r SUNBURY. 'AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKINi JOURNAL. Ttife GOOl WIFE. Thers can be no doubt but that a good" wire it a great Classing, and, it it also true, that all wives desire to be good. Man-, however, think they can be pood without ex ertion. This is an error. Monlal exertion, ami sometimes sacrifice of feeling fs required But see the reward. The influence of n good vfife it immense. The power of a wife for pood or evil it irresistible. Homo must be the seat of happiness, or it must be forever unknown. A good wife is to a man wisdom and courage, and strength and endurance. A bad one is confusion, weakness, iliscomfili re and despair. No condition is hopeless whe i the wife possesses firmness, decision and economy. There is no outward prosperity which can counteract indolence, extravagance and folly at home. No spirit can long endure bad domcstie influence. Man is strong, but his heart is not ndamant. He delights in enterprise and action ; but to suslain him he needsa tranquil mind, and a whole heart. He expends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the world. To recover his equanimity and composure, home must be to him a place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of com fort, and his soul renews its strength, and again goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun ter tho lubor and troubles of tho world. But if at home he finds no rest, and is there met with bad temper, sullcnncss, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent, or complaint, or re proaches, tho heart breaks, the spirits are eiushed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks into despair. VOl NO MEY, There is no mortal object so beautiful to me as a conscientious young man. I watch him as I do a star in the heavens; clouds may be before hirn, but we know that his light is behind them and will beam forth again; the blaze of others, popularity may outshine him, but we know that though un seen, he illuminates his own true sphere. He resist!) temptation not without a struggle, for that is not virtue; but he resists and con quers, he bears the sarcasm of the profligate, and it stings him, for that is a trail of virtue, but heals with its own pure touch. Ho heeds not the watchword of fashion, if it leads to sin ; the Atheist who says, not only in his heart, but with his lips, "there is no God !" controls him not ; he sees the hand of a crea ting God, and rejoiacs in it. Woman is sheltered by fond arms and lov ing council; old age is protected by its ex perience, and manhood by its strength ; but the young man stands amid the temptations of the world like a solf-balanccd power. Hap py he who seeks and gains the propofmoral ity. OnvrarJ then, conscientious youth raise thy standard and nerve thyself for goodness Jf God has given llu-e intellectual powers, awake in that cause ; never let it bo said of thee, ''he helped to swell the river of sin by pouring his influence in its channels." If thnu art feeble in mental strength, throw not that drop into a polluted current. Awake, arise, young man! assume that beautiful paib of virtue ! It is ditficult to be pure and holy. Put on thy strength then. Let truth be the lady of thy love- defend her. Miss Carolina Oilman. TO rillSICIASS, DRDGfilSTS AXD COl'XTRY -MERCHANTS.- DR. J. N KEEI.ER A bro. most respectfully solicits sftrntion to thbir fresh stork of Eng Huh, JFVokM, dttman tend AmeicaH Vrngt, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, lys ftuM's, Glass wsrc, Perfumer'' Pntent Medicines &e Having opened a new tore No. S94 Mnrket St. willi a full supply of Fresh Drugs nnil Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere, promising out and all whomny feci disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drug snd Medi cines, on ss liliersl terms as any other house in the City, and lo faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors lieing a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Kreler't Celetrated Family Medicine, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forwurd their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dcplcrs, we respect fully remain, J. X. KEEI.ER & HRO., WliolesuU Druggists, Io. "U4 Market street, Philadelphia. rVplember 13, 1810. ly. I, A II 1) L A M 1 s7 c on x el it s a co. No. 17(1 Iheinul St, KiSrKCTFHXY announce that thevhavs just finished the most extensive assortment n of LAMPS, they have ever oflVrcd for ah, Comprising EL KG A. NT NEW STYLE CHANDKLIKRS, BRACKETS. PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been pakl to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption ol l.nl. Recent improvements in the mantilactory, Willi the introduction ot new and erlccteil machinery enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDCC- TION from former prices, and all articles belurc leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted pcrlcctly tight, ami logivc satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly CAMNET ' : WARE ROOMS. milE subscriber respectfully informs the public 1 that he continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branchss, at his stand in Mrkt stroot in Sunbury, and that he has now on hand a handnomo assortment rf well mads and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the Cllilll MtKtA'tD itttSIESS, , - in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made, and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the coiintv. His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a continuance of their pntronaire. ty All kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1819. tf MARSHAL KEY'S DEATH SC ENE. The vengeance of the allied powers de manded some victims; and the intrepid Nov, vrho had well niyli put the crown again on Bonaparte's head at Waterloo, was to be one of them. Condemned to be stiut, he was led to the garden of Luxembourg on the morning of the 7th of December, and placed in front of a file of soldiers, drawn up to kill him. One of the officers stepped up to bandage his eyes, but he repulsed him, saying, "Are you ignorant that for twenty-five years 1 have been accustomed to face both ball and bullet'" He then lifted his hat above his bead and, with tho same calm voice that had steadied his columns so frequently tho roar and tumult of battle, said, "I declare before of God and man, that 1 nevpr bettayod my conn- try." He then turned to the soldiers, and, ti iking his hand on his heart, ho gnvo the rrder, '-Soldiers, fire!" A simultaneous discharged followed, and the '-bravest of the brave" sank to ri.o no more. He who hail fjughti-s hundred laities for France, not o against her, was shot as a traitor ! As I look ed on the spot whore be fell, 1 could not but sigh over his fate. True, he broke his oath of allegiance so did others, carried away by their attachment to Napoleon, and the enthusiasm that hailed