SUNBURY. AMERICAN ATSD SHAjVIOKlNIJOUCTATrri W. Mt iS UKsTt:ns "mew vona ". dOIb&GI? OF HE ALT II, t; SOI Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. PR. G.C. VAUGHN'S ' ,, Tfgtlnb! Litlimitrlilie mixture TBI, rclcbrnted remedy In ennauintly inercnaiiig In fame by lh many curt it 1 making ALL OVKR THE WORLD. It has w boo ome the only mcdiciue fut lauiily use, Hid ia tauticuiuriy rccoiiiincnui-d i ir DROPSY : sit atncei of lliia e-'mplnint immeointrly relieved, ni matter VI now ktiff sunuting. r-er I'lnni'inict Mr ustini'.'iiy. ... , GitAYKL, an! all diseases of the urinary ovinias. fr these distress ing cmt lints it stands, id nc f n other article ran re! if re yn' and the rare ter'if.etlto witlr mvincelhe in -si akcp. iioal ; ate fjraphlrt: l.'vcr Cm tni:. Hi!!, diseases, - f. lia JMl AOl t;. . To the Great W'vU cspeci .illy, mil wherever Uiead con plaijits prevail thi iU'(li iii- if ..tiered, i ' NO MINKKAL AGENT, k ti iWeterl mis r-inioimd 1 n nnrt of tins Mixture, it ur tltcradiir:ir wiih certainty and celc-riiy, and does not leave llie tetm torpni. ivc Pamphlet. riLK.s. R comnbinl of a in .'aeteT, is IMMKDIATKLY l.KLIKYETi, n eure Mhw bv n lVr chv use of ilitR article ; it l fat b-ifora nnv o:h.-r nrrinration I' r this disease, t r for nny other divas uiiui;utuf from impure lilxtl. Sco ''' " DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, . WfldV hHf-k. nvakitrss of the Kidneys. Ac, or laflamrrm tion i rriHv in minieili-tteV relieved bv a few d.ivs iw ! inrilit-iiwj aik! a cure is always a result cf hs um, auuida as . A CERTAIN REMEDY, for mr:h compluiuiB, a tut alsj Cur derangement of the fe male imnic. - IRREGULARITIES. SUPPRESSIONS, 'w Intut tnriistrnntions. N-mrH'-le has ever been offered except this wl'i cli wnild touch thin kind of dcrnifirments. It nmy be rcliCil iip-in u a nurt hiiJ rllutMivi reiiuai1yT am) din Are led pprnii':'-'. tun rm r -hiiI uivi A THOUSAND NAMES aa nroof of prft in this tliMrossiurr v)! nf pimnhiiiis, panipMt't. All I r 'ken il nvn, ileliiiiuiliMl c itstituti"ns fri'in tin I'llert of nii'Tctiry, wiH timl fhi1 hmrinj? p wir f this urtific to act unmet iiutely, and llio foiunu niuitmt ERl'l'TlYE DISEASES Will ftnJ flie aHnrntirr prwrtifstif t)itf ult-Ie. PUIilKV THE Hf.OnD. and driven audi' tit s fn-m th pyju-ni. pnmpMt f'tr tKiiiii ny "i riui' in all Mi!tr'ipm. wim-a Ihu u;mt?i'l am advert iemnit will H-t pcriuti 1 h trmu d lnrt. A 'Pitt give them nwuy ; tiiey c ittititi isi paea of curtilica'.vs if Bifih ciriracter. aii'l it bt i";cr ARRAY' OF PROOF ff tti9 rfrtnes of n m-vlic-ir.p. uci-.t n ptr-ircd. U Tie rf the rw,'l:,r tp;,iur'!i ttii anifl? it iici-t t':ii! t ticiiLlll in nnv r-r. in: i ii i ih mm Hi'if-vic aie Itil IJ uuuu It OXYGENATED A S0VEREIGN II KM ED Y l'OH , . D73PEF3IA, PHTHISIC, AND . GENERAL DEB It ITT. GEORGE B. GREEN, rnoriuEToit. Windsor,' Vermont.. 19 Howriin remedy fi l)V8ri;j'l A, In mnny of m lorms, uih u uiin in l he Stun K-h, llrarllmni. hnhiluiu C nivnii w, Arid flonmch, llaulurlir, !' "f Apiicliip, I'ik, Niclit wents. hikI vell l'iMiiinirti-n ( I ?il ic I'liiniBir.; iiml AHtlmm, or I'niliifir nueimi'ii w nu ih-iiimki-iiirnl hi IheM uiinHi (or Uyie4ia Abi limn.) liillii'ult Hrt.il1ttnar, which rl'li'ii rciilltt'l'riiii iinpcrlirt iligt-cli 'ii (r Uv,-ptii' Kv; nn'd.) iirnlievliytlirellillpr(i. Inrlnrt, Ihcir uw hu Iwtll pmvwt til the rrlirl lit" nlnnt ll tlie nvmpt ininhat prururd lnn o dtjliilitnlcd ir "iii' r.'lKli tion nt' tha Si inim-li i nl in niieral debllily urifiii I mm mrenr fr nn the cHerts i'f Kever, imrlirnlurly Kever mid Aono. Frlim nilltrrnm llmliT "liv lllpnno oiTniicrilinil arisiiK If m wmklina, will find the "t ItnRUTID Hit. ieb'' an cztwlleiit miialy, ami n 't nuqiuMcfl hy ony iireili cine In n8f. ' . . . I he hiinory of lln niniirlue i pernhor. U hn nimle lis w iv 1 nnliiio iiiv T lilv by the I' Tee nl it own nilriiisic nir 'its. i nrlittriitl liic-m hnre liven I uii'e it li-i t riety find tlirnitf it np-m nublip nH"iiii n. It haa never nrinri; even iu'en nnverimeii. iui niiviiiy uin h'm,ii us ru mirknhlc eitiiviey in the liniiily nl'llie prirlrt'ir, mid by liiul iltlerWMtdti ndiiiinictered t hiK nfllicleil IVielulli nml ne riieiiMt'ineri with B like result, iti repntntion gmihinlly ex- temled tinlil it ib known in tlio in at riitstmil viria "I tii t'ni ii, na it nicdieine in' timiviillud virhiva in llie eure of llyppepxin in ml ita iliuvrcnt firms, nml nlfli iff the cure of Allium, or IMiUiiiiie. lla only hcnilil mid ha only cnl fiy Ins U'eii the ai'irv f it w ntlcrlul cirieacy, an l '11 fr iin in mlh t i iiviilli or by Idler fr iu fiii-iul I frieiiu. In eve ry ilintnticr hrre lh' .u Ihttem have hei n naetl. nml Ihe re aiilt nuide ku n 1 1 the pivirut r, llay liave pr.ivcd a re- Niimer.infi ccrtiric'iiten. iitteiliiia Ihe Kinyular cflieney fl Ihe "(!Yt.F.iv:n HiTiEit." lire in Ihe i"w-:n.'ii 4 the pr 'pri-'I ir : ui-tiy n iheiu e.giie.i hy pera innulte nly widely i.n 'li'li t Ihe htihlie. C.r.n. n. GIiT:i:., l'roprietor. WINDPdR, Vt., O.-t 1,-r 3, lf-1 j. The lolluvf lug Certincntea hnTe rereiilly been received i WaII1OTO. ). f. .Irx 10, ISlfl. Jtnvini mmle nae of the OxygenuM lliilera" prewired hy Dr. to' '. II. Ilnvn, of Winds' r.. Vt. nnil from kn w-h-ilire. oMiinied of their crtieney hi other pun a. W eeheerlilliy ree 'iiimeiid lh"in t Ihe pnhlie. hflievinc tied Ihey will fully aiiKlitin Ihe nf 'innieiHl.ili.'n of Ihe l'r.jprht T. We It ipe that I hia vnlnal'le remedy limy be at peiirrntly ditTnaitl thr.iii)rhoul the ronnlry lint it iimy be ncceaaihle to ull the aliheo-d. wVlTiTM n'-n'm! I V- B- s,",,or Cc'm Vermont. .1 A MKH r . Si M MONK, 17. f. fen:it'tr from II . lsliind. J. 'I'. .UOItl '.I1KA1J, U. 9. Senator mid fornurly Govern or of Keiltiiekv. Ij. II. AHNiJLT), Meinlwr of Confreaa nnd formerly Co- Vern-T ot II. I. W.M. WddDHRIDGn, U. S. Scimtot itml formerly Co verivr of Miel iuan. M. I.. MAHTIN, Delegate in C-nsrcas from Wisconsin icrriiory. , SALAltlANDEn, A TIRE AND THIEF PROOF CHFSTS, FIRF.-PKOOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND STORKS Sen! bikI Letter-Copying PreMes, Patent -, Slate-Lififd Rpfi irenttorK, Watpf "" tern, Patpnt Portable Water Clo- , ' . , sets, ifitendrd for the Sick , ' ' : , ; i .-'..."vr and Infirm. ' ' ' ' '. EVATM8 WATSON, , 76 South Third fltr&l, . , . . OrrOSITE TUB l'HILADKU'IHA EXCHANGE. Mnimfnetnre and keene'mstnnt ly on Inind. a hirire nas'irtluent of TII ONLT RATtlCAL CURE TOR CONSUMPTION ! ! fcrnfi.ln or Kinir I'.vit. Fhrumatimn. f )l'Sttimte ditniiemit i:nn4inn. I'impl.