HZ". . SJcuoteb to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, itloraliti), ana cncrol intelligence. VOL. 13. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. SEPTEMBER 8, 1853. NO. 46. i Published hy Theodore Schoch. TERMS Two dollars per annum i dollnrs and a quarter, half yeaily a in advance -Two and if nut ii.nd L-c- No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Schooner S. L. Soper, Captain Samuel So cxeept at the option of the Editor. .. , T. . . lC?Alveitisemcnts not exceeding one square (ten ' per, Sailed irom 1 rOVlllCCtOWn, for a Cruise ini-j iu uc liicriea mree wcexs lor one vionar, auu twenty-five cents for every subsequent ins-crlion. The :il discount made to vearlv advertisers. .iv, km uuv wiiii; mim'i uuu? iiiu aiiit. x i i' lO All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JOD PKIXTIKG. llavinc a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, w e are prepared to cxccutec erv descnptioiiof Cards, Circulirs. Hi II Heads, Notes. HIank Receipts Justices. Lesal and other lti;nks. l'aiindilels. Ac. printed with ncalncsa and despatch, on reasonable Iiirtnc AT THE THE OFFICE OF JEFFEKSOXIAX. The Seasons. Hay and corn, and buds and flowers, S.now and ice, and fruit and wine, Spring and summer, fall and winter, With their juns, and sleets, and showers, Bring in turn, these gifts divine. Spring blows, summer glows, Autumn reaps, winter keeps, Spring prepares, summer provides, Autumn hoards, winter hides. Come, then, friends, their praises sound: Spring and summer, autumn, winter, Summer, autumn, winier, spring, As they run their yearly round, Each in turn with gladness sing! Time drops blessings as he flies Time makes ripe and time makes wise. We shouldn't wonder if the author of the following was set upon some night, by a mob of indignant women, and maltreated: She painted ! oh ! she painted ! The color of her cheek Was spread with great exactitude In many a blushing streak. And when one day I snatched a kiss, The color of a rose That decked her cheeks, transferred itself To my unlucky nose. I held one evening in my hand A very lengthy pin, Bj' accident it struck her breast And penetrated in. She did not shriek with pain, Or even seem to show it, And why? The cotton was so thick She really didn't know it. Tough Stories. One editor : says there is "A friend at four elbow a piece of road, not two miles from here, so narrow that when two teams meet they have both to get o ver the fence before either can pass." Another "A Californian writes that they have fire-flics so large in that interesting State, that they used them to cook by. They set the kettles on their hinder legs, which are bent for the purpese like pot hooks. Great country that. A third "There is a journeyman tailor in Bos ton whose nose is so red, that he can sew the finest work in the darkest night with no other light than that afforded by his flaming proboscis. His head is quite bald from the effects of carrying, "building material" in his hat. The Sorrowful Tree. At Goa, near Bombay, there is a singular vegeta ble the sorrowful tree because it only flourishes in the night. At Eun-set no flowers are to be seen, and yet, an hour after, it is quite full of them. They yield a sweet smell, but the sun no 'sooner shines upon them than some of them fall off, and others close up; and thus it con - tinues flowering in the night all the year, Sint.l'lar Fact. A marriage sol - . 0 . emnizedin South Carolina is indissoluble, either by consent of the parties, or by thc iudemcntof any foreign tribunal or statue of any foreign Legislature. No judicial ...:i 1 Pornl.'nn W !.!, - tnuuuui i " J hority to declare a divorce, and no di- v orce has ever been granted by the Leg - islature of South Carolina. The lady who was nearly killod by thc accidental discharge of her duty, is slow ly recovering. Beg-An old bachelor being ill, his sis ter presented Jiiin with a cup of medicine. 'What is it V he asked. She answered 'It is elixic asthmatic, it is vory aro uietic and will make you feel eatatic' 'Nancy,' he replied, with a smile, 'you are very sister-matic.' nc tt i -I tt a n. his father's sanction to tho project of mar- ria-e. The gentleman, requesting his sonto pray with him, prayed that if tho match was against the will of thc Lord he i,i v,.uniAc ?n fV,A wav a , . m i- mi ia possible. The son interrupted r . . I,; conrr "O flnt.'f. vftii do it. lor I c i,L i,, on.i,nwi' A Story of Suffering at Sea. On the 25th of February last, the . in the Atlantic Ocean, for whales. ISoth- 1 1 I f-l 1 i il n i 1 1 1 a 1 1 i 1 luguuusuiu luippcueu uinu auoui ine urst ( of July, when one morning a school of whales was discovered. Three boats were immediately lowered, each contain ing five men, and commanded by the Cap ing uvemen,anucommauueu uy tuc v,ap- tain, first and second mate. Thc second mate killed the first whale, and towed him to the ship. i The other whales then star- I (ed off, pursued by the boats of the tap tain and mate. This was in Longitude about 77 in latitude 34. They coutin - ued the pursuit, and finally thc Captain fastened to and killed aforty barrel sperm o J ? , i 1U, auu uu vussui aa iu uu auuu iiuui mu UUilbO ill iiuy uiii,v,nuui J. mo ii J inwiiwi startling, as they had no provisions or , water on board, but upon consultation ftinott to substantially tbe same lacts. , , , , .. , , lt , , ... 