Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 14, 1848, Image 4

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Scrofula or King' Evil, Rheumatism, Obetinat Cutaneou
jc.nipt.osn, i-impic. w I iuini vn niw owimi
Biles, CTifonic Bore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter,
Bold Band, Enlargement and Pain of tha
Bjnes and Joints, Btulibom Ulcer, Sypai
' I littc Symptom. Sciatica or Lumbago,
diseases arising from an injudt- ,
t'.'- i -: mem me of Mueury, Drop
, -t . ! ay, Exposure or Imprn- ., '
.!'-r ( dence In lifa; alao,
'j Chronic Onati. ' ' '
. i ';' tmionalDie- ' ;
, r, ' ; order. " 1
In Ibia medlehie trvcral innocent bat very potent article
of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming compound
entirely different in ita diameter ana properties from any
other preparation, and enrivnlled in ita operation on the
system when laboring tinder diaenae. It should be in the
hands of every pcreon, who, by business, or general courae
of life, ia predisposed to the verv many ailimeute that ren
der Hie a curao, inatcad of a bleaaing, and ao often reautt in
.. dsaia.
iii TJrolrc'a Panned la recommended a a certain remeily
Not one instance of ita failure baa ever occurred when free-
ly used ! It curt the disease and at the aame time imparta
- vigor to the whole ystcm. 8croful.niss))crs ma can never
mv too much attention to the atate of their blood. Ita pu
rification should be their first aim for perscveitiiic will
accomplish a cure ol vei hehf.ditabt disease.
' fctirw, Heirbmle Affcctlona, Tumnra, White Swelling,
Knaipelm, lTlcra, Cnncers, Running Sores, Scuta and
lilies, Pr. Drake's Tarawa conn'it bo too highly extolled i
it starches out tha very root of the disease, and permanent.
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
gives so much tone to ttie stomach and emiaea tha acere
' li"n u'l heuitliy gastric-juice lo decompose the foud as Dr.
Drake.' l'anar ak ..
T)r. Drake's Paiinena Is used with (lie greatest nieces' in
, tthenmatie Complaint, especially such as chronic. It curia
by driving nut alt impurities and fonl humours which have
-accumulated in the system, which are flic rouse of Rheu
matism, Gout, and Swellings of the jcinla. Other reineuica
sometimes give temporary relief; this entirely erutlicntee
the disease from the ) stein, even wlicn the limbs and bunes
ore dreadfully swollen.
CoNSfUPTios ct Bit cm ao. Coughs. Catarrh,
. cli
i peel mu. n. Hcc'.ic t lush, Night Sweats, Pain m the side
. &c. have been cured, nml onn be with os much cciiiiiuty as
in vniu until the dibcovenr of Dr. Droke'a Paiiacea. It is
mild and safe but certtiin and eiticalious in ita operation,
nnd cannot poanibly injure the moat delicate eonstlttiti1 n.
AVe would earnestly rec-.immeud those anlictetl to give it a
trial and we believe they will not have occasion to regret
it. The system is demised and strengthened, the ulcers on
.the lungs are heule.1, and the pntienls grndiuilfy tegain their
usual ucrnia win sirvngiu. iveau uia luuuwuig ;
;; TES11M0NV.
Phil a.. Dee. llth, tSI7.
. DEiK Si : III reply to your question rcanccting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say, that although a perfect
'disbeliever in Uio existence of a Pasucba, or cure lor all
diseases, however valuublc it may be in certain eomiitiona
of the system, still 1 have believed that a cure foi Cntnmuip
tion would be discjvered n joner or later, and cunositv led
me to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
Fclmoxauy coXHUMl'TioN, and abniiiloned by them as n
cusable. Cue of lite persona liad been under the treat
ment of several very uhlo practitioners lor a number of
yeera, and they uiJ she bud "..Id fashi-med Ccimiuinpti'm
Combine with Scrofula," and tliat she might linger for soma
time, but could u t lie pornwnently relieved, in both cases
the effect of the Punacea has been most gratifying. Onlv
four or five buttles wero used by one of the persons before
she began to improve rapidly. The other look ub.iut ten.
I will only add that fuuuliur as 1 em vr'uh consumption by
inheritance and by extensive observation ae a studv, and
knowing als? Uie injurious cifects in nine cases oul of ten
of tar, boneaet, end other vegetable touica, as welt as of
acquainled wita the iugieiliuils. eViiliee it to any tlint these
are tecoinmeiiiiej by our moH M.piar end scientific phyri
Cians, and in their present combined slate, form probably
the best alterative ttiut has ever beeu mude. The cure is
in accordance with a theory of Coimuinpiion broached in
Kmucc a few ycara ag., ly cue of her ra ivt eminent wri
ters on medicine, a;U luw eMahlikhed by facts which ad
mit of no di.'puie.
Very Rcspcclfiilly Yours, L. C. CUNN.
To use the luiu-c of another, Dr. Drnke'a Panacea in
elwavs Kilutary in its cireei never itiiiirious. Ii is not aa
Opiate it ia n it and Expectorant . It is on intended to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. It is a greut remedy a
grand healing and curative c 'iiipcmnd, the great and only
remedy which medical science ami skill has yet produced
ftV the treatment of this hithcrt i uncoiKuered makuly. And
no peram afflicted wiUi this dread disease, will be )ust to
himaclf and his friends, it he go down to the grave with' ait
testing its virtues. A aingle b itlle, in ny at cases, will pro
duce a favorublc cliange iu Uic condition of any patient,
however low."
I of rule complexion and eonaumntive habits, and
anch aa are dol.iliutcd br those oUtrucriona which females
aie liable to, are restored bv the use ol' a bottle or two, to
bloom vigor. It is by far the best remedy ever discovered
for weakly children, and such as have bad bumora ; being
pleasant, they take it. It immediately restores the appetite,
atrengiii and color.
Nothing can be more surprising tluui ita uivig'iratiiie; ef
fects on the human frame. Pers ais, all weakness and las
situde before takinir It, at once become robust and full of
cnereynuder Us influence. It immediate counteracts tha
uerve Icmucm of the female fruiue.
CAUTION. Be careful nnd tee that yoa get tbe genu
ine Dr. Dra Kit's Panauka il lus tbe signature of Gzo. I'.
ProHaa on the wrapper and also the nam "Da. l)HASr's
Pakacia, Putr.A." bl iwu in the ghias.
Prepared only bv Sronua i. Co., Druggist, No. 41 North
tfixlh 8t., Philadelphia.
Agent for Sunbnry H. MAfiSER.
&ld alao by V. A. Mcurak Co., Danville H.Siiazv
ra, Miiton; Ma&t WcCot, Nwihumherlaod j E. P.Lciz,
Illxiniibuig. i . . -:
April 1, ff-18 ly
St'sil and Letter-Copying PreRses, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerator, Water Fil
lers, Patent Portable Water Clr
'gets, jnlwided for the Kick
and Infirm. .
76 fimlh Third Street,
Manufucture and keep constant
iv on band, large assortment of
tlieab n'e anicles, together with
building. . The ouuide easea i
these Bal es are made of boiler iron, tlie inside eaaeai" soap
stone, and between tbe outur cuse and inner case ia a apace
of sonw three inches thick, and is filled in with iudeeu-ue-tihfe
material, ao as to make it an impnesibility lu bura any
of die contents inside of this Cheat. TImsm B patmie bae
lanianders we are prepared and do cliatlenge the world to
produce any article in tbe aliie of Book Bvfea tint will
stand as much hetd, and we hold ourselves ready at all
timea to have them fairly tested by public boufiro. AV
also emit inae to manufacture a birge and general asjirt
nunl ufonr lVemium Alr4ight Fire Proof Safes of which
thers aee over HU0 now in use, and ui every instuuee Uiey
bav given entiia aarirl'action to the purcluiaera ef which
we was refer the public tu a few gcnUeraeu who have
them In as. - '
llayvrood ; fuvder. Pottoville; loaeph 0. Lawtou
P.ntsville Mr. William Carr, Doylentowu, Pa.
