THC WA TH TaEXTY WA9 COXSl'MMA TED. A correspondent of tho Now York Sun, writing from Mexico, gives the following account of the nr-gotiations respecting the Treaty with Mexico, which if true, are very disgraceful. Wo do not believe, however, that Gen. Scott would knowingly lend him self to any such intrigues as are here stated : From the New Yoik Sun.J When Mr. Trist arrived here, ho manifes ted a disposition, or rather.determination, to carry out Mr. Polk's instructions to the let tor; which, had he done, the late treaty would have been consummated, "but all of Mexico would have remained happily in our possession, a just indemnity for tho expenso of blood and treasure to which she had put us. When certain parties', and need not hesi tate in naming Mcintosh and Gen. Scott as principles found that Mr. Trist was for onco inclined to official integrity, it was determi ned tonssault him at two delicate and tender points, to wit: his vanity and pocket. Ho wa by much artful persuasion, led to believe that by lending himself to a treaty scheme, uuch as Mcintosh & Co. had cut and dried, ho would bo doing his country und Mexico inexpressible service, and securing to himself, Rt the samo time, immortal honors; while ho was given to understand I hat a princely tthure of pecmTiary profit would fall to his lot. Like Demosthenes so fur only "its lha bribe was concerned he could not resist the golden cup, and the result of the matter was a co partnership with Mcintosh. Scott & Co., for. the production or such n treaty as would make the parlies most money and notoriutv ut the samo time. The treaty was concocloJ by these north- ' ies, in conjunction with certain members ! of tha Mexican government, us it was called j bought up for the purpose, and the people of the United States were astonished to find ; ' themselves packed off wilh u barren strip of j Mexico, for which, besides all tho expenses j of the, war, and their claims, they were sad- ' died with a bond of fifteen millions of dol- J lars. And this brings me to onc'of the fitian- j cial ope.utions wh.'ch h id i's influence with ! ths treaty makers. The treaty money was ! arranged to be paid in instalments, the first ! of which, amounting to three millions of dol- ; lars, has b.eii paid. Instead of faking the drafts on the United' States, and selling them for the premium of fifteen per cent., which they readily command in Mexico, and saving to tho U. S. Treasury four hundred and fifty thousand dollars on ihree millions, or two mil lions two hundred and lii"ty thousand on the whole bond of fifteen millions, tho drafts were handed over by Mr. Trist k Co. to Har gous Si Co., in consideration of two per ceut. or sixty thousand dollars, which Trist & Co. pocketed while Hurgous turned the draftsover to a third party for fourteen per cent., mak ing a clean, profit of twelve percent., or three hundred atjd sixty ttotisand dollars,' without using a dollar of capital in tho transaction. It is needless alraoet to sty that Hargous &Co. are but sharers of this round liulo sum of one million eight hundred thousand dollars which is to be aiade by the twelve per. cent dodge on fifteen millions. Mcintosh & Co. take the lion's i-haru of the spoils, and those who know how the thing has been worked up to this point, think Scott and Trist will be none the poorer for the operation. The gov ernment fiuancieVs at Washington may head ofTthe speculation at the next instalment, and save the Treasury around sum ; but limy Irtve let three hundred and sixty thousand dollars slip througn Uncle Sam's fingeri", past redemption. The Shark Case at Baltimore. Tin Baltimore Sun contains additional particulars ' of the young man who was attacked by a I Shark, while bathing at lha mouth of tho j Fall, 4.L Thursday last : j "His name is Win. Henry Haywood, about . seventeen year of age, and was serving j as a 'tnn!l before tho mast,' on board ! the brig Kingston, of this port. Ha came a-; board of the brig at Montevideo, having, it it said, ran away from some English vessel . He came to Rillitnore, and has tince made a ' voyage to the West Indies- II is an Eng licVimaN ..r l.'rll. Ctrl k.ia .al-itlrae .... qnaintanee L' eser-nt hi shimnate. 