Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 06, 1849, Image 4

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Extracts from LRrnnrtinn's History of he
French Revolution of 1S48, an am!rable
book just published by Philip & Sampson,
of Boston : '
' Studious, thoughtful, and exceedingly well
informed on all points touching the interior
administration of empires; profoundly versed
in history; a diplomatist equal to Mazaria or
Talleyrand ; possessed of a fluent and inex
haustible elocution, which resembled elo
quence as much as conversation can resem
ble oratory ; a modol for husbands, an ex
ample for fathets, in the midst of a nation
which Iotps to see good morals seated on the
throne ; gentle, humane, and peaceable ; brave
by birth, but abhorring bloodshed J it might
be said that nature and art had endowed him
with all the qualities which make up a popu
lar king, with one exception greatness.
Tho king, without doubt, believed that M.
de Lamartine was an enemy to his house, or
that he was endowed with limited political
intelligence, preferring chimeras to the use
ful realities ol power. The prince, after that
epoch, although the deputy sometimes ren-
dered him homage, and often served mm ai
the tribune, always spoke of M. de Lamar
tine as a dreamer whose wings never touched
the earth, and whoso eye could not discern
shadows from reality. In this the king was
of the same opinion as the bourgeoisie. They
do not pardon certain men for being destitute
of tho mediocrity of the crowd or the vices
of tho time. The name of M. de Lamartine
was the last which could come on tho lips of
the king. The people alone could think of
him ; and yet the people repented this name
as an echo repeats that which is cast to it.
lie had more of Fox and Pitt than Mira
beau. His speeches, which had done so much
to consolidate tho monarchy of July during
its first years of feebleness, now served to up
root it in tin esteem and heart of the nation.
The republican parly, too few in the Cham
ber to obtain a hearing, complacently applaud
ed the biting and witty attacks directed by
this orator against the Crown. These aggres
sions, and these audacities of personal criti
cism, seemed to acquire a more ruinous
weight of opposition, by borrowing the lan
guage of an old minister and old friend of
Almost the only republican in the assem
bly during many years of his membership,
the inspirer of the republican press, the ora
tor of the democratic banquets, the declared
enemy of the arrangements and the reserva
tions of tho halfway agitations of the dynastic
left; pushing opposition, in the Chamber, to
that point where faction commences out of
the Chamber, to the limits where it becomes
sedition; M. Ledru Itollin, with a youthful,
large, and sanguine head, fiery in voice and
gesture, but preserving the studied coolness
of the politician under the apparent impulse
of tho orator, seemed to bo a man fitted for
the crisis, and looked for by it. His words,
strongly impressed by a study of the form of
plebeian eloquence, had a little of the posthu
mous tone of the Convention. His discourse
savored of the lamp of Panton.
i.oris BLANC
His little figure buried him in a crowd ; the
peoplo were astonished at the strong voice
and lofty gestures proceeding from so feeble
a body. The multitude always confound the
strength, grandeur of character and ideas,
with the stature of an orator. Apostles may
be slight of figure tribunes must challenge
attention by their size, and rule with their
aspect the public square. The sensual peo
pie measure men by the eye. The tumult
increased ; the insurrection was aggravated
It was a dream in action. The communi
ty, which it preached, under the forms of its
phalanstcres, a kind of industrial and ngrieul
tural monasteries, supposed augeUto practice
it, gods to govern it, mysteries to accomplish
it. It was these very mysteries, in vain un
dermined by reasoning, and in vain insulted
by ridicule, that seemed to attach its sect a
ries to it more closely. Mysticism is the ce
ment of illusions. It renders them holy in
the eyes of those who partake them. Euthu
siasm is incurable, when the enthusiasts be
lieve themselves inspired, and when the in-
spired believe themselves martyrs.
If Fourierism had, in it principal adepts,
ino illusions and superstitions of n religioi
it had also its honesty and virtues. It had
always refused to unite itself with political
parties hostile to the, established government
Ine terrorists and communist insmrpl
horror and fear in the enlightened and con
rageous republicans, who pressed, since the
evening, around a moderating centre of gov
ernment. These, like the vast majority of
the people nf Pan's, saw in the republic a
humane and magnanimous emancipation of
all the classes, without oppression for any.
They av in it a reform of justice, an equita
ble, rational. a'id progressive amelioration of
political, civil, and pos.ssive society. They
were far from it-eing in it a subversion of
property, of family, and of fortunes a sacii-
lico of one or two generations, for th realia
tion of impracticable chimeras or execrable
Cod of the year ! with songs of praise,
And hearts of love, we come to bless
Thy bounteous hand for thou hast shed
Thy manna o'er our wilderness;
In early spring-time thou didst fling
O'er curth ill robe ot blossoming
And its sweet treasures day by day,
Kose quickening in thy blessed ray.
And now they whiten hill and vale,
And hang from every vine and tree,
Whoso pensive branches bending low
Seemed bowed in thankfulness to Thee.
The earth with all its purple isles
li answering to thy genial smiles,
And gales of perfume breathe along
And lift to Thee their voiceless song,
God of the seasons! Thou hast blest
The land with sunlight and with showers,
And plenty o'er its bosom smiles
To crown the sweet autumnal hours
Praise, praise 10 Tbee I Our hearts expan
lo view loose blessings ol thy nana,
And on the incense-breath of love
Go off to their bright home abova.
' 0. D. PatMTICI
Te Inventors, Mechanics and Artisans.
'THE Publishers of the ScitRrmc Asme
A in returning their thanks to the coromunitv
for the liberal support and encouragement which
has been eitemkvt in them dnVin. the part four
years, would respectfully irive notice that the first
I e.r.. ' " X . In 22rt
numrer 01 volume nve, win ne issue.
of September, afforJing a favorable opportunity
for all to subscribe, who may wish to them
selves of the valuable information always found
in its columns. The new volume will be com
menced with new type printed on extra fine paper,
manufactured expreiwly for this publication, and
embellished with a chaste and elegant bonier.
It will 1 published heretofore in quorto form,
thus aflarding at the end of the year a DEALT I
FUL BOOK of OVER 400 PAGES, containing
of NE W INVENTIONS, described by letters of
reference, besides a great amount ot rending
matter, valuable to every man in the country.
An increased amount of cam and expense will be
bestowed upon this volume, to render it more fully
what it has been termed, "The best Mechanical
I'aper in the World." Its columns ns usual will
bo tilled with the most reliable and correct infor
mation in resale to the progress of (SCIENTIFIC
and MECHANICAL improvements, Chemistry,
Architecture, liotauy, Manufactures, Rail Koail
intelligence and tho weekly list of patents, pre
pared expressly for this Journal at the Patent Oilice
in Washington.
As an evidence of the estimation in which the
publication is held bv the Scientific and Mechan
ical portion of the community' it is only necessary
to state, that its circulation has increased within
the last three years to upwards of 1(1,0(10 copies,
already exceeding the united circulation of all tho
Mechanical and .S'cieiililic publications in this
country, and the larpest of any one in the world.
i l'.KMis : 1 wo dollars a veaj in advance, or
if desijed, one dollar in advance, and the remain
der in six months.
TO CLUBS : 6 copies, $8 s 10 copies, $15 ;
0 copies, $28. All letters must be post paid and
directed to MUNN &. CO.
Publishers of the Scientific American,
New York.
