Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 01, 1848, Image 1

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    N If
It Y
' TUB AMERICAN it published every Saturday it TWO
DOLLARS pr annum to be paid hair yearly in adyana.
'No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
All oommmieatione or letter on buaifeas relating to tha
office, lo inaurt attention, mutt bt POST PAID.
TV eopiet to one address, SSOO
Savon Uo Fo . . 10 00
Fifteen Do . 1)0 " ' " 80(10
Fire dollan ia advance will par fur three year' tuuscrip
iion t j the American.
but Square of 10 lines, 3 times,
Every subsequent-insertion,
Utie Square, 3 months,
Six month!,
One year,
Bvsineaa Cards of' Five line, per annum,
Marehanta and others, advertising by tha
year, with the privilege of inserlieg dif
ferent advertisements weekly.
C1T larger Advertisements, a per agreement.
a. B. 1lASSE?..,
Business atlemloJ lo in the Counties of Nor
thuirl erland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Ilcfer to I
I. iSr A. ItovounT. "I
Lowan St Basrou,
Somas & 8sonoss, Phitad.
Rimoins, McFahiaud & Co.
3rimtnatiooD & Oe.,
and Dealers In Seeds,
A. 3, Arch at. PHILADELPHIA.
Conatantty on hand a general assortment of
To which they respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Groceries or sold on Commission.
Philad. April 1, 18-18
Cheap New & Second hand Book Slops,
Karth W'enl earner of Fourth and Arch Slreiln
Law Cooks. Theological and Classical Books.
Scientific and Mathematical Boms
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Books and Prayei Books, Bibles, a:l sizes
and prices.
JBiana; Boohs, Writing Paper, and Stationery,
Whohanltjimd Kctail.
ty Ova prices are much lower than the reoclar pricca.
tJT l.ibi.iries and small parcels of b ooks purchased.
iy Booka imported to order from Loud on.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1648 y
46 Ckamtt ft. 3 doort abort 2nd it-, Philadelphia
Watch papers, Libels, Door plates, Seals
flumps for'Odd Fellows, Sons of 'Temperance
tee., lee. Always on hand a general nstortnient
of Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pensof every quality
Dog Collars in great variety. Engraven louU
and materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glazic rs Dia
monds. -Orders per mail (post paid) will be piiacfual!)
attended to.
Philadelphia, April 1, 119 y
Wrlght'it Indian Vegetable I'tils.
Tlet.r, Msa. r. rtunlmry,
E. ft J.', Augusta township.
John H. Vine nt, Cnillhupisqie.
Kase It BVig-lre.'.ter, Elyf-hurg.
Kimuel Heib, Little Mahnn.iy,
William Deppi n, Jmk n.
Ireland ai d Hsynes, McEorentrille,
William Iteim-n St Broiher, Milton.
Foiaythe, Wilson St Co., Noithuraberland
James Reed, Pottsgrove.
O. W. Scott, Kdbhville.
W. St R Fegely, Shimnkinlown.
It node j & Farrow. Snyderstown.
Anus T. Bciselt, Turhutsville.
Dcnneville Holshue, Upper Mshonoy.
J. hn G. Renn. do do.
E. L. Piper, Watsontnwn.
Wholesale, si the office and general depot, 169
Rice St., Philadelphia. D c, 18, 1S47. ly
fl'llE SUBSCKIBKR has been appointee agent
1 for the aaleof COXRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this place. TlnR Pianos have a plain, mas
siva end beautiful exterior limh, and, lor depth
of tone, and elegance of workmanship, are nut
surpassed by any in the United States.
These instruments are Highly approveu ot ty
the most eminent Professors and Composers ol
Music in this and other cities.
For qualities of tone, touch and keeping in
tone upon Concert pitch, they cannot be surpas
sed by either American or European Pianos.
6ulfice it to say that Madame Castellan, W. V.
Wallace, Vieus. Temps, and his sister, the cele
brated Pianist, and many others of the most (lis
tinquished performers, bave given these instru
ments preference over all others
They bave also received the first notice of the
three last Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal
bytba Franklin Institute in 1843, was awarded
to them, which, with other premiums from the
am source, may be seen at tha Ware-room No.
S3 soulb Fourth st.
tEJ'Another Silver Medal waa awarded to C.
Meyer, by the Frahklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for
the best Piano in the exhibition.
Again at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti
tute, Oct. 1846, the first premium and medal was
awarded to C. Meyer for his Pianos, although it
bad been awarded at the exhibition of the year
before, on the ground that he had madestill great
er improvements in his Instruments within the
fast 13 months.
AgaiH at tha last exhibition of lbs Franklin
Institute, 1847, another Premium was awarded
toC. Meyer, for the best Piano in the exhibition
. . . . i : i . -1. . L. . , : c. i c i"
At DOSIOn, 11 ineir l.t eiuivihuh, orpi. igii.