his approach lo Paris. Still, he was no traitor. Divoacr in Pennsylvania. Judge Cuul ter, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, delivered on Monday, tho opinion of that tri bunal in the case of Jones vs Jones. That decision, in fact, establishes that divorces by the Legislature for causes within the jurisdic tion of the courts in divorce cases, are un constitutional and null. The effect of this decision will be to invalidate seven-eighths of the divorces granted by the Legislature since 1836. The practice has been very loo.e and divorces have been granted in cases where the reasons have been frivolous, and the causes alleged such as were entirely w ithin the jurisdiction of the courts, if appli cation had been made to them. The consti tution of the Statu restricts the power of the Legislature in divorce cases to those not within the jurisdiction of the courts. Judge Burnside gave notice that he dissen ted fiom the opinion of Ihe majority of tho Couit. It will produce incalculable injury, and he dissented from it entirely, fiom be ginning to end. Ledger. lugrnf Mtidc is the basest crime or man. YTJE tire not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or ort. Our readers will recollect we told them we. were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two buttles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF IIOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lewi.vton Tele- gtaph. A freMi supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Snnhuiy, by John . r riling, Slory A. McCay at Northumlicrland, and at wholesale by rreui-rick Klelt, ct I o., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, iSept. 22d, 18 11) 8 mo. "lin courage Your Own!" 17AAS &IU2XN.- FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE subscribers rrsiiectfiilly call the attention - of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quali'y and price of CARI.LT-WAKFi, which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to bo hud in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers nre determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. J heir stock consists ol Mahogany Sofas, Divans nntl Lounge), lSurcaus, Srcrctarfrs, Sftclionrts, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia niamilactnre. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, evervarticle in this line of their business. They also manufacture ull kinds and qualities A !CAV Assortment of" rrrHli Good. IRA T. CLEMENT, It ESPnCTFl'M.Y informs his friends, ens- tomers and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, Junt 23, 1819. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE XtMV Hide Oil ami readier Store. No. Ill North 3d fit. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. riHE subscrilier offer to the tanners on the 1 most favorable terms their fresh importation rtf Utilis, consisting of llncuos Ay res, Laplata, Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Suited Per ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Alo, tlrtrn Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Div IVtna Kips. Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and loots, on better terms, than old HouCs in tho city, Lash paid lor Leather 01 all kinds. KEEN cV KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 20, I819.-My CUTLERY. AN extensive ltork of Pocket and Table CUT' LERY.of sale by JCIIIT 1C. C CLEM AIT, ATos. 32 oiui 33 A11CADE, and 84 North TlllltD Street, . Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors snd Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers Ir Pons, Wostcnholm's Ciicuve's W. If S. Butcher's and Fcnnry's Cutlery. Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, tiiiiis, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Rator Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. ('Ann Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Slock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly DIAMOND rOWDEIt ' FOR RAZOR. STROPS. flIIIS Powder is warranted far superior to any 1. thitii In use fof imparting a keen, smoothed? to R it tort, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Ci'TLtar I it may be applied to any kind of strop.' Also superior Razor, Knives, and Pet Tu rnery, wholesale and twail, bv - - ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and C'hsap Fancy (ioods. No. 1 8 South Fifth street a bovs Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PuiLtnttpniA, Feb. 15th, 1848. " This mav certify llmt I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in th most uucuuivoral manner, that there is nothing car) 1 found that will produce the same effect in my opitr ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hcjetolore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was liefore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third St. Pim.inr.i.FiiiA, October, 1818. A very hard heard oiul tender face has compel led ma to seek and test nmnv contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indinrivnt success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Roussel's Shaving ream. I heir united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of thrir owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this otlicc Pries 23 cts. per Box November 5, lSlSCm. J. J. GPJ2E1TCTJGH. (Late Heller & tireenoiiKli.) PATENT ATTORNEY AND MECHANIC At. ENGINEER, ' Washington, !.('. WfcRWVlXGS and papers for the Patent J'oilice, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in relation to secunnir patents, I runs acted, and promptly attended to, at their of lice opposite the l utein Utlicc. Oclolier as, 1813. uoiM & suinti Willi:. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chrsnul-st, at ihe'sijm of the Gold Thimble, between 2d. if 3d. fls., South side l'liii.Aiir.i.rniA. ANl'FACTLRES and keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of n superior quality, at reduced prices : Hold and Silver Pencil", do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, Dc-a-rt, Tea, Salt anil Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purso Clu.ps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Kuitliug Slieuths, Ac. ALSO. Jt-wrllrry, Plated and Biittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, Ac; tiotd Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior Evcrpointed Leads, Ac Ac. Philadelphia, May SO, 11!). A Eecirf . When you get i black eye by fall on the ice, or from running against the bed post, or from a powerful fist, apply a i-loth wrung out of very warm water and re new it until in pain ceases. J ho moisture and heat Ikjuiiha the blood and sends it back to the proper channels. Use hut or warm but never cold water to tho bruise. A doo- tor would charge a guinea for this advice ; we give it gratis. OfDiToas Nioss whi watch the foot steps of their victims by day and humit their -fsia rug hi. CI LATHS, Winding