SUNBTJRY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. iH(gceUaneomt .Matter "This'FiQCRATivE ok Comparative Sttlb. The following hit at en Americnn peculiar Vfiy U from the Knickerbocker : "''Inovr take my pen In hand to writo to y"i, to inform you that I got here an safe as a thief in a mill, two days after I left you and tlierest of my friends. I waa crammed into & slage-wngon, whore the passengers were as 'hick as crows in a cornfield, ' and the joun pin 'of the carriage made me as sick as deaih ; tytfl am now, by the blessing of Hoaven en tirely wcoved and am as hearty ns a buck. 1 ihave bought a new suit of clothes, which sit Vs slick as a whistle ; and sure as a gun, if 'you should see me now, you would grin like "W 'painter.' " The gentleman I live with is as ' sour as a crab ; but to make some amends for hi ill nature, his wife is as pleasant as a bas. Let of chips, nnd his daughters are as lively as 4 pea on a hot shovel; though to tell the trufh, one of them is as homely ns a carpen ter's chest of tools. I know 1 ehnn't like him fof he is as snappish as a mud-turtle, ifl let A customer go out of the shop without tradiu' He says a merchant's clerk should have a "tongue as emoulh as goose-grease, and be n We to lie without blushing ; and he should as limber as a weasel, and as full of bows when a. lady comes in ns a dog is of flics Whon he tells the women how much his goods cost him, ho winks like a toad guilder a currant bush.' Queries for Scientific Men. In what manner does diamond act upon glusti so ns to cut it ? Juat it docs not penetrate its mib Btance is obvious to any oiiw who attends to its Operations, for it only divides the exceed ingly attenuated pellicle on tho surface, nnd penetrates no deeper. The best cut of adia mond is when it makes tho least noise in passing the line, and it cuts in the same man tier tho thickets ax well as thinnest plates of glass. The Encyelcpiedia Americana says VThat it is very remarkable that only tho point of a natural crystal can bo used ; cut or split diamonds scratch, but the glass will not break along tho scratch, as it does when a natural crystal is used." Again the crack is often found to follow tho diamond after it has passed several inches. That it does not cut it by dividing the pellicles is clear, be causo a piece of quartz will do tho same by passing in the same line repeatedly, yet it will not break tiue. Then how does the dia mond act 1 Is it by electricity or galvanism, or the carbon acting upon the compound of which glass is composed !" Poetry "as is" Poetry. The Whitehall Chronicle introduces a domestic bard, whose lines have the merit of touching tho imagina tion in a most appetising way : WHAT I tOVES. I loves to talk of laughing girts; I loves the smiles of widows; I loves tho croaking of green frogs -,; , Among the marshy meadows. But O ! I loves them critters best Divided in the middle When their hind parts are nicely soaked In butter on the griddle. tii i uoes. I loves the lily nnd the rose, The laurel and the myrtle ; But 0! I bettor loves by fur A whopping big mud-turtle. I loves 'em when I notions lake To live on funcy willies; O, how I'd love one big enough To fill a dozen kettles. . Well I would. How to Finish a Dinner at Court. Tho Court Journal instructs the crowd who are hurrying to Washington, to be present at the Inauguration, on Monday, how to finish a amner. it is as follows: "A glass bowl half filled with tepid water, and scented with a few drops of orange flower water, is placed before each cuest. into w hich he should insert tho extremities of his fingers noijifjsii, and then wipe them, also a small glass tumbler half filled with tepid water, is sometimes placed in tho bowl ; this is used io rinse the month, and is a universal custom on tho continent of Europe ; a small quantity of this water is taken into the mouth, noise lessly, and then the head is bent forward over tho bowl, and the water ia allowed to run out of the mouth into tho bowl she mouth is then wiped, and the napkin is taken away with the bow l." 'The Latest Dispatch A baby was left at the office of the magnetic telegraph, in Pittsburg a day or two ago. It had no Pa. The following is a true copy of a letter re ceived by a schoolmaster near Montrose: 'Cur, as you are a man of nnlegs, I intend to inter my son into your skull. 1 am, &c." Don'I Bxmevk It. A Benevolont Society down East is said to be engaged in making oil cloth overcoats for whales, to keep them dry in rainy weather. Old Maids ought never to be discouraged, for Norman, tha daughter of Euock, was S80 years old w hen she was married. "I 6t some boot in lh bargaui," as the fellow said w hen he was kicked out of the museum the oiher ni"ht. f "Sally, how do you like your new place 1 Is it religious fumily Wdl, I rather guess it is they always have beans on Sunday." Diogenes buing once asked the bite of which beast was worst, answered "If you mean of wild beasts, 'tis the slanderer t if tame, theat7err." Lijo Dwtiw. The amount of duties paid at the Boston Custom House upon rum brandy and gin, for 1818, was $191,912. The rata of duty upon liquor is too per cent. A lovvQ Wira kd Mothek. A lady resi ding in thia city, who wilfnol bo fourteen years ot age tiU tha coming-mouth of May was msul A' mother two days since by the birth, of a son Roth. Pern. A minister was publicly horsewhipped in Milton, Mass., by the father and brother of young lady be courted and refuW to wry. . i DR. TOWfliSEND S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP SA-HSAPAKILLA; THIS Kxtrnrt it put ap In quart bottles. It 1 tix timet chenpfr, plrftsrintrT, mild warranted tiiperinr to any Ut. It eiirrt riiffmn't without nmitiiifr, purging, tick Ttn f dt'blllUllM,g lh I"111 ' particularly ttlapted FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. 1 Th9 rest Iwnnly and miperlofity Of SnnmpfirUta over . otliur rcmedie in, whilst it eradKitetUisefler it fnvipontte tha budy. inn cured. Clearme and Strengthen. CnnmiiTiptiiin can be cured. 