C. Meyer received the fits! silver Medal and Di
ploma, for lb beat square Piano in the exhibition
These Pianoa will be sold at the'iliclu
rsr's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something
lower. Persons are requested to call and exam
ine for themselves, at lb residence of th sub
scriber. 11 B MASSER.
Bunbnry, April 8, 1848
JVo. It South Stamditrttt Eatl tide, down Haiti,
"RESPECTFULLY informs bia Mends and
Mtlic public, that ha constantly keeps on
band large assortment of chi diens wil'pw
Coaches), Cbaira, Cradles, market and travel
bng baskets, and every variety of basket work
Caualry Merckenta and ethers who wisb
nrchm suck artielta, good sod cheap, weald
well ts cal ea bim. astbsyare all mangtae
twred ay him intbt baatnannar. .
Philadalpbia, June S, ltt ly
a iramn& jirtBgpapfr-artotrt to ttoltttts, atteraturr, iWoraltts, iFortffjn an BoinrsHc Jictos,
We are happy in being able to lay be-
lore ine puonc me loliwing lettf r from
cue-mi vamdhos, iuijy explaining trie po
ition of Central Caw m reference lo the
clothing of the Volunteer This letter
shows thnt Gen. Cass took that course
which was most beneficial to the Volun
teers, and which no doubt proved entirely
satisfactory to all when it was understood.
To the Editor) of the Democratic Union:
A friend has put into my possession the
Reading Journal, containing a letter from
Sergeant Wm. Graef, of Capt. L
company, of that city, from which the fol
lowing is an extract :
"Next let me tell vou how Senator
was treated by the Volunteers. You will re
collect that we, (tlm Volunteers,) wore mus
tered under the act of May, '40, by which
we were allowed S3 50 per month for cloth
ing, a:id in a circular dated August 17th, '47,
we were again assured of receiving tha same.
But it seems that Mr. Cass, with a good eco.
nomical heart, offered, a bill "to cause the
Volunteers to be furnished with clothing in
kind, at the same rates according to -Trades,
as is provided for the. troops, of .the regular
army." Thus you see he-has reduced our
nay for clothing from ?3 50 to $2 50 This,
I suppose is the compensation we get for
riirhtiiifr our wav to the Capital. As soon as
the 1st I'eniisyivanians received news that
this famous bill had passed, they extruded a
rone across the main road leading to the Cily of
Mexico and hung poor Lcteis Cam! Some
nlHrers touched by their polities, ordered it
to bo cut down, but the boys had him in his
just position again soon after, where he hung
till evening, when he was taken down and
was doomed to the stake!''
idJ-iving since the commencement of the
war, taken a part in all matters relating to
the comfort of our Volunteers, which have
been agitated m Congress, I am enabled to
explain the unfounded charge made, unin
tentionally I have no doubt, by MrvGraef,
against (Jen. Cass.
The bill from the Military Committee,
reported by Gen. Cass, originated with the
gallant Colonel Dav is, who is pre-eminently
the friend of the Volunteers, and it was in
tended for their benefit, and has been of
great service to them. The Volunteers in
our army are allowed by law 3 50 per
month for clothing themselves, while the
regular soldiers are clothed by the govern
ment. In this country, where clothing is
cheap, this sum is more than sufficient, but
when our troops got to Mexico, where the
price of everything was greatly enhanced,
this sum was found to be inadequate.
The clothing being scarce, too, the Volun
teers were often in distress, while the regu
lars were' comfortably clad, because the
Quartermaster's department had an 'abun
dance of clothing on hand for their use.
The distresses of our brave men were made
known lo Gen. Cass and others by letters
from the army: and, upon consultation,
this bill was passed, allowing the Volun
teers to receive from the government stores,
if they desired it, whatever articles of ap
parel they might need, at the price it had
cost the United States, which on computa
tion, was found to be 2 50 per month for
each man. In other words, the govern
ment agreed to sell to the Volunteers their
yearly clothing at the rate of 2 T)0 per
month, while it gave to them, by previous
laws, $3 50 per month in cash, from which
to make the payment. Thus you will see,
M essrs. Editors, instead of taking a dollar
from the Volunteers, Gen. Cass was instru
mental in giving them a dollar a month
n.ore than they were entitled to by previ
ous laws, and of giving them, too, the only
means by which they could be furnished
with comfortable clothing in a foreign land.
Without this law, while the regulars would
have been well clothed from our well filled
military stores, the equally meritorious
Volunteers might have been" suffering lor
the want of clothing in a distant land,
v. here they were beyond the reach of sym
pi'hy of their relatives and friend:'. ".No
man in this country has strongar attach
ments for the private soldiers than Gen.
