JDcDoicit ta JoIitics, literature, Agriculture, Science, iitoralitn, ani encral intelligence. i i VOL. 13. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. JUNE 16, I85J. NO. 34. Published by Theodore Schoch TERMS Two dollars per annnum in advance Tw o dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their papers bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2 eents, per year, extra. No papers ditcontinucd until all arrcaragesarc paid, except at the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (six teen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar, and twenty-five cents for every 3ubsequent insertion The Charge for one and three insertions the Mime. A liberal discount made to vearly advertisers. ID" All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JOB P R I jV T I N G. Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, w e arc prepared to execute every description of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts Tiictal Tact?iI mirl nthnr rtljinks. PrtmnlilnK A-rv printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF TEIE .1 E F FERS'OIV I A TV. by request. The While Rose of Miami. Let me tay at my home, in the beautiful West, Where I played when u child, in my age let me rest; "Where the bright prairies bloom, and the wild waters play. In the home of my heart, dearest friends, let me stay ! O, here let me stay, where my chief, in the pride, Of a brave warrior-youth, wandered forth from my side, Where he laid at my feet, the young hunter's best prey, "While I roamed a wild huntress, O, friends let me stay. Lei me stay w here the prairies I 'vc oft' w andered thro', While my moccasins brushed from the flowers the dew, Whore my warrior would pluck the wild blossums and ay, His White Rose w as the fairest, O, there let. me stay ! O, here let me stay ! where bright plumes from the w ing Of the bird that his arrow had pierced, lie would bring; Where in parting for battle, he softly would say, Tis to shield thee I fight, O, with him let me stay ! let me stay, though the strength ol my Chieftain is o'er, Though his warriors he leads to the battle no more ; lie loves through the woods a -wild hunter to stray, His heart clings to home, O, there lot me stay ! Let me stay where my children, in childhood have played, When through the green forest they often have strayed; 7'hey never could bend to the white man'5 cold sway, .For their hearts are of fire, 0, theie let rae stay ! You tell me of leaves of the Spirit that speaks, But the Spirit I own, in the bright stars 1 seek ; In the prairie, in the forest, the waters wild play, 1 see Him, I hear Him, O, then let rne stay ! CO""The Maryaville Express thus poetizes: With rosin, lard, tar, coal, and wood, The Buckeye's time was very good, Bat faster will she have to kite To catch the Swan or David White. OCSpeaking of the world, there is a good deal of truth in the words of Bickerstafi" : The world is a well furnished table, Where guests are promiscuously set; Where all fare as well as they're able, And scramble for what they can get. WOMAN'S RIGHTS. When womans rights are stirrid a bit, The first reform she pitches on Is how she may, with least delay, Just draw a pair of breeches on. flr3 This item must have been written by an unfortunate old bachelor who had been jilted by some unmerciful fair one : "Marriage is like a flashing candle light, Placed in the window on a summer night, Inviting all the insects of the air To come and singe their pretty winglets there ; Those that are out, butt heads against the pane, Those that are is, bult to get out again." 07" A clergyman in the west of England, preached during the whole of Lent, in a town, where he never was invited to dinnei. He said in his farewell sermon, "I have preached againEt evry vice except that of good living which I believe is not to be found among you, and therefore needed not my reproach." OrA clergyman, wishing to known weth er the children of his parishioners understood their Bible, asked a lad that he one day found reading the Old Testament, who was the wickedest man. " Moses, to be sure," said the boy. " Moses !" exclaimed the parson ; Moses ! how can that be!" " Why," said the lad, "he broke all the commandments at once."' Remedy for Cancek.-CoI. Ussery, of the parish of De Soto, informs the editor of the Caddo Gazette that he fully tested a remedy for this troublesome disease, re commended to him by a Spanish woman, a native of the country. The remedy is this : Take an egg and break it, pour out the white, retaining the yolk in the shell, put in saltand mis with the yolk as long as it will receive it, stir them to gether until the salve is formed ; put a portion of this on a piece of sticking-plaster, and apply to the cancer about twice a' daj'. He has tried the remedy in his own family with complete success. ' From Arthur's Home Gazette. Light Weight. JBY T. S. ARTHUR. It generally happens that those who' try to overreach others, overreach them-' selves in the end. This was the case with j farmer Edmonds. He was laying up' money as fast as