varieties never before to lie had in Sunbury, such as M.iiiouanv, Black Wilsit avu Ci iii.kii .Mai-le Uhi.cian ; ami Wimisob CHAIRS, vii ijxti Pi a vu Stools, which are of the latest styles, ami warranted lo bu excelled by none maiiuiaiiureu m tlie I mesc elsewhere. The subscribers are detenu inc. 1 that there shall be no excuse for persons to purc hase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can In- entertained about the iiuality and finish o( thrir warw and I hairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvment for work. l.r t'N Ut.H 1 AKIMi uttendcil to on reason able terms. IsF I he are Room is in Market Street opposite J. i oung s store, and nearly opposite tcaers tavern. DANIEL HAAS, t.EOKOE RENN. Sunbury, April SS, 1849 tf wall' Pi.psp7s7 rIMlt. culiscriliers liaic oil hand the largest as Jl sortinent of Wall Firms in the city of l'hi lailelphia, H'holenule and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Rooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and le cannot It' tairassed. Duiug a cath business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a ' TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wins Pate for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will be sold fcr Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country nt city prices. N. 15, Dealers are invited lo call and examine their block before purchasing elsewhere. FINN A BURTON'. No. 142 Arch Street, South aid Philadelphia, May SO, 1849. ly BOSH OINTMENT, FOR TETTER KUAD 111 following ceiufioale frotn Capl. IVvou, Cko wt-U Lujwu und pouuliu Muiui liuut Cunluni (of Uia Traveller.) rlllLADSLrlllA, iicioiier ill, 1HIU. Several years since 1 win Attacked with a breaking out on my iwck in Hie form of Teller, wliu li I am r.iiiviiired was C'liiriul.-J al tho turner rlioi. ll greiuiuauy esirnn ei over my face uutil it rt-ttched the upper Kiri of ilie etieeks. Dunns' the several lii'siltis tluit it c-nilium-d I1111KU1.K. I uiieu utilt-reiii applicuuuns. s.mie of which hail lie effect, apnre-alv at Usual, of increHsiua Ihe ilm-usr. hut from none ol thriu did 1 perceive lb least beaetil until I apptieit the Koab tlivTMrvr. Ily tlie use ofuueiur of U, i was periceiiy eurea und save remained irve ol mc ancc U-Ml. I have aim- used the Ointment. Iichlli- npnliej for wui:h- ness ol tl.e face, tiriicbea, i-tui)ird Ititiula, c. With rr- feel moeu as. I have uo beanati.ii in recoiuiueudiiui it ui Uie strunsest luaiuicr tu Uie pubtie. JAMlJs DKVOE Afnil IIknst Mauu. Buiikurr. July H8, . , , MAHSIIALL'l ContciiJ rated .SarMiipurllla For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. F.rvsipalas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, Ac. 1 T is recommended to Physicians and others, as the stronjrest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up 111 quart bottles, possess'1115 little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public For sale by M. A. McCAV, Northumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will euro Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, ami all complaints requiring an external remedy. I is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Kinirlwur, stilf- ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac. It has also been used with great success by per sons afflicted with Rheumatism, and other com- aints. frepared only by V. .Marshall, I'liiladel- phia, and for salo by St. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May SB, 1849 ly ( 1 IJ KAl X HKI li. OIIN W. FIUI.ING has just received at his store in Suuburv an extensive assortment NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing in part of CLOTHS, CJSSIMERES, 4 c Linen und Cotton drillimr, and tummei weir of nil kinds. Cai.ii-oi'., Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AM) OTHER HATS. Qucnsirarc and Hardware of all I inds. Drtfiis Paints ami Dvkstitfs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a prcnt variety of other articles all of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May SO, 1849 In ill I C 1 ivi :i iR3 : Tut si ) &'tiivi t i 1yd ttinirvii.3iii,,"'l"Vj';T OXYGENATED U3 12 "CP on in S3 s . A OVERF.ION REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, ; lilTinsicf AND 4 GENERAL DEBILITY. GEO AGE GUEEN, Propribtor. IfinJ.for, Vermont, ' 1 ivivfireiffii Ttnnwlv fit PYSPITIA, in mnuy m tn fitrniB, w-h nt pTiin in the Nomttrli. llcnrtbttm, Imbitual riti'niPrWt Arul Stun inch, llundache, Istiuol' Apptiiet rhthiinr.) ami Antltinn, ir riitltitir nttetKM wiin nrraiitre inm of the Shurmrh (or Dvdiwptic Alhma,) DiiVult llrentliiiii. which nUrii rrstilia from imperfwt Uigwtion (? Dyflfieptic HyHHPa.) i relievwi by ihme Bittrra.' In short, thrir e hits hcrrt prnvfrt in the relief of ilinont nit th vmptonm thnt proceed from del,1t tiled ot at"t1fc coficU ti'ittof Ihe ft drt-jh 1 ah.i W aretiRrnl rifhllitv riMi.B fnm RFC of from Ihe efWtfi of Fever, nrtttirnlaflv FeVer and Ague. Iemnleft i1ttir'ii4 nmler ni.y Uterine derairment ftrmmR iron, weiikrietn, win ti.id the XTOii?TKn hit TKR4 ' an excellent mnetly, bjhI not aurpnaiMu uy any meui cine in iitfV The hist iry nf this medicine in neruhaf . 11 Ma nwda ita wny to public favor aolely hy the foira of ltd own intrmnn menit. iSo nrtrfiriiil means have been uaeu tn give it na t'irtety ainl thruat it up hi public nttentrn. It hn never before even leen nrivrrtiRrd, but having first shown ita re mnrknble etlicoey in the famijy of the proprietor, and by him oilerwniils nihuiinsterert to hia alllirteil friends mil ac quitiMtrmcea with a like result, its reputntion grndua!ly ex tended until it is known in the most distant parts of the l.'ninn, as a mediriitr of unrivalled virtues in the enra f Dvfe)sia in oil ils different f'immv mid also for tin- cure ( Asthma or I'hthisic. Ita only lienild nnd its only eukfry hns been the story of ita w mderful effirary, ia told from m mih tv month or by letter from friend to friend. In eve ry iusr.inee where these .Jitters have leeu used, and the re sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a remedy. Numerous certificates, attesting th singular efficacy of lite v'x vgkn iTKD HiTrRRs, are in tlie pwaessioii 01 ine Er. tprietor ; mnny of them signed by persons already widely nowti to the public. GEO. Tl. OR KEN a Truprietor. WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, 1S45. The following Certlfirntea have rrcently been rereived t AVAWittnTOM. D. C. Jt'M 10. 1HI6. Hovtnjr mtide use of the 4,()xi(;'imlcd Hitters1' prepfired by Dr. Geo. . tlrerrts of Windo Vt. nnd from know lejlge obtaineil of their eMrncy in other rase, we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing tlmtthey will fully sustain the revoninp-iuhtion of the Proprietor. We hope thnt this valnnlile remedy mny le so genently difTusetl throughout the country that H may be accessible to all the amicieti. tAYsiMrrM t.S.torfromYermaut. JAMKr F. tl.MMoN lT. S. Senat from R. lalaml. J. T. M(M( KUKAL), L". 