Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 02, 1850, Image 4

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. n 1. 1
- .k. Ameficaa Fowl
.... . 1 ,T-PllIOWl'"'
, """ J Teed your hrti
It U good rultjy ;Bin ,0 0y( or whilt
MgMybo&Jiately after ceasing to lay,
toohigmy sj,-i.illteiv
lyliyyoa wish to fatten them for table in;
for a won at a fowl begin! to fatten, she
llopi laying. Voo must, therefore, teparate
the two clae ef fowl, layer and fatteners,
at afl eente at feeding time. Make ome
teparate provision for yonr cock ; if they
are only fed in company with the hen, they
are apt to think too much of their mistrewM,
and to neglect their own appetite ; and re
collect that to hare ttrone chicken, you mint
hae a ttrong male, which and ill-fed bird
cannot be expected to proe. You thould
also make a separate provision for such fowl
at are bullied or oppressed by the rest. Fowls
are much given to jealousy ; the cock'a favor
it tometimet the cause of this, 'but by no
meant invariably to, and indeeJ, the cause
it not at all timet to be ascertained ; how
ever obscure the cause-, it is incumbent on
the poultry fancier to prevent the effect, by
adopting the teparative system at the timet
Iii tuch an occurrence, which is easily re
eogniiable by the cock's comparative neglect
of the others, it it better to remove the fa
vorite at once ; if you do not do so, quarrels
will ensue this hen will nearly always be
made a victim, and in many cases the quar
rel on her account will give rise to other
and more general affrays.
Oat. When oat are to be had, a few
bamlaful are well spent on your fowl -Wheat
When damaged wheat can be bought at
low price, it may be used for the feeding
of poultry w ith much profit and advantage ;
when no such thing can bo procured, how
ever, and when it is proposed to feed them
upon the sound, marketable article, turn a
deaf ear to the thoughtless adviser. The
ame may be said of barley, w. ch is also
objectionable a acting in a purgative man
ner; it is useful as an occasional feed, when
lowl are over-fed. Bye is generally a cheap
er description of grain than ar.y other, and
damaged rye may be used, to a certain ex
tent, rith poultry with impunity, even when
affected with the ergot
When fowl are precluded by Nature's
operation from picking up any kind of ani
mat food, tuch a worms, snails, tec, some
should be provided them. A sheep's or ox's
liver is a good substitute far what fowls u-u
ally pick up in the shape of animal nutriment
Green vegetable diet, such a cabbages, tur
: . - -k..i i -i k ,.i t.i
SI11IB, Ki;. BIIUI1IU aiBU UC Ollltliuilj piu.ltltll.
Fowl of all kinds require sand or gravel as
an aid to digestion, being, in fact, necessary
to promote medium of trituration in the I
gizzard, as well a to supply calcaroous mat
ter for their egg-shall. You should, there
fore, alway have such placed within the
bitd'a reach. This, we must admit, applies
more immediately to uch fowl aaaie kept
in a confined yard ; when the walk is at all
extensive, the birdsenn usually pick upenough
for themselves. Freshwater gravel is the
best : if vsu live near the ea, and wish to
use and so easily obtainable from the beach
you should first wash it, and in two or three
water. Where no sand of any kind can be
obtained, a in towns, yon can buy chalk ;
' you will, of course, pound before placing in
the yard.
Cayenne pepper, indeed, all descriptions of
pepper, especially the Cayenne in pods, will
be found a favorite with fowl, and will be
greedily devoured by them ; it acts as a pow.
fill stimulant, and remarkably promote lay.
ing, and, when mied in, of course a ground
tate, with boild oats, will be found produc
tive of Ihe best effect In this, however, as in
every thing else, let moderation be the ruling
principle. Pepper will be found particular.
ly useful in feeding your turkeys, as indeed,
are all stimulating vegetables, amongst which
are nettles, horse-radish, and water-crosses.
Geese and duck will eat greedily and so,
indeed, will your olher fowl cabbaso or
other green boiled and hamlbruieed w'uh
bran or pollard ; a little pepper added to tins
forms a valuable dietetic.
Valvk or Corst Cobs. A "Subscriber"
in tb Amertcan Agriculturist, offer the fol
lowing important fact in relation lo the value
of Corn Cubs, which commend themselvf a to
the attention of every farmer. We have of-
fn Ar.. .t f i i . , .
.... , ine
w"" -iiu ir, io Da lounu up-
on every farm in more or less abundance, but
in most case recanted as valueleaa. eini
... - r-
1 nave netl corn and cob-meat, ground fine
... . .., , .
vwn ana wiinout oais, lor Dorset, the last 12
nrli vpori. anil I ibinfc it nn ......lUi r...l
' ' -- " --'
t. I .1 I I I- I
ii urcji. a uuiN iuu ii, ui uowen, ni tiair
liea imnnl h anil irmAlrpan rrrAi imn,.........!
inhiIiok. I also use tha meal with wheat
came to live tu tno neigUDorlJOOil, 1 wa n-
diculed by the neighbors, who aid my Loise
.. ... .
wouia not live till prii)ff : bill when sprins
. . ,u. ... . r ,. . ' i c
came, they were fatter, snd tn far tetter
condition man tneirs. I louuu tDat loey took
roysdvics sfter this, aud fed the same at
myself, making a great caving ia feed.
' Wire Fchcc Much ha been said in the
paper iu favor of the cheapness and dura
bilityofwire fence. We fear that a few
year' trial will disappoint many who have
erected them. If the wire i o light a to
be afforded at leas than two dollar per rod.
keavy ealtle will frequently nap it by acci
dentally plunging aainsl it, if it it tinhtlv
tretched. 11 ilack. is frequent ed mo-
tioiverve in the course of time to crack it
off at the post, which tendency is greatly in
creasej by the water winch lodge in the
hole and gradually diminish jte drengtb
tJ ruting. Albany Cultivator.
m A GasiT Cciott. On Thursday last,
ay lb Lancaster "Press," we had Ihe plea.
sure of witnessing one of the greatest natural
curiosilie we ever beheld before. We bad
sn introduction te Mr. Jamc Siuar, a young
(gentleman from Huntingdon county, this
Slate, who ha the astonishing power of ma-
kin music in nit cnesr, similar to that ot a
to rnrsinn, drcggists and country
DR. J. N. KEELER A Bro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh stock of Enf
lith, French, German and Ameiemn Drugs, M ed
ict nn, Chemicale, Paint, Oils, Dy Stuffs, Glsss
war. Perfumery, Pstent Medicines Ac. Having
opened a new store No. S3 Msrket St with a
full supply of Fresh Drug and Medicines, w re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising ons
snd all who rosy feel disposed to extend to us their
pstronsge, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, cn ss lilieral terms as any olhtr house in the
City, ml to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to u promptly snd with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular physician,
affords smplc guarantee of the genuine quality of
all articles sold at their establishment.
Ws especially invite druggists snd country
merchants, wlio msy wih to become a genu for
Dr. heeler Celebrated ramtly medxnnei, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. v
Soliciting tht patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain.
J. N. KEELER ft BRO., Wholetsl Druggists,
No. S94 Market street, Philadelphia.
September IS, 1849. ly.
C OR' It CO.
Ns. m Chrenut t.
