I potiUAL sro:tiiG. r The WutWforcl llifWiU'iu contuine I'tha. Al lowing polica report, ih? thjthtoof fhii-h is decidet'Iy clever: , ' Mister Johnny (TCoiiner. a man ofno Mil or, went out with Miss Brady, a nico little aJy,amt treatrtl to brandy, awl srnjro cAa ' flndanriy, mul more things so duinly, aiul kisses so plenty.'- But at k'ngth the sul fel low greA- awfully' mellow, and as lie Was walking, mid kissing and talking with pretty Miss Brady, the nice little lady, ft purso full of rhino (t wish' it was mine, oh!) ho whip fed from hor pocket, and cleared like a roc ket. ' But moo he was taken, while tracks he was ! rnakincr, and lodgings assigned him where justice may fimUtim.' Bntlhe tuaiJ on tho morrow, cairie forward in sorrow, her ' li'.tle hoatt havi:ir, and tears h"r eye K-aTing' and b;-gged that his honor would piiy poor Conner, t which he n?s?nted as Connor re pented J when off went the couple i;h limbs ipighly supple, and loft us preiiimin?, th;'.t maiden so blooming, herfelf to a life of much trouble was dooming for Johnny, the block head, who picked the maid's pocket, when married, I'm thinking, will whip" bar like wiukii'.g. ADVICE OF COINSIX. There is a well known ci'stcm prevailing in our criminal courts, of assigning counsel to such prisoners as have tio o;ic to defend lhetn Ou one occasion, tin Court fitulidg a man ao fused of theft, and Without counsel, said to the lawyer who was present - 'Mr. , please to withdraw with the prisoner, confer wi:h him. and then give him uch counsel as may behest fur his interest." The lawyer and his client then withdrew, an J in fifteen or twenty minutes the lawyfr returned into Court. Where is the prisoner?" asked the Couit. "He is gone, your honor," said the hopeful legal limb. "Vour honor told ma to give him the best advice for his interes,) and n he said he was guilty, I thought the best counsel I could offer him was to 'cut and run,' which he took at-onec." rxTRAonnrxAnT EPiT.vrus. A correspondent has furnished the Liver pool Mercury with tha following notabi'.iii-.'S in the epitaph line : Here lye I, by the chaucel door ; Here lye I because I am poor ; The further you go in the more you must pay Here lye I as warin as they. In the Cathedral burial ground of E'gin there is a gravestone bearing the dattj 16S7, on which there are following lines: ' "This woild is a citie full of streets ; And death is the mcr:at that all men race! ; Iflyfe were a'toir.g that monie coull buy, The poor could not live, and the rich would not die.' Ssn'mble Qotstiox. -An exchnne pap?r asks, "what sort of an. economist is the man who chews 10 wsrth of tobacco in ft year, and stops his newspaper because he eau't afford to pay for it 1" The Shakers have recently renounced pork eating, fo'indinfj their antipathy upon that passage of Scripture where it is related thatSatan entered into th hrd of swine when he was cast o.it of tin possessed man. The Shakers, however, raise pork, and send it to market for othen to eat. Neve quarrel xmii a lady If you are troubled with h"r, retreat; if she abuse you, be silent; if s'te tarjyour cloak, give her your coal; if s'l? box j'our ear, bow to her in return ; if she tears your eyes out, feel your way to the door and-fy. Earit Marriage. A Udy." only ten years old, was married at Tanama, Jan. 12. Females mature in that meridian faster thn in any other region. At 8 or 9, young ladies are of sufficient growth to carry .on qni:o seri ous flirtations. Never fi.nl fault with girls, rery young girls in particular, if they are decided romp, bat be thinkful that they have the health and spirits for romping. Detter be a romp than have a narrow cheat and a Unshod cheek. Sickly Plc.m Tuts The Pennsylvania Cultivator says that salt, freely applied to the surface of the ground around the tree, over an area as wide as the extent of branch" strong brine applied as a warh to the trunk and limbs, and pulverized salt introduced in to the trSMk of the" tree by boring into its centre, and then plnjuijig it up all or either of them are said to be certain means of res toring plunr trees that are in a sinkly or en feebled state tree that aro troubled with the eureulio bug or trees that have evidence- of diseased sap, black warts -into a healthy and luxuriant condition. The plum is natu rally a marine tree, and it is surprising h"v much salt it will assimilate and thrive upon. Try it. Mas's eepctatio.1 has been very aptly compared to a sheet of white paper ; if it be once blotted, it can haidly ever be made to look at white as before. Apologists of youth ful immoralities should think of this. Baud Arri.cs Baked apples ere greatly improved by being baked in a bnoht tin or earthen plate, with a little wwter in, and mall quantity of sugar sprinkled over them. Ti- i . i o near, mvs an exenange paper, of a pe tition in circulation, urging that no widow shall be allowed to marry until all the single ladies are disposed of. ' I wonder what makes my eye to weak," Mid loafer to gentleman. ' "Why, they aro m a wturi..cfl" replied the latter. ' A wagon can run without rreasing, and business can be dons without advertising, but it i!or works'.' ' , ,-t ,, . 1 .. . Jri proportion a luxury mcreasad, the life of man tvas abbreviated. The tutu king of Rome reigoed longer then the fnt tueuiy eaipeieis Ouizot has received 150,000 finc for hi late work eutitlod"Dt'moeKiey." k rii;T(iwlsnD,s twotto Eatejct of S.U.HAIW.ULI.A. rpn:t i.a;m i rail ep hi quirt hotrHi.i It ik tlx tmira .1 rhenprr, plurwnl.T, and nurmiiiitl aup'-ii In any tll. It run iliruaai'S witlmnt vmii'm. pit fiut, alrk nin.. nr dc-ljiiilatutft ttit pulli-ul, Olid ia wrliciil.frly aalnated ''' TAtiti AND PrttlNG MIt)tCINK ""'l1 The jrent muy ntA Biprrj irily of tlii Pori;lirltln over . ,r , iiUiur riucdf4 i, wliilrd it i-rulic.itKtifohs,: ' - ' II mvif irii tne b !).' ' f t 'i 1 ; -fit I I d'. j ' t.Co!. C Wilts, . linimunjjjl m cure:!. 'f f i ' V 'Orange 1uJ ftreHtfllirn. fTrmsmntMi m. tmi Im. nr.-it. BmirHitit. Cntitamption, Uver C'lniJiiinttCatik, Cttflit, Ctlurii. AMiiau, tpuiiii( of li:anl, b wiirw' m Uit , Choi, Iter: if I'lunli. N ipht ?vmt, Dill- " ; cuit mul Profiite l'.li'roticii, l ml ruin in lira Side, - : ' ' have mnl eati be curnl. I Prp'flMy Oirre mn-ef woe t remtily llmt x?t horn ei tite cefi!l hi c1eiiriiie enact of conemiijitt in u thi it etc:!!) kt mnl ftirrim.hma the ftrattm, nni ateaifl l" he.il Uie ail eeia u Ihe hm.iTM. nii4 faiierrt gnidtaily rcjfuin Uicir usual heuUii ouJ atiwiiiijk . ' ' ' I L JUOL 9 CAHE OF OOXPl'MPTIOjj. Tliori; ia tnficly ihrr rfMeitnil lliere rtre n mimhr H casnf eitismiriii in H-ii-iilc t ua cured by tlw lili' of Hp I'uwnani'a 8utmiulhi. 'Hie fiijjwiiig wua rccuitly rc ceiveit : . .. ' ' , Dr. Tuwmkxp Dear Sir For the kut IhrM venrn I h.ire lieni ottticicj wiih geuenil ili'Lility, iurt ner'oni cmi aumiiiion Die htt i.ib. nn1 lid n il except tn evcrcniii uiv te;iiUi at al. After c;iinjf thrtmh a r irtrwoi tinhrine iiihUt llie rui-e of amiic'uf luem ai tiatiiiftntjril rivulet rltyak-wirt nn.t mciiiKT? of the It miI of JleaUii uu ew N ork mitt clwrwlltre. titnl riieiKiinr tile III il -f ni e iniiiipe Ul iilteiiyUiis reykin Div lieallh. nml iiOur i'r.l.l!i'T in a inr? iwij-er if y..iu aiwijriilu 1 rrr.'lveil t trv it. AMrr tuiii3 aix It ittl I f mm! u il i.c me gK-ut toil, ulitl cullnl Li aua yni at yoit offie ; wkh ymir u.lrice 1 kujit nn, uml d tiKiel hairlily thtiuk yini lor your udviT. 