SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOU1WAL. Gi. TTtqi' 9svotBwc. A Wash ington lotter-writar tells the following etoiy of Gen. Taylof A venerable White hoaded man, 105 years old, having totlored up to the White House, early in the morning, had the good fortune to meet ,the President almost at the threshold, The eentennarian introduced himself; told Gen. Taylor that he was fee hie,' and that his blood was almost dried op in his Veins, for (ha snows of one hundred and five1 winters, and the effects of hard ser vice in the wars of our country, had left him but a short remnant of the evening of his long and eventful life.' , General Taylor, moved by the patriarchml years and voice, and simplicity of the man, shook him warm ly by the hand and said : "Well, grandfather, I am glad to soe you. . Have you been to breakfast !" The old man replied that he had not. "Well, then, you must come and take some breakfast with me." "No, your time is too precious., I desiied only to pay you my respects; and 1 shall get a breakfast at th market house, for I am a strange among these people, and an old man must be satisfied to do the best he can." "Well, then, you must come and breakfast with me." "No; your time is too valuable, and I will not tresspass upon it; good morning, Generaland may Providence guide you." "Well, if you will go," said Gen. Taylor, ex tending his hand and slipping into that of the old man three half eagles "if you wili go, God bless you ; and see that you have a good cup of coffee for breakfast, and come up and dine with me before you leave the city." And, leading upon his staff, the old man, older than this republic of twenty millions of people, by thirty years, went, with a grateful heart, along his way. Coal Boat Owners in every direction, par ticularly on the Susquehanna and the Erie Canals would do well to turn their .attention to the Schuylkill Canal this year. More coal will be wanted than the present slock of boats can carry, and steady employment can be had for at least one hundred extra boats at liberal rates of freight. PROCLAMATION. , OTICE la hereby given that the several courts A-' of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, fend Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to cenimence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the Sd of April next, will continue TWO WEEKS., The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be tbca and there in their proper per sona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several offices appertaining to bo done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and Commanded to lie then and there attending in their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors aro requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tbo time appointed agreeable to their notices. ' Given under my hands nt Sunbury, the 3d day of MaTch in the year of our Lord ono thousand ' eight hundred and forty-nine -and the Inde pendence of the United States of America the ' 73d. ' ? ' JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. God save the Commonwealth. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PATENT AGENT. Ml'NN & Co, publishers of the "SCIENTI FIC AMERICAN," hBve favoured us with a Phamphlet containing the Patent Laws of the United Suites, together with sll the forms necessa ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard to filing caveats, with remarks on its uses, etc., a mount of fee required at the Patent Office, and every other information that is necessary to instruct a person in making his own applications. Price 18 J cents single, or 13 copies for one dol larssent by mail to any part of the United States. Address Mli'NN & CO., New-York, i March 10, '1849, :i i . REMOVAL C. C. nACHETT, AUCTIONEER, , ' PHILADELPHIA. HAS removed from No. 81 North 8d street to No. 806 MARKET Street above 6th St. 8 doors above the Rtn Lion Hotel. He respect fully invites the attention of Country storekeepers visiting the rity to his EVENING 8ALES st which will generally be found a large assortment of Haruwars, Cctlrrv, Boots, Shoks, Hats, and a greajt variety of Miscellaneous goods suited to the sales of eountry storekeepers, , Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1848 3mo, . V5F Lycoming Gazette, will copy. . GEORGE J. WEAVER . EDWIN H. FITLER. George .1. Weaver fc Co., ROPE MANTJPACTTJHEnS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 19 N. Water St., and 1 1 N. Wharves, Philadelphia. ., HAVE .-nnstantlv on hand, a freneml nsanrlmant f Mni..lln Hope, Tnrred Hope, Indian Hoy, Bole Hope and Twine, Tow I.inea, ( Count Hata, How and With Lines, for do. Hemp ami Cotton Peine Twine, Linen nnd Cotton C'nrpet Chain, Cotton Vnni, Candle Wick, c. (train Bnirs. Linen nnd Cotton, Tar, 1'ileh. Rodin, and Oakum, Bed Cords. Plough Lines, Hnlters, Truces, c, all of which thoy will ilispom of on rensoiinblc terms. Ropes or any Bize or Description, Made to Order, at short notice. Philadelphia, Feb. 10, IMS. If. A MILLER WANTED. 4 GOOD MILLER is wanted at the Mill of the subscriber In Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county. One that can come well recommended for sobriety industry and honesty. Inquire of HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, March 10, 1840. tf Notice New Churches. The Presbyterian Mis sionary Association is about erecting two churches in the Schuylkill coal field, one at New Philadelphia, the other at Middleport. No part of our Slate opens a wider held for useful labor of religions societies. Gold Coming. The purser of the U. S. storeship Lexington writes to New York from San Francisco that he has $178,000 in dust, which he is to ship from .Valparaiso to Pana ma, and so to the Stntes. The amount now stated is considerably less than first stated It began with two millions, got down to five hundred thousand, and now is stated to be less than two. It is reported that the Russian fleet, having been refused permission to pass from the Black sea through the Dardanelles, is about to force its way. J OTICE is hereby given that Adam Schuyler, one of the 1 rasters of John (Shade, of I ur but township, on the 14th day of February, 1849, filed his account in the Court of Common Pleas of Northuuilierhind county, as Trustee of said estate, which account will be otlrred for confirmation at April term next. JOHN FARNSWORTH, Proth'y Sunbury, March 3d, 1849. 