SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. jtttoccUnncoua Scatter. From Hcadlcy'e Adirondack, or Ufa in the Wwdl SIMJILAR tOlHTSIIIP. , . T "The other day 1 took ft heavy boot to a hoemaker, or mender, to be repaired before 1 set forth oa a new expedition, of whom I waa told a capital anecdote. An fcuglish emigrant had entiled down in a remote part of the forest, where ho cleared a ill a space about him and built a log hut. He had been there but a year or two, when one day as he was absent in the woods with his eldest daughter, his hut took fire and burned down. His wife was sick, but she managed to crawl out, taking the straw bed on which she lay with her. At evening tho husband returned to find his house in ruins. It was a winter night, and the snow lay deep on the ground. Calling aloud, he heard a faint voice reply, and going in the direction from which it came found his wife stretched on tho bed in tho now. Getting together a few boards left from the eonllagration, he made a shelter over her. That night shn was safely deliver ed of a child which survived and is now liv ing. But under the exposure and excitement together, the husband took a violent cold, . which having fastened on his lungs, and being resisted by no medical treatment whatever, terminated in the consumption. He however reared another hut, and during the summer a young settler came in and purchased a tract near by him. His being the only family within a long distance, this back woodsman often passed the evening in their society. It was not long before he discovered that his neighbor could not long survive, for the most ignorant in the region knew all the symptoms of pulmonary disease which carries oil three fourths of those who die. Accompanying this conclusion came naturally the rcllection, w hat would become of tho wife, and as she was good-looking and industrious he thdught he could not do better than to marry her himself. Acting under this consideration he mentioned the matter to her, remarking that her husband could not live long, and asking it she would marry him after he was dead ! She replied that she had no objections at all if "her husband was willing!" He said he had nn doubt on that point, and he would speak to him about it. lie did so, and the husband uuh' sitatingly pave his consent, ad ding that he was glad she would be so well provided for after his death. So when w in ter approached the young settlerwould come and "court" the prospective widow, while the dying husband lay and coughed on the bed in the comer. Now there was not much sentiment in this, I granted, but there was a vast deal of philosophy. It was rather cool on her part to bo sure but vastly sensible on li is. What could his wife and children do all alone there in the woods, without a protector! The toughest part of thepioceeding,and that which no doubt tested tho backwoodman's philosphy the severest, was the courtship. Tu lie gasp ing for breath in one part of the room, and see the young, athletic and healthy backwoods man and his wife silting together by the fire, and know that after a few more painful weeks he would occupy that place permanently, and yet bear it patiently, required a good deal of stamina. Especially must the reflection that they were both probably very anxious to have him lake his departure, have been rather a bitter pill to swallow 1 go into all these lit tle particulars you know to thow the charac ter of my hero to the best advantage the heroine speaks for herself. These two inter esting personages were my shoemaker and bis wife." FRENCH AMD ROMAS ItEI'l BLICASS. ODE TO LOUIS N.U'OI.EON. Louis Napoleon I wont say that he "Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat," But a Republic's President should be Republican himself 1 w ill say that. When Rome shook off her priestly yoke, What right had you to put your spoke, 1 beg to ask you, in her common weal What ground had you for interference, When of the Pope she made a clearance? Pray, who call'd you with her u flairs to deal! Tho Romans may be right or wrung, 1 don't care which, in turning Pius out, And sending all the Cardinals along With that good Pontiff to the right about, But let them choose their form of government, And what's the odds, bo long as they're con tent 1 Arn you to cram down their reluctant gullets The kind of Constitution you think best, By means of swords, und bayonet and bullets? Against such tyranny I must protest, I really wonder you've the cheek To talk about your Repuhlique. In dignity you merit an advance ; There is a post you are better fitted far To fill than to bo Pkk.side.nt or France; Instead of that, you ought to be the, The Roman people to cuerce and menace You send your howitzers and bombs, WithOuDiKoTto play the modern Bkenms- What of this intervention rume t Disgrace, defeat, in point of fact, lour uoopgoi regularly wimck'ct. How could they stand against a foe that sung The Marseillaise, or fail to be Taken aback, dumbfounded and unstrung, Met with Mourir pour la I'utric ! To chauut such strains till they are hoarse, Tho citizens of France must know their brothel s Of Rome, possess the right, of course. As perfectly as any others ; Also to dance and caper at their pleasures, Round Trees of Liberty in sportive measures : in short, their own Republic to enjoy, So long as other folks they don't annoy. All well for you, if France shall acquiesce Quietly in her own salification ; If not, you've cot yourself into a mess. From which I wish you happy extrication. From the London Pnueh. Destruction of tub Wheat Crop in Ohio. The Ohio papers state that iu that State tho destruction of the wheat crop by rust and fly (red weevil) is terrible. Thou sands upon thousands of acres are not worth cutting whole fields remain untouched bv scythe or sickle. It is said that the most disgraceful senten ces in the English language, is an emphatic "No!" from a lady, and "Can you pay this little bill to-day V Tho latter is particularly unpleasant when you aro compelled to reply, "Cant do it sir." Bishop Chase, of 111., has lately gained, as defendant, a laud suit, involving titles to por tions of the Jubilee College grounds, which had been sold for State taxes. Ex-President Van Buren is at present enga ged iu superintending tho enlargement of his residence at Lindenwald. The additions are to be spacious and elegant. CABINET WARE ROOniS. THE miWrllicr respectfully informs the public, that ho continues the mnnnfncturo of CABI NET WARB, in all its branch, at hit stand in Market street in Sunburv, and that he has now on hand s handsome assortment of well made and fashionable furnitt're. He alto carries on. at his old establishment, in Fawn street, tho , , ciiiin iti4KiG nusmEss, ill all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All ot wincn he will dispose of at pricce as low as at any esta blishment in tho county. . His long experience In tba business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen oral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a contimionce of thnr patronage. rE" All kinds of produce taken in exchanirc. SEBASTIAN HOL'PT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf IMPORTANT. TO THE PUBLIC EOHSEAITD cattle MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when tho means of cure are within tho reach of all t ill' GOLD &. SILVER WARE. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesmit-st, at the sipn of the Gold Thimble, bet wen 2d. If 3d. sfs., South side Philadklpiiia. AXITACTURES and keens constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, tha fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, ut reduced prices : (fold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do I- infer Suielda, silver I able, Jycscrt, J ea, fruit and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheatbs, A c. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and lirrttanma ware, German Silver Spoons, &c; (fold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior Evcrpointcd Lends, &c Ac. Philadelphia. .May 88, 184!!. tanners Take' notice! Now Hide Oil and Leather More. No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 dnors below liace St. Philadelphia. riHE subscribers olfcr to the tanners on the A most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of IJucnos Ayrcs, Lapbita, larnccas, Liignmi, lluntr-Dry, Chili, Salted rcr ambuco und ull kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, (ireen Slaughter. Drv Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips. Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or ft'Iauirhter Leather, the above 1 In Irs, Kips, Oil and 1 ools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 20, 184'J. ly The undersigned has spent several years in tho study of Veterinary practice in "Loudon and E dinboro'," h has also availed himself of flic resear ches of Leibig, and other celebrated mcn.whohave contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; tho principles of our practieo consists in tho rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to bo of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony witti the vital principle, snu when given according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hencs aro safein the hands of every one. Ci. II. UAVU, M. I). A Mst ot Horse mid Cattle Medlclues. Physic bulls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. ' powders for bad coiidition,75cpcrpai-k- age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc. Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for influiualion of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c. per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c per bottle. W ash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for aorc throat, 75c. per bottle. liool ointment lor sand crack, brittle hoof, &.c, 50c per bottle. Horse Luumcnt, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c A $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, !I per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale bvSTIMPSON A HEED. 20 .Mer chants How, also at DADD'N HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 A 2 Havmarkct Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can bo had gratis. Numerous Certificates arc iu possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Mcdi cities. Sold bv GREEN A FLETCHER, No. 26 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his AntNTB Himit M.tssun, Suuburv, February 3, 1B49 tf flesriaohr. tiiiklineas, Hlieiimnlism. 1'llea, llyspensip, rV-urvey. Mniill Pox, Jsnmlice, 1'aliis la the Hack, ItlWHi-d W ensues. Pnhiilailon of tin Heart, R ising In tho Tllroot, Drop)', Annum, Fevers of all shuts, Female Complaints, AN1 A VAIUETY Off THE WIXAND I'llItttATlVE. 1 rOR TUB CTJHE OF Mnislea Bolt Rheum, . Heart llura, Worms, ('Mere Mnrlins, Conplis, (juinsry. Wlioopina; Confrn, . Coiiaiiniiilnn, Vila, Liter Complaint, K.rislncbis, Lksil'ness, ltclihurs of the Skill, Colds, (lout, (travel, Nervous Complaints, OTHER DISBA8KS AHISINQ rnoM impuritius or thb blood, and OBSTRUCTIONS Jl TUB ORGANS Or MOrJTIOH. Experience has proved tlmt nearly everr Disease nrlf instes from Impurities of the Bssjd or derangement oftlie Diges tives Ononis and to secure Health, We must remove those ohstrnctionsnr restore the JTII(ini! ti, Its natural state. I he avermnn to tnkinir ineilteme la moat etfectunllr re moved by Ci.icasaa'a Vsoktabi. Puhgativi Pills. Iieins empletdy enveloped with a tattling "f pure white Siifmr, imTirii inns tiisiiuci iii'iii iiii: line 11:11 iireuii'ine ui 1 nui shell from the kernel) and hareniitapteof medicine. llutiire na ciiaily avvnll twed as bits ttf enivlv. Moreover they neither imtannte. or pipe in Ilia alighti at decree, but pperiiie equiilty on nil Hie nieenaed pattaoftbe avaiein, in- ateinl (if e "nfuiitiji ttv'tfinflvi Ui, mid ruekinir nny nurtieuliir rejll 'll. l imit, n tne L.IVUT or tillcctetl cue uigreilienl will oner.'itc on th'il mrtieulnr orjimi. nn'l, by elemivinir it of en l-.teesfl nf Uile reetorc It 1 1 iti. ii'itntrd at'ite. Another will operate enlhe Hmrd om! remove all imnuriiies in ita eircu bti inj whiles third will efieriui.lly expel whatever impu rities inny linve Iwen disi'hurjrofl into the at irmcli. mid hence they strike t the root or dieni) rein vc nil Impure II it m tra fr-in the Ivwly, njien the iorea externelty und inter inllyj ''Hinitft all f ireiirntutd obnoxiona pnrlirles I'rom ihe chyle. aoilKtt the hi nvtv he thoroiifilily pure thu aeeu rinirn free and henlthy se nto the Heart, l.uiirsnud Liver nml tVerebv they restore health even when all oilier menu', lmve lailed. The entire truth of the nb -vc enu be iiscer'uined by the trisl of a ample Ivix: nnd their virtues pre s.i positive and certain in restorimr llinltli. tlmt the proprietor biuila himself to return the money paid lor Hu m in all cusea whove they do not give universal S'.iti.iuction, Hot a 1 1 I'rlrc, 25 rt, prr Ilnx. Principal oltiee No. CO Versey St., N . York, Sold by JOHN Y. Ydl Nii. Murium-. At. A. MeCAV.Norlhiimbcrlnnd. tfT- Remember Dr. C. V. Clh-kncr ia the inveiiior of the Siiffur t'oiiteil 1'ills. und that nothing of the a rt was ever hturd of until he introduei'd them in .hide, lw4.'l. Purchaera ahould. therefore ulwnys nsk for ritrkner'a 8-iinir Coated Pills, and lake no others', or they will be made Ihe victims of a I'rnud. l-'cbraury, 17, Ibid ly Summer Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING RAIL- KOAD, KIIOM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTSVILI.E. CHANGE OF HOURS, and TWO TRAINS DAILY, carh way, except Sundays. N AND AFTER MONDAY, April 2d, 1849 two trains will rim each way, daily, between Philadelphia und Pnttsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily, except Sundays. Passes Reading at 10. 