1 ierwvere tit t'tkiits the Siunuirilli, mid Inn lieell uUo t l aj!.'il I toy uartal lurTafT the tin fmr mui'iis. mull Ik, e h)' ilia Heaaiitganf Gil 'nml ymr rVirftniftr;flt t c iifiniie my l.oihli. It lulueU nic Uyjnd Uio tiiMtirl w ' f till who fcirw my cnnc. t'HAUI.Ds' yl'IMUV Oiiiuije, l;wex on. N. I., Atijr. t, lb. ". . S'rerf Xcw jL-raey, Ktse wu.it)-, a-rimrlca Qum by buip duly ?w-nraccnr.1ing to Uu-. on hia on'h itiilh, tint the f in a ute ti'i'emeilt ia true eei- ir li itr M the of liiiVti wkdaeaiul behef. CI1AKI.W tL t.MU V. Piern3-.i71 auaeriutd la bcf ie tuc at Ormiije. the at Aagi 1W7. KfS HAI .VWl.V. .iiii'.ice.i.l llie teace. "" SPITTING JILUOV. Fend the f II neuig, und e.iy tluit e lusanjtion i iu lneti r'jie il yjucaiir - Itew York. April in, 17. Vr. TavrXityo: I rcrily tieiieve ttiut ytur ri.irM.nrilto b-ia been llie menitis thriuigh l ivi-h-ufi., ot' Mi-ing my lite 1 tuve f t several yejrs liaU u UhI c nnrh. It hce.tuic v ire and worae. At l.iat 1 rjiwd l.irre ttt iiililua ol hi t tl. bu.l ii'i.ht twea-aani waa greutlr debihrmed aii'l roduewl, ami nit u t cXjH-et to live, t Iwve only used yur Sarau, ariila lt a ah Tt timo, :nl there h it a u-iuklcriuj ehrmae iKren ht tf lit in mo. 1 am n nr nh!o t v ilk i,ll ovur the city. 1 rjibc u i bij ni, iml qiy e meh-liaa left me. Vim c-.iu welt im:t?inc that 1 mil thankful T r t ln-o rtaul t. Your nlvili. uu acrt-ruil. W'M. K I'tKLI.. Uj C:iiluric at. LrST HER fl'KKCH. Tho annexed reriificute tells u aim.ilu und truthful atnty nf aulfcrut atid reiief. There are th uutt!a f tuuiliir c.t fit'a iu tiii ei:y aud i)ro iklyn, and vet there tire tli its-imia of pareitta let their ehildrea die i jr i'tur of being humbugged oi lo tuvt a, few atbnura. ' Bro-1:!;.ii, Sept. 13, 11?. Dr. To-nw-xxD: I ukt plcaaura in ata.i.i. f r the U-ne-lit of th ae whiMit it tuiy couuerit, Liut ui- danghtcr, twu y.ut and tix m mihe nut. u-.ts uinic:cil vi It gonei-al de Liaiy aui 1 aof a.ieech. She Witt pivett up us pi je every by our family physician; but t'.vtuuateljr 1 -is re e 'mniennert i-y a tVteml t i try yojc S inuiiin. llci re having ua.-d one bottle aiie rec.ivci-e.t her tvec.-h and w.ia eiiabii-d to wl ul -iic, to the aar 'nitlmient of ail w-fi . were acaniiiia,l v.'i'h the cin-iiiQstuueea. ae is now qui e ve!!, auJ iu mi-h better lir.i.di lli ut aiie liaa hem f r is m nuU pi. J01-:ru TAYLOli, i-Je YorV at Ur tcklyii. WO CIIiU)nE. SAVUD. Very few f.imtliet in Iml in f.ict we h n-c n t hear t f t" or.o that usii.1 tlr. T wnaeiHl'a rirnpfirill.t in tim;. I -at tiny children the pact ruuuncr, while th a that did n -t, aielceueil and died. The cerrineaie vc jiai.litdi l,el v ia c 'neluaivo evidence ,n ia v due, and ia only uu 'lucr LaV-ance of i.a eav iiu; tiw live of children : l)r. Tow.xsend liertr Sir : i liad tw children cttr3d by y nr &u-aopnrillt f the summer e nry tint tnid dyaniiry"; one v.-ua mily li mwhold and tha other 3yeiia. Tiiey were very much reduced, aud we i vectcd thty v utd the ; they were f?ivcu tip by tw rta,ee:obic phyioiut,s. When tha'doctitr nil" rmtnl na tint we inns'. I c'tiicui, we rta i. ved to try y.iur &ira4pnn!la we had he-ml a in i. 'u of, hut hud little e udi leuce, tliere boin? a raoeh truu" a lver.ied that ia worthlew: tut we are tlruikiul that we di I, fir it undoubtedly saved the lives of b th. I write th! that olh ctt uuy Im indneinl la use it. Y w-a. rm -crtf-illv, JOii.V WiLSulv.Jr. MyiUe-avtaue, CrooUyti, Sept. J j, i.-)7. . ; . to TtrE r.vi:n-s. GREAT FE.MALE Ml'JJlCIXX. E. To wnseb's 8jtaur.vttai.ii is a a vc:c;rn and tpce ty cure f r incioient c Ubaiiipti,ui, und f ir the 0ener.il pr tatra ti n of Uie a-stein no matter wliciher the ra.tlt of inhe rent cause or causes, prJdocui by iriegolarit)', iiuieaa Or ue cidoit. - Nothine can he in ra aurprnmj th-rn i"a inviirTttinfr ef fucia -t the human fraoac. Tcra .tut ah wcuuefaa and kia silude, from taking it at once tier mo r -b.t mid full of energy uuder i.a iitllaeuce. it iu.tieilii'ety e .u;ircnicia Ihe lien elf it-aa of the fcuuie frame, tvbieli is the great cause bnrrcimta. It will u it lie expected of us, in cases 'f at ilcliane n na ture, to ttxhihit cemUoatea tit' cure pLif iruie t, hut we ean assure the utiiiccd that U-aitdruaa of cass have becu tepoc ted t tin. Pit. Toirystxn Mv wife telt-jr crcatly distressed by weikm-ss an t gmierat debility, and s-UKTiut- c tiniimaUy liy p.ii.1 and wi.-li . ther diificul'ies. a-ad having ku wtt cast-s where y ut ineii.iuo hna erTee!cd great earcs; and ale he.triig it rtv ntucoded for such eaat.- a 1 hivc deeri'te.!, 1 ontume la b it le of y 'ttr Kxiraciof 6araa:tiri"a and f ! 1-twcil the direct i its ymgive me. lit a sli-trt peri hI it rcmiircd Iter c -tnplaiuta and restored her t health, lacing great ;'ttl f r tlte hk-uefna ahe received. I t ike plertsnre iu thus ackui ''wie.lgiua it, a.J rocjiuatcaaiuir it t J the niMia. M. U. .MOOHia,, Albittv, Aug. 17, Ml ex Grar.J 4 Lvd'.a s s. DYSPUl'S.A. Nrt fiuid or rnedieuta hiia ever been ciikeivcred which ei nearly risei-ihies tlie tr at-ric juice adivu in dec itip.va fo ni and B'.rrnriheniup: the orgniiff diersti -n :a tins pre n.tnt:i n of r?-irsjjvtrillft. It pnaitivcly curea e'ery cise of dvs; tpsia, however everc or c!irlut'. Jl title Detainment, Atlnny, May 10, 15!.J. Dr. Townsend Strr I have Ih-mi atHieHil'f ir ncvertil verus with ilvs.-c: sia in iia w rat f nn. attentlei with a nr- ttces of at-m teh, I fca f appetite, ex'.reuie hcuriiinrn, and n grent averst ll t all killda 'f f i d. und f -r v.-cks, (vh it 1 c uld cat) I hive been unable to retain bnx a stiiil! fwirii ai on my at truai'li. 1 tried the usjnl remedies, hni they h-l t'Ut little or ni eiTect in rem wing the c tn.'l tint, t w.-s in duced, nb tut two months ainw. to ov votir Kxract of S ir- innll.i, und 1 must nv with little e nfi.lewe ; but niier usu.j iie.it-ly tw i b t'lles, I founil my ariiHliu- rcHl.H-uil ami tint hearthnrn entirely removed; and! w-tilt c-irucs.lv re e nnmend Uta use of it t- thoac wh have been atlliei d n 1 luvel.ceu. Yours, te.. V. Y. VAN 'A.Wf. Acent fir Bnntmrv JOHX W. FKIIJ.NU: Nor- tt ur.iherhnd, MARY A. JleCAY ! DauvUie, VM. A. MURRAY 4 Co., A; itlii, ISW. ty 246 V and. 413 IVZAUKET STRHI1T, rnu nupftis THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST assortments or Gold nud shut Vs'.ilclics 1 J'UlL.U)tDAniA. Gold I.rvcrs, full jfalltil, S cuial Cmti f HO ar.il nvrt SiKer l.rve a. lull iewi-llctl 1 and . vi r f I I 11 il ne, t At,, HD I 51 1 IK) Jo I 'lit i- Qja t r, tilvtt Tea 'oin'. fqu d Innrn. (i M I'a , xilvri Ln jer ami i "-m il. V'i'h a sp!i t.tliil aatirnur.t of rV, ki'ttU of VVaicl ea. boll g ihl anJ ailn-i ; l!i II le-.veliy. &. to, ti -1 1 Ijiia n nt the l-i im n it runes mid 'n l.ti rveiy l iff in tbf W Rich ; li Jewi try line at inurh lis tcva than i i ta It tn' l in Hiif city or tl-oalii ii.. Pirate ive this njver ;a-m it, n I e iM n ri th.r I.EVVIS L Ihi1U-. Tin 413 MARKET "e. ik E v.