Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 22, 1849, Image 4

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from lb Boston Courier,
Take little wife, ' I
The rjrettier the better i
Pat her cheek, and when
She want to kin youlet her
V , Keep her in the houee, j '.
f - There nhe'll cook your mutton J, ;
' " Dam rour jacket too, .r . ; :
T f .he's worth a button.
Never mind the lot !
Of her aunts and cousins, 1
Ask them to "drop in j"
Dint them all by dozens.
One of these odd day, !
You'll fel one inch taller,
. " , When you see her hngr '
; " A chopping little equaller.
JHJsctUaurDMfi rentier.
V How . W. Gwiv, formerly of Mississippi,
tut now of California, has written to his
friend in New Orleans, that the people of
California will promptly organize a Slate
government, and exclude slavery by an over
1 r. whelming majority. :;.'?
Omnibus Farb ih Charlbstoh. The
Charleston papers are rejoicing over a new
' omnibus, to carry passengers at the rerfMced
i- rate of 25 cents. What the distance is, how
ver, we don't know.
A boat made of gutta percha has been
-I- launched at Cork, and is said to answer so
,, ., well that rive others of the same kind are in
l;: course of construction.
'.'Hallow, steward,' exclaimed a fellow in
one of the steamboats, after having retired to
, , bed :
- 'Hellow, steward '.'
. r 'What massa V
'., 'Bring me the way-bill.'
'What for, massa!'
';; '1 want to see if these bed-bugs put down
-. their names for this berth before I did. If
not, want 'em turned out.'
Tut Broad Cloth Manufacture. The
,, Boston Courier says, out of 3000 looms cm-
ployed in Massachusetts alone in the manu
" facture of Broadcloth before 1846, there are
now less than 380 m operation.
Men, who have extravagant wives aro ob
served to have sharp noses. The cause is
supposed to be that their noses are kept to
" the grindstone continually.
' .. Peter Pencf.. The amount of money col
lected among the Roman Catholics of the
1 New York Diocese, for the relief of the Pope,
as officially anounced, was 86,227 40.
": ; A son of the Emerald Isle, meeting a coun
- tryman whose face was not perfectly remem
..bared, after saluting him most cordially, in-
quired his name. 'Walsh,' said the gentle-
man. 'Walsh Walsh,' responded Paddy,
'are you from Dublin? I know twootM maids
of that name, are aithtr of 'em yer mother ."
'Short prayers, short prayers,' said a Lieu
' tenant to a sailor who was on his knees on
r board a man of war, then preparing for im
mediate action. 'Mine is very short,' said
j ,the sailor, only this, that the enemy's shot
; may be distributed like the prize money
' the greatest share to the officers.'
; Martial, the Roman poet, was a wicked
, wag. Here's one of his epigrams :
Whilst in the dark on thv soft hand I hung,
( And beurd the tempting Syren in thy
What flames, what darts, what anguish I
" endured !
But when the candle entered, I was cured.
... , To a Bust body.
' Oh! pray reflect, consider, Mrs. P.,
Before such foolish lies you give or tell;
, For don't you know, or won't you see
.that such wickedness, and nonsense, and
detestable actions, coupled with a good deal
.f fuss, will carry you straight to Beelze
bub? ......
" A young lady said to her gallant, 'please
elasp my cloak.' 'Certainly, said he, putting
"his arms around her, 'and the contents also.'
j , There is a closer connection between good
v sense and good nature than is generally sup
"posed.1 " An American is at Marseilles maturing a
' project to the French Government to connect
'that city with Algiers by an electric tele
' graph.
my Few are aware of the orthography of the
.word boudoir. It is from bouder, to pout ; in
Jhe same manner as parloir (parlor,) from
farler, to speak and converse.
T ' Parents, if you wish to make cowardly,
sneaking wretches of your children, thrash
them soundly atevcry opportunity, and you'll
i ' ,
r. During the last few years the Secretary of
Jhe Bible Society in Hungary has been com
missioned to circulate about 300,000 copies.
. Lord Biron once said, that, "with all his
Tollies, he was never guilty of stopping his
paper because its editor happened to dis
please him."
s The New York Evening Post computes the
fcumber of slaveholders in the United State
at one hundred thousand.
; "Why is it New Engenders always an
wet a question by asking one in return V
?DuthtyV was Jonathan' reply.
J A Young Man, aged 17 year, and a young
girl, aged 13, belonging to Providence, Pa.,
wre married last week.
; i . .. -.
The most mischevious liars are those who
keep on the verge of truth.
i (lt be wrong, don't do it; if untrue, don't
ay it.' Be this thy rule.
Some one' call the time of squeezing girl
Wli "the palmy season of life
M. . , : , .....
-Thedeath or a little child is to the moth
er's heart like dew on a plant from which a
bud. hai perished.
Beady money is ' equal : but to "two ptber
thgs ready wit, and a clean shirt, ,
'. Tioir, the dog that always went to fire,
at Boston, is dead at the age of 15. ' '
Edgar A. Poc has joined the Sons of Tm-
perauce t Shookoo Hill, Virginia. . .. ;
ke aJfttorjitjoni'thankfullj.',' ,v y-
Mamtacturf.ii op Donnelly's Upright
a i. Safety Glazed Capsuled Blob 1
:tyk r ' MATCHES, ' : i
, aud United States Oil Paitb !
blackino, .'
' ( ' No. 83 North Third Strut, ; . !
THESE Mstche are justly considered th bwt
. In the Unltod State , tlwy r lit torn an
plesssnt smell, and can be introduced with perfect
"doty in all Store and DwlU- Warranted
t kcp ton Jars. t .( r ilit J I ' , "
The Blacking i of sMperior quality, and free
from and Incredicnt that impair the Leather. '
find it to their tnterert to cnll and e for them-
elves. , ' ,.'
N. B. An ortment of Matche ofvanou
New York iMsnufacturers. Matches in round
wood boxes also, packed in largo or small tin
case, to ship to ny part of the world,
Late of 20 Bank Street, now 83 North Third St.
Mnrch !lt, 1849 ly
THE SuWril'rrs have on hand the largest as
sortment of Wall Pxpr ns in the city of Phi
ladelphia, Wlwlrtah and Retail, consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing A cash business
we arc enabled to sell a belter article at a much
lower rale than any store doing a
On hnnd, a lnrgn assortment of Win Piped,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, lSordem, &c, which will
be sold tor ('null. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. B, IValors are invited to call and examine
their stock liefore purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly
Market Square, opposite the Court Housef
St-NiiuRv, Pa.
THIS well known Hotel has just been refitted,
and handsomely furnished by the undersigned,
and he begs leave to say, that it is his intention
to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by
which it has heretofore been sustained.
Sunbury, May 17, 1849. 3mo
PREPARED and sold onlv, nt FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Fifth and streets, Phi
ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trinl an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, a few drop imparling to
the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine
glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
the debilitating effects, which are sure to follow the
use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to those who arc predisposed to
gout or rheumatic allcctions, it gives groat relief ;
and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a great agent in tho cause of tem
perance. GTFull directions accompanying each
The above articlo can be had at the office of the
Philadelphia, June S, 1849. ly
THE partnership, heretofore existing under the
name of "Dcwart & Bruncr," having been
dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public
that lie will continue the practice of tho law at the
office formerly occupied by said firm, in tho
Borough of bunbury. Business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to.