45 A. M. Leaves Pottsvule at 7j A. M., dally, except Sundays. Passes Reading at 9 10 A.M. The above Line slops at all way stations on the road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FAST TRAIN', I'p Train Down Train. Leaves Philadelphia at I Leaves Pottsville at 2J P. M., daily, ccpt .Sundays. Leaves Phienixvillen,45 " Pottstown 4,15 " Reading 5,00 ' Port Clinton 5,45 " Sch. Haven 0,10 Arrivesat Pottsville6,S0 P. M., daily, except Sundavi Leaves .Sch. Haven 2,37 " Port Clinton 3,00 " Reading 3,50 " Pottstown 4,40 " Phornixvilie 5,00 Arrives at Mate Rd 5,50 The Afternoon Train will stop only at the a- hove named stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the Morning Line. DEPOT iu Reading, coroner of Chcsnut and Seventh streets. Pussengers cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tickets. VST NOTICE. Fifly pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger iu these lines : and passengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. No freight will be taken by these Imc9. By order of the Board of Managers, . BRADFORD, .Sec'ry. April 7, 1819. Ajep's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP. INC. COUGH, BROXCIIITIS AND CONSUMPTION. rruiIS valuaNf prepuriilion, tvt ntonUhiuely iurrruful X in rnrinfr dmcayru ni the Lmifrii, iu ttip r-.ult of a nkill I'til comtiiimttDii nftlie known rnmlive yriueinlen ot inn li nui;. Itn iurnlieiit are trcly mutto kn"vn to tite ptiMir, niwt are tlmsu ueknt.vW?t!t-l to mi.c;il men as pottKfflnihp rare imtlifnl virtm-ti, which ixviiluir virtues are coiiminrt, in tho 'I.IIKKU V rKCTUItAlV in theirgnrut est purity ami elfimey, and when utfed, u will be iecu Irom ine nut wuit viimntiie irKuinmiy : lMHiKKSSOll CLKVEI.AND. ot" Bowdin Cullic, UrunwU k, Muine, writen ' have vitnr4wtl tlir Pilti-t if your Cherry I'rvlorul in my own family and in that tit 'my tneiulu, ond it hut given great KdisiHcliun in niHtvith o'ui(iitit und rhildifn." A VOU K KIU)M MASiSACHl SK'rrS. Kmin Ur. lit yuiit, Dru: flint tuul l'oBlmaalcr, ( hicopee Dit. J. C. Avkr DwirPir: Knrled nlcntte fmd rrmit- tniwe for all the Cherry 1'rctoraJ luttt Bent me. I cut un heeitaliuly ttiy, tliat no metlicuie we nt l j(ivei mich ruiav faeii'n um yunr'a il"fa nor have I ever eti medicine which cuml no iimny ruse ol'emtch and Innii cotuuluiiita Our lMiysiciam are using it extendi vely in the praelice, and Willi liif nnpjucBi ciieeia. Truly your, D. M. BRYANT. DR. PF.HKINta. Prehident of Vermont Medical Coll e one of the mtt loirm-d ami mtrllifieiit phynieiana in the country, ''rnniiidera it a euinpusiium i1 ntre rxcelleneu lor the cure ul that fur tutdahle iliM-at, Cumtuniption." AualmoHt im-redihle uumtier of certificate have been receive! i proving turn ine nerrv reciorui u. m truth hkathkMkuy for Coughu, C'ldn, Awlimn and all puhnnuarr eomnlainti I'HICK 7j CKNTS pKR BOTTLE. Prrpart-.l hy J. v. A i-.U, Uwrll, Mm., and old hv n. o Ai.n, .-Miituury, aim MAKt Alct AY. rtonhuin in i i.uiii. MarellDl, 110 DR. TOWNSENU'S CO'IMLND EXTRACT OF SAliSAPAUlLLA. rpHIS Extract ia put up in quart bottles. It i six times J. cheaper, pleaMtiter, and warranted superiur to any .tld. It cures ilifennfs without voniitintr. iiuicinir. sick- new, or debilitating the patient, ond is particularly adapted iura FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla. over fiuier remeoies is. wtnist 11 erutitratuadifjasc, it invigorate the b nty. Cuiifiiuirti"n cuietl. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can he cured. Bronchitis. CouKiimptiun. Liver Coniplumt. Colds, Cfuglis, caiarrn, a fin n in. pitnnu of itii.ud. iren!s in tao Chest, Hectic Flush, Ninht Sweats, Diifi cult and ProiiiM: KApectoratitHi, and Pain in the idc, Ace, iVc, have and mil lie fit red. Pruliably there never was a remedy that hns been so me. ccsm'ul iu desperate cases of iiinautiiptton as tint-; it clean ses and strengthens the syftcm, and appears to heal Hit: ul cers on the lungs, and Vticuts grailually regain their usual health and strength. Ct'RIOLS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is scarcely n day paws but there are u number f "aes ot Cfmsumptiun report ml as curcil bv the use 01 )r TnwiiBeifa Sursapai illu. I'olluwuie 'was recently re. eeived : Dr. Town;M Dear Sir: For tho Lisf ilm-n vmfs I have tieen adlieled wild general debility, and nervous con sumption of the List ttt:ii:i-. and did noi expect to ever earn my health at nil. After yumg throimli a euurMif iiimIk ine under the care of some uf ihein-M ilisiinituishtil re-Mthir physicians and iiiciiurs of the Hird nf Health in New York and e!nevhere, mid vpeudinir llie m-'st ut my eamiiif:8 in attempting to n-'ant mv InalLh, and alter reatt:nur in si ne iper of yuui Sarsijuinllu 1 resulvml to try it. After using six buttles I found a dune me emit", and cailed to ste you at (ur orhec; ; with ytuir advice 1 kept on, and dn most heiirtily thank you for y'o'ir advice. J persi-ver in taking the S:ittuiarili:i, and have I -ecu uble tu attend to my usual uiiKrsiur the l.trl lour months, U)HJ 1 hope by the. blcKiiigsnf God and your S:i run pan I la to continue" my health. It helped me beyond the expectations of all who knew my case. CHARLES Ul'IMUY ranue, Ehstt co. N. J.. Ana?. 2. 147. Slate of New Jfr-v. Essex cum it v nit f'hrirles Onim. by Iwing duly sworn according to law, on his oath saith. mil me luregoing statement ts true according to the bent of hi knowledge ami belief. CHARLES Ol IMHY. Sworn tu Hi subscribed to before me at Orance. the 2d August, IM7. CVRl S BALDWIN. Justice ol the Peace. SPITTING RLOOU. Rend the following, and any tJtat coiuumntion is in ineu- rabie if you can : ew A ork, April 1, 1817. Pr. TOWNSEND I I Venlv Iwln vr tlmt S .rtL-nuiriltn haa btieu the meuus, through Providence, ol saving my life 1 havu fur several years hud a IkkI cough. It bccaitut wrne and worse. At last 1 raised Uirw quantities of blol, hail night sweutsand was gTKitly dcliilit.ited and reduced, nml did w 4 expect to live. I have only used your Sarsnparidu bit a thi't lime, hjkI there has a woinlcriut ciianue licen A Deacon, nol remarkablti for good eye iRlrti once, in. giving out a psahn for the con eregHtion to ing, whe he came to the lines, iu-8 easlern wges hull come in With message of grace, put tne audience in a roar ef laughter, by leaning, in a loud voice, " Mte ltage" phullcomeia Wttn "twssenb'er?1 and "grease." I AWHRCWC eathtoiaix ll rtlVUHbll Ui-Hkum to the Sick ! , IVfV llialth to the Weak!! A UAb.u ia itmiid i,ir the r -OSk. ll-'lc lluuum Huc iu All. I'AIN KILLER Tim ia an rutirely vtitela tile o impound, r-iiuimaed vi 1 wenty-l- ive UiH.Ti-nl uifrrc diciiia, and ia uii iuiernul und Kxu-rnal Keiimlv lHrlheva- ruiiu ill tlul nullum nV-ah ia ueir to CCU A, renin!!, Colila, Paiua, Ncrvoua and Sitk Ilrndaohe, UlitiiuaiiiMii, ( nl, Svraiu, Snimil Aff.ftuma. buiiiuwr r.ini Insula, 1 !" ro Tinllmi he, Krupiiuiia, Coma rui'i. ri".u. .-no. Muii.rmH, .itrua ui Ilia Fare auu llreuKl, rfiiiu.-ia' II.-llu-, llruiaea, tkl ISrea, L-a ol' appe tite, lienirul Dtl.iliiy, A.lluuu, Ac. Pin up in U.I ilea 101 1, a .r t amiiiiiK pc. u...o. . u. lurmer partlcului'a aee I'uinnlileia tulw liud ol evrry audit inuia. .n.,..;,.;.. . britl liiatory ol III origin, diarovery and gouda rnwHaof Anurewa' rtuii nuicr, itrnim-uics ui cureaajrepUoua. 4c UJOK OUT FOR FRAUD. wr-mi; I it in ine. 1 am now ahlc to walk all over thei-iiv. f roiiio H i blood, and mv coiteh hits U-i't nit V'nn .