'Again, it appears impossible that two cur they concluded to stick by the whale until n juxtaosifcion should Wow morning, in the hope that with returning 'from ncariy opposite quarters with such daylight they should be able to find their J violence as to prostrate large trees, unless vessel. "When morning broke, the hori-, there is opportunity for the air to escape 7.011 was nnxiouslv scaned. but no vessel, j j was to be seen. All that dav was spent in cruising round after her, and at night another consultation was held. They had com passes, but no time, and the captain or dered, that during the night they should go in a certain direction, and meet in the in the morning. The mate, Mr. Sam. Genu, of Provincctown, states that he followed these directions carefully, but when morning dawned, the captain's boat was not to bo found. He spent a portion of thc next day in searching for the cap tain, but finding his efforts vain, and that his crew wore begining to suffer dread fully for food and water, they being in an open whaloboat, without protection from j the fierce heat of the sun, he concluded j that it was best for him to shape his. course for the nearest land, which he did by steering a N. N. "W. course. They ! had a sail, but it was not of much use. Their sufferings from this time cannot be described. But once they saw a vessel. She was at some distance, and the sea was very rough, so that the mate deemed it impossible with safety to steer for her, and as those on board did not see the boat, they witnessed her disappearance with thc feeling that their last hope was leav ing them. It now began to blow severely, and the mate was obliged to rig a "drug" with his oars and whaleing lines, with which he was enabled to lie to without d anger When the gale ceased he again put sail on the boat, but the crew were almost at the last gasp of suffering: their lips were black and death seemed to stare them in the face. For tho last twenty-four hour3 so great were the pangs of thirst that they began to drink of salt water, which usu ally brings on delirium and death, in a short time. At the end of the 6th day they made Cape Fear, and went a shore, reaching Beaufort, N. C. Mr. Genn and one of the crew, Cornelius Prince of Bos ton, worked their passage in a vessel to Xew York, and reached this city ou Sun day and are now at Provincetown. What has been the fate of the captain and thc five men in his boat is unknown. They may have discovered the vessel, or they may have reached the shore. . they did not, tney nave prouaoiy an per- ipor wag sua,jcny lifted to a reign of ished. There was a short rain one day igreat cold, and rapidly condensed or while they were on board tho boat, but; frozen. The strong upward movement i. . i i 'thevhad no means to catch it. The sec-, ond mate and five men are on board the vessel, and she is, therefore, probably, safe, and will, probably, arrive at some, . Atlantic port in a few days. Thc face ' nf tl,P mntn sfill TiPJirs the immPrCBS Of I the terrible sufferings he has undergone, . in parched and blackened hps and sun- ken and deathlike features. Boston Trav eller. Tilft Most Kfi.nilifill If. niid. m l v Two charming women were discussing . . . - one day what it is which constitutes beau- ty in the hand. They differed in opinion as much as in the shape of the beautiful member whose merits they were discus- ing. .4. JL fViivlVIMMu - ' - " A wnnfipmnn tripnn nrfiSfintfid mm- self, and, by common consent, the qucs- ' tion was refcred to him. It was a deli- cate- matter. lie thought of Paris and the three goddesses. Glancing from one ti, nfiior nf t.li a hnniit ful white hands presented to him, which, by the way, he had the cunning to hold for sometime in his own, for purposes of examination, he replied at last :-"I give it up-the ques - i,nvri fnr mn; hut? ask the Door, ...j ii : ftii a.. i,..4 fl(omn!t.lii!iii. and they will tell you that the most beau- . J ., . ,. t , . tiful hand in the world 13 tho nana mai nivw." Scientific Reports. A variety of interesting and useful pa pers were read at the scientific Conven- tion at Cleveland. Among others was a , communication by Prof. Loomis, on thelate hail stom ou Jth