I U iJ-r.-T4-!-l j -1 J -1! LI L1J1LJ TilIilimtJ ; di too crea. iTSl.l.Ari t know ft ma-rrhaat tlal dii " , -A tiot sell "ten par cent cheaper tha J m"" BMi ia town 1a ' ". . i Did ever ae .W hot rtfu many fT1!!!. riafron, "goo" weJ i IbuH p4 fiTO MB""" fwerWir. in th Ugislatore, ,reking f lel Jru knsnrUa h. filleJlWt Tttd you erer know a trader about M burst trft Who, according, his own story, i doing most prosperous business. i;DiJ you eer khs a preacher who thought ha 'Jod a call" from a high salary to a low one ! . - Did yon ever hare a friend, who, when yon didn't know what to do wiih your loose change' couldn't suggest some means of re lieving you from your perplexity! Did yon ever see a man who expected not to become a Christian before death ! Did yon ever know a spendihrift that was not going to be more saving 'next year! Did yon erer want to borrow money of a friend, who had not 'just at that moment lent all he had, to somebody else ? Did you ever know a rich man who eonldn't talk gloriously of 'virtuous poverty!' Did you ever see a man prosper in business who was in the habit of borrowing money at mora than six per cent ! Did you ever see a man who is expecting office who was not actuated solely by a de sire to serve his country f Did yon ever see a stingy fellow who was not temperate from principle or a fool who considered it respectable to joke or a young lady whose age did not remain stationary af ter she had reached twenty 1 Did you ever ! , BUCKWHEAT. - Buckwheat is said to be a native of Persia, and is usually sown on poor land, al'.bongh, like other cultivated plants, it does best on good soil with good cnllnre. Its blossoms yield considerable food for bees, alihough the honey thus obtained is inferior to that made from clover. Buckwheat meal or flour is much used in some sections of the United States for mating grid lle rakes. The seeds of this plant contain fifty prr cent, of starch and one and a half per cent, of earthy matter. It is often sown and crop ploughed in, to fer tilize poor land. From one to two bashels are put on an acre. Buckwheat wituoct grit. Did any per son who eats buckwheat cake ever have the good fortune to get any not containing a par ticle of grit ! A method not generallT known was lately stated to ns by a practical farmer, who says that buckwheat raised in tbis may is entirely free from the difficulty. The buckwheat is sown at the nsoal time, but before harrowing, a bushel of rye is sown with it to the acre; they both come np to gether, and the buckwheat, being much the most rapid in growth, soon obtains iHe ascen dancy, the rye only forming a smooth, green carpet beneath, which completely prevetts tha; slashing of the grit by rain opnn lto buckwheat when it is cut, and olherwise keeps it clean. After the crop of buckwheat is removed, the rye obtains sufficient growth before winter, and the next season affords a good crop of itself. TJius tho buckwheat is protected, and two crops obtained from a sin gle seeding. Penn. Cultivator. : A problem for the curious and ingenious Solve it who can : To five and five and fifty-five -The first of letters add, ' You'll see a thing to shame a king And make a wise man mad. Effect or Salt ok Wheit. The Ro chester American, of a recent date says: Some of our readers may recollect that last fall we mentioned an experiment made by Kir. John Park, of Gates, by sowing a barrel of salt to an acre upon a summer fallow. The ground was plowed once the preceding fall, plowed again in May, and salt sowed thereon as above; and afterwards plowed twice before seeding. On the 1st and Snd of September wheat was sown, two bushels to the acre. The crop has just been harvested, and Mr. P. is confident it will yield forty bushels to the acre. The berry he considers equal to the finest English wheat ' osrrn Babees, the etreet preacher, who has been on trial in Pittsburgh, for "attract ing crowds in the streets of that city, by using loud, violent and indecent language-,"' has been sentenced to pay a fine of 5150, undergo an imprisonment during IS months and pay the costs of prosecution. LtacE Ik ex. The Washington Globe says that the burk mentioned as having been killed by F. P. Blair, Esq., near Mowrt Ver- boo, Va., weighed fairly after the entrails were taken out, one hundred and niuety-ate pounds, and the saddle seventy-five pounds; wLich deer hunters well know, ia a deer of rather uncommon size. L?ie ith tight toorarta, do pray hi door, Leat (ill disease preriruutr your fair; The nymph who truly cam Iw "NamWr 1." .fchould never aces, to took like -. malar t." have heard of a felloi termined to commit suicide, ialaftd in tha attempt. m who was do- even u laa per- pr!caaure is like cordial ; a Utile of His not injurious, Lot toa much destroys. The only true pkte for man's dauereo. type is a woman's heart. Aa instant makes the impression, but years of sorrow aad pain canuot euect it. k paper, ia tpcakiiig ef temperwUeoe dm areta. sari! ' il atouoJesl vitk -Kau f lneoV tlvcrs t t e, torrttUs of feliog, 9 m peuect deluge of cane According to official lecarJi. 700 fiies oc cured.in aU-udcw drii tho patt jetu. le. Iroyiii profnlj eft4iiiitoil to wUnoutit about XI 50,000, ' - The announcement ia tho QMnioomar ft AfiDslESi-'- Fiui ta m J t ft laWwalvieeV sjasBjpnasi ejf w "ljHaBaJr t . . aaa feat Cite. Faa rn. Bmnm. tml. f m ateranaal SM. raaftrr 0-ic. mntmm. H M. Lna an. ta.tiWiaWi'. illaii a. Nff Ut"l alultaaa a au laaii Aim w W aaa ajaanfT Wia a Awavf anrf wea saVRav 4f AaSm rmtn Kattoc, 0 ! Liim. aim ac umm. otT nm ram. Tha-r T ai mm VSm dbvai rfKiilUnm 'i mm nnr. hm he trair mmm, them nn cKvAnfna 'ampJta alk4 --ra Kilm. Ikiwwl Yimrr ajtjw ' WW. mmt Hima4 HI mrif aiv - l al man Una iilkm f naanf Fa SVihnr mmm aar lima atcuraw l Ajaaitaiaa f1a bSrila ca fcaixf l.tart nit. It-ail airati'r aw t. ri ailn. am aat far !ut M.A 3tt"T. r trut. !VnnltaauWlanC: W. rritiiie. SmihIiutt :' nm ft Km. ta: Jw. Knit. BUvaMha-x : Wl a. ranr A Oh. Pirrrtta-: 1iw4it : HinvA JCrim. Ja ri afiua-ifte : a J.M.Jaaa. W Chdm wfldwji. ff V. I . AtinTan. mm- mm? -npr FVa- irmt at lleca Tant4ni ctanl?, JS. X. WTJ AnrntMV ml it?-, IT TAXXEK3 TAKE XOTTCG. Keir Oil stsMi MMfhw Mre. .Vs. 1 1 1 Sotlk 31 - 3 Jm-t Mw Kan St. PmdaMjAm. fTHE adavrSm mSri mm Vmr a Ar of Rides, cflnmiariiig mf Bam Ayam, Idsatta, Lanccaa, Lacxara. Haaw-Lay, CaaS, Sahoi Fav aaihooa anj all bnab mt &vsaA Hafas, aW aaal aaboiL Alaa, Gam 2ngLan Dr Sakrat. mmi BXar Lv I'aQu lityK Aba, Krairtav aai Baak d awi a p ataicBt at Cwzatr'a Tavia. TTi-T -ill rrlt wtn If f rimaii n fllaiaisftl Lralhf T. U aUnc lixlra, OA ami Tmrnit, mm Io-twt Icrmv Uima vil Hvmntm tir er. CaA puJ fat Lrtliirr cf a t irflr EE V KIKKFATKICX. PhBaartiti, Mar 96. ly CUTLERY. AX r -tlrf.r frt mt Pactrt aati Taht CTT LESV. "le ! 