-p. r Pfrtli-a the tiicc, HI trhia, Hilos. rhHMiic ? re Kyes. Itiiifl V"riB or TrUcr, Si nlH Ilrnd. I'.idarecinrnl mwf Tain of the l-inannd i tiiia. WaMv ni Ueerp. Syphi litic Svmrtinin. ft-intim or l.iinilirigo, cliB-aFta mifiif l'nm an .hjUidt ci in iwe of MtMniry, Pr-'i-v. V.xpwire or 'deiire in liiet nl)f Chronit C nsti tuti Mill)i firdera. I:i thin m-dtriiifr .wvprnl inn 'nt but rrry potent nrticlefl of the veu'"'d le kitted in nre untied, tnntiinp o r'-irip-mnd enttrely iliiri rrnt m n rlmfiTtrr nwt pr- ptrtH Hem miy ntl)tr itri'iMn'ti 'ii. mid mtriiTtlicd in it? tprrntt"H on the pvpiii wli;'ii lab Tit'fr under drii It Mtn!d lie in tl.e ltaiiila of every per n. h- luipint'!, nr enree ot lite, ii pmiinpoped tt the very iitny niMmi vita that, ren der liie a curse, iitflctul of a bleefcintr. nid ajoltcn result in ileum. TOR P(jTl7)FUT.A. fjr. TrnVe Tfitifepn i ree -mmrnded m a e"1fin remetf. N t 'ne inii'lMire ff itn fnilnre litis eve wnrred when free ly nsfd ! It pnres the direnfe niiti nt theinme time Inipiria vip-T t Ihe wh lr svptrtn. SfT'-fnl u ters nia cun never nay t nuirh nltrnli -n to the :nta of their hlv. lis pn ritifatii,i h uld be thi-tr firM aim j for (wrw-verance will ueciuplish a cure of eves nEnsniTAUV di tease. r'l i i'iwirr. a tit. ni..M. . . ai... ,k il M lli? il Any t 'h''n ''ent lmprm efj Snlitmnnder fSr 'ni: flRI'-I'ldMiP SAFES, which iU(S:,"''j Jl.'-' It "re " e.niatnietetl na to aet nt rent Si tlVH!! 'Vtt "II milliner of d 'tibt as to Ibeii AyVLUaV' al -lTf lieim atriellv and llmt DANK WOT E.- LIS T. 1-rxm.VAJiriA: vJi 5 i Thtf fnltnwln lint AneM thii earrant 1q of all VnnirflnnU tahk NAtaav tha rkri UfnWt ' rtW tianea may r plicrtj ottoa it,, fi U Utvenf uxtk refnlljr enmriared .taitb and Corrected from TJirk nell'a tlpc)rtir."",,i" V '"rt" X-V'-X. Dnnka In Philadelphia Ui'iui let the umiiCMlvd and ! '.ill? iilVulld lkPK u n-l keen tnVinc the medHnc as 1 ti at there is aa Im (TiA'caiu... Tue fr pri.'t r w nlrl CAUTION THE PUBLIC r. aril nst n mrnber of utticlca wbieh c .1110 out un;ler the head of SARSAFARILLAP, SVR1S C, as eures f -r Dr '.ty, tirivt-l. Ac.: Th-y av g iod for no- TOUCH THEM NuT Theif invent rs never ihotmlit ni eiir'ni!: an-li difis till tliisnrltele h id done , A particular study of tl.e .atn jihlet if eiriifivtiy hciied. Agents and nil wh s'-'l the ni-tr nre GLADTt) CLIU.ULATE frmtuitmsly. Pur up in 9 nx. b tth-s. t r- : I2z. dirt frl wich the lnr'r U d!iiiir ti z. m re than iw t-u ttl b t tU'. Look out and i't inr.. s-tl im u. )lvT' b tile has "Vaturbn'e Ve-retab!? f.tth ntrl Mixt-u'e. !' w:i n; n the ftlutH, the written s'''iviturc of f. VaiiriiM 'it the Ciirecli tip, and "(j. C aiiRlnu l.tifl d wain; d 11 the CTk. N"iie i'iIut are ceaaiue Vre;arnl bv r. it. C. Vnurbn, and dd at the Vrinetp-d Office. M 011 e rect. IJndal , ul wh hvde untl retail. Noato t:M -a fiivn to 1ii teM nn!t is p si prtij TiI'ts I'ritm reirn'.trly e i;iri tnicd Afjcnt x"pied ; jviid l'-Mer. r vcrt'-d r Mn.nni;cM ti-in a licitinu ndvir. pr an -t y atir-ndc I t e:: i. Odi. s (lev Heil exelasi v'v t 1'ie S-de of t' is Hr'!pi" 13J.asstu M. ''w Y'irkeity; I'f-x st.S dt-ni, Mai.; and bv the lnu,':p.:rsl!u- .ujlt aiUl e I'nited Stau-d and Cam In, ns Agents. List 'if A irenin. St -rrs .V 0.. Wh desnlc .srent TM iladel pbi:t f. W. rriihii'. Snn'tiiry" tii-irl;:", S.-linirr nc C. A. Vveih. ! vi!.iirr II. l.S'ne iter. Mlt n U-iy & MeCormie'.;, MUwciwvillc Mies McCoy, Nortlimiiber A.iril 1, 1?!. y From Hrtn. It. D. Fotfr, Member of Congress from lYuim Ivanta. AVashinutox. I. "'.. .Tver 10, 1P40. Prvir Sir. 1 hnvr Nt n n ilyspi-ptie r i t nb -ut ten yearn, and have re -rti-d "vati n meilieiijcs i r relief with' -nt until I nn'le use of y-Mir "Ony-rcuaU'd Bilhrn." 1 h ive nii-d alvMiT tw IkmMcs; inid fuul 111 5 U restored t'i prfrer. Ihm1:Ii The forms in w-iieh he dis en6e sh wr 1 it f elf, hi my r.i?e, were, urea? aridity of the st u.ieh, I ff it.iprtit', tt it it !e, ice, s 'i-re cu'tl re'll n ii' the b 'W In. imd v Mr tit hetlirhe. Vft litnr ite"i- r "its th-tt n kn wt-d;re f v ur valn ihle remedy in tv reneli i n here t-imd irly ulllicte l. 1 take (treat pleas'ire in ree rd inij my lestim ny t 1 its runitivc pwer; in id wnild n!s rem iik. that white !! n vie't t II 'me n sh rt time smer. n lmint-ilercd n part 'if n b ttle t a im:iiter of my att.irietl friends, wi'b sneefs. T!iev lire il ir ms that v ai sh alt) establiFli an titrencv at I'iltsbtotr, tr lutortn them for KnrrnoNs of ttif. skin. Senrw. Serbinie AITertl'ins. Tnni'rs. White tretlim?, Kn-sii elns, I'lrers. Cnnrers, Rimntui; J res. fenha and Wiles, Dr. Drtke'a Vaiwieea ntnu t be tut hiffhlT ext lien; , it aeareliea out the very ro:t m the diseiuw, mul permanent. lI)lf.i:fTK)N R tYSrK1Sl A. No medicine perhips has ever been dise rered wliicb cives a. 1 mmdi t 'tie to the nt nui'd. ami ranses the serre ti'ii nf healthy gastric juice to dec mp" the foxi as Dr. Unike'a Fanartu nnU.MATISM. Pr. Drnlte ranneen is uned with the ffrentest s-.teees in Rheumatic luiet tint, esi-eeii'llysiirhasidirenie. It eu'ea by ilrivmc out all impuritieftnnd foul hnin.nini whieb huve ncriitmi'atpd in the system, whirh are the rims of Hhen niatisin. G tit, and Swellincs' f the j i 1 if n. Other retiiedit a iiietimes eive temp-miry rrlief; this enfteriv n.Iitrit'-a : llie dieaie fr m thesystein, even when the limba and Ivnea ure dreadfully swollen. f aP. jaw 1 "'""V will resist the fire u' any tftS KT-Jr buildit.ff. The nutside eases of these Safes are made of b dler iron, the iuaide rnaiiof onp at "lie, and Mween the outer rase and inner caar is a arwre of s un three inches tbirk. and ia filled hi wth indestruc tible mnterinl.a'i as to nnke U nn impasihilitv to bnm ant of the e intents inside of this Cbest. These ft ptone ttn'. Imnniider we are prepared nnd d eb-illsns't the world ti prHbiee any article In the share of Ho1 Safes that will slmwt o miieh bent, and we h M nnrselvea remty srf aM time to imve tbern fairly tested !y puMie rV.nnr'e. We at e ntinne tn mnimfnettiFr n larpe and arenernl asa- rt ment of nur Freniiuni Air-tifht Fire Pretf Safea f whirh there are over Mto n w in use, and in every tnstonee tbev have piven entiie aatisfnetim t the purchase re -f which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have tbern 111 use flnywvid Snvder. P'-tlsville; Joaepb O. Lnwton T ttsvtlle: lr. A illiam rarr. lmlestrvti. Pa N. A O. Tnvl t. I'M ifTth 3d at.: A Wrifjbt Nerhei Vine at. wlar ; AlriawVr Carnr, C uveviiieet, e'rner nf ril'tert nnd ptn sis.; J.thn M. F-rd. n-i ivrth 3d t.: Mvera 1 ??nstt, an ti rtli at at.: .lames M. Pnl. 101 nth fh st.; lr. lavid Jnyne. ft annMi :H ft.: M;'tbew T. Mitlcf. o s 'it'll 3d at.; and we enld vnm a me hnn-rrefis nt others It it were neei(ry. N -w we invite the utenti.Tt nf the pubh' nnd nnrtienlnflr ttise in want of Fire Pf Kif Sofes, to call nt out st re ! nirehasmtr ele t ete, and we r-n sitisfv them tbev will trt a rVer nnd ebiper article at "nr st'Te thnn st anv nftier es'it-'i'l'mefi in tt-e ejtv, AVe alr maiiu'ieiiitv tfe nfdiniT Fire Vr-vf Cbrn, at at very .nv reier-i. r)wrr than they cnti Nucht at any other store 111 rmuuieiptitti. TAVTT FVAVi. .rf)HAaN.Kft WATSON. Pltihdetphia, April 9, W?ly Fhilhi NOTES AT PAR. Bank of Notth America. . . , f pnr BanV nfthf Northern 1.lSfiiM a , pur Oomtnerriatj flertll of PennV V - , pat artPfll, nfirt Mfchanirr Hank" . t . par rtnt)intfon Brink, T8 11 1 i - par Philadelphia Punk v Jt; i . , t pt rhmlkill Pnk ; .. .'