1 Brtnichiti, Cim.mmpt.ori. Liver Coinnlnint, Colds, Omighi, Catnrrln Asthma, Hpittingof Wood, rVirenrm intiit Cheat, Hectie Fluah, Night Hwenta. Diffi cult and Profuae Uxpeetnratioii, and Pain in tli ShJc, Ac., Ac. hnve and can Iw cared. Proinlily there never wnt a remedy thnt hna been ao tine oenaful in desperate rates of cotiaumptinii us this it Henri ses and atrctigihens the system, and appenra to IipqI the ul cers on the lungs, nnd patients gradually regnin their usual health and struturth. CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is smrrely a dny pnsses but there nre a nurnlier of en Be of consumption reported ns cured by the .use ot Dr Townsen's SuiHtiniilla. The following was recently re ceived : Dr. Towfisnxiv-Dmf Sir: For tha last three yenra I have beeu atllietd with geuend debility and nervous on sttmntion i the tost stiiutvand did not expft to ever gain my (ten It h nt alf. After going tbnmgh n ciurseof metlicine uiider the cere of some of the most distinguished rnirulnr uhysici.ins and memlwrs tf thn lionrd of lleiilih in New York and elsewhere, ami spending the most of my earnings in attemptiiHr lo regain my henlth. mid nftrf rending In some paper of youi Snrsnpnfilln I resolved to fry it. After nptitg six bottle's 1 found it dmo me great good', and called to see you at your ofTtee with your advice I kept on, and do most homily thnuk yon for your ndviee. I persevere in taking the Snrmipiirilhi, and have been able to attend to my usniil lfihora for the Inst four montlus ai'd I hope by tha lpsingsof fiod tuid vour Rtrsnpnrilln to continue my hmlth. It helped me beyond the expeetntions of nil who knew my eae. CI1AKLK3 Qll.Mli V Omnee, Ksacx m. N. J., Aug. 9, 1H47. State of Nw Jersey, I'wx county, ss. Cbitrlcs CJuim by Iwiitg duly Bw rn according to low, on Ins rnith sntth. tint the foregoing slnternent'ft tn uro'rttincr to tttf bent of hiknowledKintid belief. CIIAULF.H QL'IMHV. Sworn und suUscrtbeU to before me nt Oranao, the 2d AJgust, 1S17. C lU'S BALDWIN. .Inst ice of the Pence. SPITTING nLOOl). Rend the f !iowiug, aud sny that consumption is in incu rable if yon can : New York, April on. 1S17. Pr. TowNsnxn : I verily bftieve tliiit your 8;irsnpnrilla hns Itet'ii thf niuins. tli rough Providence, of mving my lite 1 hnve for srveml yrirs hnd n Uid cough. It bceunc worse and wirse. At lost I ruit"d large quantities of blood, hnd iii(tht sweats and wns grently dt'hilttuted ant) reflueed, and dul not expert to live. I have only uwtl your Snrgapnrilla but a Jihurt lime, nnd there hits a wonderful ehnnge been wrought in me. I am now nble to walk all over the city. f mite no Wood, nnd my cough lias left me. You can well imagine that I urn ttinnklnl for these rmitf. 'our oliedi ciu scmuit. HVSSKLL. 05 Cathurutc st. LOST W'H SPKKCH. TheanneiiMl crtiheate tells a simple nnd truthful story of suuVrhig nnd relief. There are th'itiMinds of similar en ses in tin's city and Rrooklrn. nnd vet there are tlioumuds of parents let their children die lor fair of being himibucgcd or to save a few shillings. nronklvn, Sept. W, 1M7. Dr. TowsEXO: I take pleasure in Mating, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, tliut my duutrhter, two yenn nnd six nriilln old, wus ulHieted with genend de bility nnd Ion of speech, fhe wis given lip ns prist jc covury by our fumily pintician; but lortuuatelv 1 wns re coimucudeil by a friend to try your SHrKipurillu. Jlefore having used one bottle she recovered her hpei-eh and wns ennMul to walk alone, to the atonilinieut of all who were ncnuniiitt-d Willi the eirenmstances. Sho is now quite well, nml in much tetter hcilth than she bus I teen for 1 inmiths part. JOSEPH TAVLOH, ! York ot., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few families indeed in fact we have no henid of one Hint tiwil Dr. Townseud'S Sarwipanllu in time. loi any chiltlreu the pant Suninir-r, while thnfie, that did not, sickened and died. The cerrilicate we publish bHow is eHielusive evidence of its vnlue, nnd is only another instance of its saving the lives of chiltlreu : Dr. Tow.-knd Dear Sir : I hod two children cured by your SirsnpnrHln of the summer comprint and dyacntary; one was only 15 month old nnd tha other 3 years. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die ; they were giv.?n up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed us that wa must lore them, wc resol ved to try-our Htirsjipnnlla we had heard so much of, but hod little confidence, there being much slutf advertised that is worthless: but we nre tlumkful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both. I write thi that oth era may be induced to use it. Yours, respect full v, JOHN WILS?ON,Jr. Mj-rtle-avenue, Rrooklya, Sept. 15, lsl7. TO TIIR LAttlUS. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Db.Towsksds SARjtAPAlMLtA is a sovereign and speedy cure for incipient consumption, und for the general prostni lion of the system no mutter whether the result of inhe rent fHUBc or cn ' ' emeiu. Notion? can be more surprising tlinti its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Persons all weakness und las situde, from taking it at once lieconie rohunt and lull of enenrv uiuh r its influence. U imtneiliately count eructs the nerveU'wuess ot the female t'ruine, which is tlie great cnusv barrenness. It will not be expected of us. in ciip -f so delicate a im (. --itiiut-B t,f cures performed, but we can assure the atliicted lliat hundrwls of enact Imve been rcpor te.1 to iin. Dr. Tmnrsvxn: Mv wife bing grcatlv dislresaetl bv weakness und general debility, and snrtehiiir' continually by pain and with otl:er ditficidtics, and having known eases where your medicine has effected great cures; and als hearing it rcw amended for such cnaeHTiis I have deserilctl, I otitumad a bHtle of ymir Extract of Sarsapiirilla und fol lowed (lie directions you gave me. In a short perid it removed her complaints and rest ore I her to health. Ui-iug greatlul fir the IwiKlits she received. I titke pleasure in thus acknowledging it, and rccomiueiKling it to tbe public. M. D. .UOOUE, Albany, Aug. 17. Ml. cor. Grand A Lydia sta. No fluid or mndicina has ever been discovered which so nearly reseinlle the gastric juice or salivu in deeoiuiMMting food and strcuglhentng the organs of d motion as this p.e paration of SitrK-qiariila. It positively cures every cum of dyspepbin, however severe or chronic. Hank Department, AUmv, Mnv 10, Dr. Townsend Sir: 1 have leen iittticted'for neverul I yeiirs with dsicnsia in its worst form, attended - neas if stomach, iomi of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a rrnu Hvervmu io an Kinas oi Iikhi. and tor weok. ivimt 1 ctHiiil cat) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on my stoumeh. I tried ihu usual rcmeilius, but they hatl but In lie or no effect in removing the complaint. 1 was in duced, aliout two month tince, to try your Extract of Sur saiari!la. ami 1 iniiKt nay with little confidence Wit after using nearly two bottles, 1 found inv apetile restored and ma aennnurn entirely removed; nnd I foinU earnestly re commend the use of it to those who have been nffitcterf nn 1 nave ueen. ours, &c., W. W. V AN ZANDT. Aaent for Siml.iiry JOHN V. FKILINO; Nor tbumlerlund, MAHY A. McCAY; Danville. AVM. A MUJv It AY & Co., Apiii aa, itis ly 2415 ad 413 MARKET STREET, rniLtnKLrni. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF Gold and IN PIIILAUF.DA1IIA. Gold Leterr, full jewelleJ, 18 carat casa f :jo sml over 8iler I.eeis, full jewelled f 16 an J ner " f 1 B, d ov " Qua.t. tf. Jl 5t0 f io Gold I'rnri',. 