Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 30, 1848, Image 3

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nort4oa of MacAete o wosu.
Siitk Edition, IRrra... pp. 130. ?txre gi
W,0M Cork MM la Three Mentha t
Year of rniffcrintr, Of physical and mental anguish to
nmiy an sstVetionate Wife, ami pecuniary difficulties lo the
husband, might have been ipated by a timely poawaaioa of
bin work.
It la intended especially for the married, or those contem
plating marriage, It discloses Inipotbuit secrets which
should be known to them particularly. .
Truly, kswwledp la power, it ia health, happiness, afflu
nee. TSe Ttntttlnna contained in Ita pure have proved a
blessing to thousands, aa Ike innumeratie letters received
by th eath wilt attest.
Here, alen, every female the wife, the mother, the one
either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of
years in whom nature eonlemplatea an important ehmnre
can diaeover theeanneo, eympMma, and the moat efficient
remedies, and moat certain m trie of cute, in every com
plaint lo which her an ia euhjet.
Ceplea WUI be seat mull free af pe.tnre tethe par
- chaser. ...
Over ten thousand copies hive been sent by mail within
three month, with perfect artlety and certainty.
On the receipt of Un D nnr, the "Married Woman's
Private Medical Oimysinion" will be aent (mailed rant)
to any pnrt of the United States. AH letter must lie post
paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed
to th-. A. M Maurieenn, B'x 1834, New-York City. Pub
lnhing Oman, 19n l.ibertv-at., New York.
The "Munied Woman's Private Medlcnl Companion" if
oM'bybo-iksellera throughout the United Statca.
'Janet 1, 184,8.
' ' THE nET
In World. .
niv voLvaxa of ths
THETubliaheri ol the Scientific meriran
ireatwetfiilly ive noWet that the FOURTH
'TEARLT VOLUME of their Journal will be
.cornmitcvd on Saturday. Sept. SStl. Thif pub
licatem diflera entirely from the many maga
zine nd. paper which flood the country It ia
. WeeeHy Journal of Art, Science anil Vlecbanici
ha vine Jrr ita object the advancement of the
TURKS and INVENTORS, ifach number ia
illustrated with from five to TEN original EN
VENTIONS. nearly ill of the beat inventiona
which are patented at Washington being illus
trated in the Scientific American. It i,o con
'tains a Weekly Lift of American Patents no
rticea of this progress ol al Mechanica' and fci
.enlitic Improvements i practical directiona on
ttbe construction manai ement and use ol all knnls
ofWACHINKRY. TOOL", &c, Essaya upon
MechanWa Chemistry and Architecture ; ac
counts ol Foreign Inventions . advice to Inven
tors ; Rail Road Litellic-nce IngMther with a vasl
amount of other interesting, valuable and uv ful
information The SCI NTIFIC A I Rlt'N
is Ike must popular journal of the kind ever pub
ltshc! and of more importance to the tntercat nf
MKt'H NICS and lNVKNTnRS than anv
thing they could poib y obtain ! It is printed
with clear tvp on hraiitiln paper, and lining a
. ilspt-d to biudtug the subscriber is pnsesed.
. al the Mid t th" year, ol a large volume of
, : llliist aled with npwaitl ol '
Five Ilnndrfd MrrlmiifrHl rnrnvlng.
. , , , AXU AN INDEX . . .
"TERMS : Two dnllari year, in adva ce,
tor if deaired. one dollar in advance, the remain
.tder in 6 montha. TO CLU B : 3 copies, $3 ;
Hen copies. SIS. Those who wish to snhrribe
Stave-only to enc'ose the amount in a letter, di-,-Kctdd
Publishers ofthe Scientific American
New York I
VOLUME THIRD bound, S3 75. or in sh et ,
-$2. are for alr. 'I bi y may be sent safely to !
;.ny part of the country Pul-nta eriir.t and 1
.Machaniral Drawuiys eiecine.. V" . . 1 V,
isles, at the office of the i-CIEMIHC Avih
:flMVN. -September 0, ISIS tt
1 POI'L'L R WORK, in eery O'UJNTY
hroughoul Die United mate. To Agents, the
moat liberal encoatagement fa offeredwith a
email capiial of f $5 to I00. A chnca U. rTere.
whereby an agent can maka from fjlO to $ pei
oork, For farther particular, addiess (postpaid)
, , WM. A.LE ARY,
No, 159 North SECOND Street,
PbilaJelphl. 8ept. 9, 189. 6m. ,
2131 Market Street, -PHILADELPHIA.
PatT.. Oita, Oiaaa, Dva-STcrra,
YR!iaiira Ac. &c.
Patent Midirinea, Med.cine Cheats, Surgical and
(Ihsli trical Instiunieiils, Chi micalTe-ti, Ac,
(Jj" I !(' from M.-rchant i-r Physicians, by
letur nt otherwise piotnplly attend J to.
Sept. 9, 1848 Bin '
J.&W. L. WARD,
No. 106 CHESNtT Street, Philadelphia,
Opposite the Franklin Houst,
SMPORTKR of Gold and Silver Patent L
ver Watches 1 nd Manufacturers of Jewelry
V good assortment alwav on hand. Gold Pa
tent Levei. 13 jewels 838 : Bilvef do tl8to
$20; Gold Lepine. $30; Silver do. $13 to IS:
CI ck and l ime Piece, Gold Pencils, Si 2.1.
upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, Sl.'iOf;
Gold Bracelets and Breast Pin, in gre t variety;
Ear Ringa ; Miniature Cases; Gimrd Chains.
f!3 to 23; lated Tea nets, raatota, t ake
Basket. Candlesticks. Britannia Ware. Fine vo
ry Handled Tahl a lery, and a general assort
ment of Fanry G -oda.
J. & W L WARD, No 108 CHBNtl I' t..
Phitailelphia, oppoaite the Franklin Home.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Vpoons.
Forks, Tea "ets. Ladles. Ac All work mad
by 111 is stamped with our name, and warranted
lo be made of purely Xmeriean coin.
Philadelphia. August 12. 18180 mo.
.'all ill tii-Ticlit
rpilK nb vc St've, which is equally well odnpted toW.nid
J. or C -al, ha. received silver medals at the lairs of the
American Institute, New York; ol' the Mechanic' Insti
tute, Bslou; "i the Frunklin luititute, Piiilmtclphia ; uud
01' the .Mccli:inic8' Institute, WilmiiiBt'tn, Delewnre.
It is iviMble, if pro)crly uwd, of d ing m -re work, with
leas iuel, iliiii uny -ither St ve yet ffTcrcd t the public: in
wintvi it will wnnn the Uirircit kitchen, while in summer,
with the summer drew aitiiched, it throws ont nn ni re
hunt than a chufc al lumtti-o ; and for h ilinsr, broilina, bu
kiurr. r r-fflsiitiir. it c-nnnut be surpassed by uuy otlier fiuvc,
opcu fire, or brick ' vcn.
C3 27 Ol CD :3r o
ia hereby g'ven, that mi wife Sueat
Aurhmuty. has lelt my I e ' and n t'U in Jim
llal, without any prov.icaiion. I ihi rt-'lote cutlon
.all per-ona from liusiini! heron my reouut, 0 I
.am di termin'-d lo pay no dehta contracted by her
ifrom Ihit tiire.
8crtcm''er t, 1S4H. 3t
CzRTtrtcjiTi or tmi Judges or m Mcchamcs' I;iti
itta, Uoston
We. the snlwcritieni. bring ch- -sen Judge by the Mama
chuie'.ts Cluiritable Mechanics' Asstciati n in B t'n, on
stoves, furmiccii, ruugen, itc. w uki iiu.mi the public, thut
uficrtmtiiiK nil Ihe ci -kiiur sl'tvcs that were put into the
Fair fur exhibit! m. mid letting ench mini innnnfrc his own
stove with the cime kind of enl, in order in ascertain
which would do lira same work with the least fuel in Ihe
same time, and do it best, we find that Stewart's Patent
Summer nud Winter Air-Tijrlil C mkinp ftve. nmuaiuctur
ed bv Ihe natcnlee, nf Tr iv, .V. Y., to lie the lieitf. n ii tixdi
but 13 niiimtrs to Ixiil tw giill.nis of water niwlbuke biscuit
in the prune turn, und broil liet-t' stcuk, nud all d -tie in the
brut nviniH-r with coven p -mvls of conl, in thirtv minnU-p
from the time tin- lire wns put into the stuvc. To which
wo uwnnldl tin? iilvcr medal.
jtuw noi'i.i), wai.teii rfiitM'.i.i,,
The utwriberM respi-ctfulty invite the otteution of c mil-
try dr.ilers, t' -me of the largest snd lMit selected stock of
! stove, ever oflered in this cuy, am -ng wluch arc the ful
j lowing :
I !).! .
Screen Cylet.uer.
Oven Sloves
Washington Ait Tight Cook.
Large Oven
' Willis
. do
DKNttttc of Catharine Bourne, dee'd.
jejyOTH E isbeiebv tiven. ihnl hvter nf ad-tnin-tra'i
" have beon granlid to the aubscn
Hr, on t: e .e'e'e of (3 lharine Boon e I te of Suo.
ihur, dee'd. All p ili.le'ted to laid ratate. i.r
Ifcawngilims lumnst the ime, ara requeued to
icall o i-tlie-au ' n-ri'wr f"i settb-m n'.
i ' . - JOHN POI7HNB. Adm'r,
rlajry. August 86, 1848 fit -
McGregor Mammoth
Premiums Cook S ove.