Cass. Like all men who have risen from
humble life, his sympathies and feeling are
readily excited in behalf of those who have
none to protect them. He mujht forget
the demands of an officer high in command,
but he could not overlook the wants of a
private soldier.
It is due to Serg. Graef, to add that the
humane intention of Congress, in (he pas
sage of this law, was, for a time, inti minted
by a decision of the accountant department,
which gave it the construction complained
of by him ; but, so soon as this cons! ruction
was known here, the subject was re-examined
at the instance of Gen. Cass and oth
ers, and the construction intended by Con
press given to the law ; which authorises
the volunteers to receive from the public
stores, the 6ame clothine as is now furnished
to the regulars, but does not compel, them
to take it, at $2 50 a mouth, its actual
cost in the United States, without transpor
tation or otner charges.
As I have heard Serg. Graef spoken of as
a galhnt soldier, he will, I am sure, when
he comes home, like a true Pennsylvanian,
be among the first to acknowledge the injus
tice he has done to Gen. Cass.
Washington, June 19, 184-8.
Lord Brougham says lhat "Liberty is a
plant which does not nourish io a republic"
nor could Lord Brouchman. HisLordnhiDi
having been Chancellor of England, was, we
believe, seated upon the woolsack : he must
nave naa some or its contents pulled over hi
Madame George Sand smoke cigars, the
newspapers inform us. When we come to
the naked right cf the thing, we don't tee
why women have not a good a right to
amok as rnen. In some cases it seems ne
cessary they should do so,' as people eat on'
ions, In self-defence
The following letter from Senator Niles, of
Connecticut, will be read at this lime with
peculiar interest;
Washington, Junk 5, 1848.
Dear Sir t I have your letter of the 2d
instant, inviting me, in behalf of a Commit
tee, to attend and address, on the 6th instant,
a mass meeting of the radical Democracy of
the city and county of New York.
It is not consistent with my engagements,
or with my sjnse of what is due to my offi
cial position, to comply with your request;
nor can I suppose that any suggestion t could
make, were I present on the occasion, would
be of any vulue in the present unfortunato po
sition of political affairs in your State and the
1 have given some attention to the dillicul.
ties in New York, and know many of the
prominent men in both of the sections into
which the Democratic party is divided.
Without considering the causes of that divis
ion, or the merits of the proceedings which
led to the appointment of two sets of Dele
gates to the National Convention, it is appa
rent, I think, from the action of lhat Conven
tion, on the question raised by the conflicting
claims of the two Delegations, lhat it was de
cided, not in reference to the regularity or
irregularity of the proceedings of one party or
the other, but from the influence of a great
principle, which one Delegation adhered to,
anil whieh the others disavowed.
The I'tiea Delegates were virtually exclu
ded from the National Convention, because
they ussvrted the principle of the ordinance
of 1?7. and its applicability to the present
territories of the foiled Stale?.
The exclusion of your Delegates, therefore
by a inaiorilv of the Convention, was not onlv
n condemnation of lhat principle, but adecla-
tlion that it is incompatible with that plat
form upon which the Democratic party of
the Union is hereafter to stand.
If this view is correct, then a concession to
the claims for the extension and propagan
dism of slavery in some form, becomes a part
of the Democratic faith, which is to be im
posed on the Democrats of the North by
their brethren of thu South. This may ba
regarded as the slavery test, and all who do
not subscribe to it. are to be considered as re
cusants, schismatics and factionists.
That division of the party in New York.
represented by the Utica Delegation, have
assumed a position antagonistic to this test ;
they have boldly asserted the principles ot
the ordinance of 1787, mid their application
a all free territory. But they not, il I
am correctly informed, made this a test t b :
imposed upon others ; but have regarded it
as one of those questions upon which th De
mocracy of thi North and the South conlil
not expect to concur, and have been willing
to leave it to the judgment of the majority in
Congress, whenever it should come up for de-
You seem now to bs placed in a situation,
by which you are called on to decide w heth
er you will maintain that position you have
assumed, or recede from it. This is a grave
question, a responsible one, in view of the
difficulties attending it, but in my judgment,
not a doubtful one. Where great principles
of right and liberty are concerned, or of per
sonal honor, or self-respect, there is no space
for compromise : to succumb from timidity
or considerations of expediency, is disgrace
ful, and lo doubt of ultimate triumph, is to
distrust the truth of our own principles.
Slavery, as a state institution, is recognized
by lha Constitution, Ihe free states are pledg
ed not to interfere wilh it, but to guarantee
and defend it. This is a part of the original
compact between the states. But can it be
introduced and sustained where it does not
exist by the direct agency and authority of
the Federal Government ? Can the free
states consent to this) If so, then slavery is
no longer a state institution only, but becomes
a part of tho Federal system. Then its re.
spousibility no longer rests upon the states,
but upon the Union.
