The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 13, 1854, Image 1

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V 3 yS
aicootci to politics, fitctoturc, Agriculture, Science, ittorolitn, ani General ilntclligciuc.
VOL. 14
NO. 35.
Published by Theodore Sclioch.
TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two
oolUrs anil a quarter, half yearly mil if not paid be
loie the cnJ of the year, Two dnlfais and a half.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IQ Adveilii-ctncrils not execrdins one square (ten
lines) will be inserted three weeks tor one dollar, and
twenty-live cents for everv subsequent liu-ernon. The
charge for one and three insertions the same. A liber
al discount made to ycarlv advertisers.
1C? All letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid.
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, wc arc prepared
to execute e very desci iption o f
Cards, Circul irs, Hill Heads, Notes, lllank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other Blanks. Pamphlets, Ac.
printed wiiU neatness and despatch, on seasonable
THI2 J 53 F F E RSO S 1 A
Let mo count my treasures,
All my soul holds dear,
Given me by dark spirits
Whom I used to fear.
- " Through long days of anguish,
And sad nights, did Pain
porgc my shield, Endurance,
Bright and free from stain!
-Doubt, in misty caverns,
'Mid dark horrors sought,
Till my peerless jewel,
Faith to mo she brought.
Sorrow (that I weaned
Should remain so long,)
Wretched my starry glory,
The brinht Crown of Song!
Strife, that racked my spirit
Without hope or rest,
Left the bloon,ing flower,
Patience on my breast.
Suffering, that I dreaded,
Ignorant of her charms,
.Laid the fair child, Pit',
Smiling in my arms.
So I count my treasures,
Stored in days long past;
And I thank the givers,
"Whom I know at last!
Household Words
the heat of the Chinese dog-days, (ther-'thc old Poituguese families would be en
monicter at 90 dog. in the shade,) it is tircly destitute. Indeed it is already a
not favorable to exertion. It is ten of mystery how same of them contrive to
the clock, on a breathless, blazing morn- exist. Piece by piece the old plate, anu
The Miner's Ten Commandments.
pile" thou shouldst feel
a choking
in thy
the essence of the Chinese religion not
being love of God, but fear of the Devil,
they manage to propitiate their neglcct-
1 ed Satans bv a terrific thumping of tora-
i i i i. 1 . i- 1. ' j; 1 1 J: ,1 1 . T,rl ;nn hi orn trims find fl Ti77l fl n fl Snl IlIT.Rr Ol lire- O . I 1 .1 ,lPf..ll .P i 1 1 V
ing, anu a Droau wuuo glare lies over ine aiamoim ummunu iuu i jv-nv... u - r. - 1 t,.,, rAmmnmlinnnk " Tlmr- m-r. f.iininttv prospect noies nan iuii ui waier, ana oi snaus
hill to the south, with the deserted con- sold, while the parsimony of the house- works, which lasts three days. On the ; Commandments lhey aie u. mtly I
vent on its summit-over the tiled roofs hold belies the appearance of wealth present occasion, they constructed a large wnttcn, ami while 3
n... i xi :n i: t i.f un mo;m ! fvamfiicnrlf nn hl.n Pmvn wh ch was cov-1 .:ii i, con tl,ni n,,vn ..tlnmi.f H1.-0 ,m,. lila' a drowning rat, thou lit letl disgusted
or me a unuguese uoubes ueiow, me luuui wmuu nun nutio nuum tuu u.i. j-j i . v.............., ....v. -.v
harbor, with its scanty fleet of junks, buildings, and the luxuriant gardens. cred with muslins, sliks and spangled pa- j goklj l(,s at thc bottom. Each "Couimnnd
lorchas and tanka boats, and the bare, I These fine old gardens are the great- per, so as to represent the shrine of a fc a Q illustration, which forms
stony hills of the island beyond. The est ornament ot the city, liiding its unap- lenipio. x wa3 auouo mS, u, jr a bonler aronnd tho whoIo. cmrravinir
Wc received vestcrtlav from an old and ! throat ;awl when to that thon addest thy croo
valued friend in California, a beautifullv ill.i.s- kl walkings and hiccupin- talkings, of lodg-
trated letter sheet eontaininir the 'liner's "l "mngs muihu i,ui
ni i ..r, :.7-,: n-A ,.oll.'r, ; tlm nrp nnd 30 in length, and hurifr witl:
tcVr" fcTK -twhoTly out- ; cry guality '..d fashbo, from Bohenaian ! is very-Buc, equal to the 1;odon rictorin,.
