Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 23, 1850, Image 2

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    lUaoljingtou TXtw.
(Correspondence of the Phil. Ledger
Waihinctoh, Feb. 17, 1850. '
There ii a rnmot in town, that Mr. Clay
ton meant to resign the offica of Secretary of
Stale; and another, that he haa already re
signed ; but that the President would not ac
cept his resignation. I Jo not believe it yet
though I have good leaaon to know that Mr.
Clayton threatened to da to if they would
make him angry. 1 cannot for the lif of
me see how Mr. Clayton manages to keep
his temper; but his course in regard to what
he is pleased to call the Nicaragua negotia
lion, was certainly auch, that on Sunday last
it was disapproved by thecabinot itself; and
if Mr. Clayton can manage to pardon such
an indignity he certainly shows great forbear
ance and an amiability of temper which en
, titles him to the respect of the wotld. Mr.
Clayton's error consists in offering terms to
Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, when he knew,
from Sir Henry's own lips, that he (Bulwer)
had no instructions or power to treat, and
could not engage the faith of his government.
He might just as well have offered himself
in marriage to a nun, as tried (o make a trea
ty with Sir Henry. Well, after pursuing, Sir
Henry with his suit, the latter at last consen
ted to refer the matter to his government,
which was accordingly done, and furnished
a pretext to certain would-be-wise editors for
spreading the rumor that a treaty had been
concluded at Washington. What effect these
rumors may have had in Wall street what
effect it will have at the Stock Exchange in
London, 1 cannot tell ; but mistakes of this
sort seldom occur, without producingau effect
among the brokers. Instructions have now gone
out to Mr. Lawrence that he is not bound by
Mr. Clayton's project ; but send the latter
back to Washington. So that we shall pro
bably stand just as we commenced, which
have been concluded in Central America,
and smothered on their arrival here in Wash
ington. We also learn that Tigre Island is going to
be surrendered first by England to the United
States, and then by the United States to Hon
duras, as if Tigre Island were a pocket-book
which Honduras had dropped, and the United
States picked up, without the knowledge and
permission of the British justice of the peace,
who, having possession himself of the stolen
article, returns it to the thief and orders him
te restore it to its lawful owner. This some
writers in Mr. Clayton's employ call straight
forward diplomacy ; but it consists, in my
humble judgment, in a miserable attempt
to save appearances, while he seems to be
quite ready to sacrifice the substance of
It is also whispered that Messrs. Crawford
ami Preston are about to leave the Cabinet,
but the cause for this rumor must be sought
in the slavery question, on which both these
gentleman differ essentially from both the
President and the rest of their colleagues.
That slavery question will yet give us a deal
of trouble until it can be driven from the
Halls of Congress.
In conversing with Southern members, I
heard them say that it was strange that the
North should be unwilling to sacrifice a senti
ment, when the South were quite ready to
sacrifice their interest to the North. The
South, I feel confident in saying, would look
with favor on an Internal Improvement BUI
and on some local changes in the Tariff of
1846, (not iuterfering with the general princi
ple,) provided the slavery question be once
disposed of, and time afforded for rational
legislation on other subjects.
I know that even the question of a fixed
home valuation of iron has been talked of ;
and that the efforts of Pennsylvania to roll
back the tide of abolition have met the grati
tude, and challenged the respect of every
State south of Mason and Dixon's line. What
folly it is to quarrel about abstractions of
which it is known they Ml never find an
application in practice, while substantial bene
fits are thus thrown to the dogs! We have
an internal improvement bill local improve
ments of the tariff free trade in produce
with Canada free navigation of the river St.
Lawrence, and a land distribution bill pend
ing before Congress, and yet the care of a
few negroes, who will never goeitherto Cal
ifornia or to New Mexico, absorbs our atten
tion, to the exclusion of every serious consi
deration. The Mexican Commissioners have in rll
awarded a less amount of money than three
millions and a quarter, stipulated in the treaty
of Hidalgo. There were, no doubt, a number
of claims (some of them stocked.) which had
their origin in fancy, or in ideal performances
which it was never intended should be requi
ted by the enormous sums' now claimed as
damages. The commissioners have done
their duty. Oaseavca.
Washington, Feb. 18, 1850.
The Doty Resolution Excitement in the
House, Ifc,
To-day, in the House of Representatives,
Mr. Doty, of Wisconsin, moved that the Con
stitution of California, with an accompany,
ing message of the President, be transferred
to the Committee on Territories, with instruc
tions to bring in a bill for the admission of
California as a Slate. The moment this was
done, an adjournment was moved, and the
ayes and noes taken on it, which process has
since been repeated up to this minute, 1 1
o'clock, P. M. If neither section (for it ia
useless to talk of parties at this crisis,) feels
disposed to yield, I have no doubt that the
House will be called all night and all day to
morrow, so that we shall have a House of
Representatives en permanence, with no othe'
question pending before it, than that of ad
journment. Talleyrand would call this the
beginning of the eml,atidoertainly, if nothing
is done in the shape of a compromise, it is
difficult to say where it will end.