K. A tl V.-L 'i t . A .'.i..K. A. V...U-I
. . i. . "".. " !, --'..w.
v ine at. wharf; Alexnnder Caror, Cnmreyuuoer, ouriiex of
Filbert and nth sts.; John M. Ford, 3-J north 3d st.i Myers
Ruab, en north 8Jet.: Jamea M.Paul. 101 amth 4th at.i
Dr. David Jayne, ft south 3d at.) Mathew T. Miller, !K)
aoulh nd St.; awl wa e Mild nam aaiia hundreds of othera
II it weveneoeewrv. Nnv wa invite the attention of the
Cublie, and paniealarly thoae la waid of Fire Proof Safe,
i can at raw tor before purchasing else where, and w
asm satisfy then they will get a batter and cheaper article
at (jot suae than at any olber establishment in Ilia eity.
W ases manulacture tbe onlinarv Fira Proof Chaala. a
at vary low prices, cheaper than tbey ojui be naught at any
sua avra ui roiauwilMiui.
,y t , i ,n 1 v . JOHANNES WATSON.
PblsAdelpliia, ApriJ 8, tMly
.' (acorffe f. Weaver, v
Bora KxucsB shxf oxxanplxxz.
iVo. 19 Water Stntt 4 No. 1 1 North Whareei
. .. Philadelphia.. .
"IT VA8 eonetantly o hand,, a general aaaoru
Mtnent of Coniege, Bern Twinaa, txe., via;
Rope, Filing Hope. While Hop, Mosul
h Kopaai. ToW Line tor Canal Boata. Alao.
eomplat aa.irttneiit of Seine Twine. Ac, acb as
Heap 81id and Herring Twine. Bool Patent UiU
Net Twine, Oefttoa Wiad and Her.lng Twine, 8bnr
I nreade, ate. tL. Aub. Bad Cord. PLnuah Liuaa.
HalUMsTraaaa, Oottoa and !.hin Cirpet Chains,
at which e win diapooa) of on reasonable
fcV rSiritti B" f M U "w latent luipnj-eii tSisiinaiiiier
l'fWflfr-H"'- FIBE-PHOOr' ISA FES, which
I ''jefTTeg rr -."'t are so oaiwrueted aa to set at rest
Ebiffiv i!ivi-?P all aauiner of d.Hibt aa to their
rala2J&2j lieiiig strictly fire-proof, and lliat
Us'.i2A VPLen thev will resist the lira of aur
" rlt .- ... .
tab, JariM,1MtV.l: v I
u A' -i ' ; - i 1
...-.-, I ;:. I J -' .'.'
KShii,htd 18 veer are. hi Dr. KINKELIN.
Th oMeai, ureal ami l! hand 4 euro all fotma
of eeer. I dire, d iee oi tne win ana ,
Miliary htbhi of jronih, f
DR. KINKElilN,',
AT. tV. enmer ofZdanJ Vnion tt.,UmSpruct
a. - v. a A it aPu&MaaieaaaB v
and Pine. It Muuru i-ram mm 4v.'S
,11. ''CroW;
.11.. msi bnnatai ta) ' WTiO, mm
MltiMiion and iwiWIriyijlor Jj .
H who plaM invH omwr tn '" "
ttaatmentk y rfUgtooaly rfi(lM In hr hottof
gen leman, b.I hi ho bo Will m tettwt
.. To man think th will bg ih l itwir
earn hetrlav rtd rnt ibemoeW-av- Ah! how of
ten to thia faUl delnel.. nei nw monr pro
k -i.Si h.e been an oma.
raising you. g "". -- "- - , .
meat to octeiy. naa i.o.u ....... .... .a,
finding it Inconvenient 16 make pe.eonal applica-1
ilon. ran. bv elating their eaae eiplieitly, toge'her I
withilltheiraymploma. (perl. tier. poat-paid.) have I
forwarded to them cheat eoniainir.f Or. K'e Die-
ilieinea eppropriated aecorilinglv. -
Package nf Medicine forwarded to ny part ol
the United Blate at mnmenl a nonce.
n- Poaf earn tiTTue. ildreaaed lo Dr. Kt
KtLiit. Philadelpbla, will be promptly ((tended 10
OC. 30ih. 1847. ly
No 19S Chcsnut Street,
South East Corner of Eighth it , Philadtlphla.
PORTRAITS Irom the smallest breat ln lo
the lamest iie. lnBlv or in groups. The
Pioprietor ere warranted in dying, that their
work baa gain. d reputation eeconu to none in
the world. Extracta from Ihe Preae t
Life-like in ihe expression, tbaatlt correct in
lh ahiiiine. IfAptr.
The ait ha arriveJ el gieut perfeciion, and
none nndoraland it lietlcr Iban Mctlee & Uer
mon." Ballt more. hit.
"Admirable! nothing cm exceed their exquiatte
delicacy." U. S Gazette.
Extiact from the report of the Judge, at the let
fair of iheFnnklin Inatitute Daguerreotypes
in t'tia department there are anme very excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and Ihe Juilgre think
thry are a prngreasive improvement in thia branch
nf the art They have not r commended n
ward in fivor of any of the rnmpeiiioi. but if
! lo rank as frit in order, ihe collection of
McUl.EF.S & GERMON, aa containing the far
grsf mi'iioer nf mperior tptci mens."
I bilidelphiu, Feb 19, 1818. Gin
AN extensive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, for ale by
Km. 35 "" anrf 33 ARCADE, anil 8J JVorA
...... THIRD Strett, ,
C. mp ising SOOO dozen renknivra, Scinora and
..,.! Hxtore.
Also, choice eaaoilment of Roilgera At Son,
Woaicnholtn'e, Ureavca', W, & 8. Bulchei land
Fenney a t-utlery.
Also, Spanish. Diik nd Hunting Knivee.
AIo, Guns, I'idi.le, an I Bowi Knive.
Ala-, Hit American Kaznr Strop, a aupcrwi
arliclo, woty Ihe attention nf Dealer
Cahii Dealers in Cutleiy, will find the a'nove
Stork woithy their attention, as the 8ui.criln r"
chief bti8 ne la imMriing and selling cutliiy.
I'hil .d. ll his, June 10th. 1848 ly.
Coinmission nnd Forwarding
iV.i 48 Commerce Strett Wharf BALTIMORE.
Will receive and fell all kinc! ol Country Pro
iluci Flotir, Grain, &c.
N. R. Particular attention given to the tale
of Lumber. And cash advance mad on con
signments, when required.
April 1, 1818. 4m "
John W. Friling,
RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend and
customer, that he be just received and
opened a splendid asiortment of GOODS, coiiaio
l ins of
Groceries, Ilardwre, Queensware, tec.
The public era invited to call und examine for
Sunbury, May 8, 1848 If
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddine,
Rheumatism, Pile,
Dyspep is, Scuivv,
f mill I'ot. Jaundice,
Pain in the Back,
Meaalea, Salt Rheum,
Hesit Barn. Worm,
("holer Morbu.
Cough, Quinsey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fit,
Inward Wekneas,
Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Threat, Eriaipelaa, Deafness,
Dropsy, Aelhma, Iicbinga of Ihe 8k in,
Fever of all kinds, . CoMa, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaint, Ncrvnu CompUint,
ranw iMpuntTiaa or ma aioon, aa oa.
TiccTiosa ia th oroav ot m .
. IUTI9II, '
F.iperienra ha proved that nearly every Dis
ease originate fiom Impmitiea of the Blood or de
rangements of ihe Digest ie Organ ; and to ecure
riennn, we must remove tlinae ob-truction or re-
atore tha lllood lo ii natural Hate.
The averainn to III-in a metlielna a most erTee.
tually removed hy CucKBta'a Var.Taia Pea
oativi Put, being tnmpltttly tnetlnptd wilh a
eooiff of pure white Sugar, (which I distinct
from the internal ingredient a a out ahell from
Hie kernel) abb Bavb aa tti or atniciaa,
But ate as easily wllowJ a bite of candv.
