SUNBURN AME1U0AN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. HORTICULTURAL. oftowtTca rntiT ikocr glass. The Boston Transcript, in n interesting article on the eubjeot of Horticulture, in deecriptien of the (rarden, green-home, and tritieeof fruit of Mr. Allen, of Salem, whewe eaccewful deration to horticultural pursuit well known, aajre: Mr. Allen baa a ff frwthatiaa curiosi. fy. It fills the entire back wall of one of hia house, and is trained in the same way a the peach, the branches stretching tipht and Jeft from the trunk some thirty or forty fnpt and is ery rigorous. The rariety is th the black rig of St. Michnel. It is now in froit 'ilh the third crop for the season. Up wards of 3,000 fig, by count have been pnth red the present season, and it is still yield ing its delicious fruit in abundance. When fully ripe this fig bursts with its own richness The fruit is fine, and a pood variety for for . cing. There are several other varieties of figs growing in the bouses, but none so proli fic as the St. Michael. "The growing of fruit under glass is quite extensive in Massachusetts, and a vast a mount of wealth is invested in this delightful branch of industry. Then.' is probably more fruit grown in this way in Massachusetts than in all the othor States of the Union, and theie is a ready demand for all that is grown. Our cultivators frequently have orders from the South and the West Indies for grapes, which command a high price. No grower has been more successful than Mr. Allen, and his esta blishment is such at the present timo as to vield him a handsome return for his labors." Mad. It is confidently asserted by a Ber lin correspondent of the London Daily News, that the Emperor Nicholas has shown unequi vocal symptoms of insanity. He relates the following as one of the latest freaks of the 'ruler of two hemispheres." "After receiving the dispatches which an nounced the occupation of Debrccziu by CeodajefT, tho Czar was found dancing about bis room in his shirt. It is said that be con tinued for three whole hours to exhibit in this extravagant way the joy with which the news of so quick a triumph ha J inspired him." "It were a pity," writes Mrs. Trollop?, or Captain Maryatt, "that the American Presi dents do not display that delicacy of manner and highlh-finished deportment, in their so cial intercourse, which characterizes Euro pean sovereigns. Then we might regard them with eyes less prejudiced," &c, &e. E. g., a King dancing in his What taste! ' The Rod to Ruin. The following is the way to ruin a son :. i. Let him have his own way. , il. Allow him free use of money. 3. Teach him to despiso work. 4. Let him roam where he pleases on the Sabbath. 5. Show him how to use the brandy bottle, and teach him to swear. 6. Let him seek evil companions. 7. Call hira to no account for his absence in the night. 8. Give him no stated employment. , These rule?, strictly adhered to for twelve mouths, will finish his down-hill education. la French newspaper of 1S22, we find an account of a man who, his wife having proved unfaithful to him, called his valet, and informed him that he was about to kill himself, and requested that he would boil him down, and make a candle of his fat, light it, and carry it to his mistress, and hand her at the same time the following note: "Dearest Therese 1 have long burnt for you, and now 1 prove to you that my flames are real. Yours, Pierce.'' Kclcs ro Wearing Rings. Wben'alady is not engaged, she wears her ring on her first finger; if engaged, on her second; if mar ried on her third ; and if she intends to re main unmarried, she wears the ring upon her fourth finger. This is the rule laid down in the latest work upon female proprieties that we have seen, and it appears to be generally recognized among the sex as one that should be scrupulously observed. Utility or Nettles. It is a singular fact that steel dipped into the juice of the nettle becomes flexible. Dr. Thornton, who has made the medicinal properties of our wild plants his peculiar study, states that lint dip ped in nettle juice, and put up the nostril, has beeq known to stay tho bleeding of the nose when all other remedies havu failed ; and adds, that fourteen or fifteen of the seeds ground into powder and taken daily, will cure the swelling in the neck known by the name of goutrie, without in any way hijuiing the general habit Medical Times. I Wish I Were a Harrifd Man. The following Was found emoting the posthumous papers of an elderly single gentleman, sup posed to have died of ossiiicatiou of the hearts. The world is as apt to mistake the true char acter of bachelors as physicians are diseases of their patients. I wish I were a married man, ' And had a little baby, ' I'd buy a little wagon cart. And draw it round some, may bo. A Sailor being asked if he were allowed to gratify three wishes, what would they bet My first wish would be for all the rum in the world.' 'And the next !' 'Allthebacco in the world." 'Now for the third V Jack Vas at t loss, turned his quid with his tongue, and at last answered, -Why, darn my eyes a little more rum.' Droll Comhruoh. A learned and in. genlous foreigner having visited England, and being asked how he liked the English) aid x 'They resemble a butt of their own favorate beverage, ale frothy at top, dregs t the bottaan, but the middle part excellent." s . . An elderly lady says it always reminds Der m wrying coaii to Newcastle, when sees giru kissing each other. When thou sent misery in thy brother's IkU, it, lira w mercy in Uuae e yi. JOHN DONNELLY, MiittTaCTUBER op Donnelly's Upright Safety Glazed CArxtn.ED But MATCHES, asd United Statks Oil Past blacking, No. 83 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, THESE Matches are justly considered the best In tlx United States they are free from un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. The Blacking is of superior quaiiry, and free from and intrrcdient that Impairs the Leather. a . . ...... . niiinnrnA Mi VUlifVl KY UEALtiKB inosnu i una win find it to their interest to call and see for them selves. N. B. An assortment 0f Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, parked in large or smull tin cases, to ship to any part of the world. JUH JJI'aEMX. Late of SO Bank Street, now 63 North Third St. March ill, ISO. ly WALL PA?r:.':-, THE SuliperilH-ra have on hand llie larir-n; as sortment of Wall Parma in rlrc utv f Phi ladelphia, Wholesale and Urtxjil, lOi.nMiiij: ol every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries. Lining Koomx, l-hamhere, Ace, winch lor quality nu style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a 11 tor article at a mncu lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Win Pirsn, for Curtains. Fire Prints, Borden, &.C.. which will be sold fur Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their Hock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON, No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly Market Square, opposite the Court House, StsutRY, Pa. PTMII8 well known Hotel has just been refitted, M. and handsomely furnished by the undersigned, ami he begs leave to sav, that it is his intention to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by 'Men it Iiaa Iicrclotore been sustained. J. C. PERKINS, tiunbury. May 17, 1843. 