Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 24, 1849, Image 4

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    l)civactcr of tljc (Strmans.
. ') i Th prineipul par! Iff t OeiWaYli! tof Pii
eylVania are tarmurs liardy and Industrious
tiller of the noil that tnoel noble 6fall the
1 occnphtfoni Which can engage the "attention
ofmati." More gkilfu! cultivators of the earjh
too, we hazard nothinp, can be found nowhere
on the face of the globe. vl ' ' '' ? :
The German's set a greata1ue upon pa.
trimonlal property.1 Thiti useful prlndplo In
human1 nature prewiits'much folly and Vice
in young people. It moreover leads to InsW
ing and extensive advantages 'In the hfi
provement of a farm ) for what' inducement
can be'stronger ina parent to plant an orchaVd
lo preserve forest trees, or to build a comrrip
riious and durable house, than the Idea that
they trill be possessed by a succession of
generation who shall inherit his blood and
name? ;
What strikes a traveller through our Ger
man counties most forcibly, is theirmammoth
barns, called in their own language, Schtceit
xtr Schetter. Indeed, it is their invariable
custom, in settling a new tract of land, first
to provide largo and suitable accommodations
for their horses and cattle, before they expend
much money in building a lionso for them
elves. No feature in their character speaks
o loudly in belrnlf of their humanity as this
willingness to suffer discomfort themselves,
rather than impose il oil the dumb end un
complaining boast. But from this let il not
be inferred, that iheir dwellings are deficient
in the comforts of life. The reverse is truo.
No class, so emphatically as they, live "on
the fat of the land," and hone boasts of so
many and, such substantial domestic enjoy
ments. ' . M ;!'.;
Another fact, which never fails to rivet the
attention of a stranger, is the extraordinary
size and strength of their horses. A German
horse is known in every part of the State.
He seems to "feel with his lord" the pleasure
and the pride of good and' bountiful ; living.
It is a well established fact, that the German
horses of Pennsylvania perform double the a
mount of labor for the New England or South
ern breed, from the fact that they are more
plentifully fed. For the same reason their
cows yield doublo the quantity of milk, and
of a quality vastly superior. .
In a word, a German farm may be distin-
guished-from the farms of the other citizens,
by tho superior size of their barns, the plain
but compact construction of their dwellings,
the height of their enclosures, the extent of
their orchards, the fertility of ttieir fields, the
luxuriance of their meadows, tho giant
strength of their cattle, and by a general ap
pearance of plenty and prosperity in all that
belongs to them.1
But the genius of the Germans of Pennsyl
vania is not confined to agriculture and the
mechanic arts. Many of them have acquired
great wealth by foreign and domestic com
merce. As members of civil government, the Ger
mans are in the most exalted sense, patriotic
and useful. Strongly attached to the princi
ples of our free institutions, and contributing
largely to the public revenue, they constitute
tho "bono and sinew" of the State. Many of
Ihem have become eminent in the science of
government, and they furnished some of the
most distinguished statesmen, who have
served in the highest executive and legisla
tive offices. We will be content with refer
ence to a single illustrious example, the rev
ered Simon Snyder, whoso name has become
the very synonyme of sterling sense, unflinch
ing honesty and far-seeing sagacity, and whose
administration of the Chief Magistracy of the
State, for a period of nine years, is referred
to at the present day, by men of all parties;
as a very model of good government.
The Germans of Pennsylvania, to thuir cre
dit be it spoken, never besiege the govern
ment for favors in their domestic' pursuits.
They are never knowrt to crowd the legisla
tive halls, clamorous for special privilegs, and
rely for wealth and prosperity, not on acts of
assembly, bot on their own daily toil and in
dustry. They are perhaps, the only class of
people who practically regard government,
it objects, and its functions, in their true
light. All that they desire from Government
is to bo let alone.
As neighbors they are extremely kind and
friendly. They frequently assist each other
by loans of money for a short time, without
interest. But to secure their confidence, it is
uecessard to be punctual, as they never lend
money a second time to one who has once
violated his obligation. We have heard it
remarked, that during the war of Independ
ence, there were very few instances of any
of them discharging a bond, or a debt, in de
preciated paper money !
These are some of the traits of character
which have raised the Germans of Pennsyl
vania to a degree of moral and political ele
vation surpassed by no other race of men iu
the world. From this proud spectacle we
may learn to prize knowledge and industry
in agriculture, coupled with a due observance
of Christian duty,' as the basis both of domes,
tie happiness and national prosperity . Lan
caster Intelligencer. -
, ! ...
To Paescavc the Hair. Not a few of our
ladies are complaining of the( Joss , gf their
. hair. A sort of potatoes rot sterns to be spread
ing itself among the bulbous roots of this ani
mal filament, causing tho Jod of the produc
tion to droop, wither aid iaBelf-
An exchange says that on ounce of Borax
and half aa ounce of Camphor disolve j ,in a
quart boiling, water,, will form a wash which
will prevent the) hair from coming out. It is
easily tried. ""
Going om a Votoe. A'horse at Chicago
lately went io the lake to drink, and stepping
upon a .cake of ice, the wind blew tire brittle
bark, with the horse on it, Into-' the lake.
The horse was finally, discovered, wheu sev-'enty-five
miles from lb place) of departure,
the pilot of one of the' lake steamers, with
much ditliculty hoisted on board and convey
ed safely to Buflalo .. i .''- ","
.O..., .. , r, ,4.'-U4
Stout lie. The Calais (Me.) 'Advertiser'
states that there is a lad iu that town who Is
only IS years of age, vao weighs two hun
dred and fifty. five paumls, and stands Dearly
it fast. , . , . ,,,,!'.
TM1 SftfrswHH "P dJalrtHMea, flrVVil time
cheaper, plensnnter, anil warranted superior to say
sikl. Il cures ilitenaea witNoat vomiting;, pursing, aick
new, or debilitating the palJeut, Slid ia particularly adapted
nr1 - ft
Th great heauty and miprtka-ify of tliii 8am.XirtHe ovtr
... oiner remeuie ii, wwm K enuiiraiesiliseuBty.
O it invigoreta the hny. -
ii. r Coiisufantioa curea).
Ctenine east Btresarthcn, !
Consumption en be cured. '
Bronehitiiy Oonainnptiue, Liver CoieplniiAColils. Coughs,
Catarrh, Astlmin, Pnitllrigof Hiooil, Soreness in th
Chest, iusrtie Phteti, Nipht !wHta,'DilIi- I
V cult mA Profuse Kxpeetoration, - !
uid IW-In tho Side, ' v. j
U' v-o,, fto- . I
r; dure hihI can l fitred.
FtolaiblT there never wu reinWf that hn licen ao
eeaafiil in ilKtiil; Murs of rnnmnrii"ii thia ! it t lciiii
ilrmiri hum. the ylotil, and iH'Hr to lienthe nl4
pera. on tha hiira, iukI pattenfe grudiially ji gnin their umi
health aiid-Mrertfrth. .
Tltero ia aenrertv a dnv tviwiei but there nre a mlmltef nr
eapanreniimptian reimrfed m finrrl hy the tiw of lr
Auu'naeu a Durnupaiuia. llie louowing ww rrcnnij re
ceived : -
Dr. To-jt"rMv Penr 8ir: For tlie last three yenra I
have been artiictwl with eenemi flehiliif I and nrrrona eon-
aumiition of tlie dial Mncr, and did n expect to ever ein
my heiillh at all. After poinK llu-migh a couiaeot nieUeiiie
under tlie cure of aome of the iP't diMinciiivheil reiiliir
nhyiiiciniia and inendiern of the Bonnt of llenlth hi New
Voik and cliewliere, and a(MiiKting Uio moit of my eHrninse
in attempting to reuuin my lieidlh, itml rater rending ill
enme nnper of yoni rnriijirilte 1 renulved to try it. Aficr
using tix uottlca 1 1 'Olid it d Hie me ormt gnl, nnd called
to aee yon nt your ofliee ; Willi your udvieu 1 kept on, and
do most heurli'l thunk you for your adviee. t iiersevere in
taking the Snnfli'nrilla, and have been nble to ntteud to my
usiihI inbora for ilw hiat four lnonlliv, audi hope hr the
blCRsinH of God unit yiur KirKiimrilln to continue my
health. It helped me beyond the exper!nti.nn of nil who
knew my can: Cll.ltl.i:s tjLI.MBY
rittu.c, Kxwx co. N. J., Aug. B, lel7..i
Hitteof New Jeiiiey, !-r.'x eoiiiity, M.-t'lmrhi Qniin
hy lieimj duly aworn neeonling to liiw, iu hip onlh auith,
lint tlie t'oreg !lg etntement il tnie neeonlinfl to the hi st uf
hinknowlnlguRiid belief. UllAKMdS 1 2 1 IMHY.
Swiini noil ftutxiuribed to before me nt (ifnime, the2it
Auguit, lfri7. , , . CVHl.'H HAI.lltVIN.