any of his neighbors, whose means of accumulation were no greater than his own, and ought to have been satisfied and thankful. But, unfor tunately, the oesires of farmer Edmonds, like those of a great many other people, were always a little in advance of bis in- (coine. unce a week lie came, regularly, (to the Philadelphia market, a distance of ; fifteen miles, with his produce; and ho never went home entirely satisfied with the amount received for his poultry, eggs, ) butter, truit or vegetables, unless prices were at the highest mark on the scale. The wry face of a customer who paid him thirty-eight cents for a pound of but- ter, or twenty-five cents for a dozen of ' J r eggs, was a pleasant rather than a disa greeable object to his eyes for, so ho won, he cared not a farthing who lost. vuu uaj , .i.u.1. a , nun jujuuii j mf.izrm. who had frp.niifin tlv bought from ! One day, Mr. G , a well known Edmonds, stopped at the stall where the ! farmer exhibited his various articles for I sale, and taking hold of a pair of fine looking chickens, asked the price. "Seventy-five," replied the farmer. The chickens were large, and Mr. G , did not think the price high. " Are they young and tender," he in quired. "Is it possible," said Edmonds, smiling in a peculiar way, "that an old marketer like you can't tell a pair of young chick ens?" Now, Mr. G could buy poultry with almost any one. It was not often that a tough old rooster or gobbler was passed off upon him : but on the present occasion, tho words of the farmer com pletely disarmed him. Of course tho chickens must be so tender that the skin would almost break from looking at them, and he felt a little piqued that he had not been able to perceive this instantly ; so lifting them from the hooks and pla cing them in his basket, he said "I guess I'll take them." Seventy-five cents were handed over and pocked by the farmer without any compunctions, notwithstanding the pair of bipeds sold to Mr. G might have belonged to Noah's menagerie, for all the teeth of those who happened to be called to cat them would bo ablo to tell to the contrary. As G walked home, he recalled the particular expression and tone of the farmer, and suspicion that all was not right flitted through his mind ; but he had dealt with Edmonds for years, and though he had always found him close and well up to the market prices, he had never detected him in seeking to gain an advantage over a customer. He wished, however, that he had used his own judg ment in making the purchase, instead of buying on so equivocal a recommendation as the farmer's. " If these chickins should be touch," muttered he to himself, in a threatening way, as he walked along, " he's had the last dollar of my money !;' Dinner time came, and Mr. G went home from his place of business. As he sat down to the table, a large, plump pair of chickens were before him, beauti fully browned, and their savory odor penetrated tho olfactory sense with a grateful promise of good things for the palate. The incident of the morning had left its prominent place in the memory, and no suspicion of toughness was in the mind of Mr. G. as he drew, with an active hand, the great carving knife ath wart the sharpening steel. " A fine, large pair of chickens," said Mrs. G , "what did they cost ?" ""Three-quarters." "That was not dear." " No; I thought it reasonable.'" " If they are only tender. Hannah said she didn't think they were very young.' " We'll soon know about that," remar ked Mr. G , a recollection of what had occurred at the time of their pur chase crossing his mind at the moment. Driving his fork into the breast bone of oneaof them, he held it firmly while he cut around a wing and endeavored to sev er that appendage from the body ; but the wing was to firmly held in its place by sundry ligaments, well developed by long use, to permit an easy accomplish ment of this task. Mr. G , however, had a strong hand and good resolution, and against these, aided by a sharp knife, even the wing of a seven year old rooster could not long maintain a defensive. The member at length came off, but in doing so, was driven over the side of the dish upon the table cloth. Mr. G-. looked at the edge of his knife for a moment. " My knife must be very dull," said he. "or else this chicken is as old as Mcthu- every week. He looked at it on every selah." side, calculated the risk and the benefit, A vigorous application of the blade to rind finally resolved to make a begining. to the steel followed, and then the other twelve prints out of forty were tried : wing was taken in hand. It came off a-' from these he gained two extra which bout as easy as the first. The leg3 were sold for fifty cents. Emboldened by this dislocated and detached more quickly,' result, the next week he tried twenty and, in due time, the fowl, separated into pounds, and made one dollar by the op portions according to the most approved i eration. When the clerk came round, rules of carving, lay spread forth upon ' the light butter was usually all gone, or if the dish; but this task had not been ac-j