-..) I imagine that 1 um tliunkftil fur iIh-kc rcsuits. Your obnii eut Kervuut. WM. UlSM.LU G5 Cathuruic a. UST II Kit HM.IXII. The annexed eerliliL-ate tells a h'mimIc and truM.fnl ar,rv of sailer i uc and relief. There are tli -usaiids nf sunilnr ca ses in this pity and llnhklyu, and vet there are lb u-un!i ii vuirius in uicir eiiuureu uie lor lear ol Ixillg luunUicjei! or to save a few sliilliucs. llro'klyn, Sept. 117. Dr. TnVNsRNt: I take i!eaurn in suiiinir. Air i)u ln-n fit of th'iKQ wIuhii it may eoaceru, tlwit my daughter, two years and $t mouths ld, was uilocted with general de bility and loss of speech. She wns f-iven up as pirn je covery by our family physician; Imt Mrluiiaiely I v;s re eummeudcd by a friend to try ymr S;irsu'ai ilia. J-tef.Te im m-; uii tme nottiesne reeovereil tier spc-ecli nnd was enal.lid to Wi!k ulone, In the uelnuitfhnieut ol ull wh wer nt'cpuunted with the cireumstauer-s. She is now quite well, and in much letter lietltli than she hv been f'r h uvtnihs pas;. joSlil'U TAYUHt, 1 Yrli si., Brooklyn. TWO CIIII.UIU: SAYKD. Yery few families im I. ,! in fact we lmve n x h,-M ..f one that used Dr. T-wnsend's Saisapanllu in lime, 11 any children the past Summer, while those that did u t. sieUeucil and ilutl. The ecri ifieute we publish liulow is C 'lulurive evt lence if iis value, und isonl) another mstunee of its Kiviuu the lives uf children : Pr. I own).emv Dear Sir : I had two children cured hv ymir S.iriajpuri'.a of the summer cuiiphiiit ojmI dysenUiry : ne win only !5 mourn rM and tlu other 3 vears. Tiicv were very lunch reduced. auJ we execteJ thev would die ; they were j;iven np by two rcspcctuhle physicians. When thedoi'Mr inf rmwl us licit wc iiiut luse thein, wn-siU ved to try your Suienpiinlla we hud heard sj much of, but hud little coufi lence, there heuijf s j much stulf advertised that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it und-mlrtedly imved tiir lives of b th. 1 write this that oth ers may be iitduceU to use it. Yourx. n xncetfuilv. JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtlc-aeuue. UrKklyn, Sept. 1j, TO Tilt: I. A I) IKS. filtr.AT l-'KMALK MKDICINE. ViH. ToW VSUNn'sStltSAPA BILL isasiwereiviiiind MiMfdv rum fi iiat ipient c Muumptioji, und for the grurul prosiru- it m oi me sysiein uu uuitier whether the result o inhe rent e.niate or causes, produced by irreguiunty, ilhiess or ac- videui. .Ntilhine run Ive more snntriKinir limn tin inviTumti.t ui. fecis on the hmiian fruutu. l'emuis all weaklier und las situde, in mi tiikuiff it at oiii'i- Ufiiuie robust aiwl lull of energy under its tntlionce. it immcdiuiely eoiuiteructstha iiervulcsftiu-M o the lemuie frame, which ut the irreMt cause uurreniits. It will uot be excepted of us. In rant nf m ,M,it i.n. lure, to exliihil eertitieatrs of cures ni-nuinml. Imt wp assure the aiiiiettil llutt huudrtxls of rases hsvo been repor- wuikuessand pup-rul debility, ond surlering continually by pai.1 and with oilier diuieuUie, and hu unknown euws Htinc )im iictii(.-ii; tmm Klirt'.iviM greut CUTcs; UJV Ul) heariuir it retMimuended for such euM't ai I lmvi d.-wa-nh...! I oiiiaiueit u boule of our Kxtract uf KowipirilUi and fol lowed the directions you (rave me. In short iieriml it reuioviil Her eoiupiaiuts and reUored her to heallh. licinj Teatfutf'ir the biin-tiitt site received, lnku pleasure in Uiusaekiiowledging it, aiul recuiuiuondins it to the public. Albany, Aug. 17, '-U. c r Grand 4 Lydut au. UYSl'Kl-SU. No fluid or mii iiu has ever been discovered which so sokes t'AX itE:i;ici:o. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. rporsr.Y's i'XIvf.hsai. ointment, ith mat I t-)iiipki Hum Amid tc ever kit m-ii. It inatmiilv, (nml in- if l.y Moir) .pap.iiiw . i" tlw in-t denueraie Hum 11 ml tk'iild. F..r ..Id !itvrn, llniisca, Ciua, fpr.iins, Ac onnniior l-nl, il i tin- hi fi applii .-ttiou that nut bn miiile Tli .UNiiula have iriiil and iIi.iuki.ikIk pruac il. It ia the in .at p.-rl't-cl nuiKIrr 'l iin t-vcr All who nap rc-cnirai-nd it. Kvcry fi.mily ah' mid Ix- willi it. None can tel how Boon mine of the family may need it. i r Oliacrvc each bon of the genuine Ohitm. ui hna the name of S. Tocsky, written 011 ihe outside lubel. To unite to tliia ia f'.ruery. ll.mtni'ii. Livery Men. l'linin-ra, un.l nil who line Horaea. will find lllix lliiilnu-iil the Very Un thine they enn lrc f.T :..:ir linlla,N-mtrhea, Kielii &c.. Ac, on Ihi-iriniiuiala Surely every inereu'iil man w.nil.1 keep h.a aniinala n Ir. e fr .ni niniiapikililr. T iu j" I nivcrieil lliulineut ia ull that 1 p required. Trv il. HlTKrSOK INSKt'TS. F.irlhe alius or l.itu of poiaon linieeta.T'.Mwey'a Oiiilineul ia unlivulleil Iluiulreiln have trietl it Hud Ibuii'l it pood. IM 1 .CS 1: L'li l;U ! For the 1'ilea, T.iuaey'a l'niveranl Oint nienl in one of thelicst Heui.;ili.:a that t-jiu be applied. All who have tried il for tliel'ilea ree aiioit'iid it Ol.ll MJHKS CI RF.O. For old unite rea, there ia iiothinil eipial to Touaey'a (lli.linrul. A pewi in Maini- na t.iru muimIi'T .f y.-ari. a a .re le(r that battled the akillol'tlied'H-f Ta. 'l'.uiey- liul lii.-ut ran ice iiumi'ii.l. d by one nf Ihe visiting phyaieiuna, (who knew it preat vir luea.) and Iw i b xea prihlueed more lienelit than the pa tient h id reeeived from anv un.l ull previous reuicdu-a. Let all Irv it. Hl'liX AND SCALDS Crni:i. Th-nunmla of eaaea of llutin and Senhla. in all parta of Ihe e"unli'v, havo bia-n cured liyTouaey'a I'niveraal liiniinent. Certiflealea enough could he had to (ill Ihe whole iM'tli.a aheet. VIOI.KNT I It I:ISI'.S Cl'H ED. Teaiimnninhi on lesti in..nial in favor of Touveya Oiutiuent f..r eurinp llruiaea h.-ve been oll'i red the pr .j.riet . Hiindreda in Svrneiiae willeenii'yloiu ireitl uieriia rehevinir the pain of Hie moat acvere llrui.-a. All pert, -nu sh .uld try it. SCAf.ll lli:.r I'TUI'.l). S .r.-a 1.1 easea of Seald Head have been eureil by Toiuev'a Oiniinent. Trv il it arldoin I'aila. fAl.T HIIKUM Ciriil:n. Of all the remediea ever ilia envereu I'.rlha moat dia.igreeul.le cinpliilnl, Touaer'a I'm vernal Oiiiluient ia the man complete. It never waa known tor.ii. CIIAl'I'l-n HANDS CAN nnc t RKD. T .iiK-v-a fin- versal Ointment will alwaya cure the v.T?t caea of Chap ped llanila. Si-.trea of perna will atme tl.ia. SUKi: IJI'SCIUKII. Korlhecnru I.ipa there waa never anylhing made ecpial to 'l'oiiaey'a (Jinluiirnl. It Try it. It isn aeii-iititie eoinp..und. warranted no to eoiitaiu nuv prepnrali'.n of Mereury. IV I'rien -J" eeala per ln. For further tuirtieuLara eoneerning thia really valuahle Ointment the public are referred to l'aniphlfta. to'he had irratia. of re-apt-etal.le llriigixta nud .MerciiuutM tlirouli ut the I'uittl Stat. 