SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP CALEDONIA'. bete DATS waFnoitJ Aor. , Boitok, Nov. 25, , A.M; Tb eteamship Caledonia, Captain Le.itch, "beinging onweek'a later intelligence from Vll part of Europe, armed at this port at talf-pait 11 o'clock. ! , . - RUSSIA AND HUNGARY. ' JltiitiiM Policy with regard to tht Hungarian Rtfusttt Preparation for a v Bevola .' fion against Englith Interference. '"" Fuad Effendi has been informed by Count easelrode that the Czar demands that the , Jlufftfatian refugees shall be located in the Interior of Candia, or on such other point of 'the Turkish territory as may afford the great, est facilities for keeping them under surveil lance. If any of the refugees wish to go to ' France or England, they may bo permitted ' to to do. The Czar will take no nottco of . heir departure, notwithstanding the danger that may attend them, whether in France or i'Vrmrlitiut. There can be no doubt that the ,tefugees wiil'busy themselves in preparing I for a new revolution. - The decisive altitude assumed by England on the Turkish question has annoyed the Em ."peror very much. He has caused Count Nes Wlrode to address an energetic note to the English government on the subject. In this '"note the Emperor protests against this hos tile demonstration in the midst of peace, and against the right which England arrogates to . r. :n n mniiar n-blf.n rprrnrns I brnnlf to interfere in a matter which regards only Russia and the Sublimo Porte. As to the difficulties which this affair may give rise to, the interpretation of the treaty be 'tween those two powers belongs (says the note) to them alone, and England ought to -remain completely unconnected with it. TURKEY. "' " toniiiiti'd Warlike Prtparalions. - A correspondent, writing from Constanti nople, thus refers to the activity prevailing there: "The Turks continue their warlike preparations, and their whole fleet will be ready very quickly, for they are actively at work upon every ship fit for service." Tur key is now in a slate to defy Russia. AFFAIRS IX FRANCE. Him Restored Sham Fr'ieale Placid at the PoneU dispds'dl. France has been quiet under the extraordi nary circumstances which occurred in the capital. The mnnmvring of rival parties, ince the fall of Louis Philippe, has never ceased ; and in such a crisis as the present, must have been carried on with even in creased activity ; but this has been less ap parent than before. Orders have been forwarded by the French government, for a steam frigate to proceed to Portici, to be placed at the l'ope's dispo sal, as he appeals decided to return imme diately to Rome. 1ft. Pierre Paleocarp is appoiutcd Minister of Public Works. ITALY, tt was epte4 at Rome that the Pope ,,U h at Rnnevento On the 8"in OI UOIO- 'ber. inerresiucni oi u ....v.., 4th, announced, officially, to the Chamber c-f Deputies at Turin, the appointment 'office of General Lamarmora. n.n.iiii.1 nt Turin, the appointment to nisi r 'The following extracts from the European papers by mail give the news id oeiau . According to the Hunts ieiegwpn, ine nrsi tbusinr'ss of ?ir H. Bulwer, Envoy to the Uni- 'ted States, on his arrival, is "to know whai encouragement, if any, the United Mates rive 16 the altertiptea -witnurawai ui mo nadas trom uriiisn ruio. u that he has full powers tt resist energetically ill attempts at inteifdredce on the part of the United States in Nicaratfya affairs." It is said that -gcrvernmelit has intimated 'to the Governor OfCanafla that rio cocYeive measures will be rillepled to prevent an an 'negation to the United States, if the popular will be decidedly expressed in favor of that Measure ' Thn British Parliament is prorogued till the i6lh of next January. " The Queen has issued proclamations for a 'day of central ifcank'sgiVim?, on tho 15th in'st on account 'fcf the abatement bT the cholera in Great Britain and Ireland. . The King of Naples has consented 16 're "cognise the Mexican republic. Tne Sieamsnip nermann, wrpi. vrauice arrived at Southampton on Sunday morning, rac(g anJ Btati8liCS) to be submitted to the ihe 4th inst , and soon after loft for Bremen. Congress of the United Slates, as may fur ;S1R iOHN FRANKLIN'S EXPEDITION, iher tho objects of this Convention and whose Sir John Ross has relumed from tho Arctic 'teas, where he has been engaged in a search for Sir John Franklin and hi crews. It is given as his confident opinion that neither Sir Jolin Franklin nor anyoi ntsorave. oomnaiiions are eastward o"f any riaVigaiblo 1 (point in the Arctio regions, and if there be .1. " ., .1 ny chance ot their existence, it is in me Wpposilion that he proceeded in a westerly rlirection. and In such case we can only ex- ' ... ect to hear from the missingadventurers by tih. Mrknn2i detachment, or bv her Ma- . , ,- -j r . y Tii.-.. r-n,n, ., ,i. ei v esiy nip iutvi, viuihuuci .uuuir, vy nf Rhuia ' . Sir lame traversed at least 23ft miles on he ice. the Ws of which were frightful, tn,.,h mnr . than anv of the exner enced Arctio vovaaers had seen before. Sir James uuj fci.nWM tv,netraled as far a the wreck .r.i.