Hitherto slavery has never been introduced
and sustained by the authoiity of Congress in
territories in which it did not exist when or
ganized ; nor has Congress permitted it to in
troduce itself into free territory ; on the con
trary, it has excluded it, by applying to all
such free territories the free principles of the
ordinance of 1787. Congress has done more :
it lias excluded it from a part of one of the
territories where it did exist, w hen it was ce-
d to tho United States. With the excep
tion of the act for the annexation of Texas,
the legislation of Congress, hitherto has
b -on restrictive upon slavery, and even that
act excluded it from part of tho territory of
i exas.
But the extraordinary pretension is now set
vp, that slavery may exist in all the territo-
ries of the United States, by the authority of
the Constitution, and that it is not in the pow
er of Congress or the people of tha territory
to exclude it. This makes it the supreme
law of the land, and when any free territory
is acquired, the law of slavery is immediately
extended over it. Such is the light in which
these new pretensions of the slave power ex
hibit the free institutions of this country
This is the position of one portion of the
South. Another party there, in which there
is more general concurrence than at the
North, do not go so far ; they only deny that
Congress has any power to prohibit slavery in
a territory, and that "it must be left to intro
duce itself if it can, either by the will of
majority of the people, or against it. And is
it not a well known fact, that slavery was
originally introduced into the most of the A
merican colonies, without any law to sanction
. To one of these principles, the people of
the Noith are called on to assent, and thus to
make themselves responsible for the exten
sion of slavery. And it is now assumed, that
one of thesj principles is a part of the plat
form of the great Democratic party of the
Union ; and it is clear that no candidate
would have been nominated by the late Con
ventions who did not subscribe to it. Faith
in slavery is n part of the creed of Demoraey !
What may we expect next ? There is noth
ing left, unless it be that slavery was to be
carried into the free States.
A portion of the Democracy of New York
have made a stand against these startling
pretensions. Their position is a responsible
one they Rre to act not only for New York,
but for all tho free States and tho Union it
self. Have they firmness enough and self
sacrificing patriotism sufficient, to meet such
a crisis? If they have, they will triumph in
the end, for Free Principles and the Spiiit of
Liberty only want an open field and fair fight
to ensure them a victory. But if they yield,
after having made a stand, there will be no
checks to tho advance of tho slave power for
a long period, if ever; and should resistance
ever come, it might prove dangerous to the
From present indications, the Whigs of
tho North are about to compromise their pro
fessed principles on this subject ; they seem
prepared to make any sacrifices for lh- ac
quisition of power; what is to be the effect
of this course, upon the integrity and union of
lhat party, remains to be s:?en !
The Democratic parly can only be sustain
ed upon principles of humanity, justice and
liberty, which are in harmony with the en
lightened and liberal spirit of the age. And
any attempt to build it up upon any other
platform, must inevitably lead to its over
throw, or dismemberment, followed by its
reorganization on a more just and solid basis.
With sentiments of much respect,
I am truly vours,
To Gkrardus Boyce, Cor. Com.
Traveller's Gi-ide. We find in one of
our exchanges a table compiled, we believe,
by tho New Yq-dc Herald, of the distances
from town to town on the various lines of
travel over the Western and Southern coun
try, and the cost l" the travel. The sum of
thu table is ar .ollows :
N. Orleans to Si. Louis, (time G days.
St. L
;tis to Chicago, (time 3 davv, fare
SI J.)
("!:ie;:go to Detroit, (time 3 days, fare
Detroit to S:iud'.ikv, (lime 8 hours, fare
undusky to Buffalo, (lime 24 hours,
fare S6.)
BuiTalou to New York, (timo 2i days,
fare S13,)
Total, (time 16 days, faro $58.)
Great Central U. S. mail route.
New Orleans to Cincinnati, (time 7
days, fare $12 50,)
Cincinnati to Wheeling, (time 40 hours ;
faro $4,)
Wheeling to Baltimore, time 34 hours j
fare $11.)
Baltimore or Relay House to Washing
ton City, (time, 2 hours; fare 1 25.)
Baltimore to Philadelphia, (time, 8
hours: fare S2,)
Philadelphia to New York, (time 8
hours ; faro S3,)
New Orleans to Cincinnati, (time, 7
days ; fare $12,)
Cincinnati to Sandusky, (time 1 i days ;
fare S7,)
Sandusky to Buffalo, (time Iday; fare
Buffalo to New York, (time, 24 days;
fare $13,)
Total, (lime, 12 days; fare S38 50,)
New Orleans to Cincinnati, time, 7
days; fare $12 50,)
Cincinnati to Pittsburg, (time, 8 days;
fare $5,)
Pittsburg to Baltimore, (time, 34 hours;
fare $10,)
Baltimore to Philadelphia, (time, G
hours ; fare $2,)
Philadelphia to New York, (time 8
hours; fare S3.)