Justice of the 1'eacc.
ppiTTiNr; rti.fioD.
Rend the inflowing mid any tiirtl coeinnptinn if in incu
rable il' you cut i .
New Voik, Ait23, IS47.
' Pr. TnivMrexD : I verily Itelieve thnt your r1 iri(wtrilla
h ift liern Ihe ni'iin. thronli 1'rovidenee. of mviu? my life
I have for several ycuri lud a Uld cough. It became worse
nnd worse. At hint I raided Itirgc miuniiiics of bloiitl, hud
nicht sf mid ns greatly illhilltnli d and reilnecd, nuil
did ncl expoet to live. 1 havti only until jour fVirmpurillu
hut u shorl time, mid there Ms a wonderful c.liHn;e. been
wrought in itie. 1 nni now nltle to M-nlk nil o-er theeity.
I. miso no blood, tuui my cough has lei't me. ' Yon can well
iumginc that 1 um thankful lor thepc r.-sulta. 'our obedi
ent aurrant. AV.M. IH'SSi:i,l,, j CuUioriue St. .
Tlie uuuezed certiheate tells a simple ami truthful story
ofnufTering nnd relief. There are thonnnndu of similar cu
sen iu thin city nnd Hmoklyn, nnd vet there are th iukiikIs
of parents let iheir childrei(dic for feur of being humbuKgixi
ur to save a few shillings.
' ' ISmnklvn. ft. nt It. UIJ. '
Dr. Townse.nd s I lukc pleasuie in auiiing, for the Hene
fit of those whom it may concern, that uiv tluu;uLer. two
yiars and six mintha old, wjs with gcuwul ih
bility and loeaof speeoli. Bhe was given up as past je.
oovery by our family physician j but fortunately 1 wns re.
commended h)- a friend to try your !-ireupuriiln. Wofore
h:iviug itsetl one bottle she reeo ernl her speech nnj was
eiaibVd lo wali alone, to tiie astonishment of nil v.-li i were
nrqnninti d wilh the circumstance, hlie is nowouhe well,
and iu much better health than she has Ihh u for IS month
iai.. JO?t;l'H TAYLOR. ! A ork St., Br.ioklyii.
Very few fnimlie Imleiil in fnet we have not heard of
one that used Dr. Towasi'ud' rVirsninrilln in time, list
any children the past fchuumcr, while those that did nor,
sickened anil died. The eereiHnit.e we publish below is
conclusive uviilcnce of its value, nnd is only un other instance
oi us siiviug ine uves oi eiiutlren :
Dr. Towx-ikxu Dear Sir : I luid two children enrol by
your rWnnri!!n of the summer coiupl.-int and ilysentury;
one wus only IS month old nnd Ilia other Hrcar. They
were very much reduced, and we eiecll ibev would tlie ;
they Were given up by two rcupcctnhhi piivsiei.ini. W'litii
the doctor mfonneil a that we must lose lliein, we resol
ved to try your Sarsuiairilla wo hud henrd so much of. but
had little confidence, there being ao much stnlf advertised
that ia worlhlesa : but we are thankful tliat we did, for it
undoubtedly saved the live of both. I write this that oth
er may lie induced to use it. Yours. rnann-tfnHv,
Myrtle-avenue, Ilrootilyu, Sept: lo, lf-17.
Dr-Townsemi' H.MisAPAiULLA is a sovereign and speedy
cure for incipient consumption, and for the general firostra
tion of the system no iimtier whether the result of iidie
rcnt cause or causes, prothiced by irrcjruUirile, illness or ue
cident. Nothitir' can lie m ire surprifing than it invigorating ef
fects on the human frame. Pers-'iis ull w imWiicks mid las
situde, from t.-.kiii' it at once Uvjluu r thus! uud luU of
energy lltMUir It Ullltien'. II immediately counteract the
nerveli'st-ueiis of tlie female frauie, which is the great cause
It will not le exeeted of us. in cases of so delicate n na
ture, to certificate ol cure performed. 1-ut ve can
UKsere tlie iiiflictcd that hundred. of cases have been repor
tedious. Hit. TowxtEvn ; My wu'u Uiug groitly ilis'resM-d by
weakness and general lieuiliiy, said sHtirrine; e mTtjirmlly bV
jmin mid with othrr ilntieiilties. auti h.i lug known ease
where your medicine, his t.'ttcu-d ;rtt wm; aod aJsu
henriiig it ree.anmended for such en?, s as I have dcserilied,
I obtained u bottle of your Extract of Sutsiipirilln and fol
lowed the direct! 'lis you gave me. In a short period il
removed her complaints ami restored hrr to health. Deing
greatl'ul f.r the lienehta she received. I lake plinimre iu
thus ackiuwlclgiiig it, and reeoinmending it to the public.
Alhauv, Aug. 17. Ml. cor. Crnnd k Lydia si.
Nn fluid or meilieiiu-i has ever liCcu discovered which ao
nearly rescuihleii the gastric juice or s:ilivu iu dtvom.sisiiig
foiKl und strengthening the orgrins id tliirestion as this pre
paration of rvirsapariilu. U positively cure every ruse of
dyspepsia, however severe or eltromc.
Hank De;sirtinent. Alkuiv, May 10, 1-45.
Dr. Townseud S;r : I have been for scventl
year with dyspepsia in its worst form, attendnt with sir
ness of st 'lnach. I .ss of nipetiie. exlnuie lic.nhuni. und a
great aversion lo nil kinds of f l. nnil fir weeks, (what 1
c niltl ml) I hnve hern uualile to retain but a small sirtion
on my stomach. I tried Ihe usjal remedies, but they had
but lillle or no eireet iu removing Ihe couiphiut. I wns Ul
dueed. aliout two moutlis since, to tiv vour Kxlraet of fciar
stifmrilln. nnd I inuil say wilh little' confidence ; but after
using nearly two b iltlcs. I found my uppelil restored and
thn henrthurn entirely rem ived ; end I would eariieaUy re
commend the use of it lo those who hive been nflliete-f usl
have been. Yours, Ac., W . V. VAN ZAND'P. '
Aeent for Sinihui y JOHN' W. 1 111 I .IN ( i ; Nor
ihuniberlmid. MAHY A. McCAY ; Danville, AV.M. A.
ApultK, ISIS. ly
240 ' AND d!3
Cold and Silver W'U5ie
Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 carat ' 30 anil oyer
Silver Lev , full jewelled fl 8 and over
- I,r ine f. ! I and over
" Ouail. rti, S 5 to JI0
Oold I'lllli'. . I 5J
Kilvt r Tea Spooim, rquil lo coin, 4 !0
(sold l'e..i, silver holder and jicnril, 1 00
Willi a splendid essonimnt of all kinds r.f
Witclie, both gold and silver ; Hi h JeiveliT, Ar,
A-.c, (soi l Chain of (he bet iniuul .rtuieii, and in
lat t cvny lliing in die Watch in.l Je.n liy line
it murb le price than can bt!it in tins
city or eiManhrro.
Pltse ive tbi idvcrmcmenl, and rnll at 'ei
No. 413 MARKET meet, sbtve K .tenili,
north ';ile, or at J.VCOll LADOMUS,
346 MARKET 6r.-t tore below igh,outl)
aide. .
Cj" We have Gold end Silver Levtrs still chea.
per (bun tha above pritei liberal discount made
lo the trail).
September JS, IBIS 6m
y9. ioi ciiEsrxuT street
, iv rhiladclpltia. . ,
Wi glS re, fctfully init attrntlon lo lila iniicrio
tyUtofhat for autumn, 1818, wbirb will l
round tbe roost peiieci ever Utior oiicieti to the
cemmuniiy. lie peculiar lormi renders it the more
dtirhl , a it eombinea all the eaaenlial of dura
bility andneatneta, requisite in that artu l of dree
wliilt hi inereaai'd facilities in in manufacturing
wi h all the inoderu improvement, enable Liin
TuatLLsaoa T" WoatD lo produce belter
Uuiioaa' Faici Hat tun Cam or th
Latut Mona. Tbese goud hava been aelected
with great c re, and will be found moat beiutilul
and chs'. in their style.
Ladii' Kmii ILt Cam or Eitisi.
tr aaw PtTrimi.-Griti care ba bet o buaAot
J in constructing these article, ih-l they my 6t
sjDteetlyaasy n fotm agraoful pi isra, ,
. ,01 Uheitnul at. a lew door abuve K'ldid. il ,
' : 8et troUt0, ia4ib-luaW. 8 ly '
. , Wiii.if.WSSli ..i.
UM SHOES for Gentlemen ana Ludie. iut
Jf rwove. d ferwla trr L MAWKR.TJ
. anibanirT. ism at.- ivy. . - -
' ' -
s i..i -iri4iTEnw ivEtv' vnntt
;c o 'il i. e g n 6 f, n ii a l t ii ,
. . 807 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
' ; ; , DIt. G.C. VAVGHN'S.
Vegetable Lflhoutriiftie Miitnrf.
