L Jl SUN BURY- AMERICAN ''AND' SHAMOKIN iJOUimAL. M Wuhino Liquor. Our lady readers, My tha Scientific American, will thank u for the following receipt ; Dissolve ilb, of limo in boiling water, straining twice through it Ann uel bag j ilissolre, neparately, 41b. of annr) unit lib. of soil, boil the tluen together. Tut i t galloni of water into ihd boiler, and when boiling, aJ.l the mixture.:' The linen which must have been steeped in co'J watci for twel'o hour, are runq out any stnins rubbed with aoap, ami put into the boiler, where they mnst remain for thirty-Cve minutes. They are then drawn, the liquor being pre eited, as it can be used three times, placed in a tub, and clear boiling water poured over it. -Rub them out, rime them well in colj water, and they are ready for drying. By this' process, two-thirds of the ordinary labor of washing is saved ; b'.eachinp is entirely dispensed with; the clothes are mneh cleaner and ara less worn than by the ordinary mode of washing, and the mixture in no way da mages the fabric. New CcnEron Cancer. The extract of wood sorrel, used as a plaster through thu day, and slippery elm bark at night, will cure any cancer that has ulcerated or that has not live skin over it the kin should ha broken in some way. To burn a piece of punk on tho place, is a good method, tlien apply the snlve as before directed. The extract is ob tained simply by pounding the common sor rel in a mortar, or other vessel, and pressing out tha juice, then put it in a pewter dish or basin, and place it in the sun until it diii-s to the consistency of tar, when it is fit for use. Oxalio acid would peihaps answer as well as the sorrel. We have seen a receipt recom mending a poultico of cranberries for the same disease, and it may bo that this acid, oxalic, which has been found in both posses ses some great virtue to cure the cancer. Odd Signs. In tha ninth avenue there lives a man who has put unon his sign. I Hater. Lei him hate her who cares? but why ,;keep it before the people V Speak ing of signs there are some queer ones about the diggings, in Thirty-fifth street, near sev enth avenue, one reads, Tar for Sail, Hear. Not far from opposite, Milk and Butler Depot, and chape grocery's. Then, in the Seventh avenue, there is this terrible "warning to young men," painted in startling capitals over two ssparate entrances to a wood-shed Beware of a Werry Savidge Dog. These are poor indications of intelligence and education. They are lad signs. Thb Riuhts or Chi-kcues in Matters or Discipline. A trial is now before tho Su preme Court of Massachusetts which involves the question whether a clergyman has the right from the pulpit to charge with crime any one of tho congregation, even though the church directs to do so in the administration of the church discipline. The case was a woman, who was read out of church because suspected of a violation of the seventh com mandment. The action is for damages for a libel. California Fortunes. A Washington letter in the N. Y. Journal of Commerce says A gentleman from California, now here, says that Col. Fremont is the richest man in the world. His gold mine will probably be saleable, iu a few years at six millions an acrer Mr. Wright, mentioned to-day, that he knows of spots belonging to the Govern ment, which are worth six millions of dollars an acre, and will produce from ten to twenty per cent, a year on that sum. "Spoons," of the New York Mercury, has had a difficulty with his lady-love, lie ex plained matters after this fashion : I called my Sallr "t'laiafaee !" In a pet She vowed sha'd never speak to mo ognin ; Phe frowned, she po"tr.l, aulleu was ami yet Mr Sally hath n fare that's vtbt flai.v ! Mas. Partington asks, very indiynantly, if the bills before Congress are not counter feit, why there should bo such difficulty in passing them 1 Tjib Wolves infest tha sheep pastures in tho vicinity of Stanton, Va., in droves of 5 to 12, killing 50 sheep in a night, and follow persons to their residences. A few cats ago an Irishman came to his death in Harrisburg, Pa., from the effects of of drinking on quart of bratuly, which ho had been recommended to lake for tho ague and fever. Rcceipc ros Ci sino the Si lks. Take of kindness three looks of vivacity a bosom full and kissing a hug and a half. Apply the mixture when the first frown appears, and in a very 6horl time the disoase will be entirely radicated. A woman that does not love a flower do serves not to be loved. Ctn. Gazette. Them's our sentiments, particularly a son flower. C'in. Times. Or a Rose, - ' Geologically speaking, the rock upon which the hard drinker splits, is quartz says Hood. A little broom is a whisk ; but hair on the cheek is a whisker. "Thet sat," is one of tha greatest liars known. Experimental Philosophy is said to Ve asking a young lady to marry you. Looking indifferent and saying you were only in fun when she refuses you is natural philosophy. Committing suicide under like circumstances, is moral philosophy. Th prettiest thing in nature, short of a eradla with a babr in it, is a canary bird'a nest full of the callow little fledgelings, just learning to live. . . Codnteri-Eit $5 notes on the llarrisburg Bank, to well executed as almost to defy de- tectien, are in circulation- Beware of them I L. M. Kenket, (Whip) has been elected Mayor of St. Louie. ... ! XIXCKZHT fit TULL, . ., o. ISO C'licftiiut street, ,' .. j ' .Opposite i7m 4mufe) , i ' rmtADELrniA, MAM'FACTUlvEHS of their improved styls Llustie Steel Purina, Solid Soi Leather, and Solid Riveted ' ., I ' " TIUJAKS, ' which took tha Only first premium, awarded hy the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition, i II. & T, take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a Ixmu ttlui assortment of their improved style of Holid Sole Leather Trunks; Double end Single Folio Trunks, of various styles l Ladies' Trunks, Va liro Trunks, llonnct lioxcs, Cap Cases, Carpet Hairs, and on rlepsnt assortment- of suierior Kn amelrd J'utent Leathar Bags, with every article in their line- of business. - IV Old Trunks Repnired or taken In en-hange for New ones. ALEX. L. MICKEY. K1CHAKI) W. TliLL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- "lncoiiragc Your Own!" HAAS & IiENN. FASHIONABLE -MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. TpiIE sulmcril'crs respectfully rail the attention of the public to their lorc and simdid assort ment of every quality and price- of V A III . KT-WA IS 12, which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine, it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the K'st stork to be had in the city. No rllhrt is pared in the manufacture of their wave, and the subscribers nre determined to keep up with the niHny improvements which arc constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofns, Divan mid Lounge, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND 1HXING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their ImmnrsR. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAI11S, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Muhooaxt, Black Walxct axo Ct nLEn Maple C!ni:ciA ; and Wixnsnn CHAIRS, asm faxct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscrilicrs arc determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their wurc and Chairs. , Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. I W LADlSKi AKwNli attended to on reason able terms. The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. V oung s store, and nearly opposite weaver s I uvcrn. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 58, 1619. tf COLUMBIAN fPELJCINO BOOK. IJEIAG a progressive and Comprehensive Sys-a- te.ru of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to tho u:c of Schools in tho American Republic, by Alinon Tickuor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the f'olimi'.iian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, etc. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parent, &c., is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling uud usages iu Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to tho wunls of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it purorts to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading liook, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the 1'uilcd Stales. Just publuhed, and for sale by llt'Nitv MAssF.n, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August -1, lS lt). U. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Souihworth Manufactu ring Co's. fl "riling Pup rs. Ware House, Xo. 3, Jtlluur direct rUIX.ADEZ.PHIA. 100 --ES of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at tho lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Cups, 1-;, 11, 15 aud 10 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium aud Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Camuierical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Kote Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfiue aud lino CouiiUiig-IIuuse Caps uud l'osts, blue and white. Extra sujicr Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfiued blue Buth Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Paiiers. Suiierline and fine Cups and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and while, various qualities and prices, Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Hior l'u- pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, J ea, V rapping, Envelope, assorted and bine Mc diuins, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, ic. fhlladclplua, ISov. 34, 181'J. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! COLTOX X, Co. S. W. Corner Arch i; 6fA Street Philadelphia, OFFER for sale to the inh ibitants of Sunbury and vicinity, Family tirocerics of tho very finest quality consisting of Extra I me, Superior and Common Green and Black 1 cas. Coll'ees of all kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Purina, Sago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups Olive Oil, Preserves, ic, warranted tube of the very finest grades iu tho niurket and at tha cheapest rates possible. ytll goods carefully packed and promptly for warded. LU1.1UA & CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch &. 6lh SU Phila. Oct. 28, 1819 che3iu ly say 26, Win. . Cochran & Co., HVholetala aud Retull, WINE AND I.IQVOK MERCHANTS, No. 72 Ir'uiiiuf Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand a very large stock f Wines, Liquors and eegara, ol Uieir own importation. More Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied ou tha mast liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. IT, 164 . CJTONE Wars, Earthen Ware, ltaisius, Al monus, Prunes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. fialt and Plaster. Just received and for sals by - JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury, Dm. 19, 1849. irKOD AND SPRING 10RTIisE LAT. i V CUES. An eicellent aiiiele, f,.r sale at halt the usual prim by J. W. FRILING, Sunbury, July T, 1719. mi J. J-'UIWXSRAFIV 1 1 ESPF.CTFI'LI.Y informs the eitirens of ' Danvillo and the iruhlio at larcn, that he has located in Dntiville, and is now prepared tft prac tice Medicine and roreery in all it various bran ches. Me will nperato on all 1h various forms of blindness, emus eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft ptlato, and atlend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other suriricat die encs. Mis collection of instruments comprise all instrument in modern 8u.rare.ry,' of the latest improvement and finest finish. Me flatters him self that many years' prartico and rvporlcnoe will be a mllieirnt irnarRtitee to those Who may feel tlisjinscd to employ him. Ins residence is nearly opposite the MiniHrnrnf- ry Hail din pru, end next door to Isaac ltiiscn btimn's store, in North Danville, Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. TO MYSIUIAXS, BIU'lidSTS AND 101NTBY MERCHANTS. TAIL J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully ' solicits attention to their fresh stock of JZn.cr- list, Vrt.nchs German and Amrirnn .Or writ. Med icines, Chemicals, Puints, Oils, Dye .S'tulls, Glass ware, Perfumery! Patent Medicines See. Having opened a new stnro No. 894 Market ft. with a full supply of Fresh Drjigs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one ami nil who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, en as liberal terms as any other house in the City, anil to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite ilruegists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Jit iter's Vrlrhrutnl Family Mriliviiien, (stall