Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 16, 1849, Image 3

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    x " .'l . , : . ' .. . 'Jin. .
Btogwipljij; '
' From lira Malloml Gallery of fiSlrsits '
Edmunb rtNDLEToN, lite third son
of Jamea Gaines, : was born on the 20th of
March, 1777, near the Eastern base of tho
Hlue Ridge, in tho county of Culpepper, Vir
ginia. His father served in tho lattor part of
the revolutionary war, at tho head of a com
pany of volunteers;, and was soon after cho
sen a member of tho Legislature of North
"Carolina, to the Northwest border of which
slate he had moved with hi family at thu
clow of the war.
Entering the army in 17H0, he was active
ly employed for about twelve yenrs in fron
tier duty, which included many functions of
a civil as well as of a military character ; and
upon him it devolved to take an active purt
in tho arrest of Col. Burr, which wns effected
in Alabama an event which bus been sup
' posed to have exerted a mysterious and pre
judicial influence upon all his after life.
Soon after this ho provisionally resigned his
commission, intending to engage in the prac
tice of tho law, but on the breaking out of
the war in 1812, with Great Britain, ho re
sumed his military career, ami early gained
At tho battlo of Christler's Field, which
took place on the lllhol November, IS 13,
"Colonel Gaines, but just recovered from the
tedious illness which had deprived him of
the honor of a participation in the glory of
Hairison's victory on thu Thames, command
cd the 25th regiment of lT. S. infantry.
That regiment was the most eiU'ctive in
the service. The iiiiioilaiit duly was that
lay assigned to it of covering tho retreat of
our several corps, after the check which the
enemy had leceived. to the place of re-cm-barcutinu
on the St. Lawrence.
The duty was a most important and ardu
ous one. The ollicer who commanded the
British force wus Cel. Morrison, of the eighty
ninth, than whom his Majesty had not n
more distinguished soldier or accomplished
gentleman in his service.
Flushed with the advantages he had gain
ed in the capture of a piece of our artillery,
and in the death of General Covington, who
had fallen at tho head of his regiment, in a
charge against the British line, ; Morrison
pushed his regiment hard upon his retiring
foe, until he encountered the gallant twenty
fifth. Hore all his efforts failed. The twenty-fifth
held firm foot in spite of repeated as
saults, and manifested a degree of fortitude
and discipline which astonished the veterans
who had followed Wellington over so many
fields of triumph. I'uder its gallant com
mander, Gaines, it remained as immovablu
as a rock.
The enemy finally repulsed, and our own
troops again on their line of march to join
the advance, the twcuty-filh slowly retired
from the field, having by its brilliant deport
ment gained for us all tho advantages which
could have sprung from the most decided
victory. Co). Morrison himself was so much
pleased with thu conduct of tho regiment,
that after the battle he -sunt his caid, with
his compliments, to the ollicer who com
manded it, cxpreFsing t lie warmest admira
tion of his courage and conduct, mid desiring
to be made acquainted with his name, that
in case it should be hereafter his good for
tune to meet the -gentleman under more
peaceful circumstances, lie might at once
claim the privileges of an old soldier and
friend. It is needless to siy that a message
so chivalric and magnanimous could not
have been addressed -to a heart more roady
to respond, or prompt to leciprocate tho ex
alted courtesy it cviirccd, than that of Col.
In the course of the war Gaines received
tte several successive, rapid promotions of
lieutenant colonel, colonel, adjutant general,
brigadier general and major general; the
last being the highest. rank authorized by
law, and conferred in a form the most ac
ceptable to the soldior, inasmuch as it was
:a scar brtvel," expressly stating tho fact
that it trai tonfrrrtd vn him in tonseipuncc of
his gallant and mtritoriuus conduct in battle.
The Federal government - also . honored him
and the officers and men of his command
with a uuuuimoits vol: of thuuks, and author
ized the 1'resident to provide and present to
liim a gold medal, while t'.ie three great and
patriotic states of "New 'Yoik, 'Virginia and
Tennessee awarded to him uiiauimons resolu
tions of thanks, with a fine gold hilled sword,
which he received from each of these states,
l-'rnn tin Xrw York Tiiliutu .
'He was made a Tiigadier General, March
V,'JH44, and commanded at Sacketl't ll.ubor
until August, reaching Fort-Jmio and taking
command there on tho 5th. The gallant and
uceeasful defense of Gen.'Gainesof that post
forms one of the mest briMiaut' chapters in
our Military annals. At lenglh,'having Wen
severely wounded by n shell ho resigned the
command to Gen. Ripley and CTsod to buf
falo. Ho did not recover in time to engage
in tho farther prosecutintvof the" War, which
closed the next Spring, lut lie received tho
ihanks of CongrtM, with a 'medal ami the
bievnt rank ol Major General for his brilliant
- oVfonc. Ho was soon after transferred to
the South, and engaged iiirild'Jucksoii in the
Cuk war of 1813. Ho afterwards com-
UMfMled in Iho Southern Military District
tmtilnhe toiSuctioii of the Army in but
Mr. Adams dtidl that 'Gen. Mccomb's
e li m m wxiior officer during what is
volcaHyinovirri 'fliiSurik funs' in 131-3
and w for a tMnMsnfar'd 'in tha Seminole
war of 1M6. 1WI.WI tho .M-xiciii War broke
Mil, h rlM t a1d.raU:jonre of South
western militia without awaiting order from
Wanhii.i'lou - involving a heavy
with no admiiiMl" wilt. 'He w Court mm
.-...i..,4 r.., it.; t,i nut tmimtiM-d. Ho
IMII- (I .-,
atun aflor IranaUrre.! tu tha iXaaumi Division,
with his hrm,iiarUrs In this city, and only
irrturii r tha Hnnfii fluiiin: th" last wmier
ln wm 72 years old, ami a tnau ol cxlinmo
aimi'lmity character and tho limsl ungues
lintied ime;rli.
At a .iiiileW festival in Washington, Iho
fellow mt; a 1
W.mA - tho immsl voik of l iraliiin the
tddum lintf Atri-v , M iriwaU wilh
IN piirsunure of nn order of the Orphans' Court
of Nnrtlinmhcrlnnil county, will no exposed to
side, nt the Court House in Sunhury, on Monduy,
!liclh day of July next, st 10 o'clock, A. M., n
rrtnin lot of ground nn the South side of Black
crry street, in snid Borough, No. S31, lionndrd
fcnst hy lot 83:1, Wi rt by lot S92, on which tiro
erected two lor; iltvcllinq Houses, a smnll shop nnd
log Usrn. To ho sola as the property of Daniel
Hoffman, dcc'il., hy Henry Mnsscr, his sdmitiistra
tor. Conditions of snlo will bo made known on
day of sale.
Orphans Court oH'icc,
' Suiihttry, May, 28, l l
coiroiv & Co.
S. H'. Comer Arch If 6(A Street rhilmhlpkia,
nAVEnowinslorrs well selrcted slock of
the very lcst Family Groceries, which they
will sell nt the lowi-st prices mid wumiiitloplvaso.