-mli nonhsidf. ei t " J VCO I I, . Ill 1 Y1 IH. 816 MAltEET it. Or I tnirr M..w Eia ,outh Ue. CT VY tiatti GoU and i'ver vaatill ihea. Ii ib.iiill'e bow in cat a libiral Uircauiit luado u ma tri '. r-r piem1 rt t3. tllR Cm OAKFOTiD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR (JENTLE.MF.V. CUAULCk OAKtORD, Fo. 104 ClIFSTNUr STREET Philadelphia. - Wrnli! rr-t; ret fully li.vile ail. iiiiin In ttit nitinr vie hi butt I-r autumn. 181b, whu-a avitl Iw fnUiJ lh ui" ''ilci urO' f ire ofTrnll i ihr eamiiiomty- lit peeu'tar I irina i.mli r il ttit innia I. sirabl .ttit coiub.net alt the eaae.i'la'a .4 alua. bili'y aiiJntJltie-H, rv)nnle in thai aiiii-li- iif I'rCKt bint lita inctrstiil f inline in 111 in niuinotuinif ' h r, ibe nuJ-iu imir .ttrnn iiln. amliU turn I'u Cui.lk tea Woatu in ir. tinea bett r H .i. . - 1 - ' - 1 t.'itunrtaa'a Ficr HtTaats Car or Tua LiTttT Must. I br- 8imU ba'a lii ! il th great cf. aiitt will it lauinl n.l leia)lltul mil c'ms it iu ilwir -ty!t. Lands' 1'itiiaa HTt Cart t Kariat T a (W ( UTtHS'. (ircnl rare Ii it i nli.atiiw etl in ronttioi in ( tl, . atlt'rt h t Ibkt tnay rli uif. c'iy -y ttiJ I'atiii agttcifiil iii f pre. t .-- CtrAKLF.5 0AKF0RD, ; , 104 Cbettnut tt. lew ilur jl'0 i"l Ii, h,',.t,,,ia. ; BKtrmSrr30, 1I18.CO JaYteSl, ISIS I y 1 T 1' XI PirOE tot GcntUiuen at.J LaJt, jtuit IV recf ivcd sua tor sale by 11. lA9a,K- eiunbury, Pet, S, 1148. c o i; I . k g n o p it L' a ii TM ; '' ; 207 'Marn'slrcd, Buffalo ',, Nv li ;' :' DP.. G.C. VAUGHNS "'"'- Tfgftl)lc.lilh6nlr!rli8,lxfnrf.,Y TlW f1e'!ebrniel remedy ia cinsUuitly incrtaain tta fama lij- the many citrca It i niikitig T) . , v,in ' ' " ALL OVER THE WMlLD. .! t. It lint n-nv bee ane the only mciHcitie for family use, and it particQlnrly reetirmneiided tiir , .; DKOPSY : - ' ait starji-t "f lids c mpbiiiil iiiuncdinlely relieroit, t- rnnttef ol haw I iiuiliiliJinii. K c rhainiiulat &K tiin tny. ' GRAVEL, ! ami nit dlwnii" oTthe nrlunry orpuij f Ihcir ftlsnrcsus mar c.itnpl lints It araiata al ua I n oilier nrtlr-lc (mii n-lieve y 'ii : ami the cure uatifn tll" wiile aivim-elha Mi at aTtcp tlcal ; aee iiuuiiilili t. I ivi-r V niiplniii', HiUi tua diacaacr, FEVEU & ACUE.. T i the Ormf Wert eprpi.illy. nml wherever tbeae com iiluiais iirevail this mi-dirlne ia iflrrei!. NU JVJ IS KUAL AGENT, ' niilcIctcTt n n 'iinviiint in a prt of thin ml.xtrtr'! ik cnrt-n ihfft iliiiHitwt willi ut'i'UiiuJ.y nixl rlt-ril'( ujid (1 tn - tiles , : a eornpl'ittt of a nrnt n-ilnfnl clmr't-trr. la ' , IMMEDIATELY KELlEVEr, ' ' nml a cur fofl-nrft lv a ir lav us-' il'lliirttrlr' it. for liei'ore hti) tln:r rt'Virutiint r this ilmeate, vr i"Tmiy othrr i)ise:ibv nnsmulii il I'mti iui,.iiio hi hhI. See nom- wenk back, wtinkupsn of tin KiJupvt. or (iitl innnri Ii n i 'I' umiiip, is iiii.uftli.itrlv rt'Iit-vcd bv u lew va tir i tljia tiierliciiK. untl a cure i (ilv.i)u rUull ol i!a uw. U A CERTAIN' REMEDY, 1t sm-li c m.tLi inis, mid al ttTdcraiiflre:nen, tf the te- IKUEUULARITIES, SUrTRESSlONf K-iinOtl inenVrutti ins. N nrti' le h m ever licrti i-iferetl rncit 1 1 tin which W'liltt touch kind (M dtTnuprtneulf. It liutv he rulictl Uixm ua antra niil eilecUva rrmi1v, anJ tlid we i'cel pennittt-il t d o -ultl uive v . 08 prnf r curt's in tlits dimreinff cUm tf c-implnitiU. ce iMi itn'ilet. Alt lr keil d vn,. ilclii lttnte1 c in&iitu!i tis fr ni the t ifcct t'i niercurr, will AihI the hncinir iwwrr of thin tirliHt l-Mict iiiiuictli.itul. , huA the uitxiu.'Us lutucru! vra.hcalcd trjui ihpn-i"Ti. " r , ERUPTIVE DISEASES r . , will find tin ul'ftaiive iir inert iet of thia nrtirle. ' PURIFY THE BLOOD. ' V and driven disenfea frvn ihe ivntcm. Pre pmmhlet I r tcHLiin uiv U cuft's m nil ditviiiitL i wliicli lli; lnniti nf mi mlwrimenictU will if -t permit l lo ininiit liff. Atfil irive iheni iwvay ; tlicy c lit an 33 pagt-a ol ccrlUcai u( high ciwracter, and kit t;gT -; AUIiAV Vt I'ltUUU f the virtues medirin. item tuirenred. It ts tie the petMliiir leatarca ti this articte llntt it new fni; to iKJiielif in Hiiy cr.bi; and ii h ne mid n utcto ore lci't to build up a lot tUc cmaCiALcd nml lin:rcriti MilUid HUi K U. , and k-fp tnkinff the meiii'-liic its I nj at there fssa lui prjvc.iicat. 1'lie ir M'tiin r w in'tl" .i!;ti.t n number oi aniclci which CJiue out umlct the huu i f pAKSAPATHLLAS, SYRCPS, &C, at caret f ir J)r-'pay, (irtvel, feci They are gJod fi Ito- ilnns, a-.wlcitc n-teti t crnll the nnv-nrt-: TOUCH THEM NOT . , . Their invent irs never llumjUt ul enrhw em'h diMw till thie nniclc h id d uv it . A .iaMXliouiar iludy oTk tlie pitut- plih t is truest r niciti. gcn.8 ami nu vi pfii ine nntr: nre GLAD TO CltJCULATE trrntnit -:'v. Put np in Hf) z. It nth s, nt M: 13 -z d'r.t P-l cacii :hc 1-trger Ii ddinn U 02. in te Ih-in lv suit-ill 1 -t-lli. I. i -k -nt .md tset inn l u: n. l'.verv t tjilu Inn Vitturlin's Veffit ihle I .llh iti'rirlir Mixtnri1." til wn u;in the clnsa, tlie written ririwinre if '(.. f, VimyHn" ni the direct! im, rind "ti. C. Yanubn, Unllal ," atninpeil m the o ik. N 'tie other nre cenii'iie. Vrcair.il In- tr. O. C V n-iihti, end a Id at the l'rltvirnl Orh'-e. 717 M-itn street, llntr.tl -, at wli d-a'-le nntl rotdl. No altentt n til-en let ters tnilcM p at p-iiil rdera fpiru reenl:irly r'rsiitu'ed Aerenia irtM : ntt itnd leiter;, "f verlial e imiuuiucu ti his a ilioitiie nd.-lc. pr ni-.rty nttenled t ntls. (lt.ei (lev ncil ex-Iit'tr itv 1 1 f-e sue 01 tla art: t W! -s" nt . N -w Y irlceitvt "n' Katrtttt.P ilom. M tss.; 1 bv the priii?iml Prittrirlata thr u2h-mtthe United Mates and C in-idn. ns Aei-n.'s. t l.iat of Al?pt S' Ti-a c-.. Wi d'sale Acent Pliitartel. ld:i-wl. IV. Frillnir. Sniptnrr ,a-fi Oe-irh-ir', Sttlui!"envc C. A. Wvelh, Irf-wiahtt.-r U. l.Mmiler. MM' " Hnyea ft V.cC inutcii, Mclaweuaville Miat McCoy, .Nurtliuaubcr- laild. 1 ; 1 Aptil t, lS4r y FURS. RICH FANCY IX' US FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OJKFORD, Furrier. . Xo, tO I, t Iit'NlMiit (rrrt, A few doors clove 1'hird, Philadelphia, would i-ti t;t Iml ca ! rail mi l tx mine bt nifa' ior -1 1 It if Vol!, U ma, Tippit &e il av.'iy vitii fy, rntifi-iina 'f Itch liu-in H .t.li, riu.ioii'j II iv M irim, Nniw.iy M uiiti, ,Mn k K.i- f D-i-im Miiriii , !1oiii M-.IIHII. Krai im-, I'mh l.yni. Sic Tr.ri" k!; i : l.ai bun te! cteil wiln pr-nt nip, n-l ar tn -iV by tlie lhl w.irkini'ii in Hip rotmtrv. I, .i'ie. mfj r,t itsMitr I lli.l no rlii li- II I e 1 IT, red for rule in this c-l.tblinlill)' I.t that it 1 ot nrlict in vfy ifpeit. ' CH l l K.s. OAKV ORD, J"o. 101,' Chrmitit ilrerl. lit 1 teem , . . Tun d und Fourth Hr,tf ' ' " , , .. i'k.MJfh- Se, tcmlisr 3i, 1S4S 61a JACOB 11T.CII, WIIOLKSALE AND EETAIL . AVIMC AMU Baiqi'OK DKil.r.l!, iVu Zii Xarket Strict. UJuW F gS!h, AuWA l do I'lllLAIiaLFHIA. - Ki'T' conatantly on tianil all kinfl of old Li qnor, vii : Siiirtor oi l ry u hnki-y siipi-rirr Hianilv, Tim, 8iC. AIo whiti bisntly In. iti-er Vint!. VV1I1I I lu-trvantl rilarlbiiry btatitly. I hiladelphia, June 3, IS 18. ly i'att ut Afi -Tisl.t SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. rplir. ab'vr S: ve, which is e lutillv well a.t-iplfl UW-wl 1 it C si, h is m-rii-tnl silver uiulala ul Uk loira i f Uu Ametic in liistitnte, Nu-Yiirk; of Ilia Mm-baim-a' luati mte. Ii tronf --f the Ki.tnklui Ltaututi-, l'lnlidrlrhia; aial of llie Jtec-h iniis' Iwliluu.