Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 02, 1848, Image 3

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For tub American.
The Winter President is now sealed in
the chair of seasons, and exercises his illimi
table sway to the full extent of his own
gratification. His cabinet, though chosen
out of characters as wild as the untamed
elements, obey, with wonderful precision,
his dictation. We all feel, already, the
change of the new administration, and
thoUgh some of us regret the resignation, or
death rather, of kind old Autumn, and still
more cheerful summer, and drop a sigh over
,the tomb of green foliage and departed flow
ers we should not be discontented with
sturdy, old Winter. This season brings us
joys stout and substantial in such im
mense qualities and numbers, that our pen,
though made of something strong ns steel,
is too weak nay would break, doubtless,
with a full recital. The former with
plenty, for plenty is his lot invariably, can
take his case during the cold season, and
enjoy enjoyments peculiar to himself. He
can, with pleasure unknown to others, sur
vey his fatted kine, his flocks ofswinu and
sheep, his horses and his poultry with that
serene and satiate feeling, which in itself is
no little blessing; and when he views his
barns and cribs, literally creaking under
the fruits of his agricultural labors, having
liberally given a portion of them lo the poor
ah, 'tis then the farmer enjoys content
ment, a position we all aspire too and
which is a blessing the highest attainable
of an earthly character. Winter is peculi
arly enjoyed by the "king of the soil" the i
noble agriculturist. JJut the mechanic and
laborer have their enjoyments also. They
have their homes and their firesides. When
lh"j toils of the day are over, how sweet the
enjoyments of the evening! Burns, truth
fully speaks of the happiness of a "Cotter's
Saturday Night." After describing the old
man's return to his home, he says:
"The expectant wie-ines, tottering-, stnpper through
To meet their tlur with fluttering noise and glee,
His clean henrtli-stoiic, hii thrifty wile's smile
The lisping infant prattling on his knee,
Dues all his weary, lurking cares beguile
Anl in-ikes him quite forget his labor and his toil."
, Thus situated, how happily the hours
glide! A family circle on a wintry eve
ning when the wild winds howl round
their mansion in noisy lury when the
..snow falls thick and gloomily, and the cold
-.atmosphere resolves all fluids exposed, to
, hard substances presents the appearance
of a little paradise. It is then, and there
that every well-directed mind can find en
joymcnt. Not, it is true, the tinselled plea
sure of dissipation; no, but true, solid en
joyment. There is a secret influence of
such a character, in a fireside, that it not
only creates a warm, but mincrles with it
a heavenly atmosphere, and whenever we
seat ourselves, in a well-regulated, a well
cultivated family circle by it, we invaria
bly feel better and stronger than before
in short, it inspires a spiritual aspiration a
self-devotion unfamiliar to us. Heaven
seems to have created this source of enjoy
ment for man, one of the choicest. In this
connexion, we will remark that the more
intelligent the fireside circle it, the mure
elevated will be their enjoyment. To this
end np family should be tinsupp'.ied with a
prolusion ot books and papers. . 1 he idea
somewhat prevalent (of course it arises from
ignorance) among some people, that to take
and pav lor their countv paper is an un-
necessary expensn, is an'ideathe most ah- J
surd. Every man, who has any re;ard for
his family, will never be without at least
jne of bis own county papers, and would
as soon , think of dispensing with his stove,
r bake-oven, or any other useful article of
lis household, as their county paper. A
reat reform is rapidly advancing in this
respect, and we will assert that in the short
ip:ce of live years no man, whatever his
circumstances may be, will be without a
lewspaper. The expense cannot be plea
led even, now, as an excuse, for not taking
jne, by thp poorest. When a paper like
he "American" can be procured for the
rifling sum of two dollars per year, any
me living in the county in which it is
srinted, could very approapritely he e'e-
linated a curmudgeon and a heathen if he
A-ould not take it, or some other good pa
ler. What doubly increases our fireside's
irtppiness ! Is it not having plenty to read f
Mlncy. Dec. 1st, 18-tS.
IlIIS Powder is warrant. ! far sunriiir to any i
tiling in use fur iinpartii i- u kt en. r 'iiootlir-bc
i llazors, tSurtionl instruments, uud nil kinds of j
in1 i i Tirsi ; h limy ic np .ten to uny kiiui hi
trop. Also Mi)crior Kazor, Knives, and IVrl'u
lerv, whuU sali' ntid n-tnil, bv
Depot of Fine Ku.ors, Strops lJru"lies, uud
'heap Fancy (ioods. No. 18 South Fiftli street a
.nc (Uiestiuit l'liilurlelpliia.
1'iitt.iiiKt.i'iiiA, Feb. 15th, 184.
This may certify that I have used one of the
trops prepared with HAYNES' MAf.'IC DIA
IOND POWDER, and can uttest in the must
nequivocal, that there U notliins can I
Hind that will produce the same clYeii in my cpin
in, and must say to others, try it, uud you will
nd it superior to any heietoforc in use. I can
uly ay that I never knew wlint a slurp razor
as before. ,
OHN SCOTT, Iron Sail Maker, 4 1 S. Third at.
Phi untLi'iii ., October, 1818.
A very hard beard and tender face lias coinpel
d me to seek and Ittt niunv contrivance design
1 to make shaving easy nnd pleasant, but with
idill'erent tuccess, until I mado use of the Magic
IAMOND POWDER, .old by Alfred Bennett,
id Rouasel'i Shaving Cream. Their united pow
' act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
remove the most stubborn beard, vritkout irri
ting the akin or temper of their owner, ,
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street
For sale at this office Price 25 cU. per Bos.
November 85, 1848 6m.
'o the Ileiinoriloiirj lI'Cc e,tec'l.
n'O Michael McOce. Kodliev Mctiee, Dennis
I MeUee, Bernard Metier, Harah Metier, John
cGee, Catharine MeUec, Margaret Ann Mcliee,
'ho have for tlu ir tiuardian John Metire, Sarah
tennarried with Daniel Laliry, Nancy McGec,
anassoa' Mcliee and Catharine Mcfiee.
VOL are herebv cited to lie and appear lirfore
a Judges of oaf Oiplians Court, at an Orphans'
Hirt to be held at Sunbury on the 1st day of
nuary A. D. 1849, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
?u and there to accept or refuse to take the Keal
itato of Henry McGee, doe'd., aituated in Chili
aque townsliip, in the county of Northumbcr
id, at the Appraised Valuation put uion it by an
meat duly awarded by the said court Of which
i aforcauid bejra will tuke notice.
JAMES COVERT, sheriff,
rff. Office, Sunbury, ).
vein ber .ri!h 1818 J
The largest Issortmrnt In Town,
John W. Filling,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friendsand
customers, that he has received the
largest and best assortment of goods ever of
fered in Sunbury. Consisting of .
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Liquors,
Drugs, Paints
and a great variety of other articles.
The pubiio are respectfully requested lo
call and examine his stock before purchasing
Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848.
Henry Mnsser,
HAS just received nt hi.t store, in Suiibiiry,
nn rmsiiitmprtt nfllin rlirunout (.In,,,),, il..,t
.... ... ... . ... ..j,, j, viuovinj VI1UI
ever came to the place, consisting of
French black Cloths, Cassitietts, &c. Cali
coes, of excellent quality nn,l colors,
piiue 6 to 10 eta. Good Muslins, a
yard wide, at GJ cents.
These are not the low priced trash articles
usually gold. Muslin de Laiups. of line qual
ity find patterns 18?. Handsome Teikeri
and other Shawls and various other articles.
The public are requested to call and judge
for themselves.
Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1818.
Siitibury Bible Society.
The Bible Society, of Sunbury, wishes to
inform the public and the Sabbath Schools of
the different denominations : that tliov hnvo
i just received a new supply of Bible's, and
I Testaments, both (Jerman and Enalish, of
I lurjsu and small print for sale, and can be
boiurht lower than in Philadelphia at retail
prices at Mrs. Dorcas Grants, in Sunbury one
: door from the Methodist chinch.
The Society also respectfully invites all the
Female subscribers to attend tliojr Annual
meeting, which will be in the Public school
houss room, No. 1, on the second Saturday in
December at 3 o'clock.
15 v order of the Board.
Sunbury, Nov. 18thJ 1848 3t.