firsfc of Jul ' j I.... ''.I Whicn the stones which fell wero from 2A i to 3 inches long and 2 wide. After a lng description, the Professor gives the following explanation: What teas the Cause of the llaill- Thc wag causcd , a violenfc rd j movement of tho air, carryiuy along with ! it an unusual amount of vapor, which has I suddenly condensed, and at so low a tem- i . , , perature that it was frozen in large, sem- I iscrystalline masses. That there was a I i . ..... i ! pears from the following considerations : 'licv. G. W. McLane, "of Williamsburg, j 'was in the street, near his house, and no-1 violent unward movement, ot the .nr. ?in- uuuu me coming up oi tne storm, jtte says the cloud was very dense and iiliol- UttlLiv, I rr,nA ,nn;ji P 1 A i luaiu OUVVIi tUU U1UUU UUHUU UU 111 a V1U- lent and angry manner. Others have How Was the Cold which Formed the Hail Introduced? Thc temperature of hail stones when they fall, is sometimes as low as twenty-five or even twenty deg. Fahrenheit. The temperature of the air diminishes as we ascend from the earth At a height of 8,800 feet above N. York, it is estimated at 32 deg. in summer. There was a hail storm in France on tho 25th of July, 1853, which covered the ground at the foot of a mountain three inches deep with stones, some of which weighed eight ounces; while at a height of 4,800 feet up the mountain no hail fell. It is thought therefore, that the hail of July 1, 1853, was not formed at an elevation of more than 5000 feet. Thc atmosphere derives its heat mainly from earth by radiation upwards. Clouds intercept this rising heat, and it therefore becomes unnaturally cold above. The wind in this case came from a higher lat itude, as it blew from the North-AYest; it therefore brought with it a lower temper ate. Another source of cold is found in evaporation from the surface of the hail stones. If we moisten the bulb of a thermometer, its temperature sinks from evaporation. As the hail stone is m rapid motion, it is cooled by evaporation to so low a temperature that the surrounding moisture is condensed upon it, and thus concentraic layers are formed. How do Hailstones Remain Suspended in the Air Long Enough to Acquire a ' Weigat of Half a Pound? I conceive j that hailstones are formed with great ra- i pidity. Tho vapor is condensed sudden- ly and almost instantly. 1 tbint that ( very large hailstones may be formed in five minutes. In a vacuum a stone would fall from the height of 5,000 feet in less than twenty seconds but drops of water and hailstones fall with only a moderate velocity; from my own observation, I should think forty feet per second in the Till it pfnvm nf fliic T-nfo o cf Ann ttmiII Tn . J , . nr n nnn ,i :f f.trn mitinfps in in Iitkt o.OUU igp.t: find 11 we suppose it to start from rest, and its rate to increase uniformly to thc ultimate i velocity of forty feet, thc time of tall would be in four minute3. Tho strong upward movement which is known to ex ist in the neighborhood where hail is formed, is quite sufficient to sustain hail stones of thc largest kind, so long as they may be kept within tho influence of the vortex. I see no reason therefore, why hailstones cannot be sustained in the air five or ten minutes, or even longer. Why Hid thc Hail in the Present Case Attain so Large a Size ? Because the circumstances were unusually favorable to its formation. Tho atmosphere con- jfjtaincd about as much vapor as it is ever I known to hold in this latitude. This va- helped to sustain tne crystals as tney m creased, until the upward force was no longer equal to gravity, or until they es caped from the influence ot the vortex ; most 0f the stones would fall in five min Jutes, and be of moderate size; others imgni UO &usaaiuu mjij ui unuuu imuuiw, and obtain enormous dimensions Another paper was on the Bising of Waters in Springs, immediately before rain, by Prof. Brocklesby. The paper states the fectas well authen ticated, that in Ruland, Vt., and Concord, Mass., in each exists a small stream I which, during a drought, become dried up i ' o A ;, ana cease to now; uiai suumy piuuuua to tbc appearanCe 0f rain, but before wa- ( tor has fallen, these streams again begins to flow. So marked has this been the fact, with rcgrrd to the stream in Rut- ' . linTiifnnffs. nn fVinfc fnr the last tWOltll rs tjw approach of rain teas expected to fa indicated by thc rising of thc stream. In the case of the Concord stream, the fact was established by competent proof, . that rain was to be tooucawr immcauauy vpon tlte re-appearance of the brook. j The cause of tins phenomenon has been attributed to the fall of water at the , distant sources of these springs a short time previous to its descent in the vicini- tv of the soring nsclt. which conclusion ty of the spring itself, which conclusion i !. cr, J ?c nit nrtni Unr nil. musu uo aluuwuo, probable ram wou :ould fall at two distant localities year after year, with the same constant period of time between them,and that this interval should be such as to in sure that water falling at the first locality should always arrive through subterreous snoum always arrive through sun crreous channels to the second before the rain f .