-, Wibui.ct ai. beiuware. It ia r.iHih.e. if pr.iixjrlv uaeJ. !' u ina in re work, with lrti fuel, linn any fiber St ve vt ntlcruJ 1 1 Uif ptiUiut iu Ti-in n it will ir um the I irgut sucIkii, while in auiumut. wilht' e sum nur ilrcua ultdnJ, it thr.iws mil 11 1 in .re hem than a dure ul funMix; unit fur h iluig, Imautar. ba king, t r oiMiip, It conuul bv aurjiuvU b)' auy ullioc buve, liPCU lilts, Ut Cill1 I'.tii. 1 feECO.VE.DiT;OXS. CcxiirtCATt or ins Jodce, or the alicitutic' Iksti- mn, l.oaiuK. Wf, the tuli?riticrt, lieiiif ch a-u Jml(ret by Ihe Matta-ihitb-its OLiritible Alucliuiiica1 Atta KtiuU u ill ii t Hi '-ll at ivi-e, furnitciai, r.-tues, fto. w uitl iuf irin the puhlir, thut nf. r isiinr nil the c i ikiim at H-ta Uml were nut into the fair fr rxTtibui 41, aiul Icitiiic aueh inau luanane bta otra at v e with lite smie tin I m' t ul, 111 or.lof 10 aartinii which w ul.l rli the anne tv irk with the haul Inei in llie time lime, uu.l d 1 il heat, we fitvl thtit Sicwurt'a rutenl tStitniuer mil Winter An Tti'lit C kuiam-a. enuuufuclur. e.1 h llie iiaient', H rr -, nt . v., w at me n, aa 11 iii hut i3 miimee t-i lKil tw i'i: ill ma oi' water tnilluilia luvnit In ihe tanuj tia-, and bioil lire!' a'eak, untl all il mc iu Ihe heat nriiim-r wi ll seven p imi.ls nf c nil, in ihin v niinutea frun the time llie hie was iwt into the ttjv. T i whit:h we awnrrle I the inlver meual. ja.mi.h tioi i i, 1 ivAi.rrit rot(M-.i4 TH'MAt Mori TfOf, A D . WFUllLK, and ! JAMK PAfiF.. Jiixias. ' The sn'aKYihcra reaiiecuully invite tlie etteiiitrej flT rors. Irv Uailera, 1 1 aie I thi liri-eal and beat Bctei-ted st ick if rt ivca, ever uuetud ia una city, am-mg lucb are the lui- lowing : hears. BcrrHO Cylnr.drrs. '' ' Ovn Btovrt. Wfbinttoo All TiUt rookt. Viiiran da Knrka 1 La r J Oven Albany do tlo do to do do da do "litis do I MrGrvgnr Muiriniom 00 - i rvtiiilimt l ook o ova. k , , I National Air lllil C'okt. . t I'tt lor Stovrt. 10(1 f.nui. An. Tiii lit Tailor SIovm Vi Charv. ihe 1st Ai"Ttl.i 'lo $ , 5nt)J.aJy WttiiMjiiin, Air Tighl Parlor, i J.10- Waihlnnton Atr-Ttxht . . alo .Mm) Mi-GrHgoi' Ihn-r iLiyt Parlor ' Air-Tighl Coal Slove. kuruinf l.bjea) I)t wttboul Stir, tioh:'.., -.! . r; - ? i For sa'a istiolrsaU flit) retail bf North, lltrrii aan i.T-0. Na. au0 itiwker 1rrt, Pfattarfrlpr)t. I'll led. Iiai. JMly Mt8-'- 3 US IICKSMILANKS" FOR PALE AT THIS OUr lCil. I 1 . . . - . 1 !. : s ' t Art II 1 r,!r ni t . . 1. 1 1 tn -. j J 1 H liivereiffrt fcinctl fur PVsrivPSIA. in tny tit ihi f iriiin, BUfh ai puin ill Ute Bt withj JIvartlioTii, h:tbitiiul Ctftiitttiil'M Arid tmmch, Hifidncfie, lstvi Appetite, Pilep. Niyltt we'tli". ftd pvpii C'ltintiinnli n ti cptic L'Uihiritr.) und Aailunu, pr f UtiihifiieiHrrl Willi dLTinim meiii if the L timwh (of liyBpej tic .AtiJ.niUt) WiTh-iiII lirt'alhiinr, n I iic)i ottvH Tefiilrn inmi iinprriVct digeblioii (')t Dyspeptic rW!.iiTii,) in reliuved by rtidtv Hitlers. Iu nh Tt, tht-ir t.M. Inis Ihm-ii proved, hi tli rli if ohnnrt nit the niipt Mm thut pf Cid fnin a d l iliuned or utttiio eintili II hoi tin 8t lUueK ; ht eeneml (k-hllhv nrtfliitt? Ooin 04:0 t.r ir uu Ih ctleet v( Fci er, (Hirtirnliirhr Vever mid Aptic. Fvinaics tmiiL-riiui iiiuIit vuy ntenne dernnin-iiMmt nr 1 pi 1 if frnn wikiu w, 'will find tfie '( ixyuenaTko Hit tkh" an exrcllfiit reinwly. and n t BitrpassctUiy miy inedi tin' in n,'d ' (' ''"', i . . '1 lie hiMinry of lhl iTicdictne is pwihnr. It Ins Ptnile. t rty to pithtie I'fTTfir lcty hy tin f.no vi It own intrinie itn-rii. , jNo tfrtitieifd mrniii hnve hem iikwI t i cive it n , turn)' and thrnst it Bp. it tit hi if nllMtili n. It inn never tii'tort' t-Vrtt nUrrtifttl, I'lit Inviiiy tirH thtwi its re timrktili'e (nlcirpy in the Otinily i tl c pr nct.ir, niid l y him nilerwiutie admiiiirtcrwt t 't h nfllirfi d lYii ixIfl nnd nc uiniiwtjuicii Willi h like renutt, ht repotill"li eTMdttiliy ex TtMvUtl tinlil it it ku .vn in Uie in tt dittsitt pnr'.i 1 the Tiiritu inMicine of nnrivnllitl vinittt hi the cure I fpviAin hi etl ilt differ enl f trm. ntitf nln i fir tile (Uie t f Asinum or j'iuuijic. Jtt miiy hornkt niKt Hntiyt phi pr nut I'Aini the ;ory of its w ndrnut ctlicttey, .im Mil lr in milith t ttnnilh or hy lfftef lr ?n fiu-nd t Vi i' iiJ( In te tv iusbutro v htre theto BittefM ImVt hr n rtpM, mid the n nlt iiinttw lui wn t) tha jirt'pr ict,, ther huv fMvtd ti rt- ItierlT.- . ' . i ; 1 Nnmft.tti eeitieftr, ntltin!T the fJnnlflr ciT.c.ney of the "OjivtstXATro IJiTtiii.n nre in the p fipfM' n ! the pr prht r ; iii:my fit l be in tvignal by pvTSJitSttlrcady widely known 1 1 the ouhlic. ' GKO. fi. GHraV, Priprlttt flf. u WINDSOR, Vt., Oct-4r3. iollutviii Certifirntrn hare recently Itrrn . ( ' , received t . AVaiiikoton. D. Jtr?c 1(1, tSlfi. ITivin? Trtflfte me '.' the 4(ixviifiiaii-rl Jiitiort' prcnared hy Vr. tiff. B. Oret-n, -f Wind r., Vt. uml fr m kn w Its Hie; nhtuiiml ol their eflienev in thr enp, weehntiliv rcr iinnriid them t thc-uMii, In-iieviiiff tin it they will hilly UtetHin Ihe rec mnifnilig 11 the rntirivt t. ' U ii.ii thntthis Vdliiahle remedy mny tte hj nfiHT;illy iliiiut'd tbr -uuiinui Uit country tiiat it nwy be auet'ifille tu ull llie ofllit'Ifd. . - IIa'JaNM.M ! U.S.SetntnrfrotnVcrmna. JAM1S V. Ss.MtMO.Nr. J. 8. iVit it t fr.nn R. U qid. J. T. MOHKUKAD. L;. 9. ScnuUtr ami f .rnwrly Gg ern- rtr f KeniueV.y. 1. II. AUNOLD. Memtter of Conjrref anJ l 'nneriv G - vern r oi It, 1, W.U. WftftnlinmGE. L. S. SamT and firraei v O vent r of Miehiirtin. M. L. MAH'i.N, Delewte in Cinirruns from WiMuisin Tecrit-try. v.rt ; r '.' ' - From Hon. II. t). ronTtn, Mtmlicr ot Congress frua -,' Vtrnirhnnb. . XVAHiVaTt. D. C, Jrsie lO. ISIfl. DenT 5ir. I have btxai a Uvuountir afitirrer f if ab nt ten yenre, Btid hiire rcitedt Van tut mciirinrii i-'r rulhi' witu'-ot uceara. nmii j imne ute ot y ur 'Mixyirimtert IMtteis.1' 1 h-jve cd nh mt tw tottlen, and find my Ii reM'red to pen'wrt hetdth Tlio f'ffniB hi which thu div- ense h wed ttBeli', In my aistj, were, great neidity ot' tlie 8t waeh, i'rit.iit'iHiiH'titf.'Axtft-jne rt itiiicnce, 8-n-wrrVii.rUI--it it Uie b nvlpt aitd viloiit hcaibiehe. Feeiiiif dti r ii8 thut n Vn wlrdjie n y 'tir vaiu.iJ le mucdy nmy rtr:irh ither imihrlv nthiftrl." "I Like arent nli-usmc in rev rd- intr uiv teftnn nvt iti rnrtitive p"Mer : end would ala reiii'itk. tluit wbiie mt u risit nt b 'me n h'rf time ineu. 1 ndminiftrrrd n rurt H n h tlie t m immler f my nH'i;:iHl fritn'K wih prent eurfSB. The y tire leir ua that y -u bit uld estublish nn Ofretii'y fit Pittrhur?, t int'rin tlicin where the iu.lieine eni In "bt'iinul. "With nil ennicft dr. ire f V'nii pr Bperity oiul haiHtineM, 1 pnhenly mivhi-Ii'. tni'v ynnr irit'tut It. JJ. -UMl,K. D"rt. ixt. B. Onrt.Windd r, Vt. ft id "fb p,I and Ile'ail l-r tirceit c Fletehtr. No. 20? nth PIxMi Street, riitla tr!uhi-i t Aentt f r ftnnHtrr TI. II. M ASSKR. A'j'nidiorMilU)it IACKY H AO, A2-M f i I jipLT AluluH-y. J. U. KtiN. April 13. Islb , . WiU1roh of Vanhtonahlc , CLOTHING. J. IV. &' E. U, STCKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, So. 161 .Varliel S,'Ttt f.rt CUiinx alurtbe- '..'