Total, (timo, 15 days; fare $24 50,) 2,358
From Cincinnati to New York by the Great
Central U. S. Mail Route, via Wheeling, dis
tance, 851 miles; time 4 days; fare $20
From Cincinnati to New York by Ihe San
dusky Route, distance 941 miles; time, 5
days ; fare $29.
From Cincinnati to New York, by the Mo-
nongahela Route, distance 952 miles ; time,
5 days; fare $20.
From Cincinnati to New York ly the Penn-
sylvania Canal Route ; distance, 932 miles ;
time, 8 days; fare 822.
The London Daily News states that from
time to time a bracelet or other of jewelry,
belonging to Louis Philippe or his family, is
offered for sale to the wealthy members of
London fashionable society, in order that
money may thus be provided to' defray the
expenses of the royal exiles. We might pity
them very mnoh, bat there happen to be so
many people in the world who have no lew.
eiry to seO, that we shall reserve cur sympa
thy .
&ctnw an the arts, SlflrtcuUurr
From the N. O. Crescent, June 12. '
From Vera Crax.
We are in receipt of files of the Free Ame
rican to the 3d inst., by tho U. S. transport
ship American, Cupt. Stuart, which left Vera
Cruz 011 the 4th inst., and arrived at tho Ba.
lize in six days.
Yucatan. It is with pleasure lhat we
witness that our countrymen in Vera Cruz are
taking the necessary steps to give timely aid
to the unfortunate sufferers of Yucatan. Capt.
Taylor, of thu Twiggs Riflemen, and Capt.
Tenbrink, ex-sheriff of Vera Cruz and ex-lst
Lieutenant in that company of Louisiana boys
commanded by Capt. lilatichatd nl Monterey
and at the bombardment of this city, have
taken the initiative step, and nsk for men
who wish to follow th"irexample. We have
no doubt lhat their elforts will be crowned
with success, and that in a few days four
hundred noble hearts will have offered their
blood for the relief of the imploring families
who are menaced by the dreadful knife of
the blood-thirsty savages.
On the 1st inst., the civil authoiity of the
cily of Vera Cruz was delivered to the Mexi
cans. We extract the following items from
tho Free American :
The civil authority was given tip to the
Mexicans yesterday. The "Star Spangled
Banner,'' however, still waves proudly over
the city and castle, and under iis paternal
protection we still breathe the air of liberty.
Ere this, tho civil authority has also been
turned over to the Mexicans in the city of
Mexico, and in several ether places captured
by our soldiers.
Capt. Tuylur. of the I'uw'egs JSiJ'emcn.
This officer and twenty-five of his men came
through from Jalapa (distance 70 miles) in 11
hours, as an escort to Major Graham, bearer
of tho ratilied treaty. This, we believe, is
the quickest time ever made on this road
without change of horses. Taylor and his
Twiggs Ritlemen always "crowd the mour
ners" in whatever duty they may be put upon.
1 hose in easy circumstances, or who pur
sue sedentary employments within doors,
generally use their lungs but very little
breathe very little air into the chest and
thus, independently of bad positions, contract
a wretchedly narrow, small chest, and lay
the fouuda'ion for the loss of all health and
beauty. All this can be perfectly obviated
by a liltlo attention to the manner of breath
ing Recollect the lungs are like a bladder in
their structure, and can be stretched to dou
ble their ordinary size, with perfect safety,
giving a noble chest and perfect immunity
from consumption. The agent, and all the
agent required, is the common air we breathe
supposing, however, that no obstacle exist,
external to the chest, such as lacing or tying
it arotlnding with stays or tight drosses, or
having the shoulders lay upon it.
On rising from the bed in the morning,
place yourself in an erect posture, your chest
thrown bark, and shoulders entirely olf tho
chest; now inhale or suck in all the air you
can, so us to fill the chest to the very bottom
of it, so that no more air can be got in ; now
hold your breath and throw your arms off be
hind, holding in your breath as long us can ',
again fill your chest and walk about, holding
in your breath as long as possible. Repeat
these long breath as many times as you please
Done in a cold room much better, because
the air is heavier and denser, and will act
much more powerful in expanding tho chest.
Exercising the chest in this manner, it will
become very flexible and exiuinsion, and
will enlarge the capacity and size of the
While forming a line chest, and utter it is
formed, great care is requisite to establish
perfect and correct positions, so lhat the
chest slfnll not be contracted, and all your ef
forts counteracted by bad positions. If your
positions are habitually had, iiispito ot all
you can otherwise do, the chest will be more
or less contracted. The rule which should be,
and tho rule of health is, to keep the bottom
of the chest, the ends of the short ribs and
the lower end of the breast bone, as far out
from the back bone as possible. To effect
this the chest must be perfectly straight, and
thrown a lilfle backwards from the wait at
all times.
