friend and 'l'etvhrr's eomfjrt.
rrm: coi.rMr.iAN CAi.rn.ATou. This .
wurk is iilrently introduced into aome of the (
best Acml.imies intil u Inr.'C iiuihIkt of School.., ;
where its nc hns uiven dci iili'd nml universal f.i
lisf;iction. both to teacher nnd pupil. It is purely !
American in its diameter, bnieil upon our own 1
hciiutiin! rlrriaril sitt'm of ctt i rt nnj. l! contains ,
nunc, the itrran-ieiticnts ure beller, und il is the ,
easiest and cheapest work nflhe kind now in use; i
and it is so considered by hundreds of the most i
competent teachers and men of science in tile 1,'ni- ,
on, who have recommended it, It is the book, j
particularly nnd evpri's!y prepared for our Aim-
t tffll irmirs : Jly A' l:lu!) Ti , Jlfr.
Til K Vol Tit's ( 'ill. I M Ml A ( ' 1 1. 1 Tl. ITOII. 'J'llis
volume contains !H p tires, wilh about 11(10 rx.iiu
plcs for solution oti the slale. It etnli.tccs tile
runilatiieolal Kuli s, Conipound IvtiU's. simple
and ('oiniound Keiluction, iu!c Kulc nfThrci,
Proportion, ir.
'i'lCK Noil's A IllTMMllTtr I. 'f II T.I -I. is dcsl tiled
for the tec of yottn.rcr classes in tii.i lion's of i!:c
I nitdl states. A In' uitmil little li.c.1; an-l pica -itiLf
to children, and the only toie oftlie kind of any
Thrre arc Keys to both Arithmetics hound siu
rIc or double, for tho convenience of teachers, in
w hich Ihe solutions of ihe questions are siven with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Keys are the most complete works ofthc kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, ubout two
hundred examples in .Mensuration, &c, for the
use nf the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above books examined, nnd no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha
have ever been published ill this or any other
Although issut sVbut a few months, thev have
aireany neen iniroiiucea into tne iMuiit t'uhlic
.-..unois 1.1 .icv 1 ui n v i 1.1 ull inu .iiuuin
public and private, except two, in the City of
Kendimr. Also, in ubout twenty Acudamies iu the
Mate ol tViiusylvii.iia in a law portion ot the
eunooia.,, . ""'":''." V y '
I. alt caster, fillil lit tlie lloroilirlis nf 1 1 .irristinrir.
York, ChambershurK, Lebanon, Dny lestuwn, Pott.s-
' r. - -
ville, tlrwissburir, c, eve.
For sale by II ex it r M asskii, Suubury, Agent
for Northuniberlaiid County.
Suubury, Dec. 2, 18IS.
RAZOR si'Rors.
riHIS Powder is warranted far superior lo any
1 thin-' iu Uic for iiuiiartiiiL' a keen, smoothi'dne
to iuzur.s, rurgical liistrumeiiis, ana all kinits ol
line L i TLiiiiT ; it may Ik' applied to any kuiJ of
strop. Also sujH'rior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, bv
Depot of Fine Razors, ."strops, Hrushcs, and
Cheap Fancy floods. No. IS Houtll Filth street a
bove Chestnut Philadi Iphia.
Piiilaiiclpiiia, Feb. 15th, I?-l5.
This may certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared wilh IIAYNEs' MAtJIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal muniicr, that there is nothing cun Ihi
found that will produce the same cll'cct in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find il superior U any hcjeiuiure in use. I can
truly say thut I never knew what a sharp razor
was lieforc.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Sale Maker, 41 S. Third st.
PiiiLtnrLPiiiA, October, ISIS,
A very hard beard and tender luce has compel
led me to seek uud munv contrivances design
ed to make shuviiig easy und pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use of the Manic
DIAMOND PtlWDER, sold by Alfred Dennett,
and R ousscl's isliuviug Cream. Their united pow er
act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn lieurd, vilhoiit irri
tating the skin or teniicr of their owner.
J. CO.Y, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at this ollice Price S5 cts. per Uox
.Noveinltr Si, ISIS bin.