. ' - ' par nathwark Hank " " 1 pf Weatprn l!infc . ' par MfThenirV Hank . , pM Mnnntartnrpra MPChantra Hank' . ( par dvwik-of Penn Township -., .1 , pr iVart Bak . PV Rk of lommerr, hte Moyimenamg( par Hank of rrinn1vnw a pw ank of Theater Uotinty , atr.heier Mnk nf Delaware IVonty f'heater Hank nf f4erma'too Ormantnwn Rank of Montgomery Co. N'rritwn Dnylr-ttfnnn Brink Dov'eown Bamoii Pai'k Ennn COXSIMITION. roNFrvrnov rwm r?f;rn. O' lieV. rntifth. Ptmi idiilis, S i.timr "f ill d. Acthuci. Iiiifn ult T pT tus I -pect rati n. Il- ie riiob. .Nihr St-atF. Pa:n in tie si te Ac. hcvr heenenrcl. mid nn l e with as nnw h re'i -ii tv as lit l- , ifl.IT lliM.-H.. A I., a.ifw. I..- I tiff ,..... Ilerl f. r.'V.ltl i iii ;,it, until itit... ..r I r 1ir..L..'. ...-. It i mild imd s ite Imt certain and tifie iti its in i: tr,i a'ldnnu t p .'ib'y in.nire rbe n st Vbcap e ii-'itnM n. Wi- w nltl erftnvtly re mm-! id th flnct t i;:se it p t'-ial ltd we believe thev will if t li.tve eas- i t tfgr4 it. The s.-stun is eleane. nnd str tu'itiened. the n!eti S.J.MF.rrATnF.FCO. iMPORTtf n ArroMiiisior MEHCHANTS, iiit Dealers in riprr. and Paper Manvfuc rers' Materials. No. 32 Commtrr it , PHILAPF.LPHt A. TfTT-EP conatanflj on ham! a larja t.anrt itV merit nf prtntina anrl nthrr paper Nw papt-r in thr rotinrry, run b (uppiiarl at all Iiipm. wi'h finpar of any aize and quality, at thf lowrat priraa. I'hilarlelphia, Jim 17th, l'tS Fumm' t'ank of Riutia eo Hn tol par par par pm par pa-1 P Ma. 100 CHESSIT Stmt, Philadelphia, dill- 0jhbkth4 'Frdnkli (JKitH 1MP0RTKRS of Gold and BiWrt. I'atant La tr Watc'hM. and Manutacttirarii of Jxwflrjr i A'oBdaor1rnirit a'wtVn 6tt hAti'l. 'Gnlrt Pa- r.nt lau.,1. I3iawela S38 : fcilvi-r no SIB to 3l l Gold Lfptnfa 30 ; ,Ml,rVo. 112 tfr: i:i rli. and lime I'iPCf . lioiri rfnciia, fi.i npwartUi Diamond Pointfd Gold Pena, $1.30; Gold BiamlHti ami lir;l rina, in aTr- i n'y. Efl Binfi : Miniatar' I atea I Guard C'haina, io m i I latfd .Tea feta. Laatora, ana BaakrU. :andletirka. Brilantiia Ware. Fine Ivo ry Hanrlled Table I u lery. and a general assort' ment of Fancy oda., . FORK AND SPUOW MANUFACTORY. .T.fc W L WARP. No 10-1 OH ft-NTT "r.. 'hilailnlphia. oppoaite the Franklin Hnnae. Mnniifartiirera of all kinila of Milver poona Fnrka. Tea 'eta. Ladles.' Ac All work rnail- by is atampeil with onr name, and warranted to Ii mail of piirly .mariraii coin. Philadelphia. August 18. 18480 mi). - FKVElv AXT) A(tTTE ! ! ! ttJ-TIIOKOUGIILY ERADICATED by mmvi tnMfi mixtirf.! s lank nf NorthiirntierliindO "V .rlhumerUnd pir par l.mealrfer i l.inr.a'ea p.T R lira p Human'O The-e l.-inc is'er ( "trfoa FVa.ilire. filo nut J iiii n DIHI!III!NT. lph. Potia.tll, l,ei't'in Mi.lenia Crh,i Plttr.rf titilliit.aisbisea tlarri.Nuraj Lebanon I'l.l.Slirg Pi't''ijit Willian,p'.a WilSe.'.arie, A'leiitoan where Ihe melieliie e III lie ol. mined. Wish nn eirne.t de- Ihe llilla lire helled, .nd ll:e piitl'-nlB Kriidlliilly ffg-llu tliair I.-iSent Alr-Tiftkt SUMMER AM) WTNTER COOKING STOVES. TTTK tdi ve St'ive. whieb is e.pially we!! ndip-fd to Wood or C hi, has rect-ived silver ined i'.H nf the f ,iis if the AtiitTtcan hisiitiiie, N' w rl; of the Median ie' Insii 1u:e, li-si.:t; of the t'nuilxliii lnsiinito, Plnlaikdpliia ; oi.d of t!ie .Michtiii-'s' liitintle. W'iliuiiiyt LiLlaWitre. It is c.ij'ali'c. if properly iued, of d inri in re work, with leis fuel, than any tn- r St vu yet -tlVittl t the p' in wintei it will w-ifiii tf;e !aTi;esi Utielant while in summer, with tt:e umiMier dres nitvlied, it throws tint ici in -ie he.iit than ti chare, nl funnier; nnd for h-dim?, bmilintr. ba kine;, -t runtsiitta. it cumot ) Kurpastsrd Uy aiiy other Stove, open Gre. vt bvn.-k ven. R!5COMn:DATI()N. CElTtPICATE or TilC JfUoFS OF in MscnATiics1 ISTt- Ti ll:, Boston. We. the Sitl sTil 'T. hum rh -sen Jinxes by the M.!ss ebusclis t''le .leehnu:cs Ai-weinii in in It--an n. 0:1 atoves, turn. ices, raa:rr5, w utd int. .nn the public, that after iestinir nil the c 'Ktatf sl iyes lit.. I were put into the I'uir for exhihtti in. auit letiiiur each man tnanncrc bis own atove wiili the Kiuie kitul of euil. in taJer to ojeert;iin Which w u!d d i tlie Km.e w.)ik with ibe least find in the emir time, raid d-i it b st. we fn I that S'ewart's Patent tunnner tutd Winter A!r-Tkrht fikinv St -ve. nintmf t'Mui' ed hy the palenU-e, of Tr .y. . Y., t" be lite best, as it (".-I; but 13 iniihites to hi til tw ?all"as of WiHet and Uike hisrttit Hi the rmii; niif. und hr nt lft-t mt-)r;, nnd id I d tie in tli bckrit u inn ner wil'n 'vmi poiiu ! of cml, in thirty min'itc s from the time the In. w.w nut into the Kiove. wnith we n warded lite ilver incdui. , JAMIIS 5 l l,l, WAbTKR rONFT.Ti. THOMAS .MOFi.TON. A. D. WJ.IJKKK. and JA.Ml'S Pr.F.. .Irin.K!. The sitliscrilwra re.j;i'-cit u!!y m ie the afenii.n of c uii try dedeis, t tine ( lite lareeft um) hi-x: se.icte I si 'cic "f ovts, evef oiiered hi tin cay, um ng wbiAi are the fo! 1'j winir : . Srreen Cylrr.i.eji. i Oven Sloven. sire t r v air pr s: i.ritv tin I liapiiiuerM, i s-'ifTit e mvst it iruli- v ur friei;d II. ). FOSTKK. iv!t. irn. H. fJRrrx.Wtnds r, Yt. S !d Wh lesdc nnd Jletail bv inett A; Fletcher. No, 26 S -mli Sixth Street, philn Hobi. Atrent f r Siin'ttrv f 1 II M SI'.R. Arei.rsf .r MiUoi- MACK W A II A AO. Asent f i I'tipcr Mah u -v. J. ti. KK.VW April I."., lMs TiriiroR of rtilonablc CLOTHING. J. W. & K. D. STOKRS, CLOT lliy G WA REHOUSE, .Vu. ISt Murktl Street. ', CMhing tfure be 'uw xtfi, Fhii.mii'.i rum. l"-Hrnn they are roiiaianily ensaied in et. tifltf up lroui iIim li-st Fieni'h. t'ne'iah ami meri'un c oih. r olhiiia rut and madu up in tlin most sup rior anil fashionable My e. i'crniia utio tiny to sel , vvil fihil a irfrr-o anil exce lent stock al the lowest city prires. (' o'liiii!? mnila rip to order, in a supvrior styie at the shortest notice. N. B Odd Fellows Ri-sa ia. a 'arse aaaort ment always on hand Outers from Lodges and i nd i v ii I (id s promptly attended loon the most red sonable terms. I'hildde'phia, June 3. ISIS lr. THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. iMPurtTi n or 2Z ' td? QZi 523 p a'eil ami llrilnnnii V'aie, ( ti'lerr. and runav tjniHM. ami M n lit ciuifr or Jew elry nnd Tf-r W'nre, 12? l-ln aimi -treel. I'hi'a- 1'I; h.ive n c ieit hy Irf'e arrit .1 a Ii te and handisome a'o. k of Eni;'i-h arol Fiei c'i Watciiea and Marl'le. I',.rcelnin nml Fane, n.x'k. Pl.Ki'il I'rna.,ua V .ko H i.keia. It h ao ' Ch mliirCiinllrtaiii k Moun Ind!n4, M -oitna a d F -jk", A a i a Rood aaaurliiieut of liii eniii i W hre ai d Fine ('nil r, . Theirs'. k of .in EI.UV is lir-e and nfil.i moat ft h oiotl.le k lid. and 'hoy are well 'iicplle' nil fi'or M oonn. roik. Muja, JS .i kin Um? Ilullei K"iv. . Ae , mul wi li 'in in kins .uv d a p ay ot pilrrs in ihe pui'ltc ptin'a. they are pit--I'Sred to cell fit low a-tlio e fio do. bnd hivili pi iron, wiehi'i j to I'lireliiiHO in call. l"ol..ili d lua, June 1(1. ISM fi n Washington Air-Tight Cooks. Vulcan tin do F.urrkas di Lare-iOven do Albany do Willis do do do do do do -McGregor Mammoth I reiriniins Loolc S oves. .Rational Air Tiht C'ouks. J'arlor Stoves. 