3ino ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER PREPARED and sold onlv. at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and'CHEMIUAL Store, N. E. corner of Firm and Ciiesxht atrecte, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica dinger, and will l found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as a tonic, to persona recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a plow and vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stiinulund, without any of the debilitating cllccts, v. Inch arc mire to follow tlic use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore especially serviceable to children und females. To the aged, it will prove o great comfort ; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic ullectious, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance. CP Full directions accompanying esch bottle. The above article can be had at the office of the American. Philaotlhis, June 0, IStO. ly JVotice. flHE partnership, heretofore Misting under the JL name of "I)cwart& Bruncr," having been dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public that he v ii! continue the practice cf the law at the office formerly occupied by said tirm, in the Lorough of Sunbury, Business entrusted to him v. ill kc promptly attended to. CHARLES J. BRUNEI?. Sunbury, April 21, 1819 3nio APPLETON'S CURAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 1G4 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Strom's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. T NO WING the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this EsTARLisiiMtxr has fitted up a More in the most decant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so thst every (Stranger visiting his 13ook Store, may feel entirely at home. HI3 IMTCEN31 STOCK of Cooks is classified according to the various De portments of Literature, so that visitors can find the Cooks they ore in search of 'or themselves. Uuyinghis block lor the most pj.-t .it Are tiox &ai.e, and being connected v. .t'i oi,a of the Linr.isr lYrusui g limn in ih:s country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books at LOWER PBXCES than any other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Importatiox or Hooks from Europe are unsurpassed, havings Branch of his Eluhliihmeiit in Loudon, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwaided to this Country by every 5tsajieb and Puekct. A CATAX.CGTJB of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or, from S5 to 75 per cenL below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Fsw Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur chases Oss Mullah's woutb ol Books, will re ceie a copy of the rTni'R in PuiiinELPiiiA, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the price uf which is 25 cents. lT The limits of an advertisement are too con fined to enumerate tho prices of any of the im mense uilvuntaL'cs to be derived from purchasing at the tlnui Ccsthal ('hip Book (Stubs, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Cats logue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give' Applelon one call, anu you will be sure to cull again. STATIONERY in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The I u ilia U of thoe purchasius Letter and Note Paper, neatly stainid in the corner, without charge. Orders for any article may be sent by mail, ad' dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all esses will be fully carried out, Willi great punc tuality anu ucKpuicn. Orders lor Catalogues sliould berss-rsiD. GEO.B. APPLETON. Bookseller. Publisher, Importer, and Stationer 164 LAejtiuf fit. cor. oj aevenin, oteaims Butldme, Philadelphia. Msv, 12, l4a. 3u SUNBURY FOUNDRY THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that be has again become connected witb the above r oundry, and that hereafter it will be eon- ducted solely under bis management and control. From bis long experience in the bussiuess he trusts he will be able to give general satisfaction to his old ii lends and customers. The business will be carried on in all its branch. H will continue to mauufactur 1'louglis, and all kinds of castings will b done witb promptness and iu Hi best manner. OEU. KUHKBAVU Bunburr, J ana t, l49-9as CABINET ware noons. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he continues tho manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branch, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now on hand a handaomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. " He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the ciiaiR mikig, in all its brsnches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRW, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low ss at any esta blishment in the county. His long experience in tire business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a continuance of their patronage. Lir All Klliuioi pronure mm in c.ciiaiigc. SEBASTIAN HOLPT. Sunbury-. March 17, 1P49. tf GOLD & KILTER WARE. J. STOCKMAN, N. 0 Cktunut-st, at the sipi of the Gold rn'mWe, between 2(f. te 3d. sts., South side PllIt.ADKt.PHtA. m B ANUFACTURES and keeps constantly H on hand, at wholesale and retail, tho fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, .Desert, Tea, Solt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Comlm, Purse Clasps, SSoissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac. ALSO. Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, etc.; Gold Diamond poin ted l'cns at various prices ; Jackson's Sucrior Lverpomted Leads, &c, cVc. Philadelphia, May G, 184!. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. rw Hide Oil Hiid Leather (store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below BaceSt Philadelphia- flHE sulwcrilier olfer to the tanners on the 1 most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laphita, Caraccas, Laguira, Hiing-Dry, Chili, halted Per amhuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, tireen ."Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry I'atna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a gcncrul as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid tor I.cathrr of all kinds. KEEN & KIKK PATRICK. Philadelphia, May 28, 184'J ly Ayep's i'lieiTy l'ectoial, FOR COUGHS. COLDS, CUOUP, II OAK S V, N ESS. ASTHMA. HOOP. is,; cuU:iii, iinosciiiTis AND CONSUMPTION. T'H'Svflluul'lp vl't-'Mri,,',mt t ast 'tiishingly successful in citrins iIisimsi-s 'I' i lie l.uiar, in the result "I a skill, fill uoiiihnuitl a 'il lite known connive principles of medicine, its mrclicuis lire fiedy nimle ku wn to tho pal-lie, mill are llitte iickn AVliiltrtil to mciliciil men us pa":Kffiiic nrc imli'il virtni:, u-liich m-culinr virtues are coinliiniM iu the "lilK.KKY l'lXTullAI." in their irreut. eiit purity mill etikney, and vvhtii until, as will be si-cu from the lotkivvinfr viilutihle tentim -ny : I'KOFK.SSOH CLEVELAND, of Biiwit'iin t'olli'ae, Uruunwick, .Maine, writes :- "I have wiiiii--ni?it tlie eihfts i f your Cherry l'cctorul in my own fiunily mid in thiil of inv fiiemls, ami it 1ms siveii great satisfaction in eases 1 lli .f intuits mid chilitrrn.11 A VOK K FKOM MASSlACIII.SKT'rS. From Dr. Uryunl, Druggist and P.aauiaiier, Chiconee Falls. Minis : Da. J. C. Avfi Hear Sir : Knrl wd , find remit tanre for nil thti Cherry I'ectnrul hint sent me. I e.ui mi. hesiuitiiifrty sny. that no medicine we sell pives s-i?l rt- m fneti-m us youf's docs nor have I ever seen a mcdi Sue which cured so many cases of cotizh and lung cmpl iin:s Oar rhyiiciani are using it extensively in the practice, mid witb the happiest effects. Truly yours, D. M. BRYANT. Bn.rEHKTNS. PreiMrnt of Vcnmiil Medical f.-ll, i-e one of the m st learned and intelligent physicians iu thee lutiiry, ''considers it a mp sitioii i ( rare excellence for the cure of that fi.r. midatile diseuse, C nsumplion." An ultii-Hst increilil'le nunilwr of certificates hnve been received : proving ihnt the Cherrv I'c't'tral is, iu truth, a (i UK AT It imi:dy for Couths, C"!ds, Asthinn nnd n!J pulnvrrirv comnUliitt rit:cT 7i n:Ts ri:u u ttle. Premnd l.v .1. C. AYKH, l.'iwell. Mum, and sold ,v It. M ftmimry, and MARY McCAY, Northuia berlund. Mnrch 31, 1M9 ll HI1UIIL.H Ol-HKiur Tn tub Sick! Hmiith to the Wettk ! ! A IJALM ii found for the While llumau Knee in A.f draws' 1'AIN KILLER. Thii in an entirely vegeta ble c 'impound, disponed of Tweiity-FiitodiAwiit ingre dient, und ia an intenul and Extemnl itt-niiy hir the va rioui ill that liuinan tit-ah ii heir U SVCH Al, Cmifhp, Cold; riiiit, Xenui and Sick HeadnrSe, Tttieuui itimii, Ctitn, Hiiroiim, Spiiul A(i'fciiHi, Summrr Cttmpl.'iiutp, Cholera Mnrliuv, T'othache, Kruptionii, Corn Pilen, Fr zen Turtn, Hnriia, ScoMn, Apue in the Kurt and Hrcait, Panitem' C i'w, Hruim?, old W rt;f, ln cm upM tiie, (ienerul Uehility. AIhnut, Ac Put up in bottle lm I r 4 aiiimiig per u ttie. t-or turriier purtuubira mx Vn . phleti tithe bad of every ejreni grati, citi.uniiip a bri-1 hufory of the origin. ilisrvtTy and wnxi rdcr of n:lrrwa' I'am Killer, icrtihiwtri ol Lurcatdirectionk. iVc LOOK OCT FOH FRAFD. The trinmphiint micceaa of Andrrwa Vuin Kill in re ivitijK the en unc that pr kduce dontli. the untiim-ly drnth niilli nit cf our race, lint iii'hictd me men uf whom it may br truly suit I, iticir villain ua nrcupotiona imiiiUrKt their vi Hit In y, to uttenipl t put m rireuiaii ii npuri ui mid e utuircit arlicli-a rallirt "I'am Killer," umiifr tieliti ua immea f j the pretended ouih r, lorptil crliUcaU', Ac. I me bnve aMptared, and othrra ni doulrt wiil uppcur. all remember that Anrtrewa Genuine F.tin Kiiler hna tb written airnatiira ot I. Andrew ' n The Irtbel of each b title iu trltu'k ink. 1 n't muiyW tik f ir Fain Killer, but usk f r Ant ire Wat' Fain Killer, and have n other. 'W t.y m. A. Alctay, h lc A cent, .Nonhuinbrrl.ind ; W, Fnlinc. tauburv; J dm II. aer. Milton: J hn R. Myyer, IU xtiuolsurie ; Win. A. Murray Co, pnnville ; ei.porj Mniih, I'lyni uth ; Andrew Yltr, ilkt-a- mrre : lluyi A McCoriuirk, AlcKweuavilltt : SclifTlei 1c hnmiK.rlitiu. Isrwiaburp ; Georga AIcAlpin, Jeracy fchore; juiiu, ii iii ia i up b, Ordta-R fctl'lrewetl to 1. Amlrcwa, in vent "T and nnlv Pro pnetTot libera Tompkiua county, N. V. WU rtceive rontnt aiteiitmn September 30, iet? ly CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LEKV, of sale by JCH1T 1C. CCLEl.lT. . Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 81 North THIRD Street, Comprising SO0O dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodcers fr Sons, Wostcnhohu's G leave's W. If 8. Butcher's snd Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Ilirk and Hunting Knives. A lso, ( una. Pistols, and Uow ie Knives. Also, The American aior Strnii, a sutierior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Cisn Dealers in Cutlery, will find the abov Stock wortHy their a'Untioii, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. riuiaucipnia, June u, isi'j jy MA nSIIALL'S oiicviiti-Hlfil Kiimaparlllat For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erv sipalas, Piles, Clirouic lilicumatism and all Unorders of the lllood, Mercurial Diaessc, Ac. T is recommended to Physicians and others, as ' the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from thst put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle ol the Mars- parilla, but intended to deceive the public Por sale tiy M. A. MeUAi, INorluumbcrland. HEYL'8 EMBROCATION for Horses wiU cur Bpntins, Bruises, Cut, lialls, dwellings, and all complaints requiring an externa! remedy. It w highly useful in etpavin, Curb, Kingbone, stitT ness of lh Joints, cracked Heels, HiilinU, cVc. It ha also been used with great success by per son amiciea witb Kheumalism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Pbiladcl phia, snd for sal by M. A. McCay, iVorthuuiber land. Philadelphia, May t6, WLNDOW GLASS, 8 by 10, for asU tv HtNiiVi MA8JTR SunbtB.Jaii 17th, iet- tS. COLUMBIAN SERIES OF ! gfrttlutuMrg. The PupiVi friend and Teacher'1 s comfort. THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This A work is already introduced into some of the best A cad amies and a large number of Schools, where its use has (riven decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It ts purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal tgircem of e rreiey . It contains more, the amnifjements re latter, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of (Tie kind now in use ; and it is so consider I by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the liook, particularly and expressly prepared for our Amf rirrm Scholar : till Almon Tirlnor. Thk Yot'Tit's Com. hi Art CAicriATon. This volume contains 01 paces, with about 800 exsm' pies for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Singlo Rule of Three, Proportion, eke. TirKson's AaiTiiMirrirAi. Tabiks, is destined for the use of vouncer classes in the Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of tho kind of any value. There are Kevs to both Arithmetics bound sin glc or double, for the convenience of teachers, in w hich the solutions of the questions are given with much extra mutter for the black board. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac., for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nliovc books examined, and tin teacher who acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the li'st works thai have ever been published in this or any oilier country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Nitrht Public Schools of New York City in all tho Schools public and private, except two, in tho City of Reading. Also, in aliout twenty Aeadamiea in the State of Pennsylvania in a lanic portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmincrton, in the City of Lancaster, aim in the Boroughs of Hiirrishurt;, York, Chamliersbursr, Lebanon, Doylcstown, Polts- vule, Orwigsburg, &c, Ac. For sale by Hesht Mass eh, Sunbury, Agent for Ixovlliumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848. DIAMOND POWDER von RAZOR STROPS. rBVIHS rowder is warranted fur superior to anv I thing in use for imparting a keen, smoolhcdirc to Kitt'trs. Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Cvtlkky ; it moy be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy tloods, No. 1 S South Filth street s bovc Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS, l'liinni i.fim. Feb. 15th, 1S48. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same elici t in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hcictofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third it. i, October. 1843. A very hard beard anil tendc fa e has compel led n e to seek and of many eontrivam e.i (!e.ii'.:n ed to make shavin; easy and pUvisant. but with ic'il'.i ici.t 4oe.-csi. until I mil !e i -e ,.f t e cia,ic 1 !..'. V'LE1I, .old by Alfred Bennett, am' I .'. . ain Crc-.un. 1 heir umtcJ pow er a.-. . i r . ihI impart pocr t-j the Hamr to riinc-.o u e :nost stubborn e.uJ, tcahout irri tating tnc kkiu or temper ol their owner. J. COX, 4!) South Firth Street. For sale at this olfuc Price j cts. per Box November So, 184S tim. a In prsriiimfi the putilic with a rcimily f-.rthe trnntmriit ami cure of Kkvkh and Aarz nmi .ttlit-r liili u diseases, an tip-ilopy is iirt-neit. Viist nnuihr-rs in ihc rnitrtl Stntcs, win, Miilirr irnni tlicsi' tiirci'lifiiif in their vnnctt I'-irms, arc e iiniwlliit ti seek n-lii-l" irnm t-thrr s inni-s tliiui ihe iiiiinc tiiiile prescript i--ns ol' the rtputir phvKicinn. It becomes tlieref re mi -hji-cl ol liunuuiily, us well ns t-l puiilie inter, est. to hrmfi iH-inre tiiein a rt-imiiy prepmed Horn much ex-perieni-e, unit winch may oluiivs lie relied npim as VK SKFECTI'AI. AND HARMLESS TO THK CONSTITCTION. Thllt sm-li is the true chnrne-ler of the INDIA CHOl.AfiOGl'r is amply attested iy tlic universal succiss with which it bus ucen employed. I Y Kstruet from s enmmuiiieiitin of llm Hon. Wii. mam WoouauiDos, of the I'. r. Scnute, lute Governor of in icuiguu. Pstsoit, Oct. SI, UM0, Doctos f'lusi.Ej Osgood, llenr eir. I have read with much interest, yiiitr little traeatiss upon the cunses, trt-alment and cure" of llie fehnle riisetiRcs which h:ive s i extensively prevniie-1 in our coiimry iliirinir the I'ist few in whs mi interest inerenscd no d -iiht, ly Ihe f.'iet unit I hnve iii'imtlituily siillered s mucti fr m them. I houfh I leel mywclf very inc mictent l'i pinire utelv np"ii a siihieel Kt enlirelx- proreurnril, let ymr the fy seems 1 1 me well reus -neit. nml yur c m-lti. sinus pint, and 1 il.iulc wiitinl. tliui your pamphlet is culcu luliil l' produce mii.-h i-nietKiil s--4i. Ppeukiup ol the me.)ieiue he s;ivs It fully jiif'.ilit-dynur flatlerins expeetnti lis, uml its a sufe. eonvenieiit, and p-ipu-Inr remeily, mr own experience, s fnr, induces me to lie- lieve thai it will pr -ve a iireit pitlMi- U-m fit, 1 utn pleuseit to lesru jhftt yon huve recently eht:it!isliixl iM-veml ntreueies fr its disp .silioti thotiifh 1 rceret timi, with a view to a nvw Eeneral ilisseminatiou u it, you should huve Pwnri it ne-essury to remove trom your preaait resuleaee amous us. us muca rtspeci i auve me n ivt lo ie, sir. Your oltliceil aervnnt, WII 1.1 AM WOOUBKIUGE IT Fiom Hon. SVrsritES V. B. Tbowbkidgi. of Michi- Ku puiie oenuie, to ine Arem ai uetroit. itiaMisuHAM, Oakland U i- liec. 13. IS41. Siirvna wish Ule to iuf trin vou whut I kn tw of Dr. Usirvm's iikIiu Cliol-is vne. or uuti-hilioiis medicine. 1 d believe Hint II the virtue and emeuev of this medicine were seneiully known, the vri Ett and sacs would disappear in .11 H -!!,. I PToriirecl a lyKtle in the sprinr of and hnve rood reason to believe liwl mself and fnmily escaped the ague lust teuton in consequence of in ute. I'erliapt in no tiiiiiiner since the settlement of this fine neniusulu. has the fever and u;riie been sj prevalent at the lust. 1 have rec unnieudeil tint medicine lit mimerout Hi' slniK-es, and when tlie diftciie liuil tiectane fixed and bullied the skill of nhvAieiuns: and 1 have never known it full. 1 has attivArsully pnslnced the nvt huppy etfecle, and I liet neve ii ans never ueen exceeii-?!! oy uny mediciu ui retno- vins trie bilious discuses ui the climate. ) ours, respeeimiiv. tTf.l'in:.V V. R. TROWnRIDGK. Asent fit Pimhurv H. Ii. MAKSKR: Norlhumlierkuul. WITIIINf. roM A C : Milluu, J. II. IUSfc.K: acluts- grove, niAi c niAmi.. niuy o, ih4ei u J. J. GREB1TOTOE. (Lute Kller & (iruciioiigli.) PATH NT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENOINEEH, Wualllliglun, !.!. rkRAWINGS and patier for the Patent W Oliice, prepared ami all the nece ssarv bu aiiicS in relatiun to securini: patents, tain acted, nnd promptly alteiiilnd io, at their of- nt e opposite) inn l utein umce. October 28, 1848. BAY RUM An excellent irtiele for sale by HENRY MAS8ER. Sunbury Jan. S7th, 184U--tf. L ASTER, Salt and Fish, just received snd for y j. w, riiiM.Mi. SunNirv. Has. t, 1S48. I AI.Tb, a tew for sale by 1 CHAS. S.BOGAR. Sunbury, March 10, 1849. m 7 .LEY'S COViiJS CASVY. An en-el V '"t remedy lor coughs, c3ds. for sale at this euV IMPORTANT TO THE I'UBLIC. aOR33l'AlTD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cur are within tlic reach of alt ! Tha undersiined has spent several vcart In the study of Veterinary practice In "London and E- ilniboro , he hss also availed himself of the resear ches of Lcibig, and othereelcbrated men. who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general Weeding and tho total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to lie of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when eiven according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing tlie naiurai luncuoim, wmiouv ai minishing or destroying their power, heneo are safein Ilia hands of every one. U. It. UAVU, IU. U. A List l liars and Cattle Medicine. Physic balls, 75e. per box. Alterative hall, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack age. Heave powder fordiscascs of the lungs, 75e dc. Urino powder for " " kidneys, 7flc do. Tonic powder for laid condition glnnders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inflaiiiation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Heating balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per botilc. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Sec, 50e per bottle. Emhroention for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for ssnd crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal. Toper package. For sale by HTLWFSION A KURD, SO Mer chants How. also nt DADU'ri HOUSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 & 2 Havmarkct Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gnitis. Numerous Certificates are in passession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Kold by GREEN A. FLETCHER.No.SO.South SIXTH .street, Philadelphia, and by his Aoksts Iicxni M vsstn, .Sunbury, February 3, 1810 tf DR. TOWXSENLI'S CO.lIPOi'Xl) EXTRACT OF SAUSAPAI.ILIaA. THIS F.xlrai-t is put up in quart bottles. It ii six times cile;iiier, ple:isauter, mid wurniuted silperi'T to any s 'Iu. 11 cures ttiFeasen without vomiting, puririmr, stfK. ties-, or debilitating the patient, mid is purlicularly udupteJ tor a F.M.t. AND SrillNfJ MI'.DICINE. The great lienuiy nnd tuperiority of this Sar-aimri!la over other remedies i, whilst it emdiratcsUlseuK, it iuviR -mtes ihe h nly. CoiiNuinpti -ii cured. Cleanse mid Strengthen. Consumption cun tie cured. Broiiehitis. Cousnmplion, l.iver C mpl.iiut. Colds, Cmighs, Cutarrh, Asi lima, Spiitlne of Mlfvi, S ircne-s in ihe Chest, Hectic Flush, .Niuht Skven's. UilR. cult and I'rifusu lxpectorulioil, and Pain in tlie Side, fte.. tec, have anil cun lie cured. Prol-nHIy there never w;is a remeily that Ins lieen S' au--i ewif il in -Iv -er He cases of cm llll;i:i u hs ilus ; it e.e u,. S.-R in I sTrMtfihens the sys'tm. lul-l an;jrs t heal the ul cers u il.e i l.ifrs. un l (utleiils grudn illy regain liicir iis.ul !ie.illli ail-! s:rviiu''li. cLit.Disi cape of ct).si:.Mrr;f).. TluTe is se irecly a tl-iy p-.s-es hut thert: lire il niliuVt f -:s.-a f c us 1111,1 i u rep .r:- i .is eir. .1 l.y the n.' ol' 1:. T u-:i;t:i's :S.i:-6i;uiii:u. The f -II wing was rcceuny re vtivt.l : ir. 'liiw.:vii-Pe:ir 8ir: For the tit three yeurs 1 tmvo heeu -iltltrlcd wuh gcuerul dclnlily, uml uerouse m-!mii;-'.l' tl "f llie iu- i;;it;e, und dhl u -1 cx;-ct't In ever tnuu my li.-.iith nt all. Al'ler a "iiur tlir iii-zh ft e'tnri1'- of inc heme iin.lrr li e cure ol mine of ihe in Rt ilifctiii-julse'l re;;uric I liyweiiius und lilciuUtrs of the 11 -urd of IIimIUi ill Net,' oil, iiud eUewh.-le. 'I'l.l upetitlmi: the III St .-I ntv cinilfiis in iitleini,riii; to rt-r,lu m iie.ulh, uiei uitcr rej.lais m ; rr t. - ill 1 res iced to Irv il. Al"'er u--iiiil fix h -tile. I l und ll il uc inu r,Mt g .oil, unit fMlled si e y hi in your oinee ; wi:n y ur u-e 1 ke,ii on, uu.l in -si he.triily ih ink you lor wnir advice. 1 persevere in liking the ssirieii unll.i, und hnve Ih-i-ii utile to attend t t mv itsiml Inliors f r tlic List f ur months, audi hope by the lugs of G -a and your HirKiiKirillu to c.iiitinue mv heullh. It helped me beyond the expeernfi ins of nil who knew my case. ' ClIAKlJS qt'lMBY crimec, l-.wex o. J., Ainr. 'i, IN7. Sute.f -New Jersev. Kwex couutv. ss. Charles Clnim. by being duly lw Til according to luw, nil hi. nuth Kilth. tint the foreg ing stateineut i. true uce -riling to the best uf nitKll iwleilgeaud liellel. I'll A It l.i;! tjLl.MIIV. Sworn and subscribed to before me nt Or.inrr, ihe 1 August, lel7. CVKl'S 11AI.1)VI.. .1 ustlce ol the I'euce. SPITTING BI.flOD. Read the following, and suv that consumntiou is in ineu. ruble if you can : cw York, April -n. 1SI7 Dr. Towkssnb : I verily believe thut vour S.irKiiirilla hus lieen the means, throuuh lovnleiK-e, of Kiviiitf mv lite 1 have for acverul venrs hud a tul eotieh. It becuiue worve and worse. At lust I lurce nuunlilies of bio id. liuil night sweuts and n greatly debiliuitcd uml reduced, und did not expect to live. I have only used your KirHitmrillu but a short tune, and there has a wniuleriul eliunge been wrought in me. I am now uhle to wulk all over the city. I raise no blo-sl, and my omieh has left me. Vou cun well imugiue that 1 am thankful lor thee results. Your obedi ent servant. VM. HLSKI.I,, IU Catluinne . ujst hi:h spkf.cii. The annexed certificate tells a simule and truthful storv nf suflering and relief. There tire thoumuds of similar cu aes in this city and lirookiyn, and yet there are th luxiuds i pun-nti lei tneir ctiiklren die lor tear of being huiubueged or to suve s lew shillings. Brooklyn, Sept. 13, tl7. Dr. TnwxsKND: I tuke pleasure in .uliiie. for ihe hen. fit of th e whom it may eoneern, lliut my daughter, two years and six mouths old, was aillicied with gcuerul de bility snd list, nf .fieech. She wu. given up us past ie- e very by onr funiily phy.iciuu; but fortuuulely I wns re- e iiiiiienueo uy n menu ui ivy your i-uriciiurilia. Jleioru having one Imttlc she recovered her speech und wu. eimtiit-il to walk nloue, lo the ant iiushiiient ii all wli i were aeipiauiled with Ihe eireunistunee.. hhe i. now qn:e ve,l, ami in much lielter hentlh tli.iu .he hns been f ir Is month. pa... JUSKI'll I'A VLtill, l- Vork !., lirookiyn. TWO CIlll.DRI.N SAVF.D. , Very few families imlenl in fuel we have a it heard of one ilmt uiied Dr. TowiUK'nd'. S.irs.-i)virillu in time, I isi any children the past Pnuuuer. while th mn that did not, sickened and died. The ern-ifirate we publish lielow i. c nK-lu.ive evutenee of il. ntue, ami i. only unnther iusuince of it. saving the lives of children : Dr. Tows.tsn Dear Sir : I had I wo children cured by your Burviparilla of (he summer complaint and dvaeutnry ; one wu. only lh mouth okl and Ihj other 3 years. They were very much reduced, und we expected the'v wouM die ; they were given np by Iwo respectable phveieiuin. When the doctor informed u. tiuit we must Iom-them, we re. ol. veil to try y nr Sarsapnrilla we hud beard so much of, lull liad little confidence, there being an much snili advertiseil llml is worthies: but we are tluiiikful thut we did, for it uuikHiUedly saved the live, of b -th. 1 write Ihi. tliui oth ers may be induced u um it. Yours, reiei tfnllv, , Jtll WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-aveuus, Bronklyu, ep. IS, ISJ. to the ladies. fk.mai.k mkdicine. Ds.Tow!sind- SABjrAEiLH is a a ivcrcignaiut )eedy cure fir ineiueut c m.iiuiiliou, und fur the general pr isira tl 'll of the system u mailer whether li e reMill nf iuhe reiu euuwi or cuusee, produced by irrcgulurity, uiuc. or bc. euteni. NiShing can be in ire uirprising thnn its iiivigoroting ef. rix-l. ,.u ,e huiiuiu frame. l'eri all weakueu ami ku ailude, from taking it ul once bee .me mIhim and lull of energy umter it. iuHtiruce. ll iillineiluitely couuturucl. the uervt-lrsHieas W the lemule frame, which u the great cuuw Durreiiiieae. e It will mil be expected of us, in f m delicate s na ture, ui exhibit ceriuiciili. nf cure, nerliiriiicd, but we cuu SMiire llie uitlicled lliut huudred. u' ease, have been reiwr ten to us. 1 Da. Towh.sxd: My wife being greatly distn-wxt by weukue and genend debilily, and .iidermg aaitiuually by pain and with in her dirticiilncs, and liaung known itises where your medicine hna etfee-ted great cures; uml ali heuring it reci mimended fnr such cu-s a. I have deM-ribl I nuuiiued a bath, ol y.air Kxiruit ik Kiraarillu ami fol. lowed the direction, you gave me. In a .hurt period it removed her e..uiilaiut. und restored her to health" Being glean ul f r the beucBts ahe rc-eived, I take pleasure iu mussckuuwledguu; it, and recommending U lo the inililic. M. D. MDOKE, Albany, Aug. IT, '44. eor . limud Lydia ata. PYBl'KItilA. No fluid or medieina has sver been dmoovered which so ,Jemb',: giuwric juice w auliva in dec .mowing londaiidatrengtheiuiiglne nrganaof digeetinn as Ihu pre parau a of Bsraapaiiu. pnaiuvely cures svecr eoaa .if dytpeuiua, huwevef severs ciinmio. Bank Denunneut, Albany, May 10, Wi. Dt. Tnwnsenn Sir i 1 have been aitliuted fnr eevarul year, wuh dysiwiisia iu its wnrat firm. .itenuVd with s ur. ncas is- wuch, I as nf aiietiie, extretae hsarihuru, snd a great averai u I all kind. iT f 4, aud l week (what I s Hikl asi) 1 have been unable lo retain but a small pnrti ou uiy alnmack. I tried iIm uaual remedies, but they bad but liitlc or u effect in reuuivmg the hhiUiik. 