I LI L UJ CILIUO Ui tijotui uuiu uuu utv i . - j w v..vvv
with thyself, and inquire, "Is thy servaut a
dog, that Ire doetli these things?" verily I
will say farewell,, old bottle-, I will kiss thy
gurgling- lips no more. And thon, slings,
cocktails, punches, smashes, cobblers, nogs,
. . tttt . .1 .1 J nn nnfl lii.sin nv trillT U ft I Sr t f7.H S lllllnfi n.Il
the more pertinaciously tor more, wnac tno mango, uio papaya uu gua.uuuu,.-. w-itness tint from thc kev of
can be more trying to the nerves than 'arc found in the markets. On the gar- , infernal dm with gongs, tom-toms and "in and bear uitncs, tltat ion t ic ktjoi
her eternal: Chin-chin-a-a ! poor den terraces, in the upper part of thc city, long, hollow bamboos, which emitted j his trunk to thc end ot u.s tail lu hole
manaa! how kin do a a !" -whence you have a charming panorama shrieks that made your nerves quiver. , body has passed before me; and I followed
Dut praised be Fo and Confucius ! Our ; of the island-studed gulph, the spiry cyp- I doubt if the word "harmony" is to be , Wmi uutil ilis Iiage fcet stood still before the
band the Susquehanna's band, thc braz- !ress and the orange of Portugal mingle found in the Chinese language, fcot c- c.lapboart sbantv; then with his trunk cxtcn
en throats of whoso instruments have their foliage with thc palm, tho bamboo , ven a sense of
been lazily groaning for the last ten min-1 and the Indian banyan. At present the from tho dreadful discord but each in- l
V. P . ii i i i .1 ! i.M.t riA.ln.n mmiil in ira nwn MT.TV 1 11 SillllIiK, lh IUUU"11 III. nUUlU OllV lLllll,
utes, as if harmony were an impossible lugli wails wiiicn enclose mem are jbuuuhsih, ui tua ... 4M
effort gradually coalesces iuto thc ring- tooncd with enormous masses of the night- regardless of the other. AV hat must be
i,f nf n,n Pm-fncmoco XTntmnnl hlonmiiirr wrens, whoso niilkv blossoms, a the nature of those who take delight in
' Hymn. The old beggar retires from the foot in diameter, diffuse a sweet and pow- such sounds
field in confusion. A few tawny Portu-'crful odor. Around the fouutaius, the The loveliest spot in Macao is the
guese, with close-cropped, blue-black sacred lotus opens its suuny cup, tipped j garden and grotto of Camoens, and thith
' hair, pause to listen, as they pass through with as pure a rose as summer day-break j or the stranger - first turns his steps. -
the almost deserted streets. The music can show. The lagistreemina, witn its j curing my iirst visit uuiu, iu wrvu
! awakes no chord of patriotism or pride, soft, crape-like rancemes of white orenm-
in their breasts: Macao has out-lived e- sou, ana the burning scarlet ot the pome-
ven that. The strain ceases, and now granate flower star thc deep green mas
; the rich, lyrical throb of "Hail Colum- scs of foliage. Nature is always luxuri
1 bia" rises exultiugly into the still blue ous within the Tropics.