3t REMOVAL. FR. J. B. MASSER has removed his U office, to the office formerly oc cupied by H. 1). the printing office of the Sunbury American, back of II. Masscrs store. Kunbury, Feb. 24, 1849. . NOT TOO LATE YET, T HERE arc still great bargains to be had of the subscriber, as he is determined to sell all olf and quit the business. He is now selling the best HONEY SYKI P MOLASSES at 56 cts. per gallon, the best SUGAR HOUSE for 40 cts. and NEW ORLEANS at 35 cents. Other articles in proportion. All who want to get bargains must come soon. CHARLES S. BOGAR. Sunbury, Feb. 24, 1849 tf RAISING BLOOD And Consumption, Pain in the side and Night Sweats, Asthma, Whooping Tough, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, PLEI'RISY AXU tOXSlHIPTIO.-. Mrs. TlAOflAS. a lnrtv limvnnl of 70, resiillns W Sheriff, has for retirs been subject tonttneksof Pleurisy. Itniniiii of BIoihI, severe Coupli. MwrliKWof Hreuth, l'nin in ln-r llond and varUts purls j f her body. Her friends believed her. JPA'PT IiECOVElir The All-IIcntiiur Unls-un relieved lier nt once of all tier stunning symptoms, nnd now she is nhle to attend to her work. asthma AXD wnoormu vuvuji. Mrs. l,ncretia Wells, 93 Christie-street : I,. 9. Beats, 10 Delnncey street j W in. H. Youngs, 75 ulnut street, know the value of tliisfrreut remedy. Ask for Wiermim Aii-inniiuir rinisniii, ana sec mm on written signature is imi each hottle. Price tf-V cents umt w 1 per Home. Dr. Sherman's Worm anil Cough Lozenges sold as above. SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER has cured more eases of llheuinnliam. Pnm in the Hark, Snla nml Chest. l.iiiiilmio and Weakness. Hum uny upili c:iti n tlint Iras increased. haiHlreils of iui rineipled niitculs have atiempleil to counterfeit H. and palm it oil upon the community us Die genuine, iv newinuoi jLrvuiiii'ii., j Remember that the true nnd genuine Plaster is spread lijiou J.otns Napoleon requires all his servants and attendants to attend church on Sunday, . where a Corsicuu ubbe performs service. I.oi is Napoleon has been told by Genera' Chauarnier that he must not ramble about Paris at night, or he will be assassinated. An Exchange says, a cat of extraordinay intelligence was recently seen feeding a kit ten with starch, to make it stand upright! This reminds us of a maid who drank a pint ' of yeast to make her rise early. ' American Speculators are now in Canada buying cows by thousands, at $12 per head, for the western dairy market. Paralysis is now said to be cured by alka loid strychnia, in doses of a grain, given two or three limes a day. , .The Italian Opera in London has twenly- three principal singers, and a chorus of nine- ty-four persons. WHARTON'S HOTEL MRS. WHARTON respectfully informs the public that she will continue to keep a house of public entertainment, at the old stand, corner of Market and River street, in Sunbury, and respect fully solicits from her old friends and others, a continuance of their patronage. .. Sunbury, March 21, 1849. MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON" HERRINGS, POUK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand nnd for sule by J. PALMER & Co. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA Feb. 24, 1849. 3m reddish paper made expressly for the puriso and every case the signature of Ur. Sherman is printed Upon the tmek of the Pinner, nnd the whole secured by Copy itiuht. Nona others nre genuine. Theref ire when you wuut n real g.x d thermae's I'oor Man's Plaster, cull nt thculuce, 1(J41 Mntwiu street, olid you will is lie diwipp 'inted. Ileinemoer principal iillice nw .mtswiu-sireci, .-sew-i oru, where all Dr. Hhermau's l,ozcngesnrc sold, Ilis Agents nre Mrs. Huvs, I.'IM Knlton street, uroolilyni lliueson, Williamsburg J and Redding At Co, Boston, and M. A. MeCAY, Northumberland February 17, 1840. ch e3m ly Headache. Giddiness, Kheunuilisni. riles. l)y)epsi!i, Seurvey. ft'iuill Pox, Juuudice, Famsm Hie Uack, Inward Weukneas, Hulpituiion of the Heart, llisiug iu the 1'liroat, Dropsy, Asthma, f evers ri an kiuui, Female Complaints, . 'Xsfafe of Daniel IIofTman, dee'd. JV OTICE U hereby given, that letters of Admin istration have bion granted to the subscriber, . on the estate of Dunicl Hoffman, late of Suiibury, doe'd. Persons indebted to said estato or having . claims against the same, are requested to present the same for settlement to the subscrilwr. HENRY MASSER, Adm'r. Sunbury, March 24, 1849 6t -, '-' 'i ' , BRIGADE INSPECTOR. T) ' Vp&egntt, offers himself to the electors of the lbt Brigade and 8th division, as a Can f didate for the office of . BRIGADE LSPECTOR, j Should he be elected, he trusts that a military edu- S Hon, with considerable experience in military etics, will enable him to discharge the duties of theotHce f a creditable and satisfactory maimer. ' ' JaAson tshp,, March 24, 1849. Spring Millenery Goods iOHN STONE &. SONS, fM PORTERS AND DEALERS IN , ,n ' V'Silkii Eibbooi and Millinery Goods, : No. 45 South Second, St above Chestnut, VHXI.ADBl.rHIA. TTirpCLO call the attention of MerehanU anj .a 4 N yy itJriera fiiiting the city, to their large aud rich assortment of - . ! " Sprld'ff Millinery Cood, j Kaw id by late rrivals from France such as Glace (Silks fut cajtina honuets, . . .' ' .fsJKri, Bonnet and Cap Uibbuns-rs large and , beautiful aasortment, of all prices ; ! ' Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to Krenck Mui Amariea Arifioial Flowera, (in . 