Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 03, 1849, Image 4

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Agnciltuw. '
.,.',. ' -. IMAIME5I 0 cow., ... - ,
ThtMam jablc int. pwcifiii ahimala should
in tratad at all timet wilh h g rotcst kiwi
teas. 'Milken and othera hlh tha care
ftd management are- often chargeable for
much of the difficulties they encounter in the
prosecution of their reepeetie locations, to
their own indiesretion ; in attempting to cor.
rect bad habit by violent retnediea, which
er?ea only to confine the evil, and not nnfre'
quently becomee the source of othera that no
auiduitr of attention is capable to overcome
r modifv. Man v valuable animal ha been
ruined by hareh treatment, especially during
the firet season after dropping their first calf,
when they are particularly timid, and should,
consequently bo approached and managed
with the most gentle care. It sometime
happens that a degree of intermescetice or
excoriation of the udder, occasioned either by
an undne secretion of milk, or the action of
jhe calf's jaw while sticking, produces res
tiveness, and renders the opera'.ion of milking
one of great difficulty ; but under such cir
cumstances the kindest treatment should be
adopted, and no beating or flagellation, how.
ver liaht, allowed. Great care should also
be taken to ascertain, if possible, the cause
r origin of the evil. Animals naturally dis
posed to gentleness, may. under Buch circum
stances be utterly ruined in a few weeks.
Fastening up the head, twisting the nose, and
perhaps no less objectionable and certainly
no less cruel practice of compelling the ani
pial to stand on three legs duiing the opera
tion of milking; all of which are recom
mended by some, should never be practiced
until all other resorts of a more gentle and
modifying character have failed.
In milking great care should be used not
to excite fear or occasion pain. The follow
ing article, which we copy from oue of our
eastern exeharges, contains several valuable
suggestions, and should be perused and pon
dered by every one who has the management
of cows.
"Having milked more er less every season
inr.e 1 was a "whee-bil boy," says the wri
ter, "and having seen it done so poorly as to
injure the cow, 1 propose to give a few rules
for it, which I have learned from my own and
others experience.
;v 1. Have you got a stool to sit on.
2. Have your finger nails pared short and
" 3. Sit down and clean the bair, and wet
the teats wilh the first stream of milking.
4. Then set the pail unrW, and milkintr as
fast aa you can conveniently the faster the
better. A. cow will give more milk when
milked fast, than when milked slow.
5. Milk as thoushthe teats were full to the
last, otherwise it make them slow to "strip1'
in a little while.
; t. Never scold or strike a cow for rnnnins
about the yard or kicking. It generally does
more hurt than good.
7. If she runs about, have patience talk
kindly to her, and tie her up, as a last resoit)
(ill the is not afraid-
-8. If she kicks, sit forward far enough for
the cannorve ame forward of her lee, and
9. If she switches nwi or spill the milk.
fasten it by parting the hair, aHaWime,''
round her leg. Use a string, if the hair is
not long enough.
10. If she hoi Is tip her milk, butt her with
your hands. What else doea a calf butt for
but to make the mother give down her milk !
, We have only to remark in conclusion,
that by following the above rules, much trou
ble and perplexity will be avoided, and the
moat refractory animal rendered in a abort
time perfectly quiet and docile.
; To PaxvtNT M ilk Soumkg Dckimo Thou
sea Stokms. We have heard great com
plaint! from dairy women, about their milk
getting sour during a thunderstorm, although
perfectly tweet a short time previous. The
following plane, suggested by a correspondent,
-will prevent this in a great degreu. All the
pant containing the milk ought to be placed
upon non-conductois of electricity, such as
blocks of baked wood, pieces of glass, or
wood that had been well painted and var
nished. ( The following articles are most ea
sily provided : Beeswax, feathers, and wool
len & linen cloth are also non-condudois, but
convenient to be used. All these articles will
insulate the pan and prevent the electric
fluid from entering, which is the cause of
acidity: or is, in fact, the principle of acidity
itself. If glass basins were substituted for
in pans, the plan would be better still, and
there would then be no necessity for the prac
tice suggested above. The glass would pre
serve the milk much longer than tin pans,
and the acid would have no effect upon it
We are not aware of any acid that has the
least impression on glass, except the fluoric
acid. All iron vessels, or vessels compounded
of iron, as tin pans, attract the heat very rea
dily, and, of course, sour the milk; and such is
the affinity of iron for an acid, that we doubt
if it is ever washed out entirely. Iron vessels,
we are confident, are the very worst that
could be used for the purpose ; they are infe
rior to wood. Farmer and Mechanic.
'' 'Tin Dumber of Immigrants who arrived
at Boston, for the quartt-r ending October,
was 13,809, an increase ofdiH over the
corresponding quarter of last year ; only
1257 of the number had commutation.
i Factory Burnt One of the cotton
mills at Rockland, located on the Brandy
wine, about three miles above Wilmington,
Del., wis destroyed by fire on Tuesday
. The Irish land tenants, ia many coun
ties refuse to pay their root. They cut
their crop en Sunday, move them off, tell
them, and depart lor the United S ates.
NatdraIi Bridge or Virginia roit Sale.
This natural curiosity ia advertised to be
old, to the eitentofthe undivided two-
thirds interest therein.
' frtor. Lei mo, the celebrated agricultural
chemist, ia about to visit tbii country,
,where hit writings have had a very exten
tire dissemination. , . , '
Cow kIIs at ene dollar n far in Van Fran-
."Encourage Your Oirnt"
i ; HAAS & BENN. i
fashionable make of"
'THE subscribers respectfully call the attention
1 of tin public to their Urge anil splendid assort
msnt ef every quality and price of i ; .
which cannot fail to recommend Itself toevery On
who will examih it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, mads up of ths
best stock to bs had in the rity. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. Thoir stock consists oi jnanogsny
Sofa, Divan and lrunjr;esj,
Bureaus, secretaries, Sduboarts,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including vsrieties never before to be hsd in
Stinktiry, such as Mshooast, Buck Waisvt
mi Crmm Maple Grecisx : An Wixnsoe
CHAIRS. aiacv Piaxo Stools, which are of
the latest styles, snd warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
tie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of their wars and
Their articles will be disposed of on es good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in psvment for work.
IV UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
tW The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavem.
Bunbury, April 28, 1849 tf
Saddle and Harness .Hakem.
fRIHE undcrmgned respectfully
H :..'. ....1.1:.. .u !...
ttZ V.iA Ml uuuiiii inu )uiiiiL, nun un j
-.VlA-v tiavp rnmmpnntil flip nlinvi. liliai.
jSiij ,lCM ;n suburv, and will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
thcirstaitd in Market street nearly opposite Young's
store, all articles belonging to their line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be mado in
the best and most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable as they can be had at any other estab
lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex
change at the market price.
Sunbury, June 23, 1849.
T OHN W. FRILING has just received at his
store in bunbury an extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, ct every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce ; snd consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summei
wear of all kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Queensivare and Hardware of all
FISH"5:?AINTS AND Dyes-tuffs.
And a treat variety otjVD PLASTER,
will be sold at the lowest terms. of which
Bunbury, May 26, 1849.
HPHE subscriber hsa just received a new supply
of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in part of
Superior old pale Brandy.
Fins Cognise Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. de
Superior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. de.
Sunbury, May 26 1849.
THE Subscribers hav on hand the largest as
sortment of Waii Pierss in the rity of Phi
Isdelphia, Wholetalt mud Retail, cousistiiii; of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, &c., which for quality and
style cannot be surpawed. Doinir a cash business
ws are enabled to sell a belter article at a much
lower rats than any store doing a
On hand, a large assortment of Wini Patss,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, 4c, which will
be sold for Cash. Pajer Hanging done in the
country at rity prices.
N. B, Dealers are invited to call snd examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142 Arch Street, South aids
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly ,
'IHE subscriber respectfully informs the public
Jl that he has sgaiu become connected with the
above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con
ducted solely under his management and ontrol.
roro. long experience in the bussiuesshe trusts
i j ''le to giv 8neral satialaction to his
old tnends and customers. The business will be
earned on in all iu branches. He will continue
to manufacture Plough., and all kinds of casting,
will bs dons with promptness and iu the best
manner. CEO. ROHRBACH.