Taluable ItooltN,
1IFE or Chuist, handsoinely bound, D'Ac-
11 Hi Mi's IllSTOIT OF THK It 1 HI K M ATI O N ,
Hun DAi-auoKS iin Leiili:hs, full hounded.
For sale at the publishers prices by
Suubury, July II, 119.
Cotton Yarn. Cotton Cariiet Chain, Cotton Laps
and YYaddmu:, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Ready made Yests, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lini-d presirving kettles, just received
for sale by IL MASSER.
Suubury, Dec. S, ISIS.
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indellihle ink, Cotton yam and
lain, just received and for sale bv
Sunbtiry. Dee. S, ll.
CD CP SEP I2i LL1 S3 .
Windsor, Vermont.
T', "nWfi reme,y for nYSPKPPU, In mmiy f Ha
A forms, nirh i na , , ) utonweh. llenrthum, linbitual
Coativenem And Stomneh, Hendnrhc, iiMnf Appetitei
Mo! T Pwenl., a,K even Cnnaiiiui.tioii (DyapentiJ
I hthlaie ) mi, I Aatlmm, or Phlliiaie ntlended wiOi (Vrnnae-'ne.!,,1nm?-h
("' lyieptic Aathrmi.) Difficult
Hrmtliijw. whieh (.ii.. ., ,r, i,npCT.fpPt digeation (or
)ypept,r Syapnirn,) l relieved hylheae Hitter. Inahorti
their tme hua l en proved in the relief of almoat all th
ayiiiptoma llint proceed froi.i n ilet.iliu.ted or atonic condi.
Hon of heSlnmiieh; nlao in leneml debllilv ariain. fr.M
ape or from the elf. ela of Fever. imrlie.ili.Vlv t.'7.r ...A
Ainif. T'Vmnli-a auflmiiff iinilr-r nt.v mri... .1 .
iriniiisr wmkiiraa, will find tho "Oxygenated Uit
tkb,'' nn excellent rcmeily, nnd not anrpoal,y aiir n.edi
cn.r in uae, ' '
Thr Imtorj- nf thia mnlipim ia peculiar. It hm mada il
way 1,. piiijic fnvir a..Py b- the f..rra nf lt OWn iiXrfnaiaf
rn.-rna. t.rlifirinl nionna have twen uanl tn aive it ns
"nclynnd it ii.n public nttenti.m. It liaa nevef
lcMr.- even l...n mlvrrtianl, lint having firat ahovn iu r
mnrkublu nTi- ncy j.i the family ..f the proprietor, and
l.nn iiiicrunmla inlminiaternil lo l.ia affliclcxl frieiirti and aei
qiiniutaiici, w,th a like r. ault. its repulsion vrndnallv ex-"
tendiil until it ia known in the moat diatant p.nta oY th4
! ""'!"'' "f iMirivallcl virtuea in the fitrs .1
n'l iT, , . ."r,'?f ."" w ""l-rl'"1 'n'T, to.ld frml
rv VI ,e""' h '" fr,"n ,rin,d f"""!- v
I il made k' r'.,'lMC ,,""'r, h"ve ,wn ""w,."1 lh
hi, -.'ly l,ie l,r"Pr'-'"-, they have proved s re.
Imnr i.'fn ' '""," "re the,m of ths
WIXWtiR. V,., Of.t..,"r,iJ05GU,'EN' PrUpri,"0r-
The following tcrilficnto. have recently fcee
received 1
I Tavine ln.-lc ,,eo, ,. ..ixyennted Uitu-rs- pre,,J
k' I "! , (:r.7"- "S M " . Vt.and from know--L
? , ' "' "" ',r '"""-'"V "":r "" we cheerfully
rcc... ..,! ,!,.., , tin. p., 1, ij,., hcli-vmetlntihev willfully
o i ii ff;V"nic,,.,.f the l'r,.pri.-t.ff. 'We hops
.'.t till. v:,!,,:,!,,,.. r,.,y ,,,.,, ,,, pp.r!1lT iMaJZi
nl'il-rtrll'' ll"T """lr' ,l,at il e ncceaaibls" ts all th
SAMI'l-r, I'lfKt.l'S )
W II. I.I M I IMIAM. j I-T. Scintor from Ycruioat.