! air. Thc stars and stripes hang motion-1 Two gates in thc northern wall of the
' less from the peak of the flag-staff," at the city lead to what is called the Campo
: American Consulate, below us. Though an open, cultivated track of countr'. sep
f I hear our country's anthem every day, ' arated by a bleak ridge from the sandy
j my heart beats more quick under all this flat which divides the Portuguese territo
1 summer languor, and my thoughts turn ry from the Chinese. The Campo is
i for a moment to that dear land on the traversed by an excellent road, uniting
j other side of tho world. j with a new one which has been cut along
! I prefer Macao to any other place in thc face of the bluffs on the eastern side
China, partly on account of the pictures-1 of the island. Thc two combined form
' que beauty of its position and partly be- an agreeable drire, and every evening to
causc it is less Chinese. It is a history 1 ward sunset, all who possess or arc rich
! of our race: it has human associations .enough to hire a horse or equipage may
' with which we can sympathize. The an- !be seen taking their way along the Praya
' uals of the Ming, and the Ho and Hang 'to the Almcda, and thence striking out
'dynasties are no more to me (with the Ion the course of the Campo. This drive
! exception of the reigu of that splendid j of three or four miles, with a gallop over
i invader, Kublai Khan.) than those of the j tho sands to the Chinese barrier, is a
'Man in the Moon; but the memories of I grateful release to tho Cantou merchant,
Camoens. the Poet, and St. Francis. Xav-; and in comparison with the confinement
ier, the Apostle, embalm Macao forever! of his hongs, the Campo appears as
' 1 -' -- i- - ! i i n Til? :
. m the eves of the European race, it
was the first beacon whence the light of
Christianity and the liberalizing influen
ce's of commerce went forth into the dark
nlaces of the East. And now, useless
boundless and as free as an Illinois prai
rie. The fort of Guia, with a steep zig
zag path leading up to its battlements,
towers hi-'h over it, on the east; on tho
opposite side thc Chinese village of Wang-
Toads and Frogs.
These reptiles have acquired some ad
ditional interest of late. Last summer and worn out as it seems, with its com-IIIva lies imbedded in Bamboo and In
a French philosopher devoted himself to merce destroyed, its palaces vacant, its dian fig trees, over a level covered with
solvit thc much agitated question, wheth- grandees beggared, and its importance asjricc fields and vegetable gardens, stretch-
, . H -i ' a foothold of civilization totally gone, es a wide, blue arm of the bay, and
cr the toad was poisonous: anu he arrived is a mournful cllirm in the silence mountains of the western island lean a-
at an affirmative conclusion. Not thut f streets, and the memo- wav to the south disclosing other chan-
tho toad spits poison as the talc goes; but rv 0f former power and opulence still
the animal carries a poison in those wart- ; clothes it with a shadowy dignity. Here,
like protubearances which project on his at least there are trace, of Art and Taste,
and all tuosc mon-tromies oi mnese
ZTtttaste, which would make China a liv
ing rnirrratorv to anv one with a keen
O I 3 . -
I read the
miner's ten commandments.
I. Thou shalt have no other claim than
II. Thou shalt not make unto thyself
any false claim, nor any likeness to a mean
man. Jiv iumninir one: whatever thou findest
3 f L W
quchanna was to leave for Shanghsi ear- ; 0ti the top above, or on the rock beneath,
and as there was a i m. :n oreviC(! underneath the rock for I
not return, j. sue- ... . . , TM;nors around to invite them
on my side; and when they decide against
thee, thou shalt take thy pick and thy pan,
thy shovel and thy blankets, with all that
thou hast, and "go prospecting," to seek
rood dhnrinirs; but thou shalt find none.
Thon, when thou hast returned, in sor
row shalt thou find that thine old claim is
ly in tho morning,
chance that I niisrht
ceeded with much difficulty in making the
swarthy landlord of the "National Hotel"
comprohend what it was I wanted to see.