The small of tho back is made flexible,
but tho hip joints aro the points from which
to stoop cither backward or lorwanl. Hie
joints aro ball-and-socket joint, like a swivel
in s jiiio degree, i tie trunK 01 tne outiy may
bend forward as much as you please, fur all
useful purposes, and the chest, and the whole
spino and neck be kept perfectly straight.
Hence no lady should ever make a tablo of
her lap, either for sewing, reading or writing
or any occupation whatever. Let all these,
and all the work you do, ba arranged on a
table before you mid that tablo ba raised to
tho armpits, or as high as possible, so a3 to
keep the chest straight.
A little practice will, make mis minutely
more agreable than to stoop, whilst little or
no fatigue will be experienced at your occu
pations, compared to what is experienced
whilst stooping, or from habitual 6toopmg.
The weight of the shoulders will thus be
kept off the chest, which is one of the grand
raies of fatigue from manual labor. You
will thus entirely prevent the mark of servi
tude being impressed upon, your person, in, a
pair of round, stooping shoulders, and fiat,
contracted chest. ut' tAtxwu
Mitchel. He is the son of a Unitarian,
clergyman, and a Vnatarian himself. II is,
to all appearance, a sincere,.' patriotic- and
well-tneaninK man. His bitterest enemies
allege no fact to prove the contrary
, iarfts, amusements, trc.
Messrs. Editors :-The time boing now
to laok out for tha d s'ruclion of the above
firm, I will add some information to the already-existing
stock, founded 01: actual actual
successful experience.
Mr. Ayres, one of your subscribers inform
ed mo a short time ago that he succeeded
in keeping the yellow striped bug from his
vines by putting pieces of glass or china,
moistened with the mixture of assaftrtida
near every hill. This remedy deserves a tri
ul, since it is of easy application, aud'was en
tirely successful.
Having frequently watched ihes.j bugs, I
thought I discovered that their biting appa
ratus must bo very tender, for they ulways
avoid that part of the plant which is covered
with sand or dust ; and consequently taking
the hint, I succeeded in protecting my plants
by sprinkling dust on them when moistened
with the morning dews. But tho best suc
cess I had was by turning hit my garden a
couple of dozeu of well fed t hickens with
out the old ones, (to deprive th-?m of teachers
how to scratch,) and they not only destroyed
the yellow bug, but all oth?is, as well as ca
terpillars, grasshoppers. &c, and having all
the feed they wanted, seemed lo hunt as
much for fun as for luxury, without doing
even the slightest injury to the plants.
In Europe the English gooseberry bushes
and others are often attacked by a green
nare-sKin caterpillar ( geometer orumaia '.)
that destroys the leaves early in the spring : j
and frequently the bushes di" i:i consequence j
... , ,-(. , i- i
of it, or lose their fruit. S-voral remedies .
pressed were not success! til lor instance,'
sulphur and others and though sometimes!
.(Ii..i..nt in l illintr tl. r-ntPrnlihir. L iM,..l ill., i
bushes, too : so lhat there was not much dif
ference between the remedy and the evil.
I noticed that the caterpillars when com -
ing in contact with sand, exhibited svmptoms
r , . . , . , .,,.',
of distress and pam, and considered the cause
to be the crystalline form of tie; latter acting
painfully on the bare skin of the former. Ex-
n.rimnl.e,m(lnllll:II vtn,,- , ,1 u,ra.
ted at the same lime the remedy, which con
sisted in spreading sheets under tho bushes
and showering them with dried sand. Such
a tumbling was seldom witnessed. Every
small paiticle of sand seemed to j.ct like a
streak of lightening. The collected caterpil
lars served at the same time and excellent
feed for my hens. With tho assistance of
one hand 1 cleared about four hundred large
bushes in ono day, and so perfect that they
remained free many years al'tei wauls.
1 have not noticed the same caterpillar in
this region ; but the remedy way pethaps Ik1
employed lo advantage for the destruction of
of other varieties, as it is cheap, easy procured
and not accompanied with bad consequences
to the plants. CAUSTIC.
Jefferson, Wis. April, 1S4S.