II ESFECTFL'LLY announce thst thevhavs
B m. just finished the most extensive ssssrtmsnt
they have ever offered for sale, comprising
In great variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps, snd such sre
made as will produce the greatest amount ot light
from the least consumption ot L.anl.
Recent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinerv,
enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
and arc warranted perfectly tight, ana to give satis.
Philadelphia, June 2, 1S49 ly
lugratltiidc Is the basest crime of
VX7E are not among that class of Editors who
' for a few dollars will, (at the expense of) ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it
into rapid sale; neither are we willing to remain
silent, nficr having tested the utility of an im
provement or discovery in science or art. Our
readers will recollect we told them we were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
ever had a cold. Those who aro a 111 ir ted, mav
try it upon our recommendation. Lewiston Tele-
A fresh auririlv of the above vnlnnblo medicine
jgt received, and for sale in Sunbuiy, by John
v. r riling, Mary A. Met. ay at Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klrlt, & Co., cor
ner ot 8d and Uullowhill afreets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22J, 1819. 8 nio.
"Encourage Your Own!"
'y HE subscribers respectfully coll the attention
A of the public to their large and splendid assort
ment ot every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to lie had in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
suliscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
mauc i neir stock consists ot .Mahogany
Solus, DIvniiM autl Lounges,
Bureaus, Srcrctarfcs, Sftf ooaros,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
J hey also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had in
Sunbury, such as MtiioossT, Black Wauct
CHAIRS, as u vascv Pi a mo Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Citieaor elsewhere.
I he subscriliers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
I tlic cities, ascvery fonfidence can be entertained
about lhc H"lity and finish of their wars and
I Chairs,
,Jlielr rticlft wil ta d.ipoieJ of on m gooJ
terms as tliey can be purchased elsewhere. Coun.
try Produce taken in pavment for work.
t3 tNDEUTAKIAG attended to on reason-
able terms.
ty The Ware Tioom ia in Market Street,
opposite J. Young' (tore, aud nearly opposite
i i- ...
nrnifi!!,' nwu
- . . UUI,UU
Sunbury, April 26, 1S49. tf
I axjjj f AAOi
T'LrtmenTW TV b,na In' ",rge?"
M. sortment of all TrE as in the city of P 11.
ladclplua, Wholeialt nd Retail, conaisuiiir of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
U , 'I 1 1.1 .1. r r . ,
u.u suamy anu
si vie caunot be surpassed. Doing a cosh business
ke enabled to U a belter artide at much
lower rate titan any store doing
I On hand, a large assortment of Wii Pirss,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, 4c. which will
be sold for Cosh. Paper Hanging don in the
country at city price.
IS. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 143 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, Msy 56, 1849 ly
T KAD ths foltosnm from Cspt-Dsvoa, ths
I . TKlia . start bmji a f-i-Am II Ifil
ruiLiDSLPHU, October 31, IW.
nrveral renrt tinea I waa attacked with a bceakina nnt
on aiy ueck in I be .ra ( Teller, which I am e wvnxxal
wv c 'iararic4 at ihe Barbrr'aEtiop. It graudually catwid.
eil vec my fmt uulil it reached the aa fmxi Ihe
ehrrka. Uuriiif the everal an-uiha thai it e iiiinusd
amMidiiig, I uead didereiH applicatKHu, a ine which had
Hit e!ivt, apprenlly at least, "( locreuiiiif Ihe diireee, hut
fruni ikihc oi liirtu did 1 perceive the least beiieSt until 1
SpliedtlM RiwaUmTiusT. Hy Um um tifuue jar ot it,
1 wat pcrlotlly cured aud have renuiiued free ol' aoee-
1 hare sim-s uaed the Ointment, lifrtiity nimlied for mash.
mm of the fare, lititehee, rlupped Imiide, to. With par.
feet Ktrrn. 1 have no heeiuiHw ia reaoairaeudiiif M ia
li-usual HAStSB, auaburv.
JalrW, la.
rj OOKa and Gold Pen. On hand several eop.
ie of th Hf of Christ, and also a numbs of
gold which we wiU seU at tit PailafelpkM
THE subscriber respectfully Informs the miblt
that h continue the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branch ts, at his stand in
Market street in 8unbury, and that he has (tow
on hand a handsomo assortment of well mads and
fashionable furniture. . ,
He also carries on, at his old establishment. In
Fawn street, the
in alt its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made and fashionable
CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. AH of which
he will dispose of at prices as low ss at any esta
blishment in the county.
His long experience in the business, justifies
hnn in the lielicf that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers continuance of their patronage.
UT All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf
4 New Assortment of Frenh Goods.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus
tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
st his store in MarVet Square in Sunbury, such as
Dry (5ood., Groceries, Queens
wnre. Hardware, &c.
Sunbury, Junt 33, 1849.
Vftv lllrtc oil ii nd Leather More.
AY 1 1 1 North 3rt SI. 3 floor Move Race St.
Philadelphia ,
riNHE subscribers offer to the tanners on the
I most favorable terms their freah imxutalion
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Lapl.-ita,
Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili. Salted Per
ambiico and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted, and
Black Dry Potna Kips,
Also, Straights, ami Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Snanish or Slauchter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
lash paid tor Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May SG, 1S49 ly
A Ne tensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT-
i I T.KKV ,,f actio v
Not. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8J North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers 4- Sons,
V ottcnholin s Greave a W. & 8. Bntcher s and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, npanish. Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, turns. Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Can Dealers in Cutlery, will find ths above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
Coitcentrnteri $nraparlltn
Forth cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles,
Chronic Kheumatiem and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, eke.
1 T is recommended to Physicians and othera, as
the strongest preparation now in uxe, and en
tirely different from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa
parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For
sale by M. A. McCA Y, Northumberland.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruists, Cut, Calls, Swellings, snd
all complaints requiring an external remedy. It
is highly usetut in Spavin, Curb, Kinirbone, still
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, 6tc
It has also been used with great success by per-
sous afflicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber
land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly
Git HAT AltltlVAL.
1 OHN W. FRILIXG ha just received at his
' store in Sunbury an extensive assortment
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he ia now
reuly to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drillinq, and summer
wear of all Hindu.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawn, &,c.
Muslin bleached and unbleached.
Quecnsivare and Hardware of all
Drugs Paints, and Dykstitf.
A nd a mat variety of olher articles all of which
win lie sold at tlie lowest terms.
Sunbury, May S6, 1849
Saddle and Hnrncss linkers).
f IT1HE undersigned respectfully
inform the public, that they
jyycj i " VVIIMIIVHI.VU aituve utile
j-rwej ncu m Sunbury. and will con.
n im ivt a 1 1 :
tantly keep on hand aud manufacturt to order, st
,h"r,!'JiVM,r1kV,,Te,Mary oPlleVouna'
store, all articles belongin to their line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best and most durable style, and at price as
reasonable ss they can be had at ny other estab
liahmeut in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine fur themselves
oeiure purcnasing eisewuere. All Kinds ot pro-
K 7r
upvr.vr u-p.p
Sunbury, June 23, 1 813.
'THE suhsrriher haa just received a new supply
of the best liquor that ever cam to Sunbury.
consisting in pan oi
superior old pale Brandy.
Fin Cogniae Biandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirit.
New England Rum.
