en II. B. jNtSSfe, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. SI jFamUa ilciuspapcv-DcbottS to JJolftfcs, JLttttntitvr, iWoinlfty, iFoicfan nirt fcomcslfc SLcVoh, Science nnH the cuts, aarfciiUuvt, iWnrluts, amusements, EW 8EIIIKS VOL. , K .18 SttNBUUY, NOHTIIUMDEHl.AMl COl'l Y. 1A., BATLT.DAY, MAUCll 22, I830. OLD SERIES VOL. 10, NO. 30, 'rJS.' OFFICE, 1 no i 45 . a vi .ST5 nun I no TERMS OF THE AMIJtla. f 'HE AMERICAN ii published every Mnfa TWO I ARS per annum n l I"' ""' yinrlj1 wince, j..,,,...i,niit until AM. arrenrnitwi nn W eomrrmmeiiti'm" or Inters nn Imimiicm njlio tha to Innn attention- nmit I POX V PA 11 ' TO CLUBS,. ... to j addre-, ' F,r dollars In K-Wnnc. will pay for three yeai rip- io Ihe American. ,e Sonars of 18 lines. 3 lime, eiv subsequent insertion, i Sqtmre, 3 month., i months, rin ss'fctirtls of Five tines, prt ""h', ehants.nd others, a.lverttM,,, by the "..with the privilege of inserting .lif er W ATTORNEY AT LA BUNBTJRTT, PA. Business ..tended to in the '"' ml.erl.nd, Union, I.ycom'.iir ..ml Loin liefer let h . n..niit. ' V ' 1 f. OC . ' ' - L P,.unff. l.OWtn i ., Sn.ing A- SH0UOAS, , . Rstsows, Mcl''nt!.i. 6z Spfhh'O.oo" & Co., teK.enSi-rerBgreel.en,0 CHAKLES W. 11 EC INS rotiHTiiic, ia. ;! ill promptly attend to collections and all., ncsu entrusted to his care. June 10, 1849, urca CAMS OOPEll&CAIEUd 7n-i jj v z, v.S! 4 71 .l I V SELECT POETRY. Frteeted fur the American. THE STORMS A.D STAKS OF .MAHCII. BY THB REV, JA.MKS (ilLBOR N B LYONS, D. D. Harsh is ths voicp, nnit lotul ihe wnr Ol storms in that unreiiiul limp, Whi-ii, leaving; !StU hern lainls Ht'ar, Tin- sun wakes up tmr Northern clime: The lonji while Aureus of the dei p . Then bruuk on every wailniir fliote, Ami. n:i m itivr ilown isifh rocky sleep . Tho moiiKlit in luirvii'i- laireaiul tour. I-ike rapiers ilriven vi:h V cti urcf:i 1 fhilil, On breatit and brow t!n. .-old wiiuls b.-ul, And the lietee hail, or tumbled dust. Sweeps the riutfih road and eehoim lrei'IJ The urimiiiiij; wnndit are blrak and bare, 1 he vinlet slninlieis yet unseen, And the wide fields and pastures wear Js'o weleoirio lint of eat l green. But Got) with nil u Father's love, When e.uth thus rell ol beuutj lies, Reveals iii blazina pomp above The wonders ol His radiant skies: Look thou on Nij;h't refulgent ureli, When that rude hour thy gladness mars, And thou shall find in raying March, The month at once of storms and stars. For lo! tho great Orion bums, Descending in the clmulless west, And red A returns now returns, Beaming at eve, n sacred gtiest ! Far up in the circles broad and bright, The Bear and Lyon move mid shine, While Siiitis lifts his orb of light, And fills our hearts with iIioul'Iu's divine. jLA-Wf Thus, ever thus, when storms arise, 9 And all is dark and invless here. POTTS1 ILlii', , He sets before our liiiitiiiis eyes Sf-liuyllllll County, Pa., The glories of that lolly sphere : rTll 1 rolled monies, aW-ml to litigHtrd A When sorely tried we grieve alone, and act us ogrtifs in the mmisgrnioil Or sink benealh oppiessi Persons drsmrtr UH'ir services, i essions rod, lie w histieis, fioui Hi start v throne, 'Look vp, O man ! And trust in God " Delect dale. THE GERMAN THERMOPYLAE, SKETCH OF TI1K AMERICAS ' ItKVUU'. TIO.S. -ntes. &o. ;r to the following gentlemen P1III.AUEI.P11IA. m idS. Brown, Ume R. Ituvis. ''""jH rv While Fnmeis V Hack, in . "' To?bbliE,, Jeel 00.4, Ksq, B. II. Hrower, rhompsou Jones, Ew. NEW YOUK. Mnse. II. Grinnell, ll'm.Os.V'i tl-f.nan, ,:T.,.M... II.MilUlwHr.lCnilij.. .Abbott lwreu..-e, 13ostx. John AiKe., l-.q, Low ins 2. isl'.i. ' '- - '"77 havsi.atkd from Tin: German for the :rge j. wF.Avr.n i f.owin h. rrn.1 i,.rrTSiI.I.tt ,,0STj nY Ci r, SAXOI.:ns. George J. Wt avt r & C rE lWANTJPACTUn.nn3 & SJH fi,rp aVi,f v.(, ,-ir.sum,.f hut few of our CHANDLERS. ads who hav,. Hoi henrd ot the heauti- fo. 19 .V.HVrrSf., ' 1 1 A. harve, (, i,nmhh. Valley, that rich ami fertile Viin.Ain-.t.t'iiiA. lU t hu.d, sitiiiite'd in the Slate of lYiin- Ttm-llt I I...., .,,!.!.!, I,,,,. ... I....... .,lK.i. ' ts ami writers. This valley was 1 1 " . '...-i.... 1 .1, it'll mil . . ... ... ' , lord... Hemp mm -""""", .: ',,,. .. ,ist ( cue V hell led IV U' I'lliailS. Jt ito-i, ' Linen unit ( en. hi. 'fie. Viteh. ,: it ,a i i e h (iirtiiS, fields and meiidows, llneyC-of' vahmUe timber laml, a.ul mm r uw-iiii -as vi j u-ki, in-,, ami sworn, ny a party A.ri -an Tories. IJiitish, ami Indians, 1 lit r I'i'VJ :i a tirim vlli-n it ;-f)TnTA &C001 'Piilat, of the settlement, wliich num. MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS . . 1 1 ft trpnrn TlfK I WIIM!, l.lllfll till" , rtuv.Wr Vu-k. A.r1fl TwiiiP, T"w I Aw. ,ila.lelphiu. Ftt. 11). lt. 1. For the snip of Fish and Provisions. .Va. 0 AVRTIin iLniVKS, PKITjADBtPHIA. oil and Dun Fish, Cheese. tuc kerol, fl4 a innn. Hcrrin hilatlolpltiB, May 6lh, 18-iy ly. rEHir MAW HIS OV7N PATENT ACEHT. 1'NN & Co, vm'lishers lf ,," ')S('1KNTI, F1C MKKICAN," have luvetiml us wttli mmivlilet oontaiimiR the Patent Laws of the ed'Hatcs, touell.er with all Ihe forms lifcessH w spirfvin? tor n Patent, information m rcRafd in" caveats, with remiirks on Us use, etc., a nt offrere.niire.lat the Patent Olh.e, and y other informntiontlint is necessary to uistiuct rson in mukiiiR his own applications, rice liH cent single, or Vi epics lor cine itul--wnt hv mail to iniv part of the Lulled Mutes, ldresa MI NN & CO., NcwAork. arch 10, 184!). JLEXANDKll . CA I I I M rssOB TO JAMES M. BOI.TuN, DECB. SSIOX A- FOKH'AUDISG MLU- C 11 AST, . r, , . 11 D I,. lina l.llin. Will tiflllll, I 111111, 0IIU.1 U lii r &r. . 13 Smtk What vcf, GooW'll''-Ai'Ki-'i1,A Scliuyli with cave, to all points on the Canals. jSumiuclwniia and Juniata the lowest Wflr'mdstones. &c, for sule at Philadclifl , 1819 ly r aniited to about 350 souls, bad jom- the ny cif (lie preyt and immortal asiuox at a distance of several days U'liey here they expected to encounter mairmy of the enemy. I'he Cik'1 of these Wyominp; Germans, lluhHcht a justice of the peace. He an iliale Iriend of Washington, who lw lio1, appreciate his distinguished lilies, ye as his rare intelligence : alinoh o matters regarding religion, t! vied opinions diflered greatly lr eaclier, as it is well known that Wiingttias a strit.t believer in the J5i. bkwhcrllidleuhafh did adhere to the doilnesoiomas I'aine, who was a phi iosiier aireethillker. 1' heat ndiiii; call in distress, of their PN 'i und iliililren, which they bad I aii He, soon reached lite ears of lb'' voiiii Volunteers, and in an instant I iadii,, himself' surrounded by bis Hi, whved liij.i to meet theeiieinv, whoa irte-iMat'.-if ir.ore than 2,00!) men. ' Iii iiu .re .the ipi'.' 'iital'tons of V aslKlulliho, heiiv aware ot (lie Ml- perii.i,ii,i S(r,.i.rtl-i i.i the.. :ir' a rous ! pin fl.jIi;r ,or((,...( tia.t pi-ouosti. catedail a,,, death. IW' aiu.oiiy moved the heart m 'v"')e ut t th-nuht of the dear oil s .....wey uoj.-it la hiiiil and tmprotec. ted, j)rh' iie"jr )jsls in eagerness lor coiiihud nii,.., ,1,,, i,,, " Bill r 111 in, iv-.iii, l"'cts'ieir med happiness ; and it was now USl.r pi ,or ttu,m to rema; i prieti CHEA, NkwJ SMI Til' eJ Vo. 36 JV. Sixth fk hand Book Siokk. Market tf Arch, L.w Books, Thelip''a. MEDICI1"1 Classical Books, UOGRA l'llWA L .A OOKS hCHOlHWAL BOOKS, Scientific and ,MaVs- i'ei7eooa,,CAt Bo',I(" ymn Books and Prayer lV variety. and nriei'iule. " si" Vank Booh, Writ,,, !, : !.Muau r;x-",; C , W l" "'oer lr.au Ixaul.V. STRAW B21T1 5- HAT MAX U FACTOR JorA Second street Madison House! v. --"""iii aim Alii inrn, tu ,i,.l SHOrtnuinl ..r r .... . ' I alurge ad , I' '" " " '"" M ica ii ol Palm I 'V . V "r u? c M. & J. E. MA I'M,, "onne.1 and Hat Wanutaclurcr ' Company v . , "nton ""J W 1P wilh irmy. 'C;Olllwl lV,u li.nmti.,1 niiil llnndnd I .1 lll-- lllllllllll, " ., y ll")loiie,'i,.y began to return home ward m-at hvle. niiirch'mrr day and "'pn,' Ihey ,rrived ut their settlement wlur(a( n,eetinoj again their peiimbodes.tliey hehehi the smoking r'""scioyedilwellings, near to which the en laj coinforlably erected their tents, t1ornjng fjre hla.ingtriumphant- ly I" t intermingled with their huz. zas. "ley recognised tlie red hordes of Brant, ti1)rj()llg spoilers of the "Ger nla" , '0 had joined the rapacious and bloo),ty T)rieg an() jiritjHti, which but a shte- a,,0 j enprry Valley had given sut;h)(, pro,,! 0f tH.ir cruelties. y'h looks, Hollenbach regarded his gallai hand, wlio gnashing their teeth frrl(j veng.vice, stood near tlie place ol d(i,m. am thp, 00ks of his men aiin.(0 tht; Inmost-thoughts ot their lu 1 here Ale w10 wo,j .have trem b.ed at an 0I tnestf hordes of mur derers. "Brother,!, .' ...I II,xtlnlarh !. . '"fge and gcnerul J7 -n nik. w .,-ii- . ' " . . .i v-i wuiiiiiicru. iii.b u irniiici t,ii.'ii . . i "ley oner at uric,-. .1 iZ' . ac-XT 'Is. who WatCll lor our J Palm i u . . .. ' -u,"ijciuioii. vwnce, ant ..:,.: ; . ;,.irvi "children only. Every o, ol us enn th ollml 8SIains eight f,nh",.n- nd these hrute. U h-l in such a ,a,,liat pven Ut, d; j ;,,,. . If must hay, tij th Geiinan, of Hyomiug Vu -iiu ruisipgrtlf f,0,n his saddle he "aiveums.w,.,,,,. sir and spul;red hlhor onwul.. Ihlinrt.rin- hurras nP"y- For sal. 1 1- w. Tmuxa. Is followed his words, and his men ruslied forward, eager for the ensuing comhnti At the first volley, more