1 Sj Kilvet Tea 8ionn, fqu d locuin, 4 fiO li.ild Poi.s, silver holder and pencil, 1 (10 With a splendid astonncnt tit nil kindi nf U'alch, holh trold and silver: Hi. h Joweli v. A-r ite, (i,.lj Cham of tho be! meiiir.ctuie.. and in tart eeiy ildiis in the Watch and Jcw. lrv lina at much Irsa piices than can bn b .unlit in this city or cisenncrp. Please siv ttiis sdveniscment. and call st vi So. 41 J M AltKitT sirw. al.eva K . w.i.ih norm side, or at JAUOU LADOMIfS. 848 MAHEET at., fir,t sture below side. C" We have G(!Id and Silver Lei rs still . hea. rr than tha above price. a liberal discount made io ma iraiie. ciepieinlei S3, 1848. Cm OAKFORDVS UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS run liENTLEMEN. CHARLES OltruKD, Ao. 104 CHKSTSUT STREET rtultuitlplna. Would respectfully invite attention to his superior ui !.. iu. UIUIOII, ibss, which will he found the most peifect ever b.fre off, red to tht community. In peculiar forma renders it the more desirable, aa it eombine all tha essentials of dura; bility andneatneaa, requisite In that article of dress whilta bia increased facilities in in manufacturing wiih all the modern improvements, ensblog biin Tu CusLtsaoi Tats Woaio o produce better Hal. CaiipaxVa Fiact Kara aud Cam er rati Latsst M0111. 1'hese goods hae been selected with great care, and will be found uoet beautiful and chaaie in their sly lea. Ladies' Riiuie Hati aib Cam or Ea-Tiar l iw Pattks. Great care baa be n bestow, ad in conatruriir g these aiticlea. ibst tbey.mayflt pet Itctly easy and form graceful appearance. CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 Chestnut at. 1 (aw doors above '1'hird. a . - . Philadelphia. BepUmUr 80, 4, 1848-ly G UM SHOES for Centlemen and Ludies, Juat ceivedn4 for sale hy h. MAKR. simnsTr, area, z, 1141. III WESTEniV NEW YOUK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. G.C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lillionlrlptie Mixture. THIS relrtirntwl romwly is eonstnntly increasing its fsnia by the many cures it 'is nwking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It tinn imw become the only medicint for family m, and i purlieu la rly reotinimiiidrd for DROPSY : all ftftaTR f this complaint immediately rclievetl, no matter of how Imur sbuiUiiig. See l'hninnlilet for testimony. GRAVEL, and all dincuncs nf theurinnry orpin ; for thrro itiirc ing complaints it stands nl;ine ) no other oniric enn relieve yon i and the cures testified to willcunvineellie most skei ticiil ! see pamphlet, l.iver Coinplnint. Uillious diseases, FEVKU&AGl'E. To the Crent W'rtt epeeinlly. nnd wherever thesa com plaints prevail this mlieine i ofTere.1. NO MINERAL AGENT, no rleleterious compound is a part of this mixture, it cures three diseases with certainly nnd celerity, and does not leave the system torpid, fee 'Pamphlet. PILES. A Cotnplfiint of n moiit pninfitl chnmetrr, i IMMEDIATKLV KKLIEVED, and pure follow by n few dnys ne of thisnrtirle ; it t far brfore any other pretwnitiou lor this disen, or fornny other ditisc originating frum impure hlouri. J?oe vun phk-t. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, wenk brick, wcnkupws of (he Kitlne. ?., or tnflamnm tion oi'Faiue. is iinincfliati'ly rflieved by a tew tluys u if (his inrtltciue, and a cure is aUrnyB a result of it use. It tuwli llfl A CERTAIN REMEDY, for nirh coniplainti, and also for derange menli of the fe male traiiie, IRREGULARITI ES, SUPPRESSIONS. painful iiirnMrualions. No nrtirle has ever bern offered excfpl this which would touch thia kind of deriintrrment. It may he relied upon ai a mire and elTective reumly. and did we feel permitted to do wi cnld Rive A THOUSAND SjpVMES, ns proof of cures in this dietressmir. claw of eomplnintM. lee pamphlet. All Itroken down, debilitated constitutions from the etlect ol mercury, will find the (wring power of this article to act immediately, run! the puistmims luiueml crndicuted from thesvrtctn. EULPT1VE DISEASES will find the alteiative properties uf this nrricle, PUK1FV THE BLOOD. nnd driven such diseases from the system. Poo pnmjddel for testimony of cures in nil dipcnses, which the litntTS ot an advertisement will not permit to bs nmned here. Arjents irive them away ; they contain Q'2 pages of curtihVittcs of high character, and n sirouger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues rf n medicine, never apjwnred. It is one of the peculiar features of this article lluit it nevei fails to bene tit in any cnnc, and if tno aud miifcle are left to build upon lei the emaciated and lintrerins invalid HOPE ON nnd kri'p tnkini? the medicine us l ng ns thers is rm iin proveincnt. Th proprietor would CAUTION THE PUBLIC ae-ii'!t a tmmber of articles which come out under the 'ea "SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, kC, ns enrfs for Dropsy, Gravel, ,Ve. : They are gmxl for no thing, and ooiicoeted'to gull the nruvarv j TOUCH THEM NOT Their invcnt'irs never thonpht of curing such disuses till thia article hnd done it. A particular study of 'he pam phlet is earnestly solicited. AgeiiM au.1 nil who sell the nrtiele are GI.ADTO CIRCULATE grntuitoiwly. Put in. i,, 07. bottles, ot pi ; tl n. do nt il ieh ihe larger holiliiij. . 11Kre ,nn tw wim ,,,. ties. Jo-.k out and get imW u,. . Kvere Kittle hns i-Vaiiglin's Vegetable l.illi"iilrirtie Mixture. .. .,.., the uIhm. the written silimture of '(. C. Vaughn rU.' , ilirc. tioim, nnd "(i. C. Vaughn. Ilufliiti," Mumped on the ork. None other nre genuine. Prepared by Dr. I.. C. Vniishn. nnd s .Id nt the Vrineipnl Office, s!"7 Mnm street, HiiflM 1. at wholesale nnd retail. No intention given to let ters unless post paiil orders from regularly nmslilnleri Agents excepted ; p-ist sud letters, or erlial coininutiioa ti ins s ilieiling ndviee. prompllv ntteiKlel to gratis. tUTiees devoted exclusively tu the sal" ol this srtiele l-i nsnnil V. 1. en v i 3fl.i Kssexsl.Siiem. Mass.; 1 in- prineinl Druggmt's throughout the L'llitcd States und Cilundu. ns Agents. List of Airents. Storrs tc CO., Wholesale Agent Philadel phia .!. W. Friling, 7unbury Isaae (ieurhart. Selitigrtoe O. A. Wyeth. Lewishnrs II. l.fMiealer, Milton llitves V McCoriulck, McEvens ille .Miss McCoy, Norlhumlvr land. Apiil 1, 18 If y vims. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CtfAliLES OAKFORD, Furrier. Xo. 10 J Client nut Street, A few doors above Third, Philadelphia, woulil invite tho ladies to cnl an. I examine bis superior stork of Muffs, Unas, Tippcta. &c. of every variety, consisting of Rich Itui-sia Sble, Hiidson s Day Martin, Norway Mmtin, Alink Sa ble, Baum Martin, ftone Marlin, Krminc, I'ltih Lynx, &c, &.C. These skins have Ik en sel elf J with qreiil eaic, "tnl ar m.ole by the best workmen in the country. I. olioi rm.y rest nxMjreil that no nrtiele w ll be ofT red for sale in this establishment thai is not perlect in every lesiicct. CH r.LES OAKTOUD, Ab. 104, Cfiennut ttreel, between Third and Fourth tlreei l'hiludilphia September 30, 1848 Cm JACOB KECK, VVHOLCSALE ANU KLTA1L IT I i: AMD LI (Kilt diuh:ii, Aro 293 Market Street, Heaw E.'ghtA, North tide I'lllHlll LI Hli. Keepi constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, viz : Superior old rye whiakey superior Bfandy, Gin, &c. Also white brandy fo, preior vin)!. Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. 1'hiladelphia, June 3, 1818. ly Pnlent Air-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. rpHE above Stove, which ia equally well adapted to W.iod J. or Csil, h:ia received silver lululs at the fairs of the American institute, iew York ; ol the Mschanies1 Insti tute, ll"Mon; 01 the I'ranklin Institute, Philadelphia ; aud 01 the Meehuuics' Institute, Wilmington, Deluwnre. It is'cuuble, if proierlt' used, of doing more work, with le fuel, than any other M ive yet onered to the public: in willlei it will warm I lie luraest '-ill hen. while in sunuiier. with the summer dress attached, it throws out no more heut than a chumul luriuice ; and for billing, broiliim, ba king, or rousting, it cannot bs surpassed by any other Move, open fire, or brick oven. UbUU.U.UI'iMJA JltbXS. CKHirriCATB or ihk Junoas or tiis Mbx'Bakics I.t.Ti- TUTX, HosTO.t. We, the sulaoribers, being eh sen Judges by Ihe Manse chusetts Cliarituble Mochumes' Association iu lioston, oil stoves, furnaces, ranges, 4e. woukl iiitorm the public, that ul'ter testing all the cooking Stoves tlial were put into the Fair for exhibition, aud letting etich mult inaiuige his own stove with the same kind of osil, in order to aseeruiiii which would do the same work with Ihe least fuel in Ihe same time, and do it best, we find that tkewart's Patent Bummer and Winter Air-Tight Cooking &tove, mnuaiHctur ed by the patentee, of Troy, N. V., to be the best, as il look hut iii minutes to boil two gallon of water sihI huke biscuit in the same time, and broil beef neuk, aud all in tho best inmuier with seven pounds g coal, in thirty minutes Irian Ihe lime the lire woe put into the stove. To which I wo Mwarnou toe silver ineoul. J AM K Of II 1.1) WAI.TFR CORN ELL, THOMAS MoL'LTON, A. U. WKUIJKK, and JAMKAPAHI' Jinn.. The subscribers resuectfullv invite ihe attem ion nf ei,t it- try dealers, to one of the lurgest and best Selected stock of sioves, ever oncrni m tins city, among winch are tha fol lowing t ' bases. Screen Cj lender. Oven Stoves. Washington Air-Tight Cook. Vulcan do do Kurekaa Larga Oveo Albany do do do do do do do do Willi! do McGregor Mammoth Premium! Cook 8'ovea. National Air-Tight Cook a. Parlor Stove. 100 Louis. Air-Tiffht Parlor Stovea. 130 Charles tha 1st Ail-Tight do 800 Lady Washington. Air Tight Parlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight - do 300 McGreeor'a three dav Parlor Air-Tisht Coal Stoves, burning three days without atten tion. For a!e wholesale and retail bv North. Harri. son & Co. No. 390 Market street, Philadelphia. JUSTICES' BLANKS nn VALE AT Tim offic. OXYGENATED H3 II "Q "CE LBJ HI S3 s A HOVEREtGH HEMEOY ton DTSPBIPSIA, . . . riiTinsic, AND OENEHAL DEDItlTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietoh. Windsor, Vermont. I? a sovereign 1 forms, such at Tcmwly fi-TlDYiM'F.mA, In nwiny Cf Bi nHiii in the Womncli. jjenrtlmrn, nnniruB. CimtlrenrM. Acid Stoirmcli. IluxlaHie. lmiol Apiwiite, Pilrn, Niglit Hwpfitn. mid even Coitsmiiniinn fPviwpttc I'lttlnsic.) nnd Asthnm, nr lMithisip nitrtHird with dtTniicrc tnciit nf tht? Kt'Himc h (rt J)) B)cptic Astlimn.) Difficult Hrratltiiiff.Av)iipi ol'lrn rt?nlts i'rm inipcrirrl digretitm (r Dyieptir ysptirpH.) in rrlinvrd hy thesr HiHen". In short, their line htii Ivwn proved in th rHief of n I most nil the Byinptniiis thnt pniceod fronm dcbililittcd or ntmic condi tion of the Stmnneh ; nlso in gpiirrnt debility ansintT t'nrni npcoT from the etlcom of Frvr, pnnirnliirty Kfvcr and Affitr. Ffmnlci PitfltTintr nndrr nny utrrine dcmnfrnmul risinff from wfnknriM. will find the UxvrsATKD Hit TFnj'' nn exocllunt remedy, nnd not iurpnectlby nny invdi c'uif in tine, Tim hintory of this mrdif iuc in pr(iilinr. H hn mnt iti wny to pnliiii favor ol( ly hy Ihr liuci ol it- own hilrintic tiinfin. NonrliHcinl tm-aim Imve to'cn lined to pi ve it no tetriply nnd thrust It upon public ntltiilion. It lmn never heiore even Ireeii ndvertimxl. hut havinp fimt nlmwn it" re niarkuhle eifuwy in the inniily il ttir prtprirtor, niH. Ity liim nltrrvviiidn tulniinifftLTt-d to hin nfllirti'il fiiciwli nnd nc qUfiiHtnnre with n like rrwitlt, itn rrpiitntion pmdnnlly ex tended until it in known in the tiiont diHtnnt p.irta of the t'tiinu, n n modioli. of imriviillfd virtts in tiiecnrc of Dvnpepnin in nil it different forum, nml nlwi for the mre of AMhtnn or Fhlhinir. lis only henild nnd its only eutpy hnn been the story of its w.tnderlul i-flicnry, nn tld fr-m mouth to mouth or by 1ttT frotu iri nd m frirml. In pvo rv hintniire whrre thew Hitter have been until, nnd the re sult ninde known to the proprietor, they huvc proved a re medy. Nimiernun pert ificn ten, ntlenling the ningnlnr effiency of tlip "Oxvgkxated Hitteb," ur in the tonsesnioii of the Croprietor; ninny of them signed by pcrs'innnlrrndy widely iiown to the public. GKO. n. r.RHKN, Tropriet t. M'lNDOR, Vt., Oct-.ber 3, t,o. Thr following Ortifientrn linrc rpccntly horn received t VAl!lNOTOt D. C, .lVNIf 10, VUl. ITnviug mnde use ol the tOxyp'iuitid Hitiern' prepored by l)r. UtiK il. (Jreen, of M'iniiiiT.. Vt. mid from ki-v-leripp obtniued ot their ertienpy iu other nint , weeheerfiilly recommend them to ihepublie, lu'ltevms: that they will hilly mint a iti the reeomniciiliitii'n of the Proprietor. We h-tpe thut thin valuable remeily mny be no peiiemlty tlilTuned thrtmphout Uio cuintry tliat it may lie nccenaihlc to ull the nllheud. wn.lIxMU-n'fv: l'-S Po.itnr from Vermont. JAMKS F. SIMMONS, V. S. rVirttor from 17. Inbnd. J. T. MOUF.HEAD, U. i. Senator nml formerly Govern or of Kentucky. Is. II. AtlXOIJ), .Member of Congress nud formerly Go vcrnorof H. I. WM. WOODHRIDGK, V. S. Senator nnd fonneri) Go venior of iMii'liiirnn. M. I. MARTIN, I)e!egnte in Congress from Wisonsiii Territor). From Hon. H. D. Fostfr, Memlfpr of Congress from Pi'iinnvlvauia, AVAwitVoTos, I). C, Jl.vk 10. 1H16. Dear Sir. I hnve been n dvnetir sullerer for nb mt ten yenrs, nnd hnve res trted to vn.iun mnlieiuen tor relief without success, until I nmle use of your "Oxygenated Bitters." 1 have lined alxiut tw Imttlen, nnd fitnl inys-ll' restored to perfect hmlili The forma in whieh the oif ease showed itself, in my case, were, great neiility of the stoniarh, loss of nppetite. extreme rbitnlenre, revere cNtl mtion of the bowels, and violent headache. Fcelinp desi rous that n knowhilee of your vnlualile remedy may reach others similarly nlllicted. 1 take preat pleasure in rer ird inp mv testiui'Xiv to its curative pttwer; nnd wouid nlt reiTiaik. that while on visit nt home n short time store, I aduiiniKtcrrd n part of u hoi tie to n iiiuubcr of my nlhtcte) fvicitiln, with preat snecns. 