1. CCI,21CA1T, .Vo. 32 cni Z3 JKCJDE, SI A'srri THIRD Stmt. COTajrr.fcn; St00 Aim PrtrAiarv Srianca aail WostTT,hn"m"G7Trnvs W. . Eaarhcrs and Frairr'j l"n3,TT. Alix fust-5iL K;k a! Hciflie ajena. Al?v (!wm Ki.t3. and Biair Kaavrs. Aim. The ArsnSraa Razia- r-. a fafniiv ar tirlc aronhr tSr iCT-,-Uoa cf rAnatm. Cisa Lra1rrc ii Vmsiar-, miii CaJ tr aNaav S.U-ct aronhj lHjrar arelam, a 12 S'afiarsiWs chirf hawaoat k baunsBeaa4 atuD$ cattny. Kuld-3aa. J.w . lf It RAXIHALL'S Coarealralcd barest wearioa. For the nor cfTrtvr. SnrfJa. zjynaalaa. 'Firm, I iooaor Kbnataatun aaJ aa aaiaaaaaa at taw El.iJ, Jtlensiiul iJamas, cVr. ITU mrtaaaatsirl to rVaml awl atVra, as thr itnonebt aneiwratkei BMar aa atar. aaal eat- tirriy &&TrtA Ems that pal mm b ewart kicln nm; fcnec aoartHr fcaacaraf ibr SAusa ariliv, kn istnViJ la cVxaiie tSar of&c For aak ty M. A. JkCAY, NaThaaatorfaaa. HETL'S rVHROCATlOX tern Hmn wil rurr foaio truur. Cwt, GaLiK. raigasm aaal ail roml&ux&s iviauuaas aa ntrrsal leaardT. I u fcictlr ufu3 a luavaa, CasV fmi) ia tx- f the Jsta, crarivna EerK tanm. Acr. ItL; : ova! arah r.T'it f!:ms by je- pJainl. Pi j.mtJ eesV ty W. lrat3. Pt2aM phia. and J r K JLA. McCxt, Nonhsestc. PialaaeJjihia. Kit , ly ClIiE-VT ARRIVAL. TOHA W. FSJUXG ataee aa r-nulaa mm NEW VOOUS, ci'rxry varWty what, he at km rrT ta fl or eicitxir traor; stil fwnint ingia fart cf CLOTHS, C1SSLVERTS, 6c Lima mmd Ctfiom Jriliiar, mmJ nrnmo mimrof mil kimris. Caucxsfs, Cdlvtz, Gucom, Liwx &x. Madias Ueacbed aad ubkached. PALM LEAP AND OTIIES HATS. Quccnsvccrc end Hardware cf ell I fads. Tiercf Pawt, Dttmr5, nSH, SALT, AND PLASTER. Ana a cw-at rariny c crier a--ti 3rs a3 shaca 31 hr mM al tbe Ijmrnt kw. WEISS CLEJiiTaT. Saddle and narneaw Makers - fVnC aaJerfiiescvetfaBy S icldcai tijr paiic. that ttoy 'j lr raaaMceia tV aJtoa haa-j-V twa at fsahwrr. aaj wiB nav UBthr kerp eaihaaj aaj ararf"rtmi to eager, at Uar auad a Market etmtt araxiy acfaxar Teaataj'a atoae, afi arOiVs hrlwipB? to thrar Lae af tojaaraa. Aa arwrtra aaangtarteitea to; thraa will to aaaje aa the toat aa4 aaoat oaralir atylr. aaj at (nm aa RiaaanaMr aa they raa to haJ at aay ecbrr eatah- "aarat aaUae paaaty. Ttoj ttoiea. mcmttaSv Jxat (mm aa rmt ami i- - i k rWaaiiilna W-W f inniiaaiae eaarwtowr. AS laa mt fra ioct Ukea aa ty she ainia val to tokea as ei rhaaje at Um aaarhet prarr. HE.XKT m EfE. Al ClTCS 1L CLEMENT, fulw, Jane S3. I4S. LIQUORS, WINES, kC. T II E sAarri!T lna ibm amrri a as cd" ito bed bowers tiutt e-r raaae ta fa riataiitisic ia part mf KufaTOar mli aale BraajiT. Twa? V(rtasat Bnaak. " f , f-i- OJJ Jaaaaara Saratt. Nrw EttclsaJ Rauav Fiae H JLoJ Cub. Suj r, Usi Wtoi47 (Vxaia ja aVs. Scna-ri.0- MaJnia V ane. ljjaa ctv aU. snwrsea- Viet Utor. . . CuavaJv Port aVa, baxs-tVisUra Wdbb. KaprrvsT I Urtt U as) ia ksOleav CVijarW Va, aW HEAKT MASSES. SaaWy, Uay M IMS. Gaeea's OiTaeaatra) Bstarr. few leJareU. OU Jaooa TMasawaTsSevaafaaBa. W afcsa-'a f arsaaaiiias Swaeaw's Hria, at MmU Cam &arayaa-'s YesWasja. jas'a Ueany IWamI Dr. Uraka's Paaarsa Dr. CaBra's sVa TtUat sPaaa KOier. Dr. UaaAaaaTa (irrasaa TTlaiia lasiiaa YefTtalar rMas Home aaal t ante MedWeasa rr aale to HE.MT If Hire rr.Jure . ttla. nflT aw aa. wm mm mmmmi arana mi -m anav avaawa . roR r r , r r JUZOB STROPS.- , r ; j fHW rWVf a wamntnl far snprfiof M any JL Au4 av var w wipw fan 1 kran, smoottirtlgs aa Bmmmr, Bi'aiiSil ifiiitia aaal kmrfscf Caw Cmaii ; ' aaay to apa&ea1 a asry kaat ti ataaak Aiaaiaana l KWaar. Karoaa, mmm Pmfw ml reaiL bf ALrKi tZXXETT. Ami. ' lVpnt al Faar Kaaara, Btnapm, Brwihaav aaal CWaf Taary li-nfa, Xm. 1 S Srath rift&atracta Uaa CWataaia PWa.Wf.hiat . , . TEfTTDIoIAtSL , . . rnuiiuau, rK 13Ua, 1844L Tkaa aaay errtj thai I aaf aacd KM af da ybapawiitaa HATS EST MAGIC DIA MOND PDWDEK, aarf can attnt ia the ssoat aaaaaioral aaamrr. that SWwt m ajathanaj cast to liaail .ail w3I aiaJma thm auna rffiert al aiy aya. fcaj. aaal aaaHtaay tit athrra, try it, and yew will Caat it tmrnmnar mm may burteabec am aar. I can trafy aay &thl I sarto kacw what a sharp raaor Siptifai. JOIW SCOTT, Iraai f& Mahn, 41 8. Third at. Parussaawia. October 1848 . A aery Ian! toanl ami amdn fan kaa rmpel ani ana ft ant ami r.af saaay autiiaace aVaijrA. eil a buU oariat; ray aad piraaaat, hot with aAAnraC iwia. astil I asaiie M of the ttagic 11 VO.XD PtlWDEK. aoul by Al&cd Bennett, ana! Knew Shans Ciraaa. Their anited pow er act But aaafie, aad imfait a power to the Kaaar aa Huaau tftm maomt staftburn bcanl, mlimut ini latat t!r tkim mt Sraiper cf their wirn. . J. COX, 49 Soath Fifth Street. Far aala at th oiace Prira U eta. per Box XaaeasberSat ! oa. pr-Tirwg rfrv- pnbtfr witft a mwrr for the tiatfiynt mt-mmH Firn imt.ifW bilr"t rttwrTtw, af.ansjik'irx wrtaaa. Vtntt aunwagra in Ibe rmtni oitm. writ- riff, r tnni ch- 3tf.ft ii ua tbntr wieil frnn-w are ar-nnUr-ti t ajfit irtn Hh--r iirrrw than t'te hanw- ftnar antairtauciijna i te ivsriiar pby7ifiun. It Iwt rwwm cirrvt ne b Jit.f t ftuimutrv. m wrWl as -f puUtr uurrtv rat & v tram "Vx r 'vm a rvtunlr pnfpnml rt.'rn mttrh x-jtoT-L-Tivw. 3tmC wStHi mar awri; Jh? rirl nyn 9 n. rrwTCTT.ll. lt KtWI-Tt TrTX PWTTTTTM. Iiat SUtL J -irr uT'ttf rtjnrOT .H' f'ls tl A CH lA iKr!'K, a asipitr'-vceiati-aft ttf ittv iuv crml aw.ra wuh wbich at tarn IWit 11 rawpUVIfai. 1 1" Ilirrart fnaa rriniimniractTt f the n-m. Wri t.'n mansnim, 01" Lli L..SruiLet Lata Uv.ra.f . f DcraoiT., Oct. lU, L-.0. rr. 'V.w, lAfrir I irr.- T-f wirfc mfirli mterrst. rtir little Tia.iTTaZ utiHfc cia -tiiia. rrwuiafcut anti ru ff the fehr.t-if wt-ft itfe fxr-iaivmy prarnil-l in nnr nucn afirtie thf Inst tw-tr iwaiitifjari utcervst inrfvnia-l -ft tti-t cliar tut tine I bnre iivtivuliulty auile un-'V m rvra. Th: -t I i-H m-.mv.t Trrv utr-mprtnut v-rtntr iz-:v mjt-n atiVwt enrrrrlr pn Hewstr tan!, jt't viar tiif-ry fcnutti aMf taMt rwif. ami T'"Tr rmlii urns Tr-r. itat I tiunk .r.rmiU Itu uur panalUut ia rnlco Uttf"! prifur-' arnrh OrTtrttiml rW. namkantr m' Ihr mntu-irwr be aary It fnlrr josttfi! r?nr fthCMriitt aLprtaCB nav aawl aa a amiat. eratremetat. aial pop br nrmr i-w. own rAjr.eorta. ttrt inttur me U be It itw it wrS jtv nr a rrt paffr beartic. i am plmar-J a fem filial wva) ftutr tpfiinh eaaatHeif aprenl acenrtes J-ti arafbpi wttf uttwatdt I igret that, with m new k a -r evtierni "arimiaHfaYffi ei 1- waa ahDtild hove lnml it je' 'wau'tr tff?tnttf"j-tfwtB Tnf aeiit TCaatenre anvu( aa. Va u afntda napect I aarV iae la mtt lu be. atr. YitF fwitrj apTTTtikt, TVltUAM WOODBUIDGE. IT ? fr-s. y- ifwa-. T. R. Tow Oaa tjee tfenmce. aa aW Astit at tVtruit. iavwwiaJt. Cx. Dpt. 13, t41 5tr Tt w jii aae a uuTtu jruo wbaU I kauw t" Dr. OajB-.wwi" Nrfia Cahfw. e anfi-bt!ina inetitrine. 