N. B" Patents secured and mechanical draw
ings executed on tho most reasonable terms, at
the Scientific American olticc.
September 8, 1849.
PREPARED and sold onlv, Bt FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Fifth and Ciiksnct streets, Phi
ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, nil the valuable properties
of Jamaica (linger, nnd will la? found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended as atonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, n lew drops imparting to
the stomach a plow nnd vigor, equal to a wine
glass of brandy or other stimulnnd, without any of
the debilitating etlects, which are sure to follow the
use of liipior of any kind : and it is therefnro
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to those who nro predisposed to
gout or rheumatic nllections, it gives great relief;
and to tho inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious
iiiuor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem
perance. UTTull directions accompanying each
The ahovo article can lie had at the office of the
Philadelphia, Juno 2, 1849. ly
THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public
that he eontimres the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its bronchus, at his stand in
Market street in 8unbury, and that he has now
on hand hnndsomo assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture.
Ho also carries on, at his old establishment, in
Fawn street, tho
11111 MtKlAG lUrSHESS,
in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made and fashionoble
CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which
he will dispose of at prices as low as at any esta
blishment in the countv.
His long experience In tho business, justifies
him in the belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers a continuance of thrir patronage.
137" All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Kunlmry, Mnrch 17, 1849. If
c.oi.t & siM r.R waiii:.
No. CO Clirsnut-st, at the sign of the Gold
Thimble, bet ween 2d. If 3d.sts., South side
ANI'FACTURES and keeps constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Gold nnd Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, 'Ten. Salt
and Mustard Simons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Lomlis, l'urse ( lasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, &e.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &.C, Gold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpointcd Leads, Ac, Ac.
Philadelphia, May 86, 1849.
Hew Hide Oil nnd Leather Store.
M. Ill North 3d St. 3 Wi below Kmc St.
riHE subscribers oiler to the tanners on the
JL most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laphita,
Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per
ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, (ireen Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
Black Dry Patna Kips.
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid lor Leather of all kinds,
Philadelphia, May 80, 1849. ly
, Tht Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. '
A- work is already introduced into some of the
best Acadamies snd a largo number of Schools,
where its use has given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our own
beautiful drritmiJ ry.ttrnt of eitrreney. It contains
more, tho arrangements are lieltcr, and it is the
easiest nnd cheapest work of the kind now in use t
and it is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers nnd men of science in the Lnt
on, who have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our JLmt
ritvn Scholars : 13y Altnon Ticlnor.
Tin Youth's Colcm hi Calculator. This
volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam
ples for solution on thn slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules. Comnound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, Ac.
TicKson's AniTHMKTirALTAiii.r.s,is destined
for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the
United States. A ls-antiful little book snd pleas
ing to children, and tho only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
w hich the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Kevs nro the most complete works of ihe kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, aliont two
hundred exanmles in Mensuration, Ac, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above liooks examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with tho science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued hut a few months, they have
already been Introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
nuhlic and private, except two, in the City of
Reading. Also, in alwnit twenty Acadamies in the
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and m the Borougbs or llarnshurg,
York. Chamliershurg, Lebanon, Doylestown,Potts
ville, Orwigshurg, oVc, fee.
For sale by Hr.xsr Masskh, Sunbury, Agent
for NorthumlierlalMl County.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848.
Don't permit vour Horses or cattle to die. When
the means of cure are within the reach of all 1
nptllE Subscriliers have on hand the largest n-
B sortnient of Wall Papfhs in the city of Phi
lndclnhia, Wholesale mill lirtuil, consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, hutries. Dining
Rooms, Chumhcrs, Ac, which for uuahtv nnd
style cannot be surpassed. Doing u cuh business
we are enabled to sell a belter article at a much
lower rate than any store doing a
On hand, a large assortment of Wins Pin,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will,
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
IN. U, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142 Arch Street, South sido
Philadelphia, May 80, 1849. lv
Acer's Cherry l'ectonil,
isg coraii. nnosciiiTis
THIS vittimlilr pr'-irntioii. si ntiiilKhiilcly pucecsfnt
111 riirini: ilier.-i!.' ol' tin- 1 iutirj. is Hip rriui'll 'if a nklli
ful rniiiltiniitlHll ol' Ihi known curnlive irini-iitii-o of
nifiliciiie. lis inri'tlit'iilK tire I'rri-lv nt:ilr kinwn to the
pnMic, nnd itru tlnse iirknowlflL'il to nuiliciil ni'-n its
toK!i-5Niiit; mre iii'ili'Ml virhi.-f. wlitrli ptfiilittr virtnm are
eoniltin.-tl in the "(11 Kit It V I'Kl'TI HtAI," in tln-irgrml.
tnt purity unit eiliciiey, unit wlii'ii nstil, iir will be nul from
Itie l'oll 'Winjr viilnriM.; tfKtilnonv ;
of Itnwil'iin I'otlr'je, Jtrnnnwit'k, Maine, wrilen: ,lI nave
vvitnewtl llie t-ll'.-ctH of your Cherry l'ectonil ill my own
family unit in that of mv frirniln, niul it h:m given great
Kitisluctioli in rnti-ptioth of nilului unit chiMren."
From Dr. Jliynnl, tlriiiiriu uiul 1'ost i mister, Chicinee
FnN, Muss :
)u. J. t:. Avrn Dear f ir : Knekwrd plitinc find remit
tance for all the Cherry Pectoral ItiRt sent me. I run an
ticfitatintrly Kiy, tlial no mcrtii-ine we set! tcivei such salis.
fncli mi iir yont's ikies nor h:ive I ever seen a medicine
which cured so many canes of couti unit lung- cuniibjiiits.
Our Physicians are usinir it exteusiyety in the practice, and
with (lie huppicrit elfccti.
Truly yours, D. M. BRYANT.
Prpsiilent of Vermont Medical Colleire ons of tha most
lenrneil unii intelligent physicium lu the country, "considers
it n emiMitinn of rare excellence for the cure of that for.
mittatile ilisens... 0111-111111111011.0
An utmost inereilililc numtier of certificates have Itcen
received i proving Hint the Cherrv Pectoral is, iu truth, a
for Coughs, Colds, Asthma nnd nil pulmonary eomptaints.
Prepared hv J. C. Al Kit. Uwetl, Mass.. Olid sold hv
H. MASSKK, Sunbury, and MAKY McCAY, Norlliuiii.
March 81, 1S49.
rilHlS Powder is wnrranted far superior to any
JL thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge
to liaiort, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine Ci TLm t ; it may lie applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, U rushes, and
Cheup Fancy (mods, No. IS South Fifth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
PiiiLAiiKLriiiA, Feb. 15th, ISIS.
This mnv certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with ll.WNES' MACIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
uiicipttvocal iniiiinrr, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same elhvt 111 my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any hejetolore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at.
Puii.Ai u.rn I a, October, 1848.
A verv hard beard nnd tender face has compel
led me to seek and ttst many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
inditlerent success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Dennett,
and Roysacl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri
luting the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, -I'.l South Fifth Street.
For sule at this ol!'n c Price cut. per io
November ', IS is Ion.
The undersigned has spent several vears In the
study of Veterinary practice in "London and E-
dmboro , he has also availed himself of the resear
ches of Lcihig, and other celebrated men, who have
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals; the principles or our practice consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and tha total
refection of all . medicines that experience has
shown to lie of a dangerous tendancy. These re
medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and
when given according to tho directions which ac
company each article they are capable of exciting
and increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
snfcin tho hands of every one.