any remained, itwas so managed thatnonc complishcd by Mr. G. without con siderable muscular exertion, which was apparent from the beads of perspiration collected on his forehead and about his lips. ! Well, that beats all he exclaimed, as he laid down his knife and fork arid applied his white handkerchief to his face. "The teeth that go through that will need filing." f Q-4. "Try the other," said Mrs. "perhaps it is more tender." "If it isn't, we shall be bad off for a dinner," returned Mr. G , as he Re sumed his carver, and went to work on the second bird. After severing one of, the wings he gave it up in despair; it was even toucher than the first. "How in she vorld did you come to buy such a pair tof fowls V said Mrs. G-. "You certainly never could have tried them." i "If I had, II certainly never would have .bought thera. Edmonds has cheat ed me for once ih his life, but he'll never do it again." ) " Did he sell jrou that pair of chickens as younS and tender!" I It TT. J'J 11 . a . " He did, to dl intents and purposes." " I didn't behave that of him." " Nor did L , ill He's always up to the marKet, ana ueais close, but his things have been good. Well. ho'll make noth- inS tbis operation; no man ever cheats twxoowis had the last dollar of my money-,-; m " I don.knw what we'll do without butter," saidlfrs. G- , " if you stop buying from, him." "There isjfistas good butter in the market as kis&TCplied Mr. G. , as he commenced helping to portions of the tough chickenllie had succeeded in car- vino; by mainatrength. " Perhaps there is, but we never suc ceeded in getting it so uniformly good as that of Edmo'ads'." " You inay'send for it, if you choose, but I will never spend another dollar with the bare-faced, cheating rascal," said Mr. G , in antindignant tone. The attempt to masticate the chicken proved altogether unsuccessful and was soon abandoned. The children ate the dressing wfcile Mr. and Mrs. G made tho vegetables that were on the ta ble servo for their first course, and sup plied all deficiencies when the dessert ap peared, f To have been so completely taken in, annoyed jMr. G terribly, and he could not k much as smilo at the adroit ness with Thich the thing was done. Edmonds came to market every Saturday, and Mr. G had usually bought from him as mum butter as would last for the week. Oa Thursday evening succeeding the affair of the chickens, Mrs. G remarked, with some surprise in her voice, that the snail piece of butter on the ta ble was al that remained of the six pounds bought oi the last market day. " And to-morrow 'a only Friday," said Mr. G . "It usjd to last us up to Saturday, un til withii the last two months, but now it always ives out." " Our family's no larger." "Xoj nor do we use any more of it in cooking than formerly." Mr. Q thought a moment, and then said with some animation "I think I understand it. Have- you noticed any differerce in the size of the prints?" On reflection, Mrs.- G thought she had noticed them as appearing small er." I "Tfckt'adt, you may depend on't; the butterSsii't weight. A man who will cheat m one way will cheat in another." "He'wouldn't daro do that." "Why ?" "The risk is too great." "A rogue will risk a good deal." "Bis butter would be taken from him by cljrk of the market." "It's my impression that Edmonds hasn't much butter in his tub by tho time the cferkgets along to the place where he stands. There's tho temptation. But we'll give him a trial. Send for our u sual quantity on Saturday I won't go near him and we'll have it weighed." This was done, and, sure enough, a loss in weiffht was discovered. Out of six pounds, four were light. "I've got my man now!" exclaimed G , not attempting to conceal the pleasure ho felt. "Next Saturday he will prcbably become moro familiarly acquaint ed with the clerk than he has yet been." it was too true, as G had dis covered. In his anxiety to render his dai ry operations profitable, the farmer had bean tempted to encroach upon tho legal weight of butter due his customers. He Had been coming to market so long, and h.3 butter had been so often examined by te clerk, that the inspection of his tub hid ceased to bo riged. Moreover his customers were earlv. and it freouentlv lappened that but few prints remained prhen the clerk came along in his way. fif from some forty or fifty pounds he IB W W could pinch off enough to make five or pix prints, it would be a handsome gain of it found its way into his scales. After selling the tough chickens to G , the farmer felt a little uncomfor table, for G was an old and good customer, and he didn t wish to lose him, Qf courso when tlQ fowls came upon tne table, would discover that he had been taken in, and would in all proba bility be highly indignant. That lie was not far out of the way in his conjecture, he was satisfied on the next market day, when he saw Gr go by his fltand without once looking towards him. In the week succeeding, the farmer's e vii genius tempted him still further from the right path. The whole of his butter, with the exception of some ten lumps, which were to serve