THIS celebrated remedy I constitntly increasing It fame
by the mnny cure k is making a '
It lis now become the only trredtchi for family use, and ia
liattieuUirly recuiiuueiidad I'-r . i , ., . ,' .
' ' ' ' DROPSY.: ' ..... .
nil stngl- of this pimpl.ilnt linmedintely relieved, no matter
of how lona standing. Hce l'hsniphlet for testimony.
and all diseases of the urinary rrgnn for those distress
ing coiupliiiiits il stands nione : n other article can relieve
you ; and Ihe cures testified to willC"nvincc the m.-st keV
lical i see pamphlet. Liver Complaint. Billions diseases,
To the Great West estccinlly, nnd wherever these coin
plaint prcvuil this medicine is cliered.
nn (1r!c!iriiufl fillip mnct is n pitrt nf this mixture, it
curcii Www Jirfltr with ctTtninty bikI (Hrrity, nmi dix;i
not U-ave iJie msteiu torpid. S'-c Vnniithlct.
ft conml'ilnt r n inat piinf'n! rlntrnrter. in
and a cure follows by n few davs use nf this article J il 1
far bcrore nny other prestrntioufor thi tlisense, or ftir nuy
othe." ue;ise , originating Iriun iiiipuro blood. See (Sim
v wenk Iwirk. WfnkiK'M v( tlie Kidia-yi, Ac, r intlninmn
tirtn it' iirn,' in imiiipilintolv fHirvt'd' ty n (V-w dnn xinv t
this nuuliciiie, mwi a euro is always m rcstilt oi' its nw. It
ulamJs us ., . ..',
for mrh coinplaiiitf, and ul fur cknuigcincnta of th fc
msl fr nnr,
paiiU'iit menntnlati rw. Nnnttirfr lifts ever been ofTreil
wrpi this vlu-lt would VaivU Uum kind o dcrnittTi.'irmtts.
It tiny lw rt1Ut ii;vh, nr n mYv and tUcrtivo roiiMuly, mitt
uiu we ie pennnrnt i i in s i vm'
us proof of cures in this diutf-uuir Hns of compliiinlH.
Sj jsamphkl. All broken tl'wn. drhililiited r inslitiiti'Mis
from the cltoct of im-rcuryt will find th.' br lcinif pniwcr id'
ihis urtiHc in net iiiiuurdiidelv-, mid the puisom uB uuiicml
erndimti'd Ironi tln-ivtin.
will fuiJ tlie ulfpmtivp pnpcTiirt af fhis nrtirle. '
nnd driven such dtRcmtrs fnmi tlr syntm. ftr p;im:hlet
fur i sUnHMiy ui cunm in nH ihscnsrs, whirh the limits vC
nn tMlveitisumrnt will nl nn'tt imnHtl 1ur Airents
trve UieJU sway tlDiy utiiin 2J Vt tti cortitu-ttnt cf
high ohuritcUT, .'tnd n sff.iti-.-r .
Of the virtnrs medicine, iicyr iipfMMtreil. Il is onW
the peculiar I'eatwus tf this nil icle thut it ncvT frtils to
bf jiulu in uny cute, tnul if h tne nnd ninwlr nro k'ft to bnliJ
Ujton let the t-nwciatal nnd linseriuu inV'did
nnd tr-.-p t:ikiti?r the nierticim us I m$ ns tlif-re is na im
prnvfincnt. Iln T,'Tpi-in'r m-niIi," ' ' " ''
nfniuM a numlwr of article which come out uisler th
head of
n cure lor Dropsy, tirnvcl. Ac.: They nre (jooil for ll.
tiling, und concocted to cull the timvnrv ;
touch them Not
Their inventors never thought of curing such disfise till
tins nrlicle lind d ine it. A (articular Mudy of the ui
pl:!ct is eurneslly solicited.
-Vgcnls und nil who sell Ihe nrticle. nre
(iLAD TO Clift'L'liATE
jinitiiitiHMly. I'nt nn ill SO or. Imttte. nt sfflj 19 ojj. do at
"1 eucli lue r:cr holdmn 6 oz. more tlinn two sni ill h it-
tles. lM'l: out I pet itnp.'setl up u. r.very h illle h:is
-'Vuuehn's Veetnlilo l.ithonlriptie MLvture,"'bl'.vu upon
the pluss. the written sitiieiturii ol'M?. I'. Vmiyltu'1 on the
directi ns. nnd "11. C. Yuuthii, Iluliulo,'' limietl on Ihe
c-irk. None other nre c inc. l're;wired bv lr. Ii. C.
Viuniin, nntl old l Ihe IVineipd flfliee, an; M on street,
Iludiilo, nt. wholesiile uud retnil. No utlention r!ven to let
ters unless pnst puiil orders from rcu;iutirlvcittiliitcd
Agents eseeph il ; post p int Inters, or M'thul' eouiuiuuiea.
ti.sis a-Micllitisr advice, pconipilv intended to rrniis.
Office devoted exclusively to the 'iln ot this nrlicle
13J N'nssnu st. New Vorkrity: 9.1 Kssexst.Snleiu. Muss.;
and bv ihe princiruil Druzuista lhr.'ii"hnut the Lulled Suits
and (nnlir!u. n Acetits.
List of A:teiits. Storm & eo.. Who'esjde Acent lhll:idcl
pliia J. W. IViiiny. Sntilmrv lsjnie Cenrhnn. rNdinsimn-e
C. A. Wyelh. I .cm islmrir 11. I.SIie:iter, .Mill ..i ll.iv.s
.MeC nnit k. .McKvuville-.MiSk McCov,
liind. Apiil I, 181r y
f ,',.)'. .-" Furrier.
, o. IO It ( IiPMtnut $(i're(,
1 few doors above Third, Philtuklpltia,
would invite the ladles to call and rx unine Lis
sliH iior st ick of Mufl's, Unas. Tippt t Ac. of
every variety, ronsiaiing of Russia Sjble,
Hudson' Hay M irtin, Norway M 1 1 tin, Mink
hie, riaum Mnrliii, Stone Martin, Krinine, Filch.
Lynx, &c, &c. Tliese havo been sebclrd
with grent cue, 'ii.l arc ni.oie by tho licit workmen
in the country. I,., Iu- in .y nt aMuretl tlnit no
article w II be t IT. red for i-al.t in this e-tbllahlili l:t is r.ot ( eilt ct in vciv icupcct.
Ao. 101, Cicniut ttrert. betwnn
Third and Fourth sir rel
, Si lumber 30, 1818 Cm
uixn axu LW(iun Di:L,.;,
ATu 2i)3 Xarlict Strut, Uchto t'ig.'UU, Kui ti side
'Keep constantly on hand all kind of old Li
quor, viz : Superior old lye hikey superior
Brandy, Gin, o:c. Also white brandy fo. preser
ving. Wild 1 'her ry anil Pilar I; berry brandy,
l'hiladclphia, June 3, 1SJ8. ly
l'alent Atr-Tfglit
THl'nb-n-e Stove, which i equally well adnpied to Wood
or i'lxil, hue rcvcivatl aiiver niedcts at the luira of th
Ameriivu Institute, New ) ork ; ot the MeclmiiCH' lusti.
ttue, litstou; of the c'laukiui liuiitutf,- l'hdiuleliihai; and
of the .Meeli. lilies' luslilule, iluii:igton. ilciuwoic. .
It is c:iiul'lc, if jmijierly used, of t ini(; more workt with
less fuel, llian nny oilier Si H e yet ntfered to tlie ul-'le : ill
whitci il will vt-urm the liircreit kitchen, while iu anuiu.ei,
with the autnnter dress nttiiehed, it throws out no lue
he:it than a ehurcal turujee ; anil for b iling, liroiliim. 1m.
kin;;, or rodMiii-r. it cuiiintt be aurascd hy auyotlivr Stove,
onca tire, or uric. tven.
C'EETiriiAT or the Ji'lu-.n or tua Meihamo'
TI'TE. llosTON.
We, Ihe ulveribers. Ih iob ch sen JutVea bv the Miusu.
chuselts Clinritilhie Mechanics' Ass.icuitl.iii in liosion, tai
sloves, furnaces, runees. A:e. would inl' Ttn thenublic. thul
after testin all the cooking; stoves that were put into the
1'uu lor rxiuiiiiion, ana lettniff u'ii muu munuite bis own
stove with the anme kind of coal, in order to ascertain
Wyiich wtmld do tlie nine work with the least fuel in th
ante tune, mid do it In-st, we find that cilcwurt'a Tuteut
Bummer and Winter Air- f ifrht CtKikinn St'ive, liuiuufaeLur
cd by III potentee, of Troy, .V. Y ., to be the best, us it UHdt
but 13 minute to boil two trillions of water und UuV biscuit
in the anuie time, and broil liecl' stKik, and all done in the
maimer wilh seven n lund of esiL in Lliuiv iiiiimtM
from the ttuie the fire go uutt'ut Hi atove.t J tvidch
weawiotbil thesilveriutslal.-
iAMI til.l, . . waltrh -ffnii?it:u '
T1U1.MA8MOI I.TOV. A. 1). M-l.Ul)i:n, and
JAMKMl'VC-, JulKKs. .