'a. Prepared l.y S. TOI'SCY, Drureial. No. 106 Naasau Street, ,-w York. Ar.Ksra JuHN YOl'.Mi, Snnhury. M. A. MeCAY, Northuuihef land. February IT, 1M9. ly LIVER COraPLiNT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OK NKKVOUS DEP.IUTY.'DISKASE OE THE KIDNEYS, Jin d all diseases arisim from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both .Male and Female : Sueli aa ConMipati'ui. Inward l'ile. I'uiliiesn or Hl.xl to the HeHd, Acidity of the Stoinavh, Nanwa, Heart-burn, Diaguat for Fo-mI, Vullueaa or weight ill the Stomach. Siur 1 Iriietationa, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach Swimming of the lleul, lluriied und Difficult Breathing. Fluttering at Ihe Heart. Choking or SmlR-aling aenxili 'iia when iu u lying p"uir.' Diinnea of Viaion, llola or weba liefore the fight, Fever and dull piiu iu ihe II cud, Deficien i y of Perapirali mi, Yell'.wiic-aa of llie Skill and K.vea, l'uin in Ihe Side. Hack. Chen, Limbs, Sudden rfualiea of unit, uurnnig in llie Flesh, Constant Imnriiimga m evil ui.d great deprcaaiou of iSpirna l ull be eileclually curi-d by COLUMBIAN SERIES OF mWuncMcfib The Pupil's friend and Teacher comfort. rPHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. Thia work ia already introduced into aome of the beat Academic and a larps ntimbrr of Schoola, Where its uc haa given decided and universal sa tisfaction, botli to teacher and pupil. It ia purely AtnoTican in ila character, baaed upon our own beautiful decimal tyrtrm tf etirreney. It colitaina more, the Rirnnirenieiits are liotter, anil il ia the Caaieat nhll rhfnieat Wdrk of the kind now in use j and it ia m conoidere.l by hundrcda of the moat competent teachers and men of aciencn in tho Uni on, who havo recommended it, It is the book, pnrtii-ularly and cxpreanly prepared for our Aw rtenn Srholarf : lSy Almon ltr..tior. Th Yoi-TH's CllM-MB'AICil.CCl.VTon-Tllis volume contains 01 rnes, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the alnte. It embraces the Fundamental Knlea, Compound Kulea, 8imp!o and Conipouni', Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, Qjq. Titkmo'i's AniTHMSTicAtTniii.T.s, ia destined for the upc of j-oiinncr classes in tha Schools of the United Slates. A beautiful Utile book and pleus imr tc, children, and the only one ofthc kind of any vulr.e. There arc Keya to both Arithmetics bound in j;lc or double, for the convenience of tenchera, in which tho solutions of tho questions arc Riven with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, ond conliiin, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, oVc, for tho use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nbove books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic:, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already lieen introduced into the Niirht Tubltc Schools of New Y ork C'itv in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acndamics in the State of Pennsylvania in a larce portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Dorouchs of Harrisburg, Y'ork, ChainlKTslntrt;, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwipsbiirfr, &c, A-c. For sale by Henrv Misser, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Suiibury, Lcc. 2, 1848. SALAMANDEn, Fine Arstt thief moor chests, FIRE-PROOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND STORES Seal and Letter-Copying Trews, Patent Slate-Lined Refrigerators, WatPt Fil tern, Patent Portable Watr-r CU. sets, intended for the Siok . and Infirm. fcVANS & WATSON, 70 sown inrt street, OPPOSITE TIIE rillLADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Maimfaeture and keen constant ly on hand, a lanre asaortment of ine nov articles, tos-ether wiin llieir Patent Improved SaMunander K1HE PROOK SAFES, which are ao eonatnicted aa to set at rent all manner of doubt aa to their being strictly fire-proof, and thai they will reaiat llie lire of any batlrtinr. The outside eases of thea. sinies are made of boiler iron, the inside cnaeof anan- atonc, and lietween the outer cnae and inner ense ia a Siaee of aome three inches ililett. and is filled in with indealrue tiWe material, s i us to make it nn impossibility to burn sny of the ...i,,t,.,,.. inciiie of Chest. These S'Muatone So. Inniandera we are preired and do challenire the world to erodii'-e any article In the alia of no. Sales lliat will atmd na much heal, and we h"ld ourselves ready at nil times to have them fairly tested by public bonfire. We ala-. continue to muniiuictiire n lorpe pud cenernl aM-.rt. mem ofnur Premium Air-ticl t Fire Preof Safes of which Hi-re are over Will now in use, und in every instance thev have ffiveti entile satisfaction to the purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gcnllemiai who have them in use Ilnywaat Snvder. Pottsville Joseph 0. lawton I'.ittaville; Mr. Willinm Carr. Dovlestnwn, Pa. N. k O. Tnrl ir. 1?n north 3d at.! A XVrieht Nephew Vine st. wharf; Alexander Cnror, Convevuiiccr, corner of Filbert nnd pth sts.; John M. Ford. W north .Id si.: Myers Hush, an north 3d st. Jnmea M. Paul, 101 south 4th at.; Dr. Pnvid Javne, B souih M St.; Mathew T. Miller, 211 s mth Hd si.: and we e,id name some hundreds of others II it were necessary. Now we invite the nttention of the nul.lie, nud particularly those in want of Fire Pnsif Safes. t call st our store before purchnsiu'r elsewhere, and we mil satisfy them they will git a better and chenper article nt our store than nt nny other establishment in the city. XVe nlso manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Cheats, st nt very low prices, cheaper ihan they can be bought at any other store in Philadelphia. DA VIP F.VANS. .IfiHAN.NES WATSON. 1'hlladelph.a, April 8, IBIS ly DA K fVOTE I4I8T. ktvivstLtakia,' Th in1kytnK show, trie current a1 of att Pcnnaylunia Bank Notes. The moat Implicit' tt liinca may ba placed upon it, as It Is every week arefully compared Willi and corrected from Bick U' Reporter. 1 Danks In Fblladeipnltt. LocAtioir, PAR. a ; DIAIVIOND POWDER- FOR RAZOR STROPS. rjpHIS Powder is warranted far superior to any A thinj' in use for imparting a keen, atnoothedge to llazoT.v, Suririeal instruments, and nil kinds of tine Ci tlkkt ; it may lie applied to anv kind of strop. Also superior Kn.or, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Pcpot of Fine Razors, Stiow, finishes, and Cheap Fancy O'oods, No. IS South Filth street u bovc Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Piiil.AiiF.LPiiiA, Feb. loth, 181S. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAtilC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can lie found that will produce the same elici t in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to nny liejetoi'ore in use.' I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was liet'ore. JOHN SCOTT, lion Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. PniLAUKLPiiiA, October, 184c). A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek nnd test many contrivances desisu ed to make shaving easy nnd pleasant, hut with indillerent success, until I made use of the Ma"ic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Retmelt, und Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their uniled pow er net like magic, and imparl a power to the Razor to remove llie most stubborn heard, tritioitt irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Filth Street. For sale at this ollice l'riee 23 cts. per Box. November 5, 14K Gm. OXYGENATED A SOVEIIEIC-N IIUItDV FOR riiriii ic, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. GEORGE H. GREEN, Piiopuietoii. It mdsor, crmant. NOTE8 AT Bank of Notlh America Bank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Dank of Pann'a. . Farmers' ami Mechanic' Bank Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bank " , Schuylkill Bank . , . Sonthwark Bank . . Western Bank . ' ' ; ' ! ' Mechanlrs' Hank i ' ' ) . " Mnnufaettirera' oV Meehanlea' Sank ' -i: flank of Penn Township . 