Tin Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do
Superior Maderia Win.
Lislwn do. do.
Superior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malsga Wine.
Superior Claret Win in bottle.
Champagne do. do,
Sunbury, May 26 1849. ,
Green Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townsend'sSarsaparilla.
Baker's Sarsa parilla.
Swayne't -yrup of Wild Chrr
Swayne's Vermifuge.
yre't Cherry Pectoral '
Dr. Drake' Panacea.
Dr. Cullen' do
Tibbit' Pain Killer. .
Dr. Hoofland's German Bitter: -
Indian Vegstabl Pilla .
Horse and Cattle Medicines
Per sl by ' HKNBT MAMEB.
THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any
thina in use for imparting a keen, smoothed
to Kit tart, Burgical instruments, and all kinds ot
fin CcTixatt it may be applied to any kind of
trap. Also superior Ksxor, Knives, and rertu
msry , wholesale and retail, bv
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 8outh Fifth street a
bov Chestnut Philadelphia.
Pini.siisi.rHi, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This may certify that I have use one of ths
Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA.
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same r licet in my opin
ion, and must tay to others, try it, and yon will
find it superior to any heretofore in use. 1 can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st
PiiiisnsLriiiA, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led m to seek and test many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant; but with
indiltercnt success, until 1 made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Rousscl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to tli Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, with tut irri
tating the skin or. temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street
For sale at this ofliee Price 35 cts. per Box
November 35, 1848 6m.
(Lisle Keller Ore nioigli.)
WHNlilitjrtvn. !.!.
ORAWINGS and papers for the Patent
Olfiee, prepared ami all ihe necessiry bu
siness, in relation to securing ptilfiits, Ininx
acted, and promptly utteiuliM to, at their of
liee opposite the rutent U.liee.
October 28, 1848.
No. 60 Chesnnt-st, at the sign of the Gold
1 tumble, beturen 2d. If 3d. its., south side
MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly
, V i on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do, do
r mger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clatpa, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, ic.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware,
Uermnn ssilver Spoons, Oct.; unld Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Suierior
ijverpoinlcd L,eade, oxc, Ac.
Philadelphia, May 36, 1849,
n preenitin the public with a remeily tlie treatment
aim rureni r vr. 41D Aai-I em ol irr In II nit iIiibts.
nn auiikicv ie needed. Vnst inimiieri in Ihe lTnitl NtMlee.
who iunT from theee affrctioue in their vaneil forme, nre
mpeilt t eeek relief trom other e iurre. tkaii the imm
late nrrwrinthni. of the reiruLir nhrMcinn. It Imr-unre an object nr humanity, na well ae .if puljir inter.
eet, to brine before tliein a nrennred ftom rmt(h ex.
nerieiH-e. and which may always he relieil uitm ae avk,
arracTDAL, amd hasmlsi. to thw cnsTTiTins. Thit
eut-h it the true character of the INDIA CHOI.AliOGl'K,
ainnly atleeled by Ihe uuivsrtal tuccett with which It hat
been employed.
Kttrnct from a eomirmitirnti.m ot the Hon. Wn .
liam WonstaiDca, of tha U. 9. Senate, late Governor ot
DivaoiT. Oct. at. ihjo
DocToa Cnasls. Omood,
iMar pir. I nave rend with much intereit, yonr little
tsabatub Uton the 4,CMiieea. trent merit and cure" of the
febrile dieaneea which have it ealeueivclv nrevailed in our
country during Ihe kit few m nilhi an interest increased
no d itibt, by the furl thnt 1 hnve lu.iiviilnally suffered so
much frim them. Thotiyh I feel myself very ine .mneteut
to juitee tifely upon a sulijet-t to entirely professional, yet
your me try seems 1 1 me wen reus um, and vonr c nu'lu
sums just, sikI I think withnl. ttnl your pumphlet ia caIcu
bled to produce much practical ft'"!.
rtenkiuit ot the tnetlieine he aiys : It fully justified your
Satteruis elecUiti lis. and as a siife, ronvrn'ient. and p'rpu
btr remrtly, my own experience, a fur, inluer me 1 1 lie.
lieve that it will prove a treat public benefit. ) nm pleiiseil
learn tnat you nave re'9iilly eetuniiitritMl several aeem-iet
r iit disivsit,Ht tlxmirli I res-ret that, with a view 1 1 a
m tre tenenil dissemination of it, you should hnve found it
necessary to remove from your present residence among us.
itu iuuvu rcspeut i nave tlie nonor to lie. sir,
'our obliged servnnt,
Vf From Hon. S-rrmrs V. R. Tbowbbiogb. of Mirhi.
(an Suit Quisle, to Ihe Agent at Detroit.
hi bulimia. Uahlasb Co., Dec 13, 1st I.
Sir voit wish me to inform vou wltat I know u Dr.
Ose nuI's lielia Choi is vue. nr ami-bill his mnliriue 1 il.,
believe Ilial if the virtue an.1 etfintcy ol this medicine were
eeuetaiiy tuowu, the rrvia a.iD aoi'I would Uisapinwr
I pr.icured a bottle in tlie SDriui of l4t. and hire m xd
reason to believe that myself nml family tscaped tht agut
m i ii, cmiarucitrv 'n tie use.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement if this fine
Cnuusula, ant the fever and uus (Meti so prevalent aa tin
st. I have ree-immaitled this medicine in numerous iu
staueea, atKl when the disense had become Axed and baffled
the sain of physicians: and I have never known it fail. I.
bits universally produced the in at happy effects, and I bet
lieve it has never been exeeetM hy any medicine iu recto,
viuf the bilious discuses h" the climate.
luurs, resiieciiuiiv,
ptkImikv v n. TRownntnoK.
Aetit foi Slniitiurv H. B. MASSKR : X.wth
WITHINOTOM Ad : Milt.. J 11. KASKK: .k,l
fr-ve, MAY A KI.UnK.
may s, 1W8 u
Ayer's ('heiTv Pectoral,
1 HIS valuable preparation, n eat mishinely successful
in curing diseases of the Lungs, it the tctult ol a skill.
ful ctnubliMtl in of llut Irimu... ..i. u e
medieuM. lis lugredienu sre freelv mmlo kn itru to the
public, .aad are iboa acku nsiedgUi to uiedicid nien aa
p suessmg rare virtues, winch neculur virtues art
cuwbiiKd tu the "CHKRHV PECTOIlAl." in their great,
est purity and efauaey, and wlieu used, at wiU be teeu (run
tha loll twuif valu'tlne lestiin 'tiy :
of Biwd .in College, ilruuswick, Maine, writes: "I have
witiieseed tbt eifwla .ef y.r Cherry Pectoral ia my own
family aud in that of my friends, and given greul
tatisiacti iu casesh th i f aduhs snd ehildreti "
Frian Dr. Bryant. Drues-ist saul RaimjuiMt r,i.nM.
Falls, Maes: ' '
Da J. C. Avra Dear Sir: Enel td please And remit
tance f w all tha Clierry Pectoral last sent me. I can uu.
heeitatuigly say. that u meilicine wt tell givea tuch tntif
lacii nt at yatr't itat a have I aver teen a medicine
which cured t many eases of ewgh aud lung e mpbiiuis
Our Physicians are using it exteutivelr in the nractica. d
will ,W Wn.. 1 . ' '
Trulyyoars, m D. M BRYANT.