The aiiliaeiiuer resiiertfally lovlrethe altelitldii nf coun
try dealers, to one of the htrc:ct nd beat uleeted tuck of
love, ever iTerod ill this city, among which are th ful
iowiug : ,, i -' . ; I
Screen Cylender. ,,j,),,.
Oven Stove.
' t
Washington Ail-Tight Cnakt.
Larg Oven
, da
McGregor Mammoth
J'rfiiiiunn Cook S ove.
i Katioiial Air-l ight Cooki.
I'arlor Stove. ' '
1 100 Loui Air-Tight Parlor Stove.
ISO Cbarlea the Ut Ait-Tight do
200 Lady Washington, A ir Tigbt Parlor.
, 130 Washington Air-Tight do
300. McOrega' three day Parlor Alr-Tifht
Coal Stpvaa, butning three day ' without atten
tion.. . -H- ' ' '
' For (ale wholesale and retail hy North, Harri
ion if Co. No. 390 Market atreet, Philadelphia. .
I'Uladelpbia, Jul I8tb, 1818 , '
7' jFOR tALK.4.T,THll OFFICE. k
: rt&)jf op tn"ed'e !
a soiuirifici ftCMEbY for j
wAVV 1 J AND v !
Windsor Vermont,
IS norereiffn miierly Af DY5PKP(! A, In rnmiy f tn ;
f -nun, iK-h m pnitwin Ui Htinnnvht llvurllmrn hubitual
rtivciirwi, AciU SUtimrh, Ihtulncltv, Iom of Aitetile,
Pilp, Night Kwntrs, ami rvrn C'-nmimiHton t)vH;plic
I'dlliinic.) end A it hum, or Phthitic ntl-ndt with rtprnitffe
ntCHt ol lh-Si"iiiiif Ii (nr Dyspeptiu Awtnim.) Diihcult
Ilrtvitliiiiff, vliirh ottrn rtmill Iroia tnifMsrl'fTl il ignition (
lV(t(r(ic Kyuptiira,) in n'lirrM liy lli'n Bittern. Iiicd'irt,
their iihc Iimh iH-eti pmved in tht n lit l jit nhtioPt nil Ihe
jmptdiiiri th;it proceed Ironi a yMiiliuilwl or nttmic cniuli
ti"ii f tho Mfiiuncl. j nldo In fffncml tlrhllity ariiMiig from
nr (nun tho tflrrt tf Ft'vr, p?rtirnlar!y Ki'vr un1
Attn. FcmnJps tuHcriinf mtdrr imy ntrinrf drntirfffiTnlit
nrininc fnmi vakiHiu, wili iiiid the ')jiv(.KNAtKn Hit
tkh nn excellent rcmoiJ), and nut tturpnasciUiy uny medi
cine in nn.
Th.r Inmnry of thin innlirine is prfMilhir. It hnn Tmnlr ha
-ny to piil the liivnr BnUly in the irci ol' its own inlriiiMc
nffitn. N'. nrtificinl iii'-niii Invc twn u'd ti uive it n
t'irirty nml tlirurt it tipn pitlilic otlt iili.-n. It hnn nrvrr
bfl.tre ovcifclifen tulvrrti!tl, twit having lirnt fh'uvn ita r
mnrUnblo t flirnt y in the i'mnily of tlie pnpri'ttr, nml hy
hitn ullfrwaiiln ridininiF'ttTrd to liin nniict'd Iriumla nnd nc
quitiimt tTi wilh n like result, itc rrpntntiii jndmilly cv
tniUed until it is known in tha mit tlitJtniit jwrla ttf the
I'nioii, iir n ni'-di'-ine if iiurivtillcd virtuca in tho curti oi
Dvapeptiiti hi ull itn ilifl'-rent f irms, nnd nl.f ("ir the euro nl
Amhiirt or J'lnlii'ilia only herald nnd ita only etil-'fry
hiia Im-cii tho sioryfr iia u-iuidfmtl elhetiev, oa told frmii
nunitli to nionUi or hy Mtfr fn-ni fiiend to friend, hi ?ve
ry iiirttnue? wher tlifur Hiitera have Ihph naed, nnd the re
aali niudu known to the proprietor, they hnve proved n r
uutly. Niimcmu cert ifu Hies, nttesting Uio ainnbr efiicurv of
tim-M.xYGRNATtt Un TKRr," nre in the powiwion of th
pr pt it'tor $ uinny of them aiinnvl by perivtnanlrctidy widely
known to the public.
m;o. p. oiu:i:n, rrupritur.
AVINnPOH, Vt.a Ot llrer li, ms.
Tlir following rerlifirntpR tuve rrcrntlj lo ii ,
i, - ri'Celved t
WAinM.To?c, P. C, h'yw 10, IMrt.
IfaviiiR mude u: of the " xvifPiiatod liittcra" prepnrM
by Dr. tico. 11. t.n en. of Wijiil.r., Vt. und from know
Npi ohtninMl of th'-ir eiTjfjify in 1htr ensea, wechfrniily
reofiniiieiKl them to thrpnUie. believing ttmt they will fully
n?f:iin tho rtxximnendatioii of the Tniprietor. We h.p
Mint this V'duabSe remedy '') -' gt mTiilly dhlut-fd
thrMrrhoul tho country Mint it may If KrcMiWe to uJ Uio
Wl, r.f..fe,B,rfr,..Vcr,t.
.1 AMI'.S P. SIMM(S, 1". J. Sen:ittir from R. Island.
J . P. MOltKilKAD, V. . Hcmitor and loruurly Uovifm
or ol Kentucky.
I- 1!. AK.NUlaT), MuhiUt of ConTa nnd formerly Go
vernor of It. I.
WM. WtHdiimilJf.'i:, i:.S. Haiiitorajid fornieriy Co
vet n 'T of. AliehicaH.
M. L. MAU'iiN, Delcjjate in Cojiijresa from "Wiwonsin
From Hon. H. D. F'mtki. Mfi'ilcr of dmgreaa front
. Pi iinivunia.
' M'AsiiiNnroN. I. C. Jrsr. 10, 1M0.
l)rT Sir. 1 hnve b'Vu n tlTrteiiie buiIVt-t for nh:n t n
cajs, und luiv rt- rtetJto variirna tnetlieiiift t'T r-liff
withou' ucc.lifn. until J inndo asc of your "Oxyireivited
ii;n..rUo i . nct-.l nl-out two IdIIK, tmd tiiui invst-lf
IIILii iri 1 Jlity. s.y g. i-i.i i
..,. i ., ,..,.. i, I. ie furrns in wlileli the ill.
restore., rfect . (
e-ini sh'iweil Itselt. II! enre, vere. .',,..,ii
st.utiiieh, I -SB nf appetite! extreme ll:ltuleiiee, sever, ."
puli .n ol'the Iriweln. uii-l viilit hivi'liieiiJ: Feeliilftilesi
rmis tliet kji,ivl-.!jie hi yinr valieif'le reimly nny rwieli
olliers .tinilirly ntilicterl. I t-;!ie j;riiit pk-iiure inree.iril
injr mv letine'.i.y t. its eunilive jsiu-er: tiisl -iiulil nis-i
r,-iii:ii K. i iiile om u visit ut tit. ine n short lime smee. I
inl:nininlcre:I ii jvtrt 111" n li .tite- I i a iitiiuU-r nl' my iilliieu-il
Iriemls. Willi rrrent sneers. TN-r nre ilcsireus tliut y:'il
slcmlil ei.Uiiiilsh nil nircm y at I'iitslinrc, or illforni tlienl
y!icrc the lilcilicine e:ni lie i '..l:.ine.. With nil earnest ilc
sire t'-T ynnr prosperity IjiiypinesJ, I snlisi'rilie invsell,
liulyyour trieiul II. 1). roSTllK.
Iloct. i;eo. Ii. tiHKHV.W'illllS r. j't.
Silinvieilemle nnil llctiil Lr 'reeil Ic I'letcher, No.
20 South Sixth Street, I'liilntlelphin.
Aeenl for Sniil.iirv II. II. M ASSI'.R.
AbciiIs lor MillonMALKA Y & IIAAO.
Alien! f M I ppcr .Million .v. J. Ii. HH..
April 11,
YVartsroItc of raslitonat-lc
J. V. & E. D. STOKES,
Ab. 131 Market Street. Pint Clothing ttorc lie
low Sixth,
Sl'I'I' they art constantly fngiiepd in get
ting up Ironi the best French, l'njlish anil
K itieiiidii c o!h. clothing cut nml made up in Ihe
most snpeiior l.nliionable Hy e. l'ersons
uho buy lose), wil liiol a largo ami excellent
slock at Ihe Inurst city prices. (' othing nimle
up to order, iaa supurior style at the slimiest
N. B. Oilil l'eliowa Regalia, a Inrce assort
incut n! wuys on lirinJ Onler Iroin Lniljse ami
imliviilua s inomiitiy utteiideil to on the most rea-
soiiiili!e terms.