as a screen when the the clerk came along, was moulded into prints that weighed considerably less thau anound. With this, anions other nro- ducts of his farm, Edmonds went to mar- kct, flattering himself that he would be a clear gainer by the the operation of from two or three dollars. But human calculations arc sometimes vain. Scarcely had farmer Edmonds disposed of a dozen pounds of his Cue fresh butter, when the market clerk stop - ped before him with his handsome brass scales injiis hand, and said "I guess I must go a little deeper into your tub this morning than usual, friend Edmonds. , VI r TT 1,CTr l,lrrt T, V, fr you folks honest." There was an instant change in the ex pression of the farmer's face, which tho clerk did not fail to observe. Scttinjr down his basket with the air of one whoigers to which they are exposed in the expected to put something into it, the 'open rivers, and that each egg is afforded clerk laid aside the lumps that formed J opportunity to produce its fish, instead of the upper stratum of butter, and took a ! being devoured with myriads of others, print from beneath. Placing it in his ; by birds, fish and other animals which scales in opposition to a pound weight, it prey upon them. This new art might arose instantly towards the recedmgbeam.j " That's bad!" said he. removmsr the lump of butter to his basket, and placing another in the scale, which proved as with a view to tho iormmg ot establish light as its predecessor, and was soon J ments and the stocking of the rivers with laid by its side. And lump after lump a great abundance of the most delicious followed, to the cnef and chagrin of the ' v w exposed farmer, until between thirty and forty had passed from his tub to the bas- ket of the clerk, during the progress of this scene, a little crowd was attracted, !the truth of tke statements made. If! all of whom, from the merry newsboy to , . , , defect:e cvesiffufc ,vilich I the staid Guardian of the Poor, who made . . , . . , a careful examination of the tub to see consuls simply in cupping,) is effectual to : how much the inmates of the Almshouse j give permanent relief, the discovery is' were to gain by the operation, enjoyed the j certainly one of the most important of countryman's mortification. He, poorly a,rQ i iellow, hid his diminished head as quick ly as it could be done after the depar ture of the clerk, and went back to his home a little wiser if no better. " You met with a rather bad accident last week," said G to the farmer. Ho could not resist the inclination he felt to see him once more. " Why, ye-yes," stammered Edmonds, coloring to the eyes. "But it wasn't my butter; it was some I brought for a neigh bor." "Indeed was it. Then I suppose the butter I've had from you for the last, two months was from the dairy of that same neighbor V Edmonds was so confused at this unex pected question that he was unable to re ply. "And the tough chickens," added G . "They were your neighbors also, I pre sume." The farmer turned his back suddenly on his customer, and the latterfeeling that he had punished him sufficiently, went on his way. Butter that proves light of weight al ways belongs to a neighbor. Pisciculture. TVe devoted some space in our columns a few months since (says the N. Y. Trib une) to an account of recent experiments in Prance in extending the production of fish', experiments so satisfactory in their results in their then stago of progress as to lead to well-founded hopes that by a little care and exertion every brook and rivulet may be made to afford a large in crease to our means of subsistence. The place where at the present time the principal experiment is in progress is the village of Huningcn and its environs, in Alsace, a few miles from Basle, in Switz land. The Prenceh Goverment, a few months since, loaned 30.000 francs to MM. Berthot and Detzem, to enable them to make all needful preparations and ar rangements to carry on the experiment at this plsce on a scale that should prove de cisive. The Superintendent of this estab lishment, M. Coste, made a report in Feb ruary last to the Academy of Sciences upon the progress which he had made, and the report is published in one of the April 1 n t-v 1 "T 7 7 T 7 uumDers or dingier s jrocyiccnmc journal, a very respectable uerman punncation. , His treatment of the spawn of salmon and sll0rtj for wo aro sure tllcro aro "tll0u i trout had proved so satisfactory in its re-:sams who wish t0 avail themselves of his ' suits, that he has no doubt of having by ! WOndcrful cure. The Doctor will remain June, that is four months from tho date' Yith us ony a fcw davSj .im we woukl j of the report, 600,00.0 young fish of these- a(lvig0 all who have thc lcast defect in two species with wnch to furnish the nv-. their cyoa to visiullim at once Wc rc ers, all sufficiently grown to bo secure rct that our timo and space will not al- from the ordinary dangers to which the low uS t0 civc a luorc esteiuiC(1 uotlce of , minnow is exposed. In the brooks of thc wondo:fui csperimont3 of Dr. B., but tt : i t ii.. i. .... 