'i great ariety;) ; ' , , Colored and White Crapes; ' . , ,'( .' Fancy Laces and Nets; ; '- French Chip HaU; ' Face Triinmings Quillings' ' Covered Whalebone Cans t Buckrams Willow ; 1 . Bonnet Crowns and Tips, ., ', Together with ecry srtic! sppartainiBf to the -JLIlInery trade. ' Vsrch SirlM9 ! ' SORES t' l BE (I'REU, Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Lurca. r1(jrtKY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the roos' I romnlele Uurn Antidote ever ko n. It imlaiillvi (nnd as if br.Miifric) stops jaiins of the most despenita uurnuna ryaia. r or tan mres, uiuites, cuts, rAprams, Ac. on man tn beust, it is the best upiilitaition that can be made. Thonsuiuls have tried aud lltourands pmise it. It is the most jierfeel master tf pain ever discovered. All who use re commend it. Kverv tuinily sh'ailtl be provided with it. None can Usl how soon some of the funiilv may need it. tV (liser-e each bJ of the genuine Uintnieii) has the nameof M., written ou the outside label. To unite to tins is liiruery. HiNituien. Livery Men, Farmers, and nil who use Horses. will find this Ointment the very tiest thing they can use ir t-ouur nans, rvraieaes, riiesn. ace., ac.,on tlielr uuuuuls Stirely every merc5fulniun would keep his animals as free fmm pain as possible. 'Fouscy'a Viiiveml Ointment is ull that is required. Try it. KITES OK INSECTS. For the stint or 'bile of poison us Inserts, Touuey's Oiuinieut is uniivulleil Hundreds have tried it nnd found it cihk). 1M l.t-S C t: RED ! For the Piles, Tousey's Universal Oint meiaisone of UiebeM Remedies thut can be applied. All who have tried it for the Piles recommend it. OLD SORES CURED. For old obstinate Sores, them is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. A person iu Mumi. us had. for a number of years, a sore leg that battled the skill of the doctors. Tousey's Ointment was reeomineiwled by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its great vir tues,) and two boxes produced more benefit than the pa tient had received from any und ull previous remedies. Let all tivit. HI!RSANDSCAIJ)S CURED. Thousands of eases of Burns nnd Scnkls, in all imrls of the country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certificates enough could fie liad to' fill the whole of this sheet. VIOLENT BHUISIIS CURED. Testinasiials on testi monial iu favor of Tousey's Ointment fur curing Bruises lieve been offered the proprietons. lluiuireds iu Syracuse will certify to its great merits relieving thopuinof Uie most severe Bniises. All pcrs ns should try it. SCALDHEAD CTKED. Sires of cases of Scald Head have been cured by Tousey's OiuUueut. Try it it seldom fuils. SALT RHEUM CURED. Of all the remedies ever dis. coveren forlbs most disagreeable complaiut, Tousey's Uni versal Oiutmeut is the luosl complete. It uever was kiviwu to fail. CHAPPED HANDS CAN HE CURED Tousey's I'm versul Oinlmenl will ulways cure ttie worst cuses of Chap ped Hands. Scores of pers'ais will slate this. SOUK LIPSC1 RED. For the cure of ft we Lips there wss never anything made equal to Tousey's Oiuluiuit. It is sure to cure them. Try it. It isa scientific cotnK,uial. warranted tin to contain nny prrtviratl'm of Mercury. Mr Fnce 'J5 ceuts per box. For further isirticutars e:aiceming this really vulustaet Ointment the puolic arerelerred i, ramplnels, to be lam irrulis, ol re- siieeiable Druggists and Mereliunts Uiroughout the United Mntes. Prenared br B. TOUSF.V. Driuraist. No. 100 K, Street, New York. Agents JOHN YOLNO, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, tnnnuinnennnn. February 17, 1S1B ly UIE GIC AND 1'UUGATIVE. FOR TUB CURB OF Measles Salt Rheum, llrart Bum, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coiiglis? (Juinsey, Whisiping Conei, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erisipelas Deafness, ltchiogs ot the Skin, C 'Ids, (iout, (iravel, Nervous Complaints, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURITIES OF THE BI.OOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE OIUiANS OF DIC.ETION. Exnenence has proved lluit nearly every Disiase originates from linpu'i ies of the HI.Kid or derniuieuieiits of the Diges tives Organs; and l ) seriirs Henllh, we must remove those obstrneti ms or restore the UUkhI to unnatural suite. The aversion to taking medicine is most ul.flmllv ri moviil hv Clicskk's euktabls l'ini.Ti e Fiu-s. being c impletely envelopeil with n coating i.f pure white Sugar, (which is as distinct trom the internal uigrixlienls u shell the kernel) and have no laste if medicine. But are as easily swall iweil as bits of candy. Moreover they neither iinusenie or grie in the siighlest destree. but operate equally fin all ilia msuiseu jvoi of the system. stead of eoiitiiung themselves ui, ami racking any piirlieular regnn. Thus, it the Liver tie uniw'ten onu uiKreoieiit will opernte on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of mi Excess of Bile restore it to us nutuied state. Another will operate on the Hoard sndreuuiveull impurities iu its eireu laliim ; whiten third will efTeetuslly exfiel whatever impu rities mny have been discharged into the stomach, nnd hence theystrilient the rtait or disease remove all Impure Hu mors from the body , open the pores exturnully and inter nallv; semrate airforeiguiinil obnoxious particles from the chyie. sotliat the tiltsid limy be thoroughly pure thus seeu riiign free and healthy actloiito thcHcurt. Lungsnnd Liver ainl thereby they restore heullh even when ull other inenns have failed. The entire truth of the above can lie ascertained by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so positive nnd certain in restoring Hindi h. thut the proprietor hiuds himself o return the iniaiev nuul tor them ill ull cuses where tliey do not give uuiversid sulint'ucti(Hi. Uetall I'rlre, 25 ctM, per Ilox. Princiiml office No. tsJ Versey st N. York, Sold by JOHN Y. YOt'NH, Simtmrv. M. A. McCAY, Nortbuinlierlniid. Or Remember Dr. C. V. Cliekner is the inventor of the Susar Cisited Pills, and that nothing o the sort was ever heard of until he iiitroducedthcin in Jnde, IMH. Purchasers should, therefore nlwnvsnsk for Cliekner s Smmr Conled Pills, nnd take no others, or they wul be made the victims of fraud. February, 17, 1IM9 ly .11 II f writing and indellible ink. Cotton yam and in,juBi ruovivea aitu rur aaie uy . J. W. ! RILING. Suubury, Dec. S, 1848. VAUD'a celebrated Horse and Cattle Medic W cma for aalo by HENRY MASSER. teunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 tf. B AY RLM. An excellent article fur sale by HENRY MASKER. Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 tf. PILASTER, a lot fur sale by ' , C. 8. BOGAR. Sunbury Jun. 30lh, 1849. tf. YRL'P MOLASSES Superior refined Syrup M.ds. fc sU hv HENRY MASSER. Hurrbury, Dec. I848.r , . , ( 'APS-An tuaortinent just received. Also, y silk HATS at 25, for sale by ' ' .. . , ' H. MASSER. .jJutbury, Pec , 1848." TJLANrv BOOKS-An assortmenl - TtooVs. of Blank BooVs. lust received and sale bv i ' H. MASSER. Bunburj-, Dec 3, 1848". , ,- - flEAS, from the New York Canton and Fekin X Tea Company. Tor sale by il. J. W.FRILLNG. Sunbury, Dec t, 184S. , ? 1 ; PAINT8,afcwforalaby i CHAR. 6k BCKJA1. fiirbnrv, March I0 IM . .. I COLUMBIAN SER1E3 OF , Slvctiimrtfwi. The Pvpil't friend and Teachert tmfort. 'HUE COLUMBIAN C A LCTJL ATOR. This work is alrcadv Introduced Into some of the best Acadamie and a larpe number of Schools, where its tiso has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It la purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful dtrimat system of enrrtnty. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and chenpest work of the kind now in use ( and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers snd men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the hook, particularly and expressly prepared for our Am' riatn Srhnlarii ! liy Atmon Tirhior. , TllS YoVTIl's Ocil.rMHlsJI CAtCVtATOII Tliia volume contains 91 parses, with about 900 exam ples for solution on tbo slnte. It embraces the Fumlnmcnlnl Knl", Compound Rules. Simple and Compound Redurtinn, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &r. TtcKtnn's AniTiiMT,T!CAtTnr.r.s,is destined for tire use of younircr clnwesin tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas inif to children, and the only one ofthe kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin pie or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions arc niven with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works ofthe kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nbovc liooks examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitiite to pronounce them the best works that hnvc ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already 1k?oii introduced into tho Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public nnd private, except two, in the City of Rcadint:. Also, in about twenty Academics in tho State of Pennsylvania in a larue portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroitfxhs of Ilarrisbiirir, York, t'hntiilersbitrg,Lebiinon, Do) lcfitown, Potls villn, OrwiKslmrir, &c, Ac. For wile by Hexrt MtssKit, Sunbury, Agent for Northunilcrliind County. Munbury, Dec. 2, 1848. 1TEV CHE A? GCCEST The larpcNt lsftorlmcut In Town, John W. Friiing, ESPECTFl-LLY informs his frienJsaml customer, that ho has received the largest ami In'st assortment of goods ever of fered in Sunbury. Consisting of DttY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnswarc, Liquors, Drugs, Paints anil a ervat variety of other articles. The public aro respectfully requested to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Siinbury, Nov. 18, 1848. FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far aujicrior to any tiling in use for imparting a keen, smoothcdire to Razor), .Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Ci Ti.riit; it niav be applied to anv kind of strop. Abo superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BLNNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, anil Cheap Fancy Goods, No, IS South Fifth street a- bove Chestnut 1 luladclphiru TESTIMONIALS. Piiit-AiiKLcni.t, Feb. 15th. 1818. 1 bis mav certify that I have used one of tho Strops prepured with HAYNES MAGIC DIA .Mtl.MJ r() DI'.R, nnd can uttest in the most iiiK'qiiiwxMl iiiuuiicr, tant there is nothing can be lotmil that will produce tlicsnineelUct in my oinn ion, nnd must say to others, try it, und you will find it superior to anv liejetolore m use. I can truly sav that I never knew what a shurp razor was iielore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker. 41 S. Third st, PiiiLAin:i.riiiA, October, 184S. A very lmrd lienrd and tender face litis coimiel- leil uie to seek and manv contrivances design ed to make shaving easy end pleasant, but with mililicrent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold bv Alfred Bennett, and Itouasel s blinvmg Cream. Their united now cessary to encumber this notice with a long list of er act like mnjrie, and impart a power to the Razor testimonials, in proof of the value of his GOLD- to remove the most stubborn lieanl, vilhout irri- CALIFORNIA GOLD! DISCOVERED BY SIGNOR D'ALVEAR'S GOLDMETER! ,- ' ., THE " . GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE i OR ! Secret Art of finding Alines of Gold, Silver, Iron, Lead, Copper, Coal, and other Mine ,7 ral Riches. THE first discovery of Goto in California was made by DON JOSE D'ALVEAR, an emi nent Spanish Geologist, Chemist and Natural Philosopher, by means of a newly invented Magne tic inslroment, called THE GOLDOMETER OR GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE 1 Signor D'Alvear has just arrived at Now York, from the Gold regions of California, by way of Panama, Chagrcs, and New Orleans, bringing with him a very largo quantity of Gold ore, valued nt nearly one million of Dollars, which he collec ted there, long before the existence of the . Gold mines became known to the residents of California generally. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY ! Signor D'Alvear went out to California nearly two years ago, in consequence of certain informa tion which bo had received ofthe geological char acter of that country, with the firm belief that vast mines of precious metal would be revealed there upon careful investigation. Hn was encouraged to this enterprise, also by his confidence in the powers of a certain Magnetic instrument which he had invented, called "Goldometer," by whose aid ho expected to be directed at once to the "Gold Placers," if any such existed. Nor were his ex pectations disappointed. His scientific calculations proved to be found in truth nnd profound wisdom, and his new instrument, the "Goldometer," fulfil led his highest hopes. In less tlwn two mouths after reaching California, he struck flpon one of the richest gold mines in that country, upon an obscure branch of tho Sacrato river, in n gorge of hills extremely rockey and diflieult of access, nnd seldom visited by the native Cnliforniiuis. Dis guising his object miller the pretence of purely scientific research, he obtained the aid of some fif teen or twenty simple and fuithfnl Indians, und steadily pursued his task, collecting often more than .