Sunbury, April 51, 1849 3mo
164 C'liCKtnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Svaim's Btiihlings,
KNOWING tho wants of the community, the
Pronrirtor of this Esvoimiii,vi I, Gt.A
up a Store in the most elegant manner, havinn
uuo rcgaru 10 uie comion ui ills customers, so that
everv Stranecr visitintr his Honk Stnro mv c.i
entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the various De
partments of Literature, so that visitors can find
the Books they are in search, of for themselves.
Buying his Ptock for the most part at the Arc
tios Salx, and licing connected with one of the
LiBiiisT Pui'Likhiko 7ocsxs in this country,
besides publishing largely himself, enables him to
sell all Books at
than anv other house of a similar character on this
continent. His facilities for the Importation
kf Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having a
Branch of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private centlemen are carefully executed
and forwarded to this Country by every Stiamir
and Packet.
of Books with the prices attached Hi issued quar
terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to
his large collection, which are in all cases for sale
at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers'
j-rices. i mis in buying even Fxw Books,
quite a considerable amount is saved. '
As a still further
to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur
chases On Dullau's wo&tb nf'Rn.,1. u.;u
ceivc a copy of the
b-ruAXusH iir t'uij.Aiif.LPHi, an elegant 18
mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents.
Vt' The limits of an advertisement arc too con
lined to enumerate the price of any of the im
mense advantages to bo derived from purchasing
at the Cheat Clntril Cheap llnnc Nr..m. ..
let all who are in search of Books send for a Cata
logue, anil buy tho Books they are in want of, and
when visitins the citv. eive Aimb-tnn n, n
and you will be ure to call again. '
in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices.
i ue iumui ol inose purchasing Letter and Note
Paper, la-ally stamped iu the
Orders for anv articlo uiav bit u-ni hv ..i
dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in
u im wiu oe muy carriou out, wim great pune
Order for Catalogues should be pre-paid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer
164 Chesnut St cor. of Seventh, Suahn$
Buildme, Philadelphia,
My. J8. fti49. 3m. , . I) -
SUNBUltir Tovm rav.
rTJ?kE.1!Tri,1 ""PUy inform, th s publi
bo v a g'" beoon,e connected with the
r j oundry , ,d that hereafter it wi U be con-
h. wui be TSr. 'sr? y by
Ufci "i"i aaiuliAcJaon to his
...j-u. ., rumomers. ' Th will be
will h. A.7 .- wu u bido or castings
- - i , -v i . iubjjsTu hi I mm I is a f u
THE uboribT respectfully informs the public,
that h eontinuea the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branchss, at hi stand in
Market street in Sunbury, and that . he ha now
on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture.
He also carries on, at his old establishment, in
Fawn street, tho 1 ' ' ' (
chair raiKiWnvsraEss,
in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of. well mde and fashionable
CHAIRS,' plain and ornamental. All of which
he will dispose of at prices as low a at ny esta
blishment in the county. ; '
' His long experience in the business, Justine
him in th belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from hi
customers a' continuance of their patronage.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
' Runhury, March 17, 1849. tf
No. 60 Cltrsvvt-st, at the sim of the Gold
TUmble, between 2d. if 3d. sts., Svuth side
MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly
on hand, nt wholesale and retail, tho fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, 8cissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, cVc.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, etc.; Gold Diamond poin
ted Fens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpointed Leads, &c, &c
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849
New IIIle Oil nnd Leather Store.
AY 111 North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St.
THE subscribers offer to the tanners on the
most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata,
Cameras, Laguira, Hutig-Dry, Chili. Salted Per
ambuco nnd all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted', and
Black Dry Putna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, tho above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better t erins, than old Houses in the citv,
Cash paid for Leather of nil kinds.
Philadelphia, May 2(3, IS la ly
Ay er's Cherry Pectoral,
THIS ralaaMn preinrstinn, su nshnihiiilv miecrwfiil
in cuniHi ilim-asi's ,, Mm Luiifs, is tin- rcwi'lt .'l a akin
fill cmtihinnti m Ml'lhi. known eurniive prini inlis of
ninlii'ine. lis iiiffrralii-ats nr-frerlv innde kimwn In the
pnl.lii'. nii.l arp admou'lt-ilfti'il to nuilicnl men us
ixwwsriitff. tare inwlicnl virtues, wliiek peculiar virtues nre
cinil.ine,! in ttie "CIlKrtRY PKCTf ill A I," in their print,
est parity anri efficacy, and when used, as will be seen from
the lelluwiinr valuable testitnenv :
of riiiOTliiii Collece. llriin.wiek, Maine, writ,: "I (invr
witnessed he i:ltirl of y,iur Cherrv l'retoral ill my own
lainily and in that ol'mv fiii, nnd it has eiveii great
Kitisl'uctinn in cases boll, nf ndalls and children "
Cf.r"1,.Br- liryan, Uruist and P,l muster, Cliienpee
Fulls, Mass: ' 1
Dk.J. c. Avra TlenrSir: rnel. sM please find remil-t.-iHi'e
fiT l Uie rhsrry I'eitnml last sent me. 1 can nn
hcsitalinjrly my. that no medicine we cU dives inch amis,
faeii n as ynir d ies n'ir Imve 1 ever seen n medicine
which enri'd many eases, if ronirS nnd lung enniplaints
Our l'liysieiuns arc using it extensively in the practice, and
with the happiest effects.
Truly yours. D. M. BRYANT.
President (,f Venn'ait Medical College ons of the most
learned nnd intelligent phyiieuina in the country, 'enuaidera
it a composition of rare excellence for the cure of that for.
midalile disease. Consumption."
Anahniat inemlihle numhet of eertilientes have been
received j proving thai the Cherrv Pectoral u, in truth, a
for Coughs. Colds. A si hum nnd all pulmonnrv eomDlniiiUl
PHICKVjCDNl'Sl'KK uirrii.R.
Prepared l,y J. C. AYKH, Ixiw-ll. Mass., nnd sold bv
II. M ASSKK, Sunbury, and MAKY McCAY, Norlhum.
Mnrch 31, I8!l.
Rslikf to ths Sics!
ealth to the Weak 'A
HALM is found for the
Whole Human Itace In An
Thia is an entirely vecetn
We compound, composed of
Twenty-Five diflereut inirre
dienta, and ii an internal and
Kxternal Kenietiy for the va
rious ilia that human leah ia
heir to
sren as,
Couirhs. Colds, rains. Neirona and Kick Headache,
Kheuuialisni, Otin, Spruina, Hpiiuil Affections, Summer
Complaints, t'liol. ni Morlais,T'Xthuclie, Kruptems, Coma
Piles, IY'zeii Paris, Hums, Senilis. Acue in the Kace aud
Hrenst, Paiuleia1 Collie, ltruisea, old S.rea, lwa of nppu.
tile, tieneni'. Debility, Aslluna, ,e. Put up in hollies for
1. 9 or 4 shillings per b"llle. Kor further particulars see
Piuiijlcla tolui had a' every agent gratia, eonlauiiuu a
liricl histop,' of the oripin. discovery aisl K'Hds elfcela of
Andrewa Pain Killer, f'erwticatca of Cures, directions. c
The trimnpli.ini success of Andrews Pain Killer in r.
rnoving the cauacatluU produce death, the untimely death
of millions of our race, has induced aome men of wheni it
may he truly said, their villninoiia in-upnlions nnnil'cirt
their villainy, to alteuipl to pat in rireululioii aXirioua and
counterfeit urticlea c;illed "l'ain Killer," usiiii; ficlilcus
names lor the pretcnd.l uulh"l, forged certiiicates. Ice.