Green nnd Hlnck Trnsl'rom down to S," rts icr
lh., the Dliiek Ten 4S rents hy the Box, is tiliusu'd
Iv fine. Ciillcu ufall ipurlilics nnd prices better
Simnr for fil rts. per lh., thtin sny olhrr store.
Muccnmui, Vrrniirelli, t'iinlon (iinrr in tymp,
t)ic Oil of the hrxt hraiKls, sit nssortinrnt of the
richest Jcllirs, nnd every nrlii'lr kept in our line.
All Roods sent to the country, put up neatly und
I'lciisctrv us once nnd satisfy yourselves whether
wc can suit you. GOI.TON A GO.
8. W. Gor.Areh& CtliKt.
l'hilndelphtii, May Sll, t4!. ihcllm ly
rsiiUV E OK JAMAH V lilfiEtl
TDUF.PAKKt) ami sold onlv. nt FIJKDKRICK
1 BROWN'S DRVCi nnd GIlK.MIt'AI. -Vtoro,
N. 11. corner ol' Kifth nail Ciikksi'T sln-cls. I'hi-l-.iilelphin.
'Phis Ussenre is wnrrnnlrd lo ms-ss
ill n coneeiitinlrd form, nil the vnlunhle pniTlirs
ol' .l.iui.iir;! (iimi-r, nnd will W found on triul nil
excellent Futility Medicine. Il is purllctiliirly rc
coininciali d ns n tunic, to persons rccovcrinn from
li'ver or oilier iIikciim's, n lew drops imparting to
the sli'inai h n plow nnd viiror, riind lo a wine
s;l:iss of hruinly or other sliiiiul.ind, without .inyol'
the deliilitiilimr i-llcrts, which are sure lo follow the
Use of Iiiiior of iiny kind .' nnd il is therefore
rirt-iiilly servli-enhle lo children nnd lemales. To
the aKi-d, il will prove a crent comfort ; to the
ilysM-ptic nnd lo those who urc predispr.sed lo
irout or vheuniiilir iillcelious, it ijives rireal relief;
nnd In the iuehriato who wishes to rcliirm, hut
whose stomach ii; roiislniitly rravinit the noxious
liipior, il is iiivaliiahle uiviurt tone to the diges
tive orumis, noil sirciir'th to resist temptation ; and
is consequently n grrnt agent in the cause of tem
perance. CUT Full directions aeeouipanyiiiK each
'J'he ii hove article can lie had nt the office of the
J'hilailelphia, June 2, 1810. ly
LV1U) LA 31 PS.
: o It i; 1. 1 1 S . : O .
n. nn ( iii -ioit si.,
Esri-CTFIL1Y nniioutire that llirvhsvs
Hm. j,lst finished the most rxli-iisivu Bsserlinont
they have ever offered for sale, rnnipriKitn;
In i;real variety, nnd of
Much attention hiishecn paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction ol these Lamps, mid such are
mndc ns will produce the urentcst nmouiit of light
from the least consumption ofl.nrd.
Recent improvements in the mannf.n'lorv, with
the introduction of new nnd H-rli-cled niarhinrry,
enaMes them to sell nt a ery GREAT REIt:C
'1'IO.N from former prices, and all articles In forc
leaving the innnnr.iclorv, nrs curelnllv inHTlcil,
and are warranted pcrleclly tiylit, and to give satis
faction. I'liiludelphia, June 2, 184!) ly
it HAT MA S li t J C I OR 1,
30 North Serond streit, opposite the
MaiHzon Housr.
HE suhscrils'rs would cull the attention of
funnily Merclinnls nnd Milliners In their ex-
nsive nnsortniciil ol lasiiioiianie nii ami
Simni:ii llo i.-rs ami Hats of the newest styles., a larae and uencral assorlnient of French
id American Artificial Flowers, Rililions, t row 11
initios, tlil Mlk, Wire, tiuillins, liuckrain, eVr,
liii li lliev ofli r .it irices that defy conijH'tilioii.
15. l'ulm Lent Jl.itsliy I lie rase or uozen,
W. M. & J. E. MAI.LL,
Bonnet and Hat Maiiufneliirers,
U0 North 2d street.
Philadelphia June 2, 1S4U
Market Sijimrr, opposite the Court House,
Scmu'rv, Pa.
IIIS well kiioun Hotel has just hem refitted,
and handsoiiielv luriiislied liy the iinilerKlgiieil,
anil he hegs leave tu sav. thai it is bis intention
to render it worthy of llir lilsrnl patronage, hy
whitli it'lias lieivlofore Isx-u suntniiied.
Siinlmry, May 17, 181!). :imo
It:itc of Ictcr Iturus dee'd.
N ri'I'ICE is herHiy given, that letters Testa
mi ntarv have Is cn granted lo the sulmrrilier,
on the estate of IVler Hums, late of Lower Au
gusta township, Norlhumlirrliiiid comity, der'il.
ersiHis iiwlehted to said rstsle or having claims
agaiiiKt the sniiie, ore rnpiesled to present the
samu lor s ttUim nt to the siihscriher.
HENRY Ill'RNS, Ex'tor.
laiwer AugmMa tshp., May 12, 181'J (it
II. .1. AVII.I-I AS,
Vviiiliaii ItllnU aud Window Shade
(AWARDED the first and highest Medals lit
New York, Uiillinioro unit I'liiludelphia Evhihi
tions. for the sins-rioiilv of his IILINDS, wilhcHi-
liimcd eoiilideiice ill his liinmiliicturo.) asks the
ulleiition of uurch.isers to his assortment ol .tHMI
Uhndsol narrow nml wute slaw won iiincy mm
nl.iins Triiumiii'-K. of new stslcs aud rolois. Also
' . 1 - ..I' 'I'IIKIH.
a larvn nun inia rai nsiriiin -in ui
RENT WINDOW SHADES, all of which he
will m il at llw lowest cusli prices.
I ).l Dliudb p.iKilcJ and tiimincd to look njual to
I v'DEALERS M'PPLIEDon lils-ral lermsJ
The Citizen of INorllnmils'rlaiiil t ounty ure res
im'lfullv invited lo call hetore huying elsewhere-
loiilideiit ot pleasing nil.
( v t)PEN l. l itis ii tAt.Mjj.jgj
March St, ISl'J U'U
I )I)I)KN and GM Pen. On hand several rop-
ies ol the lite of Christ, and also a nimiU-r of
gold liens which we will 'll al uie i nuaiuipiiia
. Far Skk) at Uii otKce.
Tll.liV'.'Sl CIII'G CXXDV. iln rrel
l nt reiucilv Ibr rough, told, r or sale
Ml tine oHVrt.
a tin
flOHsALErA Kiss! cw, wsily fich lor
mil iln sp. tii'iutis at uu uiik
tuirrii so.
Siinhiiiv, June lVI.
