Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 05, 1850, Image 4

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TO rtlYMCliM, DRlcniSTS IM COttTRf
BH.i. N. KKELER & Dro. moot wnrt fully
olldl attrntion to Uiclt fresh Murk of f
, Frnch, Geimnn and Amtirgn Draft, Med
feint. Chemical, Paint. Oil. Dye Stull. Ul
ware, Twf umrftt' rtenl Medicine Arc Having
prnrd a new store No. 594 Msrket St. with
full supply of Fresh Drug end Medicine, w rc
pcctfnllv olicit Country dcler to Mamma our
lock before purchasing elsewhere, premising on
and all who tuny feel disposed to extend to ... i their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drnn knd Mrdi
cinr. cn a. liberal term.. ""Jf1"" "."S
Ciivand to fi.iilin.lly eecuu) all order entrusted
to n promptly and with thsietoh. ,
One of the proprietor being a regular physician,
afford ample guarantee of the genuine quality 01
all article eold at their establishment,
We especially Invite . druffirist and country
merchant, who may wMi to 1-eoome agent, for
Dr. Krelrr'i Crlthralrd Family tUeiltrtues, (stan
dard an J popular remedies,) to forwarJ their ad-
dress. x i 1 i , , '
Soliciting tlie patronage of dealer, we. respect
fully rcmniu, ' ,'
J. N. KEELEIl &'BRO., Wholcsnlo DtugirLstay
No. 804 Market alrcet, riuladelpliia.
September 13, 18t0.-ly. - -
l Aiti)TXi p s .
c on X E T. 1 li S fc CO.
-Ns, 170 flirsuut St,
T3SFECTFUMA' announce that they have
just fuiialicd fho most extensive eseruuent
thev have ever offered for sale, comprising :
: In great variety, and of
Much ittternion has been paid to ECONOMY,
! it,. rmainfMiin of these Lnmi'S, and such are
made as will produce the greatest amount of light
from tlio least consumption M i.nru.
lv. rni imiTovements in the manufactory, with
tin. introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enable them to sell at acry tiltEAT REDUC-
'1'ION from former iiriccs, and nil articles before
Icavimr the mnnufaelory, arc rarefiiily inspected
and are warranted perfectly tight, and togive sulis-
fdclion. . '
riiiJuOelphia, June S, 1813. ly
tar Ann noons, r
tHE ubrriNr seirpectfully Inform ttt poww
that he cvmtlnirse the manufacture af CADI
NET WAKE, In all It branch, at hi stand in
Market trect In Sunbury. and that lie W how
n hand handsome aaaortment of well made ami
fashionable furniture-. ' '''."T"ll f
IK iW ArMcd orf, al k oIdwettrf.lihrnnS In
Fawto itreel, the " ' ' w
iiAiri miking niMvr.M;i ,
in alt It branche; and kei rdnataritty nt hatid
an assortment of well Jnada anu laanionaoi
CH.4IH9. Plain and ornamental. All of which
he Will dispoae of at price at low at at any esta
blishment in tht county. -
Hi lone; ewriene in the bneine, jurtififl
him in the helicf that he will be ahle to give gen
eral nliafaetion, and therefore solicit from bis
customer a continuance of their patronage.
tT" All kind of produce taken in eichange.
Punhury, March 17, 1849. If '
A Kew .tMorlnientofFrpnli Goods.
I") ESrECTFLLLY intbrro hi friend. cn
k tomcr and others, that he lias Just received a
handsome assortment of
at bis tore in Market Square in Sunbury, uch aa
Dry Goods. Groceries Queens
wnre, HnrHwnre, &c.
.. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. j " ' '
tanxers'take "ts-otice.
nt UUf Oil nml I.cnlher More.
No. Ill North 3d Sf . 3 foor below Race St.
- Philadelphia
riIIE suhscrihers offer to the tanner on the
I most favorable term their fresh importalion
of Iliiles, rnnsUting of Buenos Ayre. Iaplaui,
Caraccas, Ln?uira, Hunc-Drj-, Chili, Salted l'er
amlmco and all kinds of f panih Hide, dry and
wilted. Also, d'reen Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
Black Dry Piitna Kips.
Also, 8lraii;ht". and Bank oil and a general ai
ortment of Currier's Tools.
7'licy "ill sell or trade fir Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 20. 1849. ly
vnAioR STROPS. vt
1 )! I
I 9
8 AH 8 A1W III LI, A.
THIS Powder, I wanantad ht roperior to any
n,i,i in nM for imnartina a keen, moolhedire
to Ri0, eurjrlral instrument, and all kind of
line Cenaati it may be applied to any kind ft
strop. Also superior Ksior, Knives, ami l'er In- j
mery, wholesale and retail, bf .... . ...
j Depot of Fua Raaor. Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Oooda, No. ,18 South FilUi atraet a
fcove Chelut,l'hilnilehi)iis.' . , ., '
i r..iiAtntrai. Feb. 15th, 1844.
Tlii my certify that I have used one of the
Stropa prermnvl with JIAYNE8 MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there I nothing can be
found that will produce tli same eilect in my opin
ion, and most aay to other; try It, and you
find it smwrior to any lieaetofore in use. i I can
truly say that I never knew what sharp raaor
tivmi tic fort1
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 3. Third
' PnitAir.t.rntA, b'ctoi.e'r, I84r."
A verv hard heard and tender fare ha compel
led m to seek and iett many contrivance design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use of the Ma,jic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Housscl'a Shavlns Oeam. Tlieir uniteil pow.
er act like hia?ic, and impart a power to the Rntor
to remove the most stubborn licaiU. trtthittt irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner. '
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street
, For sale at this office Price S3 eta. per Box
November SS, 1818 6m. ' '
Ingratitude la thv basest crime of
"Y'E are not amon that class of Editors who
for a few dollar.; will, (nt the expense oft ruth
and lionesty) "crack up" an artii'le and bring it
into rnpid sale; licithcr nie wc willing to remain
silent, nftcr hamiR tested the Utility ot an im
provement or discovery in science or art. Our
renders will recollect wo told them wc were un
well with a sore throat and violent eold some few
weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was the cure, that wo forgot we
ever had a eold. Those who aro afllicted, may
try it upon our recommendation. Ltwhton Tele
giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John
W. Friliug, Mary A. McCay at Norlliiiiulci!uid,
and at wholesale by Frederick Kleit, & Co., cor
ner of Sd and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 2id, IS 13. 8 mo.
"iicoiiingc Your Own!"
rV HE subscribers respectfully call the attention
of the public to their Inrprc and splendid assort
ment of every ijiruily and price of
which cannot thilto recommend itself toeve-y one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendiJ linihli, made up of the
best stock to lie bud in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of tlieir ware, and the
subseriliers aro determined to keep up with the
many improvements which aro constantly being
made. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Kran, nivalis) nud LoungCM,
iiiucnus, Scr ictaifes, Sftcbotrt3 ,
and alo VENETIAN ELINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had in
Sunbury, such as M wiogn r, Black Walnut
ami CriiLEi. Miplk (istnn ; ax.i Vii son
CHAIRS, anuum t l'i mi SroiiLs, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none ajhiiiiliicturcd in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for jiersous to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can he entertained
about the quality end finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as s;ood
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
rV" I NDmUTAKINI! uttcndcJ to on reason
able terms.
I The Ware Room ia in Market Street,
opposite J. Young' store, and nearly opposite
Weaicr'a Tavern.
Sunbury, April 56, 1849 tf
riHE Subscri'oers have on hand the largest as
1 sorluicut of Wall I'ivi ki in tha eilv of l'hi-
ladclpliia, Whofsue ami lietttil, ooiiHitiu;- of
every variety auilahlc for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Koonin, Chaii.l eis, &e., which for quality and
style cannot be suqi.issed, Doiii? a cu.-li bu-iuess
w e aiv enabled to sell a better ailiclo at a much
lower rate than any store d.iiug a
On hand, a laro assortment of Wiiik Pei:n,
for CurtaiiM, Fire IV.iiU, Borders, &e., which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country lit city pares.
N. li, Dealer aro invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewliere.
No. 143 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 20, 1819 ly
r j-l 1 rr t r i . rr
.jx ia cp cp Liu tri 653
A N extensive St.nk of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, of salobv
Xgs. 32 and 33 AliCADE, and 8i North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodger ff Sons,
M'ostenholm' Grcave'a W. 4" S. Butcher' and
Fennev' Cutlerv,
Also, Spanish. Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, ( una. Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Raior Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy tho attention of Dealers.
Cabi. Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber'
chief busines i importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
Concentrated Snraaparllln,
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Ensipalas. Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the ;
Blood, Mercurial Disease, Ac.