5. Senator anu I'ornurly Ooveni1- or of Kenturkv. L. H . A II ( LU. Member of Coiirress and formerly G- Vett'ir of H. I. WM. WOOOnniDOE. U.S. Senntrand former iy G- venvr if .Michiirnn. M. I. MAUTl.Ni Dcletata in Conrress from Wisconsin Territory. From ikon. li. b. Goiter, Member of Congress frasfl Pf unsvlvnniu. WamiVutos, D. C, Jvnk 10. 1JM6. Pear ?ir. I have liern a dvnentic suflerer for aliout ten years, nnd have rentrteilio vHrions medicines for relief without sueeivs, until I made use of your "Oxyirennted Hitter.'' 1 hove used nbuit two botlles. and find myself restftrei to pfrlwt Itfrdth 'Ihe forms in which the 'di eue showed itst'li't in my ense. were, arent acidity of the st-'tiiiich, I hs f nniM'titc, extreme flatulence, severe cnnstl- pdi n "I Ibe bo we In. nnd violent he:M;iche. Feelinc deni- T'rt that n kn w!edtre of vour valuable n-rrtedy mav reach ctliuis Minil iHy niiiictcd, I uike great pletisurc in record in? my lestini my to its ctinilie power; and would also rcnurk. thnt while on a visit at h'me h short time since. I adiniuitcr-d n rt of a Untie to a numler of my alHurtcd friends, with qrcat sito-ss. Tiicy are dcsu.His tluit you should establish ni'icrify nt Pittsbure. or inform tliein where the ineliciiie can be obtained. V ith an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe mvself, truly vour friend II. D. FOSTER. l.K t. (iKo. H. GstftKtf.Winrtrir, Vt. Sdd Wh -ileante and Helail bv tiieen k Fletcher, Na S0 8mth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Aeent f r Sunburv H. li. M ASSER. Aemsfor Milton MAt'KAV ft HA AO. Airvut fi I Picr .Muhonoy. J. ti. RENN. Aptil 15, IMS LIVER. COMPLAINT, Jaundice, dyspKPsia, chronic or nekvous dkbilitvv disease of , the kidney, And all diseases arising froma iisornereA Liver or Stomnck in both Malt and Ftmtdt: . Silrh ss Conslipslinn, lim-ard Pilss, Fsllness nf Blood to Ihs tfrwt, AckllMr cK the Sl-unwlr, Nausea, Ho.rt-boni, l)iitul for Kivsf, Fullne or Weight In tbrScmiseh, 8r l-.ructntl'Mis, rt nk i itsr or I- luttering at hie pit (A tlie ismmscb Swimminv i'f tlie Henri, Hurried bikI Ditltfiilt ItreslliiiiK, Khitlering ot Ihe Henri, C'hnkint or AnlTicattng sensntitins when in a lying pasture iimiie.s iif Vision, Dats nr wmT tMI'ore the Snihl, Fever and dull nain in the Heiut, Deficien cy of Persiiration, Vetlowness Ihe Skin and Kves. Pais In the fide, H.irk, Chest. Limits, Sudden ffushea f Ileal, Hurninfr in the Flesh, Constant tfttnrin!)lgs of avil ud great tiepresxion of Spirits Can lis eftectuatly carvd .T.TS "ITrTflT. 1TTIH kS .WWf MAll mJ . L. SstS .. "1- , os - . It pnrf" ness, or debilitating In patient, and is particula. . f fai.L AN'b 6rnio mrdici.ne; T1i jrant liennly Snd superiority of this Naraaparilla ST at ther remetliei is, whilst it ernilifntaadiMasa, ' u Invig ornlea the IxHIy, ,: CoiiBunipl ion cured. Cleanse and Htreinrthen. B . . . Consumption can he cured. Droiiehitis, Coiianmntiint. Liver Coinplnint. Colds, Couahr Catarrh, Aslhina,S,,itii11(tof bi.khI, 8irannaa iath , then, Hc ii,. fi,,,! Ni(!hl piflj. colt and Profuse K,,ertoration, - sikI Pain In the 8ide, -., Ac., , lt, V have and can lie cured. rroLsl.lv there never vvn a renie.lv that has Keen so sue tenet ul in ncsperate cnaes of consninption aa this ; It clean sea and strengthens Ihe svntcnt, nnd apears to heal th ol, cers on the imft. and Slliculs gradually regain their uaual tt hlOtB CASE bF CnSSVMPTION. There is srnrrely a da- na'rn 'Sit 'here are number f cpoUi-n us cnrri liy the use of Dr the lonowing was recently re to T "v dat Celebrated German Bitters. Their power over lha ahova diseaaea is not eicelled it cjunlleri liy any other preparation in the t'nited tataa aa the cures attest, in many cuses after skillful physiciaua hud failed. Derni'ornlein of the l.iver and Stomach are e-nircea of Insanity, nnd will nlso pt.Mluce disesse of the Ilcnrt, Skin. Limes snd Kidneys, suit Inyn the liody open to sn attnrk of Ihe i;h ilcro. Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and is g-cncrally the first cause of thnt in iet binelut dimse, Cousuniption, Opinion of the Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." Drreinln't Hist sivs AN INVALVAUI.K .MKLJICI.NK WthaVftfrequsnMy heard Itr- CHehruteil (.eimtin Hitler. munuiacUirstl by lr Hooftliinif. sp .ken 'f in terms, of t nnmendali n, ftiid wi kn.iW deservedly so. It is a tor comtunn pructice, in cst tum qunrlurs, t puifall inunner of usclera tntsh, but in tb trove Hitters, hundred, are living wiinessc-s of their grout m rai Bim unsieni wmn. as n niedicm of the Liver Cornpla ut, JiiuikIu c. Nervous Heinlily and Dv spelts, it hus heen I -iiiid invalu thle, LH'erlmj eures and' th t untidy enidirutiiifr diSOTses, whin ull other medicines hnve futlof. We feel cimvinced llmt in ihe ue of the German Hitlers, the patient d jrsnot bW me dIAIitated but constunlly fHins trenirth nnd vi-r t the frame a fiirt worthy nf jreat cousidermion. The Hitlers ure plejs:int in tnste nnd sineil, nd cim le lidminis'ereil under urn cimimstiinees, to ths nvst ilelicate stiinincli. Indeed, tliey can lc used try hII per- us with the m st perfect wifely. It w itild be well fr th e Who are miu li ull( ted in the netvous system, te c mmenre with 'ne ten spfinful or h-is. und gradually is crense. We sp"ik from eiperience, and nret'f f turse, proper judtre. The press fur and wide, have united in re CimimrnditiK the (Jcnn in Hitters, und to the filleted w m st coidiully Mil vise t huir use. SPIKIT OK THE TIMES," Jnue 'J Ith sjivs: 10 orROOOUC'TIV.KNS wh sre invalids, knew the mnny nM-niishiiii eurei that hnve been performed by lJr. II-i siriund's tvicbruted Grrmin Hitters f If they dn ii 't. we recommend them toth-vOemmn .Meilieine Store," all who are iiitlicied with l.iver ConipLiim. Jaundice. Dys pepsin. or Nervous Delniity ; the Wort r lmscureil many f our rui if ns after the best phvsicions hnd fmleil. We have used them, nnd they hive pro veil to lie a medicine thnt every one si i Mild know of, and we rinu t refrain givmt; our tes tim itty in their fnv r, and that which gives them renter dalrtt Upon our huml.le rll rt, they nre entirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NKWS," July 4th s-rvs : "We speak knowingly of Dr. Ilo 'flnd'sCelebrated fler man Hitters, when we say it is a blessing of this age ; and in dis ns.-S'if ihe bitiury. digestive ami NervousSysfems. it h:isn-it wethink an eipial. It is a Veuettible Prepanrtion, and nnde without Ale h l. nnd t ' all invalids we would re commend it as worthy Iheir eonCdeiire. , Kir s:il wh dewde and rehid, nt the prtneina! Dept, OKHMW MKDIUNK STUllt:. No. I-2U A 1 h :roet, Jhilndc!phl:i. For sale by t. A. M"CAY, .rthnmber!arl(1 nni Sn Imrv and respectulile dea'ers generally throughout the Stute. April SI, 1M0 ly IMI'OIIT.AXT TO Tllli I'UBLtC. vim aiAvn ft j;; n vi: Tn prcsentins the public with n rcmedv for the treatment X and cure ot" I't vkr ad Aorn nnd other bili ms diseases. no ninMocv is nceiliil. a.