National .ir-Tight Colts.
Pal lor Sloves.
100 Louis Air-Tight Pallor Stove.
ISO Char'e the 1st Ai-Tight do
-. 20(1 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Tailor.
. 30 Washington Air-Tight do
.1(10 McGn-gor'a three daya Parlor Air-Tight
Coal Sloves, burning three day without atten
tion. For aa'.e wholesale and retail by North. Harri
fon & Co. No. 3(10 Marki t street, Philadelphia.
Pb laJelphia, July 18th, 1818
ni-n-rritri a m t UTTHI I EqlaW I .lie limurancp, Aniiiiil J'
11 IjYER ASD AG UL I ' I ! ' and Trum ( o nv.
. . - ' . ... . . -fiiii-nin ntltt a 1 .11 nil T a
THT great Natmat, Old Favorite. and fter'
line R-medyr!'! of EIGHI F.EN Y ARS
x'f ANUING atill ooapproacned in ita wonder
ful wirrea, ceitainty,-)' it safety, inthe cuic or
ssTrwDCiiiriJHir !' V!
(Zjr i y wmild ricaptKbr arsenics' (pa'mn.
nW coniitt-rffrta take-not.c'rinttle from nntjune.
aha I t 1 K'turM 4yt. wrlien tipnalw''
-af the origin! inventerri(i;opr ternr. John R.
.Reaito.oil 0 pnptr liit!,cnviing the wiulh
und trk.
Tlii remedy ha never been tsolatered up by
tftWeW'Aivei ful P"""' Dl" haa won it way lo
,ts.&d eatd iniveal.aliotinii ofthe in
haWilnfFl,,"' Dra-mtcra B Y ITS
iPOOD WOUKS.ftfp rjlUITS iLONE. to
-Wbitb I1 the a gent, and every peeaan who have
4d it, wll tcatify. - -
, 143 Arch Utrnet Philadelphia '
Aorvn far Hy bary Ira T. Clement, J. W.
Frilig. M. M and ieo Slruiht
Aocnt for Northumberland Forytri) Wil.
'son VCn R M. M'Cy. . -Aujgii
i, J843 eow
r sBEiizrr SALE.
fly Virsao of a certain OnoW of Hale, iu d
nut oflha Cctsial ol Uonimoa r' nl Ii r
Ibumbeiland eoiint. ttf riiclil, will be mold
at I o'clock d y
of SEPTEMBEt. A. I). 1 849. at the Own h ur
ia tb rusroilgb of Muaraiiy the following docrU
. bd jropgity. t w . , . -A
rtala tract or piece of Land.
fi(tse ii) Un' Aucu-li townsbio. No-ihumler-Jspd
fouuiy. bouluW by Und nfiWm. Herd. Pe
r r pirdorf, lobn W'elverv n. land suivejcd in
the nareo of EJrtahith W,illJ, and known l I' e
Buna of th Joidsn-,trsrfx contsiniug lot) acies,
' mot oi f. ., A.fetJt
,. . A certain ditrr.itacf. of La(i,
ituatn in lb lawnahip and un , sf.w-.iid, ad.
t..intna ihe 8iioiiatiaiiDa rivor. tb Mansion farm
4 Th-Mswi Oianl. der'd, and 'and ol Jhn " i-l-uarlun.
d kaown by lb name ..f the Darcli
-4taer, e. Dtaiinnf 60 amea, oiore tu leaa,
f .ate lb Mtal of Tbomaa (iiaut, ilecM, , 1
' Bhaeln" Offie. .1 Bhriiff.
unbory.Bcpt, 0, l4l. J
IN lb Court of Cmmoa I'leaa ofaa J CourHy
ot Auiimi Turn A. U. 1848. - lo th atatt' '
' partition of the f boo Hsyhu y. alee d.
' ttept. 1.148. The i'o"l 'ol br Uaal reoraaeotativea of lhid ile'd, to
. bo and appear oath fiiet day of unit Tern, to
t errfil of rrfuaa lb ! tt th valuation o shear
tetitk by tbe asm almuld not I eM. Ol
. hra Ihi gf.teHl !" and Ufal rpraeUtve
' art hMbv .aqoiiad lo tab aiiea. .
. . THO-.A; BILLINGTON.b.rill,
fk)itlirw8tiaury. . .
mpt. i, A. P. im. '.' i
fAPITVl S-JO.(l(10 CViKTEB I'wirtTrji..
ri'llB C mipanv are now prei..-"d to trnuiwct busiuea
I up ii the in tit lilieral and advaulM'.ts Urnw. They
are autli rized by their charter (sect. :i) -l.- ninke all and
r.-rry iiiMUrun-e'nppertainiii7 1 1 lite ris'is of whatever i.:nd
or nature, and t receive nud execute trills, make endow.
..... 1 .n -...1 .nmtilia 1 he r'rrin.
.v....- ull .iiniiii .Kfl iH..M.-iiif.n.L ciid scl tu. Trunto-S ' tllOtC
I. ' - , .
lor imn irs and heirs.
Table of Premiums required fw ihe AMunuie of 8100 for
I lie tva ile term ui l.ue.
Age. Il'rem. Age. I Prem. Age. Prem.
Ifl J 50 31 S no 40 3 3
17 1 A3 M SIS 47 3 4g
H 58 Ml till 41 3 fii
la 1 0)1 M US! 4n 3 77
W I 00 33 U3 60 3 o4
St I 6.-1 30 It 411 it 4 1-1
V2 1 86 37 9 47 Ikt 4 M
23 1 6a 3d St S3 4 61
21 3a 63 M 4 71
25 1 70 40 70 61 4 gl
l t4 41 l HI (11
7 1 ba M It 6J 6 33
1W t J 41 3111 ; 5 M
Jn I qH 41 3 IS 69 1 7
311 8 bt 4S3S3 00 1
Tlw nreniiums are less than any other enn-jnnv, and Ihe
noliuiea ad' -rd greater adviuiuiges. Tubles .4 liblt-yearly
aiM CiUurterly preuiiunis, half crclil rutes of preuuiini, slKM-t
iriiui. iiiiiil wo iviihu ui.u cii-i--, .-. 11. . uir .
f, .nn of Applicuii in ff r which there are blank slivctr) arc
to I had on applicntl a at the office, or by letter 10 the
Ageut, J. U. Fl'KUY, tuubnry. . .
Rails roa ixscaisto (100 on a single Ut's.
Age. For t year. for 7 yeara. For I ji'e.
80 81 gl l.ou
30 00 l,:0 SW
40 ' 1,119 l.t S,70
60 l.t-6 8,U7 3.04
69 I a,4ts I 3,97 I 6,U3
Eiamcls A pen waged 30 yeara next birth day. hy
paying Ihe C-nipanygg cents would secure to his family
or heirs 100 slioukl he die in one vear : or fi-r S9.9O he se
eurea 1 1 Ihem I0U0 .w t'w 813 annually fur seven years
be secures to thein trldou sh nun he die 111 seveu yeara; 01
fir 8 JO, 10 )id aium'.lly duiiug life he secures fell WO to be
I laid when he dies. The insurer seeming his own bsius,
iv the ditterenea in anruntnf nreminnis fntnlhoasehnrieed
bv other oiboes. Fur Ho,50 the beira would rauciva 800OO
sii mid hs die iu one year.
Forrru oi apnhcaiiou and all particulars niav hs had al
the office. i. W. CLAGHORN, rrosident.
. TsaAicaaa Kaicu W. itawu.
II. O. Tuekett, rSeoreuiq-.
CoKsri TiNa Phthcia llr. J. B Mssser, Hunhory.
J. It. PvauY, cMuibary, Ageut fur Nncthurabersuid eoua
T . . .
suiiMiry, Juty b, i- .
, SALE. -
N pnrauanr)f an .irer of ihe Orphans' 0 V I
of Nortbuml-eitand count r, will be (old at pub
tic vendue or on'cry, nn Mondav the S.I day of
October, A I). 184. , On the premise to wilt
A Certain Tract of Land -
8ituted in tTppet A)ut toanslilp. In' M
county, djoinini land of Philip Hile, Piter
0!)tdoif, Banj min Katterman nd others. Con
taining shout One Hundred Acre more or hs.
Whereon are erected t Log; Hnoe and Log Barn,
8lc There is also n eicellenl Orchard, and
lood opting nf Wgter1 on the- ghovo pemiae
l.ate the eetde nf Ieaac Vatiaickl dee'd.' Hale) t
commence at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. nf said day when
Ih I rm of ie mill be made known by
By order nf the Court. - .
Aui-uat SB, 1848 ta
Wardrobe of Faahlonable
J. W. & E. D. STOKES, "
No. 194 Market Street. Firtt Clothing itorebe
,'nw S:xth,
v HfRR they are ronstaiitly engaged ingot
ting up from the bst French. Kng'ish and
mertran c olh f olbing cut and made up in the
most superior and fashionable sty e. t'eraon
who buy to seP. wil' find a large and exce'lent
stock at the 'owest city price. Coining nnaile
up to order, ina superior style at Ihe shortest
N n Odd Fel'ow Rga'ia. 'arge assort,
menl always on hand Order from Lndgp and
individu a promptly attended to on the most re.
sonah'e terms.
Philade phta, June 3, 1818 It.