Some weeks ago, every thing looked favor
able to the Missouri Compromise ; but iis
champions seem to have fled; for I hear of
n Senator beyond General Sam Houston who
has the courage to propose it. Then we were
led to hope that a Compromise would be ef
feoteJ by allowing California, with proper
limits, to eome iuto the Uuion, and establish
J.ig toiritoiisl goTemmeiitt for tbt real of the
Territories, without the Wilmot proviso ; but
this proposition, too, seems to be killed be
fore it was fairly brought into notice. Both
Houses seem to be now bent on the admis
sion of California as a separate and distinct
measure, apart from all other questions; and
the South, with equal unanimity, is bent on
defeating the naked admission.
What the South and the moderate men
of the South, too insist on, is the settlement
of all the questions involving slavery by one
and the same bill, or by bills proceeding port
passu with the bill for the admission of Cali
fornia ; and for this reason, General Foole,
actuated by the best motives in the world,
moved the appointment of a Committee of
fifteen, to which all these questions should
be referred for a common settlement. The
plan was patriotic, and with Mr. Clay as
Chairman of that Committee, we might have
hoped for better things. It really does not
matter so much whether California is admit
ted now, or four weeks hence, so she come
in without creating sectional divisions, and
rendering the final settlements of all the ques
tions in dispute more easy and proable.
The North, which is pressing the immedi
ate admission of California has not now the
same excuse which the Wilmot Proviso men
have had, last year, for pressing their favor
ite measure. It was then supposed by many
that slavery would goto California ; time and
the action of the people have shewn that the
thing is impossible, and hence the reason for
legislating on the subject does no longer exist
The North have carried their point without
the proviso ; and the consciousness of strength
as well as the certainty of success ought to
make them tolerant and patient.
Among Senators a worse feeling prevails
now than at the beginning of the session,
and the North antLSouth are more distinctly
marked than ever. Mr. Downs, of Louisiana
one of the moderate men of the South, took
ationg grounds against the admission of Cali
fornia; and other heretofore moderate and
conciliatory senators from the South will fol
low him.
Per Contra it is said that Mr. Webster will
speak in the course of this week, and that
the great stateman of Massachusetts will take
strong grounds in favor of some national com
promise. Two Northern Whig Senators (one
of Vermont, the other of Rhode Island,) will
stand by him ; and I have no doubt that Mr.
Webster's words will fall deep into the hearts
of his countrymen. Who does not reroem
ber his great union speech against Haynes of
South Carolina, the greatest speech in the
English language and that glorious motto of
his : "Liberty and Union, now and forever !"
I also see several very influential lobby mem
bers from Massachusetts who, in conversation
freely avow that there has been a great reac
tion in publio sentiment in the Old Bay State
much more favorable te compromise and
union than has existed there for many years,
and that unless the Massachusetts Whigs
change their grounds there will be such a
thinning off in their ranks, aa to produce a
revolution in politics.
- Mr. Clay is surrounded by a crowd of young
Whigs from the Empire State, who it it whit
pered, are about to leturn to New York to
hold a large meeting for the purpose of de
nouncing the Wilmot Proviso, and standing
firm by the compromise of the constitution
Ihe old Kentuckian seems to look twenty
years younger since he made his great speech;
and he may yet aee his hopes realized and
friendly relations restored between the two
great sections of the country.
Mr. Calhoun was, to-day, again in his seat
in the Senate ; but he looked very pale and
ghastly, and ought not soon to venture on a
speech. He and Webster, may, nevertheleaa
speak in the course oi this week.
This morning it was positively asserted
that Mr. Clayton had resigned ; but the Pre
sident has not accepted his resignation, and
so Mr. Clayton is obliged to hold over against
his will. Observib.
The history of the world affords no exam
pie of a nation arising in so short a period
from such small beginnings, to such a height
of greatness and glory, as has been attained
by these United States. No other population
on the globe, twenty millions in number, are
so generally prosperous, intelligent, and hap
py. Instead of wasting our energies in fierce
and bloody wars, one State or section against
another instead of imposing all manner of
restrictions and hindrances upon each other
we have lived together in harmony, co
operating in all matters of joint concern, but
leaving the separate interests of each State
to be managed in its own way. When we
call to mind Ihe vast and immeasurable sac
rifices made by our fathers in laying the
foundations of this great republic, we cannot
but admire their far reaching sagacity, nor
less the devoteduess with which they laid
themselves and their all upon the altar of
their country. They felt that the prize for
which they contended waa of inestimable
value, and therefore that no hardships or
sufferings, no expense of blood or treasure,
were too great to be endured in such a cause.
Journal of Commerce.