Bunbury, June , 184fr 3a
Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price rsdosed.
Old Jacob '1 owuaend's SarsupariUa. - -Baker's
arauparilla. :
Swayue's yrup of Wild Cherry
S wane's Vermii'ugs.
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea. . ,.i
Dr. Cullen's da : . ..
Tibbit's Pain KUler.
Dr. HooAand's German Bitters:
Indian Vegetable Pilla "
Hons and Cattle Medicines ' " ' ' ' ' 1
For sale by- HENRY MAR8EB.
bunbury, July 14, 1840. ,
ft iJl)Y'a 'ATEMT- ASH FAS
km. EMNG8 A cheap and excellent arti
da lor tasterungtaab for sale by
' , . J. W. r RILING,
funbury, Jury 7, 1849, '
DADD'H celebrated Horse- and Cattle Medi
eiua for tabs by,. UNRi MAHMKR
iaakury Jan. I7ta, 1840
V:- Ci
THE subscriber respectfully Informs the puNie
that be continues the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branrhss at his stsnd in
Market street in 8unbury. and that ha has now
on hand a handsomo assortment of well sasds ami
fashionable furniture. .
Ha also carries on, at his old establishment, in
Fswn street, t!e
In all Its branches, snd keeps ronstantly on hsnd
an assortment of well mads and fitshionable
CHAIRS, plsin snd ornsmental. All of which
hs will dispose of st prices as low ss at any esta
blishment in the county. "
His lon experience in the business, itistinrs
him in the belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers s continuance of their patronage.
tr All kinds of prr-'uee taken in exchange.
Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf
goi.o Mii.Tnnvtnr.
So. SO Chesnut-st, at the im of the Gold
Thimble, between 2d. If 3d. sts., soulli tut
ANUKACTURES and keeps constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing: articles, of a superior quality, st reduced
prices . Gold and Silver Pencil". doThinibies. do
Finsor Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks. Soup and Ovstcr
Ladles, do Combs. Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains. Knitting bheaths, etc.
ALfO. Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware.
German Silver Spoons, &r.i Gold Diamond poiu
ted Pens at various prices Jackson's Superior
Evcriiointcd l.eids. &c &c.
Philadelphia, May 86, 184!),
Vw llliMl mill l.i.itlier More.
No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below Rat St.
IHE snbscriliers oiler to the tanners on the
most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos A y res. Laplata,
Caraccas, Laguira, H unit-Dry, Chili, Salted Per
ainbuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry snd
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted, and
Black Dry Patna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the ubove Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid lor Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly
Ay it's Cherry Pectoral,
HIS vnltiahle preparation, s nt iiiftliingly iiecewful
in curiae t)ii9ei t' tire Lanes, Is the rciati f a Akill.
fal c.miliimtti n nt the known cuntiive principles i.f
Its ingredient are Ireeiy nvaie kn wn t the
pul'lic, nail arc timse ackn -wleilpnl to mecticat men
iMsi.mniiff rare im-fli'iii virtues, wntcn peculiar
in lies are
comliiaed in the "CIIF.RK V i'KCTUHAl." in iheir (treat.
est purity und emcucy, ant) when iisud, as will be seen fr.'Ri
the l.'ll wiag vainntite tcKtun in :
i'hoi-t.ssou ci'.kvfxand.
of B 'Wit in College, Hrniitwick, .Maine, write: "I liave
witnessed the efleeis cf y ur Lherry Pectoral in my own
family anil in ihnt .f mv frieiHs, "and it his pven great
satiaiuctl u in cases n in i nones nnn eiui iren "
Fr m Dr. Bryant. Druceisl am P sfmnster. Chicipee
Falls, Mass :
l)s J. C. Avra wear Sir : I-.nel seu please finil remit.
tnnce f r all the lherry rect'tmi lust sent me. I can an
hMitntiinrly air that n i medicine we sell rives such siiis.
Tie' i n hi y ur'i l es n r have I ever sren a medicine
wliirli eureit s tnmv c is i c n'.'h nnd hilar e mt units
(Mr Phvsici'ins are using it extensively in the pructiee, and
with the happiest ellec'S.
Truly roars, D. M. BitYANT.
rn. rr.rtKtNs.
President of Verm ail O Heirs "ns f the m
learned and intelligent phvsici ms In the p un'ry. '-c Misitlrrs
it a e mp iti 'n f rare excell nee f r the cure of that f t.
midahle ilise-jfce. C nxuinnt ltn
An aim st incredible numher of eeruficites hive heen
received; uioving that ihe riierrv Peel nil is. in truth
for Onighs, C Hs. Asthm i and nil pnlmnan c mplaiuts.
rH!CK75 K ITS I'KU ill I 1 IT.K.
Prepared liy J C. AYEit,
. well. M 'ss., and s l hr
H. MASSEH, Sunbury, and MAKY McCAY, Aurlhuin.
March 31, 1&10
I AtvirtDClAC or.THT.i'l
Is MllUnt IIOl-RstlCT TO THS SlCS!-
lieuiin to ins ni:v a
UA1M is f 'und lor the
Wh ,le Human Haca in An,
This ia an emirelv v.
bl e aiip- uiid, r mpsd ol
I'weuty-Fivrdirlereut iiurre-
dieuts. and is an internal and
External llemedy lor the vs.
rious ills tnut human flcsb ia
heir to
svea as,
Csurhs, Colds, Pains, Nervous and Sick Headache,
Itheuuiatisin, Cms, rtpmins, Hpiunl ASeeti ns, Summer
C'lluplmnts, Ch"lera Mortals, TootluH-he, Erupti ais. Corns
Piles, Fr zeu I'nrn, llurus. Spabls, A rue iu ths Fare aud
Breast, Pninters' C Hie, Itruises. -hI f -res, I. s of appe
tite, tieneral Debility, Allinia. ftc. Put tip in bittlea foe
t. S or 4 slniliiurs ier b 'tie. For further nartieutira see
I'.uuphleis I'lbe hud of every arent ftratis, e titniuiint a
la-iel hist 'ry "f the ,'ririu. disc -very ami a .mIs etfects of
Andrews' Pain Killer, Ceitinc-iies of l'urfs,dir.u iu. Ac
The triumphant success of Andrews Tuiu Killer in re
movinr tlia eausce ilmt nr 1uce death, the untimely denth
nf milliiais if our race, nns induced a ana men whem it
may ha truly a-ii.l, their vilimu us otTU'auiona manifest
their villnlny, to atlvlupl t put iu circulnti spuri us and
e ajiiterfeit artick-s -railed "P.iiu Killer," tiainar Aciiii us
names I'fthe pretended nutii t, lorred certiBi-ntes, fte.
S Hue have appeured, uud 'liters n i doulii wiil apiienr. 1mi
all remember that AiHlrcws (tenuiiie Pain Killer 1ms the
written sittuature of I. Andrews on the hihel ( ench h .trie
iu black ink. D n't simply ask f r I'aiu Killer, but ask f r
Audrewn Pain Killer, and have ll i l her.
! bl be M. A. Mi-Cay, t .le Arent. 'nhumherland ;
J. W, Friliur. Punlairv: I lni II. Itnuei. Milton: J hn R.
.Myyer, Ul .Hii.lBirf ; Wm. A. Mnrrny ft C , Dnnville ;
Davenp -n A Sniiih, Plyin 'Uih ; Andrew Y"hr. Wilkes
Ivirre ; llnys ft .Mcl'orinick, Mi Ewensville ; Scli ifTe ft
rh.-inilierb.iii, l.ewisbur(r j Ge-rt-s McAlpin, Jersey rtli re:
J,.M. '
OidersuddreesiHl to . Aistrews, inventor and -mly Pr w
priet r at Itliecu T lupkius county, N. Y. Yil receive
pr mpt attenti at
Bepteiulier 30. 1818. ly
N extensive Stock of Tucket and Table CLT-
Not. 32 ami 33 ARCADE, and 8 North
THIRD Street,
Connirising 5000 uWu I'eiiknivea, Scissors at
Also, a choice asaortmeut of Rogers Jr Sons.