I T is recommended to Physicians and others, as
' the strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely different from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the S.irsa
parilla, but intended to deceive tho public. For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
all complaints requiring an external remedy, h
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Riiichone, stiff
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, cVc.
It has ulso been used with jreat success by per
ilous atllicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber
land. ,
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly
"rO H EAT A !( It 1 V Al7
T OHN W. FRILING has just received at his
-' store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
reaily to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drillinr, and summei
wear of nil kinds.
Calicoes Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &.c.
Muslin; bleachfd ami unlilt-ached.
Queenswarc and llardicare of all
Pnrcs Paints, and Dntptitps.
And a preat variety of other articles all of which
will be told at the lowest terms,
. bunhury, May 20, 1849.
In prrarii'ma the public with s remeilv f'ir the treatment
ami enre of Kkvk axd Aora sml nher bill his disiwses.
im upoliiffy is nentiil. asl i.umlii'rs in lias Cnitid StHtcs.
who suflV'r from llicse nflii-tions ill Iheir vnnoil f-inns, urc
e nipilliil to sri-k relief fr m othrr s 'iirn-s thn.i the i.nme
rtia'e .rmeri!il ns "f the ren.bir tihisirisn. It liee mres
theref re u.l -tjfrt of limntmity, hb well ns nf public iiiler
esl. to liri.i? bef-TC then s ri'ii.rcly nreiwreit I'.iun nuirll cx-tsrieiw-e.
nail which mnv nlwnvs he reliril nivin ns
suliislhetriiechirw-lornf the INDIA CHtU.AGOOl i:,
is amply nm'rictl by thv uiiiceriii success with which It has
Dec ernpi -yea.
ry T!ximrt fr-m a ennimnni(iitr''n ef the Tlon. Wiij.
lay Wnnracmua, of the U. 8. tfenate, late Govern T i(
Michiffi... ,
Detroit, Oct. i!1, IS 10.
Doctor Charles Osnoop,
IMNr-i nave read will, muen l.neresr. your nine
TRAEVTI4K iijvii. trie '-cniises. mm cure" o lite
febrile ihsf.tss which hive s i rslrnsively prrvnili-il ii. imr
cmitlri'ihirii. the l ist few m-m'hs 11. ii.leresl iirrenswl
.. il '..I'l, liv the rirt ihnt I lisve itM.vtnnally sunereo
mnrli fr ni thru.. Though I leel myself very 'n.M'trnt
jiltlee sifcly up-Mi n snluei-t si entirely professi-nial,
nnr the trv seems 1 1 ine well rens nei, sun your e ntcin
WlilSE 6c,
Saddle and Harness Maker.
fHHE undersiirned respectfully
'CSi H in lomi the public, that Uicy
r. liavr rniiimpiMviil flti. .lutv. l,nB,.
Cj" ness m Sunbury, and will con
stantly keep on hand and mauulaclurv to order, at
theirstaiid in Market street nearly opposite Voting's
store, all articles laMnngimr to their hue of business.
All articles manufactured by thuui will be made in
the best and most durable style, and at price a
reasonable as they can bo had at any other estab
lishment in the couulv. I uey tlicrvlore ruspeclfuUv
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
lie I ore purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce in by tho stores w ill be "taken in ex
change at the market price. -
Sunbury, June 3, 1819. r - .
bosb omixarNT, roa tittih
RF.AB flK f ivnm wilifiinis fruoi Copt. Puvos. the
well kuj u uuU (s.uhar Mum llust Cupiaiu ( th
PlIILASIXPllIA, OcMber 31, 161(1.
Reverul years siiH-s I wus niiueleu with a brent uir out
on ...y .tecs ... lhe I m i. 'JVut-r, which 1 hut c s.v iuent
wns c .itrucleii ut tiic H.ui'er'sSliu. It anuuluallyttsle.Hl
ecl iiver my i-sr uiiUl .1 reiichdd ths uiirr isirl of the
cliccl.s, i.uruti; ihe sereritl uih.iiis il c iit.iiutsl
B,irc:Mtihir, I i.svit ilillereii. npplienlioiia. smie of wlueh hail
tlM ertivl. ;iprelltly . ImiaI. uf Iistcasiiiii Ihs cliamae, lm
Iroiu nuns ui HiMu'dil 1 pcn-rivo l in leusl Is-wul uuiill
iplieil lhe It.iss UiNrMKxT. Jiy Uie use nftieuir i.i' it,
1 wus perlect!)' have ri lisuued he uf tlie slToe
lim. I luivs Bin used ths Outtment. liflrtly applies? f vrnnh-
nMS WW 1'. Is :kll. I'hliptMst U4ISU.. . WlUl per.
f.H'1 slm'va. I itivi, uo tit'situtl iu ia rcvouuueudmy It ui
tuestr-inffesiinuituer lotae i.mmc.
Areni Hkt Mamh, funbury.
Jlllf". Jel.
X) in of the life of C'liriist, and alaa number f
guld pus wlucU we will sell at iL J'UiWUlyUia
j II K nuWriU'r hus juxt rccoiri a new sup!y
1 of the ltfsi ii. in urn llmt ever came to 6'unliury.
. A f
HuAiivr Jtl jialc DranJy.
Kiue Cuiitiiuc UinJy. 4
Siijcrior Old Jamaica Spirit.
Now l.iii;!aiHl Uiirn.
I'iuc Holland (Sin.
8uHTior Old WltUkey
Coinmjn tlo,
Hu-nof Maderia Vn. ,
libl.on do, Uo, ,
S'uicrior Tort Wine '
Uurguiidy Port do, .
8 wo el M ultima Wiit?.
tSujkerior Claret Wine in bottle,
Ch'umagua . , do. do.
Vuubury, May 56 184U.
mt n m m i. Tin.) i tiniik wrtpi. tnat ynor pwiinn cu-u
lmtd to pr idiife imifh pnictifil g-mil.
Spcrikiiie l tH' nmlh-iiM my It fhtlr jtMfifiedir
finttrrin expwUiti n, nud an a safe. C'mymiviit. nitrl p
Itr rrniflv. mr own rxpeneticr, iir, iriiuce rw i nr
lieve tlmt it will pr -ve a grrwi piiWif beueflt. 1 am pleiiattl
t i Icfira ihat v m lmv recriittv rt:i!lirliel several wrenriea
ftir in liip i'iii lirmrjh I n ccet tlint, with n view t' a
ueftftsriry retwn-e frum y ntr prtvetit Muleine am ut.
itli mucli rt.Bpejt i uave me n nu to it. sir.
Your nhltseJ servnnt.
rp From II n. Ptmin V. R. TnowaaiDGB, uf Michi
gan Slat St'iiMtc Ut the A)rm at Dutroit.
Sir rm wiMi me v iul" irm von v)nt I kirnv uf Dr.
Os wid'n lii-l'Ti Ch A 'C piir, r niiii-htli-nis innlirine. Id
liaiieve tint if the virtue nml eificiicy of this me-lM itie were
pi'iiernlly known, the rrvsa a so aci'B wul) Uiaipptxir in
I nrteurffl s hwle In tlie sprine or and rmvnl
renstxi u hdiee tint iiivtelf nml fmnily escaped the ague
lust sens m in eonsfgueitfe its use.
'erh-ins in no siiiiiincr si tire the settlement r this fine
peniiisii!;!, h:is the fever titnl nirne hoen so prevalent as the
List. I hiive ree umimnteJ this intHlu itie in numerals in
tiiuees, tuitl when the disrririe Imd Income fixed and IiiIIUnI
tlte sUitl of phyriirhns: nml 1 linve never kn wn it I is it. I
h m nnivers-illy pr iJnrei) t m st hnppy effe's, tmd I tet
neve it lins never leeii cjicte l-tl ny any medicine iu rem
vnte the htli mis dife-iies oi t tie climate.
Yours, respet-tlnlU'.
Arent fir tiniUirv II. Ji. MASKRi Norrhutiilieiland,
Vrrill(roT r ; .Miliuu, J ll. UASLU; Scluut
gnve, MAY t KLOS?;.
may o, iri u
Tltlft T.ttmH ii fmt ap m rWtlea. It It tit ttmt
rhewprr, nwmer. anH wamwtM t.irr1 tn arrf
a KJ. It ewres ttiwsea wit Horn t milhar. amra-lnar. aielc
twa, of tJsUlttattiig tna palieitif and is particularly adapted
flf fraat liffint ami tfetl.ifry wf ihia jormnparllla arar
' it uirif mtea ilia bnif.
i Cnianmptl n ertrerl. '
rw t ClanfafB aial franrt !. Vtui'
t Oonstimptt-ai ean ha riirerf. . , .-
Broiirhitia. Conanniutidii, Mver C -m.bmt, Crr11, Cmght,
Catarrh. Amhnvt. f1;ittiiiar f IHal. 1 fee-s In tha
Chesi, llertie Phwh. Mivfit Jwewta, Diffi- - i
' -N - auk ami Pr'tfiiaa I-.trwiomtHs,, ,,
, i ana Pain in tha Side,
e., e.,
hava ami ean lie rarer!.