!A..".:? ?! '.-M 'NX r.. f..,nt,.r from R. Il:,,l.
J. I . .11 IKI.lll-.AI. I . H He,.t.T n,l .'. ...d.. "... .
I' Ki.'lll lick V.
'lfH y ,'"' !I',;"'l,f "f Conpren and formerly Oa
vcrnor II. I.
. M. v.inniliunor., V. S. Scv.tornml formeriy G.
.M I.. MM! I'lN, 1),
"l-''l in C'ongreaa fnnit Wiiuontiit
I-'roin !!-,. II. D. Ktkk. Member of CnSresa fro
a-iiim;tiin. I). f. JlXE 10. If 18.
a dyapeiitie auftl-rer for nlmnl ten
-I I H e
..I i: .
ri- Tti -I to v..M..i.a
11 . . "' ""r "HXyWIiatOt
Il lit KM. ... : I 1. .... r .. .
rt.t. .r,.,j t,, '1!
1 . ., .
I n!. ml two lottl'ea. and find" nivaclf
i!tl. The forma in whii l. Ilia di.
L, .1,' 1''..'.': "!'."' Tr- prnt n.i,lily of tl.
.-:li in !" IimiI
ilic Ii n,-
i-Mrcin" t:itiil. ni-c. severe eoiiKtw
I vi 'i.-nt heiiiHache. I'eelinjt deai-
is i..i,r -iilnalile remedy may reni-h
I' ll. I t ike prcnt pleasure in record
its ciinttivi. viver: and would nlai
i 11 :s-i a h .11, a t,.,rt time iii!i , I
! a ii -V. lo ji i,iia.f...r of my alflii.'lrd
'ii-i-s-'i. 'I'li.-y nrc d-.-siroiis lliut yon
L" ir.' at rittslinre. or inform tlieirt
111 I"' 'liiani' d. With an earnet de.
l k;l -v!
i 1 tr! .- ;i ' i 1 1
'tun -iiv I 1
n-:;: nk. t -it .-:.:
:i.!;i-i !-!, r. .! :i j.
Iri--:i i-. wi-'i ::t
-ir!.! -" .1 'Mi
w!if re tiic iin'.!i
ire t -r 1111 pr -tmiv
v- nr 11 1 1 - - .1
Ii i't. ir.i. II.
S I Wli
i't S .inii S i 1
I Artft-.r'
1 lie
IJ-i'lIU'!.., I mitiifrit. iiiyaelfj
It U F
1 vWm.K ,r. Vt.
vi It.-.-ii !., liicen k Fictclier, NS.
-'. I'lat ii'. liiliia.
1 M At K A ll VAC
:.r ;ii ... . j. . ui.N.
'. f I I'i-i I"). IM-.
nrroiiTA.NT to the i'liblic.
llon't your Horses or rattle to die, when
Ihe mi. ins of cure are within the reach of all!
The iini'i v.cicd has spent several vcnrn in thK
study of 'elcriuar i.raeticc in I.0111I011 und Kj
' lie
i availed liitiisclf of tliBreseir-
cIus'H 1 ,
1 in tiir re
'. ami (ilhcrcelebiMtcd men, w ho have
much towards n judieioiis treatment
he principle of our prai-tiec consials
i:i of ireni-ral l.lceilin r und the total
all n; ''t!"i;irs that ep:-rieuco haa
i ! il d.ut ;cr..ns iendam-y. These re' iiv it!i the vital principle, and
u"m!ii to the directions wliich ac
Ii ariicle thev ale eanal'Ie of exeitinor
to b.
i '' '-"I'
;;.vt 11 ;
mv eai
! ninl i
isiu-the natural fuiirtions. without di
or il--..tro in;; tl'.eir power, hence are
s.ui in
h.iiiits oi- ecrv one.
' O. II. DAD1), M. B.