Moreover they neither nauiente or gripe in the
alighieat degree, hul opeiale equally an all "he die
eaaed parte of the rem, inaletd of confining
them.elve to, and racking nv particular region
Thus, if tl a Liver be affected, one ingiedient will
oprrate on tht particular organ, and, by clecnsing
il of n Eieea of Bile restore il to ita natoral
lite. Another will operate en the B'ond. and
remove all Impolitic" In lie circulation; while
Ibiid will effectually einel whatever impurities
may ne neen uiscnsrgeo tni ins etomseri, and
hence ihey rratca it tii boot er Biaata, re
move all Impure Homora fr.nn the bmlyt op-n
tha porea egiernally and inieroallt t separate all
fore g n and obi oitou particle rrom the chyle, so
tht tb blood may he tborouih'y pan tha ecu-
ring a fiee and beahky action la tbe Heart. Lunge
nd Liveit and laereby ibey agerwan aatLn a-
vb waia aii erata miab av ? tuia
Tha entire truih of iba above caa ha aoeiUined'
by the trial of a aingl bog t d their (inuea are
e positive and certain la rss'armg neaiia. inal
tb prapiialo biotle binaeelf Uv return I ha tanney
Pid for thsra ta all casa where Ibey do pot l
univeraataatla'actloa.,, , , . . ., .
: Retail Price. S5 ct. pr Box.
.Ttiotip.1 office No. M Vreey eU N. Vo.iu
, r sow bf JOHN YmNU, "onlrqry,
';M. A. MeCAT.NurihotalilMii
CCj Wemambai Dr.O. V Clickener ia the In
ventor ofthe Sugar Coated Pr, anal bat nolh'ag
of the awl waa eve iManJ ,4 Bsu c inltoeuerd
luena In June, 1843. Futchaaaia akould. therefore
always ah for Click f's Hyg.r Coated Pdai, and
uka no otbsrt, at tbey will aeasaa tee victim of
isaMs.-U-t IMT.--,yww
cd u 5r 5cs1 xx2 oa sir "Q1
T ha nower to eanM all immit 80HES
OISONOUS WOUNIIH to diachatga their p9
(lit analtara. n1 Aen hrili tharn.
It ItrkhW iTIMd All-npalifii, lor lbrt la aea re-
It diaea" ei nl or uiMmM. thai it will not
benefit. I Dive ajaMi H aur tntl l-Bt lourieen veara
for all rliei of lb ebeat, ennaarnptlon and liter,
Involving the ajimort i0f . and ':npOMibim.
eeaven ai d man, tnit not m
fciUtJ tn tanerV whan the pt
rraeh nf fiamtkl tneana.
t haen bail nkealelanii. Ien A In thai brnfiaaalon,
I have had oimlwere of the upa, i01' 'n
enoh, aMrvmerf . law tees, tenilemrn or tne biin
et raillilnn. and mutlliudre of ihe poor ae rt in
awn vtiiely.of way, tml there haa been bat one
voice n g. Html voiee .aivlni i M Alliai
vonr Clintmprtl i" uonu." .-,
In Kcrofu'e. Old Bmea. Ervaepelaa, Teller Li-
ar Comptaini, 8ore Eye. Qiilny, Sore Throat,
a t jr. n i. cb T . nil 1 1 fl .
oronenma, oroaep or oore Dre.H i . ......
Disease, aaeh ia Aa'hma. Oppreaaione, Pal
h t.i-. r.i..0.-.l M... . Tm,.r.. r.bil
Uren tJulMeoua EruptioM. Nervoua Di.e-e,
uid of Ihe Spine, ibere ta no medicine now known
as go-xJ.
BIJAI.D HED W hive cured eaaee that
actually ileAeil every thing known, ee well a the
ability of IB or SO doctore. Une man told as be
bad tpenl 300 on hi rh ldien without any bene-
Ol. when a few bojea nf Ointment rur.d Ibem,
BALDNESS It will restore the hair eoonrr
than any other ihtag. .
HEADAUHE I he ealve hi cored prison"
nf ihe headache of It jeor-.' standing, tml who
had h every week, ao that vomiting nfien
look place. 'DiarRxia, Ear Acne, ami Ann in
TRk Fack, are cared by ihi Ointment with Ilk
RURN!. Ii ia one of the beet thing in tl
wotld for funis. (Keed tbe direction eround the
bot 1
RHEUMATISM. It remove almost immeiti
airly ihe inflmtion ewrlling when Ihe piin
cei-ee. (Kel the Direction around the Box.)
COI.D FEE f. Oonsu miii ion. Liver Uom
I'laint, Pain in tbe chest or aiile, falling off nf ih
hulr. onn or the other alway ercnmpaiiie col
feet. fThia Ointment la the true remedy.) It ia
a ru e nun of iliseaae lo nave cold leei.
TETTER. There i nothing belter for Ihe
cure of Teller.
PILES. Thousand ate yearly cared by this
(,'ORNS. Occneionnl use of ihe Ointment will
slwivs keep Co r from growing. Peoplo need
never be troubled with ihem il thev wi'l ue I',
Head Iht fotl'itoing Communication.
R. ceivcil Imm n o'd. rei'pec ed nJ well known
riiixen ol 1'hi'sJalphi. end then judge for ynui-t-lfs
Philadelpbia. 10 mn 13th, 1846.
To T. R. Pciersoit, Having brrn reque'ted
to give my opinion on the merits nf M'ALLIS
TER'el SALVE, I am willing to enumerate aome
nf ihe lum fit which I have expetienced in ihe use
of Ihe article.
In tbe apring of 1846, I had an attack of Ery
ifiela in my f-ice which become very painful, and
extendrd into one i f my eyes, l-eing attended with
fever, inv diatree wa great and I began to be fear
ful of loaii g my eye.
Although not much of t believer in what i
commonly call.d quack medicine. I purchased t
box anil made an appllraiinn to my face. I n my
I ui prise the pain soon ah .ted, and in a we. k'e time
it waa ent rely cured, and I firmly believe that it
e the siil, under Providence thai cueil me.
From thai time In the pres. nt. I have used the
article a occasion required. nd ! every ce wheie
I hive u-e.l it, I have found a decided hrtieRt
At ore time, n going lob-.l at night, my ihmai
ws so ac re hit I swa lowed with ilifficuny. hut
by an application of the .a've I wa r ilntved Icfoie
niorni g.
I have u.d it in ease of bnrn. bruler sprains,
ami fit ah rule, a'l wilh the bsppie-l erTecif, ai d
one ease of .oieoning by wild vine in the wooile,
tl'IS tli'cn liricn up 4iiu i-ii'W tT m c e.
From my own eipeiience, I would tmngly re
commend it lo all, aa a cheap, conveniei.t, family
medi ine
I h..e become an partial In it, that I expect to
keep il ron-tatn'y in my family.
I bugh not aml'ilioii In apiear in print, yet I
cannot r-fil-e In have Ibia tumni'ii ii ion made
ill lio if jnilgeJ be t to serve ihe c-u of humaui
y, Keapeciluliy 'bine.
W M AD A Ma,
No. 26, Old Vork Ko.d.
Unii i m.v-n.i uintmeni win he genuine Ihe nam of James M AHiater, or Jame
M'Alliater ot Co.. are written with a pen on eve
ry label, JAM El M Al.l.lfi lEH.
riole proprietor nf ine e medicine.
AetT : J. W. FRII.INfJ. 8iini.Urv.
FOU8VTH. WII.80N & Co..
Dr WM M rW'KI.EY. Danville,
J. (1. I KOUSE Hehnsaiove,
P C KHM.I E It. I. wiburg.
v M V. NAfSI.R. Milton,
JOHN 8IIAIfrLES8, Catlawiraa
feb. 10th, IS48. eowl
I'tBI.E CtMPOUD. for tie eu-e .,1
Ac. This Medicine i offered lo the public under
the ateuranre thai there ie no article in egiatence
having atronger claim 10 their ennsideiation. Be.
ing eompnuride.1 hy e regultr Graduate of J. Her
(on College, Philadrlph , and practiaing physi
cian nf twenty yeara atindii'f in Philadelphia, hie
long rxpi rience has confirmed him In the opinion
tbnl a compound medicine was required to prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr duod hy residing
in low, pna-niatic climate, ami lo eounieMcl the
pio tratmg influence of mny nervoua disorders
ith which tha human f-unily are afflicie.l.