'I'lujy an; desirous that you should establish im miency t I'illnlmrt. or inlorin th in where tlve medicine can le obtained. With nn earnest de sire for your prosperity and happinexn, I nut serilx uiynelf, trulv your friend II. l. FOSTKH. D't. Geo. H. GRFK?f.Windn ir, Vt. Sold Wbolewile nnd Remit by Green & Fletcher, No. 26 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Apent fT Sunbury II. H. M ASSKR. Apeutsfor Milton MACKAY & IIAAO. Apent foi I pper Mahonov. J. G. KK.W. April 15, IHS VTartlroIie of FuNlilonabSn J, W. & l'at. l). r t oiLrv CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Ko. 194 .Varid Street. Fint, Clothing store be low Sixth, Plllt.ADEt.rilM. YT7HKRE they are constantly engaged in get- ting up from the best Krench, English an J American c oth. clothing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable sty e. l't-rsons who buy to sel1, will find a large and excellent stock at the lowest city prices. C otuing mm!e up to order, in a superior style nt the shortest notice. N. B Odd Fellows Regalia, a large assott ment always or. hand. Orders from Lodges and individual promptly attended to on the most rea sonable terms. Philadelphia, June 3, 1818 ly. THOMAS' C. GARRETT & CO. l.MI'IIHTr.ns OF P'aled and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and Fsnatr Goods, and M niuf.icturers nf Jew elry and Silver Ware. 123 Chronul street, Phila delphia; hive received by late arrivul a Lnfjo and handsome a'oi k of Knitlish and French Watches, and Marble. Porcelain and Fancy (.'lock. Plated Urns. Castors. Cike llnskrts, High and ChnmherfJandli'stii'k Moup L'ldlra, S,.oom a"d Forks. Alae a qo ul assortment of Bii annia Ware and Fine ( 'ut. r. Their stock of .IK WKl.TiY is and of tl.e most fi-hionalile kind, and ihey are well upplled vith Silver fponns. Foiks. Mugs, Nu km Ritf-', Uutloi Kinvie 4c , and wi hout m-king nny d-s. play i.f pities in the pu' lie. iriiin, they are pre pared io a I iw a tho-o who do, and invite ii-isoiis wihiiijf to pur hai to Pliil ul, ,,hia, June III, im Goi Iu preseiitiiur the no I ihe wilh a rnnedv for the trmtuient and cure til Fin'Rtt ivn Ann? .....I .li.-r l.o. .o u uoapolijry is neeileit. Vina mimlx-rs in the t'niteil Wntcs J who sutfrr from llifse aflivtimis in their varieil forms, are r anptllen u srrK rehrl IroiniHher sources than the ilnme diutu prescriplinnsol the regular phj siciau. It Iweoiues therefore nu ohjrrl of hiiinnnity, as well as of public inter est, to brine: before Ihein a remiilv -ritl I'mni much ex perience, and whieh may alwavs lie relied upon aa nn, SVFKCTt'AL, AND HAKMLEnS To TH8 CONSTITUTIOX. That such is the true eluruelcr ot' the INDIA ('111 U.AliOl.l K, is limply allrstrd by the universal tiux-rs. with which it hns been employed. tV Kstrset from a ooimiiuiiieiilion of the Hon. Wn.. ham WooumnnoK, of tlie U. S. Semite, lalu Uovemor of Michiguu. PrraoiT, Oct. 41, 1810. Dncroa CnsHLEs OsGnnn, UrSir, 4 have read with much interest, your little trakatisb upon the '-causes, treatment and cure' of the febrile diseases which have so extensively prevailed ill our country during- the Inst lew nioilllis an Interest inerimsed no doubt, by the fuel lhat I Imvu individually surlireil so -inucn inim inrni. JHoup.ii i tec-l mysrit very me 'niiM.tent to juilse aaieiy Uiu stili'ert so eutirelv profrssnsisl, yet your theory seems to me well rrusNit.l. and your conclu sions just, sihi 1 linns: wittuil. Hut your inplilet is iwlcu luted to iit.kIiics much nruetlcal trood. rHitkinjr nf the medicine he says : It fully jlistifiiwtynur flattering expvclutious, and as a aufe, convenient, an. I j,,pu. lar remedy, my own experience, so far, imluees uie to be lieve thai it will prove a great public heucrit. 1 am pli-nsed m. Knui i.ia. y"u iwrc ra-i-iiiiy vHniNi.niu srverBI HgencleS for iu disposition though I n-yret lluit, wilh a view to a more general uissenimiiuoii oi 11, you should Imve found it tieceaatry to remove irom your present resilience among ua. Wilh much respect 1 have the honor to be, sir, Vour olJiged servant. Wll UAM WOOD 1'RIDGE. f" Fiona IIou. gnnns V. R. Tiowbridgi, of Michi. gan Bute Saute, to Hie Agent at Detroit. BiexiMiuAn, Oakland Co., Deo. 13, 1811. Siryou wish me to inform you what I know of Dr. Osgood's India Cholngogue, or aiiii-biliiaia medicine. I do believa that if the virtue and efficacy ot this molieuie were reneislly kisiwu, the rrvga o auui would disappear iu Michigan. 1 piocurod a bottle ui the spring; nf 1M1, and have good ressou to believa tlial aiyaclf and Isinily escuiied tlie ague last season iu oonaeiiueiiee of iu use. Perlmua ill ll I summer silica the settlement nf this In. peniiisuki, has the fever and ague been so prevalent aa the last. I have recommended this medicine m numerous in staiieee. and when the disease bad beniase axes and bathed the skill of physicians; and 1 have never kwiwe it fail. I. has universally nrisluced Ihe most hanov effnrta. an.! I h. lieve il has never been exceeded be anv wedieins iu ramib vuaj the Uliuua dissases of tlie elunaie. loura, rea-ieeiluily, PTKI'HEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. -JEe', f' funhury II. B. MAtWKR; NoclhumberUuid, WlTHIMGTOM r,.. MiHoa, J H RltttH ; aseli grove, MA V 4 t.LWstki. stay , lets a i..,;.',:X.--i.i." " i i :-f. (6 TUB ONtY RADICAL Cl'RB FOIt CONSUMPTION ! ! Scrofula or King's Evil, Khenmalism. Ohstinnte rnf.ine s Eruptions. Pontiles or l'ertulcs on the hire. HMHics, Biles. Chronic f .re F.yes, King Worm or Tetter, Hrnlri Head, Cobir2riTniit norl Pnin of the Hones nml joints. Wul.lvrii Ulcers, Syphi litic HvliiptMnn., S-inliifl or l.linilni0, diseases iiricinff fn ni nn inlutti ci'tiii live ol Meictirv. l)r.'i- ' sy, V..posiire or Imprtl-dem-e in life; nlfti, Chronic Ci'itsti tilti 'iml Dis orders. In this medicine several innocent but very potent articles of the vepet.-dile kinirdom are united, fomiintr a cHnpomid entirely different in its cluirrcN-r nml proju'Tlics fi"in nny i titer prcpnniti'm. nnd unrii-nlled ill lis openiti'-n on the system when hiltorini! under diwnse. It should le ill Mie hinds ot nvcrv pcrsn. who, tiy hiitinc. .r eenend ci'iirsc ol life, is predisposed to the verv ninny Miliineuls thnt ren der life a curse, instead of a hlcMing, und su oi'ti-n refatilt iu death. FOR PCIIOKUI.A. rr. Prnke's rnllficen is rec--inliiciideil ns n ecrtniil rcmetly. . -t one iustniif-e ol' its fuiliire tins ever oeenrri'it when iree. ly iifciI ; )t cures the do-eioie nnd nt thesiunc time lmnrls viir r to the wh le svstein. Scr Ti 1 1 n pern ns eiin never tny too lunch n1teuti"li to the sT.