F R ENC iTft G VO LUT1 oiT
TYRANTS as well a Monopolies, must fall,
so must prires. That this i 1 fact can be
proved by railing at
No. 72 North '2A sired, above Arch,
Wholtnale nnd Retail, '
The Hock consists in port, of Gold and Stiver
Levers ; I'Epines and Quartii-r Watche ; Jewel
ry ofthe newest ami most fashionable patterns.
' SILVEIt SPOCN-: -r Parhrular attention
paid In these arltcU-s, the 7110 ' ufieh'thi
Kit I ami workmaii.hip 7ti. The establish
ment ol I.K HPUAY has been well known FOU
POUK1Y VfcMA'.V. in SEt'OND Street, and
has made a character which needs no polling
Sth-er TEASPOONS as low as $1.50 per aett
can be mad" Im if wtehed
WAT' II t;t ASSES Plain 10 cts ; Patent.
I.') ; Lunette. 20 cts; other article in propoi
Ion R'mr.intiK, ynti can buy here In-low any pub
lished list of prir-s in tin City or New York
Watch Repairing particularly attended lo, and
warranted 10 give aatisfaction
N B- Old Onld ami Silver bought for rash or
taken ill exchange at (don't forget the No Ti)
North Second Street, above Arch. Philadelphia.
Sept. 23, 1817 ly c. May 6. 1&48 -
I'ockel Hook and Morocco C'njiv
TJas succeeded B P. SISTY, t the Old Stand
J.A 51 J CUESNUT Street, t'hiladelphia
Pocket Hooks. Hankers' Cases und 'ortlolios of
every description, fort Mannare, Ivory Tablet
Card Cases, Pressing Cases, Scsnr do, Writing
do., Backgammon Hoatds & Chessmen. Rold
Pens. Snyd -r's. Chapmun'. and Saunder'a Rn.or
Strops; Kenny's Tally bo Razors, Roilg-rs'e
Wade r Butcher's .lackson. Chinese and Evp
tain Re.or. Pen Knives anil Scissors, oft-very
lescnption, Bowie and Pirk Knives; alto, a
large assortment of Fanry Stationery, at Ihe
lowest lates.
Jobbing -lone with r.eatness and despatrh.
Philadelphia, June 51, 1PIS 3m
HAVE REMOVED fiom 19J Vlatket Street,
at tbetr New Splendid and Immense Elab
lishuient to be known as the
lower Hall Clothing lluzanr.
No. 182 Ufarket Street. Ictireen fifth If sitth.
The t'ronrietor feel a reluctance' in promul
gating what in any way might appear like the
usual Bombast ic exaggeration of some in the
trade, but will beg Lave to quote Ibe following
notice from one ot our city r.irers;
One of the eieatest curiosiltes that our City
afford to theatranger. is BENNETT f CO e
rieat rlothinc store. No. 18'i Market treet, be
tween Fifth anil Sixth, whirh has been styled
Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the
front. The building t n immense one, con
tainine seven canacious rooms, all 01 whirr) are
stocked with every variety ol seasonable gar
meiits. arranged in the most pnrfert order am
regularity. The propri. tors take great pleasure
in showing their building and contents to the
citizens, particularly strangei. and to I hose co-
I .-nine: from Ihe rctintiv we know of no place
worthy nl a viriI
I hi!ktlelph:a. May 271b, 1819 3m.
A Tiint-'HANn DoLitas Sinn !
Hat and Cap .Uaiiuracturcrti,
&iulk East Corner if 44 and Market &lree,
lint tnent nary
TJAVE c- nstant y n band a full and complete
-- aasonm nt of HAT-H. UA PS, anj fVK.
A Is., an el-cant assortment nf a.en.'. an I boys'
Leghorn, P msnis, and Pln leaf Hila. All r
which by savin of $1000 in Mil.' lll lw sold
whole ala a. .1 mail, al ilia v ry Iniseai price.
Country d.'slere woul I d well lu rail. by e
ritnomy and low ieoi, we at en ible l 10 eeil
very low rale
June 10'h, 1848 ly . -,
THIS Eslmct ia put op In ijnnrt hittier. Ills six times
choiier, plmssnler, snt warranleil su"rlor t. aay
a iM. II enrea .haeascs without vomiting, purging, sick
ness, ur deuiulaUng the patient, and ia particularly adapted
The great beauty and superiorly of this Sarssiauiila ever
other remedies ia, whilst it eradicate dissaaa,
t It invigwatcs the bify.
" ' ' ' Consuniption cured.
. " Claanse and iNrangtlien. " "
Consumption can ha cured
Bronchitis, Uonsumptinn, I.iver Complaint, Cdds, Coughs,
Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Blond, Soreness in the
, ; Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Dim- . . . ,
, , . cult and Profuse Expectoration,
1 and Pain In Ihe Side, ' ' ' ' "
"'I e., &c., ' ' ' i - ' .
have and can he cured.
Prohably there never was a remcriv that has been so suc
cessful in despernte cones of consumption as this ; It clenn
sea and strengthens the evstcm, and appears to heel the a.
cars on the lungs, and patients gradually regain their
' IMPORT )Tf '
jex csa tki tie ess
Peed nd Bnlanni . Ware, , CuUerv, and
Fa Good. nd .Msi.ufctU'ers f Jew.
airy and Wtlger Ware, UI tbeanOt street, Phila
delphia; hava received by Jai sirial U'go sod '0k of Englfa n,sl rrneh Wstchaa
and Marld". I'.oalain and Fncy Clucks. , ..
, Plated llrna. Uaatora CA ttaakata. High and
Ch-mb tUindleaiH'k. Bouu l.-Mllaa, rlpopi) d
K.-rk. Aim oal Hortawnl of Btinuii
Wus and Pin Cull . .
Thur wiick afJEWtl.KY l Isrg nd ot t
moat fa-bioutd kind, and they are wall eupplUd
i.h si.leer Sinoa. Foika. Mai. Napkin Kings,
Buti.. Kmvea Au.. and wi kvui m king any d-
. .J n.ia In lh DuUtf Dfint. ibe St 10-
i.d I sell loo as the wbs. do, and Invit
peraoaa wsshioi to porekaa WMIU .
rbddVlrbw.lwH 10, It4)- tt
JUST received, at Ih atom ol IUaav Ms
g. a choice assortment of DRY OOO DS,
Imicertei L'quiTi. I uttiiitiif and alher hulk He.
til ol w hich will be sold at tbe lowest price.
bunuury, June 3, 184S . . ,
WIXK 4! If Liqi'Oll UKiL.T:R
A 293 Market Street. Below Eighth, forth tide
Keeps ronstamly mi hand all kind of old Li
quor, via : Superior old rye whiskey superior
rtraudy, din. etc. Also white bianrly fnrnreser-
ving. Wild Cherry and Blackberry bimdy.
nnaoeipnia, june 3, isia. ly
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufactu-
. . .. rra" Materials. .
No. 32 Commerc t , PHILADELPHIA.
T" EEP constantly on hand a largo assort
health ami ttremrlh.
There ii actircely tiny primes but there mm a nnmtw-t of
tMs uf c iiimiinpttaii roportM m rtirwl by Uio ue o Ur.
Tuwniicifa Aaraapaiilla. Tho f.Uuwiiig whji recently re.
ceivod :
Dr. Towmrxn Dear Sir: For the fort three ynara 1
have ntilirtcd with ffuiicral tU:bility. oihJ nervntiA .n
aumpti'ni of tlir Inat flittrr. and rliti tint txpect to ever guiii
my health at all. After going 1hr,nif:h a coium1 of medicine
muler the care ff atne of Ihe tit fc ilinthitfiiiKhci.. rejjuhr
nhyaii ltin-i and nimnleei-a of the Hwinl.l Ihullh in New
Yoik aiifl clsfnvh'irc, qik ripumljiig the m nt of my cnrtiinfft
in iitti'inptitif lo ri'iriiiii my limit h, nnrl nfliT rmrtinR In
n mie pupf-'r of ynir SnrKHpHfilln I r lveri t try it. Alter
iituiig nix b;ttleii 1 ft Hind it d'tieine art-Hi (t-wj!, and. called
tj avc you al your uflift ; with your udvire I kept on, ond
d. innnt heartily tlmnk ou lr your I peisi-vere in
taking the Sunripttrilln, and lime Ireen able to attend to my
iimial lab-irnf r tbi bat fimr iivmtb, audi Upe by the
blciitga of U d and ytmr Sarmporiilo lo c uitinne my
health. It helped me (?) und the rxpecturt Hifl of all who
knew mv ciw CHAKLKH QUIMBY
Or;ine, Kntcx c. N. 3., Aug. 9, IHI7.
Stateof Sew Jemcy, I.mcx omnty, aa. f'twrlrs Qujin
hy heinjr duty aworn aceiirilinir to kiw, on hi onlh (with,
tint the inn-ft nns atntement ia true arf.tnitmr to tlie brat oi"
liMktt m-lcff-aiHl belief. CllAUUeH Ql IM1A .
StViini inn H.iliuiriliMl tn lu-l'itrf. tnn itl lriniiir. tinted
A iguat, m7, CVHI H IJALUWIN.
Justice of the Peace. !