-t imuiijcrs in Ihe I iUea Mates, who siitl' r from ilu-s nfi'- cii ns in lle ir varul forms, are c 'mpt-lled to seek relief from other s nnes than the inntle dniie prescript i ms if the reeulnr plo .irinn It leom.- therei re an object ul iituivjiii' v. as well :i , publir ini T est. t i brine b. foie tbt-in a rcn.'l prejiaml h in mueh ex perience, and which nny i'Iwtiv s ! relied nn as sFf, IKFErTVAL. SD II h MI IIS TO TIIK rONHTlTt-I'lOS . 1 lllll Silcn IB I lie inn cii:ir.n'iT 01 iiir iima in m.A' " mm i ; .,. u i i a nninK' Blls4fiit liV tilt iniivrTMul '.i(ri-M U'lth Vlflilcfa it litil " n wms-n. u-ir ' been eirtpl iveil. j iiitrreaainu: t!ir natural futiftions, vvit!i.mt A1TD MKD1CIXES. Dont permit your Horse or cattle to die. wlien the ineanu uf cure urc within the reach of ull! The unrlrrsinci, has nprnt neveml yt?.rs in th utiidv ot Vetrrinarv pnictico in "London and dinhoro'," he h:i nlno avnilod hiuirll'of tlto renrar chc of LcihijLr, und ollirrcohhrrttrd men, who have contrihutfd no murli toward a judirious treatment ofanim:ilH; tin priuc;;plp of our practire ronsisls in thr rrjrrttfin ol ceneral hWdiiu? nnd the total rrjei'tton of all medicines that experience Una shown to le of a dangerous tendnnry. These re ineuicsaot in harnnnv with tli vital principle, and when i;tven acconIinj to the direction winch nc- b!e of exciting rozt TUB Ileadnche, Giddiness, Kheuiimttsm. Pites, Dyspepsin, S-nrvey, .Small IVx. Juuudico, I'atnsin the Hack, Inward eaknes, r.ilpitaiijn of the lleart, Hisiinj in the Throat, lir ipsy, .As:huia. I'evers of all kinds. Kern tie Couiplsmts, CTJHB OP Mensks Jalt Ftheam, Hwirt Hum, Worms, Clulera Morbus, Couglis, tuinscy. Who "ping Cough, Consumption. Fits, l.iver Complaint r.ritiipelns. Deafness, ltchmps i-.t the Skin, ('Ids. (i nn, (travel. Nervous Complaints, AN I A VAHIKTV OT FROM XMPl'RITU OBSiTKl CIIONS OTHER DUEASC9 ARl?I OF TUB BLOOD, AN IN Tilt ORGAN OF PXUCSTION. rxpenen"e has pr ved tint nearly every Diser.se originates fr m Imjiuritiea f the HI "d t dr:in?erncnts f ihe Dipes tives tfiiraus; ami t' s-ure lleahh, we mmt remiv thcise ol -s'rucii us or restore tlie HI tl I is nainra! si ite. ITlie nversi'Mi to talinjj; nicilkitie i m i ehttually re lll cd bv rbtC RNKR'S VMCkTABI k PtR(iTtVK I'lLLS. bt'ing r mok'tely enve) tpcit with a cvitins; "f puro white Sugar, (which is :i disiinet fr m the int'Tii d inaredtents as a nut I slicll fr im (he k'-rnch and haven tate .-t' medicine, i Hut are as eoti!y swill wel as bus ufrniKly. .Moreover ! lliey neiilier innwufc or prij-e in the rliij lit eM decree, hy i optri'e pjiniiyixi nil i!:e di?iiacd untsi the svstem, ia 1 s eid of e nfi 11115 lli'-inclven t ,. and racking any particular 1 Pyi ti Thus, if ti'elt.iver l art'cricd one itii:rdieut will ' epcr ite mi that viriliiilar uran. an I. by rleansui it of an j Kcss'if It.le rent re it t its na tmed s'ate. An ther will i o'.h!" .n tlie U'r;rd and reinovenli iinpunii in its cireu- lati n ; while a third wiii elleettntilv exrcl m hatever nnpu- irii-i nnv ha e been dm-harge,l into liie si atrieh. audience IIP liXtraet from a commit nieati m of the Hon. Wil liam W OsiUHttiDoK. of the L'. S. Venule, late Governor of .Michigan. 1)" tho IT, Oct.ai, Ib40. Pottah Citarlm Oooon, Dear Sir, I have read with mivh interest, ymir Utile TKk.tie upon the "ranscn, treainicjit and care" of the febrile diseases whirli have extensively prevailed in oiir enunlry dunnp tin lust tew months an interest ineieawd no d Mibt, by the fact thai I h:ive in-l'i idirilty snlfi-reil ao much fr 'in them. Tho-.ich I fort my!f very inc nnp'tent to judce aai'ely upon a subject h epttrelv professional, yet voir theory seems to me well renewed, and your ei'.i'lit aions just, and 1 tluuk wtllnil. that your ampldet is calcu Uited to prtoiier mucii pnicMcat irona. Speakmp f the medicine he says: It fully justified yrwir flaticrui e.x itiat i -ns, and as a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, s far, induces nie to lie lieve that il will pMve u preut publie benefit. 1 am p!euet to lejirn that y. mi have recently eptribhshed arveral aiftttic.es for its dip sition thrush 1 retiret that, with n view to a ni re ffeitend disM'inin:iiitn of it, y hi should have found it ueeesanry to remove trom your present r-sntencp among ua. With much respect 1 liave the h -noi to U. sir, Your ohlmed servant. wi! i.i am woiimminc.i;. riT" Tioin Hon. Ptf.phf.n V. Tt. TnowaiiiDoi, of .Mir la c-in State Seitnie, to the Aircnt at Detroit. IliKMlN .IIAM. t IaKLaNU Co., PeC 13, 14 1 . Sir you w i U me to inform you what 1 know of Dr. Onuood's India Ch'hK pict or auli-bilious medicine. 1 do Irelieve that if the virtue anil eltieacy of this metiicine were ffeneially kiHwu, the t('VK anu acie would diKippear in minishiiig or detroyiniT UipLx power, hence are' t!ir' K" l',e ,rN,t r rem we H lMPore llu 1 in rs ir ru the bxlv. open the ires externnllv and inter salt1 1 ll tli liaiiils. ill v nrv mis. . ..! . ' i .- -i " U. II. DADD, M. V. A List l llorsf and ( aula Medirinrs. I'hysic bulls, T5c per box. dc. do. io. lv; sejviriitr nil f ireipiand ubnoitr.s rtarlielas from the chvle. suhat the bl i d inty le th'Toccli'v pure thus sese rinjra free and heilthv action to the Heart, l.inmsand l.irer mul tliOrt'tiy lliey reitore health even when all other means ia c I. old). WEIS13 cV: CLEMENT, Saddle and Blai-sicws .TIal.cr. II K uiuU-rsignr el rosiri'tfiilly Q inform the publir, that thev f.--i.t. have coiiiineiin-d llic above busi- j--- ness in Suuburv, snd will con Htaiitly l.r'p onhnnd and inannfucturc to order, at (heir st. ml in M.ii'ki t stn-ot neuriy oiosito 1 oiiiir s store, all articles beloli-,'iiiH to their Hup of business. All artirh-s nmlltifni tlired bv tlipm will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they mil be h.ul at any other estab lishment in the county. Thry therefore respectfully solic it pcrhous to rail and examine for themselves liefore purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro- dure taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at tin- market price. 11 K, K V VKISB. Ai ni :s vvs h. clem EXT Sunbury, June 23, 181U. Ll q uoiis. winksT&c. f pIIK HVib'riluT hus just received a new supply of tlie l.e-t liqtion that ever came to .'unhury, constHtini; In part uf Hupeiiur M pale Brandy Fiiit! CitRiiiuo Brandy. SuK?riir Old J;imaui SpiriU. New Ktr;land Rum. 1'iuo UulUnd (tin. 8uprrir OIJ Whiskey (.'onini on ln, Superior Madei ta Win LUUoii do. do, .Superior Port Wine. Uurguiuly I'ort do. Hweet Maltttia AVine. Htipoiior CUret Wine in bottles Chaiupacne Uo. do. Alterative ball, 75edo powders for bad condition, 75c per pack aire. Heave powder fordinraces of the lungs. 