-'7nr,v -ehere he found the old tent "' -- . . . ..nn;n .n.l thins? about it in a state W.b-i!:., t,re.ervafion. At Ah oint Sir ... . v kT A 1A Inrtrn nuftlllltVOE DrOVl VIDIQI UDIWTIIW 3- 1 at a ni.n .k. ., of the En Wise. The march of Sir Jame. across the .... a UnniUi roninna nf rJ IB IruW Stated at We Tliuni icai u w lira sorry to fini, howews, that it was in no way successful. FDivrv ItromFranee there . nothing of striking lUinram m win w urcu vr tuo loivo : ininroanVi t.n T AnHnn m u-o 1 1 VQ icui .uu ui icigiiiiihi iium r '.?r. . 1W Mr Rives, our Ambassador, haa been v- rv. IOUOITCU vi IUV ivuvu uurniuuioiiii fcroeranima of Ihe new Ministry is laid down i m k n n'il.irl t, AU Ug AiHIUUIJ r h . MW Minister of War. It excited little in tareift. RUSSIA. I Tht Attitude If tht Ctar towards England, . FraM and Turkey. Th AAli .ttiimU umed bv Eruxlani en the Turkish question, has annoyea ina i bmperor very much. I The Patrxt. of Paris, says: 1 Letters from St. Petersburg, of the 14th ult. J announce that me emperor nionuio, learning that orders had been given ro " English fleet to sail lowftrds the Daruenenes, AtmrAafA ni-nfn,iiirt ft iarnntnt. .The Patrie adda-iWe spoke yesterday of energetic note whioh the Emperor of Russia, it is said, had addressed to Engiano, on near ingof the orders given to the English fleet. Ln the note the Emperor protests ngainsi me , hostile demonstration in the midst of peace, and against the right which pngland arrogates to herself to interfere in a matter which re gards only Russia and the Sublime Porte. As to the difficulties which this affair may giye rise to, the interpretation of the treaty exis- ting between those Iwb powers belongs, says the note, to them alone, and England onght to remain completely urrconnected with it. Such is the substance of the note. We can add to this nows the followinir details. The Emperor has signified, it is said) to Fued Ef fendi that he may now consider his mission Wm terrninnte(i . that besides, his pre sence at Saint Petersburg was a violation of a convention entered into between the Sublime Porte and Russia, according to which the Sultan could not send on extraordinary am bassador to St. Petersburg without having first given notice to the Russian embassy; that he. the Emreror. in a sentiment of friendship and good neighborhood had been jo Qn lhis irraction, 1 . . . . ' .. and to accord an audience of honor to the Sultan's envoy, but that from that this latter had considered it necessary to appear in the intervention of France and England, his kind disposition towards the Sublime Porte must naturally be changed, and henceforward the communications of the Turkish envoy must take place through the Minister of Foicign Affairs. It cannot be denied that the new turn which this question is taking is full of gravity. We shall wait for our usual corres pondence, to be able to form a judgment of this unexpected phase of the Turkish ques tion."- THE IltON MASTERS' COXVENTIOPf, A Convention of Iron Masters assembled at Pittsburg on Wednesday last, and is repre sented as having been largely attended. The following gentleman were chosen offi cers of the Convention : President James Rodgers, Ohio. Vice Presidents Hon. C. Myers, Penna : John Tassev. Piitsbura: R M. Bcsas, Ken tucky : William II Campbell, 111.; Jesse Ca rothers, Pittsburg; Wm. P. Robinson, New Jersey ; E. C. Wilson, Va.; John Culbertson, Ohio; James F. Hodge, N. Y. Secretaries Geo. Means and J. O. Wil- lard Ohio ; M. O. Bottolet, Pa.) J. F. Ster ling, Pittsburg. An address was delivered by Andrew Ste wart. After the transaction ot considerable preliminary mater?, the committee on busi' ness made a report, consisting of a long preamble and the following resolutions: Resolved. That tho tariff law of 1846, I . i rr . : at.. ii.',,. V. S.An ,iu.r,klro t t timn J , r ' .... peculiar slate of things then existing in tne foreign market, and altogether unfitted for j . xislin h6 I . D . Resolved, That its system of ad valorem jutieg on jron gives protection only where ,,,; nn. rnll:rP(i. and withhold it where h is Resolved, That every principle of sound inls ,Q a jtiy contrary course. Resolved. That nearly all the Value at- . . irnn Ha8;rable from labor, and that this country is abundantly able to pro A np.fl tho lari7ft b mount its conftuiDtion mav . j Bnd lhat whiIe we do not desire to mohibit importations by heavy duties; we conceive it to be but just to the people, and . i sound policy on the part of the government to lay such restrictions on the introductions ot foreign labor as will protect our own from all ruinous and sudden fluctuations, from what ever causes in other countriesv Resolved, That a Committee of Correspon dence, consisting of three persons, shall be appointed, with power to add to their num bers, whose duty it shall be to make a writ ten address to the people of the country, set linir forth the necussries of a modification of i ,h . ( ,a46 aj who shan coUoct such duty it shall be to cause petitions to be as extensively circulated and signed as 'possible, with a view ot presenting mem w congress at as early ft period as practicable after thel opening oi ine session. Resolved, That this Convention highly ap- proves ot tne lonowiug resoiuwon oi me . .. r it !... 4L. iciaie lunveuuuu ui ), m 14th inst., ana auopis me pmi m iuo -u.0 ; Resolved. That it is the solemn and para I l . t .1 . . nf nnmsaa f lrrm mount tiuiy oi ine niBmuoraui ..w.. 