Votenholm's Cieave's W. 4 S. Dntclier's and
Fenney's Cutlery.
Also, Huanish. Dirk snd Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worlliy tile) attention of Dealers.
Cn Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
fitork worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
cliief busineaa is imiortinx and selling cutlery.
Thilaileliiuia, June 9, ly
'Concent ruled feitiraupiirllla.
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalss. Piles,
Chronic Rheuinatisin and all disorders of tha
. .. lilood. Mercurial Disease, dec.
I T is rccoinineadtxl to 1'liysiriaus and others, as
' ilia strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely ditierent from that put up in quart bottles,
paaaeasing little or no active principle of the S.irsa
parilla, but iuleuded to deceive the public For
sale by M. A. McCAY. Northumberland. , .
euro etpraiaa, Bruiae, Cut, Calls, Swellings, aad
all eainpUiuts iquiriu( an asternal remedy, It
is highly useful in Spavin, Curls Ringbone, atilf.
neat of the Joiuta, cracked Heels. HplinU, cVc.
"It has also been used with great success by par
sous afflicted with UUeaiotitism. and ulnar com
plaint. Prepared onlv by W. Marshall, Pbiladri
phia. and for aala by M. A. McCay, North uuiber
land. Philadelphia, May , U48-ly '
f LNDOW GLASS, I by 10, for sale I
' Ht.MtV MAfa.R
unWry, Jaa ITtlv, . tt
': fcOLUlvlBt a i SERIES 0 1
TKtPupil i friJnd Tiatefftof&rf.
work is already introduced into soma of the
ert Academies and a large num1er of & hoots.
when tts use has given decided an I universal sa-
isfactinn. both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its rharaiter. based upon our own
eantiful den mat fem of e rrsc. It contains
more, the arrangement are lietter, and it is the
asiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use
ind H is so considere by hundreds of the most
omprtent teachers and men of science in the Uni
m. who have recommended it. It is the book,
particularly end expressly prepared for our At'
rt'caw Seholari : by Amon Tienor.
Tmk Youth's Cu;iii! This
volume contains 01 psges. with sliout 900 exam
ples f r solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of 1 hree.
Proportion, &c.
TicKNoa's AsiTHMKTictTt.r.,is destined
"or the use of younger elnsnes in tha Schools of ihc
United States. A beautiful little book and pleas
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
1 here are Keys to both Arithmetics bmnd sin
Tie or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the question are given with
much extra matter for the Mack board. These
Kevs are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, aliout two
hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesiiaie to pronounce them the best works tliat
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a few months, tliey have
Irrmlv heen introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
... ...
ublic and private, except two, in me v-ny oi
Readinir. Also, in about twenty Acailamiesin the
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harrisburg,
York. Chaml-ersburg, Lebanon, Uoylestown, t'otts-
ville, Orwigsburg, &c, dec
For sale by Htvsr Mtssta, Bunbury, Ageni
for Northumlerland County.
Sunbury , Dec. 2, 1848.
'HIS Powder is warranted far superior to any
thins in use lor imparting a keen, smor.thedue
to Rotors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine Cutlkhi ; it may be applied to any Kind ot
strop. Also superior liu7.or, Knives, aim rcriu.
mery, wholesale and, liy
Al.r ut,Li i, Agenu
Depot of Fine Raiors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods. No. 18 South Filth street a.
bovs Chestnut Philadelphia.
Pmi.AiiKi.rHM, Feb. 13th, 1848.
This may rertifv that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAINES MAUIU IMA
MON D TOW and can attest III me mosi
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
tound that will produce the same cite, t iu my opin.
ion. and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it sutierinr to anv heaetolore in use. 1 can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was belorr.
JOHN SCOTT. Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st.
PuiLAiiKLruit, October, 1849.
A very hard beard snd tender face bus compel.
led me to seek and test many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but Willi
indillrrent success, until 1 made use ol the niajic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennell,
and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united Pow
er art like muipr, and impart a power t.i the R'tor
to remove the most stubborn beard, wiiiout irri
tating the skin or temper ot their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Filth Street.
For sale at this oiiii-e Price Ji cts. per Bos
November ii, mis lim.
s i m i f yii ia mTh rsrn 1
Tn pretemuif the pnhlir with a rrme... ,
nun cure ni - kvfk and Ann ami :
m . njrv ia iifednd.
Vust numliers in Ihe 1'iiiteil Suu't
ITectilNIS ill their vartwl f ..m.
whti tuifer trtiin these nnrt-tidiit i
e .miielled i" seek relief fr m other s urees than the inline
mate irescnpii us t the retrular physirinn. It liec 'in. s
jnerei re an inject oi niiramlly, as well ns f pnljir inter
est, to brine hefiw ihem a remedy nreired ft-an miu-h ex-perieiH-e.
ami which may uIwmvb be relied up n as s.ra.
trrrcrrst, so mixnii to the eoNTtTt'Tiov. Thnt
such is the true ch iraeler nf the INDIA rll(l.Ai;(l(;ri;,
is nmiily attested by the universal success wilh which it has
been empl yed.
Vf Extract fr uit a eommnnic-iti n t tha II m. Wit .
tit WonDsaiiKia, of Iha t. 8. Senate, tils U .vern uV
Al ichiciui.
Daiaoii, Oct. ai, IW0.
Dfleroa Chaslf.1 Osooob,
LleurfJir. I have rand wilh much interest, y air little
tstiss ureal the 'cuuscs. ireuimciit mid cure" the
febrile discuses which h:ive s extensively prevailed in uir
country ihiriiMr the list lew manhs an interest increased
n id ails, by ihe fact that I have iu lividn illv urn-mis,
ranch fr m them. Tlmaieh I I eel myself very' inc in;Hriil
to judge nfely uii-in a suiiio-t s aiuirelr prnfeasi uiul, yet
y.atr the t . ine well reus aied, and yrnir e au'ln-si-ais
in, ami I think wiihiil. that your pninhlet ia eulru
lulnt l'i pt aluce much nrnctiru! a,l.
riikiii i the medicine ha i-s : ll fullr justi6ed your
fluneriiit i-xorcliiti us, and aa a sufe, eouvemont, aial n uiu
lir remedy, my own experience, a fir, in luces me 1 1 lie.
lieve that it will nr ve a ftcji i ublic lanielit. I am nle-ised
ti lenru thai y hi have rceuily ert il JibIioI several lureianca
t iia disp sm n ih ugh I ri jtrel Uiui, with a view t a
m re general iliseiHinali 'u ot ll, y u sli-aild have I anal il
nacesairy I" rein ive Ir an y air present rveitleufe am if us.
With much rupee! i have the b 'u 141 1, sir,
Y'ir 'hlit'ed servant.
XT Flora Hon. Stipiixs V. R. Tsnwaaipsa, .if Michi
(an 8uua Senate, to ihe Agent at Detroit.
HiaauxiiHxM. UasL4.d Co., Dee 13, IP41.
Bir yuwish me to inl'.ruiyou what I know ( Dr.
Oar vai's India Choi ft ne, . unri-l.ili ais meibciiul. I do
believe il the virtue and efficacy m' this ineiliiioe we.a
lenetally kuowu, Iha rrvaa a aaus would uisawieur iu
I pi cured a bottle in the sprine- nf 1841, aud have g xl
reason 1 1 believe tliat mysck aiul family aacapsd iha acue
lust sensisi ui eousetueiH-e a' its use.
I'erlwiw iu no sumnMi sim-e the settlement of this Una
pauiusulu, tuts ihe fever uud aarua heeu at fu-evuleiil aa Iha
last. I have ree mniendol this medicine in uuineruus iu
siuucea, and when the di sense had heeiune fixed aial txilHod
the skill of physiciaus; aud 1 have never ka an it fail. I.
has universally pr aluced Ihe iu si happy edecla, aud I bat
lieva it bus never lieeu exceud-xt by anv medicine iu rcrot.
vuuj tli bin bis diseases ol' iha climate.