0ll j Thursday evening 'he wa taken to tho Lorn. bard street Infirmary, vrhere, in consequence of th3 great agmy he experienced, and nt his ' own repeated volicitations, chloroform was admiuiete'ed to him 'by Br. Bhiktaton, and he was' kej.t under its influence for tho space of one hour ui! twenty minute, without any ill ccn'rctquencp, -sinco which he has been greatly relieved of pain, and up to last even ing was 'doing very well. During the appli. cation cf 'chloroform, his friends evil resultF, requested (lie tfuctoru to destroy its influence which wa.s no sooner done ithan ha actually shrieked from tho unsupportaMe -pain which the wound occasioned, and could only be ren dered less susceptible of it upon its being a gain administered. There are hopes that he may get over the (injuries, but h is by no means certain." "Sehved him aiuHT." We find the fol lowing rotreshii item in tliu St. Louis Or gan : "Yesterday afternoon, a lady-, the keeper of Doarnmg bouse on Broadway, was seen to deliberately walk from her house nd af proach a vict young man, who was standing on the ppoi.ite side, talking with a friend. The mieonseious youngster's first salutation from her was with a cowhide, which was mysteriously produced, and wilh which he rtfceived a severe flogging, muck to his own chagrin, but apparently to the pleasure of a largo number of persons who were witnesses toHhs cne. He wanted to resist, .but nran . being; threatened by some of the bystanders in case ha diJ, h stood and took it coolly. The chum was the too free use of his ton gue about this fedy tad her family. Verdict of of the crowd, "served biro right." Tjood lE-Ottgn thegenuina uotes of the State Bunk of Ohio, the number of human figures represented in the vigwHta eorre. ponds with the numbers of dollrt represen' led by the bilJ. This is a anro protection from fraud by tho alteration of bills ef small Jenomina,tioa to those of larger. - THS AXORICAIT. ' . SUNBURY. ... 1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1848. H. B. MA9SEK, Editor Proprietor. E. W. CARR. Prni Knikthw. N. E. Comer of 3d and pock t reels, Phtlarlejnhia, ip reenlnrty anthoriaed to receive ailvertiMments nd iacFiptioria fur thia paper, and receipt lur tnc same. Democratic National Nominations, for president, GEN. LEWIS CASS, of Michigan, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, 0X117. WW, O. BUTLER, of Kentucky. ELECTORS. . SENATORIAL. WIMJAM BIGLKR, of Clearfield. DAVID D. WAGENER, of Northampton. REPRESENTATIVE, t It. I,, nonner, Pliilad. co. B H. R. Knonn, " citv 3 lsiinc Bhunk, " " 4 A . I.. Rumfort, " co. ii J. f. Wat, MntilgVrv " n.F Wrieht, Leliiih " 13 J. C. Kinpr, Clinton co. 14 J. Weulmiin, Lebanon " 15 R. J. Fisher. York " 10 F. Smith, Franklin " 17 J. Croawell, lliint'don " 18 C. A. Block. Greene, " If) O. W. Bnyman, Ucdfd 20 J. R.9hann-n, Beaver " 21 O. V. Hamilton, Alle' 7 W . W. Downing, Chester 8 H. Haklcmnn, Ltmc'ter " a P. Kline, Uerks " 10 B. 8. Sell ;onover, Monroe 11 W. Swetland. Wvom'g " IS J. Brewster, Tufa " 22 w.H. uavie, irawrd ' 23 T. Ivca, Potter 2t J O. Campbell. Democratic State Nominations. For Governor, MOIililS LONG STR ET1I, Of Montgomery County For Canal Commissioner t ISRAEL PAINTER, if Westmoreland County. Democratic County Nominations. CONGRESS. Gen. WM. A. PETRIKEN. SENATOR. EDWARD Y, BRIGHT. ASSEMBLY. GEORGE A. FRICK. Sheriff. JAMES COVERT. Protiionotary. JOHN FA RNS WORTH. Recister & Recorder. JOHN P. PURSEI,. Commissioner. CHARLES WEAVER. Auditor. DANIEL 1 CAUL. Coroner. FRANKLIN A. CLARK. OS1" Some of the paper on which the American is printed, this week, has been too closely clipped to allow a sufficient mirjrin. " IE?3 We have been requested to state, that Charles R. Euckalew, Esq., will de liver a speech before the Northumberland and Point Township Hickory Club, on Fri day the 15th of Sept., at which time and place a Gold JIeJal will be presented by the Democratic Ladies of Northumberland to William McDonald, one of the forlorn hope at the storming of Chepultepec in Mexico. Democrats are invited to attend. Col. Wni. Brindle of the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment, will receive the Medal for Wm. j McDonald, and give a history and descrip- tion of the battle, Sec. Tnc weather is usually pleasant dining the present month. The nights are cool, but the heat during the day is somo times oppressive. A little rain at present wouy prove greatfully refreshing, I&r In the Lycoming county Conven- tion, Alexander Jordan, Esq., received six. t,en votes- for Congress. Gen. Petriken j and Mr. Jordan, were the only candidates j named. Mr. Jordan stands well with the Jerriocracy of Lycoming, and but. for the peculiar claims of Gen. Petriken would have received the nomination of that coun ty. Mr. Jordan and his friends will yield to Gen. Petriken, a cordial and hearty support. VZT The Northumberland and Dauphin Senatorial conferees met at Halifax, on Wednesday last, and on the seventh ballot nominated E. Y. Bright of this place. Mr. Bright will make a strong ryn in Dauphin. His election is sure, and the only question is hat will be the majority. See the pro ceedings in another column. MOnRIS LOXGSTKERII. We have already informed our readers of the nomination of Judge Longstreth, as the democratic candidate for Governor. Judge Longstreth is now one of the board of Canal CommissiSner. He is a practical farmer, residing on a splendid farm, which he cul tivates, in Montgomery county. Few men have risen more rapidly in political life. It is but a few years since