DR. ALLEN ia a well known i bM-n, and
baa nse.1 the abave meilicine in his practice for 8
year writ tbe most astonishing effect, having tes
ted It qualuiea in aboe
No meilti ine rver leet ived more flanering re
commendation from phy.iciana of eminent tmd
ipg th.ui baa bien bestowed on this.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prf.-r.
tor .y: "Ii chiefly anaes in ison who le'
either avvty rdeniey or ii regular life. Althoiiuh
not regariled aa e dieexee yet if neglect, d or
impmpeilv treared, may bring on ii curable Mr.
Ian. holy, Jaundice, Madtie, or TeiUgo, Ply
nd AiKipleiy. A gr at aingulariiy altendanl on
it is, that 11 may "d often doee continue a great
length of lime without any remission of the symp
CAl'SB. Grief and uneasinrsa nf m'lol, in'
tenia study, piofuse evacuaiinn, iee io venerv
rice-aive use of spiriiuou liquors, e, tobacco, o-
pium, and other narcotic, immoderate renlelinn
over distention of Ihe stamach, deficiency of tbe
aecrei inn or IDr l ite or g.wric juice, eipoaui to
uui sou asmp air. era tna chief cause of ii die-
ease. . . .
SYMPTOMS. Loss of noetite. nauaaa. neart.
bum, sci liiy, and fostid arueuiiona, gnawing of
.ie eio.nac.1 sura eippij, uueaailiess In IBS tliro.l,
pai l in Ihe aula, cost.ten.aa, rhillmes, l.nguor.
osines 14 spirits, p iipuaiiona, and . diaiurbed
TABLE COMPOUND he never failed in ".
ding immediate relief, tod a udieal can for ihi
Uiaceae. . it'i
07 1 ' Medicine een be bad of H. B Mei-er,
Biilifuryt J. V. M.itm. Poll Villa . Mad .r
Bickel, Orwlgihtirg J aau of Druggist gener ally.
, ' - AM.BN k WAHU. Fropristora.
Phihvlelphia, Nov. 87. 47. ee. ly
f IiHE nbsrriher arenared la receive aad ae
JL commndat lew transient or permanent
a-vratrt, at ner reiiaenca la .Bunourv. l b lu
cation it in a handsome and pleasant part of the
town, commanding a One view ef tbe Sutaubau
aa. Northumberland aad Ihe erenery adjacent.
r o pereone wore ine cut, who wish lo spend
few aoonthe during ihe aatnaaer aeaaon, Bun bury
or 1 L.A.t . . -
euurcr a rviraei.
pxill. IMI.eav o
... t , :.'.(-. ..1 1 ' .1
The following tha) ahow the earrent value of ell
'ennevlvini Bank Note. The moat implicit re
liance may N placed upon It. H iageer toee
arrfnlly enmired with d corrected from Birfe-
neH'a ReTMwtee. . 1
narnlia la PbUadelpbtA. ,
NajV j -,. : . , ; Irf)CTfoaj, , -.
Uieo. ta
Bank of North America .. i
Bank pf the Northern Libert) . .
Commercial Bank of Perm'.
Fartnera' end Mechanic' Dank i . . '
Kenaiiurton Bank ' ' ' i ' ,
Philadelphia Btnk' p'v.', i ,
Srbaylkin Bank - .' . i.n
Southwtrk Bank . -& - . ,
Weeiern Bank ' "V. ' ' . . ... . ... !
felllll, Rank - - v v - -u -
: pat
ManafaetrrrerV eV Meehanlr' Bunk "
flank of Penn Townhlp ,
Mirar.1 Bank ' '
Rank nf Commerce, late Moyamenaing
Bank of Pennsylvania . . .
Country Bank.
Bank of H heater County1 Weatcheeier
Hank of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doyleetown Bank
Easion Bank
Farmem' Bank of Buck ro BrMol
Bank of Nnrthomheiland "Vorthnmherland pr
Columbia Bank eV rtridge eo.Columhi
Fermer' Bank of Lanraater Lneatet
Lancaster finonty Bunk
Lanraater Bank
Fermere' Bank of Reading
Office nf Rank of Penn'a.
Office do do
OfTiee do do .
Office do do
nt,k of the United States
Miner' Rank of Potleville
Bank of Lewlatnwn
Hank of Middlntown .
Carlisle Rank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
llnrrishurg Bank
Lebanon Dank
I.ancetter p-r
Laneaetar ptt
R.-ailing par
HarrialiuiO Thee
, Lancaster I office
Reading f do not
Eaatnn J issue n.
) I SCO 0 NT.
Philadelphia 17
' Potisvillo par
Lewistnwn failed
Midtlletown 1
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg 1
Hnllidavatiorg I
Harriaburg I
Lebanon pur
; PitlliOrg 1
Piltsbutg 1
Willmmspnrl 1
Wilkesharra I (
Allenlown no sale
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chamberaburg 1
Gettysburg 1
Montroa 2J
Erie 3i
Wsyneahurg 2
Waahington Ii
Brown ille I
York 1
Dank of Pitlaburg
West Branch B mk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berk County Bank
Office of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamherahorg
Brink ol' Geltyahorg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bunk
Farmer' cV Drovers Bank
Franklin Bank
Hotiradale Bank
Moiiongahela Batik of B.
iik Hank
N. B. T he notee nf thoae banks on which wa
imit quotation, and ulwiittit a daah ( ) ara not
jiurchased hy the Fhllatlelphia brokers, with tna
exception nf lhe which have a letter of n ference.
I A N K 8.
Philadelphia railed
do fniled
do f.iiled
Dyotl, prop.) failed
Heilfurd no sale
Reiver clweil
Harriaburg rinsed
Wa-hington failed
Delb finite rl'iseil
Piti.buig no ale
Pittsburg failed
r ayutla co. failed
(irenncaatle failed
Harmony 110 sale
Huntingdon nil sale
Lewi-down noa.ile
Warren failed
DundafT no eile
New Hope
Milion ' no ale
Meadaille closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose cloved
Uniontnwn failed
OreenslHirg cI.mciI
Wilkeabarn- noaale
Pliilailelphia 8av. Ine.
hilailelphla Loan Co.
S hu Ik ill 8av. Ina.
KeiiKinginn 8av. In. A
Penn Township Suv. In.
Manual Labor U in ( I'. W
rVwatidri Dank
llegbany U.ok of Pa.
Il..iik of Heaver
U.nik ol Swatara .
Hank nf Washington
Omre Bank
Oily Bunk
Farmer At Mech'c' Bunk
runiiera at tvierirc nang
Kariiiera'A. Mech'ca' Bank
Ha.mony Institute
lluntingilor. Bank
Jtniinta Dank
.Sorlherri Lank of Pa.
New Hoie l). l. Bridge Co.
Noillitimb'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
I'a. Agr. tc Mannf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Pcnti'a.
V esimoielan.l Bank
Witkeaharre Bridge Co.
try- All notes puriorting to he on any Pennxvl
snia Bank nnl given in the above tit, may be set
town as irsuoa.
Unnk of New Biunawick
Penh Amboy
Mount Holly
Irlvideie Bank
llurlinglon Co, Bank
TJnmmercial Bank
Jumberl.ind Bank
?armer' Bank
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
farmers' and Mechanic' Bk N. Biunawick failed
Farmers' and Merchant1 Bk Middletown Pi. 1
r rank tin unnt 01 n. J. Jersey City
no sale
no ale
iimaiaen ung at uiaung t'o rtoboken
lersey City Bank Jcr. y Citv
Mechanic' Bank Patterson
Mauiifaclurira' Bank Belleville
Morri County Bank Morrutown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freeh Jd
M. cbanira' Bank Newark
Mrchanica' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Poet Notes
Newark Bkg cV Ina Co Newerk
New Ho Del Bridge Co LambeiUvill
N. J. Manufac and Bkg Co Hohoken
N J Proirclon cV lomlard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
I'aierMMl Bank Paler son
Peoplee Hank do '
Pnuceion Bank ' ' Princeton 1
Salem Banking Co Salem
mate Bank Newark '
State Bank Etizabethtown
Slate Bank Camden
Shu Bank of Morrta Morriatown
Sute Bank Trenton
Salem and Philsd Manuf Co Salem
Susaex Bank Newton
Trenion Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Waahington Banking Co. Hackenaack
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmiiigton
Bank of Smyni Smyrna
Do branch Millord
Farmer' Bk of Stale of Del Dover
Do branch . Wilmington
' Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bmk Wilmington
(T Under 6'
fail. J
fX On all banka msikrd tboa f ) Ibere are ee.