.' 'w.SrU. , , , ... -- .riiii.aimi.rBit;; (- -i ','; iXrHpRK thpy ur" riMisinnilv riisac-d in gut ' ting ti rtoni th" b-l Fri-nrh, r ntr'ioh ami mrriran c mh r nthinat mi ami mailt up in tti- mnsl enp'rinr ami fahtonuble aty i. i rkoii who t'tiv tote', wtl nml a 'nitta ami rxi-r I'm stork al llir oweal nly (irirea. . C uiIiiiik niait up In onlpr, in a inpyrKit stye at Ibu slioHt-st notice N 0 Obi Frl'ows Ri'iit ia. a atirr anit- mfiil fllwavt Oti hjtiil Oitlnrs Irotn Lndcna anil iinliviilii.i a irnniit'y attrntlrd In on Iht mutt lea aonahlc ti-tins. I'hiUil phia. June 3. 1tt8 ly. THOMAS C. GAR RETT &, CO. , ' mi'onrtus of 27" i., Q) C3 sas3B a'nl aril Rrilannl.i w arp, t'tiilcrv. ami rnc Uiintia ami Mii'tu rtutrr. nr Ji-w- i-trv and Mi'wr Wnro," l-S t'ltw.nt ulrei I, I'lii'a ii l-biai base nvi ia'nl by lair arriv . n ta se ai il hanili iinr rt. It nf Rntt'i'h ami Kri. e'i lclti-a mil Mat I I'liiOain ant Kati'v t?lnrk.. Plaifil ;rn. tl.mora tt.k- Hi-kita. H gh am' I'h mb-I U III ll 't'irl MiHlll I, tl'M, mi it a il riki. Awl 1 1 h! ' assorttnrtit of Uti anutu Ware ai tl Fine full '. Tt.i.ir ii.rk of JKWBI.riV it hr ati.t nftlu mutt fi h 0 iailr k nl. ami tbi-y are nt-tl nittin' ill) SiUei SA"n. F.nka Mnjii. Nirk'n Itinif lliiltfi K ::v.a At , nml i It mt in kinit 'H'V tl - iav i;t n4r-t in i lis tuMir'winta, ihry am n- taril in nil at .iw ibn e who iln, and luvitr m tani'a wiahiii lo iirrhar in rail. ' rinl.i.l. I. hia. June HI. I4. Am t .W r tar-f.i. ar. . a, rCUt 'A ii 1 1 WiKtii NUi I N Ull V! ! ! ftd To prraeiituif ttieputineii'iih atntinlr frtlir treatment MM , I..C ,' I A.IU P HUH "lllT. Ulll II. Ill'dll... tin ari--t-rry is ueeiliO. nst nuuibia in the t'uittal Statea, svan anfli-r rrotn rheaaaflt-tttiriiis in their varieii firing, urr c intHjUal t. teca relief lr m father a nrm than tlie itiinie- tli.ite iinacri.'tt ua i f Uie rnruliu iai-iciiiB. It tw inii-a Ihervf re an object nt' huuiiuity. ua well aa f public intr eat, 1 1 bring W'a-e theirt a rrnirity repnll ti. m nuu-h ex-:-iuu(i, hu4 wliieh mnr alwai-a ha rcaitwl uri mi aa sua. arrm-Tuti., a.d kiiicvi te the roxnTiTi-Tton. Tint . lull ia the true hirin-li-r nf (lie l.NLIA t l(llt.l)Gl K ia annlr atleaied by tlie universal success wilh wliicb il kut beau uiil.-yod. - F.xtracl frnra a eooimiuiieati"n i-f the Rm. M'n.. t um Woniibiiuiuc, of she U. t. tKuate, lute Qui-eru if MiHiiput. ' , t - ' eta-noil, Oct 81, 16t0. Docto CHaaijca Oafiona, ., pear Sir, 1 huve read with tnaeh uiteraaf, f-air little Tr AFSTtsa Um the .'rvntt-t, tremtneiit aiai cureM .nf llie tehrila eiaaaaet wliH-h have a i eaenairerr f rei-ailel iu nnr ciunirv Ouviuar the I . at t'uw mat'lia 'in interest iimruared a i d iuIh, br slie f.rnh il I hare in liviiluallr anilred a reach O to them. Thuitrh t feel luyaoX very inc utiaitnit jtnlans eifttly ttnoai e stiie-t s' eirirelr prufrssi n.il, vet you& Uas f y aeame t Me tarea reaa'aisd, ana amis ii'-Hi-ai ma just, auit i iliiuk witeal. Uua your in'kirt ie eulcu. latwl f ?t l-r rmu-ti rrai-ln-iil irVd. ' rVeakine nt tha meiliriiie lie iya : ft fnlry Jua'lBctl your nnnerins- etfenaia M. ami aaa ailV. viMi-iiiiii, and j 'in lir remailv. nxr cnvihexpericiu-e, a fur, iiii1tuea ma m be liare that it will pr vt a preif tiMir Imii-fit. 1 run tlaal tt ianm iliat vou have renently eatiMMiert several arenuiea f iituian si'i'ai tli lufhl ivoat Iran, is iih a view t'i a m re (eiwral ilisariuiuKi n n( it, y at eh el4 hare ( :aatl tl ueoawary to retri'ire It vn y .pr rirueat! rvaiieir-c uia iif lav lirilh in.M-ti r. 11 I hm-rt ihfl h ."ir In l.i, air ! ... i -jO t ,l.!v.v.eT.rei errranV. ;'' ' ' ! . . 1 1 v -j if? eJr Wtl U !tl WVOUHRIPGR. r i gW Ti" !. Sranrei V. 1 . Taoweaieek, of Mirhi au SWU pi-wala, (UH Sn larol. tin' - I ,' . ; Bif M VahLeB Ciw Ea. 10, If .ii pir v'ia wish me ti infirm you what i kiritv of Dr. Ose vid's lii'lia Ch a -a cue. ot aMti-bilrma medii-iiia. 1 d i believe thai if the variueamif enrT atMt medii-ina were veneially Jiajwnt the I'tilASSaocB woukl diatimiear. gi V'chinaii. . . . .... t .'i i i I r (Minri a Wirtta in fl.A anrtna nf .,wl hati. m,U reaaaa 1 1 b.-here that aaieelf a ad (niily eactud the uuy la4 aaiai iu e aiaeqiatsiee a' ua ntav. ' . 1 1 ri-rli in m ii i sunmici time Ha artiMnent et tint See penitieiria;, haa tha fever and neno la-M a i urevaleu'. nt tlie iiast.. I have raai-iitliaia44 lliit rra.iii-hie tn muneeiais In- staui-ra, aal wnea theal'aaate heal beenine (al and iMffied the aitl c4 pttyniLaiiai bjh! I ai jievar a.vva H aul. i ! haa amivaraallr rnivt the in at huppy Hfc'a, aaal J lata lieve at era asrVae heeai eai t iv ear mcita.1V iurci:i,i- ,Uif the Wlima ilawm e tear j Tuura, rvaiiei-li illv, , kj a . . .aJ4i-u ia r-THl'lIKV V. i. 'mWpHllt)Ht.? Arn' f. e.n.iM!ryH. R. MAAKR; N-wthmnlirrbiiul. W milNGTOM j Mi'a ai, J. II. KAHF.H tklint- trova, MAY KI.UHK. mmmim ware, r t-;.i -c-irtv) 't. --i ,y.'f-'n3 .i v-a-iairS.'' ' . , ivKii jf- v. ;. ! V- -ir" r-rwr 'rl' On :X . . .. ; - '-,N A -J TUB (Wtt KaPICAt. Ct RB ron j ' a , CONSUMPTION!! ,, tVrofnln or Kiiipi'f Kvft lihrtntntiMii. Ohrtintite Ciitone nw Kntjtioim. I'mii'l. -i VitUiUn n thu thru, Ht nhi-n, Uilpa. Ohroiiie t Kyt-a. Rhtp: W -tm nr 'jvtter, ,- ; Peniil IKnh DidttrTirfiit end lnfn nf tha t 'i ,JJoTrT(tnnd j hif,?tnM rn I Irrrn. fyi'lii-; , ..! iititymrt"iirP. IVititiTii it I-timhig;)! " . ih-nsfrir-iMr t'r m mi tnjiidi- 1 . eim iw ol ' jSIftmry. V-t ir I' , M ar. l-;nfnra t lnr nN ... -iv. .'.dtfo-fi ill Ihe,' rh. ' 1 Clirtsnie C-nitl ' Inti ti d tjiu ' ' 1 ,or(!erf.! , In tin medicine wend inn rent hut vptv pMetit nrlh les "f Ui' vertahltt-kind in ma niiiivd tormn ir n r vr unit eiitfittj fluTeietlt imn ehautfter Aid i peri umii eny i Ihe'r crrnnn ti it. nud mtrivnlli'd in itn t;p-ntti n m tlie pniii when Inb'rinp. under rtienw. . It )vmld W in tht h niifn i f ttverv yvrr n. wh hy huniinm r jjtu nd r mrrp ni jf t-rtdipn wl m the vi-tY monv mfiiiifn'ri th'it ti-n dT lifts a curse, iu&tuad oi a hlessing, oiid BJoiten rteult in dwilh. ron PtnoFfi.A. rrr. T)rnkcs Tfineen t rrp mmcndrd n n eerlnin remedy, N t om- iiiB'uureiH it tji tlnre hn ryirr xtHiTiiI vA at t'rrr. h- ttwl ! It rnre Ihe dininFc nud nt tliervune limp Iiiiwirt8 riff t t the wh te vnifni. lr 'ftrf -n yens nn can n-v r piy t mcb nttrnii th irt-itp oi'tl cir U d. Ita fn ritiotiti n fh nld In? thfir fimt nhn ; f r rr-rw vcauc.- uiil Metvmpiiali a ctire ot tevr.n FrrrPiTABV AiBcnse. Wn I.TUTTTONr )t TIIE!?KI- - ' fcMitv?, fe rhniie AfTeeti. nt. Turn Mhite fwHIinff, Kn-tti !!. Irh'ert. t'mu'ern, Hnciiinsr Is -reft, Hetd-8 mifl IJih'R, Tr. Dr.tkf's l'mnu'iM eann tdtj t highly ext lied; it smivhes out the very rt of tlie ntPt'.itV, rtitd j rrnirntent. INCIGrPTiOTTl DVWW'SIA. ttieli Hue rerh-a Im cvtrf U:en ilise vtmI whirh pivf s iinif h t Hie t the it mnrb nml cumin the Ktrrr ti n "f n he-dthy gaBtrif juico- Ij UecjmjK ae tho tail ut lir. L'rake'i roiiacui 1 ' . nnVM.MAT.'SM. . :' Pr. rnke' rntmet-n h uwod w il li Ihe prefite.-t Knrerw in fth'.