that he took much part in political affairs. His intelli gence and business habits his excellent character and practical good sense, soon pointed him out as a proper person to fill the responsible office of Canal Commission er. Since then he has been gaining rapid ly in popular favor, and U now before the people as a candidate for the chief magis tracy of this Commonwealth. On him the democracy of Pennsylvania can and will most cordially unite, and when united there can be no mistake in regard to victo ry. As sure as Morris Longstreth lives, he will be the next Governor of the old Key. stone State. This county will roll up for him a handsome democratic majority. He will loose no democratic votes, but will jf we mistake not, break in. on the whig party in "me rti1nctn, ...- .;....-.. SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN OEN. WM. A. PETRIKEN. - The democratic Conferee of the 1 3th district alter balloting for several days, no. minated Gen. Petriken of Lycoming Coun ty as our candidate for Congress. This re sult was not wholly unexpected to us. The choice of this county was, Alexander Jor dan, and,his friends warmly pressed hi? nomination, and under other circumstances we believe, it would have been awarded to him. - Gen. Petriken, it is acknowledged, was not fairly treated by a portion of the democracry of Lycoming county four years since. There is a disposition now,' among those who were then disaffected, to make the amende honorable by awarding him a hearty support. This district is democratic beyond all question, by a handsome major ity, and as the democracy is now united, there can be no doubt of the election of our candidate by the usual old fashioned majorities. The personal and private char acter of Gen. Petriken is without reproach. That he is a well informed and intelligent business man, is not disputed. In 1844 Northumberland county gave him a majo rity of 700 votes, and we cannot conceive why as great, if not a greater majority will be given to him in October next. OUR NET 8KNATOR. From present appearance there is every prospect that Mr. Bright, the democratic candidate will be elected by a handsome majority, in this district. It is incumbent on us, especially at the present time, that we should be represented by a man of some experience in legislation, and one who through his influence would promote the interests of his constituents. Mr. Bright has already represented this county in the Legislature with great credit and ability He has formed an extensive acquaintance, and by perseverance and industry acquired the reputation of a useful and industrious member. This is not the time to send to the Senate a mere novice, who though he may be well enough in his own proper sphere, would be entirely out of place in the Senate Chamber. This is the opinion not only of the democracy of the county, but is entertained by many of the whigs, who feel that there was a great mistake made in their nomination, and who feel it their duty as well as interest to support Mr. Bright, at the approaching election. Lf Lieut. Wm. J. Martin of the Vol tigeur Regiment arrived here from Balti more on Wednesday morning last. He was warmly welcomed home by his nume- rous friends and acquaintances. He looks well and is in excellent health. Lieut Martin behaved with great gallantry in the various battles in Mexico, and particularly distinguished himself in the storming of Chepultepec,in carrying the flagof theConv pany until under the walls of the castle, during which time it wa? perforated with eleven shots from the enemv. lie was ac companied with Weiser Zeigler, who left here with him for Mexico in March, 1817, Weiser, also looks well, and was warmly greeted on his arrival. He served as a Corporal and acting Sergeant in the same regiment. The Lieutenant says, he was a gallant and most efficient soldier. Sun bury has been well and most gallantly re presented in the army, by a number of her sons. OV Holdkx's for September, ha5 been issued and contains as usual, a great variety of useful, and entertaining matter. It is embellished with a number of wood cut engravings, and is the alto gether, at 1 yer annum, one ofthe cheap est periodical published. STATE ELECTIONS. Tlio following is the order ofthe state elections which we copy from the Phila delphia Bulletin : Vermon:, Sept. 5th; election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, four members of Con gress, und State legislature. A United Statess Senator is to be chosy.iby this legislature, in place. of Hon. Wm. Upham. Maine, Sept. 1 1th : election for Governor, Legislature, and seven metnbert; of Congress, Georgia, Oct. 2d : cleotion for eight mem bers of Congress. South Carolina, Oct. 2d election for seven members of Cotigress and State legislature. This legislature is to choose the PresinentiMl electors, also, a United States Senator in