dard and popular remedies,) to forw ard their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wo respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesal.. Drimgists, No. 294 Market street, Pluludelphia. September 15, 1819. ly. 77" ALL PAPEPwS. rilIE Subscrilicrs huve on hand the largest ns JL Bortment of Wall Papers in the city of Phi ladelphia, VTiolctal ami liitail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Kooms, Chambers, &c, whicu lor quality ami style cannot be surpassed. Doing n cash business wc are enabled to sell a better article at a much loner rule than any store doing a TRADE BUS1XESS. On hand, a largo assortment of Wiiik Papkh, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold fi.r Cash. Paper Hanging done iu the country at city prices. IS. B, Dealers arc invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. riA-N A BL III OA, No. 113 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 20, 119. ly CUTLKUY. A N extensive Stock of Pocket aud Table CUT " LERV.ofsaleby JOH1T 1. COLEIAIT, Sos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8i Aro7 THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors aud lia.orB. Also, a choice assortment of Rinlgers Sons, Wostciihohn's (,'ieavc's W. fr S. Butcher's and Feline) 's Cutlery, Also, Spiiiush, Dirk and jluiitiug Knives. Also, (mils, Pistols, ami Bowie Knivrs. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthv the attention of Dealers. Cahii Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy tlicir attention, as the (Subscriber s hicf business is importing mid selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June U, IS-l'J ly nAItSIIALL'S Coiirenf rated KarssiparlM.i, W the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Ervsipalas. Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, cvc. T is recommended to Physicians and others, as the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely dilU'rent from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the S.irsa purilla, but intended to d. , i ic the public. For ;ale by M. A. Met A , Northunilx rland. Mi:"ls KMISUOCATIOX for Horses will Nwrlltncr. ami cure Sprains, lfrnitcs, ( -nt. onll nil coniiainls rciinirinrx nn rvtcrnat n-mcilv. I in Itilily u-clnl in iSunvin, Cur!), Kiiiir'oonc, i,till ncst of ttic .lointH. t-ruckcil liccls, SoimtH, c.c. It albO liccn iihciI witlt irrcat succ4-s liy icr- soiis nlllictcil with lllionmati-in, ntnl otiicr com plaints. Prcpaml only liy W. Mnr.-linll. lliilailcl nhia, anil tor sale by M. A. McCay, Nortliiimlivr- laml. l'liilailclpliin, May 20, 1819 ly Saddle ami ISnrnrwi Tin I. or. rBlMO uiidci-siejiicd rosicctftilly JJ inform the pnlilic, that tin y have cointncnccil the nhove liti-ni-nesa in r'inilnirv, anil will con- slantlv keep on liaiiil anil liiannlartnrc to order, at tlicirstainl in Market street nenrlv opposite Younit'B tore, all articles leloiisrni!r to their line of Iuikiiickh. All nrticlcH manufactured hy them will lwnnide in the U itl ami most durnhle Htyle, ami ut prices ns reasoiiahle as they run he had at anr other r-itah-lislimeiit in the county. They therefore rc.ipcc t fully solicit persons to rnll ami examine for theinxclve lielore purohaHins elsewhere. All kinds of pro- luce taken in liy the stores will I taken in ex- clianex- ut the market price. iii;.k vi;isk. A VU L.STL-4J II. CLEM EXT. Suuhury, June 2:1, 18-13. LKiUOKS. WINKS. &C. f P1I K nultBorilr has just roreivoil a new supply of the best liquors, that ever came to Sunliury, cottsiMtiiti; in pnrt f (iupevior olit pulo Drniuly. Vine (ogm:i( Tiramly. Suporior Old Jamaica SpiriU. Now Knlaml Ktim. Tine Holland (iin. lSiijK-rior Old Whibkoy C'uimn.m do. KitM'rior Madrria Wine. iisU)ii do. do. .Superior Vort Wino. linrgundv Port do. Hwert Malaga Wiut' Superior Clurct Wine in bottle. Champagne do. do. HENKV MASSER. Sunbury, May SO 1819. L A II I) LAMPS. CORN IS LI IB fc CO. No. 1711 thrauul St, RKuPKCTKl'LLY announre that they have just finished tlie most extensive asarliiiriit of LAMPS, they have ever offered for aale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, UUACiKETS, PENDANTS. MANTEL LIGHTS, ko. In freat variety, and of ORIGINAL DK.SKJN.S. Much atteniion haa heen paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of thrse Lamps, and such are Diailu aa will produce tlie itn-'atvut amount uf Unlit irom the leant coueuiiipUou ol Lard. lie, rut iuiproveuieiiia in tho miumfartory, with tlie iiitrotluetioli ufnew and perfected niachiiierv, enahla them to aell at a very GKEAT KKDI'l). TION from former price, and all arlirltt U-ftire leaviuir tlie manufactory, are carefully insixvUsI, and ara warranUd perliictl; tight, and to give aalia- taetbin. s , ...Philadelphia, June , 1849 ly M-l!S!SUE PAPER-VeUow Tiaau paper tir I - covaruig gUuMta, &., (or aal at tha ulliac ut the Aiuaricuu. u n ti n nexft m UH tbiiimi m In prrwnllntr thi- piiMic with a remedr fir (tie treatment nmt dirt ol' Krvkr ai Anrs nml -.Hirr Mll"n. n!ense. nn nr"l"iry it nrflert. V:i"t nnniln-rt in the I'nimt !1!te!, who stiller I'rinn the,- nfT-elionn in their varied furmt. ore compelled to te ll relief tr.nn other tnnrcet than the ininie iliate preti rift ions of the remittor phvtrieinn. II Ismik thcref fe nn nhieel of hntnnnity. iw Weil nt nf pnhlie itiler el.lo tiring tiefmt Ihetn n retneilv prepnreit fiom mneti ex petienee, and which tnny lilwnyt Is- relie.1 nv.ii nt tFR, KttrcTrAL, Ain ismt.k. to 'tint eoTtTi-Tio. Tint such it the true ehirneter of Iht IN 1)1 A I'HIll.AlKXit'l-:, is amply nltetled hy Iht linirerml anecem with wlliell it hn been t'inil"yttl. rxlrnrt from s enmmnnfenli'-'ii .f the Hon. AVu, i.um Wooubriuov, t,f the 1'. P. Sen:iie, lute GnvcrmT of slichigiui. llsraoir, Oct. St, mo. Ilof-Tnn f'liASi.r 0-ooon, Pear Sir. 1 have rend with mneh iiilereiit, yenr little TK.BT!R Upon Ihtl "cnlttej.. Irentntent mill cure" of the felirile tlie.iet vvliieh hure t-t extetiBiveiy previtiUnl in 'ur country iliiriiar the btt ffv in-mllis nn inreri-w inernuie1 n-i it-nil.t, l,y the fact that 1 huve iintiviilniiiiy stitTeriil unteh t'r.nn ttiem. Thimeh 1 feel myst-li very ine inipetent to jllilffe flTely npnn a tuhjeet entirely pr.ireHMi nill, Jet yonr Ihciry teemt t-i me well re-is nieii. nmt y-.ttr e-iu-iu tiont jnst. nmt 1 think wilh.