$2,(100 worth of gold in a single day, which he concealed in a deep ravine, without exciting any suspicion whatever, until after the discovery of gold at Captain Slitter's Mill, when the mountains were ransacked by gold seekers, and Signor D'Al vear's "gold placer," the richest in all California, was beset with greedy adventurers. It is now found that the real mines or sources of the gold, lie in the gorges of the mountains, nnd not in the beds or saluls of the rivers. Previous to leaving California, Signor D'Alvcur sold his instrument, the Goliloinctcr, a very imperfect one, for $3,(100. The person who purchased it confidently expected to make a handsome fortune, by simply finding "gold placers" and selling out the right of digging to the gold workers, MANUFACTURE OF THE GOLDOMETER PUBLICATION OF THE GUIDE. Signor D'Alvear, in compliance with the request of numerous scientific gentlemen, has commenced the manufacture of his new Magnetic Instrument, the Goldometer, which he now oilers for sale, in the United Slates, at the remarkably low prine of $3 each, accompanied by full instructions for use, and a variety of Philosophical hints drawn from the ancient and modern science, or tho ART OF FINDING MINES OF GOLD! Silver. Platinum, Quicksilver, Coal, Iron, Cop per, Lend, and other Mineral Riches, the whole be ing given in a publication called the GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE! This new work, and the Goldometer, are both now ready for sale. The Goldometer is so simple an instrument, (lint a child may learn to operate with it in five minnics. It is not aflcctcd by climate, moisture, or nny oilier known c.uisr, (except the nntural magnet,) and will retuin its power of pointing out mineral riches in the earth for any number of years. By the aid of the Guide any person may use the instrument nt mice w ith ierfiirt success. FARMERS AND LAND OWNERS. Fanners and Land Owners throughout the Uni ted States, who have reason to suspect the exis tence of any kind of Mineral riches upon their lands, should avail themselves of this opportunity to test thut fact, by the surest of all known tests, before the abundance of discoveries in all parts of the country shall have lessened this source of wealth in their eshite. ADVENTURERS TO CALIFORNIA. Persons going to California cannot inako a bet ter investment than by purchasing ono of these instruments, which will not only be worth fifty times its value there, to sell again, but will be of inestimublc worth to those who go in search of Gold, as has lieen proved by the most abundant experiment both in California and the United States TESTIMONIALS. Signor D'Alvear docs not does not deem it ne TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND UflAKIMOMlVr APPIIOTED! H 1- s wju ... s 0 jjR Tractable 1 if (1 P,LLS' 1 JTrom CjQtrlslmrg; Ersrr day is this celebrated madieins extending tha sphere of its usefulness, and tvsry year adding t ths long catalofrua of its triumphs. A MILLION OF BOXES sr. distributed annually with out fully meeting the demand! For some time past, the ales bnve been limited solely for want of facilities of sup ply. Truly this is a universal remedy! Unherakl, these pills have found their way into the remotest corners of ths Union, everywhere proving their title as the poor men's friend eick man's hope the marvel and blessing of ths age. For a trilling sum. every Individual and ivery family may hove HEALTH INSl'RKD to them for an indefinite pe riod ; end what is life without henllh but s miserable exis tence ! It is too precious a boon to We tampered with, by trying nll sorts of experiments upon it. The sick should nse those medicines only which experience has shown to tie the best- A PHY8IClAI?9TESTIMONY. . From Catskill, Green County, New York. Dr. V. Wright Dear Sir: I hnvs found yonr Indian Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy ill cases of Oeneml De bility of the system, aial in all llillious disorders. PKKNUYLTAflfA LEGISLATURE. HaRMsbCkq, March 84. : .Senate. The biil to repeal the act to n Courage the further development of the min eral resources of the CoinmonwealtK was 1 read a third time and passej. ; On motion of Mr. Brooke, the bill regula ting the carrying bf passengers on the Phila delphia and Columbia Railroad waa again re sumed on second reading. V After some trifling amendments, the sub ject was discussed by Messrs. Mason, Brooke, Sankey and Forsyth. The bill was then read ft third time and passed. The bill authorizing the directors of the Erin Canal Company to increase their capital stock was passed. ' Tho bill to erect a new county, out of parts of Columbia, to be called Montour, was read a third time and passed yeas 18, nays 9. House. The Speaker laid before the House a letter from James M. Power, Presi- -dent of the Canal Board, informing him that the resolution of the House, calling for cer tain information, will be answered on Motv day next. UMTRIXTIVE WHtnLWID-f ESTRAL Railroad bridge destroyed. HsRRIsburo, March 27, 1849. During tho storm that has been rngftig in am also this vicinity all day, twelve spans of the new ia the habit of recommending thorn to females in peculiar ! bridge ticross the Susquehanna, at Coxc's town, six milt's above, was torn away by a whirlwind and the wreck has since floated down the river past the city. This was the bridge about being completed for the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, and its destruc tion will prove a serious loss to the company. cases. observe them to perate in the system wilhont producing debility or pain, leaving it in a healthy condition. June 'JO, INS. Jons Doiss, M.D. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Fmm Norton Hill, Green County X. Y. Dr. Wright : We have need and told your Indian Vegeta. hie Pills for three years past, and do not hesitate to recom mend them to our friends and customers as the best Family Medicine in use. N. & L. IUmjmhi.. From MnrMe Hall Pa. To Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir I For the Inst two years 1 have had the agency for the sale of your Indian Vegetable Pills at this place, and have sold annually large quantities at retail. They have in every instance given entire sntisfac sion. Many families in this section keep them, and consider tliem invaluable as a family medicine. There is no medi cine sold here that can tie so universally recommended ss Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Very truly yours, February 1, IMP. W. M. Lckim. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following letter it in reply tn a note from our agent asking Dr. Boutou'sopinion of this medicine : TcxunisNocK., Anirust 29, 1819. Mr. A. Durham Dear Sir: In reply to your note of yes terday, I would state, that 1 hnvc occasionally found it con veniet to use the various "Patent Pills" vended in the shops ; and While I am unwilling to any anything todepreciate the value of others, I am free to confess that I consider Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills superior to all others with which I am acquainted. I have used them for manv years both in my own family and in my practice generally, and they have uniformly proved mild, certain and safe in their operations 1 lie care and skill with which these pills hnvc been hitherto manufactured are, in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee for like good results in future. Very respinfullv, H. A. IIoiTo.v. M.D. Mr. II ill practitioner of long experience, well known and even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He is gnuluate ot Pennsylvania, and highly popular with the people among whom he resides. lie ware of Sugar Coated Counter feits. Remember tlint the original and only genuine Indian i Vegetable Tills have the written signature of Wru. Writ-lit i NEW COUNTERFEITS. Altered S3 bills on the State Bank of Cam den, New Jersey, have been put in circula tion. The Cornier and Enquirer says they do not resemble the genuine notes, although tho signatures are pretty good imitations. The wotds 'tale Bank at Camden, tieaf Philadelphia," have evidently been put in on erasure of the name of some other bank. Tho fraud may be known by the figure of a: pair ot horses racing between the signatures of the cashier and president, which is not on the genuine bill. Counterfeit 810 bills on ihe Merchants' Bank, Baltimore, have also been put into eir culation in Washington. The bills bear lit tle resemblance to the genuine on the top label of each bon. Death of the U. S. Charge d'Affairs at New Grenada. Information is brought that Benjamin A. Bidlack, of Pennsylvania, American Charge d'Aflaires at Bogota, died by an apoplectic fit on the 6th of January. lie was universally lamented, both by the natives and those of his countrymen residing' nt Bogota. Mr. B. has held many offices of trust in his nntivo Stntp, ami was universally esteemed. Ilis ngn must have been about 45. and he leaves a wife and several children. Ilis resi dence when ut home, is Wilkesbarre, where his death will be deeply mourned. M PORTA NT TO THE PUBLIC EOP.SE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit vour Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned has spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice in "London und E iliuhoro'," he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Leilii g, ami other celebrated men, wholuive contributed so much towurds a judicious treatment of animals; tho principles of our practice consists in the rejection of Rcncnil blecilinii and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to ho of a dangerous tendancy. Those re medies act in harmony w ith the vitul principle, and when given according to tho directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting sun increasing the natural functions, witliout di minishing or destroying their power, hence are salein tlie nanus ol every one. U. n. VAVu, At. I). A List of Horse and Cattle Medicines. Physic halls, 75c. per box. Alterative hall, 75c do. " powders for had condition, 75c per pack age. . Heave powder for diseases ofthe lungs, 75c dc. L'nno powder for " kidneys, 75c. do. Tonic, powder for had coiulition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inflamatioii of bowels, 75c per ooiuc. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per hottle. '. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, 4c, 50c per bottle. tinlirocatton for sore - throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, See, 50c per bottle. . - Hone Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c a 1 par Dome. Distemper powder for red water, .$ 1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from tbe intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by 8TIMP80N ft REED, 26 Mer rharAs Row, also at DADD'ib HOK8E AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 4c Hay market Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis.. . Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. I Sold by GREEN it FLETCHER.No.2l) South SIXTH 8Uect, PhUadelphia. aud by his As sits Hssav Massss, Sunbmry, 4 . rabnwry , 1 , A nny, OMETER and GOLD SEEKER'S (.it'IDE. The brilliant results of his labors iu L'alitbrnia, and the discovery, this very week, of fresh veins of (Sold in Virginia, and beds of Coal in Rhode Islaud, by it use, are alone siiflicicuttnstanipit as the greatest discovery of the age. Nothing but the extreme cheapness of the instrument, und his desire to see it used for the lienefit of mankind induces him to dispose of it at the low price of which ho oilers it. Dcsides this, his own desire for wealth is nearly satislafficd. The following Testimonials, In proof of the value of the (ioldonieter, selected Iroiu a great numlier equally satisfactory, must suffice for the sullice for the present: As run Hoi'sk,N.Y., Dec. 81, 1R48. The undersigned, having this day withessed the practical operation of Signor Jose DeAlveai's newly invented magnetic instrument, the Uot.ii omutem, feel entirely satisfied that it poascscs the extraordinary power of desccting Mineral ores hid den beneath the surfuco of the earth, and havo no doubt that it will prove invaluable aid in the dis covery of the Mineral resources of the United Slates and the world. J. R. U11 iPF.s, Jr., Chemist, L. 8. Tieknasn, Magnetic Ins. Makor, U.Ts. JJasa, lieologist. Los Axgelos, California, Aug. 1848. This mav certify that the undersigned is fully convinced that Signor Jose Do Alvear was the first discoveror of the tiold desposites of California, and that this discovery was made by ti e aid of a Mag netic instrument called the tjuldomelcr, which 1 have seen successfully applied to the discovery of veins of Oold ore, places where no indications ot the earth. 11 W. cSlirJltMAiN, Lieut, 3d Urtillory, U. 8. NO AGENTS. In consequence ofthe dilhculty of finding faith ful agents, and of preventing frauds, where articles of this nature are sent out for general sale, Signor De Alvear has determined to sell none ot his works or instruments unless ordered by letters sent di redly to him, w hen the desired publication, or in- strunirnt, will lie forwarded under his signature and seal, so that all doubt as to its genuiueucss may be removed. US BEWARE Of ALL 1.M1 i'A 1 1U.MS of this Instrument which mav hereafter apiwar, as the secret of imparting the Oold Detecting power is known to no persou whatever, except the or cinal inventor. I jT The UOLUOMETKK anil UULU tSKrJK ER'8 GLIDE, will both be sent by mail, closely enveloped and sealed, and heretofore, not subject to inspection bv fost-mastcrs lor the sum 01 THREE DOLLARS, sent post paid to SIUNOK JOSE lis ALVEAR, Ilox S713, ISew xork City The instrument is very light, and the Guide is printed on thin imper so that the charge by mail or express will lie verv small to any part of the United States-The Price of the GODD SEEK ER'S GUIDE alone, is ONE DOLEAR, Sent as above. Address, - ' SIGNOR JOSE Da ALVEAR, l)oi 37 13, New York City, 1 VV OFFICE for die sale ofthe Gold Siutta s Gums and Goldomstii, No. 38 tlentre Street, New York City, where visiters uiat see several casks of California Gold, in tha rough state, as ex tracted by Signor D'Alvear from the Sacramento Mines, and also witness the operation of the GeLSoMSTsa, when held within the Magnetw in' nuenee of the precioas metal, and unerring man ner in indicates the prose ne of that and other metallic substances. . resrmanr 17th, 14. tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. UO., 49 South Fifth Street. r or sale at this olhcc Price 25 cts. per Box. iNovemlicr a, 1S4S (1111. I AMnnCUO DE4TIITOPAIM ItFXIEP TO THK Hir !- I hull I, t. the Weak!! A !I.M is 1 1 mm I tor Hie h'tlp ilumini Kuce in An- PAIN KILL K R. I Jut l an entirely vetrda- ble munpmind, roiuiMWil of 1 wtMity-I' iveriillWi-iit iiiirre riienU, und u an irtoriwl mid KxttTiiul Iteutnlv inr the va rious ills ttmt hm mi it hVth is lieir to CCU Afl Ciiiuhs, Culila, Tami, Ncrnu nml Sick ITciulnrhp. niii'unuitisui, rur. Situ ins, Sniiml AllW-tum, Summer CiiiiUiiiii, Cli'tleni M trims, Toothache, Kmptioiis, Cunis riU's. r nzru I'aris. Kiirim, iMiihle. Auue nt Ihe Fuit and llrcust, i'umtt'iV ChV, Mruise, old Sire, 18 of nnrte. lite, (iuneru) Dt-Uilitv, Anlhnui, Vr. Put un in bottles i'm 1. 5f r 4 xliiiliiiia pr iMttle. r or turuier particular set) Vainplilets tol li.-ul of every opet gratis, rimuiiiiiug a hriet hiMory il the origin, iliivvivery and g;kod ctiects ol' Aiiurt'ws' rum niuer, i: en i mute oi Lures, directions. Ac LOOK OI'T FOR FRAl'D. The tritumtliant success of Andrews Pain Killer in re- movinfr tho chusts tlint produce death, the unliiurlr death it nullum o our nwe. lias indum! some men of wiuiu it innv h truly mid, their viiluiu tus occuiinUtttis ruumiest their vilblnv to wlttmipt to nut iu circulation stmrtous anil counterfeit ai tides itnlleti l,aiu Killer," using fictitious iirtmes for Uie pretended author, torgetl certibt-ates, &c. r-nie have aiirwamt. and others no douht wiil unncur. Let nil reeniber licit Andrews (ienuiue Fuin Kilter has the written signature of 1. Amlrew mi the lab-) of each bottle in black luk. 1 m t si u inly ak for I'um Killer, but ask for Andrews i itin rvint-r, uihi n'tvo no uuier. J .Id by M. A. MiH'-ny, Hole Apeut, NrthumlwfUni : J. W, Frilinir. Htinl'ury; J 'hn II. KnHer, Milton ; John R. Myyer, Ht wMiirrtHiri; ; Mm. A. Murray Jk ('o, Danville; LNivenpon A SiiiiiIk Plymouth; Amlrew Yohr, Wilkes-li-irre : I lavs & MH'onnick, McKweusville : Scluitfle 4 Chnrntwrlam, lsewisburir George McAlpui, Jersey IShore; 1. M. Jim Id. Wiltiuuisiioil. O i derm aitdresMetl to I. Andrews, Inventor and mtty pro prietor at Itheca Tojnokins county, . V. Will receive prompt attention. sMpteniuer ju, iMaw.y CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, TTAS just reofiveJ at his store, in Sunbury, an assottmout ol the cha)iest Uoocls, thut ever came to tin; place, consisting ot IIHV tKOOIfS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, $c, French black Cloths, Cassinclts, &c. Cali- cues, ot exi'olleiit qnulity ami colors, price u to 10 cts. Oonu IMuslms, a varJ wide, at 6! cents. These are not tho low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin de Laities, of fjnn qual ity and patterns 18 J. Ilamlsoina Terkeri and other Shuwls and various other articles. The publio are requested to call and iudtre tor lliemseivea. Sunbury, Not. 18, 1S48. Wright's Indlau Vegetable I'llls. John V. Frilini;, Sunbury. Henry Mn.ner, Sinilmry. Iliiys ft MeCormiek, McKwcnsvills. K. KnufTiiinn. Augusta tp. Jnhu H. Vincent, Cliilisnuaaua. KiiseAi Dergstresser, ICIyslsirg. W. Rotlienncl. Little Muhouov. Ileiiien ft Ilrother, Miltnn. Forsyth, Wilsnn ft Co., NortlmmtsrlrnJ. Jus. Keetl, Piittscrrrre. W. ft It. Fejrely, fMiamokintowii. J. C. Murgun, Snydcrstnwii. W.Deppiil, .Million, .y p. O. Benneville Ilntshiie, Up. Mohonny. J. G. Reuu, Line Mountain P. O. Benj. 1 1, flncr, Ixiwer Mahoniiig P. O. Amos T. Drissell, Turbuttsvill. O. J. ft