TN PURSUANCE of an order of the Or
x phans' Court of Northumberland County,
will be sold at public sale, on Friday the 29l'h
day of December next, on the premises, to
wit : A certain House and Lot of land situa
ted in Hush township, in said County, and
known as the Union Corner Store House, ad
joining land of Jos. lieeder. Robert Scott nnil
I John lVnsel. cnntiiininr two Acres and thirty
two pi'iches more or less. T.nlo the Estate
of Hannah Heed, dro'd. Jn,0 to commence
tit 11 o'clock, A. M. of sniil Jay when the
terms of Sale will made known iiy
Bv order of the Court,
Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1348 J
Oysters! Oysters!! Oysters! !
TE KSPF.CTFULI.Y informs the citizens ol
fe w. Sunbury and vicinity, that lie constant
ly keeps on hand the best quality of oysters.
in the slu-ll and otherwise, which will be j
served up in the best style, on the shortest j
notice. Also an assortment of confectionary. '
His es'alilislnneiits is opposite the Presby
te: i;ui chinch, Blackberry street, Stinbm v.
Sunbury, Oct. 28, 1S4S 2tno
lv. , 4. ,.( , .
Dissolution ol Co-l.rtlUM-S.ll
j JL the Co-piutiiership entered into the 31st
I day of Majch, 1S47, by Anthony Densler,
i Jacob Haas, Daniel li. Haas and lVter Hans,
i was dissolvetl the 14th day of Febrnajv, 184S, I
i Dy tin! wilimntwni ot jacoli llaas, lroin saul
Co-partnership; the remainins partners a
' srreeinjr lo pay all just debts of the firm of
Denglcr, J. I hut sec Co.
Shamokin tp., Oct. 28, 1848
213J Market Street,
Paints. Oit, Cliss, lira Snrrs,
Vahnisiiks. v. e. 4c.
Patent .M.di inc., M-'d.eitie (,'hrsls, Surijicsl and
I !! (rirul Instrurnerits. CI-., intent Te-'n, &C,
f-y Ordi rs from M i-1 1 a 1 1 1 si -r l'!ivsiiTin, by
'tiif i.r o'lii rivisc n;i:n, lly a ti rul. J lo.
An.-i 6 . 'J, 1848. Orn
No. 10 I, t'lu'Mtiiiit $trf-(,
A few doors uhove Thinl, PhilaiMphia,
wnuld invite the ladies 1 1 call nnd cx mine si
'uperior st ik of Mull', lioas, Tippfls cic. of
every variety, consigning of ll ch ltu-in S.dile,
lluiiiu' 15.i v Martin, Norway M irtin, Mii'k Sa
I Ilium Martin, Stone Martin. Krniinc, Filth.
Lynx. &c, &c. Thew s';in have brrn febcled
witli Bn at cine, nd sre nirule by tho best workmen
in the country. L idie nny rst assured th:it no
article will beotTi red for sale in this extublishmi nt
that is l ot perfect in every lenpect.
i ii ni.ts tl.r uiiu,
No. 104, CliraMtt tlrert, belwem i
7'ird and fourth tlrtett I
JJh tadtlphia
S. ptemler 3d, 1848 firn
riRE! FIRE!!
rill IF. Subscriber would respectfully inform
JL his friends and the public generally, that he
has just received a large and splendid assortment
I tho
Very best Stoves.
consTsUnfupwards of 300, among which can be
found Cop.kiii.Stoves of different sizes and pat
terns. Parlor Stoves, Stoves suitable for Offices.
Shops, he- All these Stoves will he sold cheap
from f 3 and upwards. Likewise on hand, a large
variety of Stove Pipe, Zrnc, Tin-ware, Brass
kettels of different sizes, &.c.
The subscriber returns his thanks for Ihe lib
eial rncouiagement received, and invites the pub
lic to call and see his present variety of Stores &c.
, u' 'rn. Casting, Copper, P;wter and
Grain taken in exchange for Ware.
. . Tinsmith.
Sunbury, Sept- 23, 1818 3m
J. jToreeitotjoh.-
(Lule Keller &. Oreenougli.)
DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent
OU'ice, prepared and nil thti neceusary bil
kiut'sn, iu relation to suvuriug pulentd, trun
acted, aud promptly attended lo. at their of-
i lice opposile Ilia Patent Ollice.
i October 28, 1818.
g. & X. mTsmxth,
(Late of the firm of A. O. Jtaglcy A Co.) 7
HumcMiiiM br (Join Pisa, Pi nninr.ns
' . ' ' ' n Pesciis,
Wo. 1G Maldcii Lnne, IVc -YoiIi.
WE, the Subscribers offer- to the Inula, ami
the public generally, our stylus
01 uoiu rent, wnteti are warrented against alt im
perfections lis fair osatte. and also lobe
in tery reaped to any others made. Having in.
en ased I icililies Tor manufacturing, we are deter
mined that no pen shall be delivered fiomour rs
tablinhment unless it is perfect. We also keep
constantly nn hand our superior Gold Pencils. nd
Pencil! with Pen. which we are enabled to nfler at
the lowest rates. All otdefs lililiessrd to the full.
tcribers, will be carefully and promptly attended
G. & E. M. SMITH, No. 16 Maiden Lane N, Y.
Oct. 7, 1848 3tn
JL I'UI' t;L K WOWC, in every UMTJNTY
llirntiqtiout he United Stairs. To Agents, the
most liberal eneouioeemcnt is offered with a
small capital of f 25 to $1110. A chance is offered.
whereby an agent cm make from $10 to $25 per
vveik, For further pirticulnra, addict! (pcwlp.iiil)
No, 158 North SECOND Street,
Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1848. firn.
laleiit Air-Tiglit
THE nliivr Stnvc, Avliicn inrtjuiilly well wlnptffl toWonc!
(, Iris recfivfd pilvir iiiii'l;i at Ihf inirs f the
Aincriprm luKiitiite, New Ynrk : nf ihe MpchiM.irrj' 1 uni
on H"rtoti: m the Knmklin lustittiU?. IMiihtiilohin : niul
(1 the Mt'climiitV iiimilnlr, Wiliniitim, Dflnwurt'.
It is cnjinblc, if pmiHTlv iiwl. til (.in? iinrr work, with
less fuel, ilmn nny llir St vc yet nll'm-d t-t the pfihlic: in
winlt't it will warm the liinif.t kilcln M, whilt- in tmimT,
wilh the PtuniuT ilrtn ntt.'irlnnl. it tlimws cut no m re
h-'iit limn a ehurc inl lurnncf ; nnd f.r Ivilinir, lir'tilinc, lm
kijir. (r rontinc, it rnnnot be surpusticd by nny other tve,
(uk ii iire, tir brick oven.
We. the ru burr i Iter m. beittff rh"e'n Judeed by the MnsM
ehnr'iti t'hiritable Mtrt'lmtiieci1 Awmrinlinn in li nt"n, mi
(tinven. r'nrii'iccx, nuiL'". tVe. Wi'iild intnriii thepnblip, that
niter tPtliinr nil the e "kinr nt'ives t lint were put into the
Fair fr exhibition, mid Irtlinp enr-h tnnn inriintnc h if own
ntnve wiili the fnme kind ot' ci-nl, in order to) nnecrtiiitt
which would do the unnie work with the least ("net in the
Kinie time, uud do it Ih'hi. we find thru Stewnrt'i I'Mtent
inner nnd Winter Air-Tijrht rmkiiiB St've. rnminlhclur
n by the rwitenlee. ol Trt'V, X. Y., to betlielM-st, ns it tmtk
but i3 minutes to liil twiV:dlonn ol writer nndlmke bisenit
in the Sfiine time, nnd bn'il In i't" stenk, nnd all d-me in the
best nmniHT with seven pounds n" eoul, in thirty minutes
from the lime the fire wiif put into the stove. To which
we awarded the silver nietlul.
James paoe, Jhwks.
The suhserllvers respectfully invite the attention of coun
try drillers, to one of the largest and best selected stock of
stoves, ever ofl'erud in this city, among which ore the t"o.
lowinj; ;
Screen Cylinders.
Oven Stoves.
Waliinton Air-Tight Conks.
Vulcan tin tlti
Riirekaa Ho do
Lnru Oven c!o do
Albany do do
Willis do do
McGregor Mammoth do
Premiums Cook S oves.
Nationnl Air 'l'iijht Conkf,
J'arlor Stoves.
100 Louis Air-Tinht Torlor Stoves.
ITjO ChnrVn the Ut Ait-Tight do
2no J,a4y WanhiiiKton, Air-Tight Parlor.