than one hundred of these red skins (wliich formed Ihe advance guard of the enemy ) were weltering in their bloodi The enemy Were quietly reposing in their camp, but in an instant the whole army of the enemy was apprised of the as sault, and floin all sides they rushed upon the gallant little corps. The sun rose, spreading its animating beams upon the ex hausted Germans, w bo ill a moment made arrangements to. take the stand behind a row of ruins, and to wait lor the approach of their enemies. The first assault of the enemy was repulsed, and many kfcted Ihe earth in death, caused by the dense drift of bullets sent forth from behind the entrenchments. The mockery about this powerful resis tance mid bravery, which the appearance of the little band so openly demonstrated to wards the enemy, soon engaged its whole army 'in a furious combat, but they were not able to stand their ground against the discharge of the pieces of the little band, h rattling, cleared their ranks. H re pulsed repeatedly, and again hurrying into the fight, the enemy could not gain a font of ground, although their guns began to clear the ranks ol their powerful antago nists. During twelve long hours, these German Spaatans manfully resided the su perior force of the ennswy. 1 inally, and with the last glowing of the setting sun, the fate oi' the day was derided, MO Germans had fallen in delenre ol their adopted country ; and f0 more lay badly Wounded, who would not seek for quarter, and still striving to make a last effort a gainst the enemy, who seeing their deter mination, had almost been driven to mad ness on account of bravery. H hat a noble u nitary achievement: What persevering heroism! Ilul i'lfsc nfn been meriennn, they vutild vp to tJi lay have been remembered hti the nation ? tlie "Immortal Wyoming 7it," but they were only Germans, ami their memory, which is as worthy of immortality as thai of the Helens of Thermopylae, remains silent ly recorded in the hook ol History of two Pennsylvania counties! A DAY'S EXCURSION. Om: day last summer I took my place in a Giavi send .steamer, ami found considera ble amusement in watching the various characters. Two persons in particular ul tra' ted my notice ; one was a middle-aged gentleman, slout, rather surly, taciturn, who paid no attention to n I ly livinsi being on board, exc pi a huge Newfoundland dog j that was panting or lolling out his tongue, roaming among the passengers, shoving them out of his way, or frightening children by suddenly covering their faces with one lick of his; great tongue, and convincing nervous ladies that he was going mad, by the vigor with wliich he stuck out bis legs while rolling upon the deck. His master eyed these prank.) with a sly smile, and seemed quietly to enjoy the terrors occa sioned by the antics of his burly friend. The oilier person whom 1 specially noticed was a very pretty and well-dressed lady. Young lady she would no doubt have been called, but that she had with her a little girl, about seven years old, w ho called her mamma. She was evidently possessed of nerves; indeed, she seemed to lie posses- j se.l by them, and their name was legion. 1 Kndless were the petty annoyances ill which j they involved her. Hut her keenest suf ferings in the small way were caused bv the unwieldy gambols ot Lion, the New foundland dog; Em! hi r inresaiit and pue rile exclamations ol (error, indii'iiation, and spite, against the ..'ooil-iialiii . i! hrute, k. pt up the sly, malicious smile upon the lips of his apparently unnoticiiig master. The Itltle girl, on the conh.irv, had, to the in ci eased alarm of tin weak mother, it ade friends with the n.otist. r, and lor r. long time amused herself by throwing bits of biscuit for him to catch, which feat, not wilhstan.ii'ig the incorrectness of her aim, he iuani:.'eil to accomplish, bv making n boisterous plunge to one side or the other; and w hen ut last she timidly odercd him a piece out of her hand, and he.ackuowledged the compliment by licking her face and rubbing his side . tteainsl her, until he al most pushed lu r down, the little creature fairly screamed wilh delight. Her mother screamed too, hut in one of the small, hys terica! screams in which she was fond of indulging, and which was followed bv an outburst of anger at Lion's audacity : "Good gracious!' she exclaimed, "if that horrid creature should be mad, he'll have killed my child ! How dirty he is loo! Look at your pelisse, Adeline; see what a state it is in ! How dare you play with that animal ?" This transition from hydrophobia to a soiled dress, was too much for Lion's mas ter, and he burst into a loud and long laugh. "1 wish, sir." said