T. Piper, Wotsonvillt. K. A. Kutzner, Rnonsvilla. II. II. Kiuelile, Elyaliurg. Offices rleviitcrl exclusively tn I lie sal of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale and Retail, 16n Race St., Pliiln- rtelphia, SjS Oreenwitii street, New-Yolk, ami 196 Trsmout, Ifctmi. Dec. Iltli, 1P1S. ly. Equitable Life lnstn :tiiro. Annuity ami I rust C usnpanv. OFFlfKH WAI.M:T KTRKl'T, PIIILADKLPIIIA. t.AFlTl f iWjIHIO. CIIAKTSE Fr.KesrCAL. riHK C'niiftiiy are now prewired t tmumet tiusiuf t itp-n the most litwrnl aist uitiiiuUi.'Ooiis terius. Tlii.y are authorizeit by their charter (ivcr :i) "to nytke all aisl every insuninee apperlaiuiim to lilo rinks uf wlmli'Ver Kind or nature, and to receive and eiei'iile irtixts, intike endow nienta, and to Brant and purelmae anuuilies.'' The Com. pany sell aiinuii ies aial endowments, and act as Trustees for minora and heirs. The 1iiitiiig of newspapers and pamphlets was prohibited by the 31st of Charles II, (1680.) Newspapers were first stamped in I 1713. The first Irish newspaper, P Oc- eurrence. was published in 1700. CABINET WARE R003VXS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, tliat lie continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its liranchss, at Ins stand in Market street iu Sunbury, and that he has now ou hand a hantlsoino assortment of well made and fashionulile furniture. lie n If o rarrieson, at his old establishment, iu Fawn slrect, the til III MtKIMi HtSIXESS, in all its Iirsnches, nnd keeps constantly on hand, tin assortment of well made and fasliionable CIIAIRM, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low ss at any cats hlishincnt in the county. - His limit experience in the business, Justifies him in the belief thut he will be able to give gen end satisfaction, snd therefore solicits from his customers n continuance of their patronage. All kinds of produce taken in est hangc. SEBASTIAN" 1IOITT. Sunbury, Mirth 17, lb4'J. tf Tabic of Premiums required for the Assurance of 8100 lor tlia whole term ol l.lic. Prem. I Ago. Prem. I Age. Prerri. 1) 31 H9 40 " I a:j6 1 S3 ! 8 IS 47 3 4U 1 64 33 8 211 44 3 , 1511 31 8 87 49 3 77 1UII 33833 SO 3 IM 1 6.1 till St 4 13 1 W 37 8 47 68 4 38 1 3- 8 51 63 4 51 1 78 39 8 63 64 4 71 1 4U 8 70 4 01 1M 41 8 k! 60 s 18 le9 48 8 93 57 S ; I (it 43 3 01 Si 5 54 1 l 44 3 18 6S S 78 8 01 45 3 83 W SUl IA 17 IU 80 81 88 83 91 85 87 8H 90 3U The nreniiums are leas tluui aiir other roninanv. and ihs polu-iea lUTortl sreuler advautuses. Tnlles ol' luih.venrlv and quarterly preiniunis, hBlf creilit mtes of premium, short leniis, Minn uvea, aurvivorsnips ana etKkiwiuents; alsti, form of Applieatiisl (lor which I here are bhiuk sheets') ai to be had on appliratnai at the office, or by letter Iu tha Agsnt, J. II. PtKDY, Hunbury. Rates roa iisuatxa S10U on a singl Lifa Aie. 80 Ull 411 &tl Ss Example A neraon aaed at) vanra next Isrih iluv. hr UHvinS the Comnanv oa cents would SMrare In hia liunilv or heira SllUahnuld'he die.E one year; or for he ae cures to thau HKJ0j or flw I3anuuslly foe seveu years ne aeeurea in iiiein anuuu slsiuui he tile 111 seven years; nt tor W8U.40 paid anuualty during life he aacurea SIIUU to be E aid when he dies. Tiie insurer aecmuur his own Usiuv, y the dinereiiee in amount of nremiuiiia frtan thoschiirKed by other orticea. For Ho.SO the heirs would receive tfaouu should he die in one year. Forms uf apoUoaliou and all particulars mav he had st the office. J. W. CLAGUOKN, Preaiduit. Tuuiin-Fsaicts W. Rawls. H. O. Tuekett, Seoretary. Cossei.TiNa Phtaicias Dr. J. B. Maasnr, ftiuibiiry. i. H. Pusuy, Bunbury. Ageut fut NurUiumucrbuui ooun y. . . . Bunnury, July s, itnaw For I year. For 7 years. For Life, cl ol l.ini D9 1.30 8.04 11 11 8,7U 1 8.07 3.rt 3.1 3,o7 ,U3 Disrfolulion of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby giveti, that tho partnership heretofore ciistins between tho subscribers, iu theTl-NNlNU & STOVE business, in Sun-: bury, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Per sons indebted to the late firm, are notified to call and make settlement, on or triors die 10th of April next. BENJAMIN ZETTLEM0YER. JOHN O CONNOR. CV B. ZETTLEMOYER, respectfully in forms his friends that he still continues the busi ness st the old stand, aud respectfully solicits tha patronage of his old friends and customers. Sunbury, March 17, 1S49 3t G1ESE & SON, COMMISSION. 'MEHCIIANTS. FOR THE SALE OP FIOCR, GRAIN, SEEDS, LUMBER, IRON; 4C; No. 43 Commerce Street Wharf, BALTIMORE. J,"? Advances made on Consignments, .yrt) March 17, 149. Jm wear- ' a sn SilT A X.1 IT tA TA A . . . Biiit,Ai irMiitu.-um dollar per w' w bushel, cash, will be paid fur rood wheat by - IKA T. CLEMENT; 1 riunbury Jan. Z7tn, IS4U tt . I AK IKON of all kinds for sale low, at ta Jf store of C. 8. BOQAR. Hunbury. Jan. 30tU, 1648 tfc XES of a very superior quslity for sale by. H. MASSER. Guabury, Pee. t, 1S4J). Cotton Yarn. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale b . . H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. it 1818. RAISINS, currants, citron, cheese,' pepper , eauce, Ac. For sale by J. V. f RILING. Sunbury, Dee. , 1 848. 1 )L ASTER, 6alt and Pish, just received snd for by J. W. FFILING. Sunnurr, Pet. t, 1848. BOARDING. -" flHE subacrilier will continue to receive and sc L commodate a few transient or permanent lioAwsiKus, at her residchrc inSunUiry. .The lo cution is In a bundaoiue aud pleasant part of the town, coiiiinanilins; a tine view ol the busuueuan- na, Northuniticrland and the scenery adjacent. To persons from the rity, wbo wish to spend a few months in the country during the stunner era' son, bunbury allurds a delightful retreat ANN C. M68RIS. March 10, 1849 6m mj OTICE. Thoso wh are in want of any 11 gooiU are requested to eorue next week, as the subscriber is determined to sell all oft' by the last uf the week. C. S. BOGAR. , Suuhurv, March 10, 1849; , .'.-Vr CIIOOL BOOKS, for sale very cheap by CHARI.CS 8. BOGAR. Sunbury, March 10, 1848, - ut. i U.k IJ ARASPLS. A few for sale be tear one by . - Ci,rj. BOGAR. Sunbury, March 10, 1S4 9. '.. S UMMBR SHAWLS, for sk below tj price by CP. PfGAfc. Sunbury, Msfrh ! 1848. "