Simie have appeared, and others no doul wiil apear. It
all rememlK.r llial Andreua tieuuiue l'uiu KilU-r has the
written figiuiture of I. Andrews on the Ishel of each liltle
in black ink. lKm I simply aak for l'ain killer, but ask for I
Aimrr.wir r"iu nailer, ana nnvo no iner. . .
, ,f'111 ''y.M-A. MeCay, U..le Aeiit, N.wthunil.rlaid :
J. V, Friluie. f?iuilHirv : John II. Ruer, Millon ; John R.
Myyor, Uluunwlnrg j Win. A. Murray Co, Danville :
Dnvciuiori A tvnilh, Plymouth: Andrew Yohr, Wilkes.
Isirre ; Hays & MoCortniek. MeKwensville j SeharTle at
ChuinlsM-lion. Is-wistairgi tieorga MeAlpui, Jersey Shore
J. SI. Jndd. Wilhamspoit.
Onlers addrtwett to I. Aistrewa, inTntr and only Phk
prieior at Ithocu T.Miipkiua county, N. Y, Wit receive
ppMnpt niteiitiou
fepteiulier :M. ISIS. Ijr
AN extensive Htock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERV, of sale by
A'oj. 32 awl 33 ARCADE, and 84 North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgcrs ,V Sons,
Wovtenholm's liieave's W, iy S. lJutchor's and
Penncy's Cutlery,
Also, epauUli, Dirk and Hunting Knives,
Also, (ivuis, istols, aud Bowio Knives.
Also, The American Kazor Strop, a ii(erior ar
ticle, worthy tho attention of Dealers.
Cabo Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stock worthy their uteinion, as the Subscriber's
chief business is importim; und selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 0, 1849 ly
Conc ent ruled !Saraiaiilla,
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Etysipalas, Piles,
Chronic Rlieuinuttsm and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, Arc.
T T in rcoitiiiiiiuded to Physicians and others, as
the strongest preparation now in uuo, aud en
tirely didiirent from that put up in quart bottles,
posse uiug Utile or no active principle el the Kama
parillrt, but intended to deceive the public Kor
sale by M. A. .McCVY, Northumberland.
HE VL'8 EMBROCATION for Hones will
cure friiM-airu, Bruises, Cut, CUills, Swelluiga, and
all complaints reqiiiruig an external n-niedy. i ll
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stilT
ness of Che Joints, cracked Heels, Splint, &c
It baa also been used with great success by per
sous afflicted with RhauuMitimu, and otlier com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philodel-
ihia, and tr uie by M. A MoC'ay, Northumber
and. . ,
Philadelphia, May 28, 1849. ly -J'"?"; '
TN DO WgT7a88, by 1 OJbr sale t
KuVuryJn 4Tth, ii49- tf.
t(t1tmct(co. . '
the Pupit't frieni and Teacher 't comfort.
work is already introduced into some of the
best Acadamics and a large number of Schools,
where its use has given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It Is purely
American in its character, based npon our own
beautiful decimal ifttem f eurrenry. It contains
mom, the arrangements are better, and it Is the
easiest and cheapest work of tho kind now in use
and it is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers and men Of science in the Uni
on, who have recommended it, it is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Am-
rtean Scholars : Jay Almon lxcknor.
The Youth's Coti'ttM Ait CstcVLATon. This
volume contains 91 paces, with about 000 exam
pies for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, rSinglo Rule ol 1 nree
Proportion. &c.
Tick s ou's Abitiimrtical, is destined
for the use of younger classes in the Schools of the
United States. A beautiful little book and pleas
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin.
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions arc given with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above hooks examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them tho best works that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued hut a few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York Citv in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Kciuiins. Also, tn about twenty Acadamics in mo
State of Pennsylvania in a larue portion of tho
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
. Lancaster, and in the Uorouirhs ol llarrisliurg,
York, Chamhershurg, Lebanon, Doylcstowh,Potts-
ville, OrwiKsburir, cVc, etc.
For sale by Hebt Masskb, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818.
rTWIS Powder is warranted far superior to any
A thing in use for imparting a keen, stnoothedire
to laxom, ourgieal instruments, and all kinds ol
line Ci'ti.krt ; it may be applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Pcrfu
mery, wholesale nnd retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy tlorals, No. 18 South Filth street a-
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
1 l'uiniiF.i.eiiiA, Feb. ISth, 18-1S.
This may certify that I have used one of the
strops prepared with HAYNES' MAOIC DIA
MOND I'OW DER, nnd can attest in the most
unequivocal milliner, that there is nothing can be
toiuul that will produce the same cllcct in my onin
ion. and must my to others, try it, and you will
find it sugierinr to any hoietofnre in use. I can
truly say that 1 never knew what a sharp razor
was netore.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third sU
PiiiLAiiKLruiA, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led me to seek : mJ test mtinv contrivances design
cd to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
iuditlerent sucee sr. until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett
and Koussel s Sh a vine Cream. I heir united hiw
er act like magic , and impart a power to the Rntor
to remove the m ost stubborn beard, without irri
tating the skin or tamper of their owner.
. I. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at thi i office Price 25 cts. per Box
November 55, 1848 6m.
In prcieutini; the pul die with a remwly for the treatment
midcureoi Fkveb and Aoi;b and 'Uhir bilious diffuse.
uoaUtffjr ii iifftitd. Vaxt tiunibt'ni in Uie l uiritj Slates,
who nill'i-r from tlie ; iflfctioiin in rheir vnrieil forms nre
D'litp llytl tn serk reliei fmm lht atircee than the iinine
diate prt'riptfn 01 the rular plivsifiuii. It Itrfimnt
iheret'ire an ohyeel of humunity, aa well as of puNie inter
est, to bring (Wore thei n a rtmtiy prt'fturefl fiom much ex
perieii(, and whie,i tiny ulwaxn be rt'lieit upon o kk,
ueJi ia Uie Uua chart et r ot' thel.MUA t'HOl.Atit Kit T.,
ia uiupljr utlrsled by the universal succtwi witb which it liui
betii employed.
tract from a ronnnntiicfitttin of the Hon. Vn.-
lmm o.)DBKiix,a, ol the L. t. Sri into, btu OnveriK of
lETROlT, Ot't. Ul, 1SI0.
Doctor Ciiari-ri 0 aoon,
Hear 8irT 1 liuve rtsid with much inter rat, your little
TRAKATisK upon the c luaes. Uenunent and cure" of the
febrile diweuaea whu-iJ luve so extensively prevailed in our
txmntry during the ln:it Tew inoinhs an i uteres t inereasrd
w i doubt, by the fuet thit 1 liuve individnnity Buffered a-i
much tram them. Tltoufih ( fed myself very incimpetent
to jmlge sufely uvm a S'lhjwt so entirely profeasitjiuil. yH
your theory aeems t me wtll rrnoned, and your coik lu
siona jiuct, nnd 1 think, that your puuiplitet is culcu
hitnl tisproduee mucti piuiatitutl (rood.
Iiki(t ol the melii:ine he says : It fully justified your
flatleruiff rxperUtioiu , and as a sufe, ouiveiiieiit, und popu
lar reinttty, my own eerietue, si fur, induces me to be
lieve tliat "it will nntve a ureat putilu benefit. I am nleaseil
to learn lhat yon have rtH eutly ertubliulied several utteiiciea
ir us umjy'Fuinn ini-un i reprei inai, wim a vu-w to a
more genanil disaemmiti n of it, you should hnva found it
ueeea&'iry in retuove 1 1 oni your present residenee among us.