1 tk aetke-j -kur. l. ca Tnime anal eifunarr ihta mrvlinue wftv c-mail jiwav ttut wttzm. aj wca wrjav-i tbaaaraar ia 1 aj.f m V-ttar b tit apring of 11! aai har tr-xl beikev Umc BKmvtf ami larmt earaped the a;je awe aouiiHt ut eniat-nnrnre X it me. Prlitrp l awHnrtfr ir- th wttlrmqtt nf tlua Irte yetiiaaM'a. na tint iff anf iirne hm prrvalent aa the aaw. armr tv'tr-t. rfua mHhtr" in ntmiaff, na irt Jn atai arifsi the rfifana ami htrwrnr ft ml am! hudlnl tott-ak.il t rjttwsivmriw: anrf I bare ot-crr .uTra it tiui. I aoa. oaMtmaalv atatva-KU ta nat taipfty itfi la. tmri I hrt kKwVaC ja9 atrrer beaa es''-!eW br auy akeaiicvoe ia ren uiij (He Hiiii ua tiin-aa 4 liw ciixxsue. STKMTKX V R. TROWBRHV.K. A r-t f t SmtxarT U. B MaKR: N.wnrtwaTiberauai, WlTH.trTW A r.a; Air J. U.ILa$UL; ScUaa- ft-w. ma v a Ku Mae , tetff- a . J. GHSE1TCTJGH. (Latte? laelter at Crew emrgss.) PATENT ATTORNET. ahs BsrcEAjrrcAi eicoiuxek, .Wastalngtsa, D. C DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent OttWw. prepared and all the necessary bu siarsis, ia rckuioa to seewrtnsr patents, trans acted, aad promptly attemlrtl to, at their of fice oprwsit the Patent Office. October , 1H. COLO . SILTER WARE. J. STOCKMAN, .V. 60 CksaMi-mt, of tie sta of the Gold Tkimiit2 krrrra id. f 3d. sfs South tid Philadelphia. MAXITACTVRE3 and keeps coostantly ea baoJ. at wauteaW aaj letaiL the iut Lwta arbrU-a, of a Miperiur qualitT, at retluced flier - GoU anj SUTrr Prmil, tlo Thimbtea. do Kbl Stut tii. Jer TaUe, Dvaut, Tea, Salt aaal MiutanI Spouoa. U Fort, iSxip aaj Oytrr LaJjt. Coeitba, rnrar Claipa, eVinaur liouLs aaj C- turn, Saining oeaina, eke. . AIXX Jowrfieiy. Plate J ami Brittannia ware, Crnoa Salter Spouaav A.r UuU Oiamuiui pota ej Peas at taruas prior ; Jaciaoo'a Supehue EverputBtnl LeaJa. Ar, Ac PtuKtJua, Mix IStJ. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, run coughs, colds, cropp, IM ARSES ESS, JS 111X1 A. HOOP. ISUVUUUH. BRUSCHITIS -AS D COSM'MPTIOS. Till. rat'uai'Sr pnpararaiaw a aakauahunrrr aaccsaafal s easaar lm mo s the Lanas, s the result uf a akai- - liloJ as asrdleat its? aire bWn-bI virtues. wli:,4i peeuluu virtu a at the -t UI.KRV FlU.TnlTvL- , iW r great m (nma mrannwiavaa.istetataaitawaa! Sairtus; vtatuitjur trauuT : PKot"t5Mit n'ltvTuvn a aVemVaa (Idkar. aVauswaHi. Maine, amice r "I asra aratia..il vs. raw. w yast t.arry fscuaai aa aay awa Banu-'Y aai as toot ut oy Irarnai, arat a aaa etcaa nal s a at ra-rh ailuilssntl ebtMrett " A it k. rKikU ii tu ui j.: rrs Traa im. aryaut, lanuatua ami P t r. Caampet l-a J t Aira Hear I'aaatJ asaaasiad mil e.. uib iaiq swai aaat sent aa. I raa au- Beauauuasc aanr, ua au ausl-,ia are adl glvaa aura aslav mr a , u: . . i. w i ll a I eves Bea a lartlleiaa ny ease . a, aar h ami kills' aaanntiim. tkar Vaysaianss are aauat a euausitaiy a the practice, aaat ln yata, D. 31. HRYAXT. BR. PEKKTNit. aWnIei rnmasl alediia Ciahaa aa ia the asa snaraea Unl aifeilident an.suauns as til cnuatfv. t aare v-.amca lor us cure of Lhat f r CaaaaMaw." :aias aa-fmliuai euaxarr uf caniAoalea hava Ls -m arretted ; ps -V aif rriat the I'herrv Pueal aw ui truth, a curi'rusueitv 1 for Cikjisv TneV Aat-t.ss and ail pulinonarr eiaapauBts. ri i. ; t t r-K ui 'rrtK. rrnaaml - J. f At tJA. Iwell. Mass., aial all bw B wvj,catur, and it.VKV ILK: AY. XunWii rotniDiiTr. THS aajwrrihar raapertfuUy iuairaas tha public taat to kaa anna liii ian iiaiiiaiaiil arkh tke aaasea w aaaauVj. aaal that aatsawilsaT it ajiU ba aHattaal Mr aaator hia ataaaasaaaeat and oattraj. f 1 aalkasBxeapuBtata aattokiaaaalBi to IniaU to al aa alaa to (is. garraj aatartacUoa to aal faawsVtaaJ rasa naas I TVs aniia pas anH to ramait aa sa aO aa -i-Tiaa . Ha will iirottaua to BaaBttlaitB"t Ptouha, aaj aj Unda f castinaa ana aa aaaas arua arutaptaeaa aaal la lb baa una BOHKIUCU. , ihiaJtsarj, Juaa 9, tlrl'L 3a SSrES-iwiT lath Ml lLag-atBaMaiaafa ; It, TOWUKl C0JPUC1D IITIICT OF SAKSAPAIULLA. : ! rpm tTrPrart ia frntmpm qmrt horllm. tthtittlnn X rbrmptvf (! awaiiet, aM aurmiifc l eapTkir tit mnf mM. It rnrm riimaana wrthnot miiUne, pureitWi eirk. nraa, or drtxUlatinf h patient, ant ia parlicukul) pH FA IX AXD SntntO MEDIC1ME. Tto gill areatf Mat nperinrttr mt tkia anraipuitk) ore etati iiiawtlw ia, whiat it eiilkaf diaaaB, ' I : .-..( ., t awiewatra the bnrte. .; i ConminiptNii) rim-H. i , j1 Ctainaa aaa Ikrenethoi. ' e , 'muW j Cmnmptim ran ha rarMl. raaeMtia) Cuiinatilw, 1 jrr CnmplaitB. OoMa, CSnnfSa, Calarra, AmYxmn, fn'tline nf Rbl. tViream al tea , l , Ctoel. Hertw r'hmd, .NirKt Ml. DitB- " ' amf rnee Kiprrtreatkm, aaat Pais aa the dv ke., -hmwm and can be enrrd. . t ttjUiVt tfien? nerer aaa a rentetir that Kaa been an nie eaaafai aa aVav rale nan of enawmptirm aa thta ; H dean- sea aaat wiaabeiai the ayatean, ana apueara tn heal tae inV eera naj the kitaFa, and patieou (radnaily regaia their Banal aeaita and atrcrreth. CCIUOt CA9B OF CONSUMPTION.' ' There ia arairetf m f anfajra hut there are a namber f eaaraf ennrwrmptinn rrprrtrr! aa rnrrd by the aae of Dr Tarwviers'a tfavmipMLabt. Xbe folkrwiug waa reeeutif ra- Dr. Tiiaj 'aa -Brer AirrTnr tha kut ttVnw veara t aare been arHirtert wttb ewrral debility and nanrrnla onn- nptirm 'a tne am atnfT. amt iki nrt expert tn ever jraiu r bealrll at mil After amar lairmeb a conraeof medicine amtrr tha care nf arvma A trte nt diatrirfniiabfai recuatf nhTVietaiiS anil fatnlBwra nf tVw iLtarH if Hmlth in N'w Vmh and etaewhere. arid apeiiriiitff the rawt of my carninani m at ten-p ihc to rccnia my heuilh and alter readinfT n me poprr of roar Sirtmpnrtllrt I rea-lved to try it. After aatnaj eut buttiea I imnd at fcie me frmt piod, and called tt aee jnn at mar ofhre ; with ytmr mlvirt i krpt on, a ltd dn aawtt brnrti'jy tbank yna for ycrm adviee, I jKji'rw' cere in Wkine the Snnaparitn, ami have brefl able tn attend tv my aa) bbnra for the fan fimr nymtlis, and I bpe by Uie MeaMnsaof Ocel and ymt SaraiperilBi to emttinna my health. It helped aja aeynad Uw npcrtatinM of aH who kiarw ray nue. CI! AKLKS yLI.MBY Oraaee, Kmm en. IV. J., Ant. 1!I7. Stated New Jerery, Kaa.A eminty t aa-Chariea Quim. br bring duly awnm areimliim to aiwt on bia iiath aaith, Mrit the fnciptfrMT atatrment is true amtrritne tn the hrrt of aiikaowWireandbrher. Cll AR1.I-3 CJI'IMBV. Swiva and aubacribed to before me at Oraiise, the ail Aagoat, t&!7. CYRl'S BALDWIN. Joaticc of tha Peace. . "prmxo blood. Read the foDowuMr. and av that eunsaiuDtuai ia in uiett- mmh, a jim ma : Dc. TewaaSTD: t verily beliere that your 8nrtnporilb toa Sera the aieaaa. IDmaeh PmridnK-e, of aaving my life 1 hava i'm eereml yenra bad a tmd cough. It beftame wnrae aad worae. At hut I raiaed