'this State to urge, as the united voice of this r .;it li nnvpntinii. sucn mouuicaiiuus ui iwo tuim i 1 a shall again put our macnineFy m uunwu, 1 and afford full and profitable employment to the operatives who are now idle, and a home : I . r I 1 r 4 1 marKet lor me surinua prouueu ui iu ia..c. these resolutions were adopted by the Convention, but there were two others that were laid over for consideration on Thursday, I . . . ,i,i;.i,j wuicu wcro On Thurlay these resolution, erne up 1 r- nn.:,trtitlAii Thfv km n fitIliSu.'r - J uf cuiiBiuci . I . 1 .1 - With regard 46 pig iron, the committee .uggest that all pig iron imported from other I .n aKall tVrtAn ila nrnvnl in t Ttisi nnn. a 1 WUIHM i'w" W"M trv. be deemed and taken to tie worth fif- i - teen dollars per ton, without regard to its cost or value abroad, and that a duty of nine dol I. . I..,- -..i.i i i,n, i tars per ion db levieu iiicruu, aim wu uuuu proper and tisfuctor, evidence being mado I ... a - a .. a,..iM Yrvn(,a, nHiititra that niDT 1 rfkri i , et. jn hai increased in vaiue auov uw uuu. , I . : .i.A .nl,ntr. aluia ihn aama has per w v--.., --v.- .- - been macisi iiiai t v J I in Ula' amounting to one dollar per ton, the July )u th oountrv shau De reuucea one oouar. uw . - This nlan. it is thought, will, in all ordinary tiinen, ireveut ail eullie jroiuuuion m in - i -i . r .A. la, .. . I this and othbr countries nearly equal at all I a..sij..iJ tiroaa, ana agaiusi extraordinary tiuoioaiions of the Value of pig Iron In this and other countries, tna committee believe that no bet' ter plan or policy can be pursued. Resolved. That wa consider It necessary t0 tne proper protection of the Iron interests that a duty of twenty dollara per ton M levi ej on a bar or common merchant iron'. i Mr. King, of Pa., offered the following I resolution as a substitute: ., " , Resolved, That this Convention retebrhmend an assessment of duties on Iron imported Into this country, as follows, to wit : On Pig Me- taUastings at the point of shipment; SIS per .ini, nf c. and on fcornrnon bar IrOn 5.,, at th0 paca 0f shipment 30 per l0)) a ju,y of j6 ,on) an(i when ,he pri. ee, may rise above or fail below these pri- ce8 ,ho doly sha rige or falj 0 an eq 8inount. but the duty shall at no time be less lnan 1, or more than on pig metal, and jeM hanton bar iron ; and that a fcorres- poking duty be levied on all the deiorip- ljons of iron raanufaotuied. Judge Myers of Penna., suggested that the blanks in the resolution be filled up. Mr. Church said that in this resolution there was no mention of braziers rods, al though it did of bar and sheet iron. Mr. Stewart proposed that the resolution be modified by the insertion of lUe words otRef manufactured IrOn. - The resolution offered by Mr. King was accented as a substitute for the two former resolutions and embodied the suggestions of Messrs. Church and Stewart. These resolutions were ciebated along time and have not yet been . adopted. A substi tute for the first resolution passed tin Wed' nnml V tt'nl fltlnntpit. R follows " -I 1. 1 ..... .1 Resolved, That however pure and patriotic were the motives of the advocates or tne tariff of '46, time has proven that the worst apprehensions of its opponents have been verified, and that it has proven to be wholly insufficient to sustain the great interests 01 ihn connlrv. Mr. move J the fo lowinar resolu j tion, which was earned wnnoui opposiuuu Resolved, That this convention here as sembled to obtain adequate protection to the iron interests of the nation, they are willing to give their aid and co-operation in obtain int nmnle motection bv specific dutios to all o 1 . other great industrial interests of our com merce and industry. Written for th American. AWAY. IRA C. MITCHELL. Ask the martial soldier where-, Where his future filory lay, He will point thee towards the field Proudly answer "'tis away-. 'Tis away in country far, 'Mill the battle and the war." Ask the youthful traveller where, Where he now would onward stray, And with buoyant footsteps, light- He will answer" 'tis away. Awav, away, I now would roam, . Far from country and from home." Ask the aped, ask him where, Where his hoped for home Will toy-. And with trembling, faltering voice) He will answer Ihee "away. .v h,,v vnn kv. 0,erhi8 earlh ftnd fer us hjgh. Ask the christian where' his hope, Where's his anchor and his stay) He will quickly answer thus-5-"Brother christian 'tis away. Above ycrh broad, ctheml blue, There's my hope and anchor too." Ask him where his God now dwells, Where he sheds his cheering ray: Smilingly he'lt answer there ., "Brother 'tis net tar away. 'Tis no) in a a distant part, But enshrined in this poor heart. Ask him whcTe his Jesus is-. Who his life for him did lay ; Who for him now intercedes, He will answer thee "away. Away, where all to him is given, The king of earth, the Lord of Heaven 1 Ask him where he hopes to go, When he leaves this world of clay, He, with prayer, will answer thus "Christian brother, 'tis away, Away, away, when life has soared, I hope to join my loving Lord. Williamsport, Nov. 26, 1849. Written fir ths Aiuericmu. A NF.VV AND MODERN NOVEL. THE LOST CLOVE. DY THE AUTIlou vw n. n . a . .. ...... i ni.uAwn kilin 11 tatrwhicUosi. . r A poor little girl sat on a wood-jiile. Chapter I. "Only a penny," she asked of Honry Smith who was passing toy. t?ll AFTER II. Ho threw a hand full of dimes. She went . . i( olher anJ found her dead, Chatter UI. He started for Italy. She was engaged a a menial by W, B. Esq. Chifteb IV. He boCStlie an artist, and sketched the ... 