With much respect 1 have the honor to be, air,
Your ithlitred servunt,
tV Frrmi Hon. TF Pn-w V. It. Trowbridge, of Michi
gan State Seunte. to the Aent at Detroit.
Birmingham, Oakland Co.. Dec. 13, 1841.
flir yii winh inett. inform you wliul 1 know of lit.
ObiihV I ti4 1 iii rhoLicoeihi, or unti-bili'Mis imttirine. 1 do
believe that jf t he virtue aivl etfiewy of tins medicine were
eeiteiulry known, Ui svvkm ami auuk would dwappear iu
. 1 procured a Nude in the spriiw of Iftll, and h?vt foid
reusiHi tu beliera that mys'!f and family camped the ague
taut seusmi in roiitM.-uue.iice of iu use.
l'erhiips iu no -tttuiuier since the settlement of this fine
prniiisuln, tlm feer and ticne hcen ao prevalent as the
lust. I huve rem mmrudud this niedicine tu numerous in
stances, and w hea lUe Uiaeave lutd beciuue fixed und bullied
the skill of physicians; nnd I huve never kuvn it mil. 1
has univeTMilly piodueed the most Imppy etleets, and 1 bet
lieve it lias never been exceed'-U by any medictnt in remo
ving the biliout diseases of the cliiuate,
Vouis. jesi wlfiillv,
Aeeutfn Sunt tirv H. R MA8SHK ; Norihniirtrlmul.
WITIIINUTOM V Co.j Milton, J. U. KASt-Ut: be 1ms
grove, MAY fc KLUfeK.
May, IM8 tf
(I.alc K?llr & (.rcenougb.)
-It atliliiKtoii, l.C.
UAWINGS and papera for the Patent
Oilice, pn'p ired and all the ntxTsfury bu-
anii'ss, in relation to aecuruig patents, trans
acted, and promptly atteutted to, at their of
lice opposite th e l'uteut Oliice.
October 28, 1818. . . , . ;
BAY BUM An exrolumV article for sale
by , . r.v .. HENKY MA8SER.
Sunbury Jan. 37th, 1819 tf. ,
PIASTER, Ka.'t and FUh, just received and for
1 by ' . J. W, FRH.IKO.
Sunbury, Dec. 1, 1848.
RAISINS, ' eun ants, citran, cheesa, peppar
saucss Ac For sals by J. W. FlULINU
Sunbury, U.S, li48. u
, Wnt rcmedj far coughs, colds. For !
,t this offioo '
Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when
the means of cure are within the reach of all I
Tlie undersigned has spent several rears in the
study of Veterinary practice In "London and E
dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear
ches of I.eiblff, and other celebrated men, who have
contributed so much towards a Judicious treatment
of animals j the principles of our practice consists
In the rejection of general blecdinj and the total
rciection of all medicines that experience has
shown to be of a danirrrous tendanry. These re
medies act iri harmony with the vital principle, and
when iriven according to the directions Which ac
company each article they are capable of exciting
and increasing the natural functions, without di
niiniabinir -or ilcstrovini their power, hence aro
sufcin tho hands of every one.
u. li. IJAUU, m. u.
A List ol Horse nnd Cattle Medicines.
Physic, balls, 75c. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pack-
Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc.
Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inllamation of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting tho growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment fur mango scratches, old sores, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Embrocation for soro throat. 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated articlo known
in England for latnoncss of every description, 75c
& !fil per bottle.
l)istcinicr powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal, 75 per package.
For sale by STIMI'fON KEED, 20 Mer
chants Row, also ot DAI) LI'S HOUSE AND
Haymorket Square, Boston.
l'ainplilets describing tho diseases for which
these remedies arc used can be had gratis.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Pr n-rietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
cines. Boldby (iKEEX & FLETCHEIt,Xo. 86 South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
A(iKT. Hhnt Masskb, Sunbury,
February 3, 1S4!) tf
Till! F.xtrnet is put up in qutirt bottles. It ia fix times
cheaper, plenum iter, ami warrantee) fu peri or to nuy
sold. Ii eures discuses without vtmiitiiui, piirgiiicr. sick
ness, or dchilitnting the ptilicnt, ami is puriiculnrly adapted
lor a
The brnuty nnd upfTi"rity of this Sunsiparillu over
other rriuctlis if, w hi lot it cnulicutt'sdisr?;isc,
it inviii'TatPs th hudy.
;i'nminipiiu curfil.
Clean m and iStrenjf thru.
Consumption can he cured.
Bronchitif. Cnnsumptinii. I.ivcr romplaiiit. Cnldn, Coughs.
Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of HlfKxI. I tciiwk in tho
Chcai, lltftic 1'lush," Nii:ht Swciita, Diffi
cult und V r i fu sr; l',pcctMnitiuii
and l'ain in the Side,
Ac, c,
have and can 1 cured.
PrfilinWy tlierc never was a remedy that has been so sue
ressful iu desperate cttses of consumption hs this ; i cleati
lea and strengthens the snrem, ami appear tn heal the ut
eeri on the Iiuik, and patients gradually repnin Uieir usuid
health ami Rtreutli.
There, it scarcely a day pawes hut there are a nui.ihet of
cases of coinutmpt ion reporicd as cnretl by the ue i't' l)r
Townsen's SSirautui ill;t. The following was recently re
ceived :
Dr. TtvHV Tinr Sir: For the !nt t)irr- yearn I
have been afflicted with general debility, ami nervous con
sumption of the latt staire, and did not expect to- ever y.un
my health at all. After iroiivi through n course of mwlicine
under the t-ire of aotne of the m 'ft (bstmcmsbed rculiir
plivficians and members of the li iard of Health in New
Voik and elsewhere, und spending the m st of my enrniiiLrs
in attemptiiiir to retrain my health, and after rendiutT in
some Kier of your Sursapurilla 1 res jived to try it. Al ter
Ubiitp six bofth'S 1 found it done ina sreat poKl, aud cabled
tit see you at your oifiee j with your udvirc 1 kept on, and
do rm'it heartily thank you for your advice. I persevere in
taking the NiriatpariUii, and have been aMe to attend to my
usual lulu rs for the lust four mouths, audi hope by the
blessings of Gd and your Sarsuiuhlki to continue my
health. It helped me beyond the expectations of all who
knew my case. tUIAKl.tiS CjUIMBV
Orange, Ktwx eo. N. J1( Aug. ii, 17.
State ot New Jersey, Kfsex county, ss.f'lmrles Quim
by leiug duly sworn accurding to Liw, on his oath stiith,
tii3t the foregoing statement is true according to the bet of
hi knowledge aud belief. CI1AKL.KS (Ll.MUV.
Sworn and subacritieU to liefore nte at Orange, the 2d
August, 17. CVRt S BALDWIN.
J nil ice of the Peace.
Retil the following, and suy that coiuuunption is iu incu
rable if you can :
New York, April 23, 1P47.
pr. ToWNftND: I verily believe that your Sursuparilla
IniB been the menus, through Providrwe, of saving my lua
1 huvutor several years hud a bud cough. It became worse
and worse. Af last 1 raised lurce quantities of bl whI, bud
night sweats aid was greatly dfbihtntetl and reduced, nni
did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsnuiinlla
but a short time. at them has a womlcriul change leen
wi'ouifht in me. um now alile t walk all over the citv.