1 was ui dunBd, ah ml two iminih. .nu-e. to try y.air l:xtrat-l of S.,r. irilta, and 1 aiusi aay with lillle e wBiUniee tail alter using nearly I, bottlea, I found my aHelue mtored and tha heartburu entirely retonved ; and I would ruely re. commend lbs un ol' It to tbuee wh . bnve heeu aiHieied a. I huve been. Y.mim, fco W. W. VAN ZANDr. .i.'? Sunlairy JOHN y. FUIUXO ; Nur S"."nlSrt"dVJARV A. SieCAYi DauvilWs VM. A. , MvKKAV m Ct., ptUM, U4str THE 311 AND IMIHGATIVi;. FOR THfl CtJEB OP Itcftflncri, OHWinert, MwIm Pali Rhim, Heart Ham. Wurinif Ch lertt Alnrbufl, Cmipiiit. iuiiHsvf. Wtitxipiiig Ctrnn. C(iiumtiiiiiit I- Liver Ctrntpfninl, KrinipeluK, lxmtnew, llOiiiiffd 1' the iHkm, Khuuirwlinm. FilfH, tinttll Pox. Jutrndicet . rniiMia tlie ituck. Inwiird WenkneM, rulitoiiini Yi iIif Ileart, Riving in t)i Throat DrnpAy, AMlinn. FevT of nil khHlP. C 'Mk, ii nit, Urnvfti, NervuQ Cnmitaifttv, AMP A VAHir.TY Of OTHER DISEASES AR1I1V0 f ROM IMPVRITIKS Or THB IlLOOD, AND ODSTRlTCTIOH9 IN THB ORUANS Or Pir.E'TloN. r.xpwsnrp hnf prynl itmt nearly er?ry DiDmitr rtrijrtnute tivin Orpmn ninl l flonire Hmlth, vp mwi rrmuvo tlnjw UllliniCLI 'n"T ri'BM'IW n- - r.r. ihiiuiii men Tii. nfrrmnn tn btkiof nifrdicine in mini cll'ectnnlly r m.VMl Kvr(.iriNKB Pl'ROATIVt PtU.H, bf.iif c unpletcly euvrl tjrd with n cwiting of pure while rtnjfiir. (which in fin rlititiot fr mi tlic imeninl iiiffrnlifntu aid mil hHI fr..tnih- it cruel) iirl hnve nt tnrtc of mwlicinc. Ilutnrc un eunilv kwiiII wh1 n bim if cnmly. M -rrover Ihcv iipitlicr imuiviiie or arii in the hfrhtint A-artf, hiil ODcm e eann v on nil inr ninounwi nuiim-i inn nmrm, in tend of c nfmmit thfinw?lvcw Ui, Dint nickin(r nny imritnilur rciri m. Thuii, if Ihe I.ivor be nflificd one infrnwi'-nt will nnnrnte on thut nnriiciihir ivaM. nml, bv rlonimitiff ifof Hit Kxcrm if Hilc rctre it t- its intmml altite, Anolhcr will operate un the H'wtnl nnn rrin-ivcnll iiiipurit ic in iti ciroii toti : while a third will rriVrtiinllv wluifcvfr imnu ritim nwy hnve Ipcii rliwhnnrH mtri the rtrimach. onl hence trtry mrikfttt the n fr mmciiw remove nil ImtHirrlln mfr fr.m the i-xly, immii tin p-irm cxtenmllv inul inter nntly j nepnrotc nil l rrijrn fiifl nhnoxinun pMrtH-l'-N 1'rfnn the chyle, Uhot the bn-xJ iiuty 1m- ihoronjrlily (Mire tlini rii rinff irre oim hcalihy ftcti nii the Hmrt. lsiitifrfniMJ Kiver mul tlter;lv they rctTe hwilth even when alt other means have fit tied. The rutin truth of the nh ive enn be nHccrtaincd by the tril of i title bn : mrl thfir virtue ore m n-nitivc nnd eertHiii in rcst'triiur Hcnl-h. thut the propriety bimU hinmcir i't rcinni ine mniipy imu mr uirm in uu atHcs w lie re tncy no HOI R1VC Ullivcrsril kiuhiiivi'-h. Urlnll 1'rfcc, els, per Crx, j Priitcipnl nfliee n. fid Vernr-y M.. N. York, l .ld h) JOILN V. YOri. Sim.mrv. M. A. MeCAY.Niirihi'imWbnd. Ttemend-rPr. C. V. riiAii'T ii th" invintor of the C'ontel Ptlln, and thnl ii'itlun? tf the s rt ever henrd of until he ititrf-dneed tliern in .hide. 113. Piiflinf rn nh nild, then-foro nlwyiinek for Clickner'n Sncnr .'ftttfl Pi I In, nnd tuke nuotlivrt, or they will bentade the victims of frnnd. Kcbriiary, 17, ly MHtES CAN HECX'UCD. Burnt) Scalds and all kinds of injlamed Sores Cvrcd. rpOrSKY'P rMVi:nHAf. OlNTMnXT, icthe mr.o! 1 tfomtiltte Hum Antid tv ever ku wn. It iimiantly. (and if by .Mastic) mop, y.unn of tlic m l flffpcniie Iluriunid Sc;ild. For "id S ircr, Umiimh, Or, rpriiina. c n m:il or hnint, it if the U nl c;ilic;iti.iii llmt c in Ite m ide Th limud have trk-d uinl iIi-'uh-mhIs pr.iinc it. It if them t pertw't nnater of pain ever tiinc vcred All wh use re c iininciiit it. Kvery fauidv h -nt.1 be pr vided wi:h it. None can tcl how coon mtno ol the family tiuiy lived it. (ihsi.Tve c icli U of the pcii'iine Uin'.uiritj has the uumcof r. TouHKY. wiillcn on tho outside label. To unite to thin in f rttcry. H Mtincii. I .i very Men, Farnicrs, nnd 'ill wh une IT rum, will titid tins Ointment the very lrfl thin? they can u.-: fir C 'liar i.:d'if. ST;iiclie, Kick. Ace, Vc..tu t!ieir;nii,ii:i.!i Surety every mcreyful in ui w u!d kec; Ins niitui:il!i an free fr in p:rtti ;i?t p MMi'le. T uicy'a L Ointiic nt is all tluil i rciiuired. Trv il . III TIXM' INSKi-TS F. r the wine or l ite nf rKi,m lift insects. T HiMfy's Unit incut in tiuiivulicd Ilun.lrt.iig liuvu it iniii f mud tt Co d. Pll.r.lSCl "I, Kb! For the Piku, Tutney' Cniversnl Oint- menl wime of thcbet Itcuicdti. lliut can le upplivtt. A who have tried ii f-r thepiU rer mmeud it. Old) SOUKS Cl IlKII. p irold olwtun'e S Tf. ther i n-ithiuij c.iual t t T iiievn tJinimcnt. A pern n in .Marni us h'jd. f if h ipiuihcr ot year, a s Te leor that Uiill'-d the skill 'd' the iK'l 're. T"ney'ii Ointmeat wan rec iirjini-ii'hd by nut of the vimtintr pliysii'ianii, (who knew itn f;r:tt vir tues.) nnd tw h svs rodnced nioie heiicfil thnn the pa tieiu h id received fiuui nny mid ull previous remedies. Let nil t v it Hi:US AND SCAU? CrnKD. Th 'us-mds of cas-.s of Hums and Scald, in all jmrts of the c nntrj have bc:i cure I !y T iiiwiy' CuiverMl Ointment. Certificates cu iuj;h , cold. I le hd t i fill Hie wh le of Mus nhert. VIOI.KNTHKCISKS IM HKI). Tes'imoniats i n tesfi m inial in fav r -f T 'uccy' nnfinent f r cur i inr Jtrnisi heve leen oifcred the pr priet n. Hundreds in Syracuse wdl certify toils ere it nicrii n-lieviiia the pain f tlie in st severe liruis'-s. All cer us h -uld trv it. SC'AI.. II .U) TT. KU. S.r.s f cases of Scald Heid !rve Uvaccrr .y lucy s Liu uv.'iit Try il it U.l in s T ! P'v'M CPKKD. Of nil the reme lie ever di. c verei: f ; disieree d.te mpl linf, T msey's L'ni vers 1 1 '- i; n at is .lie m s: e m, leie. It never was kn wn t f d! CIT PPKP H ANTS CAN HE CL'RT.D. T uscy's Pni vers d Ointment will dwiy cure the w ri cuhls of Chap ;:Cl H ia ls. S 'e f f-ers ns will sneiiis. S'JUK 1.1PSCI. tKL. J r tae cu e -f S re J ivJllu-re w m ivvvr :nit' ir ;:i i V c (.id to T'US'.y'a LuitJi.tul. it is sure u cureihetn. Try it. It is a scH iititie c mp un l. rirnn4ef m t eMitaiiiny iirrtariii n of .Mercury. Price "2't cents per h x. F r fnr! her nar ii'iilars c nrvruins fit is reallv aia;di t snlinciit the ruhlic arc re.cri'wl tn Patni-hli'1, t be had (iratip, I r--. 