He called me before daybreak, and gave
me an old Chinaman as guide to thc
place. "We threaded a number of crook
ed streets in the duck, passed tho facade
of an ancient Jesuit chuvch, which was
destroved bv fire, and at length reached
a little grassy square on the hill, in the J worked out, and yet no pile made thee, to
north western corner of tho city. 13y , hi, jn the ground, or in an old boot beneath
dint of knocking and calling, my guide i u buukj Jr hl a buckskin or bottIc uu(kr.
aroused a sleepy servant, who opened a
L'ato and admitted me into a trim par- i - '
terrc, redolent of rose and jessamine, and in thy purse away, worn out thy boots and
opening into a deep garden, wherein the thy garment?, so that there is nothing good
shadows still lingered thick and dark j about them but thy pockets, and thy patience
under the trees. A large and stately i:i;nnfi nnfn f,v irnrmeiits: and at last
mt e
thou shalt hire thy body out to make thy
board and save thv bacon.
like protubearances which project
mottled skin out of these a fluid can be
obtained by puncture or squeezing; and
with these a sparrow and a mouse being
inoculated, the creatures died: thus is set
at rest the quastiou as the poison of the
More recently, frogs and toads have
" 1 1 i 1. 1. nj.n.?sn Cn v..ti tlincn mliion oflnrn
OUS WU11. 11 U3 IUKCU llUl MUUUU 1U IUU ttUIUl, uuuou limuu u - j 1 ' it. i i- i c II
shade of the house and no amount of Southern Spain. Although the winters , uiueoua umumes, wituuiaua wr'-.amiiicwiio wanuerctt "irom away uoun '.-'"o ji'--
"cash" rthe cheapest alms in the world) are wet and cold, all tho hardier varieties colored faces, squatted on shrines or Eagt and came to sojour j a strange laud Thy remembrance shames me, henceforth, I
will drive her away. She will only howl . of tropical fruits thrive well, and even stooasumy erecuuiueue, aim maat H ; , tJ cenimnt nd behold I sawI'Vut tliyacquaiiitauce,"anaheauaehes,trem-
bungs hcart-burnmgs, blue acvus, ana an
the unholy eatalonge of evils that follow in
thy train. My wife's smiles and my children's
merry-hearted laugh, shall charm and reward
me for having thc manly firmness and cour
age to say no. I wish thee an eternal fare
well. YII. Thou shalt not grow discouraged,
nor think of going home before thou hast
made thy "pile," because thon hast not
"struck a lead," nor found a "rich crevice,"
nor sunk a hole upon a "pocket," lest in going
home thou shalt leave four dollars a day and
go to work, ashamed, at fifty cents, and serve
thee right; for thottknowest by staying here,
thou mightest strike a lead fifty dollars a day,
and keep thy manly self-respect, and then
go home with enough to make thyself and
others happy.
Till. Thou shalt not steal a pick, or a
shovel, or a pan, from thy fellow miner, nor
take away his tools without his leave- nor
borrow those he cannot spare: nor return
them broken, nor trouble him to fetch them
back again; nor talk with him while his wa
ter rent is running on; nor remove his stake
to enlarge thy claim, nor undermine his
bank in following a lead, nor pan out gold
from his "rifle box," nor wash the "tailings"
from his sluice's mouth. Neither shalt thou
pick out specimens from the company's pan
to put them in thy mouth, or in thy purse;
nor cheat thy partner of his share; nor steal
from thy cabin mate his gold dust, to add to
thine, for he will be sure to discover what
thou hast done, and will straightway call his
fellow miners together, and if the law hinder
them not, they will hang thee, or give thee
fifty lashes, or shave thy head and brand
thee, like a horse thief, with H upon thy
cheek, to be known and read of all men, Cal-
iforniaus in particular.
IX. Thou shalt not tell any false tales
about "irood ditrgimjs in the mountains" to
thy neighbor, that thou may est benefit a
friend who hath mules and provisions, and
tools and blankets, he cannot sell lest in
.1 . c i
mansion now occupies tne site oi iue
Franciscan Convent in which Camoens
lived. The property belongs to Count
Sahi, who offers it for sale for the sum
of 85,000, without finding a purchaser
nels and other islands beyoud
I paid a visit to Wang-IIya, (or, in the
Macao dialect, Mong-ha,) which gives its
name to tho treaty concluded between the
United States and China, under the aus
pices of our great mandarin, Cushing,
II. Thou shalt not go prospecting before
thv claim gives out. Neither shalt thou
I took my way at random through the ' taj-c thy nionev, nor" thy gold dust, nor thy
garden, seeking in the gray morning d na tQ thc ,ramill2. tjlblu in vai. for
twilight for the grotto whose .shelter gave , twentv.onCf roulcue, faro, lansquen
birth to the "Lusiad." It was a wilder- ' ' ' 1
ness of large trees, made stil) more in- , et, and poker, wuT prove to thee that the
tricatc in some places by a thick under-' more thou puttest down thc less thou shalt
growth, and the rank parasitic vines take up; and when thou thinkest of thy wife
which clung from bough to bough. It , amj childreii, thou shalt not hold thyself
followed the slope of tho hill, terraced..,.. , . .,
, , , -t .i , . i . , . uiiiiiiuss. inn uwiiiiL.