the lady, snappishly, "that you would call away that nasty dog, instead of selling him on to annoy .every body who is not accustomed to have such dirty animals about them." The gentleman said nothing, but bowed and walked forward ; and I soon after saw him enjoying a cigar, while Lion played the agreeable in his own rough fashion, to people who knew how to read the expres sion of hi honest and intelligent physiognomy. Little Adeline, deprived of the attraction which bad fixed her attention to the inside of the boat, began to see amusement in watching the foaming water, as it rushed from the paddle wheels, and danced ii oug lines behind them. She knelt on a shawl which a fellow-passenger had lent, as a cushion for her little knees, and leaned quietly over the side, watching the roaring water; so her mother v.'as for a time relie ved from the thousand mosquito-winged vexations which had hitherto beset her. We were within a h-wf milei of Grave send. Tht tid was just at the full, and the broad expanse of the river lay nround nnd I can lake much belter care of her than us in all its majesty ; and to those who have you cfin never beheld the Hudson or the Mississip pi, old Father Thames is majestic, ay, and if we place in the balance the historic, poli tical and commercial importance of the transact ions of which his broad breast is and has been the highway, our time-honored river will not lose in dignity even when compared with those giants floods of the west. Such thoughts as these, however, did not. trouble Adeline's pretty head, which began, I could see, to grow giddy with the continual whirl beneath her. A large sea weed, that was dashed from the paddle wheel, caught hernttention. It sank, then rose, turned around in a short eddy, and in t tr ! v lor then darted out in the long wake that was left behind the steamer' She leaned for ward to watch its progress further still her neck was stretcliedshe lost her bal ance, oud tumbled over into the roaring flood. In a moment all was confusion a board. Men were shouting (orlops and boats, to stop the s'.enincr ; cries of "A child overboard!5' "Win can swim!'' nirl a thousand other cries and questioning ; hut, above all, were the poor mother's heriii rending shrieks, too painfully i:t eacne.,! now; and fhe alone, in the fond, iiisl;t;c five devotion of inaleina! love, hei-diess that even should she roach her child :-he could only sink with her. endeavor leap info the water to save her. Suddenly, Lion, followed cicely master, came tearing along the deck, knock ing the p-ople to the right and left like nine-pins. They sprang into (he boat that hung at the stern, fVcry body giving way before the-(letermiu. il energy of bcth man and dng. Lion lo kid anxiously in his master's fare, and uttered a sharp, low Link. "Wait," said the latler in reply ; "where was she seen la.4 !'' "There, sir," replied n sailor promptly ; there beside that piece of plank." 'How of on has she lisen ?" "Twice." The gentleman drew a long breath, and said to his dog, in a low tone, "Look out!" And Lion did look out, with wild flush ing eyes, and limbs that trembled with an xiety, What a moment that was ! Every one else was passive ; every other attempt was laid aside, anil all stood in invite expec tation. Those who were near cnouoji watched the third rising of the poor child, nnd those who could riot see the water, kepi (heir eyes fiX"d upon Lion. In another instant a cry was raised, as a golden-tressed head was seen to emerge from the water. The noble dog had seen her first. thotHi : and. i r- the warning j cry had reach' d his ears, he had dashed I from the boat wilh wonderful rapidity, und j was swimming toward the li'tle siifT rer as j though he knew that life und death depend- ed on his efforts. I His master marked progress .t:ii.ae, ly. His face was pale as death, and it was only by rigidly compressing tie m that be could control the nervous quivering of his 'ife lias her," he exclaimed, a-; Lion nse to Ihe surface, after along die, holding the ! little Adeline bv the hair of her head in such a manner that her face was rut of wa ter. "He has her, and she is saved:" Down went the steps, and on them slood a couple of ai liAe f.iilors, i nctmr; giug the brave dog by shouts and gc stores, nnd rea dy to receive his precious burden when he should approach them. Slow ly he came on, wUlfullv eyeing the steps, and now and then looking up at Ids master, who was leaning over the side en co'inc ing him wilh his ve!.kno n voice. "Ih re you are !" cried tl'.fi sailo.s, si iziug the little gill. She was ham I' d from one to another, aed at last ih positeii in the arms "Perhaps so, sir," she