President at Variant Mediead c m nt t.m
learned and iutetiigeid physicians bi tlie etantry, (ca,undert
vonipiamaon m rare exceuruce l the cart of that foe
oudable disease, Consumption."
Aa si ir as incredible number of cerlidentea hava been
received; pfuvuig that the Cherry Feet.-al it, iu truth, a
uu r.A i n r. i cu l
for Coughs, Colds, Asthma snd all pulm'Mtary complaints
Prepared by J. C. AYEH, Lowell, Mass., and atd by
I. M A d6ER , Sunbury, aud MARY McCAY, Norihaio-
March 31, INS.
I'otlrtv Orlltiqiiriitsj.
ALL persons indebted to tli ubscriher, longer
than ai r nion lli. nn not. ortwmlr -. .m ...I .
requested to call and. make eettlement, or els their
account will be left with magistrate for eollec
Sunbury, July 7, 1849, .
STONE milk Pan, ttoo Jug and Pitcher,
and other article ef (ton wan jut received
tod lor tala by JUUr
tc a o "cp m sej
GEORGE B. GREEN, Propriktob.
Windsor, Vermont.
T9 a sovereign remedy fur DYSPEPSIA, In many f Hs
x forms, such as rwm in the tiHtuch, n
earttmrn, hnbltual
C illivenem, Acid Stomach.
Heartache, IsiMttf Appetite,
Pile j Night twnts, and even Ctmtuinnti m fDvKpefrtic
r run i nr.; ana Aithma, or rrtuiiaie aneitneu wim twaiige
meiit of the Atnumch ( Dyspeptic Atthma,) Difficult
Breathinjr, which often retnlta from imperfect digeetitm (or
Dripeptir ftytpiuva,) it relieved by thrae Btttera. Innlvirt,
their um hut been proved in the relief run wt all tiie
avmnt diia tint nrceeH from a dcbilirnted r at nic e milW
ti'Hiitf theftt in-irhi alii In treiwrnl deNlitv arininw frun
aw frun the efTwta if Fever, particularly Fever nod
A rue. Fcsmnlei iiTeriuei untl.r aur uterine drramr-miil
anitttf fnmi weakitem, will find the '()TOFNrKn HiT-
Tiaj" an excellent remedy, atm n-H tarpaeaea oy any mem
cine in nae.
The hi rrr of tint mlictne i necultar. It hnt mmw tta
war ti wit. lie far I lehr bv the f rre if tli own tittrtiiaie
merit a. N ariificinl means hnva been lined t" live it n'
toriety ami thntat it npHi public attetiti 11. It hm never
before even )een aKeriificfl, but hnving first sh iwii its re-
mnrknMe elriciicy in the family of the pr rtrict r, ami by
him nfterwitnla lidniittittered to his afflicted Irieivls tmd at-
rgn liutnncea with a like result, its renut'iliti gratlunlly ex-
trnfieti until it is Kii wit tn the in -at iiistnnt p.irts ma
Fni m, as a medicine M' unrivalled virtnea in the cure ol
Dyspepsia in ail its different f ttnis, and all f f the cure of
Asthma or Fhthisie. I la mily herald nod its milf eul try
tuts Iteen the ttry rf its w nwlcrnil efflcnev, aa fid frnn
mouth t tiinilh or by letter frmi friend 1 1 friend. In eve
ry infttniice where tltese Hitters hnve been need, and the re
sult made known to the prophet ir, they have a re
Numeroua certificates, attrstinr tha artwulnr emency if
the "OxYGatiATKD HiTicKa.1' are in tha p iswasi n o the
Cr prietir j mtuiy of them signed by pert msnlrendy widely
imwn to the public.
GEO. B. GREEN, Pfopriet.
WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, 16)13.
The folio wing Ortlficntes have recently bees.
received 1
WmttunTox. D. C. Ju?tk 10, 14V
fl'ivinir m ule use f the t xvtf-tnici Hiitcnt'- nremreil
bv Dr. tie B. fireen, ..f Winde r.. Vt. 'ind fr mi kn v-
Ic.lfre Ittuiiicil -if their efTicwv in ther cast', werlferfitlly
rec inincii.l ihrui t the (Hil.lir, Iwlicvinir th it they Wi lully
snstiitu the rrc Mn tiuiuhtt n ( the rropnrt r. We h pe
thnt this v ihi'ibie rcmody nviy lie s i fiiirrlly diffitvil
thr Miffh-mt the country thnt it ttriy l ncccwiHe to all tha
afflict ed.
I U.S. Senator from Verm nit,
J Wife F. SlMio3. I. S. Senator from R. Ishnd.
J. T. MORKUKAD, V. 9. Senator and foruurly G veni
or of Keiituckv-
1. II. AR01D. Member of Coneress and fortnerlv Ga-
Vern r 'f It. I.
WM. WOODRRIDGE. U. S. Senator and fonneriy Ga
vern r of Michnrnn.
M I. MARTIN, Delegrita in Congress from Wtscansiu
i errn ny.
From U m. U, D. FoTEa, Muiler of Congress frain
WashiVotox. D. C. Ju 10.
Dear Sir. I have been a dyspeph? auiferer f ir ah Mil ten
yeiira, ami hnve res 'rted t van us mesbciites fr relief
with nit succuss. until I mnde use of ymr 'Oxyffeti!ited
Hitters." I hnve used nh iut iwi bottles, and find uiysutl
restored to perfect heillh The f rois in which the 'dis
ease sh wn itself, in my c.-ise, ware. grcit acidity of the
at tnach, I ss f appetite, extreme rJ itnlvm-r?, severe c mstl-
phti n 'H the bnvcls. mid vi ilent he-id iche. Feelm desi
r ns that a kn twledire ot y-nr vuluble remedy may reach
others simil irly atflu-ted. I tnke are:it pleasure in rec rd
ing my testnn ity t its cnntiv pnvcr: uulwull als
reinnrlc, thnt while on a visit nt h tine h sh rt time sni'-e. I
adrainiterd part of a b ntle t a uu ii'ier h' my atflicied
friends, wtt'i preat succaa. They tire dustr his tint y hi
ah mid establish an aencv nt PiUslmnr, iuf rm the n
where the medicine cm In.- obtained. With mi eirnoMt de
aire f r your pr 4erity and happiness, I su'tsrribe mvsell'
irniv yttiir irn-no . u. kum kii
D "ct. Geo. II. Guile?!. Willi's ir. Vt.
S hVI Vh deanle and Retail by Gteen k Fletcher, N
vomin wain ?Tre, i't)im'iciriia.
Atent f t SimlMirv H. H M
Airents for Milton M ACKAV A II A
Affrnt f tf l'p;rr Malum . J. U. Hti.N.N.
April 10. 194S
Don't permit your Horses or cattle to ilie. wlirn
tlie means of cure arewiiliui the reach of all!