100 I.ouis Ait Tijiht Tarlor Stoves. "150 Char'ea the Ut Aii-Tight do 800 I.aJy WasliinRton, Ail -Tiglit Parlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight do 300 McGregor's three clays Tatlor Air-Tiitht Coal Stoves, burninf three days without atten tion. For sa!e wholesale and retail by North, Harri son A Co, No. 3'.i0 Market street, PuiluiMpbia. Philadelphia, July IHih, IS 16 "LINN, SLITIllcCOr V'HCLSQALE 213 Market Stoeet, I'jilLADELPlll.i Ditrcs & ' irs i'al.T-. Olta. til.AH, 1 1 T K feTtrrs, Viui'ih A r. &C. - Al.l) Tatenl Mrdii-inea, M -it i-na :lteaia, Snrfflral S' d til's! If tea I liistiuinrnia Chi roiral Te- a. 5ie. , t7" td r fion, M lehtnia r 1'hyi.iciau', I'V l4 I m oin'riiv ('i.iiiij.ily aiteud- d la. Aiifi.s. 9 1844 :,,, GOLD 1'LVS, riiX lliJLDE'.lS & PiN'ClLS ' G. : &E. MTsiVIITn, (lite Um tiiin ol A. G. ljiij-'.ry h Co.) MiSlFisriutiia . (Join Pim,, u nmai .. .. . . o I'tariLS, Ko, 1G SJI!cn Lane, Xew-Yoi K. R J l.,lllU irilM. illrl 10 t'ie ifi tld. ami iho. puWic ur4ally. . or ililfereiil alylr- Ol ti'.l.l Pena, whieh are w .rren'.d aai.ii.t all im prf.c lima l-y f air uaatte, and aia.i t-i t'e aupe i-i in errfy raat eel 1 1 any olhe s made. II .rui( in. rna.eJ CliIiius fjr marittfiuiiiruig, we ure ilaicr miiird thai no in n a'ull tu ileliteie I fiomour a Ulli-hiiieiit uuusi it ia leifrt Wa al. i kaep Cuiislaxlly oo baud out FUia-r.or Uold I'mcil". i t.U I'sori a Kith I'cti. elinb ft sir enaUe.l iu ffer l Ihe low. l latea. All o'd l. a ldiesai d lulba wl eiilit-ra, will U carefully sud iiom tly aUeoda.1 to. ti tt E. M fcXHTH.Kii. IS Maic'an LauaN.Y. 0.yvU9.-.a tev-irr.arv'''.' -t l r'- ''-. .r--t -. - r WfJ-.-.i 1 ;iii-;nv..'f ;,(iiiit;(ii''., j i: ...Ctl S'MV,vi?ili;ftiaii.fiit5 fa y win hv;jy ; fi j 1 1 s ( m ; i wis Tn preseniinnr llie pnhlie wiilt n remedy fir the tre'itmeul x ami cure i. - kvkb and Aarc an.l other lull uia ritwuw. uonil'-iry in net. led. Vn.t launlH-ra in tlie I r-iulea, who anller from tin-He nnVeti'Hia ill their vurie.1 f..rina, are llwl to aet-k relief fMin i.lh'-r a 'nroea thflu the inline- male iueri.ii iia nf tlie r. irutir nhisiciiiii. Il hre aura Ihei-el re nn .l..i.ft of hiiiiininiy, us well us .-f pnhlie inler- e.i. i. iirillir mem n p-lnellv meivlleU ll..ill luueh pi IHTienee. nun Wllieu may iilwnva lie relie.1 n;v.u us m Kt-'FKC 1 tAI. .ND HABMI tlf.lil TIIK f ml ITI'l ll.X. That Siieh is th. Irue ch inieler of the INDIA 11(11. A(l(l(;l I' is uniily nitrated by the uuiveraal suecrsawitli whieb it k.a oceu rinpi. .yro. lr V.xtrnet from a rommntiienti ai of thr Hon. Wii.. l.H ooDligltK.K, uf the L'. . Semite, lute OoverU'W i. .ilieilir:ui. Dktboit, Oct. 21, 1810. DncToa CH.aiF, Osnnon. 1'r irS.r I hive rend with much intrreat. Tour lillle TR .E,TtB iii 'ii ihe 'niiisra, irmtiiN'iit an I rure" .1 the l. l.rile diwiies whieh h ive a i rxleuaively prevuile.1 in ..ur eoilniryihiniir- tlie l int few III mllia un interest inereiiaeil n . ii inn, ny ine luer inn l nvo iu tn idll illy silllVrnl I inn-h Ir in them. Th aiuh I f. el lnva"lf very ine iimk-I. to jiirlea aifrly Uvn a t a i rnnrely i.rof. sai aul. v your i tut ry a. eina I i ine well rcia anal. uil voor v 'iieln. al ius mat, null I Hunk withal. 1 lu, t your utuiijililet ia raleU' lutitl ti nr Miner luueh pmrtiful a nil. tiruiitinif! "I the in.-heine he auva It fnllv jnatined yoiir (Iiitterin? rxorrtmi lis, au.l us a a.u'e, nu,, wiienl, and nipii l .r reme ly, iiiv own ratierirnee. a . f ir, indueea nir t.i lie- llevr Ui il it will r ve a un-Jt .uhlie la uetit. I am pleased l i learn lint y n trivr rr'ently eetihlif.lie.1 aeventl nreneiea f a i a dii... aiii in Ih "Uirli I rettret Ihui. with a view I a ID re reuer-tl !isi'iuiti iti n of it. y al ateaihl liuvr f.iund it nr-eaair- 10 n-in'nr Iran y air preaeul reai.trner nlD via UB in k .. i .i. i. i. ... a .. IVIl 1MUVM . VT'VV . HM.V ...V .. '1.' Ul, V'ir ohliced aervnnt, WI! I.I AM WtKiDliKIDGE. From Hm. rtTrmaa V. It. Taowiaiiica, of Miehi gan ?taic btiiuir, to llie Apail ui tieiroit. niFMiNntiiM, Oakland C Per. 13, 1841 Pir v-.n w'.h ine ti inf. 'nn y-ai wleit I kiriw uf Dr f'aa iral lni!i Ch"l a nie, t iinli.liih ata I d helievr ll.'il if Ihe virtue an I rmrier (H'thia mclieine were renei'i!ry ktl'iwu, tlie rfVER AXB AUCI W'.ual dianjijaiur ill .Miehimn. I pr a?nred a h rtilr In thr aprinf of 1I1, Bud hnve a-iod I theliuva thru tnrarlf ami f-imily eaeu.ul the ague Lint aroe ai in e aiar ilieuro "f ita nae. Perltaai in ti aii'iimer ainea the SHttleinrtit of' thia fine neiiins il i. leia Ihe fever and ntrne t.eeu ai prevalent aa the l''Bt. I HMVr ree amneH'ied thia mnliriue hi niiuieriaia iik. ant when the Ui arise aiut hrronie Hil and lrilllr.1 Ihr aill ..f iiivaieiana; and 1 Iwva never kn . a il fail. I lias niiivrranllv frilinwl the m aa liHja.y rtfeis, and I Us ..... .... rirmin pr Bliy lUeUICUlS IU rOUlU. , Ml, uw .mi aa uimaa u IJMI CUIUalB. Yuura, rcapartftilly. m-.HIIP.N V. n. TROWBRIDGE. Areni fa ainihun' II. B. MAfSKR: N.irlhiiiiiliuelJ WlTIIINGTONj I Cm Uiltaia, i. is, KadSUi j aWiW alar, tauiitf D AGUERRKOT VPE roirn.AiTaS fT a snp -tior qato, r. ml m l dnil. m; A .s' i fi i- ifii! M r f . ('- a eirrn' . Af:rr.Ki:r N at,r r, v . nt 1.2 v V Mr' 1 h I FratlMh, Ph'1 " P'l h. 4i I'jft " m-a.l t t'ti- ta'-'t-brw". t will h V k f i p ar-r. UooUl.r : r:-t. 11. Am Ufual health and stmith. liead the b U 'Wii , TITIMONV. Pint Pec. Iltli. Pfti fn : In retdv to veiir anesti n r-stctnie ti e s f lr. brake's Panacea, I will snv. Mhh'wan a trriM'i tN-iit-ver in Ihe csiMcwr of a pAATr. t rtire t -r i.t dtetenves. b wevei iltiahte it msv e in rertain e ni1iti i.s the sytcrn. still I have hehew-duiM n rnrr 1 i C tisum; -ii w add be dtsc verel s i .nr or I itT, nnd rim bd ine ft trv y nr tnedieinr in fr Vcrv invrtartte rasas Th"y were pr. ii iiiueed bv tl.e Tittentbmr lusieiana t I e rri.Mo.n ii-ri-Tm. mid hWdiI hhI hvtrm ns ii it Mt tt. ('tie of the pirs a is hid I wen nndt.r the -"Mt- ineai ol several v rv Me pr.ieiiti nt ts t r a in.n-er -f ':rs, nnd they s-iitl cbe had M f ishi tie1 (' iis'i i.pi 11 m ine with Ser tula," mid tlmt shrnoirht Hncer fr a tn tune but rtiild n t le t'crtirmeiitlv rt-heved. In U th eases the efb-et f the Pan iren Ims been ni t irmtifvin?. ( hiU ttr r five Iftftles were nscfl bv ne of the pcts is bef e -l c Kep iii t i itn. r ve r nitilv. 'The other t k ub nt ten. I will nly add that familiar tta I am with r iisnmpti n by in'icr it.tiiec anl liy eMetinivc 'lo rvaii 'it as a stniy, pii. kn - iiij: :ils 1 the ininri -tiv (tTeets iit nine rasea lit if ten I tar. h Heart, and .(l(er vuet.iblt! tunes, ns well n- t ni'inv n t tit? i x-h-cI trniitsanlriifl!iies. I sh tdd never have 'Uitui M'li ft the un of I ir ike's P-itrfeti if h i-1 n t Ih ii aeipminicd t ith the .ir:re.!.ent. Su'Tlec il t . a y t't it tbie nre ire inmendrtl bf mr m st p -pidar mill reiintibc pbyfi i ms, iiil in tin ir t'Trsetit e mMue't state, i.tih rr lrit''v Ihe best alterative that has ever been tnad.'