1.10 Washington Air-Tisht do
300 McCrt'Kor's thr days Parlor Air-Tiht
Coal Stoves, burning three da)s without atten
tion. For utile wholesale and retail by North, Harri
son & Co. No. 3!0 Market street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, July iSth, ISIS'
J.&W.L. AVAH1),
No, KM) ( lli:sMT Mrppl, I'lliludilpllla,
Opposite tlir FriiiiLIin llit'isc.
MPOKTKKd ol" CoM ami Silver 1'atent Le
ver WatcliPs, r.nd M.imil.ictiircrs of .K-welry
A Rood assortment always on huml. (,olil I'a
lent Levers, 13 jewel. S"S : Silver do SIS to
S20; Gold Lepines, Silver do. $12 to 15;
cks and Time Pieces , Gold Pencils, f 1 2.3,
upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $1.5(r;
Gold Bracelets anil Breast Pins, in Ere .t variety;
Ear Rings; Miniature Cases; Guard Chains,
f 12 to $25 ; Plated Tea Sets, Castors, Cake
Baskets, Candlesticks, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivo
ry Handled Table Cuilery, and a general assort
ment of Fancy Goods.
J. & W. L. WARD, No. 106 CHEsXU P St.,
Philadelphia, opposite the Franklin House,
Manufacturers of all kinds or Silver Spoons.
Forks. 'Pea 'ets. Ladles, &e. All work made
by us is stamped with our name, and warranted
to be made of purely American coin.
Philadelphia. August 12. 18188 mo.
rrH T great National, Old Favorite. and Ster
A linn Remedy ! ! I of EIGHTEEN VtiARS
STANDING .till iniapproaclied in its wonder
ful success, certainty, and saf. ty, in the emu of
fX7" ll you would isaipt the arsenical (poimn,
ti) counterfeits t;ike not a bottle from any one.
thai is nut uarJed by ty-e wrilttn ti'zn'uture"
of the original inventor and proprietor, John R.
Rowan n, on a puptr lulnt, crossing the muttth
uud torli.
This remedy has never been bolstered lip by
false am! decei ful pull's, but has won its way to
the confidence and universal adnj tiou of the in
habitants of Fever and Aoi'k 5istkuts Ii V ITS
which all the agents, and every person who have
used it, Well testily.
1J3 Arch Street Philadelphia
AiiKNTs for Sunbury Ira T. Clement, J. W.
Frilinx, 11. Msser and Geo Bright.
Aokms for Northumberland Forsythe, U'il.
son cVCn , R M. M'Cay.
August 5, 1818 eow '
j:ith TO IAI
llFMicr to thk Sick.:
lltitltli to ih Weak .' ! A
UAI..M ! loiiud inr ihe
ti"le lluiituu Uuoe iu An-
Ilits un entirely vcpeta
lilt cnniumJ. piiipi-U uf
Twi'i it F i v il luVrenl iugru
riifiils, uml ! ui ijiteriiul and
Kxiern:il Uemtxly Ittrtlieva
rimii ilia tliut hiuiuui tlculi U
heir to
lC8 AS,
CoURbi, Cohli, ruiiu. Ncrvnui ami 8irk Hcadarltfl,
KheuiiiMtiant, Cuts, Hpmiiia, Hprnul Affertiona, JSu tinner
Coii.pIuiiiU, Clioltra MurtHju.T.xnlioclio, Kruptuina, Coriui
Plica, Frozen Furls, Hurui, rValtt., Airue iu tbe Fme mid
Jlrrusi, l'iiiniir Culhr, liruises, oUi iSrea, iw m' apie
the, (iriicral IMilily, Axthniu, Ar. Fut up in Usttli itt
1. 2 or 4 isJiiHiMpn wr Iv.ule. For further purticuhira ae
Futuphleta 1iImj had ol every uent prulia, rniiUiiaiug
hru l hit ry t'l Hie origin. die.ivrj and gMtt rU'ecls H'
Aiutrew ii' Fain Kilh-r, rvitslicatfii nf L'urt-, directum!, Ac
Tlie triuuitliaiit aiicruw of Andrews Fuin Killer in re
moving Ihe ciiuttea tluil produce denth. tho untimely deuth
4if niillions of our race, luts iiKlured some men ot" whem il
utay be truly Mid, their villaui-jua occuputions nnuiiVst
their villainy, to attempt to put in circulntHni aUirhua and
cmntcrfeit artielea culled "Fuin Killer,11 uaiiur fielilious
imines fiirthe prrteiwh-d author, lorped eertthcalcs, Ac.
H'HiM liave uppt uml, and others 110 dnuU will apira. Let
all rcnicuilicr lliat Aiulrews Uenuma Fuin Killer has tlta
wriiu u iiu.ture itf 1. Aulrews on ihe InM nf each U'Ule
in I j lack ink. Don't simply ask 1k Fain Killer, but ask fur
Andrews' Fuia Killer, and huve no other. -H-tld
by M. A- Mcllay, Hle Aseut, NorthumWland ;
J. W, FrdinR, Puubury; Juhn II. Huser, Miltuuf JohuK.
Myytr, HlMuiiUtUs$ ; Wuu A. AJurray Jk Cm, DiiDvitle ;
Daveiipori As bfiiitli, Flymonth ; Andrew Y.'ltr, Wilkes
Uirrf ; liiiya A M. UnuiL-k. McKweiMVilla . Mrliaffle A
rhmulkarliiiu. Isewiiaburfl : Ueurge McAlpix Jersuy Sbore:
J. M. Tu.ld, Williamstioit.
Oidera aiklreasrd to I. Andrews, invantor and only Fro.
priHor at Ithaca T"nipkins count y, N. Y. Will receive
prompt attention.
m-irtciiihei .JO,
24G and 413
. nrrnniKKU.
Gold nnd Silvc Watches
IN 'tllTADF.DAlllA.
Gold Lfer, full jewellid, 1 carat
ess 530 and nn
Silver Levers, full jpwolled fid ami vvrt
' I.epinfS jll arid oer
Quarters, ) 6 to $10
Gold Prncils, I SO
Hilw Tes 8ponn, rquil to colli, 4 60
Onld Pens, silver holder and pencil, 1 00
With splendid assortment of all kinds of
Watches, both old and eiler j Hirh JeWehy, ice.
iVc, Onld Charn nf the bent menufurtUres, and in
fact every thing in the Watch and Jewelry line
at much less prices than can ba b ught in this
city nr elsewhere.
Please t.ise this advertisement, and rail at ei
No 413 MARKET sireer, abeve Eevemh,
north side, or nt JAUOU LAUOMUS,
S16 MAltEET sl first store below Eight, south
(Tj We huve Gold and Silver Levers still rhes-
er limn the above jirxes a liberal discount made
lo the Iraile.
r'eplemhcr S3, 1818 Cm
Equitable I'lfc InKiirance, Anuuity
niul Ti u4t f :oiiipaiiy.
rtHK CninKiny nro iiftr prpmrnl lo Imnwii-t tiuc'nns
1 rivn Ili iiKisI litM-nil ami iirti-mintecius terms. Thrv
nre nnthnrized l- heir dinner (e-t. 3) "to innkn nil null
every insiininee itjaiertnininii lo lire riwkrt wtinlever kiuri
nr iintiire. nnrf n reecive uml exeente trnIf. niuke enny
meuts. nml In nrrniir nml tnreJiiirte ntlllllitiel..,, Trm Com
pmiy sell nieiiiitii'n nnd cmUnvineiUs, nnd ;u-t ns Trustees
for minors nnd heirs.
TjNc of Vrcmiutn reiititred for the Aiwimnea of 8100 for
the whole term Life.
Age. IPrcm. Age. Prein. Age. Prem.
11 1 5(1 : a Oil 10 3 M
i? l ai 3 a is 47 n in
ii i o0 33 a -jo i" .n'.a I
ill ISO 31 aS7 4! 3 77 j
an l nn ;r, uai so a m
at i n : a to m i n
a-J l no 37 a 17 su 4 fl.j ;
a:l 1 6!l 3-J 2 Al ) 4 si I
at 1 7a :m a di 6i iti'
3-1 1 7(1 40 S 70 I 111 i
at! ii 41 ai .w r ta
a7 i c 4a a w s7 s ai !
9- 1 ol 41 3 III M 5 M
an int' 44 3 la 50 r, 7m
ao 2ui 4.1 3SJ m n3
Tlie premiums nre less Ilmn nny other enmpniiv. nml ihe
jmlieies nlTuril pr-rer nilvnniitfres. Tuhles t,' I'mli-venrly
nml qimrterly premiums, half erulit ruliM if preimiiin.' short
lenns, jtint hvi-s, survivorships nnil eiiitowmeiits; nlso,
form of Applieution (for which tliero lire hhink sheets ) nre
to he hnil on upnlienti n nt the ofliee, or hy letter to tho
Airent, J. II. Vl'liUY, Suiilmry.