place of Hon. A. P. Butler. Pennsylvania, Oct. 10th : election for Go vernor, Caual Commissioner, State legislature twenty-four members of Congress, and various county oliicers. The legislature elects a li nked States Senator in place of Hon. Simon Cameron. Ohio, also on Oct. 10th : election for Gov ernor, twenty-one members of Congress, and State legislature. The legislature is to choose a U. States Senator in place of Hon. Win. Allen. . Michigan, Mississippi, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Delaware, hold their elections in November. The Potatoes Disease. The following direction!, Jerlved from practical experience are well deserving of attention; 1. Let nil early potatoes that are ripe be immediately taken up. 2. Examine the stalks of all others every day- 3. Whenever you find any stalk diseased put your feet one on each side of it and pull it up, leaving the potatoes in the ground do not cut the stalk off, but pull it up by the roots. 4. Then tread down and harden the ground over the potatoes, and trench it up. 6. Burn the diseased stalks; do not on any account leave them on the ground. 6. All the late potatoes should re main in the ground and be dug up only as wanted, for when the disease has once made its appearance exposure to the air is found to increase it- ' ' SENATORIAL CONFEREE MEETING. The Conferees appointed to place in nomi nation a candidate to be supported by the Democracy of the 14th Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Dauphin and Northumberland, met at the house of Mrs. K. Frederick, in Halifax, on Tuesday, the Si h of Sept., 148, when, on motion, Dr. Mercer Brown, of Dauphin, was elected President, and Wm. M Auten, of Northumberland, Secretary.' Conferees present Mercer Brown, Lewis Heck, N. Boyer, Dauphin county ; Wm. M. Auten, J. D. Raker, J. B. Packer, (N. Boyer substituted for Jeremiah Harner, of Dauphin, J. B. Packer substituted for J. H. Zimmer man, of Northumberland.) On motion Resolved, That tho conferees proceed to nominate candidates to be ballotted for. Wm. M. Auten, Esq., nominated Edward Y. Bright, of Northumberland ; Dr Mercer Brown homiuated Andrew Patterson, of Dau phin ; N. Boyer, Esq., nominated Dr. Lewis Heck. On motion, Resolved, That the nominations now close, and the conference proceed to ballot. ballotting", 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th E Y. Bright, 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 A. Patterson, 2 2 3 1 1 1 L.IIeck, 11 2 2 2 Edward Y. Bright, Esq., having, on the seventh ballot, received a 1 the votes polled, was declared unanimously nominated. Tho following resolutions were then offered by Isaac D. Raker, and on motion of Dr. L. Heck, unanimously adopted. Resolved, That we have entire confidence in the principles and patriotim of LEWIS CASS and VV!f. O. BUTLER, the Democrs tic candidates for"Prcsident and Vice Presi dent of the United States. They have both been tried upon the battle-field and in many important civil station, and have never been found wanting. Resolved, That Morris Longstreth will receive our cordial support for the office of Governor. He was not the first choice ofthe Democracy of Dauphin and Northumberland, but the majority of the Convention having de cided in his favor, he is entitled to the sup port of the whole party, and will receive it. Resolved, That the Democracy of this Sena torial district, in which ho has resided all his lift?, have pride in "the character, aiid the able efficient and independent course ofthe Hon. Simon Cameron as Senator of the United States. He is a Democrat in principle, and is always true to the interests of his constitu ent?. Resolved, That we have the utmost confi dence in the integrity, patriotism, and sound, unflinching Democracy of the candidate this day unanimously nominated by us for Sena tor; and that, while we pledge ourselves to use all fair and honorable means to secure his election, we feel a just pride in presenting Edward Y. Blight, Esq., of Northumberland county, to the Democracy of this Senatorial district as their standard bearer in the corning contest, and in commending him to them as a Democrat entirely worthy of their confi dence and entitled to their 1irm and united support. Resolved, That the proceedings of this Conference be signed by the oflicersand pub lished in the Democratic papers of this Sena torial district. MERCER BROWN, Secretary. Wm. M. Autes, Secretary. Correspondence of the Public Ledger t'KOM WASHINGTON. Washington, Sept. 5th, 1818. To calm the public apprehension, I will state that Senator Benton has written ten pages full of reasons why he should not now tight Judge Butler of South Carolina. They are addressed in form of a letter to the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, the parly who carried the challenge, and will no doubt, be made known substantially at the proper time