. Tin cure is in nee Tdinee with thc-rv f C nstiiiipti -n br tacbed in rnnee a few vears tiff , br lie -if her nt st efiiinnit wri. ters on incdtctitt, und u v establithcd by facta whit hud mit of no dilute. Very Itespectfully Yours, t. C. CI'NV. T nre the Laniimire of another. 'rt Pmlie's panned in Iwavs hdmnrv in its t iTeciHuever iniuri us. It is n t s OeCite it is n t imd f'xieet'raiit. It is u it intenthd t" bill the invalid hit ' a fatal seciiritv. It is a sreat renudv a Vriuid heultni? mid eunlive e ntp-iind. the irreat nnd out- remenv Wliielt me iie n WMCiice atxi Shltl lias vei pr Hliici1 T the treatment cr thij. tsitht rt" nne -mpierett nn'ttilv. And ' iers n srlliteil wth this dread diM-ase, will tr i'it to hnuseli and his t rtrn la. if he i? d -wit to the crave wdhul lestinp its virtues. A siujjle h itle. in in st rase, will vt dure h fav-mMe rhinge in the e.mditiou uf any patient, to Tin: i.APir.s. T.-idies f pile e'iu'iti'jii u and e 'iismnntire habits, ard such as are dctaliated by thoiv obstnudi n vhieh temal'-s me liable t , nre rest irrd bv the use of n Ivttlr lw . to bl i ni vie- ir. It ia bv far the Unt remedc e rr di."ve-e.I ir weaklv children, and stub as have had bum ts : Ite-niy tlt-irviut, tin v take it. It i turned int civ reM'fct theai petite. strcuffth and c -1 r. 1 hi ii? e-in he nvne anrprisinr than its invar Tetin? e- frrta "it ihe human frame. Pers ns. idl weakness and las situde U-f -re taking it. nt oi,ri bee me r 'bust anil full of 'iiry nnil.-r its luHueijne, immediate counterurta the ui-rvclfSiSiiei-a of the fnnile frit a to. CAl' earefiil nnd nre tbnt n r"t the pein. inr ir. I'rtAKi.'s Pansicr. it h is the itrn:ititr t'Cvo. V. Sront:n "ti the wrnrer and nla the name '!. l;fcar.'s pAXrm. Phila." hi wn intheehsa.. Premireit ai!elv SroRK A Co.. LTuiTista. No. 21 Nortb- Stxth Si.. A rent f-r Simbnry II. M MtSER. S -hi nis i bv Wm. A. Mti:b4X A ro.,Ptmnlle IT. Siiakf ra, M ill -ii ; Mart McCoy. IXonhumlierlujidi K.P.I.utz, HI v.iny'.ti'c-. , Apnl I, mih1t A (i K a T S HI CNVAH FOfi ISOME Nl;V AMI rtl ia, R WtlltK. in tery (Ml'M Y lliroiiglniul lbs l:nitrd Hint, a. To Atrente, the most I'hrral rnroutacemrui ia ofTeifd with a u.:ill rapi'al of f 25 to f M'O A rh .ffe ia i ff. red, nhrrel.y art atrrnt ran mnke from f 10 In f 85 pet Arts, I' or luilliei piilicu'aia auilie fixHtp id) WM. A. l.EARV, No. K8 North KECO.XU rjuet, riiilailclphia, foyt. 9, 184H. 6m. I'lrioiliil I'iIUIoh of eiililunc's (trrtil 11 oi It on thn lit lot iiuilloii OF TUE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN (iF.R MANY. SWI IZERLAMI, &'. Will be pnbltsheil or, or aliout the 1st of Apiil, 1818. bv JOS A SI'F.EL. No 80 ( berry st above 6th, his splendid lUino edition of the above named woik, with 18 engraved illustrations from on- umal d.'iiKtis; 4 vols in 9, bound in extia clolb and library sheep 1 he iiunlisher respectfully calls the attention of the trade and th public sennally, to I hi. unrk belli the only illustrated emtio puliliali.'il in thn United Mates Ha trusts that tlie uauiv of Ha nnbelltalimeiita. th strong and substantial manner in which it is hound, in rouiuiirlion wilb the known popularity nf Ihe woik itaelf, will be a suie recommendation to public favor. JOS. A SPF.FL 60 Cherry at above Glh. J. A 8 has also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition ol S-r"aul Hell's Raree Show, a suitable book for children, neatly dona up in i xtia cloth Philadelphia, April 1. 1IR CUTLERY. AN riien-ive Block nf Tucket and Table CUT LEKY, for aala by JCH1T 1. COLEIWAIT, A'o. 89 and ft:t AKCAPF.. ami 8 AWM TllJftQ Srt t, C mp .in SOI 0 duzeii I'eiiknivca, Sciaa ra ai d R 'tors. Alao, a choice asamlmei.l of Ho If -ra & Ron a, W'na'ei lio'm'a, (iiiavi.'a, W, Si 8. Uuichei'aand Prune, 'a t ulleiv. A'ro, Kpai.tah. link and Huntint Knives. Al-n, Ouiw, I'at.ia. sal Ddwia Kuises. . Ala , Tit Amtricvit Jinn Sirup, a auprrini srliile, vo ly llie aPruliou i f Uavilrra. . C Or.lrra in Outlaiy, a i I find tha above Hi.M'k woiihy their attnion, a the Surribr. cbief bus uaaa Is imiining and enllina, cutki, foilaalalubia, uo lOtb, 1141 ly. ?T f. w rnf-er t.i e all irrimu. fill E" i:nvet. ai hum -.. k:t ltKs-a rilONfl!a (ICS I" n di-rr. a- r,r. pit iri.l mai et". a. it iS b.a'a - m. ttia l . i ert All .a.tie.. Mr tl rrm ia.e.rr l d.a-.-e es e n.l o inirar Ih.' it w-ll n'' neti, nt I n n..t it t r t' e i at i.oi'i. .n . .. fa. all di e lu if he ch'1. e-nai, i ) ad II er m,nisi ih- ai fo dai f -r and n- oi.aihi'lt. iimI iltarl if. rai re, at rl rran. Ilia' nut iP mi anlr f .r b.a it f .'e I ie) ha i rfil when thr pa. lis nl w wi hin r. arh . mmtal means. I ri"V. ba I pv-iriaea. learn d in llie iriifrnn. t have li .il ni er. i.f ibe a. -11. iu.'se- of t1 e lanr'i a de nen lir, I'n'li nun nl ttir hti ai efll.'l l"e, ar,d rtiulll mlr. of llie p.or i.e it in evr .arurt, . ai.d il .rr l a. !. Inn ore ,nii ,.. o i,r al vmrr .ir k ; M'Aliia-err vimr (tinimi'iit 1 f iOt I " In Krrolu'a, Old Hu'e, f!rvet,.!a. Tell, r l.t. .t mi;.fii. Sore I'.a.a. itn-, Hoie Th"a, H'o- c1 1 ta. ftiok n oi rore ttr. at, fitra. al C' e-t Ul-raars, nr'i a- A. h-ea Oppree nna, rain ,le , . re l.ip.. CI a;n e l H in a. Tu n Cbil .inn firane.m Erutiona Neiv .ua I li-i -e. i d ol the ep no, tin re i no medicine now known ia fi ft tsCM.P 11ET) Wa have cured eaeea that irtnallv I'efied e' v ttd' i known, a v.rll as t1 ilalrtv nf I ft or HI d.a.,a. Ihe man tfd.l a he ad a' an' :lift tua ih bl en without ai v h, le ft- In... few lm.a if n nt mi hi rn'. d ihrm.! Ii mill leatnre its hair aoonei 1 1. an anv nthtr tliiha;. 1IEAIACIIB Iheantve hea rurrd pet arm ot the I rail he if tt ,.f landn. an.l who hst i ni'.l .r . i e- a, e 1I..1 v io.Hira ..I rn to k P '.ec, ftCAfajcaa: ta Ariia. and Aat i tn tiis Iaci:, are turid ly ih;a I liMmei t with like urr -e. lit rOS It (a ore i.f tbe best th'nta in l e wof'd fur I' ui i.e. ( Iti ad the dirrrlions around the bos 1 I.IIM "I I lM II rem .tea almoal imme Ii tel. he ml! .mai on ' d stil'ino' when the e. e. (it ,11 ttn iiiiectim- i.miii il ihe Bos.) 01 a f v. r r. i 'tiaumpittin, l.ivrr Com- I mil P.nn m I rh. at nr ai Ir, faMinc off i.f ihe In ir. ore or ihe i.ther al i,s are ,mpai us ol 1 'rn. ( Ihia Dintincnt ia the Irue r nieov.) It a a sti'a .Ian of iti,ea-e to have cold fie'. I LTrlat. .fhere ia no htna better for ihr eure i f Tetier. I'll.Bf. Tl.ouaanda are jrsrly carej bt thi iiinimenv I ORNS Orr iaional tiae nf the Oin'ment will lw.a keep Cot a from t'onina; People need never be troubled with them it lliey wi'l 11-e i', Hroil the !i'.ii';)ff Communication, R. reived tiom an o'd. roper rd n I Well known ritiii n ol Plii sdnlphta. and then judge for Jout sen ; Pliilaitetptiia. 