Read the f .l wiugt and atiy that CHimunptiuii ia in imu- '
ruble if yon cau : ;
: New York, Aprils. IHi7. j
Dr. TownsrnD i 1 terily Ivlicve thut your rtjrwirilla
Imn been the ineana, through Providence, of Having my life J
1 huve f ir acvend yenra h:id a baif riMfh. It henmie tvorae 1
nnd worse. At lift I raiwd hrfio '(inntitiea of bit nl, had
night awt.'alaand wa greatly dcbilitnled and rmhtcrd, and ,
dtd u t expett to live. 1 huve only tiaed your 8-iraa,iarilU ,
but a alt irt time, and there him ti wumtcriul ehanne Iteen
wroniflit in me. I am n nv oble to wnlk all over the eity
t ntiac no Wo ni, and my e mgli hna left me. Yon can wi-ll
iinusine tluit I am thankful i r thene ruMiilin. 'V our nluli
cut acrvnut. AYM- III SSKIjL. tS't la lharine at.
T.OST tli:il SPKKl'II.
The annexed ccriiftcate teUa m tuple and truthful atory
of liutrtTNiir and relief. There am th nixanda of aiuiilrir en
acj in tins city nivl Bro kl n. mid yet there are th unn;t5
ol' par.!i it h let 1 heir ehildreu die Ur iar ol btiing humbugged
or to auve a it v ahitiincK.
Hro klyn, Sejit. Hi?.
Dr. Tow..rD: T take plivmuie iu xtating, fur the lvne
fit of th ie wbmn it iniy concTn. thut my (luntlittrt two
yra nnd x iu ml lis old, v.i Mlilift(xl with ."tiierul de
hility nud I H"f a n-ech. She wia (riven up in punt je
e ivory by our family physioiun ; Init f utun iU-Iy 1 va re
e tinnicMit(f-d bv a friend to trv your SirRitanll;i. Hff re
h'lviup iiHi'd one bottie lite r. v trcd htr apft'lt and waa
eiuibk-il lo wilk alone, to the u-t iiibhu.r;it t-t till wh were
'jcquuiutetl with thTirrniiiKtatieea. She ia now quite well,
anil in mueh beiler heilih tfmn nhe has been fir IH iiraitlin
pav. JOSKIMI TAYI.oii. I; York nt., Hr wk!yii.
Verv tew f unities intleed in fni't we hm.' n t heard of I
rmr ttmt nued Dr. T 'wnsend s SrirMiimnim in tune. I 'rt
ttv rhiltlreu the iat SumniiT. while in ntt; did n it.
sicKened and dieil. The eerrilicate we publish beliw ia
nrhifuve evidenee of pa value, uutl ia only an it her nutnmx
of iia Hiving the lives nf children :
J)r. ToWNnaND D'or bir : 1 hnd lw. children cured by
ur Sirttiuirilla of the summer c xnptiint ntnl dyH-utjir ;
uc nlv ' mouth old and tiu other a years , I lev
Wi;re very mueh reduced, und we expeeted they wtut'l die
they were given up by two reaeUille phyaieiuna. When
thedotrtor im irmttl ua that we muni lone lb m, ve rm 1-
l to trv v iir ft imnarilln we hnd betird it) innrh ot, but
hiid little eonftdenee, there tieincr an mueh stntl advert ued
that is w trthieM: Uit we are thankful that wi di1, for it
uiHloubUtlly kuvuI tbe liven of b th. I write thir that uth
era may be induecd to use it. Yours, respectfully.
Mvrileavcuue, Hronklvn. Stuit.
Dr. ToWNaKND'aSKsAPAnn.LA isaa .vereicnand aner-.iy
cure for incipient cousumptitni, and for the general pr siru-
ii mi "i inr nj mn ii uo iM.iiici Miit'tiMT i in itftut m inui;
rent ciuiae or cauars. proriactnl by irrepulnrl'y, ihucM : incident.
iS'itliing cuu be in rv, farprising tluui its invig iratmg cf
ei'la 'in the hiiinnti frain-". Peru ms all W'-aknvri an I las
itude. fioin takiiifr it nt on'e liet'i in r ibnst end full of
eiiTpv under it intluenee. It inuuttiin t'lv r mnltri,rii the
nervl' KeiiietiH of tlm fem.i!e frme, which is tin; c.vnl cuiue i
It wiil n l be exv.ecte-l of uv. in cava f n nViicite a im-
tur. to oxliiltit certiheati'S ( cures performM, l ul we can j
admire the luhietul lliul hundrel. t case ituv Wvu repor-
ted t lis, i
Dft. Towxsend: Mv wife hrm rreitlv istrese'l bv
we-iKUss and geueml ik-tnlity, aiul suticriiur cmiioually by
ptuu and with othr tiurieultics. end imuipkumn etise
wlitfe vur metiirine u ict-fien greni curt- ; nun nts
henrtuir it ree mmenf'eil to; sueh cases as I have deaeriliwl.
onriiin.'da bstleol our Kxtrart of Sinurririlla and foU
I iwed the diroeti iia y :'. grtve me. In a sh irt pcrid it
rt tu ied her r unpiaJtits and rcstirra hT to healtli. licing
irreatfutfT the bcnelits she received. I take pleasure in
Ihi.aackn iwie.lging it, und recomtiwndiuir it to (tie publie.
, , M. It. MUUttb,
Albany, Aug. J7. 'M. or. firuiul A J.vdia
No fluid or medifiuj bus eve been ditcovercA wliich M
nearly resembles the gastric juice or aaiiva in deeompoaiiig
IohI Nud 8treiiiheuiiitf the ttririius of dice4ion aa this pre-
niratl n of Harmniiriila. It iMNiitively cures every case of
dytepaia, however severe tr rhronie.
n:ii)K uepuriineiii, jiuum, .uuy iu, ij.
Dr. Townscnd Sir: 1 have been atfiicted for neverul
years with dysiienaia in its worst form, attended with a nir
nesa of at'Hiiru'li, ksof appetite, extreme heartburn, and a
grat nvern.Mt to all kiials of fo al, and f r work, (wlial 1
c uti eat) I nave oeeu nnanie io reiuiu um miiaii poninn
on mv st'ipmch. 1 tried the iiaunl remeibes. Imt they liad
but little r n-i effoet in removing the cunplatnt. 1 was in
dueed. nUmt two months sine. t. try your Kxtrat of Sar-
ailiarilh. and I must aiy with htile e anidi'iice ; but niter
i is i hit ueirly two bottles. 1 found my appetite ntorefl and
tlm heartburn entirely remnved; nnd I wmU earntfitlv rr
e unmeivl the use of it lo thoae who have been atllicted' as 1
have been. Yours, &c W. V. VAN 'ANDT.
Ag-nt for Snnbury JOHN W. FRIIJN'M: Nor
tl.umVrlaml, MAKY A. McCAY ; Danville, WM. A.
M1IKHAY ft Co., i
ApiilS-K IMS. ly
ItillaM Ucntllii?, nnd lottM ll!e
Hull lload.
C1 HANGK of Hours. tnl two Trains i)aily
J ftch way, vxcept Siitiday.
On an, alter Monday. .May 1st, 1818. two
trstnt will run each way, daily, between PinU
and Pot titville.
Leaves Phtladelpbia at 7 j A. M daily except
Passes Reading at 10 4.1 A. M.
Leaves Pottsville at 7i A. M. daily except
SnnJays. Pames Read thy at 9 10 A M
The abovn Line stops at all way stations on
the road as formerly.
Vft Train. I Ziti Train.
Leaves Philadelphia atjLaves Pottsville at 2
2 P M .daily except! P. M . daily except
Sundays Sundays
Leave Phtunixv'ille 3 i Leaves S Ii Uaven,2r7
ixi a i lsj es3 9
tejTkeT r it m
i i i irAvinjt. a. jtKccrs, moraiETOK.
i Windsor, Vermont.
IS a sovereign remsdv fur OYBPEPS1A, In many of sit
forma, sucn as palit in the Stotnacli, Huartlmni, Imbitual
fjnatireness, Aclti Stomach, Htxiittiche, Lfss of Appetita,
rilss, Night Hwaats, and aves) Cunsampliua (Uyspaptio
htliiasc.) and AsUnna, or Phthisic attainled with dtrange
tnnit ol tho St'Unsoh (ur Dyspeptic Astlnna,) lllflicult
Brmthinf , which often resnits front imperfect digestion (
l)yspcitic flyspnosa,) is relicreil hy Hirsc Bitters. In short,
their use has been proreil in the relief of almost all the
aympt'tnis thnt pnirced from a debilitated or atonic condi
tion of the fMinsi'h ; also in general debility arising from
age or from the efl. cts of Fever, particularly Fever and
Ague. Females suffering under any uterine derangement
arising from weakness, will find tho "OxYosxiTED Bit
ters'' nn excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi
cine in use.
The history of this tncdicino is peculiar. It has made its
way to public fnvur solely by tho force of its own intrinsic
merits. No artificial means have been used t give it n.
t'Tietyand thrust it upon public attenti "ii. H has never
before even been advertised, but having first shtwn its re
limrknMe clfiticy in tbe fnmily of tlie priprietor, and by
him nltcnvntil ndininiftrel tu his afHIcted friends nnd ac
nuiilnlanrre with a like result, its rnputati 11 graduslly ex.
tended until ii is known in the nvst riitmit .iris of the
t'liion, n a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cure of
D-ieisio in nil iis ditrerent firms, nnd nisi for tlie cure of
Asthma or Phthisic, ita only honild and its onlv cul fV
huslieenthe atory of its w uilorful eliicacv, ss told fr"rii
month to mouth or by let'rr fr mi fru-iut 1 1 'friend. In eve
ry instance where these Bitters have been used, and the re
sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. Numerous certificates, nitrating the singular efficacy of
the "OxvoFSATt-D Bitier.." are iu the p.isewioii of the
proprietor : many of thom signed by persons already widely
kiuwu to tlie public.