-ite ol lln-ir hl.wid. lis pn rifiriili: n sh uiid he their firnt iiim : fur i-.erwvenuicc will luoniphsh a cure of even iikiieditakv iliwnse. FOR KHt'I'TIOXrt OF TI1F. fKIX. SciirrN. f?cirliutie AITccli"iis. Tumors, M'liitp Swellitnr, Krysipelns Ulcers, Cnncers, Itiusniiii; f ses. Penlis ami Miles, llr. Pr.ike's Pnimceii ciinn t he too hiirlily extolled; it scorches out the very root of the diseose, und prl niunclit. IXDIfiF-STION Olt DYSIT.l'PIA. No medicine pcrhnps lins ever lieen iliHMverrd v hii'h cives so much tone to thr s! iinneli nnd muses thr seere oi' n henlthy jrnstrii juice to de-roniposc the fo.l ns Dr. llrtiko's rannceii IflHUMATISM. Dr. Pmkr's Pnmrrn is used with thr prenle't sneress in i l.hcumiilir (.,inpliiitils. ri;i..ciiiliy such ns etir.'ll'r. It cure hy driviui! i. lit nil impurities nnd 1'muI hu:il"lirs which hnve nrruiiltilnted in thr system, which lire the muse of ltljeii inittixin, limit, nnd S elliutfs of the ji iuts. til her remedies s iiuclinies iiive lenipornry n-liel'; this rntirely eriiditnles Ihe disease from Ihe Hyetein, even when the lini'hs und bones nre dreadfully swollen. CONPUMl'I'ION. foNnrMrTrnN can BK Omelis. Cntarrli, Ilnii chili's. riplltiiur of H! nut. AMhnin. lliliii-ult or pr it'iire l-'.-X-pect iriil.ii n, Hectic Flu.h, Nniht wi'iiln, Pnin in the side Ac. hnve hreu cured, nod enn lr with n inuch rertninty ns any olhcrdisrjine. A specific hns lonir heen s niirht fur. hut in 'viiiii nn!il thr diw.'very of lr. llrike's l'.iii;:ce:i. It is mild nnd Rife hut ccrtniii mid cilicaiious in lis npei.-tli. n, nml mnii'it p".ilily injure the must ilelicnte e -ic ' iti:ti. n. Ve W' tlld enrncstly r.-cimmeiid tlmst: nlllietcil In jrivc it n trinl !lrl we hciievr tliey will not ll;0'r i-rcnsi-'Il to It'tfret it. 'I'lie sx slein is rlennsed und slreiiylhrncd. the ulcers on the IniiL'S nre hcnlcit. und the pnlienl jjrmhinlly leyaiu their liNunt li.iiltii und streuglli. Kt-nd the lollowiug : TliSTl.MONV. Pint a .. Dee. 11th, IM 7. Dear Pik : In reply to your (piction rcpii-ting the nsn of Ur. Dmkr'B Punucen. I will snv, thut ulllii oifi n perfect dishelicver in the exislcnrc of a Panacea, or cure tor all di.inncH, however viluillile it mny Ik' in ccrlnin cimditious of the syMt-Tii. tul have H-Iieved licit n cure f.n Cnnsuliip tion would be ilisc: ivcrtxl sooner or Inter, und ruilosity led nic to try your medicine in two verv inveicinte rimes They were pruu.iiiiiced hy the uttciidiicr piiyi-ierins to he fl-LMONAltv coMrMPllos. niitl nli.indoiif.l by 1 1. em null rvRAm.E. tine of the pemins Irid been umler the treat ment of fevend very nlilc. prncliti iiein for n number of enrs. nnd ihey wild lihr hud ,(,,( f,;,,, ,,.,( Cousuiupiion time iiutrnll.f'.T'!'1''''' uiieht lineer for s iliu the effect of the r.ina'eru "has 1m,:'i i "i i", .et "p Ja 1 1 1 Vt lie? h TJ ni'v four or five hollies were inil hy ,,ne of the persons she heinin to iuipruve rupiilly. 'The other to k about ten. I will only add Hint familiar lis 1 mil with coiKiimpti ni by iiilieriluucc uud by cxteniiive iibnervalinii as n study, "nil kn-nvlii also the injurious effects iu nine cases out of tui oflur. hx set, nnd nthcr ict'clalile lories, as well ns of ninny ol the cxrct.mnienndr'cihitivcs, I sh nild never h ive recommende d I In- use ol Drake's Panacci if I h ut not been acquainted tvitli the iiuiredirnlN. Suliu-u it to kiv thut these nre ireommciided by our most popular nnd srieutilic phvsi cians. nnd in l heir present combined stale, form probibly the best iiMeiiiriyr that has ever been luad-t. The cure IS in nceordance with a theory iif Cousutupiioii brouetied in France u few yi-ars uc , by one of her iifst eminent wti tersim iiie,l:(-ir, und now established by facts whieli aj 11 1. 1 Ol no dispatc. Very Respeetfully Yours, I. c. C.l'.W. To use the anirllucn of itiMlu-r, -l)i. Drake's Vnnreea 111 nlways salutnry iu its M!'ecb never injuiioiis. It is no- ua Opintc it is not nnd Kxp.s-lonint. It is not intended to lull the inviil'd into n fatal security. It is a ( remedy a (trnud hcidinc and curative compound, Ihe ureal and only remeily w hich luislicnl seirure uml skill has vi pr.shired for the treatment nf this hitherto lliiciiniiiered'iiinladv..iid no irrson inflicted with this drcud ilivense, will l just to lumself nnd his friends, if he Rod mil to the (rrnve without tcstine ils virtues. A single Isittlr. in in. st eii.-s ,.r. however low." v '""v i imuuu in mo UOIIUItlotl ,ll uny jsitlellt, to Tin: i.ADir.p. Tjlilirs of pnlr romplrxi'in unit eoiiniitniil ivr hnl-.ii.. i,.l such us lire ilcl.illnted hy these ohstrueliolis which Kinnlcs ine.linliie to. nre renton-il hv Ihr il... ni'nl.iiiLi ..r...... ... I.l.iom vifor. It is hy tur the Isst remeily ever discovered ! eiiimriii, u urn ns niive Ki t hionors : Is-inir lilrasaiit. they tnkr u. It liimicdinteiy restores thenppelilr, strrneth uud r .ior. olhine ran le more snrprisi'iir thnn ils invisronilimr ef. fects on the huiunii 1'rnnie. IVrs lis, all weakness nnd las. sitiide once l.rrome rolm.t nud full of enerpy under ils in'lncnee. it immediate eountrrarts the iirrvclessnrsa of the feiimli- fuiine. rAI'TION'. TV careful and srr that von rcl thr pnui llie Dr. Dbakk's I'axackv it has the siiii'iallllr (if IIeo. I'. STohkh nn the wrapper and ills . the luiinc. "liu. lJI.AhL's Tavacka. 1'iiii.a." 1.1 nvn iu thr cl'o. Prepared only ,y Sronm Co IJrinTKisls, Xn.tft N'urth Hixlh St., Philadelphia. Ainu lor riiiiilinr. M -Isolil also liy M. A. Ml SR S.X A Co.. Panville I! Simr rs, Allium; .iiahv JlcC'ov, .orthiimtjtrliiiul j K. V rliMnihui. April 1, lt8 Jy l.riz, A ( . 12 N T S T o canvass For: home xew ami P(1IM;, Willi If. in every t II V throughout the Unileil tStat(s. To Aqcnts, the most Literal enromccemrui is nfXrr.l with a small rapiiul of 89 1 . 10(1 - ch o re is oT r. ,1, whereby an Bieiit can make from $10 to 25 per week, Tor (uilher ierticulae. aihl.css (po-tp ,i,i"j WM. A. I.R.XRV, No, 1.18 North i:t'ONl) Street, PhiliJeiphia, Sept. 9, 181H. din. riclorinl r.Htloii of tV iuhltriie'si great "iVtu K ua llio Itrfoi imitloii y THE SIXTF.FNTil CKXTL' RV IN GKPv w MANV, SWHZKKLANL), Will be published or. or ahnnt the 1st of April, ISIS, by JOS. A SPKKL, No 00 Cherry st. above 6th, his aplenilnl lanio edition of the above, nutnetl work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori. liinal designs; 4 vols in S, bound in extra cloth and library sheep The publisher respectfully calls the attention of the trade and the public geneiully, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in tha United States He trusts that the beautv of its embellishments, the strong and substantial manner in which it ia bound, In conjunction with the known popularity of the work itself, will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL. 00 Cherry st above 6th J. A. h has also lately published, a new and oeaiitiltil Million of bergeant Bell's Raree Sho a suitable book for children, neatly done on in Philadelphia, April I, 1S48 CUTLERY. AN exlen.ive iSlork of Pocket and Tablo CLT LERY, for (ale by T0H1T ItI. C0LE1TA1T, A'o. 33 and 3:1 ARCADE, and 81 North THIRD St re, t, C. nip i.iiig 5000 dozen Penknives, 8clsa.)ri and Raturs. Alao, a choice assortment of Rodfrars cfc Hons, Wosteiiholm'a, (iteavea'a, W. 6c. S. Butcher's an J Penney's Cutlery. Also, rlpanisb, Diik and Hunliiil