-miKUif C 'uij 1 tuta, ue; iH.iH u h chtf ire. It rmTa hy driving itinli itii'uj4iie :md hul lutni- um wliirh h.i s lucnmuljifd in the rival cat, yhirh ure I Ira cioum- of Illien nirrhtn, Q tit. nud tl;inK f the j iuia. Uthcr ren.it'u a met imps ptve tcniprary relict; this rtttirtlr eraiiritia the diertPe fr in theRy.tuu, even wlieutue luul aiul U.uc are dreudi'ully i41tji, t t ..- COXSL'ATri lON. t't roxuwrTto?t cax IK cutiEO C-Mhs. Cnfnrrh, nr-w el.itis. H, iitjiitr l bl oil, Anhiun. ;iftH-ult r pr -i'me l",x it ruli in Ilcc ie Fhh. Ni-iht Hwwitu, Pahi in the wide Ac. Jiave Iwencthed, ami cn l wnh nu inurh errtniuty uu any Iht-r thfwme. A specilic Ins I inrhefna urht f f. hot iu a:itn uii'il Iffe disc very nf I r. lJnkfs Pnn ieta. It is mild and .uc Imh ccrtnui til t rllir.it 1 im it its '-pfmli ti, mwl eaim t p Mtiy luiure tl: in n drlie-nr e iibttt.in u. We w it Id earncMly re- nimetMl 1h" eHlirtrtf t (jive it a t i;il oiid we Irrliuvo they will u 1 htive eeasi n t ri-irn-t it. The sr-m is eliinum? I aiul treni:iht'iu'il, tip uhvis,' ti the lunj-'R are linlcd, utt Uie pntiritts (rrndutdtv regain llicir nii.;i lti'ul,Ji uml slicugih. htNid ihe I II witi'g : I TJ'.sflMNY. ' rittUA.. Tee. 11th. 147. Timh 1111 ! In re; ly t ynr iauii n rtj i-rtii.sj tlie us f hr. Lnki-'i ltmrm, 1 will riv. that alth 'iiyh u periti- t'lrlarlievcr iu the fxistrnce I h iNACEA, nrrnrel tall dife-iKetf. h. wevei "il(ialie it nny he iu eerlain e ndi?i iiff i the ityntin. s:ill 1 h ive heiievedih-it it vine f t C itrfrv -ti, n wuki Iw di -vered s -ner t ( jft r, and nut sity hfl me ti try y ur tnniifiia in tw vtry in t-lrra'e enrn They were oft u iiueed Iiv llie ntfemhlia ulivfit-i uis 1 1 I'C rtLHoNAKY roNrirMrnoN. and nh-nid l-vihim es rv , (iKAfcLK. tine 'ii (lit i rr'its h id hct-n i.tnicr the t "e tt inetil sevpnd vry 'il i.nu iiti in. is I' r a uitui'irr f ye: is. and the'V addihehid tl tVM ii''l C i ftiitii.ii n e ml im? wi:h Sht lu.!, nd ihul shcrriT'it liiicrfi' r f um titrif I nt erniM not e perm m-nily ldu.l. In !r.'l!i f.-s tlie effect s'l'lhe Pn 'een let hrnint M srr.tlir. iti-'r. On'y i tir r five luniks wen uel hv lut? f Ihe --; rit lu ro shehnmnti im r vu r-uudty. Tliu 1'iorf k th in Int. i will nly a 1.' tl'it f:i nMi ir as 1 a:u wtih e iiptnni-ii il he iu' eriUiUL'e nl hy exfeuive (-'irvn:i n :s n sfuy. ;it.I Ian u in llie iuiuri us tiT"C'f Itt irtn tit t'teit . t fcir, U an I - ther Vf?it-ide t n;". n well ns ; l unny li e trvt rinis md scta'ivee. I h i:M n -vt-r ' ;ve rce utmt-ii ltd 0 e me "t I'r1 I' -Ti 'cr-i If 1 .: I n t Lceti -jt)iviiiited with the iuirrv litMi. S.oTi.t it t 1 fy t1' it t!n-e arc ivc iiuneji led hy -ur m nt tv pn'tir rod seler'iliiie 1 .hi ciaun, anil iu i heir ireiint r int-in-l st itt-, f mt yr IviMy lie lt alivinltve tho hs ever t'eti m-idrv The cure is in np ril nic wi'U a tlie ry "f C Mfime4i n hr nrhetl in rniuce a few years r.g , ,y no hr m n e:ntnent wri ters ui u tut i i fine, mid u w estahlirrhed by facts which ud mit of im tli spue. Very Keaitcetfiiliy Yours, I.. C. (it'NX, To use the foiriuace of nnotltar. Pi. Drakes Pnnnpea in ntwiiys rtlutnry iu its cflrct urt er ininii nu. It is n t ua Oi.hiie It i u 4 pirI Kaiririniiit. It is ii t iuti-nlcd t hill Ihe invalid iut a lattil iw-ctirity. It is n prcit remedy n prnnd henliuir slid curative cNiip tund, the trrcnt nnd only remedy which in. dim I wienra and rk ill has yet pr Hhv cd f r llie treat in- nt of this hirht-rt nue -iK'nered tnnlndy. And no jiors u afUteli?.! with thut dread diNtiw. will he )vpt t i Iturihelf nnd h Uiends, it He a m! wit t the jrmve with -ut tenting Its virtuta. A snte h Ute. hi in si ease:, will r-r ' dace n fnv-vahie change iu the c uidtti- n of any juiticut, h.iwcvcr ivttvf ' ToiiiKTAnm Irtulies of nn'e eomflest n mid e ,fam.rtive hnhit, nrd siudi n nre del ihated hv th- sp nhftrueM m which fenvdrs me lifd'-e t , tire riircd br lha ase. nf n Ii til r iw l hen'.m vv: Y. It is hy i'-ir the Nut P iue-lv ever uVc veed f f weutMy children, end surh as h.-we l-vl hum r : In'mut rle-'ivint, tliey t ike it. It imwediatcly reFt res then) petite, aireai'pih and e V t. N I hi i te eau tie in ia snrrlsimr than its (nrlc mtr.e ef fects "ii the human frame. Purs iif. ll we-ikiif eint h'S- stnidc Isef re lAiiur it, ai infe her tiia r huitt sm' frill f enerjr) nnder ii iuJutneft. It irnmoUiate cuiiterncts the iiervelesfiiess ol the feuwiu fiatna. ; CM'TIOX. H ireul und tea that Tui pet the cwnt ine Vr. Tbakk's lAXrF.A it lvs the siinViture ! f'.KO. V. Stohrs ii the vric,-r and pis the luuue pji. 1,I.ak:'s rn. 11111.' bl wi in tfie tri m. Irep"rd nU hv fTottn A C ., Lru.Tgists, No. 51 N-'rtlt-Su'h fit.. Pi il:deltlii-. Aeent f- r Piud urv It. M APSI R. - - . - - " " P d 1 nls" hy W'u. A Mviihai A- Co -pfm-ille Tf ftnAFF ra, Milton Mary McCoy, Northumberlajtd ; K. 1M.V1Z, Hi wmshutff. April I, IWr 1y A V, V. S T S rpi rtNVAs For: some nkvv m 1 PMI Ul, l WllKK, .n ,.erV C'.'UM V ilimiighoni llie I'l.iinl St.iia, Tn AJi i t. the mutt I In ra' rni-mn jci-ninut it rfl". u il wnh a anmll rnfi'nl of f 25 I $ I I'O A rh i ri' . ff r.-.l . htreliv an auent r:m mak fr.un f 10 tn jlj'i (in itr.k. Fur fuilliei iiailiru'i.i a.l l r.-(im.iii .1 1 vvm. . i.Eu;y. ' N... 1SS Nmili i;t 0.U Mnrt, uMihi i, r . 9, IN4M.6ui.,r t Jh IMctoi iitl , trillion or ! iiiMsrnc's grt'ui aVsii k uu lliw Kcliiriiiaiimi OF THE SIX I'F.KN' I'VI CK.X J'UKY IN l-VR-MANV. WV IZKRI.AM &. Will be pnlilisheil nt. or aliiinl lln l-l of Apttl. IM8 hy JOS A M'Kl'.L No till ( tieny tl ahov 6ih. hit ilrli!Hl limn rililniii ill the above naniiil uoik. with 18 .iiiHveil illiihtrution. fiom ou )tmal ilmn-; I vult in 3, boumi luratia rluth anil libiary tlieep . ' Thr iiiibli.lii-r result fully rallt tha attention ofthi ttailr anil tin imlilir Keimally, to thit urflik b intf thr only illiLtiatfilrilitton piilitiahi(l in Ihi l'n till Mat- He liuala thai lh lwmly nf tit eriihi-llislitrii'iiis'. th.- strong ami tiibalantial mani rr in whu h il ia liminil in iii juiirt mil wile thr knots ii iniiilariiy ol Ih- wink ilvll, will be a tine rrrAinnieiiilatioii tn inlilie lai nr. , JOS. A SPI'FL B Theuv tt above CtK" ' J. A S t ta lo lately iuhli.h. il a new eml heantifiil Filitionol S -ru-anl Hi ll't Knor Show, stiitalilr book for chililtrn, neatly dune tip in xtia r'oth , ... i. ' PttiaHelihis. Aptil t, ISIS ...-.: 1 II CUTLEKY. N riwn ive Hnveb .if Pocket anJ Tab' CUT , JLUJiy, f.r r.leb,.,. ... . - aT"T aa jbiU.m laa. T"aj.' IT Jv' AW, aijttnV St AHCADE. trf iJ '.V;-M is -A t THIIDStrft.'. ' -IJ- " C rnp i.ini 5(1( 0 doirn Penknivit, Sciat ra anil L 1 I'li iw ie! II -ama.' Ui Alan, a rhoirr aeavnUinxM ol Rfi'ra te rk.int. W't e, kn'm'a. ..re.V W. Vk B.' Hutrhi-i'e f il Frniiry'a I'ullettA.' - '- ' " "' . ;A'eo, Ktiamah. )i k a-d Huntne. Koiy e, . ' '' Ats. BnitV tM, ffnl ' ' AI , 7aT, T'r.a'ihlrt'rt. ,it Ir, o txYtfcesitat 'rii,a M'aaii II. ulna in i;..ilrTrl't fiml li a-. i iacaT . thr at. .vr Stink tamlhy their al etl I 'll, a tin' Kii .,cribila cliii f I ut nrra la iin,iiir inf anil m lling cutlery, I hil.J.I, Li., Juue lOih, 1841 ly. liaoC) ,m;iiaa i4VV.-Br . I i . 1 t:T U wm,, s-nna. T tttfm I S( l(. if r .bl.lt Btrf .'T m BAtTOl , a JL . 