-triim nviisH The solution of the matter is found in the diminished atmopheric pressure which . exists before a rain. The atmospheric and hydrostatic pres sure comoroo exactly counterbalancing tb u?war( orc? the icfc tho watcrs wl11 r,s, cn. thc f?TC. of tho Jefc 18 !n" sure combine exact! v counterbalancing ri r mm Her j r.nn firmncriniiriii nripaiimromn . , , , A' . " p .T , 7 , . , ia Ul" """"""i wu w hnn flip ilnprnnjo in tho HoTicifti- nf fhn ""'v tww ?mosPhere oc simultaneously with an incTr5f,s? in ,the strenS of the jet. SfdTl ' I'TT ,C ITIOI ft t 1 1 II f 4-1, s 1 -n n II rl 4n,.M-n.nn .J , .... . : J uiuua milt tuc auiiii'io iiuu luuuiuiua c i , . 7 luu eiutu ure uaiurai uuiumuers. T 1 i nil rt x unu(uiuu vi nit; uriat-ui Under this head the Merchant's Ledger has some verycurious and intesesting cal culations. It estimates the average of American births per second, for the last eighteen hundred and fifty-three years, at about 815. This would make thc whole num ber of human beings who have lived since tho birth of Christ, thirty-two thousand millions. Deducting from this number the nine hundred and sixty millions, who form the present population of the globe, and it leaves the number thirty-one thousand and forty millions that have gone to the grave, Of this number the estimate is that nine thousand millions have died by wars. Eight thousand inilliojl by famine and pestilence. Five hundred millions by martyrdom. Fve hundred and eighty millions by in toxicating drinks. Thirteen thousand millions natural or otherwise. By this estimate it will be seen that war and strong drink havo sent one-third of the human race to a premature grave. Daguerreotypes on Wood. An important application of the pho tographic art has been made in Manches ter, England, by which the process of wood engraving from daguerreotypes will be materially economized, both in time and expense. I he Manchester Graurdian. of July 30 gives the following account of this, probably, most recent improvement in this useful art : Yesterday Mr. Robert Langton, wood engraver and draftsman, of Cross street; brought to our office some very successful and beautiful specimens of photography, taken by himself, not one metal plate; or on paper, or on glass, but on blocks of box-wood, such are ordinarily used m his own art for wood engravings. One was a striking portrait of himself; another was a view of the beautiful little church at Wofsley, erected a few years ago by tho Earl and Countess of Ellesmere. jGgyAt a meeting of the editors on late visit to the falls of jNiagara, Cogshell o j o of thc Cincinnati Great West, offered thc following resolutions, which uufortunately for the country, were 'laid on the table :' Resolved, That Niagara is a 'Great Old Fall.' Resolved, That as Editors and Publish ers, who have seen a 'few' exhibitions of ! various kinds, we are all well satisfied with Niagara. Resolved, That Niagara is complete in all its 'appointments' and 'arrangements.' Resolved, That we unhesitatingly rec ommend Niagara to all Travelers and tourists, as something of a curiosity. Resolved, That in our opinion Ilorsc Shoe Fall ought to be annexed to the U. States. Resolved, That a great deal of Cultiva tion will be required to make Goat Island a respectable 'potato patch.' Guess somo of them got bricks in their hat. Strange Turn-out An old mad 97 years of age. (says an English paper) lately traveled from Lis more to Fermoy in an oyster tub, drawn by a pig, a badger, two cats, a goose, and a hedge-hog; with a large red night cap on his head, a pig driver's whip in one hand, and in the other a common cow's horn, which he blew to encorage his team and give notice of his novel mode of trav elling. This feat was performed on a wager, which tho old man triumphantly won. His name is John lluddy. 'Mr. Snigsbcc, you said the defendent was in love, how do you know that?' 'He reads novels upside down, and writes poetry in the day book when it should be cheese.' 'Any other reason?' 'Yes sir, hc shaves without lather, and very fre quently mistakos the sleeves of his coat for the legs of his pantaloons an error he don't discover till he tries to fasten the tails to his susponders.' 