IIatks fob iNst'itLNo 8100 on a single Lite.
For Life.
I'ixAMPLr. A perstm oped 30 yenrs next hirth day. Iiy
wyinff the Comprmy i cents would secure to his nuiiily
itr 'heirs 100 should' he die ,c one yenr: or for fiu.n0 he sc.
cures to them tHSSi; or I'or fl:t nt'uitiitlly for seven ymrs
he secures lo them ll!0 should lie die in se en yenrs; oi
for M-io.lll iid nniiuiilly ilurinir lite he wn-uri-s I(NM) to he
I mid vli"ii he ilies. Tlie insurer seem iiur his own Imiiiik,
iy the tlitrerence in iiui"UTit of premium!. t'i'inthoseeh:irL,i'i
by ottier oiliees. For Ho-SO tlie heirs wouUl receive ."n0O
shoultl he die in one yenr.
Form of uppliciilioil nnd till )virticul'ir mnv In, Imd at
the oiliee. J. W. C'LAilllOll V, Pre.-iil.-iit.
Tkearcrkr Francis V. Kawlk.
II. ti. Tuekelt. S eritary.
foNvrl.TlNO Pnv.lctAN Or. J. II. Mnwser. Simliury.
J. II. Pl-hdv. Hiiiilnry, Agent for Northumberland 'conn
' ftunliury, July 8, ll-
A Tuoi's!n DoLLtas Sivrn !
E3nt and '.. ;TIatui!T;tjtttrcri,
South East Cornrr of 4th and M.irhet Street,
lias'nient story.
RAVE cunstniit'y on hand a full and cooip'ete
assortment of HATrt, CAPS, nnd I'lTRs.
AN i un eh iinnt uesortment of n.ens' an I hoys'
Leuhnrn, I'unsms, and Prtl m-Kal' HnK All of
wl ieh by a saving of $1000 in rent, will he sold,
whole-nlc and retail, at iho very lowest price.
Country dealer would do well to cull, as hy e.
conotny and low rent, we are cn.ilile.l to sell nt
very low rates.
June 10th, 18 IS. ly
No 293 Market Street. Below Eighth, North tide,
Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li
quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior
Brandy, Gin, &c. Also white brandy for preser
ving. Wild Cherry and Blackberry biandy.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1818. ly
Would resjectfully invite ntl. nlion to his tupctior
tdylc of Iiii's for autumn, 184S, which will he
found the mot pci feel eier In fore oll'. rclto the
coininuiniy. Its peculiar forms render, it the more
di sirahl , as il combines all Ihe essetitials of dura,
hilily andiicatneH, requiiiiui in that aiticle of i!res
wliilu his mcrfSKid firilities in in m mufarturing
wid) nil the improvements, etiuhles him
To Ciialuange Tilt WotiLii lo ir iliue a bettir
Uhhubkn's Fanct ltATSixn Caps or the
Latest Moon. Thrno goods hava been fe!etli d
with grunt c ire, and will lie found most hcatstiful
and cit isle in their i-tjle-i.
l.Aiitts' liiniNu IIais anu Cats or ExTiua
i.r niw Pattkiins. Great tare has le o bestow
ed in ronsirui tit g thene articles, they mnv fit
peidclly es.y ami lonn a graceful iippe irmce.
101 Chestnut st, a lew doors uhove Third.
8e temher30, 1818 ch June 31, 1818 ly
OF supeiior quality, hnndsomely colored, and
put up in heiu'ifui Morocco Cases, eonipl. te,
fur onlv IN B DULL A It, nt S PI K I, E R'S CH E P
N IJ P Street, below Fouith, l'hihiilelphia. All
Pictures madn at this estahlithnieut will bo Wtu.
KASTCn esaricT.
Philadelphia. Kept, S3, 1848 6m
raorK4sna or dukasi or woss aic.
Pistil Kditiou. IHiiai. pp. Ml. l'nee l
Sa.OOO t'opies sold iu Three Mouths I
Yeurs of suffering, of physical and uientul anguisli to
many an ulfivtnmutv wile, uinl pecuniary dilncuuics lo the
huslMiud, might liuve bevu spared by a timely possession iH'
his witrk.
Il is inteiidivl esfieciallv f-ir Ihe marrinl. ortbose eontem
plating inuri iue, ns it diselosiHi IiiimiiiiuiI sccrels which
should be known to them pnrticulnrlv.
Truly, knowledge U puwer. It is iiealili, luppiness, alltu
ence. The revelali.nis eoiitained in ils Niges have proved a
blessing to thousands, as the uuiuiuci'ttule letters received
by Ihe author will attest.
Heie, also, every female the wife, the mother, the oue
either buudiug uito womanhood or Ihe one in lire decline of
years iu wlioul nature eontenipkalea an iinnornnit rhmige
cnu discover the euuses, symptoms, and tlie uiost elheieut
remedies, and ruoat cerium mode uf cure, in every com
plaint lo which her sea is subject,
('plea will be sent mall Ire el paslags the par.
chaser, .
Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail within,
three months, with ierleet safely and certainly.
On the receipt of One lMlar, tlie '-Married Wiaium's
Private Medical Comiauiiou" will be sent ( rasa)
to any part of the l ulled Suite. All letters must lie wl
paid (ejicept those Containing a remittance) and addressed
to lV. A. M Maurireuu, U .1 1'iiM. New-York City. Pub
lishing Ottice, ltig Liuerly-M., New York.
The "Manied Wmnan's Private Medical Cnmpamna" is
a-ld by booksellers ihruuhut the I'nited hates.
For 1 yenr. For 7 vents,
ft fit
00 11
!.-.! 1.01
l.MS 8.07
a,is 3.7
j June J, isis
'pITTS fixtmct Is nnt up In minrt rrotllcn. It nix time
-L clienper, pliyimiitcr) Hi.rt wurraiitnl iupr-rfir to nny
'M. Jt nirm clisenca without vmnitinir, purging, lirk
n"wi, or neuiiitnuiig the pnllent, nnd Ii particunrlj- a if led
FAT.! Ar ftpRivn MniirlM-v'
The rrwt Ixxinty nird mipcrinrity of thin Surwiparilln orur
vwer ruinciH in. wniifrt 11 imilirnie ((laease,
H Invipomfod tll() Uny.
, OiimumptitMi curfd.
ClrunBe nml Strcnullien.
. . ' Cimmmptidti enn Iw rnrt!.
Ifriinchitis, Consumption, Uver C'miplnint, Coldi, Coairlui,
Catarrh, Ahnio, Spitting of Blood, Sorenrwn in the
Cheat. Herrtr Fliinh, Nifjht 9wnti, Dim
cult and Profuse tUpw-uiritlon;
nd Pain in the Side,
Ac, Ac, 7
- hnve nnd can be chrcd.
Prolflhly (here never wni a rrrnrdv thnt hni been art tuc
eesnftil in dnppernte raiea of etiuwiinption ai this ; it clean
en and utrenjjihein the ttynlein, nud appears t( heal the ul
cere mi the Inn, anct pniicntk gradually regnin their ueuul
health and itrriistlt.
There ii ainrcoly a dny rnvxea bUt there are a mnntcr of
cnaeti uf coiisuinplioti report txt ns runvl hy the uc of Up
Towiisrn'i 8iiriE.parilla. The following Win rLiriitly re
ceived :
JJr. Town5EXT) T)mr Bin For the last three yenrs I
linve been Hlllicled with g'Miernl debility, uud nervoiu con.
uinption of the Inst nttnto, and did imi expert to ever ciiin
my health at all. Alter piiie thnmiih a coiunr n( meilicirie
umlcr the rare of some of the hmm diMinyuished reutiir
pliyniciiinri nnd ntcinherx or the Hiwird o' llmlth in New
l'ork and elsewhere, and upending tlie m 'Ut of my ennimiri
in attempting to rinrniii my lieulth, inul niter ri(linf in
ioine paper of your &t mi pari I In 1 resolri-d to try it. After
nsinc six hottlen I found il d ne me treat p.wTd, and called
to s-e you Ht your ofliee ; with your advice 1 kept on, and
do i m ml heartily thank you tor yimr mli'h . 1 persevere in
taking the Sarwijiurillti. nnd have hern nble to attend to my
nulla! laU.rsi'.r the InM ion r tniitltc, nnd t hope by the
blessings nf tiod uml vimr (rwtiiriHn tt rnntimic my
health. It helped mo beyond the expe tntiom of nil win
knew my ease. CH.VHI.L3 ltl'lUUY
'ran, JlKpn eo, X. .T., A up. 2, 117.