. K .r In In Hn In hicf nnrt 1 o '
IT. Thou shalt not remember what thy
appreciation of tho Beautiful, arc thrust (Coo-bhing, a genuine Chinese name,;
poll the anu -me Vjommissiouer, Avuymg. auu
into the background, and do not spoil
harmony of the picture
The Portuguese settlement of Macao,
comprises a ridgy peninsula about four
miles long, attached to the Southern end
aain coracunder-the notice of some na- 0f a large Chinese island, by a uarrow,
turalists not in regard to the question of sandy neck, across which a wall was
poison this time, but a question having thrown in the early days of the colony
1 ' . . .. c tl The city is built m a dip of hills, near
reference to a multiplication of thc spc- tbe ccmty of thc peninsula, and to
cies. Most of our readers have observed east faccs the Iloads, the usual anchor-
vc doubt not, those curious, thick-headed age of foreign shipping. It has another
lookiuf fellows, something like a codfish face on the west, looking upon the Inner
nature, to which the term Uulpolcs Harbor, a narrow str ait snut in ny
tUnflc A nnt hnr .lift ti tifil f?lllPil Ihn I V-
in a mi
here and there, while thc highest part J
w'?iq nrnrlmiifT hv iinnio.nsn frranite bould-
ers, heaped one upon the other, till the , friends do at home on the Sabbath day, lest
ton most masses towered above the trees. 1 the remembrance may not compare favorably
j I found an aviary with a dead tree in it, I witu what thou doest here. Six days thou
showing that birds had once been there; j mavest tli,r or picic an that thy body can
U 1UU Halt . Ul V ivuw viaviuii wivuw. t . it n t C 1
nn,l nli; niloin, n small ehano rear- sta,d nndcr; but tl,C thcr (la-V ,S Sundor
ed unon a rock in the thickest part of thc ! yet thou washest all thy dirty shirts, darnest
wood, was led to the object of my search. ! all thy stockings, tap thy boots, mend thy
Tho grotto is simply a natural portal, 1 clothing, chop thy whole week's firewood,
formed by three great boulders of gray I k aml bakc thy bread and boil thy
... i i. .i. i e ,i ' rf
granite wituin wnose arcu iue puut luuuu , ork and fa hon nQt whei
shade and coolness and privacy. It is 1
nnt n Mr,m of .Wmiah. to feed austere thou returuest from thy lougtom, weoij.-
' I . . - i .i ,1 1 n Kymi ai.1t 1ism nnnL'f fnvl.
ro.f luif fr tl.o nnnrmnns. misshanen ! tho'ts and cloomy prophecies, outa grotto ror in six uajs iuuui uu. tuuu
"oods clarin all over with vcrmillion 1 just too stern not to be Arcadian aud enough to wear out thy body in two years;
G UJC C . 1111 fill xl -1 li 1. I . . . . r. 1 1 .1
and Gilpin", those massive courts and idyllic. ponai is now cionuu at uau biu if thou workest hard on buutiay also inou
"inin" of this treaty, and the festivities
consequent thereupon, took place in the
great temple of Wang-IIya a large
building of grey granite, rather more
simple and tasteful in its architecture
fli-in ntnnfisp. tnmn es usually are. in
Muwv - ' '
heavy, overhanging roofs, shaded by the
, . . T .1 I
broad arm3 ot several giant inaian ug
trees, would afford a very pleasing pic
ture There is a Macao legend to the
effect that, when Cushing went out in
tclonlc A nntlinr 'linrmfM fnllnilthn lv
is given. These tadpoles have, until ve- pa? betwecn t,v0 barren islands, about one
ry lately, been thought a necessary pre- me ami a half to the southward, is the
1 - i i 1 a - I C t i. Ji ' 1 r-. C rtr-o.l ti rliit!nr TT r
jiminary to iue siaie oi nog ui tuau. puai auunuxau uu.uS , ; ;T -. . - nnnn i, .., th(t.lAnnm ,vl,ifth filled the recess
boon season, on account ot its siieitcreu ; the nana maue &ucu au iiiipiuaaivu "i-" , t -. , . ,
end by an iron grating, and within it i , t, .. . . mm,n. llf1 n,nn sliui thv
. . . I, U f .1 4. 1 iA t.uiat uw ii " ...w........