1'hiUilu'plna, June 3, 1818 ly.
niromi its of
22v "O C2d 122 23 523
BJ'ntcJ otnl Drilaniiia Waie, Cutlery, anil
Kunav Gondii, anil Mjoufictuiers of Jew
elry nml r-'i!vrr Ware, laS Chennut street, I'hiln
d.:!iiio; rci i in:il liy l.ile nrriv.iN a 1 1 Re and
lianilnoine s'lvk ol Kmj'i il so l Fru cli Walclic.
and Murlle. Porcelain and Fancy flocks.
I'iaK il I'ri,, Colors. C:iLe llnkcla, II'll and
('h .nibi rUaiidlciiii.'ks Soup I, idles, S.nnn a' d
Forks. A'.i a aseortriicnt v( Bti'annia
Ware and Fine ("ml r.
Theirstmk of JEWEI.RV i lirrjo and cifll'.e
most fi h; U'tnl, n'd Miey nre nell Miii!led
'ith Silver S.,H,ns. Kinks. Muni, N-ipkin Kiur..
D t.l I ii Ki.iv.s f'c , and wi h on m .Uiin; any ii.n
p'av nf plier s in the puhlic prints, they are pie
paied to sell as I hv as tr.o e mho do, and invite
p. rcui wishing In purchase In rail.
1'li'l.nh l,.iin, .lime It), 1SH 6nt
In prt BeuMii); Ihe puhlie with art inedy for the txentmrnt
qihI en' nl' Fkvkh AM) Aur and ttther hili"U (Iikpiiwi.
h itnil,'-y in nt . ,). ,). Ha( numiicrs in tlietl uilrj bue.
who tiU- r from thie nllVftioiui in their vuned fornix. ri
f'rnpt--tltxt to-ek reliH' from other n-nin-es than the iniiuc
riiale prtti'iiti 'iuiof tho rv-lur phyweian. It hectinei
thenf re tin ohjivl of liuuuuiiiy, ua wVu ti ot' nultlic niler-
t-st. to Unn (m f rr tht in u rraittnJy jiieuirel a uiu uiucii wa
len me, uud which nnr nUmyi In? rvlini uvu us tin,
ueh itf the trueehuntett-r of (he INDIA CiiOi.AUOUl K,
is mnjdy nltt jfed by the uuiwrwl wcot with which il hus
boun employed.
HP" 1'xtruel fnnn ronuniinieatioii of tlie Hon. Wu.
ham M oorttiiuiH.K, oi Ojo U. 8. Hkimte, lute Uoveru of
Dktboit. Oct. fil, 140.
DonoK Ohablis Osnooo,
IJeur tr. 1 havo rend with tnucn interest, your nine
t ailTik noon ilif i-caujtei. truiliiitfiit nnd cure" ol ihe
febrile dnrnsr whieh luive so extt usi vtly preiMik-d iu our
countn-dimiifr th ls few months nil int ret jiirrciiHej
no il mlt, by ih fact limt I have uuiivuiuully iff red so
much Irnu them. 'J'luHik'h 1 feci uivihtIi' vmv monmDeit iit
U jiitlifi! Kifcly upon a suh.ieet ) tntin ly prfsja-sioiiiij, ji .
your theory swiiu vi inr wt-ll reawnnl, aiul ytuir eoiM-tu-sions
jiiM, und 1 think with;!, thnt your uiiiplikt is otlcu
bttl lo piudu' niutUi pntviicui fttit
M-Aktng of the meihciiie he sitys : It fultv jtutitltMl your
rVmeritiK ej( pec tut ions, und as a stife, eoiivt-nUiit, and plnu
br rprnttty, uty own uxtH-rittiHti, su fur, inJucoa ui 14V'
Ut-ve Uiut'it will prove great puhlu buiu lit. 1 am pleaJ
to learn iliHt ym nave niitly etullished Severn I uffdirifs
for its disviti.tu thtHtyh I n-gret thut, with a view to n
more feiKrai diRw-iiiintitiou of It, )ou should have found it
ue'rwutry to reinure funu your prtatetit rt-uidfuea am. ua,
Wilh umcli rvapcel J luve the hou.r to be, sir,
TMir ohKsed servnut,
. Wil 1JA.M WlMJi)UHJlGB.
Fiom Hon, BTKrttu V. R. lnowwtisiiK. oi Michi
fun tState tSeuttte, to Uia Atfcut at Detroit.
RifiuiNGiutt, Oakxamo Co., Deo. 13, 1811.
Bir you wifch me tu inform you wlut I know of Dr.
Osikad's Indin ChiJ ig -viie, tr anti-bili'His iiuxiirine, 1 du
behevtuutt if the irtue und efneaey of this medicine Were
periiilJ kuowu, Uie tnii and ten wouW diaappear in
Miehiuan t
1 h. toured a bottle Iu thrt tpriiifr nf aud have good
rttiam to believe thut uiyaelf and family eacaped the aue
mat aeus'Mi iu enaeqtivuc ot iu use.
IV r luia in no nnimcf aiuoa th aettletnent of this fine
m-utnauta, fa:is the fever and ajiue bMi so prevHknl as the
Uat. tmve rtMMUweiMtwl tbis medicine hi nunieroti iu
stant, aittl when the Uiatmse hail tteciiue Axed and bntfiM.
the akitl ol pliycicuuta ; and 1 buve uever knows it fait 1
has uuivenulty produced the m t hapjr Wfeota, aud 1 bet
lieve it bus never tem eiceed! by any tuedieiue iu reuio
viiiK tue biluaia dtaenaea uf tbe uliuiata.
T . VHirs, rpocltutly,
- t pti:ihi;n v. r. truvbrugk.
' Aireut fM Punrrtiry II. U MASH Kit: Northniuberlaud,
WITtilNG'IXiM Cti ; Milton, J- 11. RASfcR: tteJuu
gnife, MAY 4, KlAlfcE.
May , IMU
A-wrsxy rr .. ; r . A
3 i 1 1 Hi j,i ttx ( ii . ( n Xif.'A
p-i ?j) i iJ f ) f ,.. -31 i rJiMKOl Mrs i i SYfJ
. slteVh A'ifc!.-.
' i
Perofuln or Kitm'n Kvil, Rheumatism, Obntiiuite Cntaufout
lrnpnotw. Kimph'dor rpntnira on inn mre. i'tciiL-i,
Ditt-H, Clininic Par Kye, Rbift Worm fir Tetter,
tenld Jlwwl, nlmyi'Tiunit mid lnin of tlin
Bonennnd jinli. HtnMMni I h-ern. 8yphi
litie Sj mptoinf), tciniieu l.umlwiiio,
Uim-Hst s nn-iin? tnmi nn in.iimi
Ciotis owe if Meienry, lrop
ay, l'.sKun' or lirtpru-
"denfe bv lite; itltw,1 '
Chrrmip (?M,sti- n
tnti'innlDrn- 1 '
1 1
1 1
In this medleine WTirnl innorent bnt wry potetit nrtlcfen
oi the vrtreinhie kniirrm nre milted, tonnuiir n rimtwunu
entirely iluirreut in its ehumetr and pfnperttt R from huy
other prtp:irntiin. nnd iinrinllcd iu it openitifii m the
ay Mem when Inn rm iiimer riowine. It mnniM le in The
hnmtn of evrry pers n, who, by huiiiiH-fts. or penend ci'iuee
of life, js nrifii-u'fed to the vei v mniiv niliiueuts Unit ren
tier Itie aenrse, tnslend of a blesirar, ujkJ jott(4 t"'1' 'n
(1 cut ii. - ( (
ron scRiorri.A. l . ,
rrr. Driike' Pnimeeii Is reenminemled n certnln retneily
Not one instance of its failure lias ever iTiirrei1 when free
ly usitl ! It eures the ilisease ami at the snine time linsirts
viiror to tlie tvhole s'stetri. rerofulftus pnrns enn never
pay t in nnieh intention to the stair.' of Iheir lil'snl. Its pti
rinealioii s!i uilil be their first aim ; lor perseveriuiee will
uec inuusli a curK.ul cvkn , Iiisbiiitauv qnoiso. ( " I
au-nrr.. fle.,rhii(ie Afr.trM.. Tnlrtofy. Aiite lw-ellinff.
Krvsim-lns. I:leers. rimeers. nniniiri? Hofr. rV-nhs rulil
llilea. Dr. lnik.'s lnnnem emmot 1 t'W hi'.-mr exfolleil
it senrehe out the very ns ut' Ihe tliauiaii, anil permanent.
inir.i-:sTioN or dywkI'WA
. Nil meilieine perlmi ha ever Imvh rlisenvefed i-hieh
pives so tuiieli tone ro llie siouinen nun enuses ine sivre.
tion nf n healthy gnstrie jinco t (leoniujifise tli food a lr.