The timlrmiTneJ lias spent several years in tli
aumj or elcnnary prarli.-c in "Lon lon and E
ilinlioru . he lias also availed himself of tlicrcsear
dies of Lrihirt, and olhcrcelchrnteil men, who have
contrilmteil so much t- twartls a ititliciotts treatment
of animals; the principles of our practice consists
in the rejection of general lilcedini; and the total
rejection or all medicines that experience haa
shown to lie of a dan?ernut tendnncy. These re-
meuiesact in harmony with the viUil principle, and
wuen given acconlin; to the directions w'licll ac
company each article they are capalile of excilin;
nd increaainif the natural functions, without tli.
minisliinir or drstroyin; their iower, hence are
safein tli hands of every one.
G. II. DADD, M. D.
A List ml llvrse and Cattle Medlcluee.
Physic balls, 75c. per box.
Alterative ball, 73c do.
M powders for had condition, 75c per pack-
Heave powder fordineases of the lunjs, 75e dc.
J'rine powder for kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for had condition ?!aiidere, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inHanialioti of bowels, 75c per
I.iiiuid Mister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for proiuoiing the irrowtli of hair, 50c
pfr put.
Healinrj halsam for wounds and aadJI gal It, 75c.
yer bottle.
Wpah for inflamed eyes, 50c per liottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, 50c
tier bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof. ic. 5flc
per bottle.
Horse Liniment. Ihe most celebrated article known
in England for lameiiesa of every description. 75c
r. i ... i 1
u 'Pi nsr oouie.
Uistemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
W onn p lwdcrs for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal, -73 per packt rc.
For sale by BTIMPsOX A HEED. 2fl V.,.
ehanta Row, also at'DAl)IV8 HOilSE AXD
u.M u.r. Jir,uitl.M5 DEPOT, Aoa.1 &. S
ilaymarket Hquare, boston.
famplilet tlescrtlnnv the diseases for
these remedies are used can he had eratia.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Proprietors, ofcures ucrforuied by the above Medi
8old by GREEN & ELETCHER.No.86Sa.uth
SIXTH 8treet, Philadelphia, and by his
Agists. Htxar Mitiiii, Sunbury,
February 3, 1849 tf
PREPARED and told only, at FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Firra and Caatxcr atreeu. Phi
ladelphia. Thia Essence ia warranted to ooateta
in a CMuentrated form, all the valuable proiiertiea
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an
excellent ramtly Medicine. It is particularly re
commended at a tonic, to persons recovering trom
fever or other diseases, a few drops imparling to
tha stomach a plow and igor, equal tn a wine
glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
tha debilitating, eflecta, which are sure to follow the
ut of liquor of anjr kind : and it it therefore
especially serviceable to children anJ females. To
the aged, it will prove a preat comfort j to tlie
dyspeptic; and to those who are predisposed to
goal or rheumatic aflectione, it gives great relief;
and to th inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whoa stomach is constantly craving the loxiaue
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the di -ea-live
organs, and atrength to resist temptati n ; and
it consequently a ureal agent in the cause of tent
perauce. CyFull directions accompany iiiir each
The above rticle can be had at th office of th
Philadelphia, June I, 1849. ly
Valuable Hooka),
T IFE or CnaisT, handsomely hound, D'Ae.
s'aieas'e HisTuar or Ts RiroantTioir,
Bi.aa Dtr-sooKS tan Lt'insnt, full bounded.
Fortsle at th publishers prices hy
Sunbury, July 14. I84t. .
mMTILEY'S t'OUGf CXNDV. Am eicel-
W lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For aala
at thia elTie
1 RAZORS A superior article for sale at th
-lor of " HENRY MAtSER.
JuaVury, Fsb. II. UM. '
.1 . ... 'THE if t nisi p. vfi- -
And all diseases arising from a duordtrtd
Livtr or Stomach in both Malt and
- Femalt :
Such ts Constipation, Inward Filet, Fnllnnt nr Blond to
the Hmd, Aridity of the Stomach, NalfMa, Heart-burn,
Disgust flit F" t, FiiIIiipm or wtiglit in the Slonmoh, 8 mr
Kructuti iiip, Hinkmar nr r'littlerinfi at the pit if Ihe Plnmnrh
Swiinmint nf the llend, Hurried and PirTiriilt llreathiaj,
Flillteriiic at the llenrt. Chokint nr PtiOicntiiiff seneiti ne
when in a Ivme p etnre Dimims -iT Viei n, D'rts m went
before the iffhl, Fever and dull twin in the tlerid. Defirien.
ey of PenntirHiittn, Veil iwnean ttt the tSkiu anil l-.vee. Pein
in the Hide, Bnrk. Cheat. I.imlia. Ac , Hnihlen fluelm (
lent. Biinims in tlie Fleah. C:nnsteut limffiniuiis of evil
snd front depreaiim of f ,irui Cun be eirectually cured hy
Celi'hratcd Gorman Hitters.
Their nnwer nvr tlta alrv ditmtn In not exretM-il'
tqiiiillwllty oiiy'ilitTt prnmrnti 11 mi th L'nuetl Jtntrt
tu the nireg atleit, iti tnuny CflMe- after skillful pliy.icmtia
bad failed.
OftimiretTifjut iif th tAvn nnn Somnrh r mrrrt of
ltiaiiitv. aiKi will nlar diaenae tS the Henri, HViii.
lames and Kidneys, and Inva the Imdv open to an attnek of
the Ch ilera. Itill nis, or Yetl-iw Fever, ami ia generally tht
first cruise of thnt nist baueitil disease, Cousurupli at,
Opinion of tht Philadelphia Prens.
lJr?cein!et nv:
AN INVAI,UAlil,KMi:uu;.la NVekiyefreaitentlv
heirii the CelehruUtl U enn. 111 But em, maiiuiticturad by L)r
H sotltfiiid, p-kvn of iu ternia if e iniiieiidjlt n, mid we
kurw deacrvsilljr an. it in Ur, c Mfiinm iructicf , in cer
tain qunrtrri, 1 1 pitlf all tnaimet of Usk kn tmilt, hut in the
ah va lliitcra, liiiiHheti, nrt; living wi'iieM-i nf their greul
in rwi uihi inyatc:ii w nn. an a nieiiicitm 01 tlie latvt r
CtMiiil.iiut. J, i mit Hoc, NerV Mia Ueltihty and Uyaiem. it
ha Ituuii I" nm! invalu iWe, ellecling curt-s mttl th r uglily
eri'licaliiifc tliKcinvfi, when hII 'ither tnetlieinea have filled.
We feel a HiviiKelf that iu lite nm f ihe (ieritviu Hitieri,
the fMttntt d 11 4 Iwc hm delnliuiietl, but cMitMiitlyg imi
tretiyih ami vigrttlie I'mine a fdct wnr hy it grent
c tiiitler ill ti. The Hitteraure .leiamt in biate and tturil,
and c 111 e ailmiiiiaTered mi l f any rircuintaurc. t the
ni -ai aeucaie nmcn ni.ieeii, itiey cn m itauuiiyan per-
'tta with the m at perfeH atitfty. It w ukl he well f r
th wh 1 are nihcfi uflertM in the nerv Mil tvaiem, t
ni rteiife with mic ten i;t "Mil'iil ir IrM, anil grailu:illy in
cre;im. wCiiim!( fr m experieiirr, ainl are t v ttrae, a
pr nef It! Irc. The itrcat t'-tr nd wide, have unite! in re-
c Mr,.itcii'liii(f the O en inn tlitteri, and to tha alllicted w
m ai C Miiiaii)' advise inetr use.