U. It. VAVU, M. V,
A List of Horse and Cattle Medicines.
Physic balls, T5c. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 73c per pack
age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75e dc.
I'rinc powder for ' " kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bod condition glanders, 75c doi
Cordial drink for inflamntion of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 60c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
ct !f I pet bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal. 75 per package.
For sale by 8TIMPSON A REED. 26 Mer-
chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND
Haymarket Square, Boston.
Pamphlets describing the diseases for which
these remedies are used can be had gratis.
Numerous Certificates arc in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures porformed by the above Medicines.
Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER, No. 6 South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
Aoents. Het Masseb, Suubury
Febroory 3, 1849. tf
Headaeha, Otddineas,
nn mi malum, rues,
Dyspepsia, 9curvey,
Btnnll Pox, Jaundice,
riiiiiin ine rotes,
Inward Weakness,
Pnlpitaiion of the Heart,
Hisliif in the Thrust,
lmpy, jtsimna,
Fevers of ill kinds,
r emaie complaints,
Measles Salt Rheum,
Heart Ham, Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Cuinsey,
Whooping Coush,
Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint;
F.risipelaa, Deafness,
Itchiiifrs of the Skin,
Colds. Gout. UrevvJ.
Kervons Complaints,
161 Chestnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swain's Buildings,
TTNOWING the wonts of the community, the
-I- Proprietor of this Establishment has jilted
up a State in the most elegnnt manner, having
due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that
every Stranger visiting his llook Store, may feci
entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the various De
partments of Literature, so that visitors can find
the Hooks they are in search of for themselves.
Uuvinghis Slock for the most part at the Arc-
tiox Salk. ond being connected with one of the
I.AUoisr Priaisiiixr. iii-sks in this country,
besides publishing lurgcly himself, enables him to
sell all iiooKs at
than anv other house of a similar character on this
continent. His facilities fur the lMi-onTA-rioN
uf Dooxs from Europe are unsurpassed, having a
Branc h of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed
and forwarded to this Country by every .' tkameh
and Packet
of Books w ith the prices attached is issued quar
terly, containing Lists of Now Additions 'made to
his large collection, which arc in all cases for sale
at tho
from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers'
rices. 1 bus in imying even I riv uooks,
quite a considerable amount is saved.
As a still lurtner
to strangers visiting tne city, every one who pur
chases Ox s Dollar's wobth of Books, will re
ceive a copy of the
St a a k g i r is I uilauelphia, an elegant 18
mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents.
Ir The limits of an advertisement are too con-
lined to enumerate the prices of any of the im
mense advantages to be derived from purchasing
at the li heat LkxtRal t heap LionK Stoiie, but
let all who are in search of liook send for a Cuta
ot;ue, and buy the Uooks they arc in want of, and
when visiting the city, give AppleUin one cull,
and you will be sure to cull again.
n all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices.
The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note
Paper, neatly stamped m the corner, without
Orders for any srtlcle may be sent by mail, ad
dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in
sll cases will he fully carried out, with great punc
tuality aim uespaien.
Orders for Catalogues should lie pre-paid.
Bookseller. Publisher. Importer, and Stationer
tci rL . o. :r v L i? -
so t. nesiiui cii. cur. uj ocrrrtmj awuim t
tiuildtns, flitlanelphia.
May, 12, 1849. am
Bf T THE Pint!
Urn I Hi ti Die Weak ! ! A
HALM is I mm id lor the
Wh.'lc Jiutnuii liuce in An
drew a
Tliii ia an entirely vcetn-
hle ciiiiinMmkI, ninMmil of
i vyfiiiy-r iveuiiiercni mrr
rlinit , unii it an internal uml
Kxtrrntil Hrmrdy lortlie va
rious ills lliut human flesh is
heir to
seen AS,
Con "lis. Colds. Pubis, Nervous anil tSirk HVmtarht.
RiHUM.:itim. Cut?, Sprains, Spinal AlTtt'ti'n, tSiimmcr
Complaints, ChUru Mnil(ii,roolli.ii-li, Krtipiiii Corns
L.'. A..,.-... .1.-1.' I, liiut-TH CMU,-, lliiiisf'a, old Smvp, I.k of nm- I 1';f,,'' l'h'rl '
till lifMt!-ttl lM.llllW AMllllil. A IV I'llt im III It. lit I. M l'.r 1 rB, '
I. $ or 4 shtllinifs pr h 'tllr. Kor further Ktrti-til:irti m e
Puuylilfis lobe hint of evtrv nent uriitis, mulitiiiinn a
bri'l liintory of tfm r its in. ihwovrry and sooth. wI'itis of
Aittlirwb' Viwi Killer, tViiifn-Me of Currnlim-tiotnt. Ac
The tiiumplisiit siUTt-M of Auilrtws Pain Killer in rr
mot in? Uv ennui's that tin uluce ihnih. the untimely tltnili
fif millions of our ruee, iinlnettl s mxv. men oi wheni it
may Im truly kimI, their villain mi oretiiwui.tHS numiieit l IIoptoh Chari.fs Osaoon.
fTSliIt Kxtrtt'-t is put up m qunrt bottles. It is fix time
J. eliea;er, pie; winter, ml warrnnted superior to any
sol J, ll rtires ilirapos witliout V'initin. inirmna:. siek-
neps, or delilii;iting the wlieni, atid is purtieubrly atlapted
The grsit beauty nnd superiority of this Surwipnrinn. over
other miH'di is, whiUt it rnirlietiies ihiKuse.
it iuvijf mites the b dy.
(.'iirmmptixn rured.
Clfanxo and Sirrngtlten.
C"MMiinpti'ii ran Im1 pared.
Broiiebiiis, Conit;iintiMi, l.iver C-uiiplriint. Colds. Coughs,
Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Mood, S-irenew intlte
Ctiist. HfH'tie Ktusli. Ni-lit Sweats, Uilli
cult nnd Profuse r.xneetorutiuii,
and Pain in the Side,
Ac, A,
htiveund run liecnrnl.
Pnilmbly thrre never was a remedy that has been m sue-
c-esst ill Hi desperate eases tit eonsnniption as this ; it r lean,
rs and strenirtlieiis the svsleni, and appears to heal the ul
errs on the limps, ond patients gradually regain their usual
heutth and strength.
There is senrrely a day pauses bufthere are a number of
easea of consumption reportwl an cured by the use of !r
Towiipu-u's Siim.ii -tn ilia. The following was recently rt
ceivtd :
Dr. I'nwNMtxn lear Sir: For the List three yenrs I
b:ie Ih'.-ii ajM'-lttl With peneni! debility, uu1 nrrvoittf e.m
t' '!!- l;i.-'i st;i.-. mill dtil li-'t rxmvt to ever cini furtli
lith l
In presentinir the public with a remedy for the treatment
and eure of Fkvkh ami Aut'K nnd other bilious difM'Hscs,
no iipol vy ib needed. " it numbers in the I'nited Suites,
wlai sulbr from lhete at)ti'ii(uB in their vurnil forms, ure
cniM-lhtltt. s-ek relief from other s-mret-s than the imtne-
hate prescription! of the nt'iuitr i)h kcihu. It irtinii-i
c. an ohjeei o iiuit.tinity, hh well as oi puiiiir luier
riniE befnre them a remedy prep-ired I'lom much ex-
jM'iienee, uiul whieti may alwav s n-lieil Uu as imkx,
such is (he Uue eltiirai ter of the INDIA CHOl.AI ()(( K
is limply attt-sted by the universal suerts with which it tuts
Item employed.