Knives. - AUe, Guns, Pistols, an I Bowie Knives. Alec, Tht Americnn Razor Strop, a sunerior article, wony the attention of Dealers. Cskd Dealers in Cutlet, will find the above Stork woithy their atlenlion. ae the Subscribers chief business Is importing and selling cutlery, Phil id. I his, Juus 1 0th, lall ly. IIAJfK SOTE LIST. rEXXSVLVAMl. The folkiwim list shows th current value of nil Cennaylvania Bank Notes., The most Implicit re liance may be placed upon it. aa it is erwry tveek jarefully enmpared with and corrected fioni Uiek nell'a Reporter. Ilniikfl in riiiiaiicipnia. Diar. t Nasi. Location.' NOTES AT PAt. I'm nn. Bank of Notlh Amrricn . . par Dank nf the Northern Liberties . . par Cnmmcreial Tlank nf Penn'ft. . . par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . pir Kensintrtoii B irk . ... par Philadelphia Bul k . . . p r Schnvlkill Bank ' . . P" Sonthwark Bank P"r Western Bank . P"r Mechanica' Bank . pal Vtniliifnctiirers'cV Mechanics' Bank par Bank nf Pcnii Township . l"r t'lirard BnrK . P1" Bank nf Coniinerre. I .Ir Moyame;'."'"S Bank of Pcimsvlvania . ' T,r C'tiiiitli'T Ilnn'.m. Raid! of Cheater County Hank of Tlelaware County n.inlr of f icrmantnwn Bank of Montgomery tin. Oovlestowii Hint, Efli'nn Baiik Farmers" Ilank nf Bucks en tlank of Nnrlliniubetlaml f'oluml'in Hat k cV ftridirrci Westchester par pur par par par par Cbrstor (termantown Norris'own T)ovlctown fvision ' llrito pnr N.-rlhiiinlicrland pnr "l.nliimhia fair IjsncitPI pur litincaster pir Lancaster pr IJaditit! pai Hirri-dnii?" Tlin-e li.incister offices Heading f do not Kn.ton J issue n. Farmers B-.tik of l.aorti.ier l.nncaiter County 11 mk Lancaster Bank Farmers' lttiok of Hi adini ntllce of Bitik of lYnn's. Ofi'ice do do t Ifl'ice do do Oince do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT "auk of llio I'tiited St.ites Miners' Bank nf Pottsvt'.lc lliink nf I.ewistown tlntik f Middl-'town Cnrli-le Bank En hance Hank I)o do branch of llntri?buitr Funk I, elation Bank Philadelphia 17 Potisville par I.rwii-tnwn failed Mi.ldli'town 1 flarlisle 1 Pittlmrr 1 Hollidnvsbllli; 1 Hnrrislmrg t Lebanon p'ir liitpliiirjT 1 Pi'ts'nug 1 Willir.':w,,ort 1 V.'ilkisbarre Allenlown no sale Rending fmle I Pitisf'ttrg fmlid Erie do .'etv tlri!iton d Ch'irtibersloirij I (ii'l'Vilbllra 1 Montnwe S Erie 3i j W'ari.r -I.ll'i "t i Waij'iill'it.ill 1 ! l!oni.,.l.dc U; ;i!le I York 1 . I 1. 1 - a. ! M r.-liRiitM ft Manuf Pjuk' Bank ol Pili-l'iirv' West Bia;n! ll.i)K Wyoniiinr Bank Xorthao pfoti 5 oik lierks t'.ntiitv 1'i.nk Otln e of Bank of I . Do do do 1) . do do Bank of Clinnil'er.biirH Dai U ol (ir!t -bur-j Hank of Sn ijiiclinnna Co. l.'ric j:lt. F nr.. r-' .V lrover' IJ.n ! Fianhliu lLmk Homvdde II. ok to..o!i; .!!, I! ;,.k ofl!. Vorlt Bank N. B. 'I lie notes i f l!,o .imil qiiot'i'ioi'.s, nnd stibilitote a dash ( ) are not purchased by t'ne Phil id. dphia brokeri, with the exception of thom which l avo a lettrr of r ferencc. III! I) KEN HANKS. Piiilndelplii;! 8iv. In?. I'liil'ideli.h a I.oui (;,!, iciiif. Uiili Wiv. .'.is. Ki'n-il. j'on Snv. Ins. A Point Town-diip Kav. In. Manual I.ahnr IIuiik ( P. SV I'ownniln Hank Alloffl anv t ink of Pi. lill.K 01 Her, , la iik ol ISw ntiit.i Bank nf l.'i nlre L'.uil; I'ity Hank K.rltlOr., A Tt'.erh'rs' llorilt Fanners' A Verl.Vs' I'urnwris' A. MrehYs' tiaiik lljimoi.v IniiMili- HutitititT lor. Hank .1 uniit i Itai i 1 .ti iriliin. i-: i' llsnk .Nortlifrn Ilio!i of r:i. i w Hope Del. i:,i,!..P (. I, i.ia do do do failed failed fulej do Oyott, irnj ) failed no sale closed closed J owaod i lle.lford llejver If arrislinrv Wa-ihiiifjton Pitt -loin Piltsiiarg Fnyettn co. ( Ires ncv-t.e Hiiriiionv lunti:p;ilon l.ewt-towu M'.irren !), .Vi'iv Hope M iitoti Veidsilie Port Cjrl.oti ( ..irliilo Montios." I.'niontnwn Oreeni'liurn l.iilial closed no .i!d failed tailed failed tin ia!t' no sale i) sate ns.,!,. no no si!e c..sed no ,i'e closed ',i,..,i.'.t I c.i in. .Ninth Vi'isti m lia-ik of Pa. i i- ,1 m, huvlkill l!.i. k i'n. Aer Manuf. Itaiik Silver Lake Uni k ITnion of Petin'a. U estiiOiclatid Hank Wilkeal.arre Hridtre Co. fiilei! cloced failed closed vt ilke.h.irre no sale 0j" All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl. vatna Uai.k not uivpu in the aliove list, nny he set l.iwn as If'tllde. xvs.r ,u:usi:v. il.iiik of Nei l!iuiiriiick 'loiiltie Hank Ittirliiinli'ti fo. Hank Hriirisi' irk lielvuh re MedfoH Perth Ami oy Uriileioii Mount li,,!ly llahwtiv N. I' t mi. irk MiJJI.tmvn Pi failed i p.r i pir par i filled 1 'orrooercial l.u.k .Juiiiin-r'.'Ml Il.'i.k 'ainn iK' Uiink ?at nn-rs i t .1 Mic'.'itiii'!.' farmers atul A!i cliiinirri' 1 Ilk 'Ilk Pnii.ierr nil. I !errhaiiK: frankiii llat.k nf N. J, P.k Jer-ev I lily l-o Mnboken Jersey t'ily l,iitier..i.m It. Il.-vitle .MorristotA-n Kieel.- dd fnihd fail, d fuileil fulled failed i failed i par no sale Iloiioki'ti L!i, (.'lazing li 'f V I ity II tr.k Vi.-!'a:iii.s' Muiitif.i. tur. r-.' Hank Mori is ('.itiiity lliink Volilli.H,;ll Ilk of .. J. .Mi c!o.i:iea' liaiik 'ia tiniiir' iii, I .Manuf. lik Morti. ('.inj nud I'kjj Vo P..-1 Nona, Newark iiki! cV Ins Co Aviv Hope Il.-I limine Co .N. J. Manui ie. and Ufcs ('0 New uk Trenton Jersey Vuy no s ib Newaik Laiiifierlsvilie llohoken fail, d fuiied i failed 4 pur par i i N J I toM'on ci I.uiiil Oranae II oik nrd bk Jersey City Orange Pnicrfein do Printviort Miilotn Newark L'lizalirihtown ('amileu Morristonn l'aiur-on llai.k IVophV Hank I'lllHlMiHl U ltlk M.ilcm li.itikitig Co !tate Hunk Ma'e Hank State lliuk State I! ink of Morris Slate Dank ".ileni and Philad Manuf Co Sussn Hank 'Prenton liHiiking I'u I 'in. hi (lank Washington llankint; Cn. pur 1 failed fulled i 'J'rei.ton Kalcm Newton Trenton lineer par t failed par par par par pur par par par par Harkenaack ti:i,A4iti:. Ilk of Wiltn i braiiily wine Wilmington Hank ol IVI iuarc Wilmington, tlui.k i'l' biii)rti4 tinyrna Do branch Mdiord I'aiiint.' Ilk of Male of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do brunch (leuicctown Do braiiih . Newcistle t'nioii iluiik Wiln'.mgt.iKi (Tj- 1'i ilci 5's OJ' On all l.unU maiked tlms () there are et ihcr cou'.ieifnt nr siicred notee nf ihe vjnous Js- noirinisiio.u. in eirriilaiion, A Tuui'smii Dullshs Mtvrn ! ASIIBV & ROCAP, Hat nnd Cap Mauiisurturers, South East Corner of ith and Market Street. . . uuvmeni story. IrHILADELFHXA. HAVE Constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of HATS, CAPS, and FUR. Also an rh gaiu assortment of n.cnn' and boys' Leghorn, Panama, and Pslm-leaf Hats. All nf which by a savum of 10(10 in rent, will he sold 1.1,1... . wnoieaie aim rcian, at ine viry lowest prices. Couniiy dealers would do Well to call, aa h a. ennomy and low tent, we are enable.! lo tell at very low rales. June 10th, 1848. ly . c. beniccrt! BOOT. jMAKKII, No. 40. FOI'TH FolTH StRKKT, Aanvs CllCSTMlT. Jan. Sttth, 1 let SALAMANDER, nun Alto TiriKF proof chests, FinF.