4 ni'ard Bank Bank of Commefce, late Moya'ttieffiing Bank of Pennsylvania . . Country Ratflts. flank nf f'heater County Wejlchestef Hank of Delaware County fJflMter Bank of (Sermantown Germantnwn Bank nf MonlsomeTy Co. Norrtaown Doylestown Bank DoylestoWn Gasion Bank Eattrm Farmers' Bank of Bucks ro. Bristol Bnnk of Northumhetland Disc, i PaitAO. par pat P" P" IP" ! par par par pf pal 1 P" paf V pW paf P' par' par pa pal psf" Northomberfandt p o.'Columbla 1 m Columbia iintiK cv nridse ro.' Columbia 1 r armers Uank or Lancaster" l.ancisiei iiaf t 1 Yl t.M. t . i.ancasrer ouniy nana-' Laneaater Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Ollice nf Bank nf Pei.n'a. TS a aovereiim remedv for DYSl'KPSIA. in mnnv of ni X lorina, audi aa pain in the titom.u-h, lliurlhurn, Habitual Costu-en.-Hs, Acid fitouiaeh, Headache, luuiof Appetite, ...K.t, ivrau, una even uouiuituptlon I Phthiaic.) and Aalhtiui, or Phthisic attended will nienl 01 the Moiuach (or Uvapeptic Asthma.) Dulicult Ilreulhiiifr, which often n auha from inipeifn t iligt eti.'ii (or Dyspeptic Syapniru.) ia reliev.-d hy theee Hitlers. In short, Iheir use has been proved iu the relief of almoal all tho aiiipi..uia mat proceed from a debilitated or atonic coiuli tlonol the M .liiaeh ; alao in i;nierul debility nrisintr from uxeor iroiu the elleeta ol Fever, particularly Fever and Aeue. Kennies sullerim iiikIvt onv UO rine'deranirenHiit nnsiiiff from weakness, will find the '-UxvoKNAttn Hit ters uu excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi cine 111 use. 1 he history ol thia medicine ia peculiar. It has made ila way 1.1 pui.ue lavor solely hy Ihe lorce ol its own intrinsic iiuriis. a., urituetul melius have lieen used to uive it no tonety and thrust it up. .11 nul.lie attention. It hua never bet. ire even 1 11 advcrlis.-il, but haviiijr first khonn ita re- iu iitciain.iy 01 me proprietor, and hy hlin :illervaiilsa'liiiiiiistere.l to hisallliet. il Iricnda and ae-iuaiutanc.-a with a like result, its reputation irraduully ex tended until it is known in the most distant pans of the I 111011, lis 11 medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cure of Plspcpsiii iu all its different form id also lor the euro of Aslhuia or Phthisic. Ita only herald nnd ita unlv eulogv haalss nthe story of ita wonderful etlieacv, as told from m .nth to mouth or by letter irom friend 10 friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitlers hae been mini, un.l the re ni l"'1"11 k""" " 10 "IC I""!'"1'1 ,r 'I'1')' have proved a re- Niiiiicr.UBccrtifiontia, iittcBtiinr the lingular effieacv of the "I xvtiKXATl:n HlTrKln." me iu the isisaeaai.jii 01' the proprietor; many ol thcin aiene.1 bv peraons already widely known to the public. -.,u.. till". " tillKKN, Proprietor. IMISIJIl, Vt., Oct .Wr ;t, IMS. The following lertificnlca have recently been received t. . , Wasimxotoji, 1). C, Jvxx 10. IS'IS. Hnvms made use 01 the ixvevuateil Bitters" prepared by l)r. l.e.i. I). (ireen, of Wuulsor., Vt. and from know ledge 01 their e:!icuc- 111 other cases, weeheerlullv rcc .niuiend Ihein to theput.lie, believing that thev willluilv aiiatam Ihe reeoiiuiieiulation of the Proprietor. "We hope thai thia valuable remedv may be ao gciicrnllv ditlnaed throutthout the rountry that it luav be u. i-essihlc' to ull the allliciisl. SAM1K1, PIIKI.l'S. )..... AVIl.l lAM I'I'll u. f. feuator from ermont. .I AII V. S.M,li.i.S, (. s. Senator from It. Island. I F. .MDItl lllKAl), t . X. Senator und lor.mrly Cioveni or 01 Kentiirkv. I.. II. Ali.MH.O, Men.Ur of Concreas and fonnerlv Oo veru. .r 01 H . 1 . W.M. U-iitinitHIDfii:, i-. S. Senator and fonrieriy G.v yeriior 01 Miehiynn. ' M. I.. MAKTi.N, Delegate in Congrcas from Wisconsin Territory. Office do do Office do do Ollice do do NOTED AT "auk of the 1'iiited States' Miners' Bank of Pottsville Hank of l.ewistowit Hank of MidilHown Carlisle Bank Exchange Hank Do do branch of Hurrishmg Bank Lebanon Bank Merehanis' & Msnuf Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weal Branch B .nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Hank Ollice of Bank of IJ. 8. Do do 1)0 Do ilo do Bank of ChamlKfrsburg Bank of Oellvstiiirg Bank of Susquehanna Cov Erie Bank Farmers' cfe Drovers' Htm Franklin Bnnk llonesdule Ilnk Vim. nngaliela H.uik e B. Vork llanli N. B. '1 bo ruse Lancaster naf Lancaster paf ' Reading par Harrishurg Thesg Lancaster I offices Reading fdn not Fusion J issue n. Dl8Ct)i;i' T. Philadelphia Pottsville Lewistown Middletown Carlisle I'lllshurg Hnllidavshtira; Harrisluirg lilianon Pittstiurg Piltabuia; Willinrswporl Wilkes barre Altentowo rteaiiing Pittafiury New Brighton Charaberaburg ettysburg IMiontrose Erie Waynesbtirg WashingMs Hunesdale Browns rills York par failed 1 1 1 I t ps ti 1 n o sal failed failed do ih 1 I Si 35 8 t U I 1 f those- hanks on which omil quotations, ami substitute a dash ( ) are nol purchased hv Ibe Phihublphri brokers, with th exception ul those which have leiter &f reference. BROKEN BANK8. Philadelphia Suv. Lie. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuilkill Sav. Ins. Keiisineioii Sav. Ins. A Penn Township S-iv. Ine. Manual Labor B .na ( T. V Pyoit, pf,,,x) . .nniuia ioiiik lowanda. Philadelphisi do do do Jo faikaJ failatl fciltO Ci'lt'liptttt'd riiM'iiiuit Jiittors. Tln-ir rsnver over the above diw-asea ia not excelled if equalled by any iher preparan 11 111 the 1' tatea na the 1 aires ultcat, in iiuui) casea uiivt skillful uhvaieiana had tailed. Decuiireinenl of Ihe I.iver and Htomneh are s 'iircea of fuaiiinty. Hud will ulao pi-.Hiuce diaeiusi of ihu Heart, Sslu. l.uiurs und Kidney a, end la a the lusty oien to an attack of the t h 'leru. Kill .us, or Veil w Kever, nnd ia ueneruliy the first cause of that 111.1st baneful disease, Consumption, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." Deeeuib a 111 si a- AN INV Vl.l-Alll.i: .MIHHri.Vf: -Wehavefrcquently heard the Celebrated tieriu tn Hitters, nianiit'aeuired by Dr. 11's.liUnd. sp .ken of in teiuia of r auiueiskili .11, und we no -w ii,-n.-i,,u, .. 11 .id i..e .iiiiii 'll practice. 111 cer. The triumnhaut auecesa of Andrews Pain Killer m n. rowiui IU. cuuae. that produce death, the untimely death nearly resemble, the gii.triu juice or saliva in deeonip,i,!i 01 in, Hon. . our race, Uu. iikIucciI son,, men ol whem it food and .trentheniiTu Ihe ortruna of digewion a. tl.w pre? may be truly mitt, their v.Muinnui occiiutioni nuniiVat Uieir villainy, U mtetupt to nu iu circulation knur i( ma aud c.miiUrfcit r title uuileil "Fuiu Killer,' uniiiK ficiiliuui iMDios I of the preteiHled 4Uituur, liirged cwiuiuiiU:. kc purulton ol tSuiafapurillttt It pnnuively curvt every cuw uf u) rwlrMi nuwevcr Kfvcrc nr cnnmic liaiik IWoiirtiiifiil. Allsnnv. Mhv Ifl dAK lit Touma..o . 1 k.....u a ....... . -11 T 1 .i . 7 s -n--.. . toun wnn ayktiieikiui lit Ui wtxn Itiriu, uUeiulcd with auur- wnueu ai.nta.uro oi I. AinJrwi ou tlia hihcl m euoli botii Kruut uvernu, b. it k..i. j t,j ....I (. tu. t,.,. T ..v 1 k. . r. - . v in black ink. lWt rtimply ivk fur Fain Killer, but ak fur aiwicwi- ram lYiiier, ana nave no oilier. fcl'ld by M. A. McOay, 8ol Aftnit, NorthuinbrrloiKl ; J. W, FiilUig, fcunbury ; hAu H Raaer, MiUon : Jt4.u R. Myyer,BkjutiiMwrg; Wm. A. Murray 4 Cu4 panville ; m. iin, riynKHuu: Auarew Your, wiixe "j mcwMTiuric, JUct wejuville i Oidiira addreaard to I. Andrews, invent. andonlv Pro. nrietufailihec. lumpluua cutiuly, N. V. Wil uicivs bepuubw ao, lc48. ly could cut) I have been unabk tu retain but a small piviion on my auuntch. I tried llie uauul remediea, bul they had hut little or no effect in removiiur the conipuiint. I waa in duced, about two months aince, to uy your Kitnet of ur aurilU. and I mum auy wnU liule ooululenec i but alter u.uut ueurly twu buttWa, I found my upiiciite realised and tha heurtburn entirely rn.ved; audi w.Klkt earneally re ciaumend llie uae it u. ibna, who lava be.u alH-ln( na I have been our., o., w. W. VAN 'ANllT. Anenl for Hiinbury JOHN w. FRllJMi; Nor. MPWRM Co ' UcCAY D"""! w' A. ApiilW, lole ' ly. turn quarters, to puff all uuiiin-r of iiselcfta, bul iu the no A e Hiltcrs, huildied. lire liyinu witm sues of their ereat m. .ral and physical worth. A. a ineua-ine of the Liver Ooliiiilnnt, Jan. sliec. Nervous Debility und UvBiieinia, it has la-en I'Kind invaluable, rifcciiutr cures und' tli r .iialdv era. li.