WcasTca to Hayni. "When my eyes
shall be turned to behold, for the last lime,
the sun in Heaven, may 1 not see him shin
ing on Ihe broken and dishonored fragment
of a once glorious Union : ou Slates dissever
ed, discordant and belligerent; on a land
rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be,
in fraternal blood Let their last feeble and
lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous
ensign of the republic, now known aud hon
ored thioughout the eailh, still full high ad
vanced, its arms and trophies streaming in
their original lustre, not a stripe erased or
polluted, nor a single star obscured, bearing
for its motto no such miserable interrogatory
as, 'What is all this worth V Nor those
other words of delusion and folly, 'Liberty
first and union afterwards;' but everywhere,
spread all over in characters of living light,
blazing on all its ample folds, as Ibey float
over Ihe aea and over the land, and in every
wind uuder the whole Heavens, that other
sentiment, dear to every American heart
"liberty and union, now and forever, one and
inseparable.' "
Potatoes sell at $3 a pound at Ihe mines
in California.
an it day, rrartiiARr m, imo.
H. B. MAMKR, Bailee awl rreprieter.
Basiaese Netlcea.
Gobiis List's Book, d Taa Anisic..
Those of our readers who would like to subscribe
for this elegant monthly periodical, can now do so
at a very small cost. The Lady's Book is pub
lished at $3 per annum, but as an inducement,
which we are enabled to hold out by means of an
arrangement with the publishers, we will furnish
the Lady's Book and the Hunbury American, one
year for $3,50 cash in advance, to those who may
wish to subscribe.
rXF" An apprentice to the Printing buti
nesa wanted at this office. A good boy of
about 14 or 15 years would find a good
0 The absence of the editor must be
our apology lor any deficiency in this weeks
paper. We hope to tee him at hit post
next week.
religious noticf.
We are authorized to say, that the Rev.
Mr. Shadden, will preach on to-morrow
(Sabbath) morning, at 11 o'clock, in the
Presbyterian Church in this place.
At a meeting of the Democratic county
Convention, held in Harrisburgon the 18th
inst., to choose delicate to represent this
district in the Canal Commissioners' Con
vention to be held at Williamsport, in May
next. Major W. D. Dewart, was tppoirv
ted Senatorial delegate, Thomas M'Cord
and Jesse Homer, Representative delegates,
with instruction to support Edward B
Hcblet, Esq., for Canal Commissioner.
At the last Democratic Convention in
this county, Major Dewart was appointed
Senatorial and Wm. Follmer, Esq., Repr
tentative delegates without instructions.
1 hs btat a Canals are to be opened on
the 7th of March, if the weather should prove
The Hagci STatiT Sirriacas. Sixteen
thousand Dollars have been raised in New
York, for Ihe families of the sufferers hy the
Hague street explosion. Collections are still
being made.
Reform in Delaware. The Democrats
of Delaware will meet in Convention at Do
ver, on Ihe 'i2d inst., to take measures to
ensure a revision and reform of their State
Valuation or Foreign Coins. A bill has
been introduced into Congress by Mr
Schenck :
"It reduces the legal value of a Spanish
shilling to that of a dime, and the 6i cent
pieces to five cents. Foreign quarters are to
letch but twenty eents. ihe mint is re
quired to coin double dimes or 20 cent pie
ces, equal to the fifth of a dollar."
Postage Bill. Mr. Wm. Brown has pre.
tented to Ihe House of Congress a bill for
regulating the Postage, which provides
"Newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, pe
riodirals, or other printed matter," shall be
charged postage at the rate of one cent for
every ounce and a half, or fraction thereof
all newspapers, kc, not sent lo regular sub
scribers must be prepaid: no postage is to be
charged on newspapers sen! per mail within
the county where they are published. Any
body may agree lo carry newspaper for hire
outside the mail. Handbills and circulars
chnrged two cenla if not wafered. Letters
sent abroad charged fifteen cents tea postage
in the United Slate mail lines. The Post
master General may increase these rales.
The franking privilege to be continued, but
restricted lo ounce letters, and member may
not frank lor a friend under $10 penalty.
Decision. The New Orleans Crescent
publishes a recent decision in th'i Supreme
Court of that State, of some interest. In the
case of Hart el al. vs The Owners of the Jane
Shore, it was held that lh ship owner w ho
detains a vessel after ihe advertised sailing
day, lo ihe injury of the freighters, is respon
sible for all damages The Court would not
admit evidence to prove that advertisements
and assurance of owners, of ihe days of de
parture, were not lo be considered a binding
thai the usage was to disregard them The
Court held that Ihe newspapers should not be
used asa means of deception ; advertisements
must speak Ihe truth.
Billt Bowlegs, the Seminole Chief, and
his party, have agreed to emigrate from
Florida as soon a ihey collect their people
together, on the government term. Each
warrior is to receive before he goes, $500
each woman and child, $100; Billy Bowlegs
about $10,000, and three Sub-chief $5000
each. Alto to be guaranteed one years' ra
tions on arriving in Arkansas, The whole
expense will reach upwards of $200,000.
It it potiively slated in Washington, that
Mr. Joseph R. Ingersol of Pennsylvania, has
been decided upon as minister to Prussia.
Alto that a foreign appointment will be ten
deted to Mr. T. Butler King.