V ihll'H nil fund Hore and CiHll Mnli
I f ,,c ..i Mlc l y JIL.MfY MASsEK.
i'iihImiiv Jj". '!. I1' ' ..
tiiK Nit, limn thr Ni ik Caiilmi and Pikin
)"r '"'.W.IIULLNU.
runl.uiv, lUt. I'tP'
JOHN W. FRILINU tins just received nt his
store in Hnnlmry an extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, of every vsriety which he is now
ready to sell or exchnnge' for produce t and ronsisl
iiiff in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and tumma
wear of all kinds.
Camcoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c.
Muslins bleached ami unbleached.
Quccnsware and Hardware of all
Duces Paints, and Dyestifps.
And a great variety of other articles all of w hich
will I1 sold nt the lowest terms.
Munhury, May 2", 181!) '
fflHR PuhseriU-rs have on hand the largest as
1 sortnient of Will 1'Arrns in the rity of Phi
liulelphin, Yklrtlf and lirlail. ronsislimt of
every vnrietv suiliihlc for Parlors, Entries. Dining
Rooms, fhamliers, Ac., whirh Tor quality nnd
stvle cnmiot lie surnssc-il. Doinn n rash husinrss
we are en n Med to sell n liettrr article at a much
lower rate than nnv 'tore doing a
On hnnd, n Inrne nssorlmenl of Wint PAir.n,
for Cnrtiiins. Fire Prints, Hinders, Air., which will
he sold for Onsh. Paier Hanging done in the
country at rity prices.
N. i), Deiilrrs are invited to rail nnd examine
their stock Ijcforc purchasing elsew here.
No. 113 Areh Street, ISouth side,
Philadelphia, May 2li, 181!). ly
Kcw II Die Oil nml Intlicr Store.
No. 1 1 1 North Hit St. 3 roorj behne Hate Si.
riHE suhsc-riliers oll'er to the tanners on the
L most favornhle terms their frrsh importation
of Hides, consisting of llueiios Ay rex, I.aplata,
t'nraeeas, l.ngliira, Iiiiig-Dr, t'hili. Salleil Per
nmhiico nnd nil kinds of Spunisli Hides, dry nnd
suited. Also, Green Maughter, Dry iS.ilted, and
II lurk Dry Piitmi Kips,
Also, iStraighls, ii nil Hank oil und a genrrnl as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
T.cullicr, the nUivu Hides, Kips, Oil nnd Tools, on
Is-tler terms, than old Houses in the city,
Gush paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 211, 181!) ly
A'o. 60 Chcsii'it-st, at the ripu nf the (lold
Thimble, betirrcu id. If 3d. sin.. South side
MANCFACTI;RK8 and keeps rouslantly
on hand, nt wholesale nnd retail, the fol
lowing articles, of n superior quality, nt reduced
prici's: Gold and Silver Pencils, doThimhles. do
Finger Shields, Silver Tahle, .Desert, Tea, Salt
nml Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
I.ndles, do ('on 1 1 is, l'ursc Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated nnd llritlannin ware,
German Silver Simons, &e.; Gold Diamond Kin
teil Pens at various prices; Jackson's Sujierior
Everminleil Leads, cVe. &r.
Philadelphia, May '-!, 1849-
Supreme Court of the Northern District of
NOTICE is herehy given that nn Adjourned
Court for snid District, w ill he held in Sun
hury, on the ikst Monday of July net, for the
argument of causes from IhcHihaiid 2Jth Judicial
Districts held over from last Term.
And that said Court, will commence its annual
Session on the 2d .Monday, of said mouth, for the
argument of causes drought to July Term IKI'J.
Piothouotary office, May 21, 181!).
I-lst olX'ntiNeN lor Argument at the
Adjourned Court,
Watson vs Housel;
Mann vs l.'nvcr .ec lt irron,
Swiixey vs Herr,
North'd. ('ounty
Lycoming "
t iii tt '
livers vs Hock, " "
Aurand's Aias-al, " u
Itohh's iiilin rs. vs Mann, Lveomiug "
Snvder et nl vs Hall et al " "
Mans vs Hnmmelct nl Cnion "
Rearich v Rcarich's E'rs. " "
Tnvlor et ul vs Uluker, Lveomiug M
Shoemaker notice to Ellis vs Kellogg " "
Welker's Petition North'd. M
Oyster vs Ccarliart, "
Montgomerey & Friek vs Uuck, l.yroming
Paelou vs Heniiiugrr, t'oluinliia "
Stevenson vs Stewart's adin'rs. Lyroming "
ntson, assignee vs I'ackcr, "
rtliver's ev'rs. vs West Dr. Rank, "
Elliot vs Gudykiiiisl, I'nion
Hitter A Kline vsGiiudrum, ' "
Hnldv vs Strattou, Coluiiihia "
llullinaii vs Dawson, Lyeoining "
Gearhartvs Jordan llrolliers, Cnhiiuliia "
Ituek vs Morrison, Lycoming "
Reed's adm'r. vs llucklevs rx'r. " "
H. W, Sinder's Apiieal, I'nioii "
JIXY Trit.ll iSl'X
(.'orrell vs Mullit. Luzrrne County
w i .ii larlwelldc
rorlies & liryan vs .. . M Keaii "
3 Coleman,
ase vs Johnson, Luierne "
Harris rt si liancroO, K.hiiis & Co. "
Coup rt al v Proud s ex rs llradford "
Chapman vs Colder, Wayne "
sumo vs tame et al " "
W. Cisd. v 2d. vs Wells A Uarr, Susqu'a. "
Wells rt al vs VV lute, Wayne
llrewstervs Hilhousr, Ilindtiird "
ells t Urundage, Susqu'a. M
Siminoiis s Darllelt Uruilford "
Fox v Cash, '
Trustees of liinghani, dre'd. v Wells "
sr.coM) WKtK,
Ross vs Plensnuts, North'd County
Swemv Vs Kelir's rx'r. "
Yoxtliciiner vs Kevser, "
Weidmnn vs Mallhewn, - -
Youngmsn v M'Fulls, adiu'r I'nion
Snydi-r v Dietrich, " "
Aiinuut vs.Nill, m
Frvmire vs Miller, &r. " '
Fru k v liiautigum & Wnpple & Co., North'd co.
Mann & lirown vs S. I. Comly & Co., " "
Dentler el al vs Caul,
Road on laud of A. Thomas, 4 Vil'a., North'd.
Thomas t-'oliimhia"
iWiley vs ex'rs of Pfuuls. dre'd. Lvcmmuu "
Caldwell vs llrindle, " "
Overseer of Reaver tshn. VsIIurllcv tshii. Ijiiouco
VL'..;.n..- i..:..i ......i r
" riuHi u.iiiiiai& vi mi i.ieomiiij
Iiiws V Rhosdii North'd.
Snyder v Haldy, garnishee, "
Carr s ailin r. vs Urown, Lyeimilng
Eiiion'sailM'rsvs suhhweker, North'd.
Liiueatiuie township, Cnion
Hellas vs Ibis, North'd
Druckriniller v Clements, "
BLA.N'KN of every description ran he hid by
applying al the oll'ue of the American.
riMsal E PAPER. Yrllow Tissue inisr for
JL covering glasses, Ac, lor sale at the office of
the A met u an.