The principal reason is that Col. Benton's honor I14S been impugned, by the charge that he has revealed what was done in secret ses sion, and be innst first eftite that charge be fore he can be called upon to tight for a char acter. Instead of politicnns, various tomcats and other mustachiod beings are now promena ding Pennsylvania Avenue ,;by tho light of the moon ;" but 1 am no Asmodeus to draw tho veil from these mysteries. Ouserver. Frtyi the Evening Bulletin, of tho 1st inst. THE FREE SOIL MEETING. The ;free-soil" meeting was most numer ously attended last evening, for two reasons. One, because ninety-nine out of one hundred of both Whigs and Domocruts are utterly op posed to the introduction of slavery into terri tory now froe and the other to hear' Mr Yuii Buren, who .has the reputation of an a bin debater and eloquent speaker, and who has of late rendered himself prominent by the vigorous efforts which he is putting forth to a.rouse public attention to the further exten sion of slavery in this country. His speech made last evening well sustained the reputa tion which had preceded him, and notwith. standing the frequent interruptions which were made by the noise and vociferation of a few blackguards who evidently intended to put him downj showed him to be a man of talents, energy and enthusiasm, destined ere long to'fill a large space in the public eye. For the credit of our city we most sincerely regret the disorderly conduct ot the few Mo tors who attended the meeting lust evening, determined neither to hear themselves, nor tet other hear thia gentleman Such dis graceful conduct will meet the decided re probation of every good itizen, and will sure ly not be permitted to occur again. Some arrests were made, and we hope most sin cerely that the rioters will be severely dealt vvith. " A NiTipNiL Convention of "ooloretFciii zens" is to be hold at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 6th instant, the object, as stated in the call, to "take action upon measures of vital interests, and to debate upon subjects in which the color ed people are interested! , Ncakly Umakimous. Albemarle, In North Carolina, at the recent election, gave 190 for Manly for Governor, nd 1 for Reid. a JOURNAL NORTHUMBERLAND St POINT TOWNSHIP HICKORY CLUB. Pursuant to notice given, the Northumber land apd Point Township Hickory Club met in the. Town Hall, Sept. 1st, 1848. The club was called to order by the Presi dent Capt. WM. FORSYTH and On motion of Dr. R. B. McCay, the reading of the minutes of the meeting was dispensed with Capt. Wm. Forsyth tho Senatorial delegate to the Stale Convontion arose and prefaced by some well timed remarks, announced to the Club the nomination of the Hon. Morris Longstreth as the democratic candidate for Governor by the Convention. John W. Miles, Esq., one of the Congressional conferees an nounced the nomination of Gen. Wm. A. Pe triken. as the democratic- candidate for Con gress, in tho 13th Congressional District. On motion of Geo. A. Frick, Esq. Resolved. That we have heard with satis faction and pleasure, the nomination of the Hon. Morris Longstreth as the Democratic Candidate for Governor that in him as our candidate, we recoguizo those sterling, sound and radical Democratic principle, which ac tuated the administrations of Shunk and Sny der, and which gives good earnest and in sures to the party that he will carry out those sound and wholesome doctrines of political economy and rational ability, which so emi. nently charactiscd the mcsfa;res of our much lamented Gov. Francis R. Shunk. On motion of Dr. R. B. McCay. Resolved, Thnt wo view with unalloyed gratification the complete union of tho party in Lycoming county, hail with joy the nomi nation of Gen. Wm. A. Petriken, as the Dr mocratic Candidate for Congress, in the 13th Congressional District. That as ho has a- ways proven himself a sound consistent and radical Democrat devoted in his attachment to the principles and success of the democra tic party and known as a man of high mo ral character, admired by all who know him lor nis nonesty, patriotism ami integrity wo will givo him our individual and unanimous support. James Dieffebacher. Esq., then submitted the following preamble and resolution Whereas, This Congiessional District has been misrepresented by federal misrule for tho last six years, and whereas, it is high ly important to tho interests of the country the Democratic party, and to the people of this District that the 13th district should be represented by a sound, radical and reliable democrat in the next Congress, and whereas. We have the strongest assurance, ' the most undoubted evidence that thu Democracy of Lycoming, Sullivan and Clinton Counties, are firmly united, and aro determined to act in perfect harmony and unanimity, and are wil ling and anxious to go into the contest wilh an unbroken front