An Iaoa Jail was shipped from Louis
ville, lately, for some place down in Arkan
saa. It waa manufactured out of bar iron,
and wheu put together will have the appear
ance of an enormous cage.
DtiArrtABAacE One of the clerks of the
Montgomery House, of Boston, ha disap
peared, having in hi possession seme two
thousand dollar, not hi own.
Hitaittttao, Feb. 14, 1850.
In the Senate yesterday, a resolution was
taken up, relative to payment of interest an
the loan made to the Danville and Potlsville
Railroad Company, and the sal of lb Rail
road, when some disclosures were made re
lative to the affair of that Corporation, which
were any thing but creditable to those impli
cated. The condition of the Company may
be imagined from the argument ol Mr. Pack
er, who advocated the passage of the bill, for
the reason that the Commonwealth had guar
anteed the interest on $300,000 of the bonds
of Ihe Company for 27 years only 16 years
of Ihe 27 have elapsed leaving It year yet
to rnn. He contended, that by an immediate
sale of the road, the liability of the State
would be reduced to the amount for which
the road with its appurtenances would sell
under the hammer of ihe auctioneer which
could not be less than $120,000 that turn
being fixed aa the minimum value of the
road in the bill under consideration. Five
per cent., or $120,000, would be $6,000,
which, multiplied by II, would give $66,000
at ihe turn actually saved to the Common'
wealth by the sale. The bill heretofore pa
sed authorising the sale of the corporate fran.
chises of Ihis road, requires the assent of three
fourths of the Bondholders before a sale can
be had. Hitherto the bondholders have re
fused their assent. The road is in a state of
utter dilapidation ten miles at Ihe Potlsville
end have been totally abandoned, and the
iron sold. The Sunbury end, extending about
twenty milet, was still in use, but could not
possibly last another season without extensive
repairs. The bond holders had abandonee:
the road, and like the "dog in the manger,"
would neither keep it up themselves, nor
permit it to be sold, and thus place it in the
hands of those who would preserve it from
destruction.' Mr. Packer cautioned the boiul
holders lo beware how they used their infill
ence to prevent the passage of thit bill if it
fail, said he, they may perhaps knock at the
door of the Treasury in vain for iheir interest
The ttock holders had no interest in the result
the company waa hopelessly insolvent
The bond holders, who have the State guar
antee, interpose and prevent a sale they
receive their five per eent., whether the road
be abandoned or not Let them beware, or
perhaps the Commonwealth may pause, and
inquire into the causes of their opposition.
By private accounts, from an Hungarian
source, which we have received, we learn
that the following are Ihe latest acts of the
Austrian government lo the country and peo
ple now lying prostrate at her feet:
An order has been issued, intended, no
doubt, to reach the Hungarian exiles in
America, to Ihe following effect:
All officers of the late Hungarian army are
commanded to present themselves to the
Austrian army, to be enrolled as common
soldiers, otherwise they will be considered
and treated as deserters. All individuals
charged with political criminal offences,
whose names havo been published in the
Vienna Zeitung, are judicially commanded
and required to present themselvesand make
their defence before Ihe proper tribuna
within three months time.
Among these persons are : Kossuth, Ex
President, and Minister Szemere, Ex-Minis
ters Casimir, Bathyany, Bischof, Howarth
Yukovies, Eugene Beothi, and Ladislaus Ma
darasz, the two latter ihe most distinguished
republicans and orators of the late Hunga
rian House of Representatives; the others all
of them active agents in the late attempted
Our correspondent inquires : "Who would
be so senseless as lo present themselves be
fore their slaughter-benches?"
He adds: A sullen stillnes reigns over the
country, which it is to be hoped is the pre
cursor of a storm. Ninety-five colonels of the
Hungarian army have been lately condemned
lo eighteen yea is' imprisonment in irons, and
a great number of majors to twelve years'
The Hungarian officer Pulaski has jusl pub
lished in English, in London, a ooinprehen
sive work on the Hungarian Revolution, of
which copies are expected to arrive by the
next steamer. Colonel Pragay, now in thi
city, it, we believe, nearly ready with his
work of "Reminiscences and Anecdotes of
the Hungarian War and ita Heroes." Thi
will undoubtedly bea highly interesting work
N. Y. Herald
An Incident. Yesterday afternoon
brigkt-eyed, but dirty-faced, bare-footed, and
Dare-neacien nine ooy, oi atxnii tour years
old, was teen looking in a window amusing
himself wilh the loy displayed in front, and
not seeming lo care for ihn bitter blast thai
blew by, and which played through his curly
locks. Ladies and gentlemen were passing
richly and warmly clothed, but no one heed
ed Ihe bare-legged, half-naked little fellow,
until he caught the eye of a stranger, who
looked at Ihe child and asked if ha waa not
cold. "Not very," replied Ihe little fellow,
shivering at the same time. "Well, come
with me," said the stranger; and he took
him lo a store and left bim lo be fitted with
a child' toil, then went out and relumed
with a pair of red stockings and shoes.