Stale. if New .b-rscj , lwrx county, n. rimrles Qtiim
by bcinjf duly sworn m-coilinir to law, on his onth suith,
tli it the forrp.rjnn niati'iiieiit is true neeorilin to the best o
knowledge nml belief. C1IAIM.I f jriMHY.
tSworu initl sul:seriLeil to lit fore me nt Oranue. the 2d
Angtisl, JH17. CYKI S IIAIeUvVlX.
.Itiftifo cf the Peace.
Rend the following, aud say tlud eonntiniiilion it in inen
rnblu if ydu can :
New York, April 23, HI7.
Dr. Townskvu : 1 verity believe Uml your Kinapnnl!:i
has bern the meann, through Provideuec, .f savin;; my hie
1 have hr M'veral years had n bad e tagli. It became worse
nnd worm?. At Inul 1 raised tarjre cpiantilit s of Mood, had
niirht sweats nnd was preaily debilitated and reduced, nnd
did not expect to live. I have only UPed your StrsaparitL'i
but a short time, nnd there h is a wonderful change Imvui
wrought iu me. I am now able to walk all over the city.
I niw; no IiI'xhI. and my e mph !ia left me. Ynu win well
imagine that 1 uiu llnuikfiil l r th (! reail't. our olxili
cut servant. WM. HI SSKI. I.. 0'i Catharine st.
The uunexed ceri ilieale tells n sintpla and Irutliful story
of sufferiim nnd reli.-f. Tin-re are tlwiiKiiids ta' siiuiL-irea-bch
in this eity imd IJr.i-iklvn, nnil vet there urn tli'ius.-inds
of purwiis let their eliil.lren'ilic for i'ear of heinu huuibuL'ged
ur to save a few Fhilliue.
. lUoohlvn, Sept. 13. 7.
lr. Taw.nsknd: I lake pleasure in stall hit. for the Irene
fit of those whom it may concern, that mv daughter, two
years nnd six months old, was alllieted with peneral de
bility nnd loss of sjeeeh. She was given up as past je
eovery by our family physician; hut fortiiiiately 1 was rc
C'niimcuded by a friend to try your Sursnpurilta. lief -re
having used one bottle she recovered her sieeeh nnd was
enabled to walk nlone. to the astonish ment of nil who were
acquainted with the circumstances. She is now quite well,
and in much Iwtier health than she has been for la months
pun. JOfrKPH TAYLOIt. 'K, V,,rk st., Unx.klyn.
Verv few families indeed in fact we have not heard of
one t lint used lr. T wnsend's Sarsuparilln in time, lost
nny children the past Suiumer, while the that did not,
sickened and died. The een-ilieate we pnhlmh below is
conclusive evidence of iis value, and in only an 'ther instance
of iis ivivimr the lives of children :
Dr. ToWN-tKMi eur Sir: I had two children cured by
your Harsaptinlla of the suinui' r eoniil iiiit and dvsentarv';
one was only la iii'mlh old nnd th.i other 3 years. They
Were ver mneh rcdueed. and we expected th-:v would die ;
they were given up by two respectable ph ieiann. When
thedtielor informed us that we must lone' them, weres-.l-ved
to try your Sariparilla we hail heard so uni'-h of. but
had litth-cnhtlt'iice, iheic beiiur s much siiuf advertised
thai is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it
undoubtedly saved Hie lives of both, i write this that oth
ers muy be induced I lue it. Yours, retfpcetfullv,
Siynle-nveiiiie, Ui'olvlyn. Sept. I5, lt-7.
In.TowssKi's Siia I'akilla is u sovefi-iitu and speedy
cure fir ineipieiit c iiiKumption. and for the general prostra
tion of the system uo matter whether the result uf inhe
rent cause or caus-s, pn.nlucul by irregularity, ilhiens or ac
cident. Xulhiitff can be in re surprising than its invigomtinir ef
fects on the human frame. IVr-'im all weakness jih.I ns
situde, friMn takinff it at once become robmst uutl full of
energy under il mdueiKu. H immediately c uintenict the
nervt.1. NMit s ol tho female frame, which is the great cuuse
It wiil not 1 e.pectel of u, in caws if o ih-liertte a na
ture, tit exhibit certificates, ,if mn )ti foruiol, but we can
assure the aliiicted that hundreds of caacs Jiavo been repor
ted to us.
1h. TowyFvn: My wife iM-itig creatly dlsirrsl by
weiknesH and general debility, and sullWinif continually Itv
pain and with other dirtieuliir-s. aud having known c'a-cs
where your metlieuie Ins elfeeted gr?it cure ; and n!s i
hearing it rc'-'-niiueii'led for such eases as 1 have described,
I obtained a b-it tie of your l'xtiact of Sanuparilla and fo.
lowed the direction y mi L'ave me. In a short period it
removed her complaint ami restored her to he.ilih. Hetug
great I til for tbe U-netits shu reeetvetl. I take pleasure in
thus acknowledging it, uud recomuieudnur it in the public.
AI. 1). Monui:,
Allmnv, Ann. 17. 'II. e u ftraml IsVilia sis.
Xo fluid or miHliciuj haw ever been dist-vered which so
nearly resembles the g-istiic juice or suliva in ibvumposiu
io-hI aud strengthening the oreans of digestion as this jire
puratlonof S;iriparilla. It Msitively cures every case uf
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
Jtank Dentirtment, A II any. May 10, tHt.3.
Dr. ToHniserot Sir t 1 hnve been altiieled for several
years with dyspepsia iu its worst form, attended with shjt
uess of stomach, loss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a
great aversion to nil kinds of ThkI, and for weeks, (what 1
could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small portion
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had
but little or no effect in removing the complaint. J was in
duced, ulmut two mouths since, to try your Kxtruet of Snr
aaparilla. nnd I must any with little confidence; but after
using nejirly two bottles. 1 found my appetite restored and
tha heartburn entirely removed ; ami 1 would earnestly re
commend tile use ol' it to those who have leen nltlicteil as I
have been. Yours, Ve., W. V. VAX ZAXDT.
Agent for Sunhitry JO W. FUIUXO; Xor.
tbumlterliuid, MAllY A. McCAY: Danville. YM. A.
Ml'KRAY A Co.,
ApiilC-2, lW. ly
I'lilUi., Uooaiiiir, ami lotl Illo
Hall Koatl.
SUMMKR AURA X li 1 : 1 1 : X T
ClIANGK of Honrs, and two Trains Daily
each way, xci'it Sunrlays.
On ami alter Mnmlay, May 1st, 1 S 18, two
trains will run each way, daily, between 1'hila
and Pot t s v 1 1 If.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M daily except
Parses Reading at 10 4-1 A. M.
Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except
Sundays. Passes Readihg at 0 10 A. M.
The above Line stops at all way stations oil
the road as formerly.
Up Train.
Leavi-a I'hiladi'lphia at
2 P- M .daily except
Leaves Phifnixville 3 I'
" Poltstown, 4. 15
Doom Train.
Leaves Pottsville at 2
P. M , daily except
Leaves Sth Haven, 0 37
" Port Clinton, 3 0U
" Reading, 3.10
" Pottstovvn, 4 30
" I'ha-.nixville, 0 00
Arrives at Stata
" Reading. 5 0t)l
" Port Clinton, 3,4.'i
" Sih. Haven, U.lU
Arrives at I'otts-
v.IIh, 0 20
Road, 3,S0
The afternoon train will stopnnly at the above
named stations Passengers for other points
must therefore take the .Morning Line
Depot in Philadelphia, comer of llroad and
Vine Streets. No Passengers can enter the Cars
unless provided with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be
allowed to each passenger in these lines ; and
passengers are expressly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the risk of its owner. No
freight Will be taken by these lines.
By order of Board of Managers
S. BRADFORD, Seeretary
May 6 1848. If
Wardrobe of Fuxliloiiulile
J'. w. &, j:. 1). STOKES,
No. 104 .Market Street. Pint Clothing ttortbe-
W Sixth,
.. Pllll.iDkl.rUIA.