J J AIS.S, rurrauU, eition, cheese, prpper
V uiuc. Ac. For sale lv J. W. KKII.1M;
Siniliiiry, Dec. 2, 1 1 H.
feAR I Rt IN of sll kinds Ibr sale low, at the
J stoic nl C. b. BOG A II
uunbuiy Jsii. 20lh, 1810. -U.
- Concentrated Snrnnptirllln,
For the rureofTetler.Sriiifuln. Erysipalss, Piles,
Chronic. Rheumntism and nil disorders of the
lllood, Mercurial Disease, Ae.
1 T is recommended lo Physicians and others, ns
the strongest prrjinrnlion now in use, nnd en
tirely dillcrvnt from that put up in quart hollies,
possessing little or nn aelivo principle l'lhe Sarsn
pnrilln, hut intended lo deceive tho pulilic. For
sale liy M. A. McCA Y, NorthumlN-rland.
HEYL'H EMUROCATION for Horses will
rure Sprains, limine, Cut, Gnlls, Swellings, nnd
nil reuiplaiiils requiring nil rxternid remedy. II.
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, RiugNme, still
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac.
Ilhns ulsn licen Used with great success hy K-r-sou
nlllietcd with Rlicunintism. and other com
plaints. Prepared only liy V. Marshall, I'hiladel
phia, and for sale hy M. A. McCny, Northumls'r
lanil. Philadelphia, May "d, 181!). ly
nH E suhserils-r has just received a new supply
of llie liesl liquors that ever came to .S'linlniry,
consisting in part ol'
Superior old pale llrandv.
Fine Cugnine llnuiily.
Siqierior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Siqierior Old Whiskey
Comm. ni do,
Sii-rior Maderia Wine.
Lishon do. do.
tiierir Port Wine,
lliirgandy Port do.
Sweet .Malaga Wine.
Siis-rior Claret Wine in hollies.
Champagne do. do.
is'iilihury, May 20, 1R4!I.
KM Chestnut Street,
Corner of Srrnijh, Strain's ilnilditirs,
TNOWIXG the wants of the community, the
Proprietor of Ihis I'.stmii.issiiiknt has titled
up n Nlorr in the most cIclmiiI manner, having
dun regard to the comfort ul'his customers, so that
every Stranger visiting his Hook Store, may led
entirely al home.
of Rooks is elassilii il according lo Ihe Mirionr. De
piirtmeuls of Lileialure, so lhat visitors can liml
the Hooks lliev lire in search of for themselves,
liny ing his Slis'k for the most part at Ihe Arc
riov Sii.k, and heingconnecteil with one of the
LturiKsT I'l ri.isiiiMi 7orsi;s in this country,
hesides piihlishing largely himself, enalilcs him to
sell ALL llllllKS at
lh an nnv other lions,- of a similar character on this
continent. His facilities lor the iMi-oiervrio
of Hooks from Europe are unsurpassed, having n
lira lull of his Eslalilishincnt in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed
nnd forwarded to this Country hy every .Stl.imj.h
nnd Packet.
of Hooks w ith the prices attached is issued piar
lerlv. containing Lists of Nrw Additions made to
his large rolleclion, which ure in all caws for sale
nt tho
or, fiom 2." to 7." s-r cent. Mow Puhlishers
Prices. Thus in huyiiig even a Few Hooks,
ipiilc a ronsiderahle amount is saved.
As a still further
to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur
chases Ox k Dollab's wohth ol Hooks, will re
ceive s ropy of the
SruiM'KH in Pnil.Anr.i.riii, an elegant 1H
mo. volume, the price of which is2."i cents,
fV 'i'he limits of nn advertisement are too con
fined to enumerate the prices of any of the im
mense advantages to lie derived from purchasing
at the Giikat Ci:vr!tAL Ciiup Hook Stoiif., hut
let all who ure in search of Hooks si-nd for n 'ata
logue, nml huy the Hooks they lire in want of, aud
when visiting the city, give Appleloii one call,
nnd you will lie sure lo call ngain.
in nil its hranches, furnished at the Lowest Friers.
The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note
l'as'r, neatly slumped in the corner, without
Orders for any nrllcle may he sen! hy mail, ad-
tressed to tlic Proprietor, and Ihe ihreclloiis in
till eases will lm fully cairied out, with great punc
tuality and despatch.
Order lor Latalogues should he i'ir.-riin.
Boolsrllrr, 1'iiblifhcr, Importer, uad Stationer
lb I t In sunt .M air. oj .vcuift, Qualms
Hnildinv. I'liiladilphiii.
Muy, IS, ISItl. :im
Cough ! the
Lunirs urc in dan
gcr, tho work of tho
Destroyer lias been begun
the couh of Consumption hath
in it a sound ot Death,
Rev. IIKM1V Jr.!, liKi'Mh iivniiif, wriR hiimI
l' ftiifliatnl r:ii:irrial i mi .'At yttti Fttuitlim;. 'I'lie
hrrti wv'HVf htm n lirt lli-'di alt nitirr mch-iiit
h-hii'l cT Lit-n. Or. I. J. H a If, 1 1). Liin--Mrtct,
litivr il li ii Mihlct-iii-kiW W'lm v;m litlnMiriiiK niMlt-r Ci'ii
Miiiiiplint nml In iui"ilit-r Mtri-ty nintctitl with tlw: Axtlmu.
InUrtli I'iiM'f ilK rilci'tit wi-rt- iiuiiittliatc, mm ieiliiiig
llii'iii i tniortniiic liiiiiili.
Mm. I.I CIIKTIA W I.l.i, HI "lirulio-t. KtiTTitJ In'iu
AmIiiiui lyi-urn. "liiTirnni,it lbiUmt n-lu-vwl lnr ul mice,
ml 4w iMitHiiiiiiriiiivHv well. U'ihc Hiiil4til wiUmi -v-
rv uilwk hv h lutH'ly iim ol Hum ni-lHiiit. Tlim nnlcfl i
the crtiit humkIv lw Owirliii, Cottltf, niiiin 1 mI . Iivr
'millennial. Hint nil t lit mtitiiMiw ii llit t lift Kit, und iv"ii
"Itnici ainl niMiiuptitiii.