The little fellow wa dumb with astonish
ment and joy.
That act was recorded above The no
bility of the stranger' heart had ita own re
ward in ihe happiness of having performed a
generous action. N O. Picayune.
The Paorea Lanccace. The Kent, Md.,
New utter the following patriotic language :
Maryland want no representative in a
southern convention no one has a right lo
pledge ber to it, and ihe act is unauthorized
by whomever attempted. Maryland has
been distinguished for patriotism ber devo
tion to the Uuion for her prudence and dis
cretion. Let her trill maintain her character,
and while the will be ever ready to resist
aggiessiou, aud any interference with her do
mestio institutions, the will be ever ready to
rally round the "Star Spangled Banner" of
the Uuion, and to defend it against external
and internal foe.
Americans Murdered and made Prisoners
by the Patagonians.
Boston, Feb. 15.
The Atla thi morning publishes twe let
ter from the Straits ef Magellan ; on from
Caplain Brown, of the schooner John Allyne,
ef New Bedford, who wa taken prisoner by
ihe Palageniana. He say he wa a close
prisoner for ninety (even day, when he
jumped into the water and succeeded in
twimming to an English boat. He after
wardt went en board of a whaler, and finally
reached the schooner Hopewell, from Boston,
bound to San Francisco.
The other letter is signed by Captain
Bourne, who gives an account of the murder
ef Caplain Eaton, while trading wilh the
Patagonians. Two men, named Sims and
Douglass, were taken prisoners at the same
The schooner Fianci Mayo, from New
York for San Francisco, wat at Boorga Bur
on the 15th of November, detained by head
The Massachusetts Legislature and Disso
Boston, Feb. 15.
In the Legitlature to-day the yeat and
nays were taken on Ihe question to allow the
petitioners for a dissolution of the Union, the
privilege of withdrawing their petition. The
result was at follows: seat 26ft, nays 1.
Mr. Tolman, of Worcester, voted negatively.
Tremendous Firt in .Veto Orleans.
A tremendous fire occurred in New Orleans
on the morning of the 16th inst., commenc
ing in Camp street, and already nineteen
buildings are in ashes, Ihe most of which are
large stores. The office of the Picayune, and
Rcbb't extensive banking house, are also de'
st roved. The fire it not yet extinguished)
although the utmost exertions are being made
by our citizens and the fire department.
The loss is not far from $500,000, the prin
cipal portion of which is covered by insu
Further Particulars.
New Orleans, Feb. 17.
The fire broke out shortly after midnight
on the 16th, and is believed to be the work
of an incendiary. About twenty buildingson
Camp street and ten on Bank Place were de
stroyed. The Picayune office was among
the buildings consumed. But a small portion
of the type and fixtures were saved. The
loss is mostly covered bv insurance. Five
insurance offices also fella prey tothe flames.
The New York, Sun and Mutual Insurance
Companies will lose about $150,000
The Picayune was issued again Ihis morn
ing; and estimates ihe whole loss at about i
half million of dollars.
Maryland Constitutional Convention.
A bill was pissed on Saturday last, in thi
House of'aates of the Slate of Maryland,
lo lake the popular vole on the propriety of
callintr a convention, for the purpose of
amending the Constitution of the State.
Visit of General Taylor to Richmond.
The papers slate that General Taylor will
visit Richmond on the 22dof February, inst
to participate in the celebration of the third
anniversary of ihe Battle of Buena Vista.
English Miners roa California. The
fire ship John Calvin recently left the Thames,
bound fur San Francisco. She had upward
of one hundred passengers, and they include
merchants and mechancs. The carpenters)
blacksmiths, painters and others took wilh
them an assortment of tools. Sir Henry
Huntley, formerly governor of Piice Ed
ward's itland, embaiked in the John Calvin
with thirty miners. Iron dwelling houses,
shops, warehouses and tents, with a very
large assortment of British goods, form a por
tion of the cargo. Several first class ships
now lying in the London and St. (Catherine'
docks, will soon leave this port for California
Feom the Isthmcs. We have the Panama
Star of the 18lh till. The Star appears to be
very doubtful of a railroad being constructed
across the Isthmus, and intimates that much
disappointment has attended the expectations
of all who based their business calculalim
upon the promises of the railroad company
The Star teems to be decidedly of the opin
ion with Colonel Hughs, that a railway
ship canal acrott the Isthmus of Tehuante
pec, is, "the most practicable as well as
the most feasible mode of communication
that has yet been suggested." The Sla
goes on to say that it is not opposed lo a rail
road across the Isthmus of Panama; on the
contiary, it wishes to see ihe railroad built
but, at the same time, hints, it hat little or
no expectalion of that being done. One
thing, it says, is certain, viz: that railroad or
no railroad, if possible, belter roads than Ihe
one now iu existence must be made, and it
suggests a plank road, remarking that Ihe
timbei is on the line, and such a road could
be built in one year. N. O. Delta.