" o ift.w o.tnl nont,?n n, thrno son, and thy daughter, thy male friend and
stanzes from thc Lusiad, in bronze letters. . thy L male friend, thy morals and thy con-
The dawn gradually brightened, as I , science, be none thc better lor it but reproach
state to meet Key-in, he was attended stood beside-tho grating; the darkness , thee, shouldst thou ever return with thy
by the Portuguese band belonging to the under thc trees faded into twilight, but . w0ril0ut body to thy mother's fireside; and
Governor, and that the drum-major of , the features ot the poet were not uuccin-: sUivc lQ . ufy ihysoUf because the
and thc blacksmith, the carpenter aud
, i rait or
i ins iiuLiuii Akj vsuu& ubwv - t fcu.ww mimvmav. i i - . . i i ii - t i i , rr nnn tp in tiii"iiiii i ,
ists, Mr. Lowe, F. G. S.. F. 11. A. S., Mr. yl K S CI fSS 5 t b.BUbS d the the merchant, the tailors, .Tews, and buccan-
Josebotham, of Manchester, and Mr. Hig- ; lt has that ibej imagined him to be the Amer- sorrow of .exile-who made the power CCrs de y God aud eivihza ion, by keeping
ginbotham,all agree in the statement, that been compared with that of Naples from ican mandarin, and watted several pro- and the injustice of tho land that gave the babbath day, nor wish for a day ol rest,
;r mnnima toad or fro- lav eims in nla- ' the bav. but I could sec scarcely a single found salutations upon him before the mis- him birth alike immortal sach ns mcmorV) voutu ami home, make hal
oes where there is no water, then
four-footed reptile comes forth a
the real ' point of resemblance. A crcseut shaped .take was discovered.
bay, nearly a mile in length, fronts the As for amusements here,
a ' water, and behind the massive stone pier, none except thc daily stroll oi
thero are
on thc Praya
I have been there since by daylight,
but the genus loci was less distinct and
.1 .1 .'1 L
impressive than in mat siteut mm mug
aud not the tadpole.- This is a very ben- Qr prayaj riscs a row 0f stately buildings ' and ride in the Campo, with an occasion- hour. The Chevalier di IVieuzi, a I'rcneh
eficicnt contrivance of nature, for what 0f a pale 'yellow or pink color." The fol-' al dinner or dance. The Governor, Sen- man who styles himscl "yoctc exile," has
ould a tadpole do on dfylaud?- The lit- ' iage of tropical gardens peep out behind hor Guimaraes, is an urbane and polish- had a tablet cut upon the rock beside the
i r ii u in .nmnWoK. nnt o" his them, and the ridge is crowned with ed gentleman, and entertains frequently, grotto, and a poem of his own in praise
tie fellow would be completely out o. hi ' athcdral and sevcrai andlhero are a few Portuguese families Sf Camoens inscribed upon it. The poem
element. Those of our readers who want , M the northcrn point is an1 who still keep up something of the old is good, considering that it is Lrench,and
to know more about this, are rcfered to j AlraC(a or pub)ic square, planted with 'state. Thc theater, a reminiscence of if the Chevalier di llienzi had a name in 04. of the T?J.aZsarfJIaff. 'trees, above which rises a fortress. ' the palmy days of Macao, has long been , literature, we might pardon, and even
a-ineof Nati-al Ilistorv for April 1853. Further to the north, on the top of a lof- closed, but will soon open for a concert approve, his desire to couple it with tne
tuwe oj Aahual Uttioty lor April, ( j , by om. (afc tbis mQmQnt illustrious Cainoen?. To me wjio never
1 I J . i , . i- ..ii-.ii ..n i ,i mniinnlinl v i.., .-l npiiim liofov" is nresumn-
I and a larger but somewhat uiinianucuigiviiig uumiinw w im;utliul-ulwi.w.vV iaiu v..w, .