Iber counterfeit or altared notee of iba vsrmua d
nnminatinna, in rinuilaiion. ,
Time and Distance Saved I
FIIHE iibcribr having leased the Sunbury
X Ferry, beg leave to inform Ihe public, Ibat
Ibey are prepared to convey Team, Plraaur
Carriage and Foot passenger aero the rtr
with safely and without delay, Tbey have, pro
vided themselves with new end rnintnodmu
craft, wbieh will alwaya be attended with able
and careful hands. 1 11
Pei ton travelling ta aad from and tbrongh
Sunbury to New Berlin. Lewitburg. Hrtleton
and other place, will Mad il greatly to their ad
vantage o erase at thia Ferry instead of lb
Bridges, a tbey would live from two lo four
milee ia distance. JOHN SPEF.CE.
Bonbory, April I. lt4h
o. DmmnziT.
, o- -": No. 40. .' . ,
Sovth FoTa Sraerr. AanvaCiiaaTBirr.
i -Tin ernPTiTvrsTiTrc
lip jq. S3JG3 aa.
THI M dielne I wnrrsnt.rl, on oath. nM to
Contain a panicle of Cal.'rttel.C.irr.'elv Rub
limete, Arsenic, Chloride of Oold, or ny del. lo;
rona minwala ' w -
Tbe principle upon which ihi Medicine icU. H
he aaaieting end hsrmemMof with ntnre l
i.Hv out ell foul rnmmiM tiarnnr r.m tbe
blond and hlt. .ul hy slnrleln with anil
Irenglheriiiig ihe gxatrio Juice or theolornaen, It
isai.t digea ion t In a'.orl there ia not a vein
rt, mnecle or nerve in the hitman hd, thai t
not Mtenihenl by the PANAt'R A. and R lr
noeaeeae the remarkable property Of removing
mercury from Ihe hones ami Joint. 1 i " j
, ; ., I , . . (
Scjrv, 8corb'lt ArTeetione, Tnmora. ftrt.d'ola Or
Kinea' El . White Kwellings. Ergelnelaa. Uleer.
Canoe.e. Hunnim Sore. Means end Bl'ea "ilme
ml a il.tern.ln.d iraeeroee in D ; SWEET
8ER'8 PANACEA, will effect a cu.e.
Reji-cllnn nf fund. Nuea. Vemillng. Nervou f
bell. ma, P.itlMm-i mnipilnt. Hed e. Pa'en. aa,
or F male Ir-egnlariliee. D'. BWEETSEIl'S PA
NACEA will enon eft. et a fnre nut 11 oiJtinte.
or etlemleil wilh flying pain. Ihe dose
ahnold he inceaeeil. and the care will onn be ef-
feeled. It not the patient frignten ihemelv
wiih the idea that they ere too we k to take much
meili ine; but bear in mind ihet Ihi mi'.Hy npe-a-tine
mil cine nut not w. akn-a into the frame, hot
mot l certainly draw weakn- out,, leave strength
in ii place, nd bv giving comiO'ed 'ep i nig t.
and n ppetiietn relish anv food, reanimae the
whole frame wi h vigorom eciion, clearing the
mind ami improving tbe light.
Scrofula is did In be hcriditary. th inf mt r.-
erivina from ita irent ihe seeds of ilnadiseaa
which increase with itaeaa. if neglected and
not submit ed lo frequent purine tion with D
8WEET8F.RS PANACEA. Tbe gland ate pla-
ceil in Ihe corner of t'e body, and oul of Ihe way
of direct communication i thiir real u-e i- a subject
on which ii'Ui-h dillereiiCP of opinion prevail; n
anmcea u to know ih it when in a daeaaid slate
they are capa' le of being pur fied and rlensed by
a long cnur-e of Dr. S WKETHER'M PA A A
UEA, which rea'or. them to sound and piope
action. 8croful Oa person can never pav too mui'
attention lo their blood, ila purfi albm should be
their fir't thought, tor nil. r a long courri I p. r-e-
vrrance, tbey will ever cure hrtrilit iry iliaesfe.
SWEKTKER'S PANACEA rannoi he too high
Iv extolled ; it ecaichea nnl the viry tool of Ih
ilis-'ese. and 'V r- m ing il from the Blood makra
a cure eeitain and irmnenl.
F- r ilie .. a ..f ihe Blndiltr and K'dneyt. Stric
lire. Gravel Slnne. Pi fen Fintula Viinnni Ob
ttructinnt and Extreme Cmtiveneu Dr 8WEET.
SEK'S PANC'EA is ihe beat rem-dv ever trel
it remove all lhn-e acrimonious huom 1'r nn th
ltl.wv.1 which give rae to ihe above il-esc. and
bv keeping ihe blood in a pure condition, imuri
linnur tien nf the Blind. Mrrcwiuf Taint W'rnh
nemafthcSpne Flow of Rlnnrl In the lleiul G-d
d new, Si ging and lluzzing No e in the Htitl
und Enri D . "WEBTSER'S IMNXCEA .l
give .ert-iri rel ef ; in all e e i d rl't. n r cae..
the patient en"it be too of n rem tided ih-n lar
grr diurt ."' )f nevrrance " il1.. ff el t cu "'.
I Ch'lhand Ftrt'f B lima F-rer Aflrrt'nn
a f ihe F.iee t.ud Em SpnB)f md Iihr4 "e
Gum' Rr-.neh t $ niiil rreiii' Cough a -d Ciio.,
D- 8VEEIKU's PNt E wdl I. fund
perfectly sure and certriu in it- eirect''.
Tho.e comp aiii'S are geneiallv utietuled wi h
the uioai rnui nn" qiii'KCca. and aie seldom or ne.
vet cured by Ihe pie"nt' of lieatineni ; th. y
u-.i"l-y accompany the poienl t Ihe sr.ive. after
-ufTering the most eicru. iatiug ptin and n.riure.
Th- cauav nf h. ae c iniplaiti a are tbe aime aa :
theia ihe d.u...- ,t the hUtnl encrusted on
ihe fin -sr. 11 umiv ps;ig. s. ur s uuirhid
seeiet On and rt' Pi'Sc. of o ine Y U ill find
he m at p w iful d ur. tic- nf no u.'. a-, tbey onlv
Incr. ae ihe qo.iilny of urine and d not po ify
nd streniith. n th part- Bv purifying Ihe bin. il
with Dr. SWEETKER S PAN CK , .011 re
move ih.r cme I he.lieeiee. ronaequeiit'y it ren
not exist env longer, afi. r iiliHient p--.e.riau e
1.1 it ue ha deprived the bl-od ami body of a'l
ncriiiminou- hnmon and iticruaiatioo.
Th i a er prevalent and fatal iliea-e ; it re
-nl s n.o-ily fr.'in m ule, led rugh,robl and
chdii.. also from im iojM,r Ireaiment in many , er
ca.ea, such ' n.ele, f. vera ) flvnniAii na and
mal pox . ami a h -l i th. r l adlv t'ea'e.l dise.e:
wii y ihTatir. .net ail of hiving t-ei-n 'hormgh
le.oove l ihe blin d and b hIv, have onlv h. en
palHsle.l or r. m ve I from one pi'l 10 breik nut in
another. By dives ing yuur boilie ..l all foul hu
mors, through ihe ined um of Dr. 8WEET."ER'S
PAN ACEA. ihe eiere Is at once rendered crlani
.I'd perinanrrrl It colleci, while there ie nciim
niou humoi fl iog in ihe ci cu ion, it i a a pi
10 eltle on ihe lung, a- any oti ei part of the liody :
this ia Ihe rt'fttou th .1 consumption i so prevalrn1.