Ask IotSIm-i-iimm' All llctiliiit IIjiIkiiii, ami Ht-e that liti
writ iim Miiftiuiuir ix on ffH Ii U'tilc.
lit. Slit'iimtiri VVtinn und Cmiili I'Zcnyci, fintl ltvr
tnr i-iiriil urt rw of It htiiii:iliHii, l'tnii in the R-'ck,
Hiilr mwM'lMtrit. I juiiUi! hihI tTikncs', iliaii any ni
c tii-m Ui;il lutsiiu, liniMlntlt ti( uiipriiM-iplrti ni!-l
luivf aticinilcl ii cMiith rii-il il. iiml Uiii il nil iiivm llto
tilllllllllll ll till gcilllim1. r lU-WttM- ol lHf-ilMHI. &
lit im iiiIm r tluil Uir lrih imh! rtt-iiuiiM- l'bnicr iMitiiil iifii
n tfclirli icnM-r iiuitlt i-xim fiv lor tin mnwt; ami t vt ry
rim' Km- HimMluTfttf lr HH-rnmii if prmil ui-'ii llw Iwi
I IIm- l'liitT, himi Hi. vlt Mtiinil ! Itijtm-
(In r me si'tnntM'. Tli-r f.ttu wlu n vu v:nil -tl
Sli. irM' rar Miiii'M rimtt-r. --'ll nl ilic.4ii''c( l Nummu
4 1 !, lunl ttn ttill " ImmIihhih""!'"!.
KfiiicuiiMT itrinciimMiimf nw rvittKiu-ftm-i, vw-nnk,
wlit-M all Or. Hirni.;ii' l4i;i'iiu-t tu nhl. Ui A-Jt utw
Hrn Mm. Iln)t l-C" r imloii mrcs i, nru'Ki) n ; mmmmi,
Willlilllliil-lira i UIkI lir.fclin A I fcUtii. immI
J 'II i 1 "I ' -". funinrn .
M. A .Md'AV, N.mlttinilicrlaiHl
M:iy IJ, is! -li earn ly
flUIE partnership, herctolorc existiiiji umler tnci
X inline of "Dewarl iV Uilincr," having U'cn
dissolved, Ihe tulwnls-r announces to llie puhlie
thai ho will 1011U111H1 the prnetice ol llie law ul tlic
iillico formelly occupied hy said linn, in the
borough ol iSunliury. liuncao t'lilrusuu 10 111111
w ill Ik promptly uttemleil to.
tiunhury, April SI. 181'J M1110
AH lliv suhtcriUr U dono srlling al Auction, Im
nipH slssll those who have not complied wilh
the roujlilious of sale, lo mil ilium di aU ly and do
so, He Iwsslill -01110 Ml LAsis',w, I'LAnTER,
Ae., on hand, which he will si II low. As the
sun e is closid, cusloincrs will pU-4) rail ut Uie
louac. Cll.. K. UtJAR.
hunhury, April 7, 18I'J. If
HEAT WANTED. Ono dollar per
hu lu I, tM, will I paid lot uooit wliral
py IK I LCilt-IM
fcuubuiy Jatt- J -til. 181'J-U
uI'ncoiuasc Your OuiiT'
fPlIK sulwerilicrsrespcetfully full tho attention
x of I Im puhlir to tlirir Inrcn snil uplendiil oniort
nirnt of every qunlity nml priee of
whieh rnnnot foil to rceomincml itself torvrry one
who will rxniiiiiio it, on neemmt of lis
W-nrkiuiinship nnd splemlid linish, m.nlr up of Ihe
hent sloek to lw hiul in Iho city. No rll'ort is
spureil in the nionuf:ietiire of their wnrc, snil thr
suhse.rilirnt ure ileteriniueil lo keep up with the
ninny. iniproveineulH whieh nro eoiiBtmitly lieing
mmle. Their HliH-k eonsisln of .Miilioutiy
Sola, IMvnn uml I.oinii;rn,
Uurrnus, sccrctitvtrs, SfbcftonvTis,
sml iilno VRSKTIAn'rUNDS, eipml to I'hilj-
ilrlplii i inniiul'iietiire.
DBDSTKADS, of every pattern nml prier,
in short, rverv nrlielr in this line of their hnsiness.
They alno ;ii:ipufneturc nil kimls ami iuulitirs
ineluilim; varieties never lieforc lo hr hail in
Sunhiiry, sneh ns Maiiihmmy, 1!i.i k Wai.kut
ivn ('rui.Kii ,M vi'i.F. (iiireux ; isn Wixnsun
I 'H Al RS, ivn i-am- v I'l ami Srooi.s, whirh lire of
Ihe lalest styles, nml warninleil to lie rv,eellej hy
none liiiiiiuiiielureil in the Cities or elsewhere.
The niilweriliers are ili'termineil lliat there kIiiiII
he no exeune liir perKons to fnirehasn furniture in
the eiliiM, iih every rouliilruee eau lie cutertiiineit
uIhiiiI the ipiality a :uul liuifh of their vvuro uml
Their nrtirlrs will he ilinpiwej of nn ns coch!
terms ns they eim In; purehnsetl elievvherr. Coun
try I'roilnee Inken ill payment for work.
ttr' liADRRTAKlNli ulteuiled lo on reason
uhle terms.
The Ware Room ii in Market Streol,
oiposite .1. Young's store, ami ueaily opposite
eaver'i. Tavern.
;r.ui;(;i: i;i:...
Sunhiiry, April 2S, Hi!). tf
f Jflll II iiiii!i'isi:;ni'il respeelfully
J( i 1 1 i ' 1 1 1 rt the pi 1 1 'lie, that he
has eomiueneeil tho nUive Iuh
nes.i in .Vunhurv, uml will eon-
htantly keep on hiinil nml iiianuliieturr to onler, at
luHMaml in Market street nearly opposite Vounjs's
store, nil ailii-les Im li.imintt lo his line of husiuess.
All arlieles iiiiiuiil'aelureil hy hiul will he inaile in
Ihe U'st anil most ilnrahle stvle, anil at prices ns
reiisonahle us they run lw hml nl any oilier eslnli
lishment in the eounly. He Ihereliire resMTlliilly
solicits iH'rsous to rail nml etamine lor IheiiiKelves
helore pureliiisiuu elsewhere. All kiuils of pro
tluee taken in hy Ihe stores will lw taken in ex
change nt Ihe market price,
Sunhury, April 7, 181'J.
C A lit NET
TIllE KiihsrrilN'r resK ell'ully iiilonns Ihe puhlie,
I. Mint he eoulinues Ihe inaiiiilaelurtr of tJAUI
NKT WARE, in all its hranchss, at his stniul in
Market street in Siiuhiirv. ami that he hns now
on hand a hamlsomo assortment of well niuilc uml
fashionahle furniture.
He aho carries on, ut his old estaMishnu nt, in
Fawn strrel, thu
in all its hrnnehrs, nml keefis constantly on hanil,
an nssorliiieut of well maile nml fashionahle
('HAIRS, plain nml ornamental. All of which
he w ill ilisHise of at prices as low as ut any rstu
hlishnient in Ihe county.
His I0115 experience in the hnsiness, justifies
him in Ihe lielicfthat he will he a Me lo give gen
eral satisfaction, ami therefore solicits from hi
customers n continuance of their patronage.
J j,' All kimls of irmlurc taken in exchanae.
SSuuhury, March 17, lsl'.l tf
The lii airsl nml Ma Silrmliil Anrliui ol of
Xa. l.i:IS I..MU1-MIS. 1 No.