VVHERE they are constantly engaged in get-
ting up from the best French, English and
American cloth, clothing cut and made up in tha
most superior and fashionable sty e. Persons
who buy to tell, will And t Urge and excellent
stock at the lowest city prices. Coining made
up to order, in a superior style at the abortest
N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia, large assort
ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and
individua l promptly attended to on the most rea
sonable terms. , 1 ,
' I'hil.dv'phie, June 3, ISIS ly.
U2 a o o un nn 8
a ovtiu.i,.- ituMtnv von
AM) '
GEORGE Ii. GllEEN, Pbopiiibtob.
Windsor, Vermont.
I? a aoreretim reinwljr for UYftl'KPSI A, in mmiy of sit
rorms, rnicli as piiin in the tttuniarh, IKurdium, hnliitunl
Costivonnss, Acid Stoinnrh, Ilutrlnrliu, 1nw of Apielite,
riles, Night Swvnts, nnd even Consiiiiiptiml (IKspciitic
Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic ntteniM with denuiiro
ment of the8tinarh (or Dyspeptic Asthna.) Difficult
Dreiithiiift, which orten results from iniH-rfeet iligcslinn (or
Dyspeptic HyspiKea,) is relieved Iiy these Hitters. In short,
their use hus beeu provol in the relief of almost oil tlio
symptoms ihnt proceed fnnn a deliilitiited or atonic condi
tion of the &touiHch also in gcncml chillilv nrtsinsr from
are or from the effects of Kever, arlieiilnrly l'cvr nnd
Apne. Females sutrerini under nny iileriim deriinp-mnit
nrisine from wenkness, ill find the "OxrnriMATKii Hit
Taas an excellent roinedv, and not surpassed by any mtdi
cine in use.
The history of this medicine is peeulinr. 11 Ins innde its
tvny to public frivnr solely by the force of its own intrinsic
Oierils. No nrtilieiul rniins huve been used to give it no
toriety nml thrust it upon public attention. It Ims m-ver
tielore even len mlvcrtisnl, bill h.iviiijr firyt shown its re
nmrliiible elTuuey in theliiti:ily ol' ihe proprietor, nnd by
him mterwiiids mliuiiiisn red to his nfllii led friend:, nml ne-niiiiiiilnnci-s
with u lik-5 result, its rcpubilim Hrndiudlr -x-tenilid
until it is known in Ihe tifsl dislnnt its of Ihe
J inoii, ns n medicine of nnrivnllnl virtues iu the cure i f
liys.psm m ml din'er.;nl r.iniis. nnd nls i for Hie euro f
I.,, k" 'o 1 only herald nnd nil
?,.,r .' e "'"r"'f it etfie.icv, as fold lr. tu
ii b . ' "' '' to i'rien I. In evc-
Inl ? i lW 'e ",l'" H,Um '"'vc heen use.1, nml the re
n'e'y " rfoprietor, they huve proved a re
Numerous errtifirnte.. miestiuir the simrulrir r Tieacv of
the "OXTonxjlTlsn Hittshs." ore in the isi i.hi of .
proprietor; t:u,v ot tl-, t,jrM,, hy , .,s ,,;ri.;K- wnUlv
kiiciw n t the public. '
' WINDSOR, Vt, OemSr'a.1!." VSnK,:N"' ''r 'l n""r'
The fellow inj I rrtilii uli huve reeenil)- been
rci'tiveil l
M'AVlllVtiTON, D. C. .Il vk 10. IMil
Illivill? Itl:ide lisi! of the '-llxi;en:iti .1 Jiiltt-rv" p'.e.sireit
hy Dr. tieo. It. fireen, of Winilw., Vt.und ku ov-h-lv'e
obt'iiiied ol He ,r eifii-.i.-v iu other t-j.-es. Weehi-erfiilly
ree innurud them to thepuMi... b. li-viix' thut tl-ey wili i'u'.a
snsliiiu tha of the Propriety. 'We 11..
thut this VTilu.lble remedy ni:iv be ,1 . er;i:!y dilni.-:. .!
throuphout the country Hint it iutiy be aec.Ff iblc lo all Hie
Wll.l.l .M I t'll M. 5 t . ?. S nutor lroin i-niiont.
.lAMI'S r. SIM.Md.NS, i
J. t. .ioki:ui:ad, i:. s
or of Kentuekv.
S. S -ml r from I!. Mini.
S in'.er nnd t'oruvrly tiovcrn-
I.. II. AltMJlJ), Member of Coir)
Hint i'. -niierlv G -
lllll'V 111 O.I.
WM. WdODDltllHii:, t'.M. Senator nnd formerly Co..
verti'T ot' .Miebi-an.
M. I.. MAlt'l'iN, Delegule in C.wgren from Wis,- insin
from Hon. II. D. FnTi-n, Membci of Congress from
1'enni-. Ivnuiu.
Wauhvotox, D. P.. Ji n" m, l(t.
Denr Sir. I imve been n dyypiptie suiit-rer for nil out ten
years, nnd have resorMI to 'various tuediriiu-s tor relief
without sui eesH. until I lu use ol vour ' Otvizeented
Hitlers." I huve umil uliout two bollli s, nml luid luys. li
restored to perfect health The forms iu which the 'dis
ease showed itself, ill tnv case. were, urelit lieidltv ol the
stomneh, ol'itppctite, extreine tlalnteuee. severe' consti
pation of the bowels, and violent heailaehc. l'eeliiur ,b i.
rous that a knowledge of your valuable reiuiilv in:iy reach
others similarly afflicted. 1 take (treat pleasure in 'reconl
ing my testimony to its eunilive power; nnd would al.
remark, that while on n visit nt home u short tune since. 1
administered a part of a bottle to a iiuiiiIht of mv nillieieil
friends, with great succss. They nre desirous that you
should estahliFh nn ngeiiey nt Piitsburir. or iuforiu tlieiu
where the medicine enn lie obtained. A ith nn enrnesl de.
sire for your prosperity ami happiness, I suhscrilif mvselt
trulv your friend II. li. FO!TJ2lt.
Docl. l,EO. H. linEKN.WIllds or. vt.
Sold holesnle uud Retail bv f.leen A- Fl. t. her. No
JrlSiuth Sixth Street. I'hil:i lel,.bi:i.
Acent for Suubiirv II. I!. MASsnit.
Agents for .Milton MAI 'KAY A HAAIi.
April 15, ISIS
m uwimn fiwvs i im r, u?i t, ?
i n r i Mi,nrtivn'::is;!itr.;
-. f . 1 1 1 1 1 " " V. 1
In presentunr the p.iblie vh ii rem. .ly for the treaiiiicnt
uud cure oi' I' ami Aot -: an.i other bill u. ibs, .im-h.
no lliolo.jy is uee.le.l. "u.t leilnl.ers in the t'lilf.-il Slates,
who sutler from these allivti . us in their vuned form, nre
: l!iH'lii-i! to s.-.-k l-'liei tc. in oile r s-'Uiees than tin- iiuine
llale lire I ii. 1 1 ns of the reruUr iln .,!.-:an. Il beeonu-s
tlieref -ie un otj.-et of liilliian.l . :s infer-
si. lo brills bi.-fori; tin in n rell.-.r,- tr.';-aie,l uoiu much e-
penelli-e, ail.l hu-h may alw.i . s lie I eii. .1 upon ns vl'.1.
nt'l'Kt l i:AI., AMI ll.lliMl.K.--. to T'lK l'i.- l .11 lln. Tli:lt
such is the true cliaruci.T of the I Mil V II" ll.AliDtil I'.,
is limply allesliil by lJi Uiliveicil Ll.Cei tS W llll liieU It liai,
been cltl,i. 'Veil.
V l.xliaet iroiu a coir.muuieati.iii of tlie ll .it. Wit. Wooiuii:i.k. of the U. S. Senate, late Governor of
llETnotT. Oi l. ai. Will.
DocTott CttAni.Ks Osuoon,
jrcai c-ir. l nave reail with much interest, your little
TKAKATIsK ins. 11 Ihe ,-auSi.9 r,?itiiieut and cure' of the
febrile diseases which have s extensively .revuilul iu our
country dm mg the last lew months hii interest increased
no doubt, by the fact lliat 1 have individually still'ered ao
much from them. TIioul'Ii 1 feel mywlf very incompetent
to judge safely Us)li a subject so entirely professional, yet
your theory seems to me well reus hu-,1. uud your conclu
sions just, uud 1 think withal, lliat your simpulet is calcu
lated to prisiuee liiueh inietleul g.s d.