taree oiiantitiea of bkmdf had eta aweata and waa grently debilitated and mlueed, and dl H ezpeet to lire. I bare only narrl ynr Haraaparilla but a atairt time, and there has a wmirirrfnl rhanee been wrnnt ia aw. I am now able tn walk all orer the city I raiae an band, and my coneh hna lett me. Vihi ran well imoeine that I am thankful Vt tline reaults. Your obedi ent aEtraat. W.M. R I'SOULL, S3 Cotharuie at. LOST IfWt Sl'KKCH. The amrxed rertinate trlla a simple and truthful IV try mf sottWiiar and rebel. There are tlmuamds of limibir rn aca in thia city and Rroitkiyti. and yet there are thouanida of perenta let thrir elnMren die tor fear of being humbugged or to aare a few shillings. Brooklyn, Sept. W7. Dr. Tws!itt I lake nleamre in teatimr. for the bene fit i thitaa whnia it may citnccnt. tli.it my daughter, two ynfrs ami six mirths tbl. v?is altlictni with eciirral de iMilty aud kaa 4 s;ieerb. ISbe woa given up aa pnat je euvcry bv nnr fumity pb!"ifian ; but lurtiuiately I waa re cminceil br a frirnii tn trv vmir Sinotmrilla. llcfore baruig used one BntUea'ia rectivrred her afieech and win eiviLml tn wiitk ait me, to the aitb iiisliniuiit it ail who were a-qtinintrd with the eirrmiirtiincrs. She is nmv quite well, and Ui much better henlth thnn he Ins liefn fr In mcnttts pusi. JH!SI;fI1 TAYUMl, 1-2 York St., Brooklyn, nvo CIIIIJJIIKV SAYFJI. Very (Vw frimili s imlfrtl in f:rt w huve nut heard of one fimt tu."l XJr. Toxm-iMi's AirMnTrii'ii m time, lsl aiir chihtrrn tiiri ptue tnniiniT. while th-mc t'irit did n.'t. sn-kctil atid di'il. The ecrc-i'icinc we uillittii lielnw is owiusive evi.iciicc "l lis niliK ruttl la only an ther nisUitlco f is kiviii t!i- Iiymi t'rhidlrm t Ir. TnwksKiD iiir ir: i Iml :xvn e hifclrrn criri?d 1 y ir AirsaiwM-rlia pf llio mmner rMiij:injt nnft lfn1) ; mewnsonly la ni-.ithcM uud tlw oilier .1 ywirs. They were rcry much re-ltirctt. aw! we rx:ec!l thry wouM tlic ; they w-re (rivfn uj by twnjSjwi'talU! physiriaiai. ' Wlirn theitncMr iiu'ormol us that we must Lise tliem, we rol Ted to try your SHrsninrilln we Knd benrd ai much of. but had liulee.iti.lciHT. there beine much atulf adrertisnl that is wnrthiesa : Imt we are thsuikl ul I hot we dn, for it anthnibtedly saved the lives of b"th. 1 write this that oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, rmrtertftiltv, - JOHN WILMON.J. Myrtle-aTeune, Bmoklyiu SepC 13, lt7. TO THE LADIES. GRKAT FEMALE MKD1CINE. Da. Tnamseso's Sskiiiiu.a is a aivcrcien and speedy mre i or uiripiem cousmiiption, ami tor the general prostra tion nf the system no matter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or se en lent. XluTsranbe more surprtsine; tlinn i'.s uivigimtine ef feetami the human fnune. Persisis all weakness nisi ku- situilr, from takuur it at once bsomne robust and lull nf cwerry a ruler its mrluence. It iuimediatct cnuuteracts the m... ii muv -1 HHinwcilWHD, WDJCI1 IB UK glVU OSUSC barrens. - It will nut he expcrttil nf na, in cases of ai drlicate a na ture. t exlul'it certtbr-stcs nt euris ivn'nrnu.l, hut we can ussure the alduncd that huiulruls oi coses have been repot. lls. Towxsun: My wife liue (rrmlly distreswd by weakness aiitt getiend debiiitv, aisl sulleituif c-utuuuu!r bv pain and with ether ibrf .idtia, and haviug known ensns woere ynar nmlsane has coveted erejt cures ; aud also heanun it rrct ttnueislud lir such cares as t have tlescribed. I nl:aiin-d a h rtlle of your Kxlnun; t( SarsapariUa and fd we.1 the liirectH iis'you irtve me. In a h,.r iHrri.l it removed her ciapssniie aiul reav .red In S hcnllh. Being grratiul fur the lienefila slie receivinl. I take pleasure in uuiaacsuiowieugiug u, aim reeoauuenuitte; it te the putsut, M. 1). MOOUhL Albany, Aug. IT. '44. eor. rimnd & Lydia sis. ' ' DYSPEPSIA. No fluid nr mrdietna ha ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the saatrte juice or saliva in dsenrnnnaiiaj fast aud atretnrtheuiatf the oraana id dieeatMMt mm t.i. wtrm. pamtsm of Imuran par Ola. It piaiuvcly euros every ease of J V t wwv. w si'. lie nr enrfsnr. Bank UmirlMt AlkMV. Mi. 1S iojs Dr. Tnwnsend Sir : 1 have been siiueted for several years WKh d)-arjepsia in its worst tain, aUenlcd with aair. assa of atiaaai h, hs of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a arm verauai aa an una oc lone, and kw weeks, (what I euuld sat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small noni.in oa my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had bat bate or an effect ia resaovuif the complaint. 1 warn in duced, annul two months since, to try ro a- Kxtraet of aar sasaraaa. and I must aay with little eaindeuce ; but after aaing nearly two bottles. I found ar appetite restored and ma nnuun enure ly rewnveo ; si hi t would earnestlT re eiinnnmd the use of it to those wh" hove been aril lend as 1 ha-re been. Yours, ac, W. V. VAN 7. VXUT. Agent for Punbury JOHN W. FKIIJ.XG; Nnr. nuninermiiri, .v.vttk A. aleCAY i liaavdle, VM. A. sat. ska l to., a iu ss, rr COLTJMBIAX SERIES OF rCtlimrtftfj. The Pupitt friend and Teacher' comfort. rriIE COLI MBIAX CALCULATOR Tii is work is alrraiiv introJuccd into urns of tlin bewt AcatLuuk-a ami a large iiutnla-r of Bchoola, urra iuj use baa given derided and universal aa tutartiim, btth to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in iU character, baaed upon our own beautiful afeetaw rysrras af rnrrmrf. It contains more, tha arrangemcnU are better, and it ta tha caairat aad cheapest work of the kind now in use ; ana it is so cotuuik-red by hundreds of the moat cotaprteal teachers aad men of acienoa in the Uni on, who hava racoinioeiKlea it, i It U the book, Particularly and eipveaaly prepared for ear 4ass rseatsi AtAalora : Jim Mman l lrltmr. Taa i oitb's Columbia CAhci.AToa This volume conlaine 91 pages, with aliout 900 exam- plea lor eolation oa the slate. It embraces the t'uaelajneutal Rules, Compound Rules. Simple and Compound Reduction, Mingle Rule of Three, rroparuoa, otc Ticasea's AaiTBxETicii. Tabiu, is destined (it the aae of younger closers in tha Schools of the United Stales. A beautiful little book and pleas ing; to ctuioren, and Uie only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or doable, tur the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys an Use niuet complete works of the kind ever published, ami contain, in adiulion, about two bum! red nainplea in Mensuration, cVc, for the use of lite Teacher. AU that m wanted is to have tlus above books examined, aud no teacher who ia acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to urououuee thcra the lat works that have ever been published in this or any other country. . . - i ,i, t . Although Uaucd but a few months, tltry have alrrarlv been introduced into the Niijlit Public richooie of New York City in all the 8clioo!s public and private, except two, in the City of Keuitiii Also, in about twenty Araduinivs in the ISiate of I'cnnwrlvaiiia -in a larjs portion of the Scbxxda In the City of Wilmington, in the City of laaciutrr, ana lu uie Dorougne of llarruhurg, York, Chamberslmnr, Lebanon, Doy leatown, Potts ailsr, Orwigba)rs:, &C-, Ac. Fee aula by Hssav Mtaais, Sajtbary, Agrnt ur rsortiiaauoeruUMl touuiy. Santsatry.Dse. 14. v.n. ; .'