HAS just reeciveil hy laic Arrivals, from the
most relehrated Muliul'at hirers ufEuroe, a
inayiiilieent and judiciously selected assortment ol
which he will sell rur.ti'F.n than any other estab
lishment in llie I'niled Slates. Ainoni; the II a
sorlmeut w ill he found :
(old Levers, lk. ruses, full jewelled!
Silver Levers, full jewelled, IS
(iold l'Epines, IS k. cases, jewelled, S3
Silver rEpines, ji'Vvelled, 111
" tiuarlicr Watches. 4lo!j;t0
Silver Tea Spoons, eipaal to roin, per set 4.M)
" Desert, " "
" Tahle, " " " ' 1'i.nn
Together with n splendid nssorlinent of Chaste
and Rich Jevvelhy, Ac., Ac, ,Vc.
tiOLD CHAINS, of various stjlrs, from llir
hest Manufacturers.
I'll use preserve Ihis advertisement, nnd rail
No. -113 MARKET STREET, nlnne. Ei.k
VKv rii, North Side.
I have tiold and Silver Luvrrs still i'hraicr
lhau the ulsivv prices.
Or' A lilierul discount made to the trade.
April I I, I lit :im
John i)onnj:lly,
Maxi KAt'Ti i:i:a ip Dunxki.i.yV I'niKiiiT
Safktv Ut.Azr.n ('Ai-sn.iai lin t:
III. AT K I Mi ,
A'o. 83 A'ortA Third Strut,
fltHEsE Mulches are justly considered the Is-st
1 in the I uilc.l Males ; they are lice I1..111 11 11
pletisanl smell, uml call I inliodiiccd wild s rlcel
safely into all Mores and Dwellings. NVarinulcd
tu keep ti ll years.
The IMiicMiik is of siiirrior rjuaiity, nnd free
Ii 1 on mid ingredient lli il iinpaiis the Leather.
COI NTRV DEAI.EKs und Silll'I'EK.s' will
I'u id it lo their interest lo call und see lor them
selves. .. I!. All nssorlmenl of Matches of various
New Vork Maliul.ieluiers. Matches in round
wihhI Iiom's also, packed in'.c or tin ill tin
caiA's, lo aliip to any purl ol tlic w ot Id,
Jtll. l(l.;i;i,l, ,
Late of '-Ml Rank direct, now HI) Noilh Thud M.
Muicli Ul, US l'.l ly
llalc ol IColtcrt . ts'ranl,
TlVTOTlCE is herehy Riven, Ihal lellers of Ad-
1 miiiislialioii iiimiii tho esiale ol IvoU'it K
(.rani, lale ol I pK r Auuu .la towu.Jiip, Noilhuni
Is'il.indcouiilv, d''d., have Ucn Rianlcd lo Ihi
sulsciiher, rc.j.lina in mid low ii..hii. All 'iooin,
ha vim: claims or di inaisU -aiii..l lliu ci.Ule ol
Iho uaid dit-'d., re hereliy niie:ied to make
know 11 the bame lo the unilci .iii.'d without delay,
nnd all imiii iudehUil are dct-iud lo make im
mediate I'avinrnl.
The d will allind nl Ihe ollnc ol
J. II. I'ackcr, E., in riuiihiuy, oil !aliiulav I hi
.Iddny ot Juno nevl, al 10 o'eloek A. M., tor llu
piupo w ot s lllini with Mi II so may liavs ttt iiiauil.
agaiu.4 uaid tlaU .
I'ppci Auyu-t tilij' , May 'o, JSl'J M
Aycr's Clicrry rectoral,
tvn couans, VOU)S, CROUP,
TIJl! vnlmilih. riri'ptiratlon. so 1iinlililiiulv' neonrut
111 rutins linnsi ol 1 lie Isniirs, is tin result of "tcirl
fnl contlsimlHin nl' Iho known enrnlivn irrim-iplrt of
nwliriim. In inprrvlmils nra I'ni-lv mwl known lo Hi
pil'lie, sint nrc llnt nekisiwllpl lo moilinil men ns
(smcniii), isirr mitliinl vinnrs. wiii h psenllnr vlriiii urn
eoiiil'iiHil in tlio"l HKHIIY I'Kl'TIUtAI." in
est pin ity timl i-tiicney, nisi wlien used, m will bu scfii I'roin
lliu iollovving vsliiiiliii.' IsHiini'iiiy t
rum-' i'.ssi 111 ci .n v ki.a Nn,
of tlowiloin rulli'i!!!, Ilruiinwirk, Maine, vvritnt! "1 hnri
wilni'i'm'il (lie i-llifis of yisir t'ls-rrv 1iiwiiI in my own
family nml in Unit ol'inv frii'lin, anil ilhns rivttl (rait
RilistucU'in in eiisKshsri ot'niiiills nisi rhiktrrn.
A Villi K FROM MAStAl'lllwrrS.
Frrmi Ilr. Ilryiint, lnir;irt and 1'iwlinnMer, Chironcs
lis. J. i:. Avrn Denr fir : Knelnsed plprme And remit-IniM-s
fnr nil ihe t'lisrry lertonil Inst ssnt me. I rnn mi-li'-sittiliiigly
sny, llsil. 110 nleilicino wo sell trivrt iin-li sulis
fui'iMii ns yoiii'iiiliies tsr Imvn I ever iwcn s nidlicin
wltifh ciiritl nn iiiimy vase orei.inirli nml lim coinplnini.
I inr IMiysiciim nrc iisinr it fxtciiniyely in Iho practice, unit
w-iih ih- liiiipicsi. oflocis.
Truly y.siri., 1). M. 11KYA.NT.
vn. rrriKiNrt.
rrmi.linl of V'Tm.m Atnliinl folli-sn otm of Ihe most
I'tirniil uml iiiti llii,iii pl,M,i, i,ia iM the country, "coiisiilrrs
il 11 C.'iiintn.n i, nirc ein-llrneo for Iho cure of that lor-Itllil.-tlilr
ihsmmc. ('fiisitniittioti.o
Aii nluiMsi itiiTcililili' nnnilHT of errtificnti's hnvn l-cn
reociveil j proving Uml ihe cherry I'n-ionil is, in truth, n
- , tjltl-.ATHK.MKHV
lor l onyln. PnMs. AMI. inn nml nil niilinmnrv eomplainls.
pun k. ;.-i i.N i'i'i:ii ini'i ri.i:.
1ri ir,'.ll.v.l.r. A-) Mit-s nisi hl t.v
. . .,1 .trcr.ii , funtiiiry utnl WAIl V .McCA V, Norilimn-
Tlic Diamond if y ol I'lillurtclnliln
Still Alu-ail!
2 1( MA RKKT ST.,
TS ronslanlly rerrivinir from nil the hest Manu-
l.u turcrs of Euriiie, every style of
T Head litis ailverlisemeiit cut il out of tho
p:is r put it in your pocket, und call Iho first
time you visit the city. A1110113 the asn Uncut
will Ihj found :
tiold Levers, 18 k. rases, full jewelled, .iiltll
Silver Levers full jewelled, ... 15
tiold I'l'piiies, IM k. eases, jewelled, S.'i
Silver rEpines, jewelled, .... 10
" (Jtinrlirr Watches, .... 4 to $10
Silver Tea Spoons, eipjal to coin, per set, 4 fill
" Desert " " ' 1(1 (ill
" Tahle .. j,-, mi
Tosether w ith n Kplemlid sssortuirut of Chaste
and Rich Jewelry, Ac., &e., etc,
(iold Chains of every variety and pattern nt a
slight advance timu tho oriKinul cost. Examine
them hy all means.