Prolsililr there never whs a reinwly tlmt tint bean to tuc-
twiful in desperate rtises rf ctsifiimpli mi as this 1 It clean i
tea sitd auetartheua the ivstetn, and apiwar t hen I the nl- ,
rrra n tlte hines.' tmd patienta friidnally regala their uenal
hen It h and atretifrth. .
CrHIOl'9 CA5K OF consi mption.
There it acnreelv it tiny pnsaes Imt there are a iiumlwr f
i-nsra of eninw)iti,K reported as rnrnl by tha naa ia lr
Towiist'ii't ftaraiiillu, , The f 'llowing was recently re
trK eil :
Dr. Tnw!cR!CD-Pear Pir: Fnr the hst three yen re I
have Iteea ntHicled- with general debthty, and nerrotis on
snmnti'tn nf the ktst sintte, nnd did iva expert tn ever gain
my fifiilih at nil. After giunn thr unih n e nirseof inetlirine
under the enre if some f the m "nl itistlMfrtibel reffdl.if'
pliyMlciiint and memliera of the H rd l' llenlth in New
York and elsewhere, and spending the m al .tt my earnings
in attemptiiifr to reirnm my henlih, and after retdhifr m
a 'me wiper of y.uit Aimjinrtlla I nt Ived to try it. After
pr-lng si a bottles fand t d ne ine frmt y Kid, attd nailed
to see you at yimr utlice; with yur ml vice 1 kept, un, mil
do moet hmrtily tltrfnk ymi for rtfff atMre.' I persevere in
rnking the KarMipariUu, and hava been able toatumd t, my
usual In I Kirs f t the last l.nir m iilhs, audi hoe by the
Memhigsnf 0 d and y mr fhranpnriltn to emtinue my
health. It helped ma beyond the expeeiati nsff all whu
knew inv ease. - CHAKUt qtlMBY .
Omtige. I'.ritex r v N. J Aug. 9,
Plate if .New Jersey, Kssex r Minry, s. Ormrle Qnim
by Iteintf duly aw-rn ucftn1iii(f to law, i hai istth suith,
tied the forep iiur urnteinvnt is ixue nco irdiiut ti the beatiif
hifku iwlMlue ami belief. , , CllAHI.l;! ql'lAtHV.
Swmittrid tubtchued ta heiora me nt Or.imie, thetfd
Aagust. 1S47. CVKCH UAIdiWlX.
J)is(ite of lhe I'enre.
Rend the f i lowing, and any tbat,eiitiiinini'n j i imni
rabie if you cuu :
r " New Yorkt April 1847.
- Dr. Towjuisd : 1 verilv believe that ymr Sirmparille
has been the menus, thr ush Providence, of mving my lite
1 hava fir several yciirs'ul a Imd c iph. It licc.nue w ree
nud worse At ktst 1 riii! ktre (UtJutiti(.-a of blcml, had
insht sweittsand wnsgrently 4lebilituted ami reduced, and
did o expert to live. 1 Iwve only used your &i ran pur ilia
mil a an ri time, ami mere ms a riiiinire neen
wrought ia me. I am now oNe to Wrilkall mer Uiecity.
I ru'se ii bio -d, nud my e 'iijrh Ins left in-. You run wrll
itnafiine that I am thim'kfttl t' r thexe frul;s. Your obedi
ent servant. VM. UI SrKIJ. W Catlnrine st. .
l.C)tTllHK PPKKCH. - i
' The annexed cenifiaite tells u nml truthful story
fautferiuff and relief. There ere th us:mds f sunibir en-
sea in this citv ami Bro 'klrn. nmt vet thereare h usnnds
of parents let Ihcir ehililreu die ftC fear ot' being humbugged
or it save a low smiuiiM.
' Ttrn.klvn. IVpf. W.
Pr. Towsenp: I tuke plensnre iu Mali int. fir the bene
fit of th se whom it uuiv c.inecrn. tlmt my dmiuhier, two
renra find six in hi ihs oi.l, wis atliirted Willi gfueuil tie
biliiv and l.ssof s leech. Ph w,is lfiven no us n-ist je-
c very by ouf fnniily lijniepiii ; h'lt jftftmwvly 1 wit re
c miiieiKted hy a fi ictid to lryy-tir t.imtrilla. i lief re
hnvliiff ii!ed one bottle she rwovere-1 her sjit-ecli nud
eimbliil to wiitk nl mo, to the ust iiiishmcnt of nil wli were
acqiMinferi with the cireunistmies. Hlie iattowtpiiiewetl.
and in much hetter hfilth ihnu she hns tHfit f r IS ni mtlia
pnsk. JOSK.I'II TAYI.Ult, 12 York st., lirooklyu.
Very few families in lew! in f.iit we Inve u t benrd of
one tlmt used Ur. T 'wnseml's S trsnVirilH In time. I si
n;iy children tlte p:ibt Siiimuer, while th e l.'nt did u f,
sickenetl ami dittl. 'Die rem time we pahlih IteWw is
c-Miclusive evidenee of irs v due. mid is only an titer iustaiica
of its arivina the lives of children :
l)r. Towjisasn Dear Sir t I iwn chiHeea cured by
y mr rirspuriUii -if the sn miner eouipl.iinl mi I dystti try ;
'lie wus itnly 1.1 tn nit h old and ttu other 3 years. They
were very uiurh redurcil. mid we exiwtetl ihey WiinM die ;
they were given up by tw i rispectuhle hN-iuis, Wheii
thedoetor iuf pied us. Ihnt we must l uetiie-ii, we rua -I-veil
to try y 'itpSiirs ij arilki waaa.l be yd so much of, but
hnd lilile confi lmve, there hrTinr e mu't ntii.r n H enmed
iiitit is worthkiw-tnt w it re tMukfnl hV we rtift; f ir it
111 nl 'itlileilly snved the lives of b th. I write this l olli
eri may be induced t ute it. Y nra. refiec'f-illv.
Myrtlc-avcuue. Brooklyn. ?ept. 15, Isp. f T ., .
CR.TowNSKD'9.K.p.htLL isiis ivereiv'ituu l steely
cure f r iurimut c lummpiiou. and f the pr stra
ti ii ol the systrtiiu t ui d!er wiuvhei the rt'FiiIt o inhe
rent cause or cuuks, pPMluced by irrcjruhirity, idueas or a
Not hii g c:m be in re surpnin; than iis invip inuine ef
feet on the Iihiiuhi frume. I'crs us till we-ikness mid Lis
silude, from t-ikiug it lit once Itee uw r duirt and lull v(
enurgv under iis uitlm uce. It imuiediately c Kiiittirur.s lhe
tiervcIitMicss of the female frame, which is the gr&tt cause
burrei it less.
It wiH if t l expef-fed of us. in enses if to delirnte a Hn-
ture, ui cxbihit certituiitea in eurea eti'riiied, but we can
assure the utiiicted tlwl humlreils ol curs h.ive biicu retr
ted t u.
Da. Towsnnxa.:- My wife U-iiur arently dutressed by
wetknesa and peuenil deiiiltty, and suUV-rinr u niniually by
xii i nud with ther diliicuUies. an J having kit wn cues
where y ajf medicine Iris rir:etl prcit cures; and ni
h-a il nv nuneutttMl far sieh can s ns 1 huv dtwrilied,
I iNtniueJ a billc o' yanr tx tract of S irsapnrilin f.l-l-weil
the direcii ns y m gave me. In a short peri wl it
rem ved her c innl.iiuis nirl restored her t he-iUli. Being i ui for the la-iietitt she received. I take pleasure in
, . ruruuiCg , , , , .
:u GEORGE B. GREfcN. PnorRirron.
n; i -"M Windtofj V$rmvnt. -- ' -i
10 tewfet(ff remW f tt TYWF.Pi4f A, t wmnw af tit
f trma, aurh as pain la tha Jt .na-ieh, lltMrltjans. habitual
C mivnieaa. Arid nmicli. Ilfwdache, tsof Appetite.