. - : O ' . TrrENNEDY'S PATENT! BASH . FAS la 4. TEM.NOtC A cswap and neeUoat ant ca fcar faatsiamg aaato far rail by . . - c ; - . t ..,..;. i ; - xw.rnuNa Sunbury, Jury y, IM. ..... . DAPD'8 cxlrbraied Uoras sad CaKle Medi euMtwsalaby U aNBY MArtHBR -euubury Jan. 7ta, 18i! ,i, ie,,, vPXVGENATBD , ; IJD "CP 0 OH Ul 53 i i J BvYEREtaia REMEDY FOR . j v. ,i-.,t a-aaa'iiisjicij.K ,.. v, ; .. it Ii ti! :ip ANU tr "V i,.,,!,,., ;( , jaxNBBAL jBau.zrr.! t,i 1 GEORGE B. GREEN, PaopitteTOii. !; "" rFi'ruJsor, Krmoit. .i : n.-. i i IS aeerelelt remedy for DYBPF.PWIA, In awne of an forma, each as pain In the Htomach, Heartburn, habitual Cnativeneaa, Acid Stomach, Headache, Imasof Appetiw, Piles, Nutbt Bureata, and even Consnmntioa (Dyspeptie Phthisic.) and Asthma, or Plilhiaie attended with arrange ment of the faransch for Dyapeplia Asthma,) DiflVcalt BreathiraT. which often resulta from imperfect di treat ion urn Drapeptic Byapnaa,) ia relieved by these Bitters, In short, their use hns been proved in the relief of almost all tha symptoms that proceed from s debilitated or atonic condi tion of thaekomachi alao ia eeneral debility arisiruT from age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and Ague. Females suffering under any uterine derangement arising from weakness, will find the "Uxvobjiiatbd Hit s'' an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi cine in nasi . . The history or this medicine Is neculiar. II has muds its way to public favor solely by the ibroe of its own intrinsic merits. INn artificial means have been used te give It na tnrietr and thrust It anno nahlle attention. It hns nerer befin-e even been advertised, lint having first shown ils re rnnrkaWe efficacy in the family of the proprietor, and by him afterwaids administered to bis afflicted friends end sc quniutnnccs with a like result, its reputation gradually ex tended until it is known in the most distant parts of the l.'iimn, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cum oi Ilv.pepnis in all ils d liferent forma, and alsn for tha rnra af Asihun or Phthisic. Ils only herald and it only eulogy hns hech tire slnry of its wonderful efficacy, as told from mouth to mouth or by letter fnsn friemt to friend. In ere rv instniHe where these Bitters have been used, and tha re sult made known a the rjroorietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous eertifirntes, attesting the singular efficacr af the "OxvGaxsTio BiTntis," are lu the posseasiial of tha proprietor j many of them signed by peranis already Widely iuwwn to the publici , , Mf.Kt. n. UKtLil, i-roprieaa'. WINDSOR, Vt., Oetolier 3, 1S43. . The fsllewing Certificates hart reeeatly toea received t . ..' WisttitroTdWi D. C, Jairs in, IMS. flavin made use of the 'Oxveensted Bitters" prepared hy Dr, Oee. B. Green, of Winhsn'., Vt. and fnim know ledge obtained of their efficacy in other cases, we cheerfully recommend tnera to tne pulilic, neileving tmn tney win luuy sustain the reenmmendatioa of the Proprietor. We hope that this valusble remedv mnv be so eenerallv diffused throng hout the country that it may be acosssiWe ta all tha afflicted. mljAMnH I from Tsrm.nl. JAMKX F. SIMMON!, V. ft. Senator from R. Island. J. T. MOREHUAD, li. 8. geiuiba' and loruwrly Oovera- or id" Kentucky. I.. H. ARNOLD, Memlwr of Congress and formerly SJe vernor of R. I. WM, WOOnBRTDGE, c. a. Senator and fnrmeriy Ba- rerma of Miehigsn. - M. I.. MARTIN. Delegate in Congress from Wisesaais Territory. From Hon. H. D. FoTi, Member of Congress frem . Pcnnsvlvsnia. WasliixoToa. D. C. Jusk 10. 11. ' Dear Sir, I have been a dvsnentic siiirerer for shout ten years, aial have resorted to various mcilicines for relief witliout succces, until I raadu use of ynur "Oxygenated imieiB.-- nave unco nuoui two untiles, uihi nnu inyaeii restored to periect health The forms in which His dis. case showed itself, in my case, witc grcut acidity of the stisruich. loss of appetite, extreme flntutenee, severe eonill- xiien in oic isjwcis, ann I Kilent lieaiUH'lie. r- eelillg aesi rolls llmt B knowledge nf vonr valualile reuieilv mnv reach othera siuiikirly orllictl. I take grmt plisuro in record ing my lemiiuouy tn its curaliis power; and would aliu renmis. iiiiit vnne nn a v nut At linine n s inrt tuns sinee. 1 ailimiiiHeml n iiit of a U tile tn a iiuiiiI.t cf niv aiilieicd riernls. wi'.ll ffrtit sueess. Tliev are deftiroiis l'i:tt vnn annuld enolish nn agenev Rt Pittshu''ff, .or inlntin theiu Where the llleiheiue ejn Ik- ohl:nneil. With ail enrneHl lie. sire for your prosperity mid liajipiai-KS, I mit.serilte mywlf, iii:v,"iir iiifiin 11 . 11. I I'M l.K. Inct. Ubi. H. tiitwrv.Windimr, Vt. S ilii Wll ii. Kiln uml Iti'Ud bv Hreen te rietclisr. y S6 ft'nth Pixr'i Slrf.-f. Philudcliihia. Agent for Siinlmrv II. B. MASSKR. Agents for .Milton .MACKAY Ac 11 A AO. Agent for I'pH T iLuliulu.)) . J. ti. KK... April 15, lhli- ilMPOHT.ANT TO THE I'UBLIC, HOKSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure are withui the reach of all I The unilersipmed has spent several vcars in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and K- ilinlmro , he has also availed himself of tlicrcaenr. cues of Lcibie, and other celebrated men. who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of aniiniils; thti principles of our practice consiMa in ino rejection ot general bleeding and the totul rejection . of nil medicines Unit experience lin shown to be of a duni-rous tetidaucy. These re medies net in tmruiony with tha vital principle, and wucii given nccoruiiisr lo tuo uircctious which ac eouipaiiy each article they are capable of exciting and tni'reuaui)? Uie natund fuuctiouit, without di- niinisliing. or destroying their power, honce are sati'in tuo hiuids ol every one. , U. II. DADD, M. D, A List of Horse and Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, 75a. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack age. Heave powder fin-diseases of the lungs, 75c dc, l.nne powder for . " kidneys. 