10 mo.. 13ih, 1HI6, To 1. H. Prleraon, llavma r-ipir led 'o rie my opinion on the merit, of MM. I. IS TEli'S HALVE, I am villm- to rnumerite so'i.e of the bun fits which I h ive 1 ipriirured in Ihe use n me article. In li e apiil, nf I P4". I had an at'srk .f Ery aia"laa in my f ee uliich In rumi very paoiful. and xlHiid.d ml . nne i f my eyea, l en t atlemlrd wiili Ii v r. my d'alrena w ie giral and I ben so to he fear ful f Un my rye. AIU'IuirIi nut murh of a believer in what commonly call, d qi ack medicines. I purchased a hnx an.l made an iippliralioii In ail face. To my suipiine the pun anon ab.ted, and in a we, k'e time it was entirely rurrd. and I firmly helirve Dial it aa ihe aalvc, under Providence lhat eu.ed me From thai lime to the pra. it. I have used the nicle aaoeraa.oii required, end i'. evrrv ease where I have u-ed it, 1 have found a derided benefit Al ore lime, rn iu loh-d at niglu, nty throat waa so a ire 'bd I .ua lowid stilh ditrnu iy. hot 17 an application r ihe .aive was relieved lfo e llmri'i' g. I nve usiaj it in rae nl luiins, liruiars apr uns. ml fl ah nil a. a I with ihe happir-i etTerts aod one r.Kr of iioiennina; hy a taild vine in Ihe wn-al. h ia lx rn dried up and ru'r.l bv s ' w a n'ir iiiuu. From my own eipeiirnre, I w.-uld sl onuly .e. 'omniid il lo all, aa a cheap, coueuUi,, family ineilMine I hive become an pariial tn il, that I ixpcct to keep it ru Ian 1 ty lit mi tainlly. i baugh not am' iiious lo apesr in prii I, y.-i eaniuii r.fur 10 have IMS nunmoi n a l ui mad public if judged Ihn.1 10 serve ihe e u-e of tiumain. y, HrataM-iluliy 'hme, WM S.DS.M8, No. tn. Old York Road I At I ItlX. rV'. will he (''ooiur unlisa Ihe nam a of Jamea M' lia'er. 01 J:,me M' I later dt. Co , are vtrnien wiih a Mn on eve. ty label. " JAMKal M'ALMSl TKB.j Sole prupiielor of the a ,.va mrdicina. (O-PCfi. S5 CENTS I'BH BOJCTJ) Aussie 1 J. W. PKII.INtJ, rJuii'.U'V. v . rOKBYTH, WlDM sk Chj . Nianhumberland Dr WM.M BICKI.EY. Daaili. J. U. CKfieHE tirl naa.ave, . P C Hill t.i ER,t-wi.bwrf, ' W M. F. NAta.E. tilu. JOHN sJHAKF.Sa), Uailawiaaa. a re. tans, isaaeowiy t, . Ae otum' a Bil k Ar 'lodar ro.l 'nliinihis Farmer.' P mk uf l.anraater l.anr l.anrater County I) nk l.anrae'er Unnta Farrprra' Hank of fraltnt 'lflire of Bank nf I'enn'a. Iffire do do ' IfPre do do 1 IfTice do 'ite M 11 T F , T Hat k of the f'nila.1 ! Mm fa Ba, k of!W 'tank ol I raii.t.iwn tnl f M.iMI-t"W t'arlialr P,a. k Etrhante Bank llo do branch of llaif'-bii't Bink l.e'r..n Itanka Mextan'a'cV Matnif Bank (tint PlKl.iirt Wist Bia rrh II nka v vomini llai.k '.Tlhar.ipll.ll K irk Itrrke V- ,71,1V M.l.ka lllfiie ol Hank ot I'. M . llo ,lo do Do do d. M .nk of eh.i'i'a".ti,g II. k ol liro..ii. . Hank of "n iii.rtian't.a I n I.n, I .. k s P. m t A ll.,..e-.' M.k ar k it tl .. l I .'.! I. It." vs.. , n e. H,. k if tl a V - I'.. k II 1 . n.a. . ,.. '-ark- in whirh e .nil ipiof ! .. and,. a da-h ( J a'e lli.l .int'aafil IU' Pi'ii ell ltt.ta or ker., wt'h .be rtiua. ..lit' t'it. i.a,r a tone ol r lerenre. H h K HlK 17 pur failed p.r 14 no ade Tf'T area! Nat nnal. Ol.l Favorite and fter- lin K-medv It! of EIGHTEEN Y ARS -T AN PINO alill iinnpprnarhed in ita wonder fill anrceaa, rertamty, a il saf ty, in the ci rk of e a.Triin. covpt.mnT ! : ; 11 ymr wotitii mrnpe th araenira' (fr)'ni. ai) rniiiii-rieiia inn not a buttle frnm nnu tha is n t tftineerf hy t e wrltrn 'no're'' nf th' original inventor and proprietor, Jon" R. Rnwaan, rr a paper label trmning the. munlh imt) titrk. . . 1 '. Tfcia rrmadv haa n"V"r brn bolaterrd lip by false am! deeei (Htl i.tifT. but baa won its ay to ihe ff 1 tidener and ndo tion nf the in hahitentanf Ffvsk n Aorr PrsTBirTa BY ITS anon woKKs.isn i-hcits ilonk to whiih all th-agents, and every parann whohiv usnl It, well irarnv. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 111 Arrh Mreet Philadelphia AnrT for Xii bury Ira T. Clement, .1. W. Fnling. H. M and Gen Bright Adrvia for Northim.h.'rland Forsythe, Wil. ann n t n, n 11 M l ay, ngiit .'. tSa row eiakllpbtiapd a hosier otanr badly treated diaaseri' . .. L :M....t ..r L...:. r- . t. it. .a wnere mr mwi iiia,rau u, ua.nin luuniunnij removed Iroro trie nioou ana nooy, nave opiy brf palliated M reraovan worn ana part ta break itatia another. By difeatlnt yyr hndirs nf all foul ha., mora, ihroogh the tnedinm W Dr. fi WEETSER'S PANACEA, thsieare ia at' once rendetTd ajeHain and Reollect, whHa lh ia acriajie niou, humors floating in the circulation, it M ,p, to'settle on the lunja any other part of the body t thia'ia the reason thnt eonaamptio is so'pfevtleal, -i, . 1 , ..,,1 , s i '. I . (ii,..,i,i ' "; ' BILE8.80RE8 AND ULCERS,1 Whl 'h you sea an the etiertof. enme from ani h ive their sourre Ih, the Inteilor, and might inat kt srell haVa fettled on your longs, liver, nr any other pait f Thirh we know thy frequently do, and pr. dnce moat violent inflamteaiory disorders, "ths humor which orenatoue these sores is of a highly aerimoiilon horning; nature We know k from the pain h ftivra In forming, and ita ra- (liillv u'cefAtmg ami corr antic tne nran ami agio o' the S't where it lw ska out. I his shows tha ..eri'S-'.tv nf fieipienttv tilliifying the blond with Dr. SWERTPErVrt PANACF.A. and keeping such malignant humors in su' pction. KhnukJ Veu have a tide or ulcer, he ih inkful that natu e has taken .rouble. 10 warn you of the danger youl life and hav dy is io, for it ta a warning t1 at Ih blood ia foul, llad ihia aim" acrimony a l-c ed iha liinga in lead, i.f the snrfses of body fir Ha seat, consump tion nl ihr lungs won d hav been ihe'coneequeiwe I) lay 1,'! K en, lo puiilv and cleanse v. lib Vr. Ssvratai r's Psnarra. . ; . . Si'IN'E DISEASE Spin. I nlTeciinii-. nla.gemenl iif the hones and joints, wlufe arllinos. I ip jo'i.t romptsint, ru uiea, I'a'l 1 g nf 'h. bowela 11 1 worn diaene, will tin 1 asiaedyou.e in Dr. Slf'EETEK'S PA NACEA, hce the diaeaae t a been of I ui( i.inil ii.', thn time required In make a cure will he longer l ui the pa'ienl mav r. st asaured thai k le'.ermined pnseverani e wdl effect it Resdlng Pittamiraj En r Mfifhnea I 'ha'lllN'rabMfg G. .tva" iff Moritrnaa Ee IA . v ,a .."ai .a It -!.l. Mm 1 r,a o'i, V , k tailei tailed . do d , 3 l 1 'I inu iinO lliiiire Siivnl! aIK a.ih.rribers havmg leeaed iha Sniihiiry J r-rry h g ..ave to inlorm the pnhlie that trov ar- prepar-d to convey 'IV.imi. Pt..a-,ne Ca. fB'f'-a and Fie.' p,...