1 I iiuumgeu m wuiou uiu spawn is uutuuuu, ,:ii: c l l i. l .1 uvui ii uiiuiuu ui Biiiuiuii aim uuui ugga ; have been blaced, of which 120,000 were spawned along tho bank of thc llhino un der tho eye of the Director. The enormous nrodnctivenoss of this ouf.nMiclimfinf mnv imnmnml wlinn n ycars space is taken into "consideration, ,sons who wore afflicted with far and near for no sooner are the present variotios of sighteduess, jnflamation of thc eye and fish rlisf.riWnfl frnm thn hrnnks & nnnds. dimilCSS of sight, applied the CUOS and than their places will bo supplied by the;n11 acknowledged an improvement though j young of tho Danube salmon and shad,;iu.00M,u"meu,iin 110 case exceeueu utree which spawn only in the spring, thus keeping up a constant succession. The new branch of induatrv is alreadv spread at Huniugen, over a space some Return to what it was before ho applied 7- miles in extent, where the waters of tue cup5- ten natural fountains, that of a small Another who saw hotter at a distance stream passing through the establishment, 0f fourteen feet, had tho focus of his sight those of the llhine and the standing wa-so chauged that ho could sco best at thc ters of marshy ground, aro all found near distance of about one foot. A lady who each other, and at hand to mingle in such could not bear the glare of a lamp before proportions as may be necessary for dif- ier eyes n second without pain, was ena ferent species. Hopes are entertained hied, after the' short application of the that sturgeon and other fish, which require cups, to look for any length of time at the the sea and fresh water by turns, may amp placed close to her face, which she thus be raised, and that by placing them said she had not been able to do for years. in the Rhine -when young, the bays of the Mediterranean may once more be stocked ' with fish. Successful experiments, bv means of pond3 of salt water, have been made upon the shores of the Adriatic, in the Pontine marshes and in the Gulf of Naples, the artificial productionof salt water lilsh. The Polytechnic Journal mentioned above, contains a full description of the simple process employed at nuningen, ; but these have been sufficiently explained in the former article published in The Tribune. The obtaining of the spawn by pressing the fecund fish is in fact nothing jmore than a simple act of midwifery so r CJfXrtl 1, ft WIITI "lllTIT llOT!. t t "W care and protection oi the eggs so obtain ed ; and the enormous multiplication of fish is owing simply to the fact that they arc thus saved from the innumerable dan- easily be transplanted to the U. States, and it would be worth while for some of our State Legislatures to inquire into it I kinds of fish. We publish, the following as we find it in our exchanges, without vouching for' The New Remedy. Large numbers . of citizens of Baltimore, satisfied with the ' explanation and practical effects of the simple remedy of D. Brainerd, for the cure of defective sight, have applied the i means with great benefit. The following W ft is taken from the Republican & Argus. Wonders Never Cease. Last eve-! ning the large Hall of the Maryland In-1 stitute was crowded to its utmost capac ity to hear the lecture and witness the ex periments performed on the eye by Dr. C. Brainerd, of New York. The Doctor having stated that he would make the blind see, many thought it a humbug, and so pronounced it; but at the close of his interesting lecture, the Doctor gave a gen- ' eral invitation to those who were blind, ' nearsighted or had weak eyes, to come on the platform and he would do all that he professed. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen went forward and in the space of three minutes each declared their eye had been improved. This morning ' wc visited the Doctor's room, at the in stitute, and while there saw his simple ap- ; plication applied to a lad aged 1 1 years, ' and son of Mr. Nicholas llichcir, No. 223 , S. Charles street, who had been blind in 1 the right eye for six years. After the cup had been applied for the space of one , minute, it was removed .when the left eye ; was closed and the little fellow was re quested to walk across the room. He immediately complied with the request, and cried out " Pather, father, lean bee!" He was then handed scverel articles, all of which he named correctly, and de scribed several persons who were stand ing in the room. The joy of the father and son can be better imagined than de scribed. The application was also made to Mr. C. 11. Cunningham who resides at 14G Baltimore street, and has been blind for 32 years, lie, in the short space of three minutes, declared he could sec distinctly, and recognized several gentlemen he had not seen ror 32 years. These are facte. and any one doubting them can call on the above mentioned gentlemen and be j satisfied. Dr.Brainerd's room was crowd- j cd this morning with those who were so unfortunate as to have bad eyes, not one j of whom who applied the application, but ; retirecl thanking retired thanking him with a grateful hcfirt, we reffret n,. ;n -s stav :s so