I raise no blivid, aud my ou?h has left ine. Von can well
imagine that 1 um thankful i'r these resutr. Your obedi
ent ner-ant. VV.vl. lU'SSKLD, tW Catharine st-
The annexed certitiiuihi tells a simple and truthful story
f sulTeriug and rcliff. There are thousands of similar ca
ses in this city ami Hrooklyu. and yet there ara thousntuls
of m rents let their children die lur fuar ot beuig humbugged
or 10 Bivc m tew suuiuujs,
Brooklyn, Sent. 13, 1PI7,
Dr. TewKsKKD : I take pleasure in suiting, for the bene
fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two
years and six months old, was u (dieted witii gmerul de-
iniy anil loss 01 Seecn. Mie was given up as past je
covery bv our family physician: but fortunately 1 was re-
cs fimieuiied by a friend In try your Suranpanila. Before
having used one bottle she rocuve.reil her spccli and was
enabled to walk alone; to the ut.t uiittlmieut of all who were
acuuautied with the cireutnsuiiM'ea. She is now quite well.
and in much better health than she has been for 1H mouths
pus;. J OS K I'll TAVLOH, Via York St., Urooklyu.
Very few families indeed in fact we have not heard of
one that used l)r. Towiueiurs (virsupanlm lit lime, lost
any children the past SumuiT, while those that did not.
sickeiied and died. The cercifiente we pubtinh Itelow is
twaa-iusive evioence 04 its value, and ia only another instance
of its saving the Uvea of children :
Dr. Townseno Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by
ysm rvuwHuiiin m mc summer coinpiamt ana uysemury ;
ouewaaoiuy 13 moninotd and Uia other 3 veurs. They
were very much reduced, und we eijiected they would die ;
they were given up by two respectable physicians. When
the doctor mformeU us that we must lose them, we resol
ved to try your Stirsaiarilki we had heard ao mneh of, but
had little confidence, there being much stutl advert isxl
that is wortuh-ss: but we are tliaukful thai we did, for It
undouhtnlly saved the lives of Ulh. 1 write this that oth
ers may D tuuuceu to use tt. ours. resecitullv,
Myrtle-uvenue, Bntoklya, t?ept. 16, lr47.
Da Townsfsd's Sabs apavtuj. is sovereign and speedy
cure fr incipient consumption, and fitr the general prostra
tion of the system 110 matter whether the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
cident. Ni'thing can be more surprising thuu its invigorating ef
fects ou the buiiuiu triune, persiuis all weak ncus ami lus
Siludo, from taking it at om'e bocine robust and full of
energy luaier its miluence. It immediately etmnteracls the
uerveiessitess ot the lemale frunie, which ta the great cause
It will uot lie expected of us, iu cases of ao delicate a na
ture, to exhibit certihcaies of cures performed, but we caii
assure the altiictul tiuit hundreds ol' cases have becu repor
ted to us.
Da. Towksknii : My wife being greatly distressed by
weakness and general debility, ami sitilV-riiui continually by
tiu aiul with other dubcultiea, and huvuig know n cusea
where y oar medicine hue elleclctl grvut cures; and aiao
hear 1 1 qf a reeittnntemled for such cases as I have deoenbed,
1 otttuined a liotile of your Extract of Suraaparilia and fi4
lowed the- directions you gave me. In a short period it
removed hrr uomplaiuta ami restoreii her to health. DeJng
greutlul fttr the benefits she revived, 1 take pleasure ui
UiUackmw lodging it, and recumiucMdiua it tit the public.
Albawy, Au, 17, HA. cor. Grand 4 Lydta su.
No fluid or medicua bus ever been tiisoovered which so
iimrly resembles the giuurie juice or auh va iu deoxnhsitig
fotid and stremrtheuing lle organs of digestion aa this pre
puratiouf Sarsupurilla. It pitively eures every ease of
dyspepsia, kowever severe or chrtaiw.
, iiuuk Deuaruueul, Afttmy. May 10. 1845.
Dr. Townsend Sir: 1 huve heeu atflieitxl for sevemt
years wish dyspepsia in its worst forta, aUetated with siHiff
ueas of stomach, loss of appetite, extreme aeartbarii, tmt
great aversion to all kmda of t'oud, aad for weeks, (what I
eould eat) I have been unuble to retaiu but a Miie.ll portion
oil my stomaeh. 1 tried the usual reinediea, but they had
but little or no eaTecl ia removing Ue euuipiaiisti 1 was it
duced, about two uiunths auice, ti try ytair Fa tract utf Hm
su pax ilia, aud X piuat say with littaj eoufideti ; but after
uauw twariy twit uottlee, I found wf appetite restored and
tha beartbura eirtirely rtmovad; and I wvuM eartiaeily Stv
eonuneiHl tha use of it to those who have been artiicttMi aal
have been. Yours, Ac., W. W. KS ZANDT.
Ageiu for Hunbury JOHN W. KUH JNO ; Nor
thuiuberiaad, MAfctY A. McCAY Daavdie, W'M A.
Ml'KHAY iCu, , - '
Apid W, IM. ly , '
ron thb ctjrb or
Headache. Oiddinei
Messrs Salt Rlmniif
HmrtBarn, Wunnat
Cholcta Morbus, .
CnairriB. Qiilniwy.
Wh.x-plng Ouch,
CoiMumption, r-'inii
l.ivpr ComplHinf,
K.rialpelnft, llnnfnsi,
ltrhhmsuflhe Bkni,
Colda, Gout. Oravel.
Kheumstism. Filea,
Uyauopiiia, Scurvsy,
Hmnll Pox, Jnunrllco,
fainain uie nuca,
Inward Weosnnaa,
Palpitaiion if the Heart,
I ianiR in the Throat,
Drop y, i si nma,
Kcvers of all kinils,
Femsle Complninla,
Nervous Ctmptnints,
f rom impurities or The Btoon, and
F.snCTie'e hssnroven that nearly BTfrr Wimnsp originates
from lminirltlca fit the Hhw or aeraiinementa of ths Uiges.
tivos Orirnns and to secure Health, we rnunt rcrnov, Uiuae
obatruetliitiaor restore the nioil to its natural state.
'Vhm t,tn.r.n, tn fenkiiia medieine rs anwt eneetuaftv ve.
moved hy Cucsssa's Vsoetasle Poao.nv Pn,Ls. beina;
e muleti'lv enveloped with a coiUiud of pure white 8uear,
(winrn in an uiminci lrwui um ...j... .... ..m wirwh
shell from the kernel) and hnvnnnuisto of
liulam as airily swallowed hs bits ofeandy. Moreover
tliey m ilhr r nainciite or irriie in the slightest degree, hut
operate eqimllv nn all the diseased tmrtant the system, in.
atmrlof r'liil'uiinir themselves tn, and raekitw any twrticular
reKiH Thus, if the Liver be ufle.eted one ingrulient will
dp r ite on that pnrtleular nrznn, and, hy clemming- it of an
l'lieem of Hile restore it to It nntuied Hate. Another will
operate on the Hourd and retnoveall impuritiea in its eireu
hition j while a third will efl'ectuiilly expel whatever impu.
rities may have Iteen diselfftrffed into the stomneh. nnd henee
tliey strike at the root disease rem-tve all Impure Hu
mors f rem tha body, open tlie porea extertmlly aitd inter
nally separate oil fiareipn and obnoxious particles from the
ehyle, an that the hl-md may be tlvtrnntrhly pure tints seen
riliga free and healthy oelionto the Henri, Llingsand l.iver
anirtherehy they restore health even when all other (means
have fuller!. '
The entire trulh of the nb ive enn he nseertained by the
trial of n sin" le lux: and their virtuea are so imaitivo' and
eertain in rrstoriiig ll,yilth, that the proprietor binds himself
to return the m-aiey pnut tor tnem m all cases where they
do not give universal satisfaction.
notnll I'l iro. 25 M. per Il.