Yours, rsaiiecliiillv,
Arent f 1 Bnnhury 11. 11, MAiKR ; Norihuiuhsrkuu,
WITHINGTOM A C . j Miltuu, i U. RAStK; akuaa
grove, MAY KI.USK.
Muy a, Ia4a u'
(Lute Keller fc nrei...iia-..)
Um.huSou. U.
DRAWINGS and pnpers for tha Patent
Ollice, prepared ami all tb liWJeasary bu
siness, in reliitiou lo securing patents, trans
uoted, and promptly attended to, at their of
fioe opposite the Puteut Olfice.
OctoWf 28, 1848. 1
9 AY RL'M An
axeellent article for sale
Sunbury Jan. 7th, 1841s tf. . .
I LASTER, Salt and Fish, lust received
' by J. W. FIU1.I
and for
Buiihurv. Dee. 8. 164$.. . 1 ,
I AISIN8, ' currants, citron, cheese, pepper
sauce, Ac. For sale by J. YV. FKILINU
Sunbury , Dec. t, 1848.
w lent raauady list esHLgua, eoUs. Fat sals
at this aaftaa
Don't permit totrr Horses or cattle to die. when
the means ef cure are within the reach of all I
' The undersigned has spent several years in the
study of Veterinary practice In "London and E
dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the rewar
rhrsnf I,eihig, and other relcbrated men, who have
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals j the principles of our practice fonsista
in the rejection of general bleeding and tha total
rejection of all medirinee that etperirnra has
shown to lie of a dangerous temlanry. These re.
medics set in harmony with thevilnl principle, and
when given according to tha directions which ac.
rompanv each article they are capable of exciting
snd increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
safetn tha hands ot every one.
G. H. DADD, M. S.
A List el llerse ant Cattle Medicines.
Physic balls. 75e. per box.
Alterative liatl. 7.V do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pact
Heave powder fordiseases of the lungs, 75c dc
nnc powtlrr for " " kidneys, 75c do,
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do,
Cordial drink for mflamation of bowels, 75c per
I.'niuid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hsir, 50c
per pot
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c,
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle tftof, dee, 50c
per bottle.
Hnrsc Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
& $1 per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
W orm powders for the removal of worms lrom
the Intestinal canal. 75 per package.
For sale by STIMPSON A- REED. 28 Mer-
chants Row, also nt DADD'rt HORSE AND
Haymarkct Square, Boston.
amphlets describing the diseases tor which
these remedies are used can he had gratis.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCIIER,No.26South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
A'iknts. Hivni MissKH, Sunbury,
February 3, 1849 tf
T'llll F.xtnirt in put up ni qwift Nttlm. It it six timet
X cheitr, pliMRinitfr, aiifl wirrntifitt niperi r to mijr
tltl. It eurri tupciiawt wnii'Mit v niiiinir. nurcjiif, atrk
limn, ur debili tilling tti pulieut, siiHt it purtieitUrly ftdaptetl
Tlit great Imnty ik! iupri rity of llii 9trnpnrilln over
mat remetura wnim n enmicaictaieuet
it inviff mtm ilie b tiy.
C-'iiKuinpti n currd.
ClfttiiM oihI Strengthen.
C'tiiumptiii run he cured.
Bn mch it it, Coiitttmptiou, Isiver C inlntnt. C"l!t, Caught,
tatarrti, a itma, iniltiiig of i,kxri, 9 trenmii in tht
Chest . Hertir Flnih. Nip lit 3witi. lifi.
cult and Pr u'ttae perioral ioilt
anal Pain in tht Side,
ftr.. Ac,
have ami ran Ite cured.
Pmltfihtv there never win a reineilv (hut hit heen ti ttir
reuful in deterute cncn 01 coimnnipti nt nt thin ; it rle ttt
aet ami tireittiiifiit the nvn'cin, mid ape;iri t heul the 11U
rera n I lie tmic, and (wtieult gruduully regain their uauul
health ami strength.
There is warcely a day pusses hilt there are a number f
cases ! c 'tisitin.iii'Ui rep-irtetl as cured by the use of l)r
Towiiseu's riraiiauilui. '1'lie f 11 wiug was receuily re
ceived :
Dr. Townbkxd Dear Pin For the lnt three years I
have bci-u .itlncteil with jteneral dehiliiy. and nervous 0.111.
snmiiti 111 f Ihe lasl it:ii;r, mid dul 11 'I expect to ever caiil
my heultli at uil. Aller f 1 isr tltr -Wfh u c 'Uiseol uicli.-nie
linger ihe care 01 s ane f ihe in si ihatiiipuiticd reul ir
i hyslciuus ami uienilafrs of the II urd f Health iu .Neu-
vk aial elsewhere, ami Sim-ibIuik the m st .it' my e-irniiirs
iu allemiuinir lo reft-utu my health, and alter reudiur ill
s me iier of y an damijNirilUi I res h :d t try it. Aner
usinf! six b Kllcs 1 f auid it d 'lie me t,reitt g bbI, nnd called
to see you at vour omce ; wilh your ud.ire I kc,t on. an. I
do most hmrtily thank nu Iia yiair udvice. I persevere in
taking the rinuiirilla, ruul suve licen uble I attend t my
usual laiktrsr r the last 1 air m iiitns, and! hoia- tivihe
intainj.s ,a fi al and y air Kiraitairilla to c aitiuue niv
health. 11 helped ma beyond the expectuti aw i all wli-i
knew my CliAKI.1- sL'l.MllY
tlnuuie, Kb.., ci. N. J., Aug. , lft7.
Suta if .New .rsey, Kssex c .a ity, as. Charles (Jaiin
by being duly sw rn .ecirding to Inw, on Ins ..nh saith,
that Ihe foreg iiik stnlemei j. trUe ncc T1I1113 lo Die best ,4'
hnkniwledgeaiHl belief. , Oil Ait I.Kr ql I.MII Y.
tfwornund subscribed te before me ut tirunee, the l
Ajgust, 1B47. ClHI'ai UAliiXVIN.
JusIiubui the Peace.
spirriNo ni.ooi).
Read tha f 'Uitwiug, and Buy thai ouiutumptum is-, ipx-u-raUe
u you eau :
New York. AnrilS). 194?.-
Dr. Tiiwssenb t I verily believe tliat your Saraipnrillo
has been Ihe lueniis. Ihr.aiKh Providence, of suviua mv Ilia
I have f r several yefs hud a laid c ' It becuine w 'rse
a4 worse. At lust 1 raised lurite quuntitiea ia" bio ha.1
lUKht nvi. and was greutly delulihiled and reduced, aial
did 11 exiie.1 to liv. i have ,mly used ywr Sursaiwfilla
lait a ah n time, aisl there has a elme
wr aiglu in me. I am u iw able t walk ail over the city
I rinse n 1 Mo J, and my e aw h hus k'fl u. Vias caji well
iiu igme uiai 1 aia iuuumui 1 r these results. Your otwdi,
cut servaut. WAI. IttSeiF.I.U M Culhurmt st.
The annexed certificate tells a sim.ila and trnlkfut atnry
.f snU'eriiic and relief. There are th um.ii ids 1 Biuiikir m.
scs iu this ciiy ami Hrnoklyu. and vet there ara lb usande
.1 latreius lei tnrlr enii.ireu dia I four nf being hambuggeal
Brr. iklyn, Sept. 13. 1H47.