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75e do. Cordial drink for inflamution of bowels, 75c per uoiue. Liquid blister, 75e per bottle. ' Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, SOe per pou Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c, per botllc. , . Wash for inflamej eves, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c ja-r Dome. Kmbrocation for sore throat, 75c tier bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ac, 50c per botllc. . ' . . Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lamcneas of every description, 75c ot if i per uoitio. , IJistemiKT iwwder for red water. 91 tier bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 nor package. For snlo by 8TIMPSOX cV UEED. 28 Mer. chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nob. 1 & 3 Jlavmarkct exiuare, Huston. Pamphlets deacribiiig the diseases for which these remedies are aaod can be had irratis. Numerous Certiltcates are tn uoaaeasion ef the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines, i. ' , Sold by GREEN At FLETCHER.No. 26 8outh BLYTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his : Aohhtst Hsnbt Mtsssa, Suubury, February 3, 1849. tf ' , ESSENCE OF JAMAIC4 GINGER PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK A BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firra and Chbssct streets, Phi ladelphia.; This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will ba found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re cotnmer.ded as a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a lew drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stimulsnd, without any of tlie debilitating enacts, which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind ; and it is therefore especially serviceable to children and females. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort j to the dyspeptic, end to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic alt'ccCioiia, it gives grout relief; and to the inebriate w ho withes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invulualilr giving tone to the ces tiveorguus, and strength la retisl temptation ; and ia eunarqurutJy a great niiont iu the cause of torn Iterance. Ck?" Full directions accompany nig each bottle. t , ' 1 - The above article can be had at the office of the siaiwicaa.lt .) t... ' ' '! PhUaaeluhia,JuBaa, 1849. ly ... PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing aud indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laa, iuat lacMtod sad (or sala by , "f , , . . ,, , J,W.rRIJJNG.. Suabury, Dec , 1848, QAP& An assortment just received. Also silk HAW St east by l , i ,-.m .... tw...... ..MAMER. hanWy,bee.t, 184. f . WHEY ta C0UGJ CHNOV.. 4n scale lent remedy for oaugbs, eolds. , For sals al taia alBsa .., DANK. NOTE LIST .vt ( . ., , rEXsYlLvAlviA. , ! . Tbs follnwing list shows the current value of sll ' 'ennsyWsnis Dank Notes. , The most implicit re linnce msy be placed upofi it, as It Is tverjf week sarcfttlly crmjmrd with arts' Corrected ftom Dick Reporter. I . .'f e. .. ..tj ,1 j , . IlHMks In Philadelphia. . i , Dise. ta .;, Ntasi r . ? ( . Loeattoff, :-i pgttaaj ' NOTES AT PAR. o ! ! Bank of Notth Atnerica t t , , Rsnknf the Northern Liberties Comtnercisl Bank of Pcnn's. . Psrmers ami Mnrhsnics' Bsnk Kemingtrm Dank' - ! . . ' Philadelphia Dank .. . r pat p.. par I par psr ho sala par ; P" , psr par par Schuylkill Bank . . Soatnwark Dank Western Dnk - '. Mechanics' nank Wnnuractlircra Ar Maebaniea' ItanL ftsnk of Penn Township . '.: Ritsrd Bsnk . Bank of Cnnimerre. lata Moyamensinf Bnnk of fetinsylvsnis , . . : P' par Country nanhs. Bank of Chester County Westchester pat par par psr par par par nsnn oi i.Pitiwnrr County Bnk of Drrmsntown Bsnk of Montaomery Co. Doylestown Unk RsKion Bnnk0 Chester Germsntown Norrisiown Doylestovrn Caslon Farmers' Bsnk of Bucks eo. BrMnl Bsnk of NntthombetlBnda Nnrthumbetlsnd psr Columbia Bank Jr. tlridge co.'Columbis ... Farmers' Drink of Lancaster Lancastet Lancaster County Dank ' Lancaster Lancaster Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bonk of Resiling Resdins? par par par par oar i mice ol llanK ol renn a HarrisburcT Thesa Office do Office do Office do ;" NOTE8 do Lancaster I offices tlo Reading AJo not do Esatsn J issue n. AT D 1 8 C O IJ N Ti Rank of the United States' Philadelphia 17 Pottaville par Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middlctown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harrisburg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Msnuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch 11 ink ' Wyoming Bank Northampton Bitik Berks County Untik Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do i.ewiRtown railed Middlelown Carlisle Pittsburg Hollidarshurg Harrisburg Lebanon Pittsburg Pittabutg Williamsporl Wilkesharra pnr 1 1 1 par no s ite failed failed do Allontown Reading Pittsburg Erie New Ilriahlon Chamhershurg do Bmk of Chamltcrshurg Bnpk of flellyslmri; Hank of Susquelmnna (o. Erin II ink Farmers' & Drovers' Bnnk Franklin Unuk ! luursil ilc I) .nk MoontuiilicU Hank of B. V'oik Bonk t.ettyshurg Mnnlroao Erie WBytieshurg Vashingtnn Ilonosiliile Browns ille failed li York r. II, I ha mdi s or these banks on which we Ki'il quo! vi. nut, .ni l siiliytitnte a dash ( ) are nol nurclinK-.-d by the Philntb-lptia brokers, tviih tho eur,iioii of llioso which Iiuve a letter ol n lcrencc. II R O K E N U A N K S. , PliiladVliMiU 8v. I its. Philadelphia failed do failed do failed do W Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sak Beaver closed Harrisburg clnred Washington failed Itcll. fonte closed Philadelphia Loan Co. jchuvlkill Hav. Ins, Keiifinslon Xav. Ins. A Penn Township 8av. Ina, Manual Labor Dank (T. Towanda Hnrik Mleghany Bank of Pa, Bsnk of Beaver Bank of Swalara Bank of Wellington Centre Batik City Bank Farmers' & Merh'rg' Bank Formers' & Mech'cs Bank Furiners' ft. .Mech'ca' Bank Ha.niony IiiKiiiuto Hniiting.lot; Brink .Intuitu Bmk Lumbermen's Hank .Northern Dank of Pa. New Hope 1). I. Bri.lfje Co. Norihiuitti'd Union t'ol, l!k .otih Western Bank of Pa. Ollico of Schuylkill Bank Ps. Apr. & Mmtif. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of J'enn'a. rtltshuig no t-aie Pittsburg failed Fayollo co. failed (ireencaetle failed Harmony no saio If tint inrtliin no sae l,e'iiown no a tie Warrnn : failfd DunJutr no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadvills closed Port Carbon Carlisle failed Montrose closed 1 In ion low n - failed Greenahurg closed Wrstmoieland Bank VVilkesbnrre llridge Co. llkesliarre noaalo fXT A" ""T" purporting lo be on any Pennsyl vania Bank nol given in the slaves list, may be set lown as frauds. AEW JERSEY. Dank of New Biunswick Bclvidete Dank Burlington Co, Bank 3omniereial Bank uutnberlfind Bank Brunswick Bclvidera Med ford Perth Amlaiy Bridgeton Mount Holly failed s par par par Parmer' Bank Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk Rshws Parmcrs' snd Mechanics' Ilk N. Btunswick failed Farmers' and Men hauls' lik Middlctown Pt. 1 Franklin Bank of N J, Jersey City failed railed failed failed failed iioiifiKen liKp ot titazmg vo Hohoken Irrsey City Hank Jersey Cily Patterson Bellerills Morriatown Freehold Newark Trenloa Jersey City Mochunics' Hank Munufaclurcra' Bank Morris t'omiiy Dank Monmouth Ilk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics ami Manuf. Bk Morris Canal snd 11kg Co Post Noie Newark Ukg oV Ina Co iSew Hope Del Bridge Co .X, J. Matiufac. snd Bkg Co failed no sale no sale Newark Laubertavilla Hohoken failed fulled IM J I rott cion & tlrsnge U mk .onitmrd bk Jersey City I 'range Palersoa t'siermm Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Sslum Banking Co Slat Bank Siale Bank : Slate Bank State Bank of Morris Slate Bank Halem snd Philad Manuf Co Kusaei Bank Tiemon Banking Co Union Bank ' WasbiiigUNi Banking Co. fsiled do Princeton Halem Newark Euiabelhtown Camdeo Morriatown Trenton Haleia Newton Trenton Dover par failed (ailed Hackensack failed - UEIaATtVARE. Bk of Wllm & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Hwyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford p pa' pa' par rarmers- un of Ststo of Del lXivei Do : branch par par Wilmington Do . branch Do brsucb Union Hank (U" Under 6's : Oj-Ouall bank marked George town Newcastle Wilmington par par par (bus () tbers are ak uei lounutiieii or aiterad notes ni I various ds- 'Oinlnallons. In rlrcntatinn IMctorial Edltlan sf d'aublt aes ; gi t ut oi U oa tlie Iterurtuation OF THK SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY, SWITZERLAND, &0. Will be published on or about the 1st of April, 18-18, by JOS. A. SPEEL, Na 06 Cherry st. above Ctb, bis splendid rjrno edition of the above named work,' with 18 engraved illuitrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols ia 9, bound iq extra cloth and library a bee. ; i. , , 1 I Tbs publisher respectfully calls th attention of the trad and tbs public generally, to this work being th only illustrated edition published la th Ceiled (Stat Us trusts that th beauty pf its embellishments, th strong and tubatantial manner io which it i hound, in conjunction with tha knowa popularity of th work italf, will b S ar recoBirBsndatiM to pwblia favor, j . . JOS. A. 8PEEL. BS Cherry at.abov eta. I J. A. 8. ha also lately published, a new snd besntiful Edition ef Sergeant Bell's Rare Show, a suitable bosk for chiulrsa, neatly doas up ia rite cloth. , rhilauelphia, April t, 1818 ' FOB THS 0T7BB OP - Itendsels, Oiddineat, . Menss-s Mt IUmssk Rbculnntistn. Piles, Ilenrt Hltrn, Worms. l)ySienla,S.irvAr' l lens U,rna Hinnll I'ox,.luiiaio,. 1 ,t)a(rli. iuinseV. Psinsin Hie linek. Whooping dank, Inward Weakness, Inward Weakness. Cnnsintinliim, r'iaiL rrfMMnn of the k-art, li-ILfr C.arrsia lat R ising in the Tli Krisipelaa. llealiiess, lroBSy,,Abn, . ItchinsW the 8kin7 tevers of all kinds, .- , ok)a . flont. ne.v.i' remalsComi.liiiirts, . , Nervous Cuinnlaiuti, r AND X VARIETY 0 OTHER DISEASES Aliallld FROM IMPURITlfcS or TltB " HIOOB. ' AHB ; qBSTBUCIIONS ; llf ; TUB 00 At !!' t)inr.sriciv .... ... r Pfience ta, prnved that nearly every r)isease"origtiiste rrom Imptirilins nf the Blood or drraheeinenia of tha Viisaa. tive. Oreans j and to .retire HcrtthTwe atll rens ohstroctinnsor restore the Blond to its natural stat The aversitni to taking medicine is most effentnallr ra moved hy Cltcrnrr's Vsobtsslb PrjsoTim Pnxs beiM otmtpletely atrvolnped with a ooating of pure white 'Socari (which is as distinct fntm the internal Ingredients as a aal - iu. .enrolMm nave no ianie oi meatcme. . But are aa easily awllnwod as bita of cnn.lv. Mcreava they neither tiaiisettle or irripe in the sliehtest desrse, bat openite ettinlly otr sll the diseased pnrts of the systeai,. an " :! '""' "ni m. uihi meKina nnynsnmnar reftmn. Thus, if lie. l,i ver he sneered one barradleai will operate on llmt particular nresn, anil, liy clransirar it of ail Kxcras of Bile restore it to Its natuied state. . An. ah wiU operate on Isc Board sntl renstvenll iinptiriites in its circa' bninn j whiten third will eflecittnlly Mpr whatever rmrn Irttes may huve been discharged into the stiarmrh, andherrd they strike at the root or disease remove sll Impure Rn mors from tlie bsly, open the pores entcAuiily and inter nnll v j Sepnniln.all foreign anil iilmnxiinis particles from thd ehyle, sothat'tlie hdsid may ts- tltnrnnghly pure Ihns seea' Hug a frne Bud healthy aetnattn the Ilenrt, Lnngsand Livaf and thereby they restore health even when all other means have failed. . , , .The entire truth of the almve Mm be ascertained by thd trad of s single box ; snd their virtues are so positive and certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor biutls himself ta return Uie money paid fin- them in all eases where they do not give universal attisfaction, . Rtnll I'rlce, 25 els, per Box. ' Principal office Nn. ftfl Versey sf ., N. York. SohluysOHI Y. V OL NO, fttmbitry. . M. A. McCAY,NorthnmberlBiMl: rr BcmemberDr. 0-. V. Cliekner is the invetrtis- of tha Sttgiir tJnutiHi fills, ond tluit iHithing of the awt wss aver heard of until ha introduced them in Jnde. 113. Purchasers srsaiHi, itiercfore alwavs nsk for Cliekner's Kngar Coated s f mud " Mhen or llley wiu be made lh v'c'iia of relirtinry, 17, 1f"9ly , SOItES CA. BE CURED. Burns, Scahh, and all kinds of inflamed Son Cured. TOUSKYtS UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the neat enini.lele : llurn Autid.de ever kwwn. It instanUy, (and las if by Magic) stnM pnins of the most desperata Btirniiiul !-.dd. t or okl Sores, Utilises, cms, 8praius7a on nrai or Is.sr. it is the best application llmt can be made 1 ImusuikIs have tried and thouauiils pniise it. It is the most perfect iinsler of pniu ever discovered. All who use re commend it. Kvery family should ha provided with M. one etiittel how soon some oftli fnmilv nitty need it. (V Observe each Isiq or the genuine Oinlmein has th iimneoi f Ioi'.kt, wrilicii un tiui iniuidn kil.elTo osil tn tins is f irgery. Honlm. n, l.ivery Men, Fiirmere. and all who us Horses, will fni.l tins (linluleiit the very best tiling thev csn us fjr Collar (inlla SenileJn s, Kicks. Ac, Aeon their animals Surely every niercyliii iiitm would keep his animals ss free Irotn pain ut poiMu. T' tHcy's I tiivcrsul Ointment is ail llittt it rttpur. it. 'i'rv it . hiti:s oi- is: ts P.th. sting or bit of aoisoa us ltHfcts l..i:.;'s liiuimenJ is inn ivaik.il lluialreas bar tried it iinil found ii co. il. PI 1 .1 :s i : I: K 1 ,11 ! K, ir t In, riles. T.iusnv's I'niversal Oint ment loi.e nf ihclie.t ltefi.;,li, s llmt ,. ,e uiinlied. All Who Ifive 1n.il It tor t!te Pile, r.f-.n.nienll if Ol.llSOI:i:-l LI i:i:;j. l-.TuIl oUnnule'Stres. tber is iioliiti.g e.ii ,1 1 1 T. -tis.,.. oi.mnent. A person in Mamlf "..!!'"': ' " ',' i""n';r ot ytr. p rc Iet ii,t batlled tha Aui. H.i doct-,1,. .,n.