replied, wilh the gentle manner thai had come over her since the accident "but still I could not spare her she is my only child, and 1 am a widow." "I must go,;' muttered the gentleman to himself; "whew! has not the immortal Welter assured us that one widow is equal to twenty-five ordinary women ? It's not safe morally safe to he in the same boat wilh her." He walked away. Tint who can wrestle against fate' When the boat returned to London Bridge, 1 sav him carrying Ade line ashore, and the widow leaning on his arm. They had a long conversation all the way home! And, when he had put them into the cab, they hail another chut through the window, terminating wilh a promise to "romr. turtii." What could all tlm; mean? No looked afler the cah till it w:r; out of sight. "I think she has got rid of her nerves," he observed to himself; "whet a charming creature ihe is without them!"- 'i'.iE mill. oil oi ihe l'i'.i sv" M '.CI11NC roi-.Tiiv. Aiemul h. f W:ii"a I put -n;' tirai 1' I'. !t i . " fl i9 s e ike ; Oh.har s.iy-4 .I.e. ''wlr.t liberty "V ail t.-r-iii.Mi ile U.k- !" "Why) lb. l!.,1 Si!, lay oIkii rai.'.r gi! j (I n.ji-.z -a tar 'U e, I a. i,-.) Crai v. u k iv 0 a. y c h nr iiiil Jlin l'I.-Li.'i.l e flit: I'i.Ksi." 1 kif Lil her r;aii. -j Jul by k'ml S'lr.-g i,.ri. I. lie a I.i; I ; t .. n my :,. .-jl, Shi- I . V-d V.. i t I'M I , e .t : 1 Ifiive un.-ther i-uss, tin:! th-'n, is.i; mic, 1 g.- e ..lies, I rjt.ar .s .ill-, k...Iwr lila- 'Tul 1 i.vi e.'M -if ;iie Prrvv" THE 1I.I.UK1C 111. II r PVINL'k 1:11 O Mi ll V. Mr. Paine, whose di.noveiy ol producing lggbl liotii waif i', excited so lunch inleiesl u i few muiilln ao, hua at last fumirdicd the J public: w ilh sumcthinu: in explanation of this j aliened discavcry. He slates that he his diseevered u new piincipli! i.i electricity, I poudeiabiiir, , m..lei ialil V and obediecce lo j t.i laus of giavil.iiiou that he is the first to accumulate and ctiir. press ll.e i lcctiic fluid, and ha ie.vcile.l a machine which enables him to use the slectiie iinid for useful pur ! p.-.-' s. This con, muuicaiiou is lonig, the ma. terial pari, however, is l hat in trying some evp -: inieiits far the paecipitation of sili x by the action of electricity be became satisfied thai, so lunii as ihe w hide body of water a I round the poles remained a conductive or dif I fa.-ive medium, the action of the ps'-sing eur- i rents w riii. i fe umtieii. an,! ine restim de sired uu.ilUianh'e. Wi'.h this iev of the Meet i'e s.a:igbt far . mi t bod by i bich the iilw res of water in contact with the p:i!e, cnuld be cfleetaally bancd from coii.tiiuuica tion with any cuiidtielive st bslanee, and yet athnii of a Ci't.liiiiiui si.j ply cf :!.e water to be decomposed. Deliex iei; in ihe doctrine of imponderabili ty and immalei ialily of ihe electric fluid, all elforts to necnmpiisii the li siied result failed and ;iie experiment was atu.nt lo be aban doned, when a doiibl as to ihe truth of the ! bonks, on ihe i;ties'.ieii of the nat Me of clec ! tiieity, muse in my miii.1. an.! on the faint ! hope held forth, the c.xpeiiitu nts were re j newed, and the results more I ban realized i the most sringi. ine expwclrtl ions ; for not only j was the j istilalioii of l hit water peilect, and .Iciompesiliuti rapid, but I ii tr elccliio lltiid trier himsolf ; but tho entire community, coutj ly, or district, in which he lives, derive ad vantage. Besides, a'r, farmers are social peo ple, and ono of these books, sent into a neigh borhood, instead of remaining in the house of the person lo whom it is sent, travels round tho entire community, and every man M ho wishes, can see and read it, and derive ad vantage from it. Nor do 1 think tho argument, that it is not tho luaitimato business of Congress to mak books for the people to undertake publio education has any more force. 1 do not think that it would do any harm to any of our constituents, to havo good, solid, practical in formation, upon a subject intimately connec ted with ihe best interests and prosperity of the country, and that, too, at the expense of the Government, which they maintain and support. Your farming interests comprise nearly eighty per cent, of your entire popu lation ; and I ask you, what do you expend for their benefit ! What do you do to sup port and encourage these interests, besides this yearly pittance for this report ! and cf this you wish now to deprive them. Sir, W9 who represent honest, hard-working farmers, would be recreant to our duty oli'JconstitU etils, if we did not resist earnestly tho at tempt that is now made to cut off from thorn, ibis mite, w hich has always been given grud (jingly. 