Pilea, nlahl waits, ami even 0nsnmiti (Dyspeptic
Phihiiie.y and aatrrma, ia Phlhise stwivUl with oWattae
ment ol the Ut anach DyAm Aahma.) I) id will
Brenthiuf . which ofen results irotn imperieet iligesti n (nt
Pyspeptic 5ys MKT n.) is relic veil I7 the Hill ra. In sh ni,
their use ran beeti proved In tha relief nf almost j the
tvmpt-nna thnt prraeJ front a debit Haled or at ueeofati
ti -n of thafft naachi also in general ricMlily arisutg from
aire or frm the effV-eta ih Ferrr, particuhrly Perer and
Acne. I'mmles auflerina MtnVf miy aterina Jeeaiiremwil
arisint fr mi wenkness, will find tha ''Ostokaika Hit
ter ' an excellent reinedy, and n t aurnnased br any medi
cine in use.
The hist nr of this medicine It nrrnlhir. It has made tta
ftnv t nuhlic far r a4ely liy tha force of its own iutriiwie
meriin. 'inninniM iiHiiia mtva neeii iweu iiit n nu
t Tidvnml thrust it ur n public attmli ii. It rat navel
hot re even leen ndvrriisefl, Ixit hnving first sh wn its ra
iii irkiible cfnoacv in thelsmtlr nt' tlie rprictor, and by
him nitcrwiuds ndiuiiiistered tt his mllicted friends and ac-
quaihttmecs with a like result, its repittrdim gratluslly ex
tended until It 1s kn m-11 in the in nt dlsrant p-irs iif tha
t'lti 111, as a mcirhMm ta niirira1let irirtnea tn the cava m
Iysrepsia in ml iia different I ttds, ami als f ir the tore f
Aslhiikt or llithtsie. Ha ontv hemld nml Its on! r en I
fmt been tha arory f ilt w mleriul enVacr, as told frmn
nrmth ti nth in? by btter Ir en frietid t irieasl. In ev
rv it 1st mire where these Bitters have been used, and tha re
suit mode kinwu to the prophet ar, they have proved a re-
U!ner ma rertineatea. attesting tna singular einency m
the uOxTox?tATEO BiTraRs." ate in the possess! m 01" tha
prfpriet ir ; mnuy of them signed by persons already widely
known to the rniMie.
GKO. B. On KEN, Proprietor.
"YINDSOR, Vt-t ct ler 3, .
' The fullowlnj Crrtificatrs hare recently freea
received t
' 1 ; WA-HlOTOTr. I. C. )vre 10.
Hiving made use nf ike 'Oxyaeited ItiMer' prepared
by Or. tie , H. iirceu. f Wiiiilm.. Yt. mid i'roiukit w
ledge t'Uainnl H' iheir effif.iey in -4 her tnes, wecheerfnlly
rec nnneiMl them 1 1 tnepahlie. ;ber willfir!ly
sustain Uic McomnHisI ni n the Pr mriet nr.. We hpe
trrit this rnlunble remedy miy be sj genemily dufu-d
thr mliout the country that it may be acccssilile to ail tha
Tin: It A; ls riltOATlYE.
L-ea vara etraa e
IlcwlBetM. OslillnM,'" "
HtimrfMtlfffn. Pllr.
1,ittis. SWTKr.f . ,-.!,
r, . jsawiie,!,,. .,
mth.HW. .' -
wir.1 IVmtiMS, 1. 1
i'sintln lh ltnr,
Inwir.l WsmIiik, "f" I'
I'ltflWll nf Ih. Kf.fl. ,
I 1
limn Ham,
tha m .rim,
Jr-jA-bfc lAumar.
W.,liit C'SirK,
'0,innifi).4(, '
JW M"lt, 1 !
t-isiprtts. Dwiiii.s,
llrhiisrs lb. flkin,
C4isi. S '.it. (
( 1
tMI F.ti PIIKI Pf. . ,f u
JAMKS HIMMON, f. !. Seisil
1. Senator from ermant.
isitor from B. Intnis)
J. T. MOHKIIKAD, V. S. 9enmtv and f aruwrly O.weni-
nr of Keiitnekv.
I.. II. A RNOlJ), Member of Congresa and formerly
veni 'r nf U. 1.
W'M. WOt IPRKIDGE, V. S. 8euator and tortoeriy iQe
vern r of Mi"hiirim. .
f. I.. MaUT.N. Delegate in Congress from Wiacanain
' ' ' ! .
Fran Hoa. II. D. FasTCR, Member of Gmgreaa frwa .
Wahtn'otox. D. C. June 10. tle
Benr Sir. I hnve been n dysptptif aofl'erer for nburt tejt
venrs. nml hnve res rtc.l t nri us inedieines f r relief
with nit sueei'BS, ui.til I imde use if ymr 'Oxygenateil
Hitter. 1 h ive ned d mt tw Imttles. ami fitid myseJf
reMoml to skeriei'l heiltli Tha forms iu which the dis
ejise sli wod itself, iu my casn, were, grat acidity of tne
st MiHich, I us "f appetite, extreme HituletH'a, sevrre v-nst-pttli
mi of thr b wels. nnd violent he-idache. FeHing desi
rous that a kuowlrdpe at' y mr vultrille reinedy may rench
-there simii irly wlllirted. lake greut pleasure iii rec-rd-luir
my testiui iiv t its euntiva pver; ami wnild nls-
rem ifk. thttt while nit vmtt at h mie a sh rt time since. I
administered a jnrt nab ttle ton immfter of my afflicted
hi it 1 -Is, with great suecss. They nre desir ms that ynn
sh -iild establish mi agency nt PiitslHire. r inf nn the-n
wicre the me lieine cm le oMniiied. With an de
si ra fr T-nr in ajteritv and hnpiiieaa, I eihsritie im-nelf,
trulv y Mir irieml II. 1. FUST Lit.
I) -r. t.Ko. It. ttarKtf.Wmds t, Vt,
H Wh les-ik mil Itetnilhr rireen ft Fletcher, Na
OfiHmth Hixth S'reet, Philvlelphin.
Aeeut f r Snulairy II. B. M SSKH.
Atrents fir Milton MACKAY ft If .
Aent f t I'tvpcr .Malhn-j'. J. G. KK.W.
April 13, 18 lb
( I(llr K irppnMij;ii.)
1 MMlllllglOII. I. '.
DUAWIXGS nud pnncr for the Patniit
Oilioe, prepurej ami nil ihu npcessary bu
siness in relation to seciirinjj patents Irmii,
acted, ai:d prouiplly Hlteudeil lo, at iheir of-
lice opposite ino 1'iitenl uniee.
Ocluber 28, 1818.
gom & sii.vrn n iRt:.
No. 60 Ckesnnt-tt, at the sign of the Gold
Thimble, bctwi n 2d. If 'id. ts., South sidt
IB, AM'KACTl'KES and kerp constantly
' Y S linnd, at wlmlcsnlc and retail, tlie Tut
luwini: arliclrs, ol' a superior quality, at reduced
prices : liold ami silver lVnrils,, do
Kinpcr SlnL'lJs, Silver Tallc, Doscrt, Tea, 8alt
and .Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
J .miles, do Comb. Purse Clasp, Ucissur Hook
and Chains, Knitting Hlieatlis, &c.
ALSO, Juwellery, Plutcd and lirittaiuila ware,
German Silver SHuna, &-r.( liold Dismund poin
tril 1'eiu ut various prices ; Jackson's Superior
erMiintcd Leads, .Ve. &c.
I'liiludelpllia, .May 'i6, lbl!t
Don't permit your Horse or cattle ti die. when
the mean of cum arewitliin tlie reach of alt I
Green' Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced,
Olil Jaroti 'l'owHsend'Sarsuiarilla. -
Uaker's Sarsaparilla.
Swayne' -yrup of Wild Cherry 1
Swuyne' Vermifuge. ' ' 1 .- i
syre' Cherry Pectoral .,.,..
; Dr. Vtako't Vmce. " '' ' ',l
i Dr. Cul leu's do ' ' , .
; Tibuit' Pain Killer. ' "" ' ' " '
j .D(- JJocJland' Gorman, Bitter'
t r ! P'U v ,
i Horse and Cattle (MeJioiae... . , - ,5
For al by UUXUt MUSEft."