-atliif; diacam s. when ull olher'in.iliclnea have fuilej. We teel convinced, that in Ihe ins-of the iieruiatl llitleraj the patient it.u-.nol beeoluu debililultl, but coiisuntlyuuma airent-ili and vijior to Hie inune u fact wonhv oi ureal coii.i.I. ration. The Kilters are pleasant ia taate and aiu. il, and can he udmiiiislercd under uuy eircuiuatancea, to the most deli. ule MouueJl Indeed. Ihey can be il.-d by nil per a.uawilhlhs in t peifeet salety. It would be well for i.e-se v .i.j uin iiiueu uiovieii in ins iiervoua syalciii, to c .m. n. -arc with one lea sp's.jifui or less, und grailually in crease. Wespeuk fioin ewncnce, aud arc .a" cmrae, a prop, r in hre. The press far and wide, have united iu re. c.uiinieii.lii.i the tier.nan Hitlers, and to the alllicled we iu at cordiuily u.lviae their uae. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," June oith siya "DOOI'ROCIOlli lTIKNS wlioara invulida, know the many aatniiiahinir mrea I Imt have lieen pen'ornu'd l.y Dr. H iotflaud'a Celebraleil lierinau Bittera ! If they do not, we recommend tiiem liithe-lierman .Miilieina Store,' all who ore utilictiil with liver I'oiiipluint, Jan. slice, Dya. H-paiu. or Nervous Debili!) ; Ihe Doctor haaeurol nuuiv of our cili7.en. after the la-at phy.ieiiuu hud failed. We have used Ihein. and Iheyliuveproiail to lieu niiilieuie that every one should know of, and vye oaniiol refruiu uiyiuit our tea ton -ny ui their favor, un.l that which give Uii iu greater claim Uvsi our humble flPvl, thev lire entirely Vlgeliiule. 'THE DAILY NEWS," July llhsuvs "We atmik kllowiiuily of Dr. 11'Hiflniul'alVlebraled Ger. uoin llnteis, when we ray it ia u Messing of thia use : and III dlaeuaesin the biliary, dipealive and ervous!yleina, it tiaanol wellunk Ull eipial. It ia a Vegetable Pieiiaralloii, and made wills ail Ale )hol. and to all iuvuluts we would re. commend it aa worthy their'e. . o'.",. wholeaaia and reiiol, ut ihe princiinl Depot, ma'V.V Ml:ulcl;i- STJHi:,o. ;. Iliice btreei rlilladi-l.hia. 1 l-'or sale l.y M. A. MeCAY, Northuniuurland and Pun bury una rcapccUibUi dealers (jcueiu'ly throuehout llie buite. April Sil, IMU. ly Ootton Yam, Cotton Carpet Clutin, Cotton Laps uJ Vudiliii(, Cotton Outliucs, Keady wade Pantaloons, Kcatly mado VntU, Congress Kuives, Porcelain Jined jire;ri' inlllcii. just received for wile by - H.MASSEH. Fiuuhury, Dec 2, 18-18. A XE3 of very superior quality for sale by. l , , H.MAHSEB. Bunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. In preaciitinc the public with a remedy for the treatment und cute of r'KVKK Axn Aul-K aud oilier bilious diseases, no apology is needed. Vast Handlers in the I'liitcd Males, who sillier tli. reiiiiivtioiis iu their varied forms, lire compelled to seek relief from other s .ureca than the imme diate preemptions of Ihe regular physician. It liec'iuea therel" re tin object of humanity, aa well as of puhl.e inter est. to brills before them u remcl; preircd Horn much ex perience, und which may always be relied up n a a .l it, PrKl'Tt-At., AND IIAHMI.ESS 1(1 Till! conhi IIl TIO. Tliat such ia the true character of Hie INDIA ClIuI.AMlfil I-'., ia amply attested by the uniyersal tueccss with wliiih il has been enipl .yed. IV Extract from a coninmnioati ai f Ihe II ni. Wn. i.iAM WooDHBiiH.!;, of the I'. Senate, late Govern or of .M icaigan. Dktboii, Oct. 81, 1M0. Doctor ritARi.r.s Osooop, Dear Sir I have read with much interest, your little Ti; a RATidB iion the '-cauaea, treatment and cureo if the febrile diseases which have a . extensively prwuiled ill our country durliie the last few mnilhs an lnlereat increaae.1 no doubt, by Ihe fact that I have individually suffered an much irom them. Thoueh I feel mva. f very inoinpeteiit to juilire aifely upon u aub.e-t ao entirely professional, vet ymr theory aeema to me well reasoned, and your cai.-'lu- s.ons j.iw. una iiiuiK wiiiiiii. itiui your pamphlet ia cul.-u-tat.-H ta pi.Hiuce much practical R.iod. f.o-iiklii-r ol the medicine he kill's : It fully justified your Ibtteriii'r exjiei'lelioiiB. and aa a safe, convenient, und popu lar remedy, my own experience, s i far, me to be lieve that it will prove a Brent public Is-nelit. I am plcasi-d to learn thai you have recently cstnlilixhed sevend in;eiicies f.r its dispwiiion tluHiftli I retire! that, with a view to a m re rx-ucval diMu'mination of it, you sti.uilil have found it liec.-sn.iry Ui remove from your present residence aluong ua. W ith much reapect 1 have the liouoi to be. sir. Your oMiire.1 seryant, WI11.IA.M WOliDUKlDOE. IV Fiom Hon. SrEPiieN V. K. Tkowbiudue, ol Michi gan Mate Senate, to the Apeut ul Del roil. HIRMINOHAM. IIAKLAND To., Dec. 13, ll. tl" you wish meto inform vou what I knw of Dr. Iisitood a India t'liola. .Rue, or medicine. I do bc.ieve tluit u the virtue uisl elfieacy of this lu.-dieiue were jeneinlly kisiwn, the ryvaa axb ague would diauniwar iu aliehiuan. 1 1 piocuied a bottle in the sprint: INI, and have rood reason to believe that inyscll' und family eseuiiol Hie acue last Benson i eneiueiicc of it. use. Perhaps in no summer since Ihe sell lenient of tin. fine peninsula, bus the fever and ague heeu ao prevalent ua the last. 1 have reei immeiideil this medicine in numeroua In aiunccs, tual when the dusiue had become fixed and Isiffled the skill of physicians; and I have never known il lad. 1 haa universally pi.riiicrri the m.ait huppy effeeta. Slut I bet lieve u bus never lu-en exceeded hy any medicine in renin. VUur llie diseases of the climate. Vourt, respeeli'nlly, tTKl'IIK V. R. TROWBRllHiK. ..TTo".''" ""oloiry II B. MASSKR ; NorHniinls-rlnnd, I llilMi lo.VI A r...i Miltou, J. II. HASKK : 8eliua grove, MAX II KIAJKK. AlayU, lnls u TJLANK DOOKa An assortinent of Blank liooka, just received and sale by H. MAS8ER. Bunbury, Dee. 2, 1848. tYKL'P MOLASSES. Stiierior refined fclvrup O Molasses for sale by IIE.NKV M ASSEK. 1618. Krom Hon. II. I). Fonts. Member of Congress from lViiuslvniiia. WAstiiMtTii. II. C, Jen 10. I.-q. Iienr Sir. I have been u dyspcplie sullerer for about ten V-urs. un.l have rc.rted to vurioua niedieiiiea lor relict Milhout success, until I made uae of your "Oxvirenaied Hitlers." I have used about two bottles, and fiiidnivaclf restored to peneet health The forma in which the 'dis. case ahowed itscli, In my case, were, preut acidity of the stomach, loss .a appetite, extreme flatulence, s. vere cuisti. I'" the Isnvels. and violent headuche. Feeling desi rous that a ku -iwleihre of your valuable remedv may reach libera similarly unli. ted. 1 Uike greut pleasure in record. inti my testiiu .ny to us curative v.wcr; and would also reinark. that while on u visit ut home a short time aince 1 lalmtiilslcled a inrt of a b 'ttle to a nunilwr of my nlilieled i, wua pr.iit siiccss. Tli-v are that vou sli ail.l establish an aeency nt Putsburir. . nu .1111 them where the medicine can be ohluined. With an earnest de sire lor your pr.aipc.rity und happiness, I subscribe myself, truly your trieiid II. 1). FtlSTl-iR. D-ot. lii o. B. Onrsv.Wii.dsir. Vt. . 