1. L . i wood pile scene; after which he returned home. Chapter V. Passing down Broadway he saw a beauti ful girl drop her glove. Picking it up he hastened to overtake her, but she entered a house before ho was able to do It. 'Chapter VI. Ha asked a friend who lived there, and was told Mr. B.; and that she was Miss B. Ciupteb Vlt. That even ine he eot an introduction to her. Chapter VIII. He showed her his drawing, ant) said "only n, peuny. one crieu, mum uctj jxaiuuii, .. OL 1 1 W I .l -J VB AFTER IA. Miss B. was the eirl that sat on the wood j BnJ tafj adopted by W. B. as Iris duugnter, , n ! , ' fri ..rlal and laanarilataand with twi wvi 7--""- a goodly number ol heirs, male ana ieraaie. Tut tun. Angels Upon ET-In sickness there is no hand like a woman's hand no heart like a woman's heart no eye so untiring, no hope so fervent. Woman by a lck nuura - I I . ! . ..i.j, - i cuuen u uivinuy inifeiavuarau foreign pig iron, ana Keep the competition on a ne rope oiesseu ine neoponian army on their flight from the Roman territory, fol' lows: "I blossed rou marcbinir to the fray 1 bless you now you've run away) it other honor vou have not. You'll always be a blessed lot." On the 18th Inst.; two boats containing 20,000 bushels of coal; struck the rocks and were sunk in croinir over the tails below Louis .jn Th6y Belong lb fchtrlt & MctM!, fcf Pittsburgh. . NiRRlGDi In Dnnvillc. on the evinih of the lSih t jnst.', by the Rev. M, .C. Liglitner. Mr. Thos I Clark r., to Mr. ElizaBCTK MoWHtMHIt, both of the former place. DII1D tn tnis Wace on Sunday lattt; iMr's. SARAH HUKSTED, relict to Mr. James Hues ted, aged 65 years. In Augusta township, suddenly, on Tuesday last, Mr. HENRY YOXTHEIMEH, aged about 03 years. i The deceased was a good and useful citi Ken, and was for many years, engaged in the mercantile business in this place. In Princeton. N. J., on the 13lhinst., JOHN MONTGOMERY CANDOR, aced about 24 years. He wos the son ot 1 nomas candor of Mercer Co. 111., iand was born in Union Co. Pa., the former residence of his family. On the side ot bOln. parents Re was descended trom the Scottish rrcsby tenons in Ireland. Coal vaoc. S'unburv, November 30, 1849. . Amount of coal brought to Sunbury bVrr the Danville and Pottsville rail road, from the Shamokin mines t Tons. For the last week, 553 Per last report, 17741 Total. I)C iUarkcts. PHICi ABC XjTHIJL. MARKET. Nov. 27, 1849. Wheat Prune Pennsylvania reds ore held at SI 04 a 1 05 and white at St HaSl 13. Rye Sales of Penna. at 64 a 65o, and Southern nt 60o. Corn. Old yellow is worth 58c t new 50c; white 54 a 56 c. Oats. Southern Oats are held at 29 a 30 ; Penna. 35 a 36c. . ...... WnisKEV.Sales in hhds at 27a27io nd bbls same price. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Mailer'. W HKAT. KtE. Cork. 100 56 50 37 16 9 5 OlTS. Butter Eons. Pork. FlAXSKXn. - 125 10 Tallow. Beeswax. Flax. -Heckled Flax. Dried Apples. 35 8 10 62 200 Do. Peaches. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. W N p'ursun'ure of an order of ihe Orphans' Court m iuruiumiwiiBiui ruumv, mil lie exiHwi-u ro .... 1 .1 . a ..In nn IK. nvnm.ana nn N.itn..l.n ,U nn.U I i m y . .1 r 11 i I r'""":r. j- i j 5 ,,", i j' i wpvi j w vtui i ug mis uiiuiiiucu nail init ui atl that certain TRACT OF LAND) situate in Point tofrnship, and couhty aforesaid. Adjoining land ot John IN ixon, Leonard rfouU and others, and the JXorlb Uranch of the Susque hanna, containing in the whole, one hundred and ninety-four acres and seventy-five perches ; about one hundred and sixty acres of which are cleared ; whereon are efeeCed a large STONE HOUSE and a good Frank Bar with other buildings, the land is of the best quality. Late the estate of William Lemon, dee'd. Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock A M., of said day, When the conditions thereof will be made known by HUGH M' WILLIAMS, BV Order of the Court. ) Executor. UaVid, Ulk., U. U. Sunbury, Not. 17, 1849. 7t Will. G. Cochran fc Co., M'bolrsale and Retail, WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No. 72 Ifnlnuf Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand a very large stock of J W ines, Liquor and began, of their own liniiortution. iMure Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nor. 17, 18-ltl.. THE CHE JP BOOK STORC. 1DA1TIEL3 & SMITE'S CacAr New Ic Srcokd band Book Si ox a, ffo. 36 N. Sixth St be tteen Market $ Arch) Philadelphia Law Books, Theological knd Classical Books, M-3DICAX. BOOKS. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS. . otnwii ouuiis. BciiKTiric sd Matbihaticil Books. JuveAile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sires and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, Whtletalt and Hrtmll, tV Ova prima ar rnuehl ower than th aaavxaa price. I I" Books Imported to urder I'mn UwaVn. I PUiladelpbui, June , lm y ! ; , IV i.iaiariea jui annul psroeia oi uuiiaa puronaaeil. Dissolution of Partnership. fUHE partnership heretofore rxiatinp between 1. Doctors Bright &. Iriestly, in the Borough of ' Northumberland, is tnis day dissolved bv mutual consent. W. 8. 