. Principal olTiee No. fill Versw t., N. York,
"kl by JOHN Y. YOUNO.' Suahurv.
M. A. .McCAY, Northumberland,
rp It emcmhnr Pr. C. V. Cliekner is the inventor of the
Purer ('.wlwl l'ill. nail that nothing of the sort was ever
heard nf until he introduced them in Jnde, 113. rurehnsera
alt. mid, therefore always ask lor tlieknerTs Stisar Coated
Pills, and take no others, or they will be made the victims of
a traitti.
February, 17, lMn ly
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores
1orSr,Y-S I'N'IVl'.HSAI, OINTMENT, islhe most
otanpteie ijurit Aiiliilae ever known. It instantly.
(ami as ii ty .Magic) stops iains ol tae most despermf
Hum ami iCiiM. For ultl S ires, lb uiscs. Cuts, Siruins, Ac
n nmuor Iwnst, it is the best nonlicution Hint can be mnte
'i'li'-UHiimln hnvetriffl mul th'iusiuids nrnise it. It is thainost
perfect m:iFler ol pain cvr dinct-vercil. All who use re
c nnmenrl it. Kvry frnuilv shoul-) be Tovi1ef with it
iSione cm lei hi 'W so n wine of tho f imilv nmr nceil it.
17? (Jbucrve eiii-h Ixxj of tin; Pennine Uiuluirrn linn the
imnieof J. Touky. writlni on the oulMilc label. To unite
io thiK is fonrt-rv.
Itotiluieu. In ery Men, Fnnncrs, etui nil who use Iloracx,
will hu'l llus (imtuwiit the v-ry lKt tiling thry c;in use
f'T t'uibir tiiill?. SfTJi'i'lirn. Kicks, Ac.. Ac., mi Ihcir uuinnts
Surely cvrv itn'i'cyful iiiun wnild kep bis imiinuls us fn-r
ffiiin wiin us p 'ppiiilr. TouaVs L iiivertKil Diuliueut is u II
t!i;it in n-'piin-d. Ti v il .
IM'IT.S (!' INSKt :TS. I'orlhc atiiiff r bitu of poison
us liwctf. T (usei 's )iutui'-'iit is umivulltHl Ilmidretls have
tried it. mid f -uttd it :n.
riM:SCM;HKl) ! Fortheritc.TuseyVUtiiver:il Oint
ment isnno of tli best Reniedb's that can l applicU. All
who (ui' tried it fT the Pil-M re tnmeiul it.
UI.i SOHI.S tT'UF.l). For old nbsliinle Snres, there
is nothinp p'iml tn Tonffy's t Hiiiinent. A pf-rs 'ii in MiunU
us hud, for n nuinlK'r of ye;trs, s re leir that h;ttHed the
sliill "iftlie ibrctiirs. T'nsy,s Ointment w:is rectminenihtl
by one of the visilitif physi'-i-ins. (who knew its preni vir
luefi.) und two b to' product d more bi-nc-fit than the pa
tient had received from any and all previous remedies. l,et
nil try it.
IirKNS AM) SCALPS CriiF.T). TlvurTimN of cass
of Hums and S--ilds. in nil parts of the country, have been
cured by T uisey's I'niversal Ointrn-'iit. I'ertdituitcsen'iuh
coui'f be b:id to tin wh'-li- of this sheet.
VKM.KXT HltriSr.S critF.l). Tesiimnntiils nn t)ti.!!!!1 in faV'U of Toiuey's Ointiuent f'T curiiiij Hnuscs
i.c ; lieen uilereil the prnprirtons. Hundreiis in Syrueiire
will .'unify to Hp ureat merits relieving the pain of tlie most
pevre Hrui"'-s, All jiers-ms uli'mld trv it.
S(Isl) HKAD C I'ltKli. Srcs of crises of Swdd II.d
have been cured by Tousiey's Ointment. Try il it seldom
lit i Is.
SALT nilF.rM CnUKD. Of oil the rcni"dics ever His.
eovercn furl lis nii'st disapreenhte complaint, T-uisey's lni
versrd Ointment is the must complete. It never wus known
to fail.
t il FPi:D HANDS CAX UK CURFJ). Tni.tey's Fm
vcrsal Ointiii''nt will always cure the worst cases of Chap
n"d K inds. S".res of pers dim will state this.
SOUK UFSCrilKD. For the cure ofS-re I.ins there
was never anything made eual to Tousey's Ointment. It
is sure to cure I hem. Try it.
It is a seiiM:ifV com;v un I, vrirr:mtd no to cMitnin nv
prepimti 'n of M-Tcnry. IT-' Price 'J. cents per If x. l'or
furiluT particulars c mcerniiif? this really valuable Ointment
thf public nre referred to l'uinpbU-ts, to be had gratis, of re
BpeetMble Pnurjjif's and .Mercliants throualr.iut the United
rreprired bv S. TOl'SCY
Druggist, Nn, 106 Nawtnu
MP'et, .rv ork.
Ar.KNT- .FollN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A
I'ebruury 17, 1640. ly
Jlnd all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach in both Mde and
Puch na Const ipat ion. Inward Piles, Ftrilntaft or niood to
the lleuit. Acidity ol the Stomach, Nuusen, Heari-buni,
Diitutft for Fo,d, FiiNnesa or weight in the Stomach, Smr
F.ructuti.mB, Sink 111? or Fluttering ut the pit of the Stomach
Swiinimng of the, Hurried and JJitluult Ureal lung,
FbHterins: ut the Il'-urt. Chokiiui or Sntlicutins sensntious
when iu a lying p-'Htirre Dimuosof Vision, Dots or vel
ttelore the htiu, I ever and uull (win in ine iiean. ireneien
cy of Pernpiration, Yellowness of the Skin uud Kyes, Puin
in the Side, Hack. Chest, Limbs, A e., Sudd. -n lbislies of
Heat, Hurtling iu lite Flcnh, Constnnt Itti'ijritm'.U" "f 'vil
and great depression of Spirits C'un bv eheviuaLly mrej by
Celchrateil (lerman Ditters. !
Their pnv-T over the alove disennet is not exeitUed if
eipjalleil by uny other previrati"ii m the I nited States I
as the cures at teat, m inuuy cases after sivtliiut physicians
bail fuiled. j
IJemilHenieni oi me jjivrr miimiMiiuni mrv iiri-eB 01
Insanity, nnd will also produce disease vi the Henrt, Skin,
Lungs and Kidney s, aud Invs the luxiy open to 1111 atturk of
the t-liolera, Itili uy, ir Yelhw Fever, mid is generuJy tAe
lirst euuse of that m st Muetul disease, CoiiSuinpUoji,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Prcus.