fortification looms behind, on the middle lof " Wcnn die " Schwalben heimwajrts tuous and profane; though a thousand
I ..:.i f nnllinSnl;1. ziehn") who have mado Macao ring with times less so than some Lrench doggrel
111! LZ UlLLXlrUVM . . . . .1 " i 7
Thou shalt not think more of all thy
Money, like beauty, is greatly dispar
ing and eagerly sought, while poverty is
highly praised and carefully avoided. Its
like a case which often happens in society
that of eulogizing people whom we
wouldn't associate with, and sneering at
others whom wc don't care to "cut."
o . t i. : i.o ,,f Hnnii liinvH lor i,r,ftn i '-i in noni wvuron in tno visitors
I1IU lu (1UU " V
. 1 I
nil i l l . I ... l fN i l - i.'... iir infKnnn rr tnn i'n 4 r n l ri
There are year?. 1 ne uugie-piayeys uuiuuyiuy m uook. rium tuiiuv, .. ...
the Portuguese garrison arc very une,oub suic oi tne garueu uieiu iuu luvui- viuo
, . ,i 'rr( nnd vou the uovernor s uanu woum auaiuuij uu 0i mo iuuui u.nuu., ruali; -"t
a decaying, moldy appearance, ana you , anvhcrc else :5y tue Com- sunsct: and the Casa Gardens,'' as they
1 XI. f- In It Til r I 1 fl W II II". II vww- j f s - . .
It t'flfl LlllUllJ. UUU . v
.losnrted aspect of the place.
.rmvfls on the Prava; the houses have,
UU v v Ii "
e;old, and how thou canst make it fastest,
than how thou wilt enjoy it, after thou hast
precepts ana exnuq
have nothing to reproach and sting thee,
when thou art left alone in thclnud where
thy father's blessing and thy mother's love
hath sent
VI. Thou shalt not kill Ihv body bv work
ing in the rain, even though thou shalt wrc
enough to buy physic and attendor.c.o with.
deceivinc: thy neiirhbor, when he
through the snow with naught save his rifle,
he present thee with the contents thereof,
and like a dog, thou shalt fall down aud
X. Thon shalt not commit unsuitable
matrimony, nor covet "single blessedness;"
nor forget absent maidens; nor neglect thy
"first love" but thou shalt consider how
faithfully and patiently she awaitcth thy re
turn; yea, and covereth each epistle that
thou seudest with kisses of kindly welcome
until she hath thyself. Neither shalt thou
covet thy neighbor's wife, nor trifle with the
affections of his daughter; yet if thy heart
be free, and thou love and covet each other,
thou shalt "pop the question" like a man,
lest another more manly than thou art, should
step in before thee, and thou love her in vain,
and in the anguish of thy heart's disappoint
ment, thou -shalt quote the language of the
great, and say, "sich is life;" and -thy future
lot be that of a poor, lonely, despised aud
comfortless bachelor.
A new Commandment give I unto thee
if thou hast a wife and little ones, that thou
lovest dearer than thy life that thou keep
them continually before theo, to cheer aud
rough hhod, over thv good old parents thee onward until Vhou canst say, "I
tsand examples, that thou mavest 1 1,livc enough-God ble-,s theui-I will return."
Then as thou jov.rne vest toward thy nuieu
loved home wi,th open arms shall they come
forth to. welcome thee, and falling upon thy
neck., weep tears of unutterable joy that thou
i-t come; when in the fulness of thy heart's
gratitude thou shalt kneel before thy Heav
enly Father together, to thank liiui for Un
safe return. Ambx So mote it be!