1) RIGHT, JOSEPH PRIE8TLY. Kortbunibirrand.Oct. 81, 1849. nov 10-3t PUBLIC SALE otr - Valuable Property lu Snydertown. f77 ILL be sold at Public Sale, at Snyderiown, bhamokin township, IS orthumberland coun ty, on Tuesday, tlie 4 th day of peoember next. A lot or pioca oi grounu, suuute in ine saiu town, on the main street and adjoining lands of Wm. Farrow and olhera, containing about one Acre, wkereon is erected a large two. story Dwelling House, with the conveniences of a well of good to u,.' occupauoy of JohnC. Morgui, and .Gra nary. . . . - ALSOi Another lot in said tawa adjoining i .iy describod, conuining about 54 perch, v hereon ta eraetod frame Dwelling House and 8bhU. uid also i bUeksaMta shop. to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M- at which time conditions of sale will b mads known, for further information inquire of ' -.' .. . i CHARLES W. HEGIN8, PotUvUU Pa. ' or HENRY DONKEL, Sunbury, r. fVevcmber 10, 149. t s - WTVt . t t . I t . FIRE 1 FIRE II FIRE I II ; Farmer v rr Property help Net ther . . FA11MERS COMPANY Over TO.O0Q. Member GUARANTY CAPITAL OVER $500,000 THE Washington Cnnhty Mutual Insurant Company of GranWlle, N. Y, through their Agent, is now taking risks in this Udunty and i vicinity, on dwelling Hmi?-, Churches, Tavsmt, ft.....!:.. ir t. H '! : a I d twnerally. This Corhpnny takes no risks in iVPZ F rf Yill1sc it VlT w.jiini iiuuwif ' j , ji mil aim r ariuvia piu- v. mniuiini yf aiur IMPUrca CXCUGIIing vuw III nn tv.nltt Tl, - ..uillnj. lnM - TBlrinff lm itmn ifiil not tn'rfiiotiit tnr Pntirt,. Vun. hlng 6 year or SI per yrari Aiitiill Drcmium note is frejnircd, but tlVc proupcrous cfindillon of Oomrniny sntl the Inri; srcumulottd csh fund, preclude all proiisliility of there ever being nn usee nutrient. ' i lie l'oluics of this Company are free from objection nhlp conditions often found in policies of oihcir tjb'mpsnlcst the Company being aUo rcuponsiblo for the corrcctiiess or buai new done by it Agents. It U now the linoA x tennve Mutual Company in he United Rtates, and uirivcrWly popular among the farmers of N.T. after duo nolle Uproitipily paid, cither ot the Mass., and Uonn. AH losses, however, small place of lofts of Ihia Branch Office 8't Harriaburg. The Company Is now under the direction of tho fol lowing gentlemen: Hon David Russell late member of Congress. Hon. Solornon S. Cowen, Cornelius lu Allen, Joseph M. Bishop, H. N. Graves, Henry Holme, Oeo. Clements, Jssrph V. Orvis, Arch Bishop, Oeo. Young, Jr., Nathan Donne. DAVID RUSSELL, President Persons drsirin Insnrnhce In the above Com pany by informing the tubscrilier by letter or omerwisa will receive prompt attention. Al.UtKl A. CAKKILK, Agent. Sunbury, Oct 20, 1849. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! rni.Tiix a- rn. S. W. Corner Arth If 6th Street Philadelphia, OFFER for sale to the inhibitants of Sunbury v-f and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Sugars of every kind. Kice, r anna, c-ago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves. &c. warranted to be of the very finest grades in tiro market and at the cheapest rntcB possililc. AW goods carefully parked and promptly for warded. COLTON & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St. Pliila. Oct. 28, 1849. chc3in ly iny 20, WIIOLf.VI.K DKALGR It MANfFACTfKEIt OF AV1LL0W AND WOODEN WARE. Importer at I'rrnch I)nkrls Looking Olatset, and Foncv Clonds, IVo. is Nor (li Second Street, Between Market and Arch Sts., under S. f inxxtr JomEx Carict W arehouse, two ujotS below t linst lliurch, Philadelphia, ILTASon hand and is constantly receiving a --- largo and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy Cioods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, Ac BROOMS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door Mots, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low W are of every description, oil of winch will be sold lew lor LiHIi or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time and trouble, by calling and examining my stock before purrjiasinir. N. u. Looking. Glasses, are insured against Breakage 16 all tmru Of the Union, without extra charge. AugUsl 55, 1840. 3m w a . mm Mnw 7 TiElAG a progressive and Comprehensive Svs- - - tcm ofOrthosrapy and Orthoepy, in. Orthoprrapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of vJcfinitions, adapted to the use of Schools m the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, Teacher of twettty-five year s experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, ice, is invited to this new Siiclling Book, which conforms to the modem spelling and usages In Orthography as being oneofthe neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats, It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book end not a Ucading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by Heniit Masier, Sunbury. Where Jcachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 184U TUB FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. TnlTV.b BY OOUVKllNF.LR KMUKMJ.V. IN ONE VOLUME, Koyal octavo, 1105 pages, iicautifullv bound, 'coiiUinlng, 17 fine plates, liesides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. "The Fanner's Encyclopedia is s real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is careluliy posted vr to the present day, and admirably arranged fur con venient reference." TDr. Darlington. ...... r ,. . r:.. t'.i... , . vvearciuuy convmccu umi sucu an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer ran be found in 1 no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Fanner Who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New Oeiincssco Fanner. ... An excellent work, nt to be uintrituieu in pre miums by Agricultural Pocitii-s J. S. SLinucr. For sale at tins ultice, price Also, by E. W. CAKK, Third street, m.poirite the Exchantre, Philadelphia ; and '. HICKMAN, Ualtimore, MurjlanrT. 