A 1. 1st of Ifurw and t utile .Hiilii inesi
Phy .ir balls. Toe. per lum.
Alt'er.itiM. ball. ;;, ,lo.
" p.nvil,'
11 ae.
fir bad condition, 75e per park'
llit've ponder firdif-eascsof (he lutis, 75e dr.
I'li'te pow. It for " ' kidneys, 75e do.
Tonic powder for In I condition "h.n.le'rs. 7.1e Jn
( di
nk lor inllamaiioti ol bowels, 75c jur
Liquid MM.-
ier bottle.
1 (lintm. nt for projiiutin
the growth of hair, SCte
)icr pot.
Healing bal-,1111 for wouiidaand saddle galls, 75e.
t va;ih for inlhimc.l eyes, SOr per bottle.
Ointment for ,. scratches, old sores; Ac, 50c
. ... ' www
m-r ntii.ii .
hniluoi ation forsoto throat, 75c per bottle;
Hoof ointment for Kind crack, brittle hoof.&c, 50e
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in l'nol.ind for lameness of every description, 75c
oi Si per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, .$1 per Iiottle.
Worm powders for tho removal of worms from
tho intestinal rainil, Toper package.
For salo by HTLMPSON & REED. 2 Mer-
I chum i:w. also at DADD'S 1IOK.SE AND
I llnymarkct Siipiare, IIo.,toii.
Pamphlets describing the diseases for which
these remedies are used cun lw bad gratis.
Numerous Certificates ure iu possession of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
cines. Sold hy GREEN & FI.ETCHER,No.3GSeuUi
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, und by his
AuKvrs. lliivnx Masskb, Suubury,
February 3, ls!9 tf
1i:.n llic I' ll: .wins eeilifienie from Cupl. Devue. tl.s
I wil kiiawn au.l K.Hi)ar Kuuii Boot Captain (." Ihe
PiiiLSPiLriitA, Octirt;r 31, 184U.
Several lens mice I was attacked W illi a ta-eekblf oat
on iu n.-ck in tin- ..ini ol l'i'tter, wbieh 1 urn convinced
unj e iilru.Mid ill lln- Harlvr'sShop. It grs.luallv extend
e.loxi'r my I. ice uiilil it r.'iicl.isl llie ujiht urt of tho
ciiei'kN. llnrinj tin. several m-nit lis that it eoiltlnued
f : ., l O'ltnu. I ,is,'. liiuYirnt upplii-atioiuk some ot whwh had
l!ie elli'i l. n;i;nei.l!v at li- i-.t, .. nicnviiiff (he disease, lu.t
I' 'lie ol lii. iu.lil 1 perceive tlie Uaiat UeiH-lit until I
ml tn-! tlie tiosK I lM vu:r. Hy ll.e use ol' one jar of It
I w is penceuy cured and have rcimiined free of the arVec-
I have aiiiev n."l i lie Ointment, tipliltv nmilint forroujih-ni'i-s
i.l the luce, hi lehi . el....H'd hiuuls, ic. With per
fi'.'i aiicceu. I have no lioimuun iu rceoiiiiucudutf it in
the slr-iiiiiest inaiuier to the pulillc.
.Aireut IIi-mit Maseeh, fiiiiibury.
July 2, lsiu.
(ireeu's nxygeinited Uiltcr, price reduced.
Old Jacob Towtiscud's Sarsaparilla.
llakir's Sursiipurilhu .
Sway ne'e Syrup of Wild Clierr
$ way tie's Vermifuge.
Xyie's Cheriy Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Culleu's do
Tihbit's Pain KiJIcr.
Dr. 11 ool!und' I'erinail Hitters
Indian egrtuble Pills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For salo by HENRY MASSER. .
fuubury, July U, 1849.
1 )OOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop.
' ies of the life of Christ, and also numlwr of
g ild ena w hich we will sell at tlie PhiUJclphis,
prices. For sale at thisollice.
TE.MNGS. A chenn and wAi.iien' axtt
ele lor fastening sash for sale by
.siinbiuy, July 7, 1819.