Dr. Tmv.KXiD: I take pleasure iu staling, f.w tha bene
fit th bm wliom it may concern, tlial my daughter, twu
yeirs and six in uths oi,l, arilicied with general do.
uiiiiy ami ,a 11 s,ieecu. Blie was given up us past js
e very by our fuinily physiciuu; but f irtunuiclv 1 Mas re.
v miueikled by a friend to try your !urauuiila. Hef re
having used aunt UHlle she recovered her ajieech and Was
rnalSed ui wulk al.aie, to the aat .uisbiuent 1 all wh were
aouuuiuled with the circumstances She is now ipnle well,
awl ia much belter health than she lias been f r 1" in hiiIuj
paai. JOrKPH TAYLOR, l York al., Bruukiyu.
Very few families in,U-od in fuct we have ml heard of
me ilmt used Dr. T 'Wnseml's Sarauparilla in time, I at
uay children iha past Summer, while Ih aa that did 11 t,
sickened and died. Tha eercificate wa publish bd w is
r ihiiisivc evuleiH-e 1 t its value, and is only au-ahcr instance
f its snring the lives -aT children :
Dr. Tuwasaaa Dear Sir t I hod two children en red by
y ur Sirsuinrillu f lite summer omptiuit aial dvseiitary:
ne was nly IS ia ai'b old aial th ,aher a year's. They
were very much reduced, and we eximtad they would die :
ihey were given up by Iw respectable phvsiciuua. When
the iki. uif rined ua that wa must I ise them, we rus 4.
ved to try y mr Sirsuiarilla wa had beuni ,. n k 1.,..
had linle naitt.H'iK'e, there being s 1 much sturf adreriised
llial is worthless: but wsara thaukfal tint wa dul, f,w it
uud ulseilly saved iha lives .a" b t. 1 write this that oth-
eia muy ua uiuuccu ui use ll. airs, res,.rnllv,
Myrtle-aviue, Bnvikl)ii. tVajit. IS, Ik)7.
Da. ToWNaBSD's SsBaxrxaiLLt ia a Sviraraignand spealy
cure f incipient e uaaiupn.ui, and for ihe general ur
.i u a' lbs system no uuitier whelhet ihe reauU 01' iiibe-
osih euusa ur causes, pnaiuceu uy irregularity, uluesa or ac
cident. Nutkirg can he re -e surprising than ita iuvig a-atiug ef
fects mi the huioau frame, fereuui all waikueaa and Us-
situue, man biking 11 at uuc brc aue r uuat and lull uf
ensigy umier us uiaueiice. 11 uuuieilutely eouiiterucia the
iiitvcleaBuesa oi Uia female I'tauie, which is Ike great cause
It will ui I expected nf as, in cases if an deiicau a na
tare, ui axhiliu aiitiBcaJea u cures pcif amou but wa eau
usanrs the ulticioil lliul kandrada ut ciaea bava beeu teuur
lol 1 1 es.
Ds. Tuwasssn: My wife being greatly fnmasurl by
waikaaas aail general delultty, and suneruig e oitiiiiiaily uy
1i.i aiaSwiib . Iher ditbrultiea, aial having known oases
where y ur medicine hua eflocied great curve; and ala '
bearing il rev mnwiMted l'i sucli easca as I have deacrilajul,
I out anted a b 41b U y ur fcatraul uf eWaauurdla aad f 4
I wed tint aireoti mi y. a gave me. Iu a al. rt aerial it
rein ared her vmplaiuu and restieil her 1 1 health. Being
grtaiful fiar the bruesaa alia received. I uika uleasuru ia
thuaaoku wkulguig U, aud foe amuoudinr it to the luildie.
. Albany, Aug. 17, Ht. t. Grand L)dm sia
No f uid 1 mediriia) hat ever beeu disuovered which so
aaarry ussmblaa taa gtsMrw jaics u saliva in doe ua.auiu
food aud atmajibatuug Uta iwgana nt digest! l aa una
parall a of cWsauariua. It mautivalr euraa ararv euaa .J
dyspsia, fcuwav er severe or elu-ouie.
Dr. Towiorgiai. eir
a vatwruueut, Auawy, Nay 10, IfMS.
ir 1 1 have bee altuetad fur obimmbJ
Vaaue wok il)-a,aaua ia its antral form, aueieted wilh s ar-
ueaa 14 at uucli, 1 as i aiuasiue. exirrme haanlairu. aud a
grout aversi a l'i aH kuala '4" f 1 d, and f weeks, (what I
e 'Ukl sail 1 huve been unable In rauui but a auaul uurti si
ai my auauach t Iried iha usual leuwUea, but I bey had
but little ur ao caTect ut reroovoif the e uupluiut. I wn m.
Bkscau,ajailtwuiavallluisiaee, sasryyoir extract of star.
ai par ilk, aial I bium amy wtuj litiat e aiidcuca 1 but altar
using ueurly IW bailee, I found mv aiaauile featured u.l
Sean bora aisiralv reia ared : aud I wial
r tniuead Ibe, use is II t ihoas wk pave haee arSuW aal
aaveuecu. )oura,e., W. Y. VA ZAM1T.
AreiU fi Suiilairv JOIIM Ml , S-Bil lain . xj.-.
t riHst and Tincr Moor chet, I
Seal and Letter-Copying Pressne, Patent
" SlatP-Lined Refrigerators. Water FiU-
! tert, Patent Portable Wabr Clo- T
' ' sets, intended for the 8ick 1 "'
and Infirm. I
,71 ftiir Tk rel ton, ' '
- Mttimtaetnre and keen c nistunt
s"J Iv I'll hnnd. a laree ass rtineul i
. ' . i UJ,Malti.L. .. V... V.
imiiner f d aia as ti theis
w strietlr nre-nrii'if, sua that
V.AeWasfece "ley win resist ins nn n mnj
imfsM3f Iniililiiic. The nitile esses ot
these Mnrm nr. me ,rf h .tier Inni. the inside cnas.sT a-
st nie, snd hetween the "liter se snd inner ense is s srrnee
1 s line tbrw inrhes ihirk. n is sued in "ran umranw-
time rrnterinl. s as t . mike It sn nnp"Sinintv i nnrii iw
f Xhte, nitents Inside .rf this Chest. Tlwse 9 Bps! tie i
Umnnders we tire nrernred and d i ehnllenire tlte w rl.l t"
nr tnee anv nrtirle In ibe shnne irf l" k 5 nes that vi'l
stnndns much hern, and we h 'M mrelves resdv at all
times t' hnvethein t'sirle tested by pnlilic buRr'a. We
tils c 'ntimie 1 1 imiiiifne'tiire n Inrjre snd ffenernl ass .rl
ment f"iir Premiuui Air-tijht Fire Pre if !.it'esof whirh
there are ver Htm n 'v in use. nnd in everv insunire tliev
have riven enthe citisftierl.qi t,i the nnrehriners " which
we will refer Hie public to a few gentlemen who hare
Ihem in use
llnyw-ri h ftivder. Pnttsville; J-wph O. twtnn
P tlm'llle: Mr. WlMmm Cnrr. D n est.iwn. Ps
N. ft O. Tnrl r. PJo n-ith l si. A Wrijtit ft Nephew
Vine si. whnrf j Alexander Cnrnr, C'luvevniifer. eirnr ol
Filbert and n'b ss.t J.ilin M. F"rd. rw ivmh nil t.: Mvira
lln.h. 411 n nn :m si.: j imea m. Paul, lni s nith 4th st.
Dr. David Jnvne, S s-ntli :1 rt.; Mntliew T. Miller, m
S llth Hd St.; niHl we e-nilil name s-nne hundreds uf iilhers
II it were nerewiry. N w we invite Ihe nttrnti n 'if the
rnihlie. and nnrtieuiarlv tlitwe in want of Fire Prrnf ftifes.
i can nt mir stnre netore pnrctiiiina: elsewhere, sun we
ran sntinfv them Ihev will ret a be'ter nnd cheaper article
at nnr store Ihnn at nnv ntlier esfnhlistiinent in the eilv.
we a's rnnnnfaettire the 'irdinarv Fire Pr wif Chests, at
nt very l-w prices, ehenner than they can be bought al any
ntner store in rniiaueiiima.