DfemU'l :1 t-t Kivs;
AN INVALF ABU. i I'D I f ' ! N K We ha ve frequent ly
heard the Cetchrjtrd tierumii Bittei", maiiumetnrwl by Dr
11'K'lllaud, sp ikeii .f ui lerina of c nipicuilutv 11, ami we
know dehct ,-edjy a . It is u Um c -uniKm pmctiee, m cer
tain quarter. M puff" nil manner of useless tnrIi, bui iu the
atove Hitters, bumlred, nre living wiinessea of their
im-tnd ami physical worth. As u nietbeiue f the VveT
Coiupluint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility und Lpr,"- it
has ben found invaluable, etlectiug cures and lb rough ly
enidteaiiiig diseases, when all other niedicines huvt. failed.
W e foci i-ouvuicetl. thnt in the use of tho Gttfiiuui BuLers,
the putient dKsuot become debilitated, but einsUintty gai;s
strentrih and vig'rtotbe fnmie a fact worthy ol greut The 1 liters ure ptrcisaut iu Unite und sinell,
und eun bu Hdmiuistered uiubruuv circuiUhMiuecs, to the
tiioit deJicute Mt0111u-. I1. Indeetl, they can be used by all per
ems with the m i pcrfwt miety. It w uikl be well for
Ihoae who are mueh ulleetcd iu the nervous system, to
t'oninience with one tm s.viouml or less, and graduuily in.
erease. Wespeak from exjMrienee, and ure of course, a
propeir jiMlire. The pre&s fur ami wsle, liave united in re
commending the (ierman UUters, und to tlie alii le ted we
moat c-Jidiaily advise their use.
June 91th auva:
"DOnrn nooUCITIKNS'who ara invslida, know
tlie niuuy aiiifiiiialiiiifr curi1 ihiit liave Irci! perl'i irintvl by
Dr. Hintl'limd'a Crlt'lirutril brruuiu Hitii-r ! If tliey ki
ii', we rntitinnrinl Ihim hithulit'riiuin Mnlii ina Slorf,"
all who ori. adtiflMl with l.ivrr Cianpatint. Jiilirelioe, Dya
primn, ir NiTVoiw Dclulity ) Ihc ll.n'Mr huaourad mwiijt is"
our i iuzi'iia ui'irr th b. al ili i uiim hail mil. ii. We linvo
ui.f.1 thrin, aii.lllipyhiivxpriivt'il ti. ra iiiiilii iiii'tliul t'Vfry
uie ahuiilil Lii'iwut', urn! we iunivt ri'l'niin siviui: ourli-a-tniuiny
in ilMrir iiivnr, ami that winch fivrs thrm enturr
daim ujitiu our t-Hiirl, ihi-y are omrely Vciji'tulae.
July lihanys:
"We spenk knowingly of Dr. Il(iflmil'a Celrhralnl Cer.
mail lliltt'ia, when we aay it ia a lil.'Hni ' Ihia mte ; and
ui diaeuw aiir tlie biliary, ditatm uikI Nervous Syaunn.. u
huaiu welhink an njiiiil. It ia a Vevrtiilile PrrparHlinn,
and niaile with-wt AU"hol, and all invulida we would re
O'Hiuirnn it us wmliv thi-irimfi'lenee.
t-nr tsite, wlMlratile and r..nit, al the pruiciiiaJ tlen.,
(I K 11 M A MUUICINE UTonK, No. 978 Kuiv Hlreet,
(-uiimieipata. '
tv suk: ey M. A.McflAY, NurihumlierUiiKl nd 8uo
hury uud xmiwctuble diakis (auerully Uuougliout tlie
April gi, lWfi y
Cotton Vant, Cutton Carpet C'haiu, Cottoa Laps
nil Wadiliiiib Cutton Outlines, Emly made
1 untuloonn, KpihIj made esta, Lonrens Knives,
Porerluin lined preserving kettloa, just rwived
for sale hy H. MASffiER.
Sunbury, Vte, , lts. ' . . . i
AXES of very superior quality for sab by. '
Sunbury, Dec 8, 1848. , . ,. , .-. . . r
BLANK BOOKS. An swawrtmeut of Bhnk
Books, lust received anal aaJ by
Bunbury, Dee, t, IMS.
. . . - , , . . : C I ci
O Moltiansi tor sale by HCNKV MAbSEK.
Sunbury, Dee, , 1848.
rmil Aim THIKF Ptlnnv mumts
Sel and LetteiCottying Prosses, PatMt
Slate-Lined RefriKemtor, Water FiU
i ters, Patent Portable Water Clr -
etfj) intended for the Sick
' and Infirm. , "
' 7B South Thin! Street, .
Mamtfaeturs aitd keep MnstMt
ly on hand, a lafge aaanrtmaM af
'',1s'", artielea, together witk
il'iUr01'"' 'mpwedSalaniandaf
are au ennatructed aa to sM at res
all manner of dnubt aa to their
hem atrietlv are-nmnr ..j .l.s
a, Ihey will resist the tra of an
buildina. Tha outside ma. Je
thesa Safca nre made of boiler iron, the inside raffleof aoaa
ati'ne, and between the outer ease and inner ease ia a specs
,a wane inree merles inien, ',, i. iiiittu in wna inuesirao.
tihle niaterial, so as to make it an impossibility to burn SMf
of tliri'iiutenls Inside of this Chest. These S xnatone Ss
Inninnders we are prej,ared and do rhallenire the world t
pristure nny article la mo snape oi hik sales tnac will
stand ns much heal, nnd we hold ourselves ready at ail
times to have them fairly tested by public bonfirs. Wsl
also continue to manufacture a larffe and general assort'
merit ot our Premium Air-tiirht Fire Preof Snfes of which
there nre over HHI now in rise, and in every instance they
have piven rntlie anlislacllon to the purchasersof wMek
we will refer Hie public to a few jentleme ho hV
them in use
Ilnywisid fc Pnvrler. Pottsville) Joseph O. Lawtetf
P"ttville; Mr. William Terr. Doylestown. PS.
N. ft G. Taylor, 12 north .Id at.; A Writrht k NephaMC
Vine st. wharf; Alexander Caror, Ciaiveyaacer, corner of
Pilhcrt and pth sts.j John M. Ford, 3 north 3d at.) MyarS
Ilush, 2ft north 3.1 St.; James M Paul, 1(11 south 4th at
Dr. David Jayne, 8 south .111 at.; Mathew T. MiUer, W
S'Uth 'M St.; find we could name some hundreds of others
11 it were necessary. Now we invite the attention of ths
public, and particularly those ill want of Fire Proof flafea,
to call nl our store before pnrchasinff elsewhere, and ws
can satisfy them they will pet a better nnd cheaper srlitlr
st onr store thnn nt any other establishment in the city.
We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought St airf
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 8, 1MB ly
GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprieto.
U'indsotj Vermont.
IS n hivrreitrn remcilv for P'PPKPr'IA, in numy ! m
tor run. tiueh in pit in in the Stomach, Ibur(lurii, habitau
(oRiiveueHfi, Aeid Stoiinicli. IleoHtiehe, IsOMof Appttita,
Piles, Niht Sweuis. uikI even Consiuii niton rDynpeptte
Phlhisic.j lui'l As'liiiin, or Phthisic ntteinietl with rlrmng
nient oi the Sloumeh (or l)yspe tie Amhtnn.) Difficult
l!reatliinr. v liich oiteu reMil; liom inijierlWt digestion (or
lJysju-iiir Syiitiir-a.) is n-iieve,! by Ihese llittem. laihort,
their use l;:i hci'it proved in h reliel' nf alraoiit til th
nyuiptoni.s thnt proei-ed from u dcbilitulerl or atonic condi
tion of the Si uiiie)i; uIb.i in (jencrul .tebltity arisitifr from
ui! a or from the rtlVvt of Fever, pnrtieiilnfly Fever tid
Airue. Ffniules sudV'rinix under nny uterine tlrran-rfmnt
nriniii-i from vfnkn-i. will find t lie ut (xygkatid Bit
TKit'' tm ex- elleut rinedy, und not hurjiumted by any iuli
cine in ue.