1 fl Li A.l lailO I . I Tt Mtrtwhm Kit shirwii trM'nrWtiM t.bi. of 1 M 'an wtvl renta tnaiikr-NiHeati -'Thr) tnrwi Iffihlirit rri lianct) nt I latt-l BrKW Ht) am'li 1. rrtr)f tprra ,ie"iiUyiomtTareilalih aTd Vnfrrei rom Bli-fc. oeU'e Uinttr.T-!'.-ior r;- i" t""1 ' .,. , , . . - Itankit In Plittflltlplpliln. T ' Nir..T yt .vi, t - ' - 1 mar. 11 v;v, f NOT EH AT r A R Bunk of Noifb Amrtira : 1 1,' ' i.nni of lh- NortTisttfi ItiHrftirr c i''" (Jhmmpresnf flttttk of Pt-nnn : '' r1 nrrreta sod Mr-ehartirn' l.arrk " I kiutif tiff inn.. Ink v; ' ' i!l J! - ' ir lUiilndidphW tin k . . .'"''I Itinlktll lUnk " "V -'ilthnrk Mntk ' ' ' 'iiin iVotk ' ,i ; ' 1; ;' 'rrhsoir UnA ; Mnuo'arturiT!' V HWhrtr B.ltil' (lank of I'i nn Townshij,. . , Wmr ' Hn-t, , ' Itnoa nf mmirra, 1f M nyllmfnai1JJ n sbtii pat P.' ra. JH.I - mt pi pi liltlU Ol ! ltwvvfitt . . , t a put ' ; fflt llai.k i if f 't.ftfiir r.ioiniv Wtrhoatpr ('hester 0'fmaitrwn Notrifnwri D'lvh'ftttTwn Knairtti Hn.tM ' 'lank of lVhtvnrr f'Antny H.ttik of (V4rinmtow n Rat-k of Voift.omprv V,i OovU-Wnn 11 11,1, Kawtnii lnnK ; Fanner. lintik of DitrV m Hank i f N"r;tinmlvilrnd i p .pti mr JOI (mt Ni.nhinnt'rrlaiid i r 'ditm' Il fik V "ridtfp ro.t'idom'rti rarowrs INnfc of l.8nrnini I.ntir. w'ci (ar (ill! I'" I nnrn-..r 4'iitiiiir H ink I. jIiriiK'rr Il.inl. r-.rnii rn' lliitik iif IVailit li.nraatrr liBttnatcr It a liiitt I i WW 'lnrr i lO'ii-e oiw i.r n-.iih oi r, In .1.1 . -ill. N O T K 8 til .1, lllrrlilitliff '. Tlif-r Mill i!rt' In ilo AT Icinrnttrr lie uling Raalon- i-tio n U I IS CI I UN T. "atik of llir Uniieil liU- rtiila.l. I,ihia : l't'svill ; I.ri.tiwn MiiMlr-inayQ C-irlt.lr PitfMiuirr HollitUa.liurt; ' Hnrritlttjrg l.rl..nin ftalitirr Pitta'ilitlf Willi unrjiAM WirktNlurm 17 lMt fail.,' V " IJ Vim ra' llni.lt ol I'litlsvilU' Mnnk nf I imviIiiuii Haul, - f Miilillil.iwn Cnrlil. (laiik . Km-liniien Hank ll i id" linnih nf f I ti t i.l ill -or llnnk. : lifli.tinn llnnk Vli'tilaiii' A Mntiuf It n i ilt II .uk ul PilM.uris V.'iat U.a.it li II nk yi. mine llnnk iirthnri .ton HunH Hi-. In C iiiitv llank ' Oll'u-r nf llai.k of IT. H. l'n tin ill D i do tin D ink of ( 'liriit'lie-i-luiii; A llt'titois-n Riml.nt; ' fitli-iirg no a -lr fa i In . fnil.,1 . 1 " t'n r-rte i Nr v itrijhtiin I Mi:intlip railing (Ji-ttvsl'Urg M'ttitrnse ITrin V tri-f s'lltr , Was'iiiifftun IIuhi'wLiIj -Urn vu. ;ie Yik ' ' ; tl . 1 I '21 3 !il i i i i II ! k ol f J.-il vnl'iiru Utirtk nf Sit-iiirliniiii:t l'n. ,tn,. U-.,.k F tiur-' A- lliotnt' If is uk l-'iank'i.l 1 J k II nil .li- I'i.i k Vt.l. .utiril'i't. llnnk ofl). V'-.k liank .. . j. II, , I lie iiotra i.f itmr iMtik" on Klil-h avr in-il ijit,it ni i. .11. anil -tili-lilutp a il.i-li ( ) nre mn iurrlinmil lv Uu- I'liiti.liil.ia litnkrra, ith tir : xi-rj iiiyi .ni tli-r pliu Ii l.avr a litr of r frrmifp. II It M K K ,N II A N K s. I'I il .ilrlliii Shv. :a. Iliilinlilih a I ,ii in Co. Vlmi ik;l SSiv. In-. K.tittrtti Hav. tua. A IVnii Timn-liiii (i .V ln.- Vtiiu-it linii. r i! lltK ( I'. W r.'W :n.,l llilllk , . Pliilnl.l.hta It'leil f ItlHl' f.itlr.' ,1.. . ' H.i .l.-i - '.lo '' lviitt, (irini.) T...T.I ..!.i ' IJ. Itt.nl . Itri.iv.-r 11 'iriialiitrir , VVa.liiinliiii llell.fi.nie Pili.l-mg Plltlurg , I'ayiMni en, (!n-i-tii-n-:t;e II irtnony f ii 'rt' lti-.j- tin- ft i. ik .if I'a. M -l k ot lliiitir !l (lit .it Si. it:ir. R.t'k nl Wiiiiiiij-t. ,n I'.'ntn- Punk r.ty H-i k l-'irn i'r-' cV Mfc ll'lV Iljnk Faimrr- Mrr'.'.-- Hark Frinni ri' Mn-li'tt' Cink Mninmnv li:rttiti ilittitingiliii. I'ntik Imiinl.i Hi ik t..imf'trriiii,'- IVink Vnrihrrn Hank nf I'a. N'rw lli r l)i I, Itrtilcr ('o. .N'lirilitiinli'il rntmi Col. Uk. NimiIi Wi-airrn Hank of P. Ofntr nf Si lmvlkill Gunk l'n, Aur V Munnf. lljnk Silvn T. ike Mn k I'tli ill liai k nf IVnti'a. U raiiniiirlatiil llnnk W tlkrl'arri lliulfn Co. no a.ili' el i-e.l ri-ni li.il -l rl tii no .nb fill Pi I f-ilM filial im rtal.- Iluritiiit;.liiii . I.e-vitoian VV.ir.rn n site nn a ili ln ilc J no a-ile cl'tcil no ale elm .-it fail.il rln-il fulril i lnril nnai'r Dnn.lilT Ntw lliinr Milton Menil villa Port Carbon Carlisle MotiH .se Uniiintown f in l ini'ur Wilk.-a'.flrr, (j AH tin'r,. ntt;.oitiiiG in Li' on any IV inyi tnnni 11 ink n il itiven ut tlie alnivn lt,i, may he art low n tn frmnlii. m;i .trnsr.v. il.ink nf Now Hiiinawick Hriinawii k fail., I i A . p i failed Irlviilrir Hunk iliMvulne : lniliii;liin I n, Dunk M i linl V-iim nt-ial liii.k Perth Ain'my IiitnU rl. tiil I! ink UrnLe-.m ''.lTl-rK, Pi.tik Mn nut H 'My .".irin. ra' iincl Mrrhnniis' Uk H.ttiway .',rn'r, nml Mir)-..iiur' l'k N. Iliunnii k l-'atllirri mul Meridianl-' Ilk Mul.lleti.wn Pi. i Franklin Hank of -V J. Jir-ey fily fail.d It'dmltrfi m,fi.. ttiaaing l'o Hull. ken tail.il fatloii , titled falli-il ' i fail.il i . Iti no sale lio tab teisi-y Cit li mk Jet, y City l,c nmia i IS ink t'atirranii . Vtantif i.iuri rs' It ittk ! Iti llevilie i '". MnriU Ci.iii.ty llnnk Miirriatnwri Uniiiiiniith Ilk nl N. J. Freeh ild Mi I'lniiii.a' Dunk Nrw.irk Mi t-liani.-n' and laliuf. Ilk Trrnt'ilt ' Mnr.n. Cai-jl mid Hkg I'd Jersey City P.e-I',... Niua'k llku eV Ina Co Newaik .New llnnr IM tirnlcr ('o l.iiiili.-itivtl' V .1. M.itlut.ir. ai d Uke Ct. Iluuokeii fallrd N .1 Puin i-nin & l.iiiiiniinl bk Jprie City failed tlrHiieell.uk l)raut(u j 1'amra.in It iiik 1'airm.in fuilr.' I'm pies' Hank .lo . j PttiM-eton tl.tiik. . . Princeton pai Sub ni tl Hiking Co , rinb m iai Stiite U nik 1 Newark flair Hank ' Klizahelblovrn , ) "'rile O il k' Cnimleii pa- i ite I) mk of Morns MoniNtown , i State Hank Tr. iitnn , faile vilc.m and I'biltul Manuf Co Haleta .-' taili-. Siiaei Hank . Newton ' . 1'n tiii n Hul king Cn ' T'e.itiin ' pm Uiii..n Itlmk Diver . ..j V aalttiiKbiU Hanking (V1 ' Hm ki nak ' failn m:L.. nc tU nf Wilm & 15rainiiiiit Vi Imuiigliin ln " ,t ', i pal al .,. '. tlaiik ot llel tivari - llintiJgl..u tlnnk of b.i.yrtu ' Snivnn '" po . bunch . j .,M.llird v .ni I r'anm ra Uk'of rilale of U. I D.n. i ', . lo - braiirh '". Wiltuiniitaq Ilo btanth firingetiiwo l'n . .. I.iraiu b ... , j.Nimtvtetkl Y f'lii.ui D ink i , ilimnat4uty.f tXT I ml" 5 a ..'! rt! tel v....!.". ;' rjj On all bil ks ina:Lid tliua () H ere are ei tn i niiMileili il nr alleml nntna nl ibe karn ,M,Mia.ieia, ia) .aienlaiMii. ' ' ... .it i , k .... A Tiiiil'niu DuLLiaa rlTi.M I a Mtaeiae o ajra AM r I . lint mul t ap .Ylnniil'nclurei'ti. &.u k Post Cumtr if ilk Mud JLvktL 4f '. ' ' ' n.rvl tlury .. . , PHILADELPHIA. n.'i; r na'aiil V mi 1 ami-1 tnlb-abdfeTixiVni atsii ni til of II PS. t:PS. and KUKO -! Ala- el-aanl .eeorun' r4 nf in1 to-" ei boia l.rahor'n, 1'i.naiiia, a d P I n I. at H(? A- . I v irk hv a aavinr nl 10(10 m r nt, will be ad. lmle air a' r tai', aP ihe e v b arrel r'rr '' 1 Ciiun iv d.lw. w tul ' d well tn rail at by r iimau.y and .em, w aieeuil le l id ael) et vinv low rates '.- -k .i"!- 1 ( June lUli, lets ly JL S C. MNKBIVT. i ,1)1 t. 40, SoiTU Fot arii STUieitT. A nova CuivtTiiVT. PttX UADBtPUIA. ' Jan. lUth, Ute H t T 7 I rrar it.D tuiff tnntiP tnntTi i(MlMw.an(nl, j,,.- to-vcJ 1VB .-JlSI-tf " - 1" i a - V if Z vili" ' r, . L. J in..' ....... . .T.--T.l IVK.ir'TMII.U . -' - ' F, IOI1I?. ll.iri . 