GEO. n GRHEN, Proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vt.. Crt,-ber .1, IMS.
The lollowtog I'rrtitit-Mtes hnvr recently been
received t
Wasiiixoto, I). C, JtM in, 1W8.
ITa Injr made use of the ixygenated Hitters1' prepared
by I)r. lico. B. Green, im' AVinllnor.. Vt. ami from know
ledge obtaiiMM ot their efrr&cy iu other raKes, wechirl'ully
rcc niiinen-l thein t ) thepublir. belicvtutr tluit they will tully
sustnin th rfl' mnieiul:ili n of the l'ropriet r. We hope
thnt this Ttihuiiile remeily nmr lie so gein-nilly diifusetl
throughout the emuitry thut it iiuiy be accessible to all the
WlY.I ilAM imtll ' 13 Seib "" Vennont.
JAM1-:! P. Si.MMONfl, I,'. f. ut r from R. Isiand.
i. T. .MfiKI'.ilKAD, I". S. S. and f Tiiwrly Uovem
or of Kentukv.
I.. II. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and f innerly Go
vernor m" H.I.
W.M. M lUliBRir.Ci:, 1'. S. Seiuitorand f irnierty Go
vern ir of Mi-hi'nn.
M. I.. MARTiN, Dcl-ig itc iu Congress from Wisc.nuin
From II n. II. 1). Funsr, Mt:inber ot" (.'unprcus frrnn
Pcimr Iviintn.
YAHii.N()ir..s. D. C, Ji ns 10, 1H10.
Dear fir. 1 h-ivr loru n dyKpfpii unrtfrt-r i t ab nt ten
yenia, mul li;ivo rca .rtinl t vnri ut mnlifinrs f -r rHirf
wiilinut aiirp, until I mi le iwe of yonr "()tieivitid
HitttTi." 1 liav: usmI iib mt twi bttf oii'l fin I inymtil"
ro!trrl t p'Tiit-t IhmIJi. The TirmB iu wliii'h the ilia
ria fli tWi.-'l iia'ir. iu rny coe, wr, (sront nrility of lite
at 'iiriclt. I t oi ii.M tit j. rxtrrmc ti itiili'iir, i"Vrr cittti
Ktti nt H'the b savc'Ik, on.l vinl'iut hfinL-wlir. Ffftinij ikni
r nr tlul a Lu wU -tliro ol y mr a!iriMf rcnu :h m,iy reurh
otherK iniibrly nliiu't'M. rrml plf:inro iu rcconl
inir my ttini 'ity 1 1 it cumtive vm-er; nn1 wmlrl li
rniKtik, thut vvbilft on n virfit at liuine n short limr ittfe. I
trlniitiintrrfti a jtart of a b utle t a iiuhukt of nr. HiflicU'd
frlrmla, with vnt nwcvnn. Tlmy ore dirnns "thnt ymi
ah mid catubliah nn amcy nt Piit8t,urif. or int'aim them
uhcrr the iiatiiino ran h' oliinined. Willi an t'fimrrtt ilc
aire fr y mr pr m;ieritv aii l Impuiursa, I Hubrili nivaulf,
truly y.Twr frinwt II. P. FOSTliR.
iMft. Gko. B. tJnreN.AVitHlrt r, Vt.
S M W'h 'Itrtl nnd Hvuxu bv 'uccii & FU'tcliert No.
iMSmih Sixih Hireet. Pliiliidrlphin.
Act-'tit f t Snubtirv H. It. M SSKR.
Airfntafr .Millmi MACKAY k H A AO. '
April 15, Hid
. Indian Vcsclublc iMUs.
This medicine ia coiiipoumW crj general frinciplo, front ,
the jure, uieidultersted herl of the lndi'.a. AltIK.ngb '
Oieio are many medicine railed Iry rha mine nn:s, arnry
one la swar that there is very grest dinTerancc aksoasj '.
thero. Those of them that aro called Indian," bars stolsa) -the
nam from us, who were the first to Introduce a prapt
red Indian medicine to the American ptthlie. Of eours
aimilsrlty of name doc not croot a similarity in tli char '
eterof tha madieiiie. : i ; - . .
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are distinguished for
their perfect adaptation to the human bofv In thaff opar- !
atlon, they do exaetly what nature does, and nothing nor.
They hava a roca-roL scrtos, Upon th lungs, sUia, kid-
nays and bowels. Menoe their peouliar power over disease.
By promoting perspiration, they break up Col PS Cocoas,
RMire!!t, Pair ia tna Bsck, towa, '
CtiTA-iawa Earmo.ts, Ptsnu, Bi.0TCrta, ranoaus,
EararaLAS, ka.
Tha action of tha Pills oa the kidneys is such as lo mak
them a valuable llthontrlptlc. Daorsr, Gravu., and Ft
mai.ii Cosiri.AiTs, aiising from obstruct ions at esrtaia
periods, are speedily removed by theit us.
A free Extkctokatio from the lungs is excited by tha
use of Wright's Indion Vegetable Pills, thus removing
Pulmonary Complaints, such as Asthma, BuoxcitiTia,
SonitNKss AND Tiuut.ness ol' the Dreast, t'oisvlis, S.jrs
Throat, 4 c. '
By their action on the Stomach and Rownis, ll.a Tills-'
cure r)Trsrsu, l.ivia Covplaixt, Pai.mtatio ir t
IIrST, rtATt't.Bvrr. t o.llvE.irsi, FimrRs of all kinds,
Plcuris)', llraduihe, (lid.liiuni, Dvreiitery, Piles, and all
disorders of the intestines.
Taken in siua!l doses, Wriirht's Tndina Vegetable Pill
become an Ar.Tritx.iTrvE medicine, of great searching ef
ficacy, for the euro of S.bk of all kinds, f bttii, To.nea...
JArxDtrit. Lnw.tEssor SrtRiTs, Nui balgia, Rash, Paixs
t! Tnn Bose, Ac.
Thcso Pills al thoroughly break up IxrLtrazi, hr
which complaint they nre frrini ly valuable. i
lu ItiLim:. t'oiti i..tsTs, thi se Pills exercise a complete
mastery. Hence Feveh axuAoik is speeilily cured by the
use of them, In the Western and utthern States, where
'his disease mostly prevails, these Fills go lik an Avalanch.
hilethe) are cheaper tluui the fever and ague reinediea
1 'wj&Mj&m&.j!
Scrofnla or King's F.viL Rheumntisin. Olistinate Cutineous
Erurtions. Pimples or Pestllles on the face, Blotches,
Biles. Chronic Pore Eyes, Ring Worm w Tetter,
Hcnld Head, Knlargemciit and Pain of tha
- Bones snd Joints. eMublviril l. k ers, Syplii
litic Symptoms, Sciatica or Iinlbngo,
diseases arising from mi injudi
cious use of Mctcury, Drop.
By, Kxssure or Impru
dence in lii'ef nlso,
Chnniic Consti
tutional Dis
, ., . ... orders.
In tins medicine several iiiii-vcnt but very potent articles
or the vegetable kinmlom ore united, forminu eninnolind
entirely different in ita character snd properties from any
other preparation, Kv nurivnllid in lis opemtiou on the
system win n lab iring under ilmv. It should be in tlie
hands of every pcrs m, h , by huoiuns, ,.r tcin-ral eoiirne
of liie. is prcdiirp-ised to the very mimv ftiliiiH-uts that ren
der lite a curse, instead of a blinking, e'nd so often result in
nr. Drake's Panacea is recomnieiith'd ns a certain reine.iy.
Sot one instance of its failure has ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the dimtiHc ami at the snine time imparls
viRor io rue wnoie system. isTniitioti pels iis can never
nay ton nuicli atti'iitiim to the state of their blood. Its pu
rification should lie their first aim : for nrwerance will
accomplish a cure of avatt iirrkditauv disease.
L., . . ......
.w..,,. -..,. .aiktiioiis. niTiiiirs. i line eweiiinir. ; w-;i...
.rn.,na Tlrrra. Contra, Itumu.iir Km. S-nba mul e , 'HF"" ' "
HiiM. lr. Urakn'a Pnniirtri ami t he I highly cs.olird ; I pr.'n imcij aupenor to ah of them. Indeed, it wrrwld rrp.
it afurchca out thu vwy r.ot v the J.v use, and pcniiancut. I pear tluit if tlicrc ia vno romplnint ove-r which thcae Pill
!1I.I;STI(IN : oil DYPK1SI 1 I,avP m,JTC lwwcr liian 8llt,l,ier7 it " Vkvcm and Acu.
n mnlu'iun pi'rhtpa linn ever tiiitc tverM which i For detroyinji aial oxpfllitig WonMi. no Verruifure ia
.rives a imn: h fme t- tlie at .nyirli uml cniiau, tbf a.-.-re- anperior to these Villi- Altlf anrli we have not taken polnato
lion "f a riKilt;iy' alintric juiPst t-j tltc mii'Bc the fojd n l)r. . .. - . .. . ... ... ....
lr;ike'a rmucLU , innKr lhis met punnc, in infill oi me mitiiciiie itaeir has
r ; BC4uiriHl fr il Pti extensivft rejiutntion and suli; fur tha re
Dr. Prake'a FuniicoQ ia usf-d with Ihe irr':iiet aurct'Ka in
Ithrumatie CiniinLiiitita, esjKvt.uly audi ta ohunic. It enrea
by (Irivnii! i.ut nil iinpuritica nml f ml humours which have
niTUiiinltitfrt in ayatfiu, wriiHi urc the etmae uf ltheii
inutiHin, ti nit. und Swellmtra of ihe joint. Other ri-ninlira
a tuietimea (ivc temporary reucf; thin entirely era'lieuies
the diMe -we irm ihenyBtem. even vheulito li;nb nnd bom s
are ilrr-udfully awollcn.