Swbur, itig 1,
Acer's Cherry Pectoral,
1-IllSvMhmt c ircKiritiiu, a list 'uifhinIy sueeessiiil
in caftiti! iIun-usc "l the l.ums. is tlie rjjl 1 o sMl.-
ftil a aiubiiiHti n if the Inuivya euraiia iffiuriiittAt.f
ineiiu'iiit. lis are irwly unde kn wn t lhe
liuMir, HU-1 are tlKise aritu whsl-'e-J to HitKlical men na
l ss Kiiui)! raru mtlu-il virtues, which imtiiIi if virtues are
c.u:tiue-j iu vie -ilium ri;cTiW l' n tliairprait.
est purify an.l e rieaey, unJ wlieii u4.nJ, tta wU be seen friu
the l'-U wiiiff v ilu.ihla teatun -ny
f II vA 'in CMti- ltruiivviei(. Mm ne, writes: I liava
wilnewe.1 the eti'els W y r Cherry Peettirul in my own
family nn I i-i Hi it l in." frtentls, mihI il has tttveu greut
siUfitutti m jmi"ib ll a abulia 4tal rhilWreu.'1 . ,
Krai Iir. Il.unt, Urtipiat and- I arnmsier, tliigpe
Lb J. C. Atfb Dear Air: F.nd wl pleasa And remit f r uU the ChvjTV PwUiriU lisi aut I ru uu
lietumtinfrly siy, tlmt u moliriue we iv-ll jftvee sueh silis
fae'i ii us y Hit's (I ea u r hae I evtT seen a UiftlU-ine
whieh euitsl s nrtny ets.a of e anrh ami luiur eanntumts
Oar ptisieinns nre mint; it extensively in tlie practice, autl
wub the happiest eflects.
Trulv ymrs, P.M. BRYANT.
Preaiileut rtf Verm Hit .Medie:il r 11. ga one nf tha iti 'at
leuriwl air) iu'ethireut plix sietans in thaa iuutry, (emsitleri
it a e aiivsiti m -f mre eievlhiiee f r tbe cure uf Uast (,
luittulile UiBraiae. C nsumpHai.,
An aim -si inefmliUe uumliee o eertifieitea hava twea W'tviiijr that the t"heer Pert-trul ia, iaj truth, a
(ilt K AT iKiIKIY
for Ctauha. Ctata, Asthni'i ant all pulnrirtrv eomjlainta.
piiicK 7d rKViv PKit hofpij:.
PrHWMt hr i. C. AVKIt, twell, Maaa., and a-il ba
H. M AIUt.bmilHiry.uiKl MAKV McCAY, Norihom
beThiiul. '
Alafca 31. t4t - i
1 " , r- r - - - - rr - ' 'T xT'
A IL Hraon iuiUlte3 to the aubaeriher, longrr
than ai moittUa, oti note or book account, are
requeatcj u cull and make lottlemeuC, or rbse their
Accounu will be Urt wjth mawatrate for rolleo
tiou. ..T.a JOHN W. PKJLJKU
fc anbury, Julv 7, 184U, . .tiihi. a ' M
E - STONE WARtt, ''-!
OT0NJ U.ilit Pans, stone Jua and Pitrfilrt1,
t and other artirtea of atoue ware jyat reef ive1
and for aala by JOHN W; rKlUMG.
uubury. June 31, 164
thusuckn .wltxlauijl U, uikI recjiniutfatnj it to the t'Uldie.
Albany; Av$- 17, 44. c-r. Claud Lycluaia.; j
' . DYPKPSIA. - , . ! :
No fluid or mediciiui luis aver been discovered whieh au
nearly reaemhles tlu gastric juice or Mtivj hi dex- nni.sing
fiKHt and sfreiurlheniniT the orjrois of diiresti m ns this pre- 1
parati u of trtrsiiptirilla. It ti lively cures every cum tt(
d-siK:paia. Uuwever severe w chraau1.
Rink Demrtment. Albany. Mw Ir),
lr. T'lwnsend Sin I Inva hueti atUteled for sevenil
yeitrs with dysjiepsia in its want f inn, uiteiele with s nr-
ueas of st tiitich, 1 ss ot tippeiite, extreme hearriHirii, unu a
B resit aversi ti t all kinds "f f d. and f a wirk, (wh it 1
euhl cut) I Imve lieeu unable tn retain Imt a small jiotti hi
on my st'unueh. I tried the usiud re;uebes, I Hit they had
hut lutle tir n vftwl in remaviiifr the e Miiplabit. 1 wis in
duced, ub ut two m nt hs amee. to try yo ir F.airaei of Sir
aiKinllu. nml 1 must say with lit I lo u ntiilnoce i hut after
ii sum nearly tw httilt-s, I loitud my ujtetiie rf'itre-l nml
tliu heartburn entirely rem ved ; mid I w mid enruesitv re
r iiimend the v. of it t t ih we wh Inve lut-n nitlH-ef ns I
have been. Ymira. Ac, W. W. VAX .WUT.
Atfent fr SunU-ry JOIX W. FRIIJXH; X-.r-thumlKTl'ind.
MARY A. .MeCAY; Punville, VM. A.
A i f I 1-IH IV
The Pupil's friend and Teacher't comfort.
work is already introiliired into some of the
best Aeailvmie and a larire numlier of 8-1 tools,
witere its use lias given divid.-d and universal
tisfai'timi, both to Irn. licr and pupil. It is purely
Anirriran ht it eharaotrr, base 1 upon our own
beautiful ilrrimal nisttm of t-trrmey. It contain
more, the arrangement are better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest wnrk of the kind now in use;
and it is so coiimiiIitc ! by hundreds of the m jI
competent teachers and men ol'sii-neo in the Uni
on, who have recommended it. It is the book,
jNicii. uluily and expressly prepircd for our A "f
riruH teliolars : Jiy Aluioti Ticlnor.
Tu a Yocth's Ooi.c jiuiAM CAU'i'ttToa. This
volume contain 91 page, with about 000 exam
ple fir solution on the slate. It embraces the
Kuiulumentul lliilea, Compound Ilulcs, tSiniple
and Compound Reduction, binjle Kule of Three,
Proportion, 4e.
Tickhob's AniTeMitTicst Tatr., is ilrsuiied
for lhe use of youiijrrr classes in tha iSHiools of the
United States. A Ivautilul little Imok and pleat
ing to children, and the only oneol llie kind ol any
value. .1
There are Key to both Arithmetic hound sin
pie or double, for lhe convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of tho question are iriven with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Kcv are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contiiln, in addition, about two
hundred exmuplcs iu Mensuration, Ac,, lor tlie
use of the TeaclH'r. All that is wanted i te have
the above liook examined, and uotearher who is
acquainted with the acieiic of Arithmetic, will
heMtuie to pronounce them the brat work that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a few month, they have
already been introduced into the Niirht l'ublie
Schools of New York City in all tlie School
I public and private, xcet two, in the City of
ieiulinir. Also, i'l about twenty Academies in the
State -of IVnnsykania in a larje portnui of the
rxhools in the City pf WUiuiuaiou, in the City uf
Lancaster, and iu the Uoroufrhs of llarrisbun;,
York, Chamliersburvr, Lebauou, Do) Icstowu, I'o(U
ville, Orwi?rsliurf , &c., &e. .1, y
1'uraaleliy llmiar Masskk, Sunbury, Agcut
for NorthumlierUnd County. ': I
t Ftuliburv, Dec 5, 1848.
,..., f .:'!' ; 1 - i i V
TENINUS-A cheap and excellent aru
cle lor fasU iinig sash for sale by ' i '
- , j, v. FRILlNa."
j Sunbury. July).Jj
DArjlTS eelehrated Mors and CatuVUedt
tin for ml by Hffftv MANftatll, i
tattkmy Jaa. tTtb. ISifcW
The undersigned has spent several years in th
stuny ot etennnrv practice 111 "1, 111 Ion ami r
dinlioro'." he has alo availed himH'of tlie resear
ches of Lciliiii, and othen-elcbrateil men. win have
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals; the princ:plcs of our practice consists
111 tlie rricclHiii ot general two lin j ami the total
rejection of nil medicines that experience ha
show n to be of a dangerous tciidancv. These rc-
medics n:-t in harinoiiv with th vital princiiile, and
when given acconUnj to the directions which ac
company each article they arc capable of exciting
an l iucrca4tii the iiulurul lull. linns, without di
minisiiin or uestroyinj uicir power, licnce are
sat'eiu tlie hand of every one.
ti. II. U.VUU, M. D.
A List ( Horse and CalUe .Mrdlciurs.
Physic balls. Toe. per box. .
Alterative ball, 5c do.
" powder for bad condition, 7oc per pack'
a ire.
Heave powder for diseases of the lunjs, 75c dc.
Urine powder for " , kidney, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bad romlition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for iiillaiualiou of bowels, 75c per
noiiie. . -
Liquid blister, 75c per lott!e.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healinq; balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per Imtiic.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 5oc per bottle. ' ' .."
O.iitmcnt for mange scratches, old sores, dec, 50c
per bottle.
Embro.-ation fiir ore throat, 75c per bottle.
II f ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, 4c, 50c
per hittle.
Horse Liniment the most celebrated articl known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
dc $! per bottle.