Prussia froeailt the Scene of the next
Ei'sorcAN Revolution.' The events which
are transpiring in Prussia are invested with
much interest. According lo the Berlin cor
respondent of the New York Advertiser, Prus
tia will be the theatre of the next revolution
ary movement iu Europe ; and when it come
it will acarcely be lea than an earthquake.
Frederick William ia making himself odious
by his publio measures, and the popular
branch of the Chambers it coming inlo direct
collision with bim, producing exataperation
and disgust in the feelings of the people to
wards ihe monarch.
Duel Between Ladies A duel latey oc
curred al Madrid between two young ladies
On was ultimately shot iu ihe leg, and the
combat ceased pro Jem. Finally, a recon
ciliation was effected by Ihe gallant tenor
whose charms had evoked the apple of dis
cord. Fcmaib CTOf,. Two young Imliriu
Mit Almiift Fraim and Mis Mary Ward,
have become regular etuJenta in the medical
department of the Memphic Institute
A Washington letter states that a bill
toon be bronght in by Mr. Dickinson, of Kw
York, lo abolish copper cenlt, and to tub''
Into a coin of the aize of a half dime, to be
composed of eilver and copper.The alloy it
In preparation at the mint.
mur. "huh i ihial. ine Boston
ur . an m..
Transcript says that George Bemis, Gen.
Esq., ha been enagaged to assist Attorney
oral Clifford, for the Government, on the
. ... ... . ....
iriai oi rroi. j. w. weocter, wnicn is as
signed lo commence on Tuesday, 19th of
Nr.w Jebsct. The legislature have agreed
to adjourn on the 2 1st inst , making a session
of 40 da) t.
Cholera has appeared among the troops
of the 9tb regiment of infantry,. who had just
landed at Indianota, from Texas. Seventeen
have died, and other cast's have occurred,
bul were convalescent
Dkad. Andrew II. Brand, the Kentucky
In Pant, died a few days' ago, of pneumonia.
He was in his 16th year, and weighed over
600 lbs.
One hundred and six'y-fotrr negroet, lib
erated by the late Jacob Wood, of Georgia,
have arrived al Savannah, and will sail in a
few days for Liberia.
'Time is monev," said a debtor to his
creditor, "and therefore if you will gave me
time, it is just thu same thing as if I gave
you money. "
The Florida Indians A letter from Pilat-
ka, Fla., dated the 28th tilt., confirms the re
port that Billy Bowlegs, with his band, had
not only determined to emigrate, but had
commenced bringing in lhcir properly lo the
place of starting.
M A It It I E D.
On Ihn 14th inst., bv the Rev. J. P. Shin-
del, Mr. Sami'f.l Clem ets, of this Borouuh, to
Mis Mary Iehues, of Grutztowu, Dauphin
On the 19th inst., bv the same. Mr. Jacob
Zimmerman, to Miss Catharine Long, both
of Lower Augusta.
On the 14lh in!., by the Rev. J. Stine,
Mr. Thomas Barr, of Turbulville, to Miss
Mabt Cot'RsoN, of Milton.
In Upper Augusta township, on the 16lh
inst., Mr. JOHN CHRIST, aged about 63 years.
In California, on the 6th December, 1849,
of Consumption, ARTHUR W. FRICK, Esq.,
formerly of Danville. Columbia county, ami
son of Gi'o. A Frick, Esq., aged 33 years mid
1 1 moiilhs.
In Bowling Green. Matnnnva coimtv. 111.,
on the Sd inst., MARTHA, wife of William
Painter, formerly of ChiliM)na ;iie township.
In San Francisi'ii. Cnlit'nmjn. nn ih 29'h
of n-cen,b.-r last, M.:j. HoBEKT B GREEN,
fo'fiit-ilv of Leu i-lmi. I'nioii inniily, aged
28 veal.
FlHE following proerty of Jwoh Fox, of Low
I er Au:;nt;i touniiiii s..!d hy ( 'onrail Krrs: h
ner, si Constable' .-ale. FHuuiy 15. IPS!', wa
piirrliaeil by me, and loaned during my plrusure
te said Fox, vir. :
3 seres of Wlicnl (mom or less) In the ground ;
10 acres of Rye (more or Irs) in the ground ; 1
Blind llorc; 1 Mantle Clock ; A two horse sled.
Lower Augusta, Feb. 23, 1650 3t
THE subscriber would most respectfully in
form hit friends snd a generous public, that
be is manufacturing the best quality of
in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little
cheaper than any other manufar' .irrr in the Union.
He is also importing and dealing most extensively
which he oners on the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay
ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E.
Baltimore street.
No. 8, E. Baltimore street,
UiiTiKnuk, Maryland.