17 AH. (JhUKUS XVIT IIS Al'l'tXrAXlEU t tub CMSIL duty 14, 184. 3m 'Notice to Delinquents. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer than six uipnlli, oil note or book account, are requested to call aud make settlement, or else their accounts will be li ft with a magistrate for collec tion. JOHN W. FKILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1819, - "stone waiie STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs aud Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received end for sale by JOHN W. FHILINOv Sunbury, Juno S3, 1849. Valuable tlobka. LIFE or CiiaisT, handsomely bound, D Ac aisss's IlisToat or t KtruaMATlov, Diilit Oav'-book au Lsncsas, ftitl bounded. For sale at tlie'publiblit-is price by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. riviS8UE PArElX Yellow t issue paper lor 1. covering glasses, tic for sale at tna olliec ol th. American. - l pLASTEfe, Sallsnd Tish, iurt revived ,nd for 1 "7. .,. I BunbuTV, ue. s. io. llfHITE BRANDY for preserving brandy V paaeh of an excellent quality, for sale hv . H. MABOJiJfc Sunbury, Bept td, 1849- ' fr NOB "AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- CHES An excellent article, for sals at halfthe usual prica by J. W. fRILING. Sunbury, July T, 174,- TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS AND COUNTRY . MERCHANTS. T)fc , J. N. KEEI.ER ft pro, moat reapectfully solirJta attanrinn tn lkl. Ck b f IT- , French, Qtma mud Amtitam Vrxgt, Med "hT,n":l. Paints, Oils, Dys Stufta, Glass wafy perfumery, Patent Medicines tut. Having opjnen sv ncwjnoia o. 9 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drug. an8 .Medicines, wa re spcctfully solicit Country dealers to sia'mina out stock before purchasing .Uewhera, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drags and Madi cines, on as liberal terms as any other houss in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders intrusted to u promptly and With dispatch. . One of the proprietor being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all ahiclcs sold at their estAblish'ment. We especially invito druggists arid country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Kretr't Celebrated Family Meditiiuit, (sthn dard and popular reirrcdies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the palrorieje of dealers, we respect fully remain, . J. N. KEELERctBRO.; Whoresala Druggists, No. S94 Market street, Phihtdclphta. September IS, 1840. ly. LARD LAMPS: CORNELIUS CO. n. 176 Cbesnat 8t , ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just finished the most extensive assortment ol , , . LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEV STYLE CHANDELIERS, i BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. in great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention haebcen paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are mado as will produce the greatest amount of light irom tne leant consumption of Lard. Horent improvements in the manumctory, with the introduction of new and nerfectcd machinery. enables them to sell at a very UKEAT REDITU 1 1UI Irom lormcr prices, and all articles before leaving tho manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849 ly i t sniTiaiinrsi iTsnni rr " "1 i sn str lugratHiidc 1 the basest crime or man. E are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" nn articlo and bring it into rapid s:tlo ; neither are we willing to remain bilent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect wo told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold somo few weeks agO. Well, wo purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afllictcd, may try it upCn our recommendation. -Leuhton Tele gtavh. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine justt received, and for sole in Sunbury, by John W. Frilintr, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, '& Co., cor ner of 2d and Callow lull streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept, 2 2d, 184X 8 nio. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &KENN. Fashionable make of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE subscribers respectfully coll the attention - of the public to their lnrgc and splendid assort ment ol every quality aud prico ot which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable: workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No cITort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the suhscriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. 