Philadelphia, April 8, IMF ly
m saMafsai W4
riu 11 imc
Uiruhor, Vermont,
Tl ft'Vereiirn Temedv f ir DYSPKPr! A. in manv nf mi
1 I niii. tucli ai ntnii in tlie St miK-h. !rr.irtirii. huliitii.
c Kiivencn, .cid SlonuK-h. Huudarhe, .mietiir
riirv, b went i. null rvt-u C insiii.iiiih n (Uyn.rettiir
rmhittiir.) nnd Am hum, ur riitliinir ntteii'M with dmii-
ment ol th St niiiirh r Lvs,.ei tic .Asiham.) LitrtrHil '
tlreutliittCt which mten rrKiihi trm niipfriott thcnli u ( r
Uvsiseiitir Bvs .nrru,) in rrlii vifl hv llu-w LliMuni. In ih rt.
Iheir line hus heen K.iVfil in tlir r.-lin tf aim .st nil tiir
vmpi iiii mat r Cfeii imin n tlrhiliiaied nr at mc chmii
ti u of the St urirli; al i in fdimit iMillity Mriiuv ir 'in
ape -r ir 'in the elfrctB -f Ivt, leirticuLirly levr and
A rue. Feinnlei iiirrriiitr uimIt nni uterine derntenint
urin.ic ir ni wniknesit, will find the "OxYGENArun Hit
TM" an excellent remedy, and n t KUrpusvedtijr any iucdi
cine in line.
The hi at -ry of thin medicine is peculiar. It hut mnde it
wny t jmlilic iuv r a dt-Jy by thu i" -rce its i'.ii intrimiir
rneriia X art i ficinl iitetin )nve -ern used t- ive il ui
t riety and thrum it n; n nuMir ntl-nti n. It lim never
Itriore evfii I seen udveriimii, liut hnvinn; fimt th wu ita re
in 1 rkal tie etTu-ucy in the lamily ni the pr '(trirt r, and by
him alter wnu tin uitiiiiintitrrcd t hi nltltctnl in null and
tU.nul:mcrt with a like result, it reptititti m gmditullr ex
tended mil tl it i kn iwii in the in at dnttunt uria u'i the
Lni in, naamedirnie of unrivalled virtues in th rur ti
Dyflpepimi in ail iia different i rnis, and ula I r tha rura ui
Asihinu tir phthisic, its only hcnild nnd its only eul fy
hn heen the story f it winlrrfnl rffiency, as t ld ir m
m mth t mouth or hy letter ir nn iriend t irieml. In er
ry iiiRUiuce where Uiee Hitters have been used, and the re
sult made kiMwu to the uropriet-T, they liave proved a re
medy. Numerous certificates, alti-itinf the mnsular edicaey ef
the "(Uvr.XMMKD HiTtCRA." ure in the p issessi -n l' the
nr spnet t; nviuy ot theia signci by per insalreudy widely
kn vu 1 1 the public.
GKO. B. OUKKN, Pr Mirielit.
WINDSOR, Vt., Oct -her U, IMS.
The ftflluw.n (rtifit ute have recently beeta
recpivrj i
WiHlNOTOX. I). C , JPM 0, 1M-
ITrtvinf made use n the "OxtgetKited liitterst'' prrjutrit
ny ir. ue n. isreen, i vim. r , ir mi kit w
ll(;e btaiutt) i their e!fic:ir in thcr f . wrrheirnulu
rec tniineiul ihein t Ihe .ul.bc, hclievtnff Umt itiey will i.ili;
sunlit in the rreoinmi-ntiili u -f the Pr-'pru-t r, ' We h -pi-thnt
this v-ihi-rdtle rcmedv tmiy be si cenerullv diftnse-;
thr 'Uphout the r 'untry that it iiKiy be aci-csitible Ui ad th
WII.I.IAMI PII A.m! l P.Pciu.trr from
J.VM ('. r.S.M lO.S, c. Send r imm II. Ih!nd.
J. T .MOIvl.HKAjJ, L . Sciiat -r and i r.iurly U .vera
r oi Kciiinckv.
I.. II. 4 ll.NOlal), Member uf Congress and formerly
vern t o K. 1.
WM WtiODIlKttGK, 1' 8. Senator aud fnrmeriy O
rem r H Mtchirnn.
.M. L. MAH l.N, Delecate in Oui cress frotm Ttaaiaa
i erntory.
roa ttn. H. D. FeTia, Member nf Coag rasa frees
Wamiinoton. D. C , Jsya 10, HIS
Dear fir, I have been a dyspeptic sufferer f r ab iat tan
years, and have res rted to van ais mcilicinrs I v relict
wiihoiit succe.s, until I mads use of v ur "0.trtreiute
Hitlers " I have used nh nit tw Unties, ami find invseli
rcsba-eil lo perfect he ill h Ths forms in whi' h ths Sib-
ease sh 'Wen itaell, In my rase, were, f reul acidity af tkr
si listen, i a apiariite, extreme Malnlence, serere r msll
uiti al 'I the h iu-cIs. and violent headnche. I'eeluir .leal
rous thul a ku m-lctae of y uir vuluahle -einedy may reach
'fliers siuiiiariy nlllicteil. I take (rent pie is ire in ree r
, i . iib i-nnitiva n it ci , anil would ais
reinuis. irtat w,( ,H1 , nt h,,m , ,rl ,i,ca.
auiuiutsiere,! . p,lrt ,M , hutle to a number of my srnictod
i. Ti J1'11 succss. i riev are desirous that vm
sh nil estublish an .nencv al Pijislaire. or infuiaiKau
where Ihe mallcuH- e u ne obtained. Wilh an earnert da.
sire i a y an pr s.a.-uly aial nuiipiuess, I suliacrilat nM
truly y..ur Irieiat II. 1). FUSTKR,
1 ct. t.itn II. Garr:. Wind's r, V.
! .at h leanle and Retail hy Oiean k riateliar,
m c 'inn nmn unreel, I'lnlielclphla.
Arent f r Suulairy II H. M ASSl:R.
Aaeuls for Milbai MACK A V A II A AO.
Agent f i I'pper Mutual .y.J. 0, Ut;.X.
April 10. mb
J EF.l'ARKD and sold only, st FREDERICK
E. corner nf Firm and Ciif.ivit atrreta. Thl
ladcltilua. I Ins hssenre is wariantnl to noaaeas
in a comrntnitrd liirtn, all the vitluitble proMtrtirs
of Jam.tica (linsrr. ami will lie found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended ss atonic, tn lHrrsona recovcrine from
fever or other diseases, ft lew drops impartinj to
the stomach irlow and visor, euual to wine
glass of brandy or other slimuland, without any of
the debilitating rllcrts, which arc sure to follow the
use of liquor of sny kind: snd it is therefore
especially serviceable to children and females. Ti
the sgeil, it will prove great comlort ; to the
dyspeptic snd to those who are predisposed tn
fjout or rneuinaiie silcclioiia, it Kives great relief
snd to the inebriate who wishes to reljnn, hut
wbuae stomach is constantJy craving ths aosiaue
luiuor, it m luvaluable giving tone to ths diges
tive organs, and airenuth to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a great ssent in the cause uf tern
permits. If' Full directions sccoinpauyiiijr each
The above article can bs hsd at ths office of the
Philadelphia, June t, 1849. ly
I'lclorllll rilllloil or tV ttltllK eSA-.
gl'fHl HlMlt ttllllltt lU'l.ll III. Ill s t
V 'MANV. bW 1 1 ZKKLAMl, , .-M ill Ur
inihlishe.l in. nr UI , Att ,(a hv
108 A SPKF.L Nu Do ,'l.erry at above ftih.
his splrm'.iil IV inn odiliim nf Ihe ahova nairnsl
wnik. tfllhl8 riiKraviNl illii.liiioiis fiom m i.
. ma I deaiKii.; i vols in 9. bninid in elr clolh
anil libtary sheep
The piibli.ber rfsuct fully rs'ls Ihe attention
of lh Iradf ami th nuhlir K-neiallv in ik..