-il. thai yonr Nintplilet it cslen tilled tn piinlnee inneli pt-aetieal tr-Miil. Spenkinjt r the nr-tlieine lie tin t It fntlv jitstift-'l y-mr fVilterimr exie.t:itiint, anit fit n safe, eanveaieat. f.aj p ;iai bir renieflv. ntv own experience. t frir. inihiee. me t ' lin- lieyt Ihrtt il will prove n irre-'l pnt.lie h til. I .-nn i-!i-:isi-iI ti' lenrn ihnt y-n Imve reeently ef,UislM"l severnl 'u'eneies fur itt iliti'itilii.n tli-'iti-h I regret ttint. wi'h a n v t n more ireneral ilifsi-niinnti-.n ni it. y-ni th .n'.l li.-o e fniinl it niH-'ss:iry In reiam e t'r"tn )-nnr present retiilenee am tag lit. With ntncli-retpucl I linc the h"it'ir to he. tir. V nnr otillt.etl tervnnt, Wl! I JAM YVOODHKIUriK. IT" Fmm linn, ftitnnirx V. n. Trowshiime, of Michi linn Ptntc Heinle, to the A-rent nt Detroit. IlinvimiAM. Omi.imi To., fee. It, INI. Sir yno wish me in inform von whnt I know of Dr. f tijoors Infiin C'holirnffne. or niili-hiliont inetlieine. 1 do helieve tlml if the virtue mel effieaev of thii meilieint were cenernlly kuown, the vrvuR am) aoce watu ilimppear in .Mieliignii. I procured Ititllt In tlit prinir nf Ml, and tinye good refiton to helievn that myself and family etr.-tpe.l the une latt teaton in eonteiinenee of itt use. I'erhnpt in no slimmer ince tho K;tl lenient of this fine peiiintnla, )i:ui the fever nnil leriie Iss-n mi prevnltnt lit the last. I tinvt reconimenfle'l this meilieint in nmn-rons tn- ttnnees. and when the iliseate lirid tttmrtne tixed uitj Uollled the nkill of phytieiant; nnil 1 lmve never known it lull. 1 luit iniircrtallv produced iht mutt Imppy tll'eert, nail I het iteve il hut never lwt.ii rxecchti hy any' medicine in rcniii vuig the hitioiit ditttet of tin- climate. Yours, respei-iliillv. fTI-ll'IIKN V. It. TnnWHItlWiK. Airent for Pmihnrv II. It. M.SSt:rt ; 'Vorihtinilierland, WtriilMmiM ''o.i Millon, J II. RASKR; fei,I ernvn, MA V 1c Kt.DSi-:. Mnyfl, ISIKtf IaratUiulc in the barest crime of man YX7E nre not nmoii(r ttv.it rl;is4 nf Kilitors who forn frw dullars will, (nt the rxpensn o0 ruth and linncrity) 'vrark up" nn nrtiele and brim; it into rapid sale ; neither nrr we willing ti remain silent, aOer having tested t!ie utility f an im provement or di-seovery in wience or art. Owr readern will rerolleet we told them wo were un well with a nun throat and violent ecild some few weeks airo. Well, wo pureh inrti two hmt!pi of W'lXtsMnV'S HATAM OP UOKUirO' NP and ko Hud.Iru was lite eure, that wo f. irmt wi ever hail a etild. Tliap fn nr.i alUi'-ti-.l. auw hv it ilium our reeommendiition. 'Le mist oh 'V1 A fresh ftupply of tlc al-evc valtialde uu d;. ine just rereivid. uud f,,r nale in Smiiuny, hy Juhu W. Friliirr, Mary A. M. ut .Ntiil'mimU ilaud' uud at wh.ih'j-aV !) Predi-ii-k K!eit iV eor nrr of 3d and ('nIlrnvhiH MrecH. I'liili.!. -Iphiu. Miiladeli-Isia, Sept. 5d, lrilD.-s . r.Ki: onci:. w II Kit' Oil ttil I. ( Ill !!'' Sl' ii. Ill A or A Mif Si. a (onr. hrloir UircSt. Phi!wUVhin I 111 E Mil.s.-rilnTs olViT tu tin- liimirrrt mi tin- most I'nvimiMi. torni. tlioir frosli iini,.,i lalimi of HlillM. i'ol.i-liiiT (' Illinium Avri'S. l,;iil.it:l, 'ararra-4, l.n.rnirn. llHirc-Dry, Chili, nltni IVr-iniiliui-o nnil nil kiiols of Spnnili lliilrs, ilrv ami sultoj. Alsi. Cicrn H.nmiiter, Dry !S.itr,, uiul I51.u k Pry Cut i ia Ki, Also, rlrni'lils. ini, IJiml; oil nntl 3 nfMirriil as KoMim iil of '.'urrirrV 'I'ooN. Tliry will bi'II orlni.l,- for Sj-nuih or S'hiii' iilrr I.i-.illlrr. III.- nlnof. Iti.lr, K'r". ":l a'nl 'I'oul-. on In'tti r ti rint. than olil II.iii-.-n in thr ritv. Cash jmiJ lor I .rattier ol all kimU. KUK.X A KlUlvl'ATKU'K. l'liilailrliiliia, Mn v mi, 18 HI ly I Xcv s(rliiioii(orKi 'sli iiiHttl. IK A T. CLEMENT, I I l'NlF(TFri,l.V informs hi fricmls. ,.. k t.iiiii'iv ami otlicis, that ho himjiiHt rn rivcil a haii'lsiiiiie u.iirtinrnl of NKW GtiOHS at his aton? in Mnrkrl .s'iiiari- in .v'liiilniry, sm h as Dry (loads. (Ii-nciMies, Qikm'iis v. nre, Hurdwiire, iir. .Sunlmry, Juno 23, lri-19. (II5KAT AIMIIV l,. OIIN V. F15II.1NG hna just roceivcl at his Hlort in Siinliurv lio extrusive, nssoi-tincut NEW til II Ills, f rcr vaiieiy which he ia now ready to sell or exchange for produce; mid consist ing in part nt' I'WTUS, dSSlMKHKS, &-c. Linen and Cotton drillina. nnd nummei wear of all kinds. Calu lks, Chin r, (li.vtiiiAM, Lawn, &.c. . Muslins bleached anil unhlt'uclicd. PALM LEAF ANU OTHER HATS. Queenswurc and Hardware of all kinds. DrtiTcs Paints, and Dvksttffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a (,'reat variety of other articles all of which will he sold at the lowest terms. tSunhury, May 20, tiVJ. J. J. G?EE1TC'JGH. (Laic Keller X (.reeuoiifrli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECIXAIfflCAX. ENC.KESB, Ir nMlilntiton, l. DRAWINGS ami jumors for the Patent Ollitii, nrepanvl ,iiu nil the neieessary lm aiunss, in relation to sepiiriii'r patfiitH, tianii acted, mul pininptly altiMuloil to, at their of tieo (iptxisitt thrt Patent Ollict. Ot tiiber 28, 1818. Xolicoto UrlliitUntii. .L H-rsolia indrlited to the aulisi rilirr, lonci-r thiiu sin mouths, on mile tirlmok account, are retjuested to call aud make scllleineut. or else their accounts w ill he left with a uiuifisirate lor colltv tion. JOHN V. PKll.l.NCi tSunhury, July 7, 1819, - APS. An assortmrnt just rocoived. Also silk 11 ATM ut -V5, lor aulu hr ii. M.sr:n. Wunhury, Uee. 3, 1818. 7ILEYV t'Ol G CNDY. An excel- lent remedy tor roughs, rolds. r ur sat at thia allica 1) A.OKS A aupeiior article for sale' at the store of - - HENKV MAnisfcK. Suuliury, Feb. Itt, 18S0, . "jTlamcs. I. M m lvi of evf ry Wocipti j mu U Util I'J H m npuU iii al tUciiHWc of the AmoriMtt. iyj-sarltCT ! j DR. TOWNSEND'I COirOl KD EXTRACT OF : , SAllsAl,AniLLA.l (J , rpHIS Kxtmrt jwit up in qimri bottM. ti b 4 kivnr X chiMr, pUmwuittT, and wurrniilid tupcrinr to any p4ft. It niTm diffptmri withnt vntnttinff, p'""ffiii)f. nirk nft or millnUnfr the fwiwnts and ia purtlmliirlr akiiiptci. fr m .