'A clear caae call the next witness.' The lastest case of absence of mind is related of the foreman of a grand jury in Missouri. After administering the oath to a beautiful woman instead ot handing Mho Hihln ho nrosnilf fli hi S F.1P.P. find Slid. "Now kiss thc book, mad aim , w.w , Whig- State Convention. Pursuant to the call issued by the Whig State Committee, the delegates se lected assembled in Convention in thc Court ITouse, at Huntingdon, Thursday, August 25th, at 11 o'clock in tho fore noon, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for thc Supreme Court. Tho Convention organized by thc selec tion of the following officers : President, Jacob L. Gossler, Phila. City. Vice Presidents, Theodore Fenn, Dauphin. Wm. II. Irwin, Mifflin. J. S. lloberts, Phila. County. Samuel Lauffer, Westmoreland. C. Thompson Jones, Phila. County. Henry Hahn, Berks. Col. T. Green, Lancaster. David It. Ilobiuson, Franklin. J. N. McDonald, Washington. Secretaries, S. L. Glasgow, Huntingdon. George Baymond, Blair. Albert It. Schofield, Phila. County. John J. Patterson, Dauphin. The Committee reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously a doptcd : Resolved, That wo re-affirm our adher ence to the time-honored principles of the great Whig party, and shall ever consid er it our duty, as well as pleasure, to give them all the support we can command. Resolved, That we condemn thc policy pursued by Gov. Bigler and his ad minis tration in adding thousands upon thous ands to our already enormous debt. Resolved, That we recommend the sale of the Public Works of the State, that tho people may once more be relieved thoroughly from the burthen of taxation. Every consideration of policy demands that the Public Works be placed beyond the reach of speculators and party, or , personal favorites corrupting as they it t i j. : now are, to punlic and party morai3, ac the expense of our honest toiling people. Resolved, That the taxpayers of this Commonwealth are requested to look at the reports made by those interested in the continuance of thc present system of our public works, representing them as profitable to the State, and producing a large amount of revenue, and ask them selves if this can be true, while the heavy taxes levied upon the people for the pay- ment of the interest of the State debt,and for the support of these same public works, for the erection of which tho debt ' , , Resolved, That we are in favor of the sale of the Public Works for thc purpose of reducing the State debt, tho repeal of the State tax, and to prevent the annual accumulation of a floating State debt, which causes poor laborers and others employed on thc State Works to be sha- ved twenty per cent, or more of their hard earnings, to obtain the necessaries lor the support ot their lamincs, wniie the laborers on the public works of cor porations or companies, are regularly paid in cash for their services. Resolved, That we are in favor of the construction of a It ail road to the Pacific, either by combined individual effort, or by tho General Government provided, it can be done by the latter without in volving the nation in a serious debt, or infusing corruption and speculation to thc injury of the country. Resolved, That we arc still thc advo cates of tho Whig policy, as it regards the protection of labor, internal improve ments, and the support of a pure and in dependent judiciary. Resolved, That this Convention approve the nominations made by thc Democratic Whig Convention of March last, for the offices of Auditor General, Surveyor Gen eral, and Canal Commissioner; and that believing them to be eminently worthy, and well qualified to fill the respective offices for which they havo been nomina ted, earnestly and unitedly recommend them to the zealous and active support of j thc people of Peuna. Resolved, That we sincerely regret the decease of that amiable and honest man, that true Whig and pataoit, John Price Wetherill, of Philadelphia. His eminent services to his party, and his widespread benevolence to his fellow-men, have en shrined him in the grateful hearts of his fellow citizens. His memory shall grow brig'hter as year pass away. John Feulon, Esq., then offered the following : Resolved, That wc deem it inexpedient for this Convention to nominate a candi date for Supreme Judge; but that the ju dicial experience and integrity of thc Hon. Thomas S. Boll commends him as a suitable candidate for the parties, and that we cordially recommend him to the Whigs of Pennsylvania for their support. David F. Robinson, Esq., moved to a- mend by striking out thc name of J udge Bell, and inserting that of Alex. King, Esq., of Bedford. This amendment gave ' riso to a long discussion, in which thc whole subject was discussed jn'o and con Messrs. Johu Feulon, Jacob Hoffman, and Wm. II. Irwin favoring the original nrnnnsition. and Messrs. D. F. ltobinson. Caleb N. Taylor, 0. Thompson Jones, and ' and Matthias Myers opposing it. After