and rifull determination to support and elect Gen. Wm. A. Petriken, as our next Congressman, therefore Resolved, That relying upon those assur ances, we will once more renew onreleetions and pledi'e our individed und unanimous sup port for the election of Gen. Wm. A. Pi'tri ken, to Coneress. And that wo riil here all fair and honorable means to insure his elec tion, and that Northumberland county, will give to him its whole democratic, majority. The Club was then addrersed in a few re marks by Wm. Forsyth, John W. Miles, John H. Morrison, James DiefhVnbacher, Dr. R. B. McCay and Geo. A. Frick. WM. FORSYTH E, President. John H. Morrison. ) IU:nry S. Thomas. J Secretaries. Foon Arroad. The late accounts from England appear to confirm the apprehensions which have been entertained as to the exis tence of disease in the crop of potatoes, while the continuance of unfavorable wea ther has excited Rome alarm in reference to the grain crops. Under such circumstances, therefore, it seems quite probable that a de ficiency to some extent in the supply of the necessaries of life will exist, and that we majf in the coursn of the winter become ex porters of considerable quantities of at least the lower descriptions of bread-stuffs, if not not of the more valuable. Minister Dismissf.p. At tho late Annual Episcopal Convention, for the Diocese of West ern Now York, held in Geneva, Bishop Delan cy announced that Rev. Washington Van Zandt had been displaced from the ministry. No" cause assigned. The Drought ijNew Jersey had destroy ed late planted corn, buckwheat and turnips. Wheat and rye have been harvest in excellent condition, boTh yielding unusually heavy crops. The California Expeiution. We under stand that the troops now ut Jefferson Bar racks, destined for California, composed of tho second infantry, two companies of artil lery, and a squadron of dragoons, under the command of Gen- Benet Riley, have been ordered to New York, Rnd will embark by sea for their destination about the 1st of Oc tober. Tho season is now so far advanced, that the march across the country could not be made without great risk and expense ; and it is thought by those best acquainted with tho route, that, under the most favorable circumstances, they would have been com pelled to winter in Santa Fe. Going by sea, they will arrive in California in February. Congressional Pat and Mileage. A. Washington correspondent sf the New York Herald says he often hears members com plaining of the sacrifices which they make in coming to Congress. Some idea of ths "sa crifices," he thinks, may be inferred from the foot, that computing Congress, a -Jong and short session, to be fifty weeks, at 88 a day, a member receive via per diem, $2,800. If he comes from Texas or Louisiana, he get about $5,000 mileage, a sum for which he might make a tour of a year in Europe his mileage and pay amouat to S7,80O. Annual expenses in Washington, S 1,000. Actual travelling fees, 500 leaving $6,000 clear gain. New members receive besides, $750 worth of books; $26 are allowed for station ary fur a long session. These are awful "sa crifioe," no doubt, but we fanoy they are all on the part of Uncle 8am - s For th Suaburr American." LIZZIE. The song that" you sang on that calm summer eve'n, Still rests on my soul like a bright dream of Heaven, And the rapturous swell of the softly breathed notes, With lingering sweetness through memory floats; For love lent' a charm to each silvery tone, The love till is here, though the charmer has flown, But the magio is woven it will not depart, Its spell has too deeply encircled my heart. Thy voice in the whispering zephyrs 1 hear, No music ere fell half so sweet on my ear, On the silence of midnight its melody swells Like the echoes that play in the fairies' own dells, The wandering brook, dancing merrily by, Seems to murmur thy name in its soft lulla- .by; For my thoughts are all thine every bright thing I see, Presents to mv heart but the image of thee. unbury, Sept. 6, 1848. H. C Weary or Life. A Valuable Lesson. In a letter dated Trenton Falls,. Aug. 14, Mr. N. P. Willis relates the following curious anecdote : Among our follow pussengers up the Mo havk we had, in two adjoining seats, a very impressive contrast, an insane youth on his way to an, asylum, and the mind that h;u) a chieved the greatest triumph of intellect in our time, Morse of the electric telegraph, on an errand connected with the conveyance of thought by lightning. In t lie course; of a brief argument on the expediency of some provi sion for putting and end to a defeated and hopeless existence, Mr. Morse said that, ten years ago, under ill-health and discourage- menl, he would gladly have availed himself of any divine authorization for terminating a life of which the possessor was weary. The sermon that lay in this chance remark the loss of priceless discovery to the