1 e 'alilc buij'is' and M ' r.'li uil s thrntiyh in ttic l.'niicd St I'l D. Pre eird W S. TOI.SKY, Druygit, N. 1 00 Narow rrce-. -w -irst. A '-i:t- UN YOUNG, Sundry, .M. A. .McCAY, X' rthumlwMnnd. IVbruary 17, IS1P. ly LIVER COr?rLAIlTT, JAUNDICE. DVPPKPSIA. CHRONIC Oil NEUVUUS PKBILITV, DISRASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ,3n J nil diitnues arising from n disordered Liver or Utomtck in both Male and Female: furh as Cniistipuli n. Inwnrd Piles, Fnllnrs. or fllnod to the llend, A.-iiiny of the rt im:ieh. Nimneu. Ilc:iit-luirn, l'lispil.t lor Fo si, FiiilueitR or weiuht in tlie ritomneh. S ur Kraetnti ns. Hini.i:ir or Flitllerin at the pit of iherStoinich Swiniininc i'( llie Head, llnriicd and llidieult llrealhm, Flutterini; ut Ihe llenrt. L'liokintf or SnihOTttiiijr s'iiKiti ns when in u 1 1113 p' Rttire Dimness of Viiiion, Hots or well, before the Sitht, Fever uml dull nniu in the IIimiI, Pelieien. ey of Per. -irnli in, 'etl iwiirns "f the Skin ami Ki . Pmiii in the Si.le, H ick. Chest, l.iinli.. Smlilen riuiilies i f Hint, ntirnine ill the Flesh, Constant Inricmiius of evil and great dejiressi n ol S, irits Cuu be ctfecuiully cured by HCCFLAITL'S Cclchratcd (Icnniin Bitters. Their power over the above dineuwM in not excel I'tl if efU'tltetl hy nny ntlier premruti n iu the I'mtrit rlle n the cures ui'.i it, in iivuiy canes uiicf nkillfut physiciana had tailed. Derantfiiiem nf the l.ivr and Stomach are urce o Iniuuiitv. ttiirl wilt alavt pi tluce diwuw; ii Ihe Heart. Skin. I.uii)! and Kidni'vn, and tu the Unly ukii ti uu uttuck cl the t h ilern. Hilt ui, or Yellow Kever, und it generally the first cuiihe ol' itiat in mt buiie('ul disease, C"iuiuiipli n, " Opinions of tte Philadelphia Press, THK DISPATCH." DrtN iill'fl ;itst s.iu: AN IN VAT.T'AKI.K MKIMi'lM': e liavcfrequtntly nc:nii tnc tru-Nral tl (icuniii inium, iiiaiuiiHciurctt ty 1 r li Mstittud, K -k'-n 1 in tiTiim i c 'luiuenilati u, it! id we kti w diaMtvcilly b. ll it.:i Iiko c iiiiiii n practice, iu rvi fuiu quartern, t purl all nut unci n ifclemt, Imi iu the lib ve Uuiern. Iiumlred, 4ire liviuir vUuiuu-h nt tht-ir reiu ih -rul itud pliMiciil worth. A u medicine ,' the Liver Complaint, Jnuuilicc, Nervous iVhilily und Pjiewui, it has Ik-en l fund iiivulitfiMc, cdixMin cureHtiiHt th r 'Ujlily erudicuiuiK diNeam-M. when all other medicine have lulled. We leW convinced, thai in ihe irnr nf the Oerimtn Hitter, ihe pMiicnt d ndii.pI ttfC'Uiie drlnnmtetl, hut ttHiUintly pmn treuftih und viTb.the iruine laet worthy ol preut Citntiderutii'ii. The Hitlers ure pleummt iu lawe nnd inieil, oud cun it- udminiHfered under any circutnfttniH'es, to the ni'ist delicuie jt Hn:uh Iiuteed. they c.iii lw uni'dhynltner ns with llie in 'rt perlrt-t wiiety. ll w'-'itld be welf -r thi me who ure much u dec ted iu the nervous systciu. 1 1 e imiucncc with one leu sHNini'ulor Icmi, and irudu:dly in erertfte Ye svc:ik t'loiii cxpeiictice. mid are l' e nire, a pr 'per judfe. The pre tur hikI wide, have united iu re C'iiiineuilinp the iciui:iu BiHcr, and lo the ulliwtvd wc m c 'idwLy a.Kic tJitir ue. M'llUTOKTUETIMKS" June Mih kim : DO Om fiffDv i nKS wlio nre invNliiU, Innv the ucuiy iistuniluua cure thai hnve heeu pert' nued ! l)r. II i (Uiuil's reh-hrutiil lien nan Hi tun. It' they d n , we rec hmiiii-ihI them m tin- "lierumii .MLi!icui a ore," all wh are ulhicU-d with laivr Ciiuilitiui, J.nnnliet-, I'y? pefutia, itr urvuu Drliihiy ; tin- 1 vi i h-n. cured iiiiny ((' mr eitueus ui'ter the Ust phvkici.-ina hud fat led. We Imve used them, nml they have proved t lea iuilicinc lluit every one h hiUI ku iv"f, un 1 we cum t retrain pi v tin; our to tnil uy iu their lav r. und thut which five tht-m greater ciuuo UKn our huinhle ttrrt, they ure entirely VvctuUv. 'THE DAILY NEWS," Jul)' llbanvs: "We aiwnk kmwinplv nf Dr. H.vifl-iud'sCelebratut Orr. man Hitter., wlien we any it la a htrstine ol' Ihi. n?e ; and in diseiiaesot' the biliury. digestive ami .VerV'm.yeina, it hu. in4 weUiiitk an nptnl. It i. Veiretnlile Prenumtiiii, uml made without Ale dul. and n all invalids we would ru couiinend tt a. w -nliy their cmf-denee. For site, wholeisile und reitnl. al the print-lpiil Penot, flF.H.M W .MK01CIXK tsTuHK, o. 7s Huue Htreel, Plnliulclphia. ForaiilebyM. A. McCAY, .Northunilierlniid and Sun. hury and reiecubUj Ueuiera ireuerully throuvlKiut the SMnie. AiTtl l, IMS ly btton Yurn. Cotton Carpet Chain, Coltoti Laps anj WaiKlinir, Cotton Oullinoa, Koady made Paiituloonit, Ready made Ycala, Congrcaa Kiiivea, Porceluin lined p-estrving kelllea, jtrnt received U sale by II. MASMER. f unLury, Dec. i, 1848. - XES of ery superior quality for aula by, II. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec S, 1818. n LANK E00K8.An Baaortmcntof Blank 3 Hooka, juat received and aule ly H'. MASsER. Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848. SYRUP MOLASSES. ISiiirrior trriiind Kvrup MolaaM-a for aale by ilE.NKY MAetER. eJuntmry, Dr. t, IKU- SALAMANDER, rillE AMI THIEF PROOF CHEST. , PlRK-rr.OOP BOORS rtiR BANKS AND STORES Snnl nnii T.ottpfi-C'nyinf Pre-ws, Pstrnt Slatn-t.inpd HcrrisfrTntOr. Wolpr Fil lers, Patpnt Poriblf!VVtf?r Clo sets, intended for tha Sick and Infirrn. EVANS k WATSON,'"' tn f o il h Th .rW Street, : : oreoMTB THfc l'Hlt,ADF.t.miA KXCHAfTOK. MaAaravtnrr and keep eosstant iss irtmeai of iireUwr wit iiJainanilar S. akiek " O'listrueted as to set at rcsl ",r!,r re-Dr,f, mi that Iliesn ftifrs sre tnmle iif boiler iron, the inside eon of aosv stone. anil iielvveen the outer elise nnrl inner rue is a snors t sonie three inelies Ihirk, null is filled in with inrteRriie. tilile rmiterinl. s i ns to iTinhe it nn imjioiisitiiliiv tn Imrn any nf Ihe eontents Inside in" this Clirst. Thesn A nnstone Hs llutlnnilers we nre preptireil nmf do r1i:illetire the world to proHnre nnv nrtirle in tbe shitpe m Hook Ail'es Unit will stand ns mnrh hent, nnd we Irilil ourselves rrndr at ail limes tn hnvethetn inirfv testedliy pnlilir Isniftre. Wa sli eontinne to imiinfneinre a large a, si eeneral ass in . inent ofimr Premium Air-liM Fire Prenf Rilea of whieK there nrc over WK) n-iw in nse, imri in ererf hnitanee ther hnve (riven entile sniisfnetiim to the pntetsisera of whieb we will refer tlie pulilic lo a few gentlemen who fcav Ihem in use llnvwood Pnviler. rmisville: Jomph G, Uwterf Pottsville; Mi. Willmm Tnrr. Diylelown, Pa. N. A (i. Tuvlor. pi,, north gd al.: A Wrmhl A Nephew Vine st. whnrf; Alexmster Cnrof. Convej-nneer, corner of Filliert and flth sts,; John M. Ford. N north M t.; Myers Hush, ill north M H.i Jnmes M. Piml. ml south 4th st ; Dr. Dnvid Jiiyne, H aonth :kl St.; Mnthew T. Miller, M s null :il st.; nnd -c e 111W imine some hundreds of other It It were neeeieiry. Now ve invite the intention of the pnlili", nnd rtirlilnrly tliom- in wimt of Fire I'risif Safes, to enll nt onr store liefiire purelinf iin; eliieu-liere, nnd wa hiii sniim- tiiein ttiry will cet a heller mid ehenper article nt our .lore limn nt nny oilier rsliil1in)itni-iit in the cilv. We nisi mnnnliielitre the ordinary Fire pMof Chests, at nt very I w priees. elienier than they lilll lie bought at uiy "IIIV. in UllUlieilllllU. PAVin fv s, JOHANNES WATSON Philadelphia, April 8, 1P46 ly OXYGENATED 2 ZL Q LSi 132. S3, ,1 SUtMlLIUH llt.lltDV roa DYSPEPSIA, fin m it, ANU GEKEHAL DEDILITT. GEORGE D. GREEN, PnorRtETOK. Windsor, Vermont. 