Dii'se 1 nmicea , . ..
nniFMATlS.M. .
r,. -n L. i- pa.,n is inul with the e-rmtust Kliecess
llhi unmlle Ounetiinls. r,eiallyiiilehBselir ,luc. H
l.v ,ii nil i,,,..ri .n.l r.,i ..":""' "hler.
aeeuiuulnteil in the system, whieh nre tho cftiisc ... kheu
liuitisin. tiont. am) rvelliturnf Ihe s.ints. tllher reinetlies
'ine! lines u-ive temporary relief; thi entirely ennlieale
the ilii-ense in mi the system, even wlteu Uie liui'tjs luiilts lies
aie tireailftitly volleii. f . ' '
coNSL.Mrriox. ,'
f'oxsfMi'ricix can pr ct'HKD. Oonclia, Catarrh, Broil
ehilts, Sjiillii,ir of Bloist. Asthnin. l)uheu;t or jiroluse Kx
peeloiuii.i, lleeiie riush. .ictit Su'eiils, Pain in the sale
Vc. have lieen eiiretl. mnl enn be u ith tut mueii eerluiuty
uiv "'''erdisaise. X sieeitie leia laa; bei;u luuht lor, but
in 'vain until the :wl' V . lnfc' fa. It
miMmi,i ?,fe but rertnlnatKl .?"',
nn-l e-uiii. l p, wini," itiilirr tl: must deh. a.c
We woul.l earn.".!!- rep mine,,,! thus,: alHiete,) to five ..
trial mil we Is lo ve they will not lin0 'v-ension to regret
it. The s.lelti is elennsei! nnil streieil liencil, tu "leers on
llie luns are he.-iliil, the pilienls emduallv legalii 'heir
.,au. ,.t.u..t um, minion,, iiirau lite lollLWIllir:
I'ltiLA., Dee. Mlh. 1817.
1)ka Sir : Iu re,ly to your iueKlion rrsperliiiir the use
ol Dr. Drake's I'uniii ea. I will sue. tlmt ,.l, I I, ,. .. .
ih.neliever ill Ihe existence m a I'anaia, or cure lor l.L
ihseases. h . n ever nlnalile it may In- in eertaiu eomlilions
hi ine sinreui. si ill i nave believed thnt a enrafoi Coiisuiu.
thui woal.l Ik. ilnsMveml sooner or Liter, nml enilmilv led
me to try your meilieine in two very inveterate case
'l in y w ere ,r, n nineeil by the nlteiiilmir ,h) tieian to be
n i.monaky rov,rwrTii.. ami nlKimloueil by tliem asm
it tiAiii i!. tine of the persons 1ml In'en nailer tlie treat
ment nl several very nble iiraeliltoueis f or a liululier uf
years, anil they saill she "old fnsliioueil Consuinptilill
e aniline wilh Si-mi'iila," ami thn she luutlit limrerfur s mu
time hut could not lie M I ili ini-mtv relieved. In Unli eases
the ill, el ifthe I'liuaroa has lueii most unit il" iiifr. Only
fiiltr or live b-llles were usisl liv one of Ihe jieraous beforo
she li.-eaa t i impiove npiilly. ''Hie other t i"li nbnit leu.
1 will only uilil lliat isanliar its 1 am with c imaimrti 'ii by
inlierilauee nod liy extiusiie oh-ervnli u as a study, anil
kaowoiir a's , Ihe injuriourt erleels in nine eases out of ten
o tar. h -n.-si. t. nml other veiret ,1,1- t.,i,i.-s. as ve!i ns i f
llSUiy ol t!i.- esneet Taills-lu.itH.lalivest sli uld never have
reo iiinnei,.!, ,1 l!,e ue ol llr-,!.. -K I'linae.-a if 1 I. a.! u 't b;:i a
ae.illimteil with the mi'roilieut. Sartiee it to say that tlitsu
are lee. laul'aiited by our m sl popular and s.i-tit ill phvi
elans, anil iu Iheir present r iinhined stale, foitn prolribly
the l-sl ulieititiye that has ever been nude. The cure is
ia aeeonl inee with n theory of Consumption hroaehed in
1'nuieen lew years iico v oi,eofh, r nest riniiient wri
ters on iin dieiiie, uud n w estahlisln il by faet w hieh ud
lull uf no ilispate.
Very Kespcetfully Yours, I.. C. CV.N'.V.
To use Ihe lan?nae:e (if another. 'Dr. Drake's Panaeei m,ilary m its etfipls never injurious. It is n-it us
lpiatoii is not nml Kxneelorant. It is m intended to lull
the invalid into a seeurilv. It is n prent remedy u
Kiiuid healuic and eunilive compatiKl. the rrreat and 'only
remedy u hieh medical sen-nee anil skill 1ms" yet produced
for the treatment of this hitherto uueonquered mnhily. Ami
no person inflicted with ttua dread disease, will lie Just to
luinsell uud his friends, ii he ,m il own to the gnivo without
leMiiiK Its viriui s. A single lutlle, iu most eases, w ill pro.
dace it iiivorable change in the condition nf any patient
hu ever low ." '
ladies nf pale pomptexion nml consumptive habits, anil
nch lo. are delaliuti-il by those obtruetioiui which female
aie liable lo, are rcslon-d bv the use of a Untie or two, lo
bl'snu vnror. It is by fur the liest remedy ewr discovered
for weakly children, nnd such ns have Isid hum or ; U-uig
phtiKint, they take it. It immediately restores theaiiiieliu-,
ireni;th mid color.
Nullum; can be more urpriint; than it invhrorntiiKr ef.
feets mi the bullion frame, l'ers, us, ull ua-axuess nml his
Sltude luliae takiii? it. ut once bee aue robust andfullof
energv under ils iulhieuee. It immeiluite coimterueta the
nervi lessues of the female flame.
OA 1 Tlt) lte caref'd ami see thnt yon pet the peril,
ine Dr. Dkakm's I'axacf.a it has the sitnintnre of Tiro. F.
Stobiis on the wniiHT uiid nlso the no me Pit. Pbjue's
l'ANACKA. Pl' ll-A." Ll iM II III the cklSS.
l'rep ue.l ,'nl) lo hioKu. a. Co., llruppisl, No.Ul.Norlh-
SlMh t-l., l'hilaililj ,ia.
Apenl for Hnul ery II. M ASSI'R.
(S-ild also by W m A Ml l:l;x A Co.. Danville I.8iiev ,
r, Allium j Makv MiCov, .'orihiiaiberlunJ ; t. V.t,'
Apiil I, 11-1 ly
j ; , 7J.i
"A (i li f '1' Sj i' ; f
1 POI'UI, R WOliK, in rery CuUNry
throughout the United Ktutc. 'l o A Bents, the
moat liberal riieiiuii(:rnieiil i ull'cied with a
small rspital of f25l,i f 100. A chance is tTereJ
whereby aa agent can make from $10 lo rw
neek. Fur further particular, adilics (pnrtpuiJ)
WM. A. l.EARV, '.
No, 168 North SECOND Wired,
riiiliidrlr.hU. Sept. 8, l848.-6m.
Pictorial i:on or il'Aulilitc't
gveut TrforK on llie Ui-fuiiuullu
publisher! or. nr about the 1st of April, 1818, by
JOS. A. M'KEL. No 00 Cherry at above Cth,
his splendid 12mo edition of the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustration from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth
and library sheep.
The publisher respectfully calls tha attention
of tha trade and the public generally, to this
work being the only illustrated edition published
In the United State He trust that tha beauty
of it embellishments, the strong and ubslntial
manner in w hich it is bound, io conjunct ioa with
tbe kuowri popularity of th work itself, will be
sure recommendation to public favor. , , ... ,
JOS. A. SPEF.L. 80 Cherry l. above flth.:
J. A. S ha also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of tiergeaut BeU'aBaree Show,
suitable book for children, neatly don up in
extra cloth. j . , i, , ,
Philadelphia, April I, 1818' '
AN eitenive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LEKV, fur ale by
2Vo. S3 and 83 Alt CADE, and 81 Karth
, . , THIRD Strttt, '
CoBip Uliig 30U0 doten Penknive, Scissor aiul
A lo, choice assortment of RoilgV & Sous,
Woeienhelm'e, Giey'a; W. Ac W. Bglcher' and
FeiuiDy' Cutlery. " --
I A Wo, Kpaniah. Uiik ami Huntine Knive. "!'
,. AU, Cutis, P,t.le, eay Bowie Knives. " J'1"
AUo, The Amtrienn Katnr Strop, a stiptriot
nil le, woity tha attention t,f Healer, i :
C Dt.hts in Culleiy, a, ill find the abuv
Kiork worthy their attention, as tha . BtihacriUi'
eMef bii nei-s Is impnriing and aelling cutlriy,
. I'hilid.lj his, Juue lOlh, liK ly. . '
1'E.WSYI.VAmiii ii iii
not i:-'.rs. . r
.Thn follnwiri list snex? tnH enrrcnr ylr nr li
?enmvranl bank NiUaa.' i The moat ImplteK t-1
liano majr h,'plnml po n, a n u every merit
ajrefullf comtiarM Willi aria carreciea irom uic.