( - FAlsf- AND SrillNO Mf'PlClXR. Thegrwit IwhtT ftnrt miprrlnrtty or thin flnrrtprtrilln otc j oilier rernartltn i. wlntnl h ernilK'nfciidimmMs r' ; : it hivifi'rtil!ii the ,nnty, (iii!tuiittinii ruml. t Cnnniunplirm onn Ik1 rnmi. IJrnrhiii. Coiisiiiiipttoit, Iawt Cmitlqit, CnklSf C'liidli, Culnrrh, Afriltnm, Hnittinir iif Mlnrnl, H rrn-w intli C Iimi. T1v1tf FlnrK Niuhl Hwntin. Ditll cult antl 'rtt'iiap Kxprrtnriilion, and 1'iiin in tin !i'Jr, , ftr.. Ac.. hnVr tint! rnn ! ctirni. ' rnlyiltlv IImtp iwvw wild n rfnitlv rlml hnn lirrn nn f wfttnl in tlfPpt ratr mnr f r(HiPiiiiiihMi tin thm ( it i lnut pok iitid ntn-imHifitg flir-yntni. ntnl tippTirn pi hml the nl- nciiiin nun mn-nain. CI RIOLS CASK OF L'ONSr.MPTKJ.N. Thcrr in nr-nrerly n Hv nimnrii hut thtri nn-1 ttial)T nf tMHPB.it fiMmtnnpiKin n-p-irh-il ui mm hy (lie tier; ol l)r Tiiwiinen'i tirmpHTillri. The fnllwmi wiih rcrmtly rr--cniyt.tl : lr. TmvNKxn I)ir Sir: l'nr tin bint ilm vrari I li:iv' titHirtfil witJi (fraiiTui itrhilitv. nivl nurviHin (iti- niliiinliuM nj tlif ImM maw nmt imI rxnv In ryi-r X my h'-alth nt nil. Afur (t'iMtr iiir mult m Sun-ruf tiredftne uinl'T (he riire of miih1 oi' iln- th l ilisliiii'iitMheil nviil:ir phynicirtpiri iiii.l mi'iiihrra "f th llmirti "l llf:i!lh in tV Yoik ii ml I'lfti'wli' Tt'. mid fp' iitlnii! tlnr hvni t my mirninirt in nt I chipt uiir to nyinii my h;ilth. tut I iiii.t n-niiiiir in lilf uiptT ft y in S irvlt iirilin I r-(t -lv t r U. Ailur nuiiit! mx h n!.-'; . l : - i. i i ,'. , . ! ,' I I rfl itl t, l iil.'f! Iir-trl.i, Mkinu th'- Sim.! n hp ( r '!---iil:rn nf li h.mlth. II h.'lpr.l k fV ITS V frttt. . 1 M.tn-'.-. C.- ( III II- .iv r.li.,- , . ! i 'If f(.r.f 'itic -ifi-iu--ni in tun' r'li'-: : t - - 'i 1 ! w!-Ii-'Jiu.it..-iit-l. I'UAii,,! m IMJiN . Sw in itu u!.si,ti11 tu Itcfitin nit' tiT Uritimf, tin -Jj A.iiinft. -7. C ni'f H.VI.UWIN. .iMMH-e (' iho IVure. PfMTTtNO HMM). Ft tint ihn f !! wiiii;, uud my llml ii'iifiiiitplini in hi iniMi riihle if ym cun ; Vv York. April m. 1I7 lr. TiWNRn : I vrrily t.rhrvc ihal ymr SirKi;irilln h:m Iwt'ii th.' nifrniB, tltr.titi!h I'mvi'l'-in'r. ot wuimr lav liiv I hiivt-l'tr nt-vrnl rnrn (nil n lnul ni'iult It Iw-fiiii).; W'THV nut I worse. At ht 1 raiwd liirirc (ii.uitiii.' ,." Mtxl, hail invriit BW'rntR mid w an groJiily delulltntnl find r.-iliieetl, nntl 'li'l ii"t rxpiTt to live. J hove only until yonr Hnrmipiirillu but n fltmrl time, nml tlit-re linn n wnmU'iidl cli:niirc hrcn wmiiu'IiI in int. I nm imw ulsle to walk nil over the city. I nnw m I .lte.nl, iumI ii iy eoiifrh has It-It nm. Yoa run wit iiiwitnif ihrt 1 ma tliiinkfiil t'.tr th- n-nnltn. Your ol.tli rut umiiiit. WM. RL'JiKl.l.. ' Cnthariut t. f.ost irr;n tri:i-:rii. The niiurxM crrtitii-iitp tells ii niinpl and trtillifnl iMory nf nitrrriiiff nmt reliet'. There arc th-niMiKln ,f Hiinilur ra wvn in lllin rity ihhI HnN-klyn. mid vet there nre thoiiwutds of Ktn iitn lei their rhiltlren die for fear of heinc huiiiliuguil or ti) KIVO U low l!lllllllll?.t. llro'.Iilvii, Sept. IS Vr. Townsenh : t take pleasure in sialinir. for tlie Knr fit of llirtfi wIhhii il may poiiecrii. thai my dniihtT. two y-nr nut) nix iivitllift nit), was iifllicfi-d wish Kem-rul tle hdiiy Hint Ion ot gpwh. !h was iriven up as past je covery hy our fnuiily physteian ; hut foitunatelv I was rr eoninieiiiletl hy a friend in (ry your Sirfutpanlla. Hd'.-re Ila vtni ustil one hotllu h recover-.! h r cp-rrh anil wan fiinhiftl to walk al-mr. to llie ant 'iiishnient uf nil win w-.-ie aefjiiainteil with the rireunifrtntiec. She it now tpiiit well, nm) in much ttter health than nhf hn Iw.-ri f ir w inotiMii p.i;. Jt)Si;ill TAYI.UK. 1v York si., Ilr.-.klyii. two ciiiM)iii; swr.i). Very few families iiiflreil in fat we hnvu n -t heard of on that anvil Dr. Towuwutrn S irsapiinlla iu time, rnl any ehihlreu the pint tnintnr, while th .Kr thai did not, niek'n-d anil died. The cen-itieale w pah ish ,w is cim liisive cv ideiM O of tt value, and in itU an .l!'rt n.s'anee of itn wi vim; the lives 't e)ii!i!ii-n : lr. Town-fnh iMarSir: I hid lw.' children rnrod ly V lir Srintlp tril'ri f the tinntil'-t - avl nil a.c' iii V . "in' v.'iif n!v l " nionili ild m-d lh. -ihtr ' . V were ery iiuk Ii n-luetit. and we cx iX-'U-1 ' h : w ii ; j 1lh were (Tien up t tW ' n uperfaUe ph sireirH Wle il tln-diK-tor hiiKrineit un I hit we innM (wtliem, we r.''i. Ved lo try your SarimpariHa wi hud h-iinl jm nuieh m. Inn had little tMiifideuee, there Ihniiji . ititi h sltill .v ri ie-l that 9 worlhU-KM- hut wr lire hankt'ni I hat we di . f r !' until ' -th Mved Hie live of ijh. wr.'t lien ilia; .. er iirtv h- i;r''i' t-' x !i - . .. I . . I"l M M r. I: M ; i'! !t -n i t mi"-. I - : it. S. i . (". ? A M Til . I S'U I S. li'lKAT I IIMAI.K i:iii:ii; lr. To'hmi"i H rtsA P mu,i. v if a i v--re'iii .m n-iiv ! T lil' HiUMil C 11 lililli'Ltoit. i.!i I lot the . mi ti .. . . . tin ii i m.ii it v. ii- " t ', I'. i!' fwi or 'it. l.ll tt c ,n . prelect! h; rreoju I i; i mi -. t j iii .. I .,.! I I JMI. W. -tl ll.l.i-ll.l I'-.i'i:Mi: My v ir h,il" ri-atly rri.., .! liy !! p, u-nil il.-l.ililv. nntl Miiif, riinr r .ti.iniir,!lv liy ,i o i ;:i,l w nil illn-1- Onilriili ii ami II I , nil loi iv'll ,vli-l'- ill iih-Jkiui- Ii:,i. i-ir-i-i-t ;:ii'.,t run.; a'rl a'-i li,-;n inr If rrr- in,i,i il..i; I r ni-Ji f-i-.-. n, I .;t, i ll -K.-nl-.-.l. I i.lai;i.-.l :, It :ii.- - l ai l.i"-: i irR.-,;'.ti-i!.i, l,t,. f il-lnvvr-l Iin- ,1-trin i.f -t-j ... in- i-t a ri rl ,-ri --1 it ri'Hinv. ( i,-r ,-niii.!a:tl's aiiii t. s: n. in r 1 h.i!lli. Hi in'J erf-e.,11 lit I . ,r I Ii.-,i."!il! hc mviUil. I taki ili-:,8ir,' in tiui.a,-liiii'vl,-lf:iiii: ii. tiii.1 rec-'uiuieii.liinr il to ib.' ;,n!.lir. ,i ii. Mixiui:, Alluny, An;:. IT, -J1. t-..i 1,1 Sl'1.1 No tlill'l or 1,1,'i'irl'i., 1-,. t-i", at-lirly n M'.til I tl n u- -i it I Mi-I i-lii Mi.ll,.-'.',.u -In- i .- Cnnu. I.-. ill SIB. I A. 0 1. 1 :) i -.l-l h,.w. i;..i.k i I S.r ; Ijr. T.ia-iiscii. Willi ,1? i. rys -,f 11 'in:, t-!i ic l nr, ri ti I n.,! ,-.c i I ' , n I r-r , ..ni it.il ,i ilt.lt-n.l lilt nsi- "I 11 I - those It'll - !vi. i '-il ini--.-, V ..Will'. 111. ',' lirt-n. ' tir. e., W. V tcriit for Simlsiry JOHN V. I'KII.IMi: Nor- lii,iiii!t.-il-uil, m Ai. i A McCA V ; lla.iui WM. Ml It It A V & Iii, tlii 1M Iv AttiV i !ii-n;. roi: cik .ih ti' IIOARE YKvv ,s , ISii cm , 1 1 m-:. AM) CuSLMi t . ' ' 1 ( r ' n III , iiln.tl.l.' ,,r,.i,,ri,iiii,i, t- ill!,','ii J in t'tiinij: iiis.:is'A i uv l.tr ; ah I t ill iMitlliiantl n ol I no known flll.iilv; j x tin'i . icn t nir lifiii--. llu inyu iiifiiU aii lii-t'.)' nuiili' kiiiwn in tin itjl'lii'. ami un: tliMlit ai-kit tU.'lttt d in niti-nl nit-ii mm lhr!;Mmr rare nit'tli'-u! vinnr". wlnrli iii-iiu,tr i ri .im an uuli. in. 1 hi tin rllCKli V I'lU'Ti UAI' in i in ir y r.