C'oNaiMi'TicN can ec rtisEu. C ntitl.i, Catarrh, Brjn-
chit in, Sitttiii(; of iJI hxl, AKlhiun. l)i:huit tr prfu-ie Kx
peel iraticn, NeeMe Flush, Nibt venth. Iaiu in Ihe anic
Ac. have been cured, nnd cm be w ith na much certainty ua
any other diaL-He. A specitie lu- l.-nii len Mught lor. but
ui vain until ihe ilisc .very of Ir. Iirnk-'a l';iii:iceri. It u
tmld nud aitfe but certain nnd eifienti'iua ia its operation,
und eaun t rjos-Mhly injur tha moat delicate ronstituti' 41.
We would earnea'ly reMmuieud th .e nifitctitl t give tt a
trial and we Iwlieve they wiil not h ive ivcnai n to regret
it. The ayaiem ia clcuuaed atrl atreiiKiheiied, the uleera on
the Imurn urc heiled. and the patient KTattu.tJly ie!4in their
usual h'.-allli and strenLh. lUwl tho J'jiiuvviig :
rna . Pec. Mth. IM7.
Ditli S.R : hi reply to your (jurfttii n rej?eclii.g the use
of Dr. Dnike'a Puniieen. I will auv, thul alth jii;;1i tt perfect
dWwIie rr in the existence of n Panacea, or cure tir all
dtie;iKe, lt.ivevr valuable it uny be in criuin e Jiidiiiii4 I
oi tne aeui, kiiu i nave thieved ttml a cure !ti i; 'inurtip
lii n wtMiid be diae irereil a-ner or hter. nuJ cut wait y led
me to try yjur medieiiie in t,vi Very inveterate wea.
They were proivmueeil by the aKeii-iiuif phyxieiuu t be
rt-LMoNAKV coNn'MPiioN, mul nltful'nd by ihem
cl'Rabi.k. One oi the M-raoiia ind beiai umler tho trent
i uieiit of fneml verv able pruetiii tneia for n iiumlMT cf
yeara. and they aaid he lad I lahi nvx Couauniption
e mil line with Scrofula,'1 and thnt she mtirht linerlor nu
time, but cjuld n t lie perniTuiem1) ToIie ed. In lw;h uH.-a
the eifeet i t' tlie iVuucea has hern in fat uretiiunp. Only
four or live tw'tilea were ul bv one of the nerVm'" bet. ire
she biMTfin tt inrtr ve npidlv. Tluj nthr I ')k ub .-nt
nnval of Worm Aduiiiiiatcreil to ndultx or children, the
eiVcrt of (he ViWa in v iial!y nidic:il Mid decisive. All whw
a'iflW from Woiim aala uld by all mcim, uae Wright's In.
diau VcfTet.bln ,
In iVi-rt. n i one cn ainiaa in the use of thin medicine.
They are let the br-dy na fold ia. A trial wiM
c uvinee the skeptical that Wrialit'a Iniliiin Vegetable I'illg
far from bein a common "quaek imsfnnn," nre decidedly
the nr-at valuable niedieinc ever otTered to the public.
Beware of Sugar Coated Counter?
nnio ntr that the nripinM and only etntune India u
Vegetable Pills have tbe wtittcn signature of Wdi. WrigU
un tho top lubel of each bJi.
U I ijrlit'K Indian Vegetable IMUh.
Honrs Mssar. Stimbury,
K. & .1. Kaufimnn, Auenstn tonnsh!",
John II. Vine nl, Chillisqusqua.
Kse & llergslrc-ser. Kly'liurg.
Samuel Hull, Little Mahonjy,
William Ilpppcn, Jackson.
Irelind ai d HuynM, MrKwr riNsi'rV. Ilvimn & llroiber, Milton. -. .
101.5 Ihe, Wilson & Co., No.
.lamrs K.J, l'iitigiove.
(1. W. Scitt. Kjhi:le. '
W.ill K(i'ly. Hhnni. kintn tv
IShiHlcj ft l"air,Kv tinvJertnwn.
Aran T. U. IU Tur!'.nlil!. . .. ,
F.. J.. I'i,f".
lt:irc ft., 1','iiliJi lliii.
ti.t.nn',iw c. . . : ' ' -
tit the uil'u't m.'i pciu'r.,1 ilcsil, lb'0
Pnitituvrn, 4.l.'
' Rnading. 5 011
" Port Clinton, 5,4V
" Srh. Haven, 6.10
r rives al t'otts-
villv, 0SO
Purl Clinton. 3 OU
" Uail.ii. 3 IO
" rottstown. 4 30
" r ha'nisville, 3 00
srrive at Slat
RoaJ. .1.30
nx-nt af printing nd otbsr paper. Nw
mnj iz ud quality, at
papart in th country, cn b auppiiad at all
time, with ppr o
tha lowest nrtcr.
PhiUHelphia, Jub 17th, 1848
Altoraey at Law,
INFORMS th cititrn of Northumberlaarl
touutjr. that b will bereaftr regularly at
Kod IU court af id county and wil- promptly
vltcnd la any buatnea ntrutcd o hii car Ha
may b conaultad th Hotal al Pftar Laituut
iMnageaart. , . , ,4,
Suubuty, July 8tk, 1141- ,
The afternoon tram will topnnly t th abuve
named atations Hassenjers for other points
mutt therefore take tli orninu I 111
Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Uroad and
Vine Street Tv'o Passeniier can enter tbCr
unlea, provided with Ticket
NOTl 'F. Kil'ty pounds of bagtag will b
allowed to each passenger in tha lines; and
paseni(ers are expressly ptohibited fioirt taking
anything a baggage but their wearing apparel
which will b at Ibe risk of it owner. ISO
freight will be taken hv these line.
By order of Board of Mrtgra
! ....; g. BRADFORD, 8erttry
May 6 1848. tf v ' TJ" 'TT.'- ',
I'lclorlal Rdlllou ot dubltfne'
grMt Work oa iue llelorinalloo
pnMihd or. nr about th 1st of Apiil. 1818. by
J03 A Sl'F.EL. No 96 Cherry t bov 6lh.
hi tplendid I3mu edition of the above named
work. ith 18 eniraved illustrations from oti.
glnal designs; 4 vol in 9, bound in extra clot b
and library sheep. ' (
Tbe publiiher repctlully a1li the attention
ofthe trade and the public generally, to th.ii
work being the only illustrated edition published
in th Cmled Stte He trust that th beauty
of it embellishment, Ih strong and substantial
manner in which it it hound, in conjunction with
lb fu6H populaiily of lb work iUalf. will be
a sure sosnieibtaiin ra puouiavor.
r JOS. A BPF.FX. 06 Cherry t above 6th
I. A' 8 ha'tso lately published, a new and
beaiiliful Edition of Sergeant Bell' Hare Show,
I suitable book for children, neatly rloa up ia
extia clothe v w ,r s . r. . n
. rhiladelrhU, Afttl t, , '. i
In prca.'uiin3 the pulille with a renicly fir the irentmcul
and e.irc of rKVUii ami At.i R un-t .t".er bili ua tit.-. :iit.
no ajnlotfy ia necdrd. Vart nunilMTa in the t'nited Stales,
vh i sutl'.-r tro.ij the aifeeii :ia in iheir varied f irioa aie
e uiellitl to ie'lk relief frui other a mreea ihan the iinui
dite preikTipti 'iis of the reuUr phyaieian. It ber -niea
theref re an object of Immniuty. ra well na of public inter
eat, I briiur l-'f(r them a n-inixh prepared lioin much ex
perience, and whu-h iiuiy alwu a le rclietl hmh ua hfk,
nrt-F.ritit.. and iiaumlk to tiik coxstiti tion. Thnt
such ta the true clwaeter of the INIUA t.'IHU.ACUdl'i;,
ia amply nt tented b) the universal aucecsa with which it Iiua einitl ivetl.
Kx tract frrni s min'nuuiention erf the Htm. Wu.
li ah Vooiilux:c. of Uie L . S. Kciiule, Lite Govern v
PBTUOIT, Oct. 21, 110.
IOTTOK CiMhi-K Oartoop,
Dear tir. 1 have read with much inlereat, y nr little
trakats ujiuu the "ctuaea, tretiUiu nl ai4 cure" of the
febrile diseiiitea which bje k eileiiaivelv prevtoied in our
CuMiiiln during Ihe Inat few ui mi ha nn lutercji iiwreutvd
ii d'Mibt, by Inc fact thnt I hnve iiKlividually aiit'crtil ai
much from tliviii. Though 1 feel myiwdf very inc iiuieteut
to juduc Kifely Uxn a anbjei't a eutirelv profeoai m:d, et
ymur the iry aeema t i ni well rena ine.-, and c iiclu
aiona pue. antl 1 think, that your jaiiipnUt ia caleti
luted to plod uce nuicli pRieticul n.xid.