wjiicb, a motion was made and carried to proceed to Fallot for a candidate. Npm I inatious were then made. Tohn Fonlon nominated Thomas S. BclL D. II. Hoflus " Geo. Taylor. C. Thos. Jones " Thos. A. Budd. D. F. ltobinson " Alex. King. The first ballot resulted as follows : Bell 4, Taylor 12, Budd 21, King 11. The second ballot was as follows : Bell 2, Taylor 11, Budd 20, King 12. The third ballot: Budd 24, King 23. Thos. A. budd, Esq., of the city of Philadel phia, was thereupon, on motion declared the unanimous choice of the Convention as the candidate forthe Supreme Bench. The Convention then adjourned sine die. In the evening there was a large gath ering of Whigs in thc Court House, to re spond to thc action of the Convention. Col. Daniel Ilcrr, of Lancaster, presided, and was assisted by a large number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries. Gen. W. II. Irwin, of Mifflin, and Col. A. K. McClure, of Franklin, delivered eloquent speeches, and were rapturously applauded. The best spirit prevailed throughout thc gathering, which was kept up until a late hour in the evening. A Good Scriptural Name. The ltichmond Times of Saturday, re lates thc following: A gentleman travelling in a section of country which shall be nameless, stopped at the house of a pious old woman, and observing her fondness for a pet dog, ven tured to ask the name of the animal. Thc good woman answered by saying that she called him 'Moreover.' ' Is not that a strange name?' inquired entleman. ' Yes,' said the pious old lady, but I thought it must be a good one, as I found it in the bible." ' Found it in tho Bible?' quoth thc gen tleman. 'Pray in what part of thc Bible did you find it.' The old lady took down her Bible with the utmost reverence, and, turning to the text rea(j as follows: ' Moreover, the dog came and licked his sores.' ' There said she triumphantly, "have I not the highest authority for the name?" Providence Illustrated Old mother Bender was pious, but poor. In the midst of her extreme want, her trust and her confidence was in God. ft was Iato ! one ci,iily night in autumn of the year, that tWQ ralhcr v;jid y0Ung men were passing her liuIe c e n their way home.- ' . . . . . . . nrtn Bnmn lnnvna i One of them had under his arm some Joavea ' of brcad wh5ch hc had Procurcd, arl thc villaS storc- A faint hShi nickered from mother , Bender's casement. Said thc one who had thc loaves to his companion, "Let us have some fun with the old woman." "Agreed," saij the other. They approached the house j pCeping jn at the window, saw the old ! Ja(y upon her ,.llccs by lhe hcarlIl wherc a i few wcresinouMerinff in lho ashce She was engaged in Prayer. They listened and heard her offering earnest petitions for bread. She was entirely destitute of food. In furtherance of their fun, the one of them with the loaves climcd softly up the low roof of the cottage and dropped one loaf after thc other down thc chimney. As they railed out upon thc hearth they caught the old lady's eye, and in thc fullness of her heart she ex claimed, "Thank thc Lord bless thc Lord for his bounty." "But the Lord didn't send them," shouted a voice down thc chimney. "Yes hc did" she cried undaunted, "the Lord cent them, but the devil brought them. When you see a young man and wowan walking down tho street, leaning against each other, like a pair of badly matched oxen, be assured that they arc bent ou consolidation. 'Sambo, what am your 'opinion ob rats? Why, I tink de one dat hab do shortest tail will git in de hole do quickest.' It is snid that a young lady of fashion in Paris, Mdllc. Yirginnc de T , having died very suddenly, her friends decided upon a poat mortem examination. It was found that three- of her ribs had encroached upon thc liver to such an ex tent as to produce death. Tho young lady perished of tight lacing. Black and White. Dr. Hood, of Whitcvillc Ga. describes a white negro woman living near him, 34 years of age, the mother of ten ebony children, whose skin, since she was 11 years of age, lias changed from a pure black to a white, as fair as any of Circas sian blood. Her eyes and hair retain tho African peculiarities. No diseased con dition of the skiu or system ha3 bceu.dia covered to show cause for this change of color, which began upon her forehead, in a small spot, and gradually effected her whole body, thc black disappearing from her neck downwards in a single week af ter her face had become cutirely white ned. At thc Fourth of July celebration in Marion county, Illinois, a young lady of forcd the following toast: 'The Young Men of America Their arms our sup port Our anna their reward. Fall in men, fall in.' j&SrCary II. BouEright, qT Hidianpolia recently married ljis tenth -vTTo, i -I 1 s iI3 H-iikiS At J , If ' nil if ii ' hifi