'ld Vi!-'1''?31' ''' f,"ta l-letchcr, No. etjS'uth Suxth Mriet. I'iula.lelpl.ia. Aajritt f r f.tnbury II. H. M.!"S1'R. Aeens f.r Milton MAl'KAV HA AG. Agent I" l I ' 1 iper Maliouoy J. (i. UII.X. April 15, U1S OAKFOKD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF IHTS FOR (JENTLEMEV. C H A It L K S UtKFOIll), A'o. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Phumclphia. W.mlt! rc.cclfu!ly invite sit. nii,.n to his superior Ivte of liais lor sutuinn. 1818. wti.rli will It found llie most peileci I.. oil', red to ibe I. peculiar f irm lender it the mote It sirabl , as it combines all the essential of du' 1. I'llity iiinliiealness, ri (.i ite in that siii. le of . res wliilis tiia inrieas. il r.cilities in 111 m .niifacturtn,! i h ull ihe 1001!. iu impr .veni' ills, eoibl.-s lom 'I'u Cuallasok tui Wuitin to pr. duce a lien. 1 Hal. CiiiiDnKN'a Faxct Hats ad Cam of tdk Latist Mona. These cooila have Wen selecl. d with great ere, and will be found most bejuiilul and chaste in their styles. Ladiks' Itiiii-no Hats aid Cars or EsTim it mv Pattshns. Clrent caiehas hetn bestow ed in eoiisliui tu g tlirse silicic., that Ihey may fii perficlly easy and toini a graceful, CHARLE3 OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut at. a lew doors above Thud. Philadelphia. September 30. June 84, 1848 ly Mleijhanv Hank of P. Dank of Heaver llauk of Hwatara 4 . Dank of Vn-.iiui;ion I'enlre Hank City Hunk l-'aruier-' Merti'rs' Hank Farmers' A Mecl.'cs' Hank Farmers' A- Mei liVs' liunk Hainiouy lusiituii' lliiiitincdor, ltai.k Junhl'i Uiiik Luml.ertnen's Hank Noribern flat.k of 1'a. New Hope ).-. tfri.lce Co. Moriliiimli'il 1'nioii (.'ol. lilt. iV.r-.h Western Hank ol P. I Hiiro of Schnvlkill Uank I'll. Alt A M innf. Hank Sjlvet L ike liana: I'liiou Dank of I Vtiu'a. isliiioie!iiiit! llauk WilkesLnrre llrlilee Co. (Tj- Ail notes ptirpnrtitiK lo be on anv Pennsrl. vama Uank not kivcii in the above list, may be set lown as frauds. xr.w JKitsr.v. Beilford no sals Reaver closod Harrisliurg closed WasliiiietiMi failed Itellefonte closed PitishuiK no sale Pitlsburs; Fuyelle co. lirerncastle Harmony HiiiilinKilon nu sale Lewistown nos.le M'arren Dundin New Hoie Milion Meadsille Port Carbon Cnrlinle Vonirose I'nimiiown (treeiisl.Qr failed faile.1 failed no sale failed no sals close. I no sals closed failed closed failed closed Wilkeabarre no vale Hunk otew lliuiiswii-k Uelvideie Hank Huiltiiilnti 'o. Hank Joinn.ercial Hunk iiiiil.i rl.iiiil 'aim-is' Hank .-"arno rs' and Vechaniee' Uk .-'uriiicrs' and Meet. sines' Ilk irn.ers' and Merchant,' IJ f-'ratiklin Hank of ,N, J. Hoboken lll.c ; (iiuziiiji Co Hob.iken Brunswick Ilelvnlere M-ilt'ord I'erth Amls.y llrijjeton Mount Holly Hahway N. lliunswirk Ciileii Midilletown Pu I i i P' Jersey City leisev l'it Uank Mi-el. anus' lt.nk Mnnufarliir. r' li.oik Morris t'oinoy lank Monmouth Hk of .. J. Michanies Hank Mechaiiies' ainl .Mnniif. Hk Morris Canal and likg Cu Post .ue Newark Uk): A Ins Co New Hope Del Undue Co N. J. M.inuluc. and Hkti Co Jersey City Patterson Helleville .Morrietown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newaik Lambeiuvilla Hoboken failed failed failat! failea' failei 4 fail i P no sal uo sal J. J. GP.EE1T0TTGH. : (Late Heller & ireenourTli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MSCHANICAL EHOINEEB, Masiliinii'tou, U. V. DRAWINGS and pnnrra for tho Pati-nt OiRlv, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and protiiritly uttended lo, at iheir of (ice opposite llie Patent Ollice. October 28, 1848. 11AY HUM. An 1st by excellent article for sale HENKV MASSEK. bunbury Jan. :7th, 1849 tf. T3LASTE1!, rJult and Full, just received and for 1 by J. W. FR1LLNU. Suiibun, Dec. 5, 184S. DAINTS, few for sale bv " A CHAS. 8.BOGAR. Kunbury, March 10, 1849. 4 WILEY'S iXtVUU CAXDY. An excel Unit remedy for coughs, tolds. for sale I'ltlorinl IMIilun of il'.iubluc'H Kreal Moi li on the llet'orniatioii OF TMK SIXTEF.NTH CENTURY IN GER MAN V, SWITZERLAND, &C Will be published or. or about the 1st of April. ISIS, by JOS. A. STEEL, No 96 Cherry st. above 6th, his splem'.id 12mo edition of the above named work, with IS engraved illustrations from ori. jinal designs; 4 vols in 8, bound in extra cloth and library sheep. The publisher respectfully calls the attention ofth trade and the public generally, to Ibis work being the only illustrated edition published in the United States He trusts that the beauty of its embellishments, tha strong and substantial manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with the known popularity of Ihe work itself, will ba sure recommendation lo public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL, 96 Cherry st above 6th. J. A. S. has also lately published, new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rare Show, suitable book for children, neatly done up in extra cloth. Philadelphia, April 1, 1848 PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and lapa, just received and for aale by J. W. rKILINC. Sunbury, Pec t, 1848. CAPS. An assortment juat received. Also, silk HATS at '5, for sale by 11. MASPER. tiuiiburv, Pec. !, 1816. N J Froiectun & l.oml.aril hk Jersey City ilrange llmk Orange I'aierson Hank Paieraon Peoples' Hank do I'liii. eion Hank Princeton Salem H.iukuig Co Silent Slate Bank Newark Mate Hank Elltabelhtowa Utate Uank Camdeu Slate 11 ink of Morns' . Morrialown Slate Dunk Trenton Sulem and Philad MauufCo Salem Sussex Uank Newton Trenton Hanking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover M aahiiigton Hanking Co. Hackensack DELAWARE. Hk of Wihn cV Urandy wine Wilmington Uank of Delaware Wilmington Uank uf Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Millord Farmers' Dk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Hank Wilmington fXj" l.'ndei 0 ' CO n H banks maiked tbua (M I here am 1 her counterfeit or altered noies of tha various' ..oiiiiosiiooa, in circulation. fail fail faill P f fail tail I fail I I I J I I I NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry 3Iasser, XT AS just received at his store, in Sunk an assoitment of the cheapest Goods, t ever came to the place, consisting of DRV GOODS, ' GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ifc. French black Cloths, ' Cassinelta, Sac' C com, of excellent quality and color price 6 to 10 cts. Good Miulina, a yard wide, at 6, cent. Theae are not the low priced trash rti usually sold. Muslin de Laiiies, of fine q ity and pattern 18.. Handsome Ter and other Shawls and various othei artii The publie are requested to call and. for Iheniaelvps. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. , ';'' WINDOW GLASS, 8 by 18, for sale tv HENRY MAS? Sunbury, Jan :?th, Mi- tC runhury, Dec. at litis oifice