IIP F.xtnirt from a rommunietition of (he Hon. Wil
liam W'ooUliKinoE, 'of the Lr. S. Senate, late Uovcrnor of
Dktuoit, Oct. 31, 1S40.
tlii-ir villainy, l altempt to put in eireulaiii n spurious and
counterfeit artielt s t-il!el "Piiiu Killer." imiin; nVtitious
names for the pretende.1 liuthl, forfeit cerldieates,. Ae.
S 'die have npjvi aretl, uml others no doiilit wiil appear. Let
all remember that Amlrews (iemiine pain KilItT has the
written signature ol I. Amlrews on the hbel of each h-tttle
in I1ih -It ink. l"irt tmnpiy iMk I i 1'ain Killer, but nsk f T
Anilrewa)1 I'aiii Killer, and hava no 4 l her.
S.hl by M. A. McCuy, S..le Aeent, Northmnlserland ;
W, Fnlinn. Suubiirv ; John II. Kunei. Milton : Jnhn It.
Myyer, HI NHMsburg ; Win. A. Murray .V ITn, Danville ;
iitri V Siuiili. I'lytnxuih; Andrew 1 ohr, Wilkes-
irre ; ijaysA Ai'-i.oruuck, Mi-hweiisville ; Schaftle h
haiuberlain, lrf-wit)Mtrr ; (jrxtrge McAlpin, Jersey Shore:
M. Judil. illmi!.Sioit.
Onlers atMresseil to 1. Andrews. inventoT and nnlv Pro.
prietor at Ithecit Tompkms oount)' N. V. Wil receive
runpt attention
Kepteiniier aw, imb. ly
flHE sutisrrilier murctfully informs tbe public
X that he has saaiu become connected with the
above Foundry, and that hen-after it will be con
ducted solely under his management and control,
Krora bis long experienc in the bunaineas he trusts
he will be able to give general satisfaction to his
old friends snd customers. The business will be
carried on in all its branches. He will continue
to manufacture Ploughs, and all kinds of castings
will be done with promptness and in Die beet
Kwibiiry, Jan t, 1849. I
AX extensive Stork of Pocket and Table CUT sale by
Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and Si North
THIRD Street, '
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissor and
AUo, a itmioe amiorttueiit of Rotltra Sr Sons,
WoDteiiholm'a Greuvc'a W. A 8. Un toller's and
Friiuev'a Cutli-rv,
AUo, Sjiunuli, JJirk and Knives.
AUo, (iuns, Pietolsj, and Uowie Knives,
Aat The American Huzor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Carh Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stork worthy their attention, as the Suhsrriher'a
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Vhiliulelphia, June 9, 1819 ly
IMtr iS.r. I have re.ui witli much interest, your tittle
TKAE.iTia UM'ii tlie c.tiuu's, treat uit'iit uiul cure" of tin t
fcltrilc iti-iist s winch Imve so exteusivi-ly nrevuilctl in iur j
Ctuintv ilurnm t it Inst li-w m Mil Iim un interest incrmsix,
li (touUt, liy the I'trl lltut 1 i:ivc iudi ntually sulieaM so
intirh i'mhi ittt-in. TIhhji;Ii I I't-el uim-J very irn' Mnjictcul
lu jutltie sntely iiMn a sutijwt i entirely profcssionalf yet
your theory seeinu to me. well renaouetl, ami ytmr conclu
sions jiul, and 1 think withal, that your wuiphlct is cuk-u-lutetl
to priMlnec much pmcticnJ ftuni.
Hpenkiiifr ol' the medicine he snys : It fully justified your
flatter u ur exnectutiona, and as a sufe, convenient, and nHi
air remetly, my uwu eXMrirnce, so fur, induces me tu Ite
tieve Unit it will prove a (treat Hililie Iteneht. 1 am pltvsed
to leain ihat you liave recently estuhlished several avem'iea
fir iudispsiuH. though I regret tiwt. with a view to a
snore general dissemination of it, you should have found it
necessary to remiivc fnmi your present resilience among us.
With wuch reapect I lutve the hoiitir to be, sir,
Vour tililiued servmit.
tV From Hm. pTsytiBJi V. R. TBowBBiOGE,4tf Alicia
gun Plats 8ennte. tn the Agent at Detroit.
Uirmingiam, Oakland Co., Dee. PI,
8ir you wish tne Ui iulonu you what 1 know ol Dr.
Otifood'a India Clol ig"(riiet or uuululius uuHtieine. 1 dt
Iteiieve tluit it' the virtue ami rrheucy ot this medicine were
aeiiFtally kmiwu, the rrvsa and auvs wrnild duuppear in
1 piocured a httle in the spring of 1H41, and havt s;ond
reaam tu helieva tliat myaelt and family escaped the agu
lust seasim in eausetueitce ul' its use.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fins
peninsula, bus the fever am) ague been an prevalent as the
List. 1 have ruoominended this medicine in numerous in
stances, and when the disease had become fixed and buttled
the skill of physicians; and 1 have never known it tail. J
lias utiiversiiUy pnslueed the moat happy effects, and I bet
lieve it iius never leeu exceeded by any medicine in retno
ving the bilious diseases of the climate.
lours, resirecuuuv,
As "lit for Sun1tur' H. U. MASSKH : Northumlerluiul1
WITHIN. T().M h Oi.j Milton. J. 11. HAS bit j Hchaa-pr.-ve,
may u, iwn-hi
Coiireulruted Kamapurllla.
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Ervaiualas, Piles,
V.MIUI1II- iiuvuuiiiiiaiii uiiu uu ujBururrs Ol me k
Uliio.l, Mt-rcuriul Disease, Ac.
1 T is rci'umiucmlt il tu I'll sicians and others, as
1 the slroiiL'i'ot iiii'iiarutiuii now in ukc. and en
tirely dillert'iit I'roin that put up in quart kittles,
poiweiMiig little or no active principle ef the farsa-
panlla, hut intended to uuceive the puhluv For
sule hy M. A. McCAY, Northuinherlaud.
HEVL'8 EMBUOCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Hruisei, Out, Gulls, Hwellings, and
all complaints requiring an external remedy. It
is highly useful iu rJpavin, Curb, Hiuguuiie, slitf
neas of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, ic
It has also been used with great success by per,
sous stllkted with Rheumatism, and other com.
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, snd for sale by M. A. McCsy, North umber.
Philadelphia, May 88, 1849. iy
17INDOW CLASS, by 10, for sale 1
Sukbury. J tTtk, lit. It
(Late Keller & Circenougli.)
Vaaililiit;toii, l, C
allAWINCS ami patwr for the Patent
Oilice, prt'iKtivii ami till the necessary bu-
biueHd, in relation to at 'curing pitttMitH, Iran ti
ne ted, wild promptly uttumleil to. ut their of
lice opposite thn Pateut Oilice.
BAY RUM. An rirrllent article for aule
tSunbury Jan. t7th, 1849 tf.