Wbi'-h you sc.- 00 the egeri-.r. tome from and
have their amine in, the inl. 'ior. and might just a'
well have -el tied on voui lungs, liver, or any nthin
pait; which we know they frequently d... and pro
'uce nna-t violent mfUiiiuieioiy dnuinlera. The
humor which occasions these eon i of a highly
acrimoni in burning otlu'e We know it fr .m
Ihe pain it giea in lor r ing, and it ra
pidly u rera'iiig and cr ding the flesh and ski'
ol iha ''l wheie 11 beaks nut Tb' ahows ihe
l.ece-ity of feque.'lv puiifying the blond W'll. Di.
SWEF.OEK'S PAN ACKA, end keeping such
malignant hunn ra in SU' j ction. Should you have
h'le or ulcer, he th.iikful tht mui haa tnk' n
rouble t wnrn you 'f the danger youi life ami bo
dy ia in, for ii 1 a warning f at H e blooil i foul
Had this aime acrimony a. I'Crd ihe lung in tea. I
of Ihe anrface nf yui body for He seat, consump
tion of ihe lungs Bug d tuv been ihe'consequen e,
D lay H.4 tien, lo puiily and cleanse with Di
SweetHir' Psnaces.
- 8pi11.1l atTeciioiis, . nlaig. ineiii of the h.v e an.l
joints, while awellmga, hip joint complaint, rup.
Biea, falling of ih bowel and sm diae.e. will
find aepcedyoui in Dr. SWEETER S PA
AT . t, . 11.1 .L : - .
iui Gi. n iisis tne uiaease ha, Uee.i ot l ug
-landing, ihe time required 10 make a cure will i e
longer but the pa' tent may assured that a
determined perseverance will effect iu
The ilias. proceed fiom the aeriosity or
corrupt 11 u mors ni ine rmioo.oavrng tried il-eif 01.
the thr.wi eud lunga. and stopped them a p. ae thai
Ihey cannot draw air in for ceauiraliiiu.
Dr. 8WEET8ER'rt PANACEA will give imme
lute relief, and to make the cure perfect ami ca.
lain, It hnnUI he roni nud com liiu alM, o
Iree lha yim of all bad buraor.
Find fe and .peeily Cure in Or SITE PT
SE H S PA NA CEA. Il eurea l.y aemreluug evert
bl aaj ae el and art. ry, ami driving 0111 all im,.u'
riiie and toul humorg rrumu'aie.l therein, whirl,
a the eauee ,4 ro umatism, g j. and awelling ...
Ih j il.'le. The dc eleenrja effo. t of rebuiiel m
lhe mineral pob-ons, r a Illy y. ld to ila -ove.eig.
nHuenov 1 indes.1, arhjea It val sable prtre be
come fully known. Ih aae -fall aMnee I p .i.on w.
lw eo.igiKl In ih tomb M all Ih Cap .le's.' ao.
only be thought af aa a by -s owe ru-t m f thedar
ker agea. Dr. Hweet-av's Panacea U alao a aur
cure for, rnanveHeas, vertigo, bead
ache, pain ia the breeet ed liver enmplaiut,
Fever I alway eaaea.1 by a diarwgWIy move
meal of ihe a).ad, alruggliog to fee heelf of mmov
Iblng thai aiavumraw it I in fact, aay kind nf
ver i iiotbiBg m-M than druggie betwera tb
blood aaaj eesruat haaiero, ana aa a th ?-
rniit humors are egpefed, yoa htv no more fever
When patient with revrr aobinlt 10 be hied, 01
hve bla blood poisoned lth mercury, it weaken
hi frame in .' h degree thai il be orvve the
nroea-a, it alw aya leave, him aitbjeW 1 1 iliitesig
hille. when V lime .ml of 10 h resorts' lo
pill powilete, pi Ionic mlMurea; IbUia going fr -ra
bad lo worse, these Vegeuhte illl powders. Ate,
sre n thing hat mereurv and qunlne In dbgiila ,
wh'eh mv fn lime r the rlieeaee en far intw
Ihe ro-ly to he iwieeidiWe. hnl er e jn I
will break wit agaia with fearful net To eii.
atne and fever, the rua the'diaeasa mnai be re
moved out of the Woml ntl bmle whir. ei be el
fettMlf drme hy being Dr. SWEBTSER'S P
NACEA. which runftes. cleanses ml atrenglhen
Itront iin nothing thai ran poiMv Injure, audit
use i alwaya a earegnard again.t chill and levers
f : PILEf. "..-"
, In tr. C.rnr Pit, Dr. SWEETRR'!
PANACEA will eff. et a verv spee 'y cure. It e
moves from the blood. lomch and bowels, ell
those fovl serid burning humors which are ihe
eanee ,.f I'ika and Coatisenes-, and by strengthen.
Ina the ilig.ive nrgin, Improve every part of the
entire boil.'
Thee disease c m eil bv ihe -lomacb and
bowels being choked op with viscid l my mailer
Be air which enter th.m e.mnote cpe umil forced
hy ome contraction of th a omach tu eipel it j
nei c 'ne cause of natn. A few dosea nf llr
SWEETSER't PNA''EA will couvm e the
ufierer that relief ie aitained.
Parents will fl d ihe PA V ACE a In ,h'i
medii ine fir ther child en, keepng iheir bodies in
a heal hy c ndrl 11. ihareby a-aiaiing their g 0 h;
children or g-own priaona. sfler taking it. are no
li' Ie to he a't.irked ith .n eile.iie a. before,
it alwava leavre the boul in a pure r.- n-lilion. and
ihe mire ey.iem in strengiheneil stale : it drives
oul a'l kind of we.ikiiri from Ihe b !; sod lea?'
ll heal by wtHon.
Will find Dr. 8 WE TREK'S PANACEA a mclj.
c no purely d ipted to their ne. M -st ladies dn
nng Ihe peri d of pregnancy aie afflicted with pi'c.
Dr. Sweetaer'a Panacea, by regulnling the bowel,
will rntiirly nbvtare ihi. and ila purifying proper
ties on he blood and fluids, insuree lo them heal
thy off pring. No one who i- a mother si. oul I he
without it, and Ihos- who are ntl'sii g will find it
of g ent h n.fll lo the heahh of iher infant.
F"f hiirienne-a and all disease nf the womb, it
ia without a rival in ihe entire hinloiy ami citxlngue
of medicines; hy tin extraordinary t!renilhciiii.g
power, it ktimulatca and atr. ngtheii Ihe womb, a
weakness of which ie the rau-e of failure to have
Ui der lhl bed mav be cI is-m i! Plpiiii -n
thr' Heart, Tc Dolore.m or Fae. Hche. Neuralgia
luil ge ion.T.wthache, Metanrholt , Hvieic. ami
in Incl, ev. ry .1 sea-e can, d bv the ah .rp. biting
acrimonious ho nors Irrdat ng Ihe ; the
nerve tecpive the morbid inipies-ion fmin ihe to.
mach, or ralher from the bl i .,1 ihrougli the agenev
f tne stomach an.l .lice tiv- organ, and lih ngl.
oilier part of the ho ly are app renllv the -cut f
he disease, (till it I. cium'd by the mrli.l imp es
i m conveyed from It blood bv 'h nerve- lo thji
pat. A i-w dove of Dr. 8 WEEP Elt'S A
NACEA ill imn aure the pitienl th-t he ha
he cure in hi posae-aino.
Thi- in ii:fliuimiirv .It 1. ilc. a a
I wit't m r-. r I s. , . , i-,. i c e '
'-nt. cri'.iou o. h.m. imI. .1 fo -h'-
ml e '
1. . ii.
I ...
flu d .