- JuneSlth ait:
"DO OUR GOOD CITIZENS who ire invalids, know
the tinny aatotiiahiiit cures thnt have been perfiirmed try
Dr. II 1 'in uid'. 1 eleltraled German Bitters ! If they d
11 a, we recommend them tothe"tiennnn Meiticiiit Store,"
all who sre nIHictcd with Liver Complaint, Jnundice, Dys-
pepsin, or nervous Delulltv i the Doctor hnscured many "I
our citizmis alter the best pbysicinns had fniled. We hurs
uteri them, nnd they have proved tribeninerllcinetruit every
one sli iiihI know of, and we cann H refrain giving our tes
ti:n -ny in their fav ir, mid that which gives them grenter
claim upon our humble effort, they nre entirely Vegetable.
Jul tthairt:
"We tetik knowingly of Dr. II i .fltnd'e Celebrated Oer.
min Hitters, when we ny il is a l.lemiinc of this nee; and
in ilise is.-B if the hilhry, digfstive an I Nerv uisSysleuis, it
hnsuot wetltink an e.irtl. It is a Veiretnl.le Preuiniiioii,
tu I m ule iviih nit Ale .Ii d. nml 1 1 all invalids we w nikt re.
c unmeiil it ns w 'rthv Iheir c 'iiridenr.
Firsile. tvli leriie and rci .il. nl the principal Pepit,
r.K.itNIVN MEDICINE STORE, N . iU Areli Sireel,
I'l.lhitelpl in.
Fir site hyM. A. McCAY, N irlhnmherlund and Sun.
bury ml reiiectnlilc dealers generally throughout the
April II,
I'll la IHSti. T1VK.
Itcadaclie. Gi.i'liui'ss,
UheuiiHIis n. Piles.
Dya;w-inia. S-urver.
Srnill Pi.x. J.tuiKlice,
I'-ttiisiu His Hack,
Inw tnl WeuUfiesa.
Pd .itaii ni of the Heart,
itising iu the Tlir.vt,
Dr.iisy, Asthma,
fevers of all kinds,
Fenrile Complaints,
MensliS Rheum,
llearl ilu.'ii. Worms,
Chulers .Morbus,
Cmg)is, tjuiusey,
Who .pnig Couch,
C insninption. Ki:s,
l.ivcr CiHithinl,
KrisiielaB, Deil'ucss,
Itcliiugs of the Stin,
Cokls. Gout, Gravel,
Nervuus Compkttmt,
F.apetiencs has nr iverl Ihnt nearly every Disease originates
fr m Irn inritirt f Ihe 111 l .r dermeeuieu I f the Diges
tive, f irg tiis ; an 1 1 1 secure Heulth. we must remove those
.lis'rncii usor restore I lie BI l t i.snaluralstite.
The aversi in to liking medicine is m st etlcctually re
nt ivetl by Ci.tcKRit'ii V eu ar adls Pusgtive Pill.. Iieing
c pmnletely euvel .petl with a c .itiug f pure ivluie,
(which isns distinct fr -m the interiinl ingredients asauut
shell f r -m Ihe kernel) and hnve no tnste of medicine.
But are ns easily .wall iwe.1 as bits of Cindy. M ireoveT
they neither inuseute r arii-e iu the slightest degree, bv
operate eounlly on nil the diseased purls of the sy.ein, ia
stkhI of c luhiung themselves to. nnd rackinr aiiv'ivirtii'uliir
regi. mi aflms, if thell.iver be affected nne increilient will
operate on that part ieulnr organ, and, by cleansing il of an
..t-n.m one rcnore it ui us nniuieu state. Auotner wiu
Orateonthe Honrd tnd reinovenll iinimrilies iu its circu-
rui n ; wnuea nurd will ellectiiHlly etiel wlialever impu
inies may have been disrliarged into the stomach, snd hence
they rrikent the r-.H nr disense rem -ve all Impure Hu
nt -rs fr m the b .lv . npeu the pores externally and inter
nally ; seiwrnte all f ireign and nl.iioi ius particles from the
chyle. ithit the hi i d may tie th iroughly pure thus secu
tuiga free and healthy action to the Heart, lamp. and l.iver
ami tbereliy Ibey restore health even when all other meant
have failed.
The entire truth nf the ah ve can he ascertained by th.
trial of a sine Ie box; nnd their virtues are a nwilivs and
certain in restoring Health, thnt tht pr;prict'r bind, himself
to return the m mev paid for them in til uses whert ihev
do n t give nniverail aitisfacti ni.
Rftttll i lff. 05 tin. fr
e Pri icipal ofB-e No. fit Versev St., N. Ynrk,
biU by JOHN Y. VOCNii. Simhnrv.
M. A. Mer W.Northninlierlani.
IT" RememlierDr. C. V. Cliekn.r is the invent of the
lugir C aitril Pill., sil l that u .thing the s rt wnts ever
heanl f until he intr xlaceil them in Jn.le. ISH P.iri-'aMis
sh aild, therefire always ask f r Clirkner's Sugar Cited
Pillt. tnd take in others, or tiny will bt made the ric:niui
a fraud.
February, 17, 1840 ly
soiu.s t a itutxar.o.
Bunts, Scalds, and all kinds of in famed Seres
flvjOUSKY'S UNlVl'.ltAI. UNTIF.NT, is tha awtt
c unilete Mum Amid 'Is ever kn awn. It inslanlly,
lw.ii u .Magic .top pains oi ine m -si ucsaerais
luriiund $cald. For old 3 ires. Utilises, Cuts, Sia-anis, At
ii nun or Isjast. it is Ihe lien aiii licalliMi Halt can he nnrle
Th 'Usamls have trial and lli airnirla ,iraisc it. Il is ths in tl
nenet-l Uk is. er I t.un ever iImic -vercil All wh lie. r-
c .mmen.1 it. Kvery fauiilv sli ni l lis tr -vi-le.1 wuh rt.
N i,e cm tel h w so u a sue f die f nuiU- may need K
t tT ia -rve eick h, nt' the geiiiime lliiiruiru) has tht
nauieof M Tumi, wii.ieu on the ouuads UU' Ta tail.
o this is I Tgery.
B aiiineu. Livery Men, Fanners, and all wh um II uss,
will fin I llns Ointment llie very thing tbev ran ute
f T C liar (jails. SiT ilches, Kicks Ac. Aeon their annuals
tui'rly every inert') fill mini w aild keen his animals ss lies
frun pain as p .siiile. T'ltsey's Luiversai Ouiliuent it all
thit isre'pilred Try tl.
IHTI-i tF ls :i'TS. F irihe s'inc hi:t of p.isai
us Insects, T -nsis Out'meut is uinl.a!k)dllU!K!reds havs
tnctlt nui f ninil il eo d
PII.IjSULH:u: V inhePilcs. T nsey's Universal Oiut.
mentisiHie of thetiest Heineilics that can be applied. All
who have trie I it f r Ihe PiUs rec iinnend it.