Afl'T limr lliPui'li ti 'tiiiKfnl' mvliriuf
I mi.. i-r t'm nn l in tn it of tin ni"i (lifliri','iiisbl rrHdf
J pliVKiciiiiirt uml rti'iiitNTS "( tli; B-sipI i ilfiilih in Srw
Vol k ami I'lrti-wlK'rc. mul p:n'liiift the in t' my farnius
j iu ut trinpiiitir to ri:iih un IumIiIi, iml ni't'T in-line in
s 'tin- (siprr of y ul kuikijuii ii!a I res Ivcrl loiryit. Aur
! UMiiii six h 'lil'-s i I'uirnl it il nr me irrnii r hhI, and vm'.i-i
t s-i! ynii in your nffi-r ; itli yiur ndvu'e 1 kfkjt ii. ami
un nn w whinny im:imk ytu nr vo'ir mil icr. i ttrsivrro in
Hiking ill SirH;ijjnll:i, nut) hiive btrti able tt mi end t my
usmil Inlf rs T' th lata four moutlis, und 1 lnpe by tin
hlrssings u( God nnd ynur S-irsnpiiriltn to c 'iiiinup' my
health. It h-led me bryond the rxprotutiomi of nil vli'.
anew my ciise. eHAKLI-JS tLlAIMV
Oi;.ns'. Kwx co, N. J., A (iff. 9, I'M 7.
Stntcff New Jersey, ttHinly, si. Onirics Qh tin
by hiMitfr duly sworn according t law, on his nath sctiilt,
tint the forriroiiitr stiiienifut U true iiccordin" to tht b-st uf
hiskimwlnlseuiid Iwlirf. t'IIAKl.K (.(tl.MUV.
t worn and sulwrilicd ta hefurs me at (triune, the 3d
August, 1H47. CVKTS BALDWIN.
J ustice uf tha Peace.
Rmd the Mlnwmg, and say Unit consumption ia ia incu
rable if you can :
New York, April 93, 1847.
Dr. TownrsTn d : I rerilv In-lit-to that your Saranparilb
htis teeu the menus, ilimuirh Providence, of aivint my life
1 huva for st-verul vvxb had a Imd couiih. It heeunie wfN
nnd worse. At last 1 rniat-d lurije (nimitities t bUn-d, had
ni'ht sve:ils mikI iprriiily drbibuited and reduced, and
did not expect (olive. 1 have only uanl your Sirsnpftrillu
but u short lime, und there has u wonderful cliunne been
wrouflht In me. I mn now nblc ti walk all over the city.
I rnist ut llt t, mid my e mivsIi has Irft me. Von van well
imagine that 1 aia thankful fr tlifne results. Vour obedi.
enl sttrvunt. W.M. lIL'SSKbls, bo Cutharine st.
i.osTiiKit spi:i:cii.
The annexed certilicuie tc!l a simple and truthful story
mf sutrerinir and rebel. There ure thousands uf similar ea
ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are thiiMuntls
of (tnrcnLs let iht'ir rinidrcii the lor Uur c4 being humbugged
ur to suve a few shiluues.
Brooklyn, Sept. 13, 1H47.
Dr. Townikmu: 1 take pleasure iu suitinir, for the bene
fit of those whom it liny concern, that my duiuthler, two
years und six nvntlt okl, was Mihtcttd With giunrat de-
luliiy and I- ol spec-'h. Mie wtu given up ns past i
rovery by our family pli'nician; but fortunately 1 was re
commended by a friend to try your tSaraiparilln. Before
liavinit used oite bottle she recovered her speech and wus
enabled to walk alone. Ut the UBttuishmeut of all who were
octiuuinted with the eircumsUmces. She is now quite well.
and ia much tiettcr hen lib than she has been for It iiXHiths
Iuat. JiiM.l'lt I A lMt, iJb Vork at., Brooklyn.
Verv few families indeed in fact we have not heard of
oneumt usea ur. l ownsenu s numaiviniia in time, lost
anv children the part Hummer, while those that did not.
sickened and died. The ceivilieute. we publish below is
roiu-lusive evidence of iis value, und is only another inslunca
of its suvimr the lives ot' children :
Dr. Towsckniv Dear (Sir : I had two children cured by
your Kirsaitnrilltt o the summer comnl imt and uvsentary j
one vns only IS nvnilhold and th other 3 years. They
Were very much reiluceil, and we expecleil they woukl die ;
they were uiven up by two reipectal'le physiciuiu. When
the doctor mformetl us Ihat we must lose them, we re
ved to try yttur Kirsarillu we had heard so much of, but
had Utile eonhdejk-, there lieina much slutf advertised
that is won bless: Uit we are thankful that we did, for it
undoubtedly saved the lives of both. 1 write this that oth
ers amy be usluced to use u. l ours, resist fully,
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, IH7.
Dm. Townskkd's Sarsapaiilla is a sovereign snd speedy
rure for incipient consumption, aud for the general pMstra
tion of the system no matter whether the result of inhe
rent causa or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
Noihtfta- can be mora surprising than its inviiroratins' e
feels ou llie humau frame. Persiwis all Weakness and sta
situde, from tukuig t once beexane roUist and full of
eitergy under lis uiduence. It Immediately counteracts the
uerveseasitejs of the fetnule frame, waica m Use great causa
It wiU not be azparHcal of as, la eaaea ct so 4elieaU a aa
ture, to exhibit eerttaeatea ol euros perf tinned, Wt wa can
assure tne amicieu inai nunoreoa oi cases aave bees, repor
ted to us.
Da. ToWnskxd: My wife be ins aTreativ distressed br
weukuessand general debility, aud suffering eontinually by
pain and with other duliculties, aud having kiwiwu castss
where your medicine has effected great cures; and also
heuring it recommeiineu tor sncn cases as I bave uesmhtxl,
1 oiitained a bottle of your Extract of ftirsumnlla ami lol-
lowed the directions you gave me. In a short period it
removed her ctrinpUiuts aiul restored her to heulth. Bciti
greutlul tar the lieiH'lits she rueeived, I ink pleasure m
iiiusuciviiowienging u, anu rwMimienuiug u 10 uie purtiie.
4Ujoji', Aug. 17, Ml. cor. Grand 4 Lydia st.
No Buid or roedicma bus ever been discovered which so
neurty rcaembles the guairic juice or saliva ill doownjwasi.ig
loon ana sirenginemng iae organs oi uigetaiuii as mis pn
paratUai of ISarsuparilla. It positively cures every ease t
dyspepsia, however severe or chrome.
Bunk Department, Albany, May 10, IMS.
I Jr. i owitaena Mr : cava beeu amicuu iot
Experience has proved that nearly every Disease originat
from of the Blond or derangements of the Dice
lives Organ i and to secure Health, we must remove those
obstruct ns(H rrtxre the Blood to Its natural state.
The aversion to taking medicine in most effect unl I y re
moved by CLitKrfBR's VnnKTABi.s. Peso ATI vi Pills, being
eomnlt-telv enveloDed with a coating of rmre white Ananr.
(which is as distinct from the internal ingredients as a uut
snen fnun the kernel) and have no tnste of rrtrdicine.