Distemper powdor for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worm from
t'le intestinal canal, 75 per packaie.
For sale by HTIMPOX & REED, S Mer
chant Row, also at DADD' HORtsE AND
Uaymnrkrt 8(uare. U.wtoii.
Pamphlets describing the disease for which
these remedies are used ean be bud gratis.
Numerous Certificate are iu ossessin of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
cines. '
Hold by GREEN & KLETCHER,No.56South
SIX TH Street. Philadelphia, and by his
Aits. Hiiar M .sxa, Sunbury,
February 3, 1849. tf
Hialne in th Thr.a,
Iir ipSY, Awhms.
rersrs isiims,
Fern. I. Cnmpbtitiis,
oiTicTiom ix tu pnoA9 ,pr,il
' Ktpenenee has nf vw lass nssl; every Oisssseori ils
fr un Impnrnin nf iIm HIohiI ir rfcrniiffnrnefits H th Vi.
lives (fmiiiA j l 10 wnr IfpsNh. we rrmsl remove iBue
otwirncii nsur manr the lUo-sl iisisnnralstai. - . I
The versinn to likui amliciix is in si ctfrrinaMvi re
nt n-nl hv Cues'. V ni itr si. a Ptisn.Tiit Pim.s. hnn
e -mnlefrlr envet trn wHh a e ntinc f pare while (Hi"'.
(which is . distinct (r m the Intrmtt Incmlintts ss a aat
shell fr vn the kernel) siwt hiven htMe .if mnheiae
But sr. ns easily swull wed ss hi's nf canity. M'Yever
thry tiei!hrr HniW'nle nr fTlce III the Slifflttrst degree, hy
opmt. eiiMllym nil the rlisnmri nsttsi th tymtm. in
Blnwtiif r 'iifiiiinff tlinwlv. to. nisi rackinr any pnnicil!r
riMi m Tims, if ilirll.iver h aflVeteit one ingredient wll
rTst. si thnt particular 'irrsii. sifl. by cleniistn; It .f as
Dim nf Hi, man ir to its ml ami srsnt. An her will
pprttle ,ni the Kwnl a,wt rwnnv..l1 imnnniiM in it. rin..
Ili VI 1 Whilei. Ilnnt w,ll lTM..t,ta llv .,l .-ImIm-m inr..,.
Inics tmv hnve lirmriisrhsrffnliiito the sl.snnrli. And heiire
"'..iiifn in. put nnlisem. retn ve nil Inir nr. Ha
ni rs rr wUm hole, nrwn Ih nnrr ezterarlrr sisl Inter'
my j srinnue mU f vrifn ana -niwiwticlr fnB the
. . ..k,. ,r , P.i nrir w in r.'ii.nir pure thus sn-e-rinin
free n. hmlihy artrmtn the Hnri. Uanessml Liver
sisi thereiiy Ihcy rc.unc hsslih even whes all wiser assess
hsve fiiilnt.
. T"' "' rmth of the shni ean he mil.itit kf tM
trllll -f 1 mm. ie lv,x : aiiH thrir ran. . . .
eettnin in mmrin Hmlrh. that tlie pr rriFt r hinrls himssh
uirin-.ri ,nH mr m.m IU U cue WhTe UT
. Refall 1'rlrr. a rlj; pir nn;
rrinripal nHc No. OS Vmpj St.,' N. York.
SiklbyJOH.V Y. Yol'NO. s,,h.. '
M. A. Mc-V V,k..i, a
tT" Ivemrmlier Or. C. V. Cl kii is ehe uivnnnr of tb.
Stlrtr C'Vilnl Pills, still thnt ,u,ll.,n. .( ,1.. . .
hrarrl nf until htt iiitrisaceri nVm hi JihI. iMft Pm....
sh-Mllil, tlirefore .Iw.ivn nuk for Clickner's Surar Costad
1'IHa, il take no others, or they will be mane th vietimauf
f nml.
Kelirnary, IT. TWPly
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of in famed Stris
- Cured. . "' '
r nn.ilrtr Bum Auliil 4e ever kitou u. II inatanUv,
(and as if by M.ipel stops pains the m. si nVmerai
Rnril uml SV-aiil. Ki ..ll t.rcs. Ituuai'S. t nit M,.,... .
"mil hi or Iwaat. it is lhe hm aip hcali.m Ihnt run he mid.
Th maaisls hive trinl nisi HhHisjiHls r.uae il. U Is th. m A
pn'-t nmsterof (niit ever iltiovrrnl All wh m rs
jrnninniil it. i:rery laniilv sh ust lie ni. vi Inl with ut.
wiiriiin in n iw n ssne ,j lhe iniuily mar uecdH. .
lytllirr. CTi. h hxi of the ciipiine tiiiiliimo in. tk.
iiainror r TnvskT. wiuteii uu th oaiiM til' sail,
in tins it I iTeffy.
II Mtinm. Uvcry Jlrn. Fnrnirra. and all wh iui.ll m.
will hnl tin. tin I'liicut the vary best thiiu- they ran m
f r CLir IHIIs.Si nitr!ies. Kh. r.. (r .i tnrirauuiails
Surrly rverv uicri-x I'ul inn w mid keen hia aitiniMl. i,m
ff m (Mill n p eaiHe. T Hisey tliivcratl UliiUueul is ail
Unit i re.uire.l. Try K. . - j - f , t
Ili ria P I titKTItV rnrlk Atimr or -hiie of pUsKi
ns liiaeets.TNi.eys Uintineiit is unit, ailed Hundred, bava
Ine.l it ninl f uitil it n d.
I-U.ijtci kko: tirlhnirs.Tniarv-s Universal Oint.
mnt isone thelmt ltnnet!:c that am he siiplied AU
who hsve tried it f .r the 1'ilvs rec ininend .
OI.U CI HK1. F n obi ..tiiMle S res. ther
is n uliins equal t i T.iey-s Oiniuieia. pent n iu
ushul. fa-a n-iinlier ol yntrs. a s .re lee I Iul hurtled ik.
kill T the d T. T llev's OinlMirnt re .nmM.UI
by iste of the viailin phvAici'ina, (who knew its areas vir-
luea.j awl iw ! irs iirim-nl in re heueht tlian the pa
llent hul received 1'nan any and all remedies. Im
1 uariis sn'j rnl'ts. in ail nnris '.r thee mtiri h...!.
enre.1 hy T list 's I'tiiveraal (liu'nieut. Cerlihcilesenuih
VltI.KNTnitllnSrrRl:iJ. TeKiinnnnds -m Mi
miiwiiuMi i ni.-'j a tPiu.nietii r conn? KruiSf
heve been .iffeied the if.jrtw.i llinatre.kj iu It.araH
wincentiy iu. KTe;i nierim reiievluff Hie ualll of til. m St
severe iinnsea. .ii er. i.f gi trv it.
!K!Al.Lilil'LD CTKKD. K.res . f caiea of
Inv been cored hy Tuutey's T.-y ii u stld m
t .T R H KIM CI n I'D. O.' nil the re-n.H - e!!
c'reren f rihs m t rits.17ree-.1Mr e m-i:ihi:. 'F .user'. I ai-
yer.ii utiitineut is tbe in st e snoit-ie. Ii iieeer w:.s ku.wn
t ' '
CH kl'PI'D II ND CA Iinri RKI). T .ua-y s I'm
vers.l Oiiitincnt wtlUlwnyimrr the w r csea M Caan
pe.l II in Is. !- -r f .e' i,s ii: a nletlm.
Siliti: IJl"ift'Kl:i. F-rilternr. ,fS r l.inath.ra
wis never luivthin mule e jua; l l T.uiaey's l!
is suro toeur. tiin,. Try it. -ti"." i. .
It is 1 s.-ieniric cvun u,i.f. rnrrme.l n- to cwaissny
m-ermrsli o -h" Mercury. IT nee -J'. cen's per b a. F-tr
fiiriherttariealnrs encermtsr tin. really val'i:.t,;e iuitnent
the imhhr arere erre,! I.i l'nii4i'.i. t , I h ul g-aii f re.
swtuhle l;iu-f snd Men-aauis thr.mjli..ut Ih. Liitwd
MA UK ., AtT
fKSnft VaVTAIVIA. i:,,.rr
The Mlnerlr-fl Maf lsireeil vela nf alt
vtanrvrventa Hank ,: Th wwssl ImodWit re-
I enre frwr? yWd mpm H. at It tsisj Watrlr
rsrefnlt iniHrni frttk Hd ifrllej Iraaa Hick.
Hell rfetavtef ,, .
nntli la mtrtaaUlpftfatV
M..r Ie. ' r"
lank r Nmih Amer(c ' ' 'i ' ,
tank M lhe "lorftfrit Liraartte . . .