0ll' Kepor8r.i,,. 'mo -i-'-'O - '
A v Dnyks In PhtUidlphla. ' '
. f, J .1 . it ' ' T ' "
nni. lit
r,1t0-' to H
I - ll't I
f liilt:"-: l . I 1 "
Bn;oflVolhiArrri..iH ""it . ' , n par
Bank of tb Nrtbero Irihartir -i ii i' . par
Commercial, JJnnk trf Pnn'. ' i.-i ii n par
Frmcr' anO; Mevhanica Bank : e v ' . ' pnr
keainirlnn J)-Milt .!. I ni o'n I '!. ' PaT
rhiailclphia linitk . .. . ts, ; ' . '''par
cbuylkiVBink.,v.ili ' . it -.-..Il i .. ! w par
Siiutlinarlt (llatik, , . , ; t 1 ( ' l"pM
VVrsiem flank ., -,: -l par
MerltanirV Uank . i . - .. - , pat
Mannfacttirrrs' rV Mechanic Bank . . o par
Bank nf Penn Township . par
IJiracI llank . . Bt. , ; , i " pi?
Hank nf (onimerro, lata Moyamrnaltg par
Uniik of letinsylyaiiia par
: t oiiitlrr llnnkfi.
Bank of I .hosier (Jotiniy Westchester .' , par
Hank of IMwTr eotmiyt, ('hestcr pnr
U.tnk of liprinanitowu , , ; Jerinntown par
UnnR ol MoutRomrry t;i. iNnrnsiown par
Voyrtsirawrjwiiwj im TXoyislor "par
Kastnn liniik .T VTOfvEnaton par
rrmni' Hank of Buck ek Urivtel ' I ! tnr
ttank nt IMiriliiimiMBilanil'' 'yiittbarnberlallil
' pr
Iii'inulii Unnk A Itiilgi'eo.'toilunibi
Farmers' Bank of I,ancasti I.ancisiei
Lancaster Couiily Bank
J.ancastnr Bank
, Lanosaler.
rsrmcrs' llniikof Hcnilinis t Kemlitia; i
Olfice of unnk of l enn a.
Oinre tlo, . Jo ,
Office ' do .; do ,
Ofiico do do
Harri1iurg) ..Tlia-sa
. . Lancaster I ollicea
liepuling v f Jo tot
I' a st on J issue n.
D I SCO i; N T.
Hnk of llie United Mates ' Piiila.loluuia
, : 17
. i
Miners Hank of I'oltsville" I'litlsnlle
Dank nf I'wislmyn f , J.Wkslon ,
Uiii'k pt Miiljfclrrwti 1 1 AljiliOaiown ! '
Carlisle Banl; Carlisle , .
Exotitinii n.irlV "';" " ' Piltsbm-r
IM' "'' thi hfnnc of ' Holliiluvetiurg
JltirfMiOW Brink ;' ' ' Itnrrisburg ,.
Iiehrtnn 1'aftlt ' T.nbannn
Miir.halffs'iS- Mitrthf. Bank Pitla'.nug
H.itik of Piitvlnirrj ' Pi'Hhutg
U'mt Ilianeh U mk . Williamapnrt
VVyo."?-'' Hank . , J ) .Wilkesharre
,,(11"""npion II ink
no aala
S.'iS ;'
, Pittsburg
Bcik County h,,.
Ollice of Bank of V. 8.
' ro , ili) do Erie
Du do do fS'oiv Urieliton do
Bink of Ohoi)ibnr..'.iuig (Ilismliersburg 1
li n k of f!ells'.ur(( (i. tlyaliurg I
Bunk of cuijm'iaiiiiti y'n. Mi titnue 2
Uric IJm.k ' Erie ., ;f . .... -35
,:lrlnl'r, cv Ilrnvers' Bank Wayneshura; 2
Krar.hliii ll.nt'i . . - Woobmirfon IJ
in UaiiK ol U. . lirii.vnsilla I
Vorli Bank
Voik , 1
The note ,, ,"'!l"l!ks,0,n lf,ch we
.unit oiiotn '
anil substitute . ,,a"1 VJ
) are noi
with 1h6
nurilmsnl bv fi'iJ f'liil.idrlphia broker.
exception nl'thofc whit .,iave a ,("'"r of r. fercne-..
Philadelphia Say. Ins. I'hila.lel, n,'; k'led
Philadelphia J,n,in Co. . . do ' friilen
pilhuvlliill Way. Ins. do failed
do '
Dyoll, prop.)
heiiiniiioJi tiuv. n. A
Penu Tnivnuliip Say. Ins.
Manutil Labor Bank (T. V
rnwanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
UuiiU of Beaver ,j .
Canlt nl rWatara
Bank ol U onliioUiti- : . '
Crnlre l'ank
C iv B..:.k
KanrrrV A Meeh'cs' !!ank
ranue.r,'i, Mecl.'c' Bank 1
l-'nriners' fV MochVa' Bank
Ilaimony Inruiltito
llnnliiigihm -
J ti Bink I I ' Wil i
l.umhernietr Bank
Northern Bunk ol To.
New Hope IM. Bridce Co.
.Vorthuiuii'd Union Col. Bk.
Noith Western Bunk of Pa.
Ollice of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Acr, & M.inuf, )suk
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bunk of lVtm'a.
tVrstniOielaml Bank' "'
Bedford '
no sale
Bollrfimte ';
no salu
. fnle.1
no sale
Pitl.iburs '
Fuyeltti co.
W mil io.r l, in
In) sate
Iewistori 'po salu
'i ,it.t
no Bale
Npy Itape closed
no sale
Port Carbon
Uniont own
W'ilkeshnrre Bridgo Co. Wilkesharm no sale
(Jj- Ail iinlea purporting to he on any Pennsyl.
vaniu Bunk not given in tho above list, may be set
lowti as frauds. .. , .
UdtikiifNrw Biunsnick Brniisuirk
' , par
u'clviilrte Bank Brlyidere '
Htirliiiglon Co. Bank Medford " .,
ominercial Bank ; Perth Amhoy
' Jiiinberl.ind Bank Drnlelon'
?anncr' Bank Mount Holly :
Funnem' und Mpchanies' Bk Bahwoy
r'niintrs' and .MicIiuiiicb' Bk N. Biunswiek
runner' arid Merchant' Bk Middletown Pt.
franklin Bank ofN. J, 1 Jursey City
Hiiboken Bkg &. Ciiumg Co floboken
leriiiy I ny Bank Jersey City
, failed
" 4
nn sale
no (ale
Mrt iiantc' U mk ' ' , I'aiivraon
Muiiufarltirer' Bank Belleville
shitri Coiiniy Bank Momstown
Monmouth HkofiV.J, , , , FretiLnid -'licliupirs
Bank ., .' . Newark
lUihaincs' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and I! kg C),. Jersey. City ;
I'ta-t Noie ... i - '
Newark likit A, In Co ; Newark.
iSew itoie 1M Bridee Co Lamhuruvilla
IN. J. Mduulsc.and ukg Co Hobokon
N J I'roiectou il Lombard bk Jersey City
liraugo U n!
Paterwm UattU r'
People' Bank
Plineeioii Bank .,
Suhin Banking Co
State Bank
cilaia Unnk o
Slate Bank
MUU Bank of Morn '
illet) Bailk ', ' ',:
bU.'Ui and rhiU4 Munuf Co
Slues' x Bank i 1 i
J'leu'on HaiiUing Co
l oiiji Bank
Washiiigtou ilaukiag Co, '
rriticelon , 1
Newark " ,
Morristowu ...
Halem -
Newton- '
Trenton, ,
i par
Bk of Wilm !t Brnndy wine" VVilniiugton
Batik of Hebiware . Wiltningtoif
Bank of Hmyma ,' ' . Kiuyin ; , n
l)o "'btanch Milfotd , u ( .,
Farmer' Bk of Mate, of Pel Hovel
i ' i )u " branrh " Wilmington
" i' lo branch (ieorgetown
" "1)0 . bmntb , Newviwtle
Uuion Bank , , v i , Wiliiiiuglou,
I inler ft's ' ... v. i
. Pl
t pea
fj-j On all bank nisiked thus () there are ei
ther ibuii'ii il yr .altsKi'd Mow of the vrtous it
nitmlnalioo'a, le cifralsilfip. ;: H
i.alt -n - ' i ,n Ii .
. ' . 1. 1 A Thousihd Dolus ti.vm I
lint nntl Cap Manufacturers,
Suu.'i F.a$t Corner of ith and Market Sinsrt,
' Batcment itory,
HAVE constantly nn hand a full and complete
assortment pf HATH. CAPS, and KUHS.