UZr' The Tmde will lie supplied upon the most
advantageous terms.
No. 21fi MARKET Stn-et. Mow Eitililh,
South side, riiiladelphlu.
Aiiril U, lS18.3mo.
Kqultablc 1.11'c Insurance, Amiully
tinl Trim! tonipany,
orricKTi w.mait stisi;i:t, ritii.Mii-.i.niiA.
t'il'IT.VI, f'iVI.IIIIO. ClIAliTI ll l'KKI KIlAb.
fvIK r.iiirmy urc nvv ,n'wrc,l to tmnftii't lutniiips
I ii4i llie nii'SI IiImtsI simI mlvnnliii'H.iiii, terms. J'lif-v
1111' umlK.nwil t.y tlirir rliiirtiT s.s't. II) "to nmkc n(i snil
evi-i y insiirtiiifc niiM'rtiiiinii to litii risks 1' wliiitevnr kinil
or toil lire, rust t oivni; nml cmi-ntii triicls. iiuik ntlvV'
liii'int.. nun 10 pniiit mm pno'linss nnniiitit-s." riic( ,.iii
Kniy m'll nniiiiitii-s nntl endowments, uml act as Truitca
tor iiiiists nisi lirlrs. ol Premium tiviuml for llir Assitmitco of $ou for
tfie vvlsile tttni ol Lite.
Aire. I IV111. j I Arc. Trim. Age. l'rcm.
in 1 m :n 'i m 41 :i :ih
17 1 .vi : 9 15 47 3 111
I t .vi :ei vi 91 is niKi
in I l .vi :ii si s- 4n 3 77
'."i 1 i'l n-'i i .11 m 3 nt
i I m :m 1 .11 4 1:1
- 1 1"' 37 a 47 m 4 "W
i 1 :v a .',1 si 4 .M
si 1 7-i :ci iti .m 471
1 t ; in a 711 m 4 in
-r 1 s.-j n a hi sn s 1 a
a 1 hi 4 a a in 57 3 :ri
as 1 .,i 11 a 01 sn a .-,1
ati 1 tu- 11 3 ia m 5 Ts
;i am v, :j -ji w sici
rl.e prcniitmis arc le. tluui any olli,T r,.m,niay, hikI lliu
im.Ii.-i. n ml' .1,1 yniiler tiilviinliiu.-s. Iii ,I.-h i.i Imli-vi-nrlv
nii.t .n:inTty ).ii'iiiiiiiu, li.itt iTiilil rates ." prcmmnLsliort
l.'inis, j. tit lives. siirviv..rsliiiK nisi in...vviii.-iits: nl.,
Ii.riit ol" ..iIii:iii.i (lor vvhiclt llirc nit' l.hink slii-i.-ti.') nm
1.1 Is; ii:i.l on iit(iliiiiti..ii at tlic oiiice, or hy letter to thu
.Aticin, j 11. 11 nut , riiiihtiry.
It.vTKs for insIsinc, SltiOnn (ingle t.ii'e
Acs. Fort -car. l-'or 7 vearf. Tor Life.
M a'l I isl
no tig .:i 2 ol
411 l.-.'o i.hi .;n
.'si l.-fi 9.117 3.1,1
so u,ls 3 ,7 s.itj
K.WMl'I.K A pprs..n flL'iil 30 viri next hirlli dav. I.v
iwiviik; tin r.'iniitiiiv un I'i'iils vviiiitil secure ro las ttmiilv
i.r lieirs SIIHI slionkl Iil llie - isii, vinr: ur l',ir! tu
cares lo llicni sillNm; h t. l:l uniniiiity lor st:vi-il vims
no Mi-iiies lit ilirin imirhi sihhiiii lie ilie m seviii vinrs;
i.s is'Jll.ltl imiiiI niiiiunllv iluiiin; lite lie seem es I1NIII loin
nml vvlien lie ittes. Tlic insurer seem us; Ins nvvii tsmns,
y llie ilitlereis'c ill ton. sml 14' iireiiimuis ironillsisecliiin!
hi oilier i.iliees. Ki r-l(),KI llie lain would rociive HMM
sli'Mikt lie the m one year.
l-oniu inuimiicHUou nml nn nnrticiiiarii nmv Is Imn nt
the olliee. J. vv. I l..i.lllv N, ITtBliliill.
TiiKvsi inn V n ict V. K.wvlk.
II. li. Tuekell. Senlary.
I'i.i I.TIvo rnviclt llr. J. 11. Muster. Pnnhnry.
J. II. i.v . Siiiihiin, Agent ..r Nisiliumlsaknsl eoun
Sunlury, July S, l?lc
Sniniiicr AiTaiiemenl.
DAILY, tilth tray, except Snndais.
ON AM) AFTER Mtl.XDA V, April ad, 119
two trains w ill run mi ll way, daily, hctvvceii
riiiln.lelpliia nn.l I'ollsville.
Leaves Philadelphia ut "1 J A. M., daily, eiccpt
1'ases Rendhij; nt 10.4."i A. M.
Ia'iivca I'otUvillo ut 7J A. M., daily, excrpt
I'assi-s Keadina nt it 10 A. M.
Tho alsive Line slops at all way stations on the
road as ..rini rlv.
L'p 'Train Down 'Train.
Leaves Philadelphia nl I Leaves l'ullsville at SJ
SJ 1 . Al., daily, ex
eepl Numhivs.
I', M., daily, cvn pi
lH'aves.vch. Haven 2."
- I'orl Clinluu 3,1 Wl
" Readini; :i..ri(l
" l'olb,town -t.ltl
" I'hieniwiliii 5.(11)
Leaves I'ho nivvillc:!. I S
1'oilstonu 4,10
' Rcadim; fi.lHI
" I'lirl Clinton ft.t r
" .Sell. Haven 11,10
Arrives al I'ulUwIleli.SO
Arrives at Stale l.'.l 'i,.'i(l
The Alierutioii Tiaiu vv ill slop only ut the a
Isjve naiiicd stalious. I'as.-4'iieis Inr other points
must Iheielore lake thu .Morning Line.
DEPOT iii li.a.lini;, coroner of Che..uul and
Seventh sheets. l'usHi'ni;era cannot enter the
Cars unless provided with Ticket.;.
( f NOTICE. Filly pounds of hawano will
Is' allowed to each passenger in these lines ; ami
passciners ure ckptcsslv prohihiltil liom taking
any thing as ImRKn'o hut their wealing apparel,
which will he al Iho rUk of it owner. No licihl
will he taken l y lhtsu limn. ,
liy onlor of Ihe board of Managers,
iJ. URADl'ORD, See'ry.