75e Trine powder for kidneys, 75e Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c Cordial drink for intlamatioii of bowels, 75c bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment fur promoting the growth of hair, 50c per poU Healing balsam for wounds and saddle falls, 7-V. per bottle. Wash for inflatned eves, 50c per bottle. Ointment for irtftitge cratches, old sores, Ac, 50c per bottle. Kmhrocution for sore throat, 75c per bottle. II out ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ac, 50c per bottle. UrKe Tduiilleut, tht most celebrated article known lpi.Ki.malv,ttlcinthesrriil!rof mi. and have good j J' "' ,uv re: o-m to believe th it my sell and family c?oajed the nyue ' A- t! lMr liottle. inirinpcr powuer ior rea wuter, oi per notue. Worm powdeiH fur the removal of worms from the iutoiitiual canal. 75 per pat-kae. For Mle hy TiMrsO. Sr KKKO, 26 Mer cliuiits How, alao at UADU'S UOUsH A.U CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, .Nos. 1 A a llaymarket Square, Boston. PamuhleU descrihin the diseases for which theso remedies are used can be had gratis Numerous Certificates arc In posMesMoii of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the abova Mcdi cincs. SnldbyCREEX A FLETCH FR, No. 20 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his ActTtr. HrHT Masslii, JSunbury, February 3, 1849. tf The nil ire truth of the nh we ein be Hicertuined by the trial if n sintils tvx; nnd their virtues nre si positive nnd rertmit in rest rinp Htnlili. llmt the proprietor hinds himself t- re'um the nrmev jutid for them in all cases where they (to n it give nn i vers d sutisfsctu'ii. Itefafl Ci l o, 5 ctn. per lrinci(Kil oTiee o. (Vi Versev St., N. York, S.M hy JOHN Y. YOt'Mi.' Smihurv. M. A. Mcl'AY, Northumlierlsns. Renteniher Dr. C. V. I'lickner is Ihe inveut-w of the futrnr Citwd I'lHs. and thai nothing of the s rt was ever heard of until he introduced ihem in Jude, IMl. PurehsMn sh uld. therefore always ask for Chekner's tsnr t";fsd 1'ilis, and take no others, nr they will lx made lh viclinisef S fnmd. Kebrunry; IT, liMOly enses of eoiisnmnlion re; Townsen's SursntHiiilla. ceivert : Dr. TnWNKi Pear Sir: For the last three years I have Iwen ntilirted with general debility, and nervoufc con sumntiftn of Ihe hist stnge. and did not expert to ever gain my health nt nil. Aflor e t thrtnifth eonrseof mediein under the cdic of some of lliem mt diet inpui shed refidat physiriflna nnd memlters of the H sird of Health in New York and elsewhere, und SjjetidiiKE the m t of rriy eerniiiei in attetnptuiir to r ecu in my hmlih, and altet reodinf irt S"ine pner of y ut tarsnporilla I resolved U tty ii. After usina sis bottles I found it d ne ire irreat jrmJ-, a li'd called tt M y0ii at Vour ohVe ; ith vodV advice I kent on. suJ do most henrtily titank you Vr yo'lr advice. I persevere Irt taking the Hursnpnnllu, and have been nhle to attend to rriy usual labors f'r the bist four months, arid! hope by th blessings nf fid nnd your Srirsnpurilta to continue rriy health. It helped me beyond the expeerations of all wh6 knew mv rnse. CHAKLLS ql'IMBY .(irninre. er eo. N. J., Arnr. 3, IK47. SMuleef StW Jersey, Ksaik County, ss. Charles Q nim by being duly sworn according tn Law, on his oath eailh, thtt the fores infr statement Is true ncc.irdine to the lieat of hiikuowle.l(teftndlelier CHAKI.KH CjL'lMUY. Sw rn nnd subscribcu ta before me at tniiupe. the Ajgust, lfc47. CYRff AMVI.X. Justiee of the I 'ears: WITTING BLOOD. t . Rirtd Oi'e folnviug, and any that consumption is in ineu' rable if you can : New York, April 23, 97. Dr. TnwttsRia : I verily believe that ymir harsaparilla Y)i& been the menus, through Providence, of saving my life 1 hove for seven! y-nrs hud a ld rough. It bemme worse and W.Me. At lust I raised Inrsre quantitiea of blood, had. niht ftwe.ua nnd was giCMtiy ilcbdisnteil ami reduced, and did n.'t expert to live. I hnve only used your SnrsnparilU but 0 sh rt time, and there hns a wonderful rlimnre beed ! wrought in me. 1 tim now a We to vnlk ull over tlie city. -j I ri n bloi d, and mv C 'lth hi"1 left me. You can well J iWagme that I aM thankful f r ler- results. Your ohedi ! eiit servnut. WM. Ill SPKLl. 85 Catharine St. I.C1ST IlKIt SI'KKCII. The annexed eerlificale tells a simple and truthful story of sntfrriinj and relief. There nre tlmuKiiudii of simitar ca ses in this city nnd Hrooklvn, nnd yet there nre thousands of parents let their fWMrW.'dle for fear of being humbugged or to save a tew shilling!" . Hro iklyn. Sept. 13, 1I7. Dr. Tow.NKvri : I tke plensure in stnltu. for the bene fit of th ise whom it m:y eoneern, thnt my daughter, two venrs ainl six months old. wus ulilictcl with general de b'Hiy and ltss of s-ireeh. Wie vns given tip as past je c very by our fiunily physiciun; but fortunately 1 was riv commended by n friend to try your !Siririi;tnila. lief or having used our I ot tie she recovered her speech and was ennblcd to w;ilk iilmp. to the nst iiishim at of ull wh i were acquainted with the cireumatnnees. lhe is nowcpiile well, nnd in much twtter hmlth thnu she has Imm-u f ir l in mths pasl. JUMil'Ii 1 A 1 lAJii, i.r -rk si., urookiyii. two riiw.DKi: swi'D. Very few fiumhes indeed in f;i' t we h:ne 11H heard of one thnt used Dr. T 'wnvnd'a ?;irripnrilla in time. Isi any children the. punt Suiuiii't, while th we that did not, sickened und died. Tho cercilionte we publish lielow is coueliibive evidence nf its vulue, nnd is only another instance of its Siivimr the lives f children : Dr. Tow.nsend Dear Sir: I had two children cured ay your S irsnpiiriPii "f tJe s.imuier omipliinl and dysenlary ; one v.-ns only 15 in mth old and tlu other 3 years. They were very niurh reduced, nnd we expected they would die; thftv were atven up by tw r s;etu!ile physicians. Wheil tlie'd .el r ini" nucd v9 that we must )-ethein. we resl ved to try v-mr S.irsipariH:t we h:ul heard a- much of, bat had lit!le'ci!li,nce. there l.ine;s mmh st ud' advertised th it in wort:is: but we nre th tnkl'ul tiiut we did. fjr it ir.'.d"Mi,tr',l :vtm! the lives U b Th. I write this tltal trthi ers mriy be induce d t ude it. Y "trs. resi'tfiil!v, Jun VHi)N,Jr. Myrilc-svemie. Brooklyn, f ept, Vu 147. to Tin: htuu:s. GKI'AT KF.MAl.i; MKU1CIXK. Da. Townkmi' iAM.i PUIH.L4 is u s "vereigu and speedy cure f-r incipii nt c nsiiin.'tiou. nnd fir the general prslra t n of the systri no 111 itter wheihei the result of inhe rent cmite 01 causes, prolucctl by irregularity, illness or ac- cid-lil. Nitl:ii j: can be m Te surprising th-Jii its invip"rating ef. fwls uii 1'ie nMt!5M Irani'". IVm.un ait wciknons and las-, sitiulc, fn'in laUiii; It nt once in-c 'ine r 'bust and full of energy under its uit.Mcwe. It iuiiuedi.itcly e mtiteraels the" i:er ci'-sHieaa t;f the ivvrdo iVanit-. whi-h is Ihe greiit cause harrenni-. It w iil not lie exoe-'M of lip. iu casu s i f dele:ite a na ture, to exlMSi ccri jViitt oi cures pctf irtneil, but we can 11 set re the ;.rt:u;!ed tiirtt hundred of c.ues have been rejwir loil t u. Dr.. ToWNKvn: My wife erentiy distressad by ' we ikncssaud cntrul di binty, and Kullcriiii; e mtinualty by pa 1,1 and wnli -oilier iMin-iJiKv ru I liiiving atftwii emsee where your nwdh-iue im, rTsied great eurea; and also Ifarli'ir it rec .tnme tided lor Sucli onus as 1 liave deaeribadi I uuUunvd a h tl! -of y -nr 1 .mi-i f S.ira.iparilla and fo; 1 iwrd lie direct 1 us y ur ive me. In a short period il rem'rl hr romplaiLf; r."' I rr'tmeil her t hro Ith. Bring pvcaiful for tlie lieums s!ie received. 