-ng''i. ne. - if, , fiv-t ,Mi af"'v s"l d. .,V. 1 I,, v hu e p.,,'d th.. it nh a,.,l rniniToidioi.a ert. a rh will a ,v h atier,i.a m ith ab'e an I rar-.tu' ban. fa P-i.or, tiaeel,B t nm from and thrnnih inhorvtnN'.w P.eflni feWihuru ll.irtl'lnn nil o'her plaee. will find it greatly to their ad In nml at thi. Feirv in.tead of the dg,a aa th-v 'would save from two to four miles in distance. JOHN vprrrE. T.F.WIS EENil ART. Sunbtiry, April I. 1X failed filled filled i'i,i1.,l.'il,., I .. Mitladrtphi. I,.tn Co, rl.o 'k I e.v tn. hrnaiha"ia)i e"av. I ma. A I'enit Toe n-biii is iv ln. Ma-ii.l I r llai.a f I . W l',.ia,i d. Hank Ml. g' .nv n.i.k of Pa. II ink ol tlrevrr It uik id s'ar. Itsnk id W a-hliigton dartre Pat k it, link Vinea.' A Me,Vr.' Bank Parmer.' , kliat,Va' Bark Ka..f-ra' A VrrhW Hal k flaimuuv liiaiitnrr 'iiMingaliM. Bank loniafa Ha"k l,ultdarnienV B ink Nonheri. II., k of I'a. Mrw Hope b I. Il'iilte. Co. orihimit' .1 t .aanii I'ot. Ilk. ,01th Wf.i.rn lU ik ol Pa. llliie ol Wihnvlkill Bank Ar. A M mnf Hank llvei Lake Ba k ' I 'tinai llai k of I'rnn'a. ealiiifiielaiiil Itsnk V, ilk. -b.rrr Riidgr Co. (Tj All notea piirioinne 10 be on anv Pa,,n-vi- vam, uang nia given in the above ll-l. niay be art 1 t 1 inwii a- irauoa. .i:u sr.T. Plnl . I I, h e do do . da do Dvnft, prop.) Towanda Bnlfnid Heivef Ilarrt.'urg Wa-htiigton II. II I. .me pi1i..ii( PilMnrg Favetfr co. Il'er.ct e tl irmoiiv Hillitilgilitn no sale l.awi-tinan Warren Hope M 1 lion V,l.'a Purl I 'rhin Csrliale Montr .e t"ni'.nirwn Grrepaiairg v llkia'.arr, failed na sale cl ,ae,l riel t-ile.l rl -.l no -a'r fillet f...l filled no .alr tad no si'e rind no -air rloa d foiled eloard fail., I rl no.a'e Hark nt New lliuneitirk Briinaia irk rlvideir llai.k l,'lv,il. r . liir!itilon Co. Bank Meilford lomnarcial Bank '' Perth Amhoy JiiinN rlmil II ink Bndaeion 'nirn ta' Bank Mount II. ills .'arm. ts' and Mechanirs' Bk Rah was "armrr- and Mechanics Bk N. itiiitiawiik ainnvra' and Mrn bania' Uk Mid'llrti.tan Pt, Fiank 'in llink ofiV.J. f.-r-ev City H i'Miken iiKg A t fiat. rig I d Moti ken I nt I ill 11 ink vt. rl amcs' U .uk d iiitl n tor' r' B ink Vtorria I oiitiiy Dank Monmouth Bk ol N.J. Vlrchaiiire' lluiik Mirl.anira' ami Msnuf. Bk Morn, ('anal and Ukg Co rii-l .oirs Newark Ukg & Ins Co Sew Hoi Del Bridue Co V J. Mauuluc. ai d Bkg Co Jrra- y Oit rnlirratui fVllrvitlr Motnat.iwn Freel. dd Newark Trenton Jeraey City Newark l.aiiilHfriaville tlohoknn fatlrd i i p.'r pur i failtd 1 fail, fail tailed fulled failed 4 feiltd i par no a li no .ale failed tailed N J Pioierton & l.omlaird bk Jerwv C'ily Orange li ink Orange I 1'aiera.m Bunk fsilrd Peoples Bank do rtimrtiin Bank Princeton Salrm Banking (u 8 drin xtate Bnik Newark "aie Bank Elijui'x thiown ste Bank t'nin.lrn "lutr It ink of Morris Mornntown stale Bunk ' ' ' '' Trenton "idem and Philad Manuf Co Salem "ina t Hank Newion 1 I'rmn.n Hanking Co Tiantoti pat I ill, '11 lallh ' I lever aatilliglon Banking Co, Harkenssck fait di:l4 waiii IlkufWilmrV Brandy wine Wilmington Hank ol Delaware Wilmington flank of Smyrna 8inyma. llo blanch Millord Farmer' Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do bralH'b Neocaatle I'nion Bank U ilanngnm aj- Ciider ft's (Jj On all banks maiked thus () there are 1 1 nn rounleilnl alli rral niae of ihe var.oua d in rimileiloan 1 A Tuott.aaii DotkAS. M,ria I ASHBY & HO CAP, lla anil tap tta nu tar 1 11 re ri Sowk' Eutt Currr of ilk and M.urket Slrtrt, t . . Ha menl ary rHILASBLritlA fi A V K t na'ant v on 1 and a lull and rn nplelr I KaH'Si ul of H TM. I) kP ami r l'H- Ma 1 an el. xai.l asaoriin nt of i, n-' an i hova' l.euhoru, Paiiaina, a d PdVn b sf llala. All nl trh by a asvin i nf 1 1 DUO in rnt. a ill ha aold whole ale ai d relai', al ihe vrv lowest nrirea. ' Coun ty dealer, woul I d't well to rail, aa hy e- ; eamoniy and low lent, we ana auablaJ lo sell at very low raiea June 10. h, 1848.-1 , pai pu 1 4 IJf 4 fallen '. 'C. BCNZCEXlTy BOOT jMAKEII, I Eoi'TIf FullMTH STRKKT.'lAaoVt CucaiMVTi ' Jak,rtJviaaUe p uzr , lit" M ilieine fa, on 01th. n..t r contain a panicl" of Cat mel, C .1 n aive "oh bmaie, Srxnir, Chi. ridr nf Gold, or any del.le ron niinera'a The princip'e upon which ihia Medicine art, i- bv awiaiitu .nil h rrooni inir wth 1 1,. : i riv. a nut a'l foul acfimo. inula hiimore fr nit' blood aril lualv. anil bv with Hint irrr.t .nti r 'he g 'a'rie iuice of ti e aioin.rh, 11 d-vea i.n ; it. or! ll.ere 1-. n d 1 vein ar e roi .el.. or ni rve in the hlirri tti l. ,l, ih,l I- 11. .1 'ie, t h. I I t V lb PM'E. and it al. no..e aa "he i.-m irk.'i'de ,r,,i. rty ,, rruiovini.' uercury froxn the louiea a, ,1 join's. Fon ERrprroN of the skiv, curvv. rtcorbu ir MTecti tw. Tmiiora ..r tut t o Kin' E,i , Whit "laeiline-. Erv-iiel,., I'lrers earua.a. Rnnn.r.g Scab- and Hi'ea .ime la it. irtn.'ni' d nersei rrai 10 D EET. XER'S P N At'E . will . cure. FOR f IMt:ETMN. Ri jer'ion of food, N .11-r 1. V mitinga Nervous sf rti .na I'.iil ou ro ' p'a'nU, He ,,l a ' e. I'a n aa. or F. male Ir egiilariili a. D-. SWEETS Eli'S PA,. CEA wi'l siein eff rt a cur. ; bin if ob.linsle, or attrndeXwith gr ping, (King psiris. the .fa hould la i. t'eared, and Hie ru.e will anon he rf 'eeird. I,, not the pa 'eou fr g Ii n ihems-lvea wiih the 'ilea thai ih-y are Ion "r It 1,1 lake inui h mrdi -ine; I uf bear in mind l.ol this mi 0y oie -a. j ting mrd cm.' put n ! w akne-a into ihe frame, hut m t r.i rlain'y .Ir .wa weakn a 0111, le.vea strength in i.s pi 're, an I h giving e..mi o-nl ep at nig' t. iitid sn BoiMttiie.o relish anv f 'oil the whole lrain; ih v rjor iu- uc'ion, r!ra in$ the mind and irrpinviiit 1. e auiii. SCROFft.A AND GMNDm.AR AFFEC TH'N. Rrrofuta i eiid lo be heriduarv. ih - Inf.nt t niviug ! m i'a pari llta be seeds of Ml dlxras . fthirh i e", aw.lo iia tea's, d i.etl.'r'eil and 01 si b (.1 e.l In friii ut piirtAr ti ni with It.. SWI.ETKFR'M PANACEA. The sl,l sr pi red n .h. fiin en n I1 e bodv, a d um of the w-i, of direct ron. iton irai 011 ; tin ir real ine i- a nhjeri on which u uch dilT r 1 cc of opinion prevn's; 11 atifli'rs ua to knw ih t when in a d. aia'e thrv are cps' le of Inn .nr fied and hv a long eour-e nf Dr. V f.E I SF.R M PAN A l.'EA, vdiiih rea iniath.m to sound and pu p . aetion. Setofnl u i ra n-1,11 l ev. 1 pav i.n m.n h aitrnt'on to Ihrir blood, ila pur fn-alion ah"U'd la their firm thoimh'. tor aft- r a long r, ur-e ,.f pern. Vi ranee, ihry v. ill ever curt heredit iry disoai-e. . 1 ' it of jiosnmr. asthma liver covpi. tvr.v. 'lie ntti.oiiEUX uiiEV .Vat 77.S.U OH HHIWHA'riC GOUT, Dr "'W EKTssRR'8 PAN ACEA imiiiii.i he mo high 'y rn.nh'il ; it srai hes mil the vryy tool nf Ihe lis se. an I ' v r in .ting il fi.itn Ihe BIuihI make a rnrr rrilain and ia nn nenl. F r di -s, a nf the and KidneiM, Strip tnrrt. Crhrel Slnne. J'.rs F nluu. Viinarn Oh utructiuw nnd Extreme Cilircnr Dr. 8 W EE'I' SEIi'S ,'P S M'E ia ihe best rem. dy ever tr e I it r. n oves all ibo-e arriiiionioti- bu no a t'u Blood vsl.ii h gie i h 10 ihe, sh.ivr diaeaaes, am by ihe tt wl 111 a puis con limm, ii,,Ur.s lir'a'th.' ' . Tr Sr.nnsv, FM.I.INO or thr HOWETa Impnr I'e f the llhml Mrrcnrinl Taint Wm; rs of the Sp nt Flow of IVotrl to the I leu, I O tl d ca. Si eing ami Huzzioti in the lie nnd Eur, I) . K IM'8K li'S I'xNtCKX " ie ird on rel rf; in all . te e o d c''i. n r rav hirna.irnt omii- nt he lo.i.rft n r'011 ml. d iti hi' ger dmrs ,.rd ;ie. t.-vrunrr ib .If rl'. a i n I. CA Ifxand -Vre-a II .'on, Vr(a, Ajfrrl nn f th f-'ite ,. Eon Shmat itii ; M t'tni (limit Hr-.neh I a 7rr recent Cough and Cold I) KWEB M'RN i't.Wt E will l f.ain.. . e. belly sure auj cut iin 111 il fUrttr. , C5MWE1. AND CHI VARY COM PLAIN TS ,,Tho-e remp sin s a.e genriallt alien. Ird wi . the uios talal . 011.. qiienrra. and aie arlil.nn or nr rr ru'rd by Ihr .,ra- i I m al.- of t.ealiiH ii. ( ihr. ii-n. l y arrompany Ihe pilieul t ihe grave, afln iiffenni the nio.l ricru, islmg paui and 'or.urr Th.- caus-; (,f Sn se e implain a are the same as a ihna the J o-. .'I tin bhaal beraim. a eo.