-iil. t'Mt iittit inn) fi'ifijcy. nnil Wli'ii nt, aw wtil Ipc im-i ii i'imiii lln 1 Ili'viiia -vaUi'tltii trsliiii tiv ri:iri:ssu;c cf.r. wn, nl' Ituwtl 'in I'l'llt fH-, It' iiiisw n-k, Iiiinf, un!'- : ! lmve wu ni'tbit'tt tin rllrrlM n" y urt'iierr 1'it'loral iu my own 1'aiuily imd in that i my I'iu iuIh, un-t ii h.ih trivi-ii mrat nnUlitfH 'ii in i-anruli l1i I' alnl! n ami rl'il-iivii." A V lt K riio.M M i 111 SilTTS. Krtitn Dr. Itryaitt, irinii.il unit I nimatitcr. Cliiipt Fulls, .Mis-:- lu J.l'. Avm Dwir Sir : Knrloil pl.n- fiml rciuit liinif I'm all ihe I'hrrry i'tv total kt iwni nte. I nm mi hrnaliniil) any, tlul n niHtlu'iiti f n il i mu-li Kiit- liicintn um vur' iiotn n r have I ever tu a .ml'!'.!!'."! whii'li ruriil sti ninny cunt l t-innfli iiihI Iimiic riinhnnt Onr 'litm'uuis art lining it t;xtfaivt'ly in llu- prai-in-i', uiul witli ilm luippit-M til'i'U. Truiv V'-urn, I). M. HIIV v'l' 1R. PI'ltK!S Pri siilfiit if Vtrni nit MiIu-hI i' M-e? .m n" iht m m tea Mini and iiilflliLT'iil li ii'iaun iu line mn'ry, ( tuxulfri it i inviii.ii ai rare tiM ll im l' r llu run t' tlml .'. r iiinlaliU' iliKt-aKf, O ixiiinptH'11 An ill in--nt intTftlil'U' nniiiluT ( .rtifn'itfi li.iv lfii retviviil ; pittvinu thai thi-rhirrv l'inil is, in truth, a (tit KAT ItK.VlKDY for Ciujj;1i. rnlitii, AkiImh i nml nil piilin-imrv riniplaijit. PKH'K 75 CKVn I'KK IJUlTl'.K. 1Vril hv J. i - Kit, L'iw'11. Must., mul f-'M ly II. M ArSi:imlury,niiil MAHV Alft .lV, Xorthniu IktIhimI. .March III, IhI'J uoi.i & mu i:u H iiti; J. STOCK MA N, So. 60 Chfsmit'St, al thf 5i of the Gold ThiiMt'j betwn a '2d. !f 3d. South side PlIltADKI.FHIA. ANI KACTTKES ami Ivvut i-onKtanilv on liatul, at wIioK'huU and mm I. llu- oj. lowing nrii- ir, oi a anrn'Otir qtnihly, ut rvUw i-. prire : t.jld ami Silur IVm-iU do I'liimUrt-s, in Kinder lia U)i. Silver I ntnv )firi. 'J' Suit itml Mii-t inl S,,M,fl tin rti, -nii uud ( K rit r L;idl'it. do I '! lVir-p n.i ,. , Nt i..r lioals HI Hi i liaillei, KuiUlUrf Sll-uUit, .Vt,'. ALSO, Ji'i'ilin-, lialt'd and Dri. tannin wure. (u'liiinu ilvor r-tpooiiH, An.; ;ild Diamond poiu IhI )Vn ut various prices; JiuV.iiJ. SuM'iW KiM(M.int'd IiM(U. Ac. ex'. riiiLidrlphu. Ala (it iSiil .STOiSf:i, WARE. S I'O.NK Hulk I'aiis, st.Hia .lie;" and filchera. and oilier .irin-li s of stone wore just received and lor sale 'iy JOHN V. J K1L1M.. . .suntmry, June . l4ta. AUD'8 eelolirated lion antl Caltla Madi. cine for atda b u UEJiKY MASMKR Bunbury Jan. Srih, 1849 t -,- , - LIVER COMPLAINT, JAtlNDTCE, DYPPRPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DKHIUTY, D1SKASE OP ' 1 THE KIDNEYS,, I Jlna all diiMtrs anting from a disordered . IAver or Stomach in both Male and .' . ' ' t . ... Female: : .. . ..;... Such hi Conttipallnn, Inwnrct Piles, Fullneis or Blood to tht IImiiI. Aeiilitv of 1h rVornnch. Ntnlfn, Itenrt-lntril, llitgiitt for Kontl, l-'ulltnt or weight ill thoWninaeh, Sour KrueUitiont. Sinkinr or l-'liitterinff nl Iht pit of the Htomneh fwimmiiiR of iht Henri, llurne.1 nnil Diriieult nrtBthiniri I-'hiiterinir nt the lliwrt, chokimr or Pniiiriiinnr srimitions when in n lvln ptllire llnniient.'f Vltion. IMS or weln litfore the riuht. V ever find rlnll ntiin In the Kemt, Ditrien cjr of I'trnprrstion, Vellownen. M th Kkin mxl Kves, I'nin in the Snle. Itnek. Client. IJmln. e., Smlilen tl'athef of Item, Unrninir in tha Firth, Cnnttnnt Immininit ol vH unit (rrenl iti-pretti in of Spirin Cun lio elleetunlly rlinil liy B?s. 2 CFLAITB'S CvU'hrnttMl (lerlitim Uittcrn. Thf ir power m-i-r th nlwf tlliwi.trii in not pxrrltfv" if equalled by iinyt'thtT prfmrati'iii in tin; I nitcd mi'-B nn ill-clircri ntlrtit, in rnniiy rnii' nfler nkillfnl phj sifinin linn iniirti. l)ir;imrrTn,iit "f llie I.i f-r n ml Stunnr-h nre p tirciu o ltistinity. nii'1 will nlfio pi-Mhiee difetcnw ol the H(rt,ikin I iiiiv'K Uiiiiyit, uiHi lu a hr; hU pn to mi nt luck il Ur I h -liTii. IK'ii'ti. or Ve('w Pt-rnr. fltii! il fiifnitiy Uic tirM' ivmiho il licit ui m( hjiirlill tliseUHf, ( iiBoutpl l n, Opinions nf the PiiludtJjjhm J'rnss. "TUK DISPATCH.1' N !V AM' HI,K Alf ;iMilf: WVIuu-f frt eptrnHy nt iitc CcttjiiLitfit iter in in liiti1!!. iimniinn-ii.tl i? ft 1 :l ' -U i. S,- ; .-i; Ut iiTllIM "I i lllin j '11. L!. 1 ' ' i. ' f -1". H's 1. 1 II !'l !)) '..im-'.i.,. ., It.t.i i m A "I '.' il tftdt !'.hilV Ml- 1 ll,,eisiii, it iii ' cunt mil tii r -nylily 111- ' ' ' 1 ' ' l:- I ' ' l i . u i. ii , 1 1 1 , it ii.-i- illeiheiiiCM h:tv-f l:iilel V ',. , , fj, ,. m ii,,. iie if ihr, tier man liitlen. th- :jo ,i, ii ! r. ii (ht m delnuiaieil, ixit connuntly s nun rn-- Ij ;tu; i :- ,r(.lhi- t'rauie a fact worihv cf )rreHt v Miideriui--ti. Tlr HiH"rn are pleasant in tastt mid nmcll, Mid nut he MduiiHi!:red under auv eircoiimuiucfr, tit tli tu-iT d. lie-it n m ana h linked, they e.ui he usedhy nil per il ns with Ihe man perfect iwlely. It won Id hp well for Ih -Re who are much iiil'-etinj iu the nervous vsterri, to e tinnienee with one teji ft;oout'nl or les. and lr:,','l' crease. We speak from exxrience, mid urn of course, n pr -per jud'je TIip iirets far and wide, have muled in re- cunimudmif the (i.tinan Hi I ha a. und ti the atllieted we in si c adially ud ifM their use. SHR1T OF THE TIMES," Jane ?th savs: "DO nm nuODCITIKNH'wlio are invalids, know the uiiiuy aMioiushiuir cures that lmve heen performed hy Dr. If. Mnt,iid Celebrated Oennan Ftitters ? If they d i m H. we reouuiieud them to the-Uernmn Medteins Store. nil Who are alliieteil with J.iver Complaint, Jaillldiee. Uys pepsin, nr Nervous IMnhty ; the lhwtor hasenred main "I out citizens after the last plunk iim had finhil. We havt used I hem. and they have proved to hen meitieinelhnl every one should know of. nnd we cannot refrain itivinc our trs t nn my iu their favor, mid that which gives them Rreatw claim upon our huinhle cllort, tltev ore entirely Vcgtiiahle. "THE DAILY NEWS," Julv 4!h savs 'We speak knowingly nf r. Ho ifl uwrsCrlehrntpd Ger irmti Itiiteiy. when we nay it is n hle;suiir of this aire; nnd iu disenjici'of the hilhiry. tifr''iivc uud S'ervous Systems, it htnnot wrthiuk nn eiiid. It is n Veffetuhle rreparntion, and made without Alcohol, mid to nil imuiids we wmiUl rc rotiinifMtl it an w Tlhy their confidence. For sil-, nli !fnale and retail, ai the principal Pciot, GKRMW Mi:t)lt;!Nl-; sroitK, No. I0 Arch Street, FMnlMdelpl.ia. For sale hy M. A.McCAY, --rthumhrland rnd Sun hurv and respect-ahle dealers jrenerully tliroiifrhout the Siaie. April l, 1H0 ly COLITMHIAX SHRIF.S OF The I'linil's friend a, id Tew h - r. cum fur'. IIH Ol,' Mill AX t'Al.i I !, vr,l;.Tlii work i-' iiln-ailv i':!rn !i ! 