.-.f it i" r ' m n -n ' . ie . C-. a
Heme pun -nl I, ver; all . t pl a"o- - ..1. il.e
f e .e w 1..' tlan .r-el.--, . i'-e' ..n v 1 nil t
tiiro I e dnea e i.. -ouie p-i.t, ,;1 , ,, , ,.
a..'' de IU. Hlee 'in - liketv'.- nnr er. 'I
il.e the ill ee ton 11 u I tt' I rd .f he c u-' ; . n
ly inmate I net ihe I'nil hum out f y nr hi . oil
aid ton will i.h we I in a l.iv. Dr. sWRFP.
ftBH'S 'ANM E. a ih.ron.l, p,.fj., f
1. 1. nil, will a cli .111 ve.y impiintv in th.
remote p r. "I 'he l. ulv an.l rm I it ('.rot..
'.rona-. p. ol the l o. el I brie i-r tot a vein, nt,
rv. in'.scle ..r ..gau , f tl,.. i r.. fr.,n k ..
" 'ht Ur' Pa s et .Iocs me i,
i.iove. I . ink-. 11 wh n toil ie well i
I to keep
we I ; Mid when sick to I" come wel
miciI ,.nt ,,1 eC, ii.e maner or me nc-ti
and eoiraine.1 ..noiih s rniitaini g not one par
i.ele ..f merruri .l, mineral ..r ehimiral suhsinnce
a lo be 1 e.teril, barmles I the mot t.-nd-i
age or 'he weakest fume, under nv t .ge ..f Im.
man sufte ing 1 tne mn-t plea- nl .nd benign n ite
o, er.llo.i e er off red t.. the wor'.l ; .ml
nl Ihe same lime ihe moat renain in ae.r hing .w
he root of any c mpla n, however deep, and ef
perf. rtn na a c re.
Price $ I er h.'lile, or six lmi.s f.r . For
sale, whobeale and retail, al -he comer ol
CHARLES nd PR TTKrr.ei. H .Mm.,..
Nov. 6 1847.-.y Hunhuiy
th t
trass abb laj 11 a a
ore, th work or thi ,
nasTHOVI HA t B'Sl'V,
I It siioan or buth.
RE YOU A MOIHER1 Your darling child.
our 'dol and e.rlhly 1 ., ia now I'erhan
confined to her 1 hm'er by a dangerou cold h r
pale ehe. ks, her ik'n shiunk' n fingeis. tell the
h'd'l di ease haa already gained upon he. ihe
sound of her sepul. hra' CUoh jeices y..iir soul.
YOUNG MAN. when just sh ut 1.. enter life,
disease shel a bean eru-hmg blight over the
prospects of the fulu. your heelic rough ami f. e
ble limb tell of your los and h ipe, lul y ui need
not de-rpair There is hilm which will beal Ihe
woumlid lunga, ii it
M.s. ATTREE. the wife of Wm. H. Attrer
Esq. wee given op hy Dr. Sewull of Wa-hinglon,
D a. Roe and McCI. Han of Philail-li hia, Dr. Rue
and Dr Mmt of New York Her friemla all
thought she mast die. She had ecrv apin-ar mce
of being in roiisumtitioii, and was so pinnuui red
by her phyai. Una-Sliermsn's Balsam wa given
an.l it curs.1 her.
Mr. (1ARRABRANTZ. of Bull. Feiry. wi
't euied of roiKiimpii'in by thi Balaam when
all other irmrdie f.'led In tine .eltef ehe was r.
duced 10 sk-let.n. Dr. A. 45. Ctile. D tilisl
H Broidwsy, ha witnessed its effecls in
c-e where no other medicine atf.iided relief Im'
Ihe BaUnn oprraled bk a cbatm. Dr. 0. alo
iinesml is wondeiful . ff els in curing tethma.
which il nevei fail, of doing. Sp tt,n II.h I, alar
ming aa ii mav be, is effect oallv cured by this Bsl.
sain It hesls lha ruptured nr wounded blood
vessels, and mkes t'.e lunga sound again.
Rev. HEN RV JONES. 108 Eigbth avenu-.
ws cued of cough and catarrhal ff.etin I 60
yeirs a an.'iog. The fir si d.we gave him nvr re
lief than all th oibei medicine be had ever tak.n.
Dr. L. J. 3. al, 19 Deancy ir.t. gave it to a
i-ler-in-law who wa laboring under eiiumHiii,
and to another enreiy fi1 rt' d with lha Asthma
In bmh raa Us efi'ecia were in media e, soon re
-luring th-ra l.t eomforiah'e health.
Mr. LUCRETI WEI.L8 ft Ch-i-li s'leet
uff-retl f,om Asthma 41 yara Kht.n a'l I'll
asm relieved ber nl .mce, and she Is coaniwrel 'y
II, Iwing en-bled la eubdne every aliark by s
imely ose .af Ihi rneiliriiie. Thi toilss d w lb.
vti-mt reuirds I'lC ug s. I'.olile.- Stlmg ULkxI,
L'ter (7omplsns, ape) sH t e a0 rlma-if Ui.
tt'oai, and eve.. Al'i - a .nd ISo.c-ump ion.
. Prwe ggeea.le snlf fl e b.4ll-.'
Dr Mheimen' t'.-ugh .ml Worm Legenga, and
Poor Man's Pliwrer -.41 above
Dr.'a Wee . ei ing Naasau t N. Y.
Agauia, JOHN VOUNG. Hunhort.
M . M CY.Nurtliiunberland
Seplemaer I lib, I84T ly
A LL person indebted ta tbe ubeiibr, by
note ae
book arconnt. ara hereby notified lo
rail and settle tu aan wi'bowl delay, ia order
-. 1 er" "-i -"-, r.via.-i
THE rhildrsn begsn to ery for Sherman' Let
genges. Th note w not .t load al thoj
ime. hat tt ha kept increa-Ing ever since, and anvy
iae hrenma ao great thai the meathe ef lb Hill
nea crr scarce he riaaped.' Dr. Sherman evatrj- with th litil nff rera, and vtry aaaeh ra
tie a that any nf them ahoala be dtaappoioted.
Knowing the vast benefit which haa bean eonlere
red np..n the community hy tha tntroductioa of
hi. Infall ble '
1 " worm Xsozairoaig' c t, .
he ha entered into arra'ogement for en argtng bie
M...f. C'ory.tef meaua f which ' thinks be will
He .hie to opply the dem d. And ih. ante pain
and rare will be taken, that these celebrated Lo-. be made a ihey h alwaya been. In or
der that tho-e who d upon thern, may not be
dimppoin'eil by their boi.. He knew when he
commenced the mniifncure 1 the Worm rixen
if. tbl 'h y wnnM eiiH-r. de 'he use f ever,
other veiniifnge. a die nge i tryjlm$ant
n 'he lfti . wprenu in n. nee.r.. :.e ww, reryam,
ami the qu'i.iitv eqiilreil 10 enect a perjett ewre.
vertfin II Tbee pr.p Ine In eonnegion wt'lr,
he f rt rh' 'hey .e "b' f" 3R nla per hos.iba
pi ring 'hem in the .each nf the poorest man in.
the land, ha not onlv eausid them In take the
p ee nf ever fthrr vermifuge ever ofT-red, but al
rendered them opu'r to the community.'