OI.Dr)Oil'S Cl'KKD. F ir -kl ubstmatt Bares, there
it aHhiug equ.d to Tousey's Ointment. A person m .Msuii.
us had, firi ntimlier of years, a t ire leg thnt bnmed the
tkill of the d ict ra. T macy't Oiitfmeirt was rscoimiieistsd
by inie of the visiting phvsicunis, (who knew its great vir
tues,) and Iw , b xes pnslured more bene&t than tut pa
tient hud received from any aud all previuua remedies. Let
BUItNSANDSCAI.DCL'RF.D. Thnoaudt of eatet
nf Hnrus ami rc-il-la, in all parts ieT the e nnury, aava been
cure-.l hy T ittscy's L'niversal Oiutmeirt. Cernficatctea-wg
aouM he had 1 1 till the whole nf this sheet.
VIOLENT BHL'ISKS CL'UK.D. Testimnniala on teati.
m mud ia fav of Tousey's Ointment f -r curing Bruises
heve lieen odere.t tht pr ipriel as. llutidreila iu fynK-usa
will certify to its gre-c merits relieving the paiu of the tn t
severe HruiMft. All .rs us sh add try it.
SCAI.D IIKAD C rUV.U ires I cases of fVal.l Mead
have been cured by T aisey't Onilincul. Try it it teld m
tt.l.T RIIF.l'M Cl'rtKD. Of all tht reme liet tver dis
c nrereii i in st dis igreealae e inj.Uiit,, T nisrv's t'ni
verstl Ointment it the m tt c eujikie. It never wub ku wi
t fail
rersil Oi.ilment will always eura the w rst eases of Chnp
iieit It ui'ls. ires 4 tert -ns will s'atathis.
rVO.lK IJPSCI'KF.D. F -r the em re .f rt laps ihert
w:m never anything m ule equal to Tousey's Oiusnieni. It
ia sure 1 1 cure 'hetu. Try il.
Il is l scientific eianp ua 1. wvmnlel a to eailaia any
preoarnti -4 Mercury. Ir" Price een-s tntr b . Fi
furl her ir'lailars c aicemutg this really valualae Oiutincut
ihe nuldicHrere.'crredti I'sinphleta, tn'lat ha,t grslis. is' re
Siwnnblt Drugpiwa aud Alcruueina ihrouglioui the Lulled
rreinred bv 9. TOF8EY, Druggiet, Na. 10 Nasesa
Street, New York.
Agent. JOHN YOU.N0, "unhury, M. A. MeCAY,
February 17, 184 ly
( "otton Yam. Cotlon Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
' and Wailtling, Col Ion Outlines, Ready ma.le
Pantaloons, Resdy made Vesta, CongTeaa Knivet,
Porcelain lined preserving kelllee, just received
for tale hy H. MASTER. ,
Sunbury, Dec t, I8ti. '
PATENT Trutaet of all kinda, Harrison's
wrilinj and indellible ink, Cotton yam and
U, lust received aud fc' aale by
;'; !' J. W. TRILING.
Sunbury, Pee. S, 1848.
CATS An assortment just received. Also
ailk HATS at $Ti5, for sal by
ll.MASSER. (
lionhury, tf. . " -
t la si """"
est!l Extre'
' I v-t IS pot oa in uau . .
A cheaper, pleatnnter, tnd warranted tupeiai, .
told, It CUTTS diseases Without Vomitine. utrdn. bmI..
neas, of dehiltutiii tha paUent, aud ia particubrly adapted
fall and spring mfjicine
TW fel ! beamy and taperiorityoTthit Darssparilsi tvar
viuer rvrneniet is, wnust it eradicates aitaaae,
It Invigorates ths b'tdy.
Ceisumpti'w cured. i
Cleanse snd Strengthen.
n..,.. Consumption enn be cured
Brotjrti tt Cntistimption. Liver C implaiut, Coldt, Cmirht, '
yM"!''1"n'.9r''tnt tllood, S ireneas laths
Cheat, f rtli J,, htSwe, , d,j. .
' f Kr-rtoratKm,
Snd Pant (n the Side,
'.. (., '
, ,, .. have nil can lie cured. ...
reTernib. TJ""' ,tnm ,h" beta tn tue.
ceasrnl Iu deaperme ensea in" ennsumptum as this It detn
let and streuajhetit the ryt'em. tnd appear, to heal the al' i
ecrs ni ine luurs. and paiitiitt (nuhailly regain their usual
heulth and streiigih.
Ttiere Is ttarrely t day passes Infl there are a nuimW nf
'''esof c-maiimption repirt-d ns erfred by the use of Dr "
r. wnaru's Surnpatilla. Tha f ilewing waa rarentry re
Dr. ToWNK'Cn--nrar Sir' fnf 1I01 f.M f
have been timlied with general debility, and nervous eorK ta' the last ttoge, end tlid not eapect to ever gain)
my health at ell. After going thr nigh a R.iser rfleillciir
iiiiilcr the cure of some of llie in st ditf hnnisbed regular
iihysieiiina and mrmla'rs of the H ant Health hi WeW
otk aiHl elsewliore. and Spending the m st .if ary earning
Iu alleinpiuig to rrtniii my health, aud after reading irl
t ine .iwr of y .ut Sanwinrilla I res .ved to try H. Met
using sit lutles I found it dme me great f l, atidralM
t see yon at yrair offii ; wilh yrnir advk-e I kept nn, and
d" most heariily tliauk you lie- your advice. I persevere fr)
Inking the Surmrilln, and hsve been able tn attend to ftty
u.uni sinors i ins mat lour mouths, and I hope by the
o, aim 7 iur,wiraunla to continue my
lieiilltl. It heltcd me bevuud the exneclnti aiB of all wlui
knew my caws. CIIARI.F.9 OU1MBY
Onunie, F.ssez eo. N. J Aug. t, IWJ.
Clnleof New Jersey, F.ssex canity, ss. Charles Qnim
by lieing duly sw mi acninliug to law, on his iilh sailh,
thai the f ireg lug Klatemcnt is true sec a-ding to the best of
Inikn iWledgL-aiul belief. CHAHI. tI.I.MHV.
!iv.irnniid tulatjritied te liefort me at Orairee. the JJ
Aagust, let:. cynt.s Baldwin.
Just ict of tht Peace.
npi rriNO FiLuod.
Read the following, and tuy that cousumptiun is in hien.
ruble if you enn :
New York. Apr HOT, lit).
Dr. rnwseannl I verily believe thnt yrnir
has Iteeu the ineans, thr .ugh Providence. .H snving mr Ins
I have I -r several years had a lud c mgh. It liecaule w use
and worse. At kisl I mined large quantities of blind, had
mcht sweets and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and
dnl tnK expert to live. I have only used vmir Sarenliriila
bnt a ah in time, ami there has a woialeriul change been
wrongM In me. I am now able to walk all over the city.
I raise u i Mi at, and my e nigh has lelt me. Von can weH
imagine that I am thankful I T these rtsulis. V our obedi
ent servant. W.M. It I. cWF.LI, 03 Cothariut St.
ltTIir:fl PPKKCH.
The annexed rertifloite tells a simple and truthful story
of siifleriug nnd relief. There ure th itrsninrs i4 similar ea
ses iu this city and Itrooklyn. and vet there ars thousands
of psreus let their children die for fear of being humbugged
or lo tnvc a few shilling:..