Editorial Correspondence of the N . York Tribune.
TTacao. China, Saturday Au:r. 27, 1853
Tt is more than five months since I first
paw Macao, but my visit in March last
was too hurried to justify my attempting
a description of the place. Now that I
am domiciled here an inmate of thc U
iiited States Naval Hospital, though not
:m invalid I will endeavor to fill up the
missing link in my record ot travel
ui.ra oiioniii hp. Komewuat iou
are a frequent resort ot thc
cuts at that hour.
IJut the band, after in vain attempting
languor in the picture
remember that
and all Macao sits there in the moon
light, looking upon the sparkling bay and to conjure up a little animation by one
drinking with thirsty ears the sweet 0f Lanner's waltzes, is breathless. The
Ktrains. ! sun liaugs directly overhead and pours
As it Is o ? sum ner h n mo The Chinese residents have just been down a Hood of white hea . Sound. :n
he foreign merc celebrating their great religious festival the streets have ceased, and the city is
r ft fes ere on account of the -a sort of All Soul's Day, or worship more deserted than ever Looking out
listen invainior ua, o u - .... -, d , permission, our band performs are called, n
float about the centers of trade 01 indus- ntt p Thursday evening, foreign resid
t- 'p n en tnw Rpnrrv at the toot or uu r .. r, .1 . , .. 1
tl V. J. UVi J
tho Portuguese flag-staff seems to be doz
ing at his post. Now and then some
fl.l.innen nnr(nra Tliisq Or foUr SCrVantS
carrvin? a sedan chair with all the blinds stiams
of tho
.1 . 1 i-
tneir larames nere, on accouuu - - - - - , , . . f ,
temnerate sea a r manv of the spacious paiu couoisuvuijf iu a i,u. e-- - - n- - --
old mansions a?e' nSbited and servants in their mythology, their own ancestors gotten characteristic of the place, T find
ZhiSfMnp about theo- included. It is a convenient day of that eyes and mind .are a Jw.y ami
pen gateways. Were it not for the scan- lumping together a number of minor wor- confused, and I infer that I lu 0 e.
ty revenue which they derive from the ships and wiping out with one grand haustcd what little material Macao at.
lease of their ancestral palaces, many of stroke the delinquencies of the yearj and fords. : i
Neither shalt thou kill thy nei'roovs body
1 1 r i- m . ...
in a (luei; ior uy Keeping viA tltou caubt
save his life and thy eo'cieuee. Neither
ahalt thou destroy thvdin,y getting "tight,"
nor Viewed," no- hjh," nor 'tovued," nor
"half seas ovi ' nor -three sheets in the thn wntyr rnMS out t the rate of
wind," hy drinking smoothly down "gin! i,.e(1 und tfly o-nu0fts a minue
co'.'iitr.ais," "whiskey punclies," "rum-iocuiies"
The Artesian Well at Frederick (Md.) has
been completed. The shaft has been carried
down 5S5 feet, and now, the Examiner says,
Docs this razor go easy?" asked a bar-
Iberof a victim who was wnuuug u..u
miK wh ehiei uwuonsw
Tiur "egt? nog?." Neither shalt tltou suck
"mint julips," nor '"sherry-cohlers," through
n cirnu-' t't-njii a bottle the vrav i clumsy iustruu
intterialnor"takeitiieat,"fromadeeanter; tion was a strong handle.
, ii 1 n i replied the poor fellow,
u'hirn t .inn fivi hiiiiw inn uun it tn imiftL. f w.-, -1
and thy coat from
! ri-fllll
Uljr UlC i-vmw. .... ; ..... ... , , , . .u....:.. J
tsce thc house and LuuKand dust.aud.cmWy easy, 1,111 u you re s.nuu,
" thut
1 .1
oft' thy back, thoinn-t burn- depends much upon what you 1 tne 0
thv Mo.naeh: and if ihou 'ration. If you are skinning me. It goes toi-
home comforts already lying there -"a huge rather hard,"