Sicuklltg ol" the uleilieiiie he snys : It fully your
flattering expectations, uud us u safe, convenient, uud piptl
lur remeilv. iiu- own experience, so far, induces me lo be
lieve that it will prove a great public lieueht. I urn pteused
to learn lliat you have nvenlly eSiJl-liibiKl several nceueies
for ils disposition Ih .uyh I regie' tl,;-t. , ith u lew t-i u
111 ire general uissi-miiialion ot it. v-ul ehou.-.! have found it
iicct-ssir) to remove your present revideuee among us.
it nn iiiiien respcel l nave tlie n u u i ih-. sir.
V'I'ir o'llie-'ll S.'i i iuit.
wi: i.iam w iinDiwiiixir..
VT From Hon. Si i-phkn Y. li. Tuoivukiuoi:. el .Michi
gan S::lte Sen-tte. to the A;,-e:lt at I)e!-oit.
IIIKMI.;ilAM. IKI.A1I Co.. De". 1 i I
Sir v. il wish me to inform on what I know of Dr.
Ostr-vsl's India Chol-ejoiru,., ,,r auti-bili, .us 1 d ,
believe that if the virtue uud eiii.n. ol' t Ins medicine wen:
geiietnll known, the FtfVKll ami vol K would disappear m
t procured a liottle In the apilug of Hll, tin.l have!
rials'. ii to la-lieve that uiysell and family escaped tin lieue
laPt season in conseinieure ol' its use.
l'l-rhaua iu no suuuuer sin"e the set: l-nient of lair fi i.i
peninsula, has the fever an I utiue been so jTevaU'nt as the
last. I have ri niiM. i.le. iliift nie-lii ine m mjiiivtous in
stances, nnti when the disease bi- mi.- hxeil aati tin!!!.-.!
the skill of physicians: and I have never l.u .ll ll il tall. I
has U'liversally protlueed the in st b:lp- elT-ets. nit.! I bcl
lieve it has never been exeeiil-tl l.v an,' li.eiilelae ill remo
ving the bilious diseases ol ll.e elliuaie.
uurs, restK-euitii .
STKi'lll A' V. R. Till iY Mil HXIK.
Airenl foi Sunburv II. II. M SSi:it; Norili'iiiiVr'-m I.
WITIIIN'GTCIM Ai l o. ; .Mil. ,u. J. II. UASKlt ; Siliui
grove, MAY it KI.HSF..
.May ti, IKIt If
IMrlorlnl Iklltioii of d'Aiibltu'K
great Hoi k on llic Uclorniiit ion
published or, nr about the 1st of Apiil, ISIS, hy
JOS. A.Sri'.EL, No 00 Cherry st above utli,
his splein'.id 12mo edition nf tho ubove named
work, with IS ensinved illustrations uom ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth
and library sheep.
The nuulisher resiieciniiiy cans me attention
of the trade and the public eenerally, to this
work being the only illustrated edition published
in the United States Uutiusts that the beauty
of ita embellishments, the strong and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction w ith
tbe known popularity of the work itself, will be
sure recommendation to public favor.
JOS. A. SPEK.I.. 00 Cherry st above 0th,
J. A. S baa also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done up in
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1818
wis "o1 o oa csa
1)'ated anil Urtlaiinia Ware, Cuilery. and
Kansy Goods, and Msnuf..cluiers uf Jew
elry and Pi!ri Ware, 123 Chcsuul street, Phila
delphia; hnve received hy late arriv ds ahrpe and
hand.imB a'mk of Enalish and Kreoch Watches,
and Marl.K I'orceluni and Fancy Cloclis.
I'Uled ITrns, Costois. lka lii-lvts. High and
ChembitCanJIestiiki oup l.sdlos, Sooons a -d
forks. Alee a Rood asaoitmciit of Itii'aiini
Ware and Kine Cull. r.
Tbeir stock of JKWEl.UY is large aud of the
mnsl fa.hionalde kind, end lliey ate well supplied
ith Hilver Hroon. Eoiks, ,1 ug. N ipkin limp'".
11 utter Knives. Ac, and wi bout ru.kinu; any d'S
play of prices in Ihe public piitUs, ih. y sre pie.
pared lo sell as Uiw a tho.e who d,i, and invito
peie.ins wisbiuj 10 punhitr loisll.
PhiWilphia, June lit, -Cm
Indian Vegetable rill. ,
This medicine is crtrrsiuiss 1 on ehernl principle, from
tho pure, tiuiidultr ratorl hcrlsj of tho Indian. Although
there nre many meditiiies culled l'y tho smnu nnuie, every
one is awnre that there is a Very grent iliffujcnea among
them. Thofo of them tlmt ore railed' Infinn," bnvc slolea
the nnme from us, who were the first to introdnee a prepa
red Indian medicine to the Atncricnn public. Of course a
similarity of name riocs not crunle a siiniloriiy in tlie char
acter of tho mrslieine. ,
Wright s Indian Vegota'alo Pills are disl u g uslied In
their perfect adaptcti on to the human body In their opor
otion, they do exactly w hat nntilre sloes, nnil nothing mors
They have a rot-a-rnin action, upon the lungs, st;in, kid
neys and Imwels. Hence their pcouliar pOAVer ovo-'diMs-iss
By promoting perspiraiiin.tlieyhrenk up Colds Cossas,
ItitmiMAjic Complaint, Taix is rna Bais, Caoren,
Ci,-TA.Hnis F.nvpTio-rs, Pimclks, Blotches, FareKLas,
K-ITSirELAS, fce.
The a-.ti.-n or tlis Pills on the kidneys is such as to moke
them a valuable unontri-iilt. Danr-sv, Gsatkl, and Fa-mals-
Complaints, atising from oMructiona at sortain
periisls, arc spertlily rcmoial by the.r use.
A fn-e F.-irF.CToliATIos fr, rn the lungs is excite-: hy the
use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilis, thus removing
Pulmonary Complaints, such ns Asthma, Dro-ichitis,
Sohevi-s a0 TwnTXj.s or the Ukeast, Coughs, Sors
Tlirout, eic
lly tlieir nctioii on the Siomk h aid Howrj.s. tho Pills
cure Ih-o ri'siA. I,.vrn CoMrt.Atr. r.ii.ciT.iTtos tip tub
I!trr.T, rilT;'ltrr. 'i.sT:vKrr.., FiaVlfs "f nil kinds.
Pleurisy, lleadaclie. I -iiMiues.. Dyo'inrr", Pils, and all
disorders of the in? !iiu-s.
T iketi iu smll dos.'s. Wi-ij-ht'i In Imn Vept ta'.le Tills
become nn Alvi:un Ttvr. nic llcuie, of great nenrehiug ef
fiivicy. f.u the rni e oi Siai.i of allkimls. TETira, Tvoas,
J.trxmcr, I.owm-.-'. ,.t f:l'ii:ir, Nlvsa! oia, It.isn, Paws
tN the Hovks. .Vr.
Tlie'e 1 i i nln thor.'.i-j'ily break np !.vruK7.A, ii".
wli'eh complaint they nre e.tlreiui'ly vnhial.Ie.
In Hiliocs CoMi-i. vim., tlesc p:i!s exercises completo
mastery. IH-nee l'i:-i u ami Aoi i: iti spee.lil cureil by Ih
me "f them, In the Wi-eern ami Southern States, where
hii di .e.-ue m-ettv pi.-vai's t!i": e Pil!.-!;o Ilk-. r Avalanche.
White I h.-y are eli-aper than the f, ver aud n-.r-. icnieitiea
ill, Wriisht ) lneian Vegetable Fills have heeu
pr .ii' imeed superior to a: ..f t Van. Indeed, it would np. that if there is one eoiuplaiut whirl, these PilU
bavc more power thmi another, it ii. Fkvek asd Agv.
For ilesiioyinv and expelling Woiims, no Vtruiifugo is
superior to these Fills Alth.-uuh we have not taken pains to
lliukclhi fuel public, the merit of the medicine itself hsi
iie.. tired fir it un extensive reputifion and sale for tho ro
moval ol Worm. A.hnini-Jlcre.l to adults or children, tho
elTei't of the Fills is c piuliy radieal and decisive. All who
it'O'lei fioei Y','oliv r!i"uM by ill! means, use Wriylit's lu
iliau Vi ."'.able Fil'i.
Iu fuel oo one can p i leniss i:i l!:.-- u p of .ins r.n-Ui me.
Th.-y nre ii-iturul to the lsnly in foil i. A tn'd wilj
convinee the skeptical that YVrijjhi'd Indian Ve2elable Fills
far fnim heinir n eotiiui.,1 oqumk noilriitii,'' nre ikeidodly
tho most valuable nunlieinc ever olTered to Ihe public.