Brorklyn. Sept. 13. lrM7.
llr.; I take pfen.iire iu tuning, for the bene
fit of those wiiom it may concern, that my daughter, two
years nnd six in-inths old, was nlDictetl with general de
Inlliy and loss of Stieech. fflie was given up us past je
c very by our family physician : but f.ittuiiulely I was re
c uimenilcd by a friend to try your S:irsntarii!.'t. Before
having iiimI one bottle site recovered her Bieech ami was
enabled to walk nl'uie. to the rut aiishment of all wh i were
acpi tinted wilh tin? ctrciiiuslnie'es. She is ikw irtile weff,
and in much better health than she has been f ir la inraitht
pas.. JOCKPH TA VLOIt, lis Vork si., Br.iklyn.
Very few families itt.lecd in fact we have u t heard of
one that used Dr. T iwnseiid s Hirsnimilln in time. I .st
nny cliililrcittlie past Siiuuner. that did not,
siekeueil ami died. The cereificnte we publish lielnw it
c 'iielu.ive evidence of its Value, and is only an tther instance
i f il savlltK the lives if children !
Dr. Tow.rfiDcnr flr : I had two children eured by
y 'tir imimnlla ' f the sammer comidaiiil nud dyseiitarr ;
'he v'ts .aUy ., nt.ilhokl nial lis oilier 3 years. They
were very much rerlnce.1, uikI we cXieclcd Ihey wmlkj die ;
they were iveii up by tw i reSiiectable physicians. When
the d ic ml' ruled as lli it we mu.t l"se thetn. we rescl
ved lo try y air Sir..ivirill i vc bad heanl so uracil of, bat
had litlle eoiirtiloce. there Ivttnr trntch sttcr B'
thai is worthies.: bin We nre ihnnkful that we did, for it
undfiilhtedly enveil the lives of b it!i. 1 write ihts that oth
ers inny be induced lo nee it. Yours. rentecll'ullv,
Atynle-aveiiue, Ilronkh u. Sept. 15, IU.
to tiik i.ahies.
gkkat fk.malk mf.dicinf..
Ds.TnW7tsltKD'slABSAr'Kaitl.A isas lyereignand speedy
cure f'ir iiKapieut c .isiiuiitiiai, nnd for the general prostra.
lion of tlte sstcm nsi mutter wltethei lite result of inhe
rem cause or uuuses, prixluced by irfegulurily, llliess or sc
Noiliirg can le nr-re stiriri'Tre- than iit invigorating ef
fictsou the human frame. Persons nil wenkneiis ami las
situde, froni faking it nt once become r ibiist and full of
energy under i:s indueiice. It uiiniediaiely c mitteniels th nf the femttle frame, wiiiiii is lint great cause
It wiH nt4 tie expected of as. in cases of so drficatt a ne
tare, tu exhibit certirieates ul cures performed, but we earl
assure the amicied l hat hundreds ol cases nuvc been repor
teil 1.1 us.
Da. Townsf.: My wife being greatly distrassed by
weakneas and general ikrbllitv, and aunernig continually by
pni.i and wilh .(hr ilulvailiies. and having known essse
Where your medicine Ins elteetetl grent cures; and aan
henring il rec uiuneiidcd for sucli cases as I have described,
I oittuined a b itlle of yonr Kxtract of Hursaparilla and fol-.
1 wed the directi us you gave me. In a shta-t period it
reinovetl her eimpluiuis and res-aired her to health, eteiiig
gteall'ul for the henrhis she received, I tnka pleasure us
lliasaekn iwletiging it, and recommending it to tin, eMie.
Aftiaiiy, Aug. I?. f4t. car. Graml A Lydia sis.
No fluid or meilicina has ever been dtscTwrred wtiich art
nearly rcseliilile. lh g.i.;ric luicc or xiliva lit tlec inl;Misutf
i'oi.t iiikI sti'emrilieiiiiig the organs of ifi-ewii in as this prs
pirati -n m' eiaikiipantla. Il p.isitivety enres every cast of
dysticpsui, however severe or I'ltr..,'.
Hank Department. AlU-oir, Msy 10, 145.
T)r. Towoeend Sir : I have lieen attlicml for several
Years Willi dvsi-eiaua in its worst form, titleisted with s ar
' uessof st imaeti. I-iss of ainan He, extreme heartburn, and a
. great avetai ai to all kliMlaof f i-, and for weeks, (what 1
c iukl etit) I have been uimlite to return but a sruull purtinn
mi my st'annch. I trieil the usual remedies, but they bad
tail liiile or no effect in removiae the c .mpbiiut. I wss in-
itunii, uif'ui iw" iiioiioii, .oi.-e. 10 ny )o n rii.v, .ai-
attrilla. uikI 1 nuisl aiy wilh little coidatence ; but sfler
nting nenrlr two bottles, 1 found my appetaa restored and
tha Iwartiairn entirely reinived; nud I w.itld sarnesllv rs
c aniueud the use U' It o liniae wh i have been amicled as 1
huve beeti. Yours. Ac. W. W. V AN ZANDT. for Pnnlury JOHN W. FRIIJNG; Nor
thiiiulr1niHt, MA1IY A. McCAY i Dauvillt, WM. A.
Ml It It AY A Co..
Aptd . Iilt IT
T'k Pupil's friend and Teacher's vmfort.
' work ia already iutrotlticed into some of the
lw?t A'-nJ.iinus anil a large number of Schools,
where its use hut given decided and universal sa
tisfm ti n. both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our own
licautiful ryntem of tnrrenry. It contain
more, the arraii;cmeiits are laJtter, and it is th
easiest snd rhrii)n?st work of the kind now in ute ;
and it it so rvnsidcre I by buntlrcJs of lite most
competent teachers and men of science in the Uni
on, who have recommended it, It is the hook,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Am
riean Scholars By AlmnH Tielnor.
Ths Yui-tm's Culi-sibiss CtLcciA-rost. Tlii
volume contains 91 pajres, with aliout 900 exam
ples for solution on the slate. It embraces tha
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, Ac.
Tim sou's Asithmkticil Txst deattneil
for the ute of younger classes in tha Schools of th
United States. A beautiful little book and pleas
ing to children, and tlie only one of llie kind of any
Tliere are Key to both Arithmetic bound sin
gle or double, for th poi.venience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for the black board. Theaa
Ke t are Ihe most complete works of Ihe kind aver
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac lor th
use f the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above hooks examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate lo pronounce them th best work that
have ever been published in this or any othar
couiitry. .
Although issued but a few months, they nivg
already been introduced into the Night Publie
8,-h.iols of New Vork City in all th Schools
public snd private, except two, in lit City of
Heading. Also, iu aliout twenty Acadamie in th
(State of Pennsylvania in large portion of th
Schools in the City of W'uruiiujton, in the City of
Lancaster, and iu the Uorough of Hamalnirg,
Vork, Chamlreburg, Lebanon, Uoyleatown, Potla
ville, Orwigsuurg, Ac-, Ac
roc sale by lUsat Missik, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County.' v
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848,
TENINGS A ehep snd etcellent art,
els lor fastening sash for sal by -
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
'- 1.
BAUD'S eelebraled Horn and Cattle Modi-
MJT ciue for aale by HENKV MAHHKR
nusieal bo, scoempanisd by s bust t oism
l smw ai witjitaa.
SSaatway Jy )4
tufas M, 1M
uatwt Jan. IT, U4