1 heir stock consists of Mahogany Solan, Divans and Lounge, Uurcaus, Secretaries, Sftcboarfcs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, VORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in 'short, every article in this line of their business. They alio manufacture all kinds and quAliti'es CJIAIUS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Maiiogant, Black Walmt AMI Cl HLID MAfLI GUKCIAX : AM) WlMtfOB CHAIRS, and vasci Piaxo Stools, wfiich are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled oy none manufactured In the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriliers art determined that there shall be no excuse for pefsons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidene can !e entertained about the quality end finish of thoir wars alid Chairsi ., . . Their articles will be disposed of on as goon terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. tlT UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. ... , , The Ware Room is hi Market Street, opposite J. Young's .(ore, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. D.ANIF.L HAAS, ' . GEORGE EENN. Sunbury, April 23, 1S19. tf Tilt Subscribers have on hand tlie largest as sortment of Wali PArrus in the cily of Phi- hulchiliia, H hole salt and Helatl, consisting ol rverv variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining IvOOUIS, CnuniUCra, OCC, uan ioi SUIU"J . "u style cannot be surpassed. Doing a ensh business we arooiialiUd to bell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. Oxi hand, a lri;e ossortmci)t of Wins Pipes, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold for Cosh. Tuner Hinging done in tlie count'V. at city price's. ' ; IS', u, Dealers are invited to cull and examine iheir stock before nun-liasing elsewhere. FINN ft BUKTCiN, No. 143 Arch Street, South sida PhUadeHh'ia, May 56, U49. ly BOSH OINTMENT, JFOR TETTZK DF.AU ths followui eeitincale from Capt . Devoe. the J V weU known aud popuhu bluua Boat lapuuu (of th Truveher.) . , PuiLABStruiA, October 31, 1818. Several vetvrs sine I was attached with a Hreakintr out on my neck iu th. tra Teller, which 1 am aaivinced waa oaitraeted at Ihe Barliet'a Hluip. ll granduully uteial ed over my fc 'cnou "It' l" checks lhirui Ue everl aiouths that it continued aiaasdiua I ami dulerent applieatiuii, aonie of which hud the eflecT,'pprcull' at least, of lacreuaiua: tha diae, hut from ufuo ut them did I neroeiv th leual bench! ualU I milled lb Boas Dihtissst. By the uae of one jar of it, I waa perfectly cured and uava romaiaed fre of tlie aSe. ''Thave sine used the Ointment, lignlry applied for rough nee of tlie face, blou-he, charnxd hauda, lie. With per. Teat success. I Uuvs uo heaii4u. ia reeomnieudiug U iu thUougc-nu, U.U. pubU. jA;aE8 bEvofe Agent nssBT MAaasa, Buueury. July Do, le4. TJOOKS and Gold Pens. On haud several cop- -S-' iss of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at tlie Philadclhia prices, for Sale at quavfUc. taall Csrlrtlinlto sad eKIIIwa eaantrlovhM tmmmt I lnnrr proportion of drnth tbnn nny mnltrfr SsM affllris ths hamna fumllri nd, anHI wlthia f,r aat; thxra him not km-a snjr cert" is rtnudf la Map asvs tUm of the dvitrtijsr. But uw B ftANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Am airy mmnf of h nMt Urmjflf insrluMl and daval. optd ee of Puhiummj Cvntvmptlonnwkh, unimUtd tmii nf aiomrfarf and dlsMwd r.f.VU.SViuli kflmi ns m -.ra nsver belunt cunid bv aur othsr nwdl.trn. So wurly koptUm wt-ra snnrn of Ihn stftchd por"at. as Ui bsirf buen pronounced by uAvWcirtftt sn.d fii.-nds la ba ACTUALLV DV1M4. Sums, who had thir bnrlnl-clothvs minis, hr biwn fund, and vrt lire (fiber, who M was aid would not lire snotliur iny, or now as well aaal hearty n Ihey aver wnr. ...... i r ' , It iioiii'uui all the cl..nilnjf ind puruyinf virtue nearly a powerful bad ScUvs si tUe prepsratloa wkkh BRANT'S INDIAN PURirYINO ljr.TitAe: TJllJ dlflori finrn that, becatiae.thlt pfnrs MnrWevJk! mUmmu whi. h ar ftcuUuilf vlmpui to, sad am awa. UMllg enncFory, to cure Congba and Consumptions, and ell dlrfw of a pulmonary nature rarh disease a munlly prove ao faul uuJer ordinary treatment, whs tkuy a-.tni k the , Breast, Throat, Lanes, and niart Till" BALSAM halt and nra llrm Is tht Luft, a4 elahi!re internally, aa nrrfefn'e ami ui)ji aa the Pvmt. rrwo KxTStcr cam end Amm nlren trtmnUy. thm HaVm curea jVifUjcaep of (f and Consumption 'ml of Ten, alter all romcdiea hare faiUd to do good. Thousands bi Consumptions and Chronic 0lght, abundantly prow Its pMtfryf ,ff. ni'- in fiu-h disi-aM-s, ntid itt undoubted curatire power, ami ootliiou. ltt.-tiknff nronertfe.l. in 111 followlns root. liiinta and (viFraaea. vis. i SptUmff of ItU'Oti. WetHin' the LuHfr. Vain in the ltrrart and the lirraM ana xwe. . A'ur ht SytrnU. H'er. rniu (.'..mtfuiirc, rtHpttalwH ot ua tfrnn, vnnurm Inon. turn. Ifnteri anil Summer Complavue ia Children ana Adulu, Artkma, and ALL ' FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS'. No rtMnrty tW ban hron ottered to the public hut btn h'tlw rptaitv anil rjfttiual tn corrrciintj ALL th in cidr-nt't! itrnknr! nnrl irrrtvirrritie of the lemHi m$ BRAXToS 1'1'L MUX A KY BALAAM. It mk no tiif-fcn-iice wtirthiT ihe cVrntiaen.cnt be vpprfivn. ewt( or other inrhlmtnl Kttknemlt RKGCJLATKS. Al,U bl ttrrntfthtninjf the vit,m. equalhjn the rtrrttintint ana tomhfntr th1 nlUyiitt? NKRVOt S ill tUT Alii 1.1 TV. our I'amphlett lor jiruuf. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! W.i ftste this cure to prove the vowr to rate life, ychtn th!i BA1.HAM it mid, even After tne wrnti ft eontttUrm by pbynlciAn nnJ IVicniU to ho In thu last uttje ofdii iictti -1 y dfitttr mi, in this c, o far tjun thM 1h r h rou I niul burial riwhe were hnmrht, For tho particw lor of this cupo. unit the ttfitectablc and vndoubttd pruof. of nil ihf rlrLMimlntioe and liicta, wo rufur to our Th run- wna rfliTtrd on Mr. 7in rrVKEMAW. ot . y. We can prove, bevond Batlnon Fa. Saratoga Co.. X. Y. V ran nruro. a ihitiht, ruinv tiiheii almost equnlty n hopinff, and tfniiw mfalU viMnuf Cjvvht nnrt Conwumption CUttED,whm Wfit pionouueil in :uratl iiy Pkitiul pt,yuwna. LIVER COMPLAINT. Sec the cure ot Vr. flulbard, of Stii'mlord, ft., and Mberk. Dyspepsia! , . St p the cu-r nf 7. ft. ti'ilrox. merchfint. of Attica, Wyo ming I'o . ft. V., aud tnnrty inur. in our Pamhleu. Dysentery c Summer Complaint In Chilihrn and Adul' ore ultray cured. tVratclw Children will become Jtrthu. hmHhy, and hearty, and grow rapidh, by tint ue tt tln HALr-AM. , , ...... Nn inntln'1- need crer mourn the death of her child h CHott TH Iitrrt.Uuin, wlnlo teuthinir, If BRAXT3 t'i.'LMOXA ft Y HA LSA M be admini-ti-red. It should b4 tar tuch cutc'f, given in lnrger than the ordinary donM. DOCTORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND Th.- ril!owiii4.iiini-J bic'f nnd . PAv ieiont havii hMj rt- n.-n.U-il I'.ltAX TS MKDlCINKSi- ir. N. HI UHAKIJ. .-Oamlunl, llr. .1. S. SMI TH, Wuturtown. N. Y. " . , I'.r. 110.4HMAS. i Heiiry trot, Crooklyu, ST. T, lr. T. M. IK'NT. Auliiirii, N. Y. rr. cko. FnANflM, Miil.lli-town. Coaa. ))r. Ui:(. A. ItOUKHd, HhiIi. N. Y. Dr. S. WIIITK. Krivionm. N. Y. Dr. C. II. GALENTINH, Byrou. N. Y. Pr. J. O. rtllll'MAN, KavettDvillo, N. T. llr. i. HKINNKR, Henry at, Hrooklyn, K T Dr. u. SHIl'MAK. CurUuniL N. Y. FOn SAI.F. nv Julu'i W. Kriling, Sunbury P. . . ,., Murv A. IMfOay NnrthambaralnA. John II. 111 Mtllyiw Henry J. SlnrtrrT no Ikhviiril A. Kiitzu'-r do u k All letter aii-l wnlTS must bo addressed to Willae Co., li Unsulwav, N-w York. Sunbury, July 21, 1S19 ly. rquilalilenrc Irisnranec, Anli'tiltjr aud Trust (Jonipanyv OFFICE 71 WAI.M1T STREET, railAbELPHlX'. Capital S'i(l,lHl Cuabtke FasraTVAi.. rpHTi CompaiVv are now prairI to tranni-t basinrst 1 mon liberal unci advuntngenua teiiffi. .Tbev are uilnrizi.-d Iiy thrir charter (afrt. 3) "tojnnjia U jm eVry itanimnre apirrtainR U life riaka of vVhit'tyV kind or allure, and to receive anil rxecut truaia make endow nirnta, nnd to crant and purchase annuities." The Comj iwny aril annuilies .and endowments, arid act as Trust for minoraaud heirs. Tail ot t remiuma Vefi'nred for tha Aamiranc of WOt Xoi the whole Lei in ol lu. Prern. I AM- I Age.trran. I Age.) 91 lUt 4S 3-2 8 IS 47 3.1 S -211 48 31 4 37 9 03 4 M SO yu S 40 61 37 3 47 6 3-t 4 51 S3 39 ttl St 10 3 71) M 11 tsi ss 4W 14 . 57 43 3 111 68 4I3I'2 60 45 3 S3 1 SO sas 3 4 as arr 394 4 61 4 n 4W 5 IS 6 33 6 41 6 78 S 03 awl quarti-rly lin inilliri, hail -ri-dit rates if premuilil, abort lerrAa. jfliit tiivs, snrvivialtips oik! endownieiita; Jf furni of Apiilieatiou (l.-r which there are blank aheetr) aa In he had un npnliratn-ii nt the onu-e, or by letter to Ui Ageirt, f 11- 1'LltlJV, fuubury. , Rates fob i.xauuuia SlUU on a single Lai Aire. 2(1 31) 40 60 69 i . For 1 year, t-l . (D I,-J l.t 3, IS For 7 vears. 1,J l.4 S.U7 3:7 ForUnV. .1.00 S,u4 8,70 3.)4 ,U3 Exampli A per hi airiid 30 years next birth day, by nn inie the lNnnauy yQ cuits Wiiuld accuce to bis family or'heira . KHl ult'iiild' he .tie ill inieyear ; or fur g.g0 he se cures f tht-ni; or li isUl anuually fur aeveu year he ai-curea to them a- ItHMi aliould lie die in seven vears ; off fur m..4o iiu aunuji'y tiurinK lite he aocun-a flouu o h paid when he die. The insurer ti-uriiifc bis uwu butius. Iiy tfe iiurereuce in tiiumiutnf prennuina liolu those vharved by utlii-r oilit-i s. For ly.iO tlie heirs would receive $6000 Bin 'ttld he die in one year. Foniw oi'upnlieutiou and nil niirticulars mar be had ut th nnVe. I'l'.TIlll t l LLEN, lreidnt. Vice President, Wat. M. Maibo. FSASCia W. Ktu'll, Sreri Uiry and Treasurer. r,i-i.Tixii I'HYiiciAS Dr. J . B. Maaaer,.Hunborf. J. li t'tttuv, Sunbury, Agent Tot NorUiuinberuuU coaa- y SuiilKiry, July S, lfilP. ... CABINET s;are nooxtxs. flIIE subscriber respectfully informs the public 1 that be continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in nil Its lirunchss, at his stand in Market street in iSuulmry, and that he haa now ' on liuiul a bauiUnuo reeoruncnt of well mads and fashionable furniture. Ho u!o carvies on, at his old establishment, IA Fawn street, the in all its brsm hes, anJ aeei constantly on hand, an asaoitmcut ot well made and buhiohabt CHAIKS, jilaia and oniamcnlnl. A U of which he will dispose of at prices as low as at any atv blishment in the county. His long experience in the busineaa. iusfiAea him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from tua customers a continuanc of their patronage. ri- a u l:...! ..c 1 ? i s ju nijiu. ut iiuuuce tuaen in ciiaanKv. SEBASTIAN H()CPP Sunbury, March 17, 1849 tf JTJ3T ARUlVffiU. A Sew AaaortmeiatorFreab CsmkU IRA T; CLEMENT, T ESPECTFUt.tY informs his friend tamer and thers, that he has just received t handsome assortment of . . NEW GOODS ; 'at hi store in Market .quaia in5 , Urv Clooda. Groc V ware, V i rt9B, Queens --nlvvare, tkc. 5unbury, j-, j3 Jg49 rheeae, ivpiaaf -",.. for aula by J Sunbury, DocS; 1848. W. FR1UM3 i is t su 17 1 1 H 1 00 li) It ill 20 1 till St 1 3-2 1 C1 J ) I 09 81 1 Vi as t "a Sll 1 (-.5 ar t eii 2S 1 til 99 1 30 SIH 1 ' '1 W