Dr. Ihrrm oi'.
eo' lii.ue tortiie lliiiigi , U Id. Consumption,
si lima, .hnrineessi'd ilifficulty ol Brctthing. and
ther 'si es of the Lung, wilh tha am facility,
ihe did ..ii tii.i. first introdiieilon. a..J Ihe ptoplv
h e now heroine persuaded hy actuil eip lieoce, on the necee-ion of -ligh cold, the have
only to eiep in either the Dr cilice, or one of Iba
Asenis. nd obta 11 a hog ol bia Cough I. genge,
wh'ch are verv convenient to carry in tt-a pocket,
and to take a rev thmuah ih d .y. By pursuing
this course cure i- ofn n efl'erlerl in 24 hour, and
.he nail, nl about his h'jein ee. 80 great is tbe ce
lebrity ol the I.. X'ng-a. that Ihousanda of persons
ho have used idem, and l-ecotne arqaiinied with
heir ff. ct, will never I without 'hem.
h.s ru ed more ese of Khcumaiism, Psii loth
li nk, 8 de and Chest, Lumbago and Wiakness,
h in any appl raiion ihat hsa ever bee made. Aa
the celebrity of ihe Plaster haa increased, bundrede
of imp inriple.l ra-ral have attempted lo counter
r it it an I pilm ! off up m the coinrr.unitv a the
genuine. iTj- Beiaa-e f Di ception. X3) Remem
ber 1 tint Ihe true anil genuine Piaster is spread up
on red ish paper made for the puipose,
mil in every ca-e Ihe sitniilure of Dr. Shuimsn I
n int d upon the ' ack of the Pl.s'ei, ami the whofsi
ecn ed b Copy Right. None ott er are g nuine,
Ti eief te n-1 en on want a real goi.J ftlurmau'a
Poor M in' Plas'er, mil at tbe office, 106 Nassau
aiieei and vou wi I tnd le disappointed,
Uen.e n'wr th- irnmb.r 106 Na ran at., wbe e
It I) . rihoman's Lzenge are sold. Ilia Agents
ire Mr. Hnvs. 139 Full t a leei, llr'klvn;
H ne ui, Williani-hiir; ; and K.'" ft Co.,
Huston. and JOHN VHI'NO, Sunbury.
M A M.C7AY NorthuiiibeiUnJ.
September I Ith, I H 17. I v.
ble I nlve l IMII,
The noli Irnnwn M-d'elnt that nt the name time
pwgn n'irfle' and trmgihen Ihe. ait'cm.
Lotipov July 7, IMS.
II l.K RiY't Pill .e a new medicine
wl.t-h I. a pial ipi e ie.', and ia f et 'akii'g
lie . l ice f .Il tier f ihe -.1 . e el i These
in!' i.fe e onpo, .1 ot M my ing,. ,li. ..1-. hit the
iv prii cv al ..... s are !,ir. ipir II , am! Wild Cber
n . o in.iied hit ih..y ait together) ihe one.
' r neb 1 a n 'in t nre tvi b oil er ub l-.-.e.. pu
fi i. s tl 1 u e e while th o h r is e'ren the'i-
i.e 'he -vaieni. T' ii thoe p, n, M the sam
fie t.nic and "p nint , . d. ..! Tii'mn long and
eageilv sniaht f.r bv melinl m"n, hul never be.
f disc vr.-.l I 1 . ther or I- hev do ihe work
of w . medicine, and 1I.1 il mil. h better ihn any
iv.o we kn.v.v ,,f; for Ibey remove nothing from
ihesy. em but tbe nipuritie; s i that while ihey
nirgeihry eiiencihivi ; and hence Ihey caiim no
I. bilitaiino, ami tire fo Inw. d by no rc icti n. Dr,
l.e R .y's pills a womlerful influence on ihe
l.lon.1 ; Ihey mil only pur:f without weakening il,
t.u ihey 1. move all 11 ii..n pnrlic'es from the chyle
bel'oie it i c. inin flu d. and bua make im
pure bl'.id an uiier imp" ibiliiy. A there i no
l iiitati.'n, -o t'.iria ia no nnusei or sickness t
tenili'.g the op, aiiona of this moat excellent of me.
di-ine-, winch never train ,.r lonure the diges
tive (uiirt'.iii. but ciun them lo w.nk in a per.
e.lly n-tur il mnnoiM 1 .ml hence parson, taking
11e.11 . o not Ih mmc pile and em cinled. but the
inituiy ; loi while it ia ihj pn petty of ih Sarsa
lr II. uti'lel. aa it i wiih other ingredient, to
remote nil ihit foreign ami impure, il is equally
ihe propei y of the Wil l Ch' r.y to retain all thai
a n Hil'Sl 'lid umil; .ml l ri- i r hmt etve nf
in al h 1. Ihe int.rii reiill of llieir united opera
inns (Tj- Price MS cent er BOX.
Agent. f,.r Le It"'. I'd',.
. . J. W FRI' I N O, ,
J'lHN VOU ' tl. S Su"'""7'
M. McCAY. Nonbumherl'a)!
Augu I 81a , I SI 7. ly
Bums. Scull, and nil kinds of Inflamed
Nitre Cured.
1 ihe mu-t r oup e a Bum Antiil.rleever known.
Il i stan Iv. (nn l as if by ) slop. ,in, ,4 inm
no. deieiaie Burn- nn I ScihK F obi 8 Tea,
B'U se. Cut', Sprains, Sir... on man or hetsl. il is
h" bei aipl calion thai can Im- i. ade. Tlioiiamds
have lr' .1 nml thn isai d irie it. i is ihe m art
p. if. rl maaier of pain .ver discovriej. All who
use L Every farndt h u ', he provj.
del with 11. N u.e run tell ho su..n some of tbe
f.inily may need il.
CJ- O'verve euh hog .rf ihe genui. e Ointment
ha- ih name ol 8. Tnuaav writbn on the outside
shel. Trtimit 'te this is forgery.
Bo linen, Liv. rt Men. P .rme-e. and sll whnass'
Horse-, will find ihie Omtmeot the very lt thing'
thi y c in u-e for Cnlla. G dl. Scratches, Kick. Ac
die., on th. ir etnmnl. Surely every merciful man
would keep hi- animala aa free fiom pain a pasb
hie 'Touaey' Unicrl I Mnlmerit is all thai ia re
quired. Try it. -J
HI TES OF I VSEI5T8. Foi ihe sting or bile
of po -oin u Inaeei, Touaey' Otnlicent i tinri
v le I Humlred hve tried il nl found it good.
PILES CURED ! For the Piles. Tousey's U
nivcsal Oio ment is one of ibe best Remedies Ihat
can lie applied. All whn have tried il foi lha Pile
rec.'m..-end il.
OLD SORES CURED. For old ohtint
8om, the e is no' hing equd to Tousey's Oint
ment. A person in Man ius had. for a number af' sn.e leg ibai bafila I th skill of the doctors. '
Thus. y' w recommended hy one of'
be vi- g physicians, (who knew it great virtue.) '
ml two bnies produced mi benefit th.n ibe pa'
'em had received from any and all uriou rem-''
die, l,ei all irv rt.
liUKN; AND e-CALD I'RED. Thouean.U'
f ce f Bur. and Mcatda, in all Mrte of tb '
i-oun'ry, have l-ecn cur d hy Tousey's Unita
liniment. Certificate enough could be hd to 111',
the hole of ihis'-s,
I n le-iimimisl , io favor f T.uiaey' Ointment '
f.vcuung BiiHers. h been off red ihe proptio
1 . Hun.lie.ia ia Hyraco e w H certify ok great
naii n teii viu i1 1 aio "f th mast acvera Bruiae ,
All per-on should Iry I'
Xl.n EA CURED. 8 e nf eea af 1
Scald Head have been cured by Toti-ey '" OinU' t
mi Tr- 11 - m wm 1 e,
(A T RH1UM CURED. Of a I ih. .rowdies' ,
lei iheriivered I rih - ni.v-l ii.a.i:r.r k eamdaHll.' .
I u') 'a I '.i ver-al Ointmei.t is the mo-t C"mplei.'
I I sua. kn w.i I l. , '
SOKE LIPS CURED i Fiw the rArenfeW,
L p w. Ui ei snyihiinf mwleeqael Tea-'i
-,' Omlmei'l. Il is earn e cur Ihes 'Try it. :
li 1 e eieinifle entHued. wairflnesTan aaeenVl
ram eny piep raiioo of Mercury.- (f Piice
eenta per bug. For further par wuUre oofeaniior'
bia rs.llv lu ibl Ointment, the puhlie e-e ierer'
r d lo Pamphlets, 10 be had gialia, of reapedabiy
D.uggiai and Men heal through tba BitrD
"te. ,
Prepared by ELLlTy A TOU8EV, lgi,,'
Syracuar. Foriby 1
Jimw iuljiu, Kuotaary, ., t
- epi.litn, ii7. ly eow
nl. a to I
31 1
; 'i'-
it! '
I s
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. fc
j . v w.iy 1 '- .; . '. I
T . ir.
S W Jl k ' I '
; '.wa.'-ea... kTV-'
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4. Am
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