-rU.OOF DOOItS FOR UANKS AiD STORES Seal and Lctter-Copj inn Presses, Pntont Slttle-LinoJ Ilpfrioprntori, Water Fil ter, Patent Portable Water Clo sets, intended for tho Sick and Infirm. EVANS & WATSON, 76 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Manufacture anrl keep constant Iv on hand, a In nre assortment of the alsive articles, tocllier with Ihrir Patent Improved Salnmnndrr mm- oTM I IHK-l'ltOOK !Ar'K8, whioll srr a., eoiistrurtrd ns to set at rest 'fit :f-k ' an manner of drmht as to their IWIIIK Rtrirtlv,r ai.H lhat 3 they will resist the fire of any limi'lmir. Tha nttt.i.u ..f thrwi lnfcfi nre mwh; of bnilwr imn, ihe initle nispof np t'uie, nnrl hctwrcn tht nntr met nnd itinrr rmw- in a tiara of H'tinr three inch thick. nil in fillrd hi with inotru tililc mut- rinl. n n9 It mnk it mi inipomihtlitv to hum ny of ihf cjinti-iitu insidn of thil Chrst. Thevo winitnnr Innmnilpni we nrr prf'iirfil nml rlifillcnae the worW, to pf.1uce nnv nrlirle in tbe r4npe irf Ho..k !f llmt will ntn mi nn much hivd, nud wcj h M ourselves rrmly ot nil timca to Jmvo them tnirly trrtnl by pnblir iK'nfirr. We .ilfl i continue t ' m;iiiufnclure a Inrjr mid ccurrul oM irt nviii ,lf "r Pri-miiiiii A'Miitht Fire Prenf nfen of .vhieh' thre re over v 'w ' ne en' ,n vry illaiice l? hnve given enliie nlmrnelion i-; Hie piirch:ir nf whieh. we will rrft-r the public t' a frw gentlemen who Imve them in uc Tlnvw"!i Jt fnv(!ef. Tottoville ; Jnnepli G. Lnwton, P tlRvilh-; Mr. Willinm Oirr. Dovlectown, Pa. N. ft O. Tnyi r, lUj) u Ttli l it.; A Wriirht A Nephew Vine t. wlnri" : A!rxnvbT rnror, Cnveyimrrr, roriMT of Filbert nnd nth t.: .l.ihn M. Ford, K in"rth 3d nt.; Mverm llunb. '2t ii'irth 3d .j Jnmrn M. Prod, 10 p.nth 4th Int.; Dr. Dnvid Jnyiie. H a mth !ld nt.; Mm hew T, Miller. 20 it nth 31 nt.i nnd we e nild mine (inie hinnlretln of olhert II it were nven'iry. Now we invite the nttentiitn of the publi'1, nml pnrtieiitnrly tbon in wiml of Fire Proof 9:ilaf lo rill nt onr at"re bel're pMrelniiiiir eLewhre, nnd w onn satisfy them they will pet a ,-ernnd rhennr nrtiele nt -iir ft "re than nt nny o'lier ent.ibliliiin nt in 1 city. M nh nwnnr:telnre the ordinnry Firf Proof ('hewt. at nt vrry I w nriei-w. ehenper than they can be bought nt njiy fither Bl're in Philadelphia. DAVID FVAS. JOriAN.XKS WATSON. Phibdelphln, April P, ly GOLD PENS, PEX HOLDERS & TEXCILS (Late of tho firm of A. G. Bualey A: Co.) MM Fc ri nrus or tln!.n l'i;is, i'ts ItoLiiKns . ND I'f.NCILS, rv. 1 "HitJ-lon I.:me. .Piv-York. Hy E, i'ih !'ii ' srnl'cr. rffcr to fin trcdi Htuf V the n.iVie cepert.Ilv. "Ur dill,. r.-nt fivles of (io,l p, w.'rt li .i'ii w:itie:i. d Sit i.nst all tin p tti c n. i. ! v f i. r n mie, nud nlso t i le sujm int in ev rv r.s eet i un ntneis tnntl.-. tl.ivtri; in .r. a. .' f i ilit.i f o innniif ictuririR. we nre deter, mil., d 1 1. nt no m o s i ill In' delivered fioinour is t di i-hn:eiil nn'.SJ it ia terfict Wo also kjep r t'y on I .'i n! our superior tlold Penrils. and I'er ci s ill) I'en, which we me enalded 10 ffcr nt lie I nv. st i ntes. All ouli is a Idtessed to the full, srtihers, w ill be rnrefully and pinnilly ittendcd io. (j. A E. M KVt l'If.Xo. 16 Maiden Lane N, Y. lie: T, s-t 3.4 LINX, SMITH k CO. WHOLESALE Sir H "SSj 3 213' .Mai:ki:t Strkct, ' ; L A UF. L P til A . Paintl flits. Hum, Ira t-'Ttrrs, VAflMSIIKS. A c. Ac. A 1.8D Pa'.Mi M. di irr... Medo'ine ('hosts, Surgirat iml ' ' !! ! t;rtip;,t-i. (.'In tnieal Teos, Ac. (; i lull ' fiooi M. ii-li.mfs it Physicians, hy lelo r or o't'erwi.e prornptly attended to. Aujua . 0. U-M8.t:m IllPOltTIMi ANU ( Ut.MI.SSIO. J1ERCHANTS, I A id Deal.-rs in Paper, and Paper Manufactu- rcrs' Mu'erinh. ;o. :ia L-nmmerce st . PHILADKLP HA. ' i y.rr,'p ronst.antlv on hand a larg assort- I of priu'ir: and other p.tjirr. Xews. I i.iii-i in th country, can hu supplied at all I times, with pipar of any size and quality, at j the lo'.veM finccs. Philadelphia, .lune 17th, 1S1H. u cui;iiui:oT yve J'OIiTJiAlTS t frt'peiior qualnv, luindsomely roloretl, end j,t' i.i io iiroi'iful .tl- rorco teases, eompl. te. f.ooriM'M- DH1.I.AK, at SPIRLER'S CHEAP ! Mil' .2!t'E.'. N O M.I.ERY, No. SI) 1.2 W AI NU I' M pi t. h ..w Potiith, Phihtile Iphi i. All I'ii luriv mail,, at I'ih e talilishment will be Wis. UiNTItl PrilFICT. Pi..l..!.-lj.iia. Sept. 5-1, 1848 Gin j d.;-, it Vt lK lltS & JKWF.I.UY. J.ccAV.L. AVAKI), I No. tiHi CIIIAM'T Street, I'hilnilelphia, Opposite the Franklin House, j jr .MPOr. TilU- of Goiil and Silver Patent Lo- g ver Watches, end .Manufacturers of Jewelry ! Rood nssot t ment always on hand. Gold Pa- (ent Leve s. 13 jeweU $38: Silver do SIS to iS'JO; Gold Lepines. S'lO; Mlver do. SI3 to 15; ill cksaod I lino Pieces , Cold Pencils, 135, jupwaiils; Diamond 1'oinled Gold Pens, SI. .10; 1 (.'old lliacelets and Breast Pins, in gre-t variety; Ear Knit!; Miniature Cases; Guard Chains, 112 to $a5 ; I lated 'Pea rvts. Castors, Cake I f!ai-kets. I andlesticks, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivo- , ry Handled Tablo i'u lery, and a general assort ' ' tnent of l.anev t.ooila ATIEBTO AtT SIliVER. FORK JNI) SPUOS MAXU FACTORY. J.UW L. WAHD, No. 101 CHESXTJ'P t., Philail-'lphia, opposite the Franklin House, Manufacturers of all kimls of Silver !-'poons, Foi ks, Tea vets. Ladles, &e AU work made by us is stamped with onr nani", end warranted to be in. uie nf pin. -ly American ro.o Philadelphia, August 12, ISIS 6 mo. FKYEK AND .VGUE!!! KJ-THOROUGULY ERADICATED HY KO WAND'S TOXIC SIlXTrRE ! ! 'TH T great National, Ol.l Favorite. and Star I ling Remedy!!! of EIGHTEEN VARS TANDING still unapproached in its wonder ful success, certainty, aul suf ty, in the ctias or wrtKTCIISII CO.UI'I.AINT ! ! ! CC" li you would tsenpe the arsenical (poimiu uin) counterfeits take not a bottle ror any sre tha- is u it tzttartlttt by t' e 'written tr'ature'' of the original inventor and proprietor, Jon JJ, RowANn, 0 ner uie, crntji'ms tht mriui rinrf crk. This remedy has never been bolstered up by false and deeei ful puffs, but bas won its wsy to the confidence and univeul adoi tion of the in. habitants of FrvfR n ,0,1,5 Districts B Y ITS COOI) WORKS. ISO FRVITS 1LOSE. to which all the agents, and every person who have) used it, Well testily. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 113 Arch Street Philadelphia. Aor.NTs for Min biiry Ira T. Clement, J, W. Friling, 11. Mister and Geo. Bright. Agents for Northumberland Forsytes, Wil son A Co., R. M. M Cey. August 3, 1 818 eow J. J. GHEElTOtTGS. " (I.alo Hrllf r A. Creriiougti.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANIC AX ENOINEEB, vt ilslilngloil, U. f. kRAVlt;S and papers for tbe Patent JLjri. Oirice, pn-parej atij ull tho necessary bu Sllieas, III ivlillion tO securing IVltHnla. trane. actt'J, and promptly attended to, at their of. rice umxisitei the Patent Ottir. Uotulier 2S, 1818. 7INDOV GLASS, 8 by 10, for sale ty ? HENRV MAWr.. Aunhnry, Jan S7th, 18I- it'