jfc is best for all tQ Q and see f U . o gelvrjs Wc also add thc following, from the Clipper of yesterday morning: Tho experiments wero the most satis- factory aitd COUViucillg, Some dozen per- minutes. One gentleman, who was very near-sighted, said that he would not take five hundred dollars and have his sight Agricultural. Value of Poultry Mamirc. It is lamentable, and disgusting even, to see what a waste is going on in this country of the richest and most valuable manure ever known. We are importing shipload after shipload of guano, (sea-bird manure,) while hundreds of tons of poul try manure, which is asserted to be equal in value, is suffered to go to waste in the the United States. Each farmer's poul try yard produces so little, that it is suf fered to go to waste, and thus the country loses over a million of dollars annually. Having learned the value of poultry manure, we suppose now our readers would like to know what is the best method of saving it. First build a poultry house, if it be no more than a rough scaffolding of poles or slabs, laid upon crotches, forming a double pitchroof with end boards in winter tokcep . .i i outtne wind and driving storms. Under this place parallcll roosts; and the manure in the night will drop down into a narrow row beneath. Here place a light loam a bout a foot deep, rather wider and longer than the roost, and give it a sprinkling of. Plaster of Paris an inch thick. When this is covered with manure an inoh deep, give it a layer of loam four inches deep, another sprinkling of an inch of plaster,, and so continue. In the spring, mix all well together, keep it free from rain, and use it at the rate of one pint to a hill of corn or a corresponding quantity for cu cumbers, squashes, pumpkins, mclons7 peas, onions, strawberries, or any other fruit, vegotable or grain requiring rich manure, and our word for ityouwillhave a crop of superior quality. Thus you will become one out of the many who is desi rous to benefit himself, and assist in sa ving more than a million of dollars annu ally to the country. Amer. Agricultur ist. Properties of Charcoal. Among the many properties of char coal may pe mentioned its power of de stroying smell, taste and color; and as a proof of its possessing tho first quality, if it be rubbed over putrid meats, the flavor will be destroyed. If a piece of charcoal be thrown into putrid water, the putrid taste or smell will be destroyed, and the water rendered completely fresh. Sai lors are awaro of this; if water is bad at sea, they are in the habit of throwing pie ces of burnt biscuits into it to purify it. Color is materially influenced by char coal, and in numbers of instances in a ve ry irregular way. If you take a dirty black syrup and filter it through burnt charcoal, the color will be removed. Tho charcoal of animal matter appears to be the best for this purpose. You may learn the influence of charcoal in destroying colors by filtering a bottle of port wino through it; in the Alteration it will loso a great portion of its color and become tawny ; repeat the process two or threo times and you have destroyed it alto- getner. Mush. f " Oil, how it makes me blush To hear the Pennsylvanians call thee Mush." The following is from a Michigan pa per. Will our readers try it? If they prefer the word, they can call it " Hasty Pudding;" or if any of the descendents of the Knickerbockers insist upon calling it "Suppawn," nobody will quarrel with them. Mush, Hasty Pudding and Sup pawn are all the same thing. "A friend writes us as follows: In a late number you have something about mush. Let me suggest for tho com fort of those who stir it an hour or two, and then labor a great while to wash out tho pot in which they boil it, that all this trouble may be saved by cooking it in a tin pail, set in a pot of boiling water, and after it has cooked, letting it cool in tho same, after which it will slip out in a mass, leaving all clean behind it. Whosoever tries this plan will never try the old one again, for it prevcuts the possibility of burning the mush, and dispenses with all care and trouble except occasionally to re plenish the water in which the pail is set to boil. As to the length of timo required tho rule is "the longer tho better IJ1 fi&Boys aro sometimes endowed, says the New Orleans Picayune, with remar kable memories. The Keen family, of the State of Texas, consisted of the three girls and a boy the latter only threo years old. They were all sitting round the fire ono evening, engaged in telling how far back they could recollect. Oho of the girls recollected when she had " a doll that winked with both eyes." Anoth recollected when she was " a littlo baby at the breast and Nancy tickled her feet." Johnny Keen, who was.. the last aud tho least of them all, said ho recollected "touss than fifl." "How wuss?" said all tho girls in a breath. "Oh! I recollect three weeks afore Tze born, and how I cried all the time forfeit Il he a gal Hon. Mr. Fisn of the Connecticut len-x ate, is Chairman of the Committee bn;fh) Preservation of Tkou'I," ii-.uiniTm'y"