'I'he bist ry of this medirine in peculiar. It bu made its
w iy t ii!iiif tuvor solely by the fore (if iu nvn intrinti
merit. " 'trtifieinl means hnve been unexl to give it n
t -riety mul Ihrunt it iip'-u public attention, It hai ntver
N.-for tn en l-een inlvertien, but hnviug first shown its rs
ui:irkubln etlKiiey in the fumily of the proprietor, and trf
him tiflerwnul ii'lmiuiclere! to his afflictetl friends and ae-'jtuuutnti'-'H
with u like reKiilt, its rrputntion gradually ax
tended until it is known in the mot distant parts of tae
I nioii, un n uiedieine of unrivalled virtues in the cure of
Dysprpsin in till tin ditP'rent forms, nnd Ql fur the cure af
Asthnci or Phtliisie. Its only herald Hnd ita only eukT
hns been the Ktory of its wonderful ellieuey, as told from
niotitli t mouth or by letter fr m friend to friend. In ere
ry injetanee wIit'' lhee Hitters have been iis'-H.and the r-
eitlf 1 1 nine kuownL tne proprietor, they huve proved a re
medy. Numerous eertifieates. titlr'sting the sin-rnl'ir efficacy af
the "t JxviiKSA tkt. KiTitH." nre in the poansirm ol tae
proprieLor; uvmyoi them signal by persons already widely
known to the public,
GKO. Tl GKKKM. Prurietor.
AVINDSOU. Vt.t Oetf.Ner 3T 1645.
The follow 1 115 (. ertifientes hue recrntly bee
revel ved 1
"WA-irrrteTox. D- C . Jr 10.
Ilnvijur innde use of the lnygenatea Bdters'T prepare!
by 1 ir. tie". U. Cireen, ( WiwtimT.. Vt.awl fnxn know
IcdL'e 1 tnii'-Hl "i ti r.r eifi'ney in "the tn-. weeheerlHlIf
rec iiiiiirnd thf-m t 1 ! lie public, believing th! they willfully
ai'iMiu the rit iniiif niiirii '.n of the lroprir. We h
that tins vli.i:ibt ri-n;eriy maybe so eerwrally ditTesed
thronphout the eounir that it mav be ac-.f rtibie le ail the
UAll j V. 5. Senator from YoioM.
JAM I S V. SI MMONS, V. S, Senator from K. Island.
J. T Mtilll.UKAD, V. S. Seiutur and foniwly Wovera
or oi Kentm-kv.
1-. U. A I! NOLI), Member of Congress and formerly -veruof
oi Ii . I .
VM WociinnmHiF.. r. ft. Senator and Ibrmeriy 0
vern r of Mu-iitiin.
M. I.. MAlt'liN, Deleute in Congress from VTimaaia
From lb -n. II. X). Fpvtf.r, Member of Congress fresa
A'Ai.tlXGT01S. D. C, Jvxx 10, 1S49.
Dear Sir, 1 have been a dyspeptic sutler or for ahoat ten
yenrs, and huve resortetl to various medicinee for relief
without tureens, until I made use of your '"'Oxygenated
Hitters.1' I have uFed nbout two 1-ottles, and findmyeelT
restored t pert e-t hmlth The forms in wbieh the di
ease showitt its It, in my euse. were, great acidity of ta
stofimeh. 1 m of appetite, extreme flatulence, aevere eonsll
twition ot (be Kiweis, uud violent heailache. Feeling desi
rous that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may resell
oiners Humiariv ninieietj. 1 iaKe great pleasure in reeora-
ing my ti-Kti inny l1 its curative power ; ami would also
rcniai k. that i tulc on a visit at home a short time sines. 1
I HtliiuntM' red a jmrt of a botttt to a number of my afflicted
I friend, with great tnicess. They are desintes tSst yoaj
. sli' uiil cMablirh 1111 aireney at Pittslturg, or in.'orm the
j w)ier- tin- inedi'.-ine inn le ot-lnined. With am earnest de
j sire lor vonr pr-'sprntv uud huppinrss, I subeenbe mvself,
j trnlv vrr friend 11. D. F('STs.R.
liver, i-ro. H. -iHi:K'(, Vt.
S'!d Wh Nii- nnd Keiail bv Gieen k Fletohef, K.
j S6 S u(h Sixth Street, Phihatelphin.
Arent f.-r Smiborv II. U. M ASSKH.
I Agents for MiKwr M ACKAY A HA AO.
I A -rent fo I'ppef Ma!). nil'). J. U. KKN-
Aprii ia, 1'''
rilAlll.Ks OAKFURD,
W. ill ! r.s ifilti ly I. mte ..ii. iilii.n tn his snrisrmr
iv!o "! I' lis I t hummi'II. IHiti, which will ha
f.iuml Uie m.Kl 'eilr. i i'ir h. otn-ml I.) lbs
riimiiMiiiliv- lis perulisr Mm ss-mltF- il the mora
J. sirjl'l , as ii ninlinrs af) the ewen'mix of durs
I'llny siiJnesinos, rrquisile m ehsssl anirJof .lress
whins his iiiriffflM il lu iliiies in m ro inoAclurinf
vih nil iha iimli ru improverm ats. enaM.' bio
To Chsllsssk tiis W'vsjld li proOuer batter
Culms':' s Titer Hits ssjb Cmt r tw
Li riHT .Mont.-"' f"1's hae lieeii sslrclrS
with greHt c-iri', siu H f"il mosc btutstttal
anil chie in their -t j-
LanitV I.'iiiimo Hits t!H Cam or Ktfst
IT tw I'ittsrsis. Orsal rare has haD besitrw
eJ in ronstrufliiig these articles. tht tbey msyll
peificlly esuy and loim grace'ol sppenrsnct.
104 Chestnut st. t tew tlouis ubova Third.
Se temlirr 30, Junt 24, 181Slj(
Pictorial Ktlitloii of dVliiM-f-rM'rst
greut Work on tlie lleloruialloni
published or. nr sbont the 1st ol April, 1818, by
JUS. A. SPEEL. N 6 Cherry st. bov ftth..
bis splendid Vimo edition of the sbove Ds,aiad
work, with 18 enRisved illulrati&s from ori
ginal designs ; 4 vols m 3, bouad io etit cloth,
and library sbeep.
The uublisber resiiectfully e!U lh tttenlioav
of the trade Bin! tbe public (cenerally. to thi
work being the only illustrated edition publishes!
iu ths Uiiilfd States He trusts that the beauty
of its embellishment), th strong and substantial,
manner in which il is bound, in conjunction with,
the known popularity of the work itself, willibr
a sure recommendation to public favor.
' JOS. A SPEEt. Cherry at above fth.
J. A S has also lately published, a new and)
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Race Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done un. in.'
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1848 '
PATENT Trasses of all kinds, Harrison's
wriUng anJ hidellible ink. Cotton Tana nasi '
lp, just received and fur sale ray
Sunbury, Dec , 18U.
CATS, An assortment just received. Also
silk HAT8 at fiii, for sale hy , "
Vsmbury, Dr.9, 1M8. , . ,, a