Hiienkuijt of tlie medicine he ways : It fulty juatiliecl your
rliitterin? expectnti nn. hihI aa a rule, convenient, and popu
tar reniu ly, mv own experience. u fr, induct-a me lo lx
licve thut it will pr vu a jrret pu' lic (em-lit. 1 am phut d
1 1 leiini (liut vou lime rtm'titU ert:iblishel ai'venil turenciei
fir iia iliapiiitni thout'li 1 ri;rt t thut, with a viewt- u
iu rn ireneral it iHemi nation of it. V u ahould me found it
iHt't Kmiry to remuve Imii y uir prraeni revitieiice mil nvg ua.
With imich respect 1 have the h n r to I.-, sir,
Vonr o1)i'i acrvnut.
VI! I.I.WI WiXMllitillK.F..
From I Inn. Stei'he V. K. Tbowbuuxsi:. of Michi
gan Suite Semte. I the Atfent ut IVtroit.
HiRwxrifiAM, Oakh.nd Co., Dec IS, ls?4l
Sir yu with inetn infirm you what I kinw U Dr.
0in"a India put-, r uuii-bili ma medicine. 1 di
believe ttuit it the irtue uutl ethcacy oi tlua medicine were
penertdly known, the FfVk'B An agce would difistpjieur iu
. 1 uioeurwl a b ittle in the aprtnp of IHI. ami have a od
reuiMjn I Ireheve thnt ni) Kelt nud lamily eicael the ague
hint aniaiai in c lUftcrpienVe of ita ttae.
PerliHpa iu n aiunniei ainee the sett lenient of (his 6ne
peitiuauLt, hiia the fever nud ujrue Iwu ti prevalent aa the
tut. 1 have rec uniiiendtsl Una nictticiue iu iinuieroua in
ataueea. and when the diaetiae hnd become fixl nnrl btiffled
the akitl nf phyaicianaj nud I have never known it fail. I
haa miiveraully produced the m t happy erTVta. and I let
lieve it ha never been exceeded by any medicine iu remo
ving the hilioua HiaeetHfi ot' the climate.
Yuurs. naipecl fnllv.
Ar"'H for t n.bur 1. H MASSKR ; Vtrthmnberland,
WlTHlNOTtlM A C ; MUt'-it. J. II.ItAStlU; Uelias
trove. MAY A KlAJtK.
May 6, Htt- tl .
C It 1: A T X ATI t ) X A l7 Vk OR kT
A Hiatal-)- uf the RevulutUu nnd Lives uf the
lleroea tf tlie Wr uf lnVpendence.
An ehgnnt vohntu with 18 fine Steel Plates,
and jwuWu- 200 beautiful Wood Engravings.
"Tins ia a MpUttsdid K-'k. A lualae eAluion tu the
lliul irii. I.ii.noiiiM nt' iair e.miurv. Wu nre mueh mikttu.
ken if it d v n rt take rank with the wrk w" Irving and j
PreeeoU rraiikl-jra iieram.
Il aarpiues any aiuulur work yet offered to the Ameri
can pllbllC.' w;.r.
It iiihv ie prjp.ny e ( Hipuuncu .Aiuiutrv
lliat irycf tbellevM'itini, extremely well tuiU juUicimia
wiitu-ii." N. Aiucricaii.
i he preiH iit work ju the Itevoiiition aiul its Heroes, is
u pen b-itwi in extent anu design tJ any titat naa hereto,
fure c ane under our notice. "'Intj.
A well eotuiecteu lluuiry ot that eventful period. Led
ger. '.
"ueciueoiy me ut-"i popular iiieti iry ca inq war oi me
Rer 'hit. m ami its Heroci, tliat has yet been gtwn to the
country ."Snturd iy Kveninfr Post,
AGENTS W ANTED to couvsas for tlie above ele
cant Work, iu every County and Town in the I'jiitrd
Nates, to ths w t libenil iuduceaieuia wit. be oiler
ed. Price only
Addreas (puat-mid) WM- A.J.KAUY.
1 No. 156 N nh f KCOM) St,
Philadelphia, May 00, I8 3in
1 will only add that laiuiliiir ua Imn with c.aiMiiuptkit by t rUi.tievi.le ISulshtic, V prr Mshonoj
luheriliiiice and hy cxteiifive ( h.;ervtivii o a twly, mv J, hn IS. lu'liH. ' da.
kti iwinK uis tin: injurious etieets iu nine cafes cut ol ten
oi tar, b .meaet, and other veKeu.hie t inicf. h well u a of
iiuniy ol the expect HiitHitmUtsl.itiverS t f li titi never have
ret; inimendcil the use of l)mke'a Ponn-ea if I had iut Iwen
acqiratiitetl itli the iniircilii-nt?. SniTi'.'c it t mv thut thene
nre icotmneitded by our in wt jyniihr nnd acu niiiic phxsi- j
elans, tiurt in tt.uir rfweul c !.!.. .wl auu-, firm pr hil ly
the la ultenitive that h.ia erer he n ni Ktu. The cure ii :
in aecord.iiiea with a theory oi (' i'isuuiHi:i broitched in ;
Trance n fi'W years ;u , hy m.c "f hT u. :t eminent wri ;
t ra on iiicilte'iie. tiki n v I'suiUiMjH by facta which ad- i
nut of ir diai'ide.
Very I"epectiu!:y Y -uir, L. C. Cl'NX.
To uc the hnsunue of another, '-I r. Drake'a Panacea in '
alwTtya auhiiary in ita ciVeel urvr injuri. ui. it ia irt aa
Opitte it in ir nud .-'xpeefrttnt. It i n -t intruded to lull ;
the invalid int.) a latul aecurity. It inn -rroHl reiuedwa '
Kitind he:iiing himI cumtive c iup Hind, tlie gnat uial "only '
rfiiii uv wnu-ii r:it-iii'-.u rciL-imir nu Ktvi.t u:i yet proutlceu .
for Ihe trc'itrncnt of this hithert i unc'nqucre4 inntudv. And 1
no pera-in BtDiettKl with Una ilrcnd iliaeaete, will hr. Jinn to
himaeli and hia iricini., if he d ivi ti the (fmve wilhuut
leMinp ila virtiii. A illirle h -ttle, in iu at Ciiav!, wiil pro.
dnce a favorable change in thccJivhtuu vC suy patient,
h iwevcr t mv."
July 8, Iv
rmBVie?VK WV
207 Mnin sired, Ihifuh. N. Y
- mi. g.c. VAitJiLN s ;
Vf?rlBblr Litlioulriptif Millorr.
ji.!!f.Wpi!ee .iiiplexi m mil e aiminpiii-e t.abits. ami rpitl eeVliml.-it retiwlv U conetaiiUy uicrcasing itt fi
err aoi.uraien uv those iilvtructl 'lis vnicn trnl.ll.-s
such as
aie liulile to, are n w.irwl liy the ose oi'a bKtlo cr two, to
liljuiu vik.w. II tskylurtlir l:sl rcniedv ever disc verl
fur winkly rhildreu, aiul such us have Inil hunixrs ; being
plrtiNint, tliey tsk It. It mitnwliat.-ly rest ires the appetite,
st renin Ii aist ciilir.
N'ltliiuc can be iii.irc surprising thun its iuiir iratiuj; cf
fuels nn the hiiiil'in frame. lVis ms, ull ucakiiiss nn.l l
sinidu liet.ire tukins; it. in on.'e heeume r ilmsl nnd full of
cmrrpy iiiuler its imliuiire.. It iuiincUute ctmiitemcts the
iicrvrtcwirm nf the fi-iisile iruiue.
t'A V'l'ltlN". He eireful anil see tin vu iet the Kfnn
ine Dr. Dhakk's I'anacha it hits th sipiVitur nt tiho. V.
S-iiikhs mi ttie wnipncr und i the n:unc .-lla. L)a.KK's
I'ANArbA, I'iiila.' hi mu in the pl iws.
I'lviwri'l nl hvSroain C., llriiiiL'i.sta, o.-Jt N'jrth
Siith M., rhihulclphia.
Ap.-nt f"r Siml.ury H. M SS1.H.
tS'Malbol. Wm. A. Mnia.s .t ('., DsMVille II Smiv
Ea, Miltou; Masv Mtt'ov, NotUiumfc.rliuiJ j i;. lM.i t7,
April 1, tfl ly
Seal atil Letter-Copying I'rcxex's. Patent
Slato-LineJ Hufriui'rutors, Vati?r 'il
tertt, Patent PtirtiihleWulcr Clo.
sets, intended tor tho Sick
and Infirm.
76 South Third Sireet,
opj'ositk thk piiii.Aiu:M'm. ;xtiaxuf..