April", 181'J.
BAY l I'M. -by
rUiihuiy Jail.
All excellent .iiliile lor sale
SVih, HSl'J U.
rTER, Salt and Ki ll, just received and Ibi
Suuhurv, Dec. '.', IK IS.
i.IXTS, a lew lor sale hv
Kuiihuiv, Manh III. liil'J.
i lil I' MOl.Aoi'.Li-t. iMipiiioi 1 nina .1 Simp
M..I.I..I.. tei ah- hv HENRY MAK?ER.
suuhuiv, Dei', a, il.
Sorts of 3ficm0,
Jrrivid of the V. S. ship faxingfon frtm
California, vi'lh n Quarter of a Million
Dollars in Gold Dust.
New York, June 10.
Tho t. S. shin l.rxington, from Pan Fran
cisco, is now coming up tho harbor, with
hcelct hundred and eighteen pounds of (tain
gold, from Ciiliforniri, on board, hating left
458 pounds nt Valparaiso.
Anion!? the passengers are Samuel f. Ha
zard, last from nio Janeiro; Prod. W. Robin
son, midshipman, from San Krancisco, and
Tims. 11. Stevens, of tho I?. 9. Navy, an ,
family, from Sun Francisco.
Tho United Stairs store ship Lexington
has arrived nt tho anchorage off Brook
lyn. Olliccrs nml crew nil well. Her arri
val created much cxcilemenl during tho af
ternoon. Tho California fevcf has broken
out afresh.
In the fiftei'iilh century, a German nstrono
mer made, n wooden eagle that flow forth
front the city, met tho Emperor, saluted him,
and returned. He nlso made nn Iron fly,
which flew out of his hat at a feast, and
relumed after sporting about the room.
A Hotany Hay magistrate, who had risen
from the situation of a convict to the bench,
having; indulged in some harsh reflections on
a person whom hn fined fivo shillings for be
ing drunk, the delinquent said: "There's the
money ! I well remember the time in Eng.
kind when 1 should have liked much less to
meet you with live shillings In my pocket,"
,;iMr, Showman," said n greenhorn at tho
monnneiii'. "can the leonara cliange (lis
iots1'' ,4Yt;s sir,"' replied tho individual
w ho stirs up the wild beasts, "when he gets
tired ot one simt hi cun easily go to another."
Dmjlon Jour.
A Clergyman nt Moorwinston, was bapti-'
Kino; a cliilit, inn lieing useti to com waier 11
lid not cry. lie kepi dashing it on the poor
infant several limes, nnd on being askeil his
reason fur so doing, snid, "Sin did not do
part"' till tile child cried! ! J
An Invention is nnunuiiceil to protect bank
and shops fiom robbery. The moment they
touch the locks, inside or out, a galvanic bat
tery knocks them down find rings a bell.
Skuvkii them KiuitT, The Hallowell
Gazette, in commenting un the practice of
"sittino; in church in prayer," says "W
remember ft gmxl old minister who once
prayed fervently fur those of Ihe congrega
tion who were 'too proud to kneel and too
lazy to stand.' "
Several cannon balls have bevn found In
ihe Vatican tinllery, at Rome, ami have hefin
placed in the collection of coins, with lh in
scriptiou "ti'ift of I'io Nono,"
The North Star has sailed in search of Sir
John Franklin,
Misery is a good condiment, but bad food.
npt;it Ms-i 110M the r.rnMAS.
Who nohlc is, may hold in scorn
The ntnii w ho is hul nobly bom.
If our has served thee, tell the deed to msny,
Hast thou served many ? Tell it not to sny.
Appearance may deceive understand
A pure while kIovt muy hide a lillliy hand.
WM. W. 1IETTILYOX. of l'-rr Aurwu
oilers hiiiiM-tl' to thn electors of Xorlhum
lierlaiid county as a candidate for
KlioulJ Is- eli-clrd, he promises to disdiarg the
duties of said oliirc with lidelity.
l"pH'r Augusta, June U, tSt'J.
JACOn YOl'NfJ, of the Rorouch of fiinhury,
oirers himself to the eleitors of Northumber
land County, as a candidate for tire olhV of
Miouht tie Is i lectrd, lieillrmli'vortosrharg
Ihe duties of the otliee in such a wanner as to
cjive ucncral salisfaelioii.
'nnls.irv. June V,
rilllE suhseiilH-r respectfully informs the puhlie
I. thai he has uirain IsHotnc eontiei toil with the
aliovc Kotimlry, an. I that hcreal'ler it will be con
dueled s.ilrlv under his iiiaiiauctiieul Slid control.
From his Ioiik experience in thr hussinesa he trust
he will lie a hie to nivc Ri'iiernl sslistiirtioii to his
old friends and customers. The husinrss w ill he
carried 011 in all ils hriiuehes. He wilt continue
to iiiauul'.ietuie l'lout;hs, and nil kinds of castings
vvII U' done with proinjilness nnd in the hest
manlier. l.'EO. RUHUBACH.
Simhlirv, June U, lHl'J. am
Ciii:ap Nkw it Skcosd uanu RoorSioki,
Stirlh Wat earner of Emtrth and Arch Streett
Law Rooks, Theological and Classical Books,
Si iintihc ami Matiikuatical Books.
Jinvnili' Hooks, in great variety.
Hymn Rooks and I'ruycr Duoki, Bibles, all sizes
ami prices.
JSlank Boats, II riling PaiH r,undStationary,
H ' male and Urtall.
r'Hi'B ini.i'v sre llilieh l.ivcer limit Ihe KKnl'LAS hw-s
1 14 ' l.llsaii.s :iii.l snuill iuet is ol Ihn.. Mircliactl.
IV l."'ks miMitiil t.ii.fili-r lanlisi
rinUi. l.lii 1, J line '.I, IP lil y
AX evlem ive Sim k of Pocket and Tahlo CUT
LERY.ofsalehv J CHIT 1. CCLSlrlAlT,
Not. 3J mid 3:i ARCADE, aud & North
THIRD Street,
Comprising uOOO dou-n Penknives, Scissors and
It a Kirs.
Aim, a choice sssotlmcul of Roili;is 4 Sena,
Wosleiihohn'i, tiuave'a W. 4 S. Rutclter's and
l'rnin y's Culleiy,
Also, Spanish, Dnk and Dunlins Knives.
AUi, liuiii, 'i. blu, ami Bowie Knives,
AlhO, The A mi l u all Raiur Strop, a superior ar
il. Ic, W'oilhv the alU'iiliou of I)elei.
('sail I e. 1 Iris in Culleiy, will find the ahova
Stock woiihy thru attention, as the Suharrther'i
ihn l hu.nic.w is impoiiiuc and arlliug tutlcry.
I'hlliihlphu, June 9, IS4'J ly
DLAXK BOOKS. An ssuntmrnt of Blantt
- Bdoi., ni. I incivtd and ulc hv
Simhuix, Lci- HIR.
put a wpf-