February 2, 1850. ly
I II 1 1. 1 I E I, I' II I 4
X. W. Corner of Third and Uuion Streets,
ITMFTFFN i KARS in extensive mud uninterrupted
pnnire sfteut iu Hub riiy have rcntlrrrd Lfr K. ihe
m l rinert mid Mjcfeawt'ul nrurtititHier tar and iienr.
in the treatment 01 all tliarfltara of a private nature. Per ma
atllicittl with uireia uryu theixdy. thrwt, T leica. paiua m
ine neauiir ifnea, mercurial rnM.nuitisin, at net urea, gruvrl.
tliatwae ariaiitg trout y uthl'ull exeeaata r imi uritiri ol the
bl nd, wherehv tbe conatitutiou has bec rne euleJrU-d, are
till urairv wnn rorrcai.
He whnnlacra hi mar If under the rare of Dr. K.. imv re.
iismaly confide m hit howY aa a geutleiiuieuul contVleiit-
ty reiy npu ma atviii aa a pnyaieiaii.
YiHina; Men wh have injur themaelvea by a certain
pt art ice indulged in a habit frequently Inirned from evil
empaiiinna tie al arhol the effects of" which are nightly
felt, evm when asleep, and destroy U lb niiud and b ly,
ahs-urd apply immediately. Wenknrsa and cnetitutionaJ
debility I aa of muscular energy, phyaicaJ laasituda and a-en.
stbI proatnih'fi. irritability and all uervous arTrvUma, iimIi
fran m, sJiitftiahnera f t!:a livei, and every dieHsetii any
w ctMiiiertrd with the dia TflVr ut' tbt procrcativs func-
(i w -.- ti n vigor reatorea.
Oi l II it !I 4KIIOOI,
oa a
Preaaatar Death.
kiAkbu.i ob irlf rrnmitioi.
This Bnnk jusl published is Sited wits useful information
oa Dm uiurinmei sutl iIikvm ol tlis Unirraliir Organ,
ll KltlmM itarh alike u Vol Til, MANHOOD and OLD
AUK, and should b read hy all.
Th valuable advics aud inuwteeive wamnuj U fives,
will prevent years of misery audeuiferuif and aavs annual.
Iv Tk.MiH.iMta at Ljves.
Parents hy readme it wiU learn how U pre veal the dcs
trurtHNt tM their children.
.A remittance f Hi rente, rnrlnard in a letter, ad.
dreaerd to UK. KINkEMV N. W. corner ofTHiHl) St
I'MON Htreets, between Sprue St Pine, Philadr paie,
will ensure a bs, under enveloue, par return nf aaaiL
Perauna at distance nay address l)r. K. by letter, (post
panl.) and he cured at home.
f.e-wurded by ecu. line a retnillauce, and put up secure from
Btkia-aL-llere, New Afcnt,Pedsirs. Canvassers, and all
others supplied with the abur wurk al very low rales.
February , laMly
srsqi'MltV'Vt KXPBI'M.
Between Philadelphia, Sunbury, A'orthum
berlmd, Danville, Milton, Muncy,
Williamsport, Ltvuhurtr, Mif
fiinburg, Berlin and
Leaves tht City etery Thursday Morning
At LIVIXUSTUX If Co.'s Express, Depot
43 North Third Street;
AtCONRAD, CARTER Co.'s, Depot Cot.
of broad If Cherry.
January It, 150.
j, Ui - B,iu,Af
. . the premise, ew . J
the .
Tnlnable Steam Paw Mlit,
situated in Point township, Northumberland comp
ly, S miles north of the Borough of Northurohor
land, together with twe arret of land attached to
said mill. The engine it of ten horse power, use
but one ton of coal per week, ami it able to saw
upwards of 2000 feet per day. The country in
r ",nborhooa 11 timherered and lumber
of til kinds is rrsdy sale in the vicinity.
A L0 : Wi be ,ltl. with the mill, 4 acres of
land adjacent thereto; the title good to the pur
ebMr aa long a the premises tre used for the
purposes of a saw mill.
The property will ht tuld absolutely and with
out reserve on the slv. nnm,i j,T'M U)e gub.
trnher nss made arrangements to remove to the
W est, which is his sole reason for disposing of
the mill. '
Persons desirous of viewing the property can d
J by calling on the subscrilier, at the premises.
Terms mule known on day of sale.
romt township, Feb. 16, 1850. 3t
Jfl pursusnct of sq order of the Orphsns' Caart
of Northumberland county, will be ei posed to
public sale on Friday the 15th day of March neit,
on the premises, to wit : A certain
Tit ter or 1.4 so,
situate in Point township, "hrinft Ihe Mansion
Farm," adjoining lands of R. M. Curry, John
Paul, River Susquehanna, Joseph Vankirk and
Alliin Newberry. Containing seventy two acres
and twenty perches, slrict measure Whereon is
erected a two story Log House weather-boarded,
a small frimr kitchen, a large frame Barn and
Waggon shed. Also two Rood Orchards of choice
IruiL Lute the estate of Henry llunxiiker, dee'd.
tSalc to commence at lOo'clcrk A. M., of said
duy when the terms of sale will lie madd known
by (JEOKGE A. FKIC'K, Adin'r.
By order of the Court i
John P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. j
Februury 16, 1850. ts
sktii & nit on i i:u.