"nrtitnereiel Bent of retn. .
'rrnet and Mretianfr' Rank '
Kettsintinn Bank '
hils-Mii tlatik
ctinvlkill rtank
4onshark Itank
Vml B.nk. ' , .'. , '
Vteeti.tile.' Hank '. ' '. . ' r
vfsrntaHnrers A Meensn'lr''''
tank nf IVnej T"nehin ; ; (,
li'rt rla-kv
ne (air '
' ::
sr-" r
'tnk nf ('omrnrrrc, la Moyamenemg '' ''' ptr
'.tank nf ! Ivanli tJ . ., , V; par ' '
Count rr ITankn. ' "" '
t.nli iif rhestet Cnnmv '- Wemchetsr
'ank of llelirwsre otIll 1 (USesMr - .1,
taok of f Jcmiai .fivaiti ' Oermentos) I .
'tnk of Vfimifomerv On, NmrieiAsxi - ,i
DoyUatostn Bank Dov lest own
.:a.nti Bsi.k . " . vSaavim ' ' '.'
fsenv-ni' Bank 1 Rucks e,i Brtdnl ' '
1 .
1, 11k of N.Hihnmheil.inii ; Trthnniherlanal estr'' t
nliim4 Bsnk trridev-co.dombi ' 5 ')
Farmers' B oik of Laneaaim Lsnetje
Lancaster . , par
t Lneser pm '
, R-adimj par
Hrribni" Thee
Lsncaeter I officee
Restlirig J f,ta net
Eton ; J anil.. Cnntity Bslikf
i.snrsster uns . -,.
r'srmrf" Wenk )f Hrlinj
rWHre of Bank nl ret.n'a.
lfTice.,1 , 1I0. do ,
flice do do
ffiee do n , . d .
tsi.k of the Pniie.1 Ktate . PhiUnVibia . ,1
Mtticrti' Hank n rotfuvtlle
:?snk of l.cwtt itn
'tsnk of Midiitnwn '
Nrtisle Bank '.'!
Rt. bfie Hank ' ' '
I dn "' bfswh tif
Hirtbut Bank
Lebanon Bsnk '
Vleiehanl' At Msnnf Bank PiMaHora
Hank Piltiort, PittsSutf . '
v'.i Bianch II nk ' '
'Vvomtnc Bank ' ' '
Pdtteville '
' Mkldleieis '
CrSB: :!-rr"...
I .eh mm
orthatiptoti Batik
le.ks C niitv B.'.k
ItTu-e ..r Bank ol IT. M.
; 'ln ' do - da ' '
Do do Ho
'link of I'hamberebn.g
lfk ot Cenvst.ur
tank of Xu-iiielisniis Co.
"Crie IJnt.k '
r" t'OH. r-' A Drovers' Bank
'ank i . B.n.k
' I ..tie I lie H.ltk
'f.oiprlirla Hank of IL
iToik Ksnk
1 . B. 'I be rote ..f those lnk on sshieh we
mil iUoiiiini,a, ai.iI suhstitute dash (- ) ere act
irchns' it b the Phiisdelpliia brokers; with th I
f erpttofi of th.w srhirh have a teller f rertrstie.
WllXeerre ' par
A'leoinwn no s.le
3-a.llnif ' f fait I
Pittsliurg - ' faileaf
' Erie ' il
Ke Brihlon Am
ChsmbershHr( rl
Orttyahurg . ,il
Mnnlroe failed
' Erie v:
W neaburg
Dmm rill
d .
d ..
Prewired br P. TOUfKV, Drasgivl, No.". 109 NaMsa
Streer, New Y.rk.
Airxt If ill X VOlNC, fui.hjrv, M. A. KeCAT,
February I., ulO. ly
,fni all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Slonnch in both Male and
. Female:
?uch as Constipatim, Inward Tiles. Fnllneas ir Blond as
th. Mead, AeHiily of Ih. ti an-h. Xiun. Ila.t-tra,
Oiajruat M F at. Fullnesa or weight in ih. iiininaeh. Sear
Kruotuti.111. Siikitts; Fbitlerin at thr pit i th. UHm.a
fwunillitit of the He-ail Uunied and Di.1i.-nh lirralhinf,
Fliiueruig al Ih. Ileirt, Chokunt or I-ilii.-atnie enutiti ns
when iu a lynur p slnte biimmi f Vlsi mi. llo-s or webs
Iwf we the !trht. Fever a.ij dull twin 111 lhe lieid. tieftrira
ey.s" I'ers iraiion, Yell -wiiea. a the Mm aial Faia
in the Side, Biett. CheV. I. mil.... Ac., fu'iden OuAlie. f
lleil, Iluriiiu in the I'lesti. C wis; am Inrigiioius o .id
and great depressi n of ,iiits Can be etteciuaily cared by
Celeb rut ctl Gcriusiu Hitters.
PREPARED end sold only, at FREDERICK
UhMvVXM DK'Jil and CHEMICAL' More,
N. E. corner of Firva and Chsssi-t streets, rhi
ladelphiii. This Essenrr is warrautexl to possvee
in a con-rntratcd form, all t'le valuable properties
of Jamaica (linger, and will be found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It ia particularly re
rominecdrd a a tonic, lo person recovering from
fever or oilier diseases, a few drops imparting to
tb stomscli a flow and vigor, equal to a wine
s;lass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
the debilitating etleets, which are sure to follow the
use of Ii pior of any kind : and it is therefore
especially serviceable to childreuand kVtnitc. To
the ;cd, it will ruve a (rreat comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to those who are prcdiiGeed to
out or rheumatic ailevtiona, il inve great relief 1
and to the inebriate lio wishes to reform, but
whose stoma, b is constantly craving the itntoua
li quor, it is invaluablegiving tone to the direc
tive organ, and strength to resist teuiptaliou j and
is ronseiueuily a great agent iu the cause uf tem
perance. IS" Full direction accompanying eacb
bottle. ' .
The aliove article can bt had at the offloa of the
American. ' - :- 1 ' '
Philadelphia, June 5, 1849. ly . 1 .
WJATENT Trusse of all kinds. Harrison's
1 wntiiis and iudelliMc ink. Cotton raru and
Inps, just received and for
"Sunbury, Dec, S. 1818.
lie by
C'AI'S An assortment just received. Also
' ailk HATS at br sale by
- 11. MASSES.
(tutihury. Dee. t, 1841,' , , s -1 01,1 di. i't
I 1 ' "'"
liaiUXIfHAIlUi t'.IAUt. aln ricel-
V lent remedy tor ceAAgksraadal vF-
t taaa etkaay
Their power over the above diseases is unt excelled if
etuiied by auy .slier iretarati 11 in ths Tinted :staa
as lhe cure, attest, iu uiniiy cava alter skdu'ul phi siciaae
hail failed.
Ueringeinent of tlaf lver and Stomach ar. s arees nf
Iusuuty. sn-l will ulA.1 nt due. diseaw ik the Heart, 9ib.
laiinr. and Kuine-a, ami Lns tlie baly .en to an attack of
the (h sera. Bill Hia. or Yehow Fever, ami is f cosnlly tea)
aret cuuae ot that tu art lauelul diaouae, C.aisuiapti hi,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Pre.
DeceloUt 31.1 :
AN IWAI.l AUl.K MtUil i si; Y.havefrea.aMty
heant ill. I'eiei.muil Oelinull Uitters. uiajiulacturad by i.r
lfKidaiiHl. ajv4.en 1.1 ill tmiua ol c auiowiidali at, ad ore
iu iw tlcaervedly an. It taa Iu ir hiiiii -11 prat-lice, lu CH'
tain iuarlera. to poe" all luaoiiei of useless tntsk. bill iu la.
ab ve Killers, hmalied. are livmir u-i tieaa W llie.r .ri
is nl aial plii.Ml w.a-th. Aa a iimlM-uui ol Ih. Lavar I fianee D .lit'
i'l lU'leln'iis S.v. I rs. '
.ilaali lll Loan Co, , .
;ritij. Ikil1 Hiv. Iiia, ?A, lirs
''e it; T.ivin!iii. iv loa.
. I. :!' -r mr ( I'. W
' 1 ive..da Itnt k
leRhnilV iii.tih of IV
t o k ol rlejiver
' o.U l S.vsiar
itank nl W a-btnuton
.. '.Mire Hank
'itv B nl
l-V-'mer-' Ac Me. hV,' Hank'cV Merh'rs' Hank
-'atnicrs' cV 1eclice it.iik
la mony Institute .
IniOitiR.l M. Sank
Iriimn Itink
l.ui:il-emiii' Hank.
S.inberii Bank of Pa.