"S' "T'l-i Manul'aetiire and keep e.uistuiit-
T'VTt"-.r!rr"i"?iTt ly on hanl. a l irae ass iitiuent of
Ii1ffi(rJijit" fl the sli H-a articka, t yethvr U'lth
'4!'..Mt.QLr ll1 if 'f their P:itiiil li,iMr.i,',Hl S iLanimt.k.r
arlu.kt whuh
ITTv w ; rt fc are a c:imirncten aa to aet nt rew
iir ' fb H uiunner of d i;t aa t then
rtJir betnii nfficily hre-prKii, uud thai
they will niit the fire of any
btuMmir. The oiitaidc ceaea of
thes Hafee are made of hoihf iri. the iiifhir oaseof .kij
atoiie, and betweeu the outer puk mid inner ut; ta a ipuee
ot'auiie three luehea thie.. and is .Urd lii with untcrue
tilde iust'rhd, I uitihe it tu iiupotoilMuly to burn uuy
Drtikh,' t" d Variety
Na 96 Nurlh Third, bthiu Rote St and Nurth
EjaI tanner of Third tnd Market ttreel,
PHIX.AD8I.PmA. . .
WHERE thsy oiler lor a gaueral assort
ment f all kind of Btwaara, Comb
vatiMtiaa wbirh tbe are dtiWel to l
Lower tbea ran be purthaa) t aeoker.
Country Merchant and other forcbtf in lu
lb above liaa wil (nil it lo tbetr. edvataa to
re" befors fMurbMioi yhra lb qwottty
and prira will be lolly f arantee4 inl 'l
r'biladelpbia, Jan 9,111-17 I -'
of the'iits inside oi this I'tic-t. Tliese r Kt. (
himsniers vc are prepared nntl it ehulle:ice ttie U'.irld t'
rsluca anv article iu tbe slmr) ol' l!o.t S.iica that will
stand us much hunt, and we h l.l oui'lvcii remly at all
lines to huve thuui luirty testea liy ut'lie Ikiutire. v c
In c;iilitiiie to inanuiiictitre a lurfre ami irviicral ass vt.
nient of our Premium Air-tiirut r ire Pre a Nile a winch
there are over PUU uow iu luc, and III tvry .Il4tnce tlicv
have (liven entile t Ihe pnrcluuicrs--f which
we will refer tha puhlie t-i a few gcnlloineu win have
litem iii use.
Ilavwissl fc Snvder. VutinUl; Joseph ti. lwt.u
P .Itsville ; Ml. William Curr, 1ovlt''towii. Ps.
N. 4 O. Tiivl.w, ie9 u irtli tid st.j A right k Nephew
Vine st. wluiri'; Oar., O uiveyau -er, corner of
Pilhert and nth sts.; Jolm M. Ford, U-J oorih :W si.! Myera
Riuh, SO in rth Udst.i Janie M. Piiul, 101 s .uth 4lb sU
Dr. Uovid Javne, atwtU 3d . Msthew T. Miller, DO
a 'Uth al st.; end w oukl name auue hundreds ta uliers
II il weraneoesaary. Now w iuvite Ihe aitriitiou ot Ihe
puhli-, and nofiiruinriv those in want ol Fire 1 roil Sniea,
CToall at lii ssiro ha'iora purebasinK eehre, ana wa
eau aatiuy lhm Ihey will get a better and cheaper article .
al our store than al any oilier eataUishineii; in th cixy.
Wa also manulaoUir the nnhuary r r i
at very sw prices, cheaper Uiau Ihey call b aaugnt y
olher store in Philadelphia. AVn KYANHi . .
. riuladrlphia, April 8, .
George J. Weaver,
No. IU Water Street and No. 1 1 North Wlumeg
BJTA3 eonatantly oat band,, a penoral aaaorl
I neat of Conlsi;, Sein Tine, &o., it
ler 1 Kopee. FUliing liufiaa, Whit Itupea, Msnil.
la Room. Tow Liqe for Canal Uoet. A Wo,
eomplato aaawrtrneiit of kVliv Twinea, eVa. aueh a
Hemp Shad ami Herrlnj Twiuo, Uaet Patent Uill
N. Twine, Cotton Shad and Heriiof Twine, b
Threeila, aVk eVe. Alao, Bad Corda, Pot)b lines.
II share. Trace. Cotton and Linen Osrpet Chain,
Ac, aU ol wbkh ha will dianoa of oi rmaanaabl
lei oa a.
PhilaaaVrat. ' If
.1. by the uuny cures it is luiovin
It baa now bee mc the only medicine f.r family uae, eud
lairticularly recoiiiuiendtid lir
all Places of this e 'inplaiiiL iiumcdiNtely relieve!, no inuttar
oi now un suuinuig. re rianupiiiet lor testuii vy. . .
GttAVkL, .- ,. .
' and all diti-oea of tlie urinary oryuui ; for tiiefe diaireaa
! iiifi cirmptuiuta it tiiUMbi ni.'iie ; no othcT arttck eaaj relieve
you ; un t the cur-!) u-stilifd lo wiilr mvuiee the iiidri akep.
i ttcil; hcv iiamnhlet. I.irr (V-mplsim,. BilliuUJl riiaeewM,
I FEVKR&A0.1.K. . .
Tj Ihe lir-'it West cpec: dly, and wherever thcae tjra
! plain m irevuii lliia innlwinc ia ofl"ercl.
' n l.:!e!cri ui c xnpoimd ii ti jmrt of this mixture,' it
curethefe d;e:u,fh wjtIi ecr'.uttity and eefenty, aiul duct
' ii l hit i e t:ie i teiu t jrtud. r.e l'miiihk-l.
' a Ciiupl ii it of a in t p-itnl'iil cJmmHer, ia
and a cure f,ll a by a few d iva uae of thia article ; it ia
. fur before any other prcivuvtnin f r thia diaeaae, or tor any
l'Jhr litfcuptf uriL'iifcitui.jr itjiu impute hi -d.--ice pam
, wmU kieL, w eiikiickJ f Um. K idneya, c., or indAinma
. ti n l auiiie, ia im tried lately relieved by e few ilaya ua nf
! tiii mt iiciue, oikl u cure u aiwuya a resuU wt iu uae. U
I sum U v.
I f 't surli eoni,luiii'., ejid alsw I jr derangcuicu'.s of tha fs-
j mate Irdiile. .
p;iioiul luenctriiatK'iia. N'oariicle hna over been cveradi
ex iirt thu whii-li wuukl tnueh thia kind m' derwifemeiita
It iu i be rehed upon ad a mire nod eiioive rcuicdy, and
dil we leel nerniitied t d no r hiIiI pive
as pr Ml' of cures ui Una distrusting class of cjffnplaiAts..
Htv pmnplilct. Alt It ken d wn, dehilitutrd eitsUtutiona
Imtu the elteet of mercury, wilt hi id the bnieutt" piwef of
tlii mtirle to act iiuitie.ltiitey, uut the uoiwus tuiuvra!
eratliiniled Horn thenvuleur. ' - .
wiil find the ulleiutive properiiea of I lit article.
and driven aueh iliease from tho -)ten. tie )mplilet
fr trsliinsiy of cures in uli hs-!os, which ilia iiliuu of.
aa advenisciiKut mllii'S peniiit he isunnl luva. Agents
cu e thein away ; ihey c uituiu a sigra of ccmoeale of
Lshhameter,'aiiit naijfer -
of the virtui'e nfu medicine, ncyer apwurl. H IB on, of
ti e r-x'M'iar Inuimvol llii artka that it never fails to
U n fit in any ce. i;d ii und mua. In are K-ft to kausl
uioj h i the i'inai'iutl ami liiii:eriii
' 1 1 1 1 S." MV
and keep lakiiir the nniiriue iis ring as there is an ire
nroieiiicjil. 'I he proprietor would
uirBiiutauumner.oi aruilca which coins out uuoor Ua
head of
as cures for Dfy, Gravel, Ac. : They are good ibe
ihiiig , aud oouco::tet to ri)j tin- Unwary ;
Their invent:, nvr Ihouflit uf oariiaj sack disss as, till
tins article. Ud done it. A particular study oi th psaa.
phlei ia earueuly sjiiciKd.
Agents and all who sell the article are
. GLAD TO CIRCULATE Put up in !W oa. Wiles, at ! : !? oa, do st
V I each tie tursr WiUiisi doa. won than Ivtrf suisJI bat
ties, lvisilt out and km iuu.uad ui.m. Cver? bra l la ha
'Vauiihn's VeaetaUle i jiiwlnXH-. Miatiuro,1 blosm upoa
the ghua, thu wriluui aujinaluie ol - U. V. Vaughn" oa Um
directions, and . C. Vaimlui. BulfaW," .smiHd on the
Cork. Nona oilnir ai m-uuiov.- Prciis
Vautrhu, and aild at the Pimrauu Ulnre, Wt Nun fireet.
l.y Dr. O. C.
Uiiliulo, at w holcaale and iraall. No alleMtlni given to laU
tera nnleas poal puid-MKdcra frusa rvKularle eonalstutad
Aeents excied . post )uo tetters, or verbal eanuniaiea.
lions vilicltuur ndvit a, pioui41y allanded to gratis
Oihoca devoted wiusivaly to sal a thia ertlrls..
V.U Nsmu st. New York oMy : Spa Can st.falsm, Msss.j
end by live Turnips' ilruf (aaa hruuxat tli, t aJtedtXatse
and tA.ia.iu, as Afe.iL.
List of mts aj. en, WsolsasI A rent PHlM
phis J. W. Knlnif . isunlHirylaaae Onaraan, Hsitutssaee
--C. A. Wselh. Uwubuer H. I Shaatar, Mik'-.yea
,uci,oriuica, mcwciae. uie Miss aloCos.
. April I, IbV-T
, FOR SALE AT TH1 Officii