Abe an elegant assortment of Osent' and boy'
Leghorn, Panama, end Palm-leaf Hats. All of
which bv a svni5 of $1000 in rent, will be fold,
wholesale and retail, at lb vity loweet prices.,
"Country dealers would do well lo rati, hy .
cooomf end low real, we are enabled to sell at
very low rate. V ' :
" June 10th, 1848. ly - -J
JlOO'lv MAIilSu,, ,
i;, !- No. 40. ', , , ,
!1 FtU-ta Foi th Stmekt, AeovtCutaTMT.
lit; S9.h, 14 ,. '.'
boul and LettDf-OnrSying Yxi, Pnttent
Slato-Liaod KefriperatoYn, Wattr Fil
, tcrs, Patent Portable Water CIo- , :t
Kits, intentlod for the Sick t .
- ' and Infirm.' ': ' '""'";-
- 'EVAiNS tSfiWATSON," '"'
, . :,,..78 Swtlh,Thir4 BtrmtYuA
Manufacture aud keep eonitaiit '
.T lan1' lnr aiasvtmeirl nf
the alsive article, together with
tiii!!'w hnproyMftilamBiirler
I- IHb-PHOoj.- SAFE8, i which
are so eonstructerl ns to set at rert
rl tnaniiernf d,mbt aa to their
heuiK strictly fire-proof, and that
y wui rei.t tL ? ,7;
builihna. Tho oiu.ia. ?Vi
those rWet Ve rDwIe of holler Iron, the inside eiw of soap
stone, nurl between the miter ease mul inner ease ia a nac
nf some three inches lliiek. and is filled in with lisle rue
tilde. uuibrisl,ia to niak it n hnrsissihility lo Imm any
of the contents inside ol this Chest. These S iptone Ha-'
kitnander we arc prerinrod and rlitrlmllenye the world tn
priHluce nuy nrtiela ill tbe slin of Uisik rinfes that wil
atiinri d much heat, and we hold ourselves remly at rli
times to have theu) fairly levied by puMie bonriro. VQ
nlso emtinits to rnnnufnctnre a birfre and aeneral
meitt of our Prentiuui Air-tight Fire Preof Safe of hth
there nre over hx now ju use, nnd. in averv instance taoy
hnyb piven entiie ntiWiietion to the pnrchiiaer of wlith '
we will refer the public to a few geullerueu who liars
them in' use'
Havwo'al & Pjrvder. PottsviHe; Joaenb O. Lawion
to ... Ill- , tw VY-ai;nn. e..... r, i , , ii. Taylor, 14n north 3d st. A Wrurht 4 ffeplew
Vine st. wharf; Alexander Caror, Couveyaiieer, corner of
FrllM'rt and nth t.t John M. Vwil. !h! north 3d st.t Atv er
Hush. M north 3il .lames M. Paul, lul mill lis a .
TW. David Jane, 8 sooth Od st.; Mnthew T. Millir. 0
a uitii M St.; and we enuld icirnr aoeie - huislred of thT
If ft wen- necessary. Nmv we invite the attention sf the
public, nisi nnrtieulnrly thisj Hi want of Fire Prooffnfes,
to call nt our store before purchasing; elsewhere, aid wa
edn aelisfy thein tlie)' wilt fret a better and chcnpernrticle
nt our store than nt any other establishment in the yity,
t We also tnniinfaetufe the nrdinnry Fire Proof Clrtsts, at
nt very low prices, ehenncr thou they can be boughl at any
other store iu Philadelphia.
, 1 , , . DA VII) EVANS, '
Philadelphia, April S, IBIS ly
G,. &u. wrTiwriTH,
(Lata of the firm of A. G. Bagley h Co.) '
Manupactcbkiis uf Gold Pans, Put holdib
inn I'lNrii.,
No. 1G Inhlcn I.nno, CiV-Yoik.
JT-, Iho Subscriber offer to the I rude, and
Ihe public generally, our different style
of Gold Pens, which are warrenied g.iint all im
p rf cions ly fiir tisagr, and also tube supeuoi
in every respect to nny ottiers made. Having in
rn aseil fuci line for manufacturing, we are deter
mined that no pen !ill bo delivered ftomour c-tab!i.-htiicnl
tiulie-i it is .etfict We also kcp
ci'iisi'uiii'y o ii !:;"! ur superior Gold rencils, and
Pcnct'a w,,n ,,cn' wllb', we ,,e enn,Jl'd 10 i fle.r at
ihe lowest tntea. n',l 'del aJdreaed lo the Pub
sniber. will be carefully anu promptly attendej
to. .. ' -
G. ct E. M SMITH, No. 16 iMaiden LaneN.Y.
Oct. T. 1F1S 3m
213 MAKKrvr Street,
viu' & medicines',
" , Ii STLrr,
J sinti. Oil. u.
Patent Midi.-ine, Medicine Cheats, Sut;!cal and
... t M t, liieul Instrument. Chrtnical Te.t, &C, .
' fXj' "fd' f from Merchant nr rhysirians, by
leti,r or o lu rwiie niotiiutly attended to.
Atiiri's'.'!), I S-IS. Tim
S. J. I EGA IJ 0 EE & CO.
And Dealers in Pciprr. and Pap:r Mamifactu-
rert' Materials.
i No. 32 Commerce st., PHILADELPHIA.
4 F.F.P roii.laiitl y on hand a large assort.
trient of printing and other paper New.
'impels in t hi) country, can be supplied at all
tunes, wnh paper ol' any size and quality, at
the lowest price.
Philadelphia, June 17th, 1918.
OF a superior quali'v, haiidaiimely colored, end
put up in beautiful Morocco Case, complete,
for onlv IN K T)iI.L A R, at SPIELER'S CHEAP
U I' M'eet. b low Fuutth, Philadelphia. All
Picture made at tliis etablishment will bo Wit.
un raarrcT.
, rhiUd. Iphia. .Sept. 3, IS48 6m
J. & W. L. WAKB,
Na. KK1 CIIFSNIT Street, Philadelihla,
Opposite the Franklin House,
fMPORTElW of Gold and Silver Patent Le
ver Watches, nnd Manufacturer nf Jewelry -.
A good assortment a'uay on band. Gold Pa
ient Levei. ISieWeU. t'iS : Silver do $18 to
iiO; Gold Lepine. $30; Oliver do. $13 to 13: '
t'l cks and I iron Piece , Gold Pencile, 9123,
upwaid; Diamond Pointed Gold Pen, $ I. SO;
Gold Bracelets and Breast Pins, in great variety;
Ear Kings Miniature Case; Guard Chain, ':
$12 to tJi ; Plated Tea bet, Caators, Cake
baskets. Candlestick, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivo
ry Handled Table t'u'lery, and a general assort
ment of Fancy Good. '
J. & W L. WARD, No, 10B CHBSNDT Pt.,
Philadelphia, . opposite the Franklin House,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Ppoona,
Foiks, Pea fets, Ladlea, Ae. All work made
by ns ia stamped wilh our name, end warranted
lo be made of purely American coin.
Philadelphia, August 13, 18486 (,,, .,,
HHT great Nalienal, Old Fav'oritv. and Bter- 1
Jing Remedy!!! of EIGHTEEN YEARS
STANDING still ttnapproacbed in it woavtets,"
ful suce, eetiainty, and afi ty, in the cti or
yrRwrciiKD complaint !!
rjy ll you would escape the arsenical (doi'mii.
out) touuterfett take not a bottleroflj any ie, "
that is notjfuoroW by the 'written eignaturt"
of.the original inventor and proprietor, Jobn R. ,
Rowasd, on a paper luUl, crossing th mouth .. '
und enrk. ' v
Tbis remedy has never been bolstered up by .
falteanddecei ful rufla. hut l,aa wn ita way to '
the confidence and univ.u.l Ar..,an of the in. I ' '
tjebitnntsofFKvia An Actn DiaTHCTa B Y ITS ,,.v-
euyv nuitKS.ttfD fRVlTS LO.VJS, to ,
wbtch all lbe,eieyie. enrt averv neraon who have
used it, Well testify. ,; . n '
U3 Arc' street '"delpniaVi. s .
Agfkt, for Hnnbury Ira T. Clement. J. Vr.
Friling, H. Misser enrt Geo. Bright. ' " ,;'
' Aakkt fr Northumberland Forsyth, Wil. '".
son & Co., R. M. M'Cay. '
August 3, 1848 eow '"
' J. T. GHEE1T0TIGS.1 . i
(Iute Keller & Grfienough.) -;
A2TD MEOHAlfflOAZs SlTfllXXraBB, :'F
DRAWINGS and j'wrs ' jTut ' t't .pitoot
uaioei, prvriiired and all the uecesiuv btt.
amesiry in rvlutioa to gecuriug paUuta, Uang.,
arte and rromptly mtemWa tw at thi, of..
rioe opnosha tht. Ptitet Oftc.. , b. - ., ..i
7KDOW GL4S, 8 by.lfl (of sal. I,
Vrt.-vuv- u Ititvo
Hmibury. Jan S7tb, I' if.
til I1