'I'he gentleman from South Carolina Mr. WoodwardJ objects, that it is a mere compi lation, nn J contains extracts from agricultural journals that he wants a learned and scien tific repoit, Sir, that it embodies a vast a mount of plain, solid, practical information, is hue; and that, in my judgment, is its chief merit. Scud out learned, scientific disquisi tions on the subject of agricultural chemistry, alkalies, and gasses to faimers, and they will uul thank you for them. Ttiey would not give a suns fur a bushel of them. They want something which tells them in aplain, straigh forward farmer-like way, how they may im prove their farms, and their cattle, nnd bet tur their condition, and those things these re poitii contain, and those, I repeat, are their best feature!. Tlie gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. YtNABLt opposes the printing of this report, because, he says, ho is in favor of reducing postage, and these reports will tend to en cumber the mails, 1 will go as far as that gentleman, or any other upon this floor, td reduce postage. I believe, sir, tvhh that gentleman, that it is a measure loudly called lor by the people and the press. It is neces sary, sir, in order that intelligence may be circulated freely and fully throughout the country. I would make it, if I could, as free as the light of heaven. I am, too, sir, for cheap postage on letters, and fo; the free cir culation of newspapers, within thirty, forty; or fifty miles of tho place where they are published, or within the county, or Congres- ;i.u announced the unfinished ' siolKl1 district, where they are printed. Thie IRIG HAM FOR PRIVATE USE. A correspondent of the Bradford Reporter furnishes tho following recipo for curing hams: I turn my barrel over a pan or ket tle, in w liich I bin n hard wood for seven or eiijht days; keeping a little warm water on the head of the barrel, and prepato a pickle by putting six gallons of water in Vboiler, wilh 12 lbs. of salt, 12 ounces of saltpetre, and two quarts of molasses This I stir suffi ciently to dissolve the salt, &c, and let it boil and skim it. I then let it cool and pour it on my hams, and in one week I have smoked hams, very lender, of nn excellent flavor, and well smoked. When the weather becomes warm there will a scum arise on ihe pickle. By keeping my hams under pickle, it will keep ihe year round. It is better to have a good oak barrel than any other. Try it, and )ou will havo meat smoked earlier ufler Liilhiir, and more palatable than by any olhcr method. Improvement In Cullivatien. Russell Comstock, of Dutchess county, N. Y., ckiiina to have discovered a system of cultivulin": fruit trees and farm crops gener ally, by means oT wliich ihe furiner can be made to prj.'nve a more healt! y growth of ft nit, to mature youiiyer, be .nuie uniformly piodiiclive, and ripen earlier; and the hitter to flourish similarly. He has applied lo the New York Legislature, for a bonus in consid eration of disclosing ihe detail, and hi.s claim ii bucked by lotteis fiom many distinguished statesmen liviii and dead. A H'UtsL has a very sweet tooth ; when he is unwell, and won't diink, mix molasses or course Lrown sugar in the water; he will then diink fieely. ri;2LE. We find the following in an ex change paper, wilh a request to know what the deuce it means : A lady asked a gentleman for his typher, and he rent her the following icply : You 0 a 0 but I 0 ihee O 0 no 0 but O 0 me Then let my 0 thy 0 be. An 1 give 0' 0 1 O thce.' We think we cau'traus'uto the s'.anza. l'ar exumpie : You si'a'i fur a cypher, but I s.ek for thee: t ! si'su for no cupher, but O! sit'h for me. Then let my a:tiher thy typhtr be, And give siiihfcr sirh,Jur I iish for ilicc. 1 c uuiil ' ... i' a I 'Vely cat, Add v-n.l'.y was 1 l.at-.ii ; I j.'avr ; i iiera ,'iur oi -ves, Aaii she gayu lac Ui. .Mil2k ! Never carry a sword in your tongue to in jure the reputation of any man. TlinTV-l'lIiST i OM.l; l:ss l.l Srt.lun. nousf; oi' representatives. Washington, March 12, 1850. l Aii::.r oi kilc u:ivut. The f business of ll.e morning hour to be the mo tion, heretofore made by Mr. McLank, of Maryland, to reconsider the vote by which the House had rejected the following resolu tion : Unsolved, Thai thirty thousand copies of the mechanical poitiou, and that seventy thousand copies of the nigriculttual portion, of ihe l'alent-Plhce Report be printed. tin w as luiiial to be susceptible o! uccumuiuli; of an active.lool.ing gentleman, whom eve. i m au unlimited detrec. The ease and rapid- ; rv one seemed instinctively to rec ini.e j as surgeon, ami by turn carried below. ! "Now con. e up, (hat's a bravo J'-dlow," ' said Hie siulor, retreuting to iniii(4 way for ! Lion to climb the steps. Jitit the po.ir civu I lure whimd piteouslv, and, after one or j two I'i'iiill.'ss attempts to raise himself m.l ol the water, he remained quite passive. "Help 1:1 tii help him! he is exhan-t-i oil !"' cried hi? mn.d. r, fighti.ig his v. a i iiy ii;h which ihe water was resolved into its c.unp'incnt j.