1 take pleasure irt lluisackn iwl!k:iitc it. und tn' itltuieiulint; it to the publie. M. D. MtHXlt. Albany, A".5- IT. 'H.ct. Gnu id A Iydiasts. msi'i.i'siA. No fluid nr oediriiu has ,.er been dtV-orereil which to" near'v reirthlei ihe prist rle j(:c ir frl'iva in deeoiii(osiiu IihkI ;uid sireiiu'thenini: the organs or ibgesiioh as this pre pnrnti"ii of S:irsap;iri!i:i. It p.-sitive'y cures every case ef dyspepsia, howe.er severe or chrouir. H suk I)c;Miitin. iit. Allcny, May 10. IMS. Pr. T.wiisend ir : I have U eu notified fur several years wiih dyspepsia in its worst form, attended with a-wr nes of si -much. I ss of .tppettte. extreme heartburn, and S prcnt a verm it to nil kiudu of fo d. and fr weeks: (what 1 count eul) I have been unable to retain but a small pwrtiort on my st oiicich 1 tried the usual remediea; Imt they had but little or no eft'ect in rcimn in Uie e. m plaint. 1 was inr tluced. rib ut two nu'eihs. nice, to iry yo ir 1U tract of rar- BHuarim. ai.d 1 timrt sav with little cmhdenre : I Kit aftef UFinir uesiriv tw r Mtii ducan. lai Brum hi in const ,ur nre o its use. Pcrlnps in 11 sun uner aiuce the settlement of this Arte neiiiiisulu. has the fever and nifue tweu so prevalent as the Luil. I hnve re- imtrutided this nuticiue iu numerous in stance, and Whcu the tlixivi-M had hecitfiie fixed and IsarHed the skill of phybieians ; uud 1 luive never kuowu it fail. I has univfiKttly priNlnretl the tu st happy etb-cts, and I licl lieve it lln never bM e.veed-tl by any medicine in remo ving the bill wa riiS'asrs of the climate. Yours, rcsperii ullv. F rr.imr.N v. R.Tnnwnnmor. A neat foi Sniibnry-II. II MASSKH t NorHuunlicrlimd, wniitrnM muijh, j it. kabui; eteiiMS- groe. MAY A KLOttK. Muy tt, lelb U' Burns ScaLl HE.NKV MA89R. Sunbury, May 26 1S49. BOOK? snd Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of tha life of f1irit. ami alon a nninlver of gold pens which wa sell al Us rUUsstslplua priaea. For sole at s)iiai1W. L PATE1TT lOriCHTES. (rein's Oxyciit-l Uittrr, prirs reJuccd. Old Jamb 'I'uwiisrnJ'sSarsapsrills. tSukrr's 8arsaiurilla. Swaynr's yrup of Wild Cherj t, Bwayite's Vcrinifue. Ayre's 1'Ufrry I'ci-loril lr. Drake's I'unai-ea. Pr. t'ullrii'i tlu TiMiil's Puin Killer. Dr. Hooflaml's (in-nmn Diltcrs- Imliuii Vrgrlulilc 1'ills Horse and Cattls Mrdirin. fot sals by 11 UXRY MAS9ER, iwswy, Jaljr li, IH. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, wn caucus, colds, croup, HOARSENESS. ASTHMA. IOOP. INC COUCH, UROSCIIITIS A N 1) CO NSUMP TION. 1' 111 valuable preparation, s ust nilnit-ly suceessful in curing disease f the lumss, is the result of u skill ful coiuhlnati n of the known cur itii'e unncinies t'f mcdirtuc. Its uiurcdit-uiK are I'.oely nude kuowu to the publie. und arc t!mH uckn-iwloL'ed to niedieal men as posw -scinit rarr nir-lu al irtues. which peculiar iriurSare ! i i i ciiiil inetliuthr"'iU.ltKY Pi:t:'IHiriAl in tliflr txruat- laulplllii. est purity and c.!Va'v, uud wlien uu.-U. as Will be scuti friui Uie ton iwmg vaiu ii'ie iiuiu ny : ltt)nMIIl l l.f. J'.L.A.MI, f II iwJ -in Colb-je, HiuiiKwlck, Maine, writes:11! liave wi Incised the rib vis of y.mr t lurry i'eclorul til my own fu:.ii!y mid in ihat nf my fiieudc. and ll bus givcu gruil aauiiticii n in c.irsti ttii i' ri'tulis ami chil lrcn." A MHi 'i: V K t M LVltAllii HI . I 1. Prim Dr. Uraul. Dniirist and IV'SUnasteri LUicoe Fabs, M-imi: 1h J. C Ayfk Dear Sii : I'.n!- sed please flttd-" remit tanre for idl Ihe i'ht i ry l'ectoial kist s-ut ine. 1 run uu hcaiiutiniy ay, that nt luediciue we seli gives auva satis faeti u us vniis d es tur h-ive l ever s.-n a nie-heine which cur etl s many i-ikcs of oomrli and luutr complaints. Cbir phjweiaiis ate usuig it extensively in the practire, and with Uie iiippu si ciiecia. Truly yours. U. M, UIIVAM. DR. ii:rkinh. President nf Yeriaout Mduul College one of tlie most teamed sikI inteMitffiii pbvsiciuus in the Country, '-contUiefg it a r trip siti;ii o( rurti ecelh nee fr the Curs ot' tiutt for- minatiie msssase, i:onsmiipiinu." An aim l uicicdil'le number of certificates have be mi receive.) j proving tint ll.c 'h-rry Pci-i.tral is, hi truth, a for Coughs. Colds, Asthimi and nil puhnon-try e ml plaints. IMIUH 7j fKVl'i I'KU HOTTLK. PreiwredbvJ . C.AMIK, Lowell. Maj, mid a 'Id by II. MASKli.Suabitry.aiidMAHY McCAY, N or t Lum ber Un id. Murch 31, 1H9 KSSr.C K OF JAM AICA GISGER pUEl'AIU-'.D and sold onlv, al FREDERICK 1 UKOW'.N'S DRL'tl and CHEMICAL More, I X. E. Turner of Fifth and Chksxit streets, rbi- 1 his bssencc is warranted to possrss in a roiici'iitrati'd form, all tint valuable properties nf Jnm.iica Ciihc;Pr, and will 1 found on trial an excellent Fnirlily MrdicinK. It is particularly re-i-oinniei-.iU-d as atonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to tlie stomach a glow and vigor, equul to a wine irhm of brandy or other stimuland, without auy of tho ill bihl.ttiHii i-llects, w hich are sure to follow the use of liqnrlr of mty kind I and ll is therefore esiHH-ially serviceable to children and females. To the sieil, it w ill prove a great eonifort ; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, il gives great relief I and lo the inebriiite who wishes to fcfofm, but whose Btmrtncli is ennstantly craving the noxious liquor, il is invulunlilr giving to-e to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist teulptation ; and is consequently a great agent ill Ihe cause uf tem perance. ( if'Full directions sccoiripunying faeh bottle. The alove article can be had at the ofrk-s of the i4meriean. 1'hiladelphia, June 9, 1849 ly in: Mir:i. and all kinds of infamcd Strts Lured, riiot si:vs imvi-ksai, oi' r.MnT. isiii. m..i I t-mp!etr llnrti Antiil'te evrr kiuiwti. It inctanllr, (ami as il' hy Ma'tf) slops jiains 'l" the m.'Bl d'-Srrala Hitriwiml S'iilil. "l'".r 'Ut S.re.., Hiuis-, t'ms, Spruiiis. a a ii 111:111 or ln-.ist, il it l lie- bni njiticalion lliut cun be mads 'I'll iiis.tihl. ha e llll mid III -u . 1 1 1 -1 s pr.iine it. It is the 111 jst perli-cl m:islcr tuia ever ilise. ivere.1. AU who uu ra-t- uiimi-ir.) it. K ery liiinily sli .ukl ti pDvuled wiih ll. N ne raM t-1 h au -u a. .me -f the f.miily may lieetl it. IT" OhKt-rve e.K-ti 1mk of tlie peniiiue Ointtiieii) hus tar liauiuof S. 'I'ot'.kv, written on th outmiie label.- 'I', aaiia ju tin. is rre.