- .i. l ... . ... . .: . . t .
u-in ineoniy uiu. lialeii minion pnhlihl
"t tun vini-u piste. ti- inula 'hat Ihe beaulr
l its enib-llishm-nls. th slinng and subsiajilial
manner in which it is bound in rniijnnrlioii wita
unuas impaiariiy ni in work iiself. will k,
S sqra rrnttinienitatian In fmblie Ik for.- - -
JUS. A SPKKl.' 96 Cb-ity si bev th
,s I nee also lately nuh a ..u. ...J
aMiuui r.miiea oi b-raMl Pp, a.,,,, 8hft-r
I suitsbln book for children, seal It rtosa p
tie rlnth v.
DI..I.JI..kf. a :i .... - ' ' '
. ...,.,,r.,n..a. rtui l( SB t.
PATENT Tniaarat of . kinds. Ilarriin's
writinj and Imlellible ink.
Up juitl reieiveJ amj for ale hv
. . v j .... "r- . .i
j. at,
Sunbury, Dec, , ISsS.
AlfC. XA aaaxirlsnaiit iuot racBUvaau Alan.
silk HATS si 5, h aale ay
dl their lntent Improved 9n
if FlKK-PltOOr-SAt'I. w
h e. sistnieted as b set ai
ttnVurT, JSt. a, iMi.
1 11 ii ii a. i;r iu w ai j vu.
roa tub cu a or
Mewles Par) Rhetrai, h
. Wean Kuril, W irma, -s
Itheuimlitin Piles.
Tlis,Si.srvy, !
rinill l,.a. jdlln.ii.,L , r . . ... t.
PSills III IIhi Milr '
,"?.nl..wssiwss. t ,. , c asnWinLon. K.-. -U'
HsSri".aIirlLMrt' ". Liver cWfi,. ,
Fmmu f r ' sit. uravst,
raoti iMPOaiTirt or tmb iloov. ikv T
" OIUCSTIOII. ... .. . . .. . 1
Expentnee has nr wed that nearly ersry Disease or urinates
fr ai ImpurUies if the Weid
live, Orpn, , . secure HeSSTwTZ': re.l
obs'rueu ns or restorr the Bl. it 1 1 MsmturalsbTtlT
rh ve.1 by CLieMS iiKTi.Lit Ptisottiva Pills, baing
7 '." imi wii s v ninia pure wnua Baen,
(Wiirh isns distmet fr m the intern il inre.1,.,... ma .iuB
shell fr m the kunit'l) snd hnven taste .f medicine
niitare as e-i.ily swill weil as hi;s td'e-uaiy. M eenvsr 1
they neither tnmeute or rrii e in the slirbtest derree. bat
operate eiia!iy , a t, diseased pails -f the system, lo
st end Y e nfiiiitif ihemsrlres L , and mrkinr rny particular
resri n Thus, if ihe I .irrr he n fleeted one iufrredient l
or.ite on I It-it imrtienlnr rpaiu and. by rlmnaiiir it an
hxeras Hile rest ire il 1 1 Us minted state. Another will
'pcruio .ntne n-mrrt ain remove nil uni'Urliirs ia Maxims
iti n ; whiles third will eir.ein..lir i u.hi.-
irlies in iv have len disehnrnd into the stimaeh, awl bene
they strike at Ihe not - r disease rem ve all Impure Ha
ra n fr m Iha h 1y . open the p"ra externally and inter
nillyi semrnte all f .renin sad obnoxi.ais partiHes tha
ehyle. s i that the hi i 4 imv be th vuif hb pure thns seea
rinrs free and healthy aeti nt" the Heart, l.nntrsniKl l.rrer
nnd thereby they restore health even when all other mU,.a
have fnilen.
The entire truth rt the nh ve enn he naeerinined bv ib
trial f a siusle bx: nnd llteir virtues are nsi'ivs and
certain in rest mnr llenl'li. t lint the 'phrt a- biuds himseif
t return me m .ney nmn tor them in all eases where the
do n't give universal ttisf:ietl m. r .
ltd h II I'rlf. rt. per Ittx. 7
Principal oiVe No. 66 Vcrsey st, N. York.
S..ldby JOHN Y. YOCNG, flnnhury.
M. A. MeCAY, NorthnmberhiaJ.
IV r emrmberDr. C. V. Cliekner it the inveulor .u" tha
Snr ir Coated Pilla and thnt nothiiw rnT the t rt was ever
heard of until he iiiiMduced them iu Jnde, mil. Purehasna
shHiM, therefore slwavs ask for Cliekuer's Suear Catted
I ills, and laics on oihers, or they wiu be roads the victims of
a fraud.
Kchrnary, 17, lst(
SORKS VA HE ll'ltF.Ui . A ,
Burns, Scalds, and aH kinds of inflamed, Sorts
curea. .
rpOL'fKVS VNIVE. KKi. Jl.TMF..T, is the moet
I t im Burn Amid le ever known. It insianllr,
(and na if by Mugic) stops lins f the m si desueraia
Dltrnand tVuld. K ir Id S ires, Hiuisia, Cu.s, jia-ains. ftc'
ll mull or betist, it is the besi nnnlicalion that can Im tnaita
'I'll utuuds have trieil mid ill 'iiaiiiulspMise il. It is ihem st
penevt itvisier i f nn ever discverrd All who asa re
c miaencl it. Kvery fuinily sh uld ha pi 'vided with il.
N neeantet h arm n some iftlia fntnilv mar need it.
lr iihscrve eich Hon of the r-ii'ilne Uinttneni has the
name .f r Toc.t. wriiien on il.e oun-ide kibel To unita
o this is ( rffcry. ....-.'
H 'atnie.i. l.iverv Men. Fnrmera. and all wh nse llorsea.
will fin I this Uin ment Ihe vcrv best hitijr they ran aaa
i . .n .m i : .il- c ..1 t.-;..i J .. .. ...,:-.
i v. v. .1,1.,, int., c., ,vc.,on ineir alliums
'iirelv every nie-ci fit! ninnwnld kee.', his tmim-ds as free
fr m iuht us n ,si' le. T uscy's Unircrail uitiitaenl is ail
Irit is retpnrM. Trv il .
IHTliS ( II' l.St-:'TS. F Ttha stinr or Mta in aniansi
is Insee:. T iniey's tiiicmeiit isiiiuii-aiicdljuudreVsbuve
tried it nnl f nud ti in il.
l'II.I.SC't;i:r:ll! K i ihe Piles. T'llscy's fniversnl Oinl-
meut tsone - f HierieM ltemrdi.'s that can la- applied. Alt
who have tri"-l i: f r ihe Pil.-s rec rnmend il.
Ot.l SoltKr Cl ltl'.lJ. F r U bstinite res. there
s ii 'l liinir con d t , T iim-v's Uliitineut. A ners n in Maiai.
nshii'l. f ra niniber of years, a s ra letr that lulnrd lh
kill l lbed ct r. T nsrvbi (liniment w is ree mmended
by one f the visilmr hsi"i-ms. (who knew its rTrnt vir
luce.) airl iv b tea priNlucnil more lieucfit than the pa"
lent had received lrom any and ail previ.ais remrdiee. . latt
11 II V u.
llLlt8AXDSCAt.t)SiCLRKa Thomwnda -i" rssea
f llurus mi l NmMb. in all nans t" Ilie c itnlrv. have bee
curril by T iuse 's I'mverail (liutment. ('eruncatesatvnurll
mid t,e lirrl t ' till the wh 'le of this sheet.
VltH.KNTBltflSKrJcrnRU. Teslimoniata nn testi.
m 'uud in fur r of T aisey's (liniment f r curiur llruisee
neve i-en ouereti ine pr -priei aia. liutiitrcrls in Syracuse
will certify toils treat merits rriievint thepaia oi the saoet
severe Brunt-a All ners ns gh -uld try it.