world, and the loss of a fame and fortune to himself, which would have followed a death thus prematurely self chosen is valuable enough, I think, to justify the invasion of the sac red ness of private conversation which I commit by thus giving it to print. May some one, aweary of th? world, read it to his profit. Removal of Benj. F. Butler. Benj. F. Butler, Esq., United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been re moved, and John McVean, Esq., appointed in his place. The Murderer of Mr. Schoolcraft. Letters, says that Cleveland Times, received fromS.tult St. Marie, states that disclosures have been recent! v made at Fort' Brady, in dicating the assassination of the lalo J. L. Schoolcraft, near that Fort, on the fi'.li of July, 184G. was directly or indirectly, thu act of Lieut. Tilden, the olfiecr who was stibs ? quently convicted of robbery ami muiocr in the city of Mexico, and sentenced 1) be hanged. A Provident Investment. Mr. Aaron Clarke, of Portland, Me., who was unfortu nately crowded from the wharf into the river and drowned, at late conflagration at Albany, took out a policy on his life for S5.000 in N. York, about two months since ; also one for 2;5'.)0 at Host on office, thus securing to his family, consisting of a wife and four children tho comfortaLle sum of 7.. 50.1, at a cost I -ss than S'JOO! Who Buvs an American Book 1- Th'; pub lishers of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.- in crown quarto, received an order for twelve copies of that work lately from Ceylon, Only think of that ! Tub Albany Whios are not satisfied wilh letting the matter of the Charleston nomina tion of General Taylor drop for fear of en dangering tho coming Stale election. Circu lars have been issued for calling the ward representatives together to nominate Clay and Fillmore. The call -s headed wilh the mot to: "D.i riyht and trust to Providence for re sults." When politicians trust to Provi dence for winning an election, it must be considered a marvellous sign ami a very great improvement upon former practices. Ptiu. Ledger. The Charleston Tavlohites have called a mooting to strengthen their determination to support him, because tho Albany Whigs have denounced him. Tho Charleston Mer cury, alluding to the fact, says two wings of tho party will biB kept in a state of considera ble enthusiasm by flapping each other's faces Be Cautious .' Some of the notes of the broken Lewistown Bank and the Northamp ton Bank, of this State, are still palmed on tha unwayry by dishonest people Notes on the Tenth Ward Hank, New York, are also in circulation. These are a fraud, as no such bank ever existed. Bo cautious. Miners' Journal. Considerable Store-room. A man in Providence, R. 1., bet five dollars that he could eat a large basket of peaches in one hour. lie was successful, having despacthed one hundred ami fifty-two good' sized peaches in fifty-two minutes. Another fellow ate a basket without bet ting and died in consequence of the eating and not the bet. ArroisTMcrr v the' President- Tho mas C. McDowell of Pennsylvania, to be Consul of the United States for the port of Bahia or San Salvador, in Brazil, in the place of Alexander H. Tyler, recalled. . In a Suit rot Breach or Marriage Pro use, in Chautauque oounty, N. Y,. Miss Phyloskey Smith 'recovered live hundred dol lars from Mr. C. Johnson. A man that will deceive a woman with such a name deserves to be made pay for it. Professor Grant is about to attack the yellow fever at Siateu Islaud, wilh his duiiit feeling agent wilh which he aa completely purified some National vessels that had the fever en board. T th Vetera at NartbantWIoatt tmntr. pEI.I.OW f. 1 1ZBNS-Ha.t. f tx-on '"emir. lier is tnJucrd l- offer himself mie 'ndidsts at th.i aitprnarhiiit election for thr ofnes of KEGISTER & UliCORDf'R AND Clerk orihe Orphans' Court. If h thmiM he .teemed w.inhy of thai nffie,nl r fameJ ih s majority of vote, no will 1 pare.l to p-rt .rm the tlulie thereof with fi.leli. 'y. and at ha irmt.. to tha Interest , , ,.r, - i-r..ei,n! nf ih pe ple. Regretfully yur fellow ril ten. ' ' ' ' JOH.X H. BROW. MiUhm, . 9 t H. SHERIFF SALXJ. Y Virme of a reitmn O.drr of Hair, Uaurif nut of llic t'ouil of Common Plena ..f N..r.. ihiiinbpilii it r-niity, tn ri it.rreinl, will he ial.1 at 1 i.Vlork P M. on r-Vn.'HDAY. Ilio ailir. dy of TFEPTKMBER, A I). 184", at the IJnurt h .u.i n the bn tou ah ..fSunl uiy lha following deter). I" J pri pnty. 1. 1 nil t A certain tract or piece of Land. itnme in Upper Auiu-li ti.wnehip, Nottliumh-r-land n.un'y. hi.tiii.'pd hy f Wm Ketd, Pe- r O' erd.irf, J. hn Wilvrm n. land rurveyed in the name i f Kltzeih Walli-, and known hy ths n; me of lao Jordan ir.n l containing 100 aciea, moto 01 lra. ALSO : A certain vtitr tract nf hand, ainiaiR In tho lowr.ehip t.n,l cmin y nforeaiiJ, ad joining the Sm-qnehiinnn river. Ih- Mansion firm of Thotnne Giant, di-c'd, and land of John Wi. vettuM,. si'd known hy 111" name of the Darch trail, C 'litaining 50 '.crea, mure or l.