The practice rj testing the popularity of i tho description of which ihe artist has en
candidates by taking the votes on board of deavored to give a more graphic represcnta
steamboats, canal-packets, and other public '. '"m -.
conveyances is admirably ridiculed by a story I "When Congress met, Mr. Cushing .made
in a late number of the St. Louis Reveille. I a motion that it should be opened with pray,:
It appears that, after taking tha votes of most er. It was opposed by Mr. Jay, of New
of tho passengers on board a steamboat, the Vork, and Mr. Rutlcdge, of South. Carolina,
tellers came to a party of German emi- because we were so divided in religious sen-grag-
timents, some Episcopalians, some Quakers,
"Are you for Cass or Taylor?" inquired some Anabaptists, some Presbyterians,, and
the Democrat, addressing a little German. ! some Congiegationalists. that we cauld not,
"Yaw, me dailor," he said. ! join in the same act of worship. Mr. Sam'l
The Democrat now usked the little Ger- ! Adams rase and said, 'that he was no bigot
man to sign his name to the candidate's list ! and could hear a prayer from any gentleman
in whose favor ho had declared himself. j of piety and virtue, who was at ihe same
"Oh, nix nix fershta no, no write nix. i time n friend to his country. Ho was a stran
nix!" j ger in Philadelphia, but had heard that Mr.
He had learned enough Kugiiah to keep - Duche (Dushay they pronounced it,) deserved
his signature from panels whieh he could not that character, and he therefore moved that
"You sav you aro for TjW?'' inquired
the frietwt of the old General.
"Yaw, me dailor." answered tin German.
'Well set him down as one, any how,"
said tha former.
"Aint you for Cuss now !" inquired the
Democrat. '
"Yaw. me cash dailor.'' answered theGer-
"Auiut you all for Cass!'' further inquired
the Democrat, making a sign encircling the
whole deck load.
Yaw, air for task!'' repeated tho cmi-
'1 Know u it, sal. t tm uemocrai, ami lie
instantly counted the party, and added them
to his list. Holding tho scroll to the Ger
man's face, hu finally in piiied
"All right, aiut it !''
"Yaw, cask!" utiswercd the German.
It was not until the vote was decided in
favor of Cass, that it was discovered the Ger
man was a tailor, and meant to d i work for
Bonaparte1 Oi inion or ins WlvEs.
"Their characters were diametrically oppo-
v .u . ...,. n.
site. Never were thero two women less a -
1 u .1. 1 u 1. 1 ,.. ir
ike each other. Josephine had grace, an ir -
.... . . 1 j ,,i
resistible seduction, an unreserved devoted-
Maria Louisa had all tho timidity
When I married her she was
truly virtuous novice, and very submissive.
Josephine would sacrifice millions upon her
toilat and ia her liberalities. Maria Louisa
on the contrary, economised what I gave her,
and I was obliged' to scold her in order to in
duce her to make her expenditurosconsistent
with her rank. Josephine was devoted to
me, she loved me tenderly no one ever had
a preference to ma ia her heart. I uniformly
held th first place ; her ohiMren the next.
And she was right, for she was the being
whom I most loved, and the remembrance
of her is rtill all powerful in my mind "
At a recent anniversary of the American '
Society for ameliorating the condition of the
Jews, celebrated in tho city of New York,
tho Rev. Dr. Tyng recited a remarkable poem
of Charlotte Elizabeth, wilh the foregoing ti
lie. The Reverend Djctor offered a resolu
tion "that the signs of the times are such as
should arouse all who love Ihe Lord Jesus
Christ, and wait for his salvation, to renewed
and enlarged effort in this holy enterprise"
and concluded an eloquent Bpeoch upon tho
subject, by the remark that this poem em
bodied ths whole of all he had further to say
The scriptural references were arranged by
Dr. Tyng. .....
When fr iin acattoreil lands alar
Spreads the voice of rumored war,
Nati iiik in tiimuliu jus pride,
Heaved like oeian roaring tide j
When the solar ;leudi.ra fail,
When the cre.-nt waxeth pale,
And the powera that atarlike reign,
Sink dishonored tj Uic plain,
World ! do tb m the signal dread,
We exalt the drooping head,
We uplift the expectant eye,
Our redemption draweth nigh,
When the fig-tree flhx'U uppear,
Mon behold their suiumor near ,
When the hearts of rebels fail,
We tli coining conqueror hail.
Hrideyr-Hjin of the weeping spouse,
Li-ten t eur Kinging vows,
I. in. 11 t'j her widowed mnan,
l-if-ten tj Crc.iti urn gr ian.
Hid, O bid Thy trumpets mud,
(.dlhir Thine elect aroui.d,
Malt 31 : 6, 8
Luke 91 ! 2?