Re warn of Sugar Coated Cuitntcr-
Remember that tho original and only ecnuins Indisn
Y'eaetnble Fills have Die wiilteusijnatu'e of Win. Wrigh;
on tlm top label of each box
Henry M isser, Sunbury.
K. & .1. Kaufl'itiin, Aus'istn township,
lohn H. Vine nt, t .'; i il !i. oj iiuij no.
Kase A: llerctrrejcr. Ely-l ori;.
Snnurl Ilit'j, Lide Milium y,
Wil'inm Dcpiien. Jack n. nod llaynca, McE-A'cn.vMI'.
William llriiu n ft Urnilier, Milt n.
I'oirjlhc, W'os.lll & Co., NlJ:l'tl."')fral'''
James I; tJ, Pntf-'rorti.
C: Y. Prott. R.i-1.' .-ilir.
W. & R F. R.'ly. tni .in"l;itilo.v
lihoucs- iV. T'lirtHV. iSii.Ierstown.
AinosT. Hi" M, Turbut.-iviliti.
Hi iiiif yille I!o!. Iii. c, l.'ppor Malimoy.
J. 1m t i. r.:'t:n, i'j .
V.. T,. I'i;fr, W'ut-on'.v.v.:. '
Vs'lic'ci.-ili', 3t tli,! nfiicc nr 1 general, Ifit
Hire tt., I'll ll uli II'!. iu. July 8. 1 !$. ly
vi:sTKnx XEff vors
207 3m'ii at, -erf, Tliiff-in. X. Y.
nu. ti C. VAIGMN"?
VcRflable Lithonlriptic Mixlurc.
rpillS eelebrnled remedy is constantly increasing ils isnia
X by Ihe liumy cures it is making
ll liiia M'Hv hvv nic tlie only met) i gum Cvr fuiuily uie, aiitl ii
lni(iil:irly nc 'iiiiuiudtil lr
. UliOl'SV:
nU singes uf this Cti,iIaiHt imiuetJiately rel'eveil, no matur
ol' sUunIi:.i;. S:u DiiMiinhlut fr U'sli;iMy.
nil Hit diw uwa ofihe urinary nrKiu; ; for tit cm diktresa-
iiH t'iii!aiiiu it Muiui Hlti'-e ; im othiT urtii-lc euii relivo
ymi ; umt the curw I'-oiifit'd t villctiiviiicrtlie mom skfp; Kfti :iuililrt. l.ivtr L't'iupliiiiit. Uilli'u Uieua.i.
T. tlm Guk WV-t f.-'itfcii'l!. nml vJit'rtvcr thtM com
itlaint? j'i't'V;til t'ii liitilirnif i)('oilfri-tl.
ti tl-'U-li-ri' 'u 'minimi is a virt ol' thi niixtur?. it
iMiic iiu--(liit-i-M-s wah fiTtiiiniv mill ri'li Ti:y, and dos
itl liac llic svntciu t r;ii'l. Si-e r.iniplilct
V 'Iltjifjitit i'f II f!l"st prii'-'i:! I' T. IS
Mini ;i riirf ' l'. iv. (y n iw ' tya rue .'I iliiiirt:-"le ; it
.':ir ln-ii'iv nny u r , jHi.tiiii, i r Uim tlm.-asc. ir lor tuiy
valn-r .lifcca.' t'ri--'ii.:iiii!t; iri-iu impure I i hhI. cu jhiiu-
Ici'-K. we tk-K t i' ih- Ut.iit . ,Vt'., nr iiiHnmtuti
li-'ti -i j-.i'iu. ii iMiiii(..ii.ili-iy r- iit-v lmI hy a lew tiuya iitu
i 't " in. wh'iiu", a v.irc i n.wn) a u rciu'l t-t its us. ll
1'ir ? .ii'l; r.'iiit'.imjr.', u i iii 1.11 ilt'imi :ci:iciitn v( tbe !
in ill- friii. ti-.
u;KKiii"i..Marn.s, si rntr.ssioNs.
(ill.lll'll lil-MISti liilU HV Ni
i il tins hii-Ii w niM I nt
ll uiiy I't' rt'li' d Hit ni ti u ,
i " it'll Iris t ver 1h.m ii oliwrcJ
li t!:is kni-l "i (liTani'iunils.
i- n i : 1 ciu live reinrtly, and
tin! v, e U'cl p- nnnif
n. p-v:.,',i i-urcK in iii.i it-tr'"sitiir ( oi'inpluiiii.
StH (ia.i.,iliVt. AH ttit'r'-M tl t !i, i'. lnUuited fMiintilutUMis
ir. .'it (in- I ti' iiicrt-urv, i.l tiii'l ihe iiirifit, ik t-r ol
Dim ;iriit c t net inain-tlialr! y, mitt (lie p isfi--UH inuitrru1
ri'.i I'fii't-i. 1 1 un tin' f ".i
Kiti'iTivK n!sr..s::s
w ill t!it ii!:iiativi- ;ir' i d if ol" iliis iirii W.
ITlilFY TilK ULDOl).
mill tl.H'i a wu'li itisi'iiNi'Ji lV' m:i the yti'ni. F-'C pml(t;
lor i-iiiiitii.y fi iiiK ai in all ih.-.-aM wltirli tlm limit ti
till JUlviTtl-i'lri'-Ilt will ll"t Tllllt t' I IdUiHil luTtf AfiWl'S
iv ll.' hi away ; l.i.y r-'li'- :il itj !' '1 f fiTiiialt of
IiiliIi phunu'tti. and a :r ii' r
in' the vinufi . a i.u'-lit iiie. nv '-r iiiM-:iti'.1
It n one tf
llu pi'i'iiliar u-tiiiri'ti hi (l i
Iti'iii-lil til illlV earf. llll'l ii I
ni'K li' tluit n iicvtT Itilla t-i-ii
uud mii-vlo mc kit . 1-mlti
u.wui It-'l Uf i'iii;ii'iuW"J itl lintroiiiiL' iintliii
1 imiu i iv
nitil W'p tiiV inar tha'ini '"ii 3 In tie n an im-
mriii'st a number of aitii.Itja wnii-h couie imt umler tli
liuati uf . '
nt rurn I'or Lrowy, (irnvtl, Ac. : Tltcy use good for uo
lluiii, nilJ ctniCtKMi'ii t trull tlit unwary ;
Tln'ir invent iri never thought of rnriiur such di till
thm Hrtirtf hm1 iloii it. A jwirtituki Mud) of the yarn
phlil in furiKHlv iieittnt.
Ageiilt, uml nil wlm pf tlie nr1iMr nre
inrstuitouslv. I'm np iu !) cai. bottles, at Si I li oa. Ao a
rl ,-ueli i!a lure, r iiol.ui'g u or. more than two small l't
II. s. Louis oul ..'d ptet iui'sml um. Ku ry Doliltf lata
Vailf Iiii's Veseuibie l.llt,onlll.tle Mizlure,'' blowu U'l
the iilast. tlie written sisuiitare ol -l! I'. Vullf bu" on His
diiecuoiii, and "U. c. Vaiuslm, Buflsl ," ani-.l on tha
cek. None other lire aeiuune.-- IVeiretl by lr. l, C.
Vaiichn, mi l s .Id ut tlie I'mieiH ortiee, Dn7 fcdii street,
lltillalo, at wholesale uud retail No ntlenlioji g vuli lo lei.
ters miles, nosl iMiito nleis l.a ri'Sidsrly roiMlilHted
Agents, p-.t M..u ietters, oi vorl.1) eoiuuuinica.
Ii .us s tlieiliiiu' ailvlee, pr .i.i,iliy tl"li'l"i loyrslls.
I llli.-es devoted r, llllV. l-I ' t '
m NasMu si. New I e l;xf-rJiue.n.Mass.i
and by tba priiwiiwl lnitf(ii-i tlirounwui His I uiindSiaiea
ami t'ali'tiUi. as ArlcuU. ' .
I 1st of Asenls tl rs o AVV'lelwIe Aeenl rtilladel.
pbiH-J. W. fnliiar. fMii.Uuiy lsne Oculien , sk luifcrnvs
f Wyrth. l7 it".ii:-ll ! Mdtoa llsyes
A xi.'ciwiuiek, .M,i:isv.lls Miss M. t oy, Ntrll.urnS.
land .
Ap il 1, t'lf T