-rus'ed o, ihefin'S prrr.iw pa-aag.s. whence r.a- nniibn eeiH'rrns snd at 'ppag.a of U'ine. VS will fiM,' he m,'t p w. rful d un tie uf no ue.a ti er out. uier. aaethe' qutnlity nt urine and d i no pu ift imI alrmtih. n Hi parta. Bv pmifviag the bbna' with Dr. HWEE'IER'8 PAN ACHA. ou re naeveihe cau-e .1 ihedis,w,r.niarqoent'y H rsn not rsMsay longer, afi.r aulTirienl peraeaeraH. , in its use has deprived ihe h.od and k.nly of a scrimtaaioos. humoia and inrrustaiion. ' I t '? .' ! .' DMaAHESorTMB l.rNca-CONblMPTION u i bis is pr. v ,U nl and fatal di--r t it rr sul a Mlly fr..m nrgleeied coughs, mUs and hfeua ehili also from lon.uoper ttesimroi in many bl ri eases, sash aa gaeaeies, favais, intamaaaiiuaw and HKONCHITl?. ASTHMA an DISEASE or I HE WIMilT -E. These disease, proeerd fiorn the serioaitT or c irrupt numora f the blood, having a fled Itaelf oa he ttiro.ii and lungs, and al .pped ihem up, ao that ihe, rannol draw auffirirnl air in foi respiration. Dr. SWEEI SER'- PANACEA will give imm. ilmte relief, and to make Ihe cure perfect and cer tain. 11 should be mminued soma lima after, te tree H e system uf nil bid humors. RHEUM V.TI8M. RHKCM Tiri GOUT AND MKH' I'HIAI. IHsEF.!s Find a safe and fiieedv cure in Dr. SWEET SEH'S PA HA CEA. It cures by searching every vea el and art. ry, snd driving out all impu r tie- nnd b.ul u'riimu sled therein, which a Hie rsuae ..f rh umaii-m, t. and swellings of th. 1 n ia. I tie de eti n,n. eff. . ta of calomel and ih 11 il i .1-011H r a nlv vi. Ul lo it -ovrreign fl.i ii.-. : 1. .le. l, , h n ita ,al aahle pr..pertiea ! r ,i..r I..I' . ko n. 'he o-e t all mm r I p iann will i c 1. aigi.e-1 to he. nniiti m all the Cap ile'a,' and n't I. ' inm t of a a by goi.r rn-t m of Ihe dar-K.-r a :e- It' - i. rc'a Pnnarea ia -ita., a aura eure l,.r ,'va,. iis'a 1 i ra. ro ivrti. aa. serf, go, head rhe, 1 al ri in thr hrraat and ltvrr complaint, FEVER AND AGUE. Frv-r i" al a, s caused by a din drly move, inrnt of tbe I b n-I, .truga'ins tof ee ii,. f of ao'ns tt in that ei.rnmtar. ii ; in f n t, every kind of fa. ver 1 rmthing rn re ihin a atruggle between the h'ood and corrupt humor., and aa soon a Ihe ear. 11 ! t.uroof si H'I ed, soil havs nn more 'ever When a nai erit iih fever anhmita 10 I bird, or h it hi. bio d ,..ieonml ith mercury, it weakma bi 'rim" "ui h a degree thai .1 he anrvivea tha t r. ie a, it do aya I. ,e. him subject 1 1 di-tre.aing i i.i ia, lahen 9 nines mt nf It) h" rea.irt. lo esse Ul'la 1, .wdeis, n. ...nir miatnr a; ihia is going tr .as I'Sil to wor.... ia Iheae vgniab'o ,,la potad.-ra, Ac, ire n thing bill mereurs and qu nin in disguise, tsh'ch -fiat for a time drive Ihr d aea.e ,.i far int 'b.- lo' sa n , 'o br pi bin vrv s oi i up' I re ,k out ig n ih fea.f jl v e"e Toeure 1 11- nd "rv. r, he rauar ,f the dis "Sae must be re I".' 1! , ul of .be I.Imo I .i.'lh ilv whi,.', ea'i be ef I r.i Itv don.' bv ua op Dr HWEi: rSER'M P a,. t'F , vthii h 1 ur fie-, rt 'iinaea n il airengihens, It i in I ,in 11 nhunj that ran p.ia.iWv tr.jn-e. andite use ia always a ssegu ird agsin-t eliillasnd fevers. PILE. Io sit. f'sata n Puis. Dr. SWEETSER'S PANCE W'll rfT ri a verv apee'y cure. It re move, f .en ib Id. .d. alomach and bowels, all .hose f.ial acid burning humors, which ar the cm ' of i'il an.l Coativenra., and by strengthesj. ing ih dig. s ive organs, improves every part of the 1 n'l e bodv. FI.XTI I.ENCY AND WIND. The- ilise-.a. a ae e iu ed by the stomach and boweU i eing choked up with viscid al my mailer, ihe air hb h rnii r- th.m eann.sle c ipe until forced by aorne routrsction of the aomacb to erne I lis heir 'he can, of pain. A few dose, of Dr. et EE lER'" PANACEA will convince ika suRriei that irl rf ia ait lined. GhE T MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parent is. I fi d ihe PA ACE a valuable m'-'Mi ine f ii the r rhdd en. keepmg their bodies in a h 'al hy c ndri ui. thsreby a-aiating iheir g oih children or g-own prison, after Taking it. are not l a' Ie -o he a' ke.l ith n epidemic aa before, aa il alwata Irav stbe in a pU'e Condition, and be. mire rv. tem in a strengthened alate ; it drives ut a I ki' da of weiknrea from Ib b.aly and leaves 1 II heal hy wit' in. MS.RRIEO I. . DIRS WII find Dr 8 WE T'ER'S PAN ACE . mrdi e ne purely ad .pied 1.1 their ue. M ladiea du r ng 11. r peri d of ateaffl'Cte.l with pi'ea. D" Wwertaer'a Panacea, hy regulating the bowela, -ill entirely hviae ihia. and ita purifying proper, lie. on he bliual snd lliii'l, insures 10 Ihem r tbv 1, If pring. No one who i- g mother s' without it. and tboa- who are nursirg w of g'eai b n. fii to the beslih of iheir i F I lianenne-a and sll ilia- aara ,if with 'Ui a rival in threiiite hiatoiy of medtriiiea ; bv Ha extraordinary po.ter, it ktimulates snd slr.ngther .v.-akneaa nf which is th rsu-e uf Ilp'iti5. Under ihi he-d mav be clssard ilpiiai, b- llesrt. Te Dolore ux nr Facaache, Neuralgia Iml grs i in. Toothache, Mel..,choh,,Hvste.ic. and n t-ct, ev. rv .bsea-e caused by ihe ah irn. biiin. sr.imontooa ho nors irritating Ihe nervea j h,' m rvea receive ihe morhid impieaaion from the -te, marh. raihe, from the b,fcl through the .gen,,, f the atoinarh and dig. ti -RIn, ,,, , J ot ,er parts f ,h. ,h,,, , .pp,reil ,h he dlara-, ,;;( ,. j, hf ,h m mp. i .11 conveyed from ! a blnoJ by ihe nerve to lhat ,..- V tw d.iaesof Dr. BWEETHEKti PA N At'E il aoon aaaurs the paiteut ths( ha has h" ur in bis piwaeaion, . ERYSPF.t,s,oll ft p. ANTHOXV8 PIRI, : 1 hia 1 an inflammatory dt-n der, ,iw a...j.' .1 wut, m ,. , ,,,, ,, ptnfMllU ffom h nl. ..ciniinmo,,, hut,,..,. In.lge, j ,he hlivnl and u ,U. setiH t 1. Hm 1 m a and fare,, ,1. me p,. and I. vera; all a,,p 00a on Ihe aura a a sr w rae Iban narb aa, a irv on'y I nd. to .sow d aea- i.i Mime other pari,' and prrhaea an' de th, Blraaiins is likewiae lm.roar. 'JS ' u. Ike di esae vu nm 1 g. rid of 'he rauae ; on-' V ui, nan I get ihe fool hum arson! nf y .nr blond, nd von will be wetl in a diy. Dr. riVVEGT "KR'S HANM'BA. a thoroojh purifier of th) I'Ht't, will . a eh nut rveiy impuritv in the mora emote p ris of die body and exp I il through the nt. ilium nf the hoaele. There is Bot s vein, area 'V. mi se'e or organ of ihe emir frame woi of msn, that Dr. 8w.iarr'a Panares Wea not tan. wove, i'., uke ii whs vou ar well la to keep w 1 1 and when sick In lernroe weit ; ', ;' ,' I DR. S WEETSEH S PA NA CEA, bei oraom. auard niilv nl a v.geil,r manrr a me. I leal aerha, nd t.airanie.1 nn o.'h. as enntaiui. g govt one par. aU tat mercurial, mineral, pr rhimtest suhaiances, f .und be f fenlv harmleaa t i the aio l tender ge. or ih uieakt fame, under an stage of hu nan suffering 1 Ihe airal plea nl and hsaugn in ha i r ,tio i lhat was r otT red In Ih world ana 1 ihe same dm ih moai rrnsin ia ar, hiug owl 1 mnl of any e unpla 01, bvtavaver strep, aud 4f lairf rm na a e ra. Pur f I ier bolile, tw ! botij a $5. fog", .al.-, wholesale and riail al 'ha roriier aT atkUI.Eti ud a" RATI' rtirreis Baltimore. .,4 : il-aby GEOKwS B RIGHT. - hev. taty. . fteaaajsy'