-iy. II uitiiien, l.ivt-ry Men. Fannrra. andall whn lias Hmaaa. will liiut Ihm I linlnient the very beat thliif they e.-in H, f -r l"..ll:ir tiiills. S-rutrhe, Ku ss. o , Ac .011 iheir aniinals Surely every iiicri iful iitDii t xuiii keep limuiiinul. as ilea fi.iin'vttu ns (..siiile. Touey'a Liiiverasl Uimmenl is all lh.it is n-:iiiirel Try il. Hi'rt'.S 1 il' lNSl'.i 'lS. l'-ortti. atiiifr or hiia uf peisM 11, InscH-tar Hiwi-y'a tliiitiiient is uniivalied Uuiulrc-Ui hav. tiii-J it mi-t r-nmt ll P"-1!. I'l I.I.! C I II I .n 1 l-'.ir tlie Piles, Tontey'a I'niveraal Oint ment is one ol ttiels-st Itriiieiiie. Uut can be applied. All -h,, hnve iru-il it f-r Ihe I'iI.-s ree rinineml it. Hl.l) StJIIKS t l lll'.l). I'-'iroM evbalinala ftirea. thara ia ii'SlniiK enal t ' 'ri.us'-y'a Hiiitiiient. Aperaiiim Mami. j ui IimI. I'r a iuiiiiImt 01' yean, a a re leg that baffled laa killol'llie d.ici rs. 'r.!iey'a (llntinent wna recommaiKled by oneol theviiittnit phsuuin, (vrho knew its great vir tues.) and two b 'in pn.luceil tn-re tx-netit lhaii( Uiapa lient had rereived from any and all nrvvious renieuies. Let all try it HI US AM) SCAIJIS ( I KI.O. Thoilaiul of Cass of Uuriis Anil Seal-Is, in ull Sirts ul tliec -unlry, hava bera eared liy T.nlsey t'ilver il (liniment. Certittcates enough could lie ha. I I till the wh Je ol this Sheet. VIOLENT HKl'ISKS CI HKU. Teuiimsiiala on leati 111 iniul in I'av sr i-l' T aiK'y'S Oinime'ilt fnr ctirlnl Hruisea heva lieen isfered the r tpnrl.sis. Ililnilreils in lvrucuaa willoerury to its trrent nieriisri-lieviti lite paiu of 111a moat severe. HnnJ.-a .-WI per 'n slimiiil Iry it. rk'AIJ) lil'.AD I'i'HKU, Airi-a of cusra of Scald Head hnve btclicuieulijf Touiey'S UuiUiuilt Ttf it it aaldoia in ill SALT HIIIU'M Cl'llliO. flfull the leinemes ever rln n.varau fortlis in 'l iliiiiiin-eaWe e wnplnint. Tousey'a I'si- veraal Ouiuni-nt ia the 111 o-auulele. 11 never wua known Ui f iil. . .. t'HAl'rlll) II A MM l'l- I nr.li rouaeys l.nl- versal t Jiiiliuent will alwuya cure tlie Wiirst cnaea ol' llrao- lK-.t llaittis. Pi'-.r.'S t-riif will alatethia. 1 1 UK.. I I . ' r h L'.jil....if. .J I In. ik-r. rl 'IV1. 1.1 1 ' " ---; . .. ..... . waa never miytliins niaile eqaal to Tousey'a tH.itraelrt. II is sure to cure llu-111. Try ll. ll i a 'it-ullhe ctiiinii.uiHl, warrairteo nolo conunn any .repnruli.nl 01 Mercury. I r" I'rice !2i cents per l'X For ...il.Mr lukrlieulnra eniireimiir lliiR reallv vainable Ointment tha public arenueircTlo I'aiuphlets, to be b--l graiil. of ra S1ie,'talU; Diuaiisll and Men-hauls throilr;1i..ul tu I luted flnlei. lVeiKin-d bv S. TOlfl'.Y, UruaeiSli no. lisi .-.Baeia Streel, New ork. AiiST JOII.VI -lUl.iiU, suiwurjr, m. .1. aa,i, Norlhuinlieiland. February 17, I8IH 1 j th:i henrliturii eulire;v t-.'lT'ini'Hil Uie ll" i'l I' h;.ve been. Y.-UTS. Airent f-ir Snnlui tluiiiitirrhrat, M AUY ! Ml ltltAV ic Co., Apnl . 1S-I.1 lv I f iimrl my anpetite restored anrl r. in vnl; nu.l I wllit enrueatlT re? I" tlnw wh - have been afflicted ai 1 .I,-.. W. XV. VAN ZANDT. ,-JottN W. 1'RII.INO; Nr A. MiCAYj Danville, WM. Ai Xotlreto I'llnitieiils. I.L penknit indebted to the subscriber, longer than sit months, on note or book account, are requested to call and inaWo eeHlenieiit, or else their accounts will lie K it with a magistral for collec tion. JUHX V. FR1LINO . Sunbury, July 7, 1819, - STONE WAIIE, STONE milk I'ana, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other artielus of si one wars' just received and lor sale by JOHN W. FKIldM). Hiaasisy, Jan. tl, 1119 Taf liable lluok. T IfE or ('11 hist, hatidsoint'ly borund, D'Ai' J musk's lliaroHr or rat RirnsniTlox, Ohms DtT-anoca ixn Lkikiehs, full bounded. Fur as la at the publishers prices by H. B. M1SSER. Sunbury, July 14, IS 19. excel Wril.EVS COUGH CASDY. An V V lent remedy for caughs, colds. Tm sals at this orViea lA,OHS A superior article for sale at Ihe store of HEHV MAKSEK. fionhury, Feb. 16, 1SS0, Coftoft Yarn, Cotton Carpit "Chain, Cotton Laps - and Waildinii, Colton Outlines, Ready made rantal.ions, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by H. MASsEK. rtiinbury, IVe. S, ISIS. aATENT Truses of all ktiuls, Harrisons writing and iu.lellible ink. Cotton yam and lain, im.1 reewved and lur sale by 4 J. W. FKILI.NO. Sunbury , Dec. S, 1 8 1 8. CAPS. An aaaortrnent just received. Also V silk HATS at S5, tor sals by H. MASSES fciunlnjrr, Dec. , Hi9 . I COI.U.Mni.VX SERIES OF The FiijnTs friend dnd Teacher's comfort: '1 HE COU MWAN CAI.Cri.ATOK. fiti wotii is ali'radr introilueed into some of th if st Acad.imics and a large nuinlier of 8rhoolai where iu use has given deciiled and universal aa lisfat ti.m, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely1 American iu Its' character, based upoil out own! beautiful Jeftmul sestet of currency. It contains1 more, the arrangements are bhtlcr, and it is the" easiest and cheapest Work of the' kind now in use j and it is so considere I by hundreds of the most competent teacher Mid itifn df Science In tlie Uni on. Mitt have oco'uliiit'm!td U, It is the book; patliculutly and expressly prepared for our ,Am4 ricaii Seholdii : Ity Alrtcn 1 id 'mar. Til K V O l "I It's 'O Ll B I A ! ' LC V LTOS. TUii volume contains 'Jl psgrs. with abdut 900 eiainJ pics for solution on tile alatc. It embraces thi Fundamcnlal Rules, t'otnpound Rules, Simpl and Compound V.edui tion, Single Rule df Threej Propnr'.loii, ftr; , . 1 Tn knou's AaiTUvisricAt TanLis.ls destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schtfdls df th I'uited ctiiles." A beautiful little book nd pleas" ing to cltililien, and the only one of the kind tf Sfty value. Therf srf Kcrs to brlh Aritllitlr'tleS Kitind sin. gl or double, for tLs fonve'iuent-tl df teachers, in which tli Solutions' nf the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Kcs are the most complrte works of the kind ever published, and contain, In addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &e., for the use ef the Tracher. All that is wanted is lo haa the rllsrve Ixioks examined, and no teacher who is scll,!ailltd with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other conutrr. ' . ' Allhmigh issued but a few montlis. tneyhae already U-en introtlureJ into the fvtgw rswasi Behools of N ew York City in U th eViorai public and private, except tw hi the tHy of Roaditig. Also, in aliout iw" Aeadwrineala tha Klate of Peiinsvlvauia ilia largf iotto of that Schools in Uie 'CUy of Wihrtinglon, in the City of Lancaster, and hi Uie Dornugha e Hamburg, York, Chanjlrsburtr, Ubunun, l.ykNawsi,Pott. villo, t)rwili"vt. c, Furnulsby 1UT Msskb, Swimiry, Agenl for Northumberland County. Muubury, Dee. S, 181. -KENNEDY' PATHHT SASH FAS g'I'EMMiS A cheap mid excellent arts els lor lasunias sash for sale by i. w, rmuNO, .Sunbury, July 7, 1819 A 1 ID'S celebrated Horn and CaUla Made cine for sale by . . UE.NUY MARKK I