SCAI.I, lll'.ll (THUD. a-ea eases nt Urald HcobI
have lacn cured hy T cse) 's Ointment. Try it il aekj ea
SALT RIIKl'M CUIIKD. Of all the remedies ever dis.
veren f r:lia nt st iliaiereenhle c nvi'illt, T 'naev's I'ai
erail (lintim-iit is the nt sr c m !cie. It never was knows
cHAt'Pni) ii wrs can he rrrtF.nT -usee's I'm.
verril Uinimriil will alwiva cure the w rst caars ill" L'haa.
pel ll'li'la. S 'res f cers n.will s'a'eth'S.
mini-; l.lliat LHi:i). r r the cure i rt -re I.naihera
wus nei er uuytliine rn iir equal 11 Tonn y's Ointment. It
is .lire ro cure nemf- I ry ll.
It is 'i s.'ien'oi.' c mp uii l. r-irmned in t rintainsnv
rewind i n 'f Mereu-v. frr Price C.'i cents ner I, a. V'-ir
fiinlicrt'ir ii'li!:irs c licerumr 'Irs ren'lv vsiuaNe ('iiitmeut
h-public are re errH t P inl .1,'cts. I .'lie hid entiN. . f r.
.e-t i!,ie IJrii-jiMST.. and .Mrrclmnls tliroueh alt the L'mted
Pre 1 bv . TOt SKY. Drusrlst. Nt. 108 Nassau
Siren, New V rk.
Ac.kytb li'lIN YOUNG. Hunhurv. M. A. MeCAY.
N .ntinmherlind.
February 17, ixlfl. ly
.Ind all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach in both .Malt und
Feimilt :
faeh aa Constipati n, lawnnt Piles. Fullness nr 71 load let
ths Hru.l, Acidity i f the Mt mich, Nbuscs. Ileart-enni,
Distu.l.i ir fori,) uIUh-ks nt weight lu the Stomaeh, 8 er
Kniciali us, Siiikiur or riutterine at the nit 'if the 8tnaaeal
Swiiiumiir of ilie llcul, lluitied and HinVult llreathiiai.
r'lulleriiii at Ihe llc irt, Choking or Solhentin; sena.ti tut
when in j Iviiiv p smre Uiinueis f Visi m, IbKs or wane
hef re iha Muhr, t-'rver ami dull laiiu iu the Henri, ltbi lea.
cyoflV'S u ni ii. Yell ivnces f the Skin and Kves, I aia
in tha Side, hrt, riu-v, l.uulw. Ac , huiklcn Aushes aa
Uent, lluruinp ill Ilia l-'lesb, I' aistant lm-t;uuus nf evil
and irciit de,-iressi n ol t, irila (.'an be ei'viSnally cur ad by
'ilfln'.ili'il Urnnau' IJittcrs
Tlieir iwcr over aKive (lianiai it not eifrtM it
e (ii tlletr hy any ther (rrp.iniii h in the I'm ted )
m Oi curen ftttost, iu many cues nfier tk)Iltut ph) ui
.ikitl luiietl.
Ucrtiig ctTteiit thf I,iw w! Aomach ara mrrm f
Insmiiy, ttiMt wJI 3l r iuco diKeatie oi the Heart, Skkfi.
I.ui.n aiivl Kt.-fnrya, and av Itia asstjy itfaii to aa atlwl of
the t h ltru, laid ii, r Ve II w Fever, and i (eneruilv taa
fit at causa thnt iff nt bunet'ul diitaiPt, C 'nwinpti , '
Opinion of L'tc Philndtlphia Prt&$.
let-etiilei 3lata.iy:
AN I.NVAIX'AiiU. AU-uH Wt Uarefrequefillr
heard the Ceteltrsited iiviuuu buieri, tuamucluicd t ir
11 sudUitKl, K'eiuii i ui icrnia ui' e iitnicmkiU n, aiw wa
kn w dcttcrvetlly . It iia ttxi c tumrsii ructice, iu ce
tniii quurieri. t purt'all iiunner tf uat'len Irtish, but in iha
lib .v Hiiitm, hu ml rod. arc living wnuesstrs tt their fraat
in ral aitd plivnicul w nh. Asa iiitiit.iii of Uta Liver
CouiiLiuil, JaumlitT, Nervi-iis IMiility and iys;e(ia, it
hus Inkii i und niva hi idle, eilVvlntg curri and tn ff ult)
eridKMsiiHi Utar.isr-s, when all tHlior mnhcittva liave failed.
We e-.l utnin hK'tt), lliul m the uia 4 the Irernwu Uttters,
the taltrut d ii t be? 'tiie dvlHliuitet., but CNtstajilly giuiui
AMrtui mtfd vt a tf Uas inima a iiucl wuflhaV ot great.
c i-ider m m. Tlie butrra ure pleuauut tit uistc and imeil,
and cjii be udnuiiiattrrtjd under uuy cirtainauucrs, tt taa
in at drlicnie al Niau'tt Judjra liiey awi ba.tiaidbysJlpr
s us with the in l peilVi't auiety. It w sukl be well far
ib sr wli are uuurb sid'ei'ird ia tba uerv- us tyateia, to
e na'Ucuec witb -tie lea . ntul nr leas, mud iiruduaUy iu
ercuaa. VVea,ienk frxi) axverienr, aiat ara f c arte, a
,ir ar ju l(f- ''' reas t'iir ami wute. unva muled iu ra
e HTtmfit1tifr the Germ tn Bitters, aud to tba arHicUd wa
m ai crduUly alvtao liieir use. ' ' - . . .V
June Ulth sayf :
DO OVH GOOLH I n.K who are InvaliWs, knew
tha inaiiy uai'ansliiiir cures tliat have been perf rtnea by
Dr. II i Iliad's t'etehraiad Cmun Bliurst If Ihey '
u s, we rec aiiine.Bl iheia bUbe-Hiemian Alediciue Store,"
till wh t are iiihicied wuh Ltvur t'iaii)laiut, iuuudiee, Vyta
lie. si i, a- erv ais liability ; tlie 1 at r hi'seurarl mar- (1-
ill ei'iaeua Bl er tlie Ik SI I'livncl ins hart fudtal Vb'II.
usej llw a, aul hey have (rovetl t ' be a mo',1
ua all uU ku 'v i, au.l we emu 4 rcl- ji.T. T T
ti.u nv iu their iuv r. and that wh' ' ? TT -
clui.u uai .air huiutdc en rt, th'
A'k f iv.s llurus i
..ra auliraav
"We s -i Ituow',,-?!
i.atly f Ur. II .aViarr0erated Oar.
mau Bttieia, we aiy il ia a
"f tbw ae; and
III llseis-s f the tuliiry, itiaa-atrra snrl .Vervousi)-alaiiia, at
hum waibink au Hial It i Va .Ss f rnnaratHm.
aud iu ula wt.h ait A to 'k d, aad I all iuvuuus are aroele ra.
e amneisl II aa w nhr thetreouaVb-iaia r
F sile, wh 'leona aad retail, ai the principal IWuV
UK (M AN MrUJlUNK i'AJetE, Nu. IM tUoa oIumc,
r' site by M. A. McCaV, N anhumberhiiid and W
tusry oisl iiaBSabla drausre feaarally laaucautit tbe
ate. i ' . . . ... , . ...
Ail l, 1WB ly .
B ln- .t r n M h MMBMi)
. oHo Varn fottost Cavpet Ubaia, Cyliosi Iam
1 aud WadJing, Cotloit Outliiiee, Ready nd
PanUloona, siaaJy snoxje Vert, Ceorreaaj Knives,
Psi ree lain linetl praeesviiig kettle, jun aecsajveal
or aale by H.MArJSJSt.
4 BunUiry, Dec , 18i8. . ,.
R 1 r-re.
,1 bV5S of s very superior quality tot sakybyv
ir u 1 1 .v. n
ft. UAil
Sunbury, Deo. J, IMS."
j LANK BOOK8. An saauriiaent 'or Blank
M Books, just receive! snd ssls by -'
n. MASS Elf,
Bunbury, IW. 8, t48.
. VKI P MOLAWSE8.-perar ssawts BWiPr
0 Molasses tor sals by HE.VK MArjIU.
i Vantsary, Dae. t, I Me).