1? a snvcreiun renn-dv f r llYHl'lil'SIA, in many of , l inns, nueh li pain in llie St un ic-!j. lliMrliiuru, habitual C 'stiveuess, Aeiil Slom;i"i, 1 1 . ,-i.I.k Uc, 1, s i Apieutr, j'lli'H, .ielit wsitii, mid een C uaii.ii. ti -ii (Innpeptic l'htliirie.) nnd Astluim, or l'lilh-ult illemlid Willi liimni:. umi.t 01 ih, st .iuueh ( r la,ilie Asthma.) Ui:Bcull ISreritliinc. wlin-h iiHen ri.u'.l. iroin imperi ct digerlion (or liyie; tie Sys .nieu.l is rel leveil l.y l hese Hitters. Iushrt, Iheir use t: been proved in the relief uf nlluont all the .Miipt -urn i!i-it pr 'eeeU from n del.ilitiitefl or atonic condi. li . n of the si iinneli; nlco in i-enertil debility nrisiiiii Irura ii-j-eor frnn tin- eil'.-en of Fever, pnrtii-ul.-ir!- Freer anil Airne. l'l-iitali-s sutri-rintr uiidt-r oitv uterine ('.eruueenrnt iirinin" fr in ".vnkn. r.-. will find the "I 'XTf.f xtr.n IJ-t-teb.'' uii execlleiil M.icily, nml not snqsuanlbv .iiiy niedi rule iu nse. The hisiory of this meilieine ir. peru'.iar. H Inu made its wuy to puMie It, v.iT o!ely by the I ort o of its own intrin.ic me-'irs. i :irlif,einl mi-un. Inve lieen uiieil to eive it no t'-rii ty nml thru-i it up n nuliiie attention. It h.i. never lieiore even been mH i-rioivl, but having first shown its r lll:irll;ib!e vll-.i-ney in llie luinily of the proprietor, and ler bun ullerw.iiils :ijn'.iiiii:rvd to his nlllieted ineiuls und ac ;i nu''n v. iih n like re'iilt, its reputation iriiclmliv t- ti.-nilLiI utimI it is known in llnj m -st distant p.irls of the I in ii, ns a iii'-'lifiuc of uuriveileit viriues iu the cure of llypeiu in a:l il. ditTereiil I .mis, and al for the enre of Asliuin . I'lnhisii.. ll. null hrralil nnd its onlv eul. f. i:is been the story its w nideriul rihi-nrv, as t'o!d fnnii in nub to in iii:i r by letter Ir mi iiieiul to friend. In eve ry iii.limee where these Hitters huve been used, and Ihe re sult iimile known t.. the proprietor, they have proved a re Nuiiierons eertilieatcs, nttertin; the sinrular efficacy of the "tiYiiE'iKn IliTiEKr," are in the posseasmn ol the pr ipriet ir : in my of Uicin signed by jicrson. already widely kn wu to the public. . Cl'.O. D. 011FIL Proprietor. iNtSort, Vt., OctolHT3, lt-IS. 1 lie full-win.; C'i rtllienle. huve rrcrnlly been l-eeeived t AV.inynioN. I C, .Icjie 10. 1HIB. H;ivin? made use .1 the (.sveeiatril blitltrs" prepare4 bv lir. t.i- i. ';. ii, f ml r , Vt. and from kn v leilce boiiued ui tbt-ir eirirney in oihor ease., wecheermliy rec- miiiend Ih.-m t i llie public, believun? thut lliev willfullv sushiin the ree iuiiieiiii:i!i n of the 'r..pri,t ir. ' We h ne that llils vaUialil.? ruiin-dy iiiav hti so geuerii'.ly iiiiriiN-i tliroit?h.-ut t!.c e .uatiy that it inay be aei:csib! . to all the all'n-ii-d. WILLIAM I 1'Ma.M, j v S. Senator from VerraBnt JAM! S r s. M M',.'.-, I . S. s,-,ui r from H Island. ' .Mt'iii.iif.Ai-, L. s. Kmat ..r undt iriiurl.-ii.n.ra-ur - I Keiri!.-(.v. 1.. II. AI.MJl.P, Mi ulier i f Congrers and fiwmerly Oe- I vern.-t of It W.M. Yi Xip.RIUr.CIK, f. S. ?enat.T aid formeiir Co veru ir ot .Miel iiran. At. I.. M.vlt'l'iN, Do!ejate in Coiigrciia fruin Wi-irain lcrrllory. l'uni lira. II. I. Fo.teb, Member of C-mgreu fre I'cluuytvania. YA.llllTV9l. D. P., Jrtia 10, !.!. Pear Sir I have Wn a dyspeptir suHerer fir nlKinl tea ears, uml have n-a irtvd M vun us niolleines for relief wuh ul nirress, until I made nc of your "Oivirenalef Hitlers." I have used two lauln, mid find uiyaei resion.l 1 1 peri. i-i beau), The forms in which ihe di. ease slniwvd ltseli, in my rase, were, (treat acidity of th, l .iiiurh, I ,s .1 apptl trenie llalul..i-', severe conati pdi n o the b iv. . i. and violent heaibehe. Feelm- ,le.' runs that u ku oWi'to of ..,ir v.lhialile remedy may read others .iniilarh- athi. t.d. 1 ud.e Br.-at ,.-iiaar'tf in record inu my l-stiui m- t i it. eutativc iw. r: and would at. reniruU, that while on u visit nt tiotiie n short lilac sinee, iidiiiliilMernl a part o n bottle to a iiiii.iI r of my ntltiete. inciiils, Willi slices.. Th'v are desirous that vn sb mid enabhsh an air. uey at I'aiV'uri;, or inu.rin thel where the medicine can be i.blaii ed. Wuh an earnest il ire for your pr wpertty and happiiiebO, 1 siibseru- mel truly your iriend h. ). posTI Ul. ! s-t. linn. II. (innx.AVirmV t, Vt. K ild Wholesale null Iteiail liv fircen a: Fletaher, vMSuilh hixlh .Sr.-et, I'hiludeljihin. Agent t-t Snnliiiry II. II. M ASSKR. Aleuts f.u Milton MACKAY II A sO Airout r. I .r,er Mahcni i) J. li. l:i; April lo, l.s OAKFOJalVS LNRIVAI.I.EI) STYLE OF HAT Fi.Hl GENTLEMEN", c ii a ii 1. 1: s utKioitn, No. 101 CHESTNUT ST REE I iiihulc'phia. Wculi! rest i ctfnliv invit aitention In Ilia superi style of bills lor nuiunn. I91S, whirl) wilt found llie most iurlprt eier l. f,,ri ollVreil f,i comiiiniiiiy. s peculiar foriiu rniilir-lt tlie mi id airabl , as il combines all the pa.Riijil of Ju bility aii.tneaine.s, reqinsitn in that Sllicle of iln wbilla hi un less. il f.irilitiea in in m uiufueturi wi h all ihe it pd. ru improvements. eiialI.-a h l'i Cn.LL.uK tiis Woblii lo produce a bet H it. t-'iinniir.ji's Frr Hats ab Cam or 1 Moiik. Tlu.e roiuU have been selec w lh (-r.-it c-rv. and will be found moat beam mil cui f. in iheir v lesi. L.tiiK.1 I'lmo Hat amu Cam i.r Eti tr kw I'attkbh.. fireai rare hsa n b. al. ral in coin.! iu. tn Ibrei- anir Vs. ih .1 Ihey ma; vif. illy eu.-y and 1,11111 aersr. ful s. r nc CHARLES OAKFORD 104 Cl.f.ttiul at, a lew .loor, ..bnve 'i ,,. Ph.l..Vlphi -, tembrr 3l, lSlitli-June 31, ISIS ly Pictorial I'Ulliuu of .lViublifi, gl ial IVoi U un llie IteCoi iiiallt OK THK SIXTEENTH CENTURY IIU MAN V, h WI I ZERLAN l, &I! Will puhlitlieit nr. nr about Ihe 1st of Apiil, 16-18 JOS A SPF.EL. No 06 Cberry al above hi. spleiiiinl I-.'itio edition of tbe above na woik, ilh 18 engraved illustrations from Binul designs ; 4 vols in 9, bound in extra c and library sheep. Tin nilili.her res,r.tfnlly calls Ihe atrei of th tiade and Ihe public generally, to work beiun the only illustrated edition publi in the United Stales He trutti that the be of tta embelli.hmenia. Ihe itrotig and lubita manner in v. hu h it ia bound, in conjunction Ihe known popularity of I bit work Uself, wi a sum recommendation lo public favor. JOS. A SPEF.L. 66 Cherry at above J. A S hat also lately published, a new beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rkree f amiable book for children, neatly done t xtrarlnlb. Philadelphia, April 1, 1818 PATENT Tnuae of all kinda, Han writing and indrllible ink. Uollow yan lupa, just received and lor aalc bv s j.'w.rRiLi: Sunbury, Dee. 8, IMS. ' " A I'.S. An auortnirnt juat received.' ailk 11 ATS at g'ttS, for aale by H. MASS rhmhiry. rer. , U18.