41 I ; .iers . Patent Porta ble Wtrttr Clo ,,.t1Ho,r,ts intended fot the $icki ' " and Iitrirm. ' ' ' EVA!Sft fe M ATRON, t: v. .I a 7n fVr TM Hirrtti- - ' i oppositb tub mniAtEhPirfA lttcfiANCE. -ia.VJ.T2t v M annlnclitre and kwinnurt mt I.' C rt1 ., -'1111111111, Hi, If VlPft:.?:'A t-iaai.e i i !'., !r l ' .1 - lli.irl... l r. -i . - in 'i 'ii mi in. a : re-e naa ininein m ve anirtes, t ip-etner wnn t.iitt liniirnvedH ibliiaiiili:r iP SAI'I f. wliiill lire an c inslrnrtril art) set at rent ""..".liner nf it iilit lis ti Iheil um atiitly Sre-pra., and Uml i.'.irn"' Z7"n, lt 6 h' r iBlll.Hne. "l-h. U,.S. .ir 1 Va thrae HnlVa nre rnnile uf b .iletar ir-ie, ttie iinnleaaaeof a aip. at- iip, end hrliveen the imtrYmae find inner et,a i. n antire it' a nue trree iiifhoa Uitrk, mnl ia 6llcd in wlth liHteatrni tilihi m-ltiTill, li aa tt limjie it nil imp silillitv t'i lairn any of Ilia e-aitenta inaala nf thit C licst, - Tlieae l trpat me Kn liiiiiniiiliTa we tire pre;mrrd nml d i oliHlliaitre tlie wnrlil t i prmlnee flulv artiHe in Ibe ahnne'of Hn..k S-ifea that will atin-1 na innrli In-nt, finil we li -111 oumi'lvpt rtwnty at nit tilneatn Itnve tlirm inirly teed by pillilie h illfire. We nls . r itTliino 1 1 miniiifiM'ttire n l-irrr nud eenertil iu -rt-inrul m enr lVi-mhiin Air-tiarlt PimPreif Sat'ra -if which tin-re nre nver nll n i- in itfe, and in every instance they have riwn enfite antiarncrinii bi the pnrelttteers -if which we will ruler tbo pnlihc- It a few ai-ntletneii who have them tn uiie : ' Hiiyw-i- cl ft Pnvilnr. Pottsyillef Joteph G, Ijiwtnll P rtm itla ; Mr. Willinm Cnrr. Dnvli aliwn, I'll, N. ti. Tnyl r, ln n-ath 3.1 tt.; A Wrielrt Nephew Vine at. whnrf : Alex-iiiiir Cur-ir, C-iiiveyine'er, e-irncr nf Killiert nnd p'h aa,: J.dm M. F"rd: !W n mh nil at.; Mi-ert Itiisb, iti ii Till il at.: J inn s Al.Tnnt, IHI a null 4th si.; TJr, l)nvid Jnine, l a ai'h M St.; Mnlhew T. Aliller, SO a itttli nl at.: nnd we c itht mane a-mie htindredsvif nthert tt it were lliici'.. iry. N''v we invite the nUwiti.ai of the pnbli", and particninily tltose in wn nf Vire Prait' Pnfes, t.i e-itl nl nur at rn Iwf ire pnrclmsiinr. elsrwt-ere, nnd n-e can sttitifr lliem they will act a hitter nnd cheaper article nt -nr. s -re tlrni nt nny nttier estfiliimiinii-nt in ttie citv. We al.i maim incline the nrdin-iry Fire Pn-if Clieata. at nt vcti- I -w nrica. i-ticnper than they can be btmtlit at any nther sture in Philadelphia. PAVIP F.VANf. JOIIANNl-a WATSOX. - Philadelphia, April 8, 184P ly , , GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS g. & 17. rTsivriTH, (ljite nl' the firm nf A. U. Uiipley ft Co.) MamTacti mttia nr Ciilii Pr.aa, Pkm H.ittitnl sn Pk.rita, Xit. IS 7iilIii I.anc, XciV-TorU. E. tin fit arrtlier. i ffi-r lo trade, ntnl ilir pitS'ic ertimlly, , ur iliflVrmt alylrs nf Onlil P. ii-. wlrt'li it w irrt'ti'i tl m iinal all tin. p rt. C ion. by fnii uant;r, ami aio I i be anpe i'il in run ri ai i-rt t .uiv inline llied. II iWnt; in. i- a-.-, f . lllln a f " mannf iritirtnii. wn arc dciur. -limil Hint ii.i finil In- I'rlivered fiommir it- t.ih hinent nn a- it ia ir.f ct V a U kaep r ntni tlv im l aml mil "Uprruir (inlil I'i nrtla. i;d I'rnri I ith 1 rtii lm-h we are enal.lri) io fl'-'r at In low. il tnt-'St. '! All irtb-M a ltlirasi A le tbr ii'i. titers, mill bi- i-nrefiilly ami -oti tly allrmleJ in. t. ft E. M SMITH, t6 Mni.len LaneN.T. IM. T. IMH. S a TlNN, RlM'mi cSc CO. CE) Li i3 -Q? iHS 213.' Market Street, ; , , , ,. Villi. AOELPIIIA - If51 'US & 'iSKWICIVKSv Paivt. I) ti Cl., Pfa Krirrt, VAtiMs it;. "r. &c. . ' ' ALSO - 1 I'ntrni M ili ii e. , ,1 y.nr flira'e. Sorciral a. d 'M nii-a1 Inat'iiii riil Chi tnical Ta-ne, Vr, - f y i 't.li r- fiitn M M-l-ttrte ir PvaictaDi, by h-iur 'ii-ri4e iiimi.tly a'ti-nil d to. A itt'e.O. IK8-fim' '.-. ' ' 8.J.nGi?rrEK&CO.. . l.UCOin IM1 AM) COMMISSION MEUCHASTS, .-fiij Dealers id Paper, ami Paper Manufactu--rtra' Malrriuh. No. rorrttnerc.. tt , PH1LADF.LPHI A. KI-'P i-ontnntly on band a Inrt. a.aortL in -tit of print inaj and other papi-r Newt- i;ip.it in the roiintry. ran be auppiiril at all times, with piper of any tize and quality, at Ihe lowest prices. rinl.iil.-lilii, June !7th, 1313 DAGUERREOTYPE roirntAiTS - OF a si p -inr ipiali-i, b n l . tn Iv r ilmrik and put i fi lai n tf.i' f rri Ca. a mmti' e, f . ill. M K l '1.1, II, al aPIRI.KR'-t CMRA P U!-:itl.KN .ISM.I.ERY V . 8il l-S WAI.. VII'Mrl b I iw P. iimh, Phd n'.r'uht i All I'irl nr. mud - at thi - e tn'ili-liini-i.t will bo Wan. iiKTin raarifT.- Phil .1 rlplna. !ept. S3, 1818 6m CUP.iP WITCHES & JEWtl.RY. No. KW t llESMT Street, Phlludelpbia, i Opposite the FrauUi Iloust, MPOBTt.Bf (Jnld and Silver Patent Le verWatcl.ee lid Maniilarlnrers of Jewelry enod assoitm.-iit a ways oil hand. Isold Pa ent Leva a. Llj-weU $18 : Silver tlo SIS In iH); (Juld Lepin-t SiOl e-ilver Ho. tl2 In 15 ; I I. i-ktaml I line Piei es , Gold Peiirile, $1 8.1, itpwaida; Piaii'ond I oinled Gold Pent, $150; Hold Biarrleta ami Breast Pint, in are t variety; J;r fiiiitia ; Miniature I aire ; Gii..rd bains, tli to M.l ; laled 'Pea rt.. Cattota, Cake Pa'kett. i andletii-ka. Briianma Wate. Fine Ivo ry Hitndleil Cable u lery, and a general assort Oleitt of Panev Gootll. . o 1 -AMEltrC'WI'I.VI1'. FORK ASD SPOOX M.ViUF4CT0RY,. J.ktf L WAR IV No. I0H CHEfNlTT tt., ' htlailelpliia, opiont the. Franklin Hhntr, Martnfai-tiireia or all kimU of . Silver lpoont, pinks; I ra tela'-f.adlea. Ae Allwnik mtdr bv ut it aiainped with our name, and warranted lo h mad" nl purely A tneriraw.roiit. jr T t ! . Philadelphia. Att"tl 13, 18-18 tj ano. - ND A GUEIM y THOROUGHLY, ERADICATED ' 5 BY ROWlMl'S TOMC WJXTIEE I ,'! TH T treat Nat ntial. Old Favoril", and Rter. 1 l-.ftr R lined y !' Of KGU PP.F.N V ,ARS: TANlINli anil iiaavpt-oarlii-d in tta wonder (ul tiii'i-rae. rerutitty. a t aaf ly, in the ct at, ot , unusn t; uari.aipiv t i t c f ,t)i;rnn n.& IX?" If you would tttupe, tht atienjrt,1 ipo'-wtm ' tiia) rnniiterMta take not a bnHlerix Ahi a.' tint ia n liniirriy by I e' ' mrilltn vguolurt'', tt'i ibt runmal inemtor end aimpriernr, Johi R. Riiwase, nil' a paper' Lilt: trotting tht mnuth .wn .rs, j.ii'jt.-j -,:-i::rx-J - Tt'i remedy hat nv -r brn bolstered tip by false and derei fnt piiftV but baa won "S"-'0 'be eii fciUnrav ami tmivi-taal ado lion of V hahitaiH-ent pavtaaaa Arr OeiTBir-i RY IT9t' ;qoq. woijK v t4 (Vs jt i jrv. vz.o se . ' 1 wnu n an ine eaTiue-antl ajifejy. fiaiiewn used it, u-rll feaiifv. .ilUll'J PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE ,-.111 Aryh Mriwl .Philadelphia .fl 1 - AnKtrra fr bnrv-Tr T CJenr.eitU J. ,Vt ,Fi.lia.a Mia-r'arl CeM TP r lent1 .'. .'-'.'" Aonvit, f-.r Niastit.'iTaiHlFoTtrbe Wil,'' 'aon ,V .,' R -,MTay. . l.l tt'-f L" t'.IS.l ' inmi .1. ISI" , (Lm( Kellf r aV rof no jli1.) PATENT ATTORNEY.' j AND MEOtJANlCAfc BKOlKBCE,1 I ' ' ' I YTklllasiraisa Bl . .,i i .1 - V ., . ! ;, f ria j RAWlNV.S nntl papers foir Ihs IHttiAit 5 Oilioii, preniiruj dint till the noccaarv liu. io-vi' uttiiJii Iu wrliiri tsititfaiiK tl .l, iMidi twiMiipllyltemrJpd toy'sU lllflir fef-": :ke) opt.iif ihtt Patimt Oitiie. f!"n -'." tViubi r 28, 1818. a .k nXDOV GLASS, 8 by 10. for tale It ' HENRY MAfiiTK ' ruiibnrT, Jtin 7tb. 1W tf. in ..'i