-.ni:s, I'almu'iy tugjn :.-tc.l the i idea ft' apply itM the disci veiy iu some pr.ic- l:ea! use,' and ih it ef !i. '.' was s, 'the most simple and inexpensive plication. But on ihe very ihresl lected, a; in its np add of the j expeiimeut nn apparently iuMiiuionntabluob i r-S.tcle v.ai mel in the inability lo :.e;;.:ale j ihe liases. Alter a uunt'eer nf s 'tiiu.s ep!a- crowd, to : !o l!y the tim" the r si ue however, through th his lavoritc had reached the top of the iad.b-r, tin lors bad perceived the condition of I he dor, and wilh some difficulty drugged him from the water. With their ii-sistauce, lie crawl ed feebly up,and languidly licked his n.tis t. r's hand, and stretch' d bin s, if on the deck. It Would he liiflicilt to tell which recei ved the mo.-t atl.'ii'ioij lie little 'girl iiinler the hand oi the surgeon and nil the v.omt n Who h.lil sqnee.7i d th.'ilis Iv. s i:i the cal'ii;, umh r the firm conviction ihat th. y w a re erceedin.Tlv useful, or the nobb' dog, from (he rough but kind nltent io'is of the stea mer's men. under the sup. rintemlcnee of' his master. j Both the Invalids were' ronvulosf mt. und Lion was sitting up, receiving with quiet dignity the car.-SM j of his friends, when Adeline's mother came iiinniiig up stairs and throwing lieivif upon tier knees belorc htm, and clasping linn alh ctioiuitcly in her arms, laid her cheeks upon his rcugji head and wepl. "lie's a dirty animal, madam,"' said the gentleman, who had not forgot her former slighting remarks: "he'll make your pelisse in -uch a Mate. Besides, In1 may be mad !" She cast up Imr eyes with an expression of meek reproach. They were xery fine eyes, and 1 think he felt, for his features softened immeiliaetlv. "t)h, pray, pray, give him lo me 1" the earnestly entreated. Give Lion to yon ."' he exclaimed, in derision : "why, what would yon djxvith him 1 I will tell yrm. You'd pet and pam per the poor beast till he was eaten up by disease, and as nervous as n fine lady No, no ; you'd belter give Adeline to me. Lion oi bions, (he ctidcalics of my i.imi',y compelled : rmi.'iiii xv e rf of me to de-i.-.t. .Mth-'.ich ine poiclical abandoned, the mei.l.il uc w :.s nut an .1 dining seine lsJ.tS, 1 cn'iehldi'd li ai 1 maniled ni injiieei'S cr-mf the pch s. or that ihe ' .tele should l-Dth enter oc.e oo.'y ot xv wa not coiit-ct a et.t.cbiieii whiilia veiy simple cxpei illicit! decided lo lie cornet, line pole was inserted into a glass of x' ater in : toil on the si.: that: ill the f: .e 'aw hi. h de '.lOiieVii'Ui between live and n.-yaiuo r .xi r. i. am:. i untamed tne itoor and saw : ; Mr. Si i vkfr: 1 desire to make a few re- i j maiks i:i answer to Ihe oejectmns Hint l.avo j been i.rged against the consideration of die ; vote upon '.his lesolutiom And f shall vole ' : for it, with an entirely different object iu I view, lliau that entertained ami expressed 1 j by the gentleman from Maryland Mr. Mc-, j l.aue.J He appear to think that there is danger of increasing the patronage of mem- j be.H upon ibis floor, and that it may be ex- ' j rrcNe.l for impu.per or uuwoithy purposes, j I The gentleman's objection proceeds upon th" ground, thai gentlemen will distribute Ibis I diieiimeut exclusively lo members of their I own pnlilical parly, and laat the o'.her p'-'O. ; ! pie i t ihe districts, will b debatred from i any participation in the benefit of this pub" j lio e.xpetHli'iCre. What ban been the coin" 1 u. i n or liCi.eral a;iciice among members I . ! upon this subject 1 cannot say. but l can c peals fur my own ili'.trict, which has been, fer the la: I five yi-ar.', ri'prcrenied by an able gen-lle-T.ri.i Hon. James Pollock who occupied a fen! o:t tiiii si,L of the hall, arid you xv:l! find in lhat ilisliict, rir, this l!a!ent-OlTice is a measure of reform that 1 much desire to see ; and 1 am glad to know that we shall have the talents and inllueuce of the gentle j llemun from Nojth Carolina with u on that I suliject. j But if w o adopt one wholesome messure, it ciritaitdy alfords no satisfactory reason why ' xve should abandon auoiher. If tho Tost Oince department cannot sustain itself, and i bear tliis additional burden, und.!f the pro : posed reduced rales, lei (ove;T.ment pay for ; tiieir tranrntission. It is the people's money, nnd if expended for their benefit, whe