-y-s Oi:..,...t was recomuiended I... mi- -I lie- Miting r. s.( i.'iiih, (-.vi.ii uew its great vir- .... -.i ... ;.-s pro inc. d oi re I ,;,t Hmn the ps ' ' oiii o:iy nail till prcvi iA remedies. . Let Bi a -J i w:.t uw or i Kir Timwird, enM CMC lliy I nti-y's I i.ivi-ne.l fiintnlcnt. C'erl.iic lUsononsh Could be I to fill Uie while, H'this sheet '"'"OllSh Vlt il.KN l'IIHrHKS 1 Tltlll). Testimonial, on testi. moulitl iiuiiyor ,.i 1ous..y's Ointment for curing Bruise net.- been filtered I lie pr ipriel, w. Hundreds In Byrne,,, Wllleertily tonsirreat merits relieving I he pain of the most sec-te Brutses. All persons should try it. st.Ai.iiiiK.xi) rn;i:n. s.r.... case, of sidHui j!-'. been cured by 1 mtey's Ointment. Try it it seldom HALT nilKPJt Cl RKO: Ofall ti.e remeflie ever di. , T, 1 .uatigrecaiilc cnmpltiiiit, Tousey's L'nJ. : .: . voiiipieie. it never was knows to lull. CIIAPP1-I) HANDS CAN nK CPRTO -touset's Urn verail Oi.iiinent will always euro the worst eases of Chaa- ped Hands. S-ores of per. , u ill state tin,. StiHi: l.ll'SCI Hi:i). For the cure nf,re Mps there was never em thing made ,,ma t Tousey's Ointment. II is Hire to cure litem. Trv it. . It is, scientific oniini.iiiid. wnrnuitrd no to csitaia aar pre:ir:in n ol Mercury. 17" Price eents per Ism. For ranlicr particulars cm luing tl, renllv vulliiible Oiiilment Hie public arc rejected to Piuiiphl.-ts, to'be led gratis, ofr. sncetalilf. Drccfists and Rlefhuuts llirfittslKiut the United i-reptirrn t-v n. TOfUKY, Druegist, Xo. 10f) Nasssa rnrsei, ,iew i f.rK. Vi:vr-illl. 1UING, Suui.ury, M. A. McCAY, .i.n,iuinncruiie'. February 17, 1H.). ly ZiXVSn COIVSPLAINT, JAU.N'DICK. DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NEUVUt'S DKilll.lTVDISEASEOr . . T1!K KIDNEYS, And oil diseases arising- from a disordtrmd Liver or Slomnrh in bol.'t .Va and Female.' Such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blond Is the Head. Aeiutly , I lie Stotnueh, Nausea, Heart-bam, Disgust lor Ko sl, I'liltneor weiuht tn llit ilmnneh. Soar Knietali.ais. Sinkiiu: or Klutterinu at the pit of the stomach Swiiumuie; of Uirlleud. liitrrtii and Diincult Hreathirar, FliHterinu at the Heart, l h. ikiiut or !iitucutiu Sensations when in a lying; posture Uiinuets nf Visiiai, Dots or waat belore tbs Hiyht, Kcver snd dull puin in tlie Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Vellnwuess of the Skin and Kves, Pais in tlie Side, Hack. (.'Ileal, l.imba, lie., ISuil.len tfaalia af llent, nnriiin in the Klesh, Constant liniiciiiuujs of aval and great depression ol Spirits Can be etfectoaliy cared he CelelirattMl (.mmm liitters. Tlirir jvtwer ovt tlie nh ivft ili-u.w-i( n ceUvM if equailed ly imy other sr-Ki r;t I i ti in tlit? I'liHofl t9tJitt hs the (Mires nlUcit, lii iiuiiiy i-uiici, ui'icr skilli'ul pby-uciaaasl had fajlt-d. l)rruittifiiitit of1 thi .Wvt (im! ftiinnic)i nre urctn of IitKiniiy, uiul will at pr .Nitict tiimtra tf the Hmrl. Hkia Luiijlav niM KiHnr un t ktv tlie Udy t(eii to an tl W ihf i'h.ttrra, Bili us, or Yeflw Krrer, anrl ia griifrattjr tm ttrit cuum; tht Uirtt tiauat Uiueiui discutM, CrtLumiUon, . Opinion of tie Philadelphia Press . niE DISPATCH.7' Diivntltfi Hint aavi: AN IN VALL AHl,i; VIKltli INf-I WcltavefrtienUr lieunl the Ct-itrlu uttl Ovnuai. liittcrs, nuuiuim-tured my ir HtKrtllaiul, ii-nkt u nf in terms nf cxmiuemlutitm, mn& Wf kuuw ilfaturvetlly v, . U in u Uk eoiiiuiou prurttce. in ft -Hii quartt-ra, t (WJlTnH numiirr t utM'U-is. intsli, hut in liw Hbtive liittrrs. lnutUrml. tire living wiuirtrat taj (lieir great innrul anil physical witrtli. Asa iiiulK'tna iif tha laavai1 Cunipluuit-, Jauiftli., .Nervous lhiiiiy ami Dytfwpaia, it hits ttrvu li'iiml u.iuiiiuliit. t'iltvttiir curt aihtl tin rous;h)r errkiiuiat Uiah'jiJtL-a, u Urn all uthrr inrslu uirt have fuM. We citiiviirt'rtl. Uiul in the iisat ot the (ieriiuui fiittora, the put tent d-i'sii k Iht riM' tt-iiilitntrl, (mt Piitaiirr) gina artreiiKtU mul vipTtothe Jruiuo a iaii t wmthy ot graal contiulfruLiiiii. The Ilittf.'s ure pltvsHitt in taste aud sinril, ttiid caii lie ailiiiuuertii under any k'irciJjiiflUutMtt. to tha mt -at drliout-j stoitiucti. Indeed, they fan be used by ail par-' ona with tha uiust perteei sufty. It would ba well far those wu i are iiiu-h aKvterJ in the uervoua syatrM, a ctimmenee with one ua sj--riirul or Wm, and rruiitamliy lay crttuae. Wesjatutk (rom experieiK'e, aisd are of ohii-w. prtrper judjre. Tire prtws tar and widr, have united m r cnmetalirtfr the IKhimu Bitirra, aud to Um aJfiioted W0 m.tat eorittwlly ml vim thrir uan. SriKlT OF THE! TIMES," June tilth aavsM "DO Ol'R OOODl'l riy.KNS'wIio are iuvalids, knowV th many BstoiiitfliiiHt cures thut have been nrrfiamed lor Dr. iluodluud's Cek brand Ucruum L'itutrs ? If tber aar not, we rewKinnewl tbeui tollie-'lieriiian Medicine Store,'' all wan are aillictad with Laver Carrailauil, Jaundice, Drv. pepsia. ia- Nervous Debility ; Uie Doctor hairured many ml our citizens after tae beat phvsii isus had fulled. Ws bar used thetu, and Ihey Iiuve proved to be a medicine that every one should know of, and we caiaxl rclhnn fivm our las' tummy iu their favor, aiul Iuat whadi sives turra fraM claim upuu our humlile ciTon, they are entirely Vcgetabat "THE DAILY NEWS," July Ithmiyi: "Ws sneak knowingly m Dr. Iliv.rbind'sCelebrated Osrj inau Ilillus, w!i.iM.e say it is a Neasiu of this sef Btifl in discuses o the biluiry, durastiv aial Nurv.Hiii aems, it lias tint we think an eaiinl. It is a Vtvctsblk Prena ration i i par i i par par i i i audiuad wulaaii Akv.uol, aad to aU uitaiuls wsarousin' coiiiuhouI it as woriliv lii.-ir .w,..li.l. . POT Snie. . iMleaiilM nu.l r... i I .., ,. rieinal fleneft. SfiKiLA?' MiWINti STOiai.No. : Uta bueet, Philsdidihifl, - - Pur sal,- be nr a r..rA- ,l , i t "'"' -v f , iwnjl.iuuwuuafiw anu cihh 2 UT" ".1aeuMa dealer geucrally UuouaUout lb J'ril 91, l4td.J-ty rolU)ri Vanw CoUku Carton Cliaiu, Cotton Lap ailll Wu.ltlili.r. t 'fittilli I InlliiiAa i;.,..! n,..) rantuloons, Kcaily niade Vests, Congres knive. Poscelaiii Unud presorvinr keliW iiaat tsteatsVael for sule liy H. laASMKIr, , -sr Suubury, Dec. 8, 1848,- .-j XuT a mnj superior quality ibr sals byt 8iwl.uiy, pec , 1848,1 ,.,,, .,, .. .,,,. 1JUNK BOOK An aiawtmeat of BlaauV' -- pooks, jtwt received and sals by tit Sunbury, Dec. i, 184.L. .... . , , , l . i . 1 4 KIT MOLASSEl?. Superior reoiied Hym, O Molasses for sale by H.KY MASbEJjL , buuliury, Due , 18t