1'i't A' lul.iniii'K uud ii l:tr:.v. il into soinp of tlir j iiumlicr ol' KSrhnula, wlirr,' ti-' : - Ii- ill J t--,iclli-r ii u! i-.ll 1' tv ! !. i- l-j r m n t ' is !t:' ti : id - n-i ; 1 1 1 i-t ' "ni- I k. noil roo 1 1 I- I I t r our , .V. , V . 'I, ' On!, Ill I 'jti. .I-. ii,-':ii i.- -t'r.i, Ti'.nnr. 1 1 ri.iTon. Tlii iihont !)dll rmn It ptulimri'H the with -slate. I J 1 1 ' 'oiiiiniiiiil Kiilra, Simple '' t.i 'I'.i Nii.i.c liulo ofTlinn. I !( it'Ol'l'-tll. .Vv. 'J i i -. 1 in i -t. is ,1,-sIiiiihI for liir i:nc of yo'in i t-lari-tl8 iu tho School of lhr I'niti'il -tau-s. A ol anthill little hook, ami pirns- j iiur to i-IuKitrn. ami tilt' only onr oftho kiuil of any I illtll'. 'riirri arc Kt-ys to ltoth Aritlunrtirs htnnul sin- ulo or t!ou!ir. for tl:i- '-i-.i'M'iiit'tu'r of toarln-rs, in , wliii'h tin- 8olutions ui'ilm tptt'stious art- iiivon with niiii'h extra muttrr for thr Mark Imanl. 'I'lirsc Kry-t arr tin- nnt routplrto win ks of tin-kinil ovt'r j ini'.'li-lii-1, nnil loiitiiin. in ail.lili.ni, uliout two hoin'rc! rv.iiu,,,'-4 in Mrnsiiration, ttc, for tho o.-p I' -lir ToH.'lit'r. All that i unutrtl is to have ' iii. .;,.,' I ooks oMiiuiurtl. uiul no touch, r who -a .mi I. ic M-iriit-u of Arithmetic, will : ii. iu... '' in Tl.r lest works thn . 'i: ' . -' -.I in tins or any other I': . -.1111,1 Allii. ahcei. In-t.l , mi ' uionllis, lluy linvo to Hi Ni-jlit Tulilir --.ti .ill llu SilitKU -I V. 1 i.i'V- i-nwilr. r.-. j'f tv ., in llu City of K'i ii.Iiii :. AU.i, iii alt. ml iwrnty Ara.Inmios in the fMuhi ot I't inis Ivaniii in a lair juirli.iu of tlie Hflio.tls iii thr City nf Wilmington, in tho Cjiy uf I.anr.iFdT, uiifl in 1 1 10 liitroiiiih of Uarrislmrg, Voik. (.'tiiinilu'rslnir. la-haium, 1 J v U'slown, I'otU- I'or sail !'V 1 1 k k r Mvss;.n, Sinilturj i .r V''isHM.I''T,aii-l C .iintv. AKcnt mi; u zt R sTimrs. Ills I'owiler is u.irr.intcil Uir siiiN rior to nnv thiier in u-o for iiiip.ii-tiiitr a keen, Kiuoothe,lLre i to h',i:urs, Surnical ilisl.iiioents, and all kinds of line ( i ri.i.ni ; it may Im applied to any kind of I si fop. Also siisrior Kiiyor. Knivea, aud 1'erfu-j inerv, uuoiesule ami retail, hv AI.FKKU BKXNETT, .5e11t. l)e,ol of Fine Harors, Strop, ltmshes, and f'hcnp Fancy tioods, .No. IS iSoulli Filth street a lmve I'hestniit riiil.i.li-lpln.i. TESTIMONIALS. I'lIILlllCLPHIA, Feh. l.'llll, lH'H. This in ay certify tlint I have used one of tha Stroos iiicOHre.l w ith HA YN EN" M AtilO lll- Mf)ND I'OWDEK, and can attest iu the most uneipiiviHMl inunner, that there is nothing enn lie found tlint will produce the snnie elicit in my opin ioti. nnd inusi siiv to others, try it, and you will in. I il aupeiior to any heirluiore in use. I ran truly say tlul 1 nctcr knew what a sharp razor wus ls.'tore. JOHN SfOlT, Iron Snfe Maker, 41 S. Third st. ' PaiiAiiKi.rm i, October, 1 84. A very hard licard and tender tare has compel led me Ui seek and tr it inauv eoutrivanees draimi. ed to in.ikr aliaving easy and pleasant, hut with iiidill'rreiit success, until I made Use of the Majiic DIAMOND FOWUFK, sold hv Allied Bennett, and Roussel' Shavinir I'ream. Their united kiw rr act like niaie, and iiuart a power to tlie Kazor to remove the most stul4xiru U-ard, u-iihaul irri Uitin the skill ur temper of their owner. J. COX, 4 South Fitlli Street. For sale at this ollico Price 25 eta, per llox JNovoinUr 85, Irt-lrt 6m. Tii'':il ltft. I IPE IfE or Ciiiiisi, huiidsoniely IkiiiiiiI, D Au- Hivniur or ra Ki.nm m ti, IJum, l)M-uo"ti mi Li nt. i ns, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury , July 1. 'S9- j otton Yarn. Cotlon Cariiet Chain, Cotton Lap and Y adding, Cotton Outline, Heady uiade Pantaloons, Keailiiutle Vests, Congress Knives, Porceluin liued aeseniing kettle, iust retived for ale bv s H. MASSEU. Kunbury, Dec. , 8. PATENT Trusses of all kind, Harrison' writing aad indollible iuk, Cotton yarn and Utin, just received and lor aale by ' t . j .1 ' i. i. W.rKILLNO. Huiihury, Dec. S, 1818. m . - . I r OXYGENATED ; - ( A KOtEREIG!V REMEDY FOR , ,k DYSPEPSIA.' "" riiTinsic, ; AND A .. GENERAL DEBILITY. . GEOllG fi'B. 'GREEN,' iWn ietor. ... Il'uulsor, Vermont. ... If a novtreiirn remclr for DYUPKPSI A, In mmiy f k Torint, aneh nt pnin in the Stomach, Hcurtlmrn, li.il.itiml Oitlivenem, Actd Slomnel,, Headiiche, Ism al Appetite, !. ,"' f l p,vw""i even Contnmptioii (livnitniie I lithitie ) nnil Atthiiin, or Phthitic nltended with dernnie. iiient ol the Htoiniieh (or Dysneptie Attlmm,) l)i,n.ailt Urimthltiir. which otten retnllt from iinperfeet iliiretlion (or 1 ieptie Syipnrrn.) Is rellererl hy then. Hitlert. In th.!rt, their nte hat heen pruveil in trie relief of nhnott all tha svmplonit trint nroreed from a ilehnitnted or atonie eondi tmnol the !t-.ina.ih j nltn hi (reiienil t..-IJIiiv aritin- from seor from the efleeit of Fever, iriienlurly Fever and Aune. Feinnlca tinlerinir under nnv ulerina derniveninit nrwiiig from weaknett. will find I ha "OxroMATtn Hit TEat" an tjMwllent reniwlr, Slid n.H aurnaimetl f,r anr medi eme In ute. ' ' The hitt TV nf rtilai medicine is peenlinr. It tins mnila it wn) 1 1 hiIiic lar-ir .lely ,y l ha force of itt own intrinaia in ntt No nrtincinl mennt lmve heen naed tn five it n irietyand llirntt it up -n imlilir altnition. It hna never iwiore even l-en ndv. rl itcil. hut hnving lirtt ahown h re iiiaikalile erti.ney in th,- inmily of (he aroiirietor. anr! bf him niier-iii,liiniliniiiiterl to hianlllicled Iricndt nmt ac iii-iiti,nee with n likrrrtnlt. Itt reputation irniiinallv ex' teiMleil until ,, I, kwil j , ,x in n. ntaniedieine nf iniriviilled virtue! in the enra of I t,e;.,, ,,, , , ,r,.rM ,,,, mH, fir cnrn f AMIii,,-. r I'hllii.ie. II. only herald , ila rmlv m,'vy u.V., Z? ;" j't wdertnl efrteaev. at told froti llt'lllli I . in.-Mlli or hv letter Iron, rrl....rf ... .V; I I u'!t, " '" "' '""P"". "" lve iimvcd a re- il,;. i . "ll-,i"lOh' iimilnr effimcy .f -ATK" '"Kii.." nr.