Hoggai 3 : 7
Hebrews 12 : 86, g
Matt 34 : 89
Rev 1 : 12
Matt til : 3o
Joel 11: 10, tU,
Luke 21 : Sf , 33
Luke 31 : 37, 3ti
Eph 1 : 14
Rom 8: , 33
Matt 31 : 23, 33
Luke 31 : 39, 31
Isaiah Sg : 18, la
Rev lg : 11, 10
Rev lg: 7, b
RevS: 1U
Luke 18 . 3, 7, 8
Rom 8 : 33, 33
1 Theas I : 10
Malt 34 : 31
Jude 14
Isaiah 31 13, IS
Matt 31: 40,41
Rev 20: 4,0
Luke 14: It
rul:n4o: 14, U
1 Theas 4 : 17
Ol 1 : IS
Lukelg: 12,37
Matt 14: 41,43
Luke 17 : 27, 30
Rev lg : 20, 2L
Rev 18: 3, 3, g
2 Peter 2: 1
Rev lg : 15, 29
Paahn 110: S, 7-
cird wiih stiuta Thy Hamuie; ear,
funHum thum from clime afar,
L'"n fl"" ",
('J't them lr .iti th! marble, tomb,
,,r (.r.,SB.(,,JW vilIllge gruV0i
i-Yjiii the l..-e;i, m jiving wave,
v'-m ""' whirlwind anil the flame,
"'!. U'y members claim.
Where nre they whose prend disdain,
Scorned to br-k .MeKaiuh's reign !
Iy, in waves of anphVuus fire,
1 Now they tamo Ilia tardy ire,
j ''et'ere.1 til! the .pintd day,
When the worM kIuII waa avvav
j UueleJ m .niy
saK.the aiiaiu the ilrouliul swmi;
where the cmis of anguish stood,
Where Thy life distilled itahlood,
iahtt: 3, 5, 12
Mark IS : 27,
Mark 15 : So
Isjiuh 31 : 33
Zach 8 : 3
Daniel 2: 35,44
Isuiah 40: I, g
Psalm 87 : 0.
1 Conn 13 1 13-
1 John 3 : 3
Luke 21: 31
Rev 1 : 7
2 Theas 3 : i
Ileb 4 : g
2 Tim 4 : 6,
Rev 22 : SO
1-ttiioh 4g : a,
Rom 8: 1
Where they tnorked Thy dying groun,
King of Nations! plant Thy throne.
Scud Thy law friin Zion f rtb,
Speeding o'er the willing earth,
Earth, who tibb-it!i glories rise,
Crowned with m ire than Parwlise.
Ricred be the impending veil !
M rul sense and Ui-iught must fait,
Yet the awful hour is High,
We Mhall s-r Thee, eye to eye.
He our souls in pc'-ce posAt-srtett,
While we W":k thy promised rest,
And from every heart and home,
Bre-ithe the prayer '-O Jesus c ime !'
Ilarte to m i the captive free,
All Creati f jr Thee.
Ma,tteoii'a i
i'uiutlug or Ihe I lrt Prayer In Can-
John Neale, a print publisher in New York
has issued a handsome Mezzotint engraving,
by Sadd, of Mattesoivs rendering of the beau
tiful description by John Adams, of the first
prayer in Congress in 1774. The following
Mr. IHiche, an Episcopal clergyman, might
be d -sire.1 to read prayers lo Congress to
morrow morning.' Tho motion wag seconded
and passed i;i the. affirmative., ,.
Mr. Randolph, our President, waited' pri
Mr. 1)., and received for answer, that if his
health wrjld permit, he certainly, would.
Acctiidinjjly next morning he appeared whh'
his clerk, and his pontificals, and read sever-
' ;.l ova vers m trie esiauiisnea lorm, ana men
roud the psalter for the seventh ofSeptember
which was tne 35tft psalm- ou must re
member this was the next morning after we
ha I heard th J rumor of the horrible canrtOn
a Je of Boston. .'It seemed as if Heaven had
ordained that ptalin to be read on that morn-
'' , ' .
Alter this, Mr. Duche,' unexpectedly to
iverybody, struck out into extemporary ptay-
Vr, w hich liliod the bosom of every man, pre-
1 cut. 1 must confess I never heard a belter
prayer, or one avi well pronounced. Epiaco-
- , pai;m as ho is Dr. Cooper himself never pray.
, e u;ihuch ferver, euch;ardor, auch corrcct-
n,.f.4 and pathos, and in language so elegant
j '"1 sublime for America, for Congress, for
, province of Massachusetts Bay . especially
the town of Boston, It had excellent effect
1 , , , , , . .
upon everbody there. I must beg you to
, 1 ,f.u r ,w 1 ,k.
read the psalm. If there is any faith in the
P ' .
of - -
a V" uc"""
A little girl, taken up in New Orleans for
running away from her mother, stated that
ahe was sent out every day to steal on the
levee, and whipped if she didn't bring homo
five dollars' worth.
- . t
Saratoga stock is going op this weather -People
are making up their faces to drink the
nasty water already. Tha only oonaolation
about Coglj water ia that it is better thaa
Blue Liok, which tastts lide a glass of sttle
soda, drank with a brimstone match uuder
veur nose