-na. I...t the raiHte of Thomaa Omtit, dee'd. THOMAS A. BlLLt.N(iTO, Sheriff's Dilicc. ? ' Sheriff.. Sunl-iiry.S pi, 0. J A ( J K N T S "WJeT" jf&k. m rjaC :bkj jbu riO C:NVASS FOU HOME NEW AND 1 POPl.'LvIt Wi)Kl(l,in every COUNTY itiri.nglinui Die United St tea. To, the niiMI l l'eral ein-.-magpnieiil la oll'.ied wiih a m ill ra i nl nf Ji5 l JUlO A ch .i ce ta off red,, whi-rel.y an aaent run make from $10 ! $2H per ek, F. r furlher add-e-w (n-.-ip ,.IJ WM. A. l.EARY, No. IflR North HETONU Sired, Plith.l.-iphhi.'Nei l. 9. IS4rt. m. l.INN, SMITH & CoT WHOLESALE ED 1X1 C3 12 3J Q 23 d 21 3j Market Stref.t, 1'HILADELPHIA . dim ;s &, m:ii( ii, PlT. Oiw, (iLtaa, Dia-KTcrra, Vaiuukh, Ac. 4c. ALSO Patent MulLine. Med.rme Chrala, Surgical snd I Mwl- irica. Inatiuii Ch mical Te-'s, &r, fXj- I inle a f-om M-irliante .t l"ijician, l.y 'e irr'or o herij.' ituui(.tly aiietid.d to Sept. 0, 1848 ti n TIILI BK-T 12c:-:aitic:-L In I tie W orld. NEW VOLUMfl OP THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. riHK Puhlithera ol the Scientific American 1. ri-apectl'iilly stive notice that the FOURTH V'-.Altl.V VOLUVii: ol their .Imirn.d will be rominrm-ril on Siitiiiduy. Srpl. USd. 'linn p(,b li a t ion lirrr enliiely Iroin the many maga 7.1' tiiiil I'aprr which rlood th country It n a Wet'l, iy Journal of Alt, Science ami lechaiuc haunt; lor Hi nbju t the aitvant enn 111 nf the IN It HI'S IS ol P. IIAN11, MNUKr. I t; KIN und lNYr.N IOKS. aii iibn.ber is i!lntiutHi! ill, irotn tive to t'KN original EN- ;KaV1M; Or' M.W meciiakiual in- V I N TIONS. neiirly all of the brt invention which are patent, tl at Washington being illus trated in th- Scieniilic American. Itsio con tains a Weekly I.m of American Patent ; no tices ol tint pinkie. ol a I Mechanical and Sci entific Irnpi.ii emetits ; practical direction! on th" con-i ruction m;inHiiii- nt noil u ol'all kirnla of MM HiNKRY. TOO'.. cVc, Enaays upon Mei lioiiii ("Ii. n.iv'iy ai d Architecture; ac counts of I'orein invrnltons. advice lo Inveti-lor-; Riil Rout lot-llitf. nee together with a vat amount of other interej-tine. valuable and naefiil in. mitioii The SCI I NTI FIO A VI ER!V N is the ni"i popular journal of the kind ever ptib lithed. and ol more important to the interral of MM II MCS and INVENTOR. iban any llnng they could y obtain ! It la printed with clear type on beautilu paper, and being a da pled to Inn. In r. th subscriber- j( nosed, at the end nl the vr. ol a Urge volume of KM II lUMJItn) A!SD ailXTEKN PACiKS, Iliiiil ated with upward ot Tive llundrril Jkrhaniral Engraving!.. AND AN INDEX TERMS: Two dollara a year, in adva re, or if desired, one dollar in advance, the remain der in tt month. TO CLE B : Ji copie, SS ; ten copie. $15 ThoKe who with to ubucribe have only to enc oe the amount in a letter, di rected lo IViUNN &. CO. 1'ublit.hera ol the Scietitilic American New York. AM. LETTERS rnimt be POST PAID. VOLUME THIRD bound. S3 75, or in S3, are lor a!e. 'I hey may be tent lately to any pari of the country Patents erurrd anil Mnrha ical Drawiny" eieeuted at the cheapest, rates, at the oinceof tha SCIENTIFIC AviE. RH'XN. .September 0, ISIS Jt -i "-CP 22 CD N OTICE irher. by given, that m wife8uean Aiirtimuiy, has left my bed and b aid in luly lu-l, without any pro, caliou. I therefore caution all p.T-m a from i r iixiin l her on my account, a I am determined lo pay mi debts contracted by her from thai time. ' ALLEN AUCHMUTV. " Septembers. 1141. 3t TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS Encouraged by ma ny of my Iriends throughout our county, offer mynelf lo your consideration as a candidate for the office of IlliGISTEIt AND RECORDER, and Clerk of (be Orphans Court, at the next general Election Should my fellow citiaen lavor me with a majority of their votes, I aho'ild spare no exertion to lilfill ths duties of said olfice with fidelity and to th satisfaction of all. MARTIN IRWIN. Sunbury, 8. pieml er 8, I84S. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. SS. In th Orphan' Court of said County, August Term, 1848. IN the matter nf ih Partition, of th stal of HANNAH REED, der'd. August II, J848-, The court grant an i rule on lb hsiis a4 legal representatives to be and appear oa tb first day of next term to accept or laftu tb et tale at Ibe valuation or shew rauts why lb lata shall not be sold, and tb court rfiiecl (bat ser vice of this tul b aisai peiABUj aa all tha heirs and legal representative! residing in tha counties of NarlbuiV(lo4 o4 Columbia, snd on the olbais by publishing lbs sa.Qa for four suceesaiva woebt ia lha ,'&uaburv American Nawspaper paUUthsit at SkunUury. per t uriaoj. Csrtifod hang tb tsaord f , ur said curt at KuBburr, EDWARD OYgTBJUCIk ' . ' r Jha Parstl, D. runhury August 19,