- in tlK ,Me ,ih. .r-.ri;,r: niniiv.,1 thpni .iir,m ,,,.r, ,ir,lv.i (rnni by porimm nlrraily widely Kii iwii to tlie puMic. r : i r ii ii r- W1NDSHII, Vt., (ct .t.r 3, IMS. .N, Pmprielor. The fi.lloM i- lrtifi.-nlr. hnvr rrcrntly krra riTfivpil t ' , W.nMiXBTns, I). C. Jtrx 10, 19W. i (,'r'r"' yX"-1'"'- Vt.and from kiniw r L.i.,1 , ,'i ".I r""""'' '" wc-li-erlillly r.y miiiiwikI ,P, f. tl.. ,...).!. hrlii.vmtli,,tth.y willfnllv r;1" ""' ''''"'"'ii.liiii.in ..I tlir lr..,,ri.-t..r. Wr h-.Pa ; ! vnl..-,l,l.. rom.,ly ,,,, ! ...'.m.illv ilini.-i!! MnVirtH """"O Uwt it n.iy lw awx-Mible' t. all th. hami 1:1, piir.i.rs, Wli.l.l am 1 il m I I"-f. fSoiintor from rarmiiHt. JAT 'inl! iT- """""" f""n R or of .Oil'-i'y ' XU' L """'"l'"""lyiov.n.- vi-'rll Von'' V,U)' Mo",,,er of c""?r" and formerly Ga- v,,0i!'!"T!",D"K' ' 3 ! frmeriy fllir o l(li'lit..:ii. ' Tm-iu!ryIAI,'''IX' Dll'"p"0 '" Cmipri-w from Wiacoiuin 1-roin Hon. II. D. r.TrHrM-nihcr of Congrea from lViinsvtnuiiii. 1V-,r 1 I WHI!WTOS. I). C. JuxK 10, 1846. v..TT ..' i i i,ve " " ''y'l"'!"!'- aiilT.-ror f,,r uU,U L it V- .,,H,i,v r,.rf, Vari.,. nmliri,,,., ir relirf 111,...' I l,vr nml nlviiit !,, I,,,,.,, ,, fli;, f,,,,. ri t! ,r.,l to ,,rri.H.t li.'.-ihli The form, in w i,l, tlw ri, i i,.,.?; I. """' "' w- Brunt nn.lity of tha il illi-h I. , ppL.. r-xtr,,,,,, Daliil,,., arvfira mnatl-r-'ll''i " Hi.- In -,... ml vinh.-iit l,r:lrhr. Fcrlinc ilcai. r i tlml kn-iwl-'p- f ,-oiir valiul.tr rrinr.N- niiir rnu-h oh,T.i !,:., i;;i,, ,,. , ,.,k ,,.,, 1r,.;,?r,., l.iin l..,ri,. , , , rn,t,vc p-rr: nn;t wonl.t nR. ! ; V'''" v'1 "' '",,k' "l,"r ' ". i i. nin iMrr, ,! ,rt. . ,.r f ,.,.!, i ,?' "'I' 1 ""'" Thrv are ilir..n that voil ah-.ii,,l i-MiihliK , ii,i:W,.,-y 'itil,r!r. r iiifinn tllrin vh, r,! Ihr ninlicinr run h,- ol.lni,,,.,! Will, ,., , .1.. I i- l.-nty nn I h.iiiiiK-.s. il,wril.r invMiIf, I'-t'O 11 I, r-i id-n-i, TI ill II K l. liKo. I!. i;iti:K.Wi,.,U .r V( ' S-1,1 M, ...,,.. . ft,.,:,,, ,v tVKa k Floti-hw, Ne. A'.'.-ni f r S i.,i,i,rvl. n. M ssr.l! Airrnl. I ,r Mill.MM vrK XV A II ri. -"' I"' 1 i'l'ir .M.-iiiiiimy. J. ii. Ki:. A,ri! 1.-,. tH TO TUF, i'UBLIC. MKDICLYKS. l in t ,onnit your IforsM or catlln to ilir, when thr iiumiin ot.-uru arc within tliorracli of all! 'I'll,- iin:!rri:rnru lias i Kirnt arvrr.il vrars in the s-ln.lv of V, nii.nv i.r n-ui r in 'I,..niin ,.,i i.. linihoro. Iu-has a:;. avail, .1 hiawlf.n ih.irrsoar choKof la-i'ii-r, ail ol!,rr,-il,-!,rat.-,l inen.uhoh.ivo j (ontriliiilr-l inuoh tim-nriN n jmlii-ioiis trratinrnt j titanium!; tho priuriplr of our pr.it-tira ronHista it, I,- ,-t-uotl Ol aiMK'-a i i't'llii,.. tl,A total I rrfi-iioii ,, i,i im-.n.-nii'-t ,.lt oxiiorionre lias ehoMi to br of humorous tcnilancv. Tl,. r nioiliosart in harmony with thn vital prinripln, antl when nivon aciorilin? lo ttic ilirrctions which ao coiiipMiiy i-a.-li article they mo t ajiulile ofcjtciling ami iocriMsinu' t!,o natural functions, without tli iiiinishiiiS or ilpsiroyip" tlirir powrr, home ars salcin tho luunls of ovt rv onr. ' U. H. I) AUD, M. P. A ut ll-irar uiul C ntlle .Mrdiclnr, Physic lia!!s, ",."),. per liox. Altcra'.ivo hall, T.'ic ilo. " p iwilrrs for liatl cunilitiun,7ocporpark- llenve powder f, irdisrase.s of the luuus, 75c lriiie powder for " kidney, 75e Tonic powder for Imd condition plunder, 73c Conlinl drink for inlliiiuiiliou of bowel, 7 Se holtlo. dr. do. ia. per Liipiid blister, 7.V per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per jiot. Heiilintr balsam for wounds and saddle gall, 75e. per botlle. Wash for inll uiir I eyes. .r(lr per bottle. Ointment tor mau;e bcratches, old sores, Ac, 50c kt bottle. I-;mbro, at:on for sore throat, ,5c per bottle. Hotif ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniiucnt. the most erlnbruted article known iu England for laincnrss of every description, 75c tV 1 per bottle. Distem r powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for tlio removal of worm from the intesiiiiul ennal, 73 per package. For sale by Si'lMl'SON & KEKD, 26 Mer- , chants How, nlso at DADU'S HOKSU AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1 & 2 1 1. 1 market S.iuire, Uostou. Pamphlets tlcsciiliin the disease for which these remedies are used can 1 hud gratis. Numerous Certificates arc in possession ef the Proprietors, of cures i formed by the above Medi cines. Sold by (iKEEN tV FLETCHER, No. 26 Seuth fl.VTH Street, l'hiludelphia. and hy hi A"i". Htxat Masskr, Sunbury, February 3, ISl'J. U' ROSE OINTMENT, TOIL TETTER 1) l'.AD thr following- rntifirate from Cnpt. Drvoe, the k well km iwu and isuiular Slum Uuut L'uiiuiu (of tlie Travrllrr.) ' r H I lauel ni ia , October 31, 116. Sevrml years ainre I win nttarknl with a breakliur out on my nrck iii ihr fnnii nfTnier, which I ain convinced was r..i!tnicU-U al the liartKr' Sls,. It irruutlually ritend e.1 over my fiu until it reached Ihe uist part ol' the dicvka. lnriiifr thr several nhsitha titat it eontinuiNt agiiuiilnn;, I oo.il dillrrrnl appliculiona. a .ine of which aud lha rllivt, apreiitly nt Iwist, of itirrrnsinir thr distisr. hut from none ol Uirm did 1 pcrreiva the Ittal lnelit antU 1 npilird the ItosK Hixtmf.w. Hy the um, one jar of it, 1 waa perlct'lly cured and have remained free of the affec tion. I have ainra used ihe Ointment, tirhllv npptied forrouirh n, as ,4' the laer. U.itclir. rhH,Md lutuda, ir. W ith per. feel aiitvcsa. I liavr no lirsiltilioii ui recoiuiaeuduitt u in the stronprat Dlalmer to Ihe public. JAMKS DEVOE. A (rent Hen rt Mahskr, Puiiliury. Jul) Its, 1M. FiLTEITT lEEISIlf EST (irern'a Oxyireuated liitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tout nsend's Sarsaparilla. linker' Saraaparilla. Sway ne'e Syrup of Wild Cherr Sway no' erinifuue. I Vyre' Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake' Panacea. Dr. Cullcn's do Tihhit'a Pain Killer. , Dr. lloolland's tierman Bitter' Indian Veiretable Pill Horse and Cattle Medicine For kale br HENKY MASSER. sunhury, July 14, 1 84 it. BOOKS aud Giold Pens, On bant several cop iia of the life of Christ, aud also a nuuilier of . gold pens which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia price. For aale at thisollice. wrENNEDY'3 PATENT SA.SH FAS- M. VEM-NliSL-A cheap end excellent ni ele (or fastening sash fur aale by j. w. rniLLva. Sunbury, July T, 1849. i ! J 1 f i-l-.i i l.-j SB.