'. W If.lfC I). I. H' I".,.
Noribtimit'd Union '!. ilk.
Vorth Weadcrn lin k of Pa.
If.i.e ,.f tichotlkill Bank ..
a. A ttr & Msiiuf Hnk
iie Like Bark
IT111011 Hsi.k of Penn'a.
t eeimorelaud Hank
Yilkesliie Biidte Co,'
(Tj All note purponine to he 00 an? Psnnsvl
.ma Bank n4 voen in the alev lint, may kaj
Iswn aa frauds. t . . , , ,
'httikofNew Btun.wiek
W tviileie Batik
tiitlniliMi t'o. Hank ltv,k
'uili!rland Ita k
'innifa' Dank
'arm, ra snd Vlecbsnic' Hk
.'sraiera ami Meri-auieat Ok
r'attneia and Mti hints' Bk
Franklin Umk of '. N.J.
Dynti, prop.)
Beaver ,. 1
Hi It- font
Pitisbuig '
Fayetle cn.
. t.'eencasta)
Harmons .
Huntingdon nq sal
Lewlatown no sate
. New Hep .
Milton .
Ytead.ille .
Port L'arboo
. Montr. aw .
I'ni.mlown .
f ereetishurf
a sale
' CllBMll
no .ate
' failed
, failed
no sale
- fnVV
BO ml
n saw
Wilkeaherra nel
Perth Anthny
Brideioa '
M.kmiI H.dly
K' way
N. Biunawkk tailed
Mrloietowo Ft. i
faiwd :
Jery City
otUm Yarn. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap
-y ami Watldiito;, Cotton Outline. mad
Pantaloons, Ready made Veals, Conreae Kuivee,
Porcelain lined preavrving kettle, just reocived
for anw by IL MASTER.
Bunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. ... . -. ; . , .
XES of a very uperior quality far aale by.
, H. MAcER.
Sutibury, Dec. 8, 1848. t 1 .
BLANK BOOKS. An aasoetnient Vaf Blank
Hooks, just received and ami hr ';.i--
If." MASSER-' -
' Sunburr, Deci , 1848. ! ' 1
f iVRLM MO!JktElV-ipof sBUuad ymp
O MolaMee avswieby HENRY MASiSEB
kkiabury,' Dee. t. I84S.
I' Bink
IVnples bank
vonipl.UHt. Jauialiee, errius lel.ilily and USi.ia, it
him Itccii I .iiihI uivalualsi., rtl,i-iing cures aial th t ufkly
enull.-aiiu. that-.H.. when all isher metlicitte huv. f..iA
VVeieeteiaivineed. tlsit iu the n M Hat thmni Hmaea, - Princeton Bank
me f ouicih u aa a eae au. aeiaismirai, us auassamiy gains
streiunh and t aa-ilw Imaie a aaot wer.ay ta great
oaieidtrati si. Tlie liiit.-ra are plaaaant 111 taate and f mil.
Mud cm he ailiuinislered untter anv iimi.uataia-ea, 10 Uw
in t iMi.-ate atianaeh lialeed, Ike)- cuu u. uard b)' all per
s im with Ik. 111 -st periect aaieiy. ll w aikl Lat well f ,r
in wh 1 are much ttdecied in the m-rvais syiieni. ui
e miMetice with one tea aii.aau'td or kts. and irradiailly ia
crease. Waaietik ftian cxpermH-e, and ar 11 e ura., a
pr iper judne. Tlte preas I'sr and wale, nave united m ra
oanmeu lina the fieruiiu llnter, aial to lb. adlktieal we
ra aa curoiaJiy atlvuMilieir uae.
June 91th sirs:
' DOOLano)UL'H1,Kii wli .ar iuvahi's. kirnr
the iMiuy tiauaiidims; curwa lhal have larm-H rt ruied bv
l)r. H aViaud'a '.4elix.l llrmrin Httleea If tlny d.
u , we rarautnead Urcin tottw-tirraaau wntleiaa hV.or.,n
aH who are auii.-id wilh Liver Ciauplaiiit. Jauiallca i-ys-pepaia.
. Nery aia Ddllly j lint !! r h tcure.1 nianv -f
.air rilizena after ilie brat niiiairlms had faded. Ya have
used taaau, aodilieyluitVirovvd I ibeaomllcuistaal every
at. sh aild kn a- tH and w e cauu a retruiu yu nut vair tra
it uy iu their lav -r. aa.1 llmt whiea i-ea I hem .reater
euiliu U)iou our kuiule ed ti. they are entirely YejruUa.
Julv th aays :-.
"Wa syeak knownajly Mr. Ilo alauri'sCeMwaled Gar
biiii Uillera, when we air it ia a of this .; and
ui diaeaaraf the biliary, dlgn-stiv aial Nerr wa!valBa.U
haaia w. think an e-iial. Ii w e Vcastalita firaini.a,
sod nude wiui mi Ale di 4, and 1 all lavaud we w add 1
e Htuneii.l 11 as w rthv tlieir e aih'leiice.
F ir sile,- whdeanle aiul mini, at lhe priueiiwl IWyiot,
F.a-SHk-hyM. A. McCAY, N aihumhertand md Sao.
bnrv aial resaietahk deader aaawnHly tavrjogkuet U
AprU l, IMOeAy ' ." ' ' "
Hoieikeii Uk ot liiaxmg t'o Hob.4ien
Irrsey City B.iik ' Jersey City
Mrcl.aMks' B.tik Palieraon
naiiiifM-mr.-ra' Bank Belleville
tl.irrw l oi.i.iy Bsnk M,M-nstowa
M.mmoi.lh Ilk ol N. J. ' Freer; dj .
liehaiiH-a Bank Newark
vt.chstiM-s' ami laiiuf. Bk. Trenton
Min Canal ami Ukg Co Jersey City
P.l Notes
Newark Bk 4k In Co ' Newark
lvew Ho Del llnilee Co LaraemteviUe
. J. Msnutac ai4 Ukg o Hokoken '
N J 1'ioncioli A laHiillill Jeraev Cllv
wi leal
fcilett '
...1 t .
r. A A
P .
n aale
si aale
' .1
Cam. loo
Salem Bsnking Co .
Hiat Bsnk
Hiaie Unk
Miate Bauk '
lal Batik of Morris
Sl.te bank Tnmiun
aleru and Phibul Manuf Co Saleai
Htuaaei Bank ' ' - Newton'--TrctiliKl
liai.king t-'o Trenton
Uni. Uuuk ' ' Dwver "
WaahtiiKlon Bankinf Co, Hacketuwck
if Wilm II BraiHlywiiie VV ilnsington
failed .
..; ,V
t .
failed i
r" .
- ,ri
Hai.k mf Detsware ' Wihningtetl :
Uank .if etn.ynia ' Smyrna - :
D Uanrlt Millunl '
r avinna' Bk ef eluie of Del Duvet t
Do brsiM-h Wiltnineaon
lo , biaurb (Jeorgelown .
Do branch ' NewcvMw '
I'liioii Bank .' Wilmington
IT I'lMkM 5' ' .' '
(Jj tlnH hanks marked thu () ther are r.
ttei i-ountei leii mr slieeed noM wf 1 lie earieue d
.Miiinai..a, in eireulaiem.
Piclerlnl Rdliloit or dAeiMgrM's
(rf-Ml Tit rtA Ike Ua(aatlie
MAN V. F.WI17.FBLAN1I. Will be
imhlished or. or aboul th 1st of April. 1818, by
JOS A SPEF.L. No Cberry t above -!,
hi splen.tio. Itno eilitiosi ef tb above named
woik. nb 18 rucravtat illsmlrationa free eri
.mal dei(n 4 vol ia 8. kwuad in eatra cloth
and libiaijr sharp. .
Tbe (iiiblisher respaHtfullf rail tb attention
ofih-liaiiv end tbe public reiwrally, to tkia
woik b io Iboesily illwatretMleililaM (sibtiabed
in lhe l' States 4ta rinate lhal tba, beauty
I ilk m.kv'ltishm'iil. Ik .irony, and (ubslaiilial
meniiei 1 wbirk 11 I boa ml. in conjunction with
he knowe mntilrity of tne work ttaelf, Wll b
a sure reroaafre.dal wd t publie lar. " A
JOS. A bPKF.L. M Cbeiry'a nbsav8lb.
J A a has alsai nuhhahl ua ..i
hesulinil Edit 100 of Sergeant Bell' Rare) Snow,
a suiiaoie 1
tali ctata1
e e.i , oei. a sara w,
boavk br children, aawtlr davas) p in
ia Hi l. .u a..l V .
Fbtk)delpbii, Arn V l1- '
art ...