has , ihe rie'it to complain ? Inrn, therefore, for pi'iniir.g Ibis report, and p.inting the very latgcst iiiimber named I hope, sir, not less : lli-Aii 100.00') of the agricultural report. : An i fi.r my vote on that, as xvell as for the proper distribution of these I slirdl receive, I i will answer lo my constituents, i I am, aware sir, that tacie lepar'.a have. perhap, not been as perfect as they might, und would have been, if the interests which they ecek lo promote, had been properly cared for by Congress. While you vote mil lions for the army and navy, and expend thousands upon thousands every year for a military academy at West Poirn-makc coast surveys for the bur.etit of commerce miner- la l; ihe curlier cl a pole in another gli and an elecl;icu! I weeri com' c. e I' ; in au lie ni .1 the other isito corner, eumm'.uiica'io'i made be- A!l ihe water in one gfasH xvas de--I, and ludioj'm only ollaiued. All the water was decomposed iu the eli.er, and oxx-;0!t on'y obtained. The remit was known, ihe expetimenl was considered fully success Iu!, and a email elecliie-atajnolio nppaialus, having i'b lieliccs kept in motion by clock wo: k put iu opeialiuu ::t my dwelling, and xx as louad capable of taipp'.yi:;.-; 'hiee b .truer wilh an abimd ince i ' t.'.e -usi s. It v. as at ibis period of ihe experiments that I issu d tho ciioul.ir announcing the discovery, and xx ilh il an" invitation lo tho citizens of this place to call and examine for themselves. U, add, The lestill of all expei iineuts up to this dale are as follows: Tho decent of -xveigh 67 lbs. a distance of S) feet, w ill generate SOU cubic feet of the pases, at no oilier expense than the interest of Ihe cost of the uppuialiif, say tiiOO. You may use tho gifes for b,dit, jiower, or purposes' tif calorie.- (I 'havo as yet experimented only with Ihe former,) and make your own deduction. al.'gieal surveys, and publish maps and de scriptions of them P.: out nnd scud forth exp'oiiug expedition (gentlemen don't feel shocked at this) yet, when we corao to ask Ihal the Government shall exhibit to thif large and most dererving class of her people, U -porl iu the puses:on of members of both j that they pre not entirely overlooked, gentle parties Whigs ami Democrats alike have ; men clartie at the enormousexper.se. Why, enjoyed there the advantage of it. Co- sir, it ;s but a few days since, that the gentle pies have been sent, sir, lo (hose who, it was j man from Maryland introduced a resolution, believed, x.ould malm good me of them, to ' providing for ihe printing ef thirty thousand tho improvement cf their farms and stock, ' copies of the Report on Commerce, for tha and the advancement of the great interests benefit of his constituents, and others, who of agriculture in their vicinity and cc-minu- i represent largo commercial cities, nity. 1 voted for it 1 did not object to it; yet 1. Anchor objection urc;ed is, that it cannot ' w.j,,, i0 ireat all alike, and nil not only fiivly; be distributed to nib an 1 therefore concludes but liberally; for none will go further that none ought lo have it. Why, ntks the gentleman from North Carolina, Mr. Vena-j blc. should nno man lu'vo the repoit iu pre feieuce lo another J I answer, there is none in the world, except that it would bo utterly impiaclioable to publish and distribute so largo a number. But, because every voler does not receive a copy of this repott, it does not follow that they derive no advantage fiom it. ISo far, sir, from this being the case the very opposite is true. Of the information obtained thrutigh this buok any improve ment in farming, in raising stock, in select ing or prepaiing seeds, bringing into use im proved agricultural implements, preparing and selecting manures, or of any of the end less and importont imptovemeiiia suggested iu the difi'eieiil lepoi l from tiiilV.enl Odioo the benefit is not confined lo the ing'e fa. than for the interests of th.O fanner. I will gn w ith gentlemen for tho erec'tjpu of au Agricultural Bureau, to take change of this great interest, and believe it to bo de manded at our hand:., by every ptiuoiple of justice and fairuev, as those xTho contribute, mcst to tho rapport gf Government,, aoi xvhose occurition and pursuits foiru tfc.e basia of her xve-Ah, her power, and he? greatness, should ho.ve ut least one bureau among all her departments, to look alter, to guard, to pro mote, and to protect tiieir welfare. I hope, theicfore, Mr. Speaker, thai the vote will be ro.cunidcriJ Iho number greatly augment, ed, and that we shall have thein speedily pi mu d, tnJ fur Jistnbuliuu among our eon aiiluects. Mr. C. concluded by moving the previom question.