Commtosfou Hrichanto,
(Nca Bovi.rrt Wharf.)
Will pay particular attention to the sale ofGRAIX
and ail other products of the farm.
Baltimore, January 26, 1850. ly
Northumberland County, nn.
In the Orphans' Court of said
County, at January Term A. D. 1850.
The petition of John Haa", Jr., and Magaret
his wife late Leii.bath, and Samuel Trucke
miller, and .-artih his irife. talc Sarah Lein
Inch, all vf the Comity vf Northumberland,
represent :
That John I.cinhitrh, lnte of Lewis ton nhip,
in the county of Xortliuml'cr'uiid. on the first dav
nf llrrrmU-r A. I. lcS49, tlird in relate, leaving
surviving him cilit children, and the children of
two daughters, previously deceased, via : Mary
Shirtz, only child of Mary tsliiru, dee'd.. late Mary
l.rinlrach and who was intermarried with Jacob
ishirtz, of Columbia county, and who is still liv
in?. Sarah the jielitioner, intermarried with Ram
nel TrucUcmillcr. late Sarah I.eiiilmch, Elizabeth
Knrchner, late Ella!et!i Lcinbach ; Benjamin
Lrinbach, now of Dauphin county ; William
Leiiibat'h, Catherine Kivbs, late Catherine Lcin
bach, inl .rinurried with Henry K rein of Centre
county ,. Daniel l.einbach of Maura county, in
thr state of Xm York ; Magnrct Hung, late Ma
garet I.cinhaL'h, the ctitioiirr, intermarried with
John Haas jr. Henry and John Johnson, minors
under the ae of fourteen years, only children of
Mstilda Johnson, lute Matilda Lcinbach, deceased,
who was intermarried with John B. Johnson, and
who is still living ; and John E. Lcinbach ; and
seized in his demesne as of fee, of and a certain
trtrt of Land, situate in Lewis township. Nor
thumberland county ; adjoining lands of Samuel
Mengas, Andrew Karchner, J.tshua Bowman anj
others, containing One Hundred and Thirty acres
more or leas, with the appurtenances.
The petitioners therefore pray the Court, to a
warded an inquest to make partition of the premi
ses aforesaid to and among the representatives
and heirs of the said inicita, in such manner
and in auch proportions as by the Laws of Ihis
Commonwealth is directed, if such jHtrtition can
be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole;
but if Hiich partition cannot he so made thereof;
then to value and appraixe Ihe same, and make
return of their proceeding according to Law,
January Kth 1S50, Keud and Inquest awarded,
same day the court direct personal notice to be
given to Ihe heirs residing in Northumberland
county, snd six weeks notue hy publication in
the Sunbury American, to those residing out of
the County, and state of the time and place of
holding the inquext.
By the Court,
Certified from the Records of our said Court, at
Sunbury, the 8th dav of January, A. 1). 1850.
Notice i hereby given, to the heirs and legal
representatives of John Lrinbaoh, deceased.
That, in pursuance of the inquest awarded hy
the Court aa aforesaid, An inquisition will he held
upon the premises aforesaid, at 10 o'clock, A. Al.,
on Wednesday the SOlh day of Murrh neit, at
which time and place you are warned to be, and
appear if you think proper.
Sheriff office, Sunbury )
January 19, 1P0. $ 6w
T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Ceurt
-- of Northumberland county, will be eipoeed to
public vendue or outcry, on Saturday the S3d dsy
of February neit, at the late residence of Jane
Kinney, dee'd., to wit : A certain lot of ground
situate in the township of Rush in said county,
containing about two acrea, which said piece ef
Land is parcel of a larger trait of land, containing
in til about five acres, adjoining land of Jacob
Hhultz, George Muehler and Joseph Bare. Late
the estate of Jane Kinney, dee'd. Sale to com
mence at 1 1 o'clock A. M. uf said day when the
terms of sale will be made known by.
N. B. The remainder of the shove described
tract of land is situate in Franklin township, Col
umbia county, whereon it erected a House and
Stable, will be o Acred for sale at the tame tine
and place, R. DAVISON, AJrn'r.
By onler of the Court
John P. Puraell, Clk O. C
Sunbury, January 19, 1850 la
IN pursuance of tn order of the Orphans' Coarl
of Northumberland county, will be eiposo4
to Public Sale on Saturday Ihe S3d day of tebru
try it the House of the late A. C. Barrett, dee'd.,
in the Borough of Northumberland, to wit: lias
northern half part of lot No 11 1, situated in the
Borough of Northumberland, on which is erected
a small stable, adjoining the southern half of suid
lot No. 1 1 1. Law the estate of Ail C. Barret,
dee'd. Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock A. M, ef
said day when the conditions will he made knows
by CASPER J. REED, Ada'r.
By Onler of the Court, 1
John P. Pursell, Clk., O. C.
Sunbury, Jan. It, 1850. I a
PLASTER, Salt and Fish, just receive! and fct
1 by J. W. I RILING,
unhurt, Dec 3, 1148.