But nro as ensily switllowcl as bits of randy. Moreover
they neither niu'cute or gripe in the slightest degree, but
openup iMu.ii.y on nil the ilismsed pirns ol me ssiem, in-
lemioi coniuiiii'r themselves ti, ami rncmng any particular
region. the l,iver I nffc-oted one ingredient will
'pcrnte on ( hat nartirulnr orimtn and. hv cleaimmaT It of an
l.xcess of B1I4 restore it to its nntnipd stnte. Another will
pernie on the Bonn I and remove nil immtrilies in its circu
lation j whifen third Vill cffertuitlty expel whatever Impu
irties may have I teen disclmrgetl into the Morrtnch, and heme
they strike nt the root or discnto remove nil Impure Hu
mors from the body, opt. the pores ex ten willy and Inter
nallv j scpnnite all foreign and obmixions pnrlicles from the
chyle, a i that the Ws1 may be thonaighly pure thus seeu-
rinffa free niVri henllhv action to IheHenrt. I.itMjr.tir1 I.iv.-r
and thereby they restore health eveu when all othur menus
nnve iniiea, i
The entire tmth of the nW9 enn be ascertained by lite 1
trial of a single box; nnd their virtues nro no positive and
certain in restoring Henlth, that the proprietor hinds himself
to return the money puid tor them in all cases where they
do not give universal satisfaction.
llctall Trice, kJ5ctM, per II ox.
Principul ofTiee No. M Verscy St., N. Vork,
S .ldbyJOilN Y. YOUNtt, Sunbury.
M. A. McCAY, Northumberland,
ti Remember Dr. C. V. Clickner is the inventor of the
Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothinff of the frt was ever
heard of until he introduced them iu Jude, 184. Purchasers
should, therefore always ask for Clickner's Sugar Coated
Pills, and tuke no others, or they will be made the victims of
a fraud.
February, 17, 1349 ly
BurnSj Scahh and all kinds of inflamed Sores
fflorSEV'S rxiVKRSAti OINTMENT, is the most
L complete Burn Autid te ever known. It insinntly.
Burn and Scald, Vor old S-)res. Biuises, Cuts, Snrnina, Ac
m man or beaft, it is the lst unnlieation that ran be made
Thousands Imve tried and thousands nniise it. It is the most
perfect master of on in ever discovered. All who use re-
cimmeui) it. Every fumilv should le provided with it.
None can tel how no n some of the fntnilv mnV need it.
l"Observe e:ich In.h of the eeiiriiii; ointment has the
name of S. TntNKT. writUit on the outside kibel. To unite
)0 this is forgery.
rntmcn, uvery men r armcrs, ami all who use Horses,
will find this Ointment the very best thing thev enn use
for Collar Oalls, Scnitches, Kicks, Ac, Ac. mi thriraiiimnls
Surely every mercy ful mini Would keep bisnuimuls as free
from puin as poasiiile. Totiscy's L'niversul Ointment is all
that is required. Itv v.
BITES OK INSECTS. Forthe Ktlnr nr hit of nniarm
ns Insects, Tousey's Ointment is uiuivulled Hundreds have
tried it and found it good.
PI I .ES CI" It ED I For the Piles, Totiscy's Universal Otnt
meat is one of theliest Itemrdies that cuii 1 applied. All
who have tried it for the Piles recommend it.
OM SOKES crilED. F-MTold obstinate S res, there
is it. ithiiiar e.imi lo Touscy's Oimmeiit. A person hi M;imi.
us had. for u iiuiii'mt of years, n a tc leg that battled the
fkiili'ftlir doctors. T sway's Ointment was recfnnmended
by one of the visitins physicians, (who knew ltd pfeat vir
tues.) nud two luxes produced more benefit than thena
tietit had received from ai?)- and all previous remedies. Let
nil trvir.
BrBNS AND SCAlsDS CURED. 1housmids of cusn
of Burns and Scnlfls, in nil pnrts of the Country, have been
cttred bv Tousev's Universal Ointment. Certificates enough
could le had to" fill the whole of this she.
Yloi.ENT BHUISES CI KKD. TeMimoninls on tci
mouitil in favor of Tousey'it Ointment f-r curing Bruises
neve been ottered the pMpnebsis. Hundreds in Syriicuw
will certify to its great meritsrelieving the pain of the mst
severe Bruises. AH wrs tis should try it.
SCAI.DHEAD CTBED. Sores of ucn of Scold Head
have beencuretl by Tousev's Ointment. Try it it scMom
S.U.T RHEUM CURED. ff nil the remedies ever d:s-
eoveren I 'Mis m m disa-.Tceahlc complaint, Tousev s I m
versal Ointment is the most Complete. Jt never wus known
to fail.
vernal Ointment wiil always cure the worst ctises of Chap
ped Hands. Scores of crs ns will state this.
SORE I.IPSCLKED. F'rthecnre of lre Eipstliere
was never anything made equal to Totiscy's Oiutinent. It
is sure to cure them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warranted no to contain any
nrcrvimti n ot .Mercury. Iir Pnee cents per b . -or
r ir' i'ulars eoticerutng thit- really valnaMe Ointment
FlRE and thief proof cheats,
Seal And Letter-Copying Presses, Patent
. Slate-Lined Ref ripomtors, Water FiU
tors, Patent Portable Water Clr ' ;
, sets; intended for the 8ick '' '
and Infirtht ";'l
76 Sonth Third Str&J,
.""ifwnri am) k)ooKMl
jj R n htd, lsra aasortmariiaf
, .i . " "mews, loaeiner wiia
V?mt rZ2K eia
these SafFf ore mmle o'li'ir Iron; the inside eawnttoaa:
atone, and IrtWfrn thfe outer case sulci Inner Cass ia a Spaca
nf mt three inchei thick, and (i filled in with indeatraa:
nf tlKTronteiits inside if this Chen. .These Bcapatnne Ba-
Himnmicis wc nrr prrpnrea piiu qti coaiienffe me WOTN 1st
prixliice any nrti'le In tbe sliune of Book Soft! that will
tnnd as nnirh hml, and we hold ourselves rear', a' alf
times to have them fairly tested by public bonfire. Wl
also continue to manufnrtnre a torse and (cneral assort
ment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Preof Softs of whiek1
there are over Win now iu use, and in every instance thv
have awn enliie aninfnetion to the purcluiscrs of whicK
we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who hava'
them in use
Haysl ft ftiyilcr. Pottsvilte i Joseph &. LkWtoW
P.ittsville: !lt. Willinm Tnrr. I)nvl..t.,.M. IS.
N. A O. Tlivl"r. l'Jn nnrli t , A W.iiiu'lp U,.l'i.i
Vt,ip .t ..'linn"? A I... .!. r1..... n A1 ...
F'ilbrrt and i
Mush. -li
Ut. imviu Jnme. n south !M si.: Mnthew T Mill., or
smith 3d St.; nnd we mnkl name some hlllulreds of other.
II it were nercssnry. Now we invite (he attention of th.
public, nnd particularly those in want of Fire Proof Ssfe.
to mil nt our store before pnn-lra.inr elsewhere, arid si
enn satisfy them they will e a better and cheaper artitlf
at oar store than at any other establishment in the city.
We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Che.'ts, al
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bourht at ant
Philadelphia, April 8, 1&I8 ly
'")" iv;i n.Tti t st.; A Vriirtit ft Nephew
vlinrt ; AU xnndrr Ciiror. .Convryaileet, corner of
id nth Ms.: Joint M. Foul, W north 3d tj Myar
norlh 3.I st.j Jumcs M. Piinl. Kit sonlh 4lh at :
ihc puMic nre rei'err.'d t.i r.-itnnhlcis. t l hndcrutis.of re.
speclrtMe Ilriirists nnd MiTi'lunts throughout the I'nited
Prepared hv S. TOCSKV, Druairin, No. f4 Nassau
Street, New York.
Ar.i:vT K'll VOI'XG, Sunlsiry, M. A. Mcf'AY,
orhunt!n;'l tml.
February 1 7, llfl. ly
ind all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Slomnci in both Malt and
Female :
PLA8TER, Bait and Fish, just received and lot
by j. W. FRIUNU.
' Sunbury, Dec. t, 1841.
RA18IN8, curranU, citron, cheese, pepper
sauce,. For sals by J. W. FRlLLNG
Sunbury, Daw., 1(48.
Unl rcutM tot wugus, eolds. For sals
St Ihu sr&c
yeara with dyaiiepsia iu iu worst form, atteuded with aour-
swaa of ahaau-a, kss of aiairuu, eaueina kaanhura,
areat aversioa lu all kimls f f.sid. and for weeks, (what
etsikt eat) I aava beeo unabla k reuia but a small purixia
oa my slomaca. I trial tha usual reineaiea, but ikey awl
but Utile or no eaect ia retuovuig the complaint. I wu in
duced, about two months ans-e, t Irv your Ksuact uf ekr.
amrilla, aial I must say with little wfiuVoee I but afusr
usual aearly two buttles, 1 found aiy apiietit restored and
taa Eeartbara entirely removed ; and I would earnestly re
eimnwud the ass of it lo those who save been afflicted as I
aavelMea. Yours, ., - W. W. VAN ZANUT. for Ckmliurv JOHN W. FRIUNU i Nor.
thuinberlaud, MAHY A. McCAY J Paavuls, WU.
MliHHAY ft Co.,
Apid i, skit. If
Such a. Constipation, Inward Piles. Fullness nr Blond to
the lleudf Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Ileart-lmrn,
Discust for FikkI, Fullucftsnr weight in the ?tomnch, Sour
hrui'tullons. Pinking or r inltertns at the pit ot the atouincfi
Swimniintr f tbe H'lul, Hurried and IblVicult Jlreuthing,
lulterina at the Heart, Chokins or Putticutiiiff seneitlous
when iu a lyinf p-eture Dinuics if Vision, Pols or web.
betore ins Pigin, r ever aist dull nam in the lleun, welicien.
ey of Perspiration, Yelltiwtress of the (ikin and Eyes, Pain
iii the Side, Hack, t'best, Limits, Ac, Sudden flushes of
Heat, Burniuff in the Flesh, Constant lmncimns. ol evil
aud great of Spirits Cull ba effectually cured by
Celebrated C.ermun Jlitters.
Their rxnver over the abov disaiss is not excelled if
equalled ly uny (her prqvirutun in the I'm ted gmtoa
us Hie cures attfst, in nuiiiy cui-rs uUer skillful physic tens
bud tuiUti.
i) era i ice i ue i it of th l.iver sixl Wnmacli nr nirre or
Insanity, und will sls pniHut! diseiise ut the Heiirt, fkm.
LutiKB and Kinimys, snd x s the UmIv ineii to an utUt'lt ot
the Chkleru, HiUus, or !l.pv Fever, and is genenitly the
first cuuse ol that imrst hiiieltil dismise, LtuisuiHitiii,
Opinion of iheVhibuhlpMa Press
liei-euilefi ;tlMt .iy
AN INVAI.lABI.K MUDU'INK. We luivefrronently
heuril the Ceirlimted (innuii Jliilera, maimiuelurt'd ly Ur
li'Mtilluud, st"keii of ui terms of O'tiuiicisluli n, and we
knw dem-rvivliy so. It isu Ihi coiiiusm nruftife. in ter-
Uim qiiiiriers, to jiutTull iisiuner of uselt-KS trash, but in the
above Hi Men. lunidird. tire living wituessea of their grcut
isi'irul and ihysiml worth, abb metiu-iiie oi ine l.ivef
Coniptuuit, JuuihIioc, Nervous iebtlity aud Dysnou, it
hus Ikeen found invulnulile, eU'tiiie rurrs and tli"rouhly
enulicuting disetiseSi when all other medicines have fa iked.
e ten conviiKett, timt in the use ol the o en nan Hitters.
the put tent desuot liefoine debilitated, Imt constantly guius
sireiitftb and viirr to the frame -a furt worthy ot great
eoustderHtioii. Tha Hitters are pleamut in taste aud smell,
and enn lie adiuiuistrred under any t'lrcumstauces, to the
most e none siouuicii.-iiHK!ej; itiey ran be useanyaiiper
uut wnh the ni'-st iiertrt t sntrty. It wotikt be well fur
tbve who are niuvn art'ected iu Uie nervous system, to
votnmenoe with one t(n sjMntnfulor Kaft, ami gradually ui
crease. We siieuk fioin exiterience and ure of course, a
proper judge. The .tress tar and wide, bave united in re.
commend i it g tlie tier man tiiltefs, and to the altticted w
most ooruiauy aivisetneir use.
Jiine'Jifh says:
"DOOrROOODcnr.KNstwhoare invalids, know
the many astonishing cures that have been performed bv
Ur. Ilootlluud's Celi'brateit ticrnmn Bitters ! If they do
not. we recommend theiutothe'Mierman Medicine Store,'1
all who are airlifted with Liver Cotnpsimt, Jaundice, Dye
pepaia, or Nervous Debility j the Doctor has cured many of
our citizens after the brat physicians had fulled. VVs have
used them, and they have proved lo be a medicine that every
one should knownf, and we cannot refrain ffivine: our tea.
lumaiy in their lavor, aud that which fives went (reaier
claim upon our humble erTort, they are entirely Vegetable.
July 4 lb bhvs
"We sneak knnwiiurlv oi Dr. Holland's Celebrated Ger
man Bitters, when we aay it is a blessing of this aae j and
ia discuses of the biliary, digestive and .Vervou.Syslenis, it
hasu we think an eaual. It ia a Vtyetabla PreiiamiMU.
and mod without Alcoh.4. and to aH invalids we woukl ro-
c.ininend it as worthy their cMindence.
ror sale, wholesale aim renin, mi ine jniucirni iier.,
OKKMAN MKDICINU BTtiUE, No. T Ktu-e fkreet,
ForailehvM. A. McCAY, Northurmierlaiul and 8un-
bnry aiul respectable dealers generally throughout the
April ft, im iy
ZJ2 U 0 jp Oa LEi 633-
U'imlsor, Vermont.
IS a sovereign remedy for DYSl'F.I'rll A, in many of a
forms, such u p:im in the Stomach, Jlcnrtuurii, hahltui
Costlvcn. s, Acid !toinin li, Hcudm he. loss of Appetil
Piles. Ntglit ftwmts, and el-en Coiuiumption (Duept
Phthisic.) and A.tluua, or Phthisic ottended with derang.
ment ol the Stomach (or Dyie.lie Asthaia.) Dirnca
nrentliinir. whii'h often results from imperfect digetuon (
Dyieplic Syimru.) is relieved by these nitlersi In shnr
their use hits been proved in the relief of almost all tl
symptoms tli:it proceed Irom a debilitated or atonic eonc
tion of the Ntoinai'h ; also in general debility arising fro
are or from the eff.rts of Fever, particularly Fever ai.
Ague. Femnles sullering under ony uterine deraneemw
arising from weakness, will find the "OjYfcHATSS Bi
TKRs"' nn excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any ass.
cine fit use.
The hut tv of this medicine la peculiar. It has read, i
way to pul.lic favor solely by the force im' its own intriar
merits. No nrtificiul means have been used to give it a
toriety nnd thrust it upon public attention. It bns nav
betore even been advertised, but having first shown its r
mtirkiible etneuey in the family of tbe proprietor, and . v
him nl'terwulds administered to bis afflicted friends and a
quaiuumccs with a like result, its reputation gradually t
tended until it is known in the uiftt distant pjrts of
l.'ni'tu, ns a medicine of unrivalled virtues in th curs
I)y.pc-siu in ml its diin-reiit tonus, mid also lor the eure
Asthma or I'iithim'. It. only h.-rnlil nnd ils onlv eule
has iM't-u llie story of t's v mdrrl'ul etltcacv, as told ff
in. in h to in "nth nr by letvr fr-nii liicnd to friend. In
ry iiu-umce n here lli.-.e Hitters have liecn used, and the l
sitlt nu-rtc kii"vn to the pt,prictor, they have proved a t
in, ly .
Niuuer,.tis certificate. trUe-ting tha singular effiearT
the ' I UyohjisTKU HlTtEH.fl me iu th possession of'
pro.ti"tor : niiitiy ol' tliein signed by persons already wid
known to the public.
c,i;o. B. ORfiF-V, Pruprirtoi
Wl.Dt)K, Vt , October 3, 1SI4.
The following Certificates have recently be. a
received t
tViruiNr.ToSi D. C, Jvxa I6j IMS.
lAvSijf rftla use of the "Uxvgenated Uitters" preaerad
by Dr. Oo. It. Orcen, of Windsor., Vt.and from knew
ledpe tWniiicd of their ertiiicy In other (vses, weeheerMlly
r-c ,nii-end th'-m b Iicli'-viiig tbnt they will etttly
s:iain lue rcc inuieiiilaiion ,,f the PrLprictor. ' V ee.e
tlltll llrs Vahluble rciu-'ily mny lie so gcnt-rallv dtr?ted
throughout tl-.e i itlnlr) tluit it iruiy bs accessible tn aU 0.
Wl .1 .1 M t I'l I A M I'.f. Senator from TeriMat.
Ja il S I' ..! Mi A?. l S. S.nator from ft. IjIsI.
J. ' "ii!H.lii:.D, L 9. S- nator and tWnvsrly 6ovft
or ot Kt'ntiicv.
I., fr. A It.MU.D, Mcmlier nf Cortre and formsrly
vcmor of II. I.
W.M. WOonniriDfiF., r. ScnaWaird formariy rs
vcrnor ,t Mfti.-jcu.
M I.. M All TIN, Di-' in Congress fmra VTiseeaaaa
From Hon. IT. B. Fnrtr.a. Vmbef of Ceagrfa. fteea
w -uuviroK. d. c, js rt; in.
Dear Sir I hsv been a dyspeptic sufferer for shoal tea
years, nnd have resorted lo varioM meditmee for rebel'
witluiut success, until I iMide rrm of yoilr "Oxygeuted
Bitters." 1 have u.ed about two totlfes,- aral find myself
restored to perfect heulth Th fofn-s Iff which the 4m
ease showi'd itself, in my case,- were, great acidity eflke
sioiiiacn. io- iu appciire. exrrema rmtrrMwe, severe eoasu-
IHiiiou ,-i uie eiwcn, aim violent peaaarne. reeling eset
rnns tbnt a knowlnlg of your valuable remedy may reaek
others similarly afflicted. 1 rak great1 pleasure ia rveerS.
ins my ic.t.iiK.iiy to its curative power; and would alas
rcmai k, that while on a visit at bom a short time smA, I
administered a part of a bottl to a number of my efliktei
friends, with great succss. They ar d'esTrouf that' yea
should esublish an agency at Pittsburg, or inform tkeet
where the medicin can be obtained. With an eyrneif d
sir lor your prosperity anil happiness, I guhirriba rnvsslf,
truly your friend (, fj. F'STaitt.
Docl. Hko. II. tia t.t.k .Windsor, Vt.
H..W W holesale ami Retail by Otcm k rithr,- Hr
26 South !ixlh r-treet, Pbihilelphia.
Agent for Runbury H. H. MASSKR.
Agents f.w Milton MACK AY a. II A Aft.
Agent foi Vpper Maliono) . J. O. Jlr-NN.
April 15, Ie-Ib
Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lajie
and W adding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lined preserving kettles, iuat received
for sale by H.MA88ER.
Sunbury, Dee. t, 1848.
AXES of a very superior quality fur sale by.
11. MAS8ER.
Sunbury, Dec S, 1848.
BLANK BOOKS. An assortment of Blank
Books, just received and sale hy
J 11. MA88ER.
Sunbury, Dec t, 1848.
tjYRUP M0LA88E8 Snperlor refined Hyrup
OMolaaasforsaWby HENRY MA8SER.
Sunbury, Dec. t, 1841.
r II A 111. E S O A K F U R D,
Wouli! resrrirully invite sitenlion tn his superier
style of hsia for autumn. 184S, which will k
found the most iitcct eer before orT. red in las'
community. Its peculiar forma the mars
di eirabl , a it combine . all the ea.Bnii.ils nf du'.
biliiy aiulnealne.s, requisite in that atlu le of 'Ires,
arhilts his incieasi d f utilities in in manufacturing
wi'h all the inod. ru improvements, enables hiut
To Chaliamsk tus Woslp to produce s belter
CHtinass's Fisct Hats iD Cars or tss
Latest Mtmt. These gnoila have been aelecteel
with great c r.-, and will be found most hemtiluf
ami cbsate in llicir .Ivies.
Limn' Kiniso Hits ass Cars or Estibi
It a i w l'ATTaM. Oreat rare has lievn bestows
ed in ronsliui lii g these srlicle. that they may tl
infi ctiy ea.y and bum s graceful aparsnr.
104 Chestnut st. s lew doors above Third.
September 30, June 84, 1848 ly
Pictorial Edition of d'AublffM'
sjreal Hurk on the llelormatlra
published or. or shout the 1st of April. 1848, by
JOS. A. SPEFL. No Cherry at. shove tth,
his splendid 12mo edition of the sbotrs naaneel
work, with 18 engraved illnslrstions from ri
ginal designs; 4 vols in 9. bound in txtrs cloth
snd librsry sheep.
The publisher respectfully tills tht (Mention
of the Irsde snd the publie generally, lo this
work being the only illuslratsd edition published
in Ihe United btstes He trusts that th beauty
of its embellishments, the strong and substantial
In vrhich it is bound, in conjunction with
the knon pop"1"' of the work itself, will kw
a sure recommendation to publie fsor.
JOS. A. SPEF.L. 86 Cherry st above gth.
J. A 8 hsaslto lately published, a new aae
beautilul F-ditioa of Sergeant Bell's Rare Show,
a suilsble book for children, neatly don up ia
extra elolh.
Philadelphia, April I, 1848
PATENT Trusses of aU kinds, Harrlsnti't
writing and indellibkt